El granidia cgozitorg, Wednesday, June 1, 1864. TM:MS.-4P per annum in advance; or $2.50' if not paid within the year. All subscription ac counts mite be settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at TEti cents per line for -first insertion, and. PIVr, cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of five lines or less are charged 50 emits for first inser tion and 25 cents for each subsequentinsertion; and Advertisements exceeding five lines and not ex seeding ten lines, are charged Si for first insertion and 50 cents for each insertion thereafter.. An Legal Notices, of every kind, and all Or phans' Court and Other Judicial Sales, are required bylaw to be advel tilted in the REPOSITO EtT-it having' the largest circulation of any paper Pubiieheittin the county of Pranklin. All Obituai7 and Marriage notices exceeding five i nes, and all communications, resolutions and other notices of limited-in individual interest, are charged ten cents per line. • Advertisements oisubseriptions may - be sent di. • rectly to.the Publishers, or through any responsible City Agency. M'CLURE & STONER, WE are indebted to Hon. Thos. Wil liams and Hon.,A. H. Coffroth for public documents. Also, to Col. Jordan, Mili tary State Agent, for=a list of the Penn sylvania wounded received in the Wash ington Hospitals since the late battles. THE entire Bar of Cluunbersburg, and all the officers of the CoUrt residing here, united, on Monday last, in a recommen dation to Gov. Curtin for the appoint ment of Hon. ALEXANDER KING, of Bed fofd; as President Judge of this District, in place of Judge Nill, deceased. We presume that Mr. King will be without a competitor for the position;and his ap pointinent 'mu3F be regarded as settled. It is a compliment of no Common order thus to be rectimmended with such una nimity for a position demanding eminent legal attainments and blameless charac ter, and the highest endorsement we can give, is to say that Mr.Kingin all respects merits the confidence manifested by his brethren of the district. He will doubt less be appointed in a very few days. Tun Union National ConventiOn will meet-iii Baltimore on Tuesday next, and ABRAHAM LINCOLN will be re nominated for the Presidency without the formality of a ballot, and with a degree of earnest enthusiasm unexampled-in the history of Political conventions. This tribute to one who has braved treason in every guise and fomi, and rescued our Nationality front the grasp of - murderous traitors, through a war before whose wanton con ception and collosal magnitude all history pales, will be alike just to Abraham Lin coln and to the Nation; and to doubt his triumphant re-election in November next, is to doubt the preservation of the Re- Seiieral names have been suggested for the Vice Presidency, prominent among which is that of Hon. ANDREW Jomi:Fros of_Tennessee, and we hope that he will be chosen. -Pennsylvania will not, we believe, present a candidate. THE HILITART SITUATION. The last week has. been eventful with grand marches and masterly strategic movements on the _ art of Gen. Grant in Virginia ) and Gen. Sherman in Georgia. No general engagement had been fought by either at our last advices, 'but both have steadily pressed:forward and 'com pelled their foes to retreat toward their main points of defence. Gen. Grant renewed his forward move ment on Friday the MI-ult. Gen. Lee was strongly entrenched about Spottsyl vania, and Gen. Grant hastily retired his army some distance toward Fredericks burg, and then th6w it around Lee's right, completely flanking him and turn ing his strong position. It was a posi tive surprise to Lee, for ho moved forward on the day affer tin force to feel Grant's position, and found but a skirmish line. He then evacuated his fortified lines, and followed Grant toward Richmond on a parallel line north of the Fredericksburg railroad. Lee did s not get across the North Anna in time to . dispute Grant's passage, so he was compelled to retire to the South Anna some twenty - miles. from Richmond, and there ho took a strongly fortified position. But Genera/ Grant seems to 'have a way of fighting when and where it - suits himself, and'lte made just sufficient demonstration on Lee's new line to make him concentrate for a decisive battle, 'when to Lee's sur prise again, Grant hastily retired across e ,North Anna, and turned up a few . days thereafter on the Pamunkey at Han overtown, about twelve miles North-east or Richmond. , Lee's new line on the South Anna was thus effectually turned again by this bold and masterly maneu ver, mid Lee has doubtless fallen back to form a new line on the Peninsula side of Richmond and immediately under its ior, tifications. Gen. Gmnt has thus turnedihne.e cho sen positions of Gen. Lee by his 'dashing flank , nitivements ; and an active. Cam paign, of less than one nmsth, ihafls tLee, with the best, the strongest and.tale last, ariny,qf treason, fought awl matten,vered fifty miles back from his original lines. That Lee has retreated from every esi tion most reluctantly, is evident from the . fact- that he never abandoned a line ,t.' less driven from' it in, action, or success fully flanked by his skilful Itnd tireless foe. He surrendered the Wilderness to, save his army in the intrenchments of Spottsylvania ; he surrendered his in trenchmenta after several days of bloody conflict because he could not protect his flanks; be lost the line of the North Anna because-Grant was first to reach it, and he finally had to abandon the South An na—his strongest position outside o the Richmond fortifications—because Irrant rushed around his right again and com pelled him to fall back' to save Richmond from immediate capture. Gen. Grant's new .position gives him an easy line of cominunication - and supplies by' water to White Hmise, but a little distance liom his army, and it brings him also within twenty miles•of General Butler. 'He cut ioose from his old base; 'and thus wastes/ 'no men guarding long lines, and be can reinforce Butler and move 'south of the James river, or he can draw Butler to him iu twenty-four hours.. It would seem that he is entirely master-of the situation, and we hope to hear good new from him before going to- presS. If so, our tele graph columns will give it. . —Gen,. Sherman has advanced steadily in Georgia, and at last accounts had brought Johnston at bay IA a strongly fortified position near Dallas. He is now within . forty miles of Atlanta, mid has every prospect of reaching - that finpoit ant point in a short time. If Atlanta falls before Sherman, we would soon- make Richmond untenable, so that the fluccess of either Grant or Sherman is fatal to our foes. Proprietors So far all looks well. Let us patiently wait for the full fruition of the, grand movements of our Generals. They are progressing with a rapidity hitherto nn exanapled in the war, and they can in no way better serve their holy cause, than by saving every soldier not imperatively demanded as a sacrifice to treason. 4w:sN_yl :45?Yy(:h(ilai.1 I!~N;r,A Some two weeks ago the- World and the Journal of Commerce,two prominent newspapers of New York city, appeared with a forged proclamation, purporting to come from President Lincoln. Gen. Grant had just closed the series of san gninag3r struggles in the Wilderness and on the Po, but Lee bad not yet commenc ed his retreat toward Richmond. The National heart beat nervously lest Lee should be stroug'epough to resist Grant's advance, and the appalling sacrifice he had madelo gain the line of the Po, with: out a decisive victory being clearly man ifest, made thousands of loyal men trem ble for their holy claiise. So far as the official bulletins threw 'light upon the progress of 'the campaign, the advantages were decidedly with the Union army; but anxious- fears - were mingled with • the earnest hope's of patriots as they scanned the fearfully crimsoned- record of their country's vindication; A steamer was about to-sail for Europe, and its news of the terrible conflict in Virginia must have a positive effect in directing the policy of • foreign governments toward us and our relentles3loes. On.the morning of the day on which the steamer sailed l the World and Jour nal of Commerce issued the forgetl-Koc lamation of the President, in which the decisive defeat of Grant's army is frankly admitted; the campaign declared to be at an end, because of Grant's failure and losses; recommending a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, and calling for four hundred thousand additional'inen to be raised at once. This proclamation if sent to Europe uncontradicted, would have precipitated the recognition of the rebels by any government that desired a pretext for espeusing• the cause of the foes of the Republic, and was therefore the deadliest blow that treason could have conceived - against our Nationality. For tiinately the fraud was discovered before the steamer sailed, and the official con tradiction went out to 'Europe with the Proclamation but whence s it had origi nated was not known. A stab aimed so despelately at the vitals of the govern.: meut when in a death struggle with trea,. son, 'demanded the promptest .action of the authorities; and the unlittry ppwer at °nee laid it& strong arm upon.the World and Journal of Coninieree ; and also upon the Ind6Pendent and Inland Telegraph Companiee, It was done without process of law, and:Ave believe wisely. In times of common peril like these, Salm-populi supremo lex—the safety of the people is -the supreme laW ; but the exercise of ar 15itrary powers one hour beyondthe vindi cation of 'the innocence of the journals referred to, ivo do. not justify. kind it been established that these papers had conspired to - give publicity to a forged proclamatiotbithe purpose of involv ing us in foreign Wars,. or for any other purpose not consistent with the safety of the 'government,, itirrptinisbment could be too summary or too harsh for such a crime ; and the fact' that they had been the channels of what might have been ir reparable wrong to the Nation, justified the promptest and sternest measures un: til they established their innocence. We believe that they did so vindicate' them- , seLves • within , tw e nty-f our hours _after their suspension, and we regretted that they worelottger '.restrained iu :their 11W:,' ache iMtukl itepomiont, , luut 1, 1864, imate business, lu:degas:as we are bound to belieVe, the course taken by the was deemed absolutely essen tial to convict the guilty. If so, harsh as the remedy may appear, it was impera five and therein just. lye fully appreciate the perils of justi fyifig the exercise of arbitrary powers. The nation cannot too jealously giard the inherent rights of the citizen and the press; but their inherent rights, are predicated upon the assumed fidelity of the citizen and press to the government that Is ex pected to vindicate them. The claim is not wholly oh the side of the citizen and the , press—the obligations are mutual, co-relative and must be co-extensive ; and when a deadly blow is aimed at the vital ity of the Republic, the instrument of wrong, although free from positive crinie, must yield:every essential sacrifice to vin dicate the common protecting power of the land. It is not lawful to seize the pro perty of the citizen arbitrarily; but if ne cessary to arrest a fearfUl conflagration, the office of the World,..or of the Tribune world be razed to the ground for the com mon good, and the supreme law—the safety of the people—would be accepted in the act by the most technical of citi zens: And so we justify—in this hour of fearful peril to a Nationality for have shed rivers of blood—the resort to arbitrary powers when the safety of the people imperatively demandit. Beyond this, it is a crowning crime, second only to treason itself. .—We have thought the authorities needlessly harsh in protracting the sus pension of the journals and telegraph lines referred to; and until better advised, we must share that conviction; but we are not unmindful that we look to the authorities to preserve our liberties; to thwart the ceaseless and skilful machina tions of treason, and to maintain at all hazards the live of the Republic! Itis for them to.protect—for us to enjoy,'aud we do not hastily espouse the common cause of those - who seem to have no higher am tion than to embarrass, humiliate and weaken the government to which they owe every civil and religious right - they possess. We have read. with abhorence rather than with sympathy the studied and malicious assaults of the Democratic press Upon the government because of its action in these cases. - Gov. Seymour writes an official letter demanding the prosecution of every.officer who, in 61)6.- 1 dience to orders, participated in the mili tary possession of the newspaper offices; but he is silent as to the prosecution and punishment of th 4 men who forged a Presidential Proclamation to cripple our credit and secure foreign recognition of the rebels. He overfinWs with vengeance for the governitient that guarantees to him his brief and much abused authority-; but has not a word of condemnation-for the fiend who sought to destroy it.— SO with almost the entire Democratic press. They have columns of denunci ation tor the authorities—none for the crime the government soughtto establish and punish. When they learn, common loyalty they will have few exercises "of arbitrary power to complain of, and will merit :the sympathy of every faithful citizen. DEATH OV JUDGE NILE Hon. James N ill, President Judge of the Franklin, Fulton, Bedfoid and Somerset judicial district, died at' his residence in this place on Friday last, of an aggravated bronchial affection. For some weeks past he hasbeen declining visibly, but be com pleted his spring circuit, and was able to be on the street until forty:eight hours be fore he died. He was about 62 years of age. Judge Nill was a native of this county, and was admitted to the bar about 1828. He con tinned the practice of his profes sion until the fall of 1839, when he was chosen to the legisture on the Democratic ticket. In 1840 he was re-nominated, but the political whirlwind that carried Har rison into the Presidency, defeated him with the entire ticket in this county, by a decisive majority. In 1847,,, when the Whig Senate had a stubborn issue with Gov. Shunk relatiie to several Judges, Mr. Nill was nominated by the Executive as President Judge of the Chester district. The nomination was made during the re-, cess of the legislature, and his name did not come before the Senate for confirmal tion until the folloCcing winter, when he was rejected in consequence of the pro tracted political warfare between the Ex ecutive and the Senate. He returned to. Chambersburg andxesumed the practice of the , hiw. In 1857 he was nominated as one of the Democratic candidates for the legislature, and was chosen by a majority: larger than his party vote; and the fol lowing year he was re-elected, although his party was in a minority in the district:. As a legislator he . was most faithful in his efforts to carry out the views he honestly cherished, and commanded the highest measure of respect -for'his integrity and ability. In 1860 lie was chosen a delegate to the Democratio National Convention at Charleston, and he gave an earnest support to Hon. Stephen A...pouglas for the Presidency, RI the memorable can. test that followed be took an active paTt, Arden tlysupporting Douglaih, and de,noun ,cog the,Breclaridgeiticket .contemj plating the dissolution of thegovernmenti When treason made causeless'war upon our Natieiaplity, Judge Nill arrayed'him r self unequivocally on the side of the govl,. erninent, and allowed no party prejudices or interests 'to swerve him for a moment from the faithful support of his country' cause. He.baok the position that in time of common clanger to ourcommon tions, all party lines should be obliterated; and he was one of the most prominent men in our Midst In organizing the Union party in the fall of 1861. His high char!. deter and commanding position as a lau yer and as *patn'ot, made him the unan imous choice of the Union.party of thiis county for the Judgeship at the eXpiiir 7 tion of Judge Kimmell's 'term, and he was nomin' lite& by- the district, and elect ed over Hon. Wilson Reilly. , Since De cember 1861 he has discharged his duties as Judge 'with great fidelity to justice, until this , spring, when 'declining health rendered him unequal to .the task, He held his courts,. however, but returned! recently from the Western counties sens ibly enfeebled, and he gradually-declined until two days before he died, when the stein summons was evidently at hand. Thus after a life full of usefulness and - honors, he has passed, away, as widely lamented as he was known. Tit E Somerset! Herald complains un justly of the action of Franklin and 'Adams in' electing a rDelegate to the Nit tinnal,Convention.; It was done in pub- suance of an.'armagement made at the State Convention,, by which each Sena torial district in the COngressional dik•- trict should select one Delegate, and thus save the necessity, of traveling so far td a Conference. The call made by the con ferees of this county was made so that if, the couterees of the western counties pre ferred a general conference they could attend; but afar' that call was issued, Bedford county, byresolution of a county meeting, conceded one Delegate to Frank lin anti Adams, and instructed their con ferees to meet Somerset and Fulton': * . co conferees from the western counties meet ing here on the 17th ult., it Was taken for granted that Fulton; Bedford- and Somerset preferred to meet separately, - and our two counties elected d Delegate. It was done certain} without , the-remo test design to do injustice, or even the slightest violence to ; the wishes of the western counties, andit should not there fore be complained id as a deliberate wrong. As the editor of ,the Herald is candidate for Delegate, we think he ought to be content to rest his claims withhis immediate neighbors; unless •he fears that editors, like prophe : ts, sometimes have honor save in their !own countries; and as Franklin and Adams are presenting no - candidates that iwe know of for the suffrages of Somerset, the Herald might have dispensed with its "stilts". until some more . appropiiate season. We are not clear indeed that such "stilts" be come the incumbent of the most lucra tive office inthe tlistrict at any tithe. Probably 7 / e don't i know; but thitt's our way of thinking.- TIIE Bedford Gdzette is one of the most malign ant of cOppeihea dj ournals. It takes special delight in' Magnifying the misfOr tunes of the Union arms, and in bolster ing- up the cause Hof murderous traiters. As a specimen of i,ts treasonable ai4d. scrumilous ,menthicity, we copy the fol lowing statement 'of Gen: Grant's loSses from that journal pf a late date. It says: "At the present ufriting (Monday) the result of Grant's campaign against Richmond remains in doubt. Already he has lost as many men as composed M'clellan's entire army when that Gen eral-marched up the Pininsu/a. The loss of the. Federal army,, aceording to telegraphic reports, cannot fall much short of 11.10,000 men,.killed, wounded and missing: There have been about thirteen days of fighting, including the small battles fought by Gederal lintler, which Would overage the loss at al?out 8,000 per day." There are doubtless.many men. in Bed: ford county who .read only the Gaiette,- and whose Politieol' views are gathered from its- colutims. I Is it to be wondered, therefore, that s nie.k are disloyal, and op pose the government, when theyare Made to belive that Gen'. Grant sacrifices 100,.'- ~ , 000 in less than two weeks f It is but prising that men are made to: raise sitici dal arms again t : , , . their own protecting power, and to It tt the iustitutiougwhich are the pride of lery intelligent patriotl 'Certainly not. Illut what must be the degree of atr9eityiebelislied by the editor who cau,thwrdeliberately and wickedly falsify his emintr.it's cause 't To call him traitor ,would b$ traitor's have challenged 4Frp.for their sel,i-sac rificing devotion - - o error ; burivitk pro - 7 fesSions of fldelii to his comttry on liii lips, the writer for the- Gamt - te mingles shameless hypocOs.y and falsehood With his ill-cOncealed perfidy. Naturally enough did the supporters-of such 'sn or gan, the copperkeads of Bedford county; resolve that the hvar has no claims upon them for " suppcirt, aid or sympathy!" • WE have a mist hopeful sign of the favorable progress of the war in the ini provement of the Philadelphia Age. At'- ter the great battles of the 'Wildernesi Mid the Po, the Age announced that the Virginia campaign was virtually ended, lig it regarded gen. Grant as unable to advance ; and when Lee retreated from Grant south of the po river,'the Age an pounced that the ‘,teorifedetate.s had ta ken it new line;" bat -when Lee retreated south of the North Anna 'river with Grant in hot pursuit, the Age concluded that it must make some Show of loyalty, and it announced in bold letters "TM, rebels re treating to Richmond 1" . For he - first 'time it concluded that the "Conk dates," as it. usually. calls the mnrderou traitors. were "rebels," and it gatheredu courage enough to call Chem by the rl lit name. The World and the Age both' one I THE Albany Arglis adyises the Demo cratic members of CongresS to." abandon their seats in Congress and return home to their constituents!" We hope they will. Indeed in; no way could they ren der so signal a service to the Nation. Most gladly would the people welcome home such representatives as Coffroth, Miller, Dawson and Laiear, who have been persistently inisrepiesenting loyal districts. Will they please to . retire'? We beg - them not to stand upon the order of their going, but to go 'at once! We proinise'Gens:Coffroth and Miller torch light procession receptions if they will just resign and appeal to the 'people. Come along, gentlemen—ibeetin's open! THE late Judge Nill, who died child less, by a will executed some years ago, made a liberal bequest to a relative who ii a native of this county and still resides in the State ; butiby his will admitted to probate on Monday last, he revokes the legacy expressly on the ground that the legatee sympathises with the traitors in arms against the government. Judge Nill waaa War Democrat, and he was as 'consistent in death as he was eatnest in • life, in his abhorrence of .faithlessness to our sacred Nationality. . OUR WOUWDED IN WASHINGTON. We learn from reliable sources that there are now some 6,000 Pennsylvania wounded pol diers in Washington, and from all the benevo lent associations we have calls for aid to miti gate the sufferings of these noble herpes. The following letter from Bon. Jasper R. Brady is worthy of the attention of our people.: The as sociatibn of- which he speaks has done great service' to our wounded, and oar ladies should for Ward the supplies he desires as prikriptly as possible. Articles left at the REPOSITORY of fice will be acknowledged in these columns and I _forwarded without delay. WASHINGTON CITY, May 1864. • To.the Editors of the Franklin Repository: I see that the patriotic ladies of the "Green Spot,'d are shortly to have a fair for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers. As chairman of the Execu tive Committee of the Pennsylvania Relief Associ ation of this city, and as a fonner resident of Chem bersb urg, I appeal to them through you, to romem-: ber the wounded now in the hospitals of Washing ton and 'vicinity from one-third to one-fourth of whom are Pennsylvanians amounting to thousand:. The committee have now faithfullind kind-hearted agents, gratuitously visiting our sick and wounded brethren, distributing to them such little neces saries and delicacies, as are not furnished by the, Government or any of the Commissions; suchas' fruits, jellies, pickles, &c. Our practise is, and has ~been from the commencement of our operations, to deliver such supplies to the soldier himself. It was adopted, because we early discovered that, if they were left with the minor officials, they very often fail to reach the objects of our benev.olenee. I have been connected with the Committee since its organization two years ago, and I hesitate not to state that in proportion to our means, we have done more for the sick and wounded soldiers than any other association in existence. Our services, with I the exception of one man, are gratuitous. Say,to the Franklin county ladies that if we could at this tune receive some delicacies such as I have inentioned, they would be gratefully received, and would greatly contribute to the comfort and relief of our suffering soldiers in ourhospitals. Should the other ladies of your vicinage see fit -to send us some such supplies, let them be di rected to me as - Chairman of the Executive Com mittee of the Pennsylvania. Soldiers' Relief Associ ation of Washington city. -We will pay freight. ' I am respectfully yours, J. E. BRADY. Go*. CURTIN • and Surgeen General King returned from the Army of the Potomac on Thursday last Where they have been superin teading the care oflennsylvania soldiers wound ed in the late engagement in Virginia. While in Fredericksburg Governor Curtin personally devoted himself to the establishment of meas ures to promote the greatest comfort and secure the 'best medical attendance to the Pennsylva nians in the hospitals, in that city, prior 'to their removal to Washingtn. We understand that such removals are being made as rapidly as possible; and that the ar ,• rangements. in Washington city-are of the most improved character for the accommedation of the wounded. The friends of oprPennsylvania heroes need give way to no solicitude as to the care Of the mounded men iu the hospitals, Gov Curtin having pledged his offidid and personal word to leave no labor unperformed necessary for their care. ' , THE Harrisburg Telegraph, speaking of the death „of Judge Nill, says he Was elected in 1861 over Hon—Wilson Willy, the Breckinridgel candidate. :This_ statenient does injustice' to 'r. Reilly. He was an . ardent Douglas man in 1860, and has since earnestly advocated the vigorous prosecution'of the war„ and the main tenance of 11l the laws designed to sustain the army. He volunteered in 1861 and raised a company for the 6th Reserves, but was com pelled to' resign on account of- impaired health: His- two sons, hoWever, took his ranee, and have served with credit. One, graduated at West Point in 1862, and is in the highest branch of the service, and' the other volunteered as a private, '.and has gallantly earned promotiod until he is now a'first Lieutenant in the 21st Cavalry. Whatever may be Mr.• Reilly's polit; ical affirmities r he has never sanctioned Breck lurid& or treason. JUDGE WYLIE of the Circuit Court of Wash= ington has just decided that plaintiffs can neither recover profits made on former gold speculations and remaining , in hands of .defendants, nor moneys deposited with them as margin or col lateral security under contracts for purchase of gold; that gold speculations have no standing in Court, and that the business of dealing in gold speculatively is contrary to public'policy. Gov. SEntOtm has directed thp District At tome,' of New York cityto procure indictments against all persons concerned in the suppression .of . The - World and The Journal of Commove. " LOCAL -1.1E3.1§. THE DRAFT.—The draft for defieincies . in the quotas of the sub-districts Of this county.. was made on Monday last. The foll Owing is a corrected table of the qttotas of the. several diqrictis. The number of men give n as duo is the nett deficiency, and the draft is made for fifty per eent a additional. Jt=mill be seen that Greencastle, Toth Wards oflehatnbersburg,, and, Guilford have their quotas full, while Mercers-- burg and St. Thomas have each but three to be _„, furnished liy draft. r 4 .. loi ti ..,t9 . ' : ,ty 1 t " - ' Localities. i i '''' z . ,- 1 1 , .. t i , 1 .,.. _ . -- 41. 'Antrim township 1 1.29 'B3 44 411,41Greeneastlo Borough -...,......1 59 62 3 42 iChambersburg, R. Ward..!...1 106, 106 43 I Chamborsburg. S. Ward..,... 57 .2. 1 88 1 I. s i 44 1 Fannett - to w whir) ' 45 'Greene 46 Guilford "" - ... ......... '.. 86 86 47 Hamilton I 43 1 2 2 48 Letterkenny:: 66 55 lB, 49 . Lurg • , 391 50 181cta an l ' .- 4. 3) . 4 .4 51 :Montgomery"! 107 1 83 24 5114 i Mercersburg Borough f 35 32- 3 52' [Peters township 81 15. 5311 0 1*iney township 91 73 18 54 ISt. Thomas " 54 51 3 35 ISouthampt'n" - 59 44 - 15 . ' 56 , ;Warren •' - I Z 3 9 ' 14 57 i Washington " ' 1 84 62 22 57 1 , 1 4 1 Wayn.:sboro Borough ..... . ..! 47 , 3.4 15 r 1 — ...„ I. _ 11409 1106 4 I 307 The following is a correct' list of the names drawn for this county. ANTRIM TOWNSHIP No. Enrolled; 375. Defioionos'. 45. Tobe Draamd3l 4 . 1 Simon Shankl3s JOremiah Wpagley '2 Joseph Stoner 136 John H Renioker 3 Wash Hellman iii Carlisle Kuhn 4 Henri-Barnhart • i n John Helfriek 5 David G00d39 Fred Martin 6 John Alexander I 4 g Satnuel Miller . . . - 7 Daniel Saylor 8 Satu'l L Brats (col'd) 9 Joseph A Loose 10 GeorgeGea.rhart , 11 Samuel Wyant 12 Henry Ruthrauff 13 John Grove of Jacob 14 Fred Gearhart 13 David Tolhelm 16 Johrr Miller 17 John Gorman ' 18 Jacob Loy 19 Jacob G Shoaff 20 Philip Mordorff ' 21 Hezekiah Ciarven 22 Jacob Lear 23 Richard Briggs{cord) 24 I)avid Stoner 25 Henry Walk Francis T Horner 27 Jacob Dixon fri. John L. Latshaw • 29 Hugh I) Lindsay 30 Daniel Gordon 31 Jacob Welsh 32 Daniel Frovinger 33-Jacob Wolff 34 Gee Wistar of Jacob FANNETT TOWNSHIP. No. Enrolled,T2. Deficiency,sB. To be Drawn, 1 John M'Kim • 145 Taceb.Zeigler 2 Amos A Skinner 46 George Stanford 3. Jacob-Coons 1 47 Henry McClure -4 'Samuel Junkins 148 Amos Neil 5 John A Rindersmith 49 Daniel 'Zimmerman 6 William Elliott - - 150 Gilbert McLean 7 Noah ABrinly 151 Samuel .Vansyon- S Edward A M'Vicky 152 Andrew J Logan 9 Martin L•Stoubs io 3 Solomon Peiper 10 David W Bear 11 James P Culbertscai 12 James Crawford 13 W Ii R Wilson 14 Martin Human 15 David Wolff R C M'Vitty 17 J awes A Nesbett 18 Jonathan Shearer 19 Joseph French 20 Jos Eckenrode 21 Jacob Haines 22 Jacob Roller 23 James S Junkins 24 Frank Piper 25 John Obediah 26 Benjamin Vansyock 27 John A Harvy William M'Cartney 29 Geo Struble 30 John E Flack 31 Samuel 11 'Wilson 32 Thomas B Garton Porter Stake • 34 Simon W Miller 35 John M Shearer 36 John Kuhn 37 M K Harvey 38 Barnabas Conner 39 John A Skinner 40 F A Parson 41 James Saylor 42 A W Stake 43 R B Calupbell 44 J H Shearer GREEN T No, Enrolled, MB. Deflei 1 Henry Stover - I 2 Jacob B Cook 3 Isaac Sechrist 4 IV B Gill 5 Lucius R Sweeny 6 John Garver HAMILTON No. Enrolled, 131. Deficiency. 2Q. To be Drawn, 30. 1 Henry Faublo 16 Henry Cell 2 Samuel Hull 17 Daniel Stizell 3 Henry Freishour - 18 John Ault 4 Hatay Pugh 19 Robert B Andrews 5 Barnet Evans 20 Isaac Uppermazi • 6 John Newman (cord) 21 James Kay 7 Andrew Fraker , 22 Charles Hunter .• 8 B V Picking - 23 Joshua Palmer 9 Charles Brown 24 Daniel Strock • 10 Samuel Poe Xi John Hull 11 Henry Reiser • 26 Joseph McGowan 12 Jeremiah Reiser 27 Win Shettem 13 James McAleer 03 Reuben Strike 14 Samuel H Gill an 29 Michael Diehl 15 Joseph G Oyer 30 Win Steppler LETTERKENNY TOWNSHIP. • .1%..T0. Enrolled. 196. Deficieney, 16. To be Drawn. M. 1 John Rife of-J 113 Adam Trayer 2 Keefer Rnsenbery 114 Jeremiah Mear 3 Jacob H Kauffman -15 Frederick Byers 4. George Speck 116 Wm C Lane 5 Jacob Belts 1 17 Michael Snyder - 6 John W RantllB Henry Miller 7 Christian Lingle 119 Moses J G Keefes 8 Michael P Shrader 120 Jere Sleiehter 9 Jaebb M Stoner 21 David S Byers 10 John H Carbangh 22 John R Sell 11- James S Slvder 23 Levi Gipe 12. Felix S Huber 24 Geo G Crainer ' LURGAN TOWNSHIP. • No. Enrolled, 103. Deficiency; 7. To be Drawn.ll 1 Geo H Mowry 1 7 John Gipe 2 Abram R buck 1 8 - John D Spear 3 Jacob C Hollar . 1 9 Lemon Allainan 4 Isaac Reedllo David S Dehaven 5 Andrew A Purarny 111 Henry. M Saltswiail 6 Jacob S Cashman METAL Ti No. Enrolled. 1 . 23, Deficii 1 Peter Worley 2 Martin. Heywood 3 John 11 Walker 4 John Nead 5 John D Jones 6 Samuel A Gamble 7 James Wolff 8 Anthony K M'Carily 9 M C Kegreis 10 John Cowan - - 11 Elias Eyer 12 Jacob Guyer 13 David D Steward 14 Andrew Brenize 15 John F Heeler 16 Thos J M'Latighlin 17 Win Hosting MONTGOMER' No. Enrolled, 313. Delhi 1 William Richards Benjamin Conrad 3 Robert J Boyd 4 H B Strock 5 Martin Blair 6 Henry RI Martin 7. Janes B Duffield 8 H B Angle - 9 David Felkill (cord) 10 John, Lowebaker 11, George Christy . (col'd) 12' Martin Eiohelberger 13 Lewis Reisner 14 Joseph Dick 15: Dasnellleagy (con') - Id' Abraham Whitmore 17, William llornbreaker. 18'Jatolo Brewer 41 Ai.um , Stouffer 42 Jos Snively Jr '43 Luohon Brenner 44 Adron Ward 45 John Anderson (cord) 46 John F Miller 47 Francis Gearhart 48 Turner Jordon (cord) 49 'Hem - Rummel' 50 Geo Nelson (cola) 51- Hiram Byers 52 Levi Pormr • • 53 John Conley 54 James H Martin(coldh 155 Jacob Kelker 1 56 John Burns • 57 C Royer jr 158 George Middower 59 David Young 66 Daniel Hiatus 61 J Hokelander • ;62 Samuel Powell I 6:t Alexander S Elliott GI Christopher Strict 63 Reuben Grubb 66 R Potter (col'd) 67 George Burkholder 68 Jacob Hoffman Slaymaker richoias Arnold David klder. James iVSkinner 53 Henry Hudson cot 59 Augustus Shields 60 Barnhart Riehenbaoh 61 Daniel D 1111111113A/11 62 Dominick Do}•lo 63 II J . Campbell 64 John MeLaargh 65 William Bata tZ James F Itldejr _ . 67 Win Penn Fagan 68 John'S Hoekenberri 69 John A Genaver 170 A At Elder 71 A D Long 72 W M Donnelly i 73 B J Culbertson - 74 John Britts 75 Hugh Wallace ; 76 James Doyle 77 Robert Harvey 78 John A McLean 79 Thounis Roes SO Solomon Fortlney 81 Heufv C Miller 82 Wm S Fagan 83 Jeremiah Miller 84 Henry D Skinner 85 Joseph Carter (cord) 86 Morrow Hoekenberry 87 John W Erkrett WIN SIIIP °my, 81 To be Drawn.r.: 7 Jeremiah Ott _ 8 Daniel Lehman 9 John Reamer (col'4 110 John Grove . ID: Jacob F Bittinger 112 John Shank TOWNSHIP. OWNSIIIP ,ey' t , 22. To be Drawn. 33. 18 _V W Kogreis • - 19 David Graeey 120 Alfred Kept 121 M R Kegreis •rl Wm M"Wilson :Z Levi Rosenberry 24 Robt Williams (e01'419 125 Benjamin Malone • 'X Geo West Jr 27 John B Kyle 23 George Jones - 29 Joseph Miller - •30 Aaron (lankly 31 &MCA C Montgotnerf n John Ile 33 James B Davis Y TOWNSHIP. envy, 24. To be drawn, 36 19 John Zimmerman David B Hoffer 21 Henry 13ashey 21 thorse Elliott Daniel Myers 24 Mitchell Carson (cord}... 25 Top Hite (col'd) 1.4 William GutAae , 27 John J Bradley LI Maxwell Elliott 29 Abraham C Brubaker 30 William Drury 31 Christ 3_lyerd of Joan 32 Daniel neLangblill 3'3 P. W Cooper 34 ArehibaldlStener (401:1 35 Jos BriEgis 36 David' (eoen)