The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 13, 1864, Image 2

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'egal gottreo.
ET N I , ITION.—Be it resolved by the, Se iit
of Representatives of the Cepinionienat 10
Peenitykrnia in General Assemblit-tet, T•That' the
c?llownig amendments be proposedlalhe Consiiiii
'ken of the Commonwealth. in accordanceMstlis
fndvisions of the tenth article thereof:,.- --, -=
There shell b ...ii • additional section to the third
*stele of the Constitution, tiztbo designated as set- ,
lion four, as fellows: -. ,., • . •,, I - •
Sums 4. WhMieVer anY tiftheoridlified electors
Of this Cerarzb34lT,Oalthisilltibbein• anY-Actual militit
.unde -- rognisitiort -- from the President
of r-a,
the Darted States, or by the authority of this
mmoawealth, such electors may exercise the right
of ErogrOge in all elections by the citizens. undersueb
regal/10one as are, or - shall be, prescribed bylaw. as
- fully;ter-j4 they.vforepresent at. their usual place 'of.
election: ~._L -r-4•;- • :=-' • --: - - • • - - - '-' -- •
ISEktiloft . 7.. Ther if Shall be two additional sections.
to the eleventh artmle of the Constitution, tobe des
ignated as section Wight, and ninci:as follows : -• •
"SECTION 8, No bill shall-be,pwsed by the Legia
latere, containing, more than one subject, which
shall be clearly espressed in the title, except appro
priation bills."Ls
Sacrum' 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legis
lature granting vhns powers, or privileges, in' any,
wee, where the authority to grant such powers, or
privileges, hair been, or may hereafter be, conferred
upon'the courts oSthisComartmvreelth." i •
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
' ..; JOIIN P. P,ENNEY* ' , • •
' . =
• Sp ak drat* the Senate.- -
- Hien:saute% April '2E4,1864. }-
I do hereby certify that the foregoingis if
1 ' - full, true and correct cony of-ille original
. Jcint:Resolution of the- General AssemblYr
entitled ''A Joint Resolution_ Dreposingeer
tain amendments to the Constitution," asthe
-Is. }same remains on fi le in this office. ' . -
In testimony whereof, I have heretmto set
my hand - and Creased the seal of the Secre
tary's office to be affixed. the day nod year
it , above wiitten. ELI SLIT ER, - .
.„.,Seeretaryef the Comnionwealth . :
The above ReAolnfion having been - agreed to by a
majority of the • - ir . • re of each lionse,.at two suc
tieesive sessions . .e t eneratAssemblyof this Com
monwealth, .P . .. ed amendments will be - Enh ,
- witted to therienale. or their adoption 6r rejection.
year of our Lord ono tholisand eight hundred and
mity-four. in - accordance with the provisions, of the
tenth article of the Constitution, and the ocßets
. titled "An Act prescribing the time and manner of
submitting to the people, for their - approval and ra
tifitation or rejection, the proposed amendments to
the Constitution," , epproved the twenty-third day of
April, ono thousand eighthundred end sixty-four
may 4-130 . Secretary of the Commonweittlh.
...,....._ ...._:_...... 7 _ .
Lice is herebigiven -- fhat Letters of Adtaipis- •
tration on the-Estate of Robert Culbertson. late of •
Fannett towiltship, dee'd, have been :granted ',l.e. tho
undersigned ;residing in said township. . •
All person knowing themselves" indebted-to-said
Hetet': will please make immediate Payment ; and
those havinirelaims will present them properly an.- --
thentieated for settlement. l - ,
jane29l ',PETER SHEARER,' ,• J F..
m .3-'"
tico is hkreby given thrit Lett ers'of Adininiitra-
Oen °tithe Estate of-Emanuel Byers, late of St.
Thome t etownship. deced, have keen:granted to the
ondersigned,iresiditig in St - . - rhoni - as. 1
All person knowing themselvce indeblvd to said
state will p easp makeiminciliate payment; and
' these havin ,claims will prey: them properly au
thenticated or settlement.,:-'
;nne2 HENRY
---- RIVELL. Alin't
- 1,
tice is hereby given that Letters atAditinla
tration on thb Estate of John Burkholder, late of
ehambersburg. dcc'd, haVe been gfanted to the.un.
dersigned. residing in said - borough-.:
--All persons knowing'. theniselyes indebted to siiid
Rotate 1611-please make., immediate payment; and
those having',9liiinis will please present them prof
perly authenticated for settlement. -
Sin:lea • 1 CHRIETTAN STOUFFER, Adm'r.
iik. tier is hereby giren..that Lettei.'
o£ .xliniais
tration do bdnis non witluthe - will annexed, on the
ihttate of Cathaying :Beatty, tato :of Antrim town
ship, dec'd, lerve•been. gxAnted to the undersiw.Md.
repiding in (JhatuhersbargL7.:;'
All person§ knOming tlremselre,Clndebted to t!ii4l
Estate will plearemake immediate payment: and
thoee having elairml.will - pres.ent them properly art
thentleated for tettlamblrft
june22 W-AL'UR.BEArrit;Adger;
A . . .
flee le Wikeliirgiven ;that ,L etters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of Jolla S...Ludivig, late of
Ohambersbutg, decd, haVe been granted to the sal>.
*Briber. I • = : •
All persons knowing,themselv-es indebted to said,
Estate will please make-immediate per ; :and,
those having-claims will present then nreporti au
thenticated for settlement. - - . •
junels 3 GEORGE-LllilWlGvAdrit't,
A _ .
rico is hereby given that Leiters - Of Adminis
tration on t eEstate of Allen Nesbit,,late of . Van
nett town p, deed, hare been granted -to the
subscriber, r siding : in said township—'
All perso knouqpg: themselves indebted to said
Estate wil t 0111sp make immediate payment: and
those havin calms tyill - present them properly au
thenticated or settletanat.
jnnels . 1 - AlslEAHAll KaLlCAdEn'r.
A-k lige isiferebY given that Letters-of Adminis
tration with thn-Will annexed. -to - tife . Estate nt
Christian St nerAtite of itntrinitonmehip. dee'd.:
lave been Vted . to tho ,rin4ersiined, residing in
said toivnshi .:_,L3 r: \ ..•
. 1 •
&Iverson& jitlowing flint:selves indebted_ Weald'
Bataan will plane pitike untnediate:vaytnentriiiid
thosethavingiels.ittis4ill Vresetit - tbike,p Proveri.fsa—,
thentiented fil settlement.: r ,•• -- -...,_ ,- i" =
innna-6t* ,f, - JONATHAN ETION..KI4. Ad4i'i.:
:.t. . .. -
. .
BECUTOtSI . I-:N OtiC.E.—Notice is
ALI hereby kitthitLatfers`Testata . entary to the-
Baste of lidA aniesSill;•lata of the• Berough*:
Chambersbarod, harp bewegranted to t.bnunr,
liersigned, r • ah4.lin said Bercifigh. i
~5 , - -‘•• --- c
All person "towing themselvelindebted to anid
Rotate will ea,sternako immediate paythent :_an ..., d•
.. Shone Navin claims miff present there properly au
thenticated rsettlernent.y • -1.-_,., - • ' '
StmeB 1
l S
T. J. NMUELM. Y f 11.1 1 15. 11 I : tis ta :-
, ..." 4 „ . )., : ~
I'3TR Y.—Came 'to' the i'e'sidence":4
the sa riber, about 1 mile South-thict °Midi
ion, on the i hull. a BB4GHT BAY STUD COLT,
two years Ina Op - HU& - The - owner is requested
to prove property; pay charges and take him away, will hifkkivosed of according, to law.
S. cit. KEEPER, •
MOS-St* , '"e. ,-. cv- • • -D. J . :: HICKS. •-•
„ _,.,E173ant0.
WANTEto-,4 good TANNER' ~ , G ood
waortfitudeftqadi employineut*lll beAven.
Andy to ttteAsidualgia9a, near Mercersburg,_
.111)27-tf „ „, C., IMCALF.
Tit 0 0 N
JLP. BR &-.44).'& Book Bindery is on the Third
NO, on thetrianiolid, above Shrieck'sVook Store.
Ontromoo between the Book• Store andthe Inland.
Telegraph offikez' Books, Periodicals, Music,
fewspapers, &e., bound in any stylo. Blank Books
made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. ja6,64
J 0 H P K LYS • 6e, O.;
• No. 612 Marko Strco, Philadelphia: -"
Par fart*Oicticilltifß 14 , 13. - s:siraYbeK
Cbasobasbarit: .8-13FV14
eumptroe cairect.—Vl.. JAMES, 'Retired
Physician of'great-encinence discovered, while - in
the Indies, pi certain cure for Consumption. Astbm a,
Bronchitas, Coughs,.. Colds and General:Debility.
The remed,twasseiseevered - by him when :his taily
Ishii& a datrghter,-iras given up to die:'; - Ilis child
was cured; andismew alive and well. Desirous of
benefiting laiage t llow mortals i he will send,.to, those
who wish it, tinc ; recip e, Containing full directions for
snaking. anti- successfully using ;this remedy, Tree,
en receipt of , their nanies, - with two stamp's , tn pay
• expenses. Thero,is not a single ease of Consump
tion that if,..does ;net at once take hold, of and
dissipate. *Night sweats, Peevishness, irritation
af the norrifsyfailiffetif'merriory,Ldifileult -expeciter
iharp-initiwial the lungs: sorti.throat, chilly
sensations, nausea at, thostoywh. inaction, of the
bowels:..WaStlng;nwar-af,thp nansties,
- 1 1- sip •ine, cotter-41d11 please state the-name OP the
paper they ata this advertisethentin. Address
22.'5.. 4 ,, , t0rth 2d St,,,Philadelphia,,Pa.:
ESITOG"'6 ;teat
Able awl titittattresiitifa'
Oe4iircittiOspx . e
mao tuiticfrtne... „ImfrreAtiiPSOck.lth,
V. 5 4 . i . thie411-Of4s
Ac shiell boti - tmtid , 'ncitt TAXATION-by or:'
under any state or municipal authority. Subscrip
tions to these Bonds are-received in United States
notes or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE
REDEFAIED IN COIN, at the pl casino of the Gov
ernmeit, attmi - pariiii hat less thuri - tift 710 r
than forty years from their date, and until their-re-
demption FIVE PER CE'N'T. tINTEREST . t 114 s
BE PAID ,IN COIN, on BonddefTnet over one ham.
died dollars'fiaiutilir and all other Bends ;3emi-an--•
nually. Tbckinterest Pqable ori'tlitifipt,Aiiya of
liareliana Perterater in each year. _
, •.• .
Subscribers will reeedve:eitherae&istered Or.Cou
on lontls, they mu prefer: liegisLeroitßonds
are rooorded iiif.:the - books ollhe Tr. S;Trensnrer,
and 7611130 tinnSfero4 onlyy on IttC - :pUrnei's order
pi4ion Ilontts arnjnYable to 'Order. and are mono
neaverdeint for eounnerei4isses. -
Subscribers tathislo 'will have the option of had
ring their.Bondadraliintere - st from March Ist, by
ribCraea interest in coin—(or in Baited
States . :notes. or Ultimates of National Banks, 'adding
fifty_ poi cent, for promiuMJ or reccivo then' draw
lag interest from the ate of sobscriptien and acPc
sit. As these Bonds aro
Exempt from 'Municipal 'ay State Taxa tecrp',:
their valuniiiiareased-from'ona,to three per cent.
per annum, according to the rata of tax levies in
, •
Yarions - part , ofee Duran'.
At tha . prosent'rataofpremitinr:On - toid the'-pay
in curreney, and are of ognel.c:inveniertee as a per
manent and temporaryiniestinor.t.A„ , _
it is believed that no neceritins offer ;'''ogifeat in;
ducements to lenders as' the iitrions descripficiiis of
Ue.S, Bonds.- accalt otherformaof indebtethiess, the
faith and ability of private Parties or
panicaor separap3 communities only is r;r4, , ed for
paymOnViiiile &Vile debts of the United gtafes
the whole property of the con n try - is holden to secure
the payment of both principle aiuf interest in nein.
Those Ppoitint - alfhe subscribed for in sums from
$6O - up to any Magnitude, on the same terms, and
-are thus made equally availabletpthesmallest Ipie
dei and, the latiest capitalist. They can t6n-
Tarp? d 'piney at any moment , and the'hOlder
will have the benefit of theiriteresL
It may bo useful to state in this conneetion'that
the to taltFunded Debt of the United States Onmehie
Anterczt. is paYable in gold, on the.ll day et' Mai-nh,
tekt, t 763,975,060. The interest on this debt for
,the coming filical year will lie $.15,937,1 `kLii , hile the
eilitosiisi•evenne in goldfor the eurrentilseal ynar
ending-June 30th, ISW, hns been so far_ .8t - the iati3
of over $100,000,000 per Anum.
It will be soen_that oven the present gold Vey
entiel of , the Government. are largely id excess of
ilia wants, of the - Treasury for the payment of gold
Anterest. *bile OM 'reeent ificrfousepithe'taiirwill
I..doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on
the same amount of importations, to $150;000,000
per annum. r "
• InstructiOns tattle National Banks aotieg as loan
agantswertiliot issued from thb United States Treas
ury until March 26, but in the fonst, three wk:eksof
April gie :subscriptions averaged more than TEN
Eubikrigions will boTeeeived by the.,
First Bankof Philitlelphia, Pa: SeoornkNaf,ionalliank of Philadelphia, Pa.
"Third P . atioiaal,Batik of P4l , loeltihia, Pa.
4:4. 1 33 1 1 ALL NATIONAL BANKS
whisk dopOsitaries of Publi& ihotiry,
tbronihOutthe botit*y; (actiifasngonts otthe
Depositors Banks,) will furuislifurtter infor
nib:lion on applibation
: _ ERS.. ; finay4-2ni
VOTIC -800k...Ac•
.k 1 counts of thf: of.-Htter, llamillbnS
Up., have' been left with-the underAgned fir collee
tion. thilesk:attentle4l:to' promptly, Flll CS will be
brought. • F. M. K1.1011E111",
jiikatgidap*:tolii etipbo
B i t:' - d
N IVAL "(14'
- r
B ` T
It' A Vir - '. GOODS! \
vs f .
• it \\.
:r •
HIE A t. 7N - : ;X-C t
•••••• - 10:" - """ •
ilfirWitiree r sig4N - itt4aiialttiesqtt LOW Prices,
ka now selling certairi qualities of
' - Straw Goods at Old Prices.
If Call and see ,
• " that I aun determinell to
• keeo so the reputation of the, Old Stand,
thaii "-the Cheapest. '124 '
" - Don't forget that
D I E C ER T •
ta4 removed to he w
is Store Deem,
ford' doors Sonth , of the Diamond,
the Room Lately eecupied
• •
Obambersharg.' Pa.' ' •
ttAtinizew., " - = • 4. a.-Emstetvi
• kot subscribers respectfully inform - their friends
awl the T bblic generally. Jhat they have leased the
above named Factory onensile north-west ofCham
bersbnrg, (best known as Borst'SFaatorY) for a term
of years, wherelhey intend to manufacture Cloth..
Sattinet, Blankets, Flannels and trarpetiag. from.
,the fleece of yarn. Country Carding and _Fulling
attended to, Also,—, Indigo blue, and fancy dying
done to order,: Having added a number of new ma.
chines to their, Factory, they are now prepared to do
work in the best §tyle and hope to be able to render
general satisfaction to :all who may favor - us With
their eitatom.
sWOOL :left at the Stores of J . : a. Elder and
B. Feld: , in St., Thomas; • das.3), Scott, in Bridge
ort, -and at thelfoxise'cif Erribicb, on rrenklin
Ohainberstruit, will lie called for every two
weeks and rettirn.ed whop fini4h ed. '
junels-3ra H. EMBICIT. &
pAUENTS• OF : .S'eLblEltq in the . sdi
1 vieb_, cr in Et'f,rifili;e:4l3 'Mini qiein'lvith
CE 3 I'IORY-lbrt , e nicabi , ferM eta:; six months
hi; • vat sl,(l)v • -
TC4 3 4QQQ, B,EGARS — A large
etth'iitzii ana Toliatco
and tetratis,:ittst reedive.d mid for
;. D'S OvicentEt6mli
ebt franklitt tleptistioxp,, iliambersburg, Pa.
• L
1 A
are cured bY=
Hooltan's - oEitkix brft.oB;
• . .
Theseßittgrshafe performed more Cures
anddtcgiv:e bettek s - atistactioilV '
' liai emote testimony) s
Hive more'respectatile people to vanch for theta r
filip.n•any otietarticlain the market.
We defy any,orie I; contradict thia assertion, and
WI-LL PA $10740
Tony one who will produce acertificate,publieffed
t ny_us. that is not genuine.
ertn7..vise of
Chronic or Nervous D'ability.Diseases of the Rid
-- now, and Diseases arising from - a
Disordered Stomach: - -
, ,
"Obsertei the, following - Symptoms, resulting from,
Diso'rders of the Digestite Organs:, • . -
Constipation: ,Inward Pile's, Fullness or Blood to
:the liettd.Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea.
heartburn, Disgust for Food. Pull=
floss or Weight in the Stom- '..-
soh. Sour Eructa
tions. Sinking • -
-or Fluttering at the
- Pit of the Stomach.. ,Scrim- •
, - mine of the head, Hurried and Dif
cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart;
:Choking or Suffdcating Sensations when in a king
oosture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs
before the Sigh t ,Feccr and DullPaio
- in the Head, Deticiecy of
- Perspiration,ielicrw- ' • '
ness of the -
• Skitrand•Eves. Pain -•
in the Side. Back. Chest.
Sm., Sudden FlUshes of nia e t;:
Burning in Abe — Flesh, Constant Imaging
ings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits
REMEMBER, that this Bitters is NOT •A4CO--
BOLD", contains ne .Rllll3 or Whiskey, and ca n 't
make Drunkards, but-is the BESTTONIC in: the
From the Rey. Levi G. Beek, Pastor of - the Baptist
Chinch, Pemberton. N.J.; formerly of tho North
: Ch arch, Philadelphia:
* havoiknownllooliand'sGerman Bitters*
favorably for a number of years. I have used_theui
in My own family, and have been pleased with
their effentli that I Was induced to recommend them
to many others, and-know that they have operated
in a strikingly beneficial manner. I takci.treat
pleasure halms publicly proclaiming -this fact, and
calling theZattention of those afflicted with - the dis
eases for -which they are recommende4to these
Bitters, knowing from experiehho that my recom
mendation vrill-be sustained: 1-4.10 this trioreehecr
fully as iloofland's Bitters is intended to benefit the.
afflicted; and is " not-a rum drink."
lours .truly.__ G. BECK:
- , -
Pram Itev. J. Newton Brown s D., Editor of the
Encyclopedia of Religithis b.nowledge and Chris
tian Chronicle. Philadelphia.
-;;Althiattgh not disposed to favor or recommend
tentlledicines in general, through.distrOst of their.
ingredients and effects, 1 yet-know of no sufficient
reasons why a man may not testify,to thethenefits he
believes hiniself to have received from iany simple
preparation, in the hope that he miry thus contrib
ute to the benefit of others. .
I do this the more readily in regard tO tlOol3andtlf
German Bitters„prepared bY_Dr. C. M. Jackson, of
this city. because I was prejudiced againAt them for
mauv years, under the impression that they were'
Chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my
friend, Robert Shoemaker. Esq., for the removal of
this-prejudice by proper tests, and for encourage
ment to try them,-when suffering from great and
lone:continued debility. The use of three bOttlesot
_these Bitters, at the beginnin , g• of the present year,
was followed by evident relief', and restoration to a
degree of bodily and mental igor which rbad not
felt for Ox months before, and baslaintostdesnaimd
ot regaining. I thereforothank God andmy friend
for directing me to the nse of them. -
d. NEW ON Bnoonqiiitaa7o
From the Rort - Jos. If. Ketinatil. Pastor of the Pee
Baptist Church.
Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir: '1 lave been frequently
requested to connect my-name with cmumendations
of different kinds of „medicines. hut regarding the
practice as out of my,appropriate sphere. I have in
all eases declined.Olut with a clear prordin varions
instiinees. and phrticularly in my family, of the use
-fulness of,Dr. Ifoolland's Clerumn Hitters, I depart
for once from my usual course, to express .my full
conviction thatior penerardeb Wiz/ rkf jh pysitem and
cmenifilly fi,r Litt6r Coo-Vali(. it 1 , 1 a safe awl ye/-
noble piewirtltion. hi some emses it may fail: hut
usually - . I doubt nfit. it will be very beneficial
thotiwho - suffer from the above zause,
ours terY respectfully, J. 11. R BNN ART).
-•- Eighth below Coates StreetiThiiadelphia.
, ,
Frum ,Rev. Itiarren . :7Mandolph,- Pa.itor nfTantis
Church, Geriintotown. Penna.
Dr:o. M. Jackson:77,Wear SW: Personal experi
ence enables nteto - tiaYhat I regard the German
Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent medicine.
In 614418 01 severe cold and general debility
been greatly benefittea by, , ,t he use of, the Bitters.
antldonbt not they will tWoduee similar- effeets on
others. s Yours truly. , . ,
WARREN 11.4NDOLPII.Gerint6town, Pa.
From Rev.-,.T.ll..Turner. Pastor of — Bedding 3:t.
Dr. Jackson 4—Dday Aiving•itsed, your Ger
-man Bitters in fataily.treouentlYJ am prepared
ta4ity.l m
hat it tovi 'en •great serViee. believe
thatin most diiides,of general debility l f the system
.it igthe safest and most valuable remedy of which
1.14,e any knowledge: - Yours respectfully. -•
J. .EURNER.726 N. 19th Street.
- . .6
FrOm the Rev. J. M..Lvons. former Pastor of the.
Col ambits (Na.) and .Slillenstown (Penna.) Bat
clot ChutehS.
NE:Tr Itoczn:r.r.z. N. Y.
r. C. M;Jeolcson:—Dear Sirlrlfeel ik a...pleasure;
thus, of my own
,accord, to boar testimony to' the
excellence of theiGerrnan Bitters. Some Yoartvelnee
be'ng . tnuch e;ftlicted with Dyspepsia; I :u se d Men
With very beneficial - results. I. have often re
commended them to persons enfeebled by that tor
ti3enting disease. and have heard from them the
most flattering testitnonia4 , as to their grentAalue.
In cases of general debility, I believe it to be atonic
that cannot besurpassed. J. M. LYONS.
From the Roy. Thomas Winter, Pastor f Rozbor ,
ough Baptist Church. .
Dr..Taokson t—Dear Sir: I feel it du( fo'yolluest
delimit preparation, llooflandle German Bitters, to.
add , my testimony,to,t he iiesers. ad reputation it has
obtained.. I ' have for years. at times, been troubled
with great disorder in my head and nervous system.
I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your
German Bitters. I did FLO. and have experienced
"gieftt and ulexpeeted toy health has been
very materially benefitted. I confidently recom
mend theartiele where I meet with cases similar to
my own, and have been assured by many of' their
good offeets, ; Respectfully yoirrs.
T. WIN. TER,/toxborons.b.ra.
, ,
;From the Rev. J. S 'Termer', of tile 'dermal:l Re
formed Chareh,,kutttown, Berke county, Pa.
Dr. C. M. Jasoi :—Respeeted Sir have been
. trSubled with D yspepsia ; nearly twenty years, and
have nei-er used any medicine that did me as dhoti
good as Heof4mrs am very, xnueh im
proved iniheattfi, after having taken fiVe bottles. •
Yours with respect. - J. S. IIEAMAN. ,
. .
P"R C :
Large Size (holding nearlfdouble,guantity) - •
$1 perßottle—haff dozen:s.s 00
Snw3liSizi-Jl5 Cents per half 4 00
. •
Sep tlial the signature of "-D. 31 ,\ JitC1130;i.'.'
' • 'is en the' Vrp.APPE'lt'of each
ghoiliaVl:ix:nearest druggist nOt ItaxWeitarticle•
donut be nt 6ff brabY oft eintoxientan.gprepara-
A o ris that offered twits Place, but send to us
and we viillforward,seeprelypacked, by espies
N o 63IAttrwStris ET
' (Siaeoeisersie , tic Co.), "
; , • PitoParisoss,;
FOR !gAtE by:DYdggists:and Deatorkitieverr,
Virivinthe Unittettallom.- ;:) • ; '
Erg at 9. lraw Mrs.
A . • - 0
. ; •.
‘t.• - - 4 •
:t! .e I , _ ';1 - 1 ,i,
~ ,; 7 4
5'4 ANYin Ricsipt of diet'. i - 1 ,
a,• - - :.1 ANY in .!
:.-,, ,-,!---;-
SP , RI'.N T C:K;;,(3-1'
4 „
Oir tisoriment-lsnow complete, attifwe cait' offer to
_ •
otar friends ct . i'liMiasome ss.l* s orimilit 'of
SS G.,,0 Pk - D S:
• •••,.,_
'as can tia haya
Prin ts 'Ett. 16,. - 15.34 V.2sand cw,.
Printed ire Laines:
AU-17601-De Lairteg.
Silk iVool
Wide and klarra e * Cheek.
Black Sala, Fancy Silks, in great varlet)*
Plain Black Groitaiines, dontilo,nnil twisted,
Embroidered Grenadines,dottbie & twisted
_ B A L-M- O-R A - L
Ma!marals and Skeletons all twice:).
C Q R'S E T Al
All sizes and beat elualltY
Black Silk Trimming Lace.,
Black Silk tartiice.
s _ 2
Embroidered, Hem
MourninkisnA utbrinilereil in colors
Alorst.r.dcr's celebiated I
- 611k,,bislTlirsd, Cotton, l &
_ . .
lti,e hays now a t operate , apartment for Mourning
Gaiids.Ntaturout stock ii`co plate
in ewers prirtioulat.
.Wand P 4 All-N96l 7 :DeLtainei t . :
Criburvi, Ca.shuter4s,,,fl
lAPOk Crape Veils. from 52.50 to $7.01).
• •
Crape Falls Tucked,
` - Ov!pef Faits,
• ,
CFpPts from 45 coats tip.
Hemp Carpoto., ,
All-WPOvI Carpets,
MA T ` I '\'G.
White and,Checke4
. , , _Cocoa, Matting.
• ,
Queenrware in sets or Wine pimp. We are pre-
pared to fill Ordetitfor fly quantity of
Our, 'stock is complete in/erery 1112 e; and if our
frieuda want goddbargadns,,alfwe hare'
to say is, that - M
-s'le the pfae'e 1
to seeu're:theta. ' •
ay Pa.
Otectiow Vroitaut atiott. -
ricck.-4 . ty virtliti 'Of a Wjitof 'Election, to mo
tureetal ettertzi; Governtir of tile
ComnitmvealtWgiven„undOr his hand and the great
heal Of. the State. atilarristlurr,„ On-,the 21st day of
June, 18154. according to thePrevh l .lo.6) of act of
the General Assembly of Penni:di:ante; entitled "An
Act prescribitag the time and manner at - submitting
to-the people, for their approval and ratification, , or
rejection, the proposed amendments to the Con ti
I, SAnura.Easxor. 'nigh Sheriff of the coontY of
Frtmitlitr, do hereby MAIM ktiO*ll and - giVO this phh-
lic notice to the Electors of the county of Franklin,
that ort the iftt Tuesday of Aug.n.t (being the
2d day of the month,) a Special Election will be held
in the several Election .)istrlsts establishrd by law
in,said coon ty,Att which timerthey will ballotfor
against dertain proposed atacticiments to the Condi=
tion of this Commonwealth, Which are as follows: .
\Thre , shall be an additional sectionifo the third
article of the Constitution, to ho 'designated as sec
tioil four, as follows:
"SW. 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors
of thisr ; ommonw ealth shall be in any actual military
service;-under a tien from (he President of the
United States, or by the authority of thk Common
wealth, such'electors (nay excreise the right of suf
frato in all elections by, the citizens, under such reg
ulations as are,or shall be, prehrihed by law, as fully
as if thdtere present at (heir usual place of elec
- • .
Sac. 2. Tliere-shall be tvie additiotral:seetionh to
'the eleventh artiefuot the Constitution, to be desi?',.-
tinted as sections eight :Ind nine as follows:
•"*.sge, s.No hilt 4ball passed by the Legislature
containing' more than ' one subject, which shall he
clearly expressed in the title, excenvapproprirition
"Sm. 9. No billshall be pussud by the4;,cgisla
hire granting any powens, - AnYeftse,
where the authority to grant such powers; er privi
leges. has been, ormay hereafter be, conferred upon
the eourtt of this-Commonwealth."
The snid Elections will be hold throughout the
County as follows:
At the Court House, in theßernhAef Chain Wis:
burg, for the North. Ward of - said...Utile : ugh a.4il Part
of Guilford township.
At the Public house ofW.,Taylor for the South
Ward of-said Borough.
At the Public iiduse of John Gordon, at the West
chambersburg, 'for the township of
At the School House in - Fayettgyille, for pets of
the townships of Guilford and Green.
At the Public House of Martin Shoematkr, in
Greenvillnee, for part of Green' township. •
At the Western School House. in the town of t St.
Thomas, for St. Thomas township.
• At the School louse, iu the town of Fannettahufg,
for the towtisnip of Metal.
At the School House, in the' town of Itoxbuii-, for
the township of Emmen.
At the House of John Harvey, for part of toWn-
Ship of Fatolett.
At the School House in the town of , Concord,tor
P4tt of the township .of Fanaett. and • '
At the now Stone School House, in Merrowtown
dilitrict, for the other part of Fernett township.
'At the House now Occupied byGeo. Anderson in
thevillage of Quincy. tOr the township-of Quincy.
At the Western School House, in WayneSboro';
for the township of Washington.
- At the House ofJohn Adams. in-Greencastle, for
Antrim and part of, the townships of Peters and
Mogtgoniery. ,
At the SelMol Horise, , on the hind of Michael Cook
Warren townshipifor the townstdp.OS Warren,
At the Strasburg ',shoot Elonsefor.the township
' •
if Letterk enny. •
At the House of James Menem in the town of
Loudon for part of ithe township thf Peters.
At the Log Howie bn.the farm ofJacoh Elliott,for
the Wel:4ll4Elm District, being part of Montgomery
At the Roused Tiami:M'Afee,inMercershurg, for
parts of the townships of Peters end Montgomery.
.At the Mt. Rock Scheel House, in Senutharupton
tip.. for nartof the township of SOnthampton.
At the Eastern School Ilon:e, in Orrstown. for the
other Paftof Southampton township. -
And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act
:relating - to Elections of this Commoniealth," pass
ed July 3 , 1839 Niftier. provides, as follows, to wit:
'."That Inspectors and Judges shall meet at
the respective _plaCes appointed for bolding the
election in the District in which they may 'respect
ively belong, beti\re 9 o'clock, on-the-morning Qf
the 2d Tuesday of Oetober..and each of Said Insned
'tors sliallarmaint one Clerlewho shall:be a qualfied
voter of 'Such District. - • '
, "In case the persthi! who shall.l ave received the
second highest number of votes -for Inspector shall
not attend on the day of election,. then the person
who shall have received the second highest number
of votes for Judge at the next preceding election,
shall act as Inspector in his place: And in ease the
person who has received number of
votes for Inspector shrill net attend, the' person
elected Judge: shall appoint anAmmector rn his
place, and in ease the person elected Judge shall
not attend. then 'the Inspector who received the
highest number- of votes shall appoint a Judge in
his place: and if any vacancy shall continue in the
board for the space of one hour after the time fixed
by law for the opening of the election, thaqualified
voters of, the township, ward - orMistrict for which
such officer shall have been elected - ..present atthe
time of election. shall elect one of their number to
fill the vacancy."
Particular attention IS directed to -the at of As
sembly Pa.ssed the..22d day of Aprit - IS6I. entitled
"An act, prescribing , the time and manner of sub
taitting to the people, for their approval and ratifi
cation. or rejection, the proposed amendments to
the Constitutioml wherein it - is prescribed,
St:c.a. That saint 'election- Shall be opened, held.,
and Onset'. upon the day afar csaid, at the.places,.
mill Within the , hours at, and dcithin, which the gen
eral elections, of this conimonivealth are directed to
be opened, hld, arid closed ; and it shall be the du
ty of the judges, inspectors, and' clerks, of each of
Said townships. oroughs, wards. preeinets, and dis
tricts,lo receive, at the said 'electiOn, tickets, not
exceeding the number of proposed..amendinents,
either written or ;printed, or: partly written_ and
printed, front enen ' the„qualified voters.UP.this
state, who may olf&the same, arid (chicon:lß them
in a hex, or boxes,to be for.thatpurnose provided
by the proper officers; which tickets shall be,.re
eVectively, labelled, on the outside,"First Amend
ment,"_"Seeoad cedment," and"Tkiird Ainewl
ment ; Mid those Who are favorable to:said:amend.,
meat, or any of them. may express their approval
thereof, by voting,' each, as many separate, written
or printed, .Or partly written ttud partly printed,
.ballots, or tickets, as there are-aorminiontsapprev
ed by - them. containing, on the inSidn - thereof the
words,-';Ter the Amendment:" end those who are
opposed tesoch amendments, at any of them. may
express their upp6ition by voting, each, as InallY
separate, written •or-prirrted, or partly written and printed,-ballots, or tickets, as thereare amendments
not approved by them, containingr 'the inside
thereof, the words, - Against the Amendment:" the
electors, voting for, or against, the first amendment,-
shall be considered as voting for, or against,-the
promised fourth section to article three of the eon
stitution, extending the right of soldiers;
electors, voting for, or against, the second amend
ment, s h a lt be considered for, or R - 71,111:lit, the pro
posed eighth section to article eleven of the consti
tution; and electors, voting for, or against, the
1 third ataendment,shall he considered as voting for.
or against, the proposed ninth section to article
eleven of the constitution,
SEC. 2. That the election, On the said. proposed
' ateendmentS shall, in all respects, be conducted as
1 the general elections of this Commotterealth are now
conducted; and it shall be the duty, of the Return
Judges, of the respective. counties, and districts,
thereof, first having carefully ascertained the num
ber of votes giv en for, or against, each of said amend
' meets, in the manner aforesaid. thmalie out dupli
cate returnathereof, expressed in words, at length.
and not in figures only; one of which. returns, so
made, shall be indeed in the Prothonotary's office'
of the Court of Common Pleas: of the proper aeon
-I.Y, and the other - sealed,and directed to the Seere- •
tary of the Commonwealth, and by one of said
Judges depo§itedTorthwith in the most convenient
post office, neon' which postage shall lie pre-paid, at
the car:mime of the county. _ „
&Iglu Buttons:
Pombuzinep. 4c,
_Crape Collin.
Crape Setts'
Three-Ply Carpets,
Bruzsela Carpots.
Sr.c.4. That the several duties required-to be per
formed by the Sheriffs, Commissioner s ,' con s f a hl es ,
Judges, Inspectors, and all other officers, whatever,
in,' and about the general elections of this Conunon.
wealsh, shall be! performed • by . such officera. in and
about the election herein provided for; and all per
ions,- Whether' Officers or others,' shidi be liable
to the - same pitnishment, for Abtf , neglect of any .
duty, or the;, Commission of any offence at, in,
or about the said election, as they would„ for the
neglect of like duty. or the tomaiission-ot like of
fence; at, ih nr about the general -elections ft,r 'this
Commonwealth. -
For the inforMation of the electors, of Franklin
county ; I also publish the following, taken froth an
Act of the 06136 a) Assembly of 1839: ,
. .
- It shall be the duty of the several Assessors, re
spectively, to attend at the place of holding every
General, Special or Township election. durum, the •
whole time sal& election is kept open, for thp . pnr
pose - of givint,:informaticin to the Inspectors and=
Judge, when shined on kin relation the' right - of
any person assessed by them: to vote at such elm-•
tion. and on stich other matters in relation to the,
assmwment of ,veltersag the said 'lnspectors. or either
octhem, shall from thtieto tinicfrequire. ' .•
No person shall be permitted to vote atnaireleo- -
tion as aforesaid,' than a white-freemalLaf the age of.
twenty-one years or more, who shall have res,ulcd
in. the State at least one year. and'irt the election
District where he offers to vote at least teMdos;ina
modiately proceeding such election, and within two
years have paid a State br mitinty tax which shall
have Yen-assced at least ten days before lb eelec
tion. - But rteitizen of the United States:Who has
previously been a qualified voter of. this State, and
remove') therat - om and' feturned,, and who shall
have resided in the lection-District and paid taxes
aforesai shall he entitled. ter•vote . aft&residing in
this_State six months:' provided, That the, white
freemen 'citizens of the Dnited States.between tbci
ages of twenty - lime and twenty-two'yetits,'Whe haim
rosined in the election district ten days as aforesaid,
July 13, 1864.
4 tertion v irt:-$ ll *.' •
sha . ..heferititleuito ;Tote,' aithOti4h tXteyliiiiall not
h.lve paid taxera , li,,„ ; l ;
*No pewit' shall boAiernsittedievottathose name ,
is niltecattnined-lis thO s liisl - ofitastittlerinhabittints
furnisliett lay -- Abe CominissintiOlOttdess. First be
Produces A recelpt fbr payment, *;thin two years of
a State or county tax, assessed agreeably to the Con- -
siltation, and give satisfaetorY evidence either- On
his-oath or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation' of --
another, that, he, has paid such ataX, or ln-ffir"
to produce suchr•ectipbf shall make;' oath t rho
payment thereof clilint
eote , by,beingan eleeterthetweenthengeroftw
one and. twenty-two years, shall depose on oath or
affirmation; thatho has resided:it the ;State
one year next before aPpliaition.andmake
proof of residence in the district as is ref - mired by
this Act, bud that he do-is verily, believe from the
`accounts given him that he is of the age aforesaid.-
- and give such other, evidence asis,retinired
Act, whereupon - themanio of the person Readmitted -
to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list, by
the Inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by
writing the word '.4.a x" he shall-be aflmittedtio-vats
by reason of 'having paid tax or the-werd 'tege"
bestial' be admitted to vote by reason of age, and i a
I either case the reason of such vote - shall be called
out to the Clerks who shall make the like notojp,
the list of voters kepthy"thetti. =
"In all cases where the name of the person claim
ing to vote is not found on the list furnished by the
Commissioners or Assessors, or his right to vote .
whether found-(tither by •.‘;erbatprochtmatFidh,thefti - s:''
I to, or by any Writen thereiin dr s not, is °Wetted-ter'
by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the
Inspectors to examhic such persons on oath as to
qualifications, and licslaiins to hate.resided
in the Stag for one year Or more; his oath shalt bid
sufaccint proof thereof:, hut, lacishalL tnalte_pronphy
at least one competent witnthis who shallbenenal
ified elector, that ho has resided within the district
for More than ten days next immediately Preceed
ing said election, and shall also himself swear thitt
,his bona fido residence; :in . imrsunnee of his laWftiV:l
calling, is within the dist-lid, and that he did not
remove into tho said district fortite Purpose of vet
! inh- therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid,. and whp
shallmake due proof, it' required, of Ins residedes
and payment of taxes, as aforegaid, shall bo admittr
ed to vote in thetoaMihiP:.wradtw:distriet in whielt - !! '
lie shall reside.
"If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre
vent an ottieer of the election under this act from ' ,
holding snob election, or use or threaten - any
lence to any such officer.-or shall interrupt Or -
properly interfere with shim in the - exeention OftoS.
duty, shall block or attempt to bloclinfifllewititletr
or avenue to any window where the same may tut
holding, or shalt riotously disturb the peace of said
election, or Finll or practice any intimidatios
threats, force or liblenee with tiro ileShrti to influ
ence, unduly or • oversew any elector. onto Provenk
him from voting, or to retain the frecdoth arctfoica,
such person on conviction shall be fined any sum
not exceeding five hundred dollars and to be im
prisoned for a tune-not less than one or more than
twelve months, and if it shall be shown-to the deert
-where the trial. of Ftch. Offence shallbe had. that
- the person so offending was nut a resident of the
city, ward, district or township where the said of-.
fence was committed, andnot entitled to votctlicro,
in, then on convict-oh he shall be sentenced to pay
a trio of not lessthau one hundred or rain:ethanol* •
thousand dollars,and to he ituprisoned,not less thee
Six , menths nor more than two years:' ' •
- If any person orpersons, shell make any bet-ne
wager upon_ the jesalt of any election within th
Commonwealth, or shall offer to make Saw- - -suet -
bet or wager, of printed advertisement, challenge or
.. invite any persons or persons' to make Ruch liet or
wager, upon conviction , thereof, he or they shall for,
feit and pay, three times the amount so offered to 4.
bet. -
'Tony person not by law qulifified,shAl frandh•
kiddy vote at an election in this Commonwealth, or
being otherwise qualified, shall vote outof his pre
per district, or if any person knowing the Tent , of ,-
each qualification shall aid or procure Such person
to vote, the person, on conviction, shall be fittollia
any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars and bs
imprisoned for any term not exceeding 3 months.,
Ifperson any shall vote at mine than one elver -
tiou dietriet, or otherwise' fraudulently vote Mote "
than once on the same day, or; shall - fraudulently
fold and deliver to the Inspector two, ticketstogether +-
with the intent illegally to vote, or advise and, pro 7-
e'nre another so NO% he or „they shall, on eonvir;-,
lion, be fined in 'Any Jr' not thati fifty nor More '
than five hundred dollars, and be- imprisoned not ,
less than three nor more than twelve months, •
If any her,son not qualified to vote in this Gem-,
Morin-math, agreeable to law, (except' the tong at
qualified citizens) shall appear at any place of eled
Lion for the purpose of issuing tickets or of infifit3nr:
eing the citizens qualified to,vote, he shall,,en epo.-- - -
viction, forfeit and Pay any suns not excending_olos!
hundred dollarii. for 'evefk such offence,- and helm
prisoned for shy term not exceeding twelvemontins.-*
Agreeably to the 61st section of said act,;.lCre37- -
General and Special Electien shall he open bet*el7*
the hours of eight and ton in the forenoon; bud shaW
continue open-until-seven o'clock in the evening,- _
when the polls shall be closed." .
Pursuant to the provhdons contained in- the VIM
section of the act first aforesaid, the Judges of tint -
aforesaid distiiets shall respectively take thin* Of -
the certificate of return of the election of-..thow
SPective districts, and produce them ata meeting ot ,
one' Judge from each district, at the Borongti of
Charebersbrirg, on the third dny'after the election.'
being for the present year on Friday, the oak
.Aliongt,riext, then and there to do and „perform the
duties required by law of said Judges,
Also—That where a Judge by sickness or unnyoia
, able accident, is unable to attendstieh tt mettle's; cif• -
Judg'es, then the certificate or return aforesaid,ishall -
be taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Werke
of the erection of and district, who shall do and per
forMthe duties required pe the said Judges'unablia
to attend, •
Given under my blend and seal, at Chambersburier
this 27th day of June, 1. D. IEO4.-
. ,
le A K. E R. C I'T
L. FAIR BANKS', - A., M. -
for the last four years Principal ancl'OhiefEtrintem
Manager of Briailnt Stratton'sC6thmorcia:/boPCOL
ocruducted;on anew system_ of Actual :Business*
Training, through the establishment, of legitimate;
Officers and Counting Honse, representing different
departments of : Trade and Commerce, and a reguitti
Bank of Dope* and Issue, giving the student all
the advantages of practice, and qualifidrig,
him in the shorteSt possible time and_ most effeelive
manner for the-various duties and 4rop)o.yroeuts of
business life.
The couritt of instruction in the The erotical rte-.
partment embraces Book-Keeping, Co intn e cii
eu tat ion a, Leetu pee ari Bite . iaeleiiiffairg, Pen' via - *Aim
Coeurv2relial Lerfor, Farms; CorrelPaacee, <fte.
_student enters upon the Gra4ating Coarsta.
whichiueludes a.eontinuation in the above studies. ,
with their practical application in,all their details. •
Ise Willie turn till the position of Accountant: stayi..
Proprietor in the various departments of Witelesat t .,
and Retail Tradr, Forwarding, 'Jobbing. and. Cap- •
In is Rion B asinev , Banking, Ma nztfactarino, Kininitt. •
Steamboriting. de,, and twill .frafillY act as OrrAftta.
Book-Keeper: and Teller -in the Bank, in each 'Qf
which poMtions his previous knowledge,will.he.Puti
to the fullest practical test. • '.. •
This Institution offers to - young men ntinterow4 ad
vantages not possessed by itnY other- Cenitnerelat •
College in the State. It is complete in: all WI
pointments. It is the only Institution "sit
conducted on actual business prin pl . Tlineeurnit:
ofinstrue ti on is nnso6iited, end may be compietitd •
in about ono-half the time, - usually spent intothiir'-
institutions, in consequetiOn of MI entirely neretv:.'":
rangement, and the adoption of the new prnetleaa'
system. ;
Diploinas atarded 'upon the comphition of
Co s !nrlner+/- Cour4c, vdaieh.einbraces all eteepi . trie" .,,
'higher i3eti of /tanking,
Send for a circular. dec:2-Iy.
011A3113t.A.S131InG E N
FOR YOUNII_LADIES.—The Spring. Sessietr,
will commence on Tuesday, Feb. oth 1864, butboari
dens can enterat-any time. and wilt be , charged tor . '
.eordinglY. A large attendanbe. both in tbb Prignll7;
dint academical ; departments, gives , ovidenee 9I tat ,•
interest in the School not :surprmed in, any former.
period. Miss S.'ll: Cartis; assistant in the higher '
partment, bears testimonials of her onabaent fakir
to instruct in the higherbranches; from n Semi - Orr
in the West, where she taught forroweral years.—
Thebriniary Department, is:chiefly tindei the gat*,
of Mrs. C. B. :Mosey : the effects 'of wholio energy
And - efflCienbrappeOr irethe flortrishine cenditiob '
the department. - Miss Z. C. DriForest rs well Itmwr
as an able and e.xperienced teacher of mimic. -•."
THITTON,—.Yrom F. 48 $-15. per -130A..jealilltre.
months. Dosiding: SW: - -"
lies- in , riend"of ,teactrers - him" off-741ratt
well qualified, chiefly graduates of- the Instrhililemi
by adtiretsing
Prn..?7=tf. - ' ' HERRY'REgirES I , t
T'OB-ITINTING, in every style, don
II • atthi Of6Ovfof Pit-eqKtWlEttl/01V.-