6 Ili Litio of, Exithel. pE N'N S YLV A N I A" ItAILIZOAD I. SPRING TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS' a,aity CO and froni'Phi/attelphs'a; on and after Nay Ma t ISM. :Tim Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania, 'Rail road,Company will,depirrt from and arrive at Oar risistirr anti Philiulelphin. EA T K 1::. , 1 - 113,017011 EXPRESSARAIN leaves burg , datly at 2.45 a. is., and Arrives at West.Phila.6 dolphia at ti. 55 A. M. - BA./'l' LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.06 A.m., and arrives at West Philadel ' plikat 10.10 Passengers take breakfast at' Lai:easter. • EAST MAIL ,TRAIN leaves ilarriSburg daily , (except:Sunday) at I.oo° p.m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P.M. , ;MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Hu , rlsbarg at 7.20 Ax., connects at Lancaster with Lea castsr Accommodation Train, and arrives at )Vest Philadelphia, at 12.25 P;11,7 • °COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAINIeav es Ikarxisbarg at 12:20 P.M., Columbia 1.55 p. 31.1. and af rives' at Lancaster at 2.30 r.a t : connecting with Fatt Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphlh, andarriVes at West Philadelphia at 5.20 r. m. ' MAIL. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. Lancaster at 2.47 P.M., and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.30 s: m. ' HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via -Columbia, leaves Harrisburg' at 5.25 rat., and arrives at West'Phill.delphia at 10.50 V.ll. - • -:WE4T WARD: BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Har , risbarg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 • Altoona' 1 73 5 A.M., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P.m. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Alarrfsburg•clailyat:3lo.4-31.; Altoona sal a.m., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 .00 P.M. 'MAIL 'MAIN leaves Harrisburg ,at 1.30 P.M.; Altoona at' 7.15 P.M., take supper, and .arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A.M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.15 P.M.: Al toort'a at 8.35 P.M., take supper, and arrives atPitts burg at 1.00 A.M. • MOUNT JOY ACCOIII3IOD..A.TION leaves Lan easter, at 8.30 A. M., and arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 PJI. - • ItARRISI3URG ACCOMMODATION 1 RAIN - Laves West Philadelphia at, 2.45 P.M...and arrives ai Harrisburg at 8.10 P.M. • 'MOUNT' JOY ACCOMMODATION No.2,leaves 'Muenster ati 6.2s,mo'nnecting with Harrisburg Ad comittonatiad West, leaves Mount Joy at 7:00 P. M., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. M. • ' - SAMUEL D. YOUNG, jan15,64-tf. Supt. Middle Div. Penna. R. R. VORT4ERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. I :L . SUMMER TIME TABLE. 'I:B,REE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM BAL MORE AND WASHINtITON CITY. • Vontieetions made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from PittAbrim, and the West. , ' DIRER TRAINS DAILY to and from .the North and West 13n/Sieli Susquehanna, Elmira-and all of /Northam New - York. " - , • - - - - On - and after MONDAY,.:-MAY I&thy 1864, the Paisettger I:rains-of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Bal timore"ua follows: g• 45- HWAR'D: MAIL TRAIN leav!zt Sunbury daily (es- celitSunday._ ........ A. R leaves Harrisburg -- 1:20 P. 31. - arrivesat Baltimore. . ~-, 5:40 P.M. FSPRESSZRAII , 7 letivasSunbarY'dailY . (except 5unday)....11:42 PAL - , ; • leaves Ilarrisb'g (ex cept MondaY):-.L-:- 250 A.M. arrives-at Baltimore s' (except Monday)._ '7:00 A. 11,. HARHIS-B'H. ACCOMMODATION leaves -llarrisbur- .... '7:00 SUNBURY ACOMMODATIbN ........ . Sunbury daily, (ex • ,$ r• • : cerit Sunday/lit 1:110 • NORT ; tIWA.RD. MIL' TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily leaves Harrisburg, _ • . arrives at Sunbury EXPRESS-TRAIN leaves Baltimore dal- . - .lt 9:80 arnvesat Etarriab'g... 1:50 A.M.. leaves llarrisb'gdai- Iy (except' Monday 3:15 A.M. ao arrives at Sunbury... 5:53 A.M. HARRTSB'G ACCOMMODATIOI.9eaves • Baltimore daily (ex . .. copt Sunday) 3:00 P.M. arrives at Harrisburg.. 7:50 P.M. SUNBUB,r s ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg daily (cx -- • • cent Sunday)... For further.' informatioa apply at the Office; in. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. jun 1,7,64 , J. N. DITBARR,Y. Gen. Supt. , MEE 1864: PIILADELPHIA — AIsID ERIE li*AD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Brie;oit Like Eric. . • , It,has been leased by the Pennsylvania. Railroad Cod any. and under their auspices is being rapidly opkqd throughout its entire length. rs.nOw in use for Passenger and Freightbusiness frobillarriaburg .to St. Mary's (216 miles,) on the , Es.stifin.Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, 78 miles. on the Western Division. TWA Or PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. LSAQR EASTWASM. Mail ' 4 ' Express Train I..FLA'V R WESTWARD lE' . Mail .Train • 1:35 P.lf. Expres4 Train - • 3:15 A.M. ears run through without change both ways on thele•trains. between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and between: altimOre and Lock Haven. EkegantSleophig: Cars on the Expres's Train both ways- between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. Forinformation respecting Passenaerbusiness ap- Ply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market Streets, hiladelphia. ' • I. - And - for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. KINGSTON, Jr.. earner 13th and Market Sta., Philada... • - • - • J: W. Rivrioins, Erie: - •J J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore, Md. - H. H. HOUSTON.- Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. •' • •• LEWIS L. HOUPT, --' Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. b'••• ' ' JOS. D. POTTS, jun 15,61. Gen. Manager, Williamsport. • fiU MBERLAND VALLEY-AN D kJ FRANKLIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE HORRS.,--;04 and nftex Monday, April 4th, 1864, Paatenter'irMits 'Will - ma daily; ttB follows; {Sun days excepted): FOR CHAMI3EILTBT.J.RG AND MARRISBURG: A. V. 7:00 2:45 1:37 3:3.5 8:17 4:29 Leaveilingerito . wn sm reeastie , - - iArrive at:- -. Chambersivirg Leave at... 8:30 12:55. Leave Shippensburg 9:00 1:28'. - 4:+ Isteivville -- 9:32 - 2:00, MS Carlisle • ' 5:55 10:10 2:42 " Mechanicsburg' •' •`' 6:5 10:42 -3:12 Arrivitt Hartiaburr,- 6:55 11:15 3:40 FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND LIAGERSTOWN - - -A. M. P. M. P.M. Leave Harrisburg 8:05 1:32 4:20 MechaniCsburg 8:47 - 2:15 9:54 9 : 27 7•55 5:29 Iv cwville 10:02 3:29 - Shippenshurg 10:33 4:00: Arrive at Chamben3burg 11:06 , 34:30' Leave Chamben3burg ...11:10 4:40 Oreencastle • - - 11:55 5:30 tvrive at Harrisburg 12:35 6:10 ' Making'. eloin, connections at Harrisburg with traing for Philadelphia,- New York and., Pittsburg, and with trains for all pixints West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:20, P. M., runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LUI,L, Supt. R.31.t.. Office, Cliimb'g, April 4,186r4.- BA":RN kRD T. FELLOWS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, . GRAINER, GLAZIER AND. PAPER HANGER; Shop in the New Building - adjoinikg the itrar i§reer,- Bridge, Charifilersb urg,, Pa. Ir take this method of - thanking the chit Of-Chataborshurg_and yieinity, fee the very libe al . patronage, received at, their hands since my tesidente in this place, and nattering myself that'!" have done, and am still prepared-to. do the very hest work in my line solicit a continuance of past TavOr. - "B. T. FELLOWS. 'P.S. I respectfully , refer to any o my patrons:- Eyater, Wm. McLellan, Col. A. R. %McClure, Rev:Mt: Niceolls. PresbyterinmChnrch. Dr. Rich ands. Dr. Fisher ofsthe Gerthan Reformed Messen ger, Eyster, Wm; C. Eyster, and any oth ers Vier whoin I have done work—for character of work done and expedition. fmay.18,641 B. •T. F. erliA.IN!!! VI WASHAWAtiGH's ,BREWERY, • - f • flit RITA G. PA. Thaarndorslined takes this method of informing his friends, and :public generally, that , he lies leased d'ar a term 6f years the well known Brewery ,. establishment , heretofore' conducted by Mr. Upton washlahaagb. - Re Will be 'glad to furnish . to-his friendthnd the-eld.patrims of 0)6'11011s° with the finest axis' theslicirtest notipe, and at the law mt. prices: SirThetighest Cash.Prico will bb paid :Per 5,00,0 bushels of BARJEY, delivered at Chambershore, , ' ja20,5.1.4, ..ALXXANPRI MARTIN, totes: Anlyetitbare s. 0V 1 ;1 1% • . JACOB B. -MILLER NENE 31.1 - I.IY ,➢Y+ll4a - ,Tla'oraHeiz&Oftl Ditimond, claws ERSEtTRG; PA., ' 1; ratildra,sPt?l Yvayt a a 84 ou-p era „ lie to his larieatillieltheltiOtettitook of STQVES, ; , COPPER, • - - WARF.. He has now the largest and, best _assortment of PARLot,.. HALT,. ever offered in. , Framklin eountY W A' ' s 1 -B 4 O iL r E R.S constant4yon hand of all sizes, and the best ate- C 0 AL,B UCICE S The largest assortment the heaviest iron and the beat macje ,in !.he county* Al*r-Alarge stook of - TL I It W E ; made of the best material , ind in a workmanlike As`lie is a PRACTICAL Wouicj MAN, and has had many years ex periflu4n(+Le 6usineBe,lie "•' teiltibottfident thief %4 , 4m4ivl'ic!het4l MEN ROOFIN-4 SP'OUTIN,G,&c made and put .up at the shortest notice. Partial- lar attention paid to ail kinds of -9: . / A.M .. 1:35 P.M . 4:05 P.M MENDING ki4D SODDING Call and lookthroogh our stock and get the prices, 1 "Small Profits, Quick Saks astkapod Valus7" Doors - 34)1;th akthe Piaraopci T o THE I.JADIES OF AMERICA LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL. DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, • i THE GREAT FEMALEREMEDY,' - • THE GREAT FEMALE 'REMEDY • • '- , THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDYI • THE GREAT FEMALE - REMEDY ! LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS 1:20 P.M 2:50 A.O LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS - ARE 7 3ETTER THAN PILLS! • ARE BETTER' TITAN PILLS! . • ARE BETTER THAN PILLS! 4.RE BETTER THAN PILLS! . Lyon's Petit:diet& Drops aro • THE ONLY' FLUID PREPARATION THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION-' THE, ONLY, FLUID. PREPARATION THE ONL Y FLUID PREPARATION ever brought before' the public, and as a diuretic and specific for irregurptitiqataiJengesthe world to pro duce an coal: tirAies in the most obstinate cases, RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! • • RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE; AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE. AND SURE TO DO GOOD! AND CANNOT DO HARM AND CANNOTDO HARM - AND CANNOT DO HARM AND CANNOT DO HARM IF THE•DTRECTIONS• ARE ADHERED TO! IF. THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE-ADHERED TU! IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES!. •. - SAFE AT ALf, TIME.SI SAFE AT ALL TIMES! - except, when expressly forbidden in the directions which are wrapped around each bottle, and have th written signature of Dr. JNO. D. Lyon upon them. NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE NONE OTHERS ARE GEN U I NI4II - NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! " NONE OTHERS ARE GENUTNEI BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITSI BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF 6)1-11sITERFEATa.1 10 They cure all - those ills to which the female system is subjected with dispatch and a degree of certainty which, nothing but a scientifically compounded fluid ()reparation could reach. ' • ' USE NO OTHER! USE NO OTHER! USE NO OTHERI USE NO-OTHER! for my DrOps stand,'hefere the world at the ne via. ultra of all remedies for the cure of all diseases of the KidneYS and Bladder. Le iicorrhea. ProlaPslts and the mild bufpositiye correetion.of all irregularities. -• • ••••• DO NOT "I3E IMPOSED-UPON! DO ,NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! D(.).NOT BE IMPOSED, UPON! ...DO:NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! by those who have other preparatiOns, which they desire to palm off upon the strength of the popular ity Of my.. Drops, and who recommend their own nos trums, JIMA appropriating to themselves the con stant demand for My Periodical DroPs, as a medium for selling something which is worthless and ineffic leilt• But when the Druggist, yea aP'IdS , to has not got them, either make him btly.them for you, or else enclose one Dollar to the nearest gerieral'wholesale ageht, who will send you a bottle bYteturn Express. You will thus save yourselves, trouble and obtain relief from the greatest Female Regulator of tho Nineteenth Century. - Over 25,000 Bottles of this medicine have been sold within the last six months — , and every Lady that has used them, bat for the nature of the oure, would furnish us with her sworn certificate of their efficacy. It takes but one Dollar to maketheexper - iment. and I appeal to those of your sex who are suffering 7 twill you waste away tyhertgfingle Dcglaryill give you instant - • • - prepared solely by Dr. JNO. L. Llotr, Practising Physician. _ • ; - . ; , • Price.sl pOrhottle. 4., - O. G. CLAIM St CO4 , Wholesale Druggiqe, N e)r,,Haven, 'Conn., General. _A.vnts for the United States and Catadas_. or sale at 'Wholesale by . • - DARIUS At CO., New York. : klEk_o. GOODWINA_•_c 0: ;Hoop. ; • ,• • ' JOHNSTON, HALLOW AY WDEN; 143 Whof6Y.. 23 NortliShi St Philr. E P M =MS MEE GAS * StrRNETtS and COOKING STOVES MI satisfabtion: as oar motto is JACOB 8.1!,14,LE8, jaybird. ilepo.i Tausicat. MASON - L N.' 8 CABINET. OROtd ANS MELODEONS were in troduc s.o na e twenty years since. and were'succeeded by the 'RAMON lUMS a bout nin e years ago. The CABINET 0 ItGA N was brought to its present state of tleifoction only in the , summer of 1802.. - - THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL hasgreat advantages over any otherinvention of the eap n hle. of much finer .-effeete than. can lie PrOdueed by any other, and is more vosity u , red be th e pecformer, and exeels especially in rapacity for eipre4N . , 4"a'" Please notice adCance . in prices. - CABINET ORGAN - S. No. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or oa.k -ease 95' N 0.16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case.... • 120 No, 17: Five Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case 115 No, Di, The Same, in elegant Rosewood 143 No, 10. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case 12:1 No. 26.' , The Same. itielegantißomewood Case... 150 No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak CaSe ' -- 130 No. t.l,' The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case., 180 No. 23. The Same, in Solid Carved Moulded Walnut. 180 No, 16. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case 556 Cmteß•ef e.rfrix finieh einde In order. N 0.12. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ; in Walnrit or Oak Case 460, No.ll. The Same ; in elegant Rosewood Case... 41n No. 14. Six, Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case ZO MELODEONS. - No. 4. Six Octave, Piano Style, Romwood caSe 170 No' 5. Five Octave, " " No. 6. Portable "100 'No. 7. • . " "_ - Walnut etMe..,.:. 85 No. 8. Fonr-and-a-half Octave,Portable,lt*- weed Case 85 No. 0. Fehr Oetave,,P4frtable. Rosewoodedsl .. 754 Descriptive pamphlets furnished by tile sub scriber. As Agents' for Messrs. Mason & Mullin we are enabled to sell at their Sew York prices r andeharg nothing for freight. We have sold a number of their instruments, and can give , numerous satisfactory references. 8 S. 811ItiOCK. Agent. Chant bersburg, arl3-tf MASON .6.c. FLAMLI 'S CABINET—ORGANS, WITH -02i1; -OR TWO SFITS• OF ItE6S, - CONTAINIXO TI:P AUTOMATIC 'SWELL, DOI:I3LE BELLOWS,. ' K I RKE STOP AND COMBIS'ATION VALVE. -Ve - EVeryinAtrionent warrantril For Five. Years. PRICES PROM $7O TO sfsO. The. Cabinet Organ is the only instrument which combines" the Nquisites for Church and Parlor Mu sk; for the school room and the social festival frath enng. For while it possesses sufficient power for the accompaniment of a' large chorus, it is, from its ,bnpnbility of all shades of expression, and its woo ,derful crexgendo and deminuendo. most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral ef fects, and rspid music, as tril 1.4. arpeggios, &c. From its sustained tones, it has a decided 'advantage over the Piano Forte, for the rendering of many of the choicest morceaux of the masters, such as sympho nies, quartettes, etc. R. A. McCLITRE, Chambersburg, Pa.; General Agent for Pennsylvania. N.B.—The undersigned will sell, and deliver in good condition, Cabinet - Organs anywhere in this State, at factory Prices : ; 911 inquiries,br letter Promptly answered. [iunr,fil-tt.] 1t..; A. Mc. I) R,INCE & CO'S . WELL - KNOWN MELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS! Introducing the effect of Pedal Bass on every In strument. , E. GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash at a liberal deduction. or on Monthly Instatltnents. irh'•Over:lo,ooo sold in Philadelphia. . JAMES BELBAK, Sole Agent. 279 & SI South Fifth Strect,`a bore Spruce,. sel6-1Y: Philadelphia. 'lf ASO N - &HAMLIN'S 1.11. CABINET 'ORGANS DIM MELODEONS. Description Pamphlets furnished gratis at ft e Book, Store of S. S. SHRYOC,K, AGENT for Mason & Damlin's Musical Instru ments. Prices the same as in New York' and 'Boston. freight. (mar '27tfl p OS.—E. A. M'CLITii.E. Sole Agent for the celebrated DECKER BROTHERS (NEW YORK). PIANO. Pianou delivered, and put up in gaud I7oQt (} ifipq, in. any Part of the State. at FACTORY RETAIL PRICES: All Instiuments warranted for fire Y ChM. Pianos from other Factories will be furniShed if desired. R. A. McCLERE. junl7,fi3 Chambenbum Pa. lASON ck HAI4I L I~i'S IN _ CABINET ORGANS MEL-ODEONS.. • Description pamphlets furnished urafs e.t t lin Book Store ovf- S. SHRYOCK. AGENT for Mason A; Hamlin's Musical Instru n ts. Prices the same as in New York and Boston, [s..l freight. • finer 9 -tf K EIM & .HE I2 P brr; M e rNg l WHOLESALE iA7 IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GERMAN, FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRINGS No. 703 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. "Orders carefully attended to by S. S. SHRYOCK, ,Chambersburg. - - 5023-Iy. 'VOCAL McCLURE V will tenth classes anit privatn poras tho P.ll. of Singing. Musical Notation, Harmony: and Mnqical Composition. Hoy i-tf. 3ooto anb F.,toro. "MEW SHOE STORE.—The seribor takes this method of informing 'the citizens of Chambersburg and vicinity that be has lust returned from Philadelphia with an ENTIRE LY NEW STOCK. of Boots and Shoes, of every variety, style and pattern, and of the hest manu factures. • He has no old Shwpkeilier4 on hand. -His whole stoek is nor. Give him a call—you can easily suit yourself. He invites the Ladies especially, as he will take pleasure in showing his goods. Store in the room formerly occupied by Frederick Smith, as a Law Office, and umre recently used for the purpose by George Eyster, Esq.. two doors Norther Fisher's Hotel, Main Street, Chambershrlig, IV is large and well selected stock, he bedn i ra orac tical Shoemaker, consists of Ladies' Gaiters. Boot% Slippers and Buskins; Misses end Children's Boots and Shots; Gentlemen's - Gaiters, Slippers,. Boots bed Brogans. Don't f)rget the place. No treilble to show goods nt 'filE NEW STORE, two doors - North of Fish er's Hotel, Main Street, Chambers:hum Pa. jun 17.63. , - —•PKTF,Tt 1N" E W B 0 0 T , SHOE Ann HAT STORE, IN CHAMBERSBUR&- , The subscriberhns i ust 6pene,d in them omerlY occupied by Mr. C..llurkh rt :Is a Vor rec. onpty, and adjoining the Drug Store of Mr. A. J. Miller. an en-, tiretv new stock of all k irids• of BOOTS. SHOES., HATS, TRUNKS. VALISES, UMBRELLAS, tie., all of which has been bought for cash, Ana will be sold for cash, ns cheap. if not a little cheaper than any other house in the-county, All-irrwunt of any thing in his line will find it to their ;Oran h,, To to ,give him a call. [apr G-tfi . 'H. R, WINTON. nve:::(tolars. FAMILY DYE COLORS.' PATENTED OCTOBER 13, 1863. ' Black,; ,_ - Dark Green, . Black fol Silk, :Light Green, , Dark Blue, ; -Magenta, : Light Blue, [ Maize, Frirhoh Blue, Maroon, - t , Claret Brown, - . , Orange, Dark Brown. Pink, i • Light Brown. ~ Purple, ,- . 1 Snuf ferry Brown, • ' Royal Purple, Salm on, _ 1 Crimson,,. , Scarlet, ' Dark 'Drab - Slate, , Light Drab, 1 . Solferino, Fawn Drab, Violet, r Light Fawn Drab, ' Yellow. • • For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers; Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearinß.APp_arel. • _ ~ --A - A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. -V3, - - - . - For 25 cents you can color as manygoods asivonld otherwise cost fiVettimes that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is ,simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect 'specess. - Directions in English, French and German inside of each package. For further informatiort in Dyeing, slid giving a -perfect knowledge what colors aro but adapted • to 'dye over others (with many valnalle reci'pes,),per , chase Howe ,k Stevens' Treatisonn Dyeing and 6'ol oring. Sent by mail on receipt of price•—lo . Manantetured by , HOWE Sr. STEVENS, • n0v254y1 26()Troadvray,Bost0 - „ , For Sale by - Druggists and dealers generally. tpri),3ll,4c 2t, 1864. DragoAlitaiting l sict. stock GARDEN ki SEEDS has been reneiied. A full stock. of all SORQO SEED.—A feW basliels still left, at • NIXON'S, A ILE,NE-IYA•L-OT - A full tins , of ' • CHEMICALS. SOAPS. • • PERFUMERY, , at - .NIXON 'S. a , TYPERIOR:PLESI-1131:ZUSHES, 4t 11 I D'l L S U I. T•S DE.USHES, Combs, A.m. Pins and Fancy Golf,a6.s. )0, OAP S . —The st4ek . 'So'aps at NIXON'S can't biexuelleil. pArf ; 'RUM., COLOGNES ,AND, EX:- tamyrs, at NIXON'S: ~:~ ~ ~~ oat N ° N WM. HEYSER, .; CHAS. H. CRESSLER. ftEYSER dr. CRESS LER, GRADUATES Th . PHARMACY, - ' DEALERS IN - - DRUGS, CHEMIICALS, MEDICINES, &c., CIiAMBERSBURG, PA Believing that only , • PURE• DRUGS AND 'PREPARATIONS OF FULL STRENGTH, will give satisfaction to Physician and Patient. and insure continued :-.lucees,s to our Drug Establishment. we give this branch oar constant care , and scrutiny. CHEMIICALS, AND PATENT MEDICINES. We warrant our stock to be pure imd the best in the market. - We are reeeiving a large lot of rREsix•ciIRDEN _SEEDS, embracing best•kinds of new and. old rarieti of early and late vegetables. HOWE STEVENS' FAMILY DIE COLORS, rdialde and easy coloring. We ask but a trial for them. All tho colors constantly" on hand. Farmers and Horse Dealers should always' have on - ~hand a nael*te of O'NEEL'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER. . Xis the best for Distemper.' ‘. RITTER WINE OF IRON, . , - an eteellent Tonic for debilitated and dyspeptic persons. • MRS.. HARVEY'S CROUP SYRUP, an expectorant for Coughs and Colds hi the Throat and Chest, thatean br relied on to give speedy'relief , POCKET BODES AND WALLETS. Tie have-iust received a large, lot, of every size, quality and price. , .. Fine Soaps and Perfumery, Hair and Cloth Brushes, i - - Tooth Brushes. . - Ret3ding Combs. _ , - Gum and Horn Combs ~ Coneentroted Potash, - Trussi and Behees; , . , . Sii,PUnifiel% , /ref . ;V edioineg can be:hod at night or omStudayi by ellling ot the Sto, e or at .W. d leyser'e rosideneo; a fen , doors South of the Stine:' - ' , ( jan2i. tEo:43artnerobili Potires, rvssoLuTioN,—The, co-partuerallip. heretofore exiAingundei the name of E'rtElt, ItAlin...TON & CO. was, on the 18th of last menth. dissolved by mutual enusekt. The Bookg of. 016 firm ate in the hands of Meyers. Kl\lllllll. tC.", where paetnenta,are expected tb be made immedi ately, 'and persona having. claims * against the firm will present them for.settlement. jnnel•4t' PARTNER B . H IP ~--Norice is here by given that the undersigned have entered in to partnership in the Hardware and Cutlery, business at the old stand of Myers & Brand, where we are Prepared to furnish every thing in our line as cheap as any other house in the county: Special indnee men ts are offered for cash, as our motto will be quick sales and short Profits- JACOB S. BILA.ND, 0c14,63. (I.LORGE FLACK. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—The 'undersign-, ed has associated with himself, on the Rb ru,trp, 188-I, JOHN B. STUART, in the Grocery business, under. the name and style of SILAFER STUART. Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to the establishment, he hopes by a strict attention to business to merit for the now firm a continuance of Public fever. mar 2 - "JACOB SHAFER. 00 , PARTNERSHIP.—Having as§ocitv ted with me, this day,Fehivary 9th 1364, in the• urreantile business L. 13.1UNDLINE, the business h..reofter will be conducted - 1111(1er the .firm of WIL LTAM WALLACE dc CO. Tiering had a liberai patronage heretofore, I solicit the same for the new km, • [mar 2-tfj WILLIAM WALLACE. T'll IT , It H. A, ND OL a Lk MANUFACTURE OF ROSEWOOD AND - GILT MOULDINGS, LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES, of every description, N. {Y. COR. (11 , ' TRIM, AND OALLOWILI S 15;• Pln1;A". Ortieri to the lomat extentproniptlyrexectited - . Orders filled bv B.B.SHRYDUK, Chan:lE4oM g;Pie Sep J i I `' L L E , ,DRU,GGIST, STI) RE ON TAB DiAiIIOND, - CHA MBREtSDURG. Tci IOMADES. I' . L - E T•A It T I'C LE S. STERLING'S AM ROSI.A. .. , ' HAIR DYES. O - , , . EXTRACTS OF ALI, KINDS,I' ' -. ' ' - COCOAI-B, - - - TOOTH BR SITES* HAIR : -.IJSIIES. COMBS,' and a full assortment a ecer,i , thing- in the, Toilet. line can 1)01=3. at - MILLER'S. QTANDARD P4TEN MEDICIN ES. Swaim's Panacea, • • Ayer's Cherry Peet. ,1; E,eyser'si Peet° . Bloed Sea her, , dayne's Medicines, Molntire's and , - attother good • . • -• Preparations 'at MILLER'S Drug Store. ,• • of the 4ay. , t ' E. U. ETTER, A. 13. HAMILTON, JAG, HAMILTON. Orugs, Anicituo; s4.c. . .. , 7 t .. _ TT, V. E ,;- ' 11 , . , 'Y dtj " ' ' . . - ,A D, A-D , - , , . , COL - D ? Try a Bottle of MILLER'S COIIGIUSTRUP: It will cure you. Get it at , A. A. J. MILLER'S. ; E ITCHY Get a box of TERRILL'S ITQII OLVTMENT. It is a safe and speedy cure—lit A. J. MILLER'S. K,ERERROs2NVSLAIT4IPT' 0 cignIN A T: 6 S 6 AND WICKS, ands fail - assortment of suckar 9 tFol A e.l N _as . D ar l d ll u . 9ta found in DrugEtore can lie had at MILLER'S: piu CHILIPS.MEDICINI: - JL _ANODYNE CORDIAL. at MILLER'S Drug Store. A "V ART'S., TRO'CH-E,S, 13f1.01yN:S TR.ocHEs. - BRYAN'S PULM ONIC WAFERS nt IkI L MLFZR-'S Drwr Stop.. TERRILL'S TETTER OLNTMENT, , A Certain Cure. at MILLER'S Drug Store: . . FAM LY DYE COLORS.—A 'new ay and just what is 'noetlea in every fitfully. at _ 311141,E1V5, 1 4R S E AND 'COW POWDERS; at - ' -L ILLER'S. a ARDEN SEEDS, alt kinds, at : MILLER'S. . Dip anti Sam Goobs. N EW FANCY--DRY-GOODS BM NOTION STORE', _."7 110 u.4.',.•.ohanificrburth 3 MBTCAI,FE & HITESHEW havejust received, and openad in the-" Mansion„ IleaSe:" Butldinq; opposite the - Banh, a , new and beautiful stook of LADIES' MSS GOODS; .comprising all the diffeient styles Black and Colored Silks, Cloaking Cloths, Balmoral • 'and Hoop Skirts, full linqyVhite ttiods ; 0141 7 n Crape nMd , LoVe-Yeils,llosieryi Gloves, Col= • Cafn, lianlterehiefi, arid every-trind belonging to a Fancy Dry Goods and Notion Store. Also, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, with a good assortment of D MEST I C all of whieli will he sold Loin for Cash ir.7'i• The patroungo of, tho public is most resPect- fully solicited, =CALEB & HITESHEW —Chambersburg. Pri., May . 25: 1864.-tf. RIM G 0, 0 D S . The subscribers are now offering , a large lei of 3 Linen Dneli, Damask Hucksback, Russia, Diaper and Crash, Irish Liricm, &c.,- 100 do'm Lilo Threat and Silk Gloves, , , 200 tior, :Hosiery, atm super quality Blaek and • Colored Dress Silks, Cloths and Creisitneres, •-• ' 114' and IX Bombazine's, - _ and 14 Black and Colored Delains, Black Alpaccaa, - dooheco; koriniaosand Sprnmes Prints, 100 do, super- French Shirt Fronts; 100 Balmoral Skirts, Ntate i i.Proof Cloths, Dtß~ells, Tura pup and,sap Ingrain Carpets, 2, 2,4, YloOr Oilcloths, '2I:NO dor Cocoa and Canton Matting, , 500 yards Dutch Carpet: . :WM. WAIL ACE & CO: r. MEI SK.UtTS SKIRTS !.11 , M.A. JONES CELEBRATED. !`lsiE PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT, _ sm..b 0:11;1' AT No. 171TORTII Sth St., PHILADELPHIA. Skirts of all lengths, and any size waist made to order and satisfaction guaranteed. . Ladies, Misses and Children's Skirts of every size and shape constantly orihand. Every S h irt rearranted for Six Mont Al. lIQW W 1 DO BUSINESS. , - We do not make any cheap a 1 rte in the eOuithon acceptation of- the term, but we make THE CHEAPEST- SKIRTS T &DE', because 'we make _ . THE BEST . AND'-DEFY COMPETITION Wo,warrwit - jevery skirt We sell to be exactly as represented. We make all we sell, and knowing how. they are made we gnarmatee them with full confi-' deuce, Li' we sell a 6.74 skirt ,cc will exchange it for a new one, and if they pet out of order or break with in six mOnths,we will repair them free of Charge:' We mean to give our customers full satisfaction, but we cannot do so and compete with the low priced auction goods.. We depend entirelyy-npon 'the sou Periority of the goods we offer, and the fairness of our method of. doing business:- • Orders leftat Shryock's I3pok Store. • PMEPTIONS FOR MFASURMENT. Take the exact' size of the, waist; Without "any el loWanee. , The exact length required and the size around' the, bottom spring. Also, if the skirt is to be large_ small, or medium size at the tip, and' istether a trait orpcain round skirt. • M. Ai JONES.. orth Bth St,', Philadelphia. ,angl.4-tf • . . Over the Wax Sttre. ' . • • S.SIziRYOCK, BOOKSELLER • STATIONER, now occupies his New Stoic. -Room. and is prepared to transact - business with greater faeilitieetlian ever. - BOOKS----Scheol Books.-.3fiscellaneenallooki Boolta. Lair 330018, 14ledi6a1Books,-Sitedioßeititol Booke„Military ISooke., „ 1311.11X1. 4 .----A large a...sextet en t cfPOcket firldFahlv -- • - ,".!, BLANK BOOKS of all'sizes,nnalities and stiles if:binding. • - -STATIONER X ..=-A great variety of all kitids , of all Ititnia of Writ*. and Printing Papers. of gr e i t ii, English and American manufacture. Aleo,Envet...-: open of a ll - si z es and qualities, Ink, ;Pens; Pencil India '33.ubberi. Sesls, Quills. Copy Books' .Bletting-,F9aTa,, knives, Erasers,. Writing. Sand So„ dGC.• GO.LD. PK/VS.—The very best -Gold Persia Oa- - market. fully wananted, made by LerwW,...Fttia'•-, child N.Y. • I = - BLIND PAPER —A fall variety of patterns saga qualities. ;. WALL PAPER.—Nearlyl,ooodifferent patterns. together with suitab a Bordering's, Plain, l ehmt. and Velvet Gilt. " PICTURE DUMPS.—OvaI and Square FraMes fur Photographs. _Frames made to order. - • . FRENCH GLASS, for Picture frames, of' aril size.. - CHEAPNOVELS, ttoteh lower than Publishirt ; prices. ENGRAVINGS.—EngIish, French, German,ama. American Engravings. • BASKETS.—Fancy,Traveling,P,oolPienicxxidt., Knife and Clothes Baskets. - ZEPHYR WORSTEDS.—SingIe and Douhie'Ze- Phrr. Tapestry and Soli Zephyr, Shetland Wool. ae.. NEWSPAPLItS.—The Philadelphia and New - . York Dailies received daily. Clubs or individuals , supplied: WEEKLY PAPERS.—harpers'Weekly, kiatilir' Leslie, N. Y. Mercury, N. Y. IWeekly, LI.Yi Led, - ger. &c: received we'ekly- FERlbilllCALS.—llarpers' Monthly, Atlantis' Monthly, Continental, Godey. ;Peterson. Balled,‘ Knickerbocker. All the Year Round,,Cornhiji,` &c.. ECRived as soon us published. - - , CHEAP LITERATtiftE.7-All the Dim e.nablic4- . ,s, Weekly Nouvellettes, &mg Books.,- 7 " - .7e:'•-.- daily. take.orders for till kinds of good& - En' S=We receive goods by Express every day fro,' the East. - - BLANK DEEDS, Writing and Printing Cards... R u lers, Paper Weights.. Fancy Poxes. Corals Wail Brushes, Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in our line constantly on lomd. " _ - MITSIC.—Sheet - Music, for Piano, Guitar.l r iolin: and Flute. • J • purchase Pianos on -eonaraiimOn.; so as to save our customers from Fifty to One Jinn ! : sired'and Fifty Dollars. _ , MUSICAL .-iIySTRITIVENTS.—We tan 1 3tiP1/IY . • any kind of Musical Instruments at prices fsrlower • than meal:- • PHOTOGRAPH , ALBUMS.—We can sell 'Phalli graph Albuntif at lowerprices titan they can 1:,.e pro - - cured for in the cities.. . • - • CARTES- DE YlBlTE.—Portraits_ s of Military Men of the U. B. Army and distingoiShe 1 Menund.Wornati, Comm Pictures, fte: NEW TOY BOOKS in great variety. - - New publications of the Arrierican S. S. American Tract. Society, Presbyterian Board' of -Publication, &e. - We have no hesitation in saying to our oristirthers that from ,ourlong experience, our manner oft:king. business, and our great facilities, we do not fear competition, and have no , doubt of being able to give entire satisfaction. Come and see our new store, our new and enlarged stock, and form your own opinions. - r. dantherstaig. Dec. • T• 4,qyr s -gm pt c co, . eJ ' 'BoOKsELLERa AND. PUBLISII NES; i'"-- Milinfocitureis of Blank - and Memorandum RlVitogratill Albums. Manifold Writers..Marblerii-, pet,, tie.. N 0.27 South Seventh Street, abOre Chest • • , - Ij3l.pritt work' of:every' description, !Or Count* °Fn.,: ces, Counting; Houses i tuld Public 'offiqe.a &rife to order. Orders left with i.B: S. ;1311.1liY(Kl.tc, ,Cbarnbersburk;Pa., pill be , Promptly attended t 0..: 'ke30,63,4y.: . , • . A , 4 lOW 30 pieocts - RUssia Duck, !MI itttAx ,Statioltern. farbirai, ME • Q.FIRINEWS BALSAI , IIC - COUGH - S . V'' KJ 1:17'; , - , Eiir Coughs; Colds, Cramp, ao.yring: - Coitgh,Aithma,Bronclaitis . Sptting Blood, Pail fiTat -.- WeaknmB of the Breast, Athevliy of Breathing, dte, - 'This is no nesr yam CliY, 3t h. 9.3 been used forrenunw - big of years pi Alaryland•and .parts of Pennsylva-,=_ nta4. and bai wherever known acquired en nnpreee-; dented reputation for Outing the variousdisearslos - which it is recommended. ' It is Used'hy all elissest of society. and the Ind versal opinhin is that 'lt is good. 77i ie Sirntft • -purely-Vepoctble. Compound?` It is pleasant to taka„ and never doeslniurY, but owing to its- minting ' qualities, iniist-do good under any eireumstances.--• Its effects are truly wonderful, soothing, claming, and allaying-the most , violent coughs; parifririP ' strengthening and invigorating the whole system:- calming and soothing the nerves: aiding,and itating expectoration. and healing the -DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root Of diseases, and driving it : from the system. _ CROP?. - This disease is tufnouneed, by difficulty of breath , : Mg. shrill whistling or whee-zing. hacking cough, and threatened suffocation, &c. 11, mostly . occurs: in young.childien. No child need die of Croup it this Syrup - prererly used. and nsed ifi time.-- blathers having croupy children.should watch the first:show of the disease. and always keen this re medy on-haod. • • . • For cough after measles this Syrup is moss excel lent' Experience has proven that it is etifurled by no other preparation. The price is such as to place it within the reaoh.o all, the poor as well as the rich, and everY•Periurt should hare it. - Every one should.hit've it in the house. " i*-3. •true,and faithfiil friend to all who value health' tin& wish to secure themselves against that most torri-` - bje 'disease. Consumption. It will he found the most tiscfdl as well as the cheapest family raedicintr in the world. It has been used for the last funs years with a success withhut a parallel; Price .nt) ets. per bottle, or three bottles for . rrepute(l y 8. .O . Ul`l ' tit l' 141,. For nth by A. J. MILLER, and J. S.:NIXON; Chambersburg. - Pa., and Strirekee - pers everywhere. PuTvs. CELEBRATED .11 ORS.E . AND CATTLE POWDERS.— these Powders,. have proved, after h trial of several years, to be su perior to any •proparation of the kind used. , Th'e' chief superiority' of these Powders arise from Abe . factthat theyarhcompOsed of medicines that have Laxative., Tonic eird Purifying properties. The.. .Laxative ejects ertalitics from the stomach and • inteitines the Tonic gives strength to the lieitein of the Horse: and the purifying medicines eon in - .taed in them cleanse the blood and lay the foun dation for a healthy and-rigorous Circulation. .Tho' -rise of them improves the wind. strengthens the. nypetite, and gives the horse a hoe, Smooth, • ski—thus improving the appearonce,,vigor anti spirit of the noble animal. - These Pawders „are not intended, itSs - sorne.Pow-;; dens arc, to bloat the animal, so as to give him .the. appearance of being fat when not really so—but to reinove.the.disease and promote his general health. • • • These'PoiTtlers will strengthen the stomach and inteskinek cleanse them from offensive matter, mid bring them to a healthy state. They are a proven. •. tire of-Lung FaVer, anti a certain remedy for all' diseases incident to-the Horse, as Glanders, Yellow • •Water, Distemper, Founder, Heaves. Slavering. - Coughs; Fevers. Loss of Appetite. and-Vital Ener gy, &h. ,These Powders, if used two orthree times a , *eat; through theVinter and spring, your Horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colic' or Biitta'..' A few doses of ,these powders will remove tho,wors.V; Cough on any Horse.- Were owners'of Horsei to feed a keel' these PoWders every_ year they might Slice the lives of many .valuable Horses. - - :MILCH COWS.-=-The properties this PowderliOS-•' sasses in- iner,dasing the quantity of-Milk in Cows, gives it an importance and value which should •place it. in the' hands of every 'person keeping h Cow. In'fattening Cattle it gives them an appetite. loosens their hi‘le; - - and Makes them thrive much. fa ter • . - - HOGS.--In all diseases of Swine as Cpughs, El cers in the Lungs and Liver, kc.; by putting- froth half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a_barz . rel of swill, the above diseases can be cured or en tirely-prevented. By using these Powders. the Hee' Cholera can berevented. Prepared by . , •- S. A. -OUTZ ct BRO.,lirestramster,Md. • For sale wholesale and retail by A. J. MILLER -and J. S. NIXON; Chambersburg,, Pa.,and s t ore .. keepers everywhere. Price 25 ets: a paper, or eve ' papers for St--. VOUTZTS' MIXTURE is a. safe attire-it able Remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Pala fa! Nervous. Affections, Sprains, .Burns., and all diseases requiring an external application on Man. • 'On. Horses it will never fail to cure Poll-evil, Fis tula, old Running Sores or Sweeny. if proPerly - tif.t" plied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, cracked httef. chafes:saddle or collar gall, cut or wounds, it is an infallible remedy., Try it and -be convinced °flirt' efficacy. - • . Persons afflictednith this disease, no matter, of 'how long standing; can - be proniptly and effectually cured byu.singthisMixture. 'There is nothing in the world so sur and so ge_rid - to take awe bad Coins and cure Frost Bites as this., P_Mn•Vition, !Try it and satisfy Ourselves. Price n and 50 ttg.lier bottle. Prepared-bY • 13.• A. FOUTZ-4 BRO.' , .Westminster - For sakt by A. J. .-MILLER and J. , S., NIXON,•:. ehambitsburg;Ta..lintl Storekeepers everrOmis