etotbilig. iFRANKLIN CLOTHING Ell- ORIUM. NEWEST STYLES, . ARGESTSO c C a l r f. ;ss C ur n e EAP the E p S u T tai T . l. a l n C d E ci S e . fieg - undersigne d mineSafe). contradiction, that his recent purchases in the Eastern Cities enables him to offer one of the largest and most attractive stocks of - For the Spring utd ,Summer Seaxon of 1654, to be found in atinnlar establishment in this section. COATS, o A PANTS AND VESTS, - at the ces.. made in - thexery best styleS and GENTLEMEN'S FU.I3.7s.IISFIING GOODS su c h as Shirts. D - rawen. Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchief' , & e, Special attention is called to this department. • CUSTOMER'S ORDERS. I invite an examination of my stock of Fine Cloths, Kersoymeres, Vestings, ac„ which I manufacture upon special orders. - SPECIAL NOTICE.. I beg to, say that my Goods are manufactured un der my own supervision,. and by the very hest work men. .1.1,y present stock is the most extensive I have yet had in store, and I respectfully ask my friends and the public to give me a call before purchasing iisewhere. Remember the old sl and. - J. T. HOSKINSON. Franklin Hotel Building, Corner bf the Diamond and West Market St: er7. , Chambersburg;'Prr. FELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, South- West corner of the Diamond. next door to the Bank. Chambersburg , .has just returned from the City with a large stock esti perior and seasonable ("Toads, such as CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. SATIN- Errs, JEANS. CORDS fie.. for Coats; and VEL VETS. SATINS, MARSEILLES and other Vest! Ines. Also, a very line selection of READY-MADE CLOTIIING, which he is prepared to sell at the very lowest market prices. CUSTOMER WORK.—As he employs a first-rate cutter, he is prepared to make up all hinds of Gar ments, for Men and Boys, to order, in the best styles. Satisfitetion will be guaranteed. 3 A large assortment of GENTLUMEN'S FURNISHING Oon Ds, such &Shirts, Drawers, Collars. Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags. Umbrellas; Sc. fie. always - on hand. Give him a call and save money. Jun 17,63. T W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FUR ., NISHING STORE and SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, 1i0. ; 514 Chestnut St., 4 doors below the Con tinental, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to ordisif Shirts. A perfect fit guaranteed. Per sons at a distance can order by the following Shirt measures: Size around the N eck. - " Chest under the Arms. 7 " Waist. ' - " Wrist. - 'Length of Arms (bent) from centre of back to mid- die of hand. Length of ,Bosom at Side Shirt. C WALBORN & CO.'S, _PIL , • WIIPLF-SAIR AND RETAIL" READY-MADE LINEN & DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY. Nos. s . and 7 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Silk. Merino and Cotton Under Shirtsand_Drawersz Cravats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c. Shirts, Wrappers and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and, warranted to give satisfaction. Orders may be left with S. S. SHRYOCK, Cham bersburg. •se23. W E. S T_ 0 N & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, N0..900 Arch Streci, Philadelphia, Po. Having received a liberal share of patronage from Claambersburg anti vicinity, we are encouraged to ask for more. The excellence of our 'goods and our work, and the care we take to give entire satisfac tion, are a nuflicient guarantee that we value our reputation. [n011.63-Iy.] WESTON & BROTHER. fasurante. A MEXHICAN LIVE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., Corner 4th and Walnut Streets Philadelphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpe tual. Authorized Capital. $500,000. Puid-lip $250,00V.,- Philadelphia. Feb. 4.1564. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon MUTUAL POLICIES 'during the year ending December 315t,,1.563, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies. and have also ordered the dividend of 1860 on Poliiiies *tied daring that year to be ,paid, as -the annual premiums on said Policies are received. - OFFICERS. ' Neat/oar-Alexander Whilldin, Secretary and Trciatrer—Jolui S.-Wilson.. A ctuary—John C. Sim.. ' BOARD OF TRUSTEWi.—Alexander J. Edgar Themson,George Yugent, llon..Tambs Pol lock; Albeit C. Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work., William 3. Howard," Hod. Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charles F. Heaz litt,lsaae Ilazlehurst. m. G. REM/. Chamhersburg, Pa.,is the author: ized Agent of the Ameriin Life Insurance and Trust Company, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. OFFICE, in the Repository DRS. J. C. RICHADS and W. U. Bort,E, ifedicat• Examiner. REFERENCES—Hon: A. K. McClure, Rev. S. J. Niceolls, J. S: Nikon,.Chambersburg, and Wm. M. Marsh 'Cash ier Hagerstown Bank. Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will please call on; or by addressing the 'under- Elgned they will be waited on in any part of the County or State. W. G. REED, Agent. * l ,. Office in the REPOSITORY Bhilding, Chant: bersburg, Pa. - mar's. 1 829 CHARTER PERPE'rTJAL: FIRE IN 51.77,1 1'4 N -1 1 C MT Y PHILADELPHIA. A rg r l., T S On January 1,1801. CAPITAL . ACCRUED 1 4 :13tP1.1.7.5 - INVESYED Ussirrt o,et.tims, I Istoms ion 1864 $8.416. - - $300,000. Loss Pim) Sixes 18 $5,000,000 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS:" ' Charles—V. Bancker,_lsaac Lea, Tobias Wagner, . Edward C. Dale, Samuel-Grant, Geo. Jacob IL Fates, Smith, ' \-• Alfred Fitter, ' • George W. Richards. Fras. W. Lewis, M. D, .CHARLES• IC. BANCRER,'President. EDWALD C. DALE, Vico President - --:-- - W. M'A MAST ER, Sec's pro. tem. DAVID OAKS is the wathorized Agent , of the Company in Chainhersburg,who will fqrmsh all in , _formation necessary to applicants. mar2.3-tf I•;SURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH I AMERICA. Incorporated 1794. Charter Per petual. CAPITAL 00,000. Offieo 232 Walnut street, Philda. The prompt payment of Claims for " Losses during theeriod of nearly seventy years -that. the Company has been . in existence, entities them to the confidence of the public. Persons wish ing to insure will please call on or address the un dersigned. - W. G. REED. Agent. Rgsosrroax Buildings. Chambmburg..Pa. REFERANcRA—J. D. Grier, J. Allison'Eyster, EN„ Major J.Q. Austin. 1 mar 23 OUR AGENT.—Mr. JOHN GitOVE., of Chaufbeinburg, is the (3en oral Agent of the Franklin Conufl'itutnal-insurancd Corntisny. iun7l NEW ,YARD.—The.under signediresPectfully announces to the citizens of Franklin County that Ike has opened a new Mar 'Me Yard- in - the , ' room formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton, directly opposite‘f.S:libtOn'sDrugStore. Main Street. Chambersbitrg, where he will keen on band or make to order all articles in bis line of bus - iness. such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and IIEAD F , TONES; MANTELS, TABLE and STAND TOPS. ..fte., manufactured from the very beat Foreign and Domestic Marble. - He respectfully solicits a call from those who may be in want of any article in the above line. Ho is confident in his ability to satisfy all who may be pleased to patronize him,' either as regards his ,pri cos, or the quality, beauty. and chasteness of his work. ~ fju15,63,1 JOHN A. GRONE., SPRING AND-SUMMER MILLINERY —Miss MARY B ARNO% wouldinformlber fritruls and the public generally that she has just received from the Eastern Cities anew and dareftilly selected assortment of MILILNERI: GOODS,LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. 'Arc. . BONNETS and RATS made and trimmed jn the latest and most fashionable style. at shognotiee. Rooms oppo4to hfontzornerr's Hotel. imay4 ROOK BINDE R'Y.— FISH ER Sc CO'S Book • Bindery is on the - Third Story of the "MPSSENGER" OFFICE BUILD ING, eh the Dirr .4id, above Shryock's Book Store. Entranee.bevir the Book Store nd, the Inland Telegraph 4tv4, - 0 ,,; Old Books, Pertodieals; Newspaper s , T o ., Cana in any style. Blank Books made to order, Paper ruled to any pattern. ja6,64 I MPORTANT TO FARMERS.—"The cheapest and best -" Thresher and Cleaner" is " Wheeler & Meliek's Improved Patent Railway Power and combined THRESHER AND CLEAN ER. "fhis machine is manufactured at the small advance of 10 per cent. over that of last year. The' farmers are readily adopting it everywhere. It saves labor, and expense, and dies more and better work than any other machine. "Trice of a two-horse machine of a three-horse machine These prices embrace everythingcomplete. This machine has advantages that are greatly superior 'to any other. Ono is that it can be used entirely in the Barn floor, and that the power can be conveniently used for cutting fodder, shelling corn, euttingstravr, sawing wood, c. And it requires ,less power and fewer hands than any other. PALMER'S EXCELSIOR SELF-SUSTAINING HORSETITCHFORK, has many advantages ov2r others, among which aro: it is self-sust dning, re quiring no attention antilits load is to be disc:burg od. By the use of the p alleys furnished with the' forks it will swing directly over the mow, when it I discharges its load, by simply pulling the cord. It has a handle but 18 inches in length. This patent has been awarded the premium at the New York State Fair, and at all the County Fairs, wherever exhibited. S M ITH'S GREEN MOUNTAIN SLILNGLE AND HEADING MACHINE, is a new and valua ble improvement in machines for manufacturing Shingle and Heading, cutting Obliquely, or other wise, any desired thickness or length, -up to 24 inches. Thig Machine can be set up and run by an ordinary wattr, power. It will saw one thousand shingles per hour.. Mr. Robert Black, of FayetterilDFranklin county, Pll., is the Solo Agent tor Franklin and Adams counties. Any information desired respecting any orals of these machines can be obtained by either calling upon in person, or addressing him by letter. Persons wishing any of these machines will please make their orders soon, it requires some tine to get them from the manufacturer. will be or dered but those that are sold. Theywill be furnish ed at manufacturer's prices, transportation added. CHA Ifir:BSBURG, May 17, IS6I. Robert Black, Esq.—Dear Sir: I have thoroughly tested the Tread-power in running all kinds of chinery, about the Barn, and I have had the most approved Lever-poWers tried at my Barn also, and I unhesitatingly recoasmend dip Tread-power. I run all my machinery—thresher and cleaner, corn sheller, chopping-mill, fodder-cutter, and circular saw, with a two-horse Tread-power, and the power is ample and two horses can, give the i!iine ifnot greater power than four can with the lever-power. and the labor is no more severe on the horses. short. I regard the Tread-power as having every advantage over the Lever power, and it must soon he universally adopted by farmers. Very Respectfully Yours. ke. A. K. M'CLUICE. Apply 'to the undersigned in Greenwood. Franklin county. [maylB , 4ml ROBERT BLACK. A AI M. '0 N f A T ED _ PACIFIC GUANO. A real guano. containing from seventy to ei7.hty per cent of P.H O S PH A T E DE LIME. to which has been added, by a chemical process, a large pet centh'ge of actual Ammonia, so fixed that it can not evaporate, making it equal, if not superior to any other fertilizer. Pamphlets with copies of ;Analyses by Dr. Jack son, Mass., State Assayer, and Dr. Liebig. of Balti more, and testimonials from scientific Agricultm ists, showing its value. Can bo obtained from J: 0. BAKER, S: CO., SELLING AGENTS. march 2-ly. 87 Wall Street, New York, noll-ly TO FAR 31-ERS. . TFIF, WALKER HORSE RAKE 'is acknowledged to be the ' Heateet, Simplest, Cheopevt .ani mast efficient Rake nom in use, , . _ Any boy of ten years can work it with ease; will not get out of order, and dives universal satisfaction. Warranted in every partieular, and can be had from k to $3 lower thhn any other Spring Tooth W heel Rake. For further particulars apply to the manu facturer. ' D. D. ESIIETA,II.IN; ap2o-3ml • Shirleysburg, Huntingdon co.. Pa. HE SORGO JOURNAL AND FARM T MACHINIST—Devoted to Northern Cane and Sugar. Beet Culture. Improved Farm Machinery and Progressive Husbandry. Published monthly. One copy 1 year, $l.OO. SubBeriptons-received W.' G. REED. ap6] - ,Agent for Clark Sorgo Machine Co.* m 0 MILLERS AMD - FARMERS.- DEITZ & M'DOWELL have one hundred tons of the hest ;LASTER for sale. .aprilll-2t• IMPO R.T%-E R S OF W I NIE S AND LIQUORS . , LAUMAN, SALLADRS: CO., N 0.12- SOUTH jINTH ST., Urine EN CHESTNUT AND WALNUT STREETS; • PHILADELPHIA GEO. M. LAUMAN, A. M. BALLADE, J. D. BITTING. ) RIVESE, GARDRAT SUPERIOn COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE OF 1833, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH 'GREEN WAX WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. SUPERIOR OLD. MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND • HOCK WINES, F. ...... $2,457,849 95 $400,000 971,000 1,086M8 OLD PORT WINE, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH YELLOW WAX WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. IMPOICTI;D BY LAIJMAN,,SALIgAD-E CO.. N 0.1.23 SOUTH NINTH ST.. OLD RYE WHIR-KEY, OLD WHEAT. WHISKEY, WARRANTED:. ' OBERHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, 'NVERTS'S WHISKEY ; TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, • u ttco READING WINES. LAUMA.N, SALLADE,,k C'o., - ".11N SOUTH NINTH ST., • nolB-Iy. -PHILADELPHIA A MAN OF A 'THOUSAND.—J. Con .llL'aunintive Cured.—Dß. H. JANES, a Retired Phys i c i an of great eminence discovered, while in the Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitas, Coughs, Colds , and'kleneral Debility. The remedy was eiscovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. His child was cured, and is now alive and well, Desirous of benefiting his fellow mortals i he will send to those who wish it the recipe. containing full directions for making and successfully using, this remedy, free, on receipt, of their names, with two stainas to pay expenses. There is not a single case of CofiSump tion that it does not at once takp it linld poi and dissipate'. Night sweats, peevish hlritation .of the nerves, failure of memory, di Cult expector ation, sharp pains in the lungs, sore throdt, chilly sensations, nausea at the stomach. inaction of the bowels, wasting aptliy of the muscles. - eZ - - The,. writer willplease state the amine of the paper they seen this advertisement in. Address CRADDOCK & CO., ,•mar23-1 - 5 0 9 225 North 2d , St., Philadelphia, Pa. r REAT- ATTRACTION IN RATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS.—I have now on hand a large stock of Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, which i will sell at a small advance. Call and See the areal variety. MISSES' STRAVLHATRin.aII SHAKERS 1 SHARERS 1-7-Whiteaqd Dark, very hest enality. Call arld'get 'bargains at the New Store Room of J. L. DECHERT, a few doors South of the Diamond. maylB agricutture. =1 "Eiquoro. IMPORTED BY LAITMAN,.SALLADE & CO AND AN ARSORTUENT OP FINE BILINDS OF CHAMPAGNE OSBORNE'S & OTR T-0. VERY FINE AND DELICATE PHILADELPHIA. Map 25, 1864. agtitutturat. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ' AND MACH VERY. • f We are nor prepared to fill orders for AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND - MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, as well as SMALL TOOLS for, the Farm and Gar- den, such as .SPadeF. Shovels, Roes, Forkg. Rakes. etc and Grass-looks, • Scythes, and Seethe-Stones, and Agricultural Hardware in gene t ral. 'We offer. also, a large assortment of our own man- afactare of Ilan -Cutters, Churns, Coffee and Grain Mills, I : • Sugar Mills for Groeers' use, s Store Trunks of various patterns, . - • Road Scrapers. Wheel-Barfows, ere. • FETILIZERS of all kinds, such as • Coo's Superphosphate of Lime, Pure Ground Bone, , Peruvian Guano mad Poudrette IN OUR SEED DEPARTMENT - will be ftnind a complete selection of the best kinds Of Vegetable, Flower • . - - and Grass Seeds and Seed Grain raised - expressly for us by theauost reliable AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GROWERS The unremitting personal attention of best Seccismen is given to their quality, and our custom- erF may rely on their freshness and purity in all re- sc,ects. We sell in small or large quantities to suit purcha- ers, and send in small _lots by mail to all part, of the United States We will forward Priee-Lists and Descriptive Ci-rcu- lars to all clesiring.them R. H. ALLEN k CO., ISt .191 and 193 Water Street, New York The improved CLIPPER MOWING MACHINE, with Steel Folding Finger-Bar and two s now ready foi• sale Ideonvenieneo and lightness of draft, this issu perior even to the old Style of Allen Mower so long and so deservedly popular It leas literally' n t a fraine;and nearly all its Parts, with the exception of Drive-Wheels and Gears, are ~t • made of Steel or Wrought and Maleable Iron. It is thus the strongest and lightest machine in the mnrke .A. GiIICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO'S (IHEAP FERTILIZERS. 4 4 ÷': P- - ABULETTE. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elemehts of nrine,_combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable - fertilizing agents and absorbents. , - It is reduced - to a pulverulent condition, ready for immediate nse, and without loss of its highly nitro genous fertilizing properties. - - Its universal applicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to bo all that agriculturists can- desire.— Price, , - ;:25 per Ton. , CHEMICAL COMPOST This Fertilizer is lamely compo-ed of animal mac ter, such as urea t, bone, tish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizer:; which decoinposethe mass, and retain the nit regen ous elements. I is thoroughly imptegnated with urine, and the thinner portions of night coil. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops gen erally, and especially for potatoes, and garden put— poces. Its excellent qualities, strength - and - ehcapnes.s, have made it very popular with all who have used it. Price, S per Ton. TREE AM) FRUIT FERTILIZER. It is a highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is particu larly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wooiltind fruit, and largely increase the quantity and per,fret the maturity of the fruit. For hot-house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to secure their greatest pekfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditione. of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. The formula or method of combining its constitu ent fertilizing ingredients have received the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific agricul turists. Priee, i.-r 1 per Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Apriculitiral Chemical 0»opong manufapture a Phosphate of Lime in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very superior article is produced, so as to be afforded at at less price, than other manufacturers charge. Practical. tests hay, proved that its value, as a fertiliser, is4rinal to'the best Phosphate of Lime in the market: — Price, $45 per Ton. TERMS CASlL—Cartage and Freight to be paid by the-Purchaser. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO'S WORKS. AT ('ANAL IVIL&RE, ON THE DEL IWARE. Office, 414 i Areh Street. Philadelphia, Pa. B. E. FITTS, General Agent. - The Company's Pamphlet Circular, embracing fulldirections fur urine the above Fertilizers. sent by mail free, when requested. ['nevelt •2-3m.] CIOOK'S SUGAR EVAPORATOR, V manufactured by BLYMYER, BATki; S DAy, Mansfield, Ohio:—We are willing to guarantee that fromtwo acres of good Cane. a sufficient timber of gallons of Syrup can be produced to. cover cost of ifitchinery, capable of making eighty gallons of Syrup per day, which at fifty cents ,per pay for cost of Mill and Evapora form four days: or where pan is wanted for a brick arch, without the Furnace, in less time. COOK'S SYRUPS.have been sold at an average of sixty cents a gallon. and none in market. An acre.of good Cane will produce from 2 to WO gallons of Syrup. SORG() SEED.—We offer a Superior Article, se lected by ourselves. Sprout the seed and roll in plaster. Plant in dritkfour feet apart. froM North to South. Light soil lind Southern exposure pre ferred; although not absolutely necessary, as it will grow on Boils where many clops would be a failure. Cultivate as for Corn. • Cook's Evaporator has taken the first premium over all othprs attwo United-States Fairs and over thirty State Fairs,' Clark Sorgo Machine Company's CANE, MILL and above SEED for Bale G REED, Agent. Office—R-geosprottY Building, Chamb'g, Pa. Car The Sorg? Hand-Book sent frdo to any per ion asking for it..mar. Arit'S PLOW MANUFACTORY. ,COHNEH OF WASHINGTON AND SECOND STREETS, CHAMBER&BURG, PA. Gilman's Improved Premium Plows; and another Plows now ingeneral use with POLISHED MOULD BOARDS both - wrought Iron Share and.Self-sharp ll'arrows, Hoe Harrows, Cultivators, Plow Castings, and Wagon: Boxes constantly onland, or Madoatshort notice. Farmers should bear in mind that Plows purchas ed* of mei can be repaired at less trouble or expense than those that are made a great distance from home. Call, see and be convinced.- He haaalso purchased the right to manufacture and- "Slermmonts' Patent Iron - ,DOuble Shove Plows, ' Which he keeps constantly on hand. cßlacksinithing in all its various branches, also arried on at the above named place. feb 24-3 m ABRAHAM METZ. Cxecot Pants anb "Fines.- El NURSERY STOCK OF 'EVERY VARIETY. BAY WOOD NURSERY and ROSE.GARDEN, WILKINS P. 0., A_LLEGRENY' CO., PA. Over FIFTY. ACRES unditr cultivation of the &Wrest varieties of evetything to be found in a FIRST CLASS NURSERY • OF FRUIT AND ,ORNAMENTAL TREES.- Shrubs and plants all in fine eondition and carefully: labeled. The ROSE is the speciality in the floral department: many of its rarest varieties beg ha ported direct from, France. " Owing tU . Gen. Negley'S absence in the army, we are selling ;out the concern, and we invite orders Barge or small, as well from the 'trade as.fromi private. cu s t ome rs. .%e still retain the former. foreman,Mr. Kenny, who has mn employed in the establish ment for, the il , t‘en years, so nr to secure perfect ac curacy, aukcareful packagreinEfilling orders. SURLY k 3/BULON. P. 0., Allegheny Co.. Pa. - , ''C L N m ar2-3m is much more easy and successful in the. COMMON DRY SOIL OF PRIVATE GARDENS, MARKET GARDENS, OR IN FIELD CULTURE, than in the usual clumsy way in bogs aini meadows The yield this sen.son, in my Method of culture, wits over' FOUR HUNDRED B 17,511 ELS PER ACRE: E.rilicit directions inr enltiviitioli: with price of CitANBETZRY L PLANTS AND Al t l., OTHER ji:StiFttl, AND DRNAMIINTAL TREES. P.,A,NTS, AND\ SHRUBS, will be seed by mail. ,Pleats piepaid by B. M. WATSON. p YDE S PRANKLIN COUNTY NU RS ERI ES.—FuoiT AN Li ORNA E NTALT RF. F.S GRAPE VINES, STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ETi".=-T he largest stock to seltkt from in the county. Every thing in the FRUIT TREE and PLANT lino that is at all desirable, can be supplied from the cum monest standard Fruit Tree, to the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or variety of Fruit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees are Unusual ly fine, stout - hcarY trunks, furnished fine branching heads, from three to "five feet from the ground, as may he desired. Our aim is to ,grow the best of everything pruning, and, cultivating' upon scientific principles, consequently. our productions are not offered in competition with Trees grown upon the old - let-alone system. An invitation is ex tended to all who are interested in fruit culture, to come and see for themOlves— • A birge stock of Greenhouse and Bedding Plants. Roses, Sc., in pots, will - he ready in April and May. Enclose a three cent stem!) fair descriptive Cata logue of Fruit and Ornamental trees. Se. ' Address, • IL L. RIDER West Franklin Nurseries." mar IG-tf Loudon. Lidon. Franklin Co., Pa. • Drive-Wheels., TTEYST 1 eroi.iNp r E ep - t - I .N re - d U t R ;) SfuErnßist.moTt hesub-. artb-leus ually to be found in Nurseries, of good quality and , , at reasonable rates. The Stock embraces all the leading kinds of FRUIT TRE-ES. Apples, • Cherries, Peaoh&,' • ' Dwarf-and Standard Pears,, - Apricots. - Plums, Grapes, _ Strawberries, Raspberries: Currants, , Gooseberries, Blackberries, Sze. Also. can be furnished a good assortnient E VERGRERN TREE:. mar2-4m E - iergreerrand other Shrubbery, Shnje 'Trees &c. Facilities are'po.2esed for shipping. /trades' to.till parts of the eountry.,as the Nursery i.unnedi atnly adjoins the City of Harrisburg. ' mar 16-tr JACQB NISH. Harrisburg, Fa. iHE OPORTO GRAPt.:---Thislvo ts not recommended particularly as a dessert fruit. but makes an excellent. dark colorod, rich, well bodied Wine, so cloiely resembling genuine W olli-timed PORT INK that hone but experienced jiidges can distinguish "between the two. Although isn,-is manufactured extensively in Western New Ylark, the supply is unequal to the demand, at from $1:_f)0, to $4 per gallon. inel for sale bY the subscriber, who has been ap pointed Agent for it at the following'prices: One to three veers old. 2.5 c to 50 eta each, ik2 50 to $4 per doLen, $l5 to 's:3o per 100. JACOB MMII, mar 15-tf] Keystone Nursery, flarrisb'ir. Pa. PEAR TREES.—Standard "and I) waif X Pear Trees of the leading'and most vitt unble varieties. Among them can be furnished some " ExTRA SELECTEII" Trees. the Dwarf :having fruit bads and ready for immediate bearing'. :Price for good trees. 50 t 60 cis eachzEx'tra so- Ic`eted 75 etc to each. Bates low - er doten. J. 3.11811, keystone Nurser - Yj, !par , Harrisburg, Pa. UROPEAN LINDEN—The 'Red,--t wig .C. 141 g e ed variety, not 6nbject to injury by tlit bort:- For sale at Keystone Nur:cry, ItarrisburF, Pft. 'Trees 10 tor] foot high; 75 cents each: s 7 per doz Imar23] ' JACOB 1111811. FJXCELSIOR ASH, a handsomeo-ama mental Shade Tree, of sura and rapid gr.twth. Trees from S to 12 feet hieb. 404.60 cants each; riYit don; $20040 per 100. JACOB Al rsH, mar 233 Keystone 'Nursery, lisnilMurv. :AND - RtTIPS IM pLIimENT AND SEED NyAREHOUSE. 11 rain 23 South Sixth S4rect, P4,i/grie/p/iia.,! Pa. DAvto Lixotomi S.: Sox, Proprietors of Blooms dale, which contains near four hundred it high tilth, devoted to the production Of GARDEN SEEDS, are now prepared to 'supply Country -Mer chants, dAuggists and alt others who deal in Seeds. with large or small miantifies, by the Romad di bushel. and also in papers made ready for retailing. The E4ablishment represented by David Land reth & Son, has been founded nearly three-fourths of a century., The wide-spread popultarity;aud the demand in, creasing from year to year, for Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds,_ is evidence of the high value entertained for them by the public. Landreth's Garden Seeds are not only favorabb received throughout the Union. but are shipped ta many foreign ports. Indeed it may be stated with' n a tional pride that they come into active coMpeti- Gen with English Seed and British Soil. David Landreth & Son invite all who are nit al ready purehasers-of their- Garden Seeds, to make a - trial of them—assured that they will be found fully anal to their high reputation. Laridreth's Rural Register and Almanneeentain ing • catalogue of Garden' Seeds with instriictions,. furnished gratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural Implements. DAVID LANDRETH S SON. - nue 12.1 y) Nos. 21 and 23 South 6th St.; Phila. FRESH GARDEN .-.EE'b•a • for 1864, • • GARDENERS, NARRET GARDENERS SMALL OR LARGE QUANTiTIES, by sending a list of what they . requ:ire., WILL RECEIVE THE SAME BY„RETURE 'with - the lowest possible prices amnia-for, TOB PRINTING in every. style do .e el the Office of the FRANKLIY BRFOBITORY. • T I C E SELLISO OFF AT LESS THIS Cgs'. GEN. NEGLEY'S I OF T-H'E CRANBERRY Old Coloby:Nurscrii•s, Plymouth, ;AIRS.% ,secbo. AND-OTHERS PIIIICEASXNG HEEDa LN OP MAIL, CARRIAGE PAS]) VO BOSTON 'AND YEW YORK. _ • pF.43 , 1! pre.-paid - t • • - B. M. wArsinr, I , . • Old oolonyllnrierieT,t Pbrmiluth, IP(ttto acnb "Fines. REES, AND .PLANTS 'OE - ALL RPM% • DICIDUOUS .AND EV'ERGRERN, I - . FRUIT AND ORI;TA2 - IENTAL,-' • 1" an sizes, atlotr rates, Tuvixasers Bhpuld., Reid ftir now PRIG LIST I',OR 1864, • i , ,BSFORE,PiIItgIaSING Euswirans.. Carriage paid to Boston, Newport - , and New Y • 1 • 1 - , 1 - ' - ' - ‘B: M. 'WATSON, Old Oolong NurSeries, , .'. . Plymouth. M 1 1 314 ANTS AND SEEDS Kepai4 by mail. S IN GR E AT V A R I . E TA% 1 , PRICE LIST NOW READY. i 1 . - . I B. M. WATSON. 1 1 . ''' Plymouth, Mass.' TO AGENTS AND DEALERS EMI TII.ERS AND SEED; Era TO' CLUBS Wholeoale patrAogne .for 1864 NOW.READY Carriage cif•Paoktiges paid to BOSTON, NEWPORT AND NEW YORK 'B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nnriories, ' Plymouth, Mass arch nm 111-RANK.tIN NURSERY, Chambersburg Pa. I would offer to the _public. a Well selected assortment of Fruit Trees, Apple, Poach. Pear and Plum, of all leading varieties.— Also, Ornamental Trees, Such as Maples, - Linden, Ash; Horse Chestnut, Evergreens, Norway Spruce, American Balsam Fin,Arbor Vittes in Variety.— Hardy Shrobs, such as Spireas in large variety, Weigelia.s mid Deutaias; many of these are well cal culated for cemetery lots Honeysuckles, Forsythias, Also, ('cranes, Cati*ba, C,oneord, Diana, Delaware, Rebecca, &c. berr Currants, the leading kinds ; Raspberries, Straw.; ies, Flowers—Roses. Verbenas, Heliotrope, Gcrani- UM& Fuschsias, Petunias. - All of which will be sold at reasonable prices for ••ash. The usual Kitchen Garden Plants, by the dozen, hundreds - or thousands. Send fora, circular, as all applicants are supplied free. [feb 24-4 m) JACOB HEYSER, Agent. QWEET POTATOES. -50,000 Nanse kj inond SWeet Potato Plants _now ready at RY. DER'S NURSERY, hear Loudon, at 35 cents per 100 at the Nursery; delivered2by our Carriers and Agents at 40 cents per hundred.. 4W — Make your ridges high and narrow, plant thorn nearly toll length, one foot apart in the row. rarylB-2t ' B. L: RYDER. - - • VQRWAY MAPLE TREES. from 8 to , .I_ll 12 feet high and: viiorous. A handsome Tree, teach resembling the ,Sugar Maple, but of more certain and rapid growth. Price 40(030 cents each; $3 5006 per -dozen •, :MO Per 100.. • r. JACOB mar23] • Kestonh Nursers. Harrisburg . ( - 111ERRY TREES.—A fine assortment kl of about Porty,bleet varietiez, trees of large site had rigorous. ' Price, 30, ets 50 cts, 75 eta each; $3, $5. $7 per doz., fdB, s2o, $35 per 100. J. MISH. mar 16-tf] Keystone Nursery, Harristig, Pa. IGORSE CHESTNUT TREES.--Ortii ' nary eizee for planting, 50 cents each ; Smaller 44e—from 6 to 7 feet l -25 cents each : $2 50 per doz; -;16 per 100. , JACOB 111ISB. • mar ) Keystone:Nursery, Harrisburg.. N - ANSE - M0 . 1%1"D SWEEP POTATO • 1 - ~.,...1 iPLANTS Kiteben Garden, and Flower Gar den Plants, always on han_d_, at 1i naylB-2t F4RNt.,' STOCKIi GROCERY. .! • ' , . , Coat, &t. n= GEO. A. DEITZ. I I TENCH M'DOWELL bEITZ fic, OWE L L *ILL PAY TSB • HIC T HEST PRICE IN CASH, FOR! F L 0-U It WHEAT. R Y R, EMI CLOVER SEED, TIMOTIIY S 1 1), 10Z1 I ALL KIN OF PRODUCE I iv •LL KINDS OF L T. l i jC 0 itMBER, _ . PLASTi,R, Arrp FOR BALI`, CI II E A F 0 R ., p, Ag, AT. D,.EI M'D O.W.E L L'S WAREHO.tTSE ANA COAL YARD NEAP. TO MAIL CROADDE'POT,- CHAM.BERSBUEQ, .-PENWA - " • IigIaTrgATI.LLSIX STREET. GRtENCASTLE, ]pn17,63. . - FIRM NTEW FIRM.--COAL COAL ! I3ERI LUMBERILEO. EBERT & SON hitvir4airch aged the Coal sold Lumber Y aid of Ge'o.' A. Delta, .continue to carry on the ess, and will 'always havelkn hand alarges •I. ply, of f l umber and Coal. They will ba prelmsed fill all ,orders at thesliortest notice. They respectfallY licit the patronage of the late firm and the public generally, and all who may desire Coal and Lumber to give them a call, feeling assured!that no means will be spared to accommodate those on the most reasonable terms. , fun17,63-tf. cONSTT 'r tr T IQ I!F;JFE. BYTOM% ' 'COMPOSED OF • JODlrrt POTAS I SIUM,'• With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of, VALUABLE MEDICINAL R - OOTS AND Hilf.BS,: f . .r • PREPARED - BY WM. H. GItEOG, M. D., Graduate College of Physicians and Surgefins, Y.. formerly Asst. PhYsieian Blackwell's Island Hospitals, late Medical. Inspector N. York State Volunteer Depots, under Geyer - . nor Edwin D. Morgan. CONSTITUTION. LIFE SYRUP HAS.PRODIICICD . A REVOLUTION IN MEDIUM' What may seem almost incredible is, that' mazy diseases hitherto considered''hopelessly incurable are frequently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully invite the-investigations of the liberal minded and scientific to-cures which have no paral lel sit the present:day. Oar medicine is peculiar, by it the seat of anydis ease is directly reached, and the equilibrium res tored. - Those who have suffered long from painful and ob stinate diseases ! Those who have vainly sought relief from adver tised medicines, - - Those who cannot be cured by otherphysioians— Aie invited t.6;ate'V Constitution Life Syrup , ' - Duringthe pastfivOyears we have contended with obstacles and overcome opposition as herculean a 8 were, ever encountered by any Reformers. RAPIDITY OF CIIItE. some say "your cures are too quick," while oth ers doubt their performance, and think that diseas es can only be cured by the "slow, recuperative pro cass of Nature." This is our reply: In health. the body, like a well-balanced scale, is in a state of equilibrium. But when from any emirs down goes one side of .the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is required is, to restore the nor mal Valance of the scale. CONSTITUTION:, LIFE SY13:131). *Positive and specifie remedy for all diseases ari i3mg from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD. and for nil (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENT TO CHILD. . llemiplegia. Paresis, Paraplegia, Paralysis Agitans. It is 'so universally admitted that Constitution Life Symp . is the only effective means of restoration in the variants forms of Paralysis, that we.need. not reiterate that itis ethphatically the Great Life-Giv ing Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Wantof Ap'tite Weight atStomach Biliousness. Constipation. Flatulence. Bad - Breath. SCROFULA. - Struma. Glandular Swellings. Salt Rheum. jiing's Evil. 'Erysipelas. • • 'Ulceration. ' This taint, heriditary and acquired, flllinglife with untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies in curable. RBEITMATISM. Arthritis. Neuralgia. Tic Doloureaux. Lumbago. Sciatica. Gout If there is any disease ip which - the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or -vicarious, of 20 or AI years' standing, have been cured by us. " NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. St.Vitus'D'ace Loss of Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have suffered for years will blegs the day on which they can read these lines. Partic ularly to weak, suffering woman will This medicine prove an inestimable blessing-directing their foot steps to a hope whiclifulfils more than it promises. Salivation. - - Rotting of bones. ' Bad Complexion. Aches in Bones. Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges the sys tem entirely from all the evil effects orMERCURY, miming the . Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Cal omel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gauls and secures the Teeth as firmly as ever. OONSTIT-UTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, toot and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of, the skin, like ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, And all other difficulties of this kind, which n much diifigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making thenra disgusting object to theinselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP- CURES'ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS, Either of the Face, Neck, or 'Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected. thus preventing their breaking: and producing tron bleSome Discharging Sores, which disfigute many of the younger portion of the community. from six to twenty _years of age. Young children are very subject to Discharges from the Ears., which depends upon a Scrofulous constitution. These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Syrup All scrofulous persons suffering from General. De bility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the Limbs, abdomen, and in the Female, Dr•psy of the ovaries and womb_ generally accompanied with In flammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, arepr manently cured by-Constitution, Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy should be taken for some time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed with out extra effort. Tumors of the Ovaries, Tuinors of the Breast and swelling of other glands of the body will - be com pletely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of,any-kind. Epileptic Fits,, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the Heart, - as Palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a. grating or filing sound, Droirsi of the Heart Case, and all the affections of this important organ, (persons.snffering from any acute pain in the region of the heart,) will be greatly relieved by Coast titian Life Syrup. p . 'o 1 N . BROKEN-DOWN ANDDELICATE CONSTITUTIONS suffering from Indisposition to Exertion Pain in the Back, IForeboding oss of Metnory, Forebodin Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimnesa of Vision,' Dry, Rot Skin and Extremities, Want of Sleep. Restless ness, Pale, Haggard Countenance, and Lassitude of the Muscular System; all require the aid of Consti= tution Life' Syrup. ' - FOR ALL-FORMS OF OATS, ULCERATED DISEASES; either of the Nose, .Throat, Tongue, Spine. Fore head or Scalp, no remedy has,ever proved its equal. MOTILPATCLLES upon the female face, dePen7 ding upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the Youn_g wife and mother.' A few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will. correct the secretion and remove thedeposit, which is directly ender the skin. L s In Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor. Dizziness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or annleer ated or cancerous condition of that orgam accent- Panted with burning 'and other unpleasant symp toms ', will be.relieved by the usasof Constitution Life Yrup. - . . AS 'A GENERAL- 13LOOD:PUR 14. ING AGENT THE LIFE SYRUP STANDS UNRIVALLED ' BY ANY PREPARATION in the WORLD. CR M E , Diseases of the Spine, as usually developed ip the young, Hip Disease, Neuralgia. and all Nerdotts,dl - -and Ladies who are suffering from Diseases for which they are at a loss. to - know what to we would advise the uso of Constitution Life Syrup. It will restore their pallid countenance, strengthen ,theiryeak bacle and side; give them mew • energy, neir hfe and happiness. - . THE - Rapti AND POOR - . , are liable to , t seine diseases. Nature and Sei pare bave'made the Constitution Life Syrup-for the benefit of all. k BURR 'BLOOD ' Produces healthy tneestd women,- and if the Con stitution is neglected in youth,. disease and early death is the result.. Do not delay -when' the means are so 'near ay hand, and within the reach of ttIL TO'DIOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES., It is tfie — safest and most efficient medicine'eviti dis covered , tbr purifying the system and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. It strength ens both the-mother- and the' child. prevents pain and diseture, and increases and enriches the food,— Those who have used it think it indispensable. It, i s highly useful both before and after confinement: es Wprovents disease attendant upon childbirth. " coNsTrrttposx SYATJP r IS THE POOR MAN'S . FRIEND ADM THE, • RICH MAN'S BLESSING. 'PVT IM,TAKE AND BE CURED, 17-IS - ',UNV I ERSAI , 131 ITS, •EkT.4OTB.I, 6o p~opnottU l ', N York. 'LABORATOW4 BROoKLYN.' pirE $l. PEE, BOTTLEy6 BOTTLES FOR 'SS: Ait''Ser4 by•EaPiesa to Alltarta of CI tsamintryi; • ' • MO/WAN & .5% - Wholesale - Druggists, AGENTS, - Cliff Street, New York, Sold by Johnson Holloway CowdeniPhiladeD , phia, Pa., and all Druggists. For sale by A. J. MILLER; Chambersburg. - ja27-6m-eow. =I ilarbicat. PARALYSIS MERCURIAL DISEASES ~ :~~~~ ~