The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, June 01, 1864, Image 8

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taublin ppoitorg.
IT does not seem to be as generally borne in
mind as it should be that a draft fortroops will
be made udder the nationallaws oh the ensuing
Ist of July to meetthe pressing wants of our
armies in the field. This factwaimade known
some time since, but appears tohave been over
shadowed 'by more e.lciting . affairs,. Lest it
should be forgotten and lost sight of the Provost
Marshal General has sent the following tele
graphic dispatch to his assistants throughout
the country :
• ' WASHINGTON, May 19.1864.
To Major C. C. Gilbert, A. A. P. M. Gen.,
Philadelphia :--Conferwith your State authori
ties and endeavor to get the different districts
tiad sub-districts to commence raising men at
once, with a view to the new call referred to in
dispatch of yesterday from Secretary of War to
Dix. It will be greatly to the advantage
or tire different towns, counties, &c., to save
time by commencing immediately on assumed
%MAIL Spare no efforts to complete the revi
sion of the enrolment at the earliest possible
day. The exact new quotas will be based upbn
it I want it reported to by the 10th of June.
JAMES B. FRY, Pro. Mar. Gen.
S anton has addressed a letter to the General
Superintendent of. the Inland Telegraph Com
pany, announcing that the investigation of the
.War .14partment relieves the company - of all
suspicilEt from being concerned in the trans
inissinn or publication of the recent proclama
tion forgery. The letter concludes by referring
to the satisfactory arrangement trade with the
Company by the War Department, and the Sec
retary hopes the arrangement will do much to
wards inspiring the public{ willta just confiden
in the company's lines and the loyalty, p
deuce and discretion of 'itt7 management. We
trust thathenceforthlhis line will guard against
being made use of to eirculate'sensation reports.
It has been distinguikhed heretofore for unreli
ability, and doubtless, theqecklessness of is
managers or operators has' involved it in the
lute difficulty with the government. .
FrGOV.C,IIRTLN will open, iu person, the great
Sanitary Fairs to be held, respectively in Phil
adelphia and Pittsburg. The preparations for
these great enterprises in aid of the soldiers,
are on the most magnificent and extensive
scale. , That of Philadelphia, it is claimed, will
exceed any yet held in this country, and equal
those ever held for any purpose in the world.—
The buildings now being erected, are of a di
mension capable of holding the structures lately
used. for the fair hekfin New York, and still
leave room for the transaction of an extensive
. business. We anticipate a large profit to be
derived from these two great fairs, as when the
people of Pennsylvania undertake to do any
thing it is with liberality and completeness.
—Now thut Hunter tuts been appointed to the
command in the - Shenandoah Valley, he will,
doubtless, be reinforced, and press forward
—There are indisputable bayonet wounds in
the Lincoln Hospital, many of the Rebels there
showing frightful hurts from this rarely used
—TheNorth Carolina Times of the 21st, states
that the Rebels in Little Washington had set
fire to that town on the 11th, destroying all but
about tweiity houses. They also rpbbed all the
women and children in the place.
—Gen. Canby announces that Gen. Banks'
army had safely reached Semmsport in better
-- Condition than was expected, and will soon be
ready 'to resume offensivtoperations. Semms
port is on the Red river, near its confluence
with the Mississippi.
-Gen. Kilpatrick, in a despatch tohis family
at:Buttermilk Falls, New York, says that al
though his wounds are slight, they will compel
him to give up' his command. He,was wound
ed neat Summerville, Ga., while :leading a ca
valry charge in the rear of Johnston's army.
—Col. Mott, of the 149th Ohio, and many
other officers of rank were killed, and the grea
ter part of our troops, of which there were 500,
were slaughtered on board the steamer City
Belle at the time she was captured and burned
by the rebels, thirty miles below Alexandria, in
the early part of the month.
-The result of Gen. Crook's great raid is
described by_an eye-witness as being very suc
cessful. The Virginia and East Tennessee
Railroad be has broken up so thoroughly as to
render it useless for the next three mouths.—
He has marched through the entire Department
of Sonth-western Virginia, and has captured a
large number of prisoners—among them Gen.
Jenkins and Col. Smith—and is now slowly fall
ing back to a new base to await an opportunity
for further operations.
—The attack upon Fort Sumter, which our
latest previous-advices announced to have been
commenced, we leain by a more recent arrival
is continuing prosperously. The now parapet,
constructed by the rebels during the intermis
sion of hostilities, has been knocked down, and
lies in the water. Two casemates have been
destroyed, and other damage inflicted. At the
same time Fort Moultrie has suffered the demo
'Mon of a portion of its southern face. The at
tack continued when the steamer bringing the
news left, and a new hope begins to be enter
tained that the'plaee may be destroyed.
—Gen. Richard Oglesby has been nominated
as the ljnistin candidate for Governor of Ill
inois. - - -
—The New York ;Union State. Convention
„bag elected delegates to Baltimore in favor of
• i the re-nomination of President Lincoln.
Union men of Cambria county have
Oloakinated A. A. Barker for Congress, Hon.
Evan Roberts for Assembly, and F. AL Fiona
gin for Sheriff.
..—Job.o B. Packer and Geo. Hergner have
been selected as Delegates to the Baltimore
Convention by Dauphin district, with in
strUctions in favorer Lincoln.
'--:The 'Union State Convention of Ohio nom
inated W. .Smith for Secretary of State, Col.
17m. G. giebardson for Attorney General f eol.
ikluseo Palley tor Controller, aad Philip Herring
orthe Board of Public Works. A Lincoln del
egation was chosen - to Baltitnore.
-7-The Republican Union Stpto Convention.
of Vermont has made the following nomination
for'State officers : For Governor, Hon. J. G.
Smith ; :for Lieutenant Governor, Hon. P. Dil-
lingharn ; for Treasnaer, Hon. J. B. Page. Del&
gates at large to Baltimore were chosen. Presi
dent Lincoln's renomination was recommended.
—The Perry Freenian, speaking of the divis
ion of Senatorial. honors in its district, says—
"We think, Centre has had a:Senator also since
1854, _but can't novi. name him; but we think
his name Was' Mr. Earria." Dr. Harris was
elected to the Senate es a Whig in the Centte
district in 1846, most 'unexpectedly to himself]
and the "rest of mankind:" In 1855 Hon..
Andrew Gregg, uncle of Gov. Curtin, of Centre,
was elected to the Senate in the Centre, Clin
ton, Lycoming and Sullivan district, over Mr.
A. J. Deitrich, and re-elected over the same
competitor in 1858.
MORTON'S GOLD PENS are now sold at the
same prices as before the commencement of thawar.
This is entirely owing to the manufacturer's im-
Provementr in machinery, his present large Retail
business and Cash-in-Advance system; for, until he
commenced advertising, his business was done on
Credit, and strictly with the trade.
The Morton Gold Pens • aie the only ones sold at
old prices, as the. makers of all other Gold Pens
charge the Premium on Gold, Government Tax, .4c.
but Morton has in no case changed his prices, whole
sale or retail.
Of the great numbers sent by mail to all parts e
the world during the past fcw , ..years, not ono in a
thousand has failed to reach its destination in safe
ty, showing that the Mbrton Gold Pen can be ob
tained by any one; in every part of the world, at the
same price, postageonly excepted.-
Reader, you can have ttenduring, always ready,
anti reliable Gold - Pen, exactly adapted to you'
ha k• • -style Of writing, which will do yoUr wri
ting vastly cheaper than steel Pens; and at the pre
sent almost universal High-Presture Price of ev
ery thing, you can have a Morton Gold Pen cheaper
in proportion to' the labor spent upon it and mate
rial. used, than any other Gold Pen in the world.• It
you tient one, call on A. Morriotc, No. 25 Maiden
Lane, Now York, or inclose a stamp`for circular.
R. R. R.—LlGurruNG.—No quicker is the
lightning's flash to the eye, than is the marvellous
action of Rad Wei's Ready Relief in relieving the
sufferer of pain'. The moment it is applieitte'ex
ternal injuries, painful parts, Swollen Joints,lnfla
mation or Congestion, the patient derives ease and
comfort. In cases where pain is experienced in the
stomach or bowels, one teaspoonful in a wine glass
of water, taken internally, will afford relief. EllerY
Parent should keep this remedy in the house. If
suddenly seized with Croup. Diptheria, Influenza,
CraMps, Spasms, Burns, Scalds, Falls, -Bruites,
Strains, Sprains. Toothache, Headache, Bilious
Cholic, or any other pain, the use of Radway's Rea
dy Relief will in a few minutes afford ease and com
fort, and break up the disease. Keep this remedy
and use it: your doctor bills will be light. Price 35
ets. per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers.
A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility,
Incompetency. Premature Decay and Youthful Er
ror, actuated by a. desire to benefit others, will be
-happy to furnish Wall who need it (free of charge)
the recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by
his experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy,
will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully
sealed), by addressing JOHN E. OGDEN.
.No. 60 Nassau street, New York.
Dutcher's Celebriyed LIGHTNING FLY KILLER,
a neat, cheap artiere, easy to use: Every sheet will
kill a quart. Sold Every'where.
FRENCH, Itterreans & Co., 16th and Market Sts.,
Philadelphia, wholesale agents. jurel-8t
COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP:—Thie celebrated
TOILET SOAP, in such universal demand, is made
from the cnotcnar materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT
in its nature, PSAMIANTLY SCENTED, and extremely
InNEFICIAL in its action upon theskin. For sale by
all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ja27-Iy.
e Stelro.
21 and 23 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia 4'a.
DAVID LANDRETH & SON, Proprietors of Blooms
dale, which- contains near four hundred acres, in
high tilth, devoted to the production of GARDEN
.SEEDS are now prepared to, supply Country Mer
chants, Druggists - and all others who deal in Seeds,
with large or small quantities, by the pound or
bushel, and also in papers made ready for letailing.
The Establishment represented by David Land
reth Sr: Son. has been founded nearly threo-fourthi
of a century. • -
The wide-spread popultarity, and the demand in
creasing from year to year, for
Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds,
is evidence of the high Amine entertained for them
by the public. .-
Landreth's Garden Seeds are 'not only favorably
received throughout the Union. but are shipped to
many foreign ports. Indeed it may be stated with
national pride that they come into active competi
tion with English Seed and British Soil.
David Landreth & Son invite all who are not al
ready purchasers of their' , Garden Seeds, to make a
trial of them—assured that they will be found fully
equal to their high reptitation.
Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac contain
ing catalogue of Garden Sh — eds with instructions.
furnished gratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural
aug 12-Iy] N 05.21 and 23 South 6th St., Phila..
E Y & MONG . .
The undersigned, respectfully announces to. the
citizens of Chambershurgand surrounding country},
that they still continue the .manufacture of COF
FINS, and are prepared to attend Funerals in Town
and Country.
Coffins of Mahogany, Cloth. Walnut, Cherry, de.,
made to order at the shortest notice, and most rens
They aro also mp_ared to furnish to order, the
They will attend to the /atrieo out of corprea,
which will be done in a satisfactory manner. Re
member Wm. Flory's old stand.
mar 9-3 mo FREY de MONG.
Sealed proposals will be received at the Com
missioners' Office, in Chambersburg, until rue+dint.
the 7th, day of June next, at 10 o'clock. for the erec
tion of a WOODEN BRIDGE across Conodoguinett
Creek. at Flickinger's Mill, on the line, between
Letterkenny and Dyson townships. Specifications,
and plans, of said Bridge to be seen at any time at
the Commissioners' Office.
By order of Commissioners,
may2s-2t GEO. FOREMAN, Clerk.
CLAIM AGENCY.—Pensions procured for
soldiers of the present war who are .disabled by
reason of wounds received. or disease contracted,
while in the service of the United States • and Pen
sions, $lOO liounty. and Arrears of Pay obtained for
widows or heirs of those who have died or been
killed while in service. JOHN It._ ORR.
mar 9-1 y) ' Claim Agent, Chambersburg, Pa.
A bright, sparkling little journal which every
little boy„andairl (and older gum too) should sub
scribe for. It is well filled with interesting matter
and will give satisfaetioa wo are not Den
hard.toplesse. Terms, 25 emits signer. Address
" QOU8 fl 4 LIZZIE," No,. 48 Aug ,Ai ow York. 1
Kaioaeue Lamps,
Ketasotie Oil. a D'S'BO Groceq,l
franitlin IlepositorD, 3u ,1, 1861
* Ural Orstate *atm
By , virtue of a Decree of fle Circuit' Court" of
.4"ashington county, Md., as n Court of Equity. the
Lndersigned, Trusteee, will sell at Public Sale, in
front of tho Court House, in Hagerstown.
On Tuesday, the'l4th day of June, 1864,
411 that valuable REAL ESTATE, situato in Wash
ington county, Maryland, known us the
which , was for many vears owned and carried on by
.1. DIXON ROMAN lc CO., and is now for sale on
account of the death of one of the partner.. Said
property contains
of which about 200 Acres are cleared and in an ex
cellent state of cultivation, the balance being
The FURNACE on said land is 35 feet high, - trith
and BRIDGE HOUSE, and is rim by an overshot
wheel 49 feet high. It is in good repair, and the
Water Power unfailing and all-suflieient. Said
I FURNACE is only one mile from the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal. and about the same distance front,
the Iron-Ore Bank, There iaalso
near the Furnace, also a large BARN and other,
out-buildings, and on different parts of said traet of
land are a number of TENANT HOUSES On all
ten or twelve) in good repair.
The above property will be sold entire, or in par/
1 eels to suit purchasers; such parcels to he made
known at the sale.
The undersigned will also sell at tho - sarae time
and place, about
separated from the above by the lands of George
Fcidt. Also a
on said Canalivnear M'Coy's Ferry, containing
TILE TERMS OF SALE, as prescribed by the
Decree, are: One-third of the money in
cash on the day of sale, or on the ratification there
of, and the balance in two equal annual instalments
of one and two years from the day of sale. with in
terestl rom that day, the purchaser to giy,..e his note
with approved security for the deferred ,payments,
and on payment of the entire purchase money. the
Trustee will execute a Deed to the purchaser, as re
quired by the Decree.
may2s-3t F. M. DARBY, Trustee.
•LIA-IZISI FOR S \ ALE.—A valuable Farm,
1.2 containing 118 ACRES and 82 PERCHES of
first-rate LIMESTONE LAND. situate in Mont
gomery township, Franklin county. Pa.. within 23-4
miles of Mereersburg, and 14 mile from the DlM
pike leading to Greencastle, bounded by lands of
Dr. J. M. Ileister, Noah Myers and others. The
aboi - e. described Farm is in a high state of cultiva
tion, and over 300 panels of good Post Fence. The
improvements are a now two-storied B R ICE
HOUSE, with good Log Kitchen and Dining Roam
attached.: a good Double Log harp, sheaded alt
around, with two floors, Brick Grancry, good Car
riage House. Wagon Shed, Smoke Muse, 3:e. A
goOd thriving Orchard of brst-rate Grafted Fruit,
never-I:6lh= Well of Waterwith Pump in the yard,
}lnd Running Water convenient for stock. A small
portion of said Farm is of gomi TIMBER. There is
also good Water Power and Mill Seat on said prem
ises. Also, about 17 ACRES of good TIMBER
LAND, about mile from _said Farm, which will
he sold with or without the above, to suit purchasers.
Mho abomproperty is not sold at Private Sale be
fore tho let of September, it will be sold at Public
Outcry on that day. An person wishing to view
said premises can do so calling on the under
signed. Executor, re , dding n said Farm:
maylB-ts] Ex'r of John Witherspoon,clee'd.
[Lancaster Examiner copy 3t and send bill for col.]
pAint FOR SALE.—Containing 133
1' ACRES of good SLATE LAND.• and nearly
all fresh Limed. Bounded by lands of Daniel Mil
ler,-Abram and Noah Myers. The above Farm is
in a gitod state of cultivation, with over 300 panels
of good Post Fence. The improvements are a good
LOG HOUSE, good Log and Frame Barn, sheaded
with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. A good Young
Orchard of choice Fruit and a never-failing Well,
with Pump, in the yard. About 20 Acreq of above
Farm is covered with good TIMBER. This Dwell
ing is, a very pleasant and comfortable situation,
about 3 miles from Mercbrsbarr, on the row' lerui
ing to the Corner. The above Farm. if not sold at
private before, will be offered at Public Sale on the
Lit cb , p of September. when an indisputable title will
he given by the undersigned. Executor.
Etecutor of the Estate of John Little. dee'd.
le- Any person wishing to view said falta can do ,
30 by calling on the subscriber, residing about 34
mile from said Farm. .
[Lancaster Examiner copy 3t and send bill for col.)
SALE.—The undersigned will sell- at Private
Sale, his TANNERY. known as the Corner Tannery.
with Steam and Waters Pow er, SAW-MILL. Chop
ping -Mill, Stocks for breaking hides, The Tan
nery hits 8 Leeches, 32Vat, 2 Limes andWaterPool,
and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year.
There are two LOti DWELLING 110 USES, Barn.
Stable and other necessary out-buildings connected
with the Tannery, and about 60 Acres cleared, with
good fruit. Hexill sell any quantity-6f land with
the Tannery, from 100 to 700 Acres. Over 600 Acres
are Timber, and an ample supply of Chestnut Oak
Bark to run the Tannery for fifty years. It is situ
ated about- 7' miles South-east of Morcersburg, on
Licking Creek. 'Terms made easy. For further
particulars address the undersigned, at M ereer,burg,
ranklin co.. Pa. [augl2-tfJ -C. METCALF.
at Private Sale, 1.300 ACRES OF PATENTED
LAND, situated in St. Thomas township. Franklin
county. Pa., on the Public Road leading from Guy
er's Tavern to Loudon, 6 Miles from the latter place.
About 100 Acres of this tract are cleared, the balance
covered with thriving Chestnut and other TIMBER.
which would answer for Cord-wood or Rails. There
'is also good appearanceof IRON ORE on the prem
ises. Coal hearths are leveled on most of the Tim
her land. The improvements are a LOG HOUSE.
Log Barn and 4 Tenant Houses, and a good Apple
Orchard. Peach. Cherry and Pear Trees. 'Also—A
SAW MILL and CHOPPING MILL, ht good run
ning order, with 18 feet of head and fall. This pro
perty woad afford a good opportunity to make
money.. For terms apply to the sulmeoiher. residi:T
on the premises. [feb3-tf) FRED'K GILBERT.
KJ scriber will sell at Private Sale:the SMALL
FARM on which ho now resides, situate in Antrim
township. Franklin county, about six miles from
Greencastle, on the Cashtown road, adjoining lands
of Samuel Myers and others, containing about 40
ACRES, all cleared land, in good order and under
good fence. There is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrif
ty trees_on the place, and a Well of excellent Water.
The imtirovements consist of a two-story L 0 G
DWELLING HOUSE, a Bank Barn 42 feet long,
and well finished, and all other necessary otit-bUild
jugs — Possession will be given on the Ist of April,
18(14. Terms will be made known on application to
the subscriber, residing on the premises. -
oet2l-Of - SAMUEL C. KRIDER.
theborongh of M'Connellsbnra. Fulton cotintY,
Pa. Large Double TWO STOP. Y HOUSE, Eleven
Rnnmq. Kitchen. Wash House, &e.: TWO LOTS
OF GROUND, choice Fruit and Shrabbery • Sta
bling for thirty-five horses. Location and buildings
suitable for a hotel, having been used as a ravlmi
for a number of years. First-rate Well of waternt
the door. All in good order. The subscriber will
sell nt it bargain and give possession at any time.
For information call on or address
mayl.l-tof M'Connellsburg, Fulton County. Pa.
-na- Geo. A. Smith, Esq., MY Attorney, will give
all necessary information in my absence. R. A.
SALE.—The HOUSE and LOT on West Mar
ket street, Chambersbnrg, now occupied by Hon. F.
M. Kimmel!, is offered at private sale. For mice
and terms apply to JOHN M. M'DOWELL:
SALE.—I will seller exchange the INDIAN,
QUEEN HOTEL for property in Chambersbure or
vicinity. (op2o-tfl JOHN W. TAYLOR.
Shop in the New Building adjoining the Mar
ket Street Bridge, Chambersburg, Pa.
I respectfully take this method of thanking - the
citizens of fhambersburg and vicinity for the very
liberal patronage received at thsir hands since
my residence in this place. antes-flattering myself
that I have done, and am still prepared to do the
very best work in my line ,I solicit a continuance of
past favor. B. T. FELLOWS.
P.B. I respectfully refer to any o imy patrons—
fames Ertel', Wm. McLellan, Col. A. R. 'McClure,
Rev. Mr. Niccolla, Presbyterian Church, Dr. Rich
ards. Dr. Fisher of the Gorman Reformed Messen•;'
ger, J. Allison Ryder, Wm. C. Eyster, and any oth
ers for whom I have done work—for character of
work done and expedition. [maylB,64] B. T. F. •
JLANK DEEDS: 7 4n assortment of
IILANIC DE IlDgjtiat printed on - fine parch
meat Paper. fmci for ealo at theREPOSITOBT °Ewe
TT S. 16-40;BONPS: , ---These Bonds lire
-• issued under the Act Of Con eress of Marchilt h.
1564, which previdetthat all Bonds issued under this
Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by l or
under any state or municipal authority. Sitbser4i
dim to these Bonds are received in United Stacey
notes or notes of National Brinks. They are TO BE
REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Gots
eminent, at any period not ices than ten nor More
than forte year* from their date, and until their re-.
BE PAID IN CAIN; on Bonds of not over one
dred dollars annually and all-other Bonds senri-an
nually. is payable on the first days, of
March and September in each year.
Subscribers will receive either Registered or Ceu
pon Bonds, as they ' may' prefer. Registered Braids
are recorded on the books 'of five—lT:S.-Treasurer,
and can be transferred' only on the owner's order
Coupon Bonds are payrdle to order. and are more
convenient for commercial uses. •
. Subscribers to this loan will have the option of ha
ving their Bonds draw interest from March lst, by
paying the arentedintatMet in coin—(or in United
States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding
fifty percent. for premium,) or receive them draw
ing interest from the date of subscription and deno
sit. AS these Bonds arc
Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation,
their value is increased from oile to three per cent.
per annum. acCordine: to the rate of tax levies in
various parts,of the country.
At the present rate of premium on gold theylmy
in currency, and arc f.; coni•eniencc as a Per
manent and temporary investment.
It is believed that no securities offer so greati in
clucements to lenders :as the Various descriptions of
U:S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness',]the
faith and ability of private parties or stock chin
pernies oi separate communities only is pledged fin'
payment, 'while for the debts of the United States
the whole'property of s the country is holden to secure
the payment of both pririciple and interest in chin.
These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from
$OO up to any rnagnihfde: on the same terms, kind
are thus made equally available to the smallest len=
derand the largest capitalist. They can becon
verted-into Money at any !figment, and fife holder
will have the benefit of the interest.
It May be usefulfto state in i this conneetionihat
the total Funded Debt of theljnited Staten which
interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day sf Ma'reli.
1864, was "$769,975,000. The interest on this debt for
the coming fiscal year will be" $41937,1, whild the
customs revenue in gold for the current fiscal year .
ending June 30th, 1864, has bben so , far 3at the hate
of over f:400,000,000 per annum. t
It will be seen hat even the • present gold ev
enues of the : Go rnment aro largely in excess of
the wants of the Treasury for the payment of gold
interest, while the recent increase of the taliffi will
doubtless raise the annual receipts from custoMs on
the same :amount of importations, to $150,00b,000
per annum. ,
Instructions to the National BanksaCtieg as loan
agentswero not issued from the United States Tfe4."l
- until March 26, but in the first three weeks of
April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN
Subscriptions will be received by the..!
girst National Bank•of
Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Third National Bank of Philadelphia; Pa. - -
which are depositaries of Public nmey, and all
throughout the country. (actine as mgents of the Na
tional Depository Banks,/ will furnish further infor
mation on application and: . I
' BERS. • fmayl-fim
Atlitait _ft otice.
- ,
chambersburg, May 12, 1864.
The attention, of thepublic is called to the follow
ing Circular from the Office of the. Acting Assistant
Provost Marshal General of the Western Division
of Penna.
Citizens desiring's fall accurate enrollment'of
persons liable to db military duty, are requested to
communicate such information as may lead 0 the .
same to their respective Enrollink Officers,lor to
these Headquarters. 1
The several Enrolling Officers are informed that
they ; will shOrtly receive, by Mail, the reqhisito
Printed instractions and blanks._
. . .
GEO. EYSIFI-14,- ----
' Capt. and Pro. Mar. 16th Dist.lPa:
Office of the A. A. Provost . ..Mucha Gensiral, r
llarrrisburk, May ith, 1 4.
I. The different Boards of Eurolimerit,,W stern
Division, Pa., are required to immediately P coed .
to execute the Sixth Section of the Act of .Corigress..
entitled "An Act to amend an act for Enrolliog and
Calling Out the National Forces, and for other par
piNes," approved Feb. 21.1864. '
11. They will atonco appoint the necessar; En
rolling Officers for-their respective Districts; with
1. To enroll all persona whose names have! been
omitted by the proper Enrolling - Officers, in pre
vious enrollments. 1 -
2. All Persons who shall'airivc!at thenge of 20 years'
betbre the Drell.
-ed their ir•
.i. All Aliens who shall have declared their inten
tion to becdmceitizons. ' .
4. All persons discharged from the military orlnaval
service of the United States, who have not been
in such service for two years during the present
s. And all persons exempted under the provisions
of the 2d Section of the enrolling act, approved
' March 3(1,1863, butnot exempted under the pro
visions of the act appi-oved Feb. 24, 1864. 1
111. The Boards of Enrollment will also at - once
proceed to strike from the enrollment, uponl satis
tar tory proof
1. The names of all persons have arrived 'at the
age of 45 years., •
2. The names of all persons Manifestly physically or
mentally unfit far the service.
3. The names of such persons as areal this time, ac
tually and legally in the military or naval ser-,
vice of the United States.
4. The names or such persons as have served lin the
military or nayal service, two years or Mere,
during the present war, and been honorably dis
charged therefrom.
IV. To the end that all persons interested may
have notice and the object in view (a complete and
accurate revised enrollment) promoted, Distriet Pro
vost Marshals are directed to publish the Ist,l2d, 3d
and 4th paragraphil of this order in the authorized
newspapers of their respective districts.
, • * - 7 .* * * *
maylB3t] Lt. Col. 16th U.S. In., A. A. P. M. len.-
Zitgiticeo of the
DAVISON, Justice of the Peace. Office im
mediately opposite the Indian Queen Hotel. All
business entrusted to his care will receive prompt
attention. Instruments of Writing,; of all kinds,
drawn up in a satisfactory manner. - jun 17,63.
. Chambersburg, Pa. ace in Franklin Hall,
in the room formerly occupleitby Stumbaugh
Stewart. Prompt attention given to any thing in
the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener. fe3.64 tf.
B USINESS CARDS, of every size awl variety, varietY, Printed promptly and in beat stile at
kept goticeo.
- - -
FRANKLIN COUNTT.—Pm Tri.xPaY B r 3 - of
county will take,hotice , that I will
meet them at the follong placeS for theyurpose of
receiving the State, County,
and MiliarTaxes for
the year 1864. viz :
SOUTHAMPTON—Mt. Rock School ,Horse„ on
Wednesday, the lst day of June, and a the House
of W. Bard, in Orrstown, on Thu day, the 2d
day orJune.
GUILFORD—Marion, at the House f Jeremiah
Burk, on Friday, the 3d day of June, and at the
House. of Mrs. 11. Snider. In Net Fran lin, on Sa
turday.. the 4th day of Juno.
HAMILTON—At the House of John' Gordon, on
Monday and. Tuesday. the 6th and ith daysof June
CHAMBERSBURG—At the Treasurer's'Office. on
Wednesday and Thursday, the Bth and 9th day:. of
xri", • None but Penna. and Government funds re
ceived for Taxes. [apl3) J. G. ELDER, Treas.
P. K- , -LICENSES.—AII persons whose names have
been published in the Mercantile Appraiser's. List-,
who are required to pay a license t except those ex
()aerated) will please take up said Licenses at the .
above mentioned places. J. 0. E.
TION.—Chri4tan Plum's Estate—To the Heirs.
and Leal Representatives of said deceased: You
are hereby notified that itt pursuance of a Writ of
Inquisition to me directed, out of the Orphans' Court
of Franklin county, Penna.. I will hold an Inquest
on the-Real' Estate' of which said decedend died
seized, situate in Franklin county, on the 30th day
of June, A. D., 1864, at 10 o'clock. A. Di., when and
where you may attend if you think proper.
mayas-3t} ' SAMUEL BRANDT, High Sheriff.
TION —John Ebbert's Estote.—To the Heirs
and Legal Representatives of said deceaseil : You'
are hereby notified that in pursuapee of a Writ of
Inquisition to me directed. out of The Orphans' Cour •
of Franklin county. Penna.. I will - hold an Inquest
on the Real Estate of which said deCederit died,
seized/ situate in -Franklin county. on the 27th doii:
of June, A. D., IsB4. at 10 o'clock, A. AL, when and
where you may attend if you think proper.
may2s-3t] SAMUEL BRANDT High Sheriff.
tie° is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of John Witherow, Eqq., late of
Metal township, dee'd, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Pannettsbtirg.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said'
Estate: will please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au-4
thenticated for settlement.
:MIEN H. WITHEROW,} At i m ,,*;
inn y2;l , WM. S. HARRIS.
tiee is hereby given that Lettersof Adrainistral
Lion to the Estate of Joanna IC. Davis, late of the
13ortnigh of - Chambersburg,clee'd, have been grant
ed to the undersigned, residing in said Borough. •
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make ithmediate payment: and
thoselhavingelairni; will present them properly au
thenticated fot settlement. •
may2s-fe -W. S EVERETT, Adrn'r.
, • .
_LL lice is hereby given that Letters of Adminii
tration on the .Estate of Wm. Hays, late of Fannott'
t•iwnship, , dee'd have been granted to the undei . -
residing in Concord.
All ersons knowing themselves indebted to said,
Estat will pleaSe 'make immediate payment: and
those ;having claims will present them properly an--
th en tleated for settlement.
ma 1S , WM. If. LITTLE. Adm'r., ,
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of Joseph Seibert. late of I , annett
townshsp. dee'd, have been granted to the
signed, residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those, having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
maylB , G. W. M'CARTNEY.Adin'r.,
A 1 lice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of Mary Lecher late of Gull
ford.townshin; dec'd. have been granted to the un
dersigned; residing insaid township.
All persons knowing. themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those - having claims will please present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
ap27-6tt CHRISTIAN LESHER, Adm'r.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration of the Estate of Anna B. Cantina'', late of
the Borough of Cbambersbarg, deo'd, have been
grunted to. the undersigned, residing in said Bor
All persons - knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment: and
those having claims will presentthem properly au
thenticated for settlement. •
ap.27 • A. D. CAUM AN, Adm'r.
/.1 tiee is hereby given that Lettersof Adminis
tration on the Estate of John Nl'Kee, late of Wash
ington township, dee'd, have been granted to the
',undersigned, residing in Waynesboro .
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
iip27 JOSE 'H DOUGLAS, Adm'r.
hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Henry Brewer late of Warren township.
deed, have been granted th the undersigned, resid
ing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Ritate will please make immediate payment: and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
1.4 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Rebecca Currey, , late of Guilford town
ship. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned;
residing rn Montgomery township. -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will picnic, make immediate payment: rind
those having claims will present them properly
authenticated, for settlement
ay2.s l 6t*. JAMES •W ITHERSPOON. Eer:
3 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Margaret Schneider, late of tho Bqrciugh
of Greencastle, dec'd, have been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in said Borough,
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please snake immediate payment; and
those havinclaims will present them properly au
thenticated for settsement.
El hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estute of Catharine Snider, late of Hamilton town
ship, have been granted to the undersigned, resid
ingpi said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment and
those having olaims will present them properly an
thentioated for settlement.
hereby given thiii Letters Testamentary to the
Fstate of Magdalena Streit late of Washington
.township, dec'd, 'have been granted to the under
signed, residing in Guilford township. -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment: and
those having claims will present them properly-au
thenticated for settlement.
tip 9 7-Bt* CHRISTIAN LESHER; Ex'r.
LAST NOTICE.—I have tried in vain
to make fences to keep 'the town Cows from
committing depredations upon fields and gardens,
and hereafter all stray cattle or other stock found
on my premises, will be taken up as Estraya and ad
vertised and disposed of aceordiny to law. without
respect to persona. [maylB-3t) A. K. M'CLURE. '
• Elegant Full Length Steel Plate Engraving
The best and only correct likeness of this great
man in existence. For Particulars address, .
mayll-it JOHN DAINTY. Publisher,
No. 17 S. 6th St.. Philad.
-for, a eonntry Newspaper Office. A man of
steady habits : who neitherdnnks liquor. uses tobac
co or swears, Is preferred. 00 a month will be paid.
Inquire at the office of the Reeoerroex. mayll-its
v w be gives.
A T pPly, to th e i gi d de ste ' adi ett
ap27-tf . a. rc MALF.
TOB PRINTING, in every style, done
tl st. the Office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY
ILegcli p,oticti.
11QtEGISTER'S - persolast
I.ltr interested will please take notice that the for
lowing .aqttountants have settled their accounts - in
the Register's olfiee'of Franklin County. and that
the same will bo presented to the. Orphans' Court
for 'confirmation. on Tuesday, the 7th day of Jane,
1861, at the Cottrt Rouse in Chambersbusg -
76; First and final Accent of Jacob Alinditart,
Administrator of Esther Ilalentitte, deo'd.
77. Accbunt of Wm. A. Duncan, Trustee foithe
sale of Real Estate ender the will of Jacob Mtur
dorff, Sr.. dee'd.
78. Account of Daniel and T. S. Brewer, Adminis-'•
trators of Jos. Brewer, of Montgomery township,
79. First Account of Albertas A. Miller, Adminis
trator of the Estate of Retry Miller, late of.Antrina
township, dee'd.
80. First and final Account of Peter Shire& Ind
Lewis Wampler, Executors of Daniel Shively late
of Chambersburg. dee'd.
. _
81. ,Second anti final Aceotmt of S. R. Patterson,
Administrator of Dan iel Crtuner late p f Letterkenni
township deed.
82. Third and final Account of Wm.llaffensbeiger.
Executor of John Snider late of Hamilton town-Ship,
-82. Account of Wm. Raffensberger, Guartlinn of
Margaret; Ann,Jonathan L., Jacob H., and Barnard
H.. Wagoner, minor children of Minimal Vagimer,
late of St. Thoma.slownsbip, deed.
84. First and final Account of Wm. jj.Brovp,,
Executor of the last will and testament of Frain.
G. Shealy, deed.
Final Account of Benj. F. Head, Guardian of
Henry C. Croft, minor child of Rupley G. Croft,
89. First and final Account of Jacob Leshcr, Ad
ministrator of Albums A. Belt, late of Antrim town
ship, deed.
Si. First and final Account of Wm. llolden.'deecT.,
Guardian of Franklin Holden, minor child of Jas.
and Maria Holden, late of St. Thomas township.
dcc'd, as stated by Wm. Holden. Administrator of
said dec'd. •
• 88. First and final Account of John Yost. Exam
tor of the Estate of John Mull, late of Green , think
ship, dee'd.
Si). First and final Aed - ount of Jacob F. Hem, Ad-
Ministrator of 'lsaac Strito. -
90: First Account ofJacob Hess,Guardian of Mary
C, Mentzer, (formerly Secrist,l daughter of John S.
Seerist, late of Quincy township, dec'd.
91. Account of Peter Kunkletnan, Guardian of
Harriet. Susanna, John and Charlotte, minor chit,'
drop- of Jcniathan Wright, late of Peters township
92. Second Account of John Zimmerman, warviit
ing Excentor-ofJ :mob Zimmerman, late of Warten
township, deed.
- 93. First and final Account of J. M. Wblfkill, Ad
ministrator of Emil ine Grice, late of the Borough of
Chambersburg, dec'd.
94. First and final Account of John L. Rhea: Ad
ministrator of Thomas L. Rhea, late of the Borough
of Mercersharg, deed. -
95. First Account of Peter C. Hollar. Guardian of
the children and heirs of Jacob Houck, into of Sr-
Thomas township, deed.
98. First and final Account of Abrabain Frantz.
Administrator of Christian Frantz,lato of Washing
ton township. deed. •
97. First and final Account of John S. Oiler, Ex
ecutor of Joseph Oiler, late of Washington town=
- ship, dec'd.
93 First and final Account of Getirge W. Brewer.
Trustee to sell the Real -Estate of Truman Cosgrove,-
_ -
- .90. First ACcount of Jacob S. Fleming, EXecutor
of Miss Mary Baker, late of the Borough of.Green
castle, dec'd.
100. First and final Account of Robert J. Boyd.
Administrator of Mary Jane Walker, late 'of SL
Thomas township. dec'd.
101. Account of S. A. Bradley, Administrator and
Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Peter Shaffer, late.,
of Montgomery township, dec'd.
102. Second and final Account of James F. Ken
nedy and James C. M'Lanahan. Executors of Br.
Stewart Kennedy, late of Chambemburg, dee'd.
103. First Account of James C. M'Lanahan. Ei
ocutor. and Nancy Hollar,Executria, ofJosoph floi
tar. dec'd.
10.1 1 First and final Account of George-M'Ferren,
Administrator of Mary Ann 111.*Ferran, late af Quin
crtownsbip, deed.
105. First and final Acciinnt of E. J. Small, Ad:-
ministrator of Elizabeth Mentzer, late -of Quincy
township, dee'd.-
106. Final Account of George Cook and William
Boyer, Executors of Peter Cook, dee'd. .
107. First and final Account of David J: Skinner,
Guardian of Sarah Ann, Jackson 8.. Elizabeth J.,
Margaret E.. Lucinda and Drucilla. M'Cune, minor
children of James M'Cune, la te of Metal township,
107. First-and final Account of Jacob ZoOlc, Ad
ministrator of Samuel Burns. late of green town
ship. dee'd.
108. Third and final Account of Henry Baer, Ex
ecutor of Gabriel Ham', late of Walhington town
ship. decd.
109. Account of Henry Unger, Administrator of
Mary Lecrone, deed. as stated by Susan Unger; Ad
ministrator of said Unger, now deed.
. .
. .
110. Final Account of WM. Noonan,Administro
to'r of Matthew Umbrella, late of Metal twp.,
nuryll HENRY STRICKLER. Rezister.
STITUTION.—Be it resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in General ..4sßembip met, That the
followitg amendments be proposed to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the
provisions of the tenth article thereof:
There shall be un additional section to the third
article of the Constitution, to be designated as sec
tion four, as follows: -
"Sgorma 4. Whenever any of the qualit ed electors
of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual milita
ry service, under a requisition from the President
of the United States, or by the authority of this
Com monwealth.-such 'electors may exercise the right
of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under sueb
regulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, as
fully as if they were present at their usual plate of
Sgerio:¢ 2. There shall be two additional seedling
to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to bodes
ignated as sections eight, and nine, as follows:
SECTION 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legis
lature, containing more than ornr-subjeet, whirl
shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appro
priation bills."
" Samoa 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legis
lature granting any powers, or privileges, in any
case. where the authority to-grant such powers. er
privileges, has been. or may hereafter be...ceriferred
upon the courts of this Commonwealth."
Speaker of the !louse of Representatives.
- Speaker of the Senate.
JSAR matt no, April 25.1864.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a
full, true and correct copy of the original
Joint Resolution of the General Assembly.
entitled "A Joint Resolution proposing
tain nmendments,to the Constitution," as the
L.B. } same remains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
- my hand and caused the scal'of the Secre
tary's 'office to' be - affixed, the day and year
above written. ELI SLIFER.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The abovellpeolption having been agreed-to by a
majority of thOnembent of each House. at two suc
cessive seaqions - oft,he Generul:Assetribly of this Com
monwealth. the-preposed 'amendments will be sub
mitted to people. for their adoptionor rejection,,
year of 'our Lord one thousand 'eight hundred and
sixty-four. in accordance with the provisions of the , .
tenth article of the Constitution, and the act,
titled "An Act_preseribinglhe time and manner - of
submitting to the people, for their approval and ra
tification or rejection, the proposed amendments tk
the Constitution." approved the twenty-third day- of
April, ope thousand eight hundred and sixty-four •
may4-13t] Secretary of the Commonwpatlb.,_
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administra!
tion on the Estate of Margaret Deveney, late of'Fan
nett township, demeased, have been granted to tho
undersigned, residing-in Waterlo, Laok township.
uniata coun ' ' •
All Persons kn ty.
owing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; rind
those having claims will present them properlY au^
thenticated for settlement.
may 4 JOSEPH GRAY. Adm'r.
18V4 0, ST A
"15 - yeara established'in N. Y. CitY."
• "Only infallible remedies known."
" Free from Poisons."
" Not dangerous to the Rumen Familr."
" Rata come out of their holes to die-. -
.115 P. Sold by all Druggists everywhere.'
44- !II Beware 1! I otall worthless imitations.
Sir "Costar's' Depot, No. 482 Rroadway, N.Y. '
W Sold by all Wholesale and RetailDruses4.
Chambersben.Pa„. : (trastV-31b.