„ -tints. a tabeL DE NNSYL VA N IA RAILROAD! SPRING' TIME, TABLE:, 10 4 ,ZVE TRAINS daily to et4d.from Philadelphig.'ari an t i after May 10th, 1864. , - „ • The Passenger. Trains of the Pennifylvania Rail road Company will.depart from' and {mire at Har risburg andThiladelphia follows: , EAST , T.FLELOXIGH :EXPRESS . ..TRAIN. leaves Harris burg daily at 2.45 A. M., apa. arrives at West Phila-' do l l his at 6.55 A. 14. _ . :FAST LINT loaves Ilarristhre daily (except Monday) at 6.00 A.m., and arrives at West Philzalel lihiA at, .10.10 #.ld. •Passeng, ars take breakfast at Lancaster. , FAST MAIL TRAIN./Icaies Harrisburg daily. (except. Sunday) at 1.00 1 1 / 2 ., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 MOUNT-JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Har risburg at 7.20 A.m., corm ec ts at Lancaster with Lan - castsr Accommodation Train,-and ,arrives at West .:Philadelphia at 12,25 P.M. COLUMBIA AC COM MODATiON TRAlN,leares Harrisburg.at 12.20 P.M.. Columbfal.ss P.M.. and ar rives at Lancaster at 2.30 P.M,: connecting with Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P. M. - MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 - P. M.: Lancaster at 2.47 - p.m., and arrives at West Philadel ..phia at 5.30 P. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATfi)N TRAM*, Nis Columbia, leaves Haiiisburg at 525 p.m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P.X. • • WESTWARD: BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hai risborg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A.m.; Altoona 1.35 take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg 'at 12.30 P.M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dailynt alo A.M.; Altoona 8.20 A.u., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 rat: MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 rat.: -Altoona at 7.15 P.M., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 sat. . FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.15 P. 11.; Al toona at 8:35 P. 11., take'supper, and arrives atPitts turg•at 1.00 A . . 11. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lan caster -at 8.30 • and arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 P.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P.M., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P.M. • MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION N 0.2, leaves -Lancaster at 6.25, connecting with - Harrisburg Ac conimonation West. leaves •Mt.unt Joy at 7.00 P. M., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. at. • 0 SAMUEL D. 'YOUNG. • inn15,64-tf. Supt. Middle Div. Penna.. It. R. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SUMMER TIME TABLE. - - THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM BAL TIMORE AND WASHINGTON CITY.' Conneetionemadb.*. - ith trains- on Pennsylvania Railroad. to and &earl Pittsburg- and the West. THREE TRAIN fi n)AILY to and froth the North and West Branch Sas . quehaniat, Elmira and all of Northern Now York'.' "On and after MONDAY, MAB 7 16th, 1 31864, the Pasienger Trains of the Northern Central Railway *ill arrive at and depart from Harrisburg arid Bal timore as follows: SOUTHWARD: MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex cept Sunday- A 2.5 A. X leaves Harrisburg 1 P.M'. • aa Arrives at Baltimore - 5i4() r.u. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily ' • • (except 5unday)....11442 P.M. " leaves Harrisb'g (ex cept Monday) 2150 A.M. arrives at Baltimore (except Monday)..:. 7:00 A.M. HARRISB'G ACCOMMODATION leaves . - ~ . . Harrisburg ' 1;00 A.M. SDNBDRY ACOMMOPATION Leaves_,- ----, • Sunbury dailY,(ex‘ ' cent SundaY).at Z:3O A.M. _ : .. , NORT EIWARD. ~.., 4 1 MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore dailyt (exeeptSunday) - 0:20 A.M. leaves ilErrisbarg...: . ...... 1:35, r.m, arrives at Sunbury 4:05 P.. 1 1 . .- BLPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore del 1y , ' 0.30 P.M. ... arrives at Harrishlg.- 1:504.1.m. leaves Harrisb'g dai- - ' ly (except Monday 3:15 A.M. . _ CI arrives at Sunbury... 5:53 A.M. HARRIBB'G ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daily (ex- • cent Sunday) 3:00 P.M. arrives at Harrisburg.. 7:50 P.M. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg daily (cx- ,' • . ' - cept Sunday) at-. .-... 4:00 P.m, For further informstion apply at iike Office, in Pennsylvania Railroad Denot , ' ' jun 17,6 4 - J. N. DuBARRY, Gen. Supt. 1864: 1864. 10111ii.LADELPHIA AND :ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern ,and Northwest counties of Ponnsylvaisia to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. • ' It has - been leased:by the PennsYlVania.Railroad . Company, and under their auspices 5s being rapidly . opened throughout* entire length.-' It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 miles,) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, 78 , miles. on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAIN AT BAREIEBOIIG LEAVE EASTWARD. Mail Train Express Train LEAVE, ISASTiTARD Mail Train-- ..... ........ 1:35 P.M. Express Tmin 3:15 A.M. Cars run through withcint change both ways on those, trains,. between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train both ways between Williamsport did Baltimore, and -Williamsport and Philadelphia. • For information respecting Passenger business ap ply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. , -And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: • .5. B. KINGSTON, Jr.. Comer 13th and Market Sts., Philada. • - . J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. . J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore, Md. •H. H. HOUSTON, , Gen. Freighti Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS L. lic:llPT. : - Gen. Ticket Agent. nuadelphia. JOS. D. - POTTS. jun 15,64. Gen. Manager, Williamsport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OP HOURS- , On and after Monday, • April 4th, 1864, 'Passenger Trains will run daily, as folloars, (Sun days excepted): 1,1011 . CIIaI3IIBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: . 6. M. P.M. Leave Hagerstown _ 7:00 2:45 . Greencastle " - 7:37 3:36 . • . {Arrive at... 8:17 , 1:a1 Chiunbersbnig Leave at, , I,eitv‘ Shipp ville eimburg.. ' - • / .11P-r. rlisle Meolian.lesburg 6.0 10:42 • 3:12 , ',./triirwat - liamsburg ' - 6:55 11:15 ' 3:40 7011. CHAISIBERSBURG AND . IfACI-ERSTOWN iteive Barra' bnrg. "8:05 1:32 4:20 " " - Mechanicsburg • - 8147 2:15 ' 4:54 -, Carlisle. 9.271 2:55 5:29 10:02 -:--"-' ' 10:33 4:00 Anive.attliamberSburg' ' 11:00 -4i30 ..Levee Chansbersburg 11:10' 4:40 • Greencastle - • 11:55 - • 5530''' . iriive at liarrisburg 12.'35 6:112 - Making close - connectioris at Harrisburg 'with trans for nnd'ivith trains for allpoints West. •• ' Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:2 P. runs ',Jay as'fatas ' 0. H. LU,L1., , , Supt. R. OfFieciChamb'g, April 4.184 .111ARNARD T. FELLOWS, `..up IDDISE AND SIGN PAINTER; : GRAINER, GLAZIER AND PAPEB. HANGER. Shop - id theiWeie Buitding adjoining the Marl 1c ::Bfrea 4lri_dgc,' ChambersAurg, Pa. - • .• . I.respeotfeilly take this methOd of thiinking the citizens of Chambersbarg and vicinity ,for the very liberal patronage received at thSir hands since my residence in this placei:and flittering myself • thut•l haw> done, and am still prep,sred- to do the .. very best work in my line solicit a -ontinnance of a'• past favor, . 13. I.IrELLOWS. respectfully refer toanj elmw patens-,- lames Eyster, Ym McLellan, CoL A. K. McClure, • ' sl37i Mr. Niceolls, Presbyterian Church,' Dr. -Rich : '.ords.Dt. Fisher of the German Reformed Messen ,,Axer, ,Tit Allison Eyster, Win, C. Eyster,•ond any ottc.) ers for:vrhomj have done-work—for, character of • - - work done and expedition. 1may18.0,11,,,11. T. F. . • .GRAtN!!.,4 A:A.INIt! - WASHABAITGH'S BREWEAY, ' , " LHAIVEEP.3III3IIO; PA, - . The undershthed takes this trietirod,of infirming ' • hisifriends, and tlfe'pablio generally, that he bas 'leasedlcir a'term of years the well known Brerrery - titabliahttient 'heretofore conducted , by Mr. 'Upton Washiibau_gh. He ' will be glad to furnish "to his ' " :friends and the old Patrons of the House , with the . 'finest ALE, upon - theshortest notioe,and atthe !Alt prices.. •“!Ibi Thettigheaf Cash Price will be inid -for 5.0G0 bushelsof BAB.L.lYololi'veregl at - Chamberabrim • f• , --riaemay. AIs=fiNJAER- MARTIN. ilension:Spih • J 0 H , N . P it) ME -R Cr ARMY AND NAVY AGENCY a ' No. 21)4 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, - --- - The Undersigned having resigned his position as ; Paymaster in the V. S. Army, has oened at No. " Vi i South-Fourth Stece, an' AGENCY - FOR PROCU RING PENSIONS, 'and for' the collection of ME- I cers', Soldiers' and all other CLAIMS against the I Government. My long experience as Paymaster has given me nnusaiLl facilities for becoming thoroughly acquain ted with' this business in all its details; On the re ceipt, by mail, of a statement of the case of claim ants, I will forward the necessary - papers for their signature. Personal attention will 'be given to the cases at Washington. No charge unless successful, when $5 will be charged for collecting small sums under $BO, and $lO ois all sums over that amount and unders2oo. ' Lar- Per claims taken on special arrangement. Fees in ension eases as fixed byAtiw. - INFORMATION FOR AND, INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANTS. All Soldiers of the present war who have served two years,' and Soldiers discharged for'wonnds ceived in battle, without reference to ,time of ser vice, are entitled besides their regular pay, to $lOO kiounty. - In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for dia.- ability or wounds received while in the eervlce, they 'are entitled to a Pension according to the disability. In case of the death of the Soldier; • before dis charge, through disease contracted or wounds re ceived while in service, his widow is entitled to re ceive the $lOO boanty, besides arrearages of pay, and pension during.her lifetime or widowhood. If the Soldier die after discharge, from disease gontracted or wounds received while in service, .his widow is entitled to a Pension of $9O per annum. If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Soldier or Seaman will receive the Pension, if de pendent on him wholly or in part for support. If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his children are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except when the children may be over the ago of 16 years. ' If no widow nor minor children thii bounty and pay will descend to the heirs as follows:. , First to the Fa M ber. second to the other_, third to the Brothers and Sisters, and theri to the Next ot Kin. '- t ,Discharged Soldiers whose clothing account was unsettled at the time of discharge, can reCoVer any balance due them, if the Company's books are not destroyed„ To draw- this balanee,, Write to your Captain for a descriptive list, showing the Clothinr account, and forward it to me, with your prelimi nary statement, giving also 'the date of your charge. - Scildiers who served with the nine months' volun teers can recover $27 bounty and prernimp, without regard to time of service, if they have not already received it. - . - Soldiers who were prisoners in the South, and Sol diers who were - absent on. sick furlough, are enti tled to commutation of rations. - In communicating with this office state the nature of your claim fully, and gite,:the Company and Re•, giment to which you or thb Soldier for whom you claim belonged, as well as your ,present Post Office address, RErP. R EIC,C.E S. -' ins EXCCIDMICy . ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of Pennsylvania. li , Cal;BDION CAMERON, Harrisburg. Pa. Hon. JOSEPH CASEY, Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, Wa4hington. Hon. E. H. Bnoogn, Chief 'Clerk Pay Department, Washington. Hon. EDWARD MCPHERSON, M. C., Washington: Hon. JAS. P. STERRET,Pres"t Judge, District Court, Pittsburg. Hon.A. K. McCLung, Chambersbnrg, 'Pa. Hon. l l'll.oS.A. SCOTT, Vice Pres't Pa. R. R. -, Hon. W. B. THOMAS, Collector of Port, Philada. Hon. C. A. Webuoing, Post Master, •Philada. DREXEL & CO, Bankers, Philadelphia. JAS. DUNLAP, President Union Bank, Philadelphia. BULLITT & FAIRTHORNE, Attornies, ... RIEGEL, WHIST & ERVIN, Merchants, 1 LUDWIG, KNEEDLER & Co., Merchants, " PRITCHETT, BAUGH & CO, .. DAVID FAUST & CO., Merchants, - .. . Bamientii - S. JANNEY, Ja. & Co., Merch'ts " ' CHAS. B. MORGAN & CO., Merchants, ATWOOD, WHITE & CO. MCTChELIAS, 41 • JOHN M. , POMBROY, ,_. jun17,63-tf. No. MI South Fourth St. PENSION, BOUNTY AND WAR CLAIM AGENCY.=Pensions, procured foi soldiers ink° present war who are disabled by reason +of Wounds received, or disease contracted, while in the s.ervice of the United States ; and Pen sions, $l4O Bounty. and Arrears of Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who have died' or been killed while in service. JOHN R. ORR, mar 9-lyj Claim Agent, Charabersbnrg„ Pa. Q UEST.IONS"! 1:20 P.M 2:50 e.m QUESTIONS! QUESTIONS! TEAT CONCERN EVERY ONE TO ANSWER Are you bald? Does your hair fall off? Has your hair become . thin ? • Does it feel harsh, and dry, and feverish? 1 • Is it turning gray before its time? Are you troubled with itching, burning sensation of the scalp? Are you troubled with Dandirtff? Are you troubled with whatis called Scrofula or Salt Rheum?' Have you had the Erysipelas, and lost your hair? Have Youlad the Measles, and lest•it? Have ;%ou had the Typhoid Fever, and lost it? Have you had the Brain FeVer, and lost it? Have you lost your hair by any sickness? Do yOu wish luxuriant hair? . - .13‘0 you wish Soft and lustrous hair ? • Do son wish gray -hagyestored? Do you wish your whiskers glossy? Do you wish them restored in color? Do you went a dressing Do - Yoe. 'Want it fir your children ' Do Yon:Want it for Yourself, for father or mother, for brother, sister, or friend? " 'Dc you - Want to'niake a present? Do you want a perfume for Your toilet? Do you want a harmless article? 8:N) 12:55 9:00 1:28 9:32 - 2:00 111 W:55 10:10 Ho Yon 'Weitt a pure article? Do' ion, - Warika double distilled article? Do pia want a cleansing article? ' Do you want the bestprepiration outfordressing, stimulating, protecting, .restoring ,„ the 'color, -and rendering soft, silky andlustrous the Human Hair? Tf so, ae warrant , REgieitaTlYE. To be - dneetialled ant4Sup e'rior:to tiny Prep aration ever Compounded and offered the intb :8 afi*seii.on . guarar7focil.,,ol.4lke inonor It eipti but $1 for one bottle, rot biz FOFss,'lo iF sold by druggists ast' ifteristiero'. • C. a. ovitarc co ; Prbprietois, A 4. - I.3tirt!Rstt N..ir.;"lltOttmkifiBents. . • , , I , • ; PHILADELPHIA. L: Oital. SUESTIO i NS! —:ate r F4R TH& 1141:2,1 ,fiEte,,Strinititittilt43oorialtlitifititbitto, , .;irti. fauoiral;' 1 : 4 1 1 N & 1:1 - A:At t N.!, s -L. •• CABLNET ORGANS - MELODEONS were introduced some twenty Yean Fiacci.• and-were etmeeeded,by the-ILARMON I t.t.M.S. about nine 4 , otra ago. The CABLNET,ORGAN was brought to its - present state' of t erfmitton ?firkin the sandier of 1662:, , - - • - „ • THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great advantages over any other invention of the kind. is capable of much. finer effects, than can be produced by any other, and is more easilp tweet by -the performer, and excels especially in capacity for notiea advaneb. in Prices.: _ . , L'ABINET ORGANS. I No. 15.-Foul OdioYe, Single -Reed s in- IVOiOki or Oak case $ No. 16. The Same, in - elegant Rosewood Case— 120 • -No, 17. Five Octave;Single Reed, in Walnut or- Oak .Case 115 'No, 18, The Same, in - elegant Rosewood Case... 145 No', 19. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut ; or Oak Case 125 No: 20. The S.ame; in elegant Rosewood Case... 150 'Ne. 21:Five Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Ob:k Case ' • • • - 'l5O 'No. 22.• The Same, in elegant RoseivoOd Case.- 180 No. 23. The Same, in Solid Carved- Moulded -180 Walnut. No,lo. Pedal Bass, Cabinet Organ, in Walnut -or Oak CitSe 550 •+? Vitae* of extra finish :wide to order. N0..12. • Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut - or Oak Case 01, No. 11: The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case.:.' 4i No. 14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case - 260- _ - . MELODEONS. No. 4. Six Octaim, PiangStyle, Rosewood case . 170 , Noe 5. Fivo Octaye, ' " - - 135 i*e'. 6. • " Portable: . " -100 No. 7. "- - " . Walnut case.... 85, No, 8. Four-and-a-half Octave,Portable,Rose wood Case • 85 No. 9. Four Oetave.-Pertabltr, Ra'oeu r mod caso , ... 75 .441 Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the sub mriber. As Agents for Messrs. Mason & Hamlin we are enabled to sell at their New York pricey, and charg:., nothing for freight: We have sold a. number.of their instruments, an 3 38.11 gipo numerous satisfactory references...-. Agent, arl3-tf Churabersburg. Pa. MASON .& HAMLI. N'S CAI3INET, ORGANS. WITII ONE OR TWO SETS 'l3r, REEDS, ItITOMATTO SWELL, ,ii R o T uB I ' l LE BELLOWS, IM RE STOP AND COMBINATION CAINE. a ---- EDell/ Instrument tru rru ;Lied for Pied J'eavt. -- GA PRICES FROM $7O To $450. The Cabinet Organ is the only instrument which 7ombines the requisites for Church and Parlor ',Un do; for the school room and the social festivatgath cring. For while it possesses sufficient power for the accompaniment of a large chorus, it is, from its '3apability'of all shades of expression, .and its won derful crescendo and-din/Neruda, most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral ef fects, and rapid music, MS trills. arpeggios, ie. From its sustained tones. it has a decided advantage orer the Piano Forte, for the rendering of mans of the :,hoicest morceaux of the masters, such as sympho aies, quartettes, etc. A. MeCLURE, Chambemburg, General Agent for Pennsylvania. N.B.—The undersigned will sell, and deliver iu iota condition, Cabinet Organs anywhere in this Jtate o at factory prices.) All inquiries by letter promptly answered. - [junl7,63-tf.] It, A. Mc. R•I N C E C O'S WELL KNOWN MELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS' Introducing the effect of Pedal Bass on,every In . itrument. E. GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cagt at a liberal deduction, or on Monthly Instalments. /la—Over 30,000 sold in Philadelphia, JAMES BELL-4-K, Sole Agent. 279 & 23l South Fifth Street, above Spruce, sel6-Is. Philadelphia. MASON .5c IJAMLIN'g CABINET ORGANS - • - M E - 110 - D'E - 0 - N S. Description pamphlets famished gratii at the Book store of S. S. tiIiRYOCK, AGENT for, Mason & Hamlin's Musical Instru ments. . ' . . Prices the'sime as in Now York and Boston, 7..a4 freight. - (mara-tf) PIANOS; --R. A. APCL'UTIE. Sole Agent for the celebrated DECKER BROTHERS (NEW YORK) PIANO. Pianos delivered, and put up in good condition, in any part of the State, at FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. All Instruments warranted for five years.. Pianos from other Factories vitt be furnished if desired. R. A. McCLURE. jun 17.63 - - - Chumbersburg, Pa. MASON & 11 N r S CABINET ORGANS ; - MELODEONS. Description pamphlets furs fished zratis at the Book Store of S. S: SARYOCK, AGENT for Mason & Hanilin's Musical instru m Rots. . . Prices the same ns itiNeir Yorit'antl Bost6n, freight. (mar 9-tn LE MM & -BR OT • linporters, Manufacturer; and WITOLESALF. DT:ALBIN IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GERMAN, FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRINGS. I No. 7M MARKET STREET, PIIILADELPITIA. Orders carefully attended to by s.: S. SIIIIYOCK, cliambersburg. VOCAL MUSIC.—R.. A. NiceLITIZE will teach Owes and private pupils. the art of Bilking. Musical Notation, Harmony, and Musical Composition. nom- tf. 'oots anti MEW SHOE- STORE.—The sub scriber takes• this method of inforMing the citizens of ChariabeiSburg -and vicinity thnt he has lust returned from Philadelphia with au ENTIRE LY NEW•STOCK of Boots and Shoes of .every variety, style and p,attern , and of the host manu factures. - Ile has no old Shopkeepers 'on hand. His whole stock is new. Give him a call—you can easily suit yourself, Ho invites the Ladies especially, to call, as he will take pleasure.inshowinghis goods. Store in the room formerly occupied by I;'rederick Smith, Esq., as u Law Mee. and more recently used for the purpose by-George Eyster, Esq., two doors North or Isher's Hotel, Main Street. Chambersburg, Pa. His large and well selected stock, he being a prim tical,Shoemaker, consists of Ladies' Gaiters, Bents, Slippers and Buskins; Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes: Gentlemen's (Lifters, Slippers, Boots and Brogans. , Don't forget the place. No trouble to show goods at THE NEW STORE, two doors North of Fish er's Hotel, Main Street, Chamliersburg, Pa. jun 17.63. ; PETER FELDMAN. NE w p 0 , 0 T,-VH E AND- • HAT 8" T 0 R llv CHAMBERSBURG. The Subscriber hes Lust opened in the looms formerly oce . aniod by Mr. C. Brirkhn rt a Confectionery, and ady,infne the Drug Store of Miller. an en tirely new stock of. all kinds of BOOTS. SHOES; N HATS, TRUKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS: A - c„ all of which • has been bought for cash, andfwill be sold for cash, as'ohesm, if not a little cheaper tbau any other house in the county. All in want of any thing in his line will find it to their ads - enlace to give him a call. rapr ii-tfj H. 8., WINTON. ' , l I I Ebr=troloro. FAMILY DYE COLORS. PATENTED .00TOBER 13,1.863. Black, ' ' Dark Green.' Black for Silk, - Wit Green, ' ' Dark Bine, . Magenta, - e Light lire, • - ' '.."Maize, t • French=Blue, • Maroon, - Claret Brown, Orange, •.. Dark Brown. Pink, ' Light Brown, , " Purple, Snuff Brown, • = Royal Purple. ` • Cherry, • • - Salmon. -- .Crimson, • • _ SCarlet, :Dark I:lrab, Slate, Light Drab, •Solferin'o, • Fawn' Drab, Violet, . • Light' Fawn 'Drab, Yellow. • For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods; Shatvls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, flats, 'Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's •Clothing. • = and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. .psi' A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT.‘`VD. ' - For 25 cents YOU• mat color as many goods as would otherwise. cost Eve times that sum. Various shades :ears" be produced from the same dye. The process is simple; and, any one can use the dye with I perfect saccess. 'Directions in :English, French end German inside of ea:ekpackage. FOrlarther information •in Dyeing, and giving a .porfeetknoivledge what colons are best adaptbd to dye over others, (with many valuable recipes,/ Pur chase lioWo & Stevens' Treatise on-Dyeing and Col oring. Sent by mail do receipt of price-10 cents. Manartuitured by 'HOWE k STEVENS, ; nov2s-41, • 260 Broadway, nrroP• For add dbruggista and dealers generally. • " ED Elmo , • rbtrutes SEEDS,—Nrsps's stock' of. GALEDEN SEEDS has been 4'lincwisl. A full stock of all QORGO SEED.—A few • bushels still kJ left, at NIXON'S. A RENIWAI4 01i` STOOK.-=- .1 - 1' • A fail DEUGS. . • CITEMICALS. '• - "SOAPS.. • - at NL'i.oll'S FL.ESH t TSHES !J a4raxozis. RIDAL SUIT S. OF 'BRUSHES, 1) Combs. Irak Pins and Vtincyr GLiods. at NIXON'S. SO A P . stock- of, 'Soaps , at 3s.IIXON'S ean't be excelled. ME DAY BIT I , COLOGNES , AND EX TRACTS, at' NJNION SEED, at NIXON'S. VIOLIN STRINGS, Hair Pins,. . . . Puff Boxes: i' , Water Color* . . , Fancy Boxes, Wallets, . just reccirCil at SPANGLEB'S Drug Store. SP ANGLER HAS JUST' RETURNED from the East 'kith a large Mock of fresh DRUGS, MEDICINES. PERFUMERY, SOAPS AND FANCY ARTICLES. • , Is - Call and examine his,stoek. ,Tri* U .P •, M A T S- . 1-9 • P/Ute Mats. ' Ludios' Reticules, Wbisps, at SPANGLER's. p, ,1 3 . r U NI E . It' y S o aps,' Pomadas:: _ • Hair:Brushes, . , , , Oloth'Brushes,. ' ' . , I Nail Brabhds, . ' A'ooth Itrusliem L • ' ; ,.i . . Shoving .111usho N in great raiiety, at SPAtGis.4ll'S. REYSER, JR. I . CHAS. 11, CIIRSSLER. HEY - SE - R. 4, ORI;,SSLER, GRADUATES,IN PHARMACY, DEALERS CIERMICALS • , MEDICINES, Scx., CITAMDERSBURG, PA , Believing that Only I'IjnE'RRUGS A iD PREPARATIONS OP FULL STRENIGTII, will give satisfaction to Physician and Patient, and insurecontinnod SIICCOK , to our Drug Establishment. we give this brunch our constant care and scrutiny. CHEMICALS, DIE-STUFTS, - - AND 1 3 .4.!rENT MEI)ICINES. • We warrant our stook .to bó pure and the beet in the market. , - •• . We are receiving a cargo lot of FRESH GARDEN S.EE,DS, embracing the , best IF,iyidg enter and old varieties of early and lato.vegetableo, . . HOWE & STEVES' 'FAMILY DYE COLORS, a reiiabld audeasy coloting. - SYo ash' but a trial for All the colors - denstantly on hand,/ t Farmers and Horse Dealers should always have on band a package of ow:EFs ROME AND CATTLI POWDI4It. It is the best for Distemper. • BITFER WINE OF IRON, an excellent Tonic for Aebilitated', !in , " dyspeptic pereoDb.•i URS. HARVEY'S CROUP' SYRUP,' an expectorant for Coughs and 'Colds in the Throat and Chest. that can be relied on to give speedy relief. POCKET BOOKS 'AND WALLETS.' have Alit received a large; lot, af,every size, quality and price. ' . Fine 6, nouns and Pe . rfnmery. Hair, and Cloth Brushes • • Tooth Brnshes,_ • , , Redding Coneht • ,_- •- Glum and Horn Combs, I • • Concentrated Potash, . • , Trusses and Brace% - • • lifedionThes bd bad. — at night or .011 Sunday bycalling attb:e Start , mitt M.14(06118 faideace, few dooriSouth of Wei Store. - 461127. Rings, 1400iArs, &e. D R er.,13 7. fi, - • STORE ON THE DIAMOND. AiiBERSBURG. rp - 0 ILET T-I C-liE S. STERLING'S AMBROSIA, .•-• HAIR DYES, POMADES. • EXTRACTS OF ALL RINDS. '''•• COCOAINE,, TOOTH BRUSHE, - • ' - , HAIR BRUISE. !ES.. COMBS, and afall wasortment of every thing an the Toilet line ealibe had ht - MILLER'S. , Ci TANDAIiti, .PATENT ALERIGINES. Piniticea, ..&s•er'll Cherry Pedtoral, ; Keyeer'a Pectoral, - • Bleed Searcher, • - . • • . • Jacrae'4l Medicines, Molntire'a and - - . ' - all other good" , • - • Preparaticai of the at MILLER'S Drug - ,3.tore. ' jjA V ' E '' , - , *- , • • .• 7 , 17 17 ' - - • •,.. -.- ! " ' '. A D A D , - - - -- '0 OT. D ? Trya Dottie of MILLER'S:OOOOEI. SYRUP.' It will ouro you. Got it at . A. J. MILLER'S.. TT A V F.. . ' Y 0 0 • ' • ; - TRE I T C Get a box of TERRILL ' S ITCH OlNT'ilfEliT. lf It la a Fafe . and peed 62r0-;-at. A. J.-MILLER'S. K'ER 0 S E 'N - E OIL, KEROSENE LAMPS. CHIMNEYS AND WICKS. .. , ALCOHOL AND FLUID. and a full assortmentof spoh articles Mare usually found in a Drug Store can be had at MILLER'S. MEDICINE, •. ANpn 1 1 E CHILD'S OADIAL . • at MILLER 'S ' MILLER'S Drug Store. - *B ANYAIITIS. BROWN'S TROCAES.' BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. at MILLER'S,-Druz Store, TERRILL'g TETTER OINTMENT, A Certain Cure, " at - MUMS Drug Store. FAMILF_ Y DYE COIATIS.=A 'new ar ticle, and jest *llk, is nCeiled in every family. at, _ • MILLER'S. TIO R S E AND COW POWDERS, at , MILLER'S. G ARDEtir SEEDS, Mtn_mat Goats. NTEW ,FATcCY DRY-GOODS lIEI NOTION STORE, .21fAlirSION HOUSE, ohaaiberabtasfi, Pa' METCALFE & ILITESHEW , . hate just received,, and opened in the "Mansion iloitse" Building.' apposite tho . Bank, a ' now and beautiful stock-of LADIES' DRESS GOO-DS, • comprE4g all, the different styles, Black and Colored Silka, Cloaking Clottp,llllmoral and Hoop Skirls. full hue White Goods ; Gauze, Crape , and Love Veils, Hosiery, Gloyes, Coles - lars. CUM, tlankereiliefi, rind evdryihitig belonging to a Fancy Dry',rsloods and Notion Store. Also, GENTS' FUENISIIMG GOODS, with a good assortment cri 'I) 0 M EST IC S, allot will he sell pie far ecia r'Z-- The patronage of the 'public is most respect- fully 'solicited, : f • METCALFE A: 'HITESIIEW . Cha;tnhenibtiig. Pa., ..May Z. 1564.-if. NT, , E -AV- G 0 -0 D S ' The subscribers are now 4Tering a hap; ' Lines Mick, Damask Ruckaback Russia. Diaperind Crash, ' Irish Linon,Aci, 100 dez Idle Threat and Extzia super qnality Dlnekl and Caldied Dress Silks. Cloths and Cassiinerei, I'4 anti 174 Bombazines, - I % and . 1 1 i5d3lak - and Colored De'Shia, , , Black Alpaccas, Cocheco, Bierimac and SprattipiPiints, " • - .10 pieces litia.44i ionc.k, 100 doz super French Shirt Fronts. 400 talmorid. Skirts, Watbr Proof ClOrbs, Brussells, Extra sup and sup Ingrain Carpets 1,1 1 4,134, 2.234, Floor Oilcloths, 200 dor Linen Cambric HandkerebieE4. Caeoa and Canton :Matting, 1 Zar.iyardziDntch 9arßet. inar2] W4.I7ALLACE &CO CiKIRTS SKIRTS ! ! SKIRT'S !1 ! 1.7 M. A. JONES CELEBRATED ",,NE PLUS ULTRA". SKIRT, E C A D S O t z , ?" , PHILADELPHIA . 11 I A N 0.17 NORTH Skirts of t►lljengthe, and any size waist made to Order and satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies, ,Misses and Children's Skirts of every size and shape, constantly on hand. Every Skirt wen-anted :for Si.-c Month. READ HOW WE DO BUSIIiES§. , We do not take any cheap ekirte hi the common acceptation of the term, but we make ' THE CHEAPEST SRIRTg kADE; because we make - I'ILD BEST AND DEFY COMPETITION - We warrant every skirt we sell to be exactly as represented. We make all we sell, and knowing hew they axe made we guarantee them with full 'confi dence. If we sell a bad ; slart mo teillezehancs for of new one, and if theil ilet out a} - order or breaEivith in aim months, we will repair them freeof Charge. We mean to givis our customers full satisfaction, but wo cannot do so and compete with the lour priced auction goods. We depend entirely, upon the Su periority 'of the goods wo offer, and the iiiipieZs" of our method of doing business - „ 'O . rderi left at Shryodk's Bea Store. -DIRECTIONS" FOR :htEASIIRMENT. Take the exact size of the 'waist, without any nl- • loWaxiee. The exact length 'foto:tired and the 'size .around the bottom spring / Also; if theskirt is tette large, small, ormedium size at the top, and whether , atrciti.orzdain round skirt". • , q 3:M. - A:JONES, • N 0.17 North BthSt,..Philadelplu. "-:' ' Ord tho Waitflint% isoW gat!tb *tationftg:: Cl 5: SHRYOCK, BOOKSELLER AND i•O• STATIONER, novi eccupies Isis New Stort ito q u l , and is preltareo ta transact business with greater facilities than ever. _ BOOKS. — Ettoelßoolts,lliscellastewaslibak_ ,Toz• Books, Law Books,Medical Books,Sanday...Zehoef Books, MilitarY Books. DLESe — i large assortment OPocket turdtPiszi- Bibles. ' BLANK Boas. Vf all rkes. euslitift'and tables of binding. - - - STATIONEBY.-4 great variety of all kindi s oi all kinds of Writing and Printing Papers.. of• French English and A m encese manufacture. 4/sotEnvel opes of all sizes and qu,slities. Ink. Pens. Peneils. India Rubber, Tapes, weals, Qaills. COPY Ikoks Blotting. Board. Knives., Erasers, Writing d San &e„Ste. GbiJD PENS.—The re - . 7 best Gold ',Pollan the market t fully 'warranted, made by Leroy W. ,Fair i.s. BLIND PAPER.—A full variety of patterzto and qualities. • WALL PAPF;IL—N early I,otdditerent patterns. together - with suitala e Bordering... Plain, Velvet and Velvet Gilt. - PICTURE FRAMES.—OvaI tiL4 'Square Frames for Photogrztp'hz. Frames made to order. FRENCII 'GLASS, for Picture Frames:Of-nay 'CHEAP NOVELS, much lower than Pnblisheva' 0 , prices. , ENGRAYL NGS"..=Ene,lish. French, German and Americanngrarings.- - BASKETS.--l'aneY.Traveling•Deok.Piertie.Fruit. Knife 'and Clothes Baskets. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS.--Single and Denhie Ze phyr. Tapestry and Sul i Zephyr, Shetland Wool.te. NEWSPAPERS.—The Philadelphia and New York Dailies received daily. Muhl or individual. supplied. WEEKLY PAPERS ,— llaipers'''Weekiy.'tian' • k Leslie, N. Y. Mercury. N.Y. Weekly, N. I. Led ger. &v., received weekly. • PERIODICALS.-- liurpers' Atlantic Monthly, Continental, Godey, Petcrsort.. Ballou. Knickerbocker. All the Year Round, Cornhill, Ate., received as sprains pmblished. , CIIEAP the Dimepublica flow, Weekly Nouvellettes,' Song Books, NC;, be ech-ea daily. _ ORDER—We Like orders for all kindsof kmoda. EXPRESS.—We receive goods by EsPret* overt' day item the Fest. • BLANK DEEDS, Writing and 'Printing Cards. Rulers, Paper Weights. Fanny. BO2OE, Combs and. Brushes, Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in our line constantly on hand. 3,llrSlC.—Sheet Music, for Piatto,'Guitq, Violin. and Flute, PlANOS.—Wetrirehrise Pianos on 'commission, so us to save our customers from Fifty to One -lion- Arecl and Fifty Dollars. -.- . - . 3.IIJSICAL. INSTRUMENTS,—We cAti t inot o ty any kind of Musical Instrunionts at prices fai lower than motal. • PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—We can eon, Photo graph Album.S at Tower-prices than they can be pro cured for in the cities. - -- - .- CARTES DE- VlSlTE.—Portraits of Men of the U. S. Army and distingnishel Men and Women, Comic Pictures, etc. - ` • NEW TOY BOOR'S in great yarietr. Now publications - of the 'American S. d. Union American Tract Society, Presbyterian Boaril of Publication; ,ke." ' - We have no hesitation ip saying to our customers that from our long experienc, our manner of doing business, and our great facilities; we &net fear competition, and bare no ,doubt of being tilde to giro entire satisfaction. . . . Come and see our new store. our new and eillarged tock, and form your own opinions. Chambershurg. Dee. 9,1563. , TAMES B. S & 'C. O. , BOOKSELLERS MJ.I) PUBLISH,ERfti Manufacturers of Blank and Alemorandurn. , Booka Photograph Albums, Manifold Writers, Marbl'ePa per, &c...N0. 21 §onth.Serepth Street.. above Chest , 'nut. Phila. . , , Blank, work of every description, for Coniity Offi ces.: Hotels, Counting Rouses. and Public ()flees done to order. 'Orders left with S. S. STIRYOCK, Chambersburg. Pa.. will bewromptly Attended to. .5e34 1 .63-li. - - - . .. -. QHRINP,R'Si BALSAMIC COUGH-ST RUP.—For Coughe, Cuid4,. Croup, Whooping Catigh,AatE2nu,Bronehitur, Spitting Blood, , Fain and Weakne.s of the Breast, I.lilhetaty of Itieathrtio. 'This is_no new remedy. -It-has been used lora num ber of years in Maryland and parts of Pennsylva nia; and has wherever known acquired an unprece dented reputation for curing -the various diseases fel wbioli itis recommended. . It is used by classes of society-. and= the uni versal opinion is that -it is good. 27+2c .52'1-fug va or pnrcig Vet/noble Con,poltntl. It is pleasant to take-. and never does injuty, but-owing t o o' its purifying qualities, must do good under auy eiremuslences..-- Its effects are truly wonderful, seething, calming. and allaying the most violent coughs: PutifYint strengthening and invigorating the wholes - calming and soothing the nerves: nitling'und Rating expectoration. 'and healing the -7: • DISEASED LUNGS, , thus striking at the root of diseases, and driving it from the system. - GROUP. " This disease anti-Quilted by difficult.* of brFath ing. whistling or wheezing, hitching tough,. and threatened suffodation. &e. _mostly &ears in young children. No child neet,6 of Croup if this Syron ire prorerly used, and used in time.— Mothers having croupy children should watch .the &it shot,* of the disease, and alivayS keep this re medy on hand. :For tough aftdr Measles this Syrup hi . most d'ael lent. Experience has proven' that it is equaled by no other preparation. Thepriee issue]) as toplace it within thereite o all, the poor as yell as -the rich, and every person should have it. , ' • ' Every one ,Should hare it in the use ,is MI a trite and faithfial friend to ell who volue sl calth and wish to secure themselves against that most)erri ble disease, Consumption. It will be found the most usefial'as well as the cheapest family aneirteine in the world. It has been used for. the filar tour years with a success without a parallel. ; • - Price 40 ets, per bottle, or three bet Heti for r a. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ - estnu egg.: Md. For sale by A. J. MILLER, and J. Sa s idX.o/ . i. Chitmbersburg, Pa, and Storekeepers ever-Yu:hurt. Silk Dlovee, tOU-TZ'S CELEHRATYID HdR s E AND CATTLE TOWDERS.—IImse - Nutters have proved, afterzu trial'of several years, lo be su perior -to any- jYtoparatiOn of the kind 'used. Thy chief superiority of these' Powders arise- frimf the fact that Hwy:ore - composed of medicines that have Laxative,. Tonic' and Purifying properties. The Laxativerejects crudities from the stomach anti intestines: the Tonic gives strength to she system of the Horse; and the purifying inetlicinet eon .tained in them cleanse the blood and lay the foun dation for a healthy and stigorotcceirentatien. The use of them impove thu.'whist strengthens the appetite, and gives the horse-a fine, smotith. giant sitin-thr - s improving thb appearance, 'vigor anti spirit of the noble animal.. • ••-• • . These Powders are not .intended, as some Pow ders are, to blmit• the animal, sens• to give him the appearance of being:fat - when not really so--.bttt to , remove the disease and promote his gene'r'al health. These Powders will strenaltken the stomntkend intesinaes„eleansethem from OirCtaiTO nutter,and bring thorn te'a healthy *Mtn. They arre-a preven tive of Lung Fever; and a - tertain ; remedy for all diseaseSincident to the Horse, as Olanders.lrellow Water, 'Distemper, 'Founder; Beaves,iElavering. Coughs, Fevers Loss of Appetite, and - Vital. Etter ' gY, le.- These .1 )- civders; it used - tire or three tunes a week. through the winter and spring; your - lb:tile will never get the Lung Fever, Colic or Botts. A few doses - of - these ;• powders will' remove - -lhe worst Cough .on any Horse. Were owners of-Ifeqo to feed a fetv of these 'Pewdeth efery year- they might save the lives of many valiable snrset. • MILCE,COWP,.---The properties this Powderpor- Sessei in increasing 'the utiantity bf Di ilk iii-Cews, gives it an important* and:value 'whieb Should Place it in 'the bonne trey .peroUlesping a Cow. In fattenit Cattle it gives them aroppetite, loosens their bide; and makes them' thrive ranch faster; -- • -• ". ` • •'t HOt3S.-In all deaties of Stiine, as OPnOs,_ Ul core in the Lungs and Liver, &c., biAmttirigrfrom half a paper to a Paperer these Ponderain-lkhar rel of swill,:the above diseases can be cured orten tinly. provided. - .13y using these Powders tbe,idot Cholera can be prevented. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ WestreinsterMd.._ For Bale wholesale and _A:Edell:by A. 34 IdIIt•DER and 3. S.2IIXON. Chambersburg, Pa., and shire keepers everywhere. - Price.2scts, a paper; 'Eve papers for $l. , - -119,634 y: ,200 :dos llosiers OUTZ'S MIXTURE -is a-safe arid tell -- able Reniedy fQr thictu:e of litiennuitißiti.,kain ful Nervotis Affeetiensi Sprains, Burns, SiVellPogs.. and all diseasearequiring an external cOnlieatios on Man, ' , _ fin llorsei it ivillnever fail to cure Pell-eicilais tale: old - Running Sores or Sweeny, if properb4P- Plied. ' :For sprains,brnises,ecratehes, cracked Ittof, chafes saddle or collar-Olt, ant or wooads,_4lllll 3 ! infallible remedy. Try it and be convinced " crii4c l r. _ • • RlttritATlSlll.' - "! Pontine afflicted with this •dittoes°. 'no riatfer of how long st!tiading, canto promptly and ( 4 1 eC:t.lrit 7 eared by..umng this 11)P:dere:" 2 There Is nothinzin•the world so ear , Abaloilxtd to take away- bad Verna and' care Frost Bites ac.,this preparation.' Try it and sitisfsi-'Youraol*es.' r race 25 and 50 eta per bottle. Prepared by 'S. A..F(1111% & Vitestanntrrere, -For sale by vital 44. - A : thamberfsbart,ll.;"aftd StorekeePanioyez7w sikit.l l 9, 1801. frbirai.