6 EN %pinto of &ain't. pE'N N SYL VAN IA RAILROAD! WTNTEIt TIME TABLE. FIVE-TRAINS daily to and from Philadelphia, on and-after Non. 1&h,1863. • • The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania read Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphians follows: EASTWARD: R'S: - - THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2.45 a. s., and arrives at Philadelphia at 6.0 s tar. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 .t.st., and arrives at West Philadel phia at 10.10 a.m. Passengers take ,breakfast at Lancaster. WAY ..ACCOMMODATION, (via Mount Joy,) eaves HarTisburg at 7.20 dal., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12. Z FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.00 p.u., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20P.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION. TRAIN: vin Columbia. leaves Harrisburg at 5.30 Pal.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P.M. WESTWARD: BALTIMORE. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hai.:-- risburg daily (except Monday)at 2.20 A.M.L. Altoona 8.00 A.m., take breakfast, and arrives at -Pittsburg' at 1.00 P.m. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.20 A.m.; Altoona 8.40 A.U., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P.M. MALL '111A1.1,1 leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 P.m.! Altoona at 7.55 P.M., take supper, and arrives at Fittsburg._a_t 1.10 A.u. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 4:15 P.M.: toona at 9.10 P.m., take supper, and arrives at.Fstts -„,•- burg at 1.40 A.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION T R leaves West -Philadelphia at 2.45 P.M., and arrites' .at Harrisburg at 8.10 P.M. -MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lan caster at 11.38 1.m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1,40 P.M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG. ' .. _1un17,63-tf: Supt. Middle Div. Penna. R. R. ATORTVERN .CENTRAL RAILWAY. _L WINTER TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON CITY. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad to and from Pittsburg and the West. TWO .I c RAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Siisquehanna, Elmira and all of Northern New York. On and after Monday, November 16th, 1863. the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway willarrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Bal timore as follows: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex cept Sunday... 10:10 A.Y. leaves Harrisburg 1:20 Y.Y. arrives at Baltimorb 5:40 P.Y. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday)...-11:42 leaves Harrisb'g (ex cept Monday) 2:50 A.M. arrives at Baltimore • (except Monday)..... 7:00 A.M. HARRISB'G ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg 7:00 Akat, NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves: Baltimore daily • • (except Sunday)... ......« 9:21 A.M. leave...a Harrisburg 1:45 arrives at Sunbury 4:30 EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai ly 9:30 P.Y. • arrives atilarrisb'g. : . 2:00 leaves Harrisb'g (except -Monday 3:2,i A.M. arrives at Sunbury.- 6:25 A.Y. BARRISWG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daily (ex ' ' cent Sunday) 3:00 P.M. arrives at, Harrisburg.. 7:50 P. 31. - For further information apply at the Office, In Pennsylvania Railroad Depot . itm17,63-tf. J. N. DrBA:RRY, Gen. Supt. NTEW AIR ,LINE ROUTE. THREE .11 TRAINS , DAILY TO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. 'On and after Monday, November, 16, 136.3, the Passenger Trains Will leave the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad - Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows: EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6:30 A.M.. on arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West. arriving in New York at 1:45 A.M. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN 'leaves Harrisburg at 8:00 arriving in New York at 5:30 P.M., and Philadelphia at LSD P.M. PAST LINE leaves - Harrisburg at 2:00 P.M., ar riving ih New York at 10:25 p.m., and Philadelphia at 7:90 P.% WESTWARD , PAST LINE' leer:v,or New. York igt, 6:00 A.m., and Philadelphia at 8:15 A. 31., arriving at Harrisburg at 1:15 P.M. :MAIL - TRAIN leaves New York at 12 - :00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3:30 rat., arriving at Harrisburg ' US:lll.p.m. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7:00 P.M. arriving at Harrisburg nt 2:00 A.M., and connecting With the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with Trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cum berland Valley Railroads. and at Rending for Phil adelphia, Pottsville,' Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Eas ton. &a Baggage' checked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, $5.15; between Harrisburg. and -Philadelphia, $3:35, in No. 1 cara t , and %, - $.3 in NO. 'r+ „For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, iun/7.63-tf. Gen. Agent, Harrisburg. • vUALTIE ELAND VALLEY AND 'VRANItLIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE Off' 110C121S.—On and after Monday, Aiwa 4th, 1864, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sun digs excepted): FOR CB AMTIERSBURG AND HARRIpBURD: A. M. P.M. 7:00 2:45 7:87 "3:35 Leave /lagers - Wert • " ' ' Greencastle j Arrive at... 8:17 . 4:29 I,Laave 8:30 12:55 9:00 9:32 200 ChambersVarg.. Leave Shippensbarg " Newville A. M. ' Carlisle 5:55 10:10 2:42 " Mechanicsburg 6:25 10:42 3:12' Arrive at Harrisburg . 6:55 11:15 3:40 FOR OHAMBERSHUO AND HAGERSTOWN - A. M. P. M.; P.M. Leave Harrisburg 8:05 1:32 - t 4:20 Mechanicsburg 8:47 2:15 I. 4:54 . " Carlisle,. 9:27 2:55 ' 5:29 " Newirille 10:02 3:29 - " Shipperusburg 10:33' 4:00 . Arrive atcohs.mbersburg 11:00 4:30 'Letve Chtolhersburg 11:10 4:40 Greeltastle 11;55 5:30 - Arrive at Harrisburg 12:35 6:10 74aking . close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with trains for all points West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:20, P„. M., runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt. _ R: R. Office. Chamb'g, April 4,1864.' , - •._ 1863. 1864. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL -11 great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to thedity of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under their auspices Is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. - It ie now:: n use for Passenger and Freight business from. Harrisburg to Driftwood, (2d Fork) '177 miles, on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie; 75 miles on the Western Division. TIME of PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRIS BURG. Mail Train leaves North r- 1:15 A.M. Express Train leaves North 3:00 A.m. Cars run through without change, both ways on these trains, between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and between Baltimore •and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train both . ways. • For information ass ap ply at the S. E. Corner' llth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight businesiof the Company's Agents: S. B. Roo:taxon', Jr., corner 13th and Market Sts., Phibula. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. J. M. DRILL. AgentN. C. R. W. Baltiinore, Md. H. H. FL9IISTON, __ Gen. Freight Agisnt, Philadelphia. 'awls 14 HOUPT, Gen.-Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. - JOS. D. POTTS, • ' 3an17,63. Gen. Manager, Williamsport; • aRAINI GRAIN!! GRAIN!!! WASHABAUGH'S BREWERY, • - CItannERWCURG, PA. The' undersigned Mimi this method of informing his friends, and the pUblie generally, that he has leased for a term of years the well known Brewery establishment heretofore chnducted by Mr., Tifton Washabaugh. He ,will be - glad to furnish to his friends'and the old patrons of the House with the finest ALE, upon, the shortest notice, and at the low est prices. . Xi-The highestiCash Price will be paid for . 5,000 bushels of BARLEY, delivered at Chambersbnrg, , Ja2o 644 y. ALEXANDER MARTIN. H, AND-BILLS, from the largest to the L inaallest, ia_Ptmin or FaasySoionF. piinted at the efficeof the FRANKLIN ZWA'OS.ITOItY. Austral. IVIA -,S; H A 11.1:fl, ,1.. N S • • CABINET ORGANS MELODEONS were introduced some twenty years since, and were succeedbd - by the ITARMOIN I CMS , about nine years ago. The CARMEN. OGB.(T'AN waz brought to its presentatate of perfeeidon only in the summer of 1862. - THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL I has great advantages over any other invention of the . kind, is capable of -much finer erects- than can be I Produced by any other, and is more easiN used ha' 1 the performer; and oplis especially in capaciti for 1- expression. .t)-- Please notice advance in prices. • 1 CABINET ORGANS. . • , I No. 15-Four Octave. Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak case ' 4 's 95 i No. 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case.... 120 i No. 17. Five Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case - lid No, 18, The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 145 No, 19. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Wtdnut ' - or Oak Case 1.2.3 'No. 20. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 15u No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, in - Walnut or Oak Case 150 No. V. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 180 No. 23. The Bomb, in 'Solid Carved Moulded . Walnut. :' ......5... 180 'No, 10. Pedal Bass Cabinet' Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case - 550 . Cases of extra finish made to order. I No, 12.. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak ells° 400 No.ll. The Same. in elegant Rosewood Cme.'.. 475 No, 14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case - , . ' 281.? MELODEONS. . -No. 4. Six Octave, Piano Style, Thisewood case 170 No' 5. Five Octave, " " -.33:' - KIK 6.. " Portable' . " 101 1 1 § ° o: 7 8: Fo - and-and-a-balf Octave,r'orfrialiblltee,=c; 8. wood Case e 5 No. l',l. Four Octave, Portable, Rosewood case... 75 Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the sub scriber. Ai Agents for Messrs. Mason & Hamlin we are enabled to sell at their New York prices, and charge nothing for freight. We hive sold a number of their instruments, and can give numerous satisfactory references. S. S. SHRYOCK, Agent, Chambersburg, Pa. ttrl3-tf --- MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINE,T ORGANS,- WITH ONE OR TWO SETS OF REEDS, CONTAINING THE AUTOMATIC SWELL,' DOUBLE BELLOWS. KI 4 EIII3TOr'AND CONRINATION Atir•Enery Ingrument warrantedfor Five Years. — Cs'il 'PRICES FROM' $7O TO $450. The Cabinet Organ is the only instrument whiel combines the requisites for Church and Parlor Mu sic; for the schhol room and the social festival gath ering. For while it possesses sufficient power fee the accompaniment of a large chorus, itis, from it: capability of all shades of expression, and its won derful crescendo and diminuendo, most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral ef fects, and rapid music, as trills, arpeggios, &c. From its smtabied tones, it has a decided advantage over the Piano Forte, -for the rendering of many of tin choicest morceaux of the masters, such as sympho nies, quartettes. etc. R. A. McCLURB, Chambersburg, Pa., . General Agent for Pennsylvania. N.B.—The undersigned will sell, .and deliver in good condition, Cabinet Organs anywhere in thi State, at factory prices. All inquiries by letter Promptly answered. Eitusl7.63-tfa R. A. Mc. p 8.1 N C E & 0 WELL KNOWN MELODEONS. AND HARMONIUMS Introducing the effect of Pedal Bassi on every In stil:uncut. E. GABLER'S unsurpaised PIANdS for emelt ; at a liberal deduction, or on Monthly Instalments. xa-Over 30,000 sold in Philadelphia. JAMES BELLAK. Sole Agent, ,, 279 231 South Fifth Street, above Spruce, Bel6-I.Y. Philadelphia. MASPN & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS EEO MELODEONS. Description pamphlets furnished gratis at the Book Store of • S. S. SHRYOCK, AGENT for Mason & Hamlin's Musical Instru ments. - - Prices tho tame as in New York and Boston, tem freight. , (inar2-tff • MASON S & L.lN' S CABINET ORGANS - AND MELODEONS-. - Dt - scriptiub pamphlet:St urnianed grittls at the Bilok Store of S. S. SHRIOCK.t AGENT for Mason & Hamlin's Musical Instra merits. Prices the same as in Now York and Boston, deep freight. [mar 9-tf] PIANOS. -R, A. M'CLURE. ! Sole Asnt for the celebrated DECKER BROT HERS . (NEW YORP Pianos delivered*, and put up in good condition, in. any part of the - State, at FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. All Instruments warranted for five years. • Pianos from other Factories will; be furnished it desired. R. A,MtCLITHE. •jun 17,63 Ohainbersborg, Pa. KLEM M_ & BROTHER, ImAaorteis: Manufacturers and WHOLESALE DEALERS' IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,' GERMAN, FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRINGS No, 703 MAHHET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. I • Orders carefully attended to by S. S. SHRYOCK. Cliambersburg: ATOtAL MIISIC.L-R. A. AteCLIJRE , . will teach classes and private pupils the art of Singing. Musical Notation, Harmony, and Musical Compo - gition. n025-tf. Confertiontrz BITR , KHART •& HENS.I:IEY BAKERS BM CONFECTIONERS, AND DICALIDIff IN FRUITS, TOYS, °A ND FANCY GOODS North, Main Street,( 'Weil Side) CHAMBERSBURAL FA. or lora promptly attended to. 20-1 i) . TtIiSS I CABII. • 2itotireo *e peace. 'TDASTICE OF THE' PEACE.—H. B. DAVISON, Justice of tho Peace. Office im remdintelY opposite: the Indian' neen ' Hotel. Am businm entrusted to hie care will receive prompt attention. hietruments of Writinp,, of all kinds, drown up a satisfactory manner. jun 17,63. ' P - nruumaiN , JCSTICE OF THE PEACE, • Chambersburg, Pa. Office in Franklin Hall. in the room formerly occupied by-Stumbaugh‘ Stewart. Prompt attention given to any thing in. the line of a Magistrate and Serivener.r fe3,64. tf. VANCY CARDS, of all styles 412 d colon printbd at the'RAIPO3I2OIM office. Zbe franittin tlemitop), 016 25, 1864. tubes: an -6niuie S T O:TE EM,PORIU:NI JACOB B. MILLER ;MIN STREET-4 Door* Snitl6 of the -Diamond, ORAMBERSBUIA; pA.. \Would re..ipeetfullyincite tho attention of the pub 7 lie to I;r6 large and stook of STOVES COPPER, TIN and Ile has now the largw4t and be nesOrtinent of PARLOR, 'TALL, GAS 13tiliNNR6 A. 1311 ever offered in Franklin \county WASH-BOI , LERS constantly on karid - of jlll,silx*. , ancl the best ma- teri al COAL 13:liCK-ETS The largest a.morintent.the heaviest iron anti the best made in the enmity Also,—A largp stook of TIN WARE, made of the best material andift a,workmanlike manner. As he is a PRACTICAL WORK- MAN, and has had many yearß ec perieneb in the business; he feels confitioat that Ye— eau give general eatisfartion ROOFING, SPOUTING, &c., made and put up at the shortest notice. Particu- lar attentioix:paid to all kinds of MENDING AND JOBBING Call and look through our stock and get the prices, , . ss our motto is "'Small Profits, quick Sales and Good Value." JACOB B. MILLER, . Four Doors South of the Diamond N0v.11.'63-4. HOUSEKEEPERS, READ !!-GAL LAGHER'S SUNRISE AIR-TIGHT—A new Flat Top COOKING STOVE. The plates are very heavy, and the whole Stove is finished in a superi or manner. I warrant this Stove to be Superior to any Flat Top Stove now in the market, mid I res pectfully invite my friends and the .publie to call mut examine it. There are several sne9. - I have al.o a great variety of other COOKING STOVES, of every style; PARLOR STOVES. new dnd beitutiful patterns, together with a heavy stock of STOVES for rhurehes. Store. , Offices, liotels, JOHN -S. LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail Oe- ter in STOVES. TIN AND COPPER WARE.: N.B.— T have been appointed Sole Agent for Gal laher's celebrated Sunrise Mr-tight Conk Stove in Cbarnber junl7.o. 'l3oots ant ,Si)ocs. '‘,TEW SHOE STORE.—The gub _Ll scriber takes this method of informing the citinns of Chambersburg and vicinity that. he has iust returned from Philadelphia with an ENTIRE LY NEVV STOCK of Boots and Shoes, of every variety, style and pattern, and of - the best mann fact ures. He has no old 87topA-eq3ers on hand, His whole dock is new. Give him a call—you can easily suit Yourself. He invites' the Ladies espccial/y. to call, - ts he will take pleasure in showing his goods. Store in the room formerly occupied by Frederick Smith, Esq., as a Law Office, and more recently used forthe mrpose by George Eyster. Esq., two doors North or Fisher's Hotel, Main Street, Chnnabersburg, Pa. H is large and well selected stock, he being-ajorae r,ical Shoemaker. consists oT.Ladies' Gaiters, Boots, -. Rippers and Buskins; Mines and Children's Boots and Shoes; Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slipper). Boots ind Brogans. Don't forret the place. No trouble to show 'goods It TILE NEW STORE, two doors North of Fish br's lintel, Main Street, Chamhersbum. Pa. Jun 17.61. PETER FELI)3fAN.. E W BO O T, _8 H O E HAT STORE IN CIIAMBERSIIITItO - - - - The s ri ber hus just open eti in the rooms form erl )eoupied by Mr. C. Burkhart as n Confectionery, and adjoining the Drug Store of Mr.A. J. Miller. an en tireh- new stock of all kinds of BOOTS. SHOES. WATS wt , TRUNKS VALISES. tMBRELLAS. all of ich lw , i3eon bought for cash, AO will be sold for cash. as cheap, if not a little cheaper than lny other house in the county. All in want of anY 7 thing in his line will find it to their advantage. to give him a call, (apr 6-tfj H. B. WIN TON. 'WISH'S LAMP HEATING APPARS -1: MS. BOiIING—FRYINGSTEWING—STEEPING— .. WITH - TUX FLAME THAT LIGHTS THI; BOOM. * * By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cones worth of oil, a very comfortable brenkfaet can be cooked * *—N Y. Trilgy... " * * in-construction, easily keptin order ready for use in a moment 4' * * convenient to have (01 hand. • * 4 ' pnlogie , * * * * Fish's Lump is ono of the most popular novelties of the day, * * the utility:of it is unques tionable, a. great saving is made in heating awl cooking small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on the ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers * • * Scientific American. * * .* • For family use, hospital, tont, barrack, picnics. fishing, nursery, or sick roora,it is an article of comfort beyond nil proportion to its cost. * * * Hall's Journal of Health. ** * I have tried tho apparatus, and my and I proclaim the same a most valuable and indis pensable article, and we now wonder how we could have so long done without it. • * * Ed. Coal Oil Circutar. . * IL* An eeonomionl contrivance for pain CUP heat at short notice for nursery and general boasts hold purposes, * * * - one important _point 'is 'the saving in cost over coal fires * * ! N. Y. Evening Post. ' PRICES FROM, TWO TO, SIX DOLLARS CAPACITY FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. , THREE ARTICLE ONECOOKED AT ONE TIME WITH BURNER. Arranged for Kerosene or Coil Oil, or dos. , A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty- pages furnished gratin: ' - ALSO THE UNIO Pr N. ATTAC-HMENT. , Common 50 Ceuta, -To be attached to a Common' Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, by which Waterway be Boiled, and Rood cooked; abm arranged to support a shade. EVERY, FAMILY NEEDS ONE. WM. D. RUSSELLAgent, No. 206 Pearl St, N'err York mayl3-3t MENTES WAfiTZD. . , ithi. TIMM, JR: I: CHAS. CIer.SAER. H E Y-SER & S S LE R; DRUGS, 'CIAEMICALS, MEDICINES, &e., CITAMBERSBURG, PA. • • AND - • PREPARATIONS OF. FULL STRENGTH, will give satisfaction to Physician and Patient, find insure continued success to oar-Drug Establishment, we give this branch ourcon'stant care and„serutiny.. CHEMICALS, DYE-St(ll4'B, AND PATENT, MEDICINES: We warrant our stock to he pure and the best in ,the Market. We are receiving a large lot of FRESH (4 A. R. i) SE I) 8 enthraelni the best kinds of new of early and lath vegetables. 811/41'411,0* 'WARE. HOWE & Si'EVENS' FAMILY DYE:COLORF, arelifthle ?mil easy eolAring. We esk trini,for them. .All the colors constantly on hand. •. Farmed and Ifer - se.Dettiers should 4liva,ys have : on hand tcpaekage of. O'NIEL'S 'HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER. It is the best for Distemper: - COOKING STOVES BITTER It'INE 2 OF IRON, an- excelleiii. Tonic for debilitated and dyspeptic person:4. - ' • • t • 0 ••1 Drugs, ettnnes, Str. GRADUATES IN ,PIIARMACY, ,DRALEItB LR - • - • Bolitriing that only PURE DRUGS MRS. HARVEY'S CROUP SIRUP, an ex ketOrant.for Conchs Cold thk Throat and Chest, thatean be relied on to give speedy relief:- POCKET BOOKS .ANI.), WALETS. We have just received a large lot, of ;every slze, quality and Price. : 1 , ' - Vine Soap ; hind Perfumery,- • I , Hair add Cloth I. Brushes, , 'Tbotit BiuThes, . , !• ReddingC_ombs. i . , Gum and Iron CoMhs. ; COnt. sntrated Potash. , • . Trusses and Braces, Saponifier. . .. - 1 . • . 1 . Medicines, cin he had at nirtht or- S,inday by calling' at the Store or at W. ffeyser's residence; a few doors. South of the-Store. ian27: ME I - 10U - L-DE4. BRACES,, TRUSSES 'AND SIiPPORTERS, - - at SPANGLER'S. AY RR'S SA RS r kP'A. R LA+ HELiVIBOLVS EXTRACT BLIGHTi. 11Q0FLA'SiD 7 S GERMAI!t'ETTiEILS, at SPAXGLER'S,' P ° M, A D - E S , ER F MERY AND SOAPS. ' at SPANGLE-It's. EE DS.—N ix om's stock of GARDEN 3 SEEDS has been renewed. A fuil,s(o4 of ail tzinciN. - ! Il Mil alto sipai—A. few . busliels sail] left. atNIXON'S.* - • A RENEWAL OF A full line of , DRCO:S. _ '. • CHEMICALS. '. • - SOAPS ; • .PERFUMERY. &c. - t at NIXON'S. QUPERIOR FLESH BRUSHES, Ki az . \IONS , , . BRIAL SUIT SI OF 'BRUSHES, COW Hair Ping and Panay, f loods, at tttltl „ . • NIXON'S.- • L. l A P S .—The etoek :of Soaps lat NIXON'S can't lie excelled. , • . liGt AY RUM, VOLOGNPS AND Ex 1,1 TRACTS. at ' NIXON'S. O..t•N I , c) N A Ar I r[E E E. •D4IT Pr G sT, STORE ON THE DIAMOIW, CHAMBERSBITRa. i l l 0 .1 - L'E T' - ` A:ii . T I C L ES. 1.. STERLING'S AMBROSIA:- , ' , ' HAIR -DYES, POMADES,__ EXTRACTS OP ALL KINDS, - COCOAINE, ' TOOTH BR' ' . •' - - ' '" ItAra:B] , ,, COMBS, and a full assortment of every the. Toilet Pine eat'behad at ' ,LEE'S. QTANbAREi PATENT "" - ICINES. I,J.Sistam's Panacea,,, - Ayer'S Cherry Peeiors; - - ' ,Xeyser's Peet drat, Bleed Searaher,, , ' Jayne's - Medicines, _ - - , Weintire'a and • . ' . all other good • . , . Preparations . . ~ of the day. 'at MILLER'S Drug Store. • - • HAVE YOU' ' - A—B A D - GOLB? Try a 'Bottle of MILLER'S COUGH SYRUP. It vrill tore yeti. Get it at - A.J... MILLER'S. H AVE - " • . Y U SHE ' ITC•II'. Get abox or TERRILL'S ITCH OINTMENT. It is a safe and speeds eure—at A. 3... MILLER'S. K . t - RoSENE OIL, KEROSENE'LAMPS, - CHIMNEYS AND WICKS. , ,•- • , ALCOHOL AND Farm and a full assortment of sueh articles as ate usually found in ft' DrliC• Store can be had at MILLER'S. T HE'CHILPS 141 - EDICIN , l IANODYNE CORMA,L, at MILLER 8 Drug Storo. 110 t AN VAR T'S TROCHES, BROWN'S TROMPS. • BRYAN'S PULMONie WA:FERS. at, MILLER'S Drug Store. t - TERRILL'S - TETTER OINTMENT, ; A Certain Cure: ' • -at MIT.-LEIVS Drug Store. reAmthr DYE COLORS.--A new ar ticlo, and justyqtat is, needed. in every family. at' MILLER'S. II O,R S , E AND COW I . ' O WDERS, at - • MILLER'S. G AR DE - N . SEEDS, all kinds, at MILLER'S. -1- rrp THE LADIES : pR AMERICA LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS; LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS. ' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS,. - THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! ' , _ • THE GREAT FEMALE - REMEDY ! = ; THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! , THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS lil PERIODICAL DROPS - _ LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS - ARE 7 3nTTER_THAN PILLS? ARE BETTER THAN PILLS!! - ARE BETTER THAN PILLSI • ARE BET'PER THAN PILLS! I ' I Lxon's Periodical Drops are THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION TILE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION . THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ,". , THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION averbrought before the public, and ilia diuretic and .4p eci tie for irregulari tics, challenges the world to pro decent' ential.; they ere, in the most obstinate cases, RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE. AND SURE TO DO GOOD! AND CANNOT DO HARM 'AND' CANNOT DO HARM ' AND:CANNOT DO HARM AND CANNOT DO HARM IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! -IF Tip, )IRECTIONS ARE ADHERED , OOI IF 4'll 01 4 RE CT lONS ARE ADHERED TO SAFE ATTIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! . SAFE AT ALL TIMES? SAFE AT ALL TiMESI exi: , ept when expres•ly forbidden. in the directions which are wrapped around each, bottle, and have th written signature of Dr. Jzin:L. LYON upon them. --- NONE OTHERS ARE DENTINE! - NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! . NONE OTHERS ARE GENDINE! NONE OTHERS ARE 4ENUINE! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! IiEWA E. (5 - F 66 (INTER it ; I nicy cure all those ills to which the female System is subjectedwith dispatch and h degree of certainty whieh nothing hat a 'scientiticallyeorapounded fluid preparation could reach. USE NO OTHER! USE NO OTHER! USE NO OTHER! USE NO OTHER! for my D,roPs stand: before the :world as the ue ptua ultrit of - all remedies for the cure of all disehses of the Kid n eysend Medd et. Leueorrh ea: Prolapses and the mild but positive correction-oral' irregularities. DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON - DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON!, DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON by' those who have other preparations, Which they desire to palm MT upon the strength of the popular ity of my Drops, and who recommend their own nos trums, thus appropriating to themselves the con stant demand for my Periodical Drops, as a medium for selling something whiuh is worthiess and ineffic ient. But when the Droggist yon.apply to has not got them, either make him buy them for youor else enclose one Dollar to the nearest general wholesale agent; who will send yob a bottle , bY return Express. You will thus save yourselves trouble and obtain relief from - the greatest Female Regulator of the Nineteenth Century. Over 25,000 Bottles of this medicine have been sold within the last six months, and every Lady that Was used them, but for the nature of the cure, would - furnish us with her sworn certificate of their ef f icacy. It takes but one Dollar to maketheexperiment, and I appeal to those of your sox who are suffering-7.wi1l you waste away when a single Dollar will give you instant relief. • Prepared solely by Dr. Jaa:t. LYON, -Practising Pby'sjcian.. - Price 441 per bottle. C. G. CLARE it Co.. Wholesale Druggists New Haven, Cora., General Agents for the United States and Cartadas. - For sale at Wholesale by ' ' D. S. DA_ltlib'S , CO, New Yore. - GEO. C. 000Divry & CO, Boston. JOHNSTON; HALLOWAY ‘b COWDEN. 5e23,63-eowly.. -23. North Sixth St., .Phila. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE • Ito BELL TUB Elegant run Length Steel Plate Engraving" PRESIDENT LINCOLN, 13161SECO'Tini nniatomoritt - g PROCLAMATION. The best and only_ eprreet likeness of this great, man inexistence. For Partibulani address • - JO H N DAINTY. Publisher', may 11-4 • , N 0.1 7 S. 6th, St,, Philad.. 1110RINTERWANTED,-;-AJoinneyman, IL - fo r a country Newsp_aper Office. A man. of steady habits who neitherdrlaks liquor , uses tobacz co, or swears, Is preferred. $3O, a month will bo paid. Taquire at the office or the Rarosrtort. mayll-St* CM WANTED—A good TANNER. Good: YY • wages and steady employment will be given. Apply to the:andansigned,:near Martarabnrg. ap27-tf • C; ,111.ETCAL1`. 'JOHN C..I(OPEINS. 1 JOIIH WBLVENEY J 0 N . , P INS it C O., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN :CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, , N0:612 Market S'irreet; - Phitaclaphia. • , For further paiticrulata apply t& S. S. SHRYOOK, Chiunbersburg. Pa. - seas4y.- JE E D , 1 - OBPRINTEND. e' , iery sty - re,' done Atthe Moor rRANK.Lr&III4I'OsITORY „ Thugs, Parlitinns, Att. IneNatl. Manto. _Zouits auit ,Stationertk:, i...i.iBtATioxita. now occupies his Now ":,sto rs , Roont and is prepared to. transact busiaesawfW greater facilities than over. - - BOOK S.--SOlieol .Bnoks.3liscellarfeous Bookt.Toy hooka, Law Rooks,' Medical Books; Sunday B e h a a 13 1 ° I i t t a i S li .- t i l . r ilar ßo is o e l i s tisortnientorPacliet andlam_ ily Bibles. • BLANK BOOKS of all Sizes, qualities aad . a.yle s of binding. STATIONERT.—.A, great variety of all kinds of all kinds of writing and - TrintingPapcm, - of French, English and American manufacture. •Also,Eniel apes of all sizes and .qualities, Ink..-Pens Pencils, In di a Rubber, . Times, Seals, -Quills. Copy Beets Blotting Board,, Knives, Erasers, Writing Sand &c. GOLD very besi , Gold Pentin'the market. fully warranted, made by Leroy...Yr.:l*r child, - " - • BLIND PAPER.—A full variety of patterns and qualities. r WALL PAPER. --Nearly 1,01 diFerent pattern together with suitab o Bordoring4 Plain.-Velvet. and Velvet Gilt. PICTURE FRAMES:— Or al. and Stitt are Irranice for Photographs. Framesrande to order., • FRENCH - GLASS, fbr Picture Frames; at'anY tze. CHEAP NOVELS,. mach lower than Publishers' '• - • EiNtIRAVINGS.--English, French: fiCrianuthd American - Engravings. . ' . BASKETS,---FaneY,TraVeling.took,PimaiOrnit„ Knife and Clothes Baskets, ,• : -; ZEPHYR WORSTEDS:—SingIe and Double,Ze- JAizr 4 Tapestry aud,Spli Zephyr, Shetland Wool. kc. NEWSPAPERS..—The Philadelphia and, New York Dailies received daily. Clubs or indirlduido. supplied.. , • WEEKLY PAPERS.—HarPers' Weekly ~,Frank 'Leslie, N. Y. Mercury, N. Y. Weekly; N. I. Led ger. &c.,received weekly,., ' PERODICALS. Harpers' Monthly, Atlantic Monthly. Continental; Oode, Peterson, I Dallim, Knickerbocker, All the Year hound, rrebeivcd as soon as published. - - CHEAP LITEIZATURE.—AII the Dimopublica tions,Veekly Nouvollettcs, Song Books &e. re ceived daily. ! _ ORDERS.—We take orders for all kinds*, goods. EXPRESS.—We recniee goods by Express every day from the East.. , , ' BLANK DEEDS, Writidg and Printing Cards, Rulers, .Pap Weights, .Fancy Boxes, - CombS Brushes, Chalk Crayons, and all standard, goods ik ourlinc constantly on hand. Musiejor Piano, Guitar;,Vibliu, and Flute. - PIANOS.—We purchaCe Pianos on "Com - mission, sang to save our customefe froni,Fifty. to One' hun dred and Fifty Dollars._ , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.—We 'cab timply any; kind of Musical „Instruments at ,Prices far loW i er than uSunl. ' P.HOTOGRAPEI ALBUMS.- 2 Wevan sell Photo graph Albums at loweryrices than they cau be, nro cured for in the CARTES 'DE VlSlTE.—Portraits of Militia,' Men of the U. 4.-Arniv and Navv, distingtrishe I Mon and Women, CorricciPictures, - Are. NEW TOY BOOKS inlgront variety. ' New publications of the American S. S. Onion, American Tract - Soeiety, Presbyterian Board' of Publication, &a. • We have no hesitation in saying to our customers that from our long experience. our manner of doing business, and our great facilities. we do n fear Competition', and- have nb doubt of being able to 'ive entire satisfaction. ' Come and see ear new store, our n OTT and enlarged stock, and form your own opinions. Chadtbershurz Dec. 9, 1861 ;TAMES B. SMITH & TO.; e BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISBERS, Manufacturers of Blank and Memoranduui Books; Photograph Albums, Manifold-Writers,:hlarbic gat. Per, &0., No. 27 South Seventh•Stroct, above Chest nut. Phila. - Blank work of every description, for County Otti-i ees. Hotels, Counting Rouses, and - Public. Offices done to order. -Orders left with, S. S. SEIRTOCK: Chainhorsburg, Pa., will be promptly attended to,:. seat ' ! r ebitat. QHRINtIt'S BALSAMIC COUGH Sy:, Coughs, Colds, Croup, kopirp Vough,Asthwa, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Aix - kepi'. Wealeness of the Breast, Difficulty of fireothing; 'lhis,is no new remedy. It has been used fdrn'nrini-' her of years in Maryland and -parts of PennsYlvn nia, and has 'Wherever known acquired an unprece dented - reputation for curing the variousdisehxog for which it i 3 recommended. , It is used by all classes Osoeiety. and 'thuni versal opinion is that it is good. 27,in Ssrap is a 'purely Irejetabii Compound. It is picasant to take, and never does injury.. knit Diving to its 'purifying . qualities, must do good under any circumstances.— Its effects are truly wonderful, soothing, calming," and allaying the most 'violent toughs; pnrifYing strengthening and invigorating the whole system: darning and soothing the nerves; aiding and' Rating expectoration, and healing the-. , • • DISEASED LUNGS. thus striking at the root cif diseases, and Writing it s from the system. • ' • • ' ' CROUP.' This disease is anueuneed by difficulty of breath ing, 9hHll whistling or, wheezing hacking cough. and threatened suffocation': Fe.lt mostly Decuii in young children. No ohild need die of•Crpup it this S . .yrari is proreily used, arid used in tie.— Mothers Jinxing ereueY children should tratCh , the'i first show of the disease, and always lieep thisre medy on hand. • • ' For cough after measl, flag Syrup is mos: ez 6 el - t lent. 'Experience boa proi-cn that It is equaled no other preparation. Th'e price is such as to place it within the reach , o , ' all, the poor as welt as the rich, and every perspn, should have it. • • Every one should have, it in the house. It, is.a. true and 'faithful friend to all who valuehmilth and wish to secure themselves against that •most•terti— ble disease, Consumption.,lt. will be found , the most useful as well as the'cletitivst familymcdicitte in the world. It has - been used. for the last Saar year's - with a success without Price 40 ct..s., tier bottle, or; three hottielt for V.l(i.- 1 3 r - epareciliy Fati ___- For isle by A. ..T. MILLER. and J. S. NIXON. Charnheisburg, Pa., and Storekeepers everywhote.. FOTYTZ'S CELEBRATED 11 0 11/2, AND CATTLE POWDERS.—Iheee Powders have-Proved. -after a trial of several years, to be en perier te, any preparation of the kind used. , 'The'. chief superiority of these Powders arise from- the-.. fact that they are composed of medicines that have Laxative. Tonic; and .Purifying :properties.: ;The Laxative ejects crudities from the stomach and intestines; the Tonle gives strength -to the ty-Eteny• of the Horse; and the PurifY,ing -medicines -con-s: taini-dlti them cleanse the blood and lay the foun dation for a healthy.and vigeronacircelation.: The-' use of' them improves the wind, strengthens the, appCtite, and gives the horse a fine, - smooth, glossy skis—thes improving. the, appearance, , vigor , and spirit of the noble animal. These Powder's 'intended. as some kovv ()era are, to bloat-the animal, so as to give him the appearance of being fat when not really so—hnt .to • remove the disease and promote his general health.' These Powders will strengthen the stomach,and intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, and. bring them to a healthy state, 'They aro a prevexi-= five of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases incident to the Horse, as GlanderS, Yellow Water, Distemper, -Founder; Heaves, Shivering:" Coughs. Fovors,Loss of-Appetite , and Vita) Ener gY. &e, -These Powders, ifused two or three finless week, through tho winter and spring. your Horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colic or Botti. A few doses of these ; powder; will remove the worst Cough on any Horse. Were owners of Horses to feed a few of thesoPoviders every_ year they might' save the lives of many valuable Horses. MILCH COWS.—The properties this Powdeiptts sesses-in increasing the quantity' of Milk in Cott .14 gives, it an importance and value which shotdd plaudit in the hands every person keeping a Cow." In fa ping. Cattle it gives them an apPotite, looson3 their hide, and 'makes them , thrive meek., faster. ' all diseases of Swine, as Cpughs. cers'in the Lungs and Liver, &e.,:byputtingfr om half a paper to aipaper of 'those 'Pointers Mg , rel of swill, the above diseases, can be oared or eq.. tirely priitlented.*l2o- using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be krevented.• :Prepared by , • S. A. POITTZ Westminster„ For salowholesalaand retail by A. J. MILLER arid J. S. NIXON. Chtunheralarg, Pa.. and Atore-: keepers everywhere. 'Price 25 obi. a paper, or five' papers for $l. . 1 _ d9,63-1Y: POUTZ'S MIXTURE is - 'a safe and MI ableltemedY for tlie cure of Itheamatisni,Vtan ful Nervous Affections : Sprains, Burnso Swelling% .and all dis'easeS requiring an external application on Man.: On Horses it will never fail to cure tulaj old Sunning Sores or Sweeny. if properly an plied. Flu sprains, brotses,sesatones, cracked awl: chafes, saddle or collar gall, eat or wounds, it is an, TrY Oland? la 'convinced bf'd3 efficaoY. .; AMMATISM. Persons afitictedwith 'this diseash. 0 0 . 0100 _,„.., 01 "° 1 ' how long stain*, can bo promptly and off oo -/ef cured by using this mixture: • There As ,nothingin.thp world so stir. and SD t to take away hod corns and cure Frost Bites. Preparation. TIT it and , :eatisfy yourablrek . -PViee' zo and Wets. per la.: 0 o .f Pre:Pared by 2 ''" l B.FOuTz Atltitt,.. 'Westminster. For sale by Ai: A.-MILLER and NIXON , I Chambitrihnr& Pa., sad EterlkeePere trrlTYwketta.i... FOUTZ WO,