The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, June 08, 1864, Image 8

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•(Continued•from First Page.) ,
field. He waa ordered to hold the position, and
at 10 P. M. the 6th Corps set outlo occupy it,
We have'• not yet heard from Wright or Gen:
Sheridan this morning, and do not know whether
the former got his troops to their destination.—
Smith must be - closed upon Wright's column.
This morning the enemy are also moving a
heavy colnmn intim same direction. The order
has just gone ,to Warren to fall upon their flank.
Wilson had n fight last evening, near Hano
ver Court House, with Young's brigade of ea
'valry. He routed Young, killing and capturing
Many, but there . has- - been a good deal of artil
lery firing in that dilution this morning.
. Warren reported lad night that in his fight
of Monday afternoon, near `Bethesda Church,
Col. Tyrrell 13th Virginia, and Col. Williss,
commanding Pegram's brigade, killed. Col.
Christian, 49th Pennsylviinia, was wounded and
captured, so was the Assistant...kdjutant General
of Ranisafa brigade, name not reported; ten
other commissioned officers were also captured
aid seventy privates. Sixty Rebels were bu
ried on the field.
' In our centre, Burnside reports his advanced
line as being this morning (Ist) within a 'mile
of Mechanicsville.
No othermilitary intelligence:has been re
ceived by this Department since yesterday.
E. M. STANTON, Sec'y of War.
. .
Th e Fight at Cold Ilarbonon Wednes
day Afternoon—Our .lied Take and
Hold thejlebel Works—Desperate
but !Fruitless Attempt of, t h e Rebels
to Recover their Loss.
June 2. 1864-2 : 30 P. M.
To Maj. Gen. Dix dispatch from Gen.
Grant dated this morning, June 2, at Bethesda
Church, 7 o'clock A. M., has just been received.
It states that : " Yesterday afternoon an attack
was ordered to be made on our left at Cold
Harbor by the 6th Corps, and the troops under
Smith; Warren, Burnside, and Hancock being
held in readiness to advance in their respec
tive fronts. ' The attack was made with spirit
about 5 o'clock P. M., continuing until after
dark, and resulting in our carrying the enemy's
,on the right of the 6th Corps, where we
still hold them, and also the first line in front
of Smith. The latter, how - ever, were com
manded in the rear, which made those carried
untenable'. The enemy made repeated assaults,
on each of the corps not engaged in the main
assaults, but were repulsed with loss in every
instance. Several h'undred prisoners were ta
ken, but I cannot say what number, nor esti
mate either our or the enemy's casualties,—
During the night the enemy made several as
saints to regain what they had lost, but failed."
•Iro dispatches from auy other quarter have
reached the Department to,day.
E. M. STANTON, Seey - of War.
The'Battle of Tolopotoray Creek—A
- Battle Between Birney and Breekin
ridge—The Enemy Flee to the Woods
—The Fight at,the.White House. -
SVesaiXQTON. .Inne 3.
'A despatch from the Army of the Potomac,
dated at 5 P. M. on Tuesday, says :—This
'morning Birney's Division , advaneed against a
breastwork held by Breckinridge's Corps on
.the south side of the Tolopetomy Creekihn
high eminence, a very strong position, and one
which might have been easily held against a
way superior force.
The enemy, after firing a round ar two, and
seeing our determination to take the place,
evacuated and retreated to the woods.
Our loss was - about twenty:five, and took
fifty. ,prisoners, mostly belonging to Breekirt
ridge's command,-.some of whom said they were
in the valley in the fight with Sigel, but did
not fight as stibbornly as they did here.
Capt. Ronse; Sixteenth Massachusetts, and
Adjutant Jackson, Second New York, were
among the wounded this morning, the latter
bating his leg amputated.,
Tee attempt made to turn our left last night
and to cut us off from the White House, our
new base of supplies was defeated, and with
considerable loss on both sides.
No Bighting on Thursday—The Enemy
Attacked on -Friday Morning—Henry .
• Loss on Both Sides.
• • WASIIINGTOY, June 4-10 A. M.
To Maj, Gen. Dix, New York :
Despatches from Gen. Grant's headquarters
dated at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon havejust
been received.
No operations took place on Thursday.
Yesterday, at 44 o'clock in the morning,
Gen. Grant made an attack on the enemy's lines,
of which he makes the, following report:
" We assaulted at 4.30 o'clock this morning,
driving. the enemy within his entrenchmentdat
all points, but without gaining any dechAve ad
",Our troops now occupy a position close to
the enemy—some places within fiftyyards—ana
are remaining.
" - Otir loss was not severe, nor do I suppose
the enemy to have lost heavily.
"'We captured over 300 prisoners, mostly
from Breckinridge." •
Another later and official report, but not from
Gen. Grant, estimates the number of our killed
and wounded at about 3,000.
E. M. STANTON, Sec'y of War.
Great Battle on Friday AiternoonTbe
Rebels Repulsed—From Gen. Sher
man.'_• ,
" WASHINGTON", June 5,l`P. M.
To'Maj. Gen. Dix, New York:—A despatch
from Gen. Grant's headquarters, dated at half
petit eight o'clock last night, hati been received.
It states that about seven - P. M. yesterday,
(Friday, June 3d,) the enemy suddenly attack.
ed Smith's Brigade, of Gibbons' Division.—
The battle lasted with great fury for half an
hour, and the-attack was utiwaveringly repul
Smith's losses were inconsiderable. At 6P.
M;Wilson, with his cavalry, fell upon the rear
of a brigade of Heth's Division,"which Lee had
orderad around to- bis left, apparently with the
' intention of enveloping Burnside. After a shags
but short conflict Wilson drove them from their
rifle-pits in confusion. He took a few prison
ers:- He had previously fought with and rout
ed Gordon's Brigade of Rebel cavalry. During
these fights he lost several officers, among them
Col. Preston, First Vermont Cavalry, killed ;
Col. Benjamin, Eighth New York Cavalry, seri
ously wounded. Gen. Standard. serving in the
Eighteenth Corps, was severely wounded yes
terday (Friday).
Our entire loss in killed, wounded andmis
sing during the three days' operations around
Cold Harbor will not exceed, according to the
Adjutant General's report, 7,500- This morn
ing (Saturday, June 4th) the enemy's leftwing
in front of Burnside was found to have been
- drawn in during the night. Col. Cressnola, in
command of 5,000 men, arrived here yesterday
having marched from Port Royal. Telegraphic
- communication between Cherrystone and For
tress Monroe continues interrupted.
A:despatch from Gen. Sherman, dated yes
terday, Jane 4th, 8 A. M., thirteen miles west
of Marietta, reports that his left is now well
around, covering all the roads from the south to
the railroad about Ackworth. His cavalry has'
been in Ackworth and occupies in force all the
Allatoona pass. No other military intelligence
has been received by the Department.
E'. M. IEITAISTON, See'y of War.
Gin. Rutle,r's Deptaitment—The Rebels
Attack Butler's L f t Wing and are
Pelvis Ens 2Jounop., June 2.
The steamer .ftilin A: Warner, from Berra:Ma,
Hundred, which she left at 4 o'clock, last eve
fling, brings the following report :
At 7 o'clock the enemy attacked General
Butler's loft wing, and a spirited fight with
Musketry and artillery was kept up till 9 o'clock
when the enemy were again repulsed. ,
Our Imp was very slight, and the enemy'sloss
vas not ascertained.
Thirtyßebel soldiers came into onr lines this i
evening and surrendered, - \ I
_Johnston Attacks Sherman on Ttiesday;
and is Repulsed After Three Hours
ofFightin—Sherman Seizes the Rail
road near " llarietta—An importantimport
Object Gained. -
WAsimraToN, June!.
Maj. Gen. Dix;—We have no intelligence
this morning from Gen. Grant later than yester
day, at 6 A. M.
An unofficial dispatch, received- here at 4 o'
clock this morning, dated yesterday, 31st, at
Kingston. reports that Maj. Hopkins, of Gen.'
Stoneman's staff, camefrom the front this after
noon; says " the Rebels attacked at 7 . 4 this
morning, and at 10 o'clock the affair was over,
the enemy' repulsed, and our, left reached the
railroad near Marietta." To accomplish this
object for several days had been the purpose of
Gen. Sherman's movements. Additional forces
are reaching him and ample supplies. _
E. M. STANTON, Sec'y of War.
Successful Movements o f Sheriniin—N o
Further News from Grant.
WASFIINGTON, Stine 3.10 o'clock P. M.
To Maj. Gen.‘Dix :—A. dispatch, dated yes
terday, at 7.30 P.M , has this
.evuning been
received from pen. Sherman.
He reports that .on Wednesday, June Ist,
McPherson moved up from Dallas to the point
in front of the enemy at - New Hope Church.
On Thursday, June 2d, Schofield and Hooker.
having been shifted to the extreme left, pushed
forward towards Marietta.
At the same time Stoneman,and Garrard's
cavalry were sent to Altoona Pass, which they
reached' andhold possession of.
Thesis movements, the dispatch says, hare
secured that pass, which was considered a
formidable one.-
Movements - are reported by the dispatch as
in progress which are not now proper for pub
Nothing has been heard from Gen. Grant
since his dispatch at 7 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. Telegraphic communication has been de
layed by a violent storm on the peninsula Yes
terday evening and last night, and cannot be
established before to-morrow. .
Hato, eaps &*tcab3 Goobs
New Styles and Good Qualities at Low Prices.
• di
keep up the reputation of the Old Stand,
in the Room 'Lately occupied by A. J. White,
MlL it
m ILA_R2 eni CLAIM he
T Sundersnign all e
d Board 7Vo ? U l f
Appraisers appointed by the Court of Common Pleas
of Dauphin County, (see act of 22d Apri1,1863,) to
investigate the claims arising from the Stuart raid ;
he militia claims, and the Anderson Cavalry im
pressment claims, all occuring in the year 1862, in
Southern border counties of Pennsylvania ; have
now so far as regards the Stuart raid claims conclud
ed their labors; having returned eases to the num
ber of four hundred and fifty (450) to the Honorable
the above mentioned court. The Anderson Cav
alry and Militia claims remain to be heard. But
the same having both-been reported upon - by Com
missioners appointed by His Excellecy Gov. Curtin.
A law is now in the course of passage through the
Legislature (having passed the House and being at
present under consideration in the Senate) whereby
the action of the said Commissioners shall be legal;
ized if upon- examination by the present Board the
same shall be found .to be just. The Legislative
action will be determined at the adjoufned session
to be held in August next.
Note, therefore, this is to-give notice to all persons
having certificates of adjudicated claimit under the
Anderson Cavalry impressment and Militia dam
ages, respectively, returned by Messrs. D. 0. Behr
and Samuel Reisher in the Anderson Cavalry eases,
and Messrs. W. H. M'Dowell and Chas. M. Burnett
in the Militia cases aforesaid ;,_ that they deposit the
said certificates with Messrs. M'Lellan 6; Kimmell,
said Attorneys being duly authorized to receive and
register the same for consideration by the said the
undersigned Board of Appraisers, when the current
legislation shall have been duly ascertained. Cases
may be marked for appeal should such be the desire
of any of the claimants, but appeals must be sub
stantiated by the elehrest, evidence to be successful
as confidence is entertained to a high degree by this-
Board in the justice and probity of the Commission
ers before named. Should the legislative action
prove to vary from what is anticipated. duo notice
wilLbo given immediately after the adjournment of
the Legislature,for the hearing of said claims in ac
cordance with the statute aforesaid passed April 22d
A. D., 18133. . .
A. 0. 'MISTER.
Board of Appraiseg under the Act 01 . April 22nd
1863. junel-3m
DAVISON, Justice of the Peace. Office im
mediatelylopposito the Indian Queen Hotel. All
business entrusted to his care will rive prompt
attention.; Instruneonis of Writinfrof all kinds,
drawn up in a satisfactory manner. jun 17,61
• Chambersburg, Pa,. Office in Franklin Hall.
in the room formerly occupied by Stumbdugh
Stewart. Prompt attention given to any thing in
the lino of a Magistrate and Scrivener. fe3,64 tf.
Shop in the New Building adjoining the Mar
ket Street - Bride, Chambersburg, Pd.
I respectfully take this method of thanking the
citizens of Chambersborg and vicinity for the very
liberal patronage received at their hands since
my residence in this place, and flittering myself
that I have done, and am still prep ired to do the
very best work in my line ,I solicit a aontinuance of
pest favor. B. T. FELLOWS.
P.S. respectfully tefer to any o tow patrons—
fames Eyster,Ntn -McLellan, Col. A. K. McClure,
Key. Mr: Niccolls, Presbyterian Church, Dr. Rich
ards. Dr. Eicher of the German Reformed Messen
ger, J. Allison Eystor, Wm, C. Eyster, and any oth
ers for whom` I have done work—for - character of
work done and expedition. [maylB,d4) B. T. F.
wages arid 'steady erai)loyment will bo given.
Apply to the undersigned, near Moroersburg. '-
ap27-tf C. METCALF.
JOB -PRINTING. in every style, done .
at the Office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY
E. M. STANTON, See'Y of
I am now selling certain 'qualities of
Straw Goods at Old Prices.
Call and soo
that I am determined to
to sell
Cheaper than the Cheapest. lii
--10:-- ,
Don't forget that
Etas removed to his New Store Room,
four doors South of the Diamond,
Chambersburg, Pa.
Uititat2 gotices.
3uoticeo of Or Veare.
tig fraititlitt Ittepositorii, Stint 8,1864.
Ural estate
By' virtue of a' Decree of the Circuit Court - of
Washington county, Md.. as a Court of Equity, the
undersigned. Trusteee, will sell. at Public bale, in
front of the Court House, in Hagerstown.
On Tuesday, the 14th' day of June, 1864,
all that valuable REAL ESTATE, situate in Wash
ington county, Maryland, known as the ' 41-
which was for manyyears owned and carried on by
J. DIXON ROMAN & CO.. and is,now for sale on
'account of the death of one of the partners. Said
Property contains
of-Iyhich about 200 Acres are cleared and in an ex
cellent state of cultivation. thehalance being
The FLTRNACE on said land is 3,5 feet high, with
and BRIDGE HOUSE, and is run by an overshot
wheel 40 feet high. It is in good repair, and the
Water Power unfailing and all-sufficient. Said
FURNACE is,only one mile from the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal. and about the same distance from
the lroh-Ore Bank, There is also .. -
near the Furnace, also a large BARN and other
out-buildings, and on differenart& of said traet of
land are a number of TENANT HOUSES tin all
ten pr twelve) in good repair. '
The above property will be sold entire, or in par
cels to suit purchasers; such parcels in be made
known at the sale.
. .
The undersigned will also BCH at the same time
and place, about
separated from the above by the lands of George
Feidt. Also a
on said Canal, noir M'Coy's Ferry, containing
THE TERMS OF SALE, as prescribed by the
Decree, are: One-third of the purchase money in
cash on the day of sale, or on the ratificiktion there
of, and the balance in two equal annual ibstalments
of one and two years from the day of sale, with in
terest from that day, the purchaser to give his note
with approved security for the deferred payments,
and on payment of the entire purchase money. the
Trustee will execute a Deed to the puiehaser, as re
quired by the Decree.
may2s-3t F. M. DARBY,' Trustee.
v PUBLIC" SALE.—The nntlersigned, Executors
of the but will and testament of Frederick Fultz,
ate of Letterkenny township dee'd, Will offer at
Public Sale, on the, in said township, en
Sai7l rd y. the 18th day ej.June next, the MANSION
FARM of said deceived, containing ltki ACRES and
PERCHES of excellent SLATE LAND. The
improvements consist of a two-An - Mil S,T 0 N E
DWELLING HOUSE, Stone Spring House, Was
House. Grain and Hay Sheds, and a large FRAM
BARN, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached.
There'is a never-failing Spring of Water on the farm
and two Orchards of excellent Fruit Trees. About
150 Acre:Tare cleared land. some 40 Acres of which
is excellent MEADOW. and the ballance excellent
TIMBER, mostly Chestnut and Rock Oak.
Also—Another TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the
above described Mansion Farm. containing 38
ACRES and 33 PERCHES, all of which is cleared
tillable land, with the exception of about 6 Acres,
which is in thriving Timber.
Also—The following several lots of excellent
TIMBER LAND, adjoining the above described
Tracts, viz-
No, 1. A Tract of excellent Timber :Land, con
taining 4 Acres and 156 Perches.
No. 2 containing 5 Acres, neat measure, adjoining
the above.
Ns. 3, adjoining the last named tract, containing
5 Acres and 5 Perches, neat measure.
No. 4, containing 5 Acres and 17 Perches, adjoin
ing the last named lot.
The above described several tracts will be offered
separately or will be sold together, as May be desired
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said
day; when the terms will he made known,
ARM. FOR SALE.—A valuable Farm;
JU containing 118 ACRES and 8., 9 PERCHES of
first-rate LIMEfONE LAND, situate in Mont
gomery township; Franklin county, Pa., within 23
miles of Mereersburg, and 'A' mile from the Turn-
Dike leading to Greencastle, bounded by lands of
r. J. M. Roister, Noah Myers and ethers. The
above described Farm is in a high state , of cultiva
tion, and over 500 panels of good Post Fence. The
improvements are a new 'two-storied BRICK
11017 SE, with good Log Kitchen and Dining Boom
attached, a good Double - Log Barn, sheaded all
around with two floors. Brick Grtinery. good Car
riage House, Wagon Shed, Smoke House, &e. A
good thriving Orchard of first-rate Grafted Fruit. a
never-failing Well of Water with Pump in the yard.
and Running Water convenient for stock. A small
portion of said Farm is of good TIMBER. There is
- alp° good V ater Power and Mill Scat on said prem
ises. Also, about 17 ACRES of good TIM BE 11
LAND, about mile from said Farm, which will
be sold with or without the above. to suit purchasers.
If the above property is not sold at Private Sale be
fore the let of September, it will bo sold, at Public
Outcry on that day. Any person wishing to view
said premises can do so by calling on the under
signed. Executor, residing on said Farm.
maylB-ts] Ex'r of John Witherspoon. dee'd.
[Lancaster Examiner copy :It and send bill for 'col.]
.pARn FOR SALE.—Containing 133
I.' ACRES of good SLATE LAND, and nearly
all fresh Limed. Bounded by lands of Daniel Mil
ler, Abram and Noah Myers. The above Farm is
In a good state of cultivation, with over 300 panels
of good Post Fence. The improvements are a good
LOG HOUSE, good Log and Frame Barn, abraded
with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. A good Young
Orchard of choice Fruit-and a never-failing Well,
with Pump, in the yard. About 20 Acres of above
Farm is coveretlwith good TIMBER. This Dwell
ing is it very pleasant and comfortable situation,
about 3 miles from Mereershurg, on the road lead
ing to the Corner. The above Farm, if not sold nt
private before, will be offered tit Public Sale on the
let linzt of September, when auindisputable title will
be given by the undersigned,d;lxecutor.
Executor of the Estate of John Little, dee'd.
Any person wishing to view said farm can do
so by calling on the subscriber, residing about 1T:-
mile from said Farm.
(Lancaster Examiner copy 3t and send bill for col.]
SALE.—The undersigned will sell at Private
Sale, his TANNERY. known as the'Corner Tannery.
with Steam and Water Power, SAW-MILL, Chop
piug-Mill, Stocks for breaking hides, &e. The Tan
nery has 8 Leeches, 32Vath., 2 Limes andWate.rPool,
and is capable of tanning 800 heiwy hides a year.
There are two LOG DWELLING HOUSES, Burn,
Stable and other necessary out-buildings connected
with the Tannery, and about 60 Acres cleared, with
good fruit. Ile will sell any quantity of land with
the Tannery, from 100 to-760 Acres. Oyer 600 Acres
are Timber, and an ample supply of Chestnut Ouk
Bark to run the Tannery for filly years. It is situ- _
nted about 7 miles South-east of '.Nlereersburg, on
Licking Creek. Terms made easy. For further
p,artieul ars address the undersigned, at 31 ereersburg, 4
Franklin co.. Pa. [augl2-tf I C. METCALF.
at Private Sale. 1,300 ACRES-Al? PATENTED
LAND, situated in St.. Thomas township. Franklin
county, Pa., on the Public Road leading from Guy
er's Tavern to Loudon, d miles from the - latter place.
About 100 Acres of this tract are cleared, the balance
covered withthriving Chestnut and other TIMBER,
which would answer for Cord-wood or Rails. There
is also good nppenrancoof IRON ORE on the prem
ises. Coal hearths ire leveled on most of the Tim-,
bor land. The'improvements are a LOG HOUSE,
Lug Barn and 4 Tenant Houses, and a good Apple
Orchard Peach. Cherry and Pear Trees. Also—A
SAW MILL and CHOPPING MILL, in good run
ning order, with 13 feet of head and fall. This pro
perty would afford a good opportunity to make
money. For terms apply to the subs.coiber. residing
on the promises. [feb3-tf] FRED'K GILBERT.
PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance of an
Order of the Orphans' Court Q f Franklin coun
ty, Pa., the undersigned. Administrator of the Es
tate of Samuel Filson, late of GuilfOrd township,
deed, will offer at Public Sale. on the premises, 071
Saturday the 25th day pf June next. the following
valuable heal Estate, viz: The TAVERN STAND
in the Village of Marion, now kept by' Mrs. Eliza
beth Filson—and doing a very fair business—with
is well located,is in good repair, and'has all conve
niences necessary for tho accommodation of the tra
veling public. The Land is of good, quality, and
the greater part of it covered with an excellent
WI- Sale to commence at - . - o'eleek, P. M., When
the terms wilrbo made known by
Juno 1-4tc , C. H. M'KNIGHT. Adger,
V SALE.—The HOUSE and LOT on West Mar
ket street, Chambersburg, now occupied by Hon - . F.
M. Kimmell, is offered at private sale. For price
and terms apply to' JOHN M. MTOWELL.
mai 23- tf
SALE.—I willaoll or exchange the. INDIAN
QUEEN HOTEL forpropertYin_Chatajotabars or
vicinity. Lop2o-tf I J 0111.4 W. TAYLOtt.
Ural testate *aim.
SMALL FARM FOR SALE. -- - - The sub
.scriberr will sell at Private Sale, the SMALL
FARM on whieb he now resides, situate in Antriin
_Franklin county, about six miles from
Greencastle, on the Caslitown road, adjoininglends
of Samuel Myers and others, containing about 40
ACRES„aII cleared land; in good order - and under
good fence, There is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrif
ty trees on the place, and a Well of excellent Water.
The itn_provements consist -of a- two-story L 0 0
DWELLING HOUSE, a Bank Barn 42 feet long..
and well finished, and all other necessary out-build:
ings, Possession will be given on the Ist of April,
1804. Terms will be Made known on apphcatipn to
the subscriber, residing on the premises. •
oet2l-tf . SAMUEL C. KRIDER.
the borough of M'Connellsh urg., Fide= county.
Pa. Large Double TWO STORY HOUSE, Eleven
Rooms, 'Kitchen, Wash House, &c. ; T 1 1 ,70 LOTS
OFGROGND, ehoiee Fruit and Shrubbery • Sta
blingforthirty'five horses. Location and buildings
,suitable for a Hotel, having been used as a tavern
'for a number of years. First-rate Well of water at
the door. All in good order. The subscriber will
l i sell at a bargain and give possession at any time.
For information call on or address
mayll-tf M'ConnellsbUrg, Fulton County. Pa.
11.T.t.. Geo. A. Smith; Esq., my Attorney,. Will give
all necessary information •
my absence. R. A. .
TT S. 10-40 BONDS.—'l'heseßonds
4 `- ) • issued under the Act of Coneress of MarelrBth;
1864, which provides that all Bonds issued under this
Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or
under any state or municipal authority. Subscrip
tions to these Bonds are received in. United States
notes or notes of National BAks. They are TO BE
REDEEMELYIN COIN, at the plea Ore of the G-oi--
ernment, at any period not less than r ten nor Fore
than fortzlza:are from their date, and until their re
BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hun
dred dollars annually and all othei: Bonds semi-an
nually. The interest is payable on,the first dais of
March and September in each
Subseribeis will - receive either Registered or COu 7
pon Bonds, as they may prefer. Reglst6rect Bonds
are recorded oil the books of the U. S. Treasurer,
and can be transferred only' on the owner's order
Coupon Bonds are payable to order, and are more
convenient for commercial uses. •
Subscribers to this loan will have the option of ha
ving:their Bonds draw interest from March Ist, by
paying the accrued interest in coin—(or in United
States Mites, or the notes of National Banks, adding
fifty per cent. for plemium.) or receive them draw
ing interest from the date of subscription and depo :
Sit. As these. Bonds ire
Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation,.
their value is increased from one to three'per cent.
per amount, according to the We'd' tax levies in
various:parts of the country.
At the present rate of premium on gold they pay
in currency, and are of equal conveniehmas a Per
manent and temporary investment.
It is believed that no securities offer so great in
ducements to lenders as the various descriptions of
U.S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedneik., the
faith and ability of private parties or stock com
panies or separate communities only is pledged for
payment, while for the debts' (4 . the United. States
' , the whole property of the country is holden to secure
the payment of both principle and interest in coin.'
These Bonds may be subseribed.for in hums from
$6O up to' any magnitude, on the same terms, and
arc thus made equally available to the smallest len
der and the largest capitalist. They can be con
verted into money - at any moment, and the holder
Will have the benefit of the interest. .
It may be useful to state in this connection that
the total Funded Debt of the:United-States on Which
interest'is payable in gold, on the 3d day sf :March.
1864, was $7.68,97500. The interest on this debt for
the coining fiscal year will be $45,937,136. while the
customs revenue in gold for the current fiscal year
ending June - 30t11,1864, has been so far at the rate
of - over $100,000,000 petannum.
It will ho seen that oven the present gold rev
ent&s•of the Government are largelyin excess of
the wants of the Treasnry fox: the Payment of gold
interest. white the recent increase of the tariff will
doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on
the'same amount 'of importations, to $150,000,000
per annum.
Inbtruetions to the National Banks acting as loan
ag,entsw arc not issued from the United States Treas
ury until March 26, but in the first, three weeks of
April the subscriptions averaged mere than TEN'
Subscriptions will he received by the.
• First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.'
Second National Bank of Philadelphia. Pa,
Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. '
which are depositaries of Public money, and all
throughout the country, (acting as agmits of the Na
tionalDopository Banks,) will furnish further infor
mation on application and.
BERS.I fm ay4-2m
J. HAlituroN are'placed in .the hands of 'H. B.
DAVISOS, Esq., fir immediate collection. Please
call before further costs are added.
juncl 4t ETTEE & HAMILTON.
heretothre existingunderl the name of ETTER.
HAMILTON Sr; CO. was, on the 18th of last month,
dissolved by mutual consent. The Books of the
firm are in the hands of Messrs. Mumma, & Nna„
where payments are expected to be made immedi
arely, and per'sons having claims against the firm
will present them for settlement.
junel-4t JAS. HAMILTON.
11311 AR TN E It S HIP .—Notice is here
by given that the undersigned have entered in
to partnership in the Hardwareand Cutlery:business
at the old stand of• Myers & Brand.- where we are
prepared to furnish every thing in our line as cheap
as any other house in the county. Special induce
ments are offered for cash, as our motto will be quick
sales and short profits. • JACOB S. BRAND.
0e14,63. HEOKOB FLACK.
11 . 0-PARTNERSHIP. -L--The undersign=
%.J ed has associated with himself, on the lat Feb
ruary, 1864 c JOHN B. STUART. , m the Grocery
business, underithe name and style of SHAFER Sr.
STUART. Thankful for the patronage heretofore
extended to the establishment, he hopes by a strict
attention to busineSs 'to merit for the new firm a
continuance Of public favor.
CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Having associa
tad with me, this day, February 9th-I&S4, in the
mercantile business L. B. LNDLIEE. the business
hereafter will be conducted under the firm of WIL
LIAM WALLACE & CO. Haring had mliberal
patronage heretofore, I solicit the same for the pew
firm. (mar 2-tf7 WILLIAM WALLACE.
BUSINESS CARDS, of every size and
variety, printed promptly and in best style at
the RRPOSITOILY office.
_all, stylescolors printed tht REPOiITORT,OffIe,C,
Legal potites.
Plitne.Estate—Ta the Heirs
and Legal Representatives of said deceased: You
are hereby notified that in pursaance Of a Writ of
Invis it on to me directed, out of the Orphans' Court
cyf ranklin comity. Perma.. I will hold an Inquest
cm the - Real Estgo of which said decedend died
seized, situate in Franklin county. an the 317th day
of June, A.D., 1564, 10 o'clock, A. M., when and
where you may attend if yon think prop •-,
may2s-3t3 SAMUEL BRANDT,Eig .'Sheriff.
)J TION —John Ebberee Eetite - .-=l , the Heirs
and Legal Representatives of said - d • .eased: Yon
are hereby notified that in plirguaruie .f a Writ
Inquisition to me directed, out of the Or hens' Cour'
of Franklin county. Penna., I will hol. an Inquest
on the Beal Estate of which said d. cedent died
Seized, situate in Franklin county, or. the 27th dog
of June, A. D., 1864, at 10 o'clock, A. 3 ~ when and
where you. may attend if you think pr. per.
may2s-3t] SAXIJEL BRAN DT, Hgh Sheriff.
►Li TlON.—Emanuel Miller's Estate-4'o the Heirs
and Legal Representatives of said dec'd: You aro
hereby notified that in pursuance of a writ of Inqui
sition to use directed, Issuing 'out of the Orphans'
Court of Franklin county, Penna., I _will hold an
Inquest on the Rear Estate, of which said decedent
died seized, situate in Franklin county, on the
twenty-firit day of June, A. D.. 1861, when and
where you relay attend.if you think p_roper.
June 1-3tSAMUEL BRANDT. High Sheriff.
TION—Christian Frantz's Estate—To the Heirs
and Legal Representatives of said deo'd: Yeti are
hereby notified that ih pursuance of a writ of Inqui
sition to me directed, issuing out of the Orphans'
Court of Franklin county, Pa.. I will hold an In!
quest on the Real Estate, of which said decedent
died seized, situate in Franklin county, on the twen
ty-second day of June. A.D. 1864; when and where
yfru may attend if you think proper.
,3 nue 1-3 t. SAMUEL BRANDT, High Sheriff,
the public that my wife 'Mars , 'Ann haVingleft
my bed and board without cause, I hereby warn all
persons against giving her any credit ofany descrip
tidn on my account, as I am determined to pay no
bill on her account.
junel-3t PETER:ACKERMAN. •
The undersigned respectfully announces to the
Traveling Public that this-Hotel has been renicl
dled. The ROOMS are large and comfortable, and
are all ; well furnished ..with good new Furniture.
Persons stopping at this Hotel ban have either Dou
ble or Single Rooms, with or without Fire in them.
The TABLE is always supplied with thobest in the
market, and his BAR filled with the .choicest Li
Theim are also a fine LOT and a pair of HAY and
STOCK SCALES e onnectedvvith the Hotel, for he
accommodation of Droyeis and Butchers; •
:His STABLE .will always be provided with good,
wholesome Provender for stock, and attended by
careful Ostlers.
junel-3m JOHN H. ADAMS, Proprietor.
TTNION HOTEL.—This Hotel is situ
lJ ated on the corner of Main and Queen Streets,
Chambersburg, Pa.
' The undersigned respectfullY. announces to tile tra
veling public that tlf.s Hotel has been remedied. It
has been raised to THREE STORIES in height. A
tine three story Back Building has been addedto it,
giving an immense amount of room for the accom
modation of the public generally. The Rooms are
largo:and comfortable, numbering in all. thirty-five.
They are all well furnished with good New Furni
ture. Persons stopping at thisHoteleanhave either
double or single rooms, with or without tire in them.
The Table is always supplied with the BEST in the
MARKET, and will seat over 100 perspns• •
THE BAR is filled with the Choicest Liquors.
The Stable is two stories, of the most modern style,
and the best in the Borough of Chambersburg.
june 17. 61 JOHN FISHER, Proprietor.
Street. Chambereburg, Pa.—Having purchas':
ed this hell-known Hotel, (long known as .Miller's,
and recently as Grove's,) the Proprietorpledges him
self that no pains shall be spared to minister to the
wants of his guests.
HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the
luxuries and snbstantials of the-season.
HIS CHAMBERS aro large, well ventilated, and
fitted up in modem style.'
HIS BAR will be well supplied with a large and
choice selection of the very best Liquors,
1118 STABLE will always be provided with good,
wholesome Provender for Stock, and attended by
careful Ostlers.
There are also TWO LOTS and a pair of HAY and
STAG{ ScALEs connected with the Hotel, for the Lie
commodation of Drovers and Butchers.
•Cornerjfarket.street and Market Square.
The subscriber would most respectfully call the
attention of the citizens of Chambersbnor and tho
surrounding country to the accommodations of the
JON.ES HOUSE, assuring them they will find every
thing that can contribute to their comfort and con
The House is located far enough from the Depot to
avoid the noise and confusion incident to railroad
stations, and at the same time only a few minutes
walk from the same.
1+ .An Omnibus will be found at the Depot on
the arrival of each train.
C. H. MANN, Proprietor
FRANKLIN HOTEL.—West side of
the Public Square, Chambersburg, Pa.—The
subscriber would respectfully inform the, Traveling
Community 'that he has leased and taken possession
of this Commodious Hotel: He hopes to make it
one of the most desirable places for strangers and
others to stop that can be foundin any country town.
The character heretofore sustained by the _House
as a comfortable Home for the Sojourner, shall not
suffer in , my hands if a constant effort to please and
accommodate will sustain it.
No pains will be spared to render entire satisfac
tion to all his guests• and pledging himself en
deavor to please all„ . ho solicits a liberal sh ire of the
public patronage. [ ap5.64] WM. C.-M'NULTY.
LI has become the Proprietor of the UNITED
STATES 110 TEL, near the Railroad Depot at HAR
RISBURG, Pa. This popular and commodious
Hotel has been newly refitted and furnished through
out its parlors and chambers, and is now, ready for
the reception of guests.
The traveling public will find the United States
Hotel the most convenient, in all particulars, of
any Hotel in the State - Capital, on account of its
access to the railroad, being immediately between
the two great depots In this city.
-HA antsauan, junel7,'63-tf.
Dhambersburg, Pa. JOHN .W. TAYLOR, Pro
prietor. Emu accommodations and low charges.
Stock Yards and Scale* are connected with
the premises for the oonvenience of Drovers. Also,
Extensive Stabling and Yards for Horses and Car
riages. (June 17.'63.
21 and 23 Sauth , Sizth. Street, Philadelphia,
D&yio LANDRETN & SON, ProPrleters of Blooms
e, which contains near four hundred acres in tilth. devoted to ',the production of GARDEN
13.0 EDS, are now prepared to supply Country . Mer
chants, Druggists and alrothers who deal m Seeds,
with large or small quantities, by the pound or
bushel and also in paper* made ready for totalling.
The Establishment represented by' David Land
reth & Son, has been founded nearly three-fourths
of a centriry.
The wide --spread poptiltarity, and the &emend in
creasing from year to year, for.
Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds,
is evidence of the high value entertained for them
by the public.
Landreth's Garden Seeds are not only favorably
received throughout the Union. but-are shipped to
many foreign, ports, Indeed it may be stated with
nationalfiride that they come into active . competi
tion with - English Seed and British Soil.
David Landreth & Son invite all who are not al
ready purchasers of their Garden Seeds, to make a
trial of them—assured that they will be found fully
won ' t ° their high reputation.
iandreth's,Rural.l3,egister and Almanac contain
ing catalogue of Gordon Seeds with/ instructions,
fiiinialied gratis. Also—Catalogue eif Agricultura l lmplements. DAVID LANDRETH & SON,
sag 12-Iy] Nos. 21 So / nth and 23 6t148t., Phi Ls.
ILE94 PAtticro.
- - ---- , -
-BTITUTION.—Be it resolved by The &nate and
Rouse -of R e p eclen tr i tivas of the- Commonlrecilth
Pennsylvania in General Amaahlir met; That the
following amendments be proposed to the Constiinz
tion of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the'
Provisions of the tenth article thereof:
- There shall be an additional section to the third
"Snerrox4. Whenever anY
article of the Constitution, to be designated sat'ste- ,
tion four, as follows:
ualified elector*
of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual milita
ry service, under a requisition from the President
Of the q
of the United Sties,or by the authority of this
Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right
of suffroge'in all elections by tit eeitinns, under such
regulations ns are„ or shall he. prescribed bylaw, ea'
fully as:if they were present at their must place of
Si:erto's 2. There shnll be two additional sections
to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to bodes- .
ignated as sections eight, and nine,-es follows: -
"SECTION 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legls-=
lature, containing more than one subject, which
shall be clearly expressed in the title, except, appro-
Pr,iatiori bills." •
• SacrioN 9.' No bill shall-Tye pasSed t'
the Legis-'
'attire granting any powers, or privileges; ht
case, where the authority to grant such power#,. or
Privileges, has been, or may hereafter lee, conferred'
upon the courts of this Common wealth."
Speaker of the House of Representahves...
Speaker of the Senate.
iLtIIRISBVIIO, Ai/6/25.1864. f
- ,
Ido hereby certify that tho forcgoil is
full, true and correct copy of the original
Joint Resolution of the general AssemblY.. - ;
- entitled "A Joint Resolution PrePosiDg.ecr
'tain amendments lo the COAStitutiut,',' asthe '
1 Ls, }'same remains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof, Ilnaire hereunto set '
my hand and caused the sera of the Secre
tary's °Sleet° be affilsed, the day and year
above written. ELI SLIFER;
Secretary of the Commonwealth-
The above Resolution having been agreed to by-sit
majority of the members of each Rouse, at two Suet'
cessive sessions of the Gen eral.Asseni bly of this COM:"
monwealth, the proposed amendments will be sub- ,
milted to the people. for their adoption orreimtion;
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-four. in accordance with the provisions of the-'
tenth article of the Constitution, and the act,. en
titled "An Act prescribing the time and manner of
submitting to the people, for their approval and ra- '
tification or rejection, the proposed amendments to
the Constitution," approved the.twenty-thirdday of;
April, one thousand eighthundred and sistv-four
may4-13t) Secretary of the Counnonwentlb.
FRANKLIN COUNTY.--The Tnxpnysrs of -
Franklin" county will please take notice, that I will
meet them at the following places for the purpose of
receiving the State, County and Military Taxes for
the year Mt. viz :
CH AMBERSBURG—At the Treasurer's Office. on
'Wednesday and Thursday, the Bth and 9th dayt of
None but Penna. and GOvernment funds
ceived for Taxes. [apl3] J. G. ELDER,- Treas.
P. S.—LICENSES.—AII persons'whose names have
been published in the Mercantile Appraiser's List.
who are required to pay a license (except those ex
onerated) will please take up said Licenses at the
above mentioned places. J. 6. K.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of Margaret Deveney, late of Fan -
nett township,rdeeceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing hi Waterlo, -Lack township, -
Juniata county. . •
All persons knowing themselves indebted tci said
Estate will please make immediate payment; sad
those having claims will present them properly au
thentieated for settlement.
may 4 .JOSEER GRAY. • Adm'r.
ticeis hereby given that Letters of Administrd
tion on the Estate of John Witherow, Esq., late of
Metal township, dec'd, have been granted to they
undersigned, residing in'Fannettsburg.-
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate pliyment : and
those having claims will prtsent thorn properly au
thenticated for settlement.
'301.1N H.
WM. S. HARMS. Item ra,
m ay2s
tic© is hereby given that Letters of A d Ministra,
tion to the Estate of Joanna K. Davis, late of the
Borough of Chambersburg, doe'd, have been,grant
ed to the undersigned, residing in said Borough.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
may2s-6t 5 S EVERETT, Adm'r:
.tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of Win. Hays, late of Fannott
township, deed, hive been granted to tho under-,
signed, residihg in Concord.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
maylB WM. H. LITTLE. Adm'r.
_____ •
tics is hereby given that Letters of Adininistra
tion on the Estate of Joseph Seibert. lat e of Fnnnett
township. deed. have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said township."
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment: and
those having claims will present them properly au7.
thenticated for settlement. •
maylB G. ,W. M . 'CARTNEY.Adm'r, .
XF:CUTOR'S NOT IC E.—Notice is
4 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Jacob Seibert, late of Montgomery town
ship. dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned..
residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate nitl please make immediate payment: and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
june 1 SAMUEL SHARTLE. Ex'r.
hereby given that Let tererestamentary to the
Estate of Henry Brewer late of Warren townshp,
dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. resid
ing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment: and
those having elaimswill present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
may2s ,
ILA hereby given that Letters Testamentary. to the
Estate of Rebecca Currey, late of Guilford. town
ship'. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned,
residing in Montgomery township. -
All persons knowing themselves township.,
in to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those -having claims will present them properly
authenticated for settlement
may2s-6t 5 JAMES WITIIERSPOON. Ex'r.
hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Margaret Schneider, late of the Borough
of Greencastle, deed. have been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in said Borough.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and•
those having claims will present them properly au.-
thentieuted for settsoment.
hereby.g.iven that Letters Testamentary to, the
Estate of Catharine Snider, late of Hamilton town
ship.. have been granted to the undersigned. resid
ing m said:township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said,
Estatemilkplease make ,immediate,PaYment and
those having claimswill present them-properly au
thenticated for settlement.
maylB JOHN N. SNIDER. Ex'r.
1864 "008TAR,s“
-RAT, ' , RO-ACll,4c.
}) - X El IN - A T Si. -
"15 years established in N. Y. OUT."
" OW)" rempdies buoy,. ' <
” Freefrom Poisons."' • '
" Not dangerous to the Human Fatizilr
" Rata come out of their holes to dia.'
• •
gGI.• Sold'by all Druggists ererfwhere.
/Sr I t I Dowaro S t t•ar all worthless iraitatious_
/RP "Costar's!' Depot, No. 482 RroadwaY. N 4 I .
.".41" -- 1'. Sold by-all Wholesale aad
Chasubersburg, Pa.. e-