27, 1864. 'oDitit443etcba Ending. 0 0 F ,I :N G RO OtING Ready to nail d'ovn: • 110OFINt1 more disrable than Tin - . ROOFING at half the cost of Tin. Ron, FI NG 11,r Steen or Flat Roof. ..READY ROOFING FOR HOUSES, CRITRCITES - • FOR FACTORIES, FOR BARNS. FOR ALL BUILDINGS! this I~oo4iae 1. 4 made of 'the head - iest woven fib ie used for the purpose.—Manufactured solely . 'oy ourselves and secured-hy Patent. Pet up in rolls and shipped to all parts of the pantry. and a,•!nally for sale by hardware merch- It tntildt•rs. Isn, b e applied by any common workman, rnanunietim, LIQUID (HATA PERCITA CEMENT, NOR REPAIRING LEA - KY TIN Roof's. efIKA PER THAN OIL PAINT. - HEAVIER tirmy 'MAN OIL. PAINT. MORE DURABLE TITAN OIL P. TNT. it fortes a permanently adhesive. , da.,.tie coating yrer-the whole surface of the tin, tilling un all the smaller , RUST HOLES, . • And oftAM saving the expense qf a now roof. U f! Nt 11 . GUTTA CEMENT ' is e s p,...htily ad to I : epairing LEAKY Si! 7';‘;l . , ROOFS, Cill\l ILA. • SKYLIGHTS, ,he., Ste.. itc., fir. This isi titira, tenqrions compound. applied with a t maul or similar instrument, :Ind does not dry up laid crack, a.• do all other Article's used for this pur --IlliO3e. • CIRCrLAR•S Alcri SAMPLES, ' Of the RcailY Rooanz kent by urtil when' deiired. Liin3lntr.inf,tements until& with ,Acmits, READY. ROOFING ell, 73 Maiden Lane. New York. am 25-ly ~£~tC1I: ~i tALTIAIORE LOCK 1-10:4PITAL.— J J DR: JOIINSTON% the Pain derof thili Celebrat ed Institution, offer- the most certain. speedy, and only effeetnal r oilekl3.ln the wiodd tbr :Strue' tares,..Seminal Weakness, Paiu in the Loin., Con vtitution al Debility, Impotenae, Weal:nes , of the li.wk ail Litelts. .I.ll ., etions or the kidney. Ptbd eation of the Heart, I)y , pep:da, Nerve , ita Disea , es of.the Iliad. Throat,',Nose in : and. all filo , ' serious and melanehoy ‘lgordels *lir; from the d'-tractive habits of Youth. de-tro":s bidh. Way and mind. These ledsot n soli tary ptacti , es.nre.j . u.)re fatal to their vicaiin: than the ,ong of the wfenn to the mariner i z ht in , 44bei r mo-t hrilli•tnt oyacti;ipation, r•rlti'dering mat riaa'e. ' . YOUNG MEN: Young Men esp:milly, who la re heentifethe vie tuns of solitary Vice, that dreadful atol flestrttete habit trhieh,nolually street's to on untimely grave thousmol-tor rnatignlCil of the trrot I`Valtlo I,ll o li t crotbriltigot intellect. who might otherwise hare rtntraneed listening Senates with the thunders of dlonitetne. or tv:tked to evstaley the livinglyre; may' gll with.faLl tktifidemT. Married person-, tie young . men contemplatin; trtarriaTe., beinl aware of plissieal wenl;ness, orzan ia should immediately waenit Dr. J‘ilm , tou, linwin pla , •eS himself under theeare of Dr. John-- Um may reli.ti , ili 4 ly eonlide in his honor as a amino -- wan, and confidently rely upon hi. , skill as a physi iCin. OitIi.S.NITC WEAKNESS! ITFIStr cutte.;‘' ANI/ VIGOR USTORET% This disease is the penalty most frequently paid by Who have become the vietiins of irb proper 41 .7 YOttri7, ner-mns arc too apt to commit exidt.es from 'riot bei atrare,ofthe dreadful eihise *nen ef may ensue. Now, wilithdt milerstends the Stibjeet will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation log sooner by thofie fat into per !whit than by the prudent. Beside , beim? depriv ea 0 p! i , girti of heaitity etr,prinz, nml thn most *erinas ile-truetive sym pa thy to mind and bode arise. The sy , :t eat brirmines derangicrl. the mirytrieiti and trontai pinver:u . inilteneil, nervous dys- prpcia, 7 pidDits tiun - or the heart. inaiL-.estion. a Avivt ( tnq , of the frame, cont:h, symptoms flf ronsumption. 025,e Su.7„‘ioutk Errderick a- - en donna from Baltimorcetrent, Eastside, up the *eve. -Be narticalor in observing the name. anti number, or Nam will tniett*e the plaec. • ihr A CURL; WARRANTED IN TWO DAIS. Ifereary or Drug?. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London' gradmite fr•lin one et' the meet eminent Collages of the United Statte, mid the greater part of whose life has been spent in the beepipale of London, Paris Peiladelnhia and elsewhere, ha: , effected swim of 'the uwet astonishing cures that were ever known - . Many troabled whit rimring in the head anti ears when asienN great Mervommee,, hetug alarmed at radden . soithas. and bashfoine , s, with frotinclit blushing, attended sAnminti., with derangement of wind, were cured loco A CERTAIN DD,TASE! . . When the misguided and imprudent, votary of pie.t-twe find lie hq. , lmh - lhed the seed of this pain ful jitse..a.cs, it tiii) often hatmens that as 4,enseo, o.l.tilie. or dread of d',,,,:ot.ery, detc: s him from applyinz to those who ft mu cducatiou sad re tineetaltility can Mom. loifrientl him, delayme till con-ti , ,ittimial symptoms of this horrid disease matte' their appearance, such as niece:Red -sort; thruat, diseased nolc, nocturnal 3aitt.4 in the head turtoss of sight, dittinc- , :s. nobs on the :,shin. bodes and -arms, blotches on the head. free -and ex trcmitieq, proLtressing with frightful rapidi tr. till at test the palate of the month or the boric, of the totqc fall in and the victim of this awful di -, wn.e hoe one. tt•ltorril obicct of conimisseration. till death puts a:penn-d to his dretttilnd-auffering , . uj yetrlititt lull) ill - that bonnie from WDeneV let el (er retizimf'"l'it s w lt. th'cretht e, Pr. Johns piedg•-.4 him4clf n pi-coerce thts KeerVek*: and t'Z)1;1 his ext.+ nsive practice in tar lira mmitals and Anomie:l.lle eau COLlti.terit recenai.mal a Safe and t peedv care to the unfor tunate vietini cif this hoot, di.,ease. It t toolaticholy.fat t that thou:andst - all victim , tw this il,n rid di-ca- • owing to 0; rt tit:skillfulness; of ignorant oreteptlers who by (lee of th4t dreadful :odson, 3,4.leurs, ruin the constitution. and either _ scout the unfortunate to an untimely - gra% e, or maim - 1-esidtte (if lifo,tiiserable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr...T. addressus those who hone injured them :elves by 'private and improper indulgences. Those are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz:—Weakness •f the l3ael: and Litnhq. Pain• in the (lead, Dienes , of Sight. ',tots of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the -Heart.: Dys.pcitia„ Nervous Irritability, Der - ea:gement of the Digestive Functions, General De -. bility, Symptoms of Ccnlimption, &c. MENTALIiY. the fearful ell'nets on, the mind urr much to he dreaded; loss of Memory, confasion of Ideas. Depression of Stfirit.„ Evil Forchmling.. -,- Aversion to Society, ,Self-Ditrust, Los e Soli _ wide, 4e.. are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all aces can now judge • what,is the cause-of their declining health„ theirbecotningwitak. pale. ha've4ngular nP pearanee about the eyes, cough. and syinptoitis of Oonstuiptitm. JOUNSTONI'I. IN VTGORATING REMEDY It'Olt ORGANIC .WEAKNESS, nv this great-and important remedy. Weakneis - of the Organs is speedily : cored, and full vigor res _ ter/red. Thousands of the most nervons . and _debilitated, I who had lost all hope, have been immediately re -Scrod. All impedimdnts to Marriage, Physical lit Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability. Trembling,Wookness or- Exhaustion of the ,must feurfurkind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. • ' YOUNG SVEN." who have injured themselves by a certain practice. indulged hi when alone—u habit. frequently learned. from evil companions, or at school, the effects. arc vightry felt, even . when asleep . and. IT not cured. render marriage impossible, and destreys both mind scot hody; . should apply immediately. 'What apity that 3 Young ntan,thti hope of- his country, the darling of his parents;,should be snatch ed from all prospects - and enjoyments of Ilfe, by the consequence of deviating front the path of nature, and indulging in h ecttain secret habit. Such, per sons, before.conte m ting . • MAR,RIA , GE 1 chotildreficet that a sound mind and body are the most 'necessary- requisites to 'Promote - connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through rife liceomeS a weary pilgriumge.,tho Pros , peet hourly,darkens to the view; the plina becomes Ahadowed with despair, and filled :with the mplan tholy reflection; that the hapvi n es - - 61`, - 6nother ba eomes,blghted "with our own. , OFFICY: No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, • ratmiliokr..,— • • • MI TO STRANGERS. lthornanY cured at this Institution in the lastlifteen years; and the numerous important surgical Operations performed by Dr. J, witnessed• r by Ilse reporters bfthe papers, and many other pet , 'sens,-irtices of whieh halm appeared g gn i n an d *gain' horcire tile; talk. sufficient guarantee to th_e_afflicted. N. W. 'There are so many ignoinnt and worthless. tutt okg:advertising them Selves as Physicians. ruin. ng the health o.? the already afflicted. Dr. Joh ns . Run deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with hi s/ spa:aim, that his Diplomas . hang in hie .Tsars Nocter—All letters En'iat be post Msid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no ___ Ismer will be tat. [mar e , 4:111 jLt 4 . . t 1:(L - 1 . 7 - • • ' 01 he .41x4ittlituv•Ilepcisttotn,-- ibatitiatrsburg i ,liatti - . . Mt anti Salim- E6oolfs. 'I L . AP EYSTER S.; BRO. Are in I . teCeipt of their SPRING . ST'OCK OF GOODS.' Onrassortment is now comr,letn, and we oin offer is our friends as handsome as assortment of DRESS GOODS as canbe friand sided' Philatteli;hia:' Vise have Prints at 16, ISX, 22, 25 and, 2S ets„, Printed De Laines, 4 All-Wool De Ifaines, Sill; and Wool ample& Prhlted Mut.Ric; Shepherd rhil,4s, Wide and Narrow Cheek SILKS .1311tek Silks, Panay, Silks. in zrcut,rariety Plain Biagi; Grenadines, doable and twisted, Embroideecl Grenadincs;doni , le & twisted BALMORAL'S Betinterals. anti Skeletons all ptieest CORSETS Al! sties beh t qunitty TnIMMINGS ack Silk Tri m Black Silk Barb Lace. Bugle Trimming. 'LINEN ITANDICETICftIEPS Embroidered. rhea Stich Mouining and'Embroiderld in eolnrs KID GLOVES Alexaader'x celebrated Kid Gloves, Silk. Lisle Thread, Cottoti:ke AI 0 U RN IN G G„.O O'D Ve Lame now a suporato• apartment for Mourning Goods, and-our stock ie complete in every particular. and 114 AD-Woul De Dailies*, Co:Mr7s, Cashmeres; Silk and Wool Challies, 'latuizo Cloth CRAPE GOODB ong Cape Veils, from $2.50 to $7.00, Crape Falls Tueked_. l Crape Fallekwilled, csarETs! CARPETS!!. CARPETS!!! Carpet+ from. 45 cents up, lioanp Carpets All-Wool Carpets. Three-Ply Carpets, ~.. MATTING White and Checked Matting; 1: 1 y and PA. • • ' Cocos... Matting QUEE . NSW ARE. Queeniware in• sets of by 'the piece. We sre pre. pared to fill orders for any quantity of COMMON AND WHITE GRANITE WARE Our steel( is eomplefe in every line, and if our friends want good bargains, all we lave to say is that this 'là the plan to secure them. . air Con *eau, before the rub decal ; . t 7. SYSTER , SI $1104,• - • 5' Main Stroit,ChambMburg, Pa. Witattart, eutlerr, Su. 0.2 k ell: ANIY §"ADDL'ER'I7 l' 8 n 4 The subscriber respectfully infonns b is. friends and • the rublie, that heContinue.4 to Carty, On thesubOrt , hositiftr, at his old•stand; - on 'Main Street,' oriosda the German Iteforatedtbuteh, tiavingettlarged his bushams,..s%tedfcr...ii.autirtuich iiiukcircuill,find iu his Stir Room a guttural:wort: 'meta of goods suited, to 4ioir, sovoral roguirmunts. such as S ditle Trees'a'Ad dir. h GigTreeQ,Full:Plated,Tinned anaJapiqThed:t-Goot ,hair, Straining Web and 'Worded, Itefini - lowec than ,Cotten; I, ; • - Hanes , . : Japanned I ',1,',. • . . . ..---1 Coaell,llaudles. iiew styles: Curtain Frames ;• lluh..l34nds; Pridiq FrontF: Iluseatcs, Sviivel.? Arid lOrna T natnents; rrun Plated and :. WuIA gig llarne: ' "' KL tS-iIit:A.SS,A I LVEfI, ill Style nivi Pat tehis I i'brf-and IFtkidoii' Afar- , finial Iting3, Stump Joitttg, and TurfeJ •• ' ty,ntutber:goods suitn ble for the trade. ALL K INDS .OE , , PLATING,. ,kc,, • done with e.Lui es. uni despatch. LEWIS W AMPLER: . Chat= ersburg. Pn, n 04,63.01 . A, R D• W It:* 11. BTU AIIDSON. ~• '6ll Market Strict, IShiladeipltirt. J. FIUM..4;NUTIL. • MIAS. itllllTitt.64oi:. The mulf.rsizned re - snot: Rally call the at tention of COUNTRY :'39IR.CIiANTS• to-`their large and selected .k , II A. 111) AV '" • - Having tartan spoidal arningeinejavfov ,the 140/ I't rid we flatter ourselves we ealsoffer inducements purelia.ers that will fully reninnerate the-trotthle of extuntaing. our st,vii. We ask. bat atrial,to eon vinee• tfie• co-late,e'tiqsrie that •we'att- prbpared tb sell tote and tteeounnoilate. , • Ouritool: Trhle I Cutl: - T4 large. seteeted with care. and inoinding tt Varibty of tiOt ea:itolt but suit all bete,. _ We have , quist nifty on hand a large alJ:sortment OT Building ilardware. ,' Outten., • • ' files, Tool Bo:es, le and a Bo: es, :Saddlers and' - • tihooniakers'ToplQ, tir...rewß.'and every thing in short pertaining to a fix.,t. class Aurd ware Steve. Panticillar:attcntion paid to Country nrdem ' it is our tint to see-sire the enatidraes• of our customers. and to this end, we lire partieilarin finite.; ordewlo give the hest, and as cheap as though the customers wero btOti gin person. (live us a' trial. Iir.FERF:NCES.7.I. Shryock, Esq., A..K.3lc,Clue, L. B. Easter, Chanitier,burg SMITH . C •RICHARDSON. k f.- till ltfirket Philmiplpliia; JTE\V lIARDWARE STORE. _LI ' ' .T,. - 'l3 ' EYST E It would respectfully inforta. his friends and,the nubile generallv, that in connect ion with his KEROSENE OIL , AND LAMP STORE, - he has commenced the HARDWARE business, ut his new Store Rootti, ono' door North of Sol. Hu ber's Oroc , ry. Ills stock consists of the following . art ivies, Vie.: . , . - . •Buibling Hardware. A , hone Varnishing, Good's, - Tablo and nick et Untlery„ . . Msclutnics' Tools, . : ' • 7,- Nails by thotstnall or keg, 4 ' Farming Utensils, such as _'''t Shovels. . . s. • Spades ' l7 ' " ' Poilis.. I Potato Lifters, Scythes, • . • ' ' . ' etc., ate. Also, Glass, Paints. Benzoic, LinsectLKernsene and Imbricating Oils, ' - tanips of all descriptions.. ' .Chandeliers for Gas and I( etrisene.- , Fruit Jars, best quality, etc. Agent for the sale of EVANS A: WATSON'S' Fir'e Proof Safes. • . , ' • jul'Ati; - !, If._ • ll' A It D W A II E.—The public am in .l. 1 vited to ,calkand•examine our extensive stock Bugle. Buttons . . . . . „ of 'Births - are, Cutlery. &e. We keep on hand a 19rge stock of goods iu our line, coinposed partly of the following goods, which we offer very cheap. Iron, , Files, " looking Masses, Nails, i ' Hasps, Fa rurffl ells, : Steel. I Ihods, ' ' ' tipriffm Axles, lloeksi . f Glay, - . Boot Trees, -- I ling2S, Chains, Slineinaker'S K it Planes, 7 ' . Whips, Sreddler's Toots, Anvils, , Bolts, '".friinniings, V iee,t , . , ' i Saw's.' . ` CofiinTrimtnitigs Bellmis, , Brushes, ; Grindi.torief, ', faint, Haines, ' ' Cedar Ware, i)ilc, ; . Shovels, ' Blasting Powder Turpentine, Rakes. Shot. Lend.. Hoes i , . ' Similes, r , Pocket Knives. Call 'and examine our Stock, Sneeial intlippments n ffereci f".; rrt 4). • f ii2lAl.l BRAND & lil...teK. . TT ,RDIVA'III I .: AN]) CIJTI.ERY. xi, ! . W. W. KNBIBT Si SON; ' ~ ' 1 Importers, and Dealers in, . T omb azi nel , 64 Between sth and 6th and Market and Arch Sts a5,e,'.3-tf:. • ,forkvarbing lOotto`to. • uNDERLIciI.'& NEAD. 12ORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Sef•ond Street, opposite the Cumberland Railroad. Depot. Chambersbnrg. Ptv. • • Cars run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore. -t , • ' AGENTS.—Peacork. llinehtnan, No. SDI; Market St.. Philadelphia; ' ' Lykenq Valley. Bro k en _Egg and tut-COAL.-(di reet frnm the mined. Wilkesharre and Pine Grove F-011NDRY.COAL; LUM ERR. 511 INGLES, SALT. PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT. kept emmtant ly on hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE of alkkind , Purchased at the highest rash prim+ Prept9,63) WI7NDEREICII & MEAD. Crap Collars. Crape Setts TEW ARRANG'EMENT.L --LI FRET HT TRRIIMI TO New YhTtk. WITHOUT Ta INSRIPMENT. The under;Nignedwould respectfully inform the that they are prepared to - ship al: kinds of Prodnee - rMerchatidist,—&-c. z - from Chain hei shtirg and Greencastle to ,New York without tranAiriment, and deliver it atcNew , York as quick as it can be gelivered in Philadelphia. , . The attention of Milters'and Shinners - is 'respect fully invited to this new arrangement, For further information inquire of MATZ R MoDOWELL. Agenb, fob 24-tf chambersburg and, Greeneutle. THOS. L. GILLESPIE. JACOB ZELLER. Brusiel3 Carpets IitPLLE-SPIR, ZELLER;& 00. VA 'PRODUCE k PROVISION MERCHANTS AND IVIIO.LESAIX GROCERS, . -North-West center of Stith tied Market Sta.:Phil adelphia. n018,63-tf. • • - tt__ iptauLow , s INDIGO BLUE. JJ broilers anii Nnsam ers (if the above Mehra t Waih 711ae, wool please takemotkie that the Labe/. are altered to read " rsi)toto BLUE, Put up at ALFRED WIL'EBERGERIi• Drug Store} , No, 2at NorthlSecond Street.. Philadelphia." The qualit,) of thio Blue Will be the same in Myers , r'eipect. • I It, is warranted to color; more water than twice the same quantity of Indigo, and to go much farthei than any other Wash Blue in.the market.,, It dis solves perfectly clear, and does not settle on the clothes its Most of the , other makes do One Box dissolved in a half pint of water will make as good a liquid blue as any thaTisalaffe:" at - oho-third the cost., , As it is retailed at the same price as the IMita tions and inferiorartielgs, housekeepers will ,ftnd it :very much to their advantage to ask for that-put up at WILTBERMWSI. - • -' • ^ All Blue put up after this date with BeaLow's a nttme on it is iiimitetionf.. • . The mew label does not require a stamp. For sale by Storekeepersgeaerally. fel7-6m. R A IZ .1) 7 A i?,Y, INEI=6 CIIAMBERSBETRG, PA, fair aril 1 Patent Leather, Tits and Stirrups, Plated, - Tinned and !I JAPAINNED: AiIE,R.I.CAN. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HARDWARE, • • 509 Commerce Scrcet, Phikidelphia. IIMiNSMIEMMSUI Otorefieo;', GROCERIES WHOLESALE AND' 8114.41LLSTUART-.:::: WOULD TriF,, 4774 c p.. 0 txs `citizens of ChambeOtrarg and vieinitx TO' :11E ItTISIENT, OF • Gr66lr l l r e e s:' Sh 'v QuPLAts!Fe , Uedarware, " } And 'li - ,genciaTSiS•ck .151i34enttricauii ATthAes; which they-aream; offering., conStantly recciv , 'ing from 'Sew Philadelphia, and Balt inuire. at their Stbrellotirti, on Nf.tin street;Opposite Haber & Tolbert's Ifni dware Store. -• • It is their intention to lteep'snehirri assertnient as the 'demands of.thiaeounnunitv require. They have ithe best facilities for - the pureliltsei of gOod, on the most advantageous terms, :111 hitvin , their own des.on the Road, and ono of the firm I.leing almost con , stantly . .in the city,-nff6rds theirreirery tidvanttigOiii I purchasing .goods.in the shortest. and n t less expense than usual, which enabitit them to-301 • VERY Low-FOIL dASII! SUGARS, MI . - TEAS, of, all grades, from the highest to The lowest price, thebarrel, iriok or tiooral. ' • 3: • .• SYRUPS AND ;MOLASSES, 'l)y the togshead,. Barrell op,retail;fok • SUGAR 'OeRED HAMS, ' COARSE AND „PINE-SALT,' • .1:4513, AND GgEESE, • 1t city wholesale, 'prices.— • . • • We Would tail, esf)acialittoutioai, to conntry deal iers and others, nishiucr to paretiaSe tit Nvlthl esal e priam•as we are -nrmared to, elt ;;everything. in the Grocery hue as cheat, a can he puyeiatzed in the' Ea.tern SHX.FIat ;.tz. , STUART, Main St. - • The hiehe4t'priec paicl. in • cash. `, for', cogntry pro dude. or taken in eiebalitte for - Foods. ' 1 1 u T O i S. in Lturions , Seedless Rnisius, Layer Raisins. -Prunes, Currants, • - " T' 'Citron, Turkey MalagriTigs, • Split PM.. • Walnut Catsup, Tomiitn Algtsbromu Pineapple Cheese, ' Sup Saga English " SIViFI Limburger " , ' Bakt , r's Chocolate, WorcesterAire Sauce, Peptiet, Cloves; Cinnamon,Alspicegroumi expre-ah• forfanily age. Plan Chow Chow Pickles', Cauliflower • del Mixed • do Majt, (linger; Nutmeg's. Macaroni, - Vermieolll... -.! ; Non paricl Capes, Lentels, :French Magtard Colvin:lh'; Mustard;' Durham do • Salad Oil, for sale at Sit mar 6.] A GENCY 0 - F TII DUTCH E4ISII-I.DIA CQFFEE CO., pkr9T : IGS R.Fade Strect, _into York The above Company are known. all over the 7orld m 3 the owners-or the'Voiree Phintatinnis of 7 .lhva and Datavia,in the Dut eh Rast„lndies, and.are the larg esrmonopolhO,rs of Coffee rat the Maw. Tho undershwied '(nh. is, .anDoin , ed their sole Arent in the United'States nTtd ht the 13ritish Colo-: 0h.%) will have for Ba.le three differeit kinds'of Cof fee. whirls, for reanlarity of grade and cheapness of price. Will defy I.:onwefitien. Our " BATAVIA COKEEE" never beffire irl trolue in thi‘: ClurifiA;. but exteri:iveiv•hsed in the Armiesand,Navic.;.of Europe aed richly rained. will he put up at prices. to reach all rotWirtnerv, and 011 T EXTRA JAVA will be - the Moottuat ;Bonilla Ooffoe i if the age. •, : ' -• . - We will have, for aceomialntion nf•Grocerg, Pam and Government Contractors, samples cdry A , and ilr,ovn) for te'Ainz. Orderssotititell. On teceiptofrnsic, dace prompt ly forwarded as directed. • A. LIPP4AN. • - • 16S Ilemic Sheet. Nov ;York. july`2(SL64, Sale Agent,' D. E. I.E.'Co G R t X':T o.lt E. . pnrchased . the GrecOryStore of Thrimaa-Mot calf, on Main Street, oppo4te Grove's notch takeS this, method. of informingithe old patrnas.of the house, and the public generally, that he,is opening a varied assortment of , •I ; F•R E SJI G R G.E RIE S; which he is prepared to oflti at the lowest cash pri ' -lea. Itiseteelk chnsi3ts of SUGARS, COFFEES ANIS TEAS, • ' of all gi.,ades, from the higest to the lowest prices. l SUGAR-CURED 'DAMS, • ' • ' .' . Nos. I. 2 and. 3 MACKEREL. ' BROWN AND:WHITEST DAR,' . , , ; ;4.111 UPS AND MOLASSES:, 'FRUIT, -SPICtS, &e., sn'A as Oranei‘ rind LMuonS, L il itn eh' Raisins, Seed=' less. Raisins. Prunes: Cum uts, Citrons 'Fialki Wal nut and Toind tO Catsup. Chocolate, liii4e.. (Anger, Nutmegs,. Macaroni. Mm aril, and, every article , usually found in a Urocery Store. , 13 E .1 ' 1)' E \ L 'TM A N. , II) • VII OtESALE . ItOCER 'AND 1 PRODUCE COMMIS lON IWER.CiTANT, ' No. 703 MARKET.and N. ith ST..' PLI.ILA: - Invites the attention of im reliant°, to Ails. large and , well assorted - stock of Saga .. SyinPs; Teas and Cdr. fees, all of which will he s Id at the lowest aMrket rates. -Country biip.rp am d sellers will find it to their advantage to give hi metal. ~ . , _ - ... • Price currents eentainin all 'the varieties of the market to be had of - S.lSi SIIRY0Olt;• ChamberS burg. . ur. i - ~. , , 5e2.3. ; • Bitoom s,-,B R. u.sz Eg: Buckets, „ Scam ) _. -•: , . . • ' ' . Thread, •• ' Needles, ' , .. Bins, iToolcr, and Byes, and every aftieleagun'lly found in a Variety Store at , llain'Stieet, : ortnosite Grove's Hotel. 1 .1 L 0 U, ;,. -11' 0 31, aos:I NI Corn'Meal, Pot C t d e iV , inegaßacon, • Bean!,, Sauce s Ride, • • cs, at BOYD'S Grocery StozT', .-; ; 1 DTI S 01E LL A N-E 0 - II S ARTICLES; Water Creelon, Mitchel., Store Polish,. Es-. senee of Coffee. Indigo, Ste'rch. Shoe Pliehirig,•Sil ver Sod,. &c,, for sae at BO YD'S Chuap tirOcer.r.'' VA,MILY' • rf'*l46tß,"'"BUCtiWl.-IEAT I'. anti-CORN M.IIAL bs. the: barrel •or'l iri .smnit quantities for sale at S,IIAFER & STUART'S. FRESH FISH AND , OISTE4S CEITED r ek: ' ' ' ' - 81.1A.PFdt. STVALAVS,- , • • • . . AMAN 'op k THOUSANIY.—A Con. Ramified 'VaVcifi.:—Dß. 11. .lAlitE4 . , ii Itetired Physician of,great., , etninenee discovered, whilo,,in the Indies, a certain cure - far Consumption,'Astlima, Bronebitas, Coughs, colds and. GcnoralDebilitY- The remedy was eiseevered by him when his only child, a daughter,vas givers . up to 'die.' His child' was cured, and is now alive, and well. Desirous of. benefiting his fellow moitals, - 116 fiend - to' these who wish it the reeLpei.containiag fall direetionatbt,% making and successfully uSing, this remedy, free, on receipt of their, names. lvith.twa stamps to DaP expenses. 'there is not a single case of CoPsumP don ;that It does not at Once take hold of and . dissipate. Night, sweats, meevishness irriMtinck hf the nervesjailare of metriory;dilliedt expeetor ration, sharp pains ha thu lungs, eore throat, sensations, nausta•itt the stomach. inaction of the , bowels, wasting awarbf the muscles. The writer will please state the name of the paper they seen:this adyertitenient ib. Address; • ; CRADDOCK &DO, mai'in-10) 2:15 . 2411rth 2d` St:: Philadelnhia. ~.. , - , , . TriST' RECEIVED' . AND 4 1 0 ii. 'S . AE :t. , a largo 114 tff HOOP 'SKlRirsiditiabtArtitrttl ee mymfactory. at _, .., June B ISETCALFE 1.; HITWITIMS.- ME 1111 'COFFEES ANtl "' 1 - • • Girkins, Paper-Shelled Almocl.: , 1I :v ta•si,,nrd. - do '* ' Filberts„ Peehu Nus, °mina." •." • • Walnuts, * ii'tluuts. • - ' . : Sh el I barks. Watee• ernelirs, ' •• Matchos, ' Stove Polish„ Smoke 'lilies, - Market 13n:31 -tees, Beckett:„ Brdems,- 'effee, VetitifeS: ' Leaq ;c,lstile Soap, " Rosin T Starch,' •" Wrapping Tn , ne," Stone AVare, Preqi.r\ing Turnlildri; Scrubbing Bruqh6. Sweeping, oh(r:..• Shoe Blacking, Si;rer Sand, " r, 11103 rick. ' • ain Street, near -queen. 'l. ~ -efroterits, READ .T Ai _S fz,gLvirle..N EEPS TIttLA.R.GES • stock of Store Goods in town. . - C I ,,,ELBVIcKS KEEPS TiIE,T4GE T, St'ore tlootN in tOWn. ' • , . . . fIELIVJCES lir HO I, E SA.:t SAS 'LA .'l.i;it, &is'any llouselh Philndertillia. ' '-; '" aELWICKS WH OLES AL ES AS NA cheap as auy Roust in Phitaddilitia. 'St ti - S EVERY:T.IIINp. , 1: aELWICKS - RUT'S , EVERYTHING A...A.,Faymers tIaNC fur - ; CIE,j,WI,C;KS EE P ALL .KINPS - of Goads, from too cheapest ,to thoincat. •= ILWICKS 'KEEPS ALL KINDS G Go& from the cheape.ct to the fooet=t;,' cELWIt KS TitEP§ - "tiIP.YI73IN' GELW'ICIKS ketiis eVerything. EtITICKS = SET, tS`I'IIE'rINEST' UELIVICK.S. sells the finest Tees. IibILWICRS , seIIS the best Spices. ' sells the bestllakinz AV (`KS sellS the be.q, Cider Vinegar. G EL WI(.16:8 k.ells the best Cuornlrtte. Gk . :LW:WKS sells a I igrad.. s of .Mackerel. 1; s t ev. fl re. • ' , • On WICK:4 sells Queensware. • GEL:WICKS sells the ehenee'st Tnmlleiss. • ' (I.liL, IV ICICS sells primp Cheese. G.III,IVIC - KS'sells fre:4l Cra6kes of :I'll kinds. 4;ELlVl.W(B.sells,ll.ains, Skoalders.and..Bacon. UELIV sells pure Ground Spices. GEL WICKS sells 'Raisins, Almonds Confections, _GE LWICKS self Coarse, Fine and Dairy Salt. GEI.,WICRS sa9ls Ilritsbesof all Mikis. • •i= ;EL 1V10N..5 sells Ground Cillree at 2.5 eta -0.1 b„ - , GEPVICK.S . sab coact hs, encils.ltiredd. Notion's. • LARGE' STOOK OF aFrchandhe embraces too - tinny different _titles and branches to give a list of goods or prices, hut to say' it is' the latvest 'es tablishinent cf the kind in the county- and he expects, his business to pay him by selling the largest quantity of gotids, and not by large profits. It as-the only GROCIF4I,I, 11011 SE in the county, owing to the large amount Of goods sold._duit hirko lThote-mre be seen on the Assess Books of the Government. , To his large stock of ,SPERM. (30A E., and TINS; OIL lie would apecial call the alto ionof ocinshmers. Re'ilso.tlear3 largely in' KEIROrSENIS',„ ch e ap er m an the (licapeq, Inoteliffc nnid IfetaiL Country Merchants look to yOurintereSt 'and examine beloro sending your ,ordOrs to the eity,•ti. Gelwicke will not bo undersold by, any Jobbing House there. • „, • June 1861, W. GELWICKS. . , CITZS = Viants anl( p.,17 D E S FRANKLIN. COUNTY; MENTAL TnKis GRAPT; STRAWBEteIpr LPLA& . TS, Evi."The -larg es t stock to select from in ; the county, Every-- thing in the FRUIT TREE and PL •I\T line that is at all desirable, can be supplied from the. nom ; ,nionest standard - Fruit Tree. to the ri rest and MASS. choice native or foreign speeiesi or variety of.FrAit .or Flpwer. Our Standard Apple Trees are unusual ly; fine, stout heavy trunks. fenished with fine liranehing bends, from, three to Jive feet from the ground, as may lie desired. Our aim is to grow the heat of, everything pruning, and cultivating upon scientific princlples, consequently, our_produetions. are not off ered in competition 'with , Trees grotvn ',upon the old Let-alone system. An invitation is ex tended' to all who are interested in fruit culture; to come and see for, themselves.. A large Stock of Greenhouse and Bedding Plants', - Rotes, &c.„ in pote, , Will he' ready in• April and May. Jinelose a three. cent skimp for, descriptive Cata logue of Fruit and Ornamental trees, &c. • Address, - - • B. L. RYDEIj, - West Franklin Nurseries:. :mar : Near London. Franklin Co., Pa. iEYSTONE NURSERY.--The '!sub r v scriber is propared to furnish most articles no itally to be Wood in Nurseries, of gal'od quality and ‘at easonable rates: The Stock 'embraces all th'e lending kinds of • " FRUIT 'T E S Apples • Cherries, Peaches, . Dwarf sad Standard Pears,, , • Apricots. plums, Grapes, Stra,wherries, ' • Currants, , , ponseberries, Blackberries, dm. . - Also', call beTarnished a good assortment of , E E, G. REEN TREES EvergreeiVand other Shruldfer.4,-,' Shade Trees, Sm. 'groat facilities are posesstxrfor shipping articles 'to M 1 parts of the country. as the Nursery immedi .ately. adjoins the City f - Harrisburg, Pa. 11111 E. OPORTO GRAPE.—This: Grape is not receminended particularly as a, dessert fruit, but makes an excellent. dark colored, rich, 'well bodied Wine. so closely ret.cuahling genuine old-timed PORT WI NE, 'tha t none but eiperienced judges eau distinguishibetween the two,. Although is ii Manufactured eXtenSiVely in - Western New Ye rk. thq supply is unequal to ;lie. atfrom 'al :.JAG ;34 per gallon. , Miner-for vale by the'oubscriberitrho has been ap 'poill ted Agent for it at the following prices: 01,e - to three yeark bid, 250 ,to 50 0We:1,01, S 5 50,t0 ss•pc.r dozen, $l5 to' 30 per . 10 4 ,J4C011 MISH. , niaY _ ' •Reystone• NvifierY, flarrisblr, Pa. , 'PEAR TREES —Standard and Dviart 11 Pear Tree§ of the leading'a.nd most;-valuable vailetiesi Among: them can be furnished seine " Ey 4 TRA SEI,PkTED. Trees,'theliwarf having fruit buds and, !' nd ready fdr immediate bearing.' Pried foegoodtrees, 50 to 60ets , ettah—Extra /Ica leeted 75 et a to $l. each. Rates lower by dozen. • 3:1}11.5.11, Keystone Nursery, ' mar 164) -, • 1,. ; Harrisburg, Pa.'. XTORWAY .4APLE .TREES. from 8 to. 12 feet high and vigorpus. A handsoine Tree; -much resembling the' Super but ormore certain and rapid growth. ; • • • Pride 40(4160 centS Qugh;' $3 50r&G per dozen; $2O @4O per 100. • • MOOR bIIBII. mar'..q] Keystone Nursery. Harrisburg.. . OTIERItY, TRE"FS.---,A. tine assortment of about' Forty'best varieties, tiees oflargesiie aini, vigorous. '-' . Price, 30, cts 50 ets, 75 cts eacil :‘ $3, $5. s7.per daz., $lB, $25; $3B Ter 100. " " J. MISR, mar lti-tf] Keyetcne Nursersy,llarrietig, t'a, -• HORSE CHESTNUT,TAEES.—Ortii, •,jA rv 'pii eg for ithinting, 50 cents each Sam/lei tize—:from 5 0 rf eet—;:sl anal : $2 50 , per dem! 0.8 per 109. JACOB MISII, nift eni) Keystone. Nursery. Harrisburg. -- 'VITIOPEARLINDEN-LThe Rid-twig, ged Variety, not subject to injury by the Lore? For sale at Keystone Nursery. Ilarrisburg..Pa. 75+0e530 to 12 tupthittb..; 75 each: Si.per dos marl ]'•• ' • JACOB 211L.511. . Itcasioß, ASH, a 'handsQme,orna -121 mental Sliadt; Tiw, of sAireanif rapid growth. "frees from 38 tctaZ feet lie'. 404P60' Cant& each; $3 50@6 per doz.; $'..1:040 per 100. JACOB MISH, ,mar23l ' " ;Keystonolguraery.Battriabure . l i'n - Tv r e t W tl the Mace of the FE.ELIT BiTOS/TORT. Z:i • ITEGMBOLD'S - GENUINE PREPA4. lIL A 11A_T IttNB..—C 0 M U N FLUID - EX TR ArT BUCIIP, a Nsitive and 'Sfineirt Relnetit for Diseases of the Bladder, - Kidneys. Gravel and Dr.vtipa I 1 4 1velling,T,.. 6- Phis Madistitte a pore tlia - Drives of Digel. and excitit.stlie 'Abstirbotits intn - healthy ttatioiW which the Watery or Oalearepasdennsiiinns and a Unnatural Enlargements are reduce& as well as Pain and:lnflantmation. - • =I HELN ii(24ItVB:irrXTRACT , BITCHtii• -' For Weaknesses nriAing from• Excesses. Habits s Dissipation. Early. Indiscretion or Abase, attended -ivith the tollenings.vinntems Indisposition tOEsettton; Loit . l"4 -- )t Pnwer, Loss of Memory, -Ditneulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves. _ Trembling. 11nrror of Disease. - Wakefultw,,A Dimness of MOM Btiett e ITnivers:al Lassitude of theltlnseular System, ';11ot Band.' % ~ ,f .iklushitig Of the Eddlts 'Dryness of the Skin. , '. - gruptions on the Dace. Pallid Cotti)enance. . These symptennl, if allotreCii ne en; Which' tbill 'medicine invariably .remeyes. cone f o ll ows . ' bitpOtpley, Fatllitg wild 'Epileptic Tits; to is in one of which the Patient maYnxtdre. Who can '.ay that they arena t rrequentlst fellontitd by those "Direful Di=easeg " "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." IMIII Many .ate surar of the cause of their , atiffeiditi. but none Axill confeqi• - • - • - • 1 RECORDS , OP THE :INSAN.H...AS.t . LtiISiI` end ArdanekolY 0 , -(thg 1 , 11 an-gumption, bear am ple witness to the Truth of the Assertion. • Therottititrethin ne ,, R. requires the aid - of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate thesystom. Which HELAIBOLD'S. EXTRACT doeB. A ,Trial the most shell- We l d::: • -. 4 - ! r ;, .I'. l -• FEMALES—FEMALES--FEMALES; hi many Airpetionit Degotittr to Femolra THE EX TRACT puciii i is uneepided by any other remedy k as in..Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful • nf' os -" , 'or StiPPrsiOif hf:tititornary .Eynenntioi‘ - Ulcerated or of the Uterus. Demme- Ima or Whites, Sterility., and for. till complaints ia cident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscreilione. - Habits Of Dissipation - , or in the - I -DECLINE! OR CHANGE OP LIFE: Tiike no snorq Bolvron, Aforov ry or unp/eruennt 4.li,22tegjor unp?erotont and dringeroug disen.rit. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIIT .AND • 'PROVED ROSE. WASH*. 'CUAV'S SE C E, .4iTS: ; , Su tlieir stages, At little exPeitso. $ • Litt tie change in diet, No inconveniences, - - And no Erponnre. Tt causes a frequent desire and gives stropgth to nritintn, thereby - Retnoving Obstructions; Prevgpt: , ing and Cnring Strictures of the :Urethra, •allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this ialw:cor • lisea4es - , and expelling all POIBDiIOUR. Dilemiedand,- lcornnut ettrttel.- - • Thousand.4-unon.•Thoncands who have been the Victims of Quacks, 1).o have .paid beam, fees to he cured in a short tt me.have found they were de ceived.. and that the .POI,SON ,tta.q, by the itss'of rnirerful iiNfringetits, b'eerr(rikd up in the sy4em, , to break out inankorravated form, and PERHAPS' ' - AFTER MARRIAGE_ . Use Extract' Enehn for all nffeetiireft and diseases of-the URINA RI ORGANS„wbetb- . er existind. in MALE or FEMALE, from whatevei eau.e on and no, matter of ILO. , Wv lONS STANDING. Diseosss of thexe.Orsrania of 6. DID tIRETIC. TTELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCITUII .PIE GREAT DIUTIETTC.. and is certain to 'h'avo - the 40si red effect, in ; all disepass for whinh it is T -,nrnmonried: Evidenceot the most reliable and responsible:chart igeter will accomnony the.medicine. PRICE St.l/0 PER ,BOTTLE. OR ;SIX lieow *s.o• Delivered to any address, securely peeked from . observation. - • • • • &scribe Symptom Commvpirationg,, CERES GUARANTEED! ADVICE GRATIS AddreSs letters for information to • aT.,II..IIELIAROLD.Rhemiat„.. 1(14 Sohth Tenth St.. bel. Chestnut. Phila. TIELIi OL D'S - MedifjPl - Depot. - 7" ""_* lIEL,MBOLD'S Drug and Chemical - Warehousa • • • - - 594 'TIRO A ItIVA V. 41 Y TIEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UN. PR D INCIPLEDEALERS who en rtertvni'tii di* • pose of their own and -other.artieles on t.ttereputii , tion attained by. • lielThold's Gcnninet.Pronarationgi: • '• ' Extract Buchn. - •• • - • " • :'Snrfinpnrilla.• • r Improved Role ,WPsh* •• • • ALL D,ThL r 9G.ISTS EVERY 'ASIi7kOI? 17E7.3f1301,1Y8, TAKE NO OWE& r nt nut eh,. tiit,t.erianpicrit find gi+rl far it. '- AND. A VOLD 1.V.1 1 981T10N Ea.POSURB} • • n011,+1345.. . 11 0 • , 8 T• Eir-T -T E • CEtigint:CllED fj )3.' IT TF:RS A pure and pOW9:ful tonic, Corrective and ,• ' ative, ofwonderfulefficaeyin diseases of the STOMAC!!, Llitt AND BOWELS, 'Cures Dyspepsia, Liver COmplaint,tioadaehe.grO r eral Debilib:i4ansees" s. -Depression 9 1 . ''pfrits,Coristtpation,Ciilip, Intermit tentrever,'Ciatips:gpasidt. •'; • and alleoinplainttrereittiergerait; ';•' 1 • • sink from .Botilly*Wehknige, ;whether - • sent in, the system, or prodoced ly;cPecial'eauselli Nothing that hoktvliolesome. genialita raster.; t alive in its nature enters into thc : eonipositipa 14, 7 110:5..TETTER'S STOSiAtlalliTTEllg." ular•peeparation uoittailia tio mineral' ot: tint; kfi,it r .; no deadly botanical element, nu !erg eacitantEbut.;,.. is a combination „of the extracm of ratu , balsam* ,herbs and pltinfi 'with the purest aiid - Mildeit 1 diflusiire stimulants, • , • t;: t Ik is, well to be fomarmed, against,disease i and) 04.1 fares the huinansysteuf can beprotected by human, .meatis; ifgaitist'tnilliidiekettindered by tin uiv4liele= some atmosphfire..imiiurk atter, ir/id ether fitbrntti • causes,.IIOSTETTERS,BITTERS may reliedhl on as a: - fiafegitard tf In districts. in feeted FEVER' ANl:VAttlit . it 14 been rot:Left - Infallible ns a previntiVe; avtil resistible as a remedy; and thousands niter resod' to it under apprehension of ifti attack, eiaope tbe. _ peunrge ; 'and thenSa wboneiliettd selves of its ,proteeQe qualities in advent:le. aril I cured by a yery.brier course of this marvellounmd-, dicine. Feier and Ague patientinfterl:lejng. plied fer months with-quinine in vain; until fairly gntnra .tecl.with that.dangercius. alkaloid. areCnot• fluently restored. to-health within a few days by use rif BOSTETTE'It'S BITTERS. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated' aid - thei • ' - appetite restored by this agreeable-Tonic, and hems! it works wonders, in ,eass:e .of, PYsPepslat and less confirmed foinis of .I,NDDOESTION. Acting a asgentle and:palates& aperient, ak well as finds the liver, it also invariably relieves theCONSTIPA TION itiperinducejl by irregular action of the " Restive-and secretive organs. , .A 4 Persona of feeble habit, liable to ITBRVOITS - , A24-,t, TACKS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, and .FITS ()L.- LANOUOIL find prempfand permanent relief fro,!{' thoißitters. The , testimony on this' point - Li: aunro genclusive and from both mexes., 1; ' -,ThO agony of BILIOUS COLIC is immediately,. waned by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it 'the retnyn - of the Ohni plaiat xclaY s in prevented. ; . . '• ; As a, penerl tonic,II9STETTEWS'BMP44- 'prOcitice effects, which "most be experienced or • - ,3lmid before they Mid be follyapPreeihied. - ses:of CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS. PREM. i .3 'A'Z'URE DECAY and DEBILITY and. DECB3EP•di ITUDE'arisliag from 01,D 'AGE, it eioreiscts • electric '.lothopanyalessett ts'4lsea of all diseases it oitiefg&t• 'ales a a.delightfal, itivigoraot. .When the - Dorm of naturerelaieVetOeratos to re-iiforde anti re'-establizti them: " • , loat, but not least, it is Ylll3 ONLY SANC 2 M4-i 4ULLIS7;„ being manufsopiFed from sonar' ,rittk,' innocuous materials, and entirely free from 681,41 , 'clerilteste present More or less in all the ordiriasir tonics sad Atomicities Of, the day.- , • - ; • No kaanily medicine has been so tativersqly, - UM* , he truly ridded, desercedlypopular :with bs iritallitent portion of !be - tioiananoiti, as It STEW ,tEWS BITTtRS. • Pietpared by ' . • • • • • noerrrizic - • ,z 'goid'by ell Drdirgiota, Groats and Storekeepen eve:Taboo - IIMEMIM"I 'f: l "'. l f , _.' ,. iii;w'''',l - . EMI SI 3- ME =ES ISES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers