. , . , . • . . - - I LI.- ' • .; ' - . , . , ). . - , ki11... . .Al \ ' i.e._ • _ _. - . I (76-1 . . . * . , BY M'CLURE & STONER, :,,fratitlit,..failicoitorg. /lON. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12th of February, 1806, in Hardin county, Kentucky. His early life, like that of most of tilt great men wham our country has produced:WM spent in poverty and in toil. At seven years of age lie was sent to school to a 3.fr. Hazel;.earrying wittaim nu 010 copy of Dilworth's Spelling ., Hook, one o the. three books thatformed the faMily library. His father keenly felt the diti tulvaatages arising from his own lack of edu eat io n and determined, in spite of difficulties almost inconceivable, to give his son betterlit-, eilities for study' than he had-himself enjoyed. Thomas Lincoln, his- father,finding a life in a slave State a most unsatisfactory one' for him self, and peesenting only the prospect of a hopeless struggle in the Mare for his children, determined upou removal, and when Abraham was in the eighth year of his age, the plan was evrried into execution. The old home was sold, their small stuck of valuables placed upon a rift, and the little, family -took its way to a new home in the wilds of Indiana, where free labor would have ;no competition with slave labOr i and the poor white man might hope that in time his children could take an honorable position, won by inditsiry and carefully econo my. ':The place of their destination wag-Spen cer county, Indiana. , Thiis, before he was eight years old, Abra ham Lincoln began the serious business of Their cabin was built ,of logs, and even the aid of such a mere child was of account in the wil derness where they now found themselves, after seven days of weary travel. Their neigh bors,-none of whom lived nearer than two or, three miles, welcomed the strangers, and'lent hand towards building the rude dwelling in • which the future Presidont lay down, after fati „going but healthful toil, todrcums of childhood, .'undisturbed by thoughts of - the future. • In this log house, consistini of a room below a , .room above, furnished by Thomas Lin . coin and his son's own hands, Abraham passed ' the next twelve years of his life. 'So long as his mother lived, she assisted him in learning . to read, - and before her death, which occurred' When he was teal sears of age, she had the sat isfaction of seeing him read that Bifok which be has never since neglected. In that thinly-settled country a liookWas a great rarity, but - whenever Mr. Lincoln heard of' one he endenvered to procure it for Abra . hands persual.. In this way he became acquain ted with Runyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Esop's . 'Fables, a Life or- Henry Clay, and Weems's Life of Washington. The " hatchet" story of ..,,Wastiaglon, which_ has done. _MOrc to_Alake boys trithful than a hundred solemn exhorta tions,' made it' string impression upon Abraham, "sold one of those unseen, gentle influences. ifhieli helped to form his character fur integrity s.ial-honest,y. • • At nineteen years of aga he made a trip to New Orleans, iu cinnpitny with a son of the owner of a flat-boat. who entrusted a valuable cargo to their care. The result of the voyage was satisfactory to the owner, and Abraham Lincoln gained; in addition to, his ten dollars a month, a reputation as a youth of promising business talent. In 1830 - Thomas Lincoln decided to make :is - wither change, and the log cabin which had ' been au long their home was deserted for a new one near Decatur, This time the jour ney occupied fifteen days. Abraham was now • twenty-one, bat he did not begin his independ ent life until'he had aided his father in settling his family, breaking the ground for corn, and Making a it frarc- lamina the farm. These rails have passed into snag and story. " Du ring the; sitting of the Republican State Con vention at Decatur; a banner, attached to two of' these rails, and bearing an appropriate in scription, Was brought into the assemblage, and formally presented to that body, amid a scene ot unparalleted enthusiasm. After that they . were in demand in every State of the Union in which free labor is honored, where they were borne in processions of the people and hailed by hundreds of thousand of freemen, as a sym bel of triumph, and as a glorious vindication of freedom and of right and:dignity of free la , bor. These,-however, were far from being the first or only rails made by Lincoln. He was a practised hand" at the business. Mr. Lincoln has now a Cane inadefrom one of the rails split by his own hands in boyhood.", After the first • winter in Illinois, Abraham Lincoln began life • for himself. ' Sometimes he hired himself out as a farm-hind, sometimes his learning procured Dint a situation as clerk in a afore. When the Black Hawk war. broke out in .1832, he joined volunteer company, and was made captain.— •' He was an , efficient. faithful officer, watchful ;*phis men, and prompt in the discharge of duty, and his courage and patriotism shrank from no dangers or hardships." Thus the Commander in-Chief of our armies fias not been without a bit of military experience—much more, in facts than the most of our brigadier generals had had -before the commencement of the war. ' After his Military . life was over he looked about for something to do. Ile ran for the Legislature, but was beaten, though his own . precinct gave him 277 votes out of 2134; This . was the only time be was ever beaten before the people. He bought a •store and stock of goods on credit and was appointed postmaster. :The' store proved unprofitable, and he sold . out. All this time he pursued-his studies. lie -1 1 - ad already learned grammar, and be had now opportunities for moretxtensive reading. He wrote tint a synopsis of every book he read, and thus fixed it in his memory. About this time be met John Calhoun, sinc e Pesident of the Leeompton (Kansas) Conti. tutional Convention. He propoied to Linmiln to take up surveying, and himself aideditt his studies. He had plenty of employment as a surveyor, and won a good reputation in this new line of business. In 1834 he Was sent to the Legislature, and the political life commenced, which his coon . - trytnen's votes have since,shown they' fully ap prediated. WhMI the session of the Legisla ture was over, be sot himself to the study of law in good earnest' In 1836 he obtained a law cense, and in April, 1837, he removed to,Spring field and commenced the practice of law in part nership'With his friend. and former colleague in the Legislature; Hon. John T. Stuart. With President Lincoln's subsequent public career most people are familiar. Ho was cho sen to Congreis in 1846 over Rev. Peter Cart ''rright, but declined a re-election. lie was several - times -?residential elector at large in, his State, because of his superior ability-hs popular debatO. He was. the -competitor of Hun. Stephen I-. Douglas for U. 8. Senator in 1859, and won‘ National .reputation by his great strugg:e with the ":.ittle Giant" on the stump. In 18fif he was nominated for Presi dent by the Naticual Convention at Chicago, and electd by the electoral vote of every Free State. excepting - only a fraction of the vote of New Jersey. Of his inauguration, his adminis tration. and the fretful issues he has been com pelled to meet, we will not here speak. Suffice it to say that he has so wisely and faithfully discharged the duties of his great office, that he was unanimously ro-nominated at Baltimore for the Presidency on . the Bth of May last, and of his triumphant: election :no reasonable thpibt can be entertained. HARRISBURG Startling Political Develonments—The Democratic State Committee—its Pol. icy in Opposition to Soldiers Voting —A Strong Democratic Vote to be Poll ed Quietly Against Soldiers' Suffrage —Their Roper! of its Succ es s—Union Men to be li.ueouraged to Volunteer— Democrats to Stay at Home—The, Draft to be Resisted—The Defeat of the Union. Armies the Only Hope of the Democ racy for Success. Correspondence of the Franklin Repository. HARRISIIURG, _July 2?., The event of the week was the meeting of the Democratic State Committee in this place, on Tuesday evening last. It was largely at tended and political movements of the gravest moment were discussed. The question of adopting the proposed amend ment to the Constitution, allowing our brave soldiers to vote, was considered, and a unani mous sentiment was manifested against it; but how to defeat it was a problem most difficult of solution. All agreed thatit must be done if it can be done, lest our heroes in the field should make the Union victories in the States too de gisive; but they frankly admitted that they dare not openly avow their opposition to the soldiers 4, voting. Reports were made of the progress of secret organizations in a number of counties with the view of quietly throwing a strong copperhead vote against the right of suffrage to soldiers; and -some of the more sanguine expressed the hope that by making no open opposition to_theamend ment, and thus disarmint the friend of the sol diers, they might defeat!soldier - sufFrage,at the polls on Tuesday, the 2d of August. Anxious as were all to deny our soldiers the right to,vote,- this conclave ofDemocratic lead era, frankly confessed that they dare not de clare their position on the issue. because it would make thousands of loyal Democuats de sert the party rather than deny our heroic de fenders their civil rights. It was finally resolved that they would be si lent on the issue; that the Committee would publish nu address to the people on the subject; that every quiet effort should be made to poll the Democratic cote against it, and if they fail t , ed they would, as a party, disclaim having op' posed it, and try to procure the---votes of sol. diers for the ticket of the leaders who exhausted themselves by secret, unmanly efforts, to defraud them of the right to vote. - The representatives on the committee from several close congressional districts, were es pecially fierce in their opposition to soldiers voting. Had the vote of the army been taken in 1862., Dawson, of Fayette; Lazear of Greene; Dennison of Susquehanna; Strouse of Schuyl kill; .'Allister, of Weir, and Coffroth of Som erset, would have been defeated, and reliable Union men and friends of the government and of the soldiers would have filled their places. All these men voted against every measure de signed to weaken the rebels and strengthen the loyal army and its cause ; and if the soldiers vote this year the hand-writing will he seen on the wall, and their overwhelming defeat by the votes of patriots at home and soldiers in the field will be inevitable. Another important question considered was the new call for troops. They did not inquire how the army could best be filled so as to make it invincible and speedily close the war; they did not counsel as to how our threatened gov ernmeliecould most surely be rescued from the cruet; grasp of remorseless traitors ; but they dig spend hours considering how the filling up of the army could be prevented, so as to insure disasters to our heroes in the field, and the suc cess ofthe Democratic party at the next election ! Theyelid not hesitate to declare their firm conviction that the only hope of the Democratic party in thenext election is the failure of the - Union armies-the defeat and fruitless slaughter of oar brave sons and brotheri fighting for the preserva tion ,of i our constitution! And yet.this party claims to beTaithful to the Union, to the condi,. tutiottnnd the supremacy of the laws! number of the members publicly declared in the committee that, if sustained by the Demo cratic party, they would organize to resist the draft in their respective counties; and note word of reprobation of these treasonable and revolu tionary sentiments was uttered by a single mem ber present! In the whole Democratic State Central Committee there wits not one man—not CHARBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 47, 1864. HON, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, UNION CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. one, who had the Manliness and patriotism to defend the cause of his country in that council of its foes. I speak advisedly when I say that, in the tempest of treason that uttered its low 'mutterings in that gathering of - copperheads, there was not one man who spoke for the Nation and its sacred cause. All hoped and aimed at National calamity—if the triumph of traitors— at the defeat of our armies, so that Democracy might secure plunder and power! And there was method in their perfidy. They did not merely waste words to chill the loyal hearts ; but they resolved upon a systematic op position to the increase of the army, and especi ally by the enlistment and _conscription of Dem ocrats: In order to mislead the many men in their-party who are not prepared to surrender themselves and their government over to trea son and traitors, they resolved to encourage volunteering, either actively or passively of the Union citizens ; to advise the payment of boun ti when...espedient, but to _leak well - that no Democratic voters should be allowed to enlist. ' The reasons for this are manifold and obvious. Democrats who join the army, almost invariably become good Union men and vote the Union_' ticket, while if only Union men are allowed to volunteer, the Democrats wilt be left in such a supremacy in many localities that they can resist the•draft; weaken the armies by compelling large detachments to enforce the laws in the Northern, States, and thus enable the rebels triumph over the Union army in the field ~and the copperheads to triumph at the polls! Be assured, citizens of Pennsylvania, : that this is the entertainment. to which the Demo cratic leaders resolved to invite • you, at their committee meeting here on Tuesday last. I have not appealed to the imagination or to con jecture as to the action of the committee. have written whereof I knots', and warn the peo-- pie of the loyal Keystone State that if they would not sanction the overthrow of our Nation ality ; the discomfiture of our gallant soldiers, and the clouding of the graves of our heroic martyrs in dishonor—they must arouse and or ganiie for the safety of themselves, of our ar mies, and-of the Republic! Forewarned, fore armed ! HORACE. - ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND Evacuation of Mailetta—The Conflict on , the 4th of July—The Pa. Battery and the Neventy-Seventh—Prisoriers and Deserters—Atlanta Within Our Grasp. Correspandeno,e of the Franklin Repository: NORTII BANKS OP CrIATTAHOOCOM RIVER') i .8 Al Ow North of Atlanta. Ga., r Julyilth 1864. ) A very, short time has transpired since my last letter was written, but as we have partici pated in several hot engagements since I thought a few lines might not prove uninteresting to some of your readers. In the first place I beg leave to say a few words about the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. No' newspaper is more welcome in the camp of Battery B, for the simple reason that we are acquainted with its . editors and know them to be truthful and reliable men. Few newspapers can be relied upon thes'e war times. Nothing of much importance occurred since I wrote my last, except there was heavy shirmishing along the whole line in front of Ma. rietta. The rebels would occasionally throiv few shells among as from the top of Benesaw Mountain, but I am happy to say without much effect. On the night of the 2d inst., they evac uated their very strong and well fortified posi tion in front of Marietta, for what reason Iknew not but suppose "old fighting Joe" or the "ever sticking Logan" was troubling their flanks to such au extent that they thought it unsafe to 'remain longer. On the morning of the 3d we followed the retreating columns of ' Joe John son's army very closely and pressed him hard. but he is not as,fleet-footed as old Bragg - used to be and consequently does not get very far at one time, but retreats d— often. He halted again five miles south of Marietta where he se cured himself a strong and well fortified posi tion. Monday, .July 4th, again found the two hostile armies in battle array, confronting each other in close musket range, and here many a true ptitriot fell (and found a grave in Georgia) from the effects of the deadly missiles of the sharp-shooters of the enemy. Our BrigadewaS in front - (Col.Gross i commanding.) Eight reg iments formed the front line, With our Battery. and the sth Indiana occupying a es:amending position a little in the rear, 'although not far enough not to be annoyed consinerably bysharp-' shouters. The order was gii . en at about one o'clock to charge tEM rebel rifle workS and Iran tell you it did nut take 'Col. Gross long to exe-' cute that order and in splendid style and success fully too. He took Ithe rifle-pits; and what was better still, he held ; them, although his brigade lost nearly a hundred men in killed and wound ed. The loss in our l battery was two wounded: Edward Dunkinson; son of Robert Dunkinson, of Chauthersburg, in the left leg above the knee —bone not injured Fred'k Straehen, of Erie, Pa., iu the right leg—flesh wound. The 7th was iiilthe charge' and played its Part nobly as ever. Its loss was tolerably heavy, but I believe there are none from your place among the killed_ and wounded.' I heard from' Captain Walker, 'who escaped Every time the enemy evacuates his position we take hundreds 'of prisoners and deserters. During the night of the 4th he again evacuated his position and fell back. Oni the morning of. the sth we again found ourselves in , hot pursuit of the retreating foe. I believe we pressed him harder this day than ever before. He never stopped until he had crossed, the Chattahooctkie River s and now we', find ourselves . only 'eight. miles from Atlanta, and can sae this doomed city from some points on the river. I conversed with quite a number of rebel deserters the few last days. They are generally , very much de 'pressed in,spirits, and consider their cause a hopeless one. I was amused at n'yOung Flor idian, who deserted while in front of Marietta. • He had considerable trouble to get past the 're bel cavalry, so he saidhe tried Gen: Sherman's. game and outflanked them. He is quite willing to take the oath of allegiance. Ido think Gen. Sherman manoeuvred this army better than any other man could Inive alone, and with less loss of life. Atlanta is now within our grasp, and we will have it. . There is considerable sharp-shooting 'across the river. Both •parties are 'active, Oar sharp shooters are picking off 9 great many officers had men. . _ • In a few days you will hear' of some more. Tory important flank .movements by our com mander, by which great results Will_be accom plished. - OLD SOLDIER. SVMMARY OF WAR NEWS. —The rebel loss in killed, woundd and pris oners in .their demonstration on Washington will overgo 2,000. The prisoners represent 63 different regiments, and belong to five different divisions. . —Gen. Sherman has ' notified the , War De parttnent that on Monday week his whole army advanced five miles south of the Chattahoochee river s and crossed Peach Tree creek without any resistance from Johnson's army. This places Atlanta within range of Sherman's guns --Gen. Rousseau has levied within tWo or three weeks past and .collected over $40,000 from rebel citizens for the murder of four sol diers within his departuient, and he has an-, nounced that for every soldier murd6red the rebel citizens in the vicinity must hereafter pay $lO,OOO to the widow or relative of the mur dered man. —The accounts given in , the Richmond pa pers of the late rebel invasion are rich and racy • According to one paper Maj. G en,...Coue,h brought up re-inforcements to Gen. Wallace after the battle of the Monocacy, and was rduted and.. captured. Anothei states that Baltimore was in posession of the 'rebel army, and that thous ands of citizens of the city armed with clubs and knives had aided them in. its capture. An other caps the climax by gravely announcing that Washington bad been taken and President Lincoln and the cabinet were prisoners. , Still another, more cautions titan the rest, announces on reliable authority, that firing in front of Washington had ceased, and that negociationa for the surrender of the city were-in progress. When these articles were published, the rebel dead and wounded in front of Fort Stevens were being buried and eared for by our troops—their army having retreated hastily to Virginia. there to meet another repulse, and the re-capture of most of their plunder, at the hands of General Crooks. Lying se'eres to be a chronic infirmity with rebels, north and sliuth. —We have seen a letter from a soldier of Franklin county who 'was with Hunter in the - .movement on Lynchburg. He says that the Union forces reaChed:the front of that place on the 18th ult., and that 'on the 19th the battle was fOught without decisive result; but the re bels having been re-iuforced froth Richmond, Hunter commenced the retreat that night. Our loss •before Lynchhiirg was about 600 killed and wounded. The untrch in retreat was continued day and night, and the command was fearfully 'exhausted. A number of horses died of actual staryan, and a number of sick and enfe-bled soldier fell out" of the ranks and were lost on the retreat. 'The rebels pur3ited abbot 100 miles, and finally Charged the rear column and captured 14 guns. They mercilessly butchered every Union soldier that fell into their hands. ,'Soon after the ' Union &Animus charged back upon the barbarous foe, and re-captured 13 of the guns, but some of them were disabled by the rebels bc:fore they, were captured, by cutting the spokes out of the wheels. In this success fulcharge the Union' 'troops visited fearful ven geamie upon the rebels, giving no quarter and taking no prisoners. ;After thiit, the retreat to ;Parkersburg,. whicly;was reached on the 4th inst., Was unjuterniPted. ' The Writer—an in . teiligent soldier tif Pbters township, lived five days on birch bark, without rations of any kind. FINANCIAL. • —The Nevada Constitutional .Convention has adopted a section favorable to a national cur rency.. -3000,000,000 mats and 25.000 two-cent pieces were coined at the U. S. Mint during the last month, and yet.they are scarce. —llls stated that we shall receive froni inr ternal revenue, this year, the sum ''of three hundred. millions of dollars.' Can men who read this believe that a country with such re `sources can be overthrown by a miserable re hellion 7- —The Uncertainty; which has existed is to th'e terms of the new four hundred million loan bill, says the Philadelphia Inquirir, is now die siPated.hy the yubliCation of the law. It au thorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to her r. row the full sum marred, and to issue coupons Or registered bonds of fifty dollars and upward, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government after five, and not more than fprty years from date. with interest semi-annually in coin. The remaininTb — oridikno*n na - - rive=ttv e lap:4l. mai also be disposed Of, and the Secretary of the Treasury may sell them in the United States Or Europe for lawful money of the United Statei, or at his discretion, for Treasury Noteser Cer tificates of Indebtedness, or of deposit issues under any act of Congresi. If the Secretary so decides, one-half of the tour hundred million dollars may be issued in Treasury Notes of not less than ten dollars, payable at any time not exceeding three years,- - or after that time, if deemed expedient, at an intereMsmit to exceed seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum in lawful money at maturity, or semi-annually, as the Secretary may decide These notes are to be legal teeder for their face value, without in terest, unless agreement is made to receive them for the face value and the interest. These notes may also be funded in' the bonds issued under the act. • They are not intended to be legal ten der for the notes ot any bank or-banking asso elation or banks intended to circulate, as money. Provision is made by the act, that the total amount of bonds . and notes issued under its pro. visions shall not exceed four hundred millions of dollars in addition to the amounts already is ;sue3. • Also, that the total amount of 'Treasury netes issued, or to be issued; shall never exceed - four hundred millions of dollars, and fifty mill ions extra if required for the redemption of tem- - per/try loan.' Ilereat* the interest on all Uni ted States bonds IS to be paid semi-annually ; and bonds on which interest is payable yea4' shall be exchanged for those bearing interest payable half-yearly. The old Seven -Thirty Treaiaury notes may be exchanged for now bonds,-under the act, on three months' notice, by the Secretary s:rf the Treasury, after which time'the interest on them is to cease. No more bonds are to be issued under former laws, ex. -cept the balance ofthe seventy-five million loan, if the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem pro per to do so.emporary loans, may be receiv ed on deposit bk the authority of the Secretary; of fhe Treasury, in Treasury notes, or notes of National Banks, in sums of not less than fifty dollars, for periods not less than' thirty days,' payable in ten dais' notice after the term of deposit, with interest' not exceeding six per 'eentum or less, :as the secretary shall direct, and he may reduce the interest after the expi ratiotrof the time of deposit to less than six - per cent., on ten days' notice. But such deposits shall not exceed in the aggregate $150,00 4 0,900. Small currency notes less than one doll it be issued by.. , the Seeretary of the Treasury, and shall be received in payment of debts due the United States, in stuns not- exceeding five dol.' lars. Not more than fifty millions of dollars of this currency is to be issued. • PERSONAL. —Gen. W. H.Q. Brooks, lately commanding the Tenth Army, Corps, has resigned, and his resignation his boon Incepted. . - „ —The rebel. Gen. Longstreet is at Augusta, Ga., and expectS to be well enough to resume his command by the Ist of ,August. ,Ilie Was wounded in the shoulder in the battle of the Wilderness. VOL. 71....;W110LE . NO. 3,667'; —Maj. Gen. A. P. Stewart has been promo ted to the Lieutenant Generalship in thiq ebol army made vacant' by the - death of Gen. Polk. • I —The'rebel Gen. Bradley, Johnston Was' cap tured by tho Union. troops - near Frederick. when the rebels , were retreating, but was sub sequently rescued by an orerwhelmingforce of his men. • :--Maj. Gen. Joseph I. Reynolds, whii has just been appointed to the command of the Niiieteenth Army Corps, wag, several years ago, Professor of Natural Ilistofy in the Wash ington Vniversity. St. Louis: He is a'riative of,Kefitucky, and a West Point gradUate, fin ishing his coarsein 1843, in the some clasiwith Gen. Grant. • learn that Col. Daniel MeCciok, (ac ting Brigadier), of the celebrated fighting Mc- Cook family of Ohio, died at Cincinnati of wounds received at the battle of Benesaw Mountain.' Col. McCook was wounded while charging the earthworks. He is the fouith of the'McCook family who have been killed since the rebellion—the father and three sonar—and: what is most singular, all have been killed or diid in the month ofJ,nly. —The people of Cattawissa took a vote to decide who is the prettiest girl of that town, and it was declared in favor of Miss Bailie S. Reifsnyder,by a majority of 279 votes—each vote was accompanied by 25 cents and the pro- ceeds, $Bl, were given to the Sanitary Fair, as the contribution of the favorite beauty. What makes the matter more pleasing andinteresting is that Miss Reifanyder is nursing-woundedsol dien in the Army of the Potomac; POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. .;--The Union Convention of Perry county will be held on Monday, Anglia, Bth. —The Dem - berate of Juniata will nominate their ticket on Monday, August 22d. There are nine candidates for Sheriff, and we doubt whether more than half of theth can be nomin ated and elected. . —The Lancaster Intelligenter, had a strong article, a few weeks ago,earnestly advocating the nomination ofJudgeWoodward as the can didate of the Chicago Convention for Presi doht. —The editor of • the New York Independent says that a leading eitiZen of New York, "a noble and unspotted lawyer," had addressed . him in these words:. "The Fremont meetings in, my district are held in the same grog-shop out of which, last summer, issued the rioters who set fire to my house, the audiences are the same persons, and the speakers are well known as Copperheads." NEW CALL FOR TROOPS. --WASHINGTON, stay is. aidene of the Itnif f d St a t e s of America: A 'PROCLAWSVCM WiIEREAS, by the Act approved July 4,1864, entitled "an act farther to regulate and pro vide for enrolling and calling out of 'the Na tional forces, and for other purposes," it is provided that the President of the United States may at his discretion, at any time'hereafter, call for any number of men as volunteers for the respective terms of one, two and three years for military service, and that in case thequota or any part thereof of any town, township, ward of a city, precinct or election district, or of a county not so sub-divided, shall not be filled within the space of fifty days after such call, the President 'shall immediately order a draft for one year to'fill, such quota or any part there of which may be unfilled. And whereof), the new enrollment heretofore ordered is" - so far completed as that the aforementioned act. of Congress may now be put in operation for re cruiting and keeping up the strength of the ar mies in the field, for garrisons and such military " operations as may be required for thepurpose of the suppression of the rebellion and restor ing the authority of the United States Govern ment in the insurgent States. Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do issue this my call for 500,000 Volun teers for military service. Provided, neverthe less, that all credits which may be establiihed under section Bth of the aforesaid act, on ac counrof persons who have entered the' naval service during the present rebellion and by Bred its for men furnished to the military service in excess of calls 'heretofore made. Volunteers will be accepted _ undet this call for one, two or three years as, they may elect, and will'be en titled to the bounty provided by law for the pe riod os seivieetor - vvhiCh they enlist, and I hero. by proclaitn; ordet'atidAirect that iminediaUdy alter the sth day of Sepfeitiber, 1864, being fifty days from the date of this call adraft forlroops to serve for one year; - ' shill ;be held in every county town, township, ward of a city, precinct or election district, or a county not so subdivi ded, to fill the quota which shall be assigned to it, under this scale or any part thereof, which may be unfilled by volunteers on the said sth (ley of September, 1864. .; In testimony whereof, . I have hereunto set my hand and. caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Walih ington, this 18th day of July, in theyear of our Lord; 1864, and of the Independenceof the Uni ted States the eighty ninth. [Signed]. LtNcinis. By the President W. H. SEWARD' Secty of State. A CARD TO THE SUFFERlNG.—Swallimitwo or three hogsheads of "Dacha," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," " Nervous Antidote," So.; &c., and after yon are satisfied with the result, then:try one box of Old 'Doctor Buchan's English Specific Pills -and be restored to health and vigor biless than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pliasantto take, promptaad salutary in their effects. on the broken-down and shattered constitution.. - Old and young can take them with advantage. IMported and sold in the United States only by _ , • No. 427 Broadway, New York. Agent for the 11. S. P. B. 7 —A Bo= of the...pills, seeitelXPacko, will be m . ailed to any address on receipt prieo t ivhielt is Oita Dom.An, post paid=money refunded, by the Agent if entire satisfaCtion is not given. Uttly2o-.Ste i A GENfIEMAN, eared of Nervous tiebilltT, Incompetency. Premature Decay and Youtbfed, Eiw ror, actuated by a desire to benefit others; *lb°, happy to furnish to all who needit (free elf, Charge) the recipe and • directions for making. t 4 supple remedy flied - in his cede. Those wialti,`nAte ior9Akbs his experience, and possess 'Veg*ble t ;ttetwier. will receive - the slime, - btrettitionailt. ( darofaily Sealed), by addressing MIN, 0 1 3D1W. maylB-3m] No. 6fi Nas,soo4.4tlkOLltiftwaork• 11 U , JAS. S. BUTI.gli.