The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 25, 1864, Image 5

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    tvantitin arroitorg.
iGossiP W ITII OUR Fr ENDs.—Hoiv quiet
and how beautiful the country looks to one who
has been Pea- for a time in a Idege city.—
There is 10 spring in the city. It is true
. a 'few trees, shrubs, flowers and blades
of grass' give some little token of it; but the
-het dusty streets, close atmos
phere mid horrible smells are a surer index.
Broadway ,will do in winter, with the gay
dresses of the ladies, the gaudily painted omni
busses and the flaming shop windows; but in
the spring give us "rocks, waters, woods," fields
of grain and clover, fruit trees in blossom,
flower gardens in full bloom, and road side
By the bye, what has become of the fulfil
ment of, the prophecy about the grass growing
in Broadway %% hen The South would secede.
-Our Southern brethern - have seceded, and the
grass g tows not yet in Broadway. Alas for the
prophets, in their Own country 1
The ten cent Omnibujjtre was, ma we ex
pected; a failure. The great Unwashed as well
as the washed refused to pay the Villainous
_price'; and the unwonted sight of empty stages
was seen on Broadway. A great moral victory
was won by the sovereign people, and' six cents
is once more the charge per half hour for the
privilege of being squeezed, trampled on, and
mothered in concert with from twelve to eigh
teen of Vteir misguided fellow beings. One
meets with strange adventures sometimes in
these van — nosingone's pocket-book, fur in
stance, is quite exciting; so is the occasional
'striking of hobs and falling of horses. _ A small
man is eictisable for a feeling of desperation
when engulphed in the crinoline of a lady on
each side. - To have a. fat lady on the
~ one
hand and an angular one on the other is
still more distres‘sing, the meeting of the two
extremes through his body is, to say the least;
unpleasant, worse than . to have a barbed arrow
piercing the left and a mustard plaster on the
right shoulder, the faint, roast beef, greasy,
istty feel balanced by the vulture-beak sen
sation. But when a fellow gets sandwiched
between two plump, pretty lassies, the one
with blue eyes. and golden hair, the other
-with briiwn eyes and chestnut locks, then,'
then • comes the tug of war. - Every` jolt of
the stage sways him to and fro like a spoon
between two pyramids of blanc mange.—
If 'yon happen to be old or irascible or corned,
take care of your toes ; if amiable, don't let an
4:11d- lady of two hundred (pounds of course) sit
on your lap. If your clothes. are new, don't
Mike on your knee a' juvenile - witha fresh gin
gbiecake in his hand ; if yout: habilaments are
iturbby, don't mind an occasional look of scorn
from those who are well dressed ; . if - yon want
fun, watch a lady getting into the door, partic
ularly if she has three or four bundles and an
umbrella in her arms ; and - if you wish your
hair to - stand on end, see an Englishmin try, on
pretext of stopping the stage, to Pull the driver's
leg ind body through the little round six inch
hole in front. At - times the drivers will swear,
give the wrong change, or forget it altogether.
Should you drop your change, you must never
attempt to hunt for it, for it is very trying to
stoop down and hunt through some thirty gai
ters and hoots for a few five and ten cent notes.
Bearyour loss like a man, and be more care
ful next time. Never argue with a Jchu,
particularly if he's from a well known island
west of Great Britain. ,Pray without ceasing,
keep year temper, wear strong, simple, neat,
plain attire, pay the exact fare, look at and
talk to nobody, keep your left hand on your
pocket bOok, pay uo attention to insults or
'blandishments, be sure you know where -you
intend to alight, don't go 'to sleep, be pleased
or tiightened at nothing, attempt not to stop a
*sing stage with your elbow or head, never
make your exit face foremost or beforeyou have
come to it halt,' avoid the mud, look well to -it
that the stages in your rear don't pass over your
prostrate body. tuce for the side walk incenti-
neatly—treasure up all these premutiohs in
yottriiii;art, and in due course of time, after lo:a
of 'till* and treasure, and a .leg, perhaps, you
will be able to travel on Broadway with ease to
yourself and comfort to others. Little thought
we to spend so much time on this subject, but
the truth is, we have been passing such nn
amount of I timelftely in_ omnibuses, that we
/lave been run away with—the theme opens
np such a field for thought, for reflection, for
philosophizin,g. We often think of what a pimis
old friend of ours once said as le picked him-
self up out of an upturned stage—" I'd rather
take -Fharoah's clam& in the Red Sea; any time,
than ride the length of Broadway in au omni
bus." Not too strong a rennet*, but slightly
We wish we could say- something about the
Fair, our Fair, the Fair to be held in Chant
bersburg the 13th of June next, for the bene
of the Christian Commission, that would giie
new energy to the, energetic and stir up the
lukewarm: notibthws many .may think our
Fair small in comparison with those held at Chi
cago, Brooklyn, New York, etc.; but the-fact is,
it Will not be small for Chambemburg. There
is an influence and a heartiness at work that
will cause our Fair to compare favorably, for
our means, 'with those of much greater:preten=
I ..sionsl We know full well what our town has
already done for the good eatu3e, that our houses
have ever been open to the Union soldier, that
we have already given more than our share,
that 'we have nursed the sick and fed the hun-
gry, that we have been robbed, by the enemy
and insulted - by our Legislature, and last, but
not least, that we are truly and heartily devak
_ ted to our government. ,Come k fetus all join
tether is one people, igno r i n g party lines,
and each one lend all his might in aid of our
bilave ;men in the field. They give their time,
t t
or and their lives - ifir us; let us give
them ur aid and sympathy. - We, in behalf of
the m nagers of the Fair, respectfully ask every
one help us. If there is a farmer who can
. spare ut one egg, and but one potato, let us
have it.: We wilt lake anything that can be
turned into money. - Come and help us. Conie,
oome; and when this unholy war is over, we
oan all feel that we have dOne our share in pro
ducing the glorious result—an undivided coun
try, peace and prosperity, and freedom for all,
rich and poor, white and black, alike. Come,
friends. lay aside for kday or two your business,
and your selfish - concerns, and, for the honor of
old Franklin, assist in raising a htindsorim con
tribution for the. Christian Commission, to be
used for the cOmfo — it of the defenders of our
homes, our lacris and oar national honor.
A youthful, friend of ours baying undergone a
medical examination by the Draft Surgeon, in
formed us that the Doctor told him he had "An
gelina pectoris.", Poor fellow, guess he must
be in love ! it
Friday last, Mr. Latshaw, the caroling officer
ior Franklin township, Adams county, met a
suspicious looking character on the road, and
questioned him as to his residence. He an-•
swered that he resided in that township, but
When interrogated as to the names of his neigh
bors, he found that-Mr. Latshaw was likely to
detect him and he said he had made' a mistake
—that he resided beyond Mereersburg. From
his confused and Unsatisfitetorystatements., Mr.
Latshaw felt s it his duty to arrest him, and lie
did so. -The prisoner shade no resistance„-but
proposed to walk back to New4.Salem ; but on
the way he took the first favorithle opportunity
to jump the fence and ran away. Thti officer
pursued, and was joined by
. the People of - the
neighhorhOod ; and after a chase of about three
hours,lhe was recaptured without being injured.
Officer Latshaw _then bound his feet-together,
and started for bharribersburg- to. deliver 'the
prisoner to Capt. Eyster, the Provost Marshal.
Latshaw and the prisoner were in a single seat
ed buggy, and , Mr. 'Sloneker rode behind on
horseback When in the South Mountain; the
prisonermenaged quietly to get his feet loose,
and when opposite a dense thicket of laurel, he
sprang from the buggy into the bushes. Mr
Sloneker fired at him and lodged a ball in his
shoulder, making a slight wound, but it did no,t
arrest the prisoner. Latshaw immediately
jumped( from the buggy' and rushed ‘into the
thicket after him, and - called to him twice to
halt or he would fire; but' the prisoner contin
ued to get away as fast 'as possible. Latshaw
fired and struck him in the hip, shattering the
bone badly, and of course arresting his prog
ress. He at once called -out that he was mor
tally wounded. Mr. Sloneker went up to him,
while Latshaw pursued his horse, and the pris
oner told him that he wasSatally injured—that
he could not live long,_ and at once admitted --
that he was a rebel spy, and had met aj net fate.
He gave his name us Lloyd,,and, stated that he
had been in this section making observations
for the benefit of the rebels.
-He :is a man of about forty years of age,
stoutly built, with dark hair and goatee, is quite
'intelligent, and has evidently not been a labor
ing man. It is more than probable that he, is a
rebel officer. On his person was lonia a belt
with nearly $lOO of gold, and he had Chatta
nooga and Virginia rebel money, and a little
Pennsylvania currency. He represents him
self as a native of Lee county, Virginia, but
says that he has livedin Missouri for some years,
and was about to return to. Lee county. He
had a letter, with the date and place where it
was written torn off, Which refers to a journey
to be undertaken, and certain information to be
conveyed; but it furnishes no clue to partieS in
complicity with him. He had also a Cincin
nati paper of the `..Bth ult. in his : pocket, from
which we think- it probable that he passed
through that place several weeks ago. He wail
in this town a feiV days before he was arrested;
tried to sell some gold at the Bank, and - very
carefully scanned a map of the county hanging
in the Bank. ,
thigh wound-is very serious, but not ne
cessarily- mortal, and his recovery is altogether
probable. Had Ilia wound been less dangerous,
it might have been difficult to gather \ sufficient
- evidence to warrant holding him as a spy, hut
when he was shot he supposed he was about to
die, and he admitted his purpose and business,
frankly. He is now _ in the Hospital in this
place, in the custody of Gen. Couch, and will,-
we learn, be sent to Fort Mifflin as soon as he
recovers sufficiently to be removed. Great
credit is due Officer Latshaw and Mr. Slonaker
for his arrest and delivery to the authorities at
this place. We presume that Lloyd came into
our lines through the Cumberland mountains,
came East by way of Cincinnati, and inerio to
escape through the Shenandoah
E,DUCATIONAL.—Pursuant to notice the
lyrunklin county Educational_Association met
in Waynesboro' on the 11th inst. Organized
by electing Messrs. Jos. Douglas, 'resident, and
1). 13. Russell and Joseph Eckhart, Vice Pres
From thirty to forty teachers were in attend
ance heing'not more than one-fifth employed in
the county. The English branches commonly
tang in the public lschools" were taken up in
t . regular order and discussed and in most
ases classes were formed and by one ir
more of the members. - The subject of Rending
elicited more than ordinary attention. " Object
Teaching " which is now being freely discussed
particularly in the more Eastern States, gave
rise tc , considerable animated discussion, teach
ers manifesting.a desire to test new theories be
fore adopting them : , Notwithstanding that
attendance of Teachers and an extremely sparse
audience, the meeting was one of interest. The
President at' the close of the meeting, spoke
warmly for the great cause of popular educe
tion;a nd warned teachers at being discouraged at
want of interest manifested by the people, gen
erally in the education Of their offspring, that
any undertaking having grelit.godd for its end,
meets with the-same apathy..
The Superintendent, in behalf of Associ
ation; thanked the President for his cheering
words of encouragement.
Among the resolutions adopted were the fol
Resolved,_ That we consider obedience 'to law and
order as a Christian duty, and believe all teachers
should endeavor to instill this principle into the
minds of the youth under their charge.
Resolved, That our thanks are duo the Rev. Mr.
Krebbs for his able address, to the gentlemen who
presided overtho meeting, and also to- the " few"
citizens who were in attendance.
Resolved, That our proceedings be published in
the county papers and penna. - School Journal.
. Sec'y-
the position of Inspector General of our forma
in the North West. - Headquarters at Sioux
City, lowa.
tig:,..franktin ilepositorp, Mai) 25, 1,864
STAMP DUTIES.—There is much difficulty
-often among the people in ascertaining the pro
per stamp duties to put upon notes, drafts Le.
1 All checks, drafts or orders at sight require two
1 cents without regard to the amount; and the
following fable shows the amount of stamps
'necessary on mites, drafts and every thing riot
payable on sight:
$ 1 toS2O ' 1
200 ' 400 2
460 " - 6003
600 " 800 . i
,000 . 5
1,000 " 1,200 6
1,200 , " 1,400
1.400 " 1,000 8.
1,000 " 1,800 ....... . ..... .........„ 9
1,800 " 2,000 ' 10
2,000 " 2.200. I"'
2,200 - " 2400 .12
2,400 " 2.000 - 13
2.600 " 2.800 14
2,800 " 3.000 15
3,000 " -3,200 16
3,200 " 3.400 4 11;
3;1 . 00 " 3,ltoils'
3,600 " 3,800 116.
3,800 " 4,000 1 2 0
4,000 " 4,200..,. I:4'
4,200 " 4.400 - ,291
4,400 " 4,000 11111
4,609 " 4.800 124 1
4,800 " 5,000 . . 126
„. .
have been received in this place from a number
of the gallant boys of .this famous Regiment,
giving vivid and interesting accounts of the
great raid tinder Gen. Kautz on the Peninsula,
in which th-y were prominent participants. 'ln
a letter before us, it h;" stated
, that the 6"ni
mind, numbering' ahouf twenty-right hundred,
-approached within six miles of Riehmoud, over
roads nut heretofore traversed by any of our
troops, and greatly to the consternation of the
inhabitants of that section. The destruction of
property of various kinds by this raid is almost
beyond computation, and the-raiders captured
a greater number perhaps, of Ne,gioes, Horses,
Mules, &c., than has been taken by any similar
expedition since the commencement of the war.
The results will be a severe blow upon the re
bels; and will greatly asissit Gen, Butler in
carrying out the purposes of his important
campaign. ThOcommand were out fourteen
days and are now safely encamped for arshort
rest ut City Point. Among the cifsdalties sus
tained -by the 11Th on the raid, we regret to
record the death of George Elliott. son of Mr.
Marion Elliot, of, who v.-as killed by
bushwhackers. •
. ,
DELEGATES ELECTED.—By an arrangement
made between the Delegates from this district
in the Union State .Convention, the counties of
Franklin turd Adams Were conceded one Dis
trict Delegate to the National Convention. and
the counties of. 'ulton, Bedford and Snmerset
the other: In rsuance of that arrangement
the confer from this end of the district---
Messrs. Benjamin Chambers, Juo. E Crawford
and H, S. Stoner of Franklin, and D. M!Con
naughy, E. G. Fahnestock and C. H. Buehler
of Adams—met in this phice on Tuesday of last
week, and had sessions on Tuesday evening and
Wednesday. Adams county presented Col. E.
G. lahnestock, and Franklin county presented
John Stewart, Esq. On' the '2oth ballot, Mr.
Stewait Was chosen Delegate, and Col. Fahne
stocic Was made alternate Delegate. The fol
lowing resolution was unanimously adopted:
Re4n/red. That the Delegates elected by this con
ference be instructed to support the re-nomination
01 A8R.111.01 LINCOLN for the Presidency, and that
they be requested to support the nomination of Gov.
Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, for the Vice Presi
bill to establish a Postal — Money Order system,
has become a law. -Ins designed to facilitate
and secure the transfer of small sums of money
through the medium of the Post Office. Under
its provisions, ani person desiring to transmit
money by mail in a sum not less than $l . or
more than $3O, may by depositing the amount
in the hands of any Postmaster with whom a
"lioney Order Cffice" - shall be established,
obtain an order therefor drawn upon and paya
-ble by the:Postmaster of the place to which he
intends to forward the money. No order shall
be issued for less than $1 'or more_than $3O;
and perioni receiving them will be required to
pay the following fees: For an order for $1 up
to $lO, ten cents; more- than $lO and not
'exceeding $2O, fifteen cents; over $2O, twenty
cents: This system of money exchange through
the Post Office has been in operation in Europe
for many years past, and is found r great
day evening last Messrs. Burkhart & llenshei
okened their splendid new Conthetienery and
Fivit Store and Tee Cream Saloon Ihr the pat
ronage of the public. The establishiOnt : lo-
Cated 'on the West side, of North Mai St. nth'
the Mit Office, and is one of the most extensive
of its kind in this part of the State. The sale
rooms are very handsomely fitted up, and in the
manufactnring departments the best machinery
and latest improvements tor baking &c. are in
troduced. Their present stock of Confeetions,
Fruits, Cakes, Fancy Goods, &c., is very large
and attractive, and they are prepared to furnish
anything in their line in the smallest,or largest
qualities at very,low rates.
The Ice Cream Saloons arc elegantly furuislt
ed. and it is the design of the firm to supply the
very best quality of Ice Cream that can be
made, and of the choicest flavors
DON'T forget to write letters and send news
papers to our gallant soldiers. They are always
longing to hear news from home, ana a letter,
or newspaper,—their home newspaper, especial
ly—is ever a most welcome visitor. Just now
there are Inindreds of our bravo boys prostrated
on beds of pain in the hospitals at Washington,
Alexandria, Belle Plain, Fredericksburg an
elsewhere, to whom the time passes wearily,
who would find great solace in theiihome news,
paper We hope that each one of our subscri
ders, will pack up to-day's REposrrogY, after
they have read it, and send it to' their absent
friends and relatives, or to one of the hospitals
in the places named, in care 'of the Sanitary or
.Christian Commissions. Those good Samari
tans will see that papers so sent are properly
distributed. We intend to dispose of as many
copies as we can spare in this way for some
weeks to come, and hope all our readers will do
the same.
CONTRIBIMOI4.--We have.. received from
Mr. GeolSprecher a contribution of $6 45 for
the Christian Commission.
i QI ~I
~i~ l
' G ~~
i m m
t 7
2 i 103j 01
! 4 061 08
6100 i 12
81121 16
,10 151 20
12 181 24
141211 18
16 24 32
IS 271 86
20.60) 40
2(33 1 44
24136 i 48
2610 , 1 52
28 Li 56
30 401 60
32 48! 64
31 311 88
36154 1
381571 76
,40'601 80
42153 1 84
44,661 88
46'891 0 2
41[71: 96
5017511 CO
06i 10
121 20
18i 30
241 40
WI 50
36 00
42 70
481 80
54 90
60'1 00
00,1 10
7211 20
7811 SO
81 1 40
' 90 1 50
1864 is the first 'Centennial_ anniversarY'of the
laying out of the town of Chambersburg in the
year 1761, IT Col. Benjamin Chambers, on 'his
plantation at the junction of the Falling spring
with the Cenochcheague Creek, whet4t he had
resided with his family from his first settlement
in this valley, in ,the year 1730 ; and Where he
had a fort constructed and armed with , cannon
at his own expense, in 1756, fur the defence of
11IS family and ',others against Indian ,yarfure,
then being earned on against the white settlks.
We submit to offer citizens whether there should
not be proper recognition of the anniversary. '
XO6 160
1 02 1 70
061 ' 4 O
1 141 tit
1 262 10
1 32, 2 20
1 382
1 4412 J 0
1 50,2 30
Re c eived of Messrs. Nl:gore &'Stoner one hundred
and thin ty- three dollars and frfty-fii - e cents fur the
Chribtima Commission, -being amount of receipts
from the °thee of the FIrA N s LIN , REYOSItORY, Ch dru -
bereburg. Pa,, for one day.
Job. PArrEusolc. Treasurer.
' , per Wm. H. hill. ,
DSSERIT4t: ESCAPED.-i. deserter' named
Field, from one of the Western States; was ar
rested by the Provost. Marshal last week, and
placed, in the Hospital in consequence 4-serious,
injury to one of
,his 'feet which rendered it im
possible for him to walk. He is a scie. , n& de
serter, having deserted' from four regonerkts,
and would 114 iuhtlesshav,ebeen,punished!se,veTely
and probably shot 'had he been triid. On
Thursday night he made his escape, relid as he
could not walk, the query is a grave One as to
the means by Which he got away. Fie must
have been aided, by persons in this place, and
taken off on horseback or in a buggy. Lan p:ay
of our copperheads guess as to how he escaped
ceipts of the Re.yi*TOCOY office on Wednesday
last, atnotratedto $133 5-s,which was remitted
to Jos. Patterson, Esq., of Philadelphia, as, a
contribution to the : Christian Commission. The
following is the acknowledgement received
=Ylkiludeiphiu, May 'JAI, ISGI.
Ni AR Ft . . 9 F401.PE.- 2 -We learn -from the
Waynesbot Rei•orq, that Hi: W. H. brother
ton, of that place 'narrowly .escaped drown*
on Sunday last a week. He wakteturning frofu
Westminster, 114, and iu the attempt to cross
Pipe Creek was euMpelled to cut his horse froin
the buggy' dud in this way narrowly dseapldt
with his life. The stream was very much
swollen from the late rains and M. B. imissel
the right fording. buggy, with carpet sack,
clothing, papers, etc.
IT is requested , thut persons havikg : t)rken
sowing for the Ladies fair, for the beimfit of,
the Christian Commission will return the same
by Tuesday; May 31st, so that the committee
may prepare it fob sale, at the IfMr. This no
tice refers to such atKiele Made from muslin,
linen and !land
A FAut.—The Mares of Waynesboro' and vi
cinity have decided, upon holding u Fair that
place, the proceeds of which is to go to 'the
Christian Conimissitim , They are actively en
gaged in making :the necessary arrangements
and so far, from what we can learn, have been
liberally enebtlraged. „
TUE DRAFf ORDERED.-7C4t. Eyster has
received orders to proceed:to draft for the defi
cieneies uuder the late calla without delay, and ,
he . will be , really tu• coitunenee on Monday
nest. He will, nut reach Franklin county for
two Weeks. The 'wen drafted repoitea
in our colinUus.
Stryker. Paymaster, will be in Charubersb,urg
uu ti ridgy nelt to pitSr the militia companies of
1662 remaining unpaid.' The members or
companies will fa ei!itate the 'matter by calling
on the Captains before_ that day and signidg the
ren in Christ will'dedicate their new Church
edifice, in St. Thomas,' on ,Sunday, the 15th of
June next.' Ministers froth a. distance are'ex
pected to be in attendance.
. ACKNOWLEDGLItiNT.—We have received.
$132 63 from the Ladies' Aid Society of Fan
nettsburg, to be forwArilil to' the Christimi
ANY WIDOW, or PARENT, or CiftPt or
MA RINK, KILDA), or who, has DIED in the service of
the United States, who desire Ninety-4ix Dolletra
(696)a ytotr Penkina, frotn (Jae Hundred to Ekvea
liondred mat Ninety-jive Do/tare .($1195) . ea.!,
!kntty, and all the Arrears of Piny - due hint, shculd
call at once or write to Jositen E. Dsvirni: Co ,
No. 427 Wa(aut Street, the Military and Claim
Agency, Philtalelphin. I
Also, State Pay, County, City, Ward or other
Bounty, ,te., if there is any due. Apply either in
person or by letter. niay2s-cow-2t
cOnnuonly known as th e
, Itch,
,tts made itsappear
ance in town and varions . places throughout. the
county. It 'nay' be wieurce of fend' to persons so
afflicted to know that they can get a. vire cure for
this troublesome disease at Miller's Drue§tore
Let all so afflicted send inlinediately to their Drug
st ore and 'get a box of 'ferret's Itch Ointment.
Price '25 cents. It is a speedy cure.
COVNTRY people look to your interest. ;Tak;; , .
your Lard, Bacon, Dried Fruit .and- marketing to
'BeNicks', where you will receive=the highestipriee
in cash, And see the largest stack* Fish in town at
low figures. _
Lozenges are prepared from a' highly esteemed re
cipe for alleviating Bronchial Affections, Xithsna;
Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, and Irritation or Sore
ness of the Throat.'
co TO Gelwieks', on the Diamond, for fine
Syrup, Green and Black Teas; fresh Spices, Click
ers, leo. Yon will jßet the- best quality forgo feasA,
IF YOU wish to impart vigor and clearness
to the voice, relieve hoarseness &c., go at once to
A. T. Miller's Drug Store and get a box of Bann
vart's Troilus, the only - effectual remedy in the
market. . - , -mar 2-
SURF CURE.—Every day we hear of the sic,
cess of the "Sure Care" in curing the Rotten Hoof
and bad'Scratches in Horses, Get a kettle and try
it. Sold,only by Heyser Cre,saler.
GELWICKS haajnet r ec eivedei a 11,eavy stock of
every I description of store goods, and offers them
cheap, .wholesale and retail. '
SODA WATER.—CoId and sparkling Soda
Water, at geyser Jr. Cressler's Drug Store Call and
try it.
1 Chanttie - raft
Flour White._ $7 00
'Flour—Red 6:50
I Wheat—White.' 150
Wheat—Red. 1 40
Rye ' ...i ce
I Corn... • • 100'
Oats 75.
CleSerSeed ' 8-00'
Timothy Seed 30
Fla.* Seed 2_50 1
Potatoes—Mercer.— 50
rottoes—PinkßYes 45
i -
Philadelphia Mark ets. '
• - PHILADELPHIA, May 24,1864. -
llieadstuffs move slowly, but priceattre unchang
ed: ( The export demand for flour is limited. and
ea 2,000 blilssold at $7 50 for extra, sB@B 25 fo u r
ext family . and s9@9 50 for fancy.
R .e flour is steady at s4_, and•corn meal at 85 75.
\V heat held 'firmly., and 800 bushels Of red sold at
81' . and white at s2@2 05. Rye commands 81 55
@.l. . Corsis in limited request, and-4000 bus, yel
low sold at,.sl 40. Oats are steady at 37@89e. Pe
trolkim isEeld firmly, with sales of crude at 36.%0
37, Aefined'ait 57059 e, and free at 63@66e.
ND change in groceries or provisions.
IN husky is.dtill at 81- 30'0 gallon. I
, , -4. .
' • [Cr- TELEGRAPH.k - ,
i Philade l phia Cattle arket;
- PHILADELPHIA, May 23. 1864.
- 11/of and Cattle are in active demand and sold at
1,7,02,19 e, the highest figure ever realized and but 466
bead offered. The market is very firm and prices
hiree advanced; all the stock on sale sold at 14019 c,
per Pound extra. •. . •
Sheep are scarce and prices bettor; I,loo.head Bold
at 880}90 for blipped and. 118612 per ID gross for wool
sheep. • - - ,
Cows are without change: 150 head sold at from
26.ap 65 per head as to quality. ,
/fogs, about 1,800 head sold at from 10@13c theloo
lbs Kett, as to quality. , _
Philadelphia Stock Market.
• PHILADELPHIA. May 24. 1864.
Stocks dull—Penna., fives V 8 ; Reading R. It. 73;
Long Island4B,; Penna. R. It. 7114; Gold 1.83; ea
change on New York par.
Ariz Saldinlisent . tufo.
A. bright, eparklinglittle journal which every
little boy and girl (and older ones, too) should sub
scribe for. It is Well - filledwith interesting matter,
and will give satisfactioa to all who are not very
hard) to
4.lo please. ;Terms, 25 cents a year. Address
"UBL.' , l LIZZIE," Igo. 48 Ann St. Nets' York.
ticeis hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of John Witherow, Esq.. late of
Metal township, dee'd, have been granted to the
undersigned, Fannettsburg. -
,All persons knowing themselves indebte - said
Estate will please make immediate payment: and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for,settloment.
JOHN H W ITH E ROW , FAdra'r ,
..LT ; Sealed proposals will be reeelred at the Com
missioners' Office, in Chambersburesunti/ Tuesday,
the7th, day of .Turie next, at 10 o'clock, for the erec
tion of a WOODEN BRIDGE across Conodoguinett
Creek, at Flickinger's Mill, on the line between
Letterkenny and Lurgan townships. Specifications.
and plans, of said Bridge to be seen at-any time at
the Commissioners' Office. '
By order of Commissioners,
d0.y25-2t GEO. FOREMAN, Clerk
isherehy given that Lettersof Administra
tion to the Estate, of Joanna K. Davis, late of the
Borough of Chambersburg, dec'd, have been grant
ed to the undersignyd, residingin said Borough.
' All rersons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estat will pleasemake immediate payment: and
those l having claims will present them properly au-
Alientteated for settlement.
may2.s-6t* W. S. EVERETT. Adm'r.
1.1 hereby given that Letters Testarrientary to the
Estate of Rebeeta Currey, late of Guilford town
ship...dee'd, have been granted to the. undersigned,
residing in Montgomery township:
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make _immediate payment; and
those having elairauwill:lerosont them...nroperlY
authenticated for settlement
• Ency2s-6t* . JAMES WITHERSPOON. Ex'r.
MANSION HOUSE. Charobessburg, '
, have just received; and opened, in the "Mt4isiOli_
House" Build*, opposite the Bank, al , .
--- -new and beautiful stock of
• Comprising all the different styles : - •, -
Black and Colored Sitks, Cloaking Cloths,Balmoral
'and Hoop Skirts.- full'line White Goods ;
Crape and Love Veils, Hosiery, Gloves, COI
:- lars, Cuffs, Hankereliiefs, and everything
belonging to a Fancy Dry Goods
• - and Notion Store.' Also. r
with a good assortment of D 0:4 ESTIC S all of
which will be sold Low for Cash.
The patronage of the public is most respect-,
fully solicited.
- Chamborsburg.Pa.,- May 25. 1864.-tf. j ,
I have now on hand a large stook of
which I will: sell at a
ArV - Salliand see the great variety. •(1,
I •C
in ail style&
Phi &gut Dark, imp best quality,
Call and. get bargains ,at the
New Store• Room of -
J. L. DEOBERT, • '
a taw aoors South of the Dianiin'a,
' :
irk Markets..
ssasuurio, MSS' 24;1864.
Butter-- ....... ....... 22
Eggs 12
Lard._ ' 12
Tallow:." 9
Bacon—Berns' i 'ls
Bacori--Sides.. ...... 11,
Soup Beans 2
Xached Wool ,
Unwashed W0e1...- 0
Pared Peaches 5 00
Unpared Peaches... 3 00
Dried Apples. 200
1 , _
, ,
Chambenthurg, Pa%
JUT hereby_ given that Letters Testamentirir toile
Estate of Henry Brewer late of Warrgn'township.
dee'd. have been granted to the, undersigned. resid
ing in said township.
All persOns knowing themselves indebted to kik
Estate will please make immediate I:lament; and
those having elannsivill•present them properly-au
thenticated for settlement. ,
TION.—Christian Plum's Eetate--Tolhe Heirs
and L& Representatives of said deceased: Yon
are hereby notified that in pmmance of a Writ' f
Inquisition to me directed. out of the Orphans' Court
of Franklin county, Penna., I will hold an Inquest
on the Real Estate of which said deoedend died
seized, - situate in Franklin county, on the 30th deo ,
of June, A.D.,1864, at 10 o'clock. A. M., when and
where you may attend if von think proper.
roay 9 _s-3t] ,SAMIJET, BRANDT, High sheriff.
TION Ebberes Estate.—To the Heirs
and Legal Representatives of said deceased : You
areihereby notified that in pursuance. of "Writ of
Incl.:161:10n to mo directed, out of the - Orphans' Cour
of Franklin county. Penna.. I will hold an Inquest
on the Real Estate of which said - decedent died
seized, situate in Franklin connty,'en 27 - thelchs
of June, A. D., 1804, at 10 o'clock, A. 11., when mid
where you may attend if yen think proper.
may2s-3t] _SAMUEL BRANDT, High Sheriff.-
8~ - 1,; MAURER CO,
Have on hand for sale at reasonable prices, a large
assortment of White Pine, Yellow-Pine, and Hem
Lumber, consisting of .
White Pine 2 inch Plank. , , .
i 2/..
" Beaks.
" Plastering Itithes. '
" " Shingles.
Yellow Pine Joists, Scantling 'arid Roofing Laths.
Hemlock Joists, Scantling and Boards.
Also Locust and Chestnut Posts, and Chestnut,.
Office in Wunderlich and Need's Waithouse, op
posite the Railroad Depot, Second Street. Chain
bersburg, Pa. lnayZ
SALE.Virill be sold;byiiiib
- lie Sale; at the residence of the subscriber, on
Main St:, immediately opposite Eystcr , /t Bro's
Store, on Sizt4iday, the - 23th day of Magi 1864, this
following Personal - Property, viz: All his Household
and Kitchen FURNITURE, embrabing, in part, 1
Bureau, 2 Safes, .1 new Dining Table, 2 Breakfast -
Tables, 2 Kitehen Tables, 3 Stands, 1 Clock, 5 Bed
steads,-3 sets Chairs, 2 large. Rocking_Chnirs, Car-:
'pelting by. the_ yard. 1 Patent Carpet Sweeper, Sic.
Also, a-number of STOVES, among which are--1
'new N o. 9 - Cook (for, wood or coal) and Pipe; 1 Par
lor Cook and Pipe. and 1 Nine-Plate and Pipe: 1
Patent 'Washing Machine: 1 large Iron Kettle : Tin
ware, Pots and Pans: China, Queens and Crockery
Ware ; • also, 3 .FINE BOOS, Rams by the pound,
Lard by the. pound: Corn by the,bushel; Wine,
Vinegar, Meat and Krcmt Vessels, -Also, 1 sot of
good Harness ;1 two-horse Tongue and Yoke ; Sho
vels: Forks; Spades. dm.
Cm Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, When attend
ance and a credit of Six Months will be given on
all sums overslo.--All sums under SlO, cash.
may2s-11.* • JACOB MICKEY. •
GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and
Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading,
PottSville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, .te. -
Trains leave, Harrisburg for, Philadelphia, New
York, Reading, Pottsville, and all intermediate sta
Cons at 8:00 A.M. and 2:00 P,M.
Now York Express. leaves Harrisburg at 6:30;
arriving at New York at 1:45 the same morning. .
A special Accommodation Passenger Tram leaves •
Reading at '7:15 A. M., and returns from Harrisburg
at 5 . 31.
Fares from Harrisburg To New York $5.15: .to
Philadelphia $3.35 and. $2.80. Baggage checked
Returning, leave New York at 6 i.n., 12 and?
P.m., (Pittsburg Express arriving at Harrisburg at 2
A.m.) Leave Philadelphia at &15 sat. and 3:30 r.u.
Sleeping ears u the New York Express Trains
through to,and from Pittsburg without change. -
Passengers by the Catawiesti Railroad leave 74-
maqpn at 8:50 a.m. and 2:10 r.u., for Philadelphia,
New York and all ,Way Points.
Trains leave Pottsville at 9:15 A.M. and 9:80 P.M„.
For. Philadelphia, Harrisburg and NeW York.
aPwaziren. Passenger Train Sateves Read-
At 6:00 5,.3t., and returns from Philadeiphia at
3:00 P.M.
AW•AII the above Trains run daily, Sandoz ex
cepted. -
A Sunday Train leaves Pottsville at 7:30 A.Y. and,
'Philadelphia at 3:15 P.M.
Commutation, Mileag Season and Excursion
Tickets at reduced rates from all points.
80 The. Baggage allowed eaekrfraeeenger.'
may95,64-tf. General Superintendent.'
D in the P4st Office at ChambersburgEtate
of Pennsylvania. May 24, 1863. =
4i:i- To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant
must call for " advertised Letters," give the date of
this list, and pay one cent for advertising.
If not called for within one month they will be
sent to the Dead Letter Office.
Letters to.strangers or transient visitors in a tovra
or city ,whose sp mai address may be unknown should
be marked in the lower .left hand corner with the
word "Transient."
Place the Postage Stamp on the uppefrightAtand
corner, andtleave spaceletween the Stamp, and di
rection for post-marking, without interfering with'
the writing. • , . .
ifkir A request for the return of a letter to the
writer, if unclaimed within thirty days orless, writ
ten er prifited with 'the writer's name, Yost Office
and State across the left-hand end of the envelope
on the face side will be complied with at thermal'
Pre-paid rate of postage, Payable when the Letter
iis delivered to the writer.
.Arnold Nancy B Gibson Rebecca
Bohn Thomas D Hoaflick Sam M
'Black George Huston Wm P
Byers Miss Reb. HaysCaptDanlE
Burger Annie E Jenkins Susan
'Bender John 'leaching Lewis
Carle Miss Elia. Keiffer Airs S 31
Betrich Jacob 2 Lidig Ellen •
Derr Isaac L'Lauglin SarM
Eberle EugeneF Morehead ChasS
E•s r ly Mull. S 2 Menlo -Mary A
Frederick Chris M'Laughlin Tho
Glenn C Gilford Marshall Robert.
GipeStuumnahH Miller H A
Gruver Bellu F f Oyer Margaretll
Gerhold John Orris Rev IS 8
Gild D Powell Israel
Green Mary E ResenbergerJW
i J. N.
IR,ON. W-ORKS,, „ •
W l l 3 ;h Yutu n e c e o f un a tP e l r f_._ e a o s f a ti gur C M.4 urt ti?o f
undersigned, T rustees , will sell ,111. Public awe. in.
front of the Court House, in Hagerstowp,
0-n • Ttiesday, the 14th day of Java,. 1864,
All thatvalutihle B,EAL ESTATE, situate in Wash'.
tutor!. county; Maryland, known as the
which:. was foi 444i:41years owned and carried on by
J. DEKON ROMAN it CO., and is:now for sale on
account of the death of one of the partners, Said
property contains
of which about 200 Acres are cleared and in an ex
cellent !tate of cultivation; the balance being "
. _
- TI
' E,R .L - A - N D.
The PYRNACE on said land is'3B feet high. with
trad.BRIDGE ROUSE, and is run by an overshot
wheel 40 feetliigh. It is in good repair, and the -
Water Power' unfailing • and all-sufticient. Said
FURNACE only' ne ~and
from the Chesapeake.
and Ohio'Canil, and about the same distance from
the Iron-Ore Rank, There is also - -
near the Fuziace, also a large BARN and other
outAatildings, and on different parts of said tract of
land are. a number .of TENANT. ROUSES On all
ten or twelve) . in gocid repair.
The above Property will be sold entire, or in pm... ,
eels to, suit parehasers; such parcels to be made:
known at the gale. •
Theyindersigned will also sell a the same tune
and place, about -
separated from the above by the landi of George -
Feidt. Also e • -
on said Canal, neV.AVCOY's F erry, containing
THE TERMS OR - SALE, as prescribed by the •
Decree, are z One-third of the punk a° money in
cash on the day of sale, or on-the ratification there
of, and the bre in two equal =Dina jnatelmonta -
of one and tw yeard from the day, of-sale, with in- - -
West. from t t day, the pukchaser te"gicehis note
w ith opproyedisecunty.fer, deferred-payments;
and on payment of the entire purchase money, the
Trustee will execute a Deed to the purchaser, [are
(mired by the , t scree, -
may2s-8t • F. M. DARBY, Trustee.
E 3
Rader Rachel
Richardson Wm
Struck Jonathan
Storiges Mariah
Snider M
Spiece Leonard
Scripture Calvin
Sandford Mrs Ju
Stouffer Mary K
Seicrist DavidW
Varner Marg
Walter Miss Jen
Wolfilohn L.
We ary A
Zimmerman J