The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 27, 1864, Image 6
i 6 Lirie of Umbel. N:N SYLVAN IA RAILROAD! .L -SPRING/ TIME TABLE. FIVE TItAIPTS 41ily to dad/row Philadelphia, on and after May 16th,•18111. The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will depart from and arrive at Ilar risbufgAud Philadelphia as' ' A - S wA' D : • THROUGH % EXPRES'S TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2:15 A. it., and arrives' at West Phila delphia at 6.55 A. s. - • AST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 Liu., end arrives, at West Philwriel phisi' at 10.10 ' Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. ' FAST MAIL TRAIN :loaves _Harrisburg daily (except Bitaday) at Lou and arrives at West rhapdelphin. at 5.20 P.:4.- MOIINT 'JOY . ACCOMMODATION% leaves Har risburg at 7.0 A.U., eanneetxut Lirnean er with Lnn - qp.stsroActommodation- Wain, and, arrives at West Philadelphia at 12. Z r.sr_ _ COLUMBIA AddiMMODATION'TB.AIN,Ieaves Haritsbirrg at 12.20 r.m., Columbia L 55 p.m.:and ar rives/at Lancaster at 2.30..Y.M,: connecting with Fast 3iail'eastut Lancaster for Philadelphia, and at:rives at West Philadelphiaat ii.2o P. m. MAIL 'TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. m.: Lancaster at 2.17 p.m., and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.30 P: m. IiAti,BISBURG ACCOMMODATION via Columbia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.:n P.M., and arriveaat West Ph ilr.lelph i a at 10.50 P,M. 'WESTWARD:" ' BALTIMORE Er'XPRE,S,S TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily (except Aloliday)at ' Altnnua 7.35 A.M., take brealdast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P.51._ a PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10A.M.; Altoona 8.20 A.m.,lake breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 l MAIL TRAIN leaves - Harrisburg at 1.00 P.M.t Altoona at 7.15 P.M., take supper. and arrives at -Pittsburg at 1.2.30 A.lf. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.13 P.M,' Al toona at 8.35 r.x., take supper, and arrives at Pitts bu at 1.00 MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION kayak 'Lan easter at 8.30 A. u., and arrives at Harrisburg „at 11,10 Pal. _ , HARRISBURG 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leav4s West Philadelphia at 2.4 P.M., and arrives ffarrisburg at 8.10 Pim. - - • , . • MOITIT',C JOY ACCOMMODATION' No. 2; leaV Lancaster at 6.25, connecting with Harrisburg Aq 7 concciuinatiottWest, 4 leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. It.. and arrives at liarniburg at 8.20 P. n. EL -1). YOUNG. Sitr.t. Middle Div. - Penna.- R. R. NORTHERN' CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER TIMETABLE. `THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND PROM BAL .:ELMORE AND WASIILNGTON CITY. • Cimnections made with trains on Pahnsylva,nin Railroad., to and from Pittsburg and the Vest. THREE TRAINS DAILY to andfrom the North and 'West Ilraneh Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northam New York. On. and-after MONDAY. MAY .16th, 1964. the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Ithilway will arnve at and depart from Harrisburg andßal timbre as follows: SOUTHWARD. MAIL' TRAIN -leaves Sunbury daily (ex -4,1 , eept Sunda}.Sunda}.lo:2s A.R . • leaves Harrisburg urrisies ut Baltimore. ...... --SAO EXPRESS TRAIN. leaves Sunbury daily . (except Sunday), 11:42 Pat. leaves flarrish'g acpt Monday) 2:50 ear. arrives at Baltimore except liontlaY)... • 7.00 BARRI:9I3'G ACCOMMODATION leaves • Harrisbur SUNBURY ACOMMODATfOX leaves " Sunbury daily,tex.- coot Sunday) at NOR-T RIVARD. MAIL _TRAIN letivez' Baltimore daily '( q:211 • 1 e a e v N e e s ° H. P a t S rt l is u b d u a rg .) 1:35 P.M, arrives at Sunbrtry ... . 4:05 P.M. EXPRESS TRALN - leaves Baltimore ddi- _ ly 9:30 rm. - arrisesnt 1:50 leaves liarrisb'g dai ly (except Monday 3:15 A.M. arrives at Sunbury.- 5:53 A.M. HARR - ACCOMMOBATION leases Baltimore daily (ex- • cept Sunday) 1.00 arrives at Harrisburg.. 7:50 r.,x. OUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg daily • eept Sunday) at 4:00 rm. Fur further informatmu apply at the (Mee. in Pennsylvania... Railroad Depot. jtinl7.B4' - .1. N,..,DuBARRY,, Gen . t SAO. - - 1E364. • 111111ELADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL '. ROAD,—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie.. Itbas been, leased by the Pennsylvania. Railroad ComtiquY. and adder their auspices is being rapidly*petted throughout its entire length. It' is now in well); PassengerandFreightbisincss from'Harrisburg to St. Mary's (21.6 miles,) 'on the - Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, 7F miles. on the Western Division. TIME PF PASSENGER TRAINS AT ILARRISBURG - LEAN'S EASTIVAED, Nail:Train ..... Express Train-.. =I Mail Train..:....., Expres's Cars run,thrtnigh without change both Ways on 'these trains, between Philadelphia and Lock.llaven od.between Baltimore and Lock Haven. EtegautSleeping Cars on the Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and WillicausPortand Philadelphia. I' or information respecting Passenger basin ess ap p:y at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market Streets, And Xer Freight business of the Com pazzY's•Agents: Phi S. B.a. Ktugarort, Jr., corner 13th an&Market Sts., lad W. Rut'soLns, Erie. j.M. Damt„ Agent N. C. R. It.. .jlaltiinore,'Md. 11. IL HOUSTON; Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. • LEWIS L. lIOUPT. Gen. Ticket Agent. Philadelphia. • JOS. D. POTTS, n 1.6 64 Gen. Manager, Williamsport. fl'itli BE R LAN D ITALLtY AND Nka - -FRANKLIN •RAILROADS,—Cf/ANGE lIOURS.—On and after Monday, April 4th,:1864. Passenger Trains will run daily, 13 follows, (Sun days excepte4l): FoIe#A4BERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: IspNre Haerstotin .7:00 2:45 Greencastle... .... . 7:37 3:35 li : i•ive . iti..... 8:17 4:21 • dOmmhmbikty,-...4 . ---- Leave at_ 8:30 12:55 rietive Shippenslinyg 9:00 1:28 Nevrville . 9:32 2:00 Carlisle - - . iieelisidesbuir, - " '6:25 10:42 3:12 !neat Ilarrisburs 6:55 , 11;15 , • 3:4,0 YOR CJIAMBERSBURG AND 'IIAGEB.STOS9_Niz, " ' • A. IL, P. M. f;:pni, - : Leave Harrisburg.- 8:05 - . 1:32 4:31 ~ .- Al eehaniesburg .... '• - 8:47 • 2:15 ,• Carlisle 9:27 ' 2:55 : 5;• 2(4 '- - 1" -Nevrville ' 10:02:3•:-.--::::•: Shippeusberg 10:33 4:00 - iirrive at Ottanibersb - erg_•.—.;:... - 11:00 4:30 :- • 72etve Chstabersburg .......,--11:10 `.. 4:40 ' Greoneastli , - ,..T.':.:,.......-.11:55 5:30 srlve et liatTisbart. - . ....a...12:35, ; . 6:10 , . Making. eloseotenniefibrits: at' Harrisburg with Dins for Phi _ elphdh;,,..New:York. and .Pittsburg, d with etall points West. • , P. ...'-lhe, , Tr • insillirisburg at 4:20 P.• M., runs ly as fl ar:rlisle.,. , .0. N. LtiLL, Supt.. * t " ' .114,, , UttfiA.7:1:tatub'g, April 4,1864. - - 'i rio ',,lii.X,:-A;RD T. FELLOWS, • HOUSEAND SIGN. PAIN PER. MAINER; GLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER. s . lpp' in the New Building wijoiiting the Mur k,ft Street Bridge, dawbereberg, Pa. "- I I regiedtfully take this method of thankinE, the ins of Chambersbura and vicinity for the aerY , 4 1 patronage received at thhir - hands since .. jcsiOciate in this plate, nod tl ittering myself k ra . Lhave done, and am still prep red to do the - ' 1 7 * tag work in my line ,I solicit a :tiatinuance of faver. , -.— • B. F. FELLOWS. ' . I teSTiettfally refer to any e tray patrons— or ...yi BY.-iter,, Wm McLellan, Col. A. K. McClure, 4". Niceolls, Presbyterian Church, Dr, Rich ! . r Fisher of the German' Reformed Nies..i.Tn ' 41 ' 1 7 : ( „fi r . Eisen _yster, tirm.. wokter, and any oth, lor_wholtri have done —rol"eltaracter of 4,* . d,cnte . and oapedition. [playlB,64] B, T. F. I_l•ll,;A,jNl ,- GR A I N!! •,‘7I4IIABAUGEI'S BREWERY, ...C.ll/I.ItEttSIStR(3, PA. ; ' indeisigned takes this nrethdat of flfOrtaing ~Ifen4.,and-the public generally. that' be' has d.for, a terra of sears the well' knoWn Brewery ) , A blisliment; heretofore conducted by iNfr.'lipton „robahangh. ,He will be glad, to fprnian'to his ods and the riff - palronis of the, Rome with: the;anciat the lOw vriees: . Nit - The blab est Cash Price will be paid for MOO 14s, of BARLEY, delivered nt chambersburg. ALEXANDER MARTIN. JER. UOOR, ATTQRFEY 'AT LAW, Chambershurg, Pa. Office in Mrs..l3ar.crB dings, dirently'briposite the Court House. • • Having had official connection-with the Provost Marshal's Office, he offers his -services to drafted. men in the 16th Congressional District. elttimialt 'ex emption from Military service under the law, or for physical causes; and hopes frum his experience and Strict attt n-ion to business to satisfy those intrust lug him with their cases. Persons from abroad can receive advice and have their eases prepared by eor- Referenee can be had to the Board of Enrolment of the 16th District, lion. A. K. McClure, Hon. James Nill. Chainhersburg, and Hon. Ed. McPher son, Clerk House of Representatives.. lawn. HASTINGS GEIIR; Attorney tit I di' und General Claim Aperst- Office—Market st. Etud, of the Court House, Chambersburg; Pa. Ili. low:experience iu Wirsidtiton has risen hiin un usual facilities for becomine thoroughly twouaintec with the business in thc different Departments.- Having resigned his position in the War DeVlrt went. he is now prepared to attend to all bustues entrusted to his care. Army - and-Navy PensionE. Bounty and Arrears of Pay obtained for Soldier:. their Widows or Helm K_ E N N ER N sn E tP DY The k unil l eisign L ed I h j a l v i e V ass l el ß it T e: themselves in the practice of the Law in the seven Courts of Franklin County. Office on 'Market tit. in the room heretofore occupied by T. B. Kennedy. T. 13. KENNEDY, T. J. NTLL, lunr 63 F. S. STI , VTIAIIGIT. ..1921N STEWART. QTLFAIBIUGH & STEWART, ATTOIt kJ ttYs AT Lati", Chambersbnrg. - Pm.. give tbci undivided attention to the prattiee of their pray, don: _ John Stewart, Agent for procuring Bounty money Pero•ions. and ' Arrearages of PifY. Wilco in the room lately occupied bY Hon. Wilse:, Reilly, on Market Street, opposite the Court llousc GM. & STENGER, Arms: . NETS AT L. Chumber.burg. Pa. Bollec lections promptly attended to.. W. S. Stenger. Di:- trict Attorney, and Agent for procuring Pension: Bounty money, and Arrenmof Pay. ()Mee in Frank lin Building: 3d door from the corner. jun 17.63. V TIII ; S.ENFRV T: ats Aill7oirtetin- il fs lclling. di reetly opposite the Court House. Chambersbnrg, Pc Will practice in the several Courts-of Franklin nn. Fulton Counties. All legal , husiness entrn=ted his care will receive prompt ottentiOn. TWELL SIIARPE, ATTOItNEI • 'AT L ChamberAurg, Pit. Offico in . I .:CIr Mard's Bulb-Hogs, diteetly opposite the Court - lidos junr.ti.t. GO. 4.EILITAMER,' ATTORNEY A': o chambersburz. Pa. Office. Main S.+ above the room formerly eecuPla by Reisher. Eq. . J 1.11117.63. LS. CLARK, ATTORNEY' AT LiW, . has removed his office a few doors Eisrof hi• former location, on Marltet Street, South. side. junlla3. CiALVIN M. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY Al LAW.. Office on Maritet Street, in Lawyer' Row, opposite the Court House. jun47,t;:). MHOS. L. FLETCHER, ATTORNEY Al J_.: LAW, Chamberstnim Pa. .offie6 on Eil4t 'Mar ket St.. nearly opposite the Court.. House. jun 17.61 ALEX. K. M'CLURE, ATTORNEY kg LAW, Chamberqburg, Pa. Office in the Frank lin Repository Buildings.. junl7M. , DW.KTSON ROWE, ATTORNEY A 7 • LAW, Greencastle. Pn. sepSo,63. 7:30 A.ll EfViatriyo anti *Wall!. V, AUGHINBAUGH'S J2..i. CLOCK, WATCH AND JEWELRY ESTABLISHM . ENT. MAIN ST. ; NEXT THE - POST OFFICE, ' UFFAIIIIHRSitif SO, , PA - 4. -, The undersigned would, respectfully call attentipt, • to his present stock, consisting of • . W ATC II 1: S . - , Gold and Silver, of. American aud European man • .., ufacture, of all qualities and styles, and at the lowest prices. lANO 5...---11. A. ,AI ',t - TiV RE E. . C -- LOCK S - ' ' Sole Agent for the celebrated In great variety. Parlor,Mantel, Office, &e. - •DECKER BROTHERS (NEW YORK) PIANO. J E W ~E L P. Y . - Pianos delivered. and put up in good condition, hi Theneyrest, and most desirable styles of Onyx - ,.Caral, ~,,,,.. ~t „ E th„ s t ,, o , 0 . 1 . — Maui e4sit, ~/, VAL& gut ors; Bracelets, - ringer . • - FACTORY RETAIL PIZieES. Rings, Gold Thimbles, Sleeve But- t- • tons,Neclihices.Armlets,Ma- 1.-: , .-% All Instruments warranted forth-0 years. Pianos from other Factories will be furnished if sonic and Odd Fellows' Breast Pins, Am. - : M 0 U It NTN 0 AND _____ it- : •;I: . 31 "C . -rd-fl , U . ' , A splendid stock and newest styles. " oimmbersburg Pa. SILVER AND PLATED WARE.' ' 1/1 - ASO N. & II AAILI; N' S Consisting - of Tea-Sets, Castors, Mug's, Spoons, -- , • 4. CABINET ORGANS Forks 4 - . e &e. G - L D PENS • From the best and niost celebrated 'Manufactories. F A N C.Y 0 0 0 D S. ,;- : D ealri e et :c n. r f iptionpampllets furnished ?rat is sill. e Ileoli ' ' A very large and attractive stock. - :S. s. t•tratrocii, • CUTLERY AND POCKET KNIVES. i. WENT for Mason & Ilainlin's Musical .Instru Rodger's saperior Pen Knives, of different quail ' . ties atitil prices.- 1- Prices the same Ili in New Vprit . and lleston, 1.0., -GOLD, SILVER, AND' STEEL SPECTACLES !: reiltht• The long experience of the undersigned in the se- ' lir . I L' E M• AI •& '' 811 0 T 11 E . 11, Y lection and adaptation of Glasses ena bles him to snit nnsight. Lt. -' mnorters, Manilnikiirer4.and ' • WHOLESALE DP , ALFRS At no - time have the people of' this county had t• more attractive and extensive stock to Belem from -' IN MUSICAL IXSTRumENTS, f • than is now presented at the establishment of flit :' GERMAN. FRENCH AND ITALIAN, STRINGS undersigned. Every articled's new and of the latest ' No. 103 MA P.K. re ST REVS. P1111..t1)1,1.1141 %- style, end will be sold at the very lowest Price. Au . Orders carefully- attended to by S. S. SHRYOCK, examination is solicited before purchasing, else- ! Chomberzbarz. - , , - se23-Iy. where. - . - • - 4 —.... 1; ' • XTOC AL ITTSIC. L. A. MeCLUIZE REPAIRING done at the shortest notice by com nava-workmen. V will teaeh elssse4 aiaprivatc pupils thehrt or E. AUGHINBAUGH, , .f.intring. Musical Notation, Harniony,.and :kl!vicsl 2d door South of Post Office. Ch win b . a. . Composition. ns2i-tf. - ....1:20 1.. .31 1:35 P.ll 3;15 a .31 ME .. _, TV FOR•SYTH & CO — .. IT . 42 and - 44-Narmou St., Yew York, - -7 (Adjrinitig the gust Oflice,Y ' • •-• ----,..----- --„,•-••-•------------------ --------:-.".- - Offer for sale the following magnificent list of, INT EW S HOE, 817,0 R. E.--'rite kilt- WATCITES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, Sm., VALUED AT $500.000: v i i scriber takes this method of informing. the Each Article One Dollar, and not to be Paid Fo• -g . citizens of Chambersburg and rivinity that he lox, ;anti/ you know ?char 'poll get. • inq returned from Philadelphia - with an - ENTIRE-) 100 Gold and Silver Watches..z.;lo 00 tO,SIOO Cut I LY NEW 14 . 101111 i. of •13cots and' Shoes, of • every 200 Ladies' Gobi Watches - v- t 5 cud; .: variety. •ayle and, pattern. and of the hyst illitial.-, '5OO Ladies' lc ' 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils v 4 Oti to ti cool Ile has no old Proiikeepern on hand. Ills whole 5,000 Gold-band Bracelets 300 to 10 each : oook is nor. Give him a call—you ean easily suit 10.000 Lockets, Chains anti Rings , 2. 50 to ' 6 each ; venraelf. - 41 e invitel the lealie4 c-nceiallY. to- _call, 5,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jot , , , ,i n s lie will tale Di easitre i.I.IBIIDWingIIIS f:DqtlS. St4)Ve. • Brooches, 400 to 6 each in the room formerly (Weilt , Fell by Fre !crick Smith. MOO Coral' and Florentine &IT ; • ' F.:,,(1.. :is a L aw °fil et .. i vi d •,,, ore ret-chtly 'Ned' fiirthe - Drops 400 to 8 each parno.e by George Ey,ter, - Esn.. two doors North 01 10,000 Gents' Breast-Pins 200 to' 5 each , Fisher's hotel, Main Street, Chamborsburg, Pa. . 15,000 Sleeve Buttons and BOSOM ~ His large and well selected stock, hp ;wing a brac- Studs 200 to 5 e ac h ' tleal Shoemaker, consist. of Lailie.' Gaitere. Boots 10,000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry 500 to Di each . Shinners and Buskins:" Misseq Mid Children'S Boots 6,000 Lava and Florentine Sets 400 to 6 each and Shoes: Gentlemen's Gaiters, Shippers, Loots 10,000 Gold Peals, Silver-mount- , - and.jirogans. v ed Holders 400 to 5 each Dhp't forget the place. -- ,No triathli• to show good= 5,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex- ' ' at 'IIIE NEW STORE, two 'boa; N'orti , of Fish tensieu Cases and Pencils 400 to 6 each er's lintel. Main Street, Ch a nthev.f., arg ,p iL , - The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the , ,innli.M. " - PETEP,_FELDMA:I7._ neatest and most fashioh ---- ----- ___able styles. Certificates of —T all the various articles are put in sealed euvelonel liki- E.W .I 1 0 0 T , s .11 9 E and mixed, thus giving all a fair chance; and sent; •1. ' - ' - AND by mail, for 25 cents each; andottrecti pt of the - ger:. • HA T STO I? E , i tificate, it is at yOLIT option to send ONE DOLL IR Old ~ ,' . IN vC 11 AMBEit S It Illt G. • takethe article named in it Or not. YiveCertifientes- 7403,3flb‘eriberhesjostopencd in the room ! fO'rruerb* Air Sl; eleven for S 2: thirty for $.): sixty for $10• ociujoiltd by Mr. C. lloi k hart as a Cr - ,10-t ien ery. a fol one hundred for $l5. Certificate money to be en- , adnuntng tl , c Drug Store of Mr. A. .1. Miller. nn en closed with order. ' , Correspondence promptly an- timely time stock or all kitidA , br BIOTA. SHOES. veered.- - - • , ,' t' HATS, TRUNKS. VALISES. IIAIItItELLAS. ri.e„ AGENTS 'WANTED in tvemtown and regimerif. al/ of which has heat lain .1 t. r • , 41 .Iwill b ,g 1 .or r: :ash. . nn o Send for a circular. Address . void for cash. as cheap; if not a little cheaper titan -1, - . W. , FORSYTH & C 0... , nnv other house in the county. All in Want Of any june22-3m3 ' 42 &44 Nassau St.; New York- ' thing in his lino• will find it to their advnntage to --- ----- --- give bin , a call. Lax' 6-11 l 11. B. WINTON, ' BEI 1(110 2142 HENRY SI BREA. JACOB conv ru. SI-ERER - & CO-OVER,' :-IIN• WE R 'PA IL Elt $ , •,• -:# , . olVeta, Queen Street, Chambersburk.f . , Pa., • • : ____.,, r __, Would respectfully inform the citizens ot Chnni il ers burg and surrounding country. that 'they are pre. . . F A3l I L Y ' D Y .E . 0,0:LO R S . '.- pared to attend to the Undertaking in all its vane u , 4 PATENTED OCTOIkEIt 13,_18(1;.. brunches, from the Laying: Out of Corpses to their Block. ' Dark - Green. . final disposition. - They hove fos.ilities which en- Black for Silk, . Light 'Green, , -"- ' - • •' abler them to snake to order COFFINS of any do- Dark Blue, lfa - genta, - striation at, the shortest notice and on reasonable Llizlit - 111ue, ,, - '' ' Mnizel; • 7 ' ' .' ' trims, ' ' ' , • '•••' .1 - • - ' French Blue. , : ' Maroon, -••;% • . •,.. • ../- Funerals attended in town and 6bMitry: ,Claret Brown, , - Orange, -, . ,- All orders left with them, at the well-known Dark Brown. Pink, Furniture and Chair establishment of H. Sierer, on i • - Light Brown,' ' Purple, , • • West Queen Street, will receive prompt attention • - ' Snuff Brown, • . Itoyel.Purple, junels . Cherry, - • Salmon, 1' , ' , Scarlet, \ •. QP.RING- -- IND — S-U3I3IER MILLINERY ' ' ,Crimson, Scarlet, '' ''- Slate. kJ —Miss MA ny BenxtTz, would inform her friends , ' ••••:',. Light Drab; s •- ''• • ' t Stilferino, ... and thionblic 'generally, ;hat she has just received . ', : , Fawn Dnitn —,' '', Violet. .-.., -1 from the L'astern Cities a new and carefully selected .—. „ • Light Fawn Drab,, Yellow. ',... emortnient of MILLINERY GOODS, LADIES' For Dyeing Silk, , Wpolen and Mixed GOods, ShaWls; DRESS TRIMMINGS,' ke..,•, Scarfs. Dtesses;ll.thbons,filoveiis, BOnnets, hats, • ' BONNETS and' HATS made' and • trimmed in, - Feathers. 'lf id , Gloves: Children's' Clothing, •.'..' the latest and mostfilshionable style, nt short,notice., ' ,•rind all' hinds ;of -Wearing ArmareL• ' r" s ` Rooms onpt•Psite Montgomery's lintel. - fmay , i: XM - 1-; A SAVING OF , BO, PER CENT. -- r. •, r • _a9" centa flub irtn color ,zi nina)vaooris riewoirla 4'R-TH U R , H. • - B- kl: N D . 0- L.B Igrivise c ost ti,,,, fi nes thAt sum . .4.,J,L; MANIJFACTRRE ; OF ROSEWOOD AND eau hoireduced froni the smile. dye: : The proceis is ••' Various hole s -: 0 I 1:, ~, r-, M ()xi., D 'UT (TB, ' .. •-•• simple. arid anypno can use the dye with, nerfact LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURETRAIES;, success. Direetuinsin.English, French and German of every' description, ' ; • inside of cuchtinelthge: • • " ' '• N. W. CetCoy TIMM AND CALtimii,y, Sra;, Purt.s; I For fartherinflirmation'in , Dyeing, and girinc w Orders to the largest extent prouintb , executed. perfectknowledge wife colors are best adopted-,,t0 Orders filled by S. S. SII.II,YOCK, Chamlicrgb'g, I'd (Ire over others, (with many , y,,aluahl erecipes.,) purl Sep'23 -, - '" •' ' • 1 chase ilowe k Stevens' Trentoe on 'DY,eing and 051 7 ~ _ . ~ . .-- • . oring. ScntbY•trmil'offrocelpt"of •tWiew--• -In ikwitai. IQ LANK DEEDS .—,-An ltssoitrn eat 'of' Mailasileture'd by ' HOWE k ,STEVENS. _Li -BLANK DEEDS just printed on' fine Ran .h nov2s-Isl 260 Broadway, Boston. ' merit Paper, and for sato at the lturostroirt Office For Sale by Druggists and dealer) generally. --• attorttego at EaID. Xt)i - • - istral ••• Ml 5 A 311 L I-N • -'CABINE'i ORGANS:- Isl4o))2ol\7l4weroitittilheti4,s.orto tWerityt , ears I gince, and were succeeded by the HARMON rums about, yineyears ago. The CABLNET ORGAN was brought to it , 4 presentspite of pernetiorotily in the suiraner Of 1'84;2. - • - • • • - - - TitE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL • has great ativnutagies over anyotherinventionuf , the kind, ie rict,ul+ fe-of, ina;th kffeco • thnn ,can •be - produced , by. any -other, and ih ?yore emdiv vxed by -dm pr rformee, and excels caParitU , fox' Please notieendvance in {glees. - CABINET., OR(iANS, • -IS -'Coctiive., Single Steed, in Walnut or (mh. ease - 0.10. , The Same. in elegant.Rosewood.Cme— 1919, 0,11. Five Octave, Single. Recd.-in Walnut or Oalt' Ve, IR., 'file Same. - in elegant Rhitnvood -1;15 ':o,10. Four Oetave,'Double , aced', in Walnut or (Ink Case ' , '1.25 Co. 20. The Same, in 'elegant Itosewood • Five Oetave,'Double Reed, in W clout!' • orOal; Case -• • - ' -• • - 550 Thu Same, in elegUnt Rtmewond. 180, The, Seine, Solid Carved,. Ainaided 180 'co.lo.•Peclal Bass Cabinet Ors,, in Walnut • or Oak Case ( 7 0. ca of extra /balk:mod , : to ord4.T. , \o.1::. Eight Stop Cabinet. Qrgan,.in Walnut, . Oak ' 409 • c0.11.' Thi . .• Saute, in t•lt , g , int Thos.ervotui Case.., .475 i 0.14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ` in lValnutor • Oak Ca,qe.- ~ • . MELODEO.i.tiS. \ .S` 0 ,4'; Si's„.oarti•or ip:no:SW°, J.lnlqetiood Faso .1 4 ,11 No' 5. FivVOctave, .'‘, ~ 134 ' ';0. 6. " - Portabre — "" 100 " • 'Vt'aln‘lit ease -8.'176ur-p:lid-FL-b al f Octare-Portab)F,llol:c- wont]. Oise i - • .... - 'Four Octave. Portable , Iteseweotlase... t i 7 Descriptive inuniAllets forai.ihed by the sub .. .eriber. A ., Agents for Me-?srs.llia.;'on' E'ltamliil tie are -nabletl to their New York prices, and eharg - z lothing for freight. , . - N\re have - sold a nntnbCr of their instruments. amt :an give numerous referenees. Agent:.:\ Cfme`ber4borg'-P4.- • ~til:4,CE'= AfASON CABINET ORGANS t oft $r.N. anr.b.< 4' l tiTTOMATIC SWELL, EPUBLE, BELLOAVi, STOP AND COll llIN.1111.11: t AI,V1•:. drZe" EVe. .L.Ntru IT t scarreintvg r i'ioc • KtioN $70 . 10'1;i459.. , r , . The Cabinet organ is the mily"instrumetit whirtr .outbine. , the requisites for Church and Parlor Mu de; for the school room and the so,iat f e stival gat h.. Fur while it po.,,esses kufhcient power for the aceiiinttattlinetit - Mf a;large chtfrus% it 14. from its , .apability of all shades of expres-don, and its won - lerful crrmornflo mot 11 itainttoirlo, most I . : TeetiVe as 1 solo instrument. It is camible of orchestral ef fects, And fitipid Inu , td, as. trills,,arnegglos, Sc, Froni is sotthin"cd tone's, a/deckled atf , Cantage" over - he Piano Forte, for the tendering of many of Elie dioicest moreenux of the masters, such as sympho nies, quartettes. ete. It. ;A: Alcl.l, Plihmhersb" . " Pa;:" . General Ag"cnt for "Penasylvani:i. \.B.—The undersigned will sell, and deliver in total condition, Cabinet Organs anywhere in this nt factor).. All inquiries by. letter ,romntly fitinl7.63-.11.1 , I c s N C E (V. WELL KNOWN EF.I.ODEON, % AND ! Int reducing the ee'et of ?Mai on' every iir> -trament. (l" MILER'S unsurpassed PrzINOS for cash at lith•ral deduction, or on Monthly Ins.oahnenta. - Over 30.990 .‘old in Philadelphia. .TAMES BELLAK. Sole Agent. • 279 & 51 South l'irth Street, , aboreSp ldeill Spruce. pliii hia. if A. 'S 0 N Al A , XI L S CABINET ORGANS 7 A %. E'L ODEON:B' . Description pamphlets fornisheilgratis e Book -tore q of S. 'S. STI RY ic. AMENT for Mason S:liamlin's* Musical luAru nents. - Prices the same as in New York anti L'ostnr., freiOit. [lncir2-fij Booto t aub cAI)OCrI. 0I8to: ibantbersirg , 13(1. amp, Alarm, &r. ~'~? ~ .2 EEDS.--NixoN's,Ek. of GARDEN ha.s been reneiv.A calisto4 of kintl3. - - - • - , ' C~tp , SE ED. . tushels _still' ki left, al. • - - AUX.V.S A ItESTOCL - L • A. fall 1 , . :CILEM.thALS, "• -• • • • • .. , s ( l4tPr3, • I. ) !Ultlll.''g•c - • • at N-.ixars., PIMINIIMMI Q 1114.111011 FLEHIRUSTIES, kJuL ~)IiNDAL S IT. SF 1111USIIES - ; Cumbs, Bair !'iuBll,l,l 3;r'diii).l:,,ltt ,\\ Q 0 P Soaps at NIXO'N'S uan't be-excei 4Y• RUM, COLOGS AND .111 JLITKACTS, at. - *MON'S.: • V at NjON O.\ AT I - 0 -• ;S.R . v Mar Ping. Puff 37rxca,' Nrates• CoTA'• ' •• • • Fulic)xes. \. • . .• • jusl:reemyed I.)!ng Storc . •„ X JrI::4IETURNED 40,u4 the . with v. lame stockiNkh PERMEIIY, SOAPS Call anti e...saminelitea. . , • u r _ • 'T 'Plate Mats, • W ht 11 E it' P ''IJ Ml:Ry . %, _.,... sonny. Poctindei, - -- , Ilair linishest, ' , ' - i • , , , t;Itall Brwlipl . Nail lin:R. . -- Totilrivihal; - • 4 .iylng,l4ushcs, in ,1-;lilt..4ltriety. at SP AlcilLEtt ----t wm. Mr.ispe, JR. I CHAS; H G/LADUATS IN PIIAMOT, DENLERS IS • - DRU6S..,CIfEIIeALS, MEIiINES, -I . AN IL., . • , - PIiEPAD:ATIONS OV I'ITLL 2.ENGTII, ._,) wiil givo sati,faction to Phy:3 - icialt li Patie:it. u.n. , 1 luru:ceoutinard sue,,ess to eur l)ruptribliFlrrn , ifit, wegive thig, branch vur consttint eatsuit 9crutiny.' CHEMICALS, I);Y:F.,-fF•TUFFS,.. AND - TATE:NT We worrant our :4E6ok to bo Pura amp, best is tie rkct. )Vei n re receiving n'idri e lit' r D N 4.lnbraeing the best • nols l uela aiintiea . id earlY" and late veget.ltld...i. HOWE J. - .'STEVENS' FAMILY COLORS; a reliable and easy coloring. We skit a trial for theta. Allthe 'colo i rs eotOtantly oa hi. Fanners 'and Ito Dealers should atys h coh • - • - baud a package of , O'SIEL'S HORSE ANO CATTLEOWDER • Itis the Jest for Diaampc nlrrErt. ' INTENT OF.l_Tht, • an excellent"ioniofor:debilitated 4 a.vtpeptio persons,. .15110; HARVEY'S CIiOUP e;Rup, an expectorant for Coughi and:Colds itheihroat and Pleat, 'Oatoan bo retied on to give loeil,,rolier. POCKET BOOKS 'AND INTALII3. fr< , hare jug rOciii)a" liirge 19t; ciaatity and - Pike." • • , Fine• Soaps and Perfumery, Bair and (gotirßrusltee, Tenth Brushes, Redding'Cointa Ulukand horn OW% COneetantill /OtaSh. • ' Trukh B Braces, •• • -; • . • ZEir Medicines chn be bad at niglor on 2 Snnilai by calling at the Store or at W. Hetes reeidence. a few dim? Sonth of the Store. - "' EU= t. ~~•._ . MIME! MEE 1 1.1 : ' IMEI • ;, ~. , _ .„ I=IMEI rilii IZ=MIZA CILVMBEIISBURG, Believing that onlp P tr. it F, s :Drugs, ikairitto, J • : -M: 3 Li .L A. DB~GY°T, - . STORE ON THE HtAAND, C.474BERSBIOE,G. rp,o- 1 L'IE T A-,R .'il C. 14 T. S. X STERLI.NG'S AIitRQSIA ~ * BAIR' DYES. MAD ' 1 EXTRACTS IF-AL 'KINDS. , . - • -i - ' - . COCOAIL - " '' TOOT -1 8 - R LIES. .. ; II iii SILES. COMBS and, A full aortmeitt of erery tli in tho Toilet be'had at : - ,' ' -,. : ,MILLER'S. 'PTENTifEDICINES. NJ • SWII3III'S ' • " Ayer's Cherry Peclorn, leper's Pectorals' Bleed. Searein • JaYne's calcines, and l other. geed - Pref)erationg ' of ihe elny. • at MILLER'S Druz Store jj . A. E . . _ . 1 „Ti • • ' ' A 14, : D .. ' ' - . , , C 0:I A D?. , trr ft Bottle of MITA. ER'S -s t'("4l-/ 'SYRUP. It wii l' care yon: - IT-et. it at' , - AT. 'MILLER - -S: - T , • - • • 'IT'CII 9 .. , Get a box of" KRILL'S ITCIOUTTMENT... It is a pale ant-I.:moody cu...-s—at J. IV . E :0.. S -0 L, .. KEROSENE LAMPS.; :".CfIi3INI YS M WICKS; gad a fall n.9.Fortment of ouch .ales ris arc usually inn Drug Storr.e - a - niti..loat DILLIER'S: ITTRE IEDICTNE, 1 'ANODYNE C 0117,11„ nw 311Lt11'S I)riag Stora.. MEI ANVART'S'.:. I .II.OCII.FS, - BROWN'S TitODES - BRYAN'S WAFEB,. ht MILLER'S 11rtiR • , , TERRILL'S TETTEI (IINVIENT. . , A Certniii C 4. ', L ' • • :''" • t 1111 . 41'"-;)) ^ score. F'ti.i.llii, lILX- Just il rE what e ( i ) s L n ° :: e S ti . in j } . I le . 1' 1, 1 7 n l i lr l y " , iAiF.'S., 1 [ It (.3R. S E . AN . D" 'CON - '6 , 'CluicfrFit'llsat •_. • , D E EF, 13, - 0 . 1 kiitib, - biro anb ectilbo. NEW Ii'ANCY ►RY-G(}ODS : - NOTION'''S';ORE; if:dp*OY 110'USE . ; 'CfuntrAurg; Pn 1: AltTail:FtSs ifrilE* ‘ • haVe ju.4i received, find opeid in ihe'`'Man'steii Ilatue" oppdte the Bank, a new and heautifi stock of LADIES' DI ' DiS GOODS, aomprisizig all.thozircrant sty:les: 'llitLck. and Color'eti Wilke. Clakivg Cloths , Balmoral apd Hoop Skirts, full linaYlutc Good ; Gauze, Crape and Love V cits.losierpc Gilovca, Cot-, la're, Cuffs, IfaLlterehifs. wed crcr, thing -- \ belonging. to a Face G wide • •r , • z , • -t and Notion ;arc. - 6ENTS' FURNITID.IG GOODS, • witit'a go•b \ ti assortment 4.,ED 0 3tEIiTICS,aIIO w'loele 11.0111 e :101 hr.; foi!Caoh. ' - tp- The poiron:ige of th public is must fospect. 11211y , solisl . tea. ➢IETC.IIPE•-k III'rESIIEW Chambml;urg..P'n., Mtt W • C O. ,0,- D 1 1 Ite :subscribers are nor a large let of Liu . cii Duck Damask lluakiibp,c; Russia Diapa'and Crush, ' , Silk Gloves, . • • • ' 200 dox Hosiery,. • Extra super qu'rait. Thae, and Colored Dress Cloths and Cas-simerst • .111 had ,134 Boullnines. , • ,•• • ' X and 134'Blek and Colored 'Black Ala . geas: • ' Cochco, Meiimao ands • • ,• E4ragues Prints, • 30 pieces Russial)aek. do;. 'super FT:en ell Strt Ffontl., ' .-•- 100 Balmoral Skirts, • _ Water Proof Chitha Extrzi ap and strir Ingnai Carpets; 2. 2'/Flotii r..tleidoz 'lineniambrie,liavlker.qtaiers, • • t• Coc,ia ancL4nton, Mattititi 640 yards ) uteh Carpet minx .11 s iwris I spas skiiiTs• 11 I* A: .I()NES CHT,EBRATED "Nl PLUS ULTRA"' •SK 1.11,1% NOM ONLY AT • • No. Pt NORTH Sti se.; PHILADELPHIA- Skirts o£;nfl lengtlevand 'any size Israist Made' to order and - satistitetiongdaranteed. .1 Ladies; Misses and 7.ltildren's Skiitti Of every' die' and shape, ttonstotb.on- baud. . .„ Erhry Skirt reNroi 'led for Si.i lionthar. 'HOW WE 1)0 'EIIkICE§,S. : ' , we ito not intko alSr chins sitirtuU the 'cowman , 'acceptation °Lim term, but we make • ,; THE CITA.PtST SKIRTS behttsd nit) mike THE `BEST' AND ' DEFT , COMPETITION - • - We twery - skirt we sell to be exactly, as represented. e make all we sell, and knowing bow: they use math we guarantee-them' With' full , ednfi. 6 ' , deuce. If, waaell tavigkirt va will exph once it far new one. ant if thii:a pet nut of order hf brit: in 7, hut ha ve itnaif thencfreit Chargea •.•; We 'mean to give our customers full satisfactiol4 but we contd. do's() mud compete with the loot priced a u ction goods.. lie depend entirely upon the. ste , ,- PerioritY of the goods we offer, and the faireesa et etir method of doing business. • A - ' Orderaleft at awyook's Book Store. DIRECTIONS FOR MEXSURMENT. ;-Takethe , exaet site bf the lutist, without any al' lowence. The exact length - re,euired and the size areund the bottom Xining.: 'Also; if the skirt is to be large, liana, or ukediam i t ize_at,*¢ top, andorkether a trail orphan round skirt. M. A. JON ESI N 0.17 North Bth St, Philadelphia. augl9-tf - Over the Wax figure. 11MMII =MN MCI MI Irish Lfett, /Mon Lila Tilrea s t and WM. Nr-AtLACE A: CO Itoato anb Statiollftg. S. SHlfit&K; B. OOI t B ELLERAND ).3 • 1-:' - ATit/NER. noir lidettorea ials ;Sew R oom , a rt a' Is prepared trznaait basitesa - * r ittri • kreaterfacilities.thun ever: • , _ BOOKS.- &hoot Book s, 11i5e.elliatOa's coke ,Tos: ilooka; Media:Ll Books., Sunday' &Loa Books. Maar , ' Books.- - • . .13.1111 LES. largo a..4ortment of BOeket BLANK BOOK:A - 9f all sizes, tioalities and styli/ - of Minding; t yr A Tio:s great Tatiaty r of all kinds oi all I:ltais ot wrttiax nod Print:rig yaper4; of ranch - • Engti.ili and Anier.kArt aaaantittare. Also; I.lnyil ot.)t.s of all sizes and oaalltic.,,, 1.11%. Vela, India Rubber, Tnpv, T o py,i, , c ,oks Blotiiilti 'Bunk. Kmvei...asen, Writing .Sand _ tlol,tt 'very Gold Peps itr #sa )-narketi fully warranted. made' by - leroy Iv; „ BL' It PAPE - IL-A, idi varieb of patitrug s id ( r ., !: ua w l A itie LL ti. • . - •- • - . . to7ettier o Bordetinita, Plaitr, Yeltet • and Velvet oat, ' PICTURE PllA3fES.—seal Snanre-PrArais ' for Photograph:4. :Frames made to order., ' PRENCII BLASS. for Picture 'Framer, ot - an? - • . • : calt,Ar NOVELS, -with, lower than, , Puldishnle , . - -0 pr tees. Nt;RAVINGS.--Ingllsb.-Freneb. German and American Enr,roriort......_ - BASKET:I.-nm Knife no4l Clothe3lh*lcetr,, „,-!; ZEPIIIII, WORSTEDS.--Sinnle 'Rouble Ze plwl': I,7liliost rs , :andlSol } Zenker. Sheri arid Wool. '"; NEWBP.A2ERS. 7 , 2 4e an 4 env 1,, Y451,k received Clubs or individual* • t. EEKL-I'. PARFAS..—llarpers' ,Weekly. Leslie, N. T:lgevettry, ".".C. iYeekis, N. - r,cy. Sit.i-rvecivcd'wetikty; PERIL/I'I:ALS. —flamers' .Mentlily-. Mon - thlY. Continental,' tledev; Peterson, liattets,, Kulck4rhoelier. All the Year know). Coushill,-AR4 _ reVPiVeti as soon as pahri.hed. CHEAP lATI llATI:11E.--All the Dime ptitll'civi , = tions.'Song 1 10, AB. - 1,4 1. .. ' ... e'eivecl • ORDERS.t.--itc. take orders for all kinds of g-taide: , ..;t. EX•PRESz.-;.-ITe receit a go.cois by E'lltrees es ery, (lay 1.! • -" • BIIANK I)EF."1)8. OM Printing' Cgr4si , i:. Rulers, Paper Weights, F,ancy lloxes.„ E'olals and 13rushes,- Chalk l'-cir,yntis; and all standard , goods' lib 4 our line constantly on hand. - 3lnsie, for Piano:Culiar, and Flute. , .; , . PIANOS.—Wc ostrehnso Pianos on „eionzirsmn.. •so 20.1ir." - r , WlT.enitomets front "Fifty to One• '- ,hell and Fifty p,Duats. MT;SICAT, "INSTRTS`MENTS:—We can sort/17 any kind of Musical Instruments at prices far lowtr than usual.. • .. PIIOTOGIIAPIT . AtrUMI4.-LAVe - ean sell' rifOtp-' _graph Albums atilmrer prieesthan they Elio - pro , ':'; cured Inc in the rifles ' I CARTES • DE: Nt'l,..lT_F,,l'Ortrai - ts of 31ilifati Alen of, the .I.T. MITT 174 i •Nayy.. tlistiosmish!,l,- ; ; Men•and Wo:nen, Comie,PletOres, &e. • NEIV TOY •BOt)JCS in great variety.- - New publications of th,e- Arneiican S. S. 1 - 1 , 10n 6 Amerieno Tragic Presbyterian Iltaid' tit rte.:.. • We bare no hesitation ;n - saying to onr etvtomen, oml - from onr loin experieni•e, our mum c'r rr4 diliva"' brusines:3, and our great 11;eilities, we flo fear,iz, e . lmpetttion, sind 'bare rd - doubt of bcmg able. 'to ' giro entire satisfaction. • - • - Come and se,e.onr new storf , ,,42nr new and enlargl4. steel. 'a miTorm yonr own (Minions. Chemtmrifmrt, Pco.. - ft, VC. , , TAMES ~ 'S,IVI T -t BOOKSELLitiRS AND •. Matiitilicturere Blank and 311.1mq:trait= P , cittics.. PPotogru_nb Albums, 3181, Mid Idri it tire,' Mti it5 , 161. 1 n4 No. « ;io4tlrSeventit.strect, nut. Philn: ' Plank work.of-orerpticserijition. for Counts 1!t> 1 . cos, llotelF, Counting llouseg. and PrAlOhs eDicef-. ApnOlr. oranr.' , Ortler3 .91110YOCH.` Cbaulbersknrg t ya„ will be protuPt/y a110t:44 to. 5e30,634Y; i trat. qgI.NER'S 13ALSAII1C COUGII-SYf , PutiPl- 1 1:6r dinalr: Cordo: Croirp 1.11(41, Pain-arid it , Werck n ey,y of /he jirfaxt, Dijacully This is ral now romcdy. ' I t has'heen ust d lora rittn= 'berotycan3 in lattrxiand and parts or Pennsylva nia, and has wherever Moan Acquirt'd an unpreee -deuted.reputation tin'ettribg the Tariatt:disea;es Lot - ,which it is reeounnended. - It is usedlw all' classes of society'. and the verfal:opininais. that it 14 good. Thi4 Sprwr -i* ft , purei t ve g etal'', Crilkpolovi. It is 13 I ensa ntle ta and ifin;ortibeSinsnrs, but owing' to its purlf 117# tuust,i'osortcl nnder any eirentagtan , ,,es.-- Its etteets are wonderful, toothing, and allaying, the most I,inient coughs.: patifYint strengtlte.niugund invigorating he A bide * - 5!, , m..f yalraiag. an'd ohihE'the - the n'erve... , t aiding and itating,.expetstoration. and healing the ti.,S Ell • . _ thits striking•n't ibt root of ditonses, and arisin g from tare ;iyetem. This tlisras..! b, announi:ed hp diffienlty of ing„ shrill 30160111;7 oi haehing cough. and threafened sUllocation, Arc. ITlrrAly ocrul i b in l ivoung children., No need die Cymi[r. this Syrup is pro.relly used, and used in time.— having-croapy children should Nrat6ir 'this first shir,A . f)f thcdiocuse,' . and ahrays keep this io 7: ; medy on hand. dingb after - itteasleN this Syrup is rritw..eaufri.''. lent.. Espyrience proyez that it is etla/rfl no Othqr - Th 6 price to place it within lhe i t,...tt1t'0 ,, J. all, the poor as well tue rich, und.perpo;y r) ., . '•• - ' sliould have it.- - ' Fivers one have it lit the hem ei •it is trite nod titithful triciwl alt who hn;dtb al.; wish tlit+tklift -themselves a mart that : t bledisee ,consircoption. It- will to: feted thei l tnoFt'usrlul as well i the elicapest'fnntily toAleme iu hue been 'used for the 1:04. - Teits:1 years with ti stteee!..4 without Pt tee 40 els. per bottle, or threilielth-E fOr' hyaietl bY- A. F01;1%. WestraainstiT. Md. For &di , -11.-J. MILLED:. atil J. S. NIXON. C4aul!aer.FbAirg.Pa., PM: Stalrekeepers eNrrywherit. - V , OIrTZ'S • CEIEBRATED li 01l S t 1 AND CATTLE I'O' DE.ll6.—These l'ta dcra ' have proved, atici a trial .01 Fever:ll years, to be su. perior to any to °partition of the kind. used. Th.e. chief superiority of thuai. l'ewde rs arise - trent' the fact that lboY urecomposed of medicines that hinve, 7 , Laxativ. Tonic and Purifying properties. -The' Laxative- ejetts l crudities from ll• e stem ach , ' ;Ili a.: intestines; the Tonic gives strength .to the t,:k stem_ of the Morse; and , the nitrifying int dii Ines - con-' tainiti in them cleanse the blood and la;:.' the tom, dation for a-healthy and vigorons chetah:tip!). Thu , use of- theta improves the Wind', strcn gtlicili the' nppetite,4.l gives the horsen, fine, smooth, glossy Skln — flitis improving the appearance, vigor arid. spirit of the noble anima?: -., These Powders are not 'intended, as some - Pow-, ders arc, to.bloat the animal. so as to eiVe hint the' appearance of being tut - when not really so-.-brit tir remove the disease end promote his general health. These Powdet, willstrengthen the stomach tend' intestincs..eleause thorn t: orn ofFensive, matter, awl:, bring them to a healthy state. They are apfa 1. en- P. tiveof Lting-I:ever, atid. a` rertain -remedy for ail' tliKeases incident, to, the Horse, as rtilanders,,Y,eller . Water, Distemper, - Founder. IlenveS. - Fdaveriti.' Coughs,. Fei , ers, Loss of ,Appetite. and- Vi tal •Ent.e.-= , ay - , &e. These Powders; if used tiro or three times a, 1 weeketlirongh the winter "ttnd sprins, 'year Route' wilt nerer get the:Lung Fever.. Cole or Botts. :_A - , few doses of these 'powders will worst remove .The oist Congh-on any. Horse.: Were - owners of ltorxes , to , feed &few of theseF.owders every year they,ntiglit : sth'e thelives of Mita. ',valuable 'Horses. . ~ I MILVIITOWS...r-The properties thisPowilerinis.e 1 sesses in increasing the,entnatity of Milk in Com. Igives it an int Portal:me and value - irlihdi slibula ' place it. in. the hands :of every person -keeping' at, Cow. In fattening Cattle it gives them en appetite. , looseii their hide, - and' makes them thrive naiith , 1 - .loGS.'—ln'all disaasea of Swine, as1 13 :1, ihi,l7l-:' eel's in theltingSandLiver. L - e. - by Putting , fhartt , half, a paperto a paper of these `Powdertt in a bar- , rata swill, the above diseases can be cured or bri- , titely preventett:- BY,using these Powders - the:Her Cholera eaniti - Prevented. Prepared, by . - 8 : A. leouTz .t-8R0.4 - Westwasfi.f.llif l , For stile.wholesale and retail, by . A.:,-,T. MlioLga• add J. 8. NIXON. Chamhers_bag, Pa., _ and store= keepers even-where. - Prietttz ets, a paper: , et!fettiv- Papep for-$l.. - --- ,- -, -, -•- -, - , \.- - d9.,q-7.4.1-,' POUTZ'ScAIXTURE i a safe andr.rdi‘a ableitemedyforthe ante of Rheum atism; 'Path.; ful 'Nervous Affeetions,.,SpraMs, Burns, Swelling, and airdiseas'esrettiruig -diteraal. , applicatio* 03: . ”. • . 7 • ,- n gorses it will never rail to vare•Poll-eriLrlikf trim. old•Rniding Sores or Sweetry;if Tropesti , anti - !died. For sarams,bralses, scratches. orackpd.boo4 elates. saddle or colla - OM, cut or wbunds,it• is an renatsly._ Try it and be,; convinced; oritt efficacy. . - - • - -1111EUMATI$M. , - s '--- • ,2'a: A Persons afflicted with this diseasi; no matter of how-long standing. can bap:o3ooly, and,egeetato7 ea red by using tlus inyttire.] , Thero is fnotbina iwthemorldso stir • and SO iiotil to take away bad,,c,orns and carts Frost Bites as thlg TWOorati•on. 'Try itimd: satiety •Yourtelvca. :Prim 25 and 50.etsia.entiottist.. - Rsdared - S. A. FOLTZ Br BRO, Wistminste.„? ltd. For sale by A. J. MILLER and J. S. 241.X0ft Chanaberaburz. Pa., and Storekoepera eytrywhero - 27, 1-864.,---7 CROUP OE U Li El E