El LE ;Untold-C=l4 SY VA ! Jk. SPRING TIME TABLE. H VI; TRAMS daily to and from- Philfatelyttia, on, and,aft v cr May 16th. i.,`The Passenger Trains of the'PiniisAiania,' Raii roadi-Company willdepar v t from and Arrive at Ear l Opbarg,andPii4adelplut: as follows: I.A T W'A. I) - i " — TITROUGII" EXPRESS TRAIN • leh•Ves :Harris inirg dairy at 2.45 A..' m.. And iirriVes a.t Vest •Pliila 2 de/Fhiaat6ssa.M.•.'• - ' 144 j LINE-.leases 'Harrisburg.. daily (expept mondaY) atstiaW.A.m., and arrives at Vest Philadel phia at 10.1 t/ Passengers lan breakfast lam:easter.- , • - FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves arrisburg• daily (eicent Sunday') at LOU and arrives at Vest rhitadelphia at 5.20 P.m ' • -,• , llititTN' v r JO Y-ACtiu m..II.ODATION. leaves Hat risburg at 7.20 A.m., connects at Lancaster with Lan caster Accommodation Train,. and arrives at West - • ' ' • • :COLUM I,IIA ACCOMMODATION TR Allijeav es Xf s arrisb,urg at 12. '41 1'.11., UOllluibia 1.55 and, ar rives' lit Lancaster at 2.30 'P.m,: canna:Ail:li with Past Mail east at Lancaster for pliihnierphia u and arrives • at. West Ph itxdelphitialt-h.20 P. sr: • MAIL, TRAIN. lo‘eyesarrishurtc at 1.20 tan:a:ter at 247 and aa W rves at est Pailadel phia • • RARELSBURG ACCOMMODATION ri Colnini2ia. leavess Harrisburg at 5.25 r. 31., and tarivestit V est Phi lido inhi a at 10:50 P.m.' , NTE S T IV 1) : ': BALTIMORE EXPRUSS TRAIN .leaves Bar risburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A.m..• Altoun 7.35 A.O , take breakfast, and arrives at 'Pittsbur at'12.30 P.244".' " PHILADELPHIA! -EXPRESS TRAIN }env( Harrisburg daily at 3.10 Altoona 8.20 A.M.,•tak 4realtfast,sod arrives at Pi ttsbu rgattl.oo MAIX. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg ut 1:30 Par 'Altoona dt 7=.15 P.M.; take sapper, and arrives t• Pittsburg at 12.30 Atm. , FAST LINE leaves. Harrisburg at 3.15 P.bt...• A) toons, at 8.35'17.51., take supper, and arrives atPith , Ifurg at I.OP A.N. - - UN,I! JUY , ACCO3IMODATIO.N leaves -Lao poster at 8.30 vA.l,r.-, -and-arrives-at Harrisbuig t . ( 1.1.10 N. :BAR.RISRUIto. ACCOMMODATION. T RAJ.I` leaves West. Philadelphiu.at 2.45 r,31., and arm( at H arrisb urg• at 8.10 P.ll') . MOUNT , JOY AcC.OldMOVAtlol\' f *,/ 2, lea'vt Inincaster at G.2..5, eenneeting with Harrisburg Ai. pounnoiatioa IVest. le,tves Mount Joy - at 7.4iti r. e, pid arrives at Ilarrisbtiv: at-8.20 p. u. ..SAM YOtNG,, Supt. Middle:l)h% Nanti. R. R. jun75.64-tf. VORTHERN CENTRA L RAILWAY T A littEt TREi r eni;VM ÜB L AIOMBAL TlNlOlikl ND WA.,IIINGION CITY. COnneetionsmtatie with trains on Pennsylvani- Itailroad, to and frgin Pitthntir.and the West. Tllkil r' TRAINS'DAILY toned from the Nort and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira and ati - J,. •Northern New York.; Op, and aftef • MONDAY,' MAY 16th, 186.1, th Poseng:er Trains Of the Northern Centred liailwa will arrive at and depart from Ilarrishurg and Bal tizabee as fellows: • _ _• . ..... . ... . . , ~. c • : S 01.1. T li 117 AR D. ~ , MAIL TRAIN loaves 6t n'ntry daily (e-x, . „ , , ... ea ve Stuiday 10:25 A.lt liave4 'Harrisburg if2d P.ll. -. ' " ,' - , arrives at lialtimore 5:40 P.lf EXPRESS TRAIN leaveB Sunbury daily '- (excePrt •;Sunday) ..... 11:42 - P.M. 2 , " c " leaves llarrisb's , (ex- ._ ' • ' ' • -.• eel:4 Monday).- — 2O A.ll " . ''; 'ainves at Baltituore • i. . . . : - (except M0nt1ay)......1:00 Sai ilARRIgIl'a ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg- SCNBURt ACOMMODATION leaves Sunbury daily, t ex ' emit Stiiiday) at 0- N T II W A: R D „- - MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily • (exeeptSunday). : . - ..;...1: - 0:20 A.M. "". 4 Harrisbirrg-:. ... i: 35 arrives at Sunbury 4105 P.M. leavesßaltitner,e • .. 15 - 4.30 n.."lt. , arrives at Harrisb'a....l:so 1.3 t. - , 1 1 * " leaves I.l.arrisb'a-dai-, ly (except Monday arrives at Sunbury... 5:53 a.m. HARRISB'G ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 3:00 P.M. arrives at- Ilrriebunr.. 7:50 r..ts. StINBITRY ACCOMIIOr)AI'ION leaves Harrisburg daily.,(ex ' Copt Sunday) LIC For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. i,t1n17,6-1 , N. OuBARRY, Gen. Supt, 1e64. , D.IIIL4DELPHLA:AND ERIE - . ROAD.—Tilis:grea.i line traverse's itteNorthei ,and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the bit) of -Erie, on bake' Erie. • , It has been teased bY the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, an under their auspices is being raPidli opened thronationtits entire length. - It is now in oso forl'assenger and Freighthusinea. from Itarrishurg_to 'St. Mary's (2145 miles,) }on th, Eastern Itivißittfi, and from §iellield to Erie, 7l miles. on tote , Westernliilll6loll: • 1 • 1 - TIYtE OP ,fAAS:4ENT , Itfi ''RAMS AT HARRiSIWRSI • • LEAVE EART*ARD. • • 'AI ail Train .. ........ ...... Express Train ' •• • • LICAVE: WESTWARD, . . Mail Traink...... • • 1:3.5 P.M. K:crib-am , 3:15 /..u, Carol a through .withoat change ',both +guys on thoset ins,. between .philadelohia and Luck Davey &nil t.: ) I tn Baltimore and Lock Fallen. • • Etc. • eepitte Gars on the Express Train both mow •-.•a Williamsport and Baltimore, and 31 4 / 4 1 mpoport and Phil adelphiii. • F r intutination respecting Ptucsenger business ap- DIY • t the. S. E. Corner 11th and -Market Streets, rkditulelphia < • ...And for Freight tmeineas of the Cotnpany's Agents: • 1 ll:Jim:yam, Jr.. corner 13th and 2.l.tirket Stu.. • , . . w,, RAvsoLits„-Brie. R. • • JIM. DILL, Agent N. O. R. R.. Ilaitimore, Md. ~ • • • 11. 11. HOUSTON;, , , • ~„ Oen. Freight Age_nt,Philtidelphia. LEW,IS D. HOUPT. , . . , .-•• 1. 7 , , . : Gen. Ticket Agent. Philadelphia. -'' • JOS. D. POTTS, itanls.64. ~,_- GO: Manager, Williamsport. . „ CIU 'Ai 11,E it 1, A'l%.t D TALLEY AND ~. pRANKLIN RAILROADS.—CHA ArG.E.6i and after Monday. Apr.l,4th, 1861. Passenger Trains will run daily, as • follows, (µn days excepted): FOR CHAMBERSBURG 'AND - HARRISBURG: A. M. P.M. 7:00 2:4. 5 7:37 ' 3:3r , 8:17 , • 4tl Len•Vi;lingent o- Wn " larcenCtiatie • ,t • • -•-, Arrive at PiambeFebtut - •• ' ' Leave at Leave ShiPPensbakv " • 8:30 12:55 0:00 9:4 i.a.00 egi• • A.M. I carljale 5:53 10:10 1 2:42 """•Meeklibietburr' , - • 10:42 i 3:12 rOetreat Harrisbur g • 6:55 • -11:15 IL Cll - AMBEItSDIIPAI AND u.A.aERSTOWN •Leffe ...... .... .... 8:05 ' 1:32 .•f 4:20 Meuhalliesburq• . 8:47 2415. 4:54 "" etrlitle ...... ......... :........- gra 2:56 • 5:29 , Newrille 10:02 3:g9 •" l S6ippentibtirg.4 ' 4:00 _•• . +Airive at Chaniben3brtrg...- 11:00 4:30 Longa Chatntritab urg 11:10. 4:40 • • • Greeneaktlolliss 5:30 •s,rriverd. Harrisburg • • • 12:35• • 0 : 10 - Making .elose .eonneetiong. a 4 Hanish:lm with • trains for Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburg. .'auit wait - trainsror all. point& West. • - • • The Train leaving Ilarriaburg at 4:20. Y. M.l ?Inv oat.* at far as . • 0. N. LULL; Supt. 114,, 11. Office. Cbareb*g, April 4, 1864. ARNARD T. 'FELLOWS goo - s,E,AND, SIGN RAIX,CER. , .„ • OtAIRAIIo iILAZIEIVAINIDPAPER lIA Strip in New Building wijoining' the ;Arai • • • ket Street Bridgr, Charnbtrsburg, Pa. Ir-spectrally thke this method 'of , thanking-a' "efts 11% of Cliainbersburft and vi&iiity for the vet Übe :J:1 patfotingtr received thiir hands Fin( my; havadone, r 6 siderle e in this plifee,. nod fl ittefing Topa flint s an d a m fool prep ired to do a Piero Hest work in my line trlir3it a iontinuanee .past favor. • • S. r..FELLCAVS., ES. I respectfully refer •to any o :my patrons gv,itAir, wm hletiallen, Col. A.• K. MeCliir , `MCI% Mr. Niccollif, Presbyterian Church, - Dr., Rid , anti: Dr. Dither of the Geruian ltaformed lilexsor wet','-d: Allison Eystor, 7Ytn. o.•Eyster. and any ictl ors lor whom I hare work—fur el-amatory workldnntritlid expedition. tmaylB,6l] Is. , T. F. " " GRAIN!! GRAI.#.)II! !1j: . 2 IY,ASUABAUGII'S RltklyEity; „ ,PA. • The rtrAtireatigned takes this method of inforthir . 18 rtienclar the- Public ge'nerally, that he hs lensed fnr a t •Ira of - years the 1 , 01, - known Itroivm, esstabliAtaent heretofore eondueted by Mr,V or. WaaliabauFk• .0 0 will 'be gird furohl h ; friend. ;toil the- old pktrone of •the ltou.e with i L • ,4oirt„ALl t ,upon,thc6 hortee tddiee,nndatthelof tett prtoef. - .itte• „the hichesl r'Wit Irrice wiq be Pei& for 5,0' bas .or. ($f BARI,RY, iforivnr , r Chernbirghis ra . •ip lfii Iy. ALEXANDER, MARTIN. ---,3outWart r Cuar%,4c jrl 0 !dltil 4N D 1i544 kilt k tjit.:-4.i1. ,E: '' . '?,' 1 1 )IA;RDw.t.ARp..I• A ' 6 1 ,p LI g ..- a 4,..., 11 0(4t 6 .-`ool4 . fe:74Vietfiabiiiiti*LbliikftieVlFand business,-at his old .. stanp. - on Main Street, opposite the'Grerrianjictrkzell,bhuilik, • • CIIAMBERSBURG, P/t Ifavinici3l4ise'dli4ilnthiriess6c'adetter . 4 .- aid Iric74- inalotraviThindin his Storolloonra general asnert mint of goods sorted to their secetal requirements: anal as'. J .- . ' Pair find CaurifrY "Patent, Leather s • 't Tkieri anlitrthing Gig - Trees, Fyn PiateA,Titt4fari and Japanned Goat andlYthstodltaitr ittiv.e; ,tllgn epttOnl:,- aElitagnd.r, , :••. -,.. • Plated, Tinheci and'': • • Jftganned •.. . • Coach Ilaadice, new stylus; Cnrtain•Fraates: Hub Bands: Bridle ROseates. Snivels and, 9rnii n'amentat Irort Plated and 'Wood Gig llomes;-.. BUQICLES-13 . RAS I §, SILVER•AND J'APANttb, all Styles and Thitterns; IvorYnnd Wooden Mar , tingal Rings. Stump .lOinta. and a rade- • • ty Of other goods suits • • • '•• • • ' hie for the trade., AIL KINDS Or PLATING .17c done with neatuess atuidesiSatch. LEWIS WAMPLER, ' ' Chaintiorsliurg, Pa. A.. AL _.13 W. 'A. "R E . H &Aim Ar 'ItICHARDSON. • 611 Ithirket Strect,,Pliitudetp4ia. J. FRF.D. SMITH. •• - • • CH-LS. riaeliaansoN. The uudersigmed would respectfully call the ut teution of COUNTRY 'MERCHANTS to their Large aad well selected stook of . , HARDWARE.' „ n01,6-tr. Having made special airangements for the Fail Trade. %Ka flatter ourselvetl`wecan offer inducements to purchoSers that willful remunerate the trouble of esquniniug oar itock. Ire ask bat a trial; to con since the (Amain, Trade that we are prepared tb. sellloprandaccommodate, - Our stock of Tilde and Pocket Cutlery is unusually large, selected with care:and - including a variety c)i styles that cannet but nit all tastes. iVeha've dotWantly oni hand u large assortment of BriiklingHtirdwiire, . Tools, Cutlery, Files, Tool Boxes, and Chests. - • Saddlers and Shoemakers`,Tools, Serows, - and,Nall. every thing in short pertaining to a Slat elass Hard witroStoie. _ Particular attention paid tp Country elders.. It is our aim to secure the.confidenee . of our Customers: and to this end, wear : particulatin filling orders to give the best, and as cheap as though the customers were buying in person. Give us a trial: • 11.}:irFazexcE.—J. K. Shuogk,EB9., A., Z. McCluo, 1,.11, 'Cosier, Chambersburg. ' • •• • SMITH & RICIfARDSON, au5,63-tf, 611 Mori;op P 10 1 ,4 on';", 7:1:0 A.ll 7:30 A. 31 NEWIHARDWARE, STORE.. L. B EYSTER would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally': that in connection with his - KEROSENE OIL AND LAMP STORE. he has commenced the HARD IV ARE business.nt his ncw Store Room; one door North of Sol. liu. bees GroCery. His stock consists Of the following articles, via: • - . . Building Hardware, Howe Furnishing Goods, :. Table and Pocket cutlery, - I Mechanics' Tools, Nails by-the small or keg„ . , Farming Utensils; such as- I Shovels. SpicleS. Forks, . I Potato Lifters, ,Scythes, etc., etc. 1864 Also, Glass, Paints, Benzole, Linseed, Kerosene`andinihricating, Oils, Lamps of filldeseriptiops, - • .chandelierefor Gas.and Kernsene, . •: - • Fruit Jars..bestl,nolity. etc. Agent for ;beani vt , EV ANS4z W.A.TbOr...; Fire Proof Safes, irul29,G3 tf. Tl'A It 7' %;ited io of Hirdware, stook of good: , following Soot Iron, Nails, - Steel, - Hocks, _ Anvils, Vices. II hose, Paints, - Turpentine, Hoes, Call and exl of ered fOr CRY 1:24 P.][ 2:50 A.m. W A It E.—The public are in . call and examine our ekfensive stork ,Cutlery. Am. Wo k eep unhand a large Ain our line, composed partly of the .I.s, which we offer very cheap. Files, . LOoki n a. (llasse.4. Rasps, " " Farm - Bells, • Hosts, Springs, Axles. Glass. . Boot Trees. Chains. . Shoemaker's Nit Whips, : ' Saddler's Tools., Bolts, - - , :`! Trimming... Saws. CriffuaTrimmings Brushes, • Grindstones, Homes. . ' Cedar Ware, Shovels, BlaSting Powder Rakes,. ,- Shot, Lead. Spades. Pocket Knives, :amine our Stock, Sneeill indue.m eats [sit. 1rr21.63.1 ;BBAND k VT,ACK. A.R.DWARE AglY-;-dIJTLER.Y. H &ND lIIT *SON, Importers.. and Dealers in AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND GERMAN • 509 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Detweeri sth and 6th and Market and Arch Ste a a5,53-tf. '-- Sorb3ao3ing R)uuoto. u .N DERLIC 11. !isc ~N 1) -FORWARIIING AND COMMISSION AINDCI{ANTS, North Second Street, opposite, the CutoVerldnd V a ley,Rallroad Depot, Chamberebure. Can run regularly to Sad from Philadelphia and Baltimore.. • AGrEN'i . S.—Peneock. Zell Sc Hindustan, No. $OB Market Si., Philadelphia. V Lykens - alley, Broken Eau hnd Nut MAL. ((B ret/ from themines), Wilkesbarre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL. LUMBER. SHINGLES. SALT, PLASTER and Hancock OE,ME.NT,$uept eonstant ly en hand. - FLOUR.'GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds purchased a the highest , nali prices. . SePt9.63. WUNDERLICH & ,NEAD. E AV • -A it R A :N% G Er AI E N N FttEIGIIT THEW/TOM Ti) NEW YORK wOrrorr 'lsres.ssuremwvr. The undersign edw.ould retpectfully inforio the public, that they are prepared to ship all kinds of Produde, Merchandise, &c.Lfrom Chain bersburg and Greenegatie to Now - York. without "transhiPmenh. and deliver-it at Now York as quick as it-can be delivered in Philadelphia.. The attention of Millers and Shippers is resPPel fully invited to this new arrangeMent. For further information inquire of DEITZ S McDOWELL, Agents:- Chambersborg and Greencastle. li - I A IN P I. I 0 R,S ATENTED OCTOBER 13, liksi". ' 'lack. - Dark Green, ' Black for Silk, ', Light Greets. Dark Blue, hl agent*, Light Blue. Alairp,, ri . French Blue, - 'hlaroon,' • Claret ;Brown, ; - , Onitme; "; ' 1 -• - I Dark- Brown.. ,; i Pink, , ~ • • Light-Brown, , . Purple, Snuff Brown, ,„ ' Royal Parole, Cherry; ' ;Satinet), ~ • . . Crimson, '; t . ' - Sunlit, . - ' q , A R LONV ' S rIsID IG 0, I) X...1n1i. • Dealers and Consumersof the above Celcbrahl. Light Drab ash Mu, will please take notice that the L0G,,1,, Dark Drab,, Sollerino, . . • Slate,' • ----, ' p ' Fawn Dien,, • „ -, Violet, - - are altered to rend - INDIGO'BLUE. Ptit up; at ' •'' ; - i - Light Fawn Drab. ' Yellow. ; ALFRED WILTBERGER'S 'Drug Store ;No. •-ti t • ." ar Dycing.Sil k.; Woolen and Mixed Goods, Sheltie. North Second Street, Philadelphia." The quality, Scarfs. Dresser, Ribbons, Moves-Bo_ nets, Guts, , of this Blue will be the same in every respect. , I Feathers, Kid Gloves. Children's o=othiitig, "-It-is warranted to color 'mere water than-twice I and all kindt - i --- orWerfring A ot•a 'el. Vie-same quantity of Indigo; and to go much further, ! . Ara- A- SAVING OF 811 PER cy.N.r. s ißa•_ L bu n, im y other Wash Blue in the market., It di,,- ! •-For 2.:,' cents you can color sue many geode as would solves perfectly clear, and does not settle on the 1%, iterwele cost five times that enact Various Slitidir , clothes as must of the caller makes do - One Bux mbe produced from the same dye. The process ie di•sol veil in a half pint of water will make as good , inple.and any . one.can use the tlye, with perfect_ if liquid blue as any that is Made, 'a't Ono-third the (+ ,cress: ' Directions in English, Frelahnnd German cost, ; ; . :'. t,t ,side of - each pattkage, , , - , • As it is retailed at the :same itice: ll aa Ors Imitr- -:, Forferther information in 'Dyeing, and giving a emits and interior articles, housekeepers will find it ,•, , irtect knowledge whet caters are heat adapted to ceey mu - eh to their advantage' to ask for' that p , ut up . !i, over othrts,lwith malty valuable recipcs,i'lmr at Witivinntaka's. - '-•,- ; 1, . • ' - t.' toe llowe klSteretie' Treatise an Dyeing and Col- All lilue out lie after this date with.,l4atty,r's ;,log. Sent by Mail on receir of -I , r t e-,-10 gents. i Immo On it i.pn imitation. -, , . _.. :A • ' • Men orictured by GOW k STt VENs. Vl , ' n-a; label dn.. hat requira a stamr.. 'For sale i ' r0v..5-lyi . ' ' "ft Bret dway, Beaten: by Storekeeperegerterally. '- ; "fell-6m, For Sale'bY Druggists std healers generally. '''''• feb 21-tf TglYik. it. G(Li.ESPIE. g"• .11tont1 ZELLVR. ILLESPIE, 2ELLER & CO.. G PRODUCE ,V._PRQVIt•7IO . N AtiiRCHANT6. • .4 - . N; }i'IIOLESALE Gltol7E '; 4 . ... North-West corner of Sixtkan4 Mark et 1 s Phil adelphia: f. tirpositorn, tliambruburg, pa. . , . • • ... 14 1 'A $- CA 0 N `.§.• YiEr A 31' I t t S BINET ORGANS • 31. i LODEONSvvereintreduced some twent.i yeais since. and were succeeded by the MARMON IL MS kbon C nine years ago.' TheI:,`ABIN,ET °ROA N 'll' as brought to its pres.ent state pf perfeetipn only in.the s'ammer of 1562. " - TILE AUTOMATIC S BELLOWS SWELL • has rest advantages over any.otherinventionof the kind, is eai)able of mitch"fitler ejfeete than' can be produced by any other, and eosity_vovetllM the pewfornier, and excelswpecially in capacity I°l' e:rpre.xion. • • -14!6,Please noticemovance in prices. , CARM'ET ORGANS. No. 15. Four Octave, Biiigla Recd. in Walnut' • or Oak case b QS No. 16. The Same, in elegant R0A:M . 004.1 1 20 No, 17.-Five Octave, Sinile Reed, in•Wahiut or Oak Case- r- .................. U 5 No. 1.8, - The'Stime. in elegani Rosewood...ease._ '145 No, 19. FounOctave.•Double Red, ih -Walnut or,Oak Ca.se 125 No. 20.' The Fame, in elegant RoimWoial Case... 150 "So. 21. Five Octave, Double Iteed, in 'Walnut , Or Oak Case 15'J No. V:. The Same; in elegant Roseivotal`Caae.-.. tip 2.'i. The Same, iu Solid Carved :Heald - ed. Waintit ' • 180 No, 10,-Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ. ilk Walnut - or Oak Ca5e....... 550 Vi lies of extra .finigh made to artier. ' No. 12: Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut er . 94 ;. Case _ _ - 400 ;.; • J,:2r D 0,31'7. ,it I C:§:inAc,. iold—to to for; Cosh rx — e* The patronilgu of tlio - piu>liu is most respect fully solicittii, ' • - „ -ItIEV.4.I f FE k 11 . :1:fESIIENY elmtabersburr.--Pw:, M.a.y.2:6. - 18a4.-it. 4 - 1 G• ., 0,. : 0,, .D, S . She subscribers are nosy offering a large lot • Linen Duch, • , „ • „ • ' Damask Iluehribaok ; • .•is.• • ' Russia DiaPer and Gnash, ' • ; ,; Y; . • ::•;;• ' , -• • • Irish ppen ; 400 doz Life Threat and. • ' • ' ;- Silk Glo•rm 200 doz Rosters-, •;• . • ,Estra super quality Black and Colored DresS Cloths and casshrtere; and Rotnlmziries, • ; • •:• • • , Vaud 114 Bina and Coliiie,d Black • AlpaceLis, • Coeheeo, Neriinae And ' ; - - ISpragtes Prints, • • • 100 doz super BrenclrShirtFronts, 100 Balmoral Skirts .•,. • , • • • Water Proof Clotlfe, - '" `• • Bihasolls, • ExtZa'slip and sup,lriti.4.in Carpets 1..1 1 -/ & ,1. 1 6. 200 doz Litign camhrit),llandlonhipts • Cekoabild Ctintott•Mattirtg, - • ••-• yards Data; inar2} ,W1,i1 7 :41"; , 11_,D2 , 1CR,17, CO. mirrs 1. ~sxurrs ~SKIRTS !,I CELEIiRATED "ISt i'1;1118' SOLD4DNLYAV " " No. 17 NORTII Bth PHILADELPHIA, • Skirf.9 of all lengths. a any size Waist made to order and satisfaction guurtititeed. Ladies, Misses,and Ohihtreit'stiklits of every size and'shape, constantly on - hand. " - - Zaersi Skirtibereentect !Oat Months.' . READ HOW' W i E Dp •)3U4INESiS.„ We do not Iliake any cheap Airot in the common aedeptation of the term, hilt We make ' ' ' • - ' ' THE CHEAPEST SHIRTS. MADE, ' hewSts we make „ • . TAE, BEST ,AIP COMPETITIO2S ' We warrant' iikerk skirt 'we seyt tp be °swill'. It's represented. We Make ull.we Soll.andknotring Mit theysre madipro guarantee 'thein.with fall -confi7. deride. - # Ide toil 41ciet the willaigintioe itlon -, nvOone, mid if the?! VA .trat ofordo Or breaktoith. in six toontlie,toe,toill repoie Meat /rex of , Charot... ' We Merin to aiVe ptir Custoiners Ttill'satisfactioni but- - we cannot de so and compete with the low .prieed auction goods. We depend entirely upon the, so- Perierity of the goods we offer, and'the'fairnMs of our inethod of doing business • Orders left.at Shryeek's Book Ste're. - DIRECTIONS FOR MEASURAENT. •'- Take the exact size of the without anyid-' Torrance. The airiet length' required arid the size around:the bottom string'.'. Also. itthe shirt is tote• large, small, or mediuin size at. the top, and whether, 'Venn/ ofpittin round Skill: M: :JONES, '' N.P•;t:T NorthStNSt,,Pltitmlelphut, - 1 .. aiatlY-tz; • °for the 11 1 13:: figure. , T.T.P .111‘rt New Etaiii Rnoruiatutt igt Vrepaieti tb-_ tratteaet bush:sem' geeale,..• thort9ver_„.. , rs • -Buttist'S.— (go - 1 10 ' 0 f Booth;lOCClThrt£OUSErtio Tol ro; 41114 LUWI 3 00ks, Alesßeal.irsontn; entsday,,.. Obi olu.q..MilitarY,Rooka. • • BIBIIRS:—A large a‘.4ttin tesst.i'oOket • s , i„s A_,N, DOOkft. 'Ortill sties; qualities and ItYlez ' binding. , 4 • ' , s'• • Ift STATIDNERt.—A great vaTiety of kincis w MY/antra of writin4 Printitra Pnneiss er/ . , 11 " 111 • English end Arne/lent) nturtufitetrup,, , opetrof ntrBiieaand 4inditioo, tea, Pent.ette.) litilibers.- e Board„ K ; niv ea, Erasers,. 31:Vitt4gisRP.Ii'ff . GOLD TENl.3.—The very beat Goa Prattinaba.. market. Stilly Warranted, made by, Leroy W t . F,IF7s, BLIND spit EB.-+A foil variety of pattoyntsatmll , - gualitica :WALL PAlSlL—Nintly 1:1:03 different notiorbti togetli.or,witb. huitaP ,e,Bordeein . ra, and Velvet • - ES, lin ' . the Toiiet lIILLER!S.. , =II Elef-111l1131lAMES.-----.ovril and Sonazi for Photodrardts. }raises made to order. FIONC.II - 'GrASS; 'for Picture 'Flared, of lizsi" size. , - .•1,. ' --1 cli.E.Ar .D.TOTtig' .. ro'neli'loner than POhlistere prices. • ENGRAVINGS.-A.Po,ib...French. - German Anti American Engriiiiines. BASKETS- - ElneYaroveling,Book;rier.deSrOil. Knife and ClothesJl • ZEPHYR - )VORSTEPS. , --SiPPle: nail Mitlife phr. Tapestry and Spli lenhyr. Shetland Wo9ki_ht4 NEWSPAPERR.--- , -fhe - .Philadelphia and yen York Dailies-reeOived- daily . (tubs" or 'indiftithitii Spppli WEEE(I' ''PAnRS.-4137P1'ne We'ekiv. _Frsizaj illertniry, , .P.i. Y. Weekbr, V:lLtd 4 . ger. ST., r, c•iived weekly. o - • PERUZlCALS.—ilarfeis' Monthly, continuthl, 9ndeY,,Peterson, •finlloa KidAerbeeker, Au the 1 car Round, -&-e 7 keeeiver.l tisLsehh its:publi , bed.• - ''" _ • ISMEI /tB.A:D 0,, I I, , illa E® lIM July 6,1864, a Stationntß_-7— , W.- 7 A II th i tnct eihs; Nouvellettes; Swig "Do!iiii. &e., so* • •., , . tiRDERS.- , :- . We tot: e orders for nil kinds,oc gOnd?'4P EX.PRESS.-4We recefib goods by Esoreareiet7 day,from the East., • . - ----- BLANK 'DEED.' Writing and 'Printing :Civids., Ittilersi.-Paper Weights,- learuly - Srusheg, Chalk Crayons. and a/l_standard gook*" Ord. line 'contlaritly on hnitd.' - INIUSIC.—Shcct .nlubic, for Piano, Guitar, 3tioltz and Flute. PIANOS.—We purchase Yuma on cornyttlion, sails tosavc our euitornetufroth Fiffylii One Hun. dreg and.Fift,3 :Po llars. ,• , ;,; - INSTREMENTB.—re soy X7' ;illy kind of Musical Instrumehts'at-pricesfatloWer - than 'wont. PIIOTOGRAVB ALBUM ~ - 11'e eon snll 'Phot.o graph Albums at lower pricesihan they cart in t tate cured•fifr in the cities. CAIITES - &l3.:A'lSlTEl—Portraits 'dr - Ittnifitit Menor the G. Armyand NATV., Mete' rid Nrltlunn; rOtiliC ` Piettires, .NEW TOY - BOOli.".$ in great New publications of the American American Tract • Oocicty, Pre.4by'terian Board' Vf Publication, Arc. • - • f in 'We linve„no hesitation say i ng . to our, Ons%rn omega that from Our long experience. nor Mem eilif debit businwf, and our great fucilities, , ,yre utttfenr eempetttran,' slid have no doubt of being able to' Sieetitir,o:satierniticm. •,- :• . C tome and see our new stop:. our new 5tx0d,5 1 4" ,. 7 . : „.. gtoeri:nnd form ynnt oinl•Opinions. cllnniberdoire. Bee. 9,1%3. - . TAMES B S11,1:1' .11 & 9„ "BOOXSELLERS'rIi\IM PL'ilLI Ell ' r RR Monutoeturers. of. Zinn k anti .111-eir of abthonollottlow Photograph Allnuos. Manifold 'Writers, Marble 4- pen ke.. N0.2'418010 Betentlt Street,-abo're-Illiebt nut. ,;ve „ Blab- of ery rie'Peription,ll)r County 0 ces, Hotels. -Coooting•lforomtand Priblie43fiice (lobe fo order: Orders left with. S.S. 511/1-Ippir,„ CbOmbehtbitrg; proinPtY allendetUt& Y - seA637l - - Actital. 13ALSAM1C COUQRsy: ,_3 It or Co.ual4s, Cads, (A ovrY ltVi.4 S'pith - ng Posnaril IVealeolsof the .Ltretart.'l;iffiNdry of Bre•ithi'itir IVO.; This is no new remedy. It has been use d fora num. ber of ycins in - aid Parts of Pennsykra. Dia. and has wherever known acquired,nivallPfiect dent 'ed rcputatmn for euring_the variou dizoases i ffsp which: it recommended: It is used by nil...classes of society. and tho , :indr iersa I nth ion is "- thar it is go - od. - qyrup p purely,Veuetable.Voniwnirull It is pleat anete take, and neverdoes injury. but owing to its , ptifil rithiliticsrtniart do good 'tinder any cireumsfaneca.r• Its cifocts, are truly ;wonderful, soothing. ;ilia allaying the most violent conahst strengthening, and; in V igni at itig )hr whole'sYsrtla calming and soothing the net yes; aiding and Rating expectoration. and healing the - • • ' DISEASED ' •‘ thus striking_at.the ruot. of diseases, and driving from'-tie sYstem. • • s - CROUP, .• • • This disease is announced by difficulty of keattry ingishiill winkling - Or Wheezing. Ithe'kirtg i udetftY auJ threatened -sntleeation,...te. It, mostly„be No if in young children.child need die of Croup this Syrup is pro;crirtist , d7and used. in Mothers lioving,cr,enpY children shoulfivirttteh Iht‘ first she* of the disease, and always keep thklP' , ' tuedrodiligar2., For, cough after measles this E;Yrup, tnosej , •TOq• lent: Experience has proven that it is conailed no other preparation: The price issuch DAVI plaef it with in, therrettehl i t all, the poor as'ivell as the nth, and- every person should have it. , ; -• Every one should have it in the house. , ,truo and faithful friend to all uhd ?slue wish to secure thetashlV4.ll.oll , llinst that most terri ble *disease. consumption, It will touNtilhe most tisrfnl as svfdl as the cheapest tauailyigetlirinq4 in-Abe world.; _lets*, been_ 'peed -tor OW histlidrit fears -With a success-without aj - Price 40 cti. Per bottle, of MI foi - 11.10: _ ' „ Prepared: bY • s , . L. S. A. f 013'1 7.,,,5: , 11110.: - 1 1 IVestudiost,•er_all i , `l",orritile by -A. J. S; Chamhershr.rg. Po., end tztoif kJ-emus every:wheal:7 Frips., cE.f.x.BRATED Ii ozt 1?, . AND CATTLE TOW . llllF.;—ilitise TqAders have proved, after atrial of several Yeats. 14 , he% iterior -to any prOmraien 'of the kind - used. chiersupciriority.of these Powders mist!' 't fact that they are composed of tutdieincs thathaio latatiVe; Tonic- and Purifying properties.: The Laxative ejects crudities from the stornaehlond intestines: the Tonic grives,strength to the system of the Ilorse; sod the purifying, tnedicimeti,..eon tainetilin thearlelibittare the. blood niid lay Aid &hit daticktima healthy. and vigorous eireulatiorY„i lie nf! , 'tbiln improves the wind, strengthens the appetiteeandgives the horse a- - fine; smooth; 038 v skin—thus-improving, the appearance,. viftOr f , i -pF4 spirit of th noble ammo!. These Powders are not Intended, as some Pow digs are„-to billet the animal, so as 40 give him`_ ire appearance of being fat when not ren Dreg—but to remove the'distatso and promote his gencrallierilth' Time Powders, will -strengthen the stomach', al nr in siinep, cleanse Them from offensive affer, - aii bring them to a healthy:state: - They are a prgyan _of Lung Fever. vind'a , certain' rernf.MkTor`all diseases incident to the *Horse, as (llantiors,,iYolkig Water, Distemper,"Fininder, 11c:ryes, 'Slivering. Coughs, Fevers.Uim of Appetite...and Vital Ener gy, Ace. These Powders, if ased two or three liNea, week, thrcaigh- thn winter - and - spring,' your • - Hanle will never get the Lung Fever. Colic, or Botta. A. titt:(lojeS of these powders-rill remove the *ors( Cough orp any, Horse. Were ownons oPlirdtrteetor feed a few of these Powders every year they FOIFI4 slice the lives of many valuable llorscs. pr.opertics this Polv.d.attes seases in increasing the quantity of Milk f, tows gives it an irapiiirtrince and value 'which pilmil4 Place it. in tho' hands of every &riots liei l pitien' Cow. In fattening Cattle it `gives thomanappettte9 loosens their hide, and makes them. thrwo • .nageni . alder. • 11.0138.-An all diseases trf Swine, 'as CPuglise„'' Ul' 4 curs , in the Lungs und Liter, •puttink •Frtitfi bait n paper to a paper 9f :these .Powders iprithar rel of swill:the rib - eve diseases can be,cnrel}ot a ed s tirely prevented, By using these Powderetheiß4 Cholera an be prevented.. Prepared . by: -• &.A. TOITTZ &BRO.. WestrninstbrOtcV 'For sale wholesale and retail by A.J. R1,L144/14. and J; g; Nl.V3N;'.Charnbisbn,rg. anik atstrpf keepergeverYwhtte. PrieuPji'etS. 'prlfier:t'ttr It* papers : • - • • • ' • , tiorrvs mINTuIIE is a BA* and reliT, - able homed/ l'Or theeurepf ithennuatimbralud t I Nerviius Affections, Sprams, Dims, Swgl jam. and all diseases requiring art' external applidation" ott Man..: : , r,t e, , , . litt, ),,,.$ On Horses it yin never fail to cure I'oll.‘eirtl4 Sim; tula, old Running Sores or &weeny. if,proporitap plied. For sprains, braises;scratches, et aeked v f - chafes "saddle oenollar gall. cutUr,wohnds: it '-i5 Ole remedy. Try it and.: be , convitic a aalaa,r. ~, 'o.'_... ' ,•'c 71 cI - IiIIEtTMATISIiI. Persons affiieted'aflth this disease, no Mittiir' of, how long standing, eon be promptly and effectaadAT auxe4bFOlag tins mixture. , - - , - Iv I, ' There is nothing . in the worhl,so see i - anoilfp - gookil' to' take htiyiY" at.tbras'ilfid cure Fro'sl Trite+ , 10 . tllla prima:talent. . it and Satisfy 3)08d - see: • Pnpir ,25 Nal - .60 as:4)e illo. Prepared by 'r Q V.,'" .. , '. a 4.... FOVIZ i ItEIIO 4 , YVeqtrainster ~ t, - For iftte by A. J.. NISLI4ER anct J. S 4 Fi vi ' a ChiAnbergbAkt Pa..`azid btortikedpers GTO '., 11 ._~ .-~