D cioditna. orprfE FRA.NKLIN CLOTHING- EM -IPORIUM. . . • :, - NE - wES'T -STYLEL LARGEST STOCK--CHEAPEST PRICES. The tiedersigned eau assure the public, and defies imcoossful contrudivtion, that Ms recent purchases in 'the Eastern Cities enables Min to , oCer one of the largest and most attract/ 4 ' e stfmkspf CLOTHING. - -- F or t h e & r ing ,trad Woolitt , r :Smola-ay./ 1864 , , to be found in any siynilar estabrahmer4 in thi s , e , tion.f Every variety of F, COATS, PANTS • . AND VESTS, Made in the verS b E st stYles mid at the lowvst prices. GENTLEMEN'S FUItNISIIING GOODS, inch. as Shirts.. Sc Special Collars, Cravats, Neckties, fj, andkereide Special attention is called to this department. CUSTOMER'S bRDERS. I invite an examination of my stook of Fine Cloths, Kerseyrneres, Vesting's. &e., which I manufacture