0 trauldin fi,vrvoitog. MEETING OF TREVIIIO2I. I STATE COI. TRAL CORRITTIER:" ••. *! • ' Pursuant to notice,` - the Menihers of Union State Central Comm(tteiilield their Sit-meeting in the city of Harrisburg, - on WedtieSdayafterhoon, July 6;,18G4..- , ~ .The Committeeas convened at the resi. denen of its ..chait:ri an, Gen. Simon Cam eron:, and on the reading of 'the roll a quo rutn:appeared in • attendance, and answered to their names.. . 9.en. Cameron then, in a feti brief remarks, set forth, the. importance of the, campaign the. State Central, Committee was abort .to organize. If a 'proper spirit oillinien ani mated the individual efforts of the loyal men ofthe •State; and if-the State Central Com mittee labored earnestly and harmoniously, lie did not doubt the result—Mr. Lincoln would be elected—the different county tick ets,' as nominated by the Union men 4 o the State, would be successful—and thu. through these victories, the whole country would be re animated fOr an effort to triumph over the traitor foe. On motion of George W. Hamersly,. the &airman was authorized to appoint the usual Secretaries and an Executive Com mittee, said committee to be composed of seven members. -- The Chairman then presentedfor the con aidefatiorf of the committee an address to 'the; people . of the State, which was read as &flows: - • 2b Zito People of Penny/yank: It the midst of a fierce conflict for the "'Satinet life—responding to' calls for large reitiforeements.tO enable our armies success- AMY to combat with traitors—cheerfully. meeting the payment of extraordinary tax ation to supply the government with money for conduct the war, and' submitting to an influence increase in the pricesef living, the people of Pennsylvania have' nevertheless heemehle for three years to maintain a pros petiity, and secure a healthY operation in all the branches of their trade, unprecedented in the annals of nay country while' engaged in the prosecution of a War. ' In the trials of this bloody war, with' thW strugele just reaching its climax, the people of Pennsyl vania suddenly find -themselves involved in apolitical contest invested with, the highest importance, because fraught with the most momentous issues. Ordinarily, heretofore, political contests meant only a choice of prtdie,y as to the manner of administering • the government. The rruggle of parties was for the.. posses4On of the powers of government, and merely to, control their • operation. 'New; however, our political ointestsliave resolved themselves into a di • , red, and a . positive issue 'for the safety and thei s iermanenee of the government; because politically as well as sectionally, the contest at-the - ballot box main the battle field must decide whether the Union shall exist or per ish with the triumph or defeat of une or the qther of the contending parties: . Hence the unwonted importance 'with which our polit kal campaigns arepow invested. Parties are new'divided on issues which vitally concern the government. They are 'composed of friends and enemies of. that government. TUchoose between, these parties equally in terests the cause of loyalty and that of trea-' son., No 'man Can stand neutral between the two, and all who are not-fairly for the gov ernment will be justly recognized , as its enemy, , Admitting -that such is the new importance assu al ed.* our political contests we have an excuse as--well as a justification for entering on the contest fait approaching fortheamendmentstothe Constitution,with all the zeal in our nature, and all the deVo- ' d'art thatshouldeharacterize the patriot and the lover of his country - in his effort to • serve'it.- • •—. - 'lfweluld seem that on an amendment •to thettinstitution granting the soldier a right to vote, there shOuldhe no division. , Among ' at free people, particularly, who ere admit tka,,tilwaye to be the most intelligent, such a-kight sliguld be so Well grounded in com ,riieii 'And statute law, as to need no action ul'illis'late day for its exercise and' vindica tion. The soldier, in all lands, alike among ' "ayilizeirand barbaric nations, has ever been, admitted to the highest honors conferred' by the governments beneath whose banners he fought. His valor, his sacrifices and his devotion, have ever been regarded a§, themes fey tee poet, subjects for- the painter, and material for the historian; and thus the call ing of arms became one of honor—one which • elicited the noble rivalries , of compatriots , and, where civilization refined the instincts and elevated the character'of men, war has keett so conducted as to force combatants to respect and honor each others' 'qualities— the victor still to treat the vanquished as ' a MAN. The Constitution and laws express ly-datlare, that no man shall be deprived of his citizenship; except for high' crimes of Which he Shall be charged and proven guilty. trilmust be summoned to meet such a charge of criminality in the presence ofjndg es whose oaths bind them to do him entire justice. He must be enSured,a trial by a jury sworn impartially to consider his case. If found guilty, thg sentence of his judges ' ruat result in his disfranchisement--but , djafranehisement is not aimed, at as a result Atilligi punishment. Disfranchisement as a i Aireet tumishment is only made to follow -thelighest Crime known against the State. Yet-in thelhce of these facts, and in oppo sition' to'all equity, there are those in the iltiite who insistthat disfranchisement should fertriv• the highest service which a mad can perfarm for, his Government. There is a dicing . pees to-day in PenrisYliania r recu7 larly organized, 4ntrolled by able leaders and.sustaix4by..,tisttitcAl leased advo catesiinsisting that the serlide citizen Soldieri4thei - periLfing :of life and limb in the support - of the tkivernnaent, the giv ing up of - domestic endearments, the sacri flee of business interests, and the yielding of all personal comforts forfeit for those thus engaged all political right, every franchise of a free-born ._or constitutionally adopted American citizen. The monstrous iniquity of such a 'claim is at once apparent, however it has been maintained by our highest judi cial trihunals. Its injustice can only be sus tained by sophistries founded in . the worst political prejudices, so . that the sooner the Constitution and laws are made plain and , rendered explic4 on this Subjecti,and posted where every man can - read and. understand them,. just so soon do we secure the strength and majesty . of the Government in the con fidence and respect of the governed—just so soon do we inalte our goti'd old State worthy of the past valor of her' sons, and glorious Ilin the future. Xmerican citizenship has its virtues, and these their merits. Each virtue can only be exalted by . 4,erving the Government under which they flourish; but if that service is made a badge of degrada tion, will it not be more natural for Yuen of honor and spirit andtrue courage to resist its rendition than voluntarily to accept its duties? The citizen soldier feels when he takes up arms it is to defend, not destroy his political r; giits. The man who sacrifices his business interests, and for a stipulated time surrenders his personal liberty, cannot understand why he'should be deprived of his political rights. The service ,of arms does not blunt the judgment or blur the ability of a citizen to exercise the elective franchise. It rather gives him a new title to the. enjoyment of such a right, and fits him for the highest privileges of a free Government. Unlike the masses of Europe, the gre,at body of the American people are intelligent, possessed of educations affording the highest know+ . edge. While war for .. a time may change the habits of such a people, it Cannot affect their sense of justice ; their appreciation of power, and ,their love of Government. t• It cannot les s en them ability for' self-govern ment If it could, the war in which we are now engaged fOr the defense of the Gov ernment and !he safety of the public weal, had better be' stopped immediately. • ' The Democratic leaders now oppose the enfranchisement of the soldier„,. In the olden time the Democratic leaders, such as Jefferson, Jackson, Snyder and Shultze insisted that the elective franchise followed the flag under which a soldiers fought. If that flag was potent on the sea and the land to-protect a man in war, why should it not possess the other virtues of continuing his political franchise 4 ?- If it made the (leek of a - vessel above which it waked, the soil of the country represented by it, regardless of the sea or clime in which it floated, so also does it Carry with it for 'the soldier who fights beneath its folds any political rights which these heroes enjoyed before and were mustered into the service; and on this soundly democratic , argument the sol diers who fought in Mexico were able to exercise a freeman's right, in the wilds of the chapperal, the' hearts. of the seashore, the din of conflict,. and in the shadow of battleinented castles the same as if they had been at home in their respective wards and precincts. 'lf men . fighting 'thousands of miles from home—cut off from all commu nication--scarcely informed at the time, on the issues of the political campaign, were able and entitled to exercise the right - of the\ franchise, is it not fair to suppo that citi zens of a like intelligence, engaged in the same• service of 'the government within the limits of its authority, distant only , a few miles from home; conversant with all the issues involved in the : milk - lea! Contest; in daily communication with their friends, and in perusal also of journals dikussing the question at stake—is it not fair to suppose fthat such men are' entitled to the exercise of all their; political rights? Only those who act from perverted policy on this sub ject, will seek- fo evade-the responsibility of such a' questioa: This is proven by the judicial history already attached to this imestion. Nil hen it was deemed expedient, as it was undoubtedly- considered by the Democratic leaders then, the elective fran chise was extended to the, absent soldiers in Mexico; but in the midst,of a war waged by the upholders of an institution from which the Democratic leiders derive all their strength, George W. Woodward, a Justiee of the Supreme Court, and lately the candidate of 'the Democratic party for GOvernor, judicially denied the soldiers . the exercie of the elective franchise.; denied oar brave defenders the right almost in the same breath_ in. Which he declared 'the right of the StateS of the South to rebel and, secede from the Union P Fair men can see no difference in an American. sol dier voting in Mexico, while' fighting, be neath. the Flag of ,his - country, and the saw soldier,citizen under the same circumstances voting in a rebellious State. Time, nor place, within .the limits of- a free govern ment, or in - the service thereof; , cannot in fluence, should. not be permitted' to affect the rights of a freeman. . The government' which is not able to insure -him these inher ent rights 'is unworthy support. The authority of a free government' which seeks to degrade a freeman while perilling higlife in its defence, is a 'despotism mere fearful than that which denies;all rights to thegov erned. It is not ' possible that'such a gov ernment can last, At some 'pericid. in its. hiStorY,„,if, the _rights ,of its defenders be' dis'regarae'd as the, Datudeisic. Zhr franklin tlq3ostiotv, il)amhirsbuig, pa. deny- the right.V„,:trelfranehise to the sol diers, deed atibs to proteet it both from foreign and dcniiiiitie foes, and perish eventually, an object ino mean for defence. 'ln advocating the-soldier's right to vote, the loyal men of Pennsylvania are sustained. bp -a faith in the fact that his service is such as, to secure hint not merely ail the rights he : enjoyect beforfi.,!bn ; entered _the army, but increased_ dignity and' Power at. the hands of tht. Republic. The enemies of this great principle oppose it only-far reasons of expediency. There wa4 time when:the Democratic leaders c j it#M - e&that the army was largely and evetraltuOits,Wholly compoied of their partizantfOlkwers.--- When they were most clamerimsinivist ing upon the recognition 91 . Lolt: aOa i r the supporters of the pfinfeifileolp-pesed; politieally to these leader's,' werit n - tear- nest and even. persistent in itsadvottey.— To them it ~ sras' a principartirjustice too sacred to:1)e disregarded—too noble - to be 'rejecteti—too important in its relations to the very genious and vitality of the Repub lic to be denied to all the people thereof, alike those who risk - the perils of hattle in, its defence and those who .run no dMager of life, limb : or property in the service of the, Government, and who still claim itshighest , im mUnities.uitd most sacred' privileges. On the second day of August, etisuing, this queition will mime. practically before the people of Petimsyluania. do. - not doubt :the 'result of. the election as to the \\ - acceptance or, rejection of the soldiees right to vote. .But. we tieuld be false to -the party which we ,represent and recreant - to the creed which we adore if_ we failed,to avow, in advance our approval of granting this great right to - our brave defenders.— Pennsylvania has many thousands of her citizen's now ,in the army. They, haVe. all gone fotth inspired by a sublimefaithin. the strength of a' _freeGovernment*erush a wickedeonspiraci; and does it hecothe, ns,.l While enjoying the hale;yon 'blessings of ~ p eabe at home, while the limbs of our sol; cdiers are wet with their own blood, and their weapons are dripping with the gore of trait 'ors 'to. say to them, " Ii a have forfeited your citizenship; yon are 'no long r worthy of participating in the control - of - a free. Gov ernment; your positions' must be with the slaves of the Smith—among the disgraced and degraded of God's children!" . We cannot believe that the people of Pennsyl vania are prepM.ed to ':.end such a message to their fellow-citizens in the armies of the Republic. We cannot believe. that o foul a disgrace awaits our war-worn , but ; Lill in trepid heroes. The hearts of the great ma jority of the people at home' are too full of gratitude for a return of -great service by, galling neglect. Out "'faith in the justice of' the people renders 'us confident in the estab lishment and vindication of the , political, - rights of the soldier. But that faith must be *accompanied hy works. Hence it be 7. comes the duty of the State Central Com- Mittee to urge on the friends of the tier. actively to !allot for the triumph of , this ef fort in his behalf. Let it be said of our fel low citizens now absent als soldiers, that as our victorious armies planted their banners in the capithl of treason, it , was beneath their folds in Richmond. each hero of the Keystone State exercised the freeman's right of the elective franchise,for a Presi dent to adminiSter the Governmenetoa re united 'Union, to States once more loyal, to a' people again at peace and - blessed with prosperity. CAMERON, Chairman A. Ar.'BENEDI6I", Secretaries. WIEN FORNE.Y. 'On motion of Mr. Johnson, the address was unanimously adopted, and ordeied to be, published. After the discussion and adoption of sev eral suggestions relating to the 'details of the important election in August, and those which are to follow.in October and Novem ber, the committee adjourned. ONLY HOPE OF THE REBELS. An Alabama Unionist furnishes the Chatta.. nooga Gazette with the following extract from a speech' Of Hon. J. L. 41... Curry, rebel, de livered at Talladeda, Ala., in April last. _Mr. Curry was a member Of the United States House of 'Representatives at the breaking out Of- the war, and was a member of the rebelCon gross. He said,at Talladega: I Again my bearers, we should remember that !much depends upon ;the choice the Northern people make for a President the incoming fall. There will be at least two parties represented, to wit: the war party, who will doubtless make an effort to have Incoln retained, and the p - eace party, who will make a bold effort to elect a man pledged to give the Confederates justice and.restore peace—ling-desired and ardently prayed-tor peace-,-to our. bleeding -country.— 'We'boue, we trust, we pray that they may be, imec'essful. [Tremendous,cheeriogd Should they be successful, such a shout as was never betord-heard would spread over our afflicted South. Songs, sweet song of praise, would ascend from every heart to the mansions of Paradise, and the many myriads of holy an gels who surround -the 'bright and dazzling throne of Omnipoienee vikould join in the cho rus and tune their harps to a new song of li berty to man on earth. If such be the 'happy result", onr independence will be forever estab lished. [Cheers.] - Bat should Lincoln be re-elected, our fond hopes will be dashed to theground ; our inde pendence but a thing dreamed of; for we have exhausted - our resources, and could not Possi• hly hope to. be able to continue 'the war four years longer. past experience has taught us , that we could expect no favors at the hands of the indomitable tyrant and usurper, Abraham Lincoln. Let us repose our trust in the God Of battles and anxiously await the result. A TEacHER, one day, endeavoring to ;make a pupil understand the. nature and application of a passive verb, said, "A passive verb pressive of the nature of receiving an action, as Peter is beaten; Now, what" did Peter do?" The boy,,pausing wmoment,%With the gravest dountenancer imaginable, replied, "Well I don't know, without he hollered:, EoOtalini)''Stg*. CENTS PER -POUND‘, - ,TAXcSN - TO.RACCO.-4he GOtarnment is o.lrbiiit to= puta . tax of 40 pts. per pound ouTobacce. - You can save 50 liereent..by • , You - cOd sate 50 per tent.'hy - -. Buying your Tobacco at 3: D. JACOBS'. Buying your Tobacco at J. D. JACOBS'. Buying your Tobacco at J. D. JACOBS'. - " Prime Navy Tobacco at 75 to 80 cis. • Prime Cavendish Tobacco at 80 ats. to Prime TTOVnget Tdbadco: at 75 to 6Y lets. • . ; Prime CongreSs Tobaccoat 60 to 80 cts. Prime Twist Tobacco_ut-75 to 90-ets.- - - - - JACOBS sells. Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish. JACOBS sells Old Virginia Plain Cavendish. JACOBS sell• Old Virginia Twist. - 'JACOBS sells Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. JACOBS'..slichigan Fine Cut Chew ing,Tobacco. J! Cannot be Equaled,/ i. Cannot be Equal - bd. JACOBS' Segars are superior to all. JACOBS' Sugars are superior torall. Ireirells his own Manufacturing. Pipm4:-Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipes, Pipes,. Mahogany . Pipes, Apple Pipes , Molly Pities,ralia, Rubber Pipes,' Clay Pipes, and' 'other-pipes. Piqem and get your Pipes, Sugars and Tobacco at ! I: D. JACOBS', Main Street, Chambers burg., jan27-Iy. MEW TOBACCO AND 'SEGAR 1.1 STORE; To THE CitIZENS OF CHASIBERSRIIRG AND Vienwrxr_ The undersigned..having - been com pelled to kayo Virginia on account of his Union sentimerits - ,, his come among you to establish a bus iness; hoping from his long experience, and'by close attention; he will meet with a generous support.— His stock will consist of all the best brands of TO BACcOASD_SEGATIS, which he will sell as cheap as can be bad any where in town, Don!tforget the place, sign ofthe Virgininnigger," opposi e the l'ranklin: Hotel, meat door-to Shryock's l3mk State, South-east corner of the Diamond. jun 17,63. - - C. H. BUSH. I.V UST RECEED—A fresh supply=of t Michigan Fine Pit, Chewing TobaccQat ian27,ly. J. D. JACOBS'. A LARGE ASSORTifENT OF TO -11 BACC_O and SEGARS, at wholesale of retail at , . _.SHAFER. & STUART'S. Mato, erapo sts„Sttaiu Goats C 0 N D .A. , R.11A VA 4 - OF • HATS„ - CAPS' , - STRAW G-OODS! .'•' ' • , GREA . r-ATTRAC• tiONB! _ - . = • 'New Styles anl.Golid Qualities at Low Prices. I am now selling certain qualities of Straw Goods,at Old Prices. Odin rid tee, - / 'that I im,determined, to keep up the reputation of the Old Stand, k to sell ' Cheaper than the Cheapest. • • Don't forget that - • -DEC E R T has removed to His New St6re Room, • . 'four doors Sauth,of the 'Diamond. 'in the Room lately occupied hy A. J. White, 7 - L Chambersbnrg,- Pa. - Vubtirationo. . . NIA. s N TO H R O v OD D,_, : HOW LOST, iIQW . - 1)11: bULVERWELIIVuntbaltAnidle edi or tion on the,ratlica/ cure (without medicine) of Sperma tdrrhavt, &seminal Weakness, Invollintary' Semi nal.Losse Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Inca- Pactty.'lmnedimcnts to Marriage, etc.; also, Con 'Epiteprry. and Fits, induced byself-indul gtMeerr sexual extravagance. !Priee,,in a sealed cyclone, only 6 cents. 'The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful Practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the 'application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure, at once sim tde, certain and effectual, by means of which °Very sfffferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, - and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of eveiy youth and everyman in the land. J Sent, unddr seal. a plain envelope, to any ad dress, poxt-pnu f, on recent of six cents, or two post 'stamps. Address the publisher:.' - CHAS. J. C. 127 Bowery,ew l'ork. Post Ace box :1 -N 586. 5tme15,61-ly • " LETTERS .9F. ADVICE FOR LADIES: FIVE ANATOMICAL ENGRAVINGS. : - ~.' Has information never, before, published. ' Beni free in a seltled ei-elopc , for TEN cents, Address- 0 DR, STANFORD, july6-3m Do I No. 4,652 Now York P.O. CCiOUS' ISZZIE'S . A bright, snaiklinir little joUrnal ,Which•eviry little , boy, and girl (and older ones, tap) should ,sub serilio for. It is well filled with Interesting matter, Andiwill give satisfaction to all wh'o are not rent hard to nlea.e. Terms. 25 cents nyear. Address .7 COUSIN LIZZIE," N0.'48 Ann St. New York: ma2.sy-3m • , A MAN OF, A THOUSAND.—A Con, .umptivei eured.--DR. H. JAMES, a Retired ,Physician of treat' eminence discovered, while in Indies, a. certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Hrunchitas, Coughs, Colds and ',General Debility. The remedrwas eiscovered byjiim when his only child, a daughter, was !riven uP to die. His child was cured, and is now alive and well, Desirous a ;benefitinghisfellow mortals. he will send to those :who wish it the recipe, containing lull directions for making and successfully using, this remedy, free, ,on receipt of their names, with, two stamps to pay expenses. There is not a single case of ConsumP 'lien. that it does not at once take hold of and 'dissipate. Night sweats, peelishness. irritation *of the nerves, failure of inemory,diflicult expector ation, sharp pains in the lungs, sore throat, chilly sensations.rnauseaat the stomach, inaction of the bowels; wasting away -of the. muscles. - 4G.v^, The writer will please state the name of the paper they seen this' dverth„ornent in. Address CRADDOCK CO., mai:23-Iy9 225Noith 2d St., Philadelphia, Pa. , EMOVAL.--From4B3 Market Street 1 Li to the I argo IRON BUILDING, 513 Aiarket and 510 Commerce Streets, Philadelphia. More Goode than an, llottßeln the tnifed ,Stater. FRAN CIS,C US, 513 MARKET AND 510 COMMERCE STS„ keeps' the Largest Stock in the United States of 'Buckets. Brooms, TubsiChurns, - ' ••; Baskets, 'trashes, Mats, Moasures,.. CloeitS, Looking-Glasses. Oil Cloths and : • • Carpets.! Window Shades and Paper. Bird Cages,l.Japan Ware and Vihips. • • Also—Cotton Batting.' Wadding. Twine, Wicking, Ropes in Coils • ; ,and Dozens, Cotton Yarns, , Cotton and Linen Carpot-Chain. Dui prices' *ill average' Lower than any other Ilouse , in the city. Call andsee for yourselves. For fiirtherlpartieulars apply to S. S. SHRYOCK, phamberAufg. sop 2363 B, 13 0 0 IIN R R. FISH ER S.: 60,'S Book Bindery is on the Third Story of the' "MESSENGER . " . OFFICE BUILD ING, on the Diamond, above Shryock'sßook Store. Entrance between the Book Store and the Inland Telegraph office. -'Old Books, Periodicals, Idtisid,' WenrsPapers, ',kn.. hound in any style. Blank Books made to order, - Paper ruled to any pattern. 5at3.64 ,'OIIN a. norsiNs. JOHN m'ELvENET TOHN , C. TIOPKINS — & C 0... L _____IMPORTERS 'AND DEALERS 1N v40,A,. GLASS•AND QUEEN SWAR E, "No. 612 Market Strett, For trartitultui aPplyl,o S. S. SHRY6Cit 014“ib ashy:gas - • - ; - 3.4.zesi electi*prodamation. MEM ROCLAMATION.—S P ECIAL ELEC.. ... . , .... . . _ ~„ . -:- TtONa—ny vrevue.oi a W r it of Election, to me , directed, bey ANDatire:l3: Crane, Governor of the Coliimonnialth, given under his hand - iind the great eel'of the Stele, ittliarriaburg, on the 21st day of June. 1864, accordintotlenairoyisions of an act of thetieneml Assembly Of Pentisylvania, entitled "An Act preseribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approve' and r tifieation, or rejectin, the proposed amendments t the Consti tution"— . - 1 I, Sestur.i. EnkNoT. High Sh ( eriff of he countyof Frarfklinedo herebytualaekneWn and gee e trial) izb= lie notice to the Electors of thic count • of Franklin, that onth'e let •Titerday of Augustt , (being ,the 2d .day of the month,)aSpecialElect on will be held in the several Election Districts sista lishrd by law in said cennty, at which time they w'll ballot for ri;t ‘against certain proposed ametelineu tothe Consti time of this Commonwealth, which a e as follows:- - ' - There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, 'to be designated as sec tion-four, as follewa: "Sae. 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of thisCommouwcalth shall be in any actual. military service, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Common wealth, such electors may exercise the right of stif frage in all elections be the citizens, under such reg ulations as are,orsheli be, prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of elec tion:" SEC. 2. There shall be two Additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be desig nated us sections eight and nine as follows: • SEC. 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation hips. Sex. 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legisla ture granting ape pewees, or privileges, in any ease, where _the authority to grant each powers, or privi leges.' has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." Tlie s 'said Elections will be held throughout the ' County as follows: . At the Court House, in the Borough of Chambers burg, for the North Ward of said Borough and part of Guilford township. -At the Public Hewer ofJ, W:Taylor for the South Ward of said Borough. At the_Public House of John Gordon, at the West Point of Chambershurg, for the township of _Hamil -1 ton. At the School House in Fayetteville, for parts of the townships of Guilford and Green. At the Public House of Martin Shoemaker, in Oreenvillage, for part of Green township. At the Western School House, in the town of St. Thomas, for St. Thomas township, At the School House, in the town of Fannettsbing, for the townsnip of Metal. At the School house, in the town of Roxbury, for the township of Lurgan. At the (louse of John Harvey, forpart of town ship of Fannett. • _ At the School House in the town of Concord, for part of the township of Fannett. and At the new Stone School House, in Morrowtown district: for theother part of Fannett township. At the,Housenow occupied by Geo. Anderson. in the village of Quincy, for the township of Quincy. • 'At the Weitern School House, in Waynesboro', forthe township of Washington. ' -- - At the House of John Adams. in Greencastle. for Antrim and part of the townships of Peters and MogteomerY• At the Scheel House, on the land of Michael Cook in Warren township, for the township of Warren. At the Strasburg School House for the township of Letterk ennY. At the House of James Mullen, in the town of Loudon for port of the township of Peters. At the Log House on the farm ofJacob Elliott,for the Welsh Run District, being partof Montgomery 1 township. , j At the House of Thos. liP Afee, in Mercersburg, for parts of the townships of Peters and Montgomery. At the Mt. Rock School House. in Souuthemptmi twee for part of the township of Southampton. At the Eastern School Here% in Orrstown, for the other part of Soutnampton township. And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to Elections .of this Commonwealth," pass ed July 3. 1839 further provides, as follows, to wit: "That the Inspectors and Judges shell meet at the respective placese.eppointed for holding the election in the District in which they may respect ively belong, before 9 o'clock, on the morning of the 2d Tuesday_of October, and each of said Insnee 'tore shall appoint one Clerk who shall 'Juni:lna:fled voter of such District. -‘ "In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend on the day of 'election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for 'Judge, at the next• preceding election, shall act as Inspector in his place. And in ease the person who e has received the highest number, of votes for Inspector shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place, and in ease the person elected Judge shall not attend. then the Inspector 'yaw received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in his place: and if any vacasfey shall continue in the beard for the space of one hour attar the time fixed by low for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been elected. present at the time of eleetion, shall sleet one of their number to -fill the vacancy.", Particular attention le directed to the act of As 'SeinblY Passed the 22d day of Ami 1.1864, entitled "Au act proscribing the time and mannerof sub mitting to the people, for their approval and ratifi cation, or, rejection. the proposed amendments to the Constitution," wherein it is prescribed, SEC. 1. That sale election shall be opened, held, and closed.- upon the day aforesaid, at the places, and within the hours nt, and within, which the get oral elections of-this commonwealth are directed/4 he opened, held, and closed; and it sisal be the du ty of the judges, inspectors, and clerks, of each of said townships, boroughs, wards. precincts, and dis tricts; to receive, at- the said election, tickets, nut eNceeding the number of proposed amendments. either written or printed, or partly written and printed. from each of the qualified voters of this state, who may offer the same, and to d e pesit t hem in a box, or boxes, to be 'for that purpose provided by the proper officers; which tickets shall he, re spectively, labelled, on the outside, "First Amend ment," "Second Amendment," and "Third Amend ment; and those who are favorable to said amend ments, or any of them, may express their approval thereof, by voting. each, as many separate, written or printed, or partly written and partly, printed, ballots, or tickets, as there are amendments approv ed-by them: containing on the inside thereof, the words, "For the. Amendment;" end those who are opposetito such amendments, or any of them, may express their opposition by voting, each, as many separate. written or printed, or pertly written and I Printed, ballots, or tickets, as there tire amendments not approved by them, containing, on the inside thereof, the words, "Against the Amendment;" the electors, voting for or against, the first amendment, shall be oonsidered as voting for, or against, the proposed fourtlisection to article three of the con stitution, extending the right of suffrage to soldiers; electors, voting for, dr against, the second• amend ment, shall be considered for, or against, the pro-' posed eighth section to article eleven of the consti tution; and electors, votive for, or against, the third amendment, shall be considered as voting for, or against, the proposed ninth section to article eleven of the constitution, Sec. 2. That the election, on the said proposed amendments shall, in all respects, be conducted as , the general elections of this Commonwealth are now conducted ; and it shall be the duty of the Return .1-edges, of the respective counties, and distriets, thereof, first having carefullynseertained the num ber of votes given for, or against:each of said amend ments, in the manner aforesaid, to make out dupli cate returns thereof, expressed in words, at length, and not in figures only ; one of which returns. so made, shall be lodged in the Prothonotary's office of the Court of Common Pleas, of the proper coun ty, Beattie other sealed, and directed to the Secre tary of the Commonwealth, and .by one 'of said Judges depoe.ited 'forthwith in the most convenient Post office, upon Which postage shall be pre-paid, at the expense of the county. SEC. 4., That the several duties required to be per formed by the Sheriffs, Commiseioners. Constables, Judges, inspectors, and all other officers,-whatever, in, and abont the general elections of this COIIIEIIOI3. wealsh;shall be performed by such officera. in and - • about the election herein provided for: and all per sons, whether officers or others, shall be- liable to the same punishment, for the 'neglect of a n y duty, or the 'commission of any Offence at, in, or about the said election, as they would, for the neglect of like duty. or the commission of like of 'fence , at, in or about the general elections of thii Commonwealth. For the information of the electors of Franklin Bounty, lake publish the following, taken from 1171 `Act of thee General Assembly of 1839: "It shall be the duty of the several Assessors, re spectively to !theta at the place of holding every General, gpectal or Township election, during the whole time said election is kept open, for the pur pose o f giving information to the Tweeters and - judge, when called on, in relation to the right of any 'person assessed by them to vote at such elec tion, and on- such othermatters in relation to the assessment of voters as the saicllnspectors.or either ,pf,them, shall from time to time require. - To person shall be permitted to vote at any elec tion as aforesaid, than a- white freeman of the age of twenty-one years or More, who shall-have resided in the State at least ono year, and in the election District where he offers.to vote at least ten days, im mediatele proceeding'suchtlection, and within two years have paid a State or county tax which shall have teen assessed at least ten days before the elec tion. - But a citizen of the United States, who has previously been a' qualified voter of this State, and removed therefrom and -returned, and who shall have resided in the election District end paid taxes aforesaid shall tio.entitled to vote after residing in this- State six months: Provided, That the whiter freemen citizens of the United States between the' ages of twenty-ono-and twenty-two years, who have raids(' ki the election Maria ten tis,va as aforesaid,. ' July 20, 1864. c?ie~o~:,~amafi~n. C=:. ,- - shall be - entitl . nd tddntei, aAbough they shallMiele paid tools. I not ; person shall he pertnittid to vote whose n is not eentobled-ils the. litt, oir taxable inhabitants :famished by -..the-tout**Oners., unless, First, he prodades a receipt foryrayment, within twoyears ol a State or county tax, assessed agreeably to the Con stitution, and give satisfactory evidence either oh his oath or affirmation, or-the oath or affirmation of another, that he haspaid such a tai, or in failure to produce such it reePot. 'shall make Oath to thy payment thereof;-or i Second, if he claim a right to .vote by-heing an elector hetweentheages oftweaty-v-- one and twenty-two yrtSars,hhall depose on 'oath or' - affirmation, that ho has resided in the State -at least ono year next before aPPlicationtnrid make hiss atick proof of residence in the disttict as is.required this Act, and that ho doeS Verily. believe from the -- accounts given him that he is of the age aforesaid. and give such other eyidence as is required by this Act, whereupon the name-of the personso attained to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list, by the Inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto br writing the word "tax" he shall ho admitteilto by reason of having paid-tax or the word "age" i ' he shall be:admitted to vote by "vote of age,-and either case the reason of such vote shall be Called; oat to the Clerks who - shall make the like note ' the list of voters kept by them. "In allcases where the name of the person eltdin ing to voteis not found On, the list furnished by - the Commissioners or _Assessors, or his right to vole' whether found eitherhY verbal proclamation there-: to, or by any writ,en thereon. or pot, is ohjected by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the ' Inspectors. to examiner such persons on oath astir: enalifications, and if be claims to have resided with in the State for one year or more, his oath shall bi sufficeint proof thereof. -but - he shall make proof by at least one competent witness: who shall bea - Hied elector, that he has resided within the district - 'for more than ten days next immediately proceed ing said election, and shall also himself swear that his bon t tfide residence, in put:mance of his lawful._ culling, is within the district, and that he did not remove into the said district for the purpose of Tot ing therein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, or his residence and payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall be adtn itt ed to vote in the township, ward or district in whfeL he shall. reside. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre -vent an officer of the, election under this not front Wiling such election, or use or threaten arks vio lence to any such officer; or shall interrupt or Properly interfere with lam in the execution of his duty, shall.blbek or attempt to block up the window • or avenue to any window whore the same may lw holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace of said election, or shall use or practice any mtimidatioa threats, force or violence with the design to inthi enco. unduly or overaw any elector, or to prevent him from-voting, or to retain the freedom, of choice,: such person on conviction shall be fined any such not exceeding five hundred dollars arid to be im prisoned for a time not less than ono or snore that twelve months, andif it shall be shown to the court where the trial of such offence shall bo had, that the person so offending was not a resident of till' city, ward, district or township where the said of, - fence was committed, and not entitled to vote there in. then on conviction he shall =be sentenced t0.P0,7, aline of not less than one hundred or more than ors thousand dollars, and to be imprisoned not less dna six months nor more than two yenrs. "If any Person or poisons, shall make any bet or wager upon the 'result any election within this Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any, suth., bet or wager, of printed advertisement, challenge or invite any parsons or persons to make such het or wager, upon conviction thereof, he or they Auditor feit and pay three times the amount so offered to Di bet. ..- " Tinny person not by law qualified, shall fratida iently vote at. an election iu this Commonwealth, or , being. otherwise qualified, shall vote out of his proc_, per district, or it !any,person' knowing the want or such qualification shall aid or Procure -such ocher' • to vote, the person, on conviction, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars and lus imprisoned for any term not exceeding 3 months. " If any person shall vote at more thou one elec - tion district, or .btheryiise 'fraudulently vote mots' , than once on the, same day, or Finn fraudulent fold and deliyer to the Inspector two tickets. togeth with the intent illegally to vote, or advise and pro--; cureanother so to do, he or they -shall. on convic tion, be fined in any sum not less than fifty norm?* than five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned apt - loss than three nor more than twelve months. " If any person not qualillbd to vote in this Cam-- monwealth, agreeable to law, (except the eons of, qualified 'citizens) shall appear-at any place of oleo- - tion for the purpose of issuing tickets or of influent- icing the citizens qualified to vote, be shall, on con viction, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding ofst hundred dollars for every such offence, and be im prisoned for any term not exceeding twelve months. Agreeably to the &Ist gection of said net.-" Eve General and Special Election_shall be open betwe the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue open until seven o'clock in the amino when the polls shall be closed." Pursuant to the provisions - Contained-in, the 76t1. , section of the act first aforesaid,. the ,Judge's of an, , aforesaid districts shall .respectively take charge of the certith-ate of return - cif the election 'of thou. re.. spective districts, and produce them at a meeting ot one 'Judge from each district. at the 130rougleof Chambersbiwg, on the third day after the eleotion: being for the present year as Friday, the 5111 day ky . A trortkt itexti then and there to do and palm:alba. duties required by law of said Judges.. „ Also-1133: where a Judge by sickness or uhavoid-. - able accident, is unable to attend such a meeting Of. Judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid, shall be taken charge of 0114.! ot the Inspectors or Clerics - o f the election of said di:strict. who shall do andper , ` form the duties required of the said Judges unab)s to attend. Given under my hand and seal, at Chambersbung,- this 27th day of June, A'. D. 1864. ion e-te SAMUEIi 1111 ANI'T OburationaL Q 13 - A K .R CITY tTSINELSCOLLEGE N. E. CORNER OF TENTH AND.CIiiSTNUT §TIMETDI PHILADELPHIA, L'N'DErt THE MAN.IOI63IIKNI OP L. FAIRBA.NKS, A. M., • for the last four years Principal and Chief Business: Manager of Bryant S:Stratton's Commercial Collage-. MODEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Conducted on a new system of Actual Busing Training, through ther.mitablishment of legitimate Officers and• Counting Rouse, representing- different. departments of Trade and Commerce, and a regular Bank of Deposit.and Issue, giving the student all the advantages of actual practice, and qualifying 'him in the shortest posSible time and most effeetive manner for the various duties and employMents of busineas life. The course of instruction in the Theoretical De partment embraCcB 7300A-Keepi9ip , Can; m errial qal cututions. Leetures on BuciiccAv Commercial Laws,' I.l3rUAi 'Corr espon deuce: (tr. 31, THE BUSINESS' DEPARTMENT - • the student enters upon the Graduating Course, which includes a continuation in the above studici, with their practical application in all their details: He will in turn fill 'the position of Accountant anti Proprietor in the various departments of Molt...lair and Itetail Trace, Forwarding, Jabbing, miseion,Business, Banking. illnnfacluring.4lfilliVp Steantboating. and will finally act as Cab ier,_ Book-Keeper and Teller in the Bank, in each Or which poSitions hisjpreyious knowledge will bopni" to the fullest practical test. This Institution offers to young men numerous vantages not :possessed, by any Other Commerciat College iu the State. It is complete in all its' air pointments. It is - the only Institution in - the /Rat* conducted on actual businest4 principles. The court** of instruction is unsurpassed, and may be completed in about one-half ,thetime usually spent-in othor institutions, in consequence of an entirely new ar rangement, and the adoption of 'the_now praetient system. ", - . ° - Diplomas awarded, npOn the completion of I,llt I ,Comnierciat eninve. whieli embraces all except hither acts of 'Nuking, Masufactuiing, -Rdiir o e st a_' ing, &c. :Send fora circular. _ riIIAMBERSBURG S E - 141 INA It N.ATOR YOUNG LADIES. -The Spring Sonia will commence on Tuesday, Vet), gm 1864, but boar_ ders can enter at any time, and will T he charged' ae' cordingly. A large attendance, both in the primary and academical departments, gives evidence of aie interest in the school not surpassed in any former Period. , Miss S. H. Curtisoanstant in the Iskigherde nartment, bears testimonials of her eminent to instruct in the higher branches, from a &vinery i n th e west, where she taught for several yearte.—, The primarz Department is chieflY under the eat* o f Airs. C. -U. liloxey i -the effects' whose: enercti and efficiency appear m the flourishing condition of' the department, Miss Z. C. DeForest is well knile y st as an able arid exPerienced teacher el music. TUITION,—From S2B to' $l5 , per session of Me! months., Boarding; $6O. TBACHENI FURNISHESchooIs and fami-:_ lies in need of teachers' can bear of Yotmif lamM .well qualified, chiefly graduates of the Institut:Us* by addressing ,Hev. HENRI' REEVES. NVITIP4k.,- TOB. PRINTING. in every;etylevOgeni. atthe Officepf tbe IFILOII4pi,PROLOPaI