Taly ttotDivg. ;,-; , , l.lrlE FIi.A.NKEINT CLOTIlltirG E3f ,,f.• .; PORIUM,L , , :„,-, :i t, .14 E "WE Sl', .. S T Y r rE S,' '.:.• ' LA - Rtitsr Sl'OCii.-:-CII.BA.PEST PRICES. • ,--140 undersigned can assprethe public, auddefie. , Attecessful ea ntra.4l ictio n. that his, recen t purchases in the Eastern Cities enables him to . offer one of the 4aggcet and.most attractivostockaof .• , ,- • CLOTHING, / 4 4;relhe Spring nn f, Bel/rater &nava of 1.864 v to be hund in any similar establishment in• this section. larely variety of COATr.... • . . r . PARTS, ' .iisTl) VESTS'''. : evade in thevery best styleq and at the lowcattOCes. , ,IGENTLEM EN'S FUItNISIIING GOODS, ill!011 85 Shirts, Drawers, Coll - ars.,:Cravats, Neckties, • liaruliterobief: s:e„ Special attention Is called to . gas department. A., '' .: . CEJSTONIER'S ORDERS.. .. s '''.favitti !tit e. '• - - f - li fF CI Its, ~,,, Commotion o my stec - o me ot, littrieirmeres. Ve.stin i , he., which I manufueture upon special orders. • SPECIAL NOTICE, '...:.-' Ting to say that my Goods are manufactured un t,der 'My own sueervision, and by the very bestwork- Men: MY prmetit, stock is the most extensive' have yet hallo store, and I respectfully ask my fi•iends. Illici,the , ,Piabilc to give me a call before Purchasing asowliere. Remember the old Wand. J. T. Ifor;RINSON: ' Franklin lintel Building, . corner of the Diamond and West Market St., Chamhersburg, Pa. F r , ELLIOTT,." CLOTHIE% Smith- - '`." West corner of the Diamond, nextdoor to the nk, -ChambPrsburg; has just' returned from the with a large stook of superior and seasonable - mill, suOh - , s CLOTIIS. CASSIMERES, SATIN -I'4'g ''Y'L'l T N%7'. ( MVit'hsTi,•ifl,rs'natit,V . ,,lThider\r, - E,.;: A-5.,, Al , o, a very fine selection of' READY-MADE P I DOTIIING, which he is Prepared to sell at the y err. . owaqt tn srket prices, CUSTOMER WORK.—As he 'employs a first-rate cutter, he is prepared to make up all kinds of Gar ments. or Men and Boys, to order, in the best styles, Satisfaction will be guaranteed. • A large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING -*ions, such al Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Handker filets; Stnineml era. Carnet Bags, Umbrell,ag,"Ac. &o. always on hand. ~ :Give him a call and save money. • jtml74.. . - _ , W; SCOTT, CIENTLEMEN'S,FUR NISHING' STOVE and SHIRT MANUFAC , TORY, No. 814 Cheqriut , 41t.. 4 doors below the Con : Chantal, Philadelphia. Particular attention, given to Ordered Shjrts. A perfect frt. euhranteed. Per &meat a distance 'cam order by the' following Shirt measures: '' -Size, around the Neck. ' " Chost tinder the Arms. • 4 " Waist. 4,4 44, , , Wrist. • Length of Arms (bent) from eantro of boa to mid.- • dle of.hand. .a. ' Length of Boom at Side Shirt .. . C. W Al, E 0 R. NI & • 0-02 S, - • IviroLts tug AND•RETAT.L ' EVADY-11ADE LINEN & DRESS STOCK . . MANUFACTORY, IV:as. 5 and 7, North Sixth Street. Philadelnhin. .-:Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers; vats, Soar.fs.; Oloves,"lTandke:rehiefs;'ke. Shirts, t!•nPers and Dress Storks tnade: to order by mess ,itretnettt.„ and warranted to give satisfaction. . „Order may be Ipt:t. with S. S. SHItYOCK, Chain- Werahrg: ' - se23. E 8, T U.N B R 0 'T 11 E R ; AIERCHANT TAILORS. No, 960 Arch Strce), Phiiadelphia, Pa. ,4 >ilaving receivvct a. liberal share of patronage front Ghambersburg and vicinity. we are encouraged to ask for more. The excellence of our goods and our tcbrk., and the care we, take to give entire satisfac tion, are a sufficient ginirantee that we value our reputation. ju011.61- - 17. WESTON 3:BROTH-ER. ihtstaraitte. DIERICA,N LIFE INSURANCE 2;1i13 TRUST co., Corner 4th and Walnut Stieets ladelphia. Incorporated 1830. Charter Perpe- Ahi .. Uial. Authorised Capital, $ 3 00,000. Paid-Up Cap b„el, $280,000. zi' Philadelphia, Feb. 4. 1864. .. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PEP. CENT, on all premiums received upon MUTUAL PoLictas during the year ending December 315t,1863, and in force at that date, the /Above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the dividend ofilB6o on Policies ibisued dining that year to he pnid. as the annual premiums on said Policies are received. , OFFICERS. President—Alexander_Whilldin,' Recretapp oad Tre,,Aii,j—john S. wil so n. 7 Acruhro—John C. Siins. BOARD OF 'l7lLllSTli.l . 3.—Alexander Whilldin, ,T. Edgar Thomson, Ge;ffge Nugent, llon.James Pol lock, Alber. C. /Wheels, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work. Williinn J. lloward, lion. Joseph Allison, Samuel T. B aline, Johuslikman Charles F. Heat litt Isaac II eslehtirst. '.., *sr. G. REO), Cbambersburg, Pa., is the author hod Agent of the American .Litb. , Insurance and Trust Company, and is tlmvays Prepared to furnish pamphlets or a. , y information wanted, and to take Insurances. O.'FIOE. in the Repimitory Building. Das. J. C. ltic a tans and W. H. BoYLE, Medical .g.ramilier. _ _ . REFERENCES-110n. A.R. McClure, Rev. S. J. jccolls, J. 8. Nixon, Chambersburg, and Win. M. Marshal Ca...hier ilagerstown Bank. • Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will please call on, or by addressing the under gncd they will be waited on in any part of the VountY dr State. W. (I. REED, Agent. ta...l)brme in the REPOSITORY Building, Chant ersburg, Pa, mar 2.3. 18 2, CHI RTER N. PERPETUAL. FIREANSUIZANC. OOMPANY PHILADELPHIA ASSETS, On January 1, ISG4 APXTAL CCILIMD SU RPLUS....... \'ZB .b PRESIMIS- UNSETTLED CLAIMS, I INCOME FOR 186 4 $8.416. $300,000. LOBS PAID SiNcE IS'29 $5,000,000 PERPETUAL AND TE'MPOR ARV POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS: eharles N. Bander, Isaac Lea, obias Wagner, Edward C. Dale. amuol Grant, Geo. Fates, b R. Smith, Alfred Fitler, eW. Richards.- Eras. W. Lewis, M. D. CHARLES N. RANCKER, President. EDWALD C. DALE, Vice President. lAA.. W. M'Ar.Ltartat, See's' Pro. tem. ,?AVID OAKS is the authorized Agent of the Oompany in Chamhersburg. who will furnish all in [formation necessary to applicants. • marZi-tf. I NSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated 1794. Chfa ter Per petual. CAPITAL $300.000. Office 232 Walnut greet, Philda. The prompt payment of Claims for Lames during the period of: nearly seventy years that the Company ha , beef in existence, entitles titom to the COD tidence of the public. Persons wish ng to insure will pidase eall on or address the un °aligned. AV. U. REED, Agent, REPOSITORY Buildings. Chambersburg, Pa. INFERENCKS—J. D. Grier, J. Allison Eystcr, Esq.; Major J. C. Austin. - - meal OUR AGENT.—Mr. JOHN drtovi, of NJ Chambershurg. is the General Agent of the Franklin County :Mu t ual Insurance Company. lunil 3usticeo of the 19eare. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-H. B. DAVISON. Justice of the Peace. Office im mediately opposite the Indian Queen- Hotel. MI business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. inNtrumetit* of Writing, of all kinds, drawn up in a satisfactory Manner. -jun17.63. •' HAMMAN, 'JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Pl. • Chamberaburg. Pa. Office in Franklin Hall. Lti the room formerly oeenpl,pd Stumbaugh (Stewart. Prompt attention yen to any thing in lie line of a MagiArate anaSertvener. fe3,61 tf MEW MARBLE YARD. --The under -Li signed respectfully announces t o th e citizens GE.Franklin County that ho has opened a new Mar bl3 Yard in the room formerly occupied hr Dr. amilton, directly i e hand or make to npler all articles in hisline otlins opposite, J.S. N ixon's D rue Store; ' t an Street. Chainhersburg, where ho will keep on • Was. such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and-HEAD STONES: MANTELS, TABLE and STAND Tops &e.onauttfitotured from the very best Foram and Domestic Marble. , _. He respectfully solicits m callfrom those who may in want of any article in the above line. Ho is Thinnfldent in his ability to satisfy all who may be pleased to patronize him, either as regards hisinl et& or the quality. beauty, and- chasteness' of his *ark: Un18,63.7 - JOHN A. GROVE. eiat, Ltilithrt, 4t.r., ',..': aco...A• - • T ' iiiDowELL 1' T z ise m L L PAT TILE UsT pAsH, FLOUR, WHEAL _ ~ i cLovtn sEED. - ; ALL RINDS. OF Ph-a -DU-CE ALL trims or SALT.. COAL, PLASTER AND EA - P P O R CAS MI If E t•T Z , wAitr,..iickusETAND COAL YARD, ItAIL ROAD,DEPOT, noll-1y CIIAMBERSBIT . I2O3, DON • . . NORTIE CARLISLE &MEET, GREENCASTLE, PENN'A junl7.6q EW FIRM..-CO.n! COAL! LIT:11- IN BEM LUMBER EBERT' & SON having•putehased the CiutAntl Lumber Y ani. of Gen. A. Deitz. will continue toTcarry on the same busi r ness. and will always haveion hand a largesupnly nt Lumber and COal. They wiltbe prepared to till all orders at the shortest notic , c. They rehmetfully so licit the patronage of the late firm and tli.o public generallY, and all who maY desire Coal and Lumber to give them a. call. feeling. assured that no means will he spared to accommodate those on the most reasonable terms. - jun17,63-tf. IMPOR T ' E R'S WINES AND LIQUORS LAUMA - N, SILLADE,t CO Y 0,1128 SOITTII 3 , 3I:TISET:"; CLIESTNVT' AND WALNUT STIWETS, PIIILADELPIIIA GEO. M. LAUMAN. A. M. SALLADE, - • J. D. BITTING. J - • RIVESE, GARDRAT 41: SUPERIOR., C 0 OrNite BRANDY, VINTAGE OF Igm, EACH BOTTLE SEALED-WITH GREEN WAN WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. , rgroxTri) BT LA-TJMAN, SALLADE A CO SrPERIOR OLD MADEIRA - IN - INF; FINE SHERRY. CLARET AND • HOCK WINES, ' AND AN AISORTSHINT OY FIV BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. 'OSBORNE'S b. CO.'S OPATO. VERfFINE AND DELICATE OLD PORT WINE, EACII BOTTLE SEALED WITH YELLOW WAX WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. 3'2,457,849 95 s4otztwx) 971.000 IMPORTED BY LAUMA.N. SALLADE 5: CO.. N0.12S SOUTH 'NINTH. ST., 1 PHILADELPHIA .1,086,2815 OLD RYE WHISKEY. QLD *HEAT WHISKEY, fli - MIRANTED. OBERHOLTi WHISKEY, FOUST WHIACEY, WERT J S'S WHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY,_ AND READING .WINES. LAUMAN..SALLADE A CO., N. P2B SOUTH NINTH ST., nolS-Iy. - -PHILADELPHIA, • FIR. JOHN MONTGOMERY *ill' ifat tend promptly to all calls in his line. Mee on Main Street', _next door to the F,agle lintel, and nearly opposite the residence of the ion. George Chambers. 3111117 F,, a lt. J. C. RICHARDS will attend promptly to all calls in his line. Wilco on Main Street, neat door to Spangler's Drug Store. OPFtcr. llorras.—From 7 to 9 .t. ILI 12 to 2 and 6 P. x. , jun 17,63. DR. SAMUEL G. LANE has resumed the PRACTICE pOF MEDICINE in Cham bersburg. Office on Queen street, a few doors East of Wallace's Store. - apl3-tf CHEAP CHAIR AND CABINET WARE ROOMS.—Thel,subscriber informs the public that ho continues the tnanufaeture of the va rious articles of FURNITURE in his line, at his Shop, on Main• Street, three idoors South of Huber Sr, Tolbert's Hardware Store. ;He has always on hand or is prepared to manufactutekon the shortest no tice, pnng Scats, Cane Bottotniand Windsor Chairs, Sofas, Plain and Fancy Tata , * Bureaus, Dressing and Common Wardrobes. VirrishtStands.BooltCases, and Bedsteads. IENITIA4 'BLINDS got up in the best style. Particular attention paid to HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, and entire satisfaction in every instance guaranteed. - REPAIRING of all kinds. in his line of busincio, pronintly attended to, at moderate prices. UNDERTAKING.—Having purchased thellearso c ss 31r..Wm. Flory, dec'd, he is able to attend Fune rals and manufacture Coffins, at fhb shortest notice, of Cloth, Walnut or Cherry. A 'Layer-out will be in attendance. n04.63-IY. JOSIAH E. SCHOFIELD. K ERO S ENE LANTERNS. -Kerosene Lamps, 3 I Kerosene Oil, at fen. BOYD'S Grocery r ,o 7 $ ~.E, .:: Co , li N ' ,''? OATS ti .n.IIOIIIY SEE% AND IMM Ltr m 13Elt. ICE FOR SALE, A 1 Eiquors. Vimoiriano. 4 111' A' 4' 14 ' & • •'-). ,6 ` . ** .11, uTtst "itlJt l ,l,l(l = t j. 3 t , 4, Tatitirllziatoitargitimmtnestmvx,--131T:', riEB agricultural TMPORTANT TO FARMERS.--The -L. chearipst. and best "Thresher and Cleaner "is '! , Wheeier Ire:Proved Patent Rail*** Power and combined THRESHER AND C it:"LEAN t 'This putehine is manufactured at the steall atlyance of 10 per cent. over-that of Kist year.• The 7farniers are; adopting it everywhere. •‘ It saVeslabor, find expense and does more and - betier 'work th,an - any other machine.' Price of a two-tior\e machine $3OO, of a three-horse machine $350. These "Prices embrace everYthingcomplete. •This Machine hag advantages that are greatly 'superior to any other: 'One is that it can be used entirely in, the Barn floor. and that the power can be conveniently used for cutting fodder, shelling corn. cuttingstraw, sawing Wood, &c, And it requires - less power and :fewer hands than any other. PALMER'S EXCELSIOR SELF-SUSTAINING HORSE. PITCHFORK. has many advantages ovt.jr 'others; among which are: it is self-sust lining, re qiiiring no attention' until its load is to be d ed. Dv the use of the pulleys, fiirtiished wßlt . the forks it Will Swing directly over t inoW,When - it discharges ifs load, by simply pulling the co*d' • It has a handle but 18 inches in length. This patent has been awarded' the premiuin at the New York State' Fait, and tit all the County Fairs. wherever exhibited - SMI TH'S' GREEN :qou - NTALN stiiNdtE" 'AND HEADING MA.CIIIN E. is a new unclvalua ble improvement in Machines for manufacturing Shingle and Ileading,• cutting obliquely, or Other wise, any desired' thickness or length, up to 24 inches. This Machine can be set tip and run by an ordinary ivater -power: It will saw none- thousand shingles perhour. - Mr.R oberfßlack,,ofFeyettevill, Franklin county, Pa.,zis the Sole Agent. for 'Franklin and Adams counties. Any information desired respecting any I or nil of these machines can be obtained by either calling upon in person, or addressing him by letter. Persons Wishing any 'of these imtchines will please mako their orders soon. as it requires sonde time to 'get them from the iihinnfacturer. None will be or ' dere(' but those that are sold. The3-wil Ibe furnish ed at mantifitetnrer's prices, transportation added. MI CERTIFICATE Or A 1:: M'CLURE CHAltwitsrman. May 17,11854. Robert 11bre1,-, Evi.—Dear Sir: I haw thoroughly tested the Tread-power in'running ail - kinds of Ma chinery about the Bare. and I have had the most approved Lever-powers tried - at 1 / 2 4.1y Bare also, end I unhesitatingly recommend thd.:Treall-poweb Tim all my macainery—thre , her and cleaner, ewe sbeller, fodder-cutter, and circular baw, with a two-horse Tread-power, and the power is ample and -two horses can give the same if not greater PoWex than four can with the Lever-power. and the labor is no more severe on the horses. re short, I regard the Tread-power having every . advantage over the Lever power, and it must soon be universally adopted bv.farmers. Very RespeetfullY Yours A; K. X'CLUIFE. Apply to the undersiwed in tlreenwood. - Frunlairt county. fmaylB—lnt) ROBERT BLACK. yA RMER S' I , U.N D R MACHINE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfolly cAi the atten tion of Farmers, kilter= and other., to the Ohl Establishment. at the Bri, , tat,on irekt Mgr , ket Street, formerly occupied by Chris tian Stouffer, where they have erect ed Steam Power, and are pre , - pared to manufacture • ALI:KINDS OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS', such as - • Threshing Machines, Clover Hullers, llorte Powers. Corn Shelters. Fodder Cuttors, Hay Hakes, Grain Drills, Hay Pitchors, - - 'Borrows, Plows, &c We have constantly outland Sycles, Reaper Points or Guards, Are., for the repairing of Money's. :whit =el: and Buckeye Revers. Farming ImPlements of every kind repaired at short notiee and iaa work manlike manner. We keep constantly on hand the B '0 ICE YE REAPER that has become so deservedly popular with our -Farmers in this section of the State. We wouldhere caution the public from an imitations of this ma chine offered for sale in this county, and advise all who wish the genuine Buckeye Reaper to call at, our establishment, as we are - the agents for the sale of this popular Reaper, Having also purchased the richt fir the sale and mnrinfarture of WIT,LOUGHB'Y'S PATENT GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, we will keep them con stantly on hand, ready for work. Repairing to these machines done promptly. THE PATTEIG of the Seibert Foundry having' beempurehased by this establishment, and having. erected a Fontalre. they are prepared to make all kinds of CASTTNGS such as Mill Gearing, Mill Spindles, and all kinds of machinery generally. , We would call special attention the Plow Cyst inv. and WftZoll Boxes constantly on hand. REPAIRING of all kinds of Far Ming Imple ments done to order. Dinel W. F. RESTER Ban: CiOOK'S SUGAR EYAP,OR A TOR, N._ manufactured by Bt.v‘trEn, B.uet,n S Thy. Mansfield, Ohio.—We are willing to gharatitee that from two acres of good Celle, a sufficient number of gallons of Syrup can be produced to cot er cost of Machinery, capable of making eighty gallons of Syrup Per day, whikdi ut fifty cents per gallon, will pay for cost of Mill and Evaporator in fomirdays: or where pan is wanted for a brick arch, without - the Furnace, in less time. COOK'S SYRUPS have been sold at an average of sixty cents a gallon, and none in market. An acre of good Cane will produce from 2 o'3oo gallons of Syrup,. _ _ _ _ _ _ • SEED.—We t,ffer a Soperior Article, se lected by ourselves. Sprout the SCCII and roll it, lister. Plant in drills four feet apart. from North o South. Light soil and Southern expuburepre ferred. although not absolutely necessary, as it Will grow on soils where many crops would be a failure, Cultivate as for Corn. - Cook's Evaporator h . ris taken the first premium over all others at twolinited States Fairs and over thirty State Fairs. -Clark Sorg° Machine Company's CASE MILL and above SEED for sale by W. G REED, Agent. Office---REeestronY DuiMing. Chamb'a. Pa. kk The Sara° Hand-Book sent free to any per son asking for it. mar 23 T 0F A K ME 115. THE WALKI:g HORSE EA ICE is acknemiedged to be the 11' e cit, R t, Simpleet, Cheapest and wont (''event na Any boy of ten ytars can work it With ease; will not get ontof older, and give?, universal ?atisfaction. Warranted in every north:idol., and can be had trom :1:6 to $..8 lower than any other Spring Tooth Wheel Rake. For further aim) eon ap_ply to the manu facturer. • I) 11. FAIELKAN, ao2o-3ml Shirleysburg. Huntingdon co.: Pa. iMMUNI A T,ED I' A"C TFre GUANO. A real guano. containing from seventy to eighty per cent of P 11. 0S PRATE OF 7.JIiE. to which has been lulled, by a chemical process, a large per ventage of actual Ammonia, so fixed that it can not evaporate. making it equal, if not euperior to any other fertilizer. - l'ann Mots with copies of Analyse= by Dr. Jack son, Mass.. State Assayer, and Dr. Lieber. of Balti more. and testimonials from scientific Agriculturists, showing its value. Can be obtained from J. 0 BAKER, & CO., • Sra.Linsn AGENTA, march 2-Iy. 8 Wall Street, New York, THE SORGO JOURNAL AND.FARM -1 MACHINIST—Devoted to :storthern Cane and Sugar Beet Culture. Improved Farm Arnett inerY and Progressive Husbandry. Published monthly. One copy' year, SLOO. Subscriptions received by W. 'G. REED, aped Agent for Clark °Sorg° Machine Co. A MAN OF A THOUSAND.—A Con sumptive Cured.—Dß. H. JAMES, a Retired Physician of great eminence discovered, while in the Indies, a certain cure for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitas, Coughs, Colds and General Debility. The remedy was Ciscovercd by him when his only child, a daughter,,was given up to die. His child was cured, and is now alive and well, Desirous of benefiting his fellow mortals, he will send to those who wish it the recipe, containing full directionsfor making and successfully using, this remedy, free, on receipt of their names, with two stamps to pay expenses. There is not a single ease of Consump tion that it does not at once take hold of and dissipate. Night sweats. peevishhess, irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult expector ation, sharp pains in the lungs, sore throat, chilly sensations, nautea at the stomach. inaction of the bowels, wasting away of the muscles. LW The writer will please state the name of the Paper they seen this advertisement in. Address CRADDOCK & CO., mar23-Iy*l 225 North 2d St., Philadelphia, Pa. PARENTS OF SOLDIERS in the eer cice:cr in licsritals, can- furnish them with the RSICSITORY three months fcr2s cte.; six months fu s. or e year fitt $1 (O. OM lIIMICE72 n 5 4 11 1 Si; 134untg AsentirE. MEI • TOHN-31: POME"ROX., el ' ARMY AND NAVY AGENCY ,No.-204 SOUTH FOURTH STREET;.‘. PAULADELPIII3. . , The undersigned having resigned hr= position' ás paymaster iu the ArinY.has opened atdsio:ail Louth Fourth Steeet, an .A.G.E.NCI FOR PROCC.- ICING FESSIONS,' and for the colleetion ofl3r ears', Soldiers' and all- other-CLAIMS against:o3e Government. , - - by long expelience‘&. , Paymaster has giverme anusual facilities for-becoming thoroughly:acquain ted with this business in all its details. On the re- Ceipt, by mail, of a statement of the case of claim ants, I will forward the necessary papers, for, their signature. Personal a.ttention will be givento the cases at. Washington. No charge :*unlerq successfttl; when wilr he charged' for collecting salon sdms underW, and:s . lo on all sueis over ttiat amount 'and under:s:2oo. Lar ger claims taken on special arrangetnent Fees in -Pension eases as fixed by him% • INfOIiMATION' FOP AND INSTRUCTION.' TU Allßuldiers of the present war who' ha - reserve-di two years, and Soldiers discharged for wounds re ceived in battle, without 'reference to time of ser.: vice, are entitled besides their regular pay, to .$lOl 4 bounty. In Lase Soldiers or Seamen are discharged forditi nGitityormouiider received white in the service, tbey3 are entitled to a Pension according to the disability.: 'ln ease of the .death of-the Soldier,before charge, through disease contracted or wounds re-' `ceived while in service, his widow is entitled fo re e ecive the sloo' bounty, besides aiTearages of pay,i and pension during her lifetime or widowhood. ,‘ If the Soldier - die after discharge, from disease; contracted or wounds received while in service, his^ widow is entitled to a Pension of 596 per annum. 4 If no widow or, minor children, the mother of the: Soldier or Scanlan will receive the Pension, if de-i pendent oh 'din wholly or in part for support.-- If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no' widoLL,.: his - children are entitled to the same benefit.; as tho, widow, except when the children may be over the age of 10 years. limo widow nor minor children the bounty fuel, pay will descend to the heirs as follows: -First to the Father, second to. the Mother, thin l td the Brothers and liisters,,and then to the,Next - ; Discharged Soldiers whose clothing account wad unsettled at the time of discharge, can recover any', balance due them; if the Company's hooks- aro not, destroyed. To draw this balance. write hr your; Captain for a descriptive list, showing the Clothing! account, and thrward it to nte, with your orcliini nary st.ateraiut, giving. also_ the date of your dis charge. - - Lioldiera who served with the nine moot' voliin-1 teers can recover s'27 bounty and prthnitit without: regard to time of service, if they have not already received-it. Soldiers who were prisoners'in the Sontin and Sol diers who were absent., on sick, farlough.,l are enti tled to commutation of rations: In etirarintuie;iting with ihisofileestate to natur.l of your ?;,laitn fully, and give the Compap - and Ae gluten( to which you or the , soldier forwhom, you claim belonged; as well as your pi e:ent Vost,OfrieLt address. -REFEREXCES liis ExtiellCney. ANI/Itti.W G, UHRTIN, Governor of Penn •,y-lv, t n ia, `‘4;4- lion. Si.h CAttY,Ros, Harrisburg. Pa. , lion. JOSEPH CA.I:I, chief Justice of the Court og .„ IVashingt on. lion. E. di, BROOKE, Chief Clerk Pay Dep . artnient. Washington. lion. EDWARD MCPIIF:RS' ON, C.. Washington. lion. J.ts: P. STERRET, Pres't Judge, District Court,' Pittshn Hon. AfeCt.run, Chambersburg, Pa. , Hon. Titus. A. SCOTT, Vice Pres't Pa: R. lion. W. B. THOM ts, Collector of Port,Philacia; • • Lion. C. A. WA.t.aonN, Post Mater, Phifada. DRONEI Co. JAs/ DuNLAY, President Union diank-,'PhilaAciphia. 131-I.l,trr A FAIRTHORNE. AttOpliPS., RIEGEL; WRIST A Euro:, Merchants, - 1.41.1DWM, KNEgDLLE S: CO., IieTCLIO.OtS, , PRITCHETT, B tr i Gn cir Co.. D tutu FAUST A Co., Merchrts, ' BENJAMIN S. JANNEY, J. Co., Merch'ts " CHAS. E. MORGAN & CO., Merchants, - Arwoon, WHITE fit Co., Merchants, .1011,N M. POMEROY. No. 204 South Fourth St, itu117,63-tf DEN'SION, ,BOUNTY ' WAR 1 CLAIM 'AOENCY."Pensions procured Mt soldiers; of the present war who are disabled 1:1;•• reason Of wounds received, or disease' contracted. while in tho sereke of the!Ths ited States • and Pen shins. :MD/Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained widows or heirs of those who have died or beep killed while in service. • JOHN R. ORR, mar 94y) Claim Agent, Chambershurg, Pa. Euro, 4,3tants anti YiriCs. p 1 , 1 l E S FRANKLIN , COENTI .J.LmIitsEitiEs.—FRUITAND.O.RN 4.IfESTA GRAPE f VlNkti; ,:STIZAIrat:RRY Pmorrs, Ete.—Th, largest stock to select from in , the county. Ever.) thing in the FRUIT TREE and PLANT line tha is at all - desirahte, can he supplied from the' coin monest:stondaid Fruit Tree, to the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or variety ,of Erni: or Flower. Our Standa'rd Apple Trees are unusual . ly fine, stout heavy .trunks, furnished with tint branching-heads,from three to Svc feet hoot tim g round, us may u di2sired. Our aim is to grow the best of everything pruning, and cultivating. upon setentide principles. consequently, - our prodttetion are not' offered iii competition with Trees grown upon the old let-alonesy,tetm An invitation is ex - twided .to all who are interested in fruit culture, td come and see tbr thewselves: - A large stuck of Greenhouse and Bed,42g Plants, Retire, &e.. in lams. will be ready in April awl May. Enclose a three cent stamp' for descriptive Cata logue of Fruit and ,Ornamental trees, &e. = Address. B: L. RYDER West Franklin Numerics. mar itl-tf Near Loudon. 'Franklin I'm, Pa. • tir EYSTONE ',.URSERV.-----The sub- IV scriber is prepared to furnish mostarticles 1.154 ually t be tinnid in Nurseries, of good quality and at reas; nable rates. The Stock embraces all the leading kinds of .- - FRUIT T-R E,E - S„ Apples, ' Cherries, Peaehes', I - Dwarf and Standard Pears, Apricots. Plums. ' i • . Grapes. ;• Strawbeiries, 1 Raspherric-s, Curranni. , • ' Gooseberries, Blackberries, km ' AlSo, eau he furnished a good assortthent of EVERGREEN TRE E S Evergreedand other Shrubbery, Shade rtrees„.t;e. Groat Facilities are posessed for shipping articics to all parts of the country. as the Nursery a u ay arijoins the City of Harrisburg. ' mar 111-tfJACOB MISIL ItttrrkbtArZ, Va. THE OUOIiTO GRAPE.--This Grape in not recommended particularly as a desert trait, hut makes an excellent. dark colorod., well bodied Wine, so elUsely resembling genuine old-timed PORT WINE. that none but experienced i u dgesean distinguish between the two. Although! is is manufactured extensively in W estern , Now York,llie supply is unequal to the demand, at. from fo.S4per Vines for sale by the subscriber, who has been up - pointed Agent for it at the following Prices: ' • One to three'years old. 25c to 50 cts each. iil*2 50 to per:dozen, , $l5 to , per 100. JACOB mar:l6-M Keystone Nursers', Barrisb'g, P TREES.--Std.ndaid and D‘Va Pnar Trees of the leading and most valital varieties. Among them can be furnished sun " EXTRA SELECTED," Trees. the Dwarf hash fruit buds and ready for immediate hearing. Priec for good trees. 50 to '6O ets each—Extra a lectett J etti to $1 each. Rates lower by'dozen. J. MlSlLKeystone Nursery ; I Harrisburg. Pa. mar 1640 VORWAY MAPLE TREES. from S I II 12 feet high anti vigorous, A . handsome Trt much , resembling the Sugar Maple, but of my certain and rapid growth. • Price 4(Xi - y(10 cents each; $3 5006 Per dozen • •:;: @;4O per 100. • JACOB •M 151.1% mar2l Keystone nursery. Harrisburg..,:! CHERRY TREES.—A fine assortniql of alioui Forty best varieties, trees oflarge si and vigorous. • • Price, 30 ets 50 cts, 75 ets each; $3, $5. $7 'per d 07.. $lB, $25, $55 per 100. J. AtISII„ mar 1640 KeystonNursersy,llarrisb'g, Pa. i rTORSE CHESTNUT ,TREES.—Ord 1..1. nary sizes for planting, 50 cents each ; Small t; eize-'from sto 7 feet-25 cents each ;$2 50 $lB per 109. JACOB MISII,- mar2.3l Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg. EUROPEAN LINDEN—TheRed-twi. ged variOty, not subject to injury by the bore Forsale at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg. Pa. Tr e eslo to 12 feet high ; 75 eon ts.each •'47 Per d( mor23] . EXCELSIOR -ASH, a handsome, °nip. mental Shade Tree, of sure and rapid growl Trees from 8 to 12 feet high. 40(60 cents eac 413 50g16 pf3r doz.; $ 9 4`617 40 per 100.. JACOB mar23] ' Keystone Nursery, Ilarrisbu: r, JUST RECEIVED AND .FOR SAD tame Tot of HOOP SKIRTS, direct from t mpmfactory, at juneB METCALFE St HITESHEWS - : '''''' • ,-„Saleflerp,-Aratneos SADIi,LERI ! SADDLERY!, s. • lIARNESS 3fANUFACTORYt • r•I. . 1 •.:,. • : ' 2. 7 , . • , ~,..•.,- 'The subscriber respeclfullY irtform.hia(kl_endil:lna l e tlge public, that he continues tocari-Y - cnitheo:-' : : ' • abci;ie . bpiiii.se cl ai - iii OM §tara, ii ' '''/ •: ••• t 2. , • WEST N.AR i EET S,TRE: •• opposite -tall Aif B RS -P - and keeps :einittiatly-ori 'hand's genoriti. einrott;-, -Rid* and WaitorkSiddles, • •' - t •.,, • Rictidg-Pridim, 7 : ri Pl tand rA tt r ll 4. Blaok and Faic • •-• Harness of,ali gi l F/ 14 •1 ‘ P t l a • C ollars , ;..f. d pate a iLeath c r 4 (good onalitiy). . • blind . T,•••••1 and ,;vOi4iiii4in Lite iouna in t liis shop; or made to onitir, at:/noi/it•Oie;atel''' - 'R P R. I N G'' , -11,7 •r;,, 'done at notice and on reasoris i blo terms. TB,iINICS • 4...N1D ,V4LTSV3` alsinsro .on, hancl.wil.aold. , cheap ( pan I.la.PnlPioys hone but the ettemoriinnen. ta tttle.:l3' - JAMES- 13. -MILAN.' :I;ll(AbbLtlit ' §A,tottLtit 'We., sign of the !PURSE COLLAR, - 3 Fat:MIMI OYSTER respeetfulli - returns his thanks to his patrons for the-Itheral egeonmeuaent received from them heretofore, and ho would invite them and the community fenerally, who May need .my thing in his line, to give him a call at his old On the-East'side of Main Street, :Chdtnhers :Aug. five; deers South of Huber t Toihert.'s.-Hard were Store. Where he keeps constantly bn hand ev ery variety,of SADDLERY AND HARNES.S of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to sell "thesame on terms:that defy competition. Every article offerel for sale is warranted to be made of the best metorml and-hr ebmpetent workmen, whiehisilt bo •fully demonstrated on anexamination thereof, TRUNKS AND VALISES..—He wortld - also the attention of persons wanting, rkgood , neat and; 116, .0 atid V aubstantiatTiunk or alise to his aSsort littent.• . •, ' , june27,63. • IVIIIPS WHIPSWIILPS War. Shit. St &air. corner .of Main and ' Washinkton Streets, 'Chamliersborg, Pa., mainifac turor4,of all kip' ds of; WHIPS., such:as Wagon, Car riage and Riding - Whips, of various sizes and of sts - they offer to the'publicoaither lay Wholesale orßetail, at very moderate prices.— LASHES'o fall lengths kept constantly tin tin nderatt thrsale,by the dozen, very cheap. They,alsomanu ticturUStiperior HORSE . COLLARS, to which they inriteartention.: - ' , Orders from,a distance solicited and promptly at tended to., - • ; jun 17,63; 1110,ROAD ANELN AR R CARS, tsingleandDouble Hamm, Riding and Driving ridlei, (lents' and Ladies' Saddles, Wooden and Sletal•Stirriips. Heayy .and. Light Collars, Riding Lnd _Driving Whips ' in every, variety-and priee,,,to had at GORDON'S.' - • ' ' A D DLE'S OV'EVERY DESbRIP -1: tion, HARNESS of all 'kinds' BSIDLES or very variety WHIPS of all sorts, * SPURS of all aakes, and BRIDTAR BITS of all - iiatterns'ean' bei ad at C. H. GORDON'S Saddle and Harpess, Stolz . CIORDON THINKSAIE •CAN - 111110i k. A ,out as GOOD A JOB at, his Shop,,oPnasite the • ndian Queen Hotel, as any other man in his line of •nsincss. Go and look—may be YOU coin sec it DOME AND SEE GORDON'S STOCK V of Sachil;es,..llarness...fie.. which he is offering to , b© public at eery reasonable prices: G " DO N HAS A SPLENDID, AS, • sortment of .Faney Riding Whips, For ladies smd Gentretnen *be like something nice. - CIYAUS TI.:G:ORDQR IS •STTLL`'AT ttie Old ;Stand, on •Main Street; oppoeite the tedian geeen Hotel, „ l 0 TO 'GORDON'S AND SEEIF HE ottn'tuit yam to'soixtethingiwbis•lino of buzi- CM erintfectionerg, ICE CREAM.—Bitrkhart & Ilenshey ate now inon . nrod to siipPlyjce creanieday and night, in any quantity degred. HENS.HEY, BAKERS AND• GO,N . FECTIONERS, ' A.tD DEALERS IN, *FRUITS, TO:YS, FANCY GOODS, '•• North Main Strcet, (Teat Sid;) , CLIAMBERSEURG. h: air OZdera*mptly attended to. "63 aOLlyi ; *WIS. LANDRETIPS AGRICULTURAL 111- PLEMENT AND SEED WAREHOUSE, 2.1 and s iSouth Sixth Street, PaitatlaPhia, Pa. DAVID LANDRETH & SON, Proprietors or Blooms.. dale, which contains near four hundred acres in high tilth, devoted to the production of GARD E N SEEDS are now prepared to supply Country Mer chants, Druggists and all others who &call in Seeds, with large or small quantities, by the pound - or bushel, and else in papers made ready for tetailing. The Establishment represented by David Land reth & Son, has been founded nearly threc-fourthh of ii century. The wide-spread Duptltnsity, and the demanclin" creasing from year to year, for Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds, is evidence of the_ high value entertained for thorn by the public. Landreth 's Garden Seeds are not only favorably received throughout the Union. but areshiPPed to many foreign. ports. Indeed it may be stated- with national undo that they come into active competi tion with English Seed and British Soil. David Landreth &Son invitaall who are not si ren/1y purchasers of their Garden Seeds to make a trial of them—assured tbat they will be/oand fully equal to their' high reputation. landreth's'Hural Register and Almanac contain ing (catalogue of Garden Seeds with instructions, furnished gratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultuml Implements. DAVID LANDRETH & SON, 'aug 12-1 s) Noe. 21 and South 6th St., Phila. -_ _ - =rocra. MEM n( 9;istCrAgise. -