The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 25, 1864, Image 4

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granidin Repooitug.
Wirdnesday, JELay 25, 1564.
TERms.—s2 par annum in advance; or $2.50
if not paid within the year. AU eubacription ac
cented/ molt be added annually. No paper will be
sent ont of the State -unless paid for in advance.
• ADVERTISEMIWIS inserted at TEN cents
per line for first insertion, and viva cents per line
for each subsequent insertiet Advertisements of
five lines or less are charged 50 cents for first inser
tion sad 25 cents for'eachsubsequentinsertiont and
Advertisements exceeding five lines and not ex
ceeding ten lines, are charged $1 for first insertion
and 50 cents for each insertion thereafter.
'.A/1 Legal Notices, of every kind, anti all Or
phans' Court and other Judicial Sales, are required
by /ate to be ademticed in the REPosrrouY—it having
the largest circulation of any paper published in the
*aunty of Franklin. •
• All Obituary and Marriage notices exceeding five
in es, and alfii 0 mmun ications, resolutions and other
notices of limited or individual interest, are charged
The two great armies of Grant and Lee
have confronted 'each other during the
last week without a general engaOment.
The previous ten days ot constant and
deadly conflict had- exhausted - both, and
Gen. Grant's steady advance rendered it
imperatively necessary for him to rest
upon his dearly won field, and open a
new base at Fredericksburg and perfect
his new line by Acquia creek. His twen
ty thousand wounded also demanded his
care, and the excessive -rains sadly re
tarded his operations in getting forward
supplies and sending hivvounded heroes
to Washington. The lull in the terrible
storm of battle however was not devoted
wholly to opening new lines and procur
ing supplies. Fully twenty-five tin-
Sind fresh veteran' troops have been f r
u-arded to him, so that he is stronger to
day than when he first crossed the Raki-
Ilan. Nor has Lee been idle. We of
course:are not advised of his plans and
efforts to prepare for the conflict soon to
be renewed; but it is manifest that trea
son has qaked everything on the strug
gle in Virginia, and its last resources will
be employed with the desperation of death
to resist the capture of Richmond. We
doubt not that he has been reinforced;
but to what, extent we cannot even con
jecture. It is more than 'probable that
part of General Beauregard's - forces have
reached him, as Gen. Butler has failed to
hold him .in check ; and.l3reckenridge
pretty certainly passed from his triumph
over Sigel on the direct route to Lee.
: The reports we have are conflicting as
to the condition of the rebel army.--L
Their direct line with Richniond has been
severed by Gen. Sheridan, and the cir
cuitous route by Lynchburg and Gor
donsville could scarcely supply Leo; but
many prisoners represent that he has am- -
ple provisions and munitions. The des
perate effort of Ewell to break Grant's
rigy...en Thursday, manifestly with the
vier or capturing our stores, - would indi
cate, that their necessities were great in
We are not Afthe time of this writing
fully advised Qi the movement of Gen.
Grant on 'Friday evening last. Secretary
Stanton announces_ that Grant made an
advance on that evening with - the view of
compelling Lee to abandon his strongly
entrenched lines around Spottsylvania,
and at an early hour the next morning
Lengeet is reprerpted as having mov
ed toward Richmond,. followed by Hill.
The opinion is - expressed by Mr. Stanton
that Lee is retiring his entire army to
the line of the. North Anna River, some
twelve miles south of his last battle
ground.. It
-, seems manifest that the re
bels have surrendered the line of the Po
-in the last advance of Gen. Grant; but it
is not so clear whether the movement was
One of military necessity or strategy.
Probably it was the former; but most
likely it ma the latter. When it is con
sidered - that Lee, having failed in his ex
' handing effort to arrest' the advance of
Grant, can defend better nearer Richmond
than on the Rapidan, as he thus shortens
his lines and brings his forces about Rich
mond. within supporting distance of each
other and within call for concentration,
and at the same time extends the lines of
Grant, we are inclined to the opinion that
Lee has, from choice, resolved upon se
lecting the most advantageous position
on the . road to Richmond - to fight the de
risive battle for Virginia and the rebel
capital. The manifest purpose of Grant
to give battle from week to week until he'
is "successful or practically annihilated,
has doubtless made Lee choose to decline
a series, of engagements on the old battle
grounds, as he clearly foresaw that in the
end Grant's numbers, skill and matchless
perseverence must win in anything like
an equal contest.
We do not therefore, as at present ad
vised, regard Lee's retreat beyond Spott
sylvania without again giving battle, as
at ail conclusive as td his inability to ac
'cept the proffered struggle. He has sur
rendered,' one line merely to take up
' another, and perhaps a stronger one ; but
he does it confessedly after failing' in his
firstgrand plan of his defensive campaign,
and he retreats from hisqtntagonist be
cause for the first time he has been un
able to arrest the onward. =welt of the
Army of the_ Potomac in Virginia. That
he mustlave crossed gle_Po vzithi,fear
BCriptions may be sent di - -
or through any responsible
fully decimated and dispirited army, can
not be doubted; and desperate as may be
tilt+ resistence it will offer when Grant
again hurls his columns upon the army of
treason, its heart and hope Will sink when
the first tide of success crowns - the Union
arms. We look for one desperate striig
gle,,fearful in carnage, but of not half the
duration of the battles of the Wilderness
and of the Po ; and we feel strong in the
conviction that decisive victory must be
—The auxiliary-columns of Gen. Gran:
have not, been eminently successful, and
his plans may be materially disconcerted
thereby ; but his .onwaril march will be
but delayed---not arrested. r Gen. Butler
was charged with a most important duty,.
and his first trial was to be made in field
operations. He moved up the- James
River to City Point, landed .ion the South
side, and aimed to sever the two railroad
lines south of Richmond, - and prevent re-':
inforeementsfrom joining Lee. He reach
ed the Petersburg road, and
that he could hold his Position against all
of Lee's army, and notified Grant to give
himself no trouble about the rebel troops
south of Richmond. Had 'Grant sotele-:
graphed the - government he would have
verified, it; but Gen, Butler has•failed to
hold his position. He has been compelled
to raise - the siege. of - Fort Darling, and to
Surrender both the railroad lines to the
rebels again, as he sought the safety of
his command by filling hack- to his first
line ; and we are officially informed that
Hoke's rebel brigade has joined Lee.
Butler's campaign has therefore failed to
be of advantage to' Grant white it has
employed at least one corps that could
have been of most essential service to,
Grant had it been with him. "Gen. Sigel,
has also failed, and it would seem, failed !
I, signally in his, - movement. It was evi
ilently his 'purpose to make a demonstra
tion toward Staunton and the Lynchburg
railroad, and thus compel a largeffiebel
force to guard that line ; but Breelthifidge
encountered him at New Market and de
feated him with a loss of sonic twelve bun- -
dred men and.-five guns.l •He has been
relleVed, and Gen. Hunter is now in com
mand. Fran all the information we can
gather, Sigel's army was miserably han
dled, and was discomfited when it should
have , been victorious.—en. Sheridan's
movement •
was a most complete success.
He 'entirely destroyed the direct railroad
line from Lee's rear to. Richmond; and
had Butler been able to sever the two
lines south of Richmond, and Sigel to cut
the Lynchburg line, Lee would have been
compelled to surrender Virginia without
.a series of sanguinary battles, as he would
have been entirely without lines of com
munication. As it is, Virginia must now
lie won by hard, persistent fighting. and
for that Gen. Grant seems fully prepared.
Another week, or mouth at most, must de
termine the issue of this grandest cam
paign in the, history of warfare ;' and to
the God of Justice and the heroic Army
of the- Potomac we confide the cause of
our imperiled Nationality.
—The campaign of Gr i n. Sherman is
progressing most ghniofislyr He now
holds Dalton and Rome, and will shortly
move upon Atlanta, the most important'
strategic point in the Cotton States. He
bad severe fighting for Dalton, but final
ly compelled Johnston to abandon the
place and retreat South.
—Gen. Banks has,heen singularly un
fortunate in his Western Louisiana cam
paign-. He suffered ,a disastrous defeat,
and narrowly saved his-army from total
destruction, while his loss in men and
material must be very heavy. The last
advices indicate that the fleet will get .
safely back to the Mississippi, and if so,
the army will be thoroughly re-organized
by General Canby, who lias superceded-
Banks. He-is an experienced soldier, is
familiar with the country, and we feel
confident that he will at least - not repeat
the disaSters which have, crowded upon
his predecessor. No territory is sullen=
dered to:the rebels by Banks' defeat; but
two good armies—those of Banks and
Steele,—have been sadly crippled, and
the most they can hope to do for several
months is to defend the lines from which
they' started.
—Such is a brief review of the military
situation; and while it presents minor
disasters; it cheers the hearts of loyal men
by the - substantial success of the. main
columns - of Grant and Sherman; which
are straggling with the vital power of
treason. If they shall Continue to crown
their efforts with victory, - as we confi
dently believe they will, we can soon
greet a restored Union, purified in the
sore furnace of affliction, and redeemed
for all time as an offering to Justice, Hu
manity. and Freedom !
We feel that we 'cannot too "Strongly
urge Upon the people theneceasity of fur
nishing liberally of their - money and sup
plies, for the benefit ofnur wounded sol
diers now suffering in hospitals: Mr.
Stanton's official report in anothercolumn
states that over twenty' thousandwound
ed heroes have been brought from the
sanguinary fields of Virginia. Never be
fore in the history of the war have we
had so many of our brave defenders lan
guishing in hospitals., and their cause ap
peals' directly to every loyal hart for
.Symilditt. Acpristioxt, AlaLiLis, 1864.
prompt and generous assistance. ,:We
doubt not that the government is . doing
everything in its power to alleviate their
sufferings; but • even when, its utmost
powers are exercised; much still remaiipi
to be done by a loyal, humane, and pros
perous people. To this fund every man,
woman and child should contribute ae
cdrding to their means, and we earnestly
urge upon all our people to move in the
matter without delay. •
.„: '
Money contributions made to the Chris
tian or Sanitary Commissions are of course
t . e most desirable, as those organizations
can i roeure all the luxuries and necessa
ries hich mitigate the sufferings of our
wounded at the very lowest rates; and
such contributions should be forwarded at
once, without waiting-for a local Fair or
the great Fair to be held in Philadelphia.
Our wounded need assistance sow, and
one week of delay is sad ingratitude to
those who are writhing under ghastly
wounds because they periled their lives to
secure us the blessings of free government.
Other contributions should,- as far
practicable, be forwarded at once:---e,spe
daily fruits, lints, bandages &c. Every
family in Franklin should add its mite, or
of its abundance, to this sacred cause If
families have not money to spare, they
can send a few quarts of dried fruits, or a
package of worn oat muslin or linens—
all of which are just the articles most
needed now. Let no one withholdbecause
his or her ; contribution would: be too
small to be of moment. The ocean is
made up of, drops, anda million of small
contributions will solace thonsandi of our
suffering warriors. Let all such contri
butions, whether large or small, be made
.at once. Money can be left at this office,
or at the Bank of Chambersbuig, or it
can be forwarded directly to Joseph Pat
terson, Esq., Western Bank, Phiadelphia,'
for the, Christian Commission,or to,Caleb
Cope, Esq., Philadelphia, for the San
itary. We presume that any Merchant,
iri the county would receive contribir-'
tions from- his neighbors, and forward
them as directed. Goods can be sent to
Oaks & Linn, Chambersburg, who will
forward them promptly to
,either Com
We do not mean by these suggestions
to discoura,ge the' Fairs about to be held
in Mercersburg and Chambersburg in aid,
of our wounded. On the: contrary, we
would be . glad to see a Fair hold iu every
village in the eounty for this noble cause;
but the fact that such Fairs are to be held
should not delay supplies. Many articles
will be contributed to the Fairs which
must be sold to make them available, and
thus large contributions may be procured
which otherwise would be lost.. Every
farmer who can spate a barrel of flour, a
bushel of corn or potatoes, ri good calf,
or any other product of his farm, should.
patronize the Fairs; and we trust that
the Agricultural contributions of Frank
lin county to the Philadelphia Fair will
be worthyof the loyalty; intelligence and
thrift of our pt;ople. Let - each one give
as he has. ; beeri‘ blessed, remembeting that
the promiSe to the ." cheerful giver" is
from Him who faileth not !
A MOST malignant forgery was palmed upon
the New York World and Jburnal of Commerce,
in their editions of Wednesday morning. The
bogus document purported to be a proclama
tion signed by ?resident Lincoln and Secretary
Seward, intimating that the campaign iri Vir
ginia had virtually end ed, and that the country
was iu the greatest strait; appointing the 27th
day of May, as a day of fasting, humiliation and
prayer, and calling for four hundred thousand
men, Which, if not furnished by the 15th of
June, they were to be raised b an immediate
and peremptory draft. The G6vernment
mediately suspended the publication of the two
papers named, and closed the ollicis of the In
dependent and Inland Telegraph companies.'
Tile author of the bogus proclamation has since
been discovered to be Joseph Howard, a Re
porter for the Brooklyn Eagle, and he has been
arrested and sent to Fort Lafayette. He actuat
ed his guilt, and alleges that he was led to it by
losses in stock-gambling, but the fact that it was
published on steamer day clearly, indicatei that
he had rebel accomplices who hoped to send
the proclamation to Europe uncontradicted, and
secure the recognition of the Confederacy. It
is due tb the Nation struggling for its life ida
most deadly war. - with. treason, that Mr. Howard
should be promptly tried,-and if guilty' he should
pay the extreme penalty of the' law. . Any mu
who either recklessly or deliberately adds to
the manifold perils of our government, shoUld
THE Methodist General Conference which
has been in session . in Philadelphia during tile
last two weeks has spoke,n out most fearlessly
in condemnation of the' great iniquity of our
nation. The special committee on slavery was
by an almost unanimous vote instructed " to al
ter the Discipline of the Church so as to prevent
slaveholders from membership in the Church,
and bring to trial the sinnete of that kind who
may now be in the Church." The Committee
on Credentials 'was also "instructed to alter
the Discipline so as to exclude all persons at
tainted' of treason to the government of the
United States from metnbership in the Church."
The Methodist Church, by these acts of its high
est authority, is placid upun a stronger basis of
patriotism and moral power-than any other re
ligimis organization in this country.. Being al
so one of the most numerous and influential in
its connections and membership, the effect of
its course upon public- questions will be very
widely felt. The army, the government, the
nation itself must be greatly. strengthened by
the declared sympathy of this important relig•
ious body. It proclaims to the world that
true Methodist must of neeeesity be ts loyal man.
"Op:a DA,myFAric."-Dtttrkg.the approach
ing. fair in Philadelphia, a daily Paper will be
issued for the Sanitary Commission, and Will be
contributed to by many accomplished wlitera.
Geo. W. Childs, Esq., is Chairmaaof•the Pub-
Hsiang and Editorial Committee, and will be
assisted by Charles Godfrey Leland, Geo. H.
Boker, Prof. Coppee, Rev: H. Furness, mid
a long list of names not unknown Jo fame..
Thete will be twelve numbers - of, the paper,
issued, and the charge for it nig te, one dollar
for the series. It will be beautifu l ly printed
arid in. a suitable, form for binding. 11.Rernit
.tances can be - made to Geo.' , W. Clues , 628
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia':;-
THE public debt of the United States on the
14th of May, as has been 'ascertained from an
official source, stood as follows: Debt bearing
interest in coin, .$812,836,152, the interest
thireon being $49,472, 714; "debt hearing ;inter
est in currency, $404,191,935; interest,
109,429.; debt bearing no interest, $509,220,314.
Total debt; $1,726,248,411; interest, $71,582,-
144., • •
THET. Y. Tribune gives a table exhibiting
the Curious fact that out of the one hundred
and twelve members of *hick the'Rebel
House of -Representatives consists, n full,
fifty-twii or nearly nalf, are creditectio districti
now controlled by the Union arms. , They. have
members representing ArkMisas, Kentucky;
Louisiona,MisSouri, Tennessee, in adi N fd which
States they have no longerta foot-hold,'
CITY POINT is distant from Richmond east
of south about fifteen miles; Fort patlin g due
southleri miles; Peieraburk, in' the sanie_direc
tion, twenty miles; Bermuda Handred, south
east, fifteen miles; Siottsylvania is West of
north from the Rebel capitaliibout forty
These are air line distances, which would be in
creased by roads about fifteen per
HON. MARK DicxgoN, of Todd, Wrn. Boke,
Esq., of ~3 .lcConnelishurg, and Isaac Taylor,
Esq.,:of Dublin, have been appointed Conferees
by Fulton to meet those, from :Bedford and
Somerset, at a, time and place hereafter to• be,
announced; to ele'd one Delegate to the - Balti-2
more Convention. • '
THE popular subscriptions - , to the •ten-fortY
loanamounteil last week to six millions Of dol
lars.:: 'This brings the aggregate sun] taken to
over fiftymillions. Thre'e4ualters of the'loan
yet remain to be negotiated.
THE following additional 'Bishop t a have just
been elected by theiGencral . :llethodist Episch
pelConference:=44:._W. Clark, of New York
E. Thompson, of Ohio and Cab - fa Xingsley, of
Erie. • ;.
The New York World and Journal of Com
merce have again resumed- tuaineef. the_ordira
for their military occupation having- been re
--Nathaniel Hawthorne, the distinguished
author, died in Boston oriWednead4.
-:—The,death of G ( en. Jas. E. R Stuart .
- : •
as he vr:Cit termed for short, Jeb. Stuart, the
well-kuowil rebel etivalV leader, is confirmed.
was in an encounter with'Sheridan..
• 4-Gen. Winfield Scott is reported to be busy
with an autobiography of his life and. time's.
The portion written has been set Up; the proof
sheets alreadY numbering; over three hundred
octave pages.
—We are deeply ,-
pained to learn that Capt.
Pau S. Waterbury, - of .I;l'arrishuli, died upon
the field in Gen. Butler's' division of the Army
of the Potomac, 'on the Bth instant, from epup
do soliet, or sunstroke. . _
-The Col. Wooaward , who was killed in
the, recent battles was not a son or any 4onnee
tion of the Hon. G. W. Woodward, The latter
has` a son, a Colonel, in the Briny, 'and with
Gen. Grant, but intelligence haa.been received
that he is safe.
General - Pemberton; the renegade
Northerner 'who went Sot 4; married into a
plantation, sided with rebels, and.surrendered
'Vicksburg, has sought active Service,;and been,
assigned to the artillery defenses of Richmond,
with the rank of Licutenant'ColoneL. He had
previously resigned his commission as-Lienten 7
ant'General. , n
=lt is now` stated that 'Oren. Q wen; efPenn
sylvania; who has twice lien reported killeddu
this campaign, was alive on Monday. He has
hadtwo horses shot - fromi under ;him—the last
onel three days ago, which fell so heavily upon
him as to render, hint insensible. He had to be
carried to the hospit4, Where he was lying on
Weilusday morning last, bat he was'soon ex
petted to be in the saddle ; again.
Se:dgwiek. was killed while 'occupied,
in making out a plan a the fighting ground for
'his commabdi His staff ivere around 'him at
the time, when a sharpshooter fired three shots
at him. One of his aids :rmintrlied that they
were making a target - of hiiu, when fie replied
that there was no danger of his being hit at that
distance. A moment after the fatal bullet
struck him in. the face, killing him instantly.
—lt is related of Grant that after the battli of
Shiloh, and his Complete *tory at flint point„
Gen. Buell: a thorough soldier, began criticising
in a friendly way the, impelicy of hia having
fought a battle with the Tennessee river behind
his men. "Where,, if beaten, could you have
retreated, General," asked Buell. ";_t didn't
moan to be beaten," was Grant's 'sententious
reply. " But supjose you had been defeated,
despite all Yourexertiona "Well, Were were
all the transports to carry the remains of the
command somas the river.". " But, General,"
urged Buell, "your whole 'transports could not
contain over ten thousand men, and it wouldbe
impossible for theni to make more than one trip
hrthe face of the , enemy.", "Well, , it I. had
been beaten," said`Gen. Grant , liauainglo light
another cigar as he spoke, "transportation for
ten thousand men: would be abundant for all
that would be left of us." This anecdote is
eminently bharaeteristic, the data for the proper
appreciation of it being that Grant had about
fifty thousand men over the''river.
-THE Washington Republican gets off the fel
lowing " The rebel capital:is in a carpet bag,
is - .in Jeff-hand, and Jeff. Davis - is
!nnny, during active - operations, in a special
car - on a railroad: Wherever Jeff. and the
carpetbag are, there is the-rebel oapital."
By the Atleak, and Ohio, TelegT ph line.—Offiee
at ShrYeek's Book StOre and R.' R. Depot.
. 1 ,
Red River Fleet Safel-, Gen ral Sherman
Moves Atain— llls Arm , Reenforced
—The Army of tht Polo ae Stronger
than Eter—Wond ed '.a I Cared for
-5,000 Prhioners and Man Implements
of War in oar PosSessi n-30,000 Mt-
Iltia Mastered into Ser ice. -
. _
iVidsfr - - GTON, May 23.
Dispatches from Gran. l Canby, dated, mouth
of Red River, midnight May 15th, state that
Admiral Porter has just arrived, and the re
•mainder of the gunboats will probably teach
SemmesPort, or Atchafalaya to-morrow. - A
dispatch from Admiral Porter; dated Oh board
the Flag-ship Black Ha Wk, at thq7Mouth of
Red, River, May 16th, states' thatei portion of
the squadron above the falls, at Alexandria,
have been released from their unpleasant-pasi
tion; owing' to . the Indefatigable exertions 'of
Lieut. Col. - Bailey, Actingtngineer of the 19th
Army Corps, who proposed and built a tree
dam, of 600 feet in length, acrossa the river, at
the lower_ falls, enabling all the vessels to Nisi
in safety to the back waters of the Mississippi,
reaching Alexanalria, and allowed themle pass
over - all shoals and obstructions, planted by the
enemy, to a point of safety. I,ieut. Col. Bailey
will be immediately nominated for-promotion,
fur distinguiShed and meritorious service.
An official report from Cairo May 22d, states
, that our army and gunboatstare still at the
mouth of Red River, and Sennilesport. ; -
' Maj. Gen. Sherman, by dispatch- at 8& last
• ffight, reports he will -be ready by morning to
resume operations. Returned C,eteinns,: and
regiments, he says have more than replaced all
losses and 'detachments, ' - . ,
We have no official reports since my last tel
egrams from Gen. Grant or Gen. Butler.
• 'Official reports of this Department, show that
within eight (B)"days after the great battle at
C. H., many_ thousand veteran
troops have been forwarded to Gen. -Grant.
The whole army is amply Supplied with full
rations of subsistence. .
, .
Upwards of 20,000 sick and wounded, trans
ported from fields of battle to Washington Hos--
pitals, and placed under surgical . care., Over
8,000 -prisoners have heen i transported from field
to prison depots, and a rue& amount of artil
lery And other implements - of active campaign
ought away. ~ -.- -
SeN thousand fresh cavalry horses have
been forwarded to . the - army, and the grand
Army of the Potomac iti now Tully as strong in
numbers, and - better , equipped, supplied: and
furnished, than when the campaign Opened.. •
Several thousand re-enforeenients also - for ;
warded to other armies in the field, and ample
supplies to all.
During same time over 30,000 volunteers'for
one hundred days, lave been mustered into sex=
vice, clothed, armed, equipped and transported
to respectiVe poaitions.': This statement is due
to Chiefof Army, Staff and Bureau, and their
respective Orps, to whom the credit belongs.
4 E. M. 'STANTON, Sec,y of War.
From North Carolina—Destruction of
. Little Washington—The Women and
Children Robbed by the Rebels.
Naw.Yomr, , l4lo„y 23.
The North Carolina Times of the 2/st states,
thaLthe_rebels in Little Washington had set
fire to that town; on the 11th lust:, destroying
all but about twenty houses. -They also rob
bed all the women and children in the place.-..
Loulaiarsta,State t'onveution—Endorse•
■neat of tli c Administiation—Atrairs
la "lexica.
'CAIRO. May 22.
Fourteen de legates to represent Louisiana
in the Baltimore Convention were elected by
the-Louisiana State Convention.
The Delta 'of the 16th says: The action of
,the Convention was harmonious, every member
endorsing the general policy, civil and military,
of the administration, and also hdartily approv
ing the civil - and military career of Gen. Banks
and.the policy of Governor Rahn, as tending to
put down the rebellion-and restore the Union. "
WOR.Ea4, - 'Cireutnatanees render it net im- -
, probable - that the President . of the 'United
States mnv, within-a ahort tithe, tall on Penn
.,sylvania for Volunteer' Militia for a brief term
- of A'erVice:
' And It*reas. The example of the brave men
- now in the field ,from Pennsylvania; heretofore
on' every battle-Field distinguished for courage
an d efficiency, but who, in the recent battles in
icirginin, have gained an enviable distinction ly
their deeds of ,valor and endurance, should
stimulate their brothers at home to increased
effort to sustain their country's flag, and termi
nate the 'rebellion.
Now, therefore, I, Andrew G. Curtin, Gov
ernor of - the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
,do make this my • Proclamation, earnestly re-'
questing'the people of the Cominenwealtli, wil
ling to respond to such call of the President. to,
form military organizations without delay, that
they inaY not, be found unprepared to do so.'
And I do further request that commanding um
cers of all military organizations, which may be
formed in compliance with this Proclamation,
do forthwith Lreport the condition of their re
spective commands, that prompt measures may
be taken forgetting them into theiiervice in casea'
requisition should be made by toe General Gov
ernment. ' Such call, if made, will be for a term
of not less than one hundred days. The troops
will be clothed, armed, subsisted and
.paid by
the Ignited States, and mustered into the service
thereof. • - -
- Gi'en under my hand and the Great 'Seal of
the State at Harrisburg , this eighteenth day of
May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty
four, and of the Commonwealth the eighty
eighth. '
By the GoY"ernor. Eu SLIFER,
Secretary of the Commonwealth. •
In fostice this gallant stonier, we copy the
followitig card .of Judge White, father of -CO.
White; from a late number 'of the-Indiana-De
mocrcit : '
M Enrrein:—ln the absence of Col. Rich
ard White, of_ the 55th Penna. Regiment, now
in the field under Gen. Ifutler,l would ask the
suspension of public opinion until Whits an op
portunity, to .defend himself against the assault
made upon his t eptitation, by the repart of the
so-called Investigating Committee of the Leg
islature. More than a month• before the Com- -
mittee made their report, and immediately of
ter his arrival at Beaufort, he addressed'a iioto
to the Chairman of that Committee, requesting
that a hearing might he granted to him Before
their final Report. rslo action was had upon
that request, and it was not, until within a few
days before the adjournment of the:Legislature,
that a stilmcena was obtained in order that lie
m ight obtain a furlough. •But it was too late
and Gen,. Butler refused. upon the ground that
th e esigencies.of the, public service would ne t
admit of his absence: - 3
Re has - never had an opportunity to be heard
in vindicatitin, of an aspersed character, and I
ask, in behalf of & gallant soldier, now in the
field combatting the enemies 'who strive to break
up and dismember our government, that heinay
not be condemned 'upon an:ex petite proceeding,
institutediry , hie 'enemies, and I pledge mySelf
to prove that Col. White never retained one
dollar for his own emolument: , _
Respectfully yen*
A com3rrrrEe. from
,the Methodist Confe
rence at Philadelphia, called on President Lin
coln last week, and deliiered an address to him
approving his devotion to the perpetuitrof the
government. Mr. Lincoln replied as followsi
GisTimmEN r, ln - responSe to your address,
allow me to attest the accuracy, of its historical
statements, endorse the sentiments it exproiSes,
and thank you,in the nation's mane. for-tbe
sure promise, it• gives. '
- Nobly sustained, as tho Government hrii been
by all the Churches, I would utter nothing Which
might in the least appear invidious against any.
Yet, without this, it may fairly be stud that tire
Methodist Episcopal Church, not less devoted
than the - ,:best, is, by its greater numbers, the
most important; of all. It is no fault in others
that the Methodist Church sends more soldiers
to the field, more nurses to the hospitals, and
more prayers to Heaven than any. God blew .
the Methodist Church ; bless all,the churches c
and blessed be God, who, in Alla one great trial
giveth us the churches. '
GORDON—HENNEBERGER. 2 --0, p tho 25th ult..
et the residence of the bride's father. near Shad,*
.Groke, by the Rev. Mr. Apple, Mk. J. Clinton Gor
don to Miss Mark Renneberger, , - •
PITZGEHALD.—On the 17th inst., in Guilford •
township, Mrs, Hannah Fitzgerald, in the7sth yeav
of.her acre.
NEGLEY.—On tholsth inst., noarelay - Lickllali.
Mr. Joseph Negley, aged .82 year, 6 months and
tOWAN.--On the 14th inst. Mary Adalitie, only
daughter of William and, Heim= Cowan, Aged I
yettr, months and 2 days. -
IIARBAUG-11.—On the 12th inst.. in Waynesboro.
William Augustus, son of Frriderick and Catharine'
litirbaugh, aged 1 year, 4 months and 16 days. f,
WITHER 0 W.—On the 18ttrinst, at higtesidenee. "
in Fannettsburg, after a short illness, of Disease of
the Heart; John Witherorr, Esq., in the 69th year of
his age.
• FQILPNEY.—On the 13th hist., in IMAM:ken.
lowa. Mrs... Elizabeth Porde ey, wife of Wm. Fonl
ney, Esg., aged 42 years. Mrs. Fordney was a daugh.::
ter of Jacob Grove, dee'd of this plate- . .
MORTON'S GOLD PENS are now sold at fie same Prices as before the commencement of thowtir.
This is entirely owing to - the manufacturer's jtd
Prov,enien ts in machinery, his present largo Retaii
business and Cash-in-Advance system; for. until he
commenced adimitising, his business was done on
Credit, and strictly with the trade.
The Morton Gold Pens are the only ones sold, at
old prices, as the makers of all other Gold Peni
charge the Premium on Gold, GorenpnentTi*, Am.
but Morton basin no case changed his prices, whole
sale or retail.
Of the greatfnuMbers sent by mail to all parts r
the world during the past few-years, not one hi
thousand has failed' to reach its destination In safe- •-
ty, Showing that the Morton Gold Pen can be ob.:.
Mined by any one, in every part of,tho world. atlbe:
same price, postage only excepted.
Reader, you can have an enduring, always ready.
and reliable -Gold Pen, "dxactly adapted 40, your .
hand and style of writing', which will do your Wri!:;; ..
ting vastly cheaper than Steel Pens; and at the pre- -
sent almoit. universal High-Pressure Price of ev
ery thing, you can hare a Morton Gold Pen cheaper
in proportion to the labor spent upon it and mate
rial used, thim any other Gold Penin the world. If
you want one, call on •A. Alortrox, No. 25 Maiden
Lane, New York. or inclose-a stamp for circular. .
dec2-dm. -
.. •
BiirEns.—The. most remarkable medicine of the
day, and the Many cures that have been performed ,
with it in eases of Liver Complaint, DiSiepsia,:Xer
vous Debility, and other disease arising from a (Hs:.
ordered itemaeh oiliver, places it at once amongthe
most astonishing discoveries that has taken : place
in the medical world. The disease to which hitters!
are applicable are so universal Ahat• there aro but
few of our friends who may not test their virhies, in
their own families or circle of acquaintancesand
prove to their own satisfaction that there is at IE4O
one remedy among the many advertised medfcipea.
deserving the public commendation, For sale by
Cfruggists and dealers, everywhere. may4-Im '
Suic SHINE REBIEDr.--Dr. Radway's
ovating Resolvent is truly a Sthn Shine Itemcday:
It imparts golden rays of hope to the desolate limit,
despairing of cure. ' Let it be used in all ca4CS'of ,
Chronic and Sciefulous diseases, Moore, Fever:
Sores, Scald - Heads, Sore Legs; Glandular Swelliug'S;
Venereal Sores, Skin Eruptions. One to sixbettl4
"will- perfect a cure. Ono bottle "o£ this
will cure all recent Sores, or Glandular Affections. ,
ThossYwho have taken miztuees of Sarsaparilla and
are still uncured, should use this medicine, one bot
tle will give satisfactory evidence of- itssuperiority
to all other advertised remedies for Chronic, Serer;
ulous, and Skin Diseases. 'Price :51. , Soldby Drug
gists. Ask for Radway's Renovating lesolVent.
safe, pleasant Remedy
_known as IiELMBOLD'O'
Via CT By cif r, for all Complaints ineidentto the'SOz.
No family should be'without it, and none will when
once tried by them. It is used by *runic° AND OLD
In the decline or change OM. L efore anal (O'er
Marriage during and after confinement; to strength+
en the Nervo, restore NATces to its Proper
nel. and invigorate the Broken down ConstitutiOl?...
from whatever mittee originating. - •
Use no more worthless pills-take Helmold's Es
tract Bnchn.
iee Advertisement in mother column. eiltiA44.;
-and send for it. ismi4-Iml
Isvamn.—Published for the benefit, and as awauu
ins and • - ••
whosnfferfrom Nervous Debility{ Premature
of Manhood; Ac. supplying at the same time • -
by one who has cured himself after being Put to a
Feat exPerusOand injury tlirough medical humbug
and !Mockery.
By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, sin
gle copies , may be had of the authot.
MaY20,63-Iy. • Bedford, Kings Co.,
A GENTLEMAN, curedof Nerioni DebiliY•
Incompetency. Premature beau and Youthful Ar
m, actuated by a desire •to benefit. otherti, will he
happy to furnish to all who need it (freief; chatitcY
the recipe' wad directions for making,the trirolde. •
remedy Used in his case. Those wishing to Kat bg.
his experience, and possess Ta Valuable? BeMoAi . -
will receive the same, by return mail, -
sealed), by addressing JOHN B. - OGDHN.'
maylB-3m] No. 60 Nassau street, New York.