8 II siiintlit, .ggpg#.setg. SUMMARY OF WAS NEWS. —Get, - Banks, according to a Cairo dispatch, beef► ordered . tc; . report at New Orleans. —ln the capture of Yazoo City by Gen. McAr thur the rebels lostlargely in killed and wound e4l. peral McPherson captured, on the 13th, nine iffilioadztrains below Reinc,a, laden with various Miliiirry stores fOr Dalton. - Bramlette, of Kentucky, has issued 'a call 'for, ten 'thousand six months' troops to " help to finish this war and flare our govern ment." Ile offers to lead them. —Gov. Bradford, of Maryland, on Saturday week, issued a call for two or three regiments of one hundred days men, to relieve the regular troops on garrison duty in the city. —Accounts multiply that the'tebel prisoners who:have faltt into our hands are very gene rally qhe war, and frankly. admit that Lee's army cannot hold out lunch longer. —Gen. Sherman, it is announced in a dispatch from Nashville, is in possession of Kingston, - Rome, Cassville, and the line of the Etowah.— The army - had heavy skirmishing with the ene my all the way from liegavt. Johnston is be lieved to be'at Adanta. —A riot of females, demanded-- " bread or blood," took place in Savannah on,the 27th ult. The band appeared armed in the streets, seiz ing all the food they could find. The military were' called out, suppressed thetutnult and the ringleaders were - consigned to prison. will be gratifying to persons having friends ,wounded in the recent battles of the Wilderness to learn that arrangements have been made that the ' wounded who are , able,to beg so- treated, are to receive a furlough° for thirty-days, while the . great part of those who are fit to travel will be forwarded to the hOspi tals of their respective States. , ---The Richmond ,papers, in referring to i the_ death of Gen. Jeb. Stuart, speak of his lose' to the Confederacy as equal to that of Stonewall Jackson. In the same engagement in which Stuart was killed, they lost Col. H. Clay Pate, of Karlin Border Ruffian notoriety, and Li&rt. Col. Robert Randolph—both killed outright The Rebel Gen. Gordon was also severely wound ed. : —The Richmond Eiaminer of May.l2, says: —" The enemy have concentrated. in Virginia. If Neaten here he is beaten everywhere. If he ti i"ns here he wins everything. The war might continue, the Confederacy might survive, but if Virginia is lost, the present Confederate organization will not probably survive. Hea ven and earth now calls on the Government to bring up all the troops at its command. • House of Representatives, recently, by a vote' of 72 in tLe affirmative to 45 nega tives; or nearly two to one, adopted the joint resolution to drop from the rolls of the army unemployed general officers. Major Generals George B. M'Clellan and John C. Fremont are most prominent among those who will be af cted by the act. It will result in an annual saving of something more than $200,000 to the country. —The column under Sigel, now definitely as certained not to have exceeded six thousand, was driven"back on Sunday week by a force of rebel infantry under Gene. Echols and Irnhoden. Sigel lost five pieces of artillery, i _6oo killed. and -wounded, and, 500 prisoners. He brought off his wounded and preserved his trains intact, and is now at Strasburg, a strong defensive po sition. We do 'nOtAbink - he can be further mo lested.- The r4elTloss is not given. . _ —The'Charlesten Mercury gives an affecting account of the killing of Miss Pickens, daughter of the rebel ex-Governor Pickens. She was about to be married, and the wedding party had assembled at the house of Gen. Bonham, when a shell from the Union forces penetrated the house and wounded the bride so that she died soon afterward. The marriage ceremony was completed as she lay dying on the floor.— Lieutenant De Rochelle was the•bridegroom. —A friend, who has lately been at Freder icksburg;-tells the: following ineideut, related to pith there.. by a wonnded staff officer : The Sixty-second New , York had been engaged and under fire all day 'in one of the recent battles and Gen. Getty gave orders to have them re lieved and sent to the rear to rest. A sergeant, who heard the order given, and happened to be near the General, touched his cap and said ‘f If it's all the same to you, General, we'd rather stay where we are." —An official report of the killed and wounded 'in the late battles, present-the- facti that 4,000 men were, killed, about 25.009 wounded, and 5,000 missing—the latter includes stragglers and prisoners. It is also stated, on the same accu rate authority, that not more than ten per cent. have been dangerously wounded, and that a large number will be ready for the field within , the next two weeks. This statement should go far to soothe the anxiety of thousands who are interested in the fate and condition of those brave defenders of the flag. • —The headquarters of the Lieutenant Gen eral and General Meade are always establiked near each other, and in action the two Generals and Staffs are always together. Gen. Meade retains the immediate command of the army, while Gen. Grant exorcises a general supervi sion over the movements over , the whole field In regard to the operations of this army the two Generals are constantly in consultation, and it would be hard, I think, to say how much his own practical share in the actual command is. Perhaps I may say :that Gen. Grant indi cates the strategic moves and combinations, while Gen. Meade takes charge of their tech nical execution. —The more sagacious military men in Wash ington are expecting asix weeks' campaign in Virginia before Richmond falls. Gen. Grant will not throw his troop) needlessly against the intrenchments of the. rebel capital, even if he should have the opportunity, which is not ex. pected at present. ='-General Grant has aver countenanced the announcements of " great victories" in the newspapers; on the contrary ho has continually said that still harder fighting OM was to come, and that the rebel army has not yet been beaten. He also said te-an eager and enthusiastic friend, who was inquiring in refe renc,e to the prospect of-capturing Richmond; and especially in respect to the time when the I rebel 'capital ynight be expected to fall intoOnT hands: "I shall be quite readyto compromise on the Fourth of Jiily!" —The Richmond Examiner of May 14 says " The funeral of the much lamented andsbrave Gen. Stuart took place yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, from St. James' Church, corner of Marshall and Fifth streets. At ttre appofnfee hour the cortege appeared in front of the church. and the metallic coffin containing the remains of the noble soldier whose now silent voice had so often startled the enemy with his stirring battle cry was tarried down the center aisle and placed before the altar. Wreaths and crosses of ever green, interwoven with delicate lilies of the valley, laurel and other flowers of purest white, decked the coffin. The pall-bearers were Gen. , Bragg, Maj. Gen. M'Cown, Gen. Chilton, Brig. Gen. Lawton, Com.' Forrest; Capt. Lee of the navy, and Gen. George W..Eandelph; formerly Secretary of. War. The, scene was sad and 'impressive. President Davis sat near the front,. with a look of grief upon his careworn cams. His Cabinet officers were gathered around,4vhile rin either side were the Senators arld-Represen tatives of the Confederate Congresi." CtAl 0:14 o'l Pi (Mrl —The Union men of Green county have nom inated Hon. Geo. V.°Lawyenee for Congress, Zadoc Gordon for Assembly, and Thomas. Hill for Sheriff. —Aaron Mull, Esq., the Union Presidential Elector appointed for the Eighth Congressional District, having died, the name 41f,Wtri. Taylor, of Berks County, has been substituted to fill the vacancy. -This is an excellent-choice and can not fail to be entirely satisfactory to the Union men throughout the county. —The advioes from New Orleans say, that the Louisiana State- Convention had amended the Constitution by a vote of 70 to 16 that sla very , and involuntary servitude eicept for the punishment of crime, are hereby. forever abet: ished and prohibited in the State, and that the Legislature shall make no laW recognizing the right of propertY, —The 15th Congressional district, composed of the ; Counties of Cumberland, Perry and York," has elected Hon. Thos. E. Cochran, of York; and Levi Kauffman, of Cumberland, delegates to the National Convention. David E. Small, of‘ York, and A. K. Rheem, of Cumberland, county, were elected as alternates. The dele gates were instructed to vote for the re-nomin ation of Abraham Lincoln. . —TheUnion men. of little Blair have nomi nated Hon. Louis. W. Hall for Congress, S. R. M'onne for Senater, Joseph G. Aillum for As sembly, Jos. Robison for Sheriff, A. S. Morrow for Prothonotary and David Stitleler for Trea surer. Mr. Hall has been nominated - afteratn exciting contest over his old preceptor, Hon. Samuel Calvin, who was elected to Congressi in 1848, and his triumph was doubtless materially aided by the bitter personal warfare waged against him by some of the indiscreet friends of his competitor. He has twice polled the strong -est_vote of his ticket in the county, and if nom inated by the district may be 'safely counted as a "through nag." Eltg and ,fancp Gootto. N t E W , GOODS, - . The subscribers are now offering a large lot of Linen Duck, Damask Huckaback, Russia Diaper and Crash, Irish Linen, &0.. • 100 dor Lilo Threat and • V? Silk Gloies, - extra super quality Black and Colored Dross Silks, Cloths and Cassimoros, 1% and 1% Bombazines,- _ : • 34 and 13.5.Phiekandpolored Del sins,. Black - Alpaceas, • •1 Cocheco, hierjmno and Spragues Prints. 100 dos super French Shirt Fronts, 100 Balmoral Skirts. Water Proof Clothe, Brimsells, Extra sup and sup IngraidCarpots, 1, 1%,1%, 2,2%, Fioor Oilcloths, 200 doz Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Cocoa and Canton Matting. - 500 yards Dutch Carpet. - mar 2) SKIRTS ! SKIRTS ! ! SKIRTS !1 ! M. A. JONES CELEBRATED "NE PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT. SOLD ONLY AT, N 0.17 NORTH Bth Bt.. PHILADELPHIA Skirts of all lengths, and any size waist made to order and satisfactionguaranteed. '- Ladies; Misses and Children's Skirts of every size and shape, constantly on hand. Every Skirt toerrented for Six Months. READ HOW WE DO BUSINESS. - - - - - - - - We do not make any cheap 'kit* in the unitarian ae6eptation of the term, but we-make THE CHEAPEST-SKIRTS MADE, because we make - THE BEST AND DEFY COMPETITION. We warrant every skirt we sell to be exactly' ai represented. We make all we sell, and knowing how they are made we guarantee them with full coati dome. If we sell a bad skirt, we wit/exchange it for a new one, and if they, get out of order or break with in Aix wontba, we will repair them free of Charge. We mean to give our customers full satisfaction, but we cannot do so and compete with the low priced auction goods. We depend entirely upon the an- ' periority of the goods we offer, and the fairness of our method of doing business. Orders left at Shryock's 'Book Store. DIRECTIONS FOR DIEASURMENT. Take the exact size of the waist, without any al lowance. The exact length required and the size around the bottom spring. Also, if thoskirt is to be . largo, small, or medium size at the top, and whether ' a trail or plain round skirt. M. A. JONES No. 17 North, fith St, Philadelphia. . angl9- • Over the Waafigure. pABENTS OF IiOLDIERS in the ser Tice cr in Ilettitaft,con furnieh them with the ItaICSITORY three menthe fer2.s ete.; six months kr 6 or t Ytol fit $1 in BUSINESS C#RDS, or ovary size and variety. Printed , Promptly and in Oat style at theJittroarroitY office, , VAI? 4i FOI SALE:—A valuable farm; 12 Coo tainitig US ACRES and 52 PERCHES of first-rat , • LIMESTONE LAND'; situate in Mont= gamery iownahip. Franklin county, Pa., within 2;4 miles of Mercersburg, and 1 4 mile from the Turn pike .le: ding to Greencastle, bounded by lauds of Dr. J.-M.Heister. Noah _Myers and others. 'The above described Farm is in a high state of cultiva tion, and over 800 panels of good Post Fence. The improveinents are a new two-storied BRICK HOUSE, with good Log Kitchen and Dining Room attached, a good Double Log Barn,. sheaded alt :wound: with two floors, Brick Granary, good Car riage House, Wagon Shed, Smoke House, So. A ;ood thriving Orchard of first-rate Grafted Fruit, a never-Maine Well of Water with Pump 'Lathe ,ya rd. end Running Water convenient for stock. Astnall portion of laid Farm isof good TIMBER. There is Also good Water Power and Mill Seat on said prem ses. Also, ah3ut_l7 ACRES of good T I 141 BE It LAND, about.!.t. mile from satitl.Farm, which will m sold with or without the above, to - suit purchasers. If the above property is not wild:at Private Salo be- tore the Ist of September, it - will; he sold at Public gutery to that day. Any person wishing to view mid premises can do so by calling on the under- Aigned. Executor, residing on said Farm. JAME;S WITHERSPOON, maylB-tsl Ex'r of John Witherspoon, dee'd. L .Lancreocr Examiner copy a and send bill for col.) FArda FOR SALE.—Conittitiing - • r 33 • ACRES of good SLATE LAND,-and nearly dl.frodi Limed. Bounded by lauds of Daniel Mil . mr, Abram and Noah Myers. The above Farm is in a good state of cultivation, with over:3oo panels of good Post Fence. The improvements are a good LOU.OUSE, good Log and Frame Barn, sheaded with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. A good Young Orchard of choice Fruit and a never-failing Well, with Pomp, in the yard. About 20 Acre. of above Farm covered with good TIMBER. Ti 11.4 Dwell ing is a. very pleasant and comfrirtable situation. about 3 miles from Mercersbummmthe road lead, jug to the Corner. The above Farm. if not sold at I private before, will he offered at Public Sale on the 114 dot of SepieMber, when an indisputable title will he given by the undersigned, Eme 4 utor. JAMES lT CARSON, Executor of the Estate of John Little, decd. VS- Any person wishing to view said farm can do ; so by c tiling on the subscriber, residing about 14 mile from said Farm. maylB-ts- JAMES WITARSPOON. [Lancaster Examiner copy 3t and send bill for col.] TA VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR Y SALE.-The undorsighed Will' sell ut Private I Sale, his TANNERY. known its the Corner TannorY. with Steam and Water PoWer. SAW-MILL, Choi,- ping -Mill. Stocks fur Lircakinghides..k.c. Thu 'Can ' nery hasS Leeches, 32Vats,•2 Limes and Water Pool, and is .capable of tannin— Mu henry hides a year. There are two LOG DWELLING HOUSES. Barn. Stable and other necessary out-buildings connected with the Tannery, and abbot 60 Acres cleared, with good fruit. Ho will sell any quantity of land With. the Tannery, from 100 to M 0 Acres, Over WO Aeres are Timber, and an, ample supply of Chestnut Oak Bark to run the Tannery for fifty years. It is situ ! ated about 7 miles South-cast of'llereersburz. 00- Licking Creek. Terms made 'easy. 11 7 ” r further i nartica lars address the undersigned, at Mercerr. hurg, Frankiin co., Pa. [angl2-tf] C. METCALF. TMPORTANT TO IRON MANUFAC TURERS AND STOCK ItAISERS.—I will sell at - Private Sale, 1.300 ACRES' OF PATENTED LAND. situated in St. Thomas - township. Franklin county. Pa., on the Public Road leading frov Guy er's Tavern to Loudon, 6 miles from the latter place. ,About 100 Acres of this tract are cleared, the balance covered with thriving Chestnut and other Tat UR, which would answer for Cord-weed, or Rails. There is also good apPearanceof IRON ORE on theorem - ises. Coal hearths are leveled on must of the Tim ber land. The improvements are a LOG HOUSE: Log Barn and 4 Tenant Houses,'and good Apple Orchard. Peach, Cherry and Pear Trees. Also—A SAW MILL and CHOPPING MILL. in good run -, ning order. with 18 feet of bead and fall. This pro perty would aflord a good opportunity to make money: For terms apply to the subseoiber. residing on the premises. ifebtl-tf FRI:DT-GILBERT. 200 dos Hosiery. 30 pieces Russia Duck, WM. WALLACE & CO Zbe Jranhtin Papositorn, Ural Ootate *atm cl MALL FARM FOR SALE.—Tbe sub scriber will sell at Private Sale, the SMALL FARM on which he now resides, situate in Antrim township, Franklin county, about six miles from 43reoneastle. on the Cashtowu road.: ad:mining lands of Samuel Myers and others, Containing about 40 ACRES, all cleared land, in good order and under good fence. There is a,YOUNG ORCHARD of thrif ty trees on the place, and a Well of excellent Water. The improvements consist of a two-story L 0 0 DWELLING HOUSE, u Bank Barn 42 feet long. and well finished, and all other nocessaryont-boi/d -; jugs. Possession will be given on the Ist of April. P 364. Terms will be made known on application to the subscriber, residing on thepremives. oct2l-tf SAMUEL C,KRIDER. FORHOUSE AND LOT , SALE— xi the borough of M'Connellsburg, Fulton cHunts. Pa. Large Double TWO STORY HOUSE; Eleven Rooms, kitchen: W ash House, dm.: TWO LOTS OF GROUND, choice Fruit and Shrubbery t Sta- Wing for thirty-five horses. Location and buildings suitable for a Hotel, having been used as a f avern for a number of years. First-rate Well of waterca the door. All in good order. -The :nbseriZ,er will sell at a bargain and give possession at Hoy time. For information call on or address ROBERT AULTS, - atayll-61 MT'annellsbarr. Fulton Cfainty, Pa. rA - tLUABLE TOWN ITOPERTY FOR SALE.—The HOUSE and LOT 6n Weq Mar ket street,. Charnbersburg. now occupied by no% F. M. Kitnraell, is offered at private sale. For price and terms apply to NI'DOWELL. mar.n-tf , A V ERN STAND - AT PRIVATE T SALE.—I will sell or exchtince the INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL for property in Chninherehurtr or vicinity. [pv2o-if] JOHN W. TAYLOR. knot, stolen ant c,tranet. TIAGERSTOWN BANK, May 10,-1864. IA C9UTIO/Y.--Thepublicxreexuciouedagxinat the negoeiation of the following SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS OF "TILE FRANR . I,IN RAIL ROAD COMPANY,whieh have been lest or - mislaid, torwit : - Forty-eight Bonds of the denomination of $300.' with Coupons attached. having the following num bers: Nos. 3,4, 8,9, 12. 13.44, 48.59, 63. 64. 72. 75. 76. 80 403;105, 106. 107, 108.109.111. 163.165,166, 167. 174.1 175, 176,177, 178, 186, 250, 252. 255, 958, 259, 260, 272, '273,278. 281, 286, 288,289, 294, 297, 300. Also, ono hundred and thirty-nine Bonds of. the denomination of $lOO, with Coupons attached, and which have the follawingutnbers: 305,310,3'20,32.1, 325, 326, 327::,_.8, 340 . ."341. 302, 343, 344, 373,374, 375. 37tV377. 578, 379, 426, 427. 445, 470. 478, 480,481. 500, 511. 502, 503, 504. 5:61, 54(1. 515, 546, 517.551', 552, 558, 534, 564, rvi3, 561. 570, 571.572 573, 575, 5:4,1, 581, 592, 546,599, 591, 592, 594, 692, (103, 606, 607. 1108. 609, 610;613, 616, 617, 618,- 619, 622. 691. 625. 6.9. 634 634, 635, 6%, 652, 653. 663, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 673, 674. 675, 676, 677, 678, 670, 680, 681. 688, 689. 6 91, 692, 6113, 695. 701,702, 7(6, 707, 711, 712, 713, 714. 715, 716. 722, 723; '124, 75u. 753, 754, 755, 758, 759. 760. 762, 767, 773. 779, 740, 781. 783, 786, 787, 794 , 703, 794, 795, 70b, 797. 798. 799. mayll-3t WM. M. MARSHALL, CnOtier 9 RE,W A R D.--;Stolen from-the enbseriber. at Goshert's Mill, in Green township, on Friday. the 95th ult., a Pocket Book. containing about . 4 t31) in U. S. Money: a Note on $6: Jacob Garver for ',3: a note otnD. H. Lehman-for , $2.5. and other papers of no value to any person but the owner. The above reward will be paid for the mem cry of the pocket hook .And contents. and the detection of the -thief. All persons are cautioned not to negotiate for either of the above Notes. as payment has been stoppedmany4-4t on each of therm ISAAC L. SHETTEB. trv. DII, W. W. 5C111.41.541. DR.' .1, M. PEVDICORD. DENTISTHY.—Office in Mr. Joni . NON CS BUILDI:43, Second Floor, immediately opposite the Franklin House. Having bad an ex perience of a number of years, and for the last four years in Chainbersburg, they feel warranted in say nag that they will be able to please any one who may give them a call. TEETH INSERTED ' From one to a full set, on fine Gold, Silver, Kale pinet iv or Vulcanite Anther Bizee, at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any other Dentist outside of the cities. Teeth andßoote skilfully extracted or plugged to last for life. Tar ter and other foreign substances removed, thusbean tifying and preserving the teeth. Gold and Silver Plates neatly repaired or taken in exchange for the Vulcanite Amber Base, which is much cheaper. ntnre durable and lighter than metalie or other plate, and is worn with perfect ease and comfort, being kept in its place by atmospheric pressure, The plate will not corrode or oxidize. as Will' a inetalio plate. Specimen plates to be seen at the office, where con sultation can be had at any time. Satisfaction guar anteed or no charge. Beet of references given. 1a.p27 IEMOVAL. -DR. J. K. REID, Dentist, has removed his officefrom the corner of the Publio Square, where ho Praltised so many Years, to the comer of Main and Queen Streets, above Ileyser resslor's Drug Store, Chambers burg; Pa., where hew ill be pleased to recieive the oath: of his friends. inn17;63.. DR. N. SCHLOSSER HAS REMOVED his Dental Office to the Diamond, opposite the Chambcraburg Bank. on the Second floor of the Mansion House, where ho can always be found, be tween the hours of A.M., and 4P. M. api3-tf ! • 18 • • 15, I 64. ,~inaric~. TT S. 10-40 BONDS.---TMseßondsare • issued under the Act of CentrreSs Or:March lith. 1.8.61. which provides that oh Bonds issued under this Act shall be, EXEMPT 'FROM TAXATION by or under any'State or municipal authority: Subscrip tion's to these Bonds are received in, United' States notes or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at thePleaSure of the Gov ernment, at any period, not Ice*; time ten nor Snore then forty peace from their date, and until their re- ti demotion FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST \r ILL. BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds,nf not over ono hun dred dollars annually and all other Bonds semi-an nually. The interest is payable on the firstla'ys of March and September in each year. Subscribers will receiv,:o eithei Registered or Cou pon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bends are recorded on the books of the U.:S. Treas l Urer, and can be transferred only on the owner's order Coupon Bonds are payable to order, and aro more convenient for commercial Subscribers to this loan.will hav : e the . option of ha ving their Bonds drirr interest .from . March 10, by Paying the accrued_ interest in cojn--(or in Uhited States notes. or the notes of Nationalßanks, adding fifty percent. for premium,) or receive them draw ing interest from the slate of:subscription and depo sit. As these Bonds are . - Exempt frbin Muniapa4 of State Taxation, 'their value is increased from one to three per cent. Per annum. according to the rate of tax levies in various pert: , of the c'ountrY. At the present rate of Premium on gold they INLY OVER EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST in currency, 'and arc of equal convenience aa Per manent and temporary investment. It is betieVod that no securities offer so greet in ducements to lenders as the various dektripti(ims of U.S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtednee;s: the faith and ability of private parties or stock leota-- P:imies or separate communities only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States' the whole property of • the country is holden to secure the Payment of both n'rincinle and interest in ICIA». These Bonds may he subscribed for itistuns from $l3O up„ , to any magnitude, on the same term!, and are thus made equally availablatO 'the sinallesvren der and the largest ‘capitalizt. They can be' equ- vertedintopOney att any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. • It may be useful to state in thiS cOneeetion that the total PundmiDebt of the United States on - which interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day sf, March. 1864, was .$768.975,600. The interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will be 45,937,126, while the customs reVeaue in gold for the current fiscal year ending June 3Dth, 1864; has gen so far at the rate of over $100,009,000 per annum. Tt will be seen that even the Present golf! re enucs of 'the Government are largely in excess of the wants of the Treasn#.for the payment (iftolii interest, while the recent 'increase of the tariff' will doubtless raise the annual receipts 'from cultems on the same amount of 'importations, to $150,000,000 per annum. , , Instructions to the National Banks acting as Man' agentswere not iss . ned from the United States Treas ury until March 25, belt' in the first three weeks of April the subseriirtions averaged mere thud TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. • Subscriptions. will be received by .the. • First National Bank of Philadelphia, Ph. Second National Bak of Philadelphia, Pa: Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. • ANIY BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are depositaries.' of Public money; and all -RESPECTABLE BANKS. AND BAN - KERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Na 1, tional Depolitory Banks.) will furnish further infer , mation'on appliattiou and. • AFFORD EVERY - FACILITY TO SUBS,CRI ; . imay4-2m , - TT REVENUE TAXES.---1 3 0sons t...) • AssesSed under the Internal Reyenue 'Laws, Ire hereby notified that the Books of the Aslistant Aisessors Will be opbn for their inseeetion wild the. :Bth of ...lbw inst. Those in Franklin county who desire to Apipeal,witl. du so, in Writing, on or-before that day. and deliver the same to N. P. PiAll,l4:, Esq., Chauthersburg, R. G. HARPER, mayl3-2.1 Assessor Itith bistrict_Penua. . ^ atriiro 3rbortrp. v., A -II G BAU S _EA CLOCK, WATCIPAND .' • JEWELIZY'ESTABLISH-MENT, MAIN ST., NEXT THE POST orspro4 ulx,6lßEßslituto, PA. - The undersigned would respectfully call attention ' to hia present stock, consisting of ' • W. At TOR ES.' ; Gold and Silver, of American and European man ufacture, of all qualities and styles, and • at the lowest prices. i CLOCI S In great variety. Parlor ManteL - Of4ce,*. JEWEI:EY It Y . The newest and most desimbl e i4tyl es of:Onyx, Coral and - Pearl; Gold Chains, Bracelet, Finger Rings, Gold Thimbles,: Sleeve gut tons,Necklaces,Artnletsjda- sonic and Odd Fellows' Breast Pins be. MOURNING AND JET JEWELRY. A splendid stock and newest styles. SILVER AND. PLATED WARE. Consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, ',Mugs, Spoons, - • Fdrks. tike., be. • - GOLD PENS I t From tho best and most celebrated manufactories. EANCY GOODS. A very tarn:: and attractive stork. cuTLEity AND POCKET KNIVES. Retiger's superior Pen Knives, (gt• dirierent'lquali - ties and prieeli. GOLD. SILVER, AND STEEL SPECTACLES. The long !xperieneu of the undersigned in the tie , lection and adaptation of Glasses ena: 7 bled him to suit'.anY At no time have the people of this county had a more attractive and exterinve stock to eclat from than is now presented at the , establishment; of the andel-Of:11 , d. "Every article is new and of the latest style, and will be sold alit the very lowest pride. An examination is solicited before purchasing else where. 11, LP Arlan done at the shortest notice hy com petent workmen. E. AUGHINBAITGa se23. .2d door South of Post Office, Chamb'g. JACOB, HARLEY, (Successor to Stau No. 622 •MAREET ST., PHIL A DE LP HIA. Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES; pine Gold JEWELRY: Solid SILVER-WARE. and the BEST MAEI of SILVER PLATED-WARE. Con stantly on band a large assortmeht of the abovo goods at low price*. Watches and Fine Clocks REPAIRED, by skillful workmen; also, Jewelry repairing; Engraving and all kinds of Hair-work to order, at short notice. le— Don't forgot the OLD STAND, No. 622 Market St.. Philad'a. . .rap2o-3ml ' S:4 F. HENRY HARPER, No. 520 Anon ST., PWLADELPMA,I I I... , Manufaiturer and Dealer in 1 ' W ATCHES F.iNEJEWELRY,_ SOLID SILVER WARE • and ROGER'S SUPERIOR PLATED WARE. • .0V - All kinds of Silver Mare made on the promi ses. Watch Repairing carefully done. , rinar23-3m -KEROS,ENE LANTERNS, Kerosene Lamps, Kerosene Oil at ; fd7. , BOYD'S Grocery. LiLANK DEEDS.—An Assortniont of 'BLANK DEEDS.inet printed on fino l PareW went Paper, and for eale at the Iteroarrop Office iLegat latices. XTOTICE TO Tlik., TAXPAYERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY.—The Taxpaysr_ s of Franklin county will please takeMotiee, that?' will meet them at the following places for the purpose of receiving the State, County and Military Taxes for the year 1861 viz : , L ETTERK EN N Y--Straslzoirg,.nt the House of J. R. Weist, on Wednesday andTkursday, the2sthaad :With days of May._ ST. THOMAS—At the Stoller& D on A Elder, in, St. Thomas, on Friday anti S turdaY the 27th and '‘lith days of May. GREEN—Fayetteville Tat eHo se of John S. Brown, on Monday, the 39th my of ay, and atthe House of M. Shoemaker, In recurl lago, on Tues day, the 31st dal . of May.. . SOUTHAMPTON—Mt. Rock - Scheel House, on Wednesday. the Ist day of Jane. and at the House of W. S. Bard. in Orrstown, on Thursday, the 2d day of Juno. GUILFORD—Marion, at the House of Jeremiah Burk,'On Friday, the 3d day Of June, and at the - lipase of Mrs. IL Snider, In Now Fran kiin;on Ss,- turtlay. the 4th day of June. HAMILTON—At the House of John Gordon, on Monday arid Tuesday, the, 6th - and 7th days of June CHAMBERSBURG—At therec.snrees Office, on Wednesday and,Thursday, Bth and 9th doy: June. None but Penna. and Government funds re ceived for Taxes. [apl3] J. G. ELDER, Trero,„ - P. S - .-LICENSES:—AIt persons wbose.names hare been published in the Mercantile Appraiser's List, who arc required to- pay a license (except thoso ex onerated) will please take up said Licenses at the abbve Mentioned places. J. G. E. • A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tinp is herehyliien that Letters of Adminis- - tration on the Estate orlT-m. Hays, late of Fannett towaship. deed, have' been granted to the under signed, 'residing in Concord. All persons knowing themselves indobted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having chums will present thorn properly au thenticated for se ttlem ent. OMYIB • WM. 11. LITTLE:Adm'r. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No . tice is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of JoSonh Seibert., late of Fanned townshsp. deed., have been granted to the under signed. residihg in said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate Payment;and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. innylB G. lil..ll3'eAßTNEY,.Adrer. L k DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Nt=. tice.ii hereby given- that Letters Of Adminis tration-on the Estate of :Mary Leslier late of Guil ford township, deed, have been granted to the an, der irned, residing in said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and the , C having claims will please present them pro- . perly authenticated for settlement. apt-13t* CHRISTIAN LESSER. Adm'r. A .DMINISTRATOk'S NOTICE.-=No -11 tide is hereby given that Letters of Anrainis tratibn of the Estate of Anna B. Caufmnn, !moot the Borough of Chambersburg. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, ,residing in said Bor ough. .; All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate µill please inako immediate paynkont: and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. ap7.7 A. D. CAUFMAN, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminie tration on the Estate of John M'Kee, late of Wash ington township. deed. have been granted to" the undersigned, residing in Waynesboro% All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate-will please make immediate. payMentOind those having claims will present,them properly au thenticated for settlement. ap27 . JOSEP . DOUGLAS. Adm'r. ALMIINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—No tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis trn•inn on the Estate of Isaac iternisderfer. late of An trim township, dee'd, have been granted to tha unders4med, residing in Greencastle. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and tho,e having 'claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. ap2o JOTIN ROWE; Adner. VXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notiek is hereby g.iveh.that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of `Margaret Schneider, late of the Borough of Greeneastle. -- deed, have bean granted to the un derAgned, residing in said Borough: All persons kruiiving themselves indebted. to said Estate will please make immediate payment and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated forsettsement. • innylB DANIEL KOHLER. Ex'r. V . XECUTOR'S - NOTlCE.—Notice is L 4 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to, the Estate of Catharine Snider. late of Hamilton town ship, Imre been granted to the undersigned, resid lug iri said, township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate wilt please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly an thenticated for settlement. maylB • JOHN N. SNIDER, Ex'r. NOTlCE.—Notice is 1-1 hereby given that Letters Testamehtaryto the Fstate of Magdalena Streit late of Washington township. dee'd, have been granted to the under signed,. residing in Guilford township. All Parsons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly au- Tenticated for settlement. ap27-6t* CHRISTIAN "USHER. Ex'r. 1 AST NOTICE.—I have tried in. vain LI to make fences to kelp the town .Cows from comaiitting depredations upon fields and gardens, and hereafter all stray cattle or other stock found on my premises, will he taken up as Estrays and ad vertised and disposed of aceordiny to law. without respect to persons:' [maylB-3t] A. K. M'CLURE. iUtal otirer-. EADQUARTERS, PROVOST ikIAR. SFIAL, SIXTEENTH DISTRICT PENNSTLAVNIA. Chambersburg, May 12. 1864.. - The attention of the public is called to the follow ing Circular from the Office of the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General of .the Western Division of Penna. • • - 'Citizens desiring a full and accurate enrollment of persons,liable tb an military daty,gtro requested to communicate Such - infortnntion as 'May lead to the same to their respective Enrolling Officers, or to these Headquarters. The several Enrolling Offictws are informed that they will shortly receive, tly mail, the requisite printed instructions and blanks. GEO. EYSTER, Cant. and Pro. Mar.l6th Dist. Pa. • STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Ogee of the A. A. Provost•Marsliat General. _ Hayrrislem, May 7th, MI. 111 ' 4l. LThe different Boards of Enrollment, Western Division. Pa., are required to immediately proceed to execute the Sixth Section of the Act of Congress. entitled. 'An Act to amend an act for Enrolling and 'Calling Out the National Forces, and for other pur poses," approved Vela. 24,1564, . 11. They will at once appoint the necessary En rolling Officers for their respective Districts, with instructions 1. To enroll all persons whose names have been omitted by the proper Enrolling Officers, in . :in: viola enrollments. 2. All persons who‘sliali arrive at the age of 20 years before the Draft. 3. All Aliens who shall have declared their inten tion to become citizens. • • • 4. All persons discharged from themllltarY or naval service of the United States, who have not been in such service for two years during the present war, ' 5. And all persons exempted under the provisions of the 2d Section of the enrolling act, approved -- March 3d. 1863. but not exempted under the pro. : . ' visions of the , act approved Feb. 24,1884. 111. The'Boards of Enrollment will also at once proceed to strike from , the enrollment, upon satis factory proof 1. The names of all persons who have arrived at the age of 45 years. 2. The names of all persons manifestly physically or mentally unfit for the service. 3. The names of suah - persons fur great this time, ac tually and legally in the military or naval ser vice of the United States, - 4. The names or such persons as have served in'the military or naval soryiee. two years or more, during the present war, and been honorably dis charged therefrom. IV o the end that all persons interested may have n icb and the object m view (a complete and ace ura revised enrollment) pro moted..Distriet Pro vost M hall are directed to publish the lat, 2d, 3d. and-4th paragraphs of this order in the authorized' newspapers of their respective districts. ' *,**a *, * * J. maylB3t) • I.t. Cal. 16th U.S. In BOMFORD, '- A. A. P. M. Gem. 'VISITING CARDS printed 'in best V style and at shortest notice, at the REPosiranY office. WEDDING CARDS printed in very T beat etyle:ettlie RSPOSIT Oar 0 ifiCe. Regal ileum. EGISTEB'S pons _LI) interested will 3)leese takenotipe that the fol, lowlnkaccountants have settled their acifimnier- - fur, the Register's office of Franklin County. and .that the same will ho presented , to, the Orphism' Court. .for confirmation, on.TuescteKthe 7th day pf J une, 1864. at the Court House in Charehersburg - 76. First and final Aocoicint of Jacob - Minima r t.' Administrator of Esther Helen tine, deo'd. - 77. Account of Wtn. A. Duncan. Trustee forth '- sale of Real F.stato undor - the will of Jacob Mun dorff. Sr., decd, • 78. Aeeount- of Daniel - and J. S. Brewer, Admitua-&- trators of Jos. Brewer, dec'd. of Montgomery township, 711.. First Account of Albertus A. 'Miller, Adminis trator of the Estate of Henry Miller. late of Antrim township. dec'd. SO. First and final Account of Peter Shively and Lewis W ampler, Executors of Daniel Shively late! of Chambershurg. deed. 81. Second and final Account of S. R. Pritteri3or Administrator of Daniel Cramer late of Letterkeni* township dec'd. ' 82. Third and final Account of Wm.RatTensbeiseis Executor of John Snider late of Hamilton township. dec'd. 83. Account of ITni2 - Rnifensberger, Guardian or Margaret, MID, jcinnthan L., Jacob 11,. Mid Barnard Wagoner, minor children of -.3fichact Wagoner. late of ht. Thomas township; Aced. 81 First and final Account of Wm. II: Brow p. Executor of the last will and testament of Fred 7t. G. Sheely, dec'd. 88. Final Account of Benj. F. Need. Guardian of Henry C. Croft, minor ebild of Rupley G. Croft. dee'd. Ski.' First and final Account of Jacob Lusher, Ad ministrator of AlbertusA. Bolt, late of Antrim town , . ship, deed. • - 87. First and final Account of Win. Holden, deed', Guardian of Franklin Holden, minor child of Jas. and Maria _Holden, late. of St. Thoum.s townshipk d'ec'd, as stated by Win. Holden. Administrator of said deed. - . . $S.' First and final Account of John Vost, Execu tor of the Estate of John Mull, Into of Green torn- - ship. deed. 89. First and final Account of Jacob F. Hess, Ad-, ministrator of Isaac Strite, 90. First Account of Jacob Hess, Guardian of Mary. C. Mentzer, OormsrlY Sacrist.) daughter of John S. tiecrist, late of Qumey township, deed. • 9.J. Account of Peter Kunkleman, Guardian of Harriet Susanna. John and Charlotte, minor ehil dren of Jonathan Wright, late of Pcterajoiraship dec'd. - - 92. Second Account of John Zimmerman, surriv-• ing Executor of Jacob Zimmerman, late-of Warren 'township, deo'd, - 93. Firtit Ind final Account of J. lit Wolfkill, Ad-. ministrator•of &Aline Griot% tato of thtißoroughof,:. CbambeMburg, deed: - '94 First and final Account ofJohn.L. Rheit,, Ad; min isfrator of Thomas i f . Rhea, late of the Borough' of Mercersoarg, deed: 95. First Account of Peter C. Holler. Guardian - of the children and heirs of Jacob Houck, late of-St. Thomas township, deed. . 013. First and- final Account of Abraham Frantz. Adminiz,trator of Christian t rants, late of Washing ton townsbip. 97. First and final Account of Jan S. Oiler. En iieutor of Joseph Oiler, late of Washington town ship, dec'd. 98 First and final Aceotint of George W. Brewer, !ru.3tee to sell the lteal Estate of Truman Cosgrove.' teed. 99. First Account of Jacob S. Fleming, Executor of Miss Mary . Eaker, late of the Borough of Green castle, dee'd. 100. First and final Account of Robert J. Boyd. Administrator of Mary Jane Walker, lato of St.. ThOmas township, deed. 101. Account of S. 4.Bradley, Administrator and Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Peter Shaffer. late of Montgomery townisbip. deed. 102. Second and final Account of James P. 1 en necl).• and James C. M'Lanahan lixectifors of`Dr. Stewart Kennedy,fige - of Chambersburg, dco'd. 10.3. First Account of JameS C. llPLanahan, Ex - ecutor, and Nancy liollar, Executrix,- ofJoseph flo/- • lar. dee'd. 104. First and final Account of George 111'Ferren. Administrator of Mary Ann hiTerran,lateaf Quin cy township, dee'd. First and final Account of E. J.lSmall. Ad ministrator of Elizabeth Mentzer, late of Quincy township, dec'd. Final Account of George Cook and William Boyer, Executors - of Peter Cook, dec'd. 107. First and faml . Account of David J. Skinner, Guardian of Sarah Ann. Jackson 8.. Elizabeth J., Margaret , E., Lucinda and Drucilla M'Cune, minor children of Jumetrlll'Cune, late of Metal township, dec'd. 107. First and final Account of Jacob Zook, Ad- , miiiistrator of Samuel Burns. late of Greexr town ship. dee'd. 10S. Third and final Account of Henry Baer, Ex ecntor.of Gabriel Baer, late of _Washington town ship. dee'd. 109. Accotmt of Henry linger, Administrator 1 - ,f Mary Lecrone, dec'd. us stated by Susan Ungcr.,Ad ministrator of said Unger. now dec'd." 110. Final Account of - Wm. Noonan. Administra tor of Matthew Umbrella, late of Metal two.. deed. rn ayll jr HENRY STRICKLER. Register. AJOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING CEItTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CON STITUTION.--Ile it resolved by the -Senate - and Haute of Reere4entotive4 of the I,omma-nov(lM of Penno lvaniu i n General Aosentl,l7, met. That-the following amendments be proposed to the Coast'in tim of the Commonwealth. in accordance with the Provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall bean additional section to the third article of ; the Constitution, to be designated as see-. tion four; as follows: "Sscnos4. Wheneveranyof Unqualified electors of thisCommonw (midi - shall be in any actual militn= ry service, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by tho authority of this ComMonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in al/ el eetions by th citizens. undo-such 'regulations as are, °rattail be, prescribed by laiv,-us fully as if they were present at their usual plait% of election.'! . Siccriow 2. There shall be two additional Sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be des ignated as sections eight, and nine. as fidlows: - .Snerrox 8. No bill shall he passed by the Legis lature, containing - more than one subject, which - shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appro priation bills." „. - ' , "SserniN 9. "No bill shall bo passed by the Leels-' lature granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or Privileges, has been .or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth" HENRY C. JOHNSON,' Speaker of the House of Representatives. '- - JOHN P. PENNEY. „ • Speaker of the Senate. OIRICS OF VIE SP.C . Y . Or VI 14 COX/10333 iLTH, April 25,1E64. Pt:NNsvtivAtitA. Ido hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, tree and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the lleneral Assembly. entitled "A Joint Resolution proposing tab) amendments to the Constitution," as the }same 'remains on file in - this office. ;In testimony whereof, I have hereunto Bet' ' • my hand and .caused the seal of the .Secre tary'a- office to be affixed, the day and, ear above written.: • ELI S.I.IIkER,_ - Secretary of the Commonwealth. The above-Resolution baying been agreed to by a majority of the members of each House, at two suc cessive sessions of the General' Assembly of this COM • monwealth, the proposed amendments will be sub mitted to thepeople, for their adoption or rejection.. ON THII FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST. in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight inindred and sixty-four. iti4deOrthinto with the p-rovisiens of the tenth article .of the Constitution, and the act. en-- titled "An Act .prescribing the time 'and manner of subniitting, to the.people, for their approval and'ra tifteation or rejection, the proposed amendments to -the Constitution," approved the twen Er-third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four ' - ELI SLIFER, ' may 4-13 t) " Secretary of the Commonweatlh. AA MON ISTRATOR'S ticeis hereby given that Letters of Adminigra: tion on the Estate- of Margaret Devenek, late of Fan nett township;deeeensed, have been grantedito the undersigned, residing in Waterlo, Lack tow ship. Juniata county. All persons knowing themselVes indebted Actsaid Estate will please mike immediate payment": and those having claims will present them properly a". thenticated for settlement. - - may 4 JOSEPH GRAY. AdiFOr.:. • , . 'OB T ' 8'"-' 1864.f7 ° :: - A - 41xit EX TEE MI N. "15 years established in N. Y.' City ." "Only Infallible remedies known. - •. • " Free from Poisons." " Not dangerous to the Ilumasaamil/." "Rats - come oat of their holes to die.' .(tit• Sold /3y all Druggists everywheni. - - ' AM— 111 Beware lit of all worthless imitations. --.. 41/Eir• "Co'star's „ Depot, No. 482 Itrotulway„N.V **'• Sold by all Wholesale and Retail DiNiggiStA: J-* Ohambersburg, Pa. , ictiatv-aut