' - . • .. , . . ~ .. . . J. 1 titt i t ..._----......___ . .... . . . . ... , • _ 1- . , . 5 • BY ECLURE & STONER. traotlin_ (-11,9Doitorgi THE NEW UNION LEAGUE BUILDING. The Union League of Philadelphia was or ganized on the 27th of December, 1962, and. is the' oldest organization of the kind in the United States. The condition of membership is, ; " qualified loyalty to the Gov ernine nt of the United States, and unwavering support of its efforts for .theAmppression of the rebellion." The - z - pniposes of the institution nt fast appears to have ):Men . limited, and entirely local in their character! Organized a few . days after the dis- Wrens result at Fredericksburg, and in: baps the most gloomy period of the war, when toiul Wen were ilepressed and despondent, and when. Treason was everywhere becoming more bold and i defiant ‘ the rooms of the Union League were regArded at first,srather as a shelter from thi tainted ntznosphere without, than a public organization, from whose example hundreds of institutions would spring into being. Without any . definite objects in view, the stir ring events of the times fOrced business upon theni; nor was it possible for such aliody of wen, inspired by ardent love of country, tofold their arias supinely,•when our national fabric 'Was apparently crumbling to ruin. , 'Hence a Board of Publication was organized. Somme - forty thousand dollars were subscribed to the fund, and the. produetions,Of the Board have reach*d nearly every post office in the loyal States. The treasonable sentiments of the dis loyal press, hasie everywhere been met by the' loyal utterances of our ablest men. _ Nor Lave the members been slow te tehlity their devirtion to the government, in what some might be dis:. , __posed to • consider a more substantial manner. Thei have raised avid equipped four regiments of 41tinteers, at an expense of not legs than a lititnirrd tlibusand dollars. In the dark days of July last, when the rebel bordes invaded and polluted, by their - presence, the soil of our own —State, the League hastily threw u'regiment to this front for the pri,teetion of our own homes. In the political contest of last year they acted a prominent part. Besides supplying the Union Stites Committee with documents, with which they fltiOdcd..the ) State. they supported them in every possible manner, and to their exertions the successful result is largely'due. The Le - ague at present .occupy a building on ChiStant Street, near Twelfth. They havd a good reading room, combined '%vith other attrac tive features, where congenial spirits diScuss questions of momentous interest to every pa . tiot. Distinguished visitors, in civil and mili tary life, are almost daily to be found there, and occasionally address the members. There are many interesting relics oUhe war—the tattered flags of our own regiments, as well as the em blems of treason, deposited within the building. The organization now numbers overl,ooomeim i-bers, and is steadily increasing. A few-promi nent gentleman from the interior of the State are found upon the list. The cot given in to-day's paper represents the newibuilding being. erected for tht) League _ou Broad Street. Its estimated cost is one hun dred and fifty 'thousand dollars, and, when fin ished, will be , an imposing structure and an oir , nament to the City. . . Tile members of the League have rightly de termined that their organization shall be per manent—that "when this cruel war is over" loyal men shall, within the walls, of the new building, talk of the struggles of the past, as now of the dangers of the future: / / And there too will-succeeding generations do honor to the . memory of those patriots who founded thein stitntion, and who presented such a determined front against the enemies of their country, in this gloomy period of American history. - How, different will posterity regard those in our midst who in these eventful times, have_ no sympathy with 'the cause of Freedom, and would rather aid the most wicked and causeless rebellion the world ever witnessed. The tones of the Revo lution occupied a' fair position so long as the vrar continued, ut succeeding generations des pise their memo -1 -y. And So will it be with the- Vallindigharne; he Woods, the Reeds and their folloivers of the present day.- , The President of the League is Hen. William M. Meredith, the preseht efficient Attorney General of Pennsylvania, who has a national reputation. Among the Vice Presidents is John B. MyermEsq., the well known Auction eer and public spirited citizen of that city, whose political - record is always right. The. Board of Directors -is composed of the most prontinent eit4ens of Philadelphia, and they are men of undnubted ability and patriotism. The Treasurer, Janes L. Claghorn, Esq., hns devoted much Of his time to raising material aid lo meet the requirements of the League, and if he had been at the head of a division in the tield, - he could not have done better service to ~ his country. If some orOur Generals' had dis played equal ability in their sphere, the rebel. lion would have been crushed ere this. Geo, H. Boker, Esq., the energetic Secretary of the / League, has been unremitting in his exertions in fprivarding the interests of the association. the building will be of brick, with Connecti cut brown-atone:corners and dressings: It itf in the French (Ten noissance) style of architect . tare, two stories high, with French roof. The basement and attics will be high and roomy. It will be 100 feet front by 100 feet deep. On the first floor,The hall, 14 feet _wide (floored with marble), will run through the entire building. From this will ascend the .grand staircase, of - black walnut. On one aide will be the parlor, WI 24 feet, : and en suite will be the reception mini; Directors' room and office. On the op - poeite side of the hall will be the dining-room, 40 by 24 feet, and the imoking-room, 40 by 24 ft. In the second story will be reading-room, 56 by 24 ; grand banqueting-room, 58 by 24, with reception-room and library en suite. In the basoment will be the billiard-rooms, kitchens, F=ClMlrjrail; I}l'l y f' =III and Steward's offices.. In the attic will be lo cated sleeping apartments for Steward's atten dants and servants. :The tower will contain bathing-rooms and offices. Every part of the building will be 'Constructed in the most sub stantial manner, of the best material, and the latest improvements and appliances will be in troduced. . The building committee is composed of the following gentlemen H. Ashhurst, Egg., President; Messrs. James W. Claghorn, Wm. Sellers,, James H: Orne, Gee. H. Boger, John Rice, George W. - Whitney, N. B. Browne and Fairman Rogers. The design is by Mr. John Fraser, architeeVof Clr. John Crump is the' builder, both of them gentlemen of the highest reputation in their professions. FROM THE 21ST -CAVALRY Vim 21st in Camp Casey—Temporarily Acting-as Infantry—A Complimentary Order--A Romantic Marriage--A Negro Regiment—Letters from Home. Correspondence of the Franklin Repository. CAMP CASEY, Va., May 21. After a tiresome march 'and some disappoint ments, we have at last encamped at this place. It is situated atthe Virginiaend of Long Bridge. The day after our arrival at Washington': City we were ordered to Belle-Plain and marched to the' wharf, anticipating a speedy trip and - a chance of displaying our bravery in the conflict now going on between the 'Union and Rebel ar mies. But all our hopes were dispelled by the order being Countermanded, and very reldetant ly we went into camp again—the men showing their disapprobation by giving vent to language more expressive than refined. But the .unkind est cut of all had not come yet; and well may we cry "A horse ! a horses my kingdom for a horse !"—for we have been dismounted, and have to act temporarily as infantry. It 'vas very hard for us to part with our horses; and I noticed many a watery eye as the men took a final look or gave kparting caress to the noble animals which they have cared for ever since the reorganization of the Regiment, and which they expected to ride to victory or a patriot's, grave. But we know the Cavalry in the Army of the Potomac stand greatly in need of horses, and must have them,' so the men bore it man fully, and like good soldiers—which 'truly they are—all of them will stand by our Country,right or - wrong. - The Lieutenant Colonel issued 'an order congratulating the officers and men upon the calm, patriotic and soldierly innuner in which they received the order dismounting the Regi ment ; that he observed with pride and satisfac tion that devotion to our cause which prompts them to do their duty to their Country in what ever capacity the interest of the service may require, and that he felt assured by their past and present conduct, their future course will be characterized ,by the same soldierly, bearing. We hope to be mounted again in about aix weeks and then you will hdar a good report of'the gal lant twenty-first. We have had an addition to our Regiment since leaving Chambersburg—being no less than &ve ry pretty and intelligent young lady, who having a bold soldier boy for a lover, put on tha blue uniform and came to this place, where they were married and are now living happy together in a shelter tent. She says she will fight by the side of her husband as long as pos sible. In" the next field to our camp there is a ne gro regiment in barracks. I was surprised - to see with wbat proficiency they drill, and how well disciplined they aro. They handle their arms and march with the precision of Vctent,BBl - I am happy to see that they receive all re spect dae them as linited States - soldiers from the officers and privates of all ranks and regi ments. Those who have never experienced it can scarcely form an idea of hew much good it does a soldier to receive a letter from home, and by preiailing upon those who have brothers and soil in the army to write tether's often. I will hive to stop until I can find something of inte rest to communicate to you. - R. H. I FRONT VIEW OF THE NEW UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, PHILADE!LPHIA. LATEST ARMY NEWS! GRANT'S FLANK MOVEMENT ! LEE COMPELLED TO RE TREAT UPON RICHMOND' Gen. Grant Crosses the Panninky ! A NEW BASE AND WATER LINE! GRANT WITHIN TEN MILES Or RICIIMOND! SHERMAN MARCHING UPON ATLANTA M'PHERSON DEFEATS THE REBELS! BANKS' ARMY SAFE-ITS LOSSES Genf Hunter AdvatchAg, up , the 'Shettandohh The Great Flank no venient-Lee's - Bight Flank Effectually Tnrned-Our - Advance 18 Miles South of Spottsyl. vault& on Saturday-Lee Falling Back -Hard Fighting Expected. GIT/NNET'S STATION, May 21-7. P. M. The Army of the Potomac is again on the march toward Richmond. During the night Hancock's Corps, which had-held the left of our lines in front of Spottsylvania Court House, took up its march, moving on the road parallel with the Ny River. Early this morning it reached Guinney's Sta tion, on the Fredericksburg and Richmond Rail road, twelve miles due south of Fredericksburg. Thence it pushed on ward, folloxing the railroad, and to-night finds the head of Hancock's col umn at Bowling Green, eighteen miles south of Fredericksburg: The other corps have been to-day following the same general line, and the sth is now pass ing the point at Which this dispatch is dated. You will observe from these,indications that the commanding General has effected a turning movement on the right flank of Lee, who is now hastily falling back to take up a fresh defensive position: • It is expected that his next stand will be on the South Anna, although he may endeavor to hit us while moving by the flank, just as he did when outflanked in his lines on the Rapidan. Heavy firing, in fact, is this moment heard across the Ny, where one of our columns is moving. A mile \ south by west of Guinney's Station is the pinnt of confluence of the'Po and Ny Rivers,- and at this point the-..stream is crossed byrGuinney's Bridge, which is in-our possession. The. river south of the junction of the Po and the Ny is called by the inhabitaiits 'of the country the "Mattapony," although the Mat and Ta, its other, two affluents, do no enter it till we reach a point a dozen - miles south of this. Our army is now all gone from the front, it has held Spottsylvania Court House for the ' two weeks, and the lines of Spottsylvania pass into history. They are associate' d with fighting as desper ate as was ever made by embattled foes, and by the greatest valor on the part of both ar mies. • Its woods sepulchre thousands of bod ies of brave men, perished in the great cause for which this army marches and fights and suffers. . * You will notice that our present front, while it puts us in a very advantageous position in regard to the enemy, at the same time perfectly covers our communications, which are by way of Fredericksburg and Aquia Creek: Tbe railroad will soon be open from Aquia Creek to Fredericksburg, and will doubtless be put in order sonth'of that 'point as we advance. CHAMBERSBURG, PA., WED t DAY, JUNE 1, 1864, GREATLY EXAGERATED ~.~ I f, I grip There are also several available points of water communication by the Rappahannock, des at, Port Royal, &c., which will probably be used. I should misrepresent the, conviction of the soundest heads in this army if I should convey the impression that our progress is to be now only a triumphal march. We shall be met by the most obdurate resistance which skill and -courage or; the part of-the enemy can command. But Gen. Grant has given you the' key=note of the sentiment of this army; we shall go through with this business, "if it takes 'all summer to do it." Grant's Great Flank Movement-Dn. poriant ' , ominous Occupied by Our TrZps-Repitise of the Enemy's Cav an' More Victories in Virginia-The Rebels Retreating to Richmondz- Friglitfon Slaughter-The Capture of Many Prisoners. . ' • WASHINGTOII, May 24. 10.30 P. M. To Maj. Gen. Diz, New York:—A despatch, dated at 11 o'clock last night, states that the army moved from its position to the North An na, follovvingPlosely Lee's army. The sth and 6th Corps marched by way'of Harris' stare to Jericho Ford, and the sth Corps succeeded in effecting a crossing andget. ting into position without 'much „opposition: Shortly after, however, they were violently at tacked and handsomely repulsed the assault; which was without much loss to us. We cap tured some •prisoners. Everything looks ex.l ceedingly favorable to us. • Another despatch, giving Inc detail, the move- Meats of our corps, and 'speaking of the rebel assault on Warren's position, says he was at tacked with great veliemace ; and I have ne ver heard more rapid. or successive ,firing, ei ther of artillery or musketry. The attack re sulted in a_destructiie repulse of the enemy, AtthTquisition attacktql by Gen. Hancock, the rebels were intrenched and in considerable force between the creek he had crossed and the river, and made a pertinacious resistance to 4is onset, but before..dark he had forced them from their Works and drove them across the stream. It isralso said that in these engagements the slaughter of, the enemy was very great. Out losses iNere inconsiderable. The rebels charg ed against our artillery, and suffered especially from canister. A dlispatch_frorn Gen. Grant this morning at eight O'clock, has also been received. It states that the enemy has fallen back from the North Anna, and we are in pursuit. Negroes who have come in say that Lee falling baCklo Richmond. Other official despatches from hea•dqnarters, say that Gens. Warren, Burnside and Hancock are pushing forward after the retreating army. Gen. Warren captured g,good number of pris oners, last evening, but has not had time to count them or ascertain his loss. Gen. Hancock, in storming the rifle-pits this side of the river last evening, aletitook between one hundred and two hundred prisoners, and drove many Rebels into the river, where they were drowned: ' - Gen. Warren also captured some official pa pers, and among them an order calling.ont all the boys seventeen years of age to garrison Richmond. The ambulance men andmusicians are also ordered into the camps. Gen/ Sheridadwas at Dunkirk this morning, and will be at Milford to-night. No despatches have been.received from Gen. Sherman to day, and none are expected for several days. Desisatches from Gen Butler have been 're ceived 0-day, relating chiefly to the respective forces.! . Admiral Lee, in a telegram, dated the 22d, to the Secretary of the Navy, states that hot Saturday night tho enemy attacked the army, and ware handsomely repulsed. - A dispatch from Maj. Gen. Canby, dated the 18th, at the mouth of the Red River, states that Gen. Banks' troops , had arrived at Senimesport yesterday, and wouldc at Morganza to-day.— ' The army is in better c ndition than was expec-, ted, and would soon be ready to assume offen sive operations. 1 E. M. Swatrolir, Sec'y of War. i - Gloribus Sneeess—llatfirter Junition in Sight—Brief History of Our Marc hj . I n g and Fighting—Position or 0 n Corps—The Enenty-Cttntest tit e Pass =age of the North Anna—They aro Beat* en—Our Troops oceupY Both Sides of the River. t . Special ' Special Dispatch to Vie N. Y. Tribune. , . NEAR HANOVER JI:TNOTION, May 24—mit4night. - We have to dispatch at oncethe.mcist comL plete and brilliant success of Grant's strategy. The grand flank movement just, exemitedkai driven the enemy from his intrenclinients at 11,1 1 i1,11',1111 11 1„ 7 t",r, IN l I Spnttsylvania Court House,• and our army. has I pushed on toward Richmond with such vigor, that we have to-night forced the crossing of the' North Anna River, and the enemy have been unable to present a solid front before us. We proceed to narrate the marches and Con flicts. Hancock led the march in,this hazar dous, but successful Strategy ; Torbert's reserve ravalry preceded him upon the road, skirraish ng and fighting with the cavalry of the enemy. The first day's , march had fOund Hancock ix miles beyond Bowling Green, near Milford tation, strongly intrenched with three lines of arthWorks, where the single corps wouldglad ly have met and easily repulsed the wholebf -Lee's army: Hancock held and strengthened ibis position on 'Sunday, far in advance upon, the enemy's flunk, white the other corps were moving.,n to supporthihi.', ' ~ '-' 1 Th9th, sth.and 2d ' Corp s advanced upon the roads west of the railroad, crossing the Matta bony above, Hancock having gained the other ide of the river for'them, and all moved down 40-day to a point :tvithin four miles of the rail oad and North Anna River,.called Mount Car mid Church. . By 6 o'clock all were well in position along the line up the river, , expecting thatd few hours would develop the position; strength and inten tions of the enemy. The sth Corps advanced from Mount Carmel Church toward the right, the 2,,t1 Corps toward the left, and the 9th Corps. which came up later, took its position tietween the two. , The head of the column of Warren's corps, which frem the i n accu racy of the maps, had ad vanced upon the wrong road, was fired -into by our own 'cavalry; supposing them to be 'the enemy. The 2d Corps came down the telegraph road, and; proceeding to the left, -one division (Griffin's) was thrown across the railroad; forming the left of the line. Thus situated, we advanced \ toward the river 'in hue of battle. There is near the river a small creek, which flows parallel a shOrt distance and empties into the tiller.. Along a ridge between this and the river the enemy were soon discovered sheltered by rifle pits and .redanti. New Bridge was just beyond, and this , force would attempt to binder the' crossing of the river at,this point. Our lines were prepared for an assault. Birney's division was placed in advance. Half an hour before dark the assault was commenced, and artillery and musketry• came boldly into action -on both sides, but, it was soon evident that•we were too'strong' for them. The affair was gallantly done, and Bit ney's division walked right into the enemy's driving them in confusion and con sternation into the river, many of •whomi. being unable to swim, were ,captured on this side, while a part escaped upon the bridge. The credit of this gallant affair belongs to Crocker's and Egan's brigades. The enemy opposed to them ,were McL'aw's division of Longstreet's corps. Our pickets 'now extend• along the line of the river upon the left. Warren was quite 'an - successful in - a more severe engagement upon the right. The enemy Were repulsed in three handsome charges, and Gen. 'Warren's entire corps pursued him beydnd the river—the other bank of which is now held by his corps, where it is to-night strongly in: trenching itself, and will hold its position until the movement of' other corps have developed more fully. • • Several heavy volleys of musketry are heard at.this writing,indiCating that the enemy are still at work. ,The railroad bridges is, not de stroyed at this place. It is a structure 400 feet long. The army is animated with its success. Gen. Grant's name is on every soldier's lips. Many are so hopeful from all indications as tobelieve that the enemy Will be unable ,to, resist our march outside of the defenses ofßichmend. Such is the apparent success of this brilliant left flank manoeuvre by Gen. Grant. Army of the Potomac Across the Pa. =unity—Hanover Ferry taken Pos. session Of by Gen. Sheridan-11e is Able to Resist Any Atpte.k—Shermank ' Rear' Dallas—H e pushed Johnson ' three Dllies—johnston Strongly Fern. fled' and Ready for - . - , WASELYNGY'OI4. Mayo2B. An official dispatch from the. headivrartem of the Army of the Potomac; at Magabledi Church,' ten miles from Hanover Town; dated7esterday afternoon, at s,o'clock, has been received. It states •that our. army -was withdrawn to the north side of the North Ann, on Thursday night, and.m.oved.toward Hanover the place designated for the crossing' of the Pamnnky : . At nine o'clock yesterday (Friday)mornme 011- 74.....WH0LE NO. 31659. • - Sheridan, with the first and second divisions of eatalry, took possession ofHanoier Ferry and Hanover Town, finding there only a rebel vi dette The first divisions of the Sixth corps arrived at 10 o'clock A. AL, and he now holds theplace with a sufficient force of cavalry, infantry and artillery to' resist any attack likely to be made upon him. The remainder of the corps are pressing forward with rapidity. The weather is fine and the roads perfect. A late dispatch, dated at 7 o'clock this morn ing, the 28th, from the headquarters at Maga hick Church, has also been received: It re ports that everything goes on finely, the weath er is clear, &c. The troops came; up rapidity and in great spirit, and the army will be -beyond. the Pa munky by noon. Breckinrialge is at Hanover Court House with a force variously reported at from 3,000 to 10,000. ,Wickhams and Lon raine's brigade of cavalry are also reported there. The dispatch further states that after seizing Hanover - Ferry, .yesterday, Gen. Lor bert captured severity-five cavalry, including six officers, and that the• rebel cavalry is ex ceedingly demoralized and flees before ours on every occasion. A dispatch from Gen. Sherman, dated May 22, 6 A. M., near Dallas, reposts that the ene my, discovering his, move to turn Altoona., moved to' meet our forces at Dallas. Our col umns met the enemy--about one mile east of the point in view; and we pushed them back about three miles to 'the point where _the roads fork to Atlanta and Marietta. - Here Johnston has chosen a strong line, and made hasty but strong parapets oflumber and earth. Gen. Sherman's right is at Dallas and the centre at about three' miles north. The country is densely wooded, and broken. There are no roads of any cone-• quence. We have had many spirited encoun- tern, but nothing decisive. No dispatches from any other field of opera tions have been received to-day. E. M. STANTON, Sec'y of War. From G e n. Buller's A r m y—Moonlight - Battle, Saturday Night, on tames Ri ver—Repulse of Gen. B e au r e ga rd— Ills Forces Forty Thousand Illen—Ter rible Slaughter of Rebels—Gen. Butler Master of the Position. . _ , W A SHINGTON, May 2. Lieutenant-Commander Lowry, of the Navy, left Geri. Butler's headquarters, on the James River, on Sunday morning, and arrived here about noon to-day. "He has had an interview this afternoon with the President and Secretary of War. He statesthat Gen. Beauregard made a desperate attack upon Gen.. Butler's centre, _ commanded by Gen. Gillmoreon Saturday, by moonlight. Deep ravines protect the works in front of Gen. Butler's right and left ; hence the - attack was made exclusively upon the center. Beauregard led the assaulting column in per son. His force altogether numbered at least 40,000 men, and they were all massed and thrown into this fight., - • Commander ,Lovviy, describes the attack as the mbstitnpetuous and promising, for a time,- in the series of- charges made, that could be imagined. The Reber yelled as they came up, like wild men. Gillmore kept his best possible distance and range, When the word was given, and the death-dealing cannon opened along the' whole center. In-an instant the rebel shouting ceased ; the defiant column advanced no longer. Nothing' but a skeleton was left of it to reel and stagger .back. Beaaregard !rallied ':xte-w—meit4o , the, breach, and again and again Gillmorelnirled the defiant traitors back. The battle lasted two hours, closing about midnight, and was proba bly one of the most desperate conflicts for the 'time it occupied and the number of men engag ed, that has occurred during this war. There is little doubt that Ileauregard was re inforced for this occasion, with the hope of overpowering Gen. Butler. Instead of doing so. however, he was; most gallantly and com pletely repulsed, with terrible slaughter. During the -battle, the gunboats on the James and Appomattox rivers shelled the enemy, do ing great execution. Gen. Butler-was commanding in person dur ing the entire battle, - and at times very much exposed. The position occupied by' General Butler's forces, on a neck of land formed by the course of the two rivers, ia impregnable. It is mire death and defeat to any force, however formid able, that may attempt to take it. Our-loss on Saturday night was comparative ly slight, as we were fighting behing works, but the enemy's loss must' have been very large. from the fact that they were concentrated upon the center in masses, and were not fired upon until near enough to be mowed down with cer tainty._ . . Comoander Lowry says he saw the enemy's ranks 'enmpletely swept ; away one after, the other. The whole affair is a complete ancceas on the part of General Butler, and has proved awfully expeniive to. Beauregard. PERSONAL. —Hon. J. H. Robinson has retired from the 3lorcer Whig, and is succeeded by T. T. Irwin. —Mr: Wm. Knabe, of the firin of Knabe & 0)., the extensive piano manufacturers; of Hal- T.timoro, died on Saturday week, after a protraCt ed illnetss; in the sixty-first year of his age. • • .„—Col. R. H. Wocdworth, of the Pennsylvania Reserves, was killed on the Bth of. May, .at, Lloyd's Mountain, - West Virginia, while acting under Gen. Crooks, and was buried on the bat • - —Hon. James H. Campbell, of Pottsville, Pa., has been appointed by the President Mini ster Resident at Stockholm. The appointment, which is an excellaut, one, has been confirmed.• by the Senate. , - -Intelligence has Been received of the death. of Lieut.-Col. James C. Hull, of the 62d Penn sylvania Regiment, He was wounded in the • in the battle of the. Wilderness, and con veyed to Washington, when the expired on Saturday week. , '—Col. Dick Coulter, of the famous old.lltb Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, reached. Harrisburg last week, suffering frOm a severe bullet wound in the left breast, received while on picket - duty with the Army of the Potosnact,' -He - has been twice reported killed in battle, • and has had the pleasure of reading.hkobitna-- ries in the newspapers. Long„lite to gallant, Dick! , 3. • • - —The following' are num*. the Union on:. -ears in prison at Riebraoptd:- Colonentichtuvt, White r 55th Pi.; F J: Bennett.. 58th Pa.; Ovt:Jsis.,Me ‘ tzgar, Co. C. 550,1,04- Capt.. , D.: W.. F±I,Co. A.ssthPa.; MA.I4" Gatchelf,sBtb. 24.1.4 eat. Patrick ()Vona. Co. o,sfitb liaa..iTTall captured:, during .thaltte - ,battles in Virginia: Got. White 13,th - tether. ef, Mai. White, late St7natac from