~`~tn~ir:~,: THE FRANKLIN CLOTHING' klt- . • • PQRIIJM.: - NEWEST STYLEg, • The STOCK—CHEAPEST PRICES. ,The undersigned can assure the iinblie,'and defies inecessful contradiction, that his secentn (maso n s i n the Eastern Cities enables him to over one of the iqrgest and. most at tractive stoc OTHING ks of CL For the Snrino and Summer Seasott of RC,' to be found in - any similar establishment in this section. Every - varietY of '- COATS, PANTS , • AND TESTS. wade in the very best styles and at the loweit prices. • GENTLEMEN'S VEIRNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, &c, Special attention is called this department. CUSTOMER'S ORDERS. - r invite an examination of my stock of Fine Cloths. Kerseymeres, Vestings,- Arc., which I manufacture upon special orders. • ' SPECIAL NOTICE. I beg to say that my Goods are ma.nufactured. un der my own supervision, and by the very best work men. -My preSent stock is the most extensive I have ,•et hurl in store, and I respectfully ask my friends and the public to give me a call before purchasing , e'lsorrhere. Remember the old stand. - - - J. T. HOSKINSON. Franklin Hotel Building, Corner of the Diamond and West Market St.. 07. . Chambersburg, Pa. ' ELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, South . West corner of the Diamond, next doer to tht_ Bank, Chambersburg., has just returned. from the; city with-a large stock of superior and seasonable Goods,sach as CLOTH'S, CASSIMERES, SATIN ETTS, JEANS, CORDS. ke., for Coats; and VEL VETS, SATINS. MARSEILLES and other... Ves t a very fine selection of READY-MADE CLOTHING, which he is prepared to sell at theircry -lowest market prices. -= CUSTOMER WORK—As-he employs a first-rate cutter. hcis prepared to make up all kinds of Gar ments, for Men and Boys, to order, in the best styles. Satisfaction will be guaranteed. A large fi....l)rtilleTlt of GENTIP•XEN'S FtiONTSITING (co (DS, such as Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Handker- Suspluders, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas.'&e. Se. always on hand, Give him a call and save money. - jun 17,43. T W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FUR !, NISIIING STORE and SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, No. $ll Chestnut St.. 4 doors below the Con tinental, Philadelphia:. Particular attention given —tia ordered Shirts. A perfeet fit guaranteed. Por sons at a distance can order by the following Shirt mn.sures : Size around the Neck?, Chest under the Arms. • Waist. " Wrist. Length of Arms (bent) from centre of back to mid dle of hand. Length of Bosom at Side. Shirt. TIP C. WA. LBORN & C S, _Lt) • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , ) READY-MADE LINEN dr. DRESS STOOK MANUFACTORY, /fog. 5 Und 7 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers: Cravats, Scarfs. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Am: Shirts, Wrappers and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Orders may be left with S. S. SHRYOCK, Cham bersburg. -. se23. W BROTHER, IfERCRANT TAILORS, No. 900 Arch .9reet, Philadelphia, Pa. . TWymg received a liberal share of patronage from ambersburg and vicinity, we are encouraged to tbSk formore. The excellence of our goods and our work, and the care we take to give entire satisfac tion, are a sufficient guarantee-that we value our reputation. [noll.Al-Iy.] WESTON & BROTHER. Nourante. A MERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND A TRUST CO., Corner 4th and Walnut Streets l'hiladelphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpa tual. Authorized Capital, $500,000. Paid-lip Cap ital, $250,000. Philadelphia., Feb. 4.1864. The 'Ppstaff Jiaye this day declared a Dividend _of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon MUTUAL POLICIES* during the year ending December 315t,181i3, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the dividend of 1100 on Policies issued dining that year to be paid, as the annual premiums on said Policies are received. OFFICERS. _Preeedeut—Alexander Whilldin, Secretary and Trupittrer- ohn S. Wilson. Aelteary—John C. Sim.. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander Whillrlin, J. Edgar Thomson. George Nugent, lion. James Pol:- lock. Albert C.. Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, William J. Iloward,:Ilon. Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charles F. Ileaz- Litt. Isaac Hazletturst. Wu. (1. REED, Chambersbarg. Pa., is the author ized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Cornpany, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any informatiori wanted, and: to take Insurances. OFFICE, in the UepoNitory Dsa,J: C. aos and BOYLE, Medical E.CaM incr. • REFE,RENCESL-Ilon. A. N.. McClure, Rev. S. S. Niecolls, J. S. Nixon, Chambersbarg, and Wm. M. Marshal Cashier Ilagerstown Bank'. Persons desiring information or Wishing to insure will please call on, or by addressing the _ under elthey will be waited in part of theentyorstte.. G. Exgent • Va-Office in the REPOSITORY , Clam ,,bersburg, Pa, _ mer 23. 4829 CIW A VEI PERPETUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA ASSETS On January 1, 18 6 4 CAPITAi. ACCRUED Su NVESTED ThissrrLED CLAMS, I Iscoug Foe 2864 $8,416. $300,000. Loss Rao SINCE 1829 $5,000,000 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. - • DIRECTORS: . Charles N. Bhneker, Isaac, Lea, Tobias:Wagner, Edward G. Dale, Samuel Gran!, Goo. Pales, dacob•B. &Filth, Alfred Fitter, George W. Richards, Fras. W. Lewis. M. D. CHARLES N. IIANCKER, President. EDWALD C. DALE. Vice President.., - JAS. W. M . ALLISTER., Sec's pro. tem. • DAVID OAKS is the authorized Agent of the Company in Chambersburg„who will furnish all in formation'necessary to applicants. • mdr23:tf TNSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH ± AMERICA. Incorporated '1794. Chatter Per vetual. CAPITAL ?.500,000. Office 232 Walnut street, Philda. Theprotnptpayinent of Claims fir Losses during the period of nem-1y seventy years that the Company has been in eXistenec, entitles thorn to the confidence of the public. Persons wish ing to insure will please call on or address the un dersigned. _ W. G. REED. Agent. - REenstrony Buildings. Chambersburg, Pa. Iit:FEtiEYCRS-J. D. Grier, J. Allison Eyster,Esg., Major J. C. Austin. mar 2.3 OUR AGENT.—Mr. Joini GRovE, Chambershurg, is the General Agent of the Franklin County Mutual Insurance Company. iunit NEW MARBLE YARD.—The under. signed respectfully announces tmthe edizens of,Franklin County that he has opened a new Ma rble Yard in the room *fornierly occupied by Dr- Hamilton, directly opposite J.S. Nixon's Drug Store, Main Street, Chatabersburg, Where-be will keep on. hand or make to order all articles in his line of bus iness, such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and HEAD STONES: MANTELS, TABLE and STA ND TOPS. &c., manufactured from the very best Foreign and Domestic Marble. He respectfully solicits a call from those who may be in want of any article in the above line. He is confident in his ability to satisfy all who may „be pleased to patronize him, either as regards his pr --cTs, or the quality, beauty, and chasteness of his work. 13u18.63.1 JOHN A. GROV . QPRING AND SUMMER MILLIN ' RY MARY liamirriwould infortiar, .9 11 c 1 4 and the public generally, that she hosing Wei"' from the 'Eastern Cities ti new and carefullyelected rt assoment of MILLINERY GOODS, ADIES' DRESS - TRIMMINGS; &e. BONNETS and BATS made and ttgrnmed in the latest and mostfashionable style.at short notice. 4 Rooms opposite Montgomery's Hotel. (may 4 B 0 0K - 81-NDERY.:-S.-R. FISH ER k CO' S Book Bindery on the Third Story of the 'MESSENGER" OFFICE BUILD ING, on the Diamond, abode Shryock - 's Bdok Store. Entrance between the BookStere and - the Inland Telegraph °Moo. Old Book!, Periodical!. Muaio, NeriPmers, itcs. bound in any style. Blank Books IMMO Won*. Paper ruled to any pattern.: ja6,64 eoal l ICtinviier;:kc, GEO. A. DEITZ. " 'TENCH. rebowEel DEITZ Sr , V'D O'WE L L HIGHEST PRICE IN"CASTE, FLOUR, W ILE A T, ' CLOVER SEED, ALL KINDS OF.-PRODUCE. S ALT, COAL, PLASTER AND SAND, CHEAP FOR CAS.H, DEITZ & IPDOWEIVS ~\ WARE 10IISE AND COAL YARD, RAILROAD 'D E P 0 T, noll-ly. cH.AMBERSBIJR . G, PENN'A NORTH CARLISLE STREET,: GREENCASTI t E, PENIVA iun17,63 BL. AUBE 4 - 1. & CO. • LUMBER MERCHANTS, Hare on hand for sale at reasonable prices, a large assortment of White Pine, Yellow Pine, and Ii em lock Lumber, consisting of White Pine 2 inch Plank. W t ." Boards. " " Plastering Lathes. - " Shingles. Pine Joists, Scantling and Roofing Laths. Hemlock Joists,Scantling and Boards. Also Locust and Chestnut Posts, and Chestnut Shingles. - Mei: in Wunderlich and Nead's Warehous . op posite the Railroad Depot, Second Street...qtriln bersburg, Pa. `. mar.s . IVTEW FIRM.-_-_COAL! COAL! LITM BER! LUMBER!—LEO. -EBERT & SON having purchased the Coal and Luufber Yard of Gen, A. Deitz. will continuo to carry on the same.busi nets, and will always have on hand a largesupplyot Lumber and Coal. They will be prepared to fill all orders at the shortest untice. They respectfully so licit the patronage of the late firm and the public generally, and all who may desire Coal and Lumber to give them a call, feeling assured that- no means will be spared to accommodate' those on the most reasonable terms: jun 17,6- tf. - --i I P 0 R 1 1 1 E R S NINES AND LIQUORS I Ai BIAS , SALLADES: No. 128 SOUTH NINTHST., BETWEEN CHF.STNIIT AND Iti.tl4:Cr . STREETS, PHILADELPHIA GEO. M. LAIIMAN,} A. M. SALLADE, J. D. BITING. RIVESE, GARDRAT . ,.t. CO.'S, SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, EACH EOZTLE SEALED WITH GREEN WAX WITH THE INITIALS OP THE FIRM. $2.457,849 95 IMPORTED ISS LALT3IAN, SALLADE & CO $400,006 971,000 1,081,158 SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK WINES, AND AN ASSORTMENT or FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE'S & CO.'S OPORTO. TEAT FlNE4;tip DELICATE OLD PORT WINE, EACITBorrLE SEALED WITH YELLOW WAX WITH THE INITIALS OF TILE FIRII. YMYORTFID BY LAUMA X, &Al, LADE & CO.,' No:128 SOUTH NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, OLD RYE WHISKEY OLD WHEAT THIsKEy, , WARRANTED. - - - OBERITOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, WERTS',% WHISKEY, TAPPET'S WHISKEY, • AND 'READING WINES. LAUMAN, SALLADE & CO., Islo.ltB SOUTH NINTH ST., riolB4sr. - t - ~PHILADELPHIA. A MAN OF A THO"USAND.-4 Con *uttrptive Cured.—Dß. H. JAMES, a Retired Physician of great .eminence diseeVered, while ha the Indied,Weertain cure fotCon'suniption. Asthma, Bronehitas. Coughs, Colds and general Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was giyen up to die. His child was cured, and is now alive and well, Desirous of benefiting, his fellow mortals. he will send to those who wish itlthe recipe, containing fulldirections for making and, successfully Using, this remedy, free, on receipt of their names, with two stamps tit pay expenses. Therels not a single ease of Condump tion that it does not at once take . hold Pf aud., diSsipate," • Night sweats, peevishness, irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult expector= talon, sharp pains in the lungs. Aoro throat, chilly • sensations. nausea-at the stomach. inaction of the bowels, wasting away of .the muscles. OR - The writer will please state the nam e of the paper, theySeen - thiS advertisement in. - Address CRADDOCK & CO, 2 • • tnar-lylq =North 2d St., Philadelphia,' Pa. PARENTS -O.P SCL.MERS in.the ser vice. cr.in Hasitat, can famish litentwittithp BllesaiNfl three mcntbkfor2s.etk.; ti; months [ee Yee! fa VI WILL PAY TIM I RYE, -6 0 ft N OATS, TIMOTHY SEED, ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, CEMENT, FOtt. SAVE, NEAR THE EC 17:1 Liquors. VINTAGE OF 1838, Iratittin r g v s r 1864. aVatultuial. AGRICULTtRAL Ig.PLEMENTS AND 3IACHD mtr We are now prepared to fill orders for 14G,ItICIT,LtUltAL iMiLENTS ~VND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, as welre4 SMALL TOOLS for the Farm and dal-- den, such us Spade, Shovels, - . Jloes, Forks, Rakes. ete. - and Gras-Hooks, Scythe, and Scythe-Stones, anir Agricultural Hardware hi general We' offer, also, a large assortment of our own man- ufacture of Hay-Cutterg,' Churn , • Coffee and Grain Mills, Sugar Mills for Grocers'.u.e, Store Trucks of various patterns, .7p; - Road Scrapers. •. Wheel-Barrows, etc. s FET IL I'ZERS 'f'of all kinds, such 1:,,s Coe's SuperphosPhate of Lime, Pure Ground Bone, - Peruvian Guano and Poudtotte. IN OUR SEED DEPARTMENT will be found a complete selection of thebest kinds Of Vegetable, Flower and G'rassSeedg, and Seed Grain, raised, expressly for us by the most reliable AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GROWERS. The unremitting personal attention of the best Seedsmen is 'given to their quality. and our custom- ere may rely on their freshness and purity in all re- speets: We sell in small or large quantiti&.z to suit pureba- sers, and send in small lots by mail to all parts of the United Stain; We will forward Price-Lists and Descriptive Circa- lars to all desiring them R., 11. ALLEN 183,191 and 193 Water Street, New York The improved CLIPPER MOWING MACHINE, with Steel Folding Finger-Bar and two riqw ready for sale In convenience_ and lightness of draft, this, is su- perior even to the old Style of Allen Mower so long and so deservedly popular It hiul literally no frame, and nearly all its parts, With the exception of Drive-Wheels mid Gears, are made of Steel ot Wrought and Maleable . lrpn. It is thus the strongest and lightest, machine -in the market MPORTANT TO FARMERS.—TheI cheapest • and .best "Threslfer and Cleaner',' s Wheeler St Meliek's Improved Patent Railway Power and 'combined TURESHER AMY CLEAN-. ER." This machine is manufactured at the small advance of 10 per cent. over that of last year. The farmers are tenthly adopting it everywhere. It saves labor, and expense, and does more and bettor work than any other machine. Price of it t su-hor-e maehine's3oo, of a three-horse machine fsxso. Thsse prices embrace everythingeomplete. Thismachine has advantages that arc gruntly superior to any other. One is that it can be used entirely in the Barn floor, and that the power can be conveniently used for cutting fodder, shelling corn, euttingstraw, sawing wood. .%:e. And it requires les, power and fewer hands shim an' other. P EXCELSIOR SELF-SUSTAINING HORSE PYffFORK, has many nilvantages over others, among-whit:ll are: it is self-susttining, re quiring uo attention until its had is to be diseliat ;- ed. Ey the use of the pulleys furnished with the forks it, will swing directly over the mow, when it di , charges its load, by simply palling the cord. It has a handle but IS inches in length. This patent has been awarded the premium at the Nem York State Fair, and at all the County Fairs, wherever exhibited. . • S MIT lI'S GREEN MOUNTAIN SHINGLE AND HEADING MACHINE, is a new and valua ble improvement in machines for manufacturing 'Shingle and Heading, cutting obliquely, or other wise, any desired thickness or length, up to 24 inches. Till, Machine enn be set up and rail by an ordinary water power. It trill saw one- thousand shingles per hour. Mr. Robert Black, of Fayettevill, Franklin comity, Pa., is the Sole Agent for Franklin and Adams counties. Any intbrmation desired respecting any or all of these machines can he obtained by either calling upon in person, or addressing him by letter. Persons wishing any of these machines will please muke their orders soon, ms.it 'requires some time to get them from the manufacturer. Noce.-will be or dered but those that are sold. They will he furnish ed at manufacturer's prices, transportation added. CEKTIrIeATK OF A K. It CLISRE. • Cita ma - nstitnet, May 17, 1531. Robert Block, Reg.—Dear Si,: I have thoroughly heated the Tread-power in running nil kinds of Ma chinery about the Barn-, and I have had the !n est approved Lever-powers tried at my Barn also, and I unhesitatingly recommend the Tread-power: - run all my machinery—thresher and cleaner, corn :Metier: fodder-Butter, and circular saw, 'with a two-horse Tread-power, and the power is ample and two horses eau give the some if nut greater power than four can with the lever-power. and the labor is no more severe on the horse''. In short, I regard the Tread-power as having Every advantage over the Lever power. and it must soon be universally adopted by farmers, cry Respeetlitlly Yours. ke.. A. K. - M'CLUIIE. Apply to the undersigned in Greenwood, Franklin county.. (maylB-4tn] ROBERT BLACK. COOK'S SUGAR EVAPORATOR manufactured by BLYMYER. RATES at DAY. Mansfield, Ohio.—We are willing to guarantee that from two acres of good Cane, a sufficient number of gallons of Syrup can be produced to cover cost of Machinery. capable of making eighty gallons of -Syrup per day, which at fifty cents per gallon, will pay for cost of Mill and Evaporator in fonr days o or where pan is wanted for a brick arch, without the Furnace, in less time. COOK'S SYRUPS ha;n3 been sold at an average 0f.84.tv cents a gallon, and none in market. An acro:otgood Cane will produce from 2 to 300 gallons of Syrt3p, SORtiu SEED.—We offer a Superior Article. se lected, by ourselves. Sprout the seed and rolLin plaster. Plant ,M drills four feet apart, from North to South. Light',soil and Southern exposure pre- Icrred, although not absolutely necessary, as it will grow on soils where many crops 'would be a failure. Cultivate as•for Corn. Cook's Evaporator has taken the first premium over all others at two United States Fairs and over thirty State Fairs. 'Clark Bortio - Machine Company's "C:A.WE - gra and above SEED for-tale 15 - = -ii•EiJ,Alient. Office—REPOSITORY Building. Chamb'g, Pa. The Sorpo ,llund-Book sent. free to any per son asking for it. • • -mar23 MO FAR 111 1 E THE WALKER HORSE' RAKE is acknowledged to halhe , • Neatest, Simplest, Cheapest and post efficient Rabe now in use; . Any boy of ton ytars can work it with ease; will not get out of order, and gives universal satisfaction. Warranted in ,very partlettlar;and eantielaurtrom $6 ta sBlower than any otbor bpring_, Tocth,Wheel- Rake. For farther Sake ears only to' the m • - ' IY - FI.•ESIfELMAN, ap2o-3m] Shirleysburg, liairtingdon sec: Pa. Eirrs, lar Y.D ER' S FRANSLDT COUNTY AND OR NAILERTiI. TRIM GRATE VINES. ST RAWBERRT PLANTS; ETC.—The' largest stock to select from in the county. Every thing in the FRUIT TREE and PLANT linethat is at all desirable. Gan be supplied from the coin inonest standard Fruit Tree. to the rarest and Most choice native or foreign species- or variety of Friiit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees are uousfial ly fine, stout heavy trunks. furnished with ;line branching heads, from three to - five feed from I the ground, as may be desired. Our aim isto,m ow: the best of everything pruning, and cultivating upon sc i en tific principles, consequently, our_produe4lont , are not offered in competition with Trees grown upon the old let-alone system. An invitation H ex tended to all who are interested in fruit culture, to come and see for themselves. A large stock of Greenhouse and Bedding PIPTZ. Roses, &c.. in Pots, will be ready in April and :gay. Enclose n three cent stamp for descriptive Qata logue of Fruit and Ornamental trees, Sec. Address, B. L. RYDER ' West Franklin Nurseries. - Near Loudon, Franklin Co., IPti. marl 6 tf iys„ .. Fl T r T . ray rh ik:-Wr - i ;: b - e - r fti — rn — i4i; . mo' ,' Ht ;r e tied ' ells , . fully to be fuund . in Nurseries, - of good n quality and at reasonable rates. The Stock embraccq all the leadma -Inds ofi N FRUIT TREES.. ?. Apples. Cherries, 'Peaches, Dwarf and Standard Pears, Apricots. Plums, - - (raped, Strawberries, Raspberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries; &C. • . - Also, can he furnisheda „good assortment E VERGREEN TREES, t Ercrirreen'antl other Shrubbery, Shade Trels. &e. Great Facilities are posessed for shipping articles to all parts of the country. as the Nursery -int?medi ately 'adjoins the City of Harrisburg. mar 16-tf JACOB- FRANKLIN N U.R SEIt , Chambeniburg Pa: I Would olfoi• to the public a well selected assortment of Fruit Trees, Aiside, Peach. Pear and Plum, of allleading, varidties.— Also, Ornamental Trees, such :as Maples, 'Aden; Ash, Horse Chestnut,' Evergreens. Norway Spruce, American Balsam: Fin, Arbor Vittes in ovaroty.— Hardy Shrubs, such as Soireas in, large variety, Weig.eliasval Deutzins, many of, these are taCI cal culated for cemetery lots •HoneysucUles; FOrythiaz Also, Granes, Catawba, Concord, Diana, Delaware. Rebecca, &e. Currant!, the leadintlinds ; Rasn'herrics, f.traw berries. Flowers—Roses. Verbenas, heliotrope, (lerani utn, Fuschsins Petunias:. All of which will he sold_ at reasonable prices for c“dh. inc usual Kitchen Garden Plailts, by the dozen, hundred. , " or thousands. ' 2 - Se&l tbr a fircular, as ail applicants-are supplied free. Ifeb 24-41 rd JACOB HEYSER, A'gent. , MHE- OPORTO ,GRAPE.—This Grape is not recommended particularly tn.= a .dessert fruit, but makes 1111 excellent. dark colorod, rich, well bodied Wine, so closely resembling genuine old-timed PORT \V INE, that hone butexperieneed judges can distinguish between the two, Although is is manufactured extensively in Western Now York, the supply is Unequal tithe demand,'ht from $1 50 to $4 per gallon. Vines for sale by the Fnbscrib cf., who has been ap4 pointed Arent for it at the following prices: One to three years old. 25e to 50 ets eacli,:s2 , 50 to $5 per dozen, $l5 to $3O per 100. JACOB XJ$ll . . mar 10-tf] Keystone Nursery, Harrisb'g, Pa. PEAR TREES.—Standard _and :4)warf 1_ Pear Trees of the leading and most valuable varieties. Among , tbeni can be furnished some " EXTRA SELECTED" Trees. the D warf h - aVigg fruit buds and ready for immediate bearing. Price for good trees,. 50 to 60 cts each—Thtra„ se lected 75 cts to $1 each,. Rates lower brcbizen. 'Drive-Wheels, , mar 16-tfj NORWAY 'MAPLE TREES. frtiV 8 to 12 feet high-and vigorous. A handku:re Tree, much resembling the Sager Maple, h . ut.,FIX Inore certain and rapid growth. . Price 40fk 60 cents each; .$3 50R.6 ter dozen: s2t) @.40 perloo. JACOB MISH, ,. lhar23) Keystone I ursery, Ilarriburg. CHERRY TREES.—A fine assortment of abOut Forty best vitrieties, trees of largo size and rigorous. Price. 30, cts 50 eta, 75 cts each; $5, $5, $7 Tier doz., sl.B{ $25. s•'3s'per 100.311. iii-t, mar 18-tf] . Keystone 7pTuversx, Hanith'g..Pa. mar?-4m E CHESTNUT TREES.--brai for planting, 50 cents each : .s;,ml(er riv--frmi) 5 io i feq-25 cents each': $2 0 per dee; ~sl.s, per M. JACOB ALBiji. - nterj3; Keystone Nursery,ilarrtshurg. .1 - ;1201).f;AX LIN DEN---The Red twig. Ttitietj: not subj . ect to injury by tinifbor,r. For Tr;e-luellf;rt;le`:i'ete gi.:Netr i 5 cents each• e. ' d ° rnar'2:33 JAC013,1&.'41.z. XCELSIOR ASH, handsome, ..12.4 mental Shade Tree, of sure and rapid vowth. Trees front 8 to 12 feet 'high. 40'&80 cents? cavil; 8.3 ,741re,6 per doz.; S2O6Z-10 per 100. JACOB MISH, m arZ3) _ Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg. wonfectionerp, kr. TZURItHART , & HENSIfEY; BAKERS CONFECTI•OI'Sr-E,R'S, FR VITS T'OI S AND, F- AN C Y U) 0 - D S Ordure promptly attended . 1173 a.1 , 5-IYI TERMS. CASH. 11i 31 0 NI A TIE - D PACIFIC GUANO `s, • A real guano, containing from seventy to •eightY percent of PHOSPHATE OF LIME, to which has been added t by a chemical process, a large per contage of actualAmonia, ao fixed.that it can not evaporate, making it equal. if not superior to any other fertiliser. • . • s Pamphlets with coPics of Analyses by Dr, Jack son,..Mass., State Assayer, and Dr.- Liebi, of Balti more. and testimonials from scientific Agriculturists, a l l owing its value.- Can be obtained from' • J. 0. BAKER, l CO., g . SELLING AGENTS, 87 Wall Street, New Turk. march 2-ly THE SORGO JOURNAL ANI3 FARM MACHlNlST—Defotedtg Northerh Cane find Sugar' B e et Caltuto, Improved Far di Machinery nnd Progressive Husbandry. Published monthly. O ne copy I year, $l.OO. SubsCriptrons received by W. G.: REED • ap6] • Agent for Clark Sergo Machine Co. T°' MILLERS. 'AMD FARME - ftS.— DEITZ & .tf'DO WELL have one b. urtdred:tons of the best PLASTEII for sale. apt:ll.ll.-n TOB PRINTING , evety ,otyle 'done it eJ the Office of tie FRANIVII NUMMI% . . J. MISII, Keystone igursery.'- Harrisbtt, Pa, =DI A NE. ))BAVAIIS 11P Snrth Main Stree, ( Wort Ride) -. CH AMB.ERSBURd. Rvicutturat. `.a.10.z0 - , - ::*#oo;,*ii,. SKT , D . LtAT! SAbDiaEllY! lIMMSS. - MAITUFACTORYI; OM faiirniz his friends ~nii 'lie public, tbatho contitiaos to curly,ol2l.lln - above business at hiz 0111 Stand, 11 - 4 r-ES - MARKET STREST; • OiTersite Miller's Hotel,' CHA ri )7 9 - , PA and keeps constantly on hanclli-general assort= r meat of Biding and Wagon Saddles, ' - Riding Bridles, ' Flat and , Round, BIG& and Fair _ • , Harness and Draft"Cbllars, Paterit Leather Collars (goad quality). Blind Bridls., Broad Gears, . • WaionWhips c • , • • Halteis, and everything in the Leather line can be found in his sitop, ormade to order,,at mederaterates. " REPAIRING dongf tit short notice and on reasonable terms. ; TRUNKS AND VALISES always on hand and sold cheap Fos 16— He emp \ lois'notie but the beat workmen marl6-1y kADDLERY! 'gADD I LERir! !!—Saa 'dies, Bridles, Harness, Collars, Trunks, Valises, &e. !sign of the HORSE COLLAR. JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the hberal encouragement received from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community generally', who may need ;my !thing in his line, to give him a call at his old stood, on the ,East side of Main Street, Chambers litu4, five doors South of Huber &Tolbert's Hard ware Store, where he keeps constantly on hand ev., cry ;variety of. SADDLERY AND HARNESS of his 0N17.1 manufacture, and he is prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competition. Every article offered for sale iswarranted to be made of the best material and by competent:workmen, .Which will be fully demonstrated on an examination thereof. TRUNKSsAND VALISES.—IIe would also call the attention of persons wanting. a good, neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assort in alit. junel7,63. AHIPS ! .WHIPS WHIPS ! - 1 !- WM. SHILLITO. & SON, corner of Main and Washington Streets, Chatabersburg, Pa., manufac turara of all kinds,of WHIPS, such as Wagon, Car riage and Riding Whips, of various sizes and of su perior nuali ty; which they offer to the public, either by Pi hoiesale or Retail, at very moderate prices.— LASHES o Pall lengths kept constantly on ha nd and for sale by the dozen. very cheap. They also - mann" facture superior HORSE COLLARS, to which they invite attention. Orders from a distance solicited and promptly at tended to. jun 17.63.- 10tROAD-GEARS, CO.LLARS, _LP HALTERS; anti any thing in the Leather line belonging to the Saddler's-bnsiness, always on hand and made to order, and on reasonable terms, at GORDON'S, opliositethe Indian Queen Hotel, .Jlain Street. - , GO RD 0 N HAS A.' StJPERIOR lot of SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, STIRRUPS., 'SPURS; Ice., whicirlie will sell cheap for cash good trade. - • (I . H. GORDON, successor to 'Diehl Gordon, gives notice to hie customers and others, that ho is still at the' Old Stand; opposite the Indian Queen Hotel, Main St., Chambersburr. Pa. LiuE P A. I R LIVG DONE'AT SHORT Liu notice,`on reasonable terms, by C. ,11. GOR DON: He invites kiis friends to call and see him. f TNION HOTEL. 7 ---Tilis Hotel, is. situ kJ afed enthe corner of Main and Queen-Streets, Cli'ambershurg,' Pa.' The undersigned respectfidly announces to the tra veling public that this Hotel has been remedied. It has been raised to ,THREE STORIES in height. A-, fine three story Back Building has been added to it, giVing an immense amount of room for" theaccom modation of the public generally. The Rooms are large and comfortable. numberintrin all thirty-five. They are all-well furnished with good New Furni ture. Persons stopping at this Hotel can have either double or single rooms,witlior withoutfire in them. 'the Table is always supplied with the BEST in the MARKET, and wilt seat over HO persons.' - THE BAR ls , filled - with the Choicest Liquors.- The Stable is two stories, of the most modernstyle, and the best in the - Borough of Chambers:burg.- - unel7, 63 • JOHN FISHER. Proprietor. 1 TWTE SWAN .HOTEL.,...Nort4Main 3 1,‘ Y Street. Chanibersburg. Pa.—Having purchas ed: this well-known Hotel, (long known as Miller's, and recently as Grove's ,) the Proprietor pledges him self that no pains Shall be spared to minister to the 'wants of his guests. , . HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the luxuries and substantials of the season. ' HIS CHAMBERS arelarge, well ventilated, and fitted up in modern style. - ' - HIS BAR will be-well supplied with a large and choice selection of the very best Liquors, • HIS STABLE will always be_palvided with good, wholesome Provender- for Stock, and attended by careful Ostlers. J - There are also TWO LOTS and a pair of HAT and Srocx Set. LES connected with the 'Hotel, for the ac conimodation of Drovers and Butchers. . ,ap6.64,) --- ' . ' DANIEL TROSTLE. J 0 NE S' H• olf E Corner Market street rout Market S'quar, • lIAR . RISEVRG, - PA. tThe subscriber would most- respectfully Cell the attention of the, citizens of Chambersburg and the surrounding country to the' accommodations of the JONES 11013SE;ItssurIng them - they willlnd every thing that can,coutributeto their comfort and con venience. . . - - , fhe House is located far enough from the Depot to avoid the noise and confusion Incident to railroad stations-, and at the same time only a few minutes walk fromthe same„; ' te... An Omnibus wAlbe.-found .Bt, the Depot On the arrival of each train. :. , ap27-3m FRANKLIN 'side of the Public Square; Chambershurg. Pa.—The sUbnrilier would respectfully inform the gaveling .Community that he has leased and taken pmeSsion cif this Commodious Hotel. He hopes to 'make it one of the most desirable pluceS for strangers and others to stop that can lie found in any country town. The character heretofore snstainedby the House as. a comlortahle Home for the Solemner, shall not uffer in my hands if a constant effort to . please and accommodate will sustain it.: = - I No - pains Will be spared to render entire satisfac tion to all his guests; and pledging himsolg to en deavor to all -he sot:tate a liberal Arra of the • i,ublic patronage. t ap6,641 WM. C. iII'.I,IULTY. DAV I D.. H.-11U.TOHI„SON has become the Proprietor of the UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HAR RISBURG, Piti. This pdpubfriftd coinniodious Hotel has been newlyrefitted furnished through out its parlors and cham h ers, and is now ready for the reception of guesi43, Hotel traveling Public will find the United States Hotel the most convenient % in all particulars,. of nay Hotel in the State' Caintal, 'on atepunt 'ofits access to the railratd, - being immediately lketweert the two great dePots in this city.. • BAttstsatrao,itgael7,'63-th • ' ' TNDIAST QUEEN-HOTEL:Main Street, Chimubirib - am, - Pa. W, TAYLOR, Pro , prietor. • - Fine-acetoinhodations,44l6W charges, Brock. Yards and ffccace are Connected with the premises for- the qonvenience of_Provots. Al.so Extensive Stabling ah& YaidB for,Horses'and Car ' ria,ges. • ' -U1411017:63. A, RT H U-R H. B A -,N to 0 S MANUFACTURE OF ROSEWOOD AND ' GILT - 110 ULT G'B, LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES, of ioyely description; • ; N: W. Coii. o THIRD AZiARA4.I,WIII,L,STs.;PHIL4. Ordersto the largest exteritprOrrivith-executed.' Orders filled by SERNOOK; Charzbersb'g,,Ra . Sep2l3 " ilaratis of all kinds JAMES B. GILLA,N Votets; C. B. HANDY, Proprietor. ' failiicaLr. el "Q 11 - 8 T I T 133 IV A R- N:" • • •-COtSIITUTtOrNTATER., „ ' • — •CONSTITUTION WATER. , CONSTITUTION' WATER,: • CONSTITUTION WATER. - • - CONSTITUTION. WATER.: "CONSTITUTION WATER.. CONSTITUTION' WATER: • ,•CONSTITUTION: WATER. - CONSTITUTION WATER. coNsTrrunos WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. - • CONSTITUTION WATER. • • • 1 THE GREAT REMEDY"' FOB TB?: C T'I.T U T I 0 N. THE ONLY '-KNOVirN REMEDY . , • FOR DIABETES AND DISEASES&F THE K.IDNE.YO • - 'AND BLADDER. . , CONS:TI„TILTION-WATER Has been prepormced by the Medical Faculty, add the.r.ublte, to be the most wonderful remedy- fortha peitatment eim of all diseases of the STOMAC KIDNEYS, and BLADDER, that has aver been of fared..: • It is nbt a MINERAL WATER.. It is from ex perience that CON 6TI'f,UTION WATER has eman ated, and we now say, let no Man doubt, when a single bottle has been knowa to cure diseases which the best medical talent in this-country has failed to relieve. . • A remedy - possesiing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under " quack!' prepara tions, as it is now used by the most scientific prac titioners-in this City. It is only second4lnss physic clans that cries down popular remedies, while the better skilled snake use of every means to aroma lig plish ireure: and :the success of the ph lin in creases as his knowledge of different re es en ables Mull to produce a cure, while others ad in the attempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. Owe Constitution Water a fair trial—wemean you rho are under some SPECIALIST'S care from year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies, who -are constantly'resorting to LOCAL TREATMEN't , and-all sorts-of local applications for disease, with as much chance of success as there would be from modal applications to the threat for diseases of the _brain... We have alviays:beerfeareful to use language in ourcircularthat could not shock the moat delicate organization, but we receive so many communica tions from persons for which Constitution Water is adapted. and of whose diseasesnotnentiodthas been made; that we have come to the conclusion that if the remedyis eapableofproducing acure,to matter what the disease may be, it should be made known. The medicine is put up for the public, and there should be no exceptions. We would say Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, made tb suit the- eyes and taste ; ; it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placedtu the hands of the people for their relief and if taken ac cording to the directions it will in every case pro duce a radical'cure. We would say that the direc tions in regard to diet, etc., relate only to the disease under which they odour. • DIABETES Is a disease of the stomachm end liver, acting throllgh the kidneys, and is,without doubt. the most obstur= ate disease, except consumption thateffeets the hu man constitution., 'We have no space for discussing causet, but will "state that the effect of the disease is the conversion of the starchy principle (or vege-; table portions of the food) into sugar. which stimu lates the kidneys toan excessive secretion Of water: Many persons suffer from this disease:who are ig T , 'norant of it; thatis, they pass large quantities dur ing the day. and are obliged to get up from one te fifteen or twenty times duringthe night. No notice is taken of it untif_their attention is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary: remedies. 'Another symptom is the great thirst, which when the disease is fully established, is in tolerable—the patient drinks constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the month, crack ing of the lips, a 'sweet- "breath, in the more adiMsi ced cases, and finally loss offippetite. emaciation; and the patient gradually sinks from exhaustion. a - nisi - m:7nm; 'WATER is. without doubt, the only known remedy for DIABETES: and. e. have as much confidence that it is a specific as weintve thr‘t opium will produce sleeps and truthfully say that it has cured every,case in which ithas been nsed. • - - . . STONE•IN,TFfE BLADDER, CALCULUS:GRA VEL,, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT. ET^..ETC., Diseases arisindfrOm a faulty secretion—tu the ono case being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and , the other a too profuse secretion—whiett: will be speedily;ortred by the • , CONSTITUTION WATER io ' CONSTITUTION WATER • . CONSTITUTION WATER, • - CONSTITUTION WATER . • CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUnON WATER . CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER • 1 CONSTITUTION WATER- • CONSTITUTION WATER • ' - TH - E, ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR . • ' THE ONLY"Lvorm REMEDY FOR , • THE ONLY , KNOWN REMEDY FOR •' THE. ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR :- THE ONLY KNOWN. REMEDY FOR • THE-ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE •ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR • - TECH ONLY KNOWN 'REMEDY FOR A •13 , 8 TE S.' ' IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD7 DER, INSLAMATION OP.THE KIDNEYS, - CATARRH. OF THEIBLADDER• STRANGUARY AND BURNING, OR PAIN . FUL •URINATING. •- For these diseases it is truly a sovereign- remedy in ; and too much cannot be said its praise. A single dose has been known_ to relieve the - most urgent symptoms. • . Are you'eroubled with that disb easing. pain'init small of the back and through the hips ?.'A tota• spoonful a day of the Constithtion Water will re- - live you like maglc. • - ~- • , PHYSICIANS Has longsinee given up the asis of buehu , • cubebs and - juniper in the treatment of. those diseases, and only use them for of a better remedy , . • , : CONSTITUTION WATER have proVed itself equal to the task that. has de- • volved upon it. • DIURETICS . ; irritate and drench the kidneys, and by censtant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease, We present the constitution Waterto the public with the.conviction that , it-has no eqntH' Teller ing the class of diseases for which it has -been , found so.etninentlf successful' for caring: and we trustiaat - efesbali be , rewarded for our.efforts in placing so - Valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. , • READ VRE/AD ! READ 111; - • Dsxvir.ta. Ps,., Jane 2,1862.-7 DR. WM. IL GREGG—Dear Sir--In Fehr - nary:lB6l. I was afflic ted. with sugar diabetes, and for five months•l Pas sed more than twO'gallons of water. in twenty-four ileitis. --TIM - obliged to: up as often as test Cr• twelve times during the night, and in five months I lost abouttre`pounds•in weight. Daring the month • of July, 1861, I procured two bottles of Constittiticn• Water, and in two days after using it I experienced MEd andafter , takingtwa. bottles I was entirely c u red, soon after regaining my usual good health. J. V. DE WITT. . , r. • BOSTON CORNERS, WY:, Dec 27, 1861 . .—W111. H. GREGG k CO.—Gents :—.l" free*, give you liberty to' make use of the following certificate of the value cf Constitution Water which T can recommend in the highest. manner:—My ivife was attacked with ptilic in the shoulders. whole length of the. back, and in her limbs; with Palpitation of the Heart and Irri tation of the Bladder. I called a.Physician who at tentled her, about three months, when he left, her worse than h fotindher. I then employed one of the best Physicians I. could , find, who attended her for nine Months, and while she was under his card she did . notsuffer as much pain. ' He Si an), gave fierily, and said ' case 'MS incurable: For.".-said he "she-fins suell atombination of com plaints that medicine given,for•orreioperatas against someothei of her difficulties." About this time she commenced the use-of - Constitution - Water, and-to our utter astonipment r almost the first dose seemed to have thedesifed "effect; and she kept on hiPrbv mg rapidly under its treatment, and MOW superin tends entirely her 4 domestie';offains Sho has lint taken any_ of the ,Constitution Water for afictitfol r weeks, and' we are happy say that' it has pro duced a permanent cure. ynki. M. VAN, BENSCHOIEN. WE) TARRYIELD, C.t. Maroh2 ,12 1 R—V11,. GREGG—Dear Sir :—Havtng seen your a tivertite ment of Constitution Water,* - recommended/ cr.! Ipf amation of the Kidneys and Irritation oft ke Bladder, having safteredf or the past,three years, and tried the skill of a number of thysicians with. only temporary :Mid, I was 'lnduced to try yoir medicine I frooured one bottle ofyoer /agents at Hartford; Messrs-Dee; Sisson & Cot, and whenT had used half of it, to my surprise I found a greta change in my health. I have used two hettles.of it, and am where Inevereximotedlo be in mY m and insood spiriO. cannot ajpress mYgratittdo, for it: Ifeel that it and more thud you recom mended it to be. _Kay the blessing of Gad ever at,.. tend In in your labors of love. Yours.trulv LEONARD & RIGGELdt; 20R SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS,. • PRICE *V W/E. H. GREGG - it CO:; Pitoptiitors. MORGAN k.ALLEN:. General Agents: ' No. 46, Cliff Strert. New York. ' JOHNSON, TIALLOWAr&DO'WDEN, 4 eIrS-towAml N. fl Tor S. mle - N , MlLLlTEXhinbbeN.i.aj ~hia ; 6 lIINE =NM