13 [~ goal's gpittioite• AGRICULTURAL.: r. THE CANADA THISTLE. ',One of the greatest cares of the farmer now is to keep his land clear of dangerous .weeds, which pollute his soil, exhaust its *ength, 'and:Sometimes almost if not en-. tirely destroy his crops. Of late Years the most dangerous weed has b beert the ;Canada Miele. Until recently it was' 7unkuOwn in.tluis section of the country.; but it has steadily . followed the lines of transportation, especially the railroads, `hntil it la . s , made a lodgment in the Cum berland Valley.; It abounds in the streets of Chambersburg about the Railroad „Paildings, and is spreading gradually over the county. The seed. protected by its coat of down, is wafted by the winds Mlles, and-wherever _it falls, whether soil . ,be rich or poor, the Canada • Thiele will grow ;'id when it once gets ,'0.514,171t, •it will allow of 'no diVision of the soil; bat claims allthe nourishment for it- Its „roots penetrate the earth very deep; and spread from year to year, until the:ground h4 - crineS but a net-work of TlOstle roots. Unlikeihe common thistle 'it ispost tenacious of lif — e. — The farmer may mow it down, but he will, 'Bud ten ,new stocks springing up in pike of the °old one, and so-it steadily extends until . t'becomes.perfectly master of the 'soil. • In, order that our tanners may laLow this pestilential foe, we have procured an iacenrate engraving of it when in 'bloom; and by observing the peculiar formation oftheleaVeS,. it can be readily distinguish na oed from the common thistle. The season of the year is nearly at hand CdniuluThistle must-be attend ed Ito Will soon bloom,' and unless Jseaionable war is , made upon it with mat tock and salt, its seeds will ripen, and v„,lliey Will he spreading all over the coun- Viiir, irl iflieir downy bed. Every plan of 'culture Of the oTound has been tried to exterminate this seed, but without sue -gess ;• audit is pretty well settled that in ivay can successful war be made #9OO t. ;lust when it is in bloom take a :mattock and Out, the stocks off even with lie,"tiiPOf the; earth; or a little under the ~, earth', 'and drop a spoonful of; salt on the ' 1 stinip.- , Ina majority of cases the roots .will.die,'and-aa the seeds on the stockare destroYed before maturity, it Le prevented fro)n spreadin g .' We entreat every far e“‘ , anei not to delay in looking carefully over entire . farm, including the lanes and , fente-corners, and if a stock of the Canada can be found, let it be cut out and i 'i It ; applied 'to the stump at once. •It iiaboUnd.s more - particularly along the line of :the Cumberland Valley Railhead, but it doter many' borilOs” ofs the ASOuthern SectiortOf the county. .3 •' • n most o .t Ps States the destruction of Canada ; Thistle is made obligatory. k"Tn;l'ctfutsylvania•ivc have, a statute on the - Indiject, passed, 'March 22. d„ 1862, which 10. fintpOses.severe , penalties for permitting gee 7~hilit7e, to' go to seed.. In order that famers may fully understand 'their 'duty to themselves and each ether in the ,rnatter,..We. COPy the law entire: • kiEe.ll l lo74 Ii Be ii enacted, kc., That from 'and biter the Passage )f• this act, it'shail be the duty OVery person ,or iersous,'and of cry cur 'o'--poration.bolding :lauds in this Commonwealth, 4 . , taitheritlt lease or. otherwise, bn which any - Canada Thistles, or ,weeds,commonly Imbwn'as (,'ttnala Thistle,' may be growing to cut the 4 "Afre; as "to ,prescat such weeds or -thistles • gditig geed, and the seed" of the same from ripening; and' at person or persons; or -ocerptfatforcits athresci , who shall or-May have Claild'ilenforeinid, in the said counties, and who " I sliall.licilect refute to, comply with 'the po visions,of this act; shalt forfeit and pay a fine of deliti . rs, one-half to the county treasurer, wstia-the other half to the use of the perdon -14."suing:for the, swine, who shall be a competent ' 3 "iiksituess'to prOve the facts, to be recovered as 3 iiiktVerdehts oftho like amount befde any justice .I,of the peace,: of in any court of record in Said cvuutr• • - • Skciibk , :a.: . - That if any pet:Won personr, iJdp'cdtlfooration.'so holding laud as aforesaid. o which qatitidit Thisf leS, or the weeds commonly kneWlit'as'siiCh, shall bt growing and likely so finptinislithl , tfi.l.rcim; neglect or refuseitoccneand deattily!the',.,karne, so -Irs to prevent the seed frion erpdhtng. it shall and may he law.' fill farahy)mh:on `or persons, Who May "cousidcr .tAheirifietves aggrieved;. or abbut to be injured by 'such Ategject or. rottisal i to g i ve live ''day's no ti ce in writing, to„sneb person or persons,_ or *lteration, to cut and destroy such weeds'or .I'histles:".atitl on ;their neglect or refusal to cut "•litul'd(strOy the name ,tit the eial,.offive days, it shall and may be laiitfal for-.any person or parsons so aggrieved, or believing themselves about to:be injured 'thereby, to enter upon, or hiraiither persons to etiter opim such premises, and cut down and destrby such Cations Thiatlei; and the person Or persons so employed,..shall be entitled to recover from such person or per sons, r corporation, owning or holding such land, compensation at the rate of two dollars per day, to be sued,for and - recovered as debts of like amount, before any justice or court in said counties. , We have some ten. native and introdu ced species of thistle, but there are only two which are very .troublesome to the fanner, and these are foreigners. The common "Bull 'thistle," or; "Michigan' thistle," (Cirsium tanceo/ation) as it is sometimes called; is the commonest 'of our thistles. ,It is readily known by. ith broad luxuriant foliage audits large heads which are an inch or more in diameter. Though_ ekeeedingly - troublesoMe, espe chilly in grain fields, where its prickly leaves are a great annoyonce to the bin der,' it is not difficult to exterminate. Being a biennial the root is,readily pull ed. A far more troublesome plant is the Canada Thistle (Cirsium arven'se) which 'is perhaps the worst weed with which the farmer has to contend. As other, com paratively harmlesS plants have been taken for 'this, we' give ,a very good en ; graving of the upper part of a flowering plant: This differs from the common thistle in being a perennial ; besides its strong roots, it throws out into the soil nu merous strong root-stocks, or underground 'stems, which, from a partial war-farl against them only flourish and multiply. When one Canada Thistle appears upon the farm the war must begin: ,It is mod est in its first appearance, presenting but a small tuft. of prickly leaves, often hid den-by- the; grais,, but it must be exter minated at let alone, the root stock extends it*lf - for a long distance in. all directions,- and 'branches are thrown up to the surface." These are apparently winter-killed, but the returning summer shows that th% not the case, they are only killed down to the ground,. and as soon as favorable - weather comes their prickly stems arise from, the subterra nean 'buds and stand in bristly defi -mice to 01 cultivator. Wherever a Can ada Thistle appears, cut it down.. We have but little 'belief in specific,applica tions to weeds, but we have known these and other thistle's to` be destroyed byent ting as soon 'as . they appeared and ap plying salt to the pnrtion remaining in the groimd. Whether. the first year's at tempt at exterminating this peat is suc cessful or not, it' isn duty that each far mer owes, not only to himself but to his neighbors, to prevent dissemination; let no plant npon the.premises 'lower, much less perfect its seeds. Patience and fre qnent cutting •as fast as it appears above the surface, will in time destroy, it. FARMERS and others interested in the pro- gress of agric'ultnre, can now send small par. which are depoAturiel of Public money. and eels of seeds, cuttings, &c.,, to tote Agricultural `.4 ItESPECTARLE BANKS AN BANKERS Department, by mail, without-pre-payment of: throughout the celhtry, Ole tinß aR %Tent; o f the Na - postage. " They cau,also receive- these articles, i tiotial Depository Bank , ;.) wit( furnishfurthciinfor 'when on hand for distribution, by addressing the oration on app heti titfa t Al 10111) fACILITY- TO SUBSCIII- Commissioner: - finav4-':n ,---- = N ol' i t (~:, r . i _ : _ rt ie f Nottr l thti i l l iool . .: 1 Ac,! VIM, Q 111) illei — OXits ; co.. b‘o°...-.A,66e.n.) !It': wit.l-, =!,L,.....,7,,k.„..„'.1;...ein'ed ifi.,iir-ie:,i,•rie,i_ 1 . ~. , . non. Lie attuoled to prolontly. nits will be brought. V 31. IiTNI3IELL. • juno2.3-3t. s RENNP.DI: S: 'SILL. 1 Ile. , r•------.:---0- , - - % - ~.-.....................-..............--...., IN ampaigC'aper o LINCOLN and JOHNSON• 1 •.i'ci'dECON 1) A 11. 11 Il'A I, 01' • 47 • i. UNION - AND !r FOR THE RIGHT OF Mr \ FRACE TO SOLDIERS ! The Proprietori of the REPOSITORY Kill issue,:flßEA T ATTRACTIONS! On Thursday;"July 21st. • and weekly thereafter until the fiill return; of the Presidential election can be giien, • • THE OLD FLAC: a neatly printed Campaign paper of TwENTI couSiNs, devoted ekelusively to' the elect ion ABRAILIM Lis'coLN and ANDR'iI" JOUNSDN. It will contain; • Port its OlLneoln and Johnson, - and other eminent men ; MAPS Ofq3ATILgS & BATTLE-FIELD . and will wage relentless warupon Coiperhead4 until their decisive discomfiture in November next, FLAG , TIM OLD FLAG is designed for universal cit.• ciliation among the People, and, will be printed at the lowcst possible rotes: Two numbers N% ill i be issued before the special election ttmleeitle ' upon the amendments to the Constitution'alletv- •• ing—onr gallant soldiers to vote, and it will ; earnestly advocato ibe _right of our heroes to • cast their suffrages on the field to sustainOM sacred cause for which ,they are perili .. ng their ' c n. 13131011. I ' ' J. R. EM132(11, lives. ' ' ' ' ' ..._ IENT.RE W.OOLEN.F.ACTOR.Y.—TIie , - , , ' slibseriher. respectfully inform their 'friends TERMS-CASH - IN ADVAIiCE .3 end the 4 &the generally, th;x4 they stove tom& the, il , above named. Factory one mile nortli-west of Chain. i One Copy, •_ - oc s t Tr thu( hest knoynai lor.t's Factor • y) fora terns oyear., where they intend t 10 Copies to one addres, $4.50' Sattinot, Blankets, Fiannc , is , and Carpeting from the litie-c. of yarn. Omuta' Cardirm and Fulling. ` 9 O ' 44' Y‘ ci - $,00,' attended to. Also—lndict,blue, and fancy dying , , ' lone to order jHaving added a number of nowina -30 . " ' i i , " - , • 10.50 74 • • , ' ,‘ ohmes to their P . m:tory, they are now prop:veil to do 4so 66 • '4c- iC "'Elmo 4; work in: the befit style and hope to be-able to render ' • . . 'l .c.i.icral sati4.iction to all who may favor us With- And at the-same riit,e.(.3 4 opts ,per copy) for ; their ca ,t o m, any number over fift'• ' ' 4 ,, ,:1i- WOOL left at the Store tof .L (I.:Eldett and y. , ' ' B. Poltd, -in St t Thomas: Joy. B. licatt, . in . Midge za- Let every earnest Union mail at once 4 port, find at the Houg6 of 11 Einbich. On Franklin St.. Chambersburg ' will -he called for eviery• two entlitnence to raise a club for his immediate ! weeks and returned when llnislied. neighborhood. so ,tb a t all the inlmbers can by ! ,i l l7,),eirt:4l,L I_ H. EMIIICII& &IN._ secured • . . , . -- .- - -_ _ - i ......4 marked. " I;nz" by the, manufacturer.onTiles -, g , r Pl--"Zt Ile first number will contain a Portrait dity eveninfr of last week, on Market ~ • trect; Chitin of Priddent Lincoln, and the second will con• : tienzborm The finder will be suitably rewarded by fain zi:Fekrait of Andrew Johnson. • - i loavinx them at this ofticc-. 1 Littne 29 - 2 t * - -- ----- • Address . . ./ii!dLIJIZE & 'STONER. , jrp HE -FA-IR.—Just reeeived 'another:lot 1. X Pantaloon tiontis.PrintA , l) aoodt (I;`c , t „ CAam6ersblirg, Pa, t f* .31 .1111iTe Li r - c" ''l an 1 71 'CI t. , Lions Junc. A t 4„ .11.1. TL:: IEN 'S tife fraußtin cpositorn, it)inbtreburia, Pa. - S. 10-40 130N155.--Thesit lion'cls ar© ••-)• issued under the Act of Coneress of March Bth, 1864. which Provides that ail Iton6isZned tinder this Act shrill be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or ' under any state or municipaliinthority. Subscrip tions_ to these Bonds are received in 'United States notes or notes of National Banks. They-are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN. at the pleasure of the Gov ernment, at any period ni.iiiess than t'en nor more than forty years from ,thaiffdafe, and' until their re :ylomption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL REPAID IN COIN on Bondi of not' ver One hun dred dollars annuril4; and all other Bonds semi-an nually. The interest is. payable on the first- days of March and September in each year. Subscribers will receive either Registered.or Cou ton :Bonds, as :they may prefer. lleiisttirtid Bonds re recorded on the books of the , -15 .S. Treasurer. and can be transferred only on the owner's order l'oupon Bonds are payable to oid'er. and ore more lonvenient for commercial uses. Subscribers to this loan will har'tithe' option of ha : ing their Bonds draw interest frOm March Ist, by layihg the accrued interest in coin—(or in United ;tates notes. or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for premium,) or receive them draw ng interest from the date of subscription and depo sit. As these Bonds aro Exempt from Municipal or Suite Taxation, heir value iditased from ono to three Per cent. .er annum, according to the rate of tax levies in arions parts of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay OVER , EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST o' currency, and are of equal convenience as a per mnent and temporary investment. ft believed that no securities niter ,to event in 'ueements to lenders o r the varioto; descriptions of I. S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the 'aith and ability of 'private parties or stock emu tanies or separate communities only is pledged for >ayment, while for the debts of the ,Fnited States the whole property of tb e country is holden to secure -he payuctent of both principle and interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from ; , ilO up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and ire thus made equally available to the sulkiest len ler and the largest capitalist. They can he con verted into money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of theinterest. It miry -be useful to state in this connection that the total Funded De 6t of the United States - on which interest irniyable in gold, en the 3d day sf March. 1.881, was $768,975,000. The interest on this debt for - - the coming fiscal year will be $45.937.120, while the ,customs revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, eliding June 30th..1861. has been so far at the rate of over $100,000,000 per almni. It will be seen that oven the present told rev enues* of the Goverrinrent are largely in excess of the wants of the Treasnry for the payment of gold interest, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the'annual receipt: , from cu, , toms on the same amount of importations, to :1150,000.000 = In4trnet Mee to the' National Banks aetieg as loan agent:mere not i.kmed from the United States Treas ury until March 26, but in the fir. three wags of April the subscriptions averaged mere than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will he received by the. First National Bank. ol Philadelphia, Pa. t Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pe. Third National Bank of Philade/Phin. Pa. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS cop 3a 5 Taps Shaw 01304 11 A TS, eA PS ~ ; STIZA-W GOODS ! New Stylas aid fiend gooliti , s I,lt. Low Price' I I rim now svllia7 evrtran c±ttttilic:: of etrav, Goods at Olfl Pricf that Tam clet,.7l4o:iud to keep up the reputatir , n (b 1:. the Old Stan.), 4 :'3icz,r..tr than -).1f., haft roll-low:1 to hilt Now Storr Room, fontdcors :lonth of the Diamond in the Rooth jutely occupied by A. J. White, 1 . r .osT, ' -- -7 6 :t.... p;11 r ofSTEEL,SCISSQRS. I I=BEIZI CICIEZ:I I=MS:2 Call and so, MEE =MEM Don't f rof that D E C ii i•: R Chhmbersburg, Pa tteal-Goiate *ales. - FARM FOR'SAI;E.—.A. valuable Farm, 'containing_l . lB ACRES and S.? PERCHES of • first-rate LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Mont gomery. township, Franklin county. Pa;, within 2;!::: miles of Mertershurg, and 1 4 miler from the Turn: Dike leading to Grecromstio, hounded by lambi of Dr..l. M. Ilcister, Noah Myers and , others. The aboVe described Farm-is in a high state of _cultiva tion, and Over'.soll panels of good - Post Fence. The improvements are a new two-storied II R ICR lIOhSE, With good Log Kitchen and Dining Room attached, a good Double Log Barn, 'sheaded all around, with ato floors, Brick Granery, good Car riage Hotiilly. Wagon Shed, Smoke House, &c. A good thriving Orchard of first-rate Graft,ed Fruit, a mover-failing Welt of Waterwith Pump in the yard, and ,Running Water convenient for stook. A small Portion of 'said Firm is Of good TIMBER. 'There is also'goodlrater Power and Mill Scat on said prem ises. Also, about 17. ACRES' of good TI M BE R LAND, about mile from , said Farm, which will be ?old with or without the above, to AU it purchasers. If the above property is not suit at Private Sale be fore die Ist of Scptamber, it will be sold at Public Outcry on that day. Any person wishing to- view said premises -can do so •by calling on the under signed. Executor, residing on sold -Farm., • JAMES IVITHERSPOON. niaylB-tsl E'er of John Witherspoon. dec'd. [Lancaster Tzaminer copy St and sendhill for coLl "(TALITA BLE FARM AT _PRIVATE V SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private sale; his FARM. -situated in Letterkenny township, Franklin county, Pa., adjoining lands of lAbraham Wenger. Heirs of David Zimmerman, Sr.. dee'd, Joseph Bollinger and others, near the Conodognin nett- Creek, and about one-half mile from Pleasant -Hall. It contains 183 ACRES and some perches of good SLATE LAND,_well limed. About 715 acres is excellent MEADOW. seine timber and the hot line° in a high state of cultivation, all in,mteoltent order and under good fence, a large part of which is Post and rail fence,' The improvements are a LARGE T W 0-ST URI ED LOG - HOUSE pert weatherbrirded, a Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other necessary out-buildings.,. There is a Weil of never failing Water at the kitchen dour and a considerable stream running through the mead ows. together with water in every held, making it a eaPital stock farm. Persons wishing to view the premises can do so'hy calling on the subscriber resit ding on the publieroad one-half mile cast of. Plena ant Hell. . 'ninc22-3nl WILLIAM GILLAN. SR. IARAr FOR SALE.—Containing ACRES of good SLATE LAND. and nearly all fresh Limed. Bounded by lands of Daniel Mil -1,,r. Abram and Noah Myers. The above Farm is in a good state I,f cultivation, with over 30U panels of good. Post Felice. The improvements arc a good lOti HOUSE. good Log and Frame Darn, shedded with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib.' A good Young Orchard of choice Fruit and a never-failing Well, with Pump,in the yard.- Abodt 20 Acres of above Farm is covered with good TIMBER. This Dwell ing is a very pleasant and comfortable situation. about 3 miles from Mercersburg, on the road lead ir; to thd Corner. The thove Farm. if not sold tit pnvute before, will be offered at Public Salt oh the Int doh r t f Srptenther, when an indisputable title will he given by the undersigned' Executor. • . JA LIES 0. CARSON, Executor of the Estate of John Little, deed. Any person wishing to view said farm can do .10 by calling on the sdin-criber, residing abbot mile from said Farm. maylB-ts JAMES WITHERSPOON. [Lanea , ter'Examiner cops 3t and send bill for eol.]' • lx-t-A.LITABtE , F ARM AT PRIVATE I SALE.—The undersigned will offer at Private' Sale. his FARM, situated in Lurgan township,' Franklin county, Pa., adjoining lands ofJohn ; E: and John - M'Clay, Daniel Clippingeb • Joseph ers and others, near the Conodogninett creek, and •about 5 miles from Shipperfsburg. Containing 268 !ACRES of good SLATE LANI& well limed. 70 'acres of this tract is well TIMBERED, 25 acres in ,!.MEADOW and the balance in a high state of culti ;ration, all in excellent order and well fenced. The limorovernents are a two storied log WEATHER ;BOARDED HOUSE, new Bank ,Barn 72 fcet long, wagon shed mid all other necessary and c on v en i e nt out-buildings. liMre is a IVell of never failing Water at the door and two ORCHARDS of choice I :Fruit - on the premises. There is also a good TEN ANT - HOUSE on the farm with a 'Well of Water convenient and all necessary out-buildings. Per sons 'wishing to view the Farm can do so by calling on the subscriber, living in Hamilton township; oar on John E. M'Clay. adjoining the flirin. ilirieS - tf JOHN ZOOK. VALUABLE STEA;iITANNERY FOR SALF4---The undersigned will sell at Private Sale, his TANS ERA. known as the Cotner Tannery; with Steam and. Water Power, SAW-MILL, Chop. ping -Mill, Stocks for breaking hides, - Ste. The Tan nery hits S IhmeheS.:tiVats,'2, Mines and Water Poel, , , and is capable of tannin , : SOU heavy hhirs a year. There are two LW; DWELLIN'II ROUSES. Barn. , Stable . and other necessaitvioul-b,itilding,l connected„, with(the Tannery, and about at Acres cleared, w.K.44 ; good fruit. Be will sell any ntiantity of land with' the Tannery. from 100 to 700 Acre& overnTo -Acres are-Timber, and an amide supply of 'Chestnut Oak Bark to roil the Tannery for _fifty years. It-is situ, tiled about 7 miles South-east; of Mercershurg, :on Licking Creek. Terms made easy. For further Partieulars address the imdci;sig red,at 31,9'm-share, Franklin co,. I'n. [nnen-If] .' C. M ETCAL,F. IMALL , FARM FOR SALh.—Theatita a•riher,will.sell nt Pi irate the SMALL PARM ~ nwhiph he now resides. situate in Antrim township. Franklin t-ounty, about sik miles from Creeneastle. oft tho Cashman road. adjoining lands of Samuel Myers and others, eon tainiae about 40 . .t.t , Rlis . all cleared l on .t, in good order and under good fence. There is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrif ty trees on the place, and a Well 01 excellent Witter. The imorovementS ronsitt of a two-story 1,(1' Iff ELLA NO 110 USE, it Bank Barn 4.2, feet long. and well finished. and all other neeer.sary out-huild logs, Pre will be given' on the Ist of Aplril. Terms will fre made known on application to the sniweriber, residing on Itm nremises. - oet2l-tf - SAMUEL C. kRIPEIL )ITALIC SA LE.—Bv virtue of an• or- I. der of Sale. i.scted nut uf the hurt of Comtupn Picas of Franklin county, to .the undersigned, there will ba exposed to Publie Sale, on the mem lsns,ott irvviir 7 r. (s 4 of .10 la, at I o'clock, a TKAoTO F L AN I), contai ,in abota. ACM situated -t etterkenny tOwnship. formerly the oropertY of Mrs. ltaitsnider, bounded by limas of Christian Peek And John - Crider, Terms cash. WM. S. HARRIS, SAM"EI, •: • JOHN Directols of the PPor. ITOUSF . .: AND' ,LOT -FOR SALE A tile hortmgh at M'Cunnellshorg, Yftl ton enmity. Pus Tiarce //onbly TWO STO N." Elwin Roeme,-fC Cohen, House. : TWO IdITS OF , ' ()Rol' ND. choi,e Fritit. and Shruisbery : Stu- Idinzfor thirty-tiro bur..lbs. Locution and building! suit ible for a Bidet. haring been used as a _"avers far • number ofyeut Ti Wull of miter at theldnor. All in good order. Vl° subscriber will sell a t , it bargain, and, give pos....es:fit:in at any amt. For information on or ariarPi: ROBERT ArITZ, mayli-tf?AlVorincllsburg. Filltan t'ouu:y;.Pa.- ii".. Geo. A. Smith, Eq., my Attorney, will give all neccssarr, information itt ab , ecce. 11. A. rprmßFAt LAND AT PIIIVA'rE SALE. Tht,unden , imied offm's et P,rivate'S.l.le, ACRES •)F TrmuEtt, LA - N - p,-at the foot Neith Mountain, seimii miice - North er Chamber hurt,' ecll>et With Cho:Alva: Whitt Oali ( moU4ome i.0.•-'•[. The Che.tnat i,fart.rienougli to cut f For once 31114 terms 4p ply to the uni , ieesignefl. K eetTer s dtarc. r jun v , 22-3ie NV s. KEEP VER. - 17 ALIT:V(II.E Ti)WN PROPERTY, FOR SAT,E, 2 —The 11QUSF and 1:0T as Wet Mar l:et street, Chamb:srAlivg, now aeetipiedHon. F. .111. iq olferl:cl at private A bNir mice; an.l terot6 apply to , , JOHN' M' DOW EI.L• m.11114-tr, 111 . 1 A V `TA AT - PRIVATE _ will Fell or: exchange the INDIAN' 917EEN 110TET, for ',Tonere,- in Chantborslmrz or ,[3p2o-tf,] ; JOHN TAYLOR. R T'lrU R NDOLS 11 MANUFACTURE OF ROSEWOOD. AND GILT- hIPULDINGS, • 'l,o6Klis.; iiLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES, • of every deqdription. N. Ir. - T grabART) Clit.i.outt.i:Sr.g., PHYLA. Orden; to tbedargest extent even:lndy exeented. °Hers tilted by S. S. SIIRYOCK,. Chatubev4b . g, Ps 5an.,•23 . „ ril TIE UNION 'COUNTY COMMITTEE IL. will -meet at the Oil M o. of the. Chairman. in m Chab-vbarz. "ort B , ,lardav„lhe oth thev Walatk, T., -!A fail atlemiarn,'e is re queqe4. inn J 01IN STEWART. Chairman_- 7 10 R, 'S4kLE.-A :new d.ELYVEST EEN PLANO. 7 oaaves, w itti, all thelmnroententB: t 52 ,0.: Factory price S 281). Also, ri,l,E.uge MELODEON 111 , 11kiremt, the Seminars. [jupe2,l)-2t , kTAND-BILLS, froai - the largest to the smallest. in Plain ir' 1 treniO. printed at ,thn'otliee of the FRANK LIN risposcroitY. 11 (7 - 1SITING CARDS printed' in 'J)ek style and atshortest notice, at the REPOSITORY :otri-v. • - TPB PRINTING in eveTy.,fityle 'dole J at .the Oleo of the FRAlncunt pyTeErrdity: Aotelti, F N 4 di 0_ T E L 1 .EAST: S//L11.,0P CARLISLE STSILET. , . , - ; :o lt, triE - N,O 4S,T LE c PA. .- - ' The undersigned respectfully announces td.the Traveling Public that this Rotel has been remod died. The ROOMS are large and cfmfortable, and., are all Well Waisted with good ikeW idritituro. 1 3 Person; stopping at this Hotel canlave either Dou ble or Single Rooms, with or witho t Fire in - them.' The TABLE 'is alvya supplied wi h the beat' iri the' market, and his BAR filled with the ichoieest Li-. (priors. • ' , - . There are also lame DOT and a pair of HAY and ,F;TOCK-SCALF I S connected with the Hotel, for ho aecommodation of Drovers and Butchers. ili4 STALE will alWays be provided with good,' wholesome Prdvender fop stock, aud ,attended by careful Ostlers.• junet-thd! jOILN*II. ADAMS, Proprietor HOTEL.,--This Hotel is situ ated on the 'corner of Main and queen Streets, Chambersburg,.Pa. , The undersigned respectfullyannotnicesto the tns-' venlig public that tMs Hotel has been remodled. It has been raised to THREE STORIES in height. A line three story Back-Building has been added to it, giving an immense amount of room for the accom modation of tho public generally,' The Rooms aro large and cOmfortable,numboringin all, thirty-tive. They are all welli fUrnished with good New Furni ture. Persons Stopping at this Hotel can have either double or single rooms, with ofswithout fire in them. The rabic is always supplied with the BEST in the MARKET, and will seat over I® persotis. THE BAR is filled with the" Choicest Liquors. The Stable is two stories, of the most modern style, and the beet in the Borough of Chambersburg. . june 153 JOHN" FISHER, Proprietor. MTI-IfTE SWAN - HOTEL, North Main y Street, Clianibendirg,,Pa.—jjavingnurclins ed this Well-known Botel, - (long knovin as Miller's. And recently as Grove's.) the Proprietor pledges him self thatno, pains shall be spared to minister to the wants of his micsts. " HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the luxuries and Aubstantiels of the season.' • HIS CII A3IBERS are large, well ventilated, and fitted up in modern style. HIS )BAR will be well'supplied with a large and ''choice selection of the very best Liquors. II IS STABLE will always be provided with good, Wholesome Provender for Stock: and attended by careful. stlers. There are also TWO LOTS and a pair of ilar and STOCK SCA tts connected with the Hotel, for the ac commodation of Drovers and Thatchers. apfi,f*l] , DANIEL TROSTLE. TONES HO.USE, COrner Mirka Strek and llfaiket Square, „HARRISBURG, PA. The subscriber would most respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Chambersburg and the surrounding country to the accommodations of the JONES HOUSE. assuring them they will find every thing that can contribute to their comfort and eon , - venience. The House is located far enough from the Depot to avoid the noise and confusion incident to railroad {.tations, and ,at the same time only a few minutes walk from the same. tt-N_.; An Omnibus will be found at the Depot on the arriVal of each train. _ ap27-3m, C. IT. MANN, Proprietor. RAN' KLIN HOTEL.-. Brest side - .of th(i pubbie &m are. Chambersinirg, subscriber would respectfully inform ,the Traveling Community that he has leased and taken peasession of this Commodious Hotel. lie hones to , make it one of the most desirable 'places for strangers' and others to stop that can be found in any country town. "The character heretofore sustained by the Muse as a comthrtablc home for the Sojourner, shall not suffer in my hands if a constant effort to please and accommodate will sustain it. nti pains will be spared to - render entire satisfae tion, to all his gueq , s: and pledging himself to en deavor to plefoe all, he solicits a liberal qh ire of the pphli6 PiltiTlllll.tri". apti.(l4l SEMI. C. IWNULTY. IA A 'KID H. ITUTCIi : ISON „Li has become the Proprietor of the 'UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HAR RISID.TitO, P'a. This popular and commodious Hotel has been,newly refit tedancl furnished through out,its parlors and chambers, and is now ready for tho reception of guests. The traveling, public will find the united States lintel' the inu=t convenient. in all particulars. of any Hotel in the State Capital„ on account of its neeess to the railread t being immediately between tbo two great - depots in this city. 11.00ttsetuo,june17,'13.3-tf. QUEEN HOTEL, Main Street, Chatob ,, riburg, Pa. JOHN TAYLOR.. Pro prietor. Fine accommodations and low charges; ygrd. and ScaitßlLate connected with the premises for the convenience of Drovers. Also, Extco.ive Stabling lual Yards for Horses and Car riages. 1june17. 46 3. ' {1 itital- J Dticc£ . ATILITARY CLAIMS.—To all whom 14 it mat; concern.—Thu "undersigned Board of Anpraisers appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of DAVI - tin Comity. (see act of !?.211 April, 11463,) to investigate tb_c . claims arising from the Stuart raid, ,fic militia chimes-, and the Anderson Cavalry hn-; nt es-anent claims, nll oceuring in the year 18G2, in Southern border enmities- of Pennsylvania have now h 0 far a.i'revards the Stuart raid claimseonelud (al their labors: having returned cases holm nunt-' ber of four hundred end lifty (450) to the-Honorable the above 'mentioned court. -The Anderson Cav alry and Militia claims remain to be heard. Bit the saute having both been reported upon by Com missimers appointed by,llis &victim - Coe. Curtin. A law is now iii the course of passage through the Legislature (having - pawed the "Ouse and being at present ander colisid era tion the "Ouse ate) rthereby the action of the said Commissioners shall he legal if, upon examination by the present ,Board the same shall he found to he jirst. The Legislative .ntion will be deterinined at the adjourned session to be held in August next. Arne, therefori-, this iK to ?ire notieeto'allprrgolg hoeing c, rt . ijicatet wijudicated claim under the Anderson Cavalry impressment and Militia danT's agesi; respePtively, retai - ma , by Messrs. D. 0. Gehl .and,•jamnel Reisber in the Anderson _CavalrY t . S . ..r‹. IL and Chas. M. Buijnett in the e:uesa aforesaid that they deposit the said-certificates with Messrs. ;11'1,0111m said Attorneys being dully authorized to receise and - register the sane for consideration by the said the enders - yr:10 13oard of Appraisers, when the current livi,dation shall have been duly ascertained. Cases mayi be marked for appeal should such be the desire of .any of Alte claimants, but - appeals must be SU b- Stall fated by - the clearest evidence ro be succersf,al a- conlidenee is entertained to a highalegtee by this Board in th g justice and probity of the Commission ers -before .minted.. Should the legislative action prove to vary from what -is anticimited. due netice will he given itunitidiately after the adjournmentof thn'Legislature.lor the hearimgof said claims in ne cmianee with the statute aforesaid pas'scd.April f.t2d A. A- O. -. JAMES WOURALL. CLARK. Board of Artpra,l3ti fitrder etn”Act of April 220 d, Mf33. • t •,8 64 ,s • - • , RAT, It ; • • E-XTERMINAT-OES - . , • "15 years. eqablished in N. Y. City." , "Only infallible remedies knottn."- •,", • Free from Poisons." - - • 4 • , • • "',Net dangerous , to the Human Family.", • . "Rats come out of their holes to §tila by all Druggistsorerywhthie. - -- • Kr t! Beware!!! of all worthless imitations.„ Xl;7 "Costar's" Depot, No. 48'.1 Broadway. N.Y.! Sold by all W tolesale and Retail Druggists In Cluttubersb , Pa., • . [rear 9-bin , Al'it)VAL.---Tr'ciiu 433 Market Street Itotho large IRONBUILDING.SI3.Market and ,slim Commove& Streets. Philadelphia. Moro G oods any Ifolme -United State. /V. H: PRANCISCUS,•- - 515 MARKET AND 510 : COMMEIICVSTS., keeps the-Largest Stook in .the United States of Buckets. EroomS, Tubs, ChurnS, = . Baskets.kßrushes, Mate. Measures, ' l ' • • Cleek4 Looking-Glasses. Oil Cloths and' CarpktsrWintiow Shades and Paper, Bird .Cages, Japan Ware and Whips. • Also—cotton Batting. Wadding.' • ' TN71211.E.5, Wicking.. - Ropes in' GOild : - and Dozens,Cotton Yarns . , ' ‘• Cotton ad Linen Carnet-Main, Our .prices will _average Lower than, shy other !louse in the city.' Call and see for yottrioslveS. f • For further particulars apply to S.S.,BIIRTQCti, - • ' • RP 236$ July 6,4864. „ 11414 „goitres. A JOINT Rai:Ali-VON PROPOSING CRRTAIN AMENDMENTS TO TREDON STITUTION„-Be iC retaked by hic,Senate...ciati 1 / 1 " 1 "" °1 21 .6)resentrrtirbt `of •i/ie eohimontniieh4 Penney/roa m in General .4taltrzulit2i *OW Thatihe following ameixlmentsbeproposeilte the Constiiii. tion,of the Cotemonwealth, tlecord4OP titt th 4 p,rovisionsof the tenth article thereef:'' - - There shall be an:additional fhb third, article of the Constitution, to be desieitsted sa Won four. 'as - folio* ' - - - ; "SzcnoN4. he t i mi . dn , t h e i nth iih t .de e itote of this Commonwealth'sltali be in any actual milita ry aerriee, under tr , remilsition from liftPreitideitt of the United Stag: or by the entheritY Wait Commonwealth, such electors may•exereisetheright of suffrage in all elections by tbc citizeng, under sueh fully y la w tion if s lh as ey ar, w e tv o e r p sh re l o l li b t e, a p re th s e e i r r ib us e a d ar p 1 1734 3 '.71 1 eletitiOn." • Siterttitc 2. There - shall be two additionalieetiopi - tothe eleventh article of the Constitutioncrnbeila ignated as sections eight, and nine, in:follows: • "Jigeriox bill shall be passe!] hi - the lekilt laturei- containing more than one subject, wbicht. shall lls. expressed in thetitle,C:teetit'Epprp pritition'bi • - - -sgertox 9. ,No bill shall be passed ht the Lees latnre granting' any - powers, or privileges; iu a ea's; where the authority- to grant such powers, ee privileges, has been, or may' he,reafter be, conferred Upon the Courts th is Comm onweifith." -• 1 - HENRY C. JOIINSON • Speaker of the -Rouse of Renresentatitei,..: ;'JOAN P. PENNE:I"y ' • - Speaker of the Senate. , . . .• 0171 c) OF !IRE SV.C'T or rss CfII47MNIV RATH, , • lixnamnetio, April frosqt., PmeNsyLvANlArss: - Idolidreby certify that the foregoing is - a fall, true and ,correct copy ef ,the -original joint Resolution of the. General. AssemblY, ' ' entitled Jointßesolution proposing err e•-)-•:••-• twin amendments to the Constitution,lAaathe } same remains on hie in this office.- • ' In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set lily hand and-caused the seal of the Seere ' • tary's Whet to ho affixed, the day and.year ' above written. ELI SLIFER,' • , Secretary of the Common - wealth: The above Resolution having been `agreed Ast hy, a majority of the - members ofeneh Rouse, at two-see cessive sessions ofthe lien erahAssetn bly et 111% COM - monwealth, the proposed amendinents•will be.eub mitted to the people. for their adoption or rejection. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST,in tba year of our Lord one thousand eight hupdreiLaxid sixty-four. in accordance with the provisionscof,the tenth article of the Constitv lion, and the act, en titled 'An'Ael.preicribing the time >laid ..Manne'r of -submitting tit the people, for thcirapprevalandmi tifieation or rejection, the proposed amendments,to theConstitut ion." approved the twenty-third day of April; one thousand eight hundred antk .‘sxt , ELI szfFER. secretary of the Commonwelltin•- . RY, F Er-R RY, BY- - NEXT /TX friend, Alexanker Fahnestock, vs. Edmund 'Ferry:—ln the Court of Common Ples's.of Franklin Countr,,Pa.'. to January term, 1864, No. 68. - Sub-in Divorce, to April term, 1864, No. 18,-returned may 4-130 ' , . . . • To EnutTnn Fr.n.aY t---Yodaro hereby notified to be and.apßear before the Judges of our Court of •Cinninon Pleas. at Chumbersburg, in arid- far ilia County of Franklin, on the Afcn7l(l, 3f(171f/(77/ PI Au ntyrt. D.:186-1. being the Bth, day of ebid_month.,to ansiver the matters tharged against yotr jibe I for divorce. • • ' , junels.4t' SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. • • . . A - DMINISTRATORS' _Li. Lice Whereby given that Letters or Actin-hits tration on the Estate of Robert Culliertstih; Idea Fannett townshitr, dee'd, have 'been griintedlnite undersigned. residing in said township ' ' - All persons 'snowing themselves indebted to•suid Estate will plealse make immediate Pnyrnenticond those having elnitns will present them property's,: thentiented for settlement. •.••. • • • • • JOSEPH CULDERTS. ON,i/ `-` inne29] ' PETER. SFIEA R ER. - f 4"-,m4,:TF• ADMINISTRATOR'S • . tice is bete.by given that I.ettersorAthilirthitia tion on the Estate of Etaanuel Byers, late' of - St. Thomas township. dee'd, have been granfed - to.The undersigned, residing in St. Thomas. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate RayMent ;_ and those having edaiins will pre,sent,them proncrly, au thenticated for settlEment: • • • - •4 r j 1 1 13 e 29 . -HENItY CORNS' EEL. Adel, A DAIIIOST.UATOR'S tice is hereby given that Lett ent-of Adrainis tration on the Estate of John Burkholder, late of Chandrersburg.-deed. have been gran t eilde the un dersigned. residing in said borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make -immediate payment( and those having Anims , will please present them'. pros nerly authenticated for settlement. jime22 CHRISTIAN ,STOUFEBR,-Adiu'r. A DMINISTRATOIi'S tics hther:eby given tliat Letters of Atrminb•-• tration de bents nen with the will annexed. on the Estate of Qatharine Beatty. late olAntritn; town ship. deed, have been grimed to the' nittlendtpted,' residing in Chanfbersburg. ' All persons knowing thCM:TIVeI indebted to said Estate miff please make immediate pal 4 nteritt_ ard 'those having claires will present them properly - th en ti eated for sett] men t. • june22 -- WALTER, BEATTY:N(I'O'r. A DMINISTRA'COR':t NO`IIVE.-No tiee is hereby given that Lette'r; , oT Atiniinis tration on the Estate of John S. Ind wig. • Into of Charnberstnirg, deb'cl, have been granied to the sub , scriber. . All persons knowing then:sels iiwlthti4lci. bt Estate w3ll please unlit e inn cill nt those having clairns Will present th'tnn propillY 'Au thenticated for settlement. junels • GEORGE; (mr. DMINTS'TIZATOWS_ NOTE t- . tiee i beretly given flint Lett ~ rA uf.Aclniinil•- trntion on the EBtitcyof -Ailen Nem - hit:Et:v. of - nett: Idwuship; (leol, Imve been Jerltatud * PI Sim eubsciiiir, residing . in .suld iuFusikrtt.; AiLverFows kneymn,ft themselve* ..511 13state will plea:4) make immeiltni-eimynmill*; itna" tho:st having elajma Hill present ihem pro;berly nu, thentieated for settlement. junels All'ltAH A M dm'r. D MIN I sum TOR' S S.ll 1e hereby given that Letters of Ae.irkth tilitfort - with the Will annexe& wrife: 'EStiTtO of Christian - Stoner, late of Antrim have hoen granted to . the untima,ignil, Veift.lll*iu said townshiP. All per-sons knowing theinselcrs intli l,trrie nil fizztate dill PleaFf! itliWdiMei PA . .) Wept Itrut thoFo having einirns presenttlienepr.mttly - nu. thentiouted for settliment. ;s1 ON AT RAN STIeTi FP. -AY rit:r. V.XECIITOR'S N 1", I ot leg -if; 14 berebvitiren that Letters Testranentary *the I:-tote of .int;ob Seibert, late: (if I'der&zeimery,tewn 'ship.We'd, Lave, been, granted to tlie,mayais4ed. 1 raid. township. • • - All-peoens knowing thenn•elreq indebted: to • ; p3(.1 Estate will please -male immediate, vsarm .and those baring eTaimi will present them properly au thenticated for srillement. • • junoY SA:NI:GEL Sl' r. 1 XEC17.10,1113 Is;OTIC11:-4-2Noti(-6'7 is lherebyFtiv Yn that Lot tern Testain ent . t'&l.l3o Est:awe fichiJmnes Nill. lati , or the 130kelnil of ehambeisburg; have hcen 'tx..4ar tcd.to•thi! Borongli., A . ll pei.sons lsnowing theme:lves' indebilxl.l.44sid Estate will pie:lse make immediate. pn'ynfcnt:: land thale having: elninis will present- them pioparfy au thenticated ft , rsettletponte . ..trcitrEr, mtugs, ,f. J. :NITA., , _ jcuc3 ' Ulanto. T E D.-A COACH-SMITIi jeuelieeonstant'employineTitnil gtga. wages by innbediate ftpnlination to -the'tnittersigned,— Noug bAt a gentiortlimnn neechv ri , .; - • P.SIEFIA & FOLTZ, june'.2-3t ChamberAnirg, Pn I ANTED lAIMEDIANEL 4 Y.-p-4., good Tracti,eiti witb,kber;,iudrstiious habits: - A man famtlx,emtid lm __pre ferred.' For farther parfMul rs enciptre ,11.Z.Vir SEEEP.L.P. Chamherktrg, Pa.: , , WANILw EJ! ( . I -- - - . Bt A O Apply to the midersigned;riear Mei drrithir;i: , ap27-tt , . Tito 0 OR NDER EllAr COS -Book Bindery- is on the -Third Story tho . .tIII,4SENGEdt"- OVFICE-11,111.1,l)- 11 , 1{1, the Diamond; above Sliryoek'sTAlk..Store. lintrar.oo betiseentho libok Store and the Inland Teletaraph office. -Old Booksi: Pdriotlkala, :l1 isic, Nowspapers.3ke., bound in any style.. :111ank , Books niade to order. `Paper ruled to tiny pattorn....Erc.in6 64 ' SOHt::2 - - • JORX IikVENET -TO i-l-N C. 'JO P K C, : O4 I INS.P.ORTERS AND 'CHINA, GLASS AND QU}LNSWAITZ, • , - - • Nor.,6l2...tliorket Street, •Tor fiathertertioul ars apply to a.fl. t 5113-174):CK Oixamhtrsburt, Val ; . • - . MI