.t-.-_.t ?; , TIE FIWESTANKLIN CLOTBINGIEA -- PORTU . :NE -STYLES, • iIeARGEST STOCK--CHEAPEST PRICE& The uddersigned can panto the nubile, and defies saeuessful contradiction that his recent purchases-in the astern Cities ena bl e s him to offer ono of the lannstand mostattractivestocks of - • CLOTHING_ For tke Spring and Sue' S e a"ln of 1561, to be (mind in any similar establishment in, this section. Even , varlet) , of - . .COATS, PANTS -., AND VESTS, made in the very best...styles and at the lowest prices. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING' GOODS, such as Shirts, Drawers, Collars. Cravati, Neckties. lln.ndkerelticti, Ito, Special - attention is called to this department. CUSTOMER'S ORDERS. Yiovlto an examination of ivy stock of Fine Cloths, Rorneymercs. Vestinv, which I manufacture upon special orders. SPECIAT. NOTICE. • I beg to say that my Goods are manufer;tured un der my own supervision. and by the - very best work „mon. My present stock is the most extensive I have Set had in store. and I respectfully ask my friends and the public to give Inc a eallionfore purchasing :elsewhere. Remember the old sland.• J. T. TIOSKINSON. • Franklin II Building - Corner of the Diamond and West Market .117. ChembersburgSt,.. Pa. ELLIOTT, CLOTHIEJI, South- West corner of the Diamond, n&t door To the Bank, Chambersburg, has just retained from the ciG9 wi th it large stork of superior' and seasonable (roods, such ns CLOTTIS, CASSIMERES, SATIN MTh JEANS, CORDS. &e. for Coats; 'and VEL VETS: SATINS, MARSEILLES end ether Vest . i n c l . very fine selection of READY-MADE CLOTHING, a hich he is prepared to sell at the very lowedmarket prices.. CUSTOMER - WORK.—As he employs a first-rate Vatter, he is prepared to make np all kinds of Oar ,ments„for Men and Boys, to order, in the best styles. tiatiAetion will be guaranteed. A large assortment of GRNIT,R)Me9-FITRN/SITING GOOD§, such its Shirts, Drawers, Cellars, Ilandker ehiefi. Suspenders. Carpet Bags, Umbrellas:&e. &c. grrays on hand. Give him a call and save money, iun17,63. • - T W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISIIING STORE and SHIRT MANUFAC TORY. No. 814 Cheßtnut St.. 4 doors below the Con tinentid. Philadelphia. Particular attention given to ordered Shirts. A nerfeet ftt guaranteed,. Per rtsattidistanco can order by the following Shirt 1411 easures: ?sound the Neck. . " Chest under the Arras. t t . t• Waist. " Nrlst unig.th of Arms (bent) from centre of back to mid dle of hand. Length of Bosom at - Side. Shirt .1111 C. AV B 0 R N ds CO.' S, 1V• WFIOLE - RALE AND RETAIL READY-MADE LIEN & DRESS STOCK - - - MANUFACTORY. -Woo. 5 awl 7 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Silk, Merino and Cotton Tinder Shirts and Drawers; Cravate, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Am. Shirts, Wrappers and Dress Stocks made to order by mom dietnent, and warranted to give satieflietion. Orders may be left with S. S. SIERYOCK, Cham beisburg. se23. WES T N & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 900 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tpaving received a liberal, share of patronage from ambersbarg and vicinity, we are encouraged to ask for more. The excellence of our goods and our work, and the care we take to give entire satisfac tion, are a sufficient guarantee that we value our reputation. [n011.63-Iy.] WESTON & BROTHEL *nourance. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., Corner 4th and Walnut Streets Philadelphia. • Incorporated 1850. • Charter Perpe tual. Authorized Capital, $.500,000. Paid-Up Cap ital, /ZO,OOO- - Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CRNT, on all premiums received upon Murum, Potactsit during the year ending December list, 1863, and in force at that date, the above'amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the dividend of 1860 on Policies issued during that year to he 'paid. as the annual pzeraituns on said Policies aro received. OFFICERS. Prelidenl 4 --Alexander Whilldin, &crawl/ and Treasure)—John S. Wilson. Actuarp—John C. Sims. ' BOARD' OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander Whilldin, .3. Edgar Thomson , George Nugent, lion. James Pol lock, Albert C. Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, William J. lloward, Don. Joseph Allison, - Samuel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charles F. Dear litt, Isaac ilailehurst. G. REcn, Chamhersburg. Pa., is the author ized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Company, and is always prepared to furnish 'pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take Insurances. OFFICEAU the Repokitory Des. J. C. Rtcaanos and W. H. BorLr., Mcdicoi Examiner. REEERIiNCES.--Hon. A. K. McClure, Rev. S. - S. ifienolls, J. S. .Nixon, Chamhersburg. and Wm. M. Marshal Cashier - lingenztown Bank. ' Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will please- mill on, or by addressing the under signed they will be waited on in any part of the County State. W. G. REED. Agent. Office in the REPOSITORY Building, Cham benburz. Pa. ' I 2 9 CHARTER PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN" IREF INSURANCE CODIPANY OF PHILADELPHIA ASSETS On Jarman 1,1861 CAPITAL ACCRA:I2D SURPLUS...—. Drystrep PREMIU49..- Unrrri.v.tt CLAWS, I INCOUR ROB 1864 t'S.4 $300,000. Loris PA ID SLATE 1&9 $5,0.00,000 PERPETUAL ,AND TEMPORARF POLICIES • _ ON LIRERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS: Charles; N:Banetter, , Isaac Lea, Tobias' Wagner, - - Edward' C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Fates, - Jacob R. Smith. • Alfred Fitter, George W. Richards. Fras. W. Lewis, M. D. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. EDWALD C. DALE; Vice President. _JAL llf!A LUSTER, Sec'y pro. tem. 'DAVID OAKS is the authorized- Agent of the Company in Chanibershurg, who will furnish all in formation necessary to applicants. . mar-tf INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated 179 t. Chatter Per petual. CAPITAL $:5(X),0130. Office 232 Walnut street, Philda. The prompt payment of Claims for bosses during the period of nesrly seventy years that the Company - has been in' existence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. Persons wish ing to insure will please call on or address the un dersigned. W.G. REED, Agent. Rgeostrony—Buildings. Charnbersburr„ Pa. RUICRENCES-J: D. Grier. J. Allison Eyster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin. ' , marX, Irjß AGENT.—Mr. JoiiN GRovE, of IJF C'himbersburu, is the General Agent of the Franklin County Mutual Insurance Company. iun7/ NEW MARBLE YARD.—The under signed respectfully announces to the citizens of Franklin County that he has opened a new Mar ble Yard in -the room-formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton, directly opposite J.S. Nixon's Drug Store, Main Street, Chamberaburg, wherelto will keep on hand or make to order all articles in bisline of bus inest, such ns MONUMENTS, TOMBS and HEAD STONES: MANTELS. TABLE andET AND TOPS. kc., manufactured from the very best Foreign and ,Domestio Marble. " He respectfully solicits a call from those who may be in want of any article in-the above line. go is Confident in his ability to satisfy all who may he Pleated to,patronize him, either as regards his prl eta, Or the quality—beauty, JOHNasnes of his work. " 1"iniR.63.1. A. GROVE. ESTRAY COLT.—Carne, to the resi diswe of the subscriber, residing about 1% miles east of Bridgeport. Franklin county, on Tuesday of lest week. a BAY COLT, ;with white nose and four white feet, about three years-'old. The subscriber is requested to nrove property. nay charges and take it away. lan27-3t*) JACOB TROSTLE. "IrCE CREAM.--And" the Philosophy of _L its Manufacture. - A small treatise, with valua ble recipes on this subject, will be sent FREE, by mail. to persons rite will send their address to E. KETCHAM Jc 289 pearl St.. N. Y. PIM 0 11. ;;A R Y "RATS:, `CAPS AND COR:013: at 1:010IIERTS. • -' ,- -'';:.;;gctelit' - ',', -, ~-: LANDRETTS' AGRICULTURAL' PLgIYIEST AND SEED WAREHOUSE 21', and 23 South Sixth Street , Ph il adelphia, Pa. DAVID LANDRETA & SON, Proprietors of Blooms dale, which contains near, four hundred acrei, in high filth, devoted to the' production of GARDEN SEEDS. are now prepared to supply Country Mer chants, Druggists and all others who deal in Seeds, with, large or small quantities, by the pound or bushel. and also in papers made ready foriebtiling. The Establishment represented by David Land reth & Son, has beau fOunded nearly three-fourths of a century, The wide-spread popultaritY, and the demand in ere.asing from year to year, for • Lindreth's ,Warranted Garden Seeds, • is bvidenee of the. high value entertained for them by the public. Landreth's Garden Seeds are. not only favorably received throughout the , Union. but aro shipped to many foreign ports. Indeed it may be stated with national pride that they come into active competi tion with English Seed and British Soil. . • David Landreth &Son invite all who are not al ready Purchasers of their Garden Seeds, to make a trial of them—assured that they will bo found fully etputi to their high reputation. Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac contain ing catalogue of Garden Seeds with instructions, furnished gratis. Also—Catalogue of Agrieniturid Implements. DAVID LANDRETII & SON, wig 12-1 y) Nos. 21 and 23 South 6th St., Phila. FRESH p:A•ADEN, SEEDS Or 1864. GARDENERS, MARKET GARDENERS AND iOTEIERS. , ' Puanitastlia. smalls IN SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES, . 1 ., by sending ilist!of what they require. WILL RECEIVE TILE SAME-0 - BSTURN OFj MAIL, ' with the lowest possiblo prices annexed for cash. ems:avian PAID TO BOSTON AND NEW YORK: Seeds pie-paid by mail. • B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries, , Plymouth, Masii.— A GRICUL,TULAR. IMPLEMENT ,-MANUFACTURERS. WILLIAM L. BOYER k BRO., Sisth Street and Germantown Avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA,' Manufacturers of tlts.r l Premium Farm Grist Mill HORSE POWERS AND iRRESITERS. Circular Saw MaelaßCS, Corn Shellers, Grain Fans, Cultivators. Harrows, • Plows, and every variety of approved ' - Agricultural Implements. 10— Send for Circular and adders WM. L. BO,YER. ,t BRO.. may 15-ly Philadelphia, Pa. noll-1s AMMO.NIATE PACIFJC GUANO. A real guano, containing from seventy to eighty percent of PHOSPHATE OF - LIME, to which has been added,- by, a chemical process, a large per tentage of actual Ammonia, so fixed that it can not evaporate, making it equal, if not, superior to amv other fertilizer. - - .Pamphlets with copies of A.nalyses by Dr. Jack son. Mass.. State Assayer, and Dr. Liebig, of Balti more, and-testimonials from Scientific Agriculturists, showing its value. Can be obtained from J. 0. BAKER, b. CO., SELLING AGENTS. march-2-Iy. 87 Wall Street, New York, T _ 6 A R - ME RS. • THE WALKER HORSE. RAKE is acknowledged to be the 2VcoteB4 Sicip/eat, Cheapest and most efficient Rake now in U. Any boy of ten years can work it with ease; will not get out of order, and gives universal satisfaction. Warranted in every particular. and eon be had from $6 to V. lower than any other Spring . Tooth Wheel Rake. For further patticulars apply to the manu facturer. D. D. ESHELMAN. ap2o-3ml Shirleysburg. Huntingdon co.. Pa. HE SORGO JOURNAL AND FARM T MACIIINIST—De - voted to Northern Cane and Sugar Beet Culture:. Improved Farm Machinery and Progressive Husbandry, Published monthly. tine copy 1 year. $l.OO. Subscriptone received by W. G. REED, ap6] Agent for Clark Sorgo Machine Co. - PAIIII BELLS.—A large lot of Lebanon 1. Bells. No.l SB.lao, N 0.2 $6.00, No. 355.00. The best Bells made. All Bells warranted one year. apal-4t " BRAND & FLACK. DR. Ye. N. SCHLOSSER. DR. J. H. PEDDICOED. E TIS TR Y.—Oftice in Mr. Jon Non's BUILDING, SecOnd Floor, immediatsdy opposite the. Franklin 'louse. door, bad an ex perience of a number of Year,and for the last four years in Chambersburg, they feel warranted in say ing that they will be able to please any, one who may givethem a call. TEETH INSEILTED $2,157,849 95 $400,000 From one to a full set, on fine GoIN, Silver, Kego plaStie or Vulcanite Amber Base, at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any other Dentist outside of the cities. Tectlenroi Boats skilfully extracted or plugged to last for lile. Tar ter and other foreignsubstances removed, thus beau tifying and preserving the teeth. Gold and Silver Plates neatly repaired or Laken in exchange for the Vulcanite Amber Base,' which is much cherpet, more durable and lighter than met:dicer other plate, and is worn with perfect ease and comfort; being kept in its place by atmospheric pressure, The plate will not corrode or oxidize. as will a utetalie plate. Specimen plates to be seen at the office, where con sultation can be had at any time. Satisfaction qnar anteed or no charge. Best of references pin -n. 1.ap27 IgQ•EMOV AL. —DR. J. K. REID. it) Dentist, has removed his office from the corner of the Public Square, where he practised an many years, to the corner of Main and Queen Streets, above Heyser Cresster's Drug Store, Chambers burg, Pa., where he will be Pleased to receive the calls of his friends. jun 17,63. DR. N. SCHLOSSER HAS REMOVED his Dental Office to the Diamond, opposite the Chambersburg Bank, on the Serond floor of the Mansion House. where he can always be found, be tween the hours of 9A. M., and 4P. M. apl3-tf Vainting, (Malin% Vic. BARNARD T. FELLOWS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER; GRAINER, GLAZIER, ANI) ' PIPER HANGEItv Shop in the Old Armory Building, (up Stairs,) next door to the "Ohl Jail' Pezifer Foltr's Carriage Manufactory, op• posite Brown's Hotel, and CORNER OF SECOND AND MARKET STREETS, CHAIIBBRSBURG, PA. I respectfully take this method of thanking the citizens of Chambersburg and vicinity forthe very_ liberal patronage received at their hands for the past yLar, my first yearin this place, and flattering myself that I have done, and am still prepared to do the very best work in my line, I solicit a continuance of past favor. B. T. FELLOWS. P.S. I respectfully refer to any of my patrons— James Eyster, Wm. McLellan, Col. A. K. McClure, Rev. Mr. Niccolla, Presbyterian Church, Dr. Rich ards, Dr. Fisher of the German Reformed Messen ger, J: Allison Eyster, Win. C. Eyster, and any oth ers for whom I have done work—for character of work done and expedition. • jun17,63-tf. h. B. T. F. 1864 PHILADELPHIA TA- B 0 U R K E. 144PulcittYKNOINGS.—IIONVELL & WALL PAPERS ANWRIPINDOIr CURTAIN PAPERS, Cm Fourth and Market Sts. Philadelphia. N. B. A fine gob& of LINEN gIfit.DES constant ly on hand. - for?-3m. AN15 . 431115, from the largest to the H einallest, in Plain or Fancy Colors. printed at the office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. agricultural. El entiottp. "4-44-! • nti3 Onlir . r; if „1,8,,,,qt4. :~ : uuttntaL - AGRICULTURAL IMP LE MENTS AND MACHINERY We are now prepared to fill order4for AGRICTM.TURAL IMPLEMENTS AND ‘• MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, .1.4 well as SMALL TOOLS far the Fa.rm_an'd Gar- den, spelt as Spades. Shovel's,' Hoes,' Forks, Rakes, eti and Grans-llooks, Scythes, and Scythe-Stones, and Airiaaltatal Hardware in general We offer, alio, a large assortment of our own man- ufacture of Gay-Cutters. ti Churns.-. , Coffee and Grain Mills.. ' , Sugar Mills for Grocers' use. Store Tru'eks of iarioni.patterns, toad Scrapers. , ' Wheel-Ilarrows, etc. FETILIZERS - 4 of all kinds, suott as COo's SuperphoSphate of Lime ; Pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guano and Pondrette IN OUR SEED DEPARTMENT will be found a complete selection of the best kinds Of Vegetable; Flower - and Grass Seed 9, and Seed Grain raised expressly for us by tho most reliable. AMERICAN AND FORZIGN:GROWER;S. The unremitting pergenul . ,ettention of the beat F,eecismen is given to their quality, abd our eastern ers may rely on their freshness and purity in all re- woods. We sell it,l small or large quantities to suit puioha- sets, and send in small lots by mail to all pails of the United States. We will forward Price-Lists and Descriptive Circe- tars to all desiring them IL. H. ALLEN do CO.; 6,, 139,191 and 193 Water Street, New York The improved CLIPPER MOWING MACHINE, with Steel Folding Finger-Bar and two a now ready for sale. In convenience and lightness of draft, this is su- perior even to the old Style of Allen Molter Co long ,and so deservedly popular It has literally no frame, and nearly all its parts, with the exception of Drive-Wheels and Gears. aro made of Steel or Wrought and Maleable Iron. It 15 thus the strongest and lightest machine in , the market AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO'S CHEAP FERTILIZERS. - MMiMM This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine, combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable. fertilizing agents and absorbents. It is reduced to a pulverulent condition, ready for immediate use, dad without loss of its highly nitro genous fertilizing properties. Its universal applicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active finalities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can desire.— per Ton. CHEMICAL COMPOST . This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal mat ter, snob as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which dcootapiise the mass, and retain the nitrogen ous elininnt-i. It is thoroughly impregnated with urine, and the thinner portions of night soil. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops gen erally, and especially for potatoes, and garden par yoses. -- Its excellent qualities, strength and cheapness, have made it very popular with all who have used it.' Price, $25 per Ton. TREE AND FRUIT FERTILIZER. It is ahighly phosphatic fertilizor,,and is partieu-' larly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely' increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot-house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to secure their greatest perfection. it will prei , ent and cure diseased conditions of the peach au& grape,, and is excellent for grass and lawns. The formula or method of combining its constitu;i ant fertilizing ingredients have received the highest approval of eminent ohemists and scientific agricul turists. Price, .<0 per Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The , Agricultrr4 Ch.mi,al Company manufacture U Phosphate of Lame in aecurdenee with a new end valuable formula, by which a very superior article is produced, so as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have p roved that its value, as a fertilizer. is equal to the best Phosphate of Limo in the markot.,.. Pri.ie, $l5 per Ton. TERMS CASlL—Cartage and Freight to be paid by the Purchaser., AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO'S WORKS. AT - 13A NA I. WHARF", Oti Tint DELAIVARIL OXice, 413% Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Agent. The Company's Pamphlet Cirimlar. embracing fiadirections fur using the above Fertilizers, sent by mail fret...when requested. [march 2.3m.1 'COOK'S SUGAR EVAPORATOR, manufactured by DLYIIYER: DATNi DAY. Mansfield, Ohio.—We are - willing to guarantee that trdm two acres of good Cane -a sufficient number of gallons of Syrup can he produced to cover cost of Machinery, capable of making eighty gallons of Syrup per day, which at fifty cents per gallon, will pay for cost of Mill and Evaporator in fourdayst or where pun is wanted for a brick arch, without the Furnace; in less time. COOK'S SYRUPS have been sold at an average of sixty cents a gallon, and none in market, „An acre of good Cane will produce from 2 to 300 gallons of Syrup. SORG() SEED.—We rifer a Superior Article, se lected by ourselves. Sprout the seed and roll in plaster. Plant in drills four feet apart, from North to South. Light soil and Southern exposure pre ferred, although not absolutely necessary, as it will grow on soils where many crops would be a failure. Cultivate as for Corn. Cook's Evaporator has taken the first premium over, all others at two United States Fairs and over thirty State Fairs, Clark Sorge Machine- Compaues CAVE MILL and above SEED for sale by , ' . W. G REED, Agent. Office—RErcrstroax Building, Chamb'g, p a . .11Q.. The Sorpo land -book sent free 'to any per son asking for it. mar 23 METZ'S PLOW MANUFACTORY. CORNER OF WADDINGTON AND SECOND STEM% CHAMBERSBURG, PA. lilman's Improved Premium Plows, and all other Plows noW in general use with POLISHED MOULD BOARDS. both wrought Iron Shari and Self-sharp ening.- Harrows, Hoe Harrows, Cultivators, Plow Castings, and Wagon Boxes constantly on hand, or Made at short notice. Farmers should bearin mind that purchas ed of me can be repaired at less trouble or expense than thoie that are made a great distance•from home.. Call, see and be convinced. He has also purchased the:right " to manufacture and_ sell "Slemmons' Patent-Iron Double Shove fPl l 6ws." which he keeps constantly on hand. Illackunithing in all its various brunches, also carried on at the above named place. • 'feb 24-3 m ABRAHAM METZ. Er,got-Viants ant - Filts ,t.: • PI, ANT S - FOR THE DECORA TION OP THE PARLOR,`--CON,SERVA-. TORY OR FLOWER BORDER, Embracing over 500,000 plants/including the rarest and finest varie ties in cultivation of the following sorts: Artonhinurn or Snap,Dragou, striped and mottled varieties, $1 per dozen:. Asters, finest double varieties, .$1 per dozen. • Auricula Sweet William, new, $2 ' caleeolm.s, beautiful ,spotted, varieties, to $5 per dozen. Dahlias. large show varieties. 100 sorts, $3 perdoz. Dahlias, booyet varietiwi, 32 sorts, $3 per dozen. Delphunim rermosim, hardy, blue herbaceous plant $l5O per dozen, Gazinin. Spleudens, orange and crimson, per doz. Fuschsias. 50 varieties,' double and single. $l5O to • $3 per dozen. , . G er a n iums, Sommer flowering, all slimies, $3 Per dozen. . 'Pelargonium. 50 finest riewsort4, $3 to $6 per dazed,. Heliotrope, 12 varteties, $2 per dozen. Hollyhocks. 24 finest aorts, $4 50 per dozen. Honeysuckles, 6 varieties, $.3 per dozen. Lan terms. 16 sorts, $3 per dozen Lemon Verbena, 25 to each, $2 per dozen. Pansies, 100 sorts, $1 per dozen. Pansies, finest English sorts, 25 varieties, $3 per doz. - Petunias, 25 varieties, double and single, $4 50 per dozen.- - Petunias, 100 Sorts. front seed. $1 50 per dozen. Phlox, hardy, 50 varieties, , I'2 per dozen. Chryii.anthemums, 100'sorts', $2 per dozen. Pinks, Florists, 24 sorts $2 per dozen. - Pinks, Monthly Carnations. 40 sorts. $3 - per dozen.. Roses, 100 sorts, fine ,Plants, from to $9 per doz. Salrias. blue and scarlet, $1 50 per doz. ' Tropceolum. 0 varieties, splended, $.l per dozen. Verbenas, 50 finest sorts, named, $1 50 per dozen: " 50 finest sorts, without namas.slso p. doz. 30 new sorts, .14 to $7 50 pendoz. • All our plants are grown in extra small pots, for the Special purpose ofdistant transportation. Hav ing in this manner grown our plants for nearly six teen years. and have sent them to all parts of the country with unvarying satisfaction to our custom ers.. Large experience in packing has enabled este ensure the safe arrival of plants to ,noy distance, where the time does not exceed 10 daYs, in as adod condition as if bought at home. Wemal:e no charge for Baskets, Poxes or Packing, on hills of $5 and uptvards. . Orders from Unknown correspondents must inveri hie be accompanied by a remittance or responsible reference: else no. attention San be paid to the or der. Perhaps the most satisfactory mode of-pay ment to strangers is in paying the express egent on receipt of the gdod..4. De,sorintive Catalogue On:ap plication. . PETER HENDERSON, feb 24-3 m ' " Jersey City:N..l NURSERY STOCK OF EVERY 'VARIETY PEN. NEGEEY'S. itAt WOOD NURSERY hnd' ROSE GARDEN,' - WILK/NS P. 0.,. ALLEGHENY CO., PA: Over FIFTY ACRES under-cultivation of th.f bhoiceit varieties of-everything to be found in A r /EST A SS NURSERY OP FRUIT AND' ORNAMENTAL TRIPES: Shrubs and plants, all in fine condition and care/211Y labeled. The ROSE is the speciality 'in the floral department; many of its rarest varieties being im- • ported direct from France. Owing to Gen. Negley's atienee in tie 'army, we are selling out the concern. and we invite order' large or small. as well from the trade as from private customers. We still retain the tOrmer foreman. Mr . .' Kenny, who has 1 - ‘ :en employed in the establish ment for the lost zen years, so asln secure perfect ac curacy, and careful package in filling order... J. SEELY & MELLON. • • mar2i3'na • Wilkins P. 0., Allegheny Co Pa. ,. THE •CU,LT,IVATIP Dri•re-Wheels" • is much more easy and successful in thP l COMMON DRY SOIL OF PRIVATE OARDENS, than in The usual clumsy way in bogg and meadows' The yield this season,' in my method of culture, was over mar24m FOUR HUNDRED BUSHELSTER„ACIRE 13xplicit_directions for cultivation, ivith prier:of will be send - by mail. Plants prepaid by. mail • - 1? yPE R' 8 !FRANKLIN COUNTY J_UMIRSERIES.--TIIIIIT ANS °RI:AUWC A LTR.P.RS , li ItArk Vm*s, STICiITSSIttit PLANTS, , largest stock to selec from in the county. Every thing insho;FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that is at all desirable, can be supplied from the coin monest standard Fruit Tree: to the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or variety of Fruit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees aro nnusual ly One, stout heavy trunks, furnished with fine , branching heads, from three to five feet freni the ground, as may be desired. ‘ Our aim is to grow the best of everything pruning, , and cultic—din:4. upon scientific pti n clpjee, consequ en tly,,onr_proguctions are not offered in"competition with Tries grown upon the old let-alone system. Au invitation is ex'', tended to all who are interested in fruit culture, to come and see for themselves. A large stock of Greenhouse and Bedding Plaids, Roses, &c.. in mots. will be ready in. April and May. Enclose a till ce cent stamp for' descriptive Cata login of Fruit and Ornamental trees, &e. Address, B. L. RFDER 'est Franklin Nure'ri , n. mar l6 , tf Near Loudon, Franklin Co.. pa. Tr EY srr oN E IN UJI§ERY. —l' Ini sub - i lA_ smber is preparrd to furnish most Articles iti vally to be found iu: Nurseries, of good'quality an, at rea,onable rates. The Stock embraces all the leading kinds of ' • FRUIT TREES. . Appiv a, Cherries. Peaches, ' Dwarf and 'Standard Peani, , t i privets. Pltime,, Grapes. . . . . Strawberries. Raspberries, Currants, • , ' Gooseberries. Blackberries, ste. - Aleo, can be furniShed a good assortment of EV ERGRBEN TREES, Evergreen andother shrubbery. Shade Trees, Si Great Facilities are posessed fur shipping article to all ports of the country. its the Nursery imin ed . ; a t e ly adjoins the flity of liarrisbur. mar Pi-tf .TACGit ./I.XISIE, Harrisburg, Pa. THE oPowro_ GRAPE.—Thin (rapt is not reeotinnended partidularly tts a dosser fruit, but makes an excellent. dark colored, rich well bodied Wine so closely' resembling, genuin , old-timed PORT WINE, that none butc:cperieneet judges can distinguish between the two: Althoitgl it is manufactured extensively in Western e v York, the supply is unequal to the deuuuol, at iron $1 50 to 54 per gallon. Vines for solo by the subscriber, who ha.-1 been ap. pointed Agent for it at the followmg prices: One to three years old, t3u to 3) Os till 50 ti $5 per dozen, .$l5 to $3O per 100. JACOB 11IIS1I.• mar ld-tf I Keystone Nursery, IlarrisiAr. Pa DEAR TREES.—StaxidaM and Dwa Pear Trees of the leading atid, most valuabb varieties. Among them can he furnished sotre " EXTRA SELECTED" Trees, the Dwarf havint fruit buds and-ready for immediate bearing.. • Price for good trees. 50 to 60 cts each—Extra se lected 75 cts to $ 1 each. Rates lower by dozen. J. MISH, Keystone - Nursery. /Harrisburg. Pa. CHEFIP CHAIR AND ,CABINET WARE ROOMS.—The subscriber informs the public that he continues the manufacture of tho'va nous 'articles of FURNITURE in his line at his Shop. onlibin Street, - three' doors South of l lluber A Tolbert's Hardware Store. He hasSl'waYs on hand or is prepared to manufacture on _um shortest 'no - SprinFSeats, Cane Bottom, and Windsor Chairs. Sass.-Plain and Fancy Tables, Bureaus, Dressing Coininon Wardrobes Wash Stands, Book Cases, and Bedsteads. VENIIIAN BLINDS •got up in .the best style. I • . • Particulafattention - paid to HOUSE PAINT - D7G AND PAPER HANGING, and entire satisfaction In every instance ginranteed. - IfiII:TRQPEAN , LINDEN--The Red-twig.REPAIRING of all kinds, in his•line of buiiness. 12./ ged variety, riot subject to injury by thio vrer . }. prom attended to, at moderate prices.- For sale At Keystone Nurset7, Harrisbur. Pa. UNDERTAKlNG.—lfavingpurolaasedthe Hearse Trees 10 to 12 lest high ;75 cents each : 'B 7 "per doz. 10 . Mr. Wm. Flory, deed, he is able to nttend•Turte marV - ' JACOB MISR. ! rain and manufacture Coffins, at the shortest notice, of Cloth -Wrdnut - or Cherry. A - Layer-out will be EXCELSIOR ASH, a handsome, orna- ,in attendance. • mental Shade Tree, of sure arid rapid growth. n°4'63-/Y• JOSIAH E.- SCHOFIFT 1), Trees from 8 to 12 feet high. 40@60 cents each; s'3so@6 per d0z4.520;(1140 per 100. JACOB AILSH,, • I mar23.l • Keystone Nursery, llarrisbb,ro. mar 16-tfl CHERRY TREES.—A fine assortment of about Forty best varieties, trees_oflargesise and yigorous. Price, 30 cts 50 cts, 75 ets each; $3, $5.57 Per $lB, $25, s3stier 100. J. MiSH, mar 1641 Keystone Nurser.sy, Harrisb'g:.Pa. jIAPLEMEN TS —Dealers and' JL nfactdreri of Agripulttml and other Implements , can reach a large ohms of valuable customers by AD.. varnsma in Ihe • FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. . 0 T I sr:l.Litio.orp AT LESS TELIN COST THE - CRANBERRY MARKET GARDENS, OR• IN FIELD CULTURE, CILAYBEW. P.LA"NTS AM) ALL OTHER twripl. ARO ORNIMENTAL TREL;.Z. PLANTS AND SHRUBS-, ,B. M. WATSON:, Old Colony Nursurie.l, Plymouth, _, ..-._ .....T.-.._. ~ '4ll - R or ALL KINDS, DICIDUOUS,.AND EVERGREEN, - .. FRUITAN'D ORNAMENTAL; . ilkslliirps, - 4ißiiat. 1 iprchaio r,i1,510n1. - ; - , •:: -. ifflnii. :far now . ' -,-,. :- PRICE, LIST r, o p.• 1843 4,` ° =Porta rtireclteasSa- Et sTnlsos.„ ; tannage ingd 4,0 Bo`NeNi _f qr,j3;:mt4A-igo'N. „ , • _ Old, Colony . l ‘ lcirsorie llyzdcAith, p tANTg, A'N - lit ,F..y.Ds ..:., .. Ordeal & pp . ; Mill; - •J , : • , ••• vit.' (i 4 i - A 1 - 1r .. A.) - t . I ; 1' Y. •- • ,- . PA - S.9lg*T 140 7. ItE4pX. . ~ ~ : .-• , , i -.. , •-' •, , • ,_ 4 1 :4.. ;IV 4T-4 01 . ' I. ' ' : • '-' •- ' , •:•:' . 7- - • PY l 4 l V• itl O l - , • tis TO',,AG , ENTS-iIIi : D ; DEALE 8. IN ~ T'.4,..E.'.§:Ai ii 5 . ,.k. k.:ti t : : . - : . --' '.-. ~ -, ~,, -Asp. ..,aai P? • , , `r.' ' . ' -. tCr ;'C _T , T,VB 8.••• , 7 Wholesale Catalogue for 1664 • - - _ • tit wow aitaby. - ' ! Ceasiage - of.PackagetC.palk . to , • ' 1108Talf.Ni1WPOILT AND'iNEWTORK, • , - : - B: Ist. WATSON':' • ' ,' , Clatolotittei . fie, march 24n1 - ' , ' PlYinuuthr Mass. ' R A L I 'l4 N. U 11:S ERY 1. I. Cluiruttersburg'Pra I would, offer to the public I well selected assortment of Fruit` Trees, Apple, Peach, Pearrind Plum, of. all leading- varieties.— Also, Ornamental Trees, such. as Maples, Linden, 'Ash, Horse Chestnut," - Evergreens, Nor Way Spruce, American ailsam Fin, Arbor Vitals in variety.— hardy . Shrubs, such as Spireas' in large variety, Wergelirds and Deutaias. many Of, these are,well cal culated for cemetery lots Honeysuckles, Forsythias Also, Graes, Catawba, Isabella, Concord, Diana, Delaware, Rebecca; &a. Currants, the leading kinds ; Raspberries, Stmw herries. - FloWers—Aoses. Verbenas, Heliotrope, Gerani nms, Fuselisias, Petunias. All of which mill be sold at reasonable prices for 'Gill. The usual Kitchen Garden Plants, by the Abzeti, hundreds or thousands. L • '• Send fora circular, as all applicants are supplied free. [fob 24-4mJ JACOB HEYSBR, Agent. VORWA): MAPLE TREES:'from 8 to 11 12 feet high and viiiirous. bandiome Tree, inneli resembling the ,Surrar Maple, but of more certain and rapid growth. Price 41:160 cents each; $3 50036 .eer dozen; $2O 1240 per ifv. , • . JACOB MISH, Keystone Nursery; Harrisburg. HORS'E CHESTNUT - TREES.—Ordi , Li nary sizes for planting, 50 cents etch: Smaller iise--froin4 to 7 feet-25 cents each : $250 per doz; 4418 per 100. • JACOB AfISH, mar 23) Keystono Nursery, lisrribburg. Enbarto anb *mars. . CENTS. PER POUND , T 40 TOBALTO.—The' Government is about to out a' tas. of 40 cts. per pound on Tobacco. Yon tan save 50 per cent. by • .• You can save 50 per cent. by - Buying your Tobacco at-J. D. JACOBS'. I, '‘- Buying yew-Tobacco at J. D: JACOBS'. I,- Buying your Tobacco at J. D. JACOBS'. Prime Navy Tobacco at 75 to 80'ilts: • ` Prime Cavendish Tobaccont. 80 tts: to $l. - Primp Flounder -Tobacco at 75 to 90 cts. ' Prime Congress Tobacco at Wto 80 eta. • Prime Twist Tobacco at 75 t 0.90 eta. JACOBS sells Old Virginia Sweet' Cavendish. J'ACOBS - sellS Old 'Virginia-plain- Cavendish. i . JACOBS sell Old Virginia. Twist. I . JACOBS Satoking Tobacco. JACOBS' MichiganTuie Cut Chen! hag - Tobacco': Cannot-be Equaled. - ' t I Cannot be Equaled;! JACOBS' SegarS are superior to - all. -. JACOBS' Sears are superior to all. Hesells his ovrn manufacturing. Pinto Pipes, Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pines, Mk Pipes, Mahogany' Pipes, -Apple Pines. Cherry Pipes, India Rubber Pipes, Clay Pipes,tand other pipes. Pipe in and get your Pima. Sonars and Tobacco at J. D. JACOBS', Main Street, Chambers burg. „_ - - An'27-Iy. - MEW TOBACCO AND SEGAR STOUR—To THE CITIZEICS OF CIUMBERSEaIIG AHD VICINITY: The undersigned Lawn; been com pelled to leave Virginia on account of his Union sentiments, has Come arrieng you to establish a sus-_ in ass, hoping from his long experience, and by close attention; he will -meet with a generous support...— His stock will consist of all the best brands of TO BACCO AND SEGARS, which he- ill sell as cheap Cs can be bad any where in town. Don't forget the place, sign of the "little Virginia nigger," opposite the Franklin Hotel, next door to Shryock's Book Store, South-east-cOrner of the Diamond. • uni7,63. • M. H. BUSH— THE ARMY' OF THE POTOMAC DO 1r brier all their Tobacco. Segars, Pipes, &e. font J. D. JACOBS. They know Jacobs sells the hest exidthespest. jan27-Iy. . i i in U nmr S i6 T 4yig ß :an E x C hl T eu E t D at — e7 A irg fr ot h wj e o u At pp o lj- Bs,. bf l rfIOB,ACCO SEGAR,§ —A large asSortinent of Chewing and Smoking Tobacoo .cud Segall, just received and for sale at • - BOY D'S Grocery Store; LARGF. , ,ASSORTMEAT OF TO BACCO and SOARS, at ivholatile or retail it— ' „ SHAFER & STUART'S. ingoicians. 'Ai IiCONT&OMERY will at tend promptly to all millet in his line. Office >II Main Stieet, next door to the' Eagle Hotel, and 'madly opposite.,the residence , of tlio Mtn. George lhambers. • —• jun 17,63. DR. J. C. RICHARDS will attend presset neat, , calls in his line. Oc on Alain Street,ldoor Snongler's Drag Store Ovyroa HotraB. ,, -Tiroixt - 7 to 9 s. 314 12 to 2 and 6 jun 17,62. EA R. SAIstUEL.G. LANE has resumed I." the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE in Chian ')ersburg. Moo on Qneen street, a few doors East Wallsoe's Store. • ap1341 'NIVERSAL CLOTHES .WRINGER. II.L) BRAND & FLACK, Agentaat.Chsmbersburg. An article every'familyfihourd have'. Got the best, the Universal Wringer. Come get: one on trial. Warranted to do the work. - ap2O-4t JOB PRINTING- in every ogle dote at the Office of the FRASELtir BITOBITORY. N S T IT uy TON LIFE . , 57g41,4", `.l *Duro= OF. - • !JODIDE POTASSIVIL ' With iholCoriipoundetine6trazed of Att' MILE Niti4CfNAL '"" ROOTS All 111,E?ARP BY ,WM. EUGREGG, Graditihe doll orPhislciajas ge 6 mt• Y. 'formerly' Aug, Physiciati'Ma late Medital Inspector :N. Yotk - C . . t 1 Stata.Volunteer Depom,under 619Ver-; - • nor FAniu D. Morgan. LiPE::SYRITY- 114)3,1 , 80pUCkD .4 A REVOLUTIAN,IYABingIiItJ What maY seem almtist inbrectible in; that mon" disinies 'hitherto, 'considered bosoltisslY .ineurab/O are, frequently cured in a few, days or.vreekand wp cheerfully invite Me nivestigations of the "lit minded and scientific to cures which heife no n • ai?l,/- ler et the present . day. : . ~ , ; .. - - := - (lurmedichie is peculitti c by it the seat oianydis ,ease is. directly F _ reached.. and the egnilibriuM. ter Acres}, -. These who bait sacred long froMpiiinfal atid , obt• " , Stinatediteases.. J , - ; . ,-.;' ~' ,"! • 1 Those who -.have. vainly setight:yelig rtoniadier . _ L ,, i . tisedmedionies, • These whe,cannot be cured by otherlahytriciani-- 7 _ . 247.1 inoiledlonse gokltitediori ' Life &kap.' ' ' ti V ; 'ng Lite n'ast fire yearsWe have contended With 'Ohs ' les iradev'ercome opti. , sition as' herculean as IT ever encountered bytusyltelortners.„ , ~; , , • RAPIDITY' OF CUBE. .= • Some say '".yourAntreti are too quick " while oth ers and, think that distal,- uscan only be cured by the slow. recniSertitiiretro gess of Nature."' Thesis Out reel - Y. l e' ' •• • In health. the lxrd,, like:a, well-haanieeseale, it in a state ofequilibrium. , But when from any cause dorm goes one side of the scale, we have the effects ot il lisease. What is required is; to restore' the nor m balance of the scale. • .• • - CONSTITUTION tIFE ,, SYRUP. positive and tamed); for all diseases ari sing from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLQOD. and for all , (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted ,from PARENT TO 011 M)., • PARALYSIS. .- lleiniplegia pareis. Paraplegia. PaiatssisAgliens. is, so Universally arloritteri that' 'Coristitrition Life'Splip is the only . effective means of restoration in the vartons forms - of Paralysis .that se need not reiterate that it hi emphatically, the Great:Life-131v- `. ing Power. • DPBPEPSI - A. " • ' Indbrestion::- ' Liver Complaint. Want of Ap-'hito ' Weight atStomach Biliousness. Constipatum. Flatulence.. „ Bad Breath. SCROFULA., , Strome, : Glandular; Svr " Salt Rheum Evil.' Erysipelas. • Ulceration. Thiltaint,lieriditary rind ocauirefLfilliOlite with untold 'misery, is by all usual medical remedieslu civable., • . . , RHEUMATISM. Arthritis. , Neuralgia. ' Tit Doloureaux. Linehan. ' Sciatica. ()Out. If there is any 'disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a :sovereilo, it is in Rbeumatism , antl its kindred. affeetions. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated—enormous swell ingnate reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious. of 20 or BO years' standing; have been cured:by us. ' '‘• NERVOUSNESS. ,t ' • •••: Nervous Debility - . Shattered Nerves. St.Vitns'D'nee Loss of Power. ,Confusion of 'flionglits. Epilepsy.; Thousands whtlhave suffered for years will blete • the day on .which they can readlifesc lines. Pirtic- Edney to weak. suffering woman 'will thismedioine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their tot stops to a hope which fulfils more than it prpmises-, MERCURIAL DISEASES. z Salivation. Rotting of bones.; Bad Complexion. , Aches in Bones. Feeling of,Weatiness, Dcpreision of 'SO': its.l CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges - thitsys-: tem entirely from all the evil effects O.IIIERCURY. yeinoVing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak: Joints and Rheumatic Pains ishieb the use of Cal.: omel is sure fo produce. It. hardens Spongy,Gumsi and secures the Teeth as firmly as ever: 1 - 4, • CPNSTII`IfTION •LIO . E F 'STRUP, Eraiiicalesiroot and branch, all -EitiptiVe Disarms 'of the skin, like ' 'ULCERS, PIMPLES,' BLOTCBESi And all other diffieultias of this, kind, _which so' much disfigure the outward appearance of ;both males and females, often making them a disgusting *Meet to themselvesand their friends. . CONST . J.TUTION' LIFE' SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING Of THE GLAND N , Either 6f the Face, Neck, or Female Breast; and; should be taken as soon as the swelling la detected, thus preventing their breaking. and prodneitattrou bleaune Discharging Sores, which disfigure many of the younger'portion of the community; from six to twenty_years of age. YOUrlft children are very Eeibleet to Discharges from the hare. which depends upon a Scrofulous constitution... These eased soon recover by taking a few doses of, he SYrup lAll scrofulous persons suffering -froth Generad.De bEfty, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the Limbs., abdomen, and in the Female, Dr •psyof the ovaries and wqni_ ,b generally accom_panied with Inr flammation . and Ulceration of the Uterint, are per- Manently eared - by Constitution -Life Syrupi The 'disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will reinave,entirely. The remedy should be taken for sometime, as the disease' is' exeeoing3l chronio and stubborn, and will not be remeved-with out extra effort:' 'Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the,Breast and swelling of other glands of the body will be, com pletely reduced without resorting 'to the' knife or operations of any kind. ' Epileptic Fibs, Sytnpatbetic Or Gras:nit Diseases of the Heart, as Palpitation . Diseases 'of the Valves, producing a grating or flying sound Dropsy. of the Heart Case, and all the affections of this important organ, (persons Suffering from any acute pans in the region of the" heart,) will be greatly relieved b.,' Coast, tuti.in'Life Syrup. BROKEN-DOWN AND DELICATE CONSTITETIONS differing from. Indisposition to Exertion, Pain in 'the Back, loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease,. Dimness of Vision, Dry, Hot skin and Extremities. Want Of Sleetirßestless mess Pale, Haggard Countentkrice, and itude of the Aluscular Srstem, all require the aid o Consti tiition Life Syrup. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATE-D DI'SEASEB,- either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue,- Spine. Fore bead or Scalp no remedy has ever proved its equal. • .MOT.II. PATUHES upon the female faoe,.depen ding upon a diseased action of the Liver,. ate very, unpleasant to the ybuns*ife and mothers A tea bottles•of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion and remove, the depositovilich indirectly under the skin. In DisesSes of the Liver, giving riser tofiinguor, Dizziness, Indigestion; Weak Stomach, oran ulcer ated or;danceroas condition•of that organ, .accom 'Palsied pith burning awl other lxn,Pleasent symp toms, will be relieved by the - use of Cohititution -Life Syrup.' . • AS A GENERAL BLOOD-PURIFYING AGENT • ,T.GF,'LIyE STRUT STAi.ND§.UNRIyALLED• BY ANY PREPARATION in the WORLD, Diseases of the Spine, as usually develoieti in the 4 j3 4 . I t! i P d VAag.wl'hl Neuralgia are g al a & ;l a fromd all Ne rZsneetut ror which they are at a: los , ' try know what to det„ We would advise the use of Constitution Life-Syrup. restore their pallid countenance,. strengthen their weak back and side, give:them new 'energy, new life and happiness. TEE RIOR END are liable th the same diseases; 'Ffetnre , and Sci ence have'made the Cnnstitationlife Syrup for the benefit of all. . PURE BLOOD Produces Wily men and .women. and ifthe Con stitution Is neglected - in yciuth,,'dise,ai4 and early death is the result': Do not 'delay when the meaas are so near at hand, and within the reach of all. TO MOTHERS AND, LAHIES. . It is the safest and durst.efllcient inedicine ever die.- novered for purifying the system. and relieting the 'suffering attendant upon - childbirth; Itstrengtb ens both the mother and the ehiiit. prevents pain and disease. and increases and enriches the food.— iThose who have used it think it indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after confinement, l as it prevents disease attendant 'upon Childbirth: coNsTitlytiOlit LOT SYritfP LS THE I'OOS. MAN'S FRIEND "AND THE , RICH MAN'S BLESSING. , BUY IT, TAKE OrlitEn. IT IS ,PIykIESAIi, nsr- ! • W.M. IlikEEKktriD., Sole - Proprietor. New York. LAROR4 'I'OiY,',FpROORT.YN, TRI TI E $1 PELBOTTL,H; - 4./IbTTL, ES FOR $6. 4a-Seat by FaPres:k.tii yioi'of.„the-countrr. • . •410AGA1 4 1.4; ALT EN, ' ' • Wholesale giT t lhAgira ii. ".Sold by .litiiiii4sblllollowaYlitedivaiiilizhibithil nbiskYa:, iusaANDraggigig. .- Ch_ {- 7 F r *ale by A. J .}.lll.llXll l slani!,4rars. )I,6n*-eow .. . • , :- - ... ~ - 4 `..re 111 IMEI