The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 06, 1864, Image 1

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, - _.BY 41'CJAIRt : & -STONER.
Xqi - ,t.
Fourth of July in Chambersburg!
All quiet ,Along• the Lines !
• Sunday July 3d opened in Chambersburg se
!one and beautiful; and worshippers wended
4heir, , way‘to their respective sanctuaries with
rteit'Wonted calmnesi and .devotimi.
,ternoon- witnessed the first anniversary of the
Suaday Sehoul under the di
,4!rectioa of the several denominations, and for a
•, •
yar past held regularly in the Presbyterian
'Lecture Rooth, and devoted to the ehristian
'task of teaching colored men, women anti chil-
to re - ad and giving them religioui ivatrue
tion. had gatheredin the elitireh at 3 P.
It. to commemorate the first anniversary of•an
tutititntiow that promised' tliem advancement,
- -religions training, and fitness'for usefulness and
,;.honor; and they sang their songs of praise with .
lio"earneStnes's that betokened the
.spirit and
• also the, understanding. In the midst (}i' the
services, when kind ministerl , Who had ,watched
• over and, labored with these poor victims of
brntalizing slavery, were coneraturating them
on the great good wrought in their behalf, a
- messenger hamled the Speaker a message sta.&
lag that the rebel; were approaching the Poto
lifyaae in force, rtild seemed bent on invasion and
" 'destruction:
i •
The news flew like Wild-fire, and consterna
'.'.tfonseenied to have seized almost every citizen.
.Gen. Sigel had advised , Gen. Couch that a (Anti
siderable force was moving against him at Mar
,•-tinsburg., He intimated his inability to arrest
',:their.advateu, and_ advised Gen. Couch to be
;-' , prepdred for the worst. This was but the part
of a'prudent General, knowing us lie did that
flea. Couch wOuld need' some tinib` to colleen-
trate his forces, and protect the valuable stock
in tic southern section of the county. General
Coach at once despatched messe O
nrs to differ
&Ares. of the -county advising the people to
north 7jf f eluitnbet'sburg t so that
it eauld not be seized by a sudden dash of rebel
- AlavAlry. It is needless to any that such an inti
. intation from Gen. Couch to a people thrice de
' • spoiled by rebels needed no orp;tuneut to insure
~,,;,krompt obedience; and -the work of exodus
r , l'uominr•nved early and was itentioned with the
must cvirn.lwadAlo Persov;.;ranee nptil there
, . a horse on the sonthern line.
ExciTvsiEN'y cnAmtEnsuunG:
-• Chauibersbu'rg tool; on the :excitement as
14atura14 - -.21s sunset takes to night. Although
4 , tit rtsiugle itispe.tefi recei vtA from
fhousiilid ruinorg
-it • ite.:l and natinifir.d , rte Ita'.y passed from
'ap.itli to inoath, u n til it eiTaleit as It all Ihe
o.l4:ileg! reL.,ebleta msells...:lten-fol(i. Me, :Wow
-.;1%ooli upoil devtd« , d Clianayrsbc,rg, :tot
o.k.e a atornini: lanelt of iti4 officers, ekizene.,
nogrOes, ilikyELs, goods cud 'wares, and kindlo
hrealiaist fire is burning half or the ;hole of
In the midst of the intense excite
intuit we rt.:enitited .on corps to the
possible 4iinensions, and resolved to
4: -givo the thrilling position of the bloody struggle
about to be inaugurated, an some- future day,
when the should be able to refit'our office after
_ the coming yaMials had vphished. We em
• played fifteen inolligent knights of •the- quill
to' call upon General Couch every - fifteen
~minutes and inquire particularly how many
-,xoeft; there were Oil the Potomac ; 'how soon
they would cross . ; where they would cross; what
• they would do Nltlien they were across; how
long they would stdy; whether they would burn
- •
• the .llEmit‘trains dike • e hen horses - and cattle
shnuld: he ?•ctit off; where they should be sent
_ Jo; when they should be brought buck; lime
f•Suy troop; he had here; him , many were corm - ,
big; when and where be, waq goinglo- fight;
whether am . 3 - indigent citizens couhl be a'ccetri
, modated withSuself andstaft in case - of re
„ treat;- and vaitUs other purely military inter
. ogator i ies ‘lldar the reportorial cormi <teethed -
- proper for public information'. We re
iret to' , say that Gen. Conch did not answer,
•,.moret than half of the ipnt , itihnssatisfactorily,
•-•and•ttlthongh the• Major General commanding,
• •:oVen - intimated his ignorance 'on several of the
`;:indat important Points submitted. We are not
aware what aKtion the corps may take on this
arbitrary excraise of military power..
; • •
• ~ -Weaho klivatched forty firtit-ttlasAlipecithens,
cirthe corp to adther all the trust-worthy in
't forfnatidn'alloat.'relativel, tit- the of
.cont &mere .eiz.'rt:t
eoon'es ticry arti l ,cll, .triodeEt:
, pyLin •• it§ token doxvnvdt4the iaiost
Elitoyriring Aedafidlers.v.ete (rti,2stit?n
;,,a rind crue.i.,eto,i ione 1, and thei
• tributioni thci.eurreut history of ho tla,Y
prei:orved. rll.rtiring (I arter-•tur sti!rsi
And .fragmentary Pammauds. just e:ie.:lpoilfrorn
whOlesale slaughter Of their eorbracieti . , siror
.-:-Versunded to. Modify their met until their pi:
ouf,;,and truthful talq could' be, proierved 'to
posterity: eud the calm, imperturbable eitizenti,
1.- I..C:hci loved truth sofelY fair the,truths'.
031..-tile.-egno4 - .)-f,gr„.rotn.4,e24, on
store-boxes, and "smiled'-' in quarters where
lovers Of_ beer most do congregate. Thurvas
a complete, reliable-and intensely interesting'
history of the campaign kept atiwith , ite start
ling progress.
On 'ciimparingihe'perfectlli reliable reports
of the corps in the course of the night-leaving
out the • doubtful and exaggerated stories of
flighted and reckless people, we found we
had positive information that the rebels had
Crossed the . . Potomac at not less than twenty ;
four places that afternoon apd eign ing, in col
.lllllllB from four to ten thousand Strong ; and
that the main body' hail snot yet reached the
river. It was evident, therefore, that not less
than a million rebeliwere about to eater-Penn
sylvaniaond as den. Couch's command . was
ecrtain not mordthan half that number, the
prospect of successful resistance seemed mist
gloomy. The rebele,bad , according to positive
rumors, maintained ii line of battle all of-Sun
day, sormytwenty Miles long ou the l3altimore,
and Ohio Railroad, and the extent of their sr.'
tillery may be iniUgtned when they fired not
less than fifteen pins every second. Some of
them 'distinctly heard in this section could not
have been less than , fifteen hundred' , p6unders.
It is barely possible that a little nervousness and
a. tendency to exaggerate were ,createttwith
our corpsby Gen. Couch's bland assurance
our people that• he was able, and would hold,the
tovin ut allhazards, am/ that he had sent for
an a umlaut, supply of arms for the 'citizens.
Thiswas most'agreeable intelligence to all but abroad,
and others : who had valuable stock that could safely.entruited' to servants.' Of course
citizens so situated Could not be expected to
Thus the feVer ran until a late hour on Sun
day night, when sonieof the most positive and
circumstantial accounts of rebels crossing the
Potomac wcre . contradicted, and the crowd
weary, and Worn out ,with their own exaggera 7
tions, gracefully retired; leaVingsa few leading
citizens and the military to conduct operations
and provide for contingencies, '
The telegrapk. eperater at Hagerstown
being assured ©very seven 'minutes that the re
bels were about to enter Hagerstown; be very
naturally changed hii•Jtase from the telegraph
office to some less attractive point,for rebel in
vestigations; andsveralbours would stmetinies
elapse before he would. Own up again to inform
Gen. Couch that the last report Was a mistake.
The only apparently reliable information re
ceived during tie night, was a dispatch from
-Gen. Webber, dated at Harper's Ferry, stating
thatSigel had begn oVenyhelmed atMaitinsburg,
and wgs endenyori3WlVationout4..Ferry.
The rebel force opposed to him was reported to
Gen. Webber atfroiri "ten to tWenty thousand
infantry, cavalry and artillery." This startling
information naturally gave melt concern to the
military authorities, but as most, of the. excita
ble population had retired; it did not ruffle the
Surface of the village preeptably.: Troops
were hurried on by Gen. Couch with all puss,i-
Ne speed by rail froet eastern points, and before
ilay-light, be had an ani'ple cavalry force of train
ed troops on the entire southern line; and had
ills° a force of infantry and artillery on which
be relied with entire confidence, with tfie_aid of
citizens who would voluntarily join the troops,
to hold the town -against zuoy probable assault:
With uninterrupted telegraph lines toiGreen
castle, Mereersburg and APConnellsbOrg, and
an efficient cavalry force stealing from 101 these
.points,surprise was impassible; and 14ith the
fume and facilities for the,defcncto of Chambers
burg, a raiding party would have inet with an
oinplea ' tantly warm welcome had they moveff on
his_ works.
The fourth was a day if unusual ex:Citeniimt .
The rohds were dark wits -sable refugees, and
swarming With horses aid other stock mo‘ing
orth, as directed by the:lent:rat commanding.
Every man who came fron the southCrn section
of the county brought la-; own story of fabu
lobs numbers of rebels jiq ationt to enter his
particular settlement; anl:.srinic IMAI actually
Ilsoon the - rebel forces in heir neighborhood.—
They were reported lig;ti as- crossing at Ilan
)cock: atNorth MoinitainitatiOn; at Williams
liort, ; at Sheppardstowr; at FailineWater4 ;
lit Clearspriug, Arid theDums ; and at, every
ilp• point where it was'lessible for a man to ,
get leross tha river; eudhtid our reporters ap
plied.. any' common sislim,, of arithmetic to
their statemenf§, the rekearmy could not trive
been ma'de'lest3 than ,a tillion—just iviit was
computed the day before.- But the uniform ex
-1 travag.tnee of -all , the iIICON, litlq. thi. 1 positive
I and persistent adherencito them by their au
thors, at last' became - hie-al, and they were
discussed on the corners as practical jokes of
the any. By noon generl confidence was re=
stored, as it became vainest that if a: raid ',ripen
Chumbersburg had been itended it would have
been 'clearly ',developed :ifore that time, and
the romainder.of the daywas devoted to jolly
discussion of the teriois,i invasion, and merry
peals at the ludicrous indents ,With which, it
• chetruers human histov,l.leneral tianquility
pi:tic-alb:in thereafter, wit the 'exceptioi) of a
, little variation introduceinto the programme
' on ill (today n igh t hy - the oputar at Hagers tom t,--
' Sul ported by a - f.:4lrageoil 'Lieutenant of ; thli
" speak mit do sword" p . sinision. The oper
ator finding that the re t be were'moviag.on his
Vedas again -about 5-P::1, he skedaddled and
;did not return as usual tunforin -Gen. Couch
-that he, wai t inisiaferafel - He look his instru
-;inento Greeneastle, arid rem there gave the
account of the advancing bets.- 'The Lieuten
ant ii..iched here in - the ease of the night, and
'retiiirted,the number of reds thatliadentered
ligge-rstAiwir.; MIR.- exact tie of their entry, and
knew.pretti , nioiallabolthe rebel force-this
thiteipf the Poto*c, whicbintiraceit cortaitily
Earley's and Brickinridge's commands. Ha
gerstown being cut off by the departure of the
operator. rumor had fair play, and a general
stampede of hors 4 es - and willing l attendants took
place about 10 P. M. Just while the officer
was detailing his strategy in eludingtho large
'forceqif .-HageritOWn ail" beyond ; a
dispatch was received from Mr. Band, who had
gone to Hagerstown in a hand-car,'dating that
all- was quiet—that there had been -no rebels
there, and that none were on this side of the'
Potomac. Our efficient repOriorini 'corps im
mediately had a consultation, and unanimously
resolved to recommend the Lieutenant for pro
motion. Lest jealous aspirants 'should conspire
to deprive him of his laurels, we withhold his
—The truth of the rebel movement is now
clearly manifest. Hunter, had retired from
Lynchbiirg to West Virginia, leaving the Val
ley undefended, and it was known to the rebels
that Vast stores had been 'loaded at Martinsburg
to be sent to,Hunter. TliO-train had been start;
ed up the Valley butowing to Hunter's move
ment' had returned; and the cavalry and mount
edanfantry Of the force that had resisted Hunter
from Staunton to Lynchburg, made awash down
the Valley to capture the much coveted stores
and stock. That Sigel outnumbered the attack-•
iug forces, we 6.innot'iloW:doubt ; but he had a
long line and large and valuable trains to defend.
He therefore wisely ran no risk in being over
whelmed ; bbt retired in safety - With his entire
trains fin
\ Slutrpsburg,: where he now has his
bead-quarters. At the time of:this writing
"(Tuesday neon) we have seen no evidence thht
anymore than scouting squads or pickets from the
rebels have eross'ed the Potomac at any point;_
and as Sigel is .in a position to operate from
Sharpsburg Wtibber from Harper's Ferry ;
Kelly-from Cumberland and-Couch from Chain
bersburg, we 'think -, - a rebel. raid into - Penn
sylvania as highly improbable ; The risk would
be too great, While the advantage could not be
sabstantial even in case of success By the
promptness of Gen. Couch althavaluable stock
was got, out of the south6rn part of the 'county,
and there was therefore. nothing to gain by a,
movement into this • State. To the decis
ion, skill and tireless energy of Gen.i Couch and
his staff the xeople owe their present t‘inquility
and safety. ,
Certainly not less than 1,000 horses passi.d
along the Harrisburg turnpike to ShippensbUrg
and points, adjacent, and inany more were sent
to the north-western portions of the county.
On Monday, very many returned, and all day
yeskirday a steady stream was passingliack to
theirhomes again. The, golden fields are ready
for the reaper, and protettedas the bordernow
tho. ad 04.144 meet nt , Ult.' Cumberland Valley gathered Without fear ofinterruption.
So dawned and ended the 4thjof July, 1864,
and so ended the latest panic in the "Green
Spot." 'The boys closed the nittal day of the
tißepublic with the usual amount Of wasted pow
itdpr ; the Old Flag waved 'merrilyy over the
t.t (
own from the beautiful - Chinn Pole in the din
coilet ; and the sun set in the west in strict ac
ordance with the almanac as in days of yore,
I t ylrilo the bottle-scarred and battle-scared of
the village, in mutual admiration, mourned their
iihire to meet the relentless foes of the Re
public. Long live the 'fourtli of July!
—Gen. Hancock has resumed command of
the Second Army Corps. • •
—The Medical Director of Gem Sherman's,
army telegraphs that our entire loss in the re
cent assault will not exceed 1.500.
—Provost Marshal Gen Fry has issued in
structions to the various provost marshals that
under existing lass, they can receive or accept
colored substitutes for white persons.
—On .the 19th three companies of the 4th
Virginia (Rebel) came into our lines uli the
Chattahooelme, took the oath of allegiance,
and were employed as teamsters arid laborers.
—The Chicago Journal says: "We have a
confirmation of the, _report that Gen. Canby's
forces in Louisiana have embarked on an im
portaVit expMition—probably for a movement
against Mobile.
—A camp of Rebel conscripts on the
rderspnvillo road, six miles from Atlanta, on
' , the 17th, broke for our link They numbered
eight hnndred, six hundred of whoa; got in and,
remain ; two hundred IN '4. l re recaptured by the
—With the consent of Gen. Grant, the Chris
tian Commission has sent to City Point from
Baltimore Steam fire-engineNo 4 fur the pur
pose of forcing water from the James River fo
the hospitals, a distance of one mile from the
Gen.. Archer, who- Was' captured at tthe
battle of Gettysburg, has been sent to Major
Gen. Foster to keep Gen.. Gardner company
under the fire of the' Rebel batteries at Charles
ton, until the union officers confined in Charles-
ton are released.
—Since Geu. Grant firm crossed the Rapidan
he has captured over thirty stands of Rebel
colors and about 17,000 Rebel• prisoners, not
including thogp captured , within the last eight
-43 r ten days, while his min loss in prisoners is
less than one-third that number.
—Since Gen. (41-ant's flanking 'intirentents
" flanking" is the term used by the, soldierS to
describe almost everthing. A brave fellow, the
other day, told out. correspondeo,that-he saw
a shell coming, but " hadn't time to flank it."—
The shell had flapked him and talfpn off one of
his arms
—A dead mute; belonging to a Memphis eiti
was being hauled nut of the, : ljnea the ether
day, when a bayonet-thrust revealed the tact
that carcass contained 60,000 percussion
Caps, a quantity of ammunition; and other con
traband articles, which sinno'rebel,synipathizer
had: taken this means of smuggling. ,
—Sherman 'has captuied in the neighborhood
of Pool* about 'thirty iron. ,woris;lind 'at
•EtinVall and 'others' places .more, factories of
the rebels felt into our hands.\, In fad, this
maid: of Sherman ban prodigious in
upon -the rebel cause,,andtis ,the country
occupied - is now firmly held, ,the 'idea that
'Johnston has; only temporarily Yielded it up is
preposteroui, •
—Were you ever ashamed of , the • names
some of one battle-fields:? Not Northern mud
sills,'but Southern chivalry, are responsible for
Such names : as these—they are
_genuine and.
.historical': 'Run, Snicker'S Gap, STaugh
ter's Mountain, Polecat Station, Gum Neck,.
Niggtir-footAleitd, Buzzard Roost Pass, Mob
Jack Bach, Yellow Tavern, Hardscrabble,
Town, ShaketoWn, JerichoMaish, Piping Tree,,
PumplOnvilleCreek, OxNeck;Guinea's,Brairch,
Snake River : Hollow: - . • •
—Au °Mail despateh,from.Gen. Hunter re
ports the safe arrival of hisforee without seri
ous loss at a point. (not stated)” where he has
met abundant supplies of fond and forage.—
General Hanter says that his " expedition
Vilna been extremely. successfuf,,infiicting great
injury on the, enemy and - Victorious in every
engagement?' •, He withdrew, because his am
munition was exhausted,
.?.nd: it wag impessi
ble to collect_ supplis in Eno presence of an
enemy Who' was , being, constantly reinforced
from Richmond. Gen. Hunter announces that
his force will be ready in a few days for ser
vice in any direction. , .
-, Later intelligence ;from Gen. Wilsonin stakes - . 1
that he his reached Burksville,`t4 ja - actfott of
arilroads lea4ing frOpi Dan'tille Lynch
burg to Richmond 'and, Petersburg, land destroy
ed a large portion'of both reads.. ;'The cutting
of this comuninication, the ,ageompliihment of •
which is acknowledged in the Itichinond pa
pers, is one of the most important achievements
note going s on around 'Richtbond. 'This, to
gether with the results 'a Bunter's ex'pedition,
cuts all of tee's cenimunications wit) the
South and South West, and is the beginning -of
the great work of investingthefehel capital.—
Petersburg papers state that Gen: Wilson de
stroyed a train loaded with cotton and.firrui
tore, burned a depot, and et I3urksville de
stroyed the track, and was still pushing South.
All the railroads leading into
,Riehmoad are
now destroyed, some of them badly.
—A - prominent officer of the Christian Co
m-mission sends the following note to the editors
of the Baltimore American : I aur !just ,from'
the front this morning: Everything looks very
welt. TheZ It;7,lps are imfine spirits. You mar
be assueed-of this, as I havebeen' in Imrsont i l
contact with hundreds, Both in the ceserve ,and
in the rifle-pits. I had an interview with Gen.
'Grant on Monday afternoon: ; is confident,
of the result. Be says ithere, can, be but one.
result—the defeat of the enemy or his (the en
emy:s) retreat from Petersburg, and then his
complete overtbrow. EitenSive ,prepaiittions
are in progress: and soon. the country will the
more loudly apphind the military genius and ex:
entire - ability 'of Gent. Grant 'and; Meade. I
was surprised to find some of' oar Union• men
desiondent when I arrived here (at Baltimore)
this morniirg, safely,assure your read
ers that there is no occasion for it"
—Mr. papa: the Assisthet Secretary of War,
who will be accepted throughout the - United .
States as one of the most iutelligent- - ,and cool
observers that have studied the, war, as Well at
QUO of the most truthlel of men, has answered
the questions- bf anxious inquirers hereabout
- the situation at Petersburg, ie the :ffect that
Lee's force: is not' more that!: two-thirds of
Grant's ; and that 0 ranthad his hand tin Lee's
threat, and ivoirld keep his - . hold till he strung
ledlifin to death. He gies to all the assurance
of our final and conclusive success. 'Among the
striking facts which mr.Dambag , mentioned is
that we have: at this moment ;31,000 of the
Rebel' soldiers prisoners in our hands. The
public feeling is one of absolute,-uttwatering
confidence in the future and ip
,Grant, and
over and abuse all in Grant's arMy..;T{re cool
est and most soldierly head's in ;Washington:now
declare that it cannot be whipped—the nation,
indeed, can jeamon it.
• cerresporident sums up Gen. Sherman's
great; campaign as follows : Tlai.Aritiy of the
Mississippi haS Made a tremendous- campaign:
It moved.out ofeantonmentif on the' lst of May.
froM qearters . seattered from Decatur to Knox
ville ; has marched with. only the:necessities,
and none - of the comforts of campaigning, over
mountains, thiough gorges and• gaps, 'and ra ,
vines ; made lirillgeind forded streams; used
sorts of traveled acid bridlepatkroads; scaled_
precipices and made roads for itself' n the Wild
:est of countries, a ind of hills and Streams.;
has fought a large,.well-appointed, well-Ogeer:
ed army at Dalton, at - Rossi'', at Dallas: re
ceived battles whenever, anlwhereveroffered;
pursued it as often as •it retreated, and so far
oirtgeneraled - the enemy froin'every good - posi l
lion, and is now a good' hundred Mules,,,ps the
crow dies, from its original base _of sopplies,
and but, thirty-five nines . from Atlanta. Add'
that -army, as I write yon 16" as strong inintini::
ters, as sound in health, as cOnfideutl:feart,,
as the day it took the field.", ' '
D. Beehtat is utt,indcpodent candi
dete for Sheiiirip Bluir county.-
in .
may be confidently said Mit: Governor Andrew . ,
Johnson is " sound on - the gnese:7
W. M. Anderson, an Ohio delegate to the
Copperhead Chicago Cenventieti; writes a let
ter in facer of a . WestailriCon . federae.f.
is Derhociatic deyotitat Ithe ' "
—The' Senate on Wednesday voted, by 27, o
6, that Messrs. Fishbaek and Baxter, prot.s
sing •.to represent 'the State of Arkanaiiis in e
United States Senate, are not entitled' to seats
in that body-
Mien menl?f IditilirreOniity have in-'
struCte.d for . A,• A: Bailer, ot t for Con
greSs; , D.' W. Woods for genotor, and Chas.
Stinebergir for Assembly. Semeberger is the
present member.
—The Boston Herald by far the ablest and' •
most popular Democratic paper in New En
gland, 'comes not for Lincoln and Johnson.—
There ,will not be.bogus Democracy,enimgh left
for_ seed in New Eng,land.
—Col. John B. Parker was elected Council-,
man in the West Ward of Carlisle recently by
75 majority.. lie is a decided Union man, and
the defeat ;of the Democrats is the most deci
sive they have suffered there for years.
—The Union State Convention of .Maine as
sembled on tie '29th ult., ataumista,. the capi
tal. ; Hon. Safivel Choy / wig' re-nordinatbd for
Governor. the Convention : passed' a series of
resolutions which endorse the Administration
god approve'a vigorous. Prosecution of the war.
eleetion has just taken place in Ne
braska, to decide whether the people want a
State Government, and 'to; elegt delegates to
frame a State Constitution, in case thn - decision
is in favor of, a State organization. 'Partial
returns from the pr?ncipal,_ counties indicate'
ithat the people are opposed to a State-Govern
-The Democracy of Wisconsin has con %
eluded to Wait until 5‘ siotnethingturns lip." It
has no opinions' to e.:9resa until the Conven
tion in Chie'ago meets ; Instead of taking one
side-or the other; this"24ll,eawberbemocracy
skulks - around the baggage - Wngons,• waiting
until the battle is overi that it may plunder the
—The Copperheads seem to neglect a.great
argument which might bp used against 'Mt;:'Lin
'coin. It is from a recent speech of HOn. J. L.
M. Curry, the Secession leader of Alabomd.
"Should' Lincoln be re-elected," says Mr. Cur
ry, " our . fond hopes will: be Anshed . to'the
grOund." This is an argument . the COPieiheads
neglect. ' , • qut. tr.
—The Unionist& -of Beaver have nominated
Hen: Thomas Curaiingliam:for Cotigrets - ;Ii. L.
11.'Guffin for Judge;` 3fichael Weyand for Pro-.
thouotary, and col. 11.:S„ Quay , and S. G.
Gaughey for Assembly: -Beaver . elects,,three
Members with Washingtom• and 3fessrs r Reed'
and• Kelly of the latter &Mit) , will doubtless be,
, with-Col.,Quay as the other can
didate.. He its a gallant and accomplishedyoung'
man—was twice Prothonotary' - of- the 'county,
and entered, the military Serviee MI Colonel of
one of the nine Mouths' regiments. Impaired
health compelled -his resignation Amt he was
linable to get home until active operations against
Fredericksburg were ithout to corpmcneetirider.
Ilurnside, and he volunteered on Gen. Tyler's
staff and ,served with . great heroism in the dead
ly assaults made by that brave but ill-fated
Command. He is now Chief Military Clerk un
der Gov. Curtin—a position he has filled most
acceptably. -
—The Northumberland Bank, Will be re
moved to Sunbury.• -' •
—Secretary Chase au pounces that bids:moun
ting to ;$30,000,000 will be-received until July
6 for the remainder of the nkv $75,000;00 Imin.
- —A Special War Tax, Was-enacted. by-Con
gress during Saturday's' bitting. : Fivs per cent
on all incomes for 1883 is to be paid on the lit
of . September next; arid it. is calculated
this item will put? $20,0000.10 into the Tress
uri,- to be devoted to paying bounties to soldiers
about to be drafted., , •
—The fotill,Offieittlrilil e§tiOiated revenue tor
the fiseo.l year,whieh'ehde'd on the 36th'
,iz2-11,:5A1F4 46, via: • - •
From Customs - .163,212,093 ! 41,
lapin lutermal 'Revenue - 109,000.000
From s'alo or Public. Lands..l .. 321,027 46
iseatfaneous " - • - - 3. 4
Total • - 181 4ti.
- The revenue from-customs for the last quary,
ter of the yezir, it is ; estimated, 'will amount to
$:10 000,000. - Over'''s,2B,ooo,oCo has already
been received. From, internal revenue, $:36,-
000,0(10; and from miscellaneous ,sources'about i
$20,000,000, derived: pr i jucipaily 'from the pre - =
tniurn 'on 'gold sold by the Treiisury'Departaient: ii
The actual t oflicial reyentte,for:the first thre6
quarters of theyear $16,1;280,741 '613, w idle the
actual and estiniated 'rt,qleipts for thelast'quar-
ter are
, 70L The official statement
of the public debt -oil the 21st pf June shows
that the gold interest per annuni :an the amoanti
outstanding ut that time was $ , 50,18-17,157 05,
and the interest per annum payable in currencY;
$,2,1.6b0,-45p tetal 14ci'est:
the debt ,$7:2,7:7'41i•10. , The' iutere,st on the.
Siiventy-five Million Limn,- when.all
amount to four millierni* five hiindr'ed-thoti'sand
dollars ppr,annute, from tbe tiMe,the 'beiidSiare
issued.' Deducting premium from the first year's ,
interesti , it . will - leave only about one ITijilioli , in7 -
terest be paid hy . the first year TbeFttr
Hundred Million Dollars T;o4n,.at Eiz Per,ccht,,,
will add twentY ; funr millioe dollars moretottm,
goldlnterest-bearing debt ;and the hundred and
thirty millions Of Ten-Forty Banda still riiEntiio 7 ,
ing ktriaisßOit4' wtteq,ttthcvt, will nCrease : ,
the interest:six five hundred. thouirid,
mere ; -nraliing thc*otal , interest-payable in gold
eighty-tWO mmlhoii ftiree Inindol arid forty-sev
"en thousand one;,,inindred ..and - :fifty'-gyen
tars. These are all:the lo:uis which the §eure
tarp has Mithority. tortegoeinte,,, ,, lt vvilthe seen
that, even if the rceeiliti from enateins- ftdl
tventy-une, Millions, or one:-fittli, during the
.nett fiscal year-r-w,hiell
Tretisurr-Department stilt be t : . a,blk! to: pat
every dollar a fnfsresi' • " ' • ''
* •
OL. NO' '
D. C: Buell ; has takeiiiipl'his
sunimer • residence at BadfliptSpriagi.',
of Juniata,
TOnte4 Lie*. Col. i ett!,e.Tweifth Pe. 'C'eifry.
- - •
-Hon. 'Josifth. Quincy died orkßrblay
evening, July 2i at his , country seat in:Quinpy,
Mad., aged 92 years.
-Rev. Henry-L. Bitugher, son' of President
'Baughorof Gettysburg, has aecepted the charge
of the Lutheran Church-at Norristown.
Taylor, Commissat:y4kiniiial
of Sidiaiitence, died last week. 'pid. Rated of
New-York lithe next in ordei of'Proinoti4 in
this Department.
—The' Pittsburg tommnrcial -
Gen. Thonias A:Rowley, 'of this
'citv,'lfaa en
assigned to' the command of this
by Maj. GO. Cond.' :
—ln an obscure corner of tbe grave, yar4 at
Little Buck, stands, a mound of earth marked
bye pine board, .wbittied into ; curious ,abges
and bearing.this inscription :." C.,F../apMaa.
Governor of Missouri."
- -Gen Robert Toombs, formerly Senator in
Congress' frouir,Gwgia, and , then genorkl in
the rebel amiy, is. now; 'a, private in a:Getforgie
regiment. Roger A. Pryor is a priyato,ln a
Virginia regiment. r: -
—Thomas Ryer, the noted pugilist, died on
Sunday - week. 'llyer was not a fighteigy pro
fession,,•`though' ho twice 'fought McCliiiikey,
wbo first- beat Ryer, and in the next'nnefoun
ter was himselfbeziten. f Hyer Was - Subseiitient»
ly induced, by- Yankee Sullivan, to entbrithe
,ring with'. him: , - Though successful, Hypriover
afterwards avoided fighting; •but his (midge of
life was not otherwise -so commendabliyre.filis
- age was forty-11:431min., • .
"Veteran Observer,',in,the New
gives bis opinion at length on. the iniiit,iglitu
atiou, from whieli'we make,thefolloWingluo
tation : .
, It is plain that if, in marching on Riebmorid,
Grant could npt in. the first place - deStroyithe
use Of 'railwitYs
mond to the Potomac, he could not leav&Lee's
front• - (when -that became -necessary, tisit was
inpassing the James,) without leaving,"Lee at
liberty, not merely to go, but to go rapidly, to
the Potomac... -It Lee Was Er'daring trod great
commander, that , was not safe: . He must; then,
advance in, such away. as to, destroy the, com
munications -from Orange Court. House to-fort
Royal. This be has done; ,so it became neces
sary, if, possible, to destroy the Central Rim&
Thisba4 been :done ,partially - , we hope
by General ..sheridan.,,lt was necessary„also,
fer Grant to compel Lee to go te, n etlflast
of Richmond,&der, if' possible,
fine him at Richinotd, instead of retreating
Roanoko, which he:ought to do:. - - Jleen
this was. done, and demonstration imadp on
the north side,. all wasnione •there which, could'
be of 'any use;eicept 'on thecontingency that
Richmond could be carried by assaiilt,Which
did- not seem; probable. -Grant, then, -must
pass to the south of the James in order tqcom
pkte, the practical circuyivallation (If the 'rebel
eapiN; for On ,the 'euif it was eiriniarcilllated,
by tide-Water; held' by ;on the torthibli the
broken Conniunicatiouis-and.the itoposilibi/ity'of
going - lio4h, with ,his.shattered forces without
almost certain destructions. and.there, rearin
ed nothinV to complete the circumvallittion, but
to cross' the James ' rivet' 'Rate hefosiilh'e'Pe
tersburg and Dinwille roads..
meat, of Richip told is complete. This ,lhoWnver,
was a. dangerous operation. Lee could, not
really prereut Mit. he'tnight have,e,Mba rrais
ed us, and catisM great loss:-' This euterPrise
has been safely ticcomplished;and'we are driven
to believe one of. two things- T either,tba4ee's
army has been so ma, reduced as tp r he inca
pable' Of 'fighting- in the field;or;' that'Vee was
really surprisid,and deluded by GianriFirrove
ments., The former isimoit probahletc:.l4an
not believe. that L,ee could possibly imindiaffer
ent;to the magnitude and importancepf Gant's
crossing James river. :No doUbt his .minty has
met with iiittnenie losiei;and it maY - lieliPwas
Teally, for a time, deceived ;ler Gruntlil as
sault and-ihtrenchmentii Oiltlib north side were
such, as tninduce bald: that - there the real at
tack:must be made.
The . people Of Pennsylvania' "be clalled
uPon tfiratifyer r ieleclt seyeratirepOked'ainend
ineets. to the' Siti.te Coatittitien;pii" i ttqlay,,
August The
.P..tuvfae . 'f9s- ex
tending the right of suffi'age to our, gallant sol
diers, and `also impose certain estric ions .upon
The new ariiele to &ingested
`as section 4, - will be. resisted - bey eop2pe)24ada,
but ifrwill prevdil by a lit r 0 niaji3litl; an'il the
h6ioiedefencierS of the Old 1:74 win be slide to
vote nest'fallin,support, of - their sacrxir e,quse.
We subjoin the - Sevneallinienduleiiini"l*l7oted
iin •
There shall be an additional the
thirdirtiere:ot .the ConStltiitietr,
ted follows : --• ti
;! SEX. 4; Whenever any Of-the
toriclof ,this-Ceit)inonwealth'shall=bejii"iti - Y so-
ttOtijilitarrsertice; under } a regiligtiiefrom
the President of- theeUnited . ',Statete,Or'lSl , tho'
:autliotity of this, Coniinotiviletilth; iueir Reetors
may exe rei s'e t he.right of sulTrage in • till ions
, 'by the.citizens, updettic ili;r thf, aro
or shall lie, prescribed brlaiv,, u 3 fOTTi t tiilftliey
were presefivuf , tlieir 4 usniirpliteeOtqle,"
There'il.hatllkitVroadditionaritctilins to
. the.. eleventh iir tiele-of ba'
designateduS she tions.eight and '
• . 1 ! Stac.; 8. No bill Shall bclpaSieaVfliel,eg-
I • isitttiire,. "Containing more 'than - "encl . .' sTitiject,'
whit% shall be' eleerly
cept.appropristi - • .
• • •.• St:e..9 • - be' ppsied'lif the'
Legislature, granting any powert - ;.or - pilyiteges,
,anyctole,* herevthe authority tb,rant such.
yowers,•or 'privileges-, hes !Seed, or ni b ay
rler-bi - eon - leered• hcl'cauits
tritakwen - - "
ti bits' Pelky,Siegla
tbiit - xv,•ek ive43
feu,a and d,isappCti . nOkiiir'fo ',bur %OUMBict
•Virginiti, rand 'tatefl :tiiiitSettetiiii, - Stltrtto,p has
-After- drawkfig' a - 'nigs't flFsCcafira ibS pi . .Kte - of,
oui military situatign; thit . .editpelaweiatiflllat -
heopittnibt write in' - a - "zioro
rwited: of hoPefut s4tUn6
littiftfiri:—.- Village /PlOrd. •
_ :~
' `‘2)