- - • • . . . , . , . . . . - . .. • . ... • 1c ! 1 ' ,' , ' - -‘ - " ' . - . . . . ,-7 7 ,-- ---- '', • , . . . • . : ,•i . . . _ • T•,•.• .• -, , ~ \•.!,- - • . it....1---Thoylttorn. 1 'I - - . - ' • - _ _ r= ~_ El BY TCLURE & STONER, trankliti arpoiticcrg. ILARRISBIIRG. correspondenco of The Rrinklln Repository HAIMISDURG, iay:23, 3864 Gov. Curtin returned from Washington on Wednesday last, after having spent ten days in ceaseless efforts to promote the comfort and minister to the necessities of our Pennsylvania wounded' 47e - the battle-field. He, brings back cheering news of the spirit and ,confidence of the gallant Army. of the Potomac, and has abi ding faith in the early and decisive triumph of Gen. Grant over ,Lee, and the capture of the rebel . capital: He was, on the battle-field with Surgeon Geri: King, giving his.personal atten tion-ie.- the removal of our wounded, and he re portathein as now well cared for ,and as com tertable as it is possible to, make them. The Christian and Sanitary Commissions hive con tributedll4l)nd calculation to, ameliorate the condition of our suffering heroes. But for the ,personal efforts of Gov. Curtin and his prudent foresight in - preparing for our sufferers in ad-_ vance, : and, for the immense supplies of the Cominissions 'named, hundreds of our noble beroes'inUst have died from' sheer neglect, as it. was not in ,thb power of the government to meet the sudden and heresy demand made upon our surgeons and hospitals. It is indeed a grateful reflection to the loyal people of the Nation to know that our wounded are suffering no needless pain or privation. Ali honor to our faithful Executive and to the-ministers of mercy who go forth from, the Chtliitian and Sanitary Commissions, to solahe those who are suffering that we might enjoy the blessings of free gov- ernment. Gov. dintin has-moved into the new Execmt• tive Mansion on the river bank. It is a beau tiful and well finished house, and istgrfat improvernenetipon the old Mansion. The gar- . risburg people contributed twenty thousand dol lars toward the purchase or the new 'house, so that the change has not cost the State anything. The legislature 'vas strongly inclined to move the capitol to Philadelphia, and the city autho rities headed off the movement by procuring a new ExeCutive Mansion, and an appropriation for the extension of the capitol buildings. But for the efforts of the people of this city, the re moval bill would undoubtedly,-have passed. It is perhaps well that the matter was so arrang ed, for Harrisburg sadly needed a reminder that there was a limit to the .forbearance . of legislator§ and visitors in the matter of extor ' tiou. • , The Union Convention of 'Dauphin county met last week and instructed the conferees cho sen to elect Delegates' to the Baltimore Con vention favorable to the nomination of Gen. Cameron for Vice President. Both Curtin and Camitron have been suggested as candidates for Vice President, but Gov. Curtin has perempto -rily refused to sanction the use of his name, and the Telegniph had_ a leader recently, bearing the air of authority; declining Gen. Cameron. Pennsylvania wit/ therefore be spared the hu miliating spectacle of factious squabbles at Bat ' thnore. The occasion is too,grave for personal aspirations to disturb the harmony of our miun -oils and impair_tbe of,our National tict. Some statesman, k y wrii as such to the people, like Gov. Johnston, 6.1 . Tennessee, will doubtless be placed upon the ticket with Lin coln. Johnston was the first man to declare boldly for coercion in the United State's Senate. Wdieti treason was running riot around him— _when the leading perjured traitors like Davis, --Toombs, Mason, Slidell and others were hold . - big their seats in the Senate solely foi the par- Tos - epf paralyzing the government, so as to give tfient an easy triumph in their fiendish work,- Gov. Johnston was the first man to throttle them and declare—" So help me God, I would meet treason with coercion—l would destroy tin; organized power , of rebellion and hold its territory as dependencies until its people should . becbme loyal!" , And ho has been faithfulthrough all the mutations of the war. With such a man on the ticket, he would add strength• even to Lincoln in many sections of the country. The bill re-organizing the militia has been tigned by the Goiernor-and is now a law, It provides for a prompt 'enrollment , of all the' militia of the State, and for effective inilitary organizations in every county. It is to be hoped that the people will respopd to it with a zeal commensurate - with the importance of the crisis. The Congressional Conference , for ther - 15th district met at Bridgeport, opposite this place last weekoind elected Hon. Thomas E. Coch ran, of York, and Lqi Kauffman, of Cumber land, delegates to the Baltimore Cqavention. A fierce opposition to the election of Mr. Coch ran was made by some politicians of this place, hilt it was unavailing, as he was quitetoostrong in the confidence of the Union men of York county to be overthrown by trickery. BELOW is a list of Penntlylvania. Generals - who have been killed in battle since the com mencement of the War: Gen. Reoo, killed, South Mountain ; Gen. Rey nolds, killen, Gettysburg•; Gen. Patterson, kill ed by the accidental discharge of his pistol ; Gen. Bohlen, killed, Second Bull Rim ; Gem. Jackson, killed, FredeOcksburg w Gen. Vincent, killed, Fredericksburg: Gen. Hays, killed, Wil derness. The following• Pennsylvania_ Generals have died from natural causes : Gen: Smith, Gen. Keim, one Gen: Welch __HENRY WARD BEECHER has written a letter to a distinguished Indiana politician, in which lie says: "In the present exigency , in view of Mr. Lincoln's past administration, the evillence he, ties shown, the moral purity of the man, the great and just confidence which the people put in him, the danger which there would be, if he were set aside, of having it regarded as a popu lar rebuke of his policy, and the confidence that I feel that, through long learning—he has learn ed to govern, I am full and strong in my con , victfou that he should be our next President. LATEST ARMY NEWS! Fighting On Saturday and Sunday! GRANT STEADILY ADVANCES ! Desperate Charge of the Re bets to Capture Trains! THEY BE REPULSED WITH GREAT INS! REBEL GEN, STUART KILLED WOUNDED GEN. GRANT ADVANCES ON FRIDAY; General Lee Falls Back ITithout a Darnel - Grant's_ Army: . ltetntorced and Supplied t Olierman on ilia 'Move Again ! GENERAL BUTLER FALLS BACK TO HIS ORIGINAL LINES GEN. AVER LL MAKES A SPLENDID RAID! CEN. SIGEL DEFEATED AND SU PERCEDED EirCEN.+HUNTERI AFAIY OF THE POTOIIAC Fight of Saturday and SnndaY—Narrou Escape of Gen. Lleade from CaAitnre.F WASHINGTON, May IG. Despatches from the Army of the Potomac, received to-night, say it was intended to follow up the enemy early on Saturday morning, to their new position, and attack them vigorously, but the heavy rain for several days interfer ed- much with the movement of the. army, the roads being in- the worst -possible, condition, rendering it impossible to movethe artilleryand and trains over some portions of them. Parts of the sth and 6th Corps formed in position on the north of Spottsylvania Court House. The 2d Corps occupied the right of the now line on the Fredericksburg and Spottsylvania plank road, with Burnside on its left, the sth Corps on the old stage road, and the 6th re-ach ing half a mile further ehst. About BA. M. the regulars of the 6th Corps, about three hundred in number, were ordered °Cross the Ny River to dislodge a regiment of Rebels who were in an intrenehment behind a house on theirfront, which they . did 11Q...allanf style,- - killin , 7 and wounding some, mid caPturing about a dozen, and driving the remdinder to the woods., Our guns in the centre opened and shelled the woodi in front, but without -eliciting any reply from the enemy, althbugh they could be seen through a galss throwing up intrenchnients. Their new position is deemed a strong one, but as soon as the army can get into position and bring the guns to bear unit, they will make them answer or evacuate. - The Rebels made a sudden and un6xpected attack on Saturday afternoon _on that position from which they had been dislodged in the morn ing. across the Icy River on our left, and sac ceeded in gaintng possession of that point. - 1-irtions of the Ist and 2d 13rigadt , i of the Ist Division,.6th Corps, were placed there to - hojd it, but were attacked by three- or four tittles their number, and were compelled to full back ta this side of the stream, losing abouta dozen wounded and nearly halftheir numbereaptured: Gen. Meade had been visiting the line at this point just at the time of the occurrence, being at the house of Mr. Anderson, who has a very handsome residence there, and the Rebels had nearly reached the house before be was appris ed of their approach. He, however, got away in safety, and troops were at once sent to lueet and drive buck the enemy. A heavy artillery . fire was opened on them from which they suffered much, as the shell were seen to explode in their midst: Our in fantry finally drove them back across the river, and captured a number of prisoners. * .A Rebel major and other officers were taken during the day. . Late in the evening our guns on the right opened fire on a section of u battery in their front, which scattered the infantry supporting, when the Ist Brigade of the let Divikion,:Ld Corps, charged and captured two guns, with limbers; dr.c., and. a:squatl of Rebels. Our loS's was very' light. Operations o f Tuesday—Strength of Our Army I nereas n g—Care of the Wounded—News from Sherida n—A Deserved • Promotion—Gen. Bariow's Achievement. Special Dispatch to the N. Y. Tribune. . llP:Antett A RTERS ARMY 01 , THE POTOMAC, May 17,1584. Little was done all day to-'day beyond recon noitering the enemy ' s position, restin our men, and getting up supplies and ammunition from the rear. Toward evening important changes wore made in positions, and- the general ad vance made on the suppcisition that our foes were pushing their retreat toward the- Anna River. • HORACE A strong force was visible from headquarters with the naked eye, upon the crest of a high hill beyond Spottsylvania Court House but there was an evident endeavor on his part to exhibit his force, which of course cOuld'receive no other interpretation than that it was a strong rear guard- established, thus conspicuous to cover his girth& retreat: -An occasional shell was dropped in among them, producing its usual commotion;but failing in every case to provoke a reply. But we grow in recuperated strength and numbers, with every hour's delay; while It js.well knOwn at headquarters that Lee must be weakened in loss of rations, exhaustion of Isis men and animals. There is . some expectation that an engage ment may be brought on this P. M., but your correspondent is inclined to think the next con sidecable battle will, be fought upon the banks of thTAn,na River, whither it is apparent both armies are now tending. Our wounded are nearly or quite all sent in to Fiedericksburg and Washington. About 300 of these left at the Wilderness were also brought in yesterday.. They had been robbed of every thing - by guerillas and Mosebyrs men: The repo* from the hospitals are exceeding- CHAMBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1864. ly encouraging. There are less. fevers super vening, and as yet no hospital gangrene-appa rent and the general health of the men won derfully good, in view of the fearful jolting they have endured in the long and tedious transpor-, tations. But- for these helpless heroes, Gen.' Grant would ere this formed a junction with Gen. Butler, and the gasping Rebellion more completely within our control: To-night the glorious old Army of the Poto mac rests undisturbed by the shot of a single skirmisher. - The day has been unusually quiet and monotonous, butthe very monotony is omi nous of momentous events. To-night, while down the vigilant lines bands are discoursing enliving music, movements are transpiring in the rear which speak of preparations for to morrow a battle, which will, if possible, be • more desperate and sanguinary than any of the recent conflicts. Two days' rest has recuperated, both men and animals, full supplies of commissary stores and ammunition have been received, and the confi dence of the men in the ability of their com manders remains unimpaired. When it is an nounced that Hancock has been assigned an important part itthe liroOdy drama of to-mor row, the people may count with,a great degree of certainty the issue of the-Battle. Tinportant changes_ of position are.to_be made to-night, and the!uce_.ess of to-inorrow's attack will oCwoui se depend ip n lie timely occupt.- tion • of the lines .alreauy determined upt.m.— From Thursday morning until Saturday night at 11 o'clock the several corps were posted from right to left as Inflows : sth, 6th, 2d and 9th.--= Our extreme right rested across the road run ning north-east from Todd's tavern to Spotsyl venni Court-House, while the left of Burnside's corps rested on the Spottsylvania and Freder icksburg pike, within it nine ofthe former town. Operations on Wednesday—Skirmishing - —Prospect of a Battle--Lee Obstinate. Special Dispatch to tbe'N. T. Tribune. , WASHINGTON, Thursday, May 18.1 1 1 P.M. Since' forwarding my first dispatch this morn ing, -the desultory skirmish firing, which com menced at daybreak, has grown into a very con siderable battle. The enemy discovering our change of position lust night, and taking advan tage of the same, were found to have massed all their strength on our right, designing, no doubt, one inure-desperate ussault to break our lines and get through to our supply trains. ' This movement of the foe, of course, oiea- signed a re-occupation of our old positions of yetterday morning, and it was hereupon our extreme right, and with the 2d and 6th Corps, tlint the struggle has been kept up with more or less severity up to noon to-day. -Our troops were advanced to within very close range of their earthworks, when a murderous artillery fire was opened upon us, occasioning us consid, erable loss; but our own guns were soon got into position, and, under cover of their fire, we charged and took their first _line of rifle pits, capturing a considerable number of prisoners and several of their Kuns l , - - At the moment of this present writing there is a cessation of firing along the lines, and the indications are that there will be no more fight ing before evening or to-morrow. It is estima ted that the rebel loss is considerably greater• than ours, notwithstanding the momentary ad - vantage oftheir artillery range upon-us. The Vermont Heavy Artillery, jut arrived, participated in this fight, and is highly compli mented. It is stated that the decisive battle is not milikely'to be fought right here, and that within a-few- days at furthest. LATER. WASHINGTON, MaY'l9, Midnight. A special Inquirer messenger has just rrrived from the army with the following account of the battle of Wednesday : \ HEADQUARTERS NINTH CORPS, BEEORE SPuTTSYLVANIA counT May 18-7 P. M. JJJ To-day came very near witnessing a general engagement. The,programme was for a gen eral demonstration at daylight, and-, if found. practicable, without too greatsacrifice, to cut the enemy's lines. - -• At five A. M., the First Brigade of Critten :den's Division, Gen. Jag. H. Ledlie, command.' ing, was advanced, and soon encountered' an almost impenetrable abattis protecting a line of rifle pits, with its front protected by aieross fire from a battery on each flank. -The brigade stood up to the work manfully, and if orders had been given would have charg ed the rebel works. As, however, the demon- I stration seemed more for the purpose of ascer taining the exact situation and strength of the enemy, the orders were not given. The troops Of Crittenden's Division were under fire some seven henna, and the general result upon the front of Ledlie's Brigade was its advance frill a% quarter of a mile,. - The 2nd and 3d Divisions of the 9th 'Corps, Germ: Parke and Potter upon the left and right of Crittenden, were also advanced', and found the enemy in strong position. ANOTHER ACCOUNT: HEADQUART,ERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC,} THE FIELD, May 18, P. M. The close of another day finds the Union and rebel armies in about the same relative ppsi tipns which they have occupied for several days past. We had hopes this morning that it might be otherwise. -A heavy force had been concentrated during the night upon the right, and our line was con siderably extended in thkit direction. It was hoped by an early assault /that the enemy's left 'night he broken, and his heft flank turned, and success was more reasonably to be expected as theattack wits to be-made from a portion ofthe line supposed to have, been abandoned by us in our movement towards the left. 'Everything having been-put in readiness du ring the night thd assault was made at early dawn as intended. The 6th Corps, Gee .Wright, on the extreme right, the 2d Corps next, and further on to the left a portion of Gen. Burn side's Corps. Early as the assault was commenced, the en -cal was found to be perfectlywide awake, and fully prepared. Their advance line was readily pushed back, and our troops re-took the rifle pits captured in the assault of the 12th inst., without difficulty, but on advancing against the next line of intrenchments they soon tound that they were to encounter earnest - resistance. The enemy opened fire upon us from a num ber of batteries, flouring 'into our ranks a de structive storm ot canister. Their lireadworks, extremely'strong and elaborate in theinselves, were defended in front - by a great depth of abattis, through which our men would have to tear their way, exposed all the time to a deadly fire from the rebels ip their pits. Such an attempt would haye cost thmisands of lives within a very few minutes, and, the im practicability being perceived, our troops were at once withdrawn. There was but little mull ,ketry,and our chief loss was-sustained from the fire of the enemies artillery. The behavior of our troops, generally, was all that could be desired. Although this assault was not successful there is no discouragement whatever. Gen. Meade is observed to be pe culiarly cheerful, and the feeling is quite gen eral throughout the army. It is confidently expected that Gene. Grant - , and Meade have plans matured, and are Malting pvepcarrying them Out, by which N r e ea ara n tions for scarcely fail to be triumphant in, a few days. It is no cause for impatience that we do not rush madly forward and waste our strength in storming powerful fortifications. There are other and cheaper ways of accomplishing it. News fr om Grant to BA.M. of Friday— Th e EnemY Attempt to Turn Our Hi g ht Flank—They are Repulsed, and Gi v e it Vp—We Take 300 Prisoners— Onr toss 150 killed and Missing, and 600 'Wounded—Re-enforeements 1:o r Meade. ~ WAR DEPARTMENT. IV ASIIINGTON, Friday. May 20-6: 30 P. M. clThis afternoon we have dispatches date at 8.1 this morning, from Gen. Grant. Last evening an effort was made by Ewell's corps to turn our. right. They 'were promptly repulsed by Birney's and Tyler's divisions, - and some of Warren's troops that were on the en tirerighq About 300 prisoners fell into our hands, beside many killed' and wounded. Our Lois foots t up . a little ever 900 wounded and 150 killed and.uussing. Gen. Grant says that probably our killed and missing are overstated. ' Over 25,000 veteran rteenforcements have been for Warded to Gen. Grant. The condition of the army and his contemplated operatiOns are entirely satisfactory. The army is abun dantly supplied. Under instructions from this Department la_ Col. Sehriver, commanding at Fredericksburg ands vicinity, nine purse& are in custody whAre suspected to have been engaged with Mayor Slaughter. • The Mayor bad made his bseape betore intel ligence of the outrage reached Fredericksburff. , Dispatches from Gen. Sherman. dated' at e Kingston, 10 o'clock last ' night, state that du ring the day he had pushed a column beyond that place in pursuit ofJohnston, as far as Cass vile, and there wag shirtnishingin the latter part of the day with Hardee's corps. The oars were ,expected • to reach Kingston to-day. A. hard fight for Atlanta is looked for. No reports have been received from Gen. Butler to-day. , : Mnj. Gen. Hunter has been placed in com mand of the Department of West Virginia. in eluding the Shenandoah Valley. , Latest, dates from Maj. Gem Canby were at Vicksburg. ~ _ The Re(' River was reported to be blockaded by the - shornbatteries of the•enemy at different points. But measures had been taken by, him, which were believed to be adequate, for clear ing the river of all snub obstrudtions and to enable him to reach Alexandria,-where he will take command of the army. E. M. STANTON, See''y of War. From Vt'ashlngto a—Large Rein force. Menlo Received by ,Grant—The Com ing Draft.. s 1 WASHINGTON, May 15. Maj. Gen. Cadwallader, Philadelphia have no report of operations since my last dis patch. The latest information from Gen. Grant was that the -roads bad been greatly improved. Large reinforcements had reached him, and he designed to move against the enemy. , wittuiut de lay. It is the design of the Governmenttokeep up the National forces until the rebellion is-over thrown ;and in order to.provide against a'ny inopportune reduction when the service-of the hundred-days' men go out, a draft to till their places, and all other reductions, will be ordered to take place on the Ist of July,.by which time the new enrollments will be completed. No 'order is yet issued. • ' E. M. STANTON, Sec'y of War. Dispatch Drops Secretary Stanton. WASHINGTON, May 21. To .11frij. Gen. Diz :—Dispatches from Gen. Sherman state that our forces found in Romp a good deal of provisions and seven *le iroh-works and machinery. We have Secured the good bridges and an excellent ford across the Etowah. The cars are now arriving Kingston with stores, and two days would be given to replenish and fit up. A dispatch just received from Gee. Banks, dated at Alexandria, the Bth of May, statesthat the data will be,completed to morrow; , May 9th, and the - gunboats relieved. He would then move immediately for the Mississippi. Geit. Cauby ' was at the month of the Red river, on the 14th of May, ceillecting :forces to assist Banks if necessary. Dispatches from Gen. Butler. dated at 10 o'clock last night, report that he had been fight ing all day, the enemy endeavoring to close in on our lines. We shall hold, on. We have captured the rebel Gen. Walker,, of the Texas troops. E. M. STANTON, Scey:of Wan. Secretary Stanton to Gen. Dik—Grant's Flank Movement so far Successful—. Advice* from Gens. Canby and Sher man—Nothing from,Butler. , . WAR DEPARTMENT, WASIIINTTUN, May V, le64—:lo' P. M. 1. To Maj.-Gen. Dix : On Friday evening Gen. Grant commenced a movement for the purpose of compelling - Lee to abandon his; position at Spottsylvania (the details Of which 'for obvious reasons should not be made public). It has thus fur progressed successfully. Longstreet's. corps started south at 1 o'clock Friday night,' an hour and a half after Hancock 'moved.— Ewell's Corps followed Longstreet last night. The indications are that the Rebel army hits fal len back beyond the North Anna. Hoke's brigade has joined Lee The movement of Gen. Grunt has, thus far been accomplished witliout any stirions inter ruption. We now occupy Giiiney's Station, Milford Station, and south' of theldottapony, on that line) A dispatch received thismorinng froui,Gen. Canby dated May 14, at the mouth of theßedi River, says : " We have &errs today , from Rebel sources that the' gunboats, except two, succeeded in getting over the falls at Alexandria, on the day mentioned in Gen. Banks's dispateh." No dispatches hitve been received to-day from Gen. Butler. - . - Dispatches from Kingston, Georgia, state that Gen. Sherman's forces are resting and; replen ishing their supplies. I E. M. STANTON, Sec'y of war. _ 1 Loss of General Officers. The loss of able General officers in each army. is oftentimes one of the most serious they can sustain. 1. Through we have only very limited informatiodiegarding the • Rebel losses in the late battles, we can . yet compare the losses of the two armies in this respect, as follows; • - THE RATI9NAI, ARMY. Billed—Maj. lien. Sedgwick, of Connecti cut ; Brig. Gens. Wadsivorth and Rice, of New York; Stevenson. of Massachusetts; Hayes, of Pennsylvania—total, 5. Wounded—Brig. Gen. Torbert, of New jer sey ; Robinson of 'the Regular Army ; Getty of the same ; Webb, of New York ; Baxter, of Pennsylvania; W. H. Morrie, of Now York— total 6. Captured—Brig. Gens. Shafer, and Seymour Total number disabled-13 Gens. , Bartlett and Owens were also very ' slightly Wounded, bat as they are still at the head of thitir brigades' in -the field, they cannot be considered hors du combat, THE REBEL - ARMY }Killed—Maj. Gen. J. E. - 8.-Stuart, of Vir ginia ; Gens. Jenkinsy:of South tatiolian; J. M. Jones, of Virginia L. A.. Stafford, of Lonisiana-4.' ' - • • Wound6ll—Lieut. Gen. Longstreet, of inia; Maj. Gen Heth, of Virginia;-Maj. Gen. Piclietf, of, Virginia; Brig: Gens. Pegram, of Virginia ; Walker, of Virginia ; Hays of Louis iana ; Bening, cif Georgia--T7. „N • Captured—Maj. Gen.-Johnson. Brig. Gen. Georgh H. Stuart, ofMa ryland2. Total num ber of Rebel General officers disabled-14. g, FROM QEN. BUTLER. DEMONSTRATION ON FORT DARLING. Beattregard reinforced by .loogstrett's Corps. The Enemy Repulsed !at Every Point. OUR moss 13 BEICISITD.VITUNDRF:D, MaylB All is'quiet with our army to-day. The.ob jeet of the demonstration on Fort Darling was merely to draw off and entertain as many of Lee's troops as possible, and also to attract the attention of all the rebel forces in and about Richmond, to enable Oen. - Kautz to destroy the emmnutheations south of Itichniond. . On Monday , ! 16th, the rebels came ,out of their • entrenchments and carthWorks in front of Fort Darling, at daybreak, having been heavily reinforced by Longstreet's Corps, and made, :three advances, all of which were.promptly re pulsed by our men.' - The'enemy lost in these charges from one thousand to fifteen hundred men, while our loss was very slight. . . Gen. Butler having 'learned that Beauregard 'as heavily reinforced by: Longstreet's Corps, lid also ascertained by the rebel papers and rebel couriers that the bridge over the Appa matOx river and several miles of the Danville Railroad were destroyed, and that the dams, locks and,embanktnents of ,the canal leading into Richmond were also destroyed. He decided to fall back from before Fort Darling, and gave orders accordingly, and by :Monday evening our armies had generally ar rived behind our new lines ' of entrenchments, having retired in perfeetzder, except General Heckman's brigade, Whi.V`was badly disorgan ized and . Gen. Heckman captured. Thiebrig ade.formed the extreme right wing. Three. of our sieg4 guns fell into , the hands of the rebels, the horses being killed. The guns were spiked. At present it is impossible to estimate our loss, as stragglers are constantly coming in. We have lost many prisoners; but their loss in killed and wounded . pxceeds ours , as our men were protested by entrenchments. Several of Long street's men were captured, who said his whole force was co-operating with Beauregard. FROM SOUTH-WEST VIRGINIA! Good News from Gen. Averill ! REBELS-'DEFEATED - NEAR WYTHEVILLE! • CINCINNA May 19. ,Despatches have peen received - here dated Gauley Bridge, West _Virginia, 3:14 IS, giving an account of a brilliant victory often, (on the right of our main body of Crook'S army,) over the Rebels. ,On the 10th instant General Averill, reached a point-"within folly miles of, Wytheville, where,he encountered the enemy— four thousand strong—,under .Geff. Saul Jones He fought them four hours, - driving them - and wounded many and capturing some prisoners. Under cover of darkness the enemy retreated. Our loss was one hundred 'and twenty killed and wounded—none missing. Near Blaeksbury Gen. Averill's command commenced destroying_ the railroad, which was most effectually done to a point four miles east of Chrietiansburg.— At the latter a small force of the enemy hastly retreated, leaving two .three-inch guns, which we captured. -- HANCOCK'S' SP_LENDID CH OkIIGE. The special , correSpondenee of the Tunes, writing on Friday, gives the fdlloWing vivid ac count of Ebuenek'i charge upon the enemy's works.: -"I have just. returned from the scene-of Gen. Hancock's brilliant victory of Thursday- morn ing. At the point at which his assault was made, the rebel breastworks formed. an angle or salient, and his ' 1 men advanced silently and, without firing a shot, entered the works_ at the salient and swept.icp the inside of the right, ranking the splendid hunt of prisoners already>, known to you. thifortunateiy. the, supporting line cheered when nearing -the works, other wise we would the prisoners say, bare captured both Ewell.and "The assault Was made between four and five o'clock,-in the gray of the morning. Bar low's division,, which had 'the advance, Milks' brigade leading, went Up in column by battalion double on the centre ; Birney's division in two lines,bf battle; and the divisions of Gibbon and .Mott; in the second line, supporting. The 'storming columh 'rushed over the enemy's breastworks, which were C•xceedingl,)' strong, with a ditch in front, and drove the enemy back for a mile. Here the enemy rallied, and Han cock at 6 A. M. returned and formed hisline of battle in the enemy'S works. As this was the key of the whole position our right was gradu-,- ally re-fused, and the main body of the army massed on the left. The 6th Corps (Wright) which had been. do the right of the 2nd with drew behind their skirmish line and unitedwith Hancock's right, and afterward two divisions of Warren's _were brought over. The history of the day after 6 o'clock in the morning is all summed up in five successive and fierce assaults which Lee made to retake the lost position. At first Ewell's Corps 'alone confronted Hancock, but during- the day -Hill and Longstreet were drawn over from the rebel left, and the whole "army of Lee flting itself in five desperate efforts to. recapture the breastworks. But it all in vain, as every assault met a bloody repulse. "So terrific Was the death-grapple, however, that at'different times ,of the day the rebel col ors Were planted on - the one side of the works and'olirl on the other, the men fighting across the - PMPet , Nothing during the war has equallect.-the' savage desperation of this struggle, which continued- for fourteen hours, and the scene of the conflict, from which I have just come, `presents a spectacle of horror that cur , Ales the blood of the boldest. The angle of the works at which Hancock entered, and for the possession of which the savage fight of the dot was made, is a perfect Golgotha. N. In this angle of death the . &Aid and wounded rebels lie, this, !IL 71. WHOLE NO.. 3,658. morning; literally in piles—men in the agonies of dA.ath groaning* 'beneath the - dead bodies of their comrades. On an area of a few acres in rear of their position lie not less than a thousand rebel corpses, many literally torn to shreds by hundreds of balls, and several with bayonet thrusts through and through their bodies, pierc-, -ed on the very margins of the parapet, which they were determined to retake or perish in the' attempt. The one exclaniation of every man who looks on the spectacle is; "God forbid that I should ever gaze upon such a sight again." 'Hancock's movement is regarded here as the most brilliantly-conceived and executed tac tical operation of the war, and has added to the splendid fame he won in the three days' 6ghtin the Wilderness. After the turning movement of the morning the 6th Corps and two divisions of the 2nd should be included in the history of the day. They share the honors of the glor ious, but bloody field of Spott.sYlvania. Our loss of yesterday must reach ten thousand." CONDITION OF RETURNED PRIG ' ONERS. The Committee on the Conduct of the,War, has made a report to Congress, on the condition 'of the Federal . prisoners, - returned from Rich mond, who have 'arrived at Annapolis. Froni an examination made at the request of the Sec retary of War, it is proved beyond all doubt, in tbe'estimation of ,the Committee, that the Re bel authorities have determined to' subject oar Soldiers and officers Who fall into their hands to physical and mental, suffering impossible to de scribe, many presenting now the appearance of living skeletons, literally little more than skin and bones, some maimed for life, and some fro zen by lying without tent or covering on'the bare ground at Belle Isle.' The general prac tice is shown to be the robbery of the prisoners, as soon as they ,'were taken, of all money, valu ables and good clothing. The food allowed was totally insufficient to preserie the health of &child. It consisted usally of two pieces of bread made of corn and cob meal, badly cook- ed, with about two ounces of meal, unfit to eat. and occasionally a few black - . worm eaten beans. They'were obliged to sell clothin< , received from home to •buy food •to sustain life. Those in the hospitals were little better fed. Worn and neglectea wounds remained for days on dressed. One witness, when„ asked if he was hungry, replied : " Hungry 7 • I could eat any thing in the World that came before me." They were submitted to unmerciful and murderous treatment from those in charge of them. They were shot and killed for violating rules of which they had no knowledge. When they arrived at AnnapOlis their clothing was so filled with vermin that it had to be destroyed, and repeated washings failed to relieve their heads and bodies of the pests. They aro now dying daily, and the physicians in charge entertained no doubt that there emaciation and death are directly caused by the brutal and- merciless treatment received while prisoners of war. The testimony shows that the treatment re ceived at Columbia and Dalton was far more humane than at Richmond. The Committee say that - they cannot resist the conclusion that these inhuman 'practices are the result of a de termination on the part'of the rebel authorities to reduce our soldiers by privations and expo- sure to Such a condition that they never will be able to render effective service in the field—the result, like the massacre of Fort Pillow, of a predetermined policy. They deem it evident that the rebel newspaper statements, claiming for the prisoners the same treatment received by their ou,asoldiers, are glaring and unblusli-. ing falsehoWl ; and say no one can for a mo meat be deceived by such Statements who will reflect that our soldiers, whop when taken p . ria- Oners, were stout, healthy men, in the prime and vigor of life, have died by hundredi under the treatment they have received. The Washington Republican adds this, state -ment : " We learn from conversation with one of the members of the Committee that the scene witnessed by them at A nnapolis beggars descrip tion. Of the four hundred men returned—offi cers and privates—who arrived at Annapolis a few days since, one hundredqtave since died of rebel starvation, and one huhdred more, it is believed by medical men, cannot live. So emaciated are manyof the men that photograph ic artists were employed by the committee to take pictures Of them, for the purpose of show ing their actual condition and appearance to both Houses of Congress." IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS. The-following letter from Gov: Curtin to Col. Frank Jordan, the Military Agent of this State in Washington, gives important information to soldiers and their friends : EXECUTIVE CFIVIIRER, 1 Ilartazsav am, May 18,1864. CoLoriEL: Having commissioned you as Co lonel, and Major Gilleland as Lieutenant Colo nel, I beg leave to call your attention to the first section of the act of 4th of May, 1864, enlarg ing the military agency at Washington: "That the agency heretofore established at Washing ton by the Governor be enlarged so that the agent and assistant agent shall have the rank, pay and allowances of Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel respectively, to be paid by the Allis. tent General,-and that the duties of the said agency be enlarged so as to include the collec tion of pay, pensions and bounties due to Penn sylvania volunteers, without charge or expense to such volunteers—and such other duties as the Governor may from time to time direct." In thus reorganizing and enlarging the pow ers of'the agency heretofore established by me, the Legislature intended that all the pay, boun ties, pensions and gratuities of the government should be collected for the Pennsylvania volun teer or his family, without charge or expense to him or them. You will immediately prepare the agency for the performance of these addi tional dittiei,-and on your requisition, the nec essary blanks and books will be provided by the Quartermaster General of the State. As here tofore, Dr. J, A. Philips, Assistant Surgeon General of the State, will remain on duty - at the city of Washington, and you will continue so far as possible to provide in every way for the comfort and efficiency of our volunteers. the eare of the sick and wounded, for sendieg. home the bodies 'of those who may die is ths: service, and to perform all other services that in your judgment may be proper and receitsa9g_ for the benefit of the citizens of Pennsylvania. now in the military service of the Government. The Act of Assembly to which Ihave‘referr ed authorizes me to appoint two: clerks when deemed necessary to he employe:l inthe agen c y, Of such necessity you must be the judge, and I will appoint clerks on your nomination, The success of the iinportaut work thus en. trusted you willitepend, thainly upon yourself * and I feel sag that ksma will conduct it in such* maneer as will giv.e, satisfaction to the people of tile State, and' fella all the expects. tions, of the. Legislature is tie passage of thin moat benevolent act( • Xery respeetfu,lly, your olet eery% A. G. CunTts. Col..Fitstrctik,Joapitt!, Agent, Pennsylvania,