The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 18, 1864, Image 8

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trankifin Ftptioitorg.
EXCITING WA , G NEWS.—The excitement in
town during the last week was more intense
if possible 'than the week before. , Business
was practically suspended. ' Merchants would
wander from their stores with anxious, nervous
steps to see if any fresh news could be gathered;
and every rumor was greedily read and nom.
mented On bygroupson the streets and corners.
Mechanics left their shops,-and gathered about
the bulletin boards, as if everything must be
suspended until the Army of the Potomac had
achieved a decisive victory. Ladies would pass
by time and again tb catch an ipun of hopeful
intelligence; and,all classes seethed totally ab
sorbed in the great issue being fought out through
the bloody -windings of the Wilderness.
On Wednesday fragmentary dispatches gave
information of- a terrible battle having been
fought the day before near Spottsylvania; and
the excitement of the four or five days previous
*as intensified. Every ruiner was carefully
treasured by the obliging operator of the Atlan-
tic and Ohio Line, W. Blair Gjlmore, Esq.,
kind the delay in procuring official information
'was most painful to the many anxious heartg
who seemed to subordinate everything to the
success of our common cause. The fact that
Orant's heroic army had advanced over the
sanguinary fields of the week before, and was
Still undaunted and intact, and the modest but
4gaificant asi3uracee of its noble commander
that he proposed "/o
„fight it out on this line, if
it takes all summer," gave hope to loyal men ;
but they knew the pow or and desperation of the
foe, and they were appalled at the terrible sa
&Mee our early success.lad cost us. It was
natural tbeiefore that the gravest apprehensions
mingled with their zonfidence in our sacred
cause. But at last came official information
that the great conflict of Tuesday was another
victory, although still indecisive. , Thousands
more of our brave defenders had fallen, willing
sacrifices upon the altar of the Republic, but
Treason had reeled baCkin dismay—even its
terrible desperation had been met with invinci-
ble valor, and again Hope dawned brightly upon
• the Country's cause. But still Treason was
unyielding, and dts soldiers of crime confronted
1 , the loyal hosts behind frowning cannon and
bristling bayonets, and fresh sacrifices were
'still demanded to preserve our Nationality. •
Thursday's news but confirmed the desperate
• and deadly' character of Tuesday's conflict; but
' every authentic report gave increased confidence
to the anxious people who congregated about
the bulletins. Accounts of Wednesday's strug
gle began to coin7 o in;,but it was evidently but
tt fable engagement compared with the fearful
harvest of death gathered on. Tuesday and Fri
day previous. But it showed that the resisting
power of the rebel army was still unbroken, and
that it was prepared to contest Grant's advance
as long as it could marshal its forces and sup
ply them with the missiles of deatruction. Our
people continued to cluster - on the streets and
mingled anxiety and hopewere depicted on every
loyal, face: - Thursday night passed.without de
cisive news, but all reports give every assurance
of the ultimate success of Grant. His army
was well handled against the most skilful of the
rebel commanders, in his own country, and de
fending his own capital, tad its spirit was im
proved, while that of the foe was measurably
broken by repeated fannies to force our lines.
Friday morning, first gave desultory rumors ofa
desperate strulggle the day before; and at last
the people were electrified with the. official re
port that Gen. Han sock had captured a large
iiiqhber of prisoners sud some thirty guns. The
long agony of suspense was broken, and with
out waiting to analyze results, the people shout
ed for joy. Men congratulated each other on
the street, and rejoicing was earnest indeed as
the anxious hearts were relieved of fearful ap
prehensions. The army bad achieved a victory
—its trophies .were substantial, and the ex
hausted fde was yielding gradually but surely
before the advancing columns of Grant and
, Meade. Shout :upon shout went pp from the
crowd upon the streets, and many were the
grateful inspirations sent, up to the Great Ruler
fo'r His merciful deliverance. The vast crowd
was hourly augmented, and it swayed to and fro
as report after report, often of the most extra-
vagant nature, dropped from the wires. At
last its jubilant shouts culminated as the Inland 1
line announced the surrender of Lee with 40,-
000 men. In vain did a few declare it impos
sible to compel Lee'jt surrender in an open
field ;—the crowd surged Irom the prudent
caution to the bulletin board, and read that the
report was confirmed. In a. few moments the
bells were ringing out - the joy ,f the excited
people, and even when the surrender was offi
cially contradicted, the triumph of Hancock and
fife evident general victory 'of Grant, was left
t4eM, and they closed the day rejoicing. Night
brought Gen. Grant's official despatches an
nouncing a substaotiasuccesi, his captures, and
closing with the assurance that his splendid
array had passed its terrible ordeals of death
with its 'organization intact, and its spirifin
domitable. Saturday fully confirmed the deci
sive character of Thursday's victors, and the
great net-work of Gen. Grant's sublime plans
bees.n to be developed. Dalton was taken by
Sherman ; Petersburg waslisblated from Rich
mend by Gun. BUtler ; Averill and Crooks had
sefered the, great artery of treason from Rich
mfiod le Tennessee; Sheridan was in Lee's
rear ; had cut his line of supplies and was be
_tikeen the rebel army and its capital with 42,-
000 cavalry. Sigel was moving up the Valley
to strike the last remaining rebel line. On
every hand the success of the Union armywas
positive, and the retributive stroke of justice
was falling heavily upon the now doomed. trai
tors. On Sunday congregations gathered to
render grateful. homage to Alm)ghty God for
our victories, and no disloyal or doubtful lips
proclaiured'llis greatness and goodness in our
'Sanctuaries. With one' accordthey - bore- to Ms
throne a bleeding Country's cause, and invoked
Hie continued mercy and guidance in the pre
' servation of our imperiled liberties.
• —But there were sad, sad hearts as holy men
gave thanks to the 'Father of mercies, and as
trite men 'rejoiced over our country's triumphs.
; hey were not shadowed by bereavement—they
' :did not mourn martyr's as their kindred
but they were sad because a common country • THE Mercersburg Classis of the German.Re
had triumphed over its wanton, wicked foes. formed Church met in Waynesboro oii . E_ki4nY
They passed thdbulletins,-glowing with - victory, I the 6th inst. Out forty members were:iit at
with heavy hearts, and down-east looks,• and tendence. Draisher, of this plai.e, was 'elle
faces sarrow-stricken. They did , not speak, I ser(President and Rev. Mr. DeaVek, Clerk.
sav , to utter doubts or give a gasping hope to j The Becordiays.-tbat the transactions were of
expiring treason. They saw loyal hearts hound- I an intrresting character, and throughout the
lug with joy, and they hated their country the igreatest harmony prevailed: The reports of
worse for its triumphs. Men-loolted upon them 1. the several pastors were most gratifying. The
with mingled pity and scorn as they shunned Climb( closed on , Tuesday evening of last week.,
the evidence of our victories, and the mournful I and was adjourned to meet next spring in Ship
sound of ".Copperhead" fell involuntarily from ! peniburg, Pa
eartiestlips as they moved along in the deep
shadow of their woe. But loyal hearts up
braided not, for they turned to their rescued
Republic and to its heroic hosts still upon the
crimsoned field, and felt that--
"The mower mows on though the adder may writhe,
kid the Copperhead coil 'round the blade of his
scythe I!"
—Sohn thirty town cows are regularly turned
loose by their owners every morning to forage
upon their tigthbors, and they have become an
,intolerable nuisance to all the citizens residing
immediately around the town. It would seem
that the owners of these cows deliberately cal
culate upon feeding them at the'expense of the
public, as they are. turned out as ravenous4ts .
wolves andlhey defy the best fences or gates:
in their efforts to procure food. The citizens
living in the vicinity of the town lose ever - )
yearin the . aggregate more than all these cows
are worth, and the
_owners must be sensible of
the fact that they are wantonly periling the
property of their neighbors, and often allowing
the most serious depredations to be committed
upon fields. gardens, &e. -We' have tried in
vain to make fences to keep these cows out of
fields, and have done everything in our Power
to persuade owners to cease plundering their
neighbors in this way, and we shall neither no
tify nor suggest any farther. The borough or.
dinance on the subject says :
anv borses, cattle, sbeep, swine, geese. or °tiler
animals be found running at largo in said square, or,
in an y of said streets, lanes or alleys, pavements, side
or footways, it shall be the duty of the High Constable
to seize ancise/t the same 611 public outcry, and pop
over to the Treasurer of said borough the proceeds.'
- The Burgess and Council have been notified
to enforce the law, and unless town cows are
cared properly for by their owners and kept
from plundering the public, they will be sold by
the borough authorities to owners who will take
care of them. The owners will be wise, there
fore, who at once take their cattle off the
streets and 'stop them from committing depre
dations upon the public.
COIINTY.—Now that thousands of our brave
defenders lie mangled and bleeding in hospitals
—having fallen between our homes and oar
bloody enemies, that we might enjoy in peace
the' bounties that Providence bestowed upon us
—our homes,•our properties, all we enjOy has
been saved for us through their wounds—will
we withhold•from them the comforts and at.
tention they require 1 Surely-we who once felt
the iron band of the enemy, and know that we
again might have felt it; had not God given us,
the victory, through our brave soldiers, will not',
withhold from them that which they saved for
us. Is it not theirs through their Wounds and
sufferings ? 'Come forward then ! The ladies
of Chamberaburg have determined to hold a
Fair for the benefit of the " Christian Commis.
lion," and ask every one in the county to take
part in it. There is no one but can contribute
something toward this noble enterprise. Any
thing suitable for hospital purposes' will 'lie
thankfully accepted. 'Come forward then, with
money, provhdons, labor, time, anything . that
'will further the cause. Let every township
appoint a committee to co-operate ' with the
Societyin this place. Information can be bad
from the President, Mrs. Gen. Couch, or Miss
bfollie 11.'Culloh, Secretary.
MAJ. J. S. SCHULTZE has been commission
ed Colonel of the Provost Guard Regiment, re
cently organized in this State, and now
1000 strong. Col. Sehultfe has been in the
service since the commencement of the war,
and was on the Staff of Gen. Couch during the
battles of the Peninsula and.through all the sub
sequent engagements of. the Army of the Poto
mac until Gen. Couch was assigned to the com
mand of this Department. He Was severely
wounded several times on the Peninsula, and is
appreciated in the army as one of its most gal
lant and Meritorious officers. He has been
Adjutant General on Gen. Couch's Staff in this
place for nearly a , year past, and' has won the
esteem of our citizens by the promptness and
courtesy whichjtave ever characterized his of
ficial intercourse, and by his high personal and
social worth.
OFFICERS ELECTED.--The annual election
for Officers and Managers of the Franklin
County Farmers and Mechanics Industrial As
sociation, was held on Friday of last week, and,
A. K. M'Clure was chosen President; J. S.
Nixon, James C. Eyster, Geo. R. Messersurith
and Samuel Myers, Vice Presidents; W. S.
Everett, Recording Secretary; John P—Cul
bertsMi, Corresponding Secretary Emanuel
`treasurer, and Col. F. S. Stumbaugh,
Min Downey, John Ruthrauff,- Henry Kciffer,
John Immel, W. W. Skinner, H. B. Davidson,
Andrew Davidson, Win. Bossart, Daniel 0.
Gehr and Geo:W. Immel, Managers. A meet
ing is called to beheld at Mr. Everett's Mile' ,
on Tuesday next, the 24thAnst., to consider the
propriety of _holding a' Fair nest fall. A full
attendance i earnestly desired. •
CoL.,BoYlp's 21st Pa. Cavalry have gone• to
the front" 1200 stroni, and well mounted and
equipped, and all the troops on garrison; and.
guard duty in this section have
, also been !sent
forward. - Just where they have gone, we do
not - care to state ; but it is enough tohnowlthat
they are exactly where they can best render the
safety of the border secure beyond peradventure.
. CoratEcrioN.—The Register's accounts were
advertised inlast week's issue by mistahe, to be
presented to the special Court in May for con
firmation. They will be presented at the Or
phans' Court on thelth of June, as advertised
in this'paOr. No act:omits will be presented
for confirmation at the special court
HT recent successes of our armies Were
referred to in eloquent and impressive language
from the various pulpits of this place on labt
P, , ,abbath.
CIN franidin neV O5 itirqlUn 18, 1864.
bi-ERCERSBMG: PAIR.—The people of
cersburg have resolved to hold a Fair' in that
Place,lnstead of eo•onerating with the Cham
fiersburg Fair for the benefit of the Christian
Commission. We think it well that they have
done so, Tor Mereersbnrg, ever liberal, can eon,
tribute much more bountifiilly by having a Fair
.at home.
Tin anniversary of the Franklin County Bi
ble Society will beheld in the German Reform
ed Church, on Sabbath evening, the 29th inst.,
'at 74 o'clock. Reportsysillberead, theaddress
will be by Rev. Mr., Conrad,-of the Lutheran
Church. All the friends of the cause are invi
ted to attend.
. AMONG the wounded in the engagements in
Virginia last week, was Col: Sides, command
' • • the 57th Penna. Vols., Gem Campbell's old
GONE TO THE FRONT.—Gen. .t. B. Tyler,
a familiar name)
this section, has gone to the
front in commas of a Brigade. ' • .
'TnE Tercentenary Contention of the German
Reformed Church will he held in Reading,' ou .
next - Saturady, the `2lst inst.
Soldi , .rs who have been discharged by reason of
who have not 'received the ONE tIVNDRED DOL 7
LABS BOWTY, can receive the same now at once
by VP - Plying:either in person or by letter, at the Hal
itary and deal Agency, No. 427 WAIN trr STREKT,
Philadelphia. ' E DEVITT &
PAYABLE TO DATE can be seen at the offices.
These and all other claims against the Government
promptly collected. - ruaylB-cow-A
A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility,
Incompetency. Premature .Decay and Youthful Er
ror, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will he
happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge.'
the recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy used in his case. Those vrishingto profit by
his experience, and possess a Valuable Hemedy,,
will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully
sealed), by addressing JOHN 13. OGDEN.
maylB-3m) N 0.130 Nassau street, New York.
commonly known as ate Itch, has made itsappetn -
ance in town and in carious places throughout the
county. It may be a source of relief to persoris so
afflicted to know that they can get' a sun , cnrr for
this troublesome disease at Miller's Drug Store
Let all so afflicted send immediately to their Drug
Store and get a box of Terrel's Itch Ointment.
Price 25 cents. It is a speedy cure.
CM:VIts, 13RuNCHITAs.-- 7 The entire freedom
from all deleterious ingredient,. render "13roorn'x,
Bronchial Traclum," or Cough and Voice Lozenges,
n safe• remedy for the most delicate female or young
est child, and has caused them to be held in the
hi;lizst esteem by elergymMs, Singers awl Public
Speakers generally.
COfiNTRY people look to your iptereat. Take
your Lard. bacon, Dried Yruit and marketing to
Gelwieka'. whore you will receive the highest price
in cash, and see the largest stock of Fish is town at
low lieures.
Gt.) TO GeiWiekte, on the bikanoncl, for fine
S.Yrtt. Green and Black Teas, fresh fii?iees, Crack
ers, a:c.. Tau will act the, beet quality, far the
Ir• YOU wish to impart vigor aid clearness
to tho voice. relliwe b.oarsentets s:e.. go at2nee to
A. J. Miller's Drug Store and get a box of Bann
varr3 Truchex, the only effectual remedy in the
market. • mar 2
SURE CURE.--Even• any wt' hear of the sue.)
cess of the " Sure Cure" in curing the It utten Hoof'
and had Scratches in Horses. Get a bottle and toy
it. Ozoltl only by Heyser S Cressiei•. -
G ELwreKs hart just reeeiced a heavy stock of,
every description of store goods, and micis them
cheap, wholesale and retail. _,
SODA and sparkling Soda
Water at Rosser & Cressler's Drag Sune. call and
try it.
Ellatrijes anlr 2rlntirp. I
E ''
A. 11 - G--HINBAGH'Ei
Citm.inf'.ustitmo, PA.
Th , %Iwo*
. re9ectf, —
e undersigned would respectfnll>•call attcntit'?' n
to his present stock, eonsiHting of
Gold and Silver, of 4nierican and European ma:n
ufneture, of all qualities and styles, and
at the lowest pric es.
In great variety. -- Parlor, Boatel. Office, &e.
E 'E' L It Y .
The newest and most-desirable stylus of Onyx'. Coral
and Vearl; Gold Chains, Bracelets, Finger
pines, Gold Thimbles, Sleeve But
sonie and Odd Fellows' Breast I
31- 011 NINO. AND JET .1 ESL 4 Y.
A splendid sett,gk and newest styles.
Consisting. of Tea .Sets. Gusto's, Mugs, Spoons,
• Forks &r .. c.
.GOLli \r.
From the best and moat celebrated manntactoOcs:
A virltirgenutl attractive st'bek.
Rodger's superior Peu Knives, of different quali
ties and prices.
The lung exp - erienee of the undersigned in the :e
. .
. .
leetiop and alaptation of Ghisses ena-
1;les him - to suit any sight.
At no time have the people of this county bed
more attractive and extensive stock to select from
th a n is now presented at the establishment of the
undersigned. Every article is new and of the latest
style, and will he sold at the very lowest price. An
examination solicited.' before purchasing else
REPAIRING done at the shortest notice by com
petent workmen.
2d door South Of Post Office, Charra'g
(SrtreeP*oi• to Stauffer cf Harley
Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES'; Fine
Gold JEWELRY,- Solid SILVER-WARE. and the
stantly on hand a large assortment of the above
goods at low priceir.
_Watches and Fine Clocks REPAIRED, by skillful
workmen; also, Jewelry repairing; Engraving and
all kinds of Hair-work to..order, at short notice.
120_ Don't forget the (um STASI), No. 622 Market
St., Philad'a. - Dtp2o-3m) S. & F.
HENRY HARPER, .No. 520 Alicll ST.,
Manufacturer and Dealer in
All kinds of Silver Ware wade on the pretni-
Watch .12 , -,pairing carefully done. [mar23-Sm
S inanciaL
....— . ......- - -,,L....„--,„ .
T,T $. 10-40 I.o,NDS.—'fitese Bimds are
..., • 'tied und+ , the Act of Congress of March Btb,
1861, wilich provitiPs that all Bonds issued 'under this
Act shill be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION, by or
under tiny state orManiciPaLautherity. -Subscrip
tions td these Bonds are received in. United States
notes - o i r b .• - '''',ltional Banks., They are rj - BE
REDEME.I)....i.O ,VIN, at the pleaanre of the Gov ,
eminent, at any periodi. not (.10 than ten: nor store - i
than f t rgif tlefirg from their *le, and until their re
BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over eine hun
dred dollars annually and all'other Bonds soil:a-an
nualli. The interPst is payable on the first days of
March and September in each year.. ,
1 • .
„ Sulleribors will receive either Registered or Cou
pon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds
are rcoorded on the !books of the U. S. Treasurer,
and cln be transferred -only on „the owner's order
Coupon Bonds are payable to order, and are more
eonvtnient for commercial uses. - - „ -
Suliseribers to this loan will have the option ofha
vingheir Bonds draw interest Progi Miireli - Ist, by
payi g the accrued interest in coin—(or in United
Stati9 notes, or the notes of National Banks,'adding
fifty per cent, for premium,) or receive Them draw
ing intereSt front the date of subscription anildepo
sit. ' (As these bonds are
Eifmpt ' from Municipal or Stata Taxation, ,
thcij value is increaelfin one 'to Three per cent.-
perit nnum, according ,to the rate of tar levies in
vanus parts of the country., .
Athe present rate of premium' on gold they pas
i c,
. in currency, and are of equal convenience as a Per
marient and temporary investment.
_ i, • _ _ , ,
Ittis believed that no securities offer sourest in,'
duchnients to lenders as the.varions deseriptions , of
U.. 1. Bends. In all other forms of indebteduess. t the
faith and ability of private partiet'or stock coml.
I. •
paws or sepaiate communities. -only is pledged fot
payment,'while tbrthe debts of the United States
f -
thuwhole property , of thee tamtryjs holden to 8 ecure
the( payment of both principle and iat'erest in coin.
These Bonds may be• subscribed for in sums from
up to" any magnitude, on tlu; same terms, and
are thus made equally available to the smallest 10;17-
der )
and the largest capitalist. They be con
verted-into money at any momerit, and-the holder
will have the benefit of the interest.
It may be useful to state in this connection that
the total Finked Debt of the United States onwhieh
interest is payable in gold, on the .1(.1 day sf Mareb,
1864, was $765.975,000. The intereston this di o bt for
the coming fiscal year will be $45,937420, while the,
customs revenue irt:gold for .he'current fiscal year
eliding June 3Qth, 1804, has been so far -at the rate
of over sloo,ooo,ooo'per annum.
\ `Trill be seen that even the present gold rev
enues of the Government are largely in excess of
the wants Of the Treasury for the payment of gold
interest, while-the rment increase of the tariff will
d;oubtless raise the clique l receipts fixhie ciletolus on
'the same amount of importations, to $ 1 K,00 9 ,000
I '
per annum. , t : ,
' Instructions to the National Bank's aetieg as loan
r••en tßiv cre not issued front the United States Tretts
itry until March 20, but in the first three weeks of
I •
:April the sub4erintions silt crazed. more than TEN
Sphs zriptions will received by the.
First National Bank of Phi ladelhia. Pa.
Second National Blin'it .of Philadelphia. Pa. '
Third N'aqotial Bank of Philadelphia. Pa.
which are
,deVoidtaries. of Public_inoneY. and all
throughout-Abe country. (actirie as agentsoftbeNa
tional Depository Bauks,) will furnish further infor
mation on application umi.
Hamilton Bounty Com
mittee will meet the TAXPAYERS of the
Township, oa turctriii. theDift of Moy. at the House
of John Gordon, for the purpose of RECEIVING
THE BOUNTY TAX, between the hours,of 19.4.
M.. and.4P: M.
awn 11-2 V - JOHN WALKER, Sec j•;
niviDEsi).---The President and Man-.
J.J tigers of the thamberstittri Tunas° Road
CompttnY have,this day declared a dividend of per
cent. on the Capital Stack of saidecrapany, payable
on deinnud..
may43t W. H. McDOWELL, Treasurer.;
311, 1864. —The Directors of the Bank of Chain- ,
hersburir, hare this day declared a dividend of FNS;
PER CENT on the Capital stock. payable on de
mand. [tnay 4] G. 1. MESSERSisIin Cashier.
'Loot, cAtolen. anb
May 16,1864.
1.1 (.„',l UT/DN.-The pUblie ne.eau ti oued against
the negeciation of the' following SEVEN PER
ROAD Co,llPANY,which have been lost or mislaid,
to wit: - - ,•
Forty-eight lion& , of the denomination of $5OO,
with roe pow attached, having fbe'following .171IIII
bt:nl: Nos. 3,4, 8,9, 12, 13,44, 48, 59, 03, 64, 72, 75 78,
80, 103. 103,100. 14.7, 108, 109,.111.103, 165,106, 167;1 7 4,
175, 176. 177,178, 186, 250, 252, 255, 258, 159, 260, 272,
273,278, 281, 286, 288.289, 294.2x97, 300,
Also, ono hundred and thirty-nine Ilonds of the
dooomilzation of -$.lOO, with Coupons attached, and
which have the foll6wing numbers: 305.310, , 3:0,3:11,"
325, 326. 327, 328, 33% 340; 341, 342, 343, 344, 373,37 4 ,,
375, 3765, :377, 378, :379, - 426. 427, 445, 470, 478, 480, 481,
r 0). 501, 502,' , 503, 504, 539, 540, 545, 546. 547, 551, 552,
539, 30-1, 506.5ri8, 369, 570,-571. e 72, 573, 575, 579 , 581,'
592. 59. i, 599, .191, 542, 594, (9(2, 603. 6(hi. 507. 6.04.
880„ 01:3, 010,617, 818, 019, 622. 1124. 625, 6.9, (132, 634.
035, 036,653, 663, 065, 606, 007. 808., 609..074,1, 674,
676,077, - 078, 679,,5430, 681, 088, 680, 631. 092, 03,,
05. 701,702, 705, 707.711, 712, 713 714, 715, 710,722:
74',, 724, 750, 753, 754. 755, 758, 759. 700. 762, 7 8 7.'77 3 .
7 79, 7 8 " , 781, 7 83 , 786. 787. 792, 1'93. 794, 735, 796, 797.-
799, 799: -
mayll-3t IT:ll.3l;,3l.lll3llALL„cashi'er.
9 r 1 EW A RD.—Stolen from tIM
ti subscriber. at - Goshert's Mill, in Green
township. on Friday. the 29t1: ult., a Pocket Book,
containing abOut :.; , 80 in U. S. Money: a Note on
;Jacob Garver for 635: a note on B. li. Lehman for
$2.5, and other papers' of no value to any person but
the owner. The above rewardmill be paid for the
recovery of the pocket book and contents, and the
detection of the ,thief. All ,Persons are cautioned
not to negotiate for either of the above Notes, as
payment has been stopped on cacti of them. -
may 4-41 . ISAAC L. METTER.
A MTH IT R H. 33 A, N D S
of every description,
It Orders to the lamest extent promptly executed:
Orders filled by S.'S.S/IWY p OK, Chemberqle'g,
Sett 23
Kerosene Lamps,
fell, Kerosene O B il, nt
• OYD'S Orcieeiry.
LANK DEEDS.-:—An. assortment ,of
.I.YEETS just printed on fine ',Parch
meat Paper, and for sale at the F.F.roarroes Office
71SITING,CARDS pTitited in 'hest
style and at shortest notice, at the itceos crow
ANCY CARDS:k iof all styles. 4uad
oolore printed at the Utrovertnruoirkee.
Ind Rotas:
'STITUTION.---Be it 'weaved by - the Senate - mid
House of- Representatives of the rooneouirealth of
PvnmaylvOnict in Geneint Aexemblit mil, That the
following amendments be proposed to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the
provisions of the tenth article theredf:
There shall be an additional section to t e third
article of the Constitution, to be drignate as sec
tion four, as follows: •
"SecrioN4. WheneyeranY of the nalifi electors
of thiaCommonwealth shall bola any acts
sem`lce,,under a. requisition from the resident.
of the United States, or by the autho m 3 , of this
Commonwealth, such electors innY l eztereis theright
of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, neer sneh
rtkulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, as
fully as if they'were preSent at their usual place of
election." - •
Sgetiox 2. There shall he two additional sections
to the eleventh article of the Constitution. to be des
ignated as sections eight, and nine, as follosys:
SECTION 8. No-bill shall-be passed by the Legis.
:latnre, containing more than one subject, Which
'shall he clearly .
Priation expressed in the title, except appro.
• • SEcttos O. No bill shall bo passed by the legis-
Injure granting any -powers, or Privileges, in any
case. where the authority to grant such powers. or
privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred
upon the courts of thistlommonwealth."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
• Speaker of the Senate.
HARRISBURG, April 25.18114.
Pgiossytvain X, SS:
Ido hereby. certify that the foregoing is ti
• full, true and correct copy of the original
Joint Resolution of - the General Assembly,,
entitled "A Joint Resolution proposing
tam amendreents to the Constitution." as thl
j L.c. }sumo remains on file in this office.-
In testimony whereof, nave hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the_ Seers
tary's. office to he affixed, the day and year
abm e written. ELI SLIFER, _
• .SceretarYof the Commonwealth.
The above Resolution having been agreed to by a
idudirity of the members ()reach House, at two suo
, cessive sessiionsoftho GenerallAlssemblY of thiseota
monwenith, the proposed amendments Will be sub
, mittedthe pe o ple, for their adoption or rejection,
year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and
sixtyrfour. in accordance with the provisions of the
tenth article of the Constitution,- and the net. en
titled "An Act prescribing the time and manner of
submitting to the people, for their approval and ra
tification or rejection, the proposed amendments to
the Constitution, ' approved the twenty-third day of
April. one thousand eight hilndred and sixty-four
may443t] Secretary of the Commonweatlli.
11 FRANKLIN COUNTY.—The Taxpaysrs of
Franklin county will please take notice, that i wilt
meet them at the following places for the purpose of
receiving the State, County 'and. Military Taxes for
the year 1864 via :
• METAL—Fannettsburg, at the House of J. W.
Junes, .013 Thursdayand Friday, the -19th and 20th
days of May , .
I. [,7 AN—BotburY, at the - House formerly occu
pied by John Wyne-oop, on Monday and Tuesday.
the 23dand240: days of May.
• LETTERKEN Y—Strasburg, at the House of J.
R. Weist, on Weda,esdaY and Thursday„ the and
26th days of May.
ST. THOMAS—At the Storeof Dixon &Elder. in
St. Thomas, on Friday and Saturday, the 27th and
2tlfdays of May.
GREEN—Fayetteville, 3 at the Honse . of John-5,
Brown, on Monday, the 30th day of May, and at the
House of M. Shoemaker, in Grcenvillage, on Tues
day. the 31st day of May.
SOUTHAMPTON—Mt. Rock School House, on
Wednesday, the lit day of June, and at the House
of W. S. Bard, Orrstown, on Thursday, the 2d
day of June. • -
GUILFORD—Marion, at the Howse of Jeremiah
Burk, on Friday, the 3d day of June, and at the
House of Mrs. H. Snider, In Nevr.Franklin, on Sa
turday, the 4th day of June.
HAMILTON—At the House of John Gordon; on
Monday and Tuesday', the 6th and 7th days of June
- CHAMBERSBURG—At the Treasurer's Office. on-
Wednesday and Thursday, the Sth and 9th days of
Eci Montt but Penna.: and Government funds re
eeivnd for Taxes. [apl33 , J. G. ELDER, Treas. '
' P. S:—LICENSES.---Allpersons whose names have
been published in the Mercantile Appraiser's List,
who are required to pay aliceuse (except those ex
onerated) will please take up said ; Licenses at the
above mentioned places. J. G. E.
signed, Auditor appointed by tho Orphans'
Court of.Frankiin County, to make -distribution of
the balance ip the! minds of Henry Hawbccker, Ad
ministrator of Solomon Eckert, doe'd, to and among
the creditors of said deceased; according to law, will
meet the partiesintereAed for the purposes of said
audit, on Friduq. the, '4lth ctroy of ...VOW inst., at 10
o'clock A. M., at his office, in the Borough of Green- ,
castle, when and where all parties interested may
attend if-they seeproper.
may-1-80 J.'MOI:THOMERY IHNVIN, Auditor.
-1 L Auditor. appointed by the Orphans'
Court ot . Iranklin county, Pa.,. to make distribution
of the balance in the hands of A. 11. litter, Atha -
istrator of the Estate of W. B. Kyner, late of Gree ,
township, dee'd, to and among the parties entitled
thereto, will attend at his othee. in West Market
Street:in Ghambersburg, on Saturday, the 14tIpof'
May next, at ono o'clock. R. 31. for the purposes of
his aptinintruent. [aprll-4t) T 1 M. CAIILInE.
tiecis hereby given thlit Lettere of Administra
tion on the Estate of Margaret Deveney, late of Fan
nett township, cha , eeased, hare been granted to the
undersigned, residing In ,Waterio, Lack township,
rJuniata county. , '
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
please' Estate will ple.e make immediate 'Payment; and
- those having claims will present them properly au—
thenticated for settlement. ' ' ,
may - 4 ' - JOSEPH GRAY: Miter;
II tice is hereby given 'that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate. of Nary Lecher late of Guil
ford township, dee'd. have been granted to the un
deriemed, residing-in said township : .!
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate Will please make immediate payment ; and
those having claims will please` Present: them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
ap27-W, 'CHRISTIAN .LESEER. Adm'r.
dee is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration of the Estate of Anna B. Caufumn, Late of
the Borough of Chambershurg. deed, have been
granted to the undersigned, residing in :yd Bor
AB persons knowing themselves ;indebted to said
Estate Witt please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
fi tics is hereby given that Letters. of Adminis
tration on the Estate of John itl'Kee,late of Wash
ington township, dee'd. have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Waynesboro'.
All persons knowing. themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settl J ment. .
attri OSEP DOUGLAS. Adm.r.
tie° ish ereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of dianiel Gilbert, late of Wash.
ington towr.ship, dee'd, have been' granted to the
undersigned. residing in Guilford and Southampton
townships. - •
All perimns knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please rnage, immediate payment and
those having claims Will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
apl3-fits SAMUEL - GILBERT: 3 m "
itiee is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tratien-on the Estate of Isaac Bemisderfer, late of
Antrim township, doc'(l, have beer;; granted to the
undersigned, residing in Greencastle.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate trill please make immediate payment; and
those.having claims will present them, properly au
thenticated for settlement. - -
ap2.o JOHN ROWE. Adm'r.
hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Fstate of Magdalena , Streit late of Washington
township, dee'd, have been granted to the wader
signed, residing in Guilford township s - • • -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment i and
thosehaving claims will present them 'properly au
thenticated for settlement.
ap27-6t* • - CHRISTIAN-LESHER,.
jill'hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Mrs. Sane Bradley. late of Montgomery
- township s deo'd, have bhen granted to ,the under—,
signed, residing in said ton ship.
Ott persons knowing themselves indebted to said'
Estate wilt please make immediate payment; and
those having - claims will present them properly
authenticated for settlement
apl3-61* B. A. BRADLEY, Eer.
If. at
EGISTER'S' NoTict---All person 4
JLIJ interested will please take notice that NIT
lowing-accountarits haro settled their accounts is
t t h h e e
e ß tm eg te ie tt te t r ll 'e t t i , e ffi p e re e
nu e f
for aonfirmation. Inezday.thi-Tt
wFnintokiitubeC.irputiTatid' that
du W Jana.
1864. at the Court Rouse in Chambersbusg
764 First and - final Aerostat of :Jacob Mindhart.
AdMinistrator of Esther Ridentine, deed. '
77. Account of Wzn. A. Duman; Trustee for lbw
sale of Real )'Mato under Old will •of Jacob Mart
dorff. Sr., dac'd. • - -
78.,Account of Daniel and J. S. Brewer, Adminis
trators of Jos. -
- Breyer, of Montgiimery t °lrnsht P'
deed. -
• 79. First Account of -Alin-rims A. Miller, Adminis
trator of the Estate of 'Henry IlEliller, late of Antrim •
towaship, deed. • - • -
-SO. First and final ccount of-Peter ShivelY and
Waropier, Exllbutors shiyelylato
of Chambersbarg. dec'd.-
Si. • Second nnd.tlinal Account of 'S.A. Pettersi .
Administrator of Daniel Criuneriata of Lett erketinlY
township,dec'd. - • ,
E B s 2. ecut 7h o irli r oh n ti d ll n g t n l i a d " er .i r th ate t ollt in m . i l i t t a o l i r i e t tts oir b il ' % ri bg:"
deed, , .
-83. Account of Wm. 'Raffensborger• Guardia n- "
Margaret, Ann. Jonathan L., Jacob-8., and Barnard,
H. Nagoner, minor children of Michael Wagoner,
late of St. Thomas township, deed. .
84. First and final Account of Win. 11. Brown.
Executor of 'the last will and testament of • Fred"li.,
G. Sheds', deed.
S 5. Final Account of Beni. F. Nead. guard i n n of
Henry C. Croft, minor child of 11nPleY ti. Croft,
86. First and .finalAccouot of Jacob ',ostler:Ad
ruinistratorofAlbertusA.Belt, la toot An trim toyna?
ship, dee'd; '
87. First and Jinni AccOunt of Wm. Iloidep;,dee.,„?. ,
Guardian of Franklin Bolden, minor ellint
and Maria 'laden, late of St. Thomas townsbilh.
-dec'd, as stated by Win, Holden. Admitistratorof
said deed.'
' First and final Account of John Yost: 'Peen' ,
for of the Estate of John Mull ;late of Green tosin:-,
ship, deed.
89. First and final Account of Jncoli F. Iless.A#
ministrator of Intao Strite.
00. First Account of Jacob Ilass.Guardiati of-11a - 17" ;
C. Mentzer, (formerly Scerbt.) daughter of "TqlP l '''''
Scerist, late of Quincy township, dee'd.
91: Account of Peter Hunk letnan, Guardian 11
Harriet, Susanna, John and Charlotte. minor
droll ofjonathan Wright, late of Peters township
deed. -
02. Second Account of , Jahn-,Zimmerman, stirriv , -
ing Executor ofJacob Zimmerman; late
-of Warren
township, deed. -
93. First and final Account of J. M. Wolfkilf, Ads.
ministrator of Erailiue Grice, late of the Borough of
Chambersburg., deed.'
94. First and final Account of John L. Rhea, Ad=
ministrator of Thonias L. Rhea, late of the Borough,
of Mercersbarg, deed. - •
95. First Account of Peter C.llollar, Guardian'of
the children and heirs' of Jacob Houck, late of St.
Thomas township, dec'd. -
90. First and final Account of Abraham 'fronts,
Administrator of ChristianTrantz,late of %Yoshi's' tr..",
ton township. dce'd.
97. First and final Account of John S. 011er. Ex
ecuter of Joseph Oiler, late. of _Washington CeWn - -
ship-, dee'd. , --
93 First and final Account of George W. BreWer;
Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Truman Cosgrote,
dee'd. - = "
99. First Account of Jacob S. Fleming, Executor •
of Miss Mary Eaker, Into of the Borough of Green ,
castle, dec:d.
100. First and final Account of Robert J. Bard..
Administrator of AfarY Jane Walker, late of St,:
Thomas township, deed. '
101. Account of S. A.-Emilio', Administrator. and
Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Peter Shaffer, late -
.of Montgomery-township, dee'd.
102. Second and final Account_ of James F. Ken ,
riedy and .lames C. M.'ignatthan, Executors' f Dr:
Stewart Kennedy. late of Oh =bombing.- doe'd;
193., First Account of Alpo C. .11 1 Lanahan, Ex ,
-ecutonand Nancy llollar, Executrix, ofdoseph Hof ,
tar, dee'd.
104, First and final Accouni. of George M'Ferien..4
'Administrator of Mary Ann M.Terran, late af Quin- -
ey township, dee'd.
101 First and final Account of E. J. Small, Ad,
ministrator of Elizabeth Meutzer, late of QuincY3.
township, dee'd, -
.106. Final ACcount of Gecae Cook and Wtilinar
Boyer, Executors of Peter Cook. dee'd. '
167. First and final 'Account of .David J. Skinner,
Guardian of • Sarah limn, Jaokson 13-Elizabeth
Margaret E. Lucinda and Brucilla lil'enne, minor
children of James .151'Cune, late of Metal. township, •
107. First and final Account of Jacob Zoolt,-Ad , -
ministrator of Samuel Burns. late of Green. town
ship, deed. -- -.
Bk. Third and final Aciount of Henry Brion Er : -
Ocutor of Gabriel Baer,-late of Washington town
ship, dec'd.
109. Account of Henry Unger, Administrator of
Mary Lecrone, ileo' stated by Susaelinger,. Ad-
ininistrator of said Unger. now dec'd.
110. Final Account of Win. Noonan, Administra- -
tor of Matthew Umbrella, late of Metal twp., deed.
mayll HENRY STRICKLER,Reitister. - •
ii foilowitnsea have been put down for a
special Court of ommon Pleas,to be held on Dion.;
day, the Tal of May, 1664.
Polly. Piper • vs James ilynrinan- ,• '
Adam Aughinbaugh vs (leo Branthafer's E'er
John Beaver's Milers vs Wro .31'Grath et L. ;
}Biz J Trindle el.. al vs Mary A Clark.
John B Maddest et a -vs It 11 Thomas of al- .3 -
Geo J %Isle,' vs inn. Harbaugh A wife.
John Small et al vs John Ittuthrantr. - :.4 ,
.1 sz S Ely vs F Funk,-
Emanuel Kuhn • . . vs 11' Crook=s Rem. , '
Michael Zellers -vs James Rule, ' . ".
Jacob Overcash • vs Wm A Haselet. :
Sol Reiser , ' vs Wm M'Grath. .
Matthias Phillipy - "vs John AshwaY. . .
Wm Cline ' 'vs Josiah Etter.-
John Trifle -vs Joseph Rule.' - •
II Holhy • vs TI. kletcher et 6.1..•:
John Peterman • v: , - Lewis-later. .
.Solomon Baker vs Philipltynces Adm'r
Andrew J. Lochbaum. vs Huber ,t. Lambert - '-
'Rebecca Morrison" vs J H Miller's Idm'r.
ap27 . . H. S. TAYLOR. Proth:y'
A LIST -OF .J13.11011$ PRAWN 'FOP . ;
a Special Court of Common Pleas, to he held
In the Borough of Chambersburg-, on Monday, the
2.1 e/ day of Mar, A. 1804: _
Ilenry,Bear, Washington; Jacob Brand, Cham
bersburg •‘
Nicholas Bonebrake Washington: Ut.ln:
,W. Brubaker, MOntgomery: Daniel D. Bakoner,
Quincy ; Michael Bear,Fannett ; Joseph D. Carolw,
Peters; John Croft, St- Thomas . David Cauffman,
Antrim; Geo L Ditman, Chamb'g: Matthew Elder,
Fannett ; Ephraim Finafrock. Clutinh'g-;
-Ferguson, Guilford; Christian Frey, Jr, Green : Jno
Grove, Jr, Antrim ; JOhn: Gordon, flamiltrut ;
13 Gabby, Guilford; Jacob - Garver. Green; Geo Rat:
ler, Letterkennv: Andrew Beintzelnum, Guilford:
George Hutnehthine.Charnb'g: Samuel tiollinFer;
Antrim; William Johnston, Fannett ; Wm Linn,
Southampton Joseph Lochbaum, Guilford; Ruch
M'Nair, Guilford; A S-Moon, Quincy • Daniel-Mil
ler, Chamb'g; Wm Reed; Guilford; D;l3
Tnynesboro'; Frnnk' Reilly, Charall.g; Jona th on'
Stickelli Antrim ';•John G Scheible, do ; John Shock
ey (of CO Washington ; David Stover, Gwoc4;
Wertz, Quincy -= George- I eaklc, Warren; John
Zimmerman. Warren. nin,v4
IT If .r COICCT:RN.--:Greetino . : 'Know all ye.
that in pursuance of a precept kilns , directed, under
the,hand and seal of the Ron. JAMES NTLL„ Pres
ident of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the_
Siztemith District. consisting of the counties Of - o-- ;
raemt, Bedford. Fulton and Franklin, and by vir-,
tue of his offie of the Court of - Oyer and TerMinee ;
and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and
other offenders therein, and in the General Court of,
Quarter Sessions of the Pence, and W. W. P.,f,xlhtt
and Jamns O. Colsott, Esqs.. Judges-of the said
county of Franklin. That an Adjourned ,Court of
Common Pleas will beheld for the County of Futrat - , ,
lin aforesaid, at Charabersburg. on the 4th 111?iulay
in May. beismihe 23t1 day of the month, at 10 o clock
in the forenoon of that day. t , •
Given under my band at. Chambersburc, the 4thi ,
day of May,1864. -SA:ALUM 'BRA,NOT. '
- ninyll
VOTlCE.—Notiee - is hereby given to all
-Lii Aerions igainst purchasing a Duo Bill, for the,
gum of SM. Men by the undersigned to Andrew
Cook, bearing date the 3lst of 3iarch,..186.1; ae I Ilea
not pay the same, lot bovine received value Tor itt.
mart-8t DANIEL S. -"REISILP.
1864 - S R,
,ROACR. arc. •'
"15 years established in N. Y. City." '
" WAY infallihre'mnedies known."
" Free frank Poisons.".
" Not dangerous to the 'Raman Family:"
Rats e n osne out of their boles to die.",
.0-. Bold by all Druggists everywhern. '
!1 Beware IA I •of tat Itertbless imitations., •
Costar's " Depot, - No. 482 RroadwaY. N. Ti
Sold by all 'Whobottle antl,ltetail Drugnisni _
Chambemburg,Pa. (mar g-ank •
, • • • ...