The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 11, 1864, Image 8

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iiiveitigation of the rebel hutch
erilis at Fort Pillow has been made byri cour
fnittee,ot.Congress, and they more than confirm
tine first reports of the fiendish atrocity of the
rebel victors. After referring' to their shame
less violation, of ailtag-,of-,truce and the capture
of the Fort, the report - says:
-Then followed a scone of cruelty and murder
withciut a parallel in civilized war, which need
ed but the. tomahawk and scalping,knife to ex
ceed the worst atrocities ever committed by
savages. The Rebels Commented an indiscrim
inate slaughter, sparing neither age nor sex,
white - or -black, scalier or civilian. The am
eers and men seemed to vie with each'other in
the devlifih_ work. Men, women and children,
whereier found; were indiscriminately shot
down; beaten and hacked with sabres. Some
of children, not' more than ten- years old,
"elute forced to stand up and face their mothers
- While being slicit. :The sick and wounded were
butched without - mercy, the Rebels even enter
ing the hospital . buildings and dragging them
out to be shot, or killing them as theplay there
enable to offer the least resistance. All over
tbe _hillside the work of murder was going on.
1161i:berg of our men were gathered together
in lines or groups, and delibehtely shot: Some
were shot while in the river, while others on the
'bank; were shot and their bodies kicked into the
water, many of them still living, but unable to
make any exertion to save themselyes from
drowning. Some of the Rebels stood upon the
- top 'cif the hill, or a short distance down its side,
:end called to our soldiers to come up to them,
and itsUey approached shot themdown in cold
blood, if their guns or pistols missed fire forcing
Twin to stand there until they were again pre
liared to fire. All around were cries of "No
• quarter, no quarter!" "kill the—negroes !"
" shout them down!" All who asked for mercy
:were answered by. the most cruel taunts gird
sneers. -
'Some were spared for a time only to bemur-,
dere& limier circumstances orgreuter cruelty.
lie cruelty which the most fiendish maligmity
could - devise was omitted by their murderers.
Ooe white soldiers wlui was wounded in the leg
lio is to be• unable to walk, was made to stand
.up while his tormentors shot him. Others who
were wounded and unable to stand up, were
beld'up and ugain shot. One negre who•haii
•been ordered by - a Rebel officer to hold his horse,
Was killed by him when he remonstrated.—
..Another, a mere child, whom an officer had
taken up behind him on his horse, was seen by
.ohOmers, who at once ordered the officer to
put him down and shoot him, which was done.
The huts and, tents in which many of the wtund
, ed had sought shelter were set on fire both that
night and the next morning, while the wounded
were • still in them, those only escaping who
were able to get themselves out, or who could
pievail on others less injured than themselves
'kJ help them out, and even some of them thus
seeking to escape the flames were met by these
ruffians and brutally shut down, or had their
brains beaten out. One man was deliberately
fastened down to the - floor of a tent, face up
wards, by means of nails driven through his
Oithing and into the boards under him so that
• kanouid not possibly escape, and then the tent
set on tire., Another was nailed to the side of
a building 4,titside of the forty. and then the
building set on tire and burned. The charred
R'et'ains of five or six bodies were afterwards
Found, all but ene so much disfigured and con
ituned by the flames that they could not be
identified, and the identification of that one is
- not absolutely certain, although there can hardly
be a doubt thut it was the body of Lieut. Aker
;strem, Quartermaster of the Thirteenth Vir-
Jouia Cavalry, and a native Tennesseean.—.
Several witnesses who saw the remains, and
who were personally acquainted with him while
living here; - testified that it is their firm belief
' that it was his body ••taat was thus treated.—
' These deeds of murder and cruelty closed when
night came en, only to be renewed the next
morning, when the demons ta •efully sought
among the dead lying about in ua directions for
any otfidr wounded yet alit e, and 'those they
killed. '
" Scores* the dead and wounded were found
there the day of the massacre by the men from
• some of our gun-boats, who were permitted to
go on shore and collect : the Wounded and bury
the dead. The Rebels themselves had made
a pretense of burying s great many of their vic
tims, but they had merely thrown them, with
. out the least regard for care or decency, into
- trenches and ditches about the fort, or the little
• ',bellows and ravines on the hillside, covering
them but partially with earth. Portions of
• -,heads''and faces, hands and feet, were found
prO-truding through the earth in every direr
, titdevea when : your committee visited the spot
, two weeks afterwards, although_ parties of men
had" been sent on shore from time to time to
bury the bodies unburied, and rebury'the others
and were even then engaged in the same work.
We found the evidences of this murder and
cruelty still most painfully. We saw bodies
• atillunburied, at some distance from the fort,
of some sick men, who had been fleeing from
the hospital, and beaten down and brutally mur
dered, and their bodies left where they had
fallen. ' We could still see the faces, and hands
"- and feet of men, white and
.black, protruding
out of the ground, whose graves had not been
reached by those engaged in reinterring the
victims of the .massacre, and although a great
deal of ruin had fallen within the preceding,
• two weeks the ground, more especiallyaon the.
side at the foot of the bluff where the most of
the murders had been committed, was still dis-•
-. colored by the blood of-our brave but unfortu
nate men; and the logs and trees showed but
'too plainly the evidences of the atrocitiesperpe
trated there. Many other instances of equally
• atrocious cruelty might be enumerated, but
- your committee feel compelled to refrain from
giving here more of the heart-sickening details,
- and refer to the statements contained in the
voluminoin testimony herewith submitted.—:
Those statements were obtained by them from
eyewitnesses and sufferers. Many of them, as
' they were examined by your Committee, were
lying upon beds of pain and sufferiogiome so
feeble that their lips could with difficulTy frame
' the words by which they endeavored to convey
Seme idea of the cruelty which had beeninflicted
anthem, and iivW,ll they had seen inflicted on
others. - In reference to the fate of Maj. Brad
: ford. who was in command of the fort when it
was captured, and who had, up to that time,
received no injury, there seems to be no doubt.
.The general understanding everwhere seemed
to he that he had been brutally .murdered the
day after he was taken prisoner.
How many of our troops thus fell victims to
the' Malignity and barbarity of Forrest and
bis - followers cannot yet be definitely ascer
tained. Two officers belonging to the garrison
. were absent at the time 'of the capture and
massacre. Of the remaining officers but two
are known to be living, and they are wounded,
and now,in the Hospital at Mound City One
of them (Capt. Porter) may even now be
•" dead,' as the Surgeona, when your Committee
Were there, expiaised no hole of his recovery.
• Iljt the men, from three hundred to four hundred
' • are known to'have been killed at Fort Pillow, of
.•w unn at least three hundred were murdered in
• cAd blood, after the fort was in possession of
-the .Rebels, and our men had thtown down
theirarins and ceased to offer resistance. Of
'the survivors, except the wounded in the hospi
. tel, at Mound City, and the few who succeeded
1 m making their escape unhurt, nothing definite
.'4; known, and is to be feared that - many have
. _been murdered after being taken away from the
fort.. When your committee arrived at Mem
ephis,Ventf., they found and examined a man,
- (Mr. Melmgan,) who had been conscripted by
- some of Forrest's force , but who, with other
',merits/a, bad succeeded fa making his mope
He testifies that white twe,compAnies of Re
bel troops, with Maj. Brafordind Many - other
prisoners,. were on their march' from- Brown
ville and Jackson,Tenn., Maj. Bradford was
taken by five Rebels, one an officer; led about
fifty yards from the line of march, and deliber
ately murdered in view of all those assembled.
He fell, killed instantly by three musket balls,
and while asking that his hfe might be spared.
as lie bad fought them manfully and was deserv
ing of a better fate. The motive for the mur
der of Maj. Bradford semis to hare, been the
simple fact that, although a native of the South
he remained loyal to his Government.
—Maj. Gen. Halleek has been put in com
mand of the Cavalry Bureau.
It is rumored that Gen. Banks is to be super
seded by Gen ; Augur, who is a soldier, and of
the fighting sort.
—Gen. Martindale, an experienced and thor
ough soldier, will take the geld immediately, in
command of a division under Gen. butler.
—The Tribune's Washington correspondence
contains a - rumor that Gen. Banks' removal has
been seriously considered in Cabinet council.
—.l.llaj. Gen. F. P. Blair, Jr., has. been as
signed to the command of the Seventeenth Army
Corps, and left WashingtSn on Sunday tojoin
his command.
—West Point, Va., atthe head of York River,
was occupied by a portion of our forces on Mon
'4l4, the 2d 'fast. Three of the Rebel pickets
stationed there came in and gave themselves
up, •
small party of mounted men made a raid
on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on Thurs
day near Piedmont. No -serious 'damage was
done to property, and ;none of the passenger or
freight trains were molested. The road is now
amply protected by Ohio militia,
—Brig.. Gen. Canby was 'on Saturday appoint
dby the President a Maj. Gen. and assigned
the command of the Department of Western
Louisiana and Arkansas. His appointment was_
immediately confirmed by the Senate. He su
persedes Gen. Banks and Gen. Steele.
—Am official despatch from,CTen. Banks state
that notwithstanding the reverses on the .Red
river in the early part of last' month, the losses
to the Rebels were severe and proportionately
greater than those of any battle during the war.
It is positively stated that Gen. Banks will not
be removed. The statement that our army had
returned to Alexandria is confirmed.
—The Richmond Examiner , says "If we
'hold our own in Virginia till this summer is
ended the North's power for mischief every•
where will be gone. If we lose, the South's
capaCity for resistance will be broken. Thu
'Confederacy has ample power to keep its place
in Virginia, if employed with energy itl•con
sistency, and this is the last year of . the war
whichever wins." 'The Richmond 'infers urge,
non-combatants to leave the city. -
—The latest advicee from North. Carolina con •
firm the statement that Little Washington had
146 evacuated by our forces. After the guns'
had been spiked and all the property that couldi
not be removed destroyed, it was discovered;
that the rebels had also withdrawn the milli
portion of their force. The rebel ram at Ply:
month was reported to be mounting the 200%,
pound Parrot gun captured \at that place-4
Other reports are to the effect that licauregari4
its tip command in North Carolina.
,Sabblerg, Varttests,
:-C 1 .. ~~.~1~ ~
_Mho subsCriber respectfully informs his friends asa-a
the-pUblic, that he dontinues to carry on the
above business at his Old Stand, on '
and keeps constantly on hand a general assort-
ment oi
Riding and Wagon Saddled,
Riding Bridle's', '
Flat and Round,
Black and Fair -
Barna of all k inds
Harness and Drafts Collars,
Patent Leather Collars (good quality),
Blind Bridles,
Broul Gears,
Wagon Whips;
and everything in the Leather line can be found in
his slop, or made to order; at moderate rates.
done at short notice and on reasonable terms.
always on hand and sold cheap FOR CASH.
tizi- He employs none but the beet lecfrthmen.
!) dies, Bridles, Harness, Collars,Trunks, Valises.
,ke...sign of the HORSE COLLAR. -
JEItEMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns hi,. ;
thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragemenr
received from them heretofore, and he would invit , l
them and the community generally, who may need!
any thing in his line, to give him a call at his oldi
stand, on the East side of Main Street, Chambers- !
burg, five doors South of Huber & Tolbert's Hard-:
ware Store, where he-keeps constantly on hand ev '
ery variety of SADDLET.Y AND HARNESS' 011
his own manufacture,tind he is prepared to sell the;
same on terms that defy competition. Every 'thick.,
offered for sale is warranted to be made of the beet'
material and by competent workmen; which will be
fully demonstrated on an examination thereof.
TRUNKS AND VALISES.—He would also c
the attention of persons wanting, agood, neat si t n k li ,
cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assort. ,
meta. junnl7,63.
Wm. Sitlizrro & Son, corner of Main and
Washington Streets, Chambersburg, Pa, mantifaci
turers of all kinds of WHIPS, Wagon, Car-:
riago and Riding Whips, of various sizes and of au-:
perioeiiality, which they offer to the publicoithen
b.. Wholesale or Retail, at very moderate priebs.—'
-LASHES o f all lengths kept constantly on hand and',
for sale by the dozen, very cheap. They also menu
facture superior HORSE COLLARS, to which theyi
,invite attention: ' '
. Orders from a distance solicited and promptly at
ended to., . • jµn17,63.
S'ip RUTS, SPURS, Sic., which he will sell cheal
for cash or Rood trade.
OH. GORDON, auceessor - to; Diehl
• lc Gordon. gives notice to hie customers and;
others, that ho is still at the Old Stand, opposite Ow:
Indian Queon Rotel, Main St., Chambersburg, Pa.
arilf'Satteg 6800.
',inen Duck,
Extra super quality Black and Colored Dress Silks.
Clothe and Cassimeres,
and 114 Bombazines: •
% and 1% Black and Colored Detains.
Black Areas,
Cocheco. Merimair and '
Tr* doz saner French Shirt Fronts,
0 M. A. .ON
Skirts ,f all lengths. and any size waist made to
orderan.lsatisiketion guaranteed.
Ladies, Misses and Children's Skirts of every size
lind shape, constantly on hand. -
Every Skirt warranted for Six Montfie. - •
We do not make any clCian skii-ht in the common
acceptation of the term. but we make e"
wo make
We worrant every skirt we sell to be exactly as
represented. We make nliwn sell. and knowing how
they are made we guarantee them with full eonfi-
Aenee. If ye Atli a bad ebirt weir& exchonge if for
new one, and if then pet out of order or tor‘onk
"ix nontaluo, we twill repair them /treat' Charge.
We mean to give our customers full satisfaction.
but we cannot do so find compete with thelow priced
auction goods. We depend entirely upon the su
periority of thp goods we offer, and the fairness of
, uir method of'doing business.
Orders left at Shryock's ook Store.
i T NION HOTEL.—This Huai is situ,
aced on the corner of Main and Queen Streets,
Chanabersburg. Pa. ,
The undersigned respectfully announces to the tra
veling public that th'.s Hotel has been remedied. It
has been raised to THREE STORIES in height. 'A
fine three story Back Building has been added to it,
giving an immense amount of room for the accom
modation of the public generally. The Rooms are
large and comfortable. numbering in all thirty-five.
They are all well famished with good New Furni
ture. Persons stopping ait this II otel can h ave either
doable or single rooms, with or without-fire in them.
The Tsble is always supplied with the BEST in the
MARKET. and 'will seat over I* pergotis
THE BAR is filled with the (Masse UDE ors.
'Clio Stable is two stories, of the most modern style,
and the best in the Borough of Cnanaerslearg.
June 17, 63 JOHN FISHER. Proprietor.
Y .s•tred, clamberAurif, Pct.—Having purehas=
od this well-known Hotel. (long known as Miller's,
and recently as Grove's,) the Proprietor pledges him
self that no pains shall - be spared to minister to the
wants of his guests.
HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the
luxuries and substantials of the season.
HIS CHAMBERS are large, well ventilated, and
fitted up in modern style.
HIS BAR will he well suppliedwith a large and
•hoice selection of the very best Liquors,
HIS STABLE will always he Provided with good•
wholesome Provender for Stock, and attended by
,•sreful Ostlers.
There are also TWO LOTS anti a pair of H 4.v and
STOCK SeAta:s connected with the Hotel, for the no
- c.innvolatlon of Drovers %ni it if tet iv v.
T 0 N E•S H 0 U S E,
•Comergarket Streit q,ncl Market Square,
The Home is located for otmuuh from the Depot to
ovoid the noise and confusion incident. to railroad
.tations. and at the same time only a few minutes
walk from the same.
Vr4- An Omnibus will be found at the Depot on
the arrival of each train, _
C. H. MANN, Proprietor.
FIItANKLIN HOTEL.— West side of
ii the Public u zre. Chanibentiturg. Pn.—The
übseriber would respectfully inform the Traveling
community that he has !mod and taken possession
this Commodious Hotel. lie hopes to make , it
one of the most desirable .pluees for strangers and
others to stop that ean bo fan' nd in any country town.
The character heretoforesttstainod by the House
us a comfortable Home for the Sojourner,. shall not
suffer in my hands if a constant effort to please and
accommodate will sustain it.
No pains will be spared to rendbr entire satisfac
tion to all his guests: and pledging himself to en
deavor to please all ho sohrits a liberal sh we of the
Public patronage. I ap6,641 WM. C. M'NULTY.
has become the Proprietor of the UNITED
STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad - Depot at HAR
RISBURG, Pa. Thia popular quid commodipuis
Hotel h'as been newly refitted and furnished through
out its parlors and' chambers, and Is now ready for
the reception of guests.
The traveling public will find the:United States
Hotel the most convenient, in all particulars, of
any Hotel in the State Capit . 4 on account of its
access to the railroad, being immediately between
the two great depots in this city.
HARRISOM% ittnel7,'63-tf.
3'Chambersburg, Pa. JOAN NY. TAYLOR, Pro
prietor. Fine accommodations and low charges.. -
Air Stock Yards and Scales axe connected with
the premises for the Canyonionce of Drovers. Also.
Extensive Stabling and Yards for Horses and Car
riages. pun
Pregeny. of Hogs that have taken State and
Sent by Express tb all parts of the United States.
Canada. Cuba and South America. in pairs not skit.
Address, P. BOY ER & CO., -
mar Coatesville, Cheater Co., Penna.
i -
!•• `,!` - 4.
the -- fretnidut - Utprisitori);' Alan '11;4•
The sulreribers are now offering *large lot of
Datumlc Huckabea.
Russia Diaper and-Crash.,
100 doz. Lile Throat. ; and
SPragnea Prints,
30 Pieced Russia Duck,
100 Brilifior4 Skirts.
Water . Proof Cloths,
Brtuoella, Extra sup and SUP Ingrain Carpets
1.1'4,1%, 2.2%, Floor Oilelotht:
200 doz Linen Cambria Handkerchiefs,
Cocoa and Canton Matting,
500 yards Dutch Carpet.
sat. "WALLACE & CO
Take the exact sizerof the waist, without any al
lowance. The exact length• required and the size
around the bottom spring. Also. if the skirt iglp be
large. small, or medium size at the top, and whether
a trail orp/ain round skirt. • ill. A. JONES,
No. 17 North Ath St.. Philadelphia.
aug 19-tf Over' the Wax figure.
1.1 AND
3fARSIOY HOUSE. Chamberdowp, Pa.
MELCALFE has Just received. and opened in the'
"Mansion House" Buildin, opposite the Bank, a
new and beautiful stock of
comprising all the different styles:,
Black and Colored Silks, Cloaking Cloths, Balmoral
and loop Skirts, full line White Goods; Gauze,
Crape and Love Veils, Hosiery, Gloves, Col
lars. Cuffs. ilenkerchiefs, and everything
belonging to a Finley Dry Goods
and Notion Store. Also,
with a good msortmcnt of DOMESTIC S. allot
which will he sold Low for' Ca4h.
rho patronage of the PUblid is 11101 t respect
fully solicited, THOMAS METCALFE.
Chatnbersburg. Pa., April at. 1864.- tf. -
The subscriber would most respectfully call the
attention of the citizens of Chambersburg and the
nrrounding country to the accommodation'' , el the
JoNES HOUSE. assuring them they will find'every
thing that can contribute to their comfort and eon
reniere. _
V SALE.--The subscribers, Executors of the last
will of Jacob' Oyster. decd late of Chambersburg,
will on Tuesday, the Nth day of May. D. ISt%
offer at Public Sale. all of that valuable MILL PRO
PERTY, in Ch3 l / 1 bersbarg, at the mouth ofthe
Spring - . -
This property consists of a three story GRIST
MILL of ,brick, with four pair of Stones, and ma
chinerycomplete: one Brick three story PLASTER
anti CHOPPING MILL, and one large Brick two
story WAREHOUSE, between the other two mills;
This property is one of the most desirable Mill
seats in the State of Pennsylvania. It is situated in
thecentre of the borough of Chambersburg. through
which the Franklin and Cumberland Valley Rail
roadrPos.s; in the largest Wheat growing county in
the State ; has afall of twenty-three feet of the wa
ter, ()Übe Falling Spring; needs no dam and has at
all seasons of the year an abundant supply of w a t er
to drive four pair of Burrs. - I - -
The Sale will take place at 10 o'clock of 'said day.
One-third of the purchase money may remain in the
property on interest, payable half yearly; of the
other portion, the terms will be made known on the
day of sale, by C. S. mutt.
April 13-5 t Wrs of Jacob Oyster, dee'd.
Silk Gloves,
am (rot Hosiery.
. Y. SALE.—The'undersignecl will sell at Private
Sale, his T ANNE RY. , known as the Corner Tannery.
with Steam and Water Power; SAW-MILL, Chop.
ping -Mill. Stocks for breaking hides, dm. The Tan
nery has 8 Leeches, 32Vats, 2 Limes and Water Pool,
and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year.
There are two LOG DWELLING HOUSES, Barn,
Stable and other necessary out -buildings connected
with the Tannery, and about 60 Acres cleared, with
good fruit. He will sell any quantity of land with
the Tannery, from 100 to 700 Acres. Over 600 Acres
are Timber, and an ample supply of Chestnut Oak
Bark to run the Tannery for fifty years._lt is situ
ated about 7 miles South-east of Mercrsburg. on
Licking Creek., Terms made easy. For further
particulars address the undersigneil, at Me rce rsb u rg.
.Franklin en.. Pa. , [augl2-tf] C. METCALF.
'mums AND STOCK RAISERS.—I will sell
at Private Sale, 1.300 ACRES •OF PATENTED
'LAND, situated in St.. Thomas tovrnshirf: Franklin
county, Pa., on the Public Road leading from Guy
er's Tavern to Loudon, 6 miles from the latter place..
About 100 Acres of this tract are cleared, th e balance
corM'ed with thriving Chestnut and other TIMBER,
which Would answer for Cord-tvoodor Rails. There
is also good appearanceof IRON ORE on the prem
ises. Coal hearths are leveled on most of the Tim
ber land. ,The improvements arc a LOG HOUSE,
Log Barn and 4 Tenant Honscm, and al good_Apple
Orchard. Peach. Cherry and Pear Trees, Also—A
SAW MILL and CHOPPING MILL,.in good run
ning'order, with 18 feet of head and fall. This pro
perty would afford a good opportunity lo make
money. Far terms apply to the mu bseniber. residing
on the premises. (feb3-tfj FRED'K GILBERT.
PUBLIC SALE,—On Saturday . , the 14th
day of May.lB64.—The Subscriber. IL? Admin
istrator on the Estate of Francis Robison, late of
Montgomery township, deceased. will' offer at Pub
lic Sale, on the prernisi:s. a TRACT OF LAND, sit
uated about nine •miles North of Hagerstown, two
miles from the Welsh Run Store, end , three miles
South of Upton, adjoining lands of Robert Lindsay
on the East. Jacob Barneord on the North,Michael
Grossman on the West. and A. B. Wingerd on the
South, containing 2.) ACRES -OF SLATE LAND.
About 40 Acres of this Tract is in timber. The nil
provements con,ist of a One-and-a-half story LOU
ROUSE, and and all other necessary out-buildings.
There is also on this Tract a Well of never-failing
water, and an Orchard of choice Fruit Trees,
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. on said day, when
the terms will be made known, '
sprit al-41 L,LWIS P. SKEGGS. Adm'r. ,
LI scriber will bell at ,Private Sale, the.SMALL
FARM on which he now resides, situate in Antrim
township, Franklin county, about six miles from
Greencastle, on the Cashtown road, adjoining lands
of Samuel Myers and ethers,; containing about 40
ACRES, all cleared land, in good order and under
good fence. There is a YOUNG ORCIIARI) of thrif
ty trees on the place, and a Well of excellent Water.
The improvements Consist of a two-story L Oil
DWELLING HOUSE„a Bank Barn , 42 feet long.
and well finished, and another necessary out-build
ings. Possession will be gicen on the Ist of Aoril,
18114. Terms will . be made.known on application to
the subscriber, residing - on the premises:.
oct2l-tf SAMUEL C. ERIDER.
PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of - an order
o f s o l e , i s s ue d out of the Court of Cominen
Pleas of Franltlift county, there wilt belesposed to
Pubtie Sale, on the premises, a certain LOT OF
GROUIsiD, situate in the town of Manheiln, Quiney
township, distingbished in the general plan of said
town as Lot No. 'Aim Friday. May nth: at 1 o'clock.
Teims, Cash. . Title, 'agreeable to the above
order of sate, will be given by the undersigned.
- '
ap27-is Directors of tlieToor..
SALE.—The HOUSE and LOT on West Mar
ket street; Cilainbersburg. now occupied by Hon. F.
M. liiturnell, is - offered at private sale: Por price
anti terns apply to JOHN M. ,MTOW ELL.
SALE.--r will sell or exchange the INDIAN
QUEEN HOTEL for property in Chambershurg or
vicinity.[nia-tf JOHN W. TAYLOR.
(fro43artnerobip goittro.
PARTNERSRIP .—Notice is Iterc
iv given that the under-dguedh Lye entered in
to partnership in the-Hardwire arid• Cutlery business
at the old stand of IllYera S:loBraud, where we are
prepared to furnish tr, cry thing in our line as cheap
as any other house in the county.. Special induce
ments are offered.for cash, as our motto Will be quick
sales and short profits.. JACOB S". BRAND.
0e14.63. GEORGE FLACK.
The. Partnership of WATSON k ON was diN
olved by mutual consent on the Ist of 'JanuarY. A.
D. 1861. JAS. WATSON,
Charabersburc April 1,164,
The business will be continued, nt the same ulacol
by Lapti-Gt] J. & GEO. 'WATSON.
pci-PARTNERSHIP.—The undersign
v.J ed has associated with himself, on the lit i'rb
ritorg, 1844, JOIUN B. STUART, in': the tirobery
business, under the name and style of ,SILAFER " - ot
STUART. Thankful for the patronage heretofore
extended to the establishment, he,hopcs by a strict
attention to business to merit fOr the new firm a
continuance of public favor.
kJ ted with me, this day. February 9th 1864, hi the
'mercantile business L. B. KINDLINE, the business
hereafter will be cOnducted under thr. firm of WIL
LIAM WALLACE A: CA Ilaicinehad a liberal
patronagn heretofore, I solicit the same for the new
firm: [Mar 2-tfj • WILLIAM W ALL ACE.
JJ co-partnership her:etoflre exist
ing under the firm of OYLER & wars
as . solvetl by mutual consent oOth'elst of Abril.lBo4.
111.41) -OYLER,
Fayetteville, April 1341. . P•SNIDER, •
' • I :.
I •
4 "
1864 ~C OS T
• RAT, ROACIC: &c•
"15 Years established. in N. Y;,, City."
"Only infallible remedies known."
" Free from Poisons." -
" Not - dangerous to the Human Fatally."
• "' Rats come-out of their.holes to die."'
itarl Sol& by all Druggists everywhere.
I I. Beware I I t of all worthless imitations.
4Ei^ "Costar's" Depot. NU. 982 ItroadwaY, N.Y.
4s- Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists in
Chambersburg, Pa. • , Imar.9-8m
8 2 5 - RE NW A Rl:L . —Stolen from th 6
subscriber, at Goshert'S Mill, in Breen township, on Yritig s the 29th pocket Book,
containing about ' in U. -B. Money.; a Note . on
Jacob Garver for :,635; a note on D. it. Lehman for
$ 52, andrnther Papers of no value to any person but
the owner. The above reward Will be paid for the
recovery of the pocket book and contents, and the
detaction of the thief. All persons are cautioned
not te negotiate .for either of the above Notes, as
Parment has been stopped on each of them.
may4-4t ISAAC L. METTER..
neat 'Oricstritt *ales.
egal - A otireo.
ST ITUTION.—Be it - resoiced- tig.gAe Senate end
House of Hepresentatiu c s of the Coomonweolth of
Pcienvicania in General Aeacinbig net, That the
following amendments be proposed to the Constiiu
tiori of the Commonwealth, iniimordunee with the
provisions of the tenth article thereof:l
There shall be an- additional' secti to the third
article of the eonstitution, toe deal sted as sec
tion four, as fbllows:
"SEcriotr 4.'Wheneversny of khe qu ified electors
of this Commonwealth shall bein any actual milita
ry serviee,iinder a requisition .from the President
of the United States, or by the authority of this
Commonwealth, such electors may exercise theright
of suffrage in all electionsby,the citizens, undercut&
regulations as are, or shallhe, prescribed as
fully as if they were present at their usual place of
election." •
SECTION 2. There shall be two additional sections
to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be des
igilated as seetions eight, and nine, as follows :
tSgurion 8: No bill shall' be passed by the -Legis
latiire, containing more than one subject, which
shall be clearly expressed in the title, except aPPru-
Pr,iation bills." • •
Snertox 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legis
lature granting any Powers, or privileges, in any
ease, where the authority to grant such powers, or
privileges, has been„-or may hereafter be, conferred
upon the courts ofthis Commonwealth." -
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
_ HatiatSsuan, April 25.1864. '
Ido hereby certifi that the foregoing is a
full, true and correct copy of the original
Joint Resolution of the General Assembly,
entitiod' A. A.Joint Resolution proposing cerl
taro amendments to the Constitution." as the
L-E. }•sitme'relnains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and, caused the seal of the &ere
tery's office to be affixed; the day and year
above written. ELI SLIFER,
ScoretarYOf the Commonwealth.
The above Resolution having been agreed to by a
majority of the members of each House, at two Suc
cessive sessions oftho General:Assembly of this Com.-
monwealth, the propoised amendments will be Sub
mitted to thepeople. for their adoption or rejection.
year et our Lord one thousand eight -hundred and
sixty-four. in accordance with the provisions of I the
tenth article of the Constitution, and the act, on
titled "An Act prescribing the time and manner of
submitting to the people, for their approval and ra
tification or rejection, the proposed amendments to
the Constitution," approv ad the twenty-third day of
A pril, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
may-1-13tJ Secretary of the Commonweatlb.
± FRANKLIN COUNTY.—The Taxpaysrs of
I , ranklin county will please take notice, tiotat_l4Bl-
meet them at the following plabes for the PurPoSe of
receiving the State, County and • Military Taxes for
the year 1864, viz :
`W.ARE' —J. Zininierman's Store, on Wednet
day„ the 1 'day - ofllay, and at P. Cook's Tannery
on , ThurSdc the 12th day of May.
Loudon, at the House of James Mul
len, on Friday, the 13th day of May, And at James
D. Scott's Store,Bridgeport, on Saturday, the
day.of May. •
foANNETZ"Amberson's Valley : at the Houie of
B, J. Culbertson, on Monday, the lbth ; at the Howe
of J. R. Ritner, Concord, on Tuesday, the 17th ; day
of May, and at the Store of Lieut. Wm: Macke}, at
Dry Run, an Wednesday, the 18th day of May*
META L—Finnettsbum at the House of J. W.
Jones, on Thmsday and. Friday, the 19th and ..6th
days of May. '
LURGAN-:-Roibury, at the House formerly occu
pied by John V yneoop, on Monday and Tue4daY,
the Zid and24th days of May.;
LETTERKENNY—Strnsburg. at the House of J.
R. Weist, on Wednesday and Thursday, the6th and
26th days of May. • -
ST. THOMAS—At the Store of Dixon & Elder, in
St. Thomas, on Friday and Saturday, the 27th; and
::Bth days of May.
GREEN—Fayetteville, at the House of John S.
Brown, on Monday, the 30th day of May, and at the
House of M. Shoemaker, in Greenvillage, on Tues
day, the 31st day of May. -
L-OVTIIAMPTON—Mt. Rock School House, on
Wednesday, the Ist day of June, and at the House
of VI, S. Bard, in Orrstown, on Thursday, the 2d
day of June.
GUILFORD—Marion, at the House of Jeremiah
Burk, on Friday, the 3d day of June, and at the
House _of Mrs. H. Snider, -In New Franklin, on Sa
turday. the 4th day of JUDO.
HAMILTON—At the House of John Gordon. ofi
3londny and Tuesday, the 6th and 7th days of Juno
CJIAMBERSBURG—At the Treasurer's Mice. on
Wednesday and Thursday, the Bth and 9th days of
June. - • • , _
fkir -- - None tint Penna. and Government funds re
ceived for Taxes. 1ap13.) J. G. ELDER, TTea.S.
P. F.- , -LICENSES.L-Allpersons whose names have
been published in the Mercantile Appraiser's List,
who are required to pay a license (except thole ex
onerated) will please take up said Licenses at the
above mentioned places. .1. G. E.
ANOTICE.—The under
signed; Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Franklin County. to make - drirtribution of
the balance in the nands of Henry Hawbeeker. Ad
ministrator of Solomon Eckert, dee'd, to and among
the ereditorqofnid deceased, according to law, will
meet the parties interested for the purposes of said
audit, on Fridntr. the :Mat day of 31ny' at 10
o'clock A. M., at his office, in the Borough of dreen
castle. when and where all parties interested may
attend if they see proper. -
may443tl J. MONTGOMERY IRWIN, Auditor.
Hee•is hereby given that Letters of Adininis
traiion on the Estate of Mary Lesher lute of Guil
ford township, dee'd, have been the un
der igned, residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
Those having.claims_willplease present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
ap27-6t* • CHRISTIAN LESIIER, Adm'r.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration of the Estate of Anna B. Caufman, 'ate of
the Borough of 'Chambereburg, deed,. have been
granted to the undersigned, residing m said
ough. I
-All persons knowing themselves indebtedto said
Estate will please make
_immediate payment: and
those-having claims will present theta properly au
thenticated for settlement.
01)27 A. D. CADMAN, :Otter.
tic'e is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of John M'Kee.late of Wash
ington township, deed, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Waynesboro'. -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thiinticated for settlement.
-11 Bee is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of Daniel Gilbert, late of Wash
ington township : dec'd, have been granted to the
atndersigned,residingin Guilford and Southampton
townships. '
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said-
Estate will please make immediate pament : and
those having claims will present them•properly au
thenticated for settlement.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of Isaac -Remisderfor, late of
,Antrim township, deed, have been - granted to the
undersigned, residing in Greencastle. -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make januediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
app; - JOHN ROWE, Adm'r.
hereby_ given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of Magdalena Streit late of Washington,
township, deed, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in Guilford township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly-au
thenticated_for kettlement. -
. ap27-6t* CHRISTIAN LESTIER, Ex'r.
hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
}state of Mrs. Jane Bradley, late of Montgomery
township, deo'd t have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said township,
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will make immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly
authenticated for settlement
apl34t* S. A. BRADLEY,Ex'r.
hereb,vgiven that Letters Testamentary to the
Estete'of John A. Shank, late of Quincy township,
dec'd have been granted to the undersigned, resid
ing in Quincy and Antrim townships.. • •
' All persona knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
'those - having claims will present them prcppetly an
thenticated-for settlement.
sp6 B
Regal. 1194tess,
foll' o v r ing chs v en put•Af cti
special Court of Common Plead to he
he on mon ;
day. the V.,d of .May,•l&ti4.._ • -
Polly Piprr ' vg James Dpannam.
Adam Aughinbaugh 'oU ( "ooßrauthatoes_p a . s ..
John Beaver's Atim'rS M'Grath et-41;
Ells J Trindle*et al vs Mar's A Clark;
.John B Maddan et al vK R H Thomas et al-
Geo J talsley vs Ihna. Ilarbausch krtlfs
John Small et al vs -John Ruthranff.
Jd: S Ely - • vs h" Funk; '.• -•
Emanuel Kuhn • ' vs W Crook's Ex'rt. -
Michael Zellers vs James Rule, -
Jacob Overeash vs Wm A ilaielut
Sol Heiser vs Wm M'Grath.
Matthias Phillipy vs John Aihway.
Wm Cline,. • vs - Josiah Etttu..,
John Tritlo Wr Jost ph Rule: -:',.:
II Holby - , _ Vs - T L Fletcher et al. - 5
John Peters:nen ' - *v.•.• =Lewis Etter. - .
Solomon Baker vs
,PhilipAyner's A Ainle
Andrew J. Locbbanm 'vs - -Huber& Lambert :
Rebecca , Morrison - vs -J II Miller's-Amer:
- ap27 --- -- ‘ It . 8. TATLOR. Protiesi!-
tieeis herehigiven that Letters of Adtntribitwt
tion on the 'Estate of Margaret De'r en er, late of gam.
nett township; denOased, have been granted - to the
under4ned. residing-1n AV uterlo, Lack township,
Juniata county. - : 7
All persona knowtnir themselves indebted to bald
Estate will please nwthe immediate payment; and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.* -
- rna44 - JOSEPH GE AY, Adtti'r.
A UDITOR'S NUT I C E.!-!--Tll6 under
aa., sinned; Auditor. appointed by thO:Orphins'
Court of PranWin county. Pa., to make distritiution
of the balanoe in thulium's of A. B. Ettee,' Adrn •
istratorof the Estate of W. B. l'iYiter. late of
township. deed. to and ninon; the, parties entitled
theroto i will attend at, his office, in West Market
Street, m'Chambersburir, on Saturday., of
May next. at one - o'eloek, P. M., for the pur_p#upt of
his appointment .. [atm !O-It ] T.M. CARLISLE.
is bereby given'to - all
Persons against purchasing a Due BM: for the sum of $9O : given by the undersigned to Andresen.
Cook, bearing date the3lst of March. 181331 as I will
not pity the same, not having received vale° tor it.
taay4,3t • DANIEL S. P.E;MII.II.
3 1 1 S 0 I CIRG A AS . 44
bibli.o DE ONS were introdueedsotne twenty ygruir
since. and were sueeeedect by the 11:1101.01VI UM
about umoyears ago. • The CABINET Ont3rAN,wo.s
brought to i &present state of perfection only in the
summer of 186.2.
hasgreat advantages over any otberinvenliOn'Of the
kind. it capable of muck ,finer etre* }.tan , `Can
produced by any other, and ie more eueil2lWed br
the performer, and excels especially in oqPooillf for ,
expreaßion, , ,
4.6 4 Please notice advance in prices.
N 0.1.5. Four Octavo, Single Heed, iuluirt:
or_Oak case SYlit
NO:lo:TiO7Samo, in elegant Rosewood - Case— - 110
No, 17. Five Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut Or
Oak Case.. 110
No, 18, The Same, in elegant 'Rosewood Case.: 14r,
No, 19. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walaa,
or Oak Case - • 1 0 5
No. 20. The Same, in elegant Rosewood (1a5e..., ! 150
No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut
or Oak Case ' = • • T 4: 150
No. 22. The Same; in elegant Rosewood Cale:- 180
No. 23.‘ The Same, in Solid Catved ilionlded ;lB •
No.lo. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ, in Wiiiriat
or Oak Case 550
• (Aloe* of extra-finish Infidc
No. 12. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ,
or Oak Case 40 0
No. 11; The Same, in elegant Rose Wood C 080..:
No. 14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or
Oak Case... • '
. _ _
No. 4. Six Peters, Pfaiio . liosowood case 179
No'-5. Fivtactave, ' •.. 1.1‘)
No. 6, Portable ' 1 -"' 2OO
No. 7. " Walttat ease.-.
No. S. Four-and-a-half Oetnee,Portablejtasti
wood Case
• No. 9. Four Octave, Portable, RosewootEetise4.
wit Descriptive pamphlets furnished by -the dab
scriber. •
As Agents for_ - Mei:mi.:Mason & Ifaudrn We are
enabled, to sell at their New York prices, and eibarg:t
nothing for freight. ' -
We have sold, a number of their instruniants, atul
can give numerous satisfaeters references.
"- - •
S. S. SERA 00h. Agent,
MA S,O X & Ii A 111-1.i,1 N
AUTOMATIC SWELL,' DOUBLE ' , ll..Eu.ov,'s.
,ga`Boiry instrument 'warranted for Fire. Yeara.lig.
The Cabinet' Organ is the only inezturitard which
combines the requisites for Church land Parlor Mu
sic; for the school room and the social foti‘ , ll pith -
ering. For while it possesses sufficient power for
the accompaniment of a large churns,' it is. from its
capability of all shades of expresteibm and its *on
dare' crescendo and diminuendo-, most -effective u
a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral'. ef
fects, and rapid ,
as trills, arpeggios, ,to. From
its sustained tones, it has a decided advantage *vet
the Piano Forte, for the renderbizof -many ofi the
choicest morcraux of the masters, such( as sYturlir4-
I •
rife% quartettes, etc.
I R. A. McCLITRE. Charnbersburg,
- - General Aaent for:PennaYlvania I n
undersigned will sell: and deliver n
good condition. Cabinet Organs anYwhere ,in I thiS
State, at factory prices. All inquiries by letter
Promptly 'answered, rf.hinl7.63-tf..) "`;LA. Me.
R"r N C E & - 0 S
.Introducing the effect of Pedal Bass on eyed In
strument. , - ,
E. GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash at
'a liberal deduction, or on Monthly Itrstalutexqa
- v e r-30.000- s)1 41 in Philadelphia:
.TAMES BELLAK, Solo - Agent.
279 S 281 South Fifth Street, a hove. Spruce
sel6-13 ,- . Philadelphia.
Description pamphlets furnished gratis at the Book
Store of - S. S. SI . IIIYOCH.
AIIENY for Mason k Hamlin's Miasmal- Instru
Prices the wee is in New York anclikeiton; _less
freight. - [ntar24f]
" °L 1 /5 ' s
A ' i
Description pamphlets furnished amtis ettbe :Bonk
Store of 5... p. SILRYPCK,
AGENT for life:ton tt flamlin's Alusical Instru•
men ts„'
Prices the same SS in New York 1111 a Ito" t MI • A . teR4
freight. : (Mau 9-tfl •
plANos.--R. A. M I O.I.A3RE.
Solo Agent for the celebrated •• =
Piano:, delivered. and put up in good condition, in
any part of the State,at ,
All Instruments warranted for five- L -
Pianos from other Factories willftle furnisned
desired. R. A. - 31000711K_
jun 17.63 Chambersburg. Pa.
K L 31M & BROTJI •F ,
Gillen carefully attended to by S. - §:siiRYOCIC.
Chambersburg- :
V will teach cusses and-Private pupile the art of
Singing t Alusical Notation, Harmony, and Musical
Composition. n025-tf.
justices of tje Peace.
DAVISON, Justice of the Peace.' Office im
mediately opposite the Indian Queen Hotel. All
business entrusted to his rare will resufive prompt
attention. Instruments of Writing: of all, kinds.
drawn up in a satisfactory manner: jun 17,63.
• Ohanibersburg, Pa. Office. in Franklin lla4
in the room formerly ocaupipd by_Ettimbangh 5
Stewart. Prompt attention given to any thing
the lino of a Magistrate and Serireaw. 113.64 tf.
108 PRINTING,, in every_style; done ,
"titieeftwe of the FRANILLIZt RRObITORT