CI U 6 - Ittino of fl3•abel: 7 , VOMIT N. S‘ LV A NIA RAILROAD V.INTEit likE 'TAAL 'FIVE TRAINS daily to and, from Philadelphia; and after Nov. 1eth.18634. • r -The Passenger - Trains of the Pennsy Rail :road Company will depart from and arrive atAar risharg and Philadelphia as `: - EAST,ARD:' braOH EXPRESS .TRAIN, leaves ,Hartis y at 2.g A.m.., and arrives at. PhilndelPhin st 6.55 A.M. - FAST LINE leaVes'EarrHsVar . g daily (except Hondas) at 6.00 Lai., and arrives at West Philadel phia at 10.10 A..U. Passengers' take breakfast at Lancaster. • WAY ACCOMMODATION; (via* Mount Joy,) ttYesljartiabatll at 7.20 A.M., and arrives at West rlarladelphia at 12.2 n P'.ll. ,FAST .MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily ((except Sunday) at 1.06 Pat., and arrives at Pest ,Rhiladelpttia- at 5.20 P.m., .•114,11HISPITR11 "ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. -;viaVolumbra,leavea - Harrisburg' a 5.30,' 4 ,,and ' arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 PAL' ,I*l` • WIE S W :A. R• D = RATIIIoRE EXPRP.S• TRAIN los,VeS Raz triskiltrg daily (except Monday) at 2.20 A.M.." Alfoona 001ra-L, take breakfast,and arrives at Pittsburg ' at 1.00 P.m. N, •, • :PHILADELPHIA Ei'llESS TRAIN leaves = Harrisburg daily at 3.20, sal.; Altoona 8.40 A.M., take • breakfast, slid arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P.ll. MALL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg* at 1.40 Altoona at 7.55 Pato, take, supper, and arrives at Pittsbtirgat 1.10 A.M. , FAST. LINE leaves Harrisburg at . 4.15 . 5.u.i Al teas' at 9.10 P.M., take supper, and arrives at Pitts - burg at 1.40 A.M. HARRISBURG .ACCOMMODATION TRAIN • :loaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P.M., and itlTives at Harrisburg at 8.10.Y...m. ' MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lan caster at ,11.38' sat., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1,40 P.M: . SAMUEL D. YOUNG, jun17,63-tf. Supt. Middle Div. Penna. R. R. I‘iTORTIIERN, CENTRAL RAILWAY: WINTER TIME TABLE. 'THREE TRAINS DAILY TO 'AND FROM - --TALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON CITY: - Connections made. with trains on - Pennsylvania Railroad, to andfrom Pittsburg rind the West. TWO TRAINS.DAILY to and from the North and West Branch ihisquehamna, Elmira and all of = Northern New York._ On and'ufter Monday, ,November 3.6 th. 1863. the ' 'Passenger Trains of the Northern' Central Railway will:arrive - at and, depart from Harrisburg and Bal timore as follows: !S'OUTHWAR):). , ili t t i lt'TßAlN leaves Sunbury daily (ex cept Sunday 10:10 A.M. leaves Harrisburg LW P.M. arrives at Baltimore 5:40 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily • • (except 5unday).....11:42' P.M. 11. leaves ilarrisb'g (ex . . cept Monday) ' 2:50 A.M. arrives at Baltimore (except Monday).— 7:00 A.M. HARRIBB,* ACCOMMODATION leaves - • Harri5burg._........._....700 • . ' NORTHWARD. MA.II TRAIN leaves Baltimore,daily (exceidSunday) ..... 9:26 A.M. leaves Harrisburg 1:45 P.M, 116 arrives at Sunbury 4:30 P.M. ' EN.PRESS,TTLAIN leavesßaltimore dai- ... , . ly 9:30 P.M. " ' arrives at llarrisb'g.„ 200 A.m. " -. .leaves Harrisb'g dm u ly. (exeept. Monday 3:25 A.M. . .., arrives at Sunbury... 6:25 A.M. TIARRISII'G ACCOMMODATION leaves ~ • _, ' Baltimore daily (ex . , . ' eept 5unday).... ....... 3:00 P.M. - . arrives a Harrisurg.. 7:50 P.M. --- For further information apply at the Office, in =. ,Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. 4,•..jan17,33-tf. J. N. - DuRARRY, Gen. Supt. ;;:ATEW AIR LINE ROUTE.-THREE TRAINS DAILY': TO 'NEW YORE AND 7 ; PHILADELPHIA. - On and after ltiondax; November, VI, 1863. -the s<- Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Rending Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New Yolk and Philadelphia, as follows: EASTWARD. - - - - - EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6:30 A.M., • an arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express • Train from She West arriving in New York at '1:45 A.M. A feeeping car is attached to the train through -from Pittsburg without change. AWL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at Bi'oo 'A.M.. artil'ing In New York'at 5:30 and Philadelphia at 1:50 P.M. ' FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2:00 P.M., ar , riving'in :NOW York 'at 10:25 P.M., and Philadelphia t 7:00 PAL - - • - ' WESTWARD. - EAST LINE leaves New York at 6:00 A.M. ' and • Philadelphia at 8:15 ear., arriving at Harrisburg at • MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12:00 noon. tad -Ph iladerphia at 3:30 P.M., arriving at Harrisburg at 8:20 P.M. - • - .RNPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7:00 P.M. 'arriving atliarrisburg at2:oo and connecting with-the Pennsylvania Exprem Train for Pittsburg. AaleepinQ car is also attached to this train. - • . Connections are imade at Harrisburg with Trains en the Pennsylvania, :Northern Central and Cum berland Valley Railroads, And at Reading for Phil adelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Eas- Wire am. • -Baggage 'checked. through. Fare between • New York and Harrisburg. $5.15-rbetween Harrisburg and .Philadelphia, $3:35, in No. 1 cars, and $3 in No. 2. , or other informhtion apply to - 3. J. CLYDE, Gen: Agent, Harrisburg. inn 7.03.-ff. 1 1,0 UMBER LAND VALLEY AND NJ FRANKLIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE I IiONRS.--On • and after Monday, April, tli, 1864, Paaenger Trains will run daily, as follows,. (Sun days excepted): ' ROB CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG . . ... -Letvellagerstown ... , ..... 1 7:00 Greeneaatle , ~. .- .... -..---., 7:37- 2:45 3:35 .B.rrive . al...• 8:17 4:29 , --- Leave at. LeafreShippeasburg. ' 4 'TNtrwrille... Chamberiiburir_ '.l Carlisle , 5:55 1040 242 i` Mechanicsburg 6:25 10:42 3:12 , Arrive .... 6:55 11:15 3:40 • Poll. t HABIBERSBURG , AND HAGERSTOWN. P.M.• •- • A.M. P M. . Le*ve Harrisburg ' 8:05 1:32 4:20 - Mechanicsburg ' 8:47 2:15 4:54 . "Cliiiisle ' ' 9:27 2:55 5:29 " ' Neyville • - . 10:02 3:29 . " . Siuppensburg 10:33 4:00 ArrivOal'Utiambersburg ^ 11:00 4:30 I,9l,yeiChatubersburg . 11:10 ''.. 4:40 - - Oreenca.stle ~ 11:55 . 5:30 , Arrive at ilanisbarg 12:35 6:10 Making close .connections at Harrisburg with grains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, 'Slid With trainB for all pants West. The Train lenvin - g Harrisburg at 4:2D, P. M., runs only As far as Carlisle. 0. N. MILL. Supt. • lt. R. Me; Chamb ' g, April 4 , 1864. - . 3863: r '' ' . - " 1864. DELLADELPECA AND ERIE RAlL 'lt6AD::—This great lineltaverses the Northern` 4 of Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to theaits Hideaki Lake Erie.• It has been the Pennsylvania Railroad ',CcimPrittv, and under their ansffiees is being rapidly OP....ene4lbroil.gboiat its entire length.. • tis nor id use for Passenger and Freight basin ess Driftwood, - (2d Fork) 177 miles, , en. the'Eastern Division.- and from Sheffield to Erie, .18 iniles,bn the Western Division. • • lINIE,„4O.I7ASSENGER. TRAINS AT HARRIS - BURG: • • lifaillittin leaves North 1:15 Aar. - - . ess Train leaves -North ways .2d. through without 'change both on ipee trt ► ins; betweikfi Philadelphia and Lock haven anditetwecti Bayiniore and Lock Haven. ap*. bleeping Oars on tho Express Train both. IWO. :,_' ~...11 . ..,•• ~i . . • ... cArr 5....v . ..48013 renreatiiMPaEsenßerblisin as an- Ely at the - S, E. Corner 11th and Market Streets, 4 1 /Lilaxtelpliis, • ,And, for Freight *business of the Company's Agents: 8.: B. Ktspa-roN;Jr., eornei.l3th and Market Sta., 1 0 hilsida. t, ~ ,• '- 1 .. 4.,-W. Egirgot., Erie, ' ' - • ' 4. M. DRILL, 4. eht N. C. R. W,.. - Baltimore, bid. , i: :•••• H. It. HOUSTON, - .- - "Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. - - - LEWIS L: ROUPT. ', Gen. Tiekel, Agentyhilsdelphia. ESE • , 469. ' Pons) j 763. Gen. liansger, Williamsport I 1 EAII+I! GRAINP.• GRAIN!!! - .WASIIABAIJOIPS BREWERY, • Ceaussastumo, PA. The, undeniigned ta ktP this method of informing !'histfriends; and the pabl:e gitnerally, that ho has ,-,..l4leased for. aterm of years the well lmotvn Brewery riesta'blfattatent heretofore conducted by Mr. Upton filltuthabaugh. . He will be glad to furnish to his ;frituida andthe old patrons of the House with the . litteet ALB, upon the shortest notice, and at the low- - egliniuse , ' • • Air The highest Cash Price will be paid for 5,000 o r BAB,4EY,,d'elivered niChambershurg. T:FX'AIkTi4II MARTI N LIMING STYLE OF so - HATs t„,) k DEOHERTEL ==ZWII , itinto ot-trabd. , ' • hAD'ilsiG lait ji3OAD.L--WINTER iQ. T 0 V E EAIPO It t 1.1. 11 ' • TER ARRANGEMENTI ~ • • t, L., : . i • GREAT TRUNK LINE front the North. and !' - Northwest forr, Philadelphia; New York; Reading, Pottsville; Lebanon, Allentolva. - Easton, &e. i -7. -.I Mg,' Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, ,New l' York, Rending, Pottsville, and allhatennedtate eta- i, . . , tions at 8:00 sA t t. and 2:80,px, • -New- York' Exprea, leaves Ifaviisburg at MX, A.V.. ,t' iMA IN STREET-4 Doom Bash 4OM Dia' trend, arriving atNew York at10:15 the mune morning: • . . Fares from Ilarrisbuigt- To New York $5:15: to,, • • Philadelphia $ 3.35 and $2.80. Baggage:elteelted through.:. ,- •••• • Returning, leave New Yell' sit'6 X.m., 12 u., and '7 I .' . F.M. t (Pittsbure.Express arriving at, Harrisburg at 2 i - . A.3.1.-r Leave ••hrtn,delphia at 8:154.w. and 8:30 P.ll. i Would respectfully invite fheattention of the pub 'Sleeping can in the PTeur „York. Express Trains .' . . ........._ ___ through to and from Pittsburg without_chtuit'i. Passengers by,the r Catawisaa Railroad „leave Ta maqua at. 5:50 A.M.' and 2:15 #.14., 'N . -Philadelphia, ~ New York and all Way PointS. • - ... : • ' ' Trains leave Pottsville at 9:15 A.M.. and 2:30 P. 11., . VES. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New Yorki - • , • - • An Accommodation Passettger Trainleavesltead- lug at 6:30 A.u.; and returns from Philadelphia at 4.:30.r.u. --' .. : , t , , , Jna-Allthe above Trains run daily, Sundays ex- • • cepted. • •• • •. • , . A Sunday Train leavesPottsville at 7:30 *Aft and . „ Philadelphia at 3:15 P.M. . - '•' • ' , , , . Commutation, Mileage, i Seas " *aild Excursion _ • Tie la non the largest and hostarsortment of Tickets at reduced rates from all points. - . , • -,•-• y 80 lbs. Baggage allowed 'eaeh riavreroAr. . ~ G. A. NICCOLLS, v e - . . General Supt. PARLOR, ..' !. . 1 ' . • . . de16,63-tf. I r g P - 0 R T E .R Si A-ND. LlcuOßs LAIIMUN.:S4LIADE,4-094 N 0.123 SOUTH NINTH ST., BETWEEN CRESTAuTAND WALNUT STREETS. . , PHILADELPHIA. C 0 A L, R U C K,E_T S GEO. M. LAT:MAN:I A. M. SALLADE, _ - J. D. BITTING. RIVESE, GARDRAT & CO.'S SUPERIOR-COGNAC BRANDY; VINTAGE OF 1838, EACH BOTTLE`SEALED WITH GREEN WITH'• THE' INITIALS OF 'IMS` FIRM. - IMPORTED BY- ' LAIIMAN; SALLADE & CO, SUPERIOR. OLD MADEIRA WINE EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH ;YELLOW WAX WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. - • . ' OLD. RYE W. H I S - R E Y.,' l : 1 OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, J.. Call antklook through our stoati and get the pritss - WARRANTED, OBERHO•LTZ WHISKEY, FOITST WHISKEY, ,WERTA'S WHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY. ,AND LAUMAN. BALLADE 14'69., N0,123"607131 NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA nolB-Iy. r EVV . SHOE SVORE.—Th sub- N ; scriber takes this method of informing the citizns of Chambersburg and vicinity that he has just returned from Philadelphia with an ENTIRE LY NEW STOCK - of Boots and Shoes, of every variety, style and pattern, and of the best manu factures, ' He has no old Shopkeepers on hand. His whole stock is new. Give him a call—you can easily suit - yourself. He invites the Ladies especially, to call. as h e will take pleasure showing his goods. Store in the room formerly occupied by Frederick Smith, Esq., as a Law Office. and more recently used for the purpose lm George Eyster, Es_q., two doors North or Fisher's Hotel, Main Street, Chambersbut7, Pa. His large and well selected stock, he being &prac tical Shoemaker, consists of Ladier Gaiters, Boots, Slippers and Buskins; Misses and Children's Boots and - Shoes:Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slippers, 8904 , and Brogans. Don't forget theplace. No trouble to show goods at THE NEW STORE, two doors North of ,Pish cr:s Hotel, Main Street, Chambersburg Pa. 3un17,63. ' PETER...FELDMAN.' • MEW BOOT, SHOE AND H - AT• STORE IN CHAMBERSBURG. The subscriber hasjuM opened in the rooms formerly occupied by Mr. 0, Burkhart as a Confectionery. and adjoining ttle Drug Store of Mr. A. J. Miller. an en tirely new stock of all kinds of BOOTS. SHOES, BATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS. ke,. ailed* which has been bought for cash, and will be sold for cash, as chap, if not a little cheaper 'than anyother house in the county. All in want of-any thing in his line will. find it to their advantage to give him a call: [apr 6-tfj . H. B. WINTON. 8:30_ 12:55 9:00 • 1:23 0:32 2:00 MI ]IAMILY 41)Y E COLORS-. . PATENTED OCTOBER 13, 1883. Slick, , Dark Green, Black for Silk, Li ht Green, .D 'Dark Blue, agents, Light Blue, . . size, French Blue, Maroon, - Claret Brown, . -Orange, Dark:Brown. - Pink, •; - Light Brown.PatPia, • Snuff Brown, - Royal Purple, Cherry, • ' • Salmon; .. Crimson, ' Scarlet, . . Dark Drab, Slate, ' Light Drab Solferino, Fawn. Drab, • Violet, ' Light Fawn Drib Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goode, Shawls, Scarfs, - Dresses, Ribbons,Gloves, Bonn els, Hats.: , Feathers: Kid Gloves, Children's Clothiig, W -; • - and all kinds of Nearing Apparel. ~- /lir A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. -at _ 'For 25 cents you can color tut manygoods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades. can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German inside of each package. , - :For farther information in Dyeing, and giving a perfeceknowledge what colors are best adapted to dye aver others, (with many valuable recipes,) pur chase Howe & Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Col- • oring. Sent by mail an receipt of price-10 cents. Manufactured by .110AVE' STEVENS,nov2S-14 . 260 Broadway, Boston. For Sale by Dr ts and deals c'er Sale by Druggists and dealers generally. REMOSTAL.From 433 Market Street to th e large IRON BUILDING, 513 Market and 510 Cominerce Streets, Philadelphia. , More Goods than any !base in the-United States. A. H. FRANCISCUS, .513'MARRET, AND 510 COMMERCE STS. • keeps the Largest Stock in the United States of Buckets. Brooms, Tubs,•Chnrnk 'Baskets, Brushes, Mats, Measures, Clocks, Looking-Ellizsee.•Oil Cloths and Carpets. Window Shades and Paper, • . Bird Cages, Japan Ware and Whips. ' 'Also—Cotton •Batting. Wadding, • Twines, Wicking. Ropes in Coils ‘. and Dozens, Cotton Yarns, g Cotton and Linen Carpet : l,omin. Our prices will - average Lower than an, Othpr Timis° in the city.„ Call and seta for yourselves. :For further particulars apply to S. S. MIRY OCR, titunberab,nrg. • sep 23 63 -DARENTS OF SOLDIERS in the tier -1 • vier; es inAcKitala,can - farnith noir with the "RV CSITORIV three IncrithP thr2,s cts.; strtoonthir ft t 4 or CYO] fa $1,10: Liquoro. FINE. SHERRY, CLARET AND , •:, HO( fl AND AN AssotermE7 OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMFAUNE OSBORNE'S *. CO.'S OPOR:TO. VERY FINE AND DELICATN - OLD PORT NINE, ,IXPORTED BY LAUM*N, SALLADE - A - CO., " N 0.128 SOUTH NINTH 'ST., •. PHILADELPHIA 'Boots anb *tom. Eive=eolors: i.u* - „Soto ant Mitluxe JACOB GIIAMSSIiSBGItG._ P 3.. lie to his large tad welieelected stqeh of MPPER, TIN an d EA LL, GAS. BURNERS knd Bret otTored itiFrataklin-eonnty, 't '' ' i'V'A i ti-•B dI L 'it'f3 onstaittlyan hand atoll size•. end the .beet thelomtetizesortment.the heavirst irott.apa the best made in the county. Alao7Alarie stook of TIDE.W ..4 . 1"t P. , manie.of the best material anal in a workinanlihe 0 makit. As he is e, PRACTICAL WORK- -DIAN. and has had many yean , es perienee in the business, he teels COadeiat !gat he can givi general Si OUTING, =vie and put up at the ahorttal notice. Particu 4r attention paid lOaltkinde of MENDING AND JOBBING. as our motto is t "Small - Profits, Quick Sales atul . &soil Four Doeta'Senth of the ilismond: • Nov.ll, '63-IY. , ITOUSP.I`IEPEIiS, READ ! !-GAL- L A °HEMS SUNRISE AIRITIGHT—A new Flat Top COOKING STOVE. This plates are very heavy„ and the whole Stove is liniihcd in a superi , or m.toner. cI warrant this Stove o be superior to any Flat Top Stove now in the market, and I req,- ;' peetfully invite my friends and thelpublic to call • and examine it.. There arc several spas. 1I have also a great variety of other COOKING ". STOVES, of every style: PARLOR STOVES, new and beautiful patterns, together with a heavy stock i" , of STOVES for Cisoreltes. Storet , ... OlTtees, Hotels, &T. JOHN S. LUDWIG, • -Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STOVES. TIN . AND COPPER WAR}. - ;1 N. 8.—1 have been appointed . Sole Ament for Gal lacher's celebrated Sunrise Air-tight Cook Stnve in ,::eb.amberzcburg.- - Sanit ‘ a3. ___ A T ETTER, . HAMILTON . 4t CO.'S t Ll.l.Great Stove and Tin Ware Store:cornerof the !Diamond, can be seen the largest, best and cheap eat Stock 'of Goods in Chamber:burr-1 They have COOKING STOVES, for Wend and Coal, of !west i patterns and all sizes, at fair prices. 3m31 - 1,61. POUTING DONE AT SHORT"NO- U TicE, cf first rate niateiial and cheap. All work warranted, and cheaper than can be Nbeught.elsewhere in the County. Call and see for i• yearn:lves at - ETTER, 'HAMILTON 3: CO.'S. nearly opposite the Bank. LITTER, HAMILTON & CO. - .are /pre pared to put up the beet LIGHTNING 'tops hat cheap rates. E A LWAYS ON HAND, a large assort- IA merit of the very best Tin,Jspautted and Coo t per n Ware,&c. Sold Inw at • .IETTER, HAMILTON & LL , WORK.WARRANTED,_and I`l. shearer than am- be bought elsewhere - in the ' ! County. Como anh :,e,-,then buy. ,r .t - " - ETTER. RAMITON k CO: S. • CIALL'FOR PARLOR AND DINING ROOM COOK STOVES. They ore pretty. ' , rood and ehen.p.ETTER, HAMILTON k CO.'S. A few dborF from Shryock's BOoleStore. 4rottlertionerp, &Tr. ME :BURKHART - 45 c HENSHEY, BAKERS, ' t AND C ONTEOTIONERS, EIALERB - FRUITS, •DOY B., F_ AN C •GO cYISS. North Mail Street, ( Weg;t Side) - : COAMBERSBURIi:Pi. Sar Orders promptly, attended to. '641 1 s,p6-13 , 1 . TIMM CASH. SHEET-IRON WARE =II COOKING iCTOV.ES = satisfaction JACOB B. MILLBR =I AHD oran Egt lantoo; janitinto, 4t.c. REYSER; JR. I datigr,Eß. E,YSE_ $ R 0R B S R, - GRADUATES Lv ?119RMAC`ic - . • • DEALERS IN • CHEMICALS; MEDICINES, dte:, tIiA_IIBERSBVRG, PA Believing that-onir 'D,R U S PREPARATIONS OF ; FULL STRENoTR: wilt give satisfaction to PhAician and Patient, and insiuy contiined success W our Drug Establishment, we give this branch our constant care and scrutiny. 'CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, AND -- LATENT' PATENT' MEDICINES. 'We warrant our stook lolie pure andthe'hcstia the Mari of :• 4 • =We are receiving a largo lot of - F'R'E S'.l-1 , kl-{ DEN S E S embracing the best-kin ds of-new , and bld_rarietics of early and I,ateyeg,ot,ables. 1-10AVIA 'STEVENS' _FAMILY DiR COLORS,' a tediabit and.easi, coloring. ~ R Te ask but a fot them.' All the colorsconstantly, op hand: - Fartnets and Horse Dealers should always -have on _hand_ a package ,of. . HORSE AND-CATTLE POWDER. It is the best for Distemiier. • ' BITTER WINE 'OF IRON, ari excellent Tonic for debilitated' and. dyspeptic persons. • - " . MRS. FtARVEY'S CROUP SYRUPY nn a ea.° Nat for enualis and Coldiiin the Throat and Chest, that can he relied on to giire, speedy relief. POCKET bons 'A,\n ALLETS. liavejußt received a large lot, of every nlie, quality and "- • ' = • - - Fine , 'Soaps and PorfumerY. Rair and Cloth Brusbes, Toot.l Brustiw, Redding, Combs, 'ilum and 'torn Combs. qoncontrated Potosb - Trusses arid Braces, Saponifier. • • Sri- Medicines 'can bd bad - at rifeht or on Sunday by balling at tha - Store or at W. Heysor's residence, a few doors South 9f l the Store. i, jan27. SI! 0- II- L-D R R 'lt A C ; TR*E.g, AND St*Oit'rgßg: . • ' " 1:; . A. , .461,1iR'5. • , A" _§ 41f,SAPARIL•LA, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT EIICHII., . HOOPLAND'S GETCHAN BITTERS, at SPANGLER'S. p. o M A D„' E S , PERFU-AiE4Y AND SOAPS. NEW ARTICLES ATNIXON'S. Viigin Wax qf Antilles, • - „ Bloom of Roses.. r- • Extract of:Night-Blooming Cererq.: New and Superior Pearl Powder. Sterling's Ambrosia. . . - New Extractllusk, . , , Frangipani and Lettnoe Soaps, . Imnoriul Pomade, .k• . • ' Balsamic BalM, fat' Pimples, "to. TT ' I X O. N II A S Peroline Soap' excellkt, Brown iViodser Soap. excellent, • , Elder Flower boali, excellent. Violet Soap. excellent, , Mask Soap, excellent. riONSTITUTIO,Iki Ourman Bitters. large eir.'e, of Sayne's Medicines, All of Ayer's,,Medieines, • ' All of Ilelmbold's Medicines, A full stock of all Potent. Medicines. al NIXON'S. A LARGE' COLLECtION• OF , GAR IV I/EN SEEDS, embracing .all,the new kinds, from three leading establishments, and all ws.rrant ed as represented. Gardeners, will remotel es that NIXON has experience in this line, and ctsr ive fall directions. - - . , • IXON • HAS- ADDED BY RECENT 1 - Pnrollares t - wiarge FANCY ARTICLES to his stock , guoi is now prepared to excel in this line. • . N.i x ©, K. I( . A S , Anew Stock 01.spleidid Combs, A new Etoclvof splendid Brialies3. A - S 11FE #i lOR ASSORTMENT OF - Bair Brushes awl Combi; a superior stock uS Tooth Brushes, at NIXON'S. - A FULL STOCK' OP PURE DRUGS. /X Chemicals. Sro.. at • ! . NIXON'S. DENTAL CREAM AND TOOTH Brutus, at NIXON'S. A N EXAMINATION' Or SToCX IS ieginellted. st • I •'? NIXON'S. A • - Id IL L .R DRAIGGIST':" - ` `l' STORE ON I'HE DTADIOND, brt A MBERSBIIitO. , I at SP;',LER,E. I r- Ongot BitelTirtnes t str., .o, • E 'E'S . STERLIXGI . AMEIROIA. t'' •', HAIR DYES ) POMADES,. ,EXIRACH4ALT.gIi ° ° lt i lll 3 BROS and 4 fall sittkirtinoht of eremlttifiii line can be had at QTANDARD_ PATE T is..) Swaim's Panacea, • Ayor'a CherrPietOral e Keyeer's Pectoral, , Blood Searcher, ' - JitYcio's Itioaichies, • - ,Nolntire'e. and stil'othetgeoa Prortaratiol of the day, at AILLIkIt'S IYrultsuji A . V E - 1r 0 Vs • A BAD C O-t art, a Bottle or la truirstouotr - synmp *ill cup:rya - a-, Oe -it at- - r J. MILLER J APE r- • , U THE ITCA? Get a box of,TRRILL'S ITCH OINTMENT.; It is a'saftipnei•speedy - eur&-at A.• J. MILLER'S. , II R O'L - litt - OSENE CAMPS. • • •• CIILNMYS AND WICkS 1 - - ALcamoL AND FLUID, and atulf assortment cif - such artieleS asaro usually forma-in a Drug storegah be had-at SI KIZER'S. MEDICINE, ANODYNE CORDIAL.- - • - at, MILLER'S Dkrii• _ I ,:11Q,ANYART.:!:§- , 13p,OWN'S TROPITES. - ' ' BRYAN'S PULSIONIO WAFERS. at MILLER'S -Drug Store._ TERRI'LL'S TETTER - oriil*ENT; A certain - Cure. MILLER'S'DniTe, Stoie. DYE, COLORS.—A new and just whit is- needed every fanialy, at ' MILLER'S. Ti 0 R'S E AND COW Pov . :TDERS; at MILLER'S:- G A E N -SEEDS, lititnEt.;,sat 'iliivicat. rpo THEZADIES OF AMIERIA. JL „ LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, ' I LYON'S PERIODICAL .I)ROPS, LYON'S, PERIODICAL PROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE . REMEDYI THE GREAT FEMALE- REMEDY I THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDYI - THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ' - 1 LYON'S :PERIODICAL DROPS , • - LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ' - • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS :' • • ARE tIETTERTHAN TILLS! ARE BETTER THAN PILLS! - ARE BETTER' THAN PILLS! ARE BETTER THAN PILLS! . • • -Lyon'sPeriodir z l Drops. are • • TUE ONLY - FLUID PREPARATION ' _ THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION- ' THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION _ - THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ever' brought before the public, and es a diuretie and sp ecifie for irregularities, chAllcnges th evorld te• pro- - d u - ee ma equal; they arc, in tho most obstinate cases, . • RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! - RELIABLE, AND 'SURE TO DO GOOD! • RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! • . RELIABLE. AND SURE TO DO GOOD! AND CANNOT DO HARM AND"CANNOT DO HARM AND CANNOT DO HARM , AND CANNOT DO HARM '• I IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED: • • IF THE DIRECTIONS_ARE ADHERED IF THE DIRECTIONS.ARE ADHERED " IF THE DIRECTIONS'ARE ADHERED SAFE AT' ALL TIMES! SAE AT. ALL _TI.MESI = SAFE - AT ALL.TIMBS! SAFE AT ALL TIMER except when expressly forbidden in the direetion4 which aro wrapped around each bottle; and have th written Biz= ture of Dr. sino . . L. Lyoti hpon them. NONE OTHERSA.RE GENUINE! NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! • -NONE OTHERS ARE 'GENUINE! - NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! BEWARE OF COUNTEREITS! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUNTER4IITS I 131 0 - .F.CO — U - NTERFF.ITS - I . • They mare all those ills to which the female system is subjected With dispatch and a degree Of , certainty which nothing but a scientifically compounded fluid, preparation could reach. 119E'N0'.0T1.1E13.1- - USE NO OTHER! USE NO OTHER! UriE NO OTHER! for my Drops stand brine the _world as the ne Wits okra of all remedies for the care of all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Letteorrh ea, Prolapstis and. the mild but positive correction of all irregularities. DO NOT BE UPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! DO NOT BR IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! by - those who haver other. preparations. which they desire to 'palm off upon the strength of the popular-, ity oftny,Drops, and whorecommendtheirown nos trums. thus appropriating to themselves the con stant demand. for my Periodical Drees, as a medium for selling something which is - worthless and ineffic ient; -Bat whew-the Druggistyou apply to has not get theM, either make him buy them for you, or else enclose one Dollar to the nearest general wholesale agent, who will send you a bottle by return Express: Ypu will thus save yourselves, trouble and obtain relief froln - tter - g realest Female Regulator of the _Nineteenth Century. Over 25,000 Bottles of this Medicine haVe been sold within the lost Sit months. and every Lady that has need them. but for the nature of,the cure, would furnish us with her sworn Certificate of their efficacY.' It takes bntene Dollar to raakethe experiment:and ,oppeal to those of your ex who are suffering—will ybu waste' away- when a s'ingl'e Dollar will give you instant. relief. - Prepared solely. by Dr. SAO. L.'Lvolv,.Prp.etisin'g Physician, . . Price $1 per bottle. 4 " ' C. G. CLARK •,k 'WholesaleDinnists,,New Raven, Conn., General Agents for the United States and Oanadas. For sale at Wholesale by'; - 134.RNES CO., New York. G EO. C. GOODWIN 4 CO., Bastian. ' • JOHNSTON, GALLOWAY & COWTIEN. 5e23,53-eowly. - 23 North Sixth Maitto. 75TPA"1P2° 1T I.- rlif Lri.A4l.iainroaon, pen want ali Agent in each (iptinty.' to solicit drOers for theirnew $l5 ,Machine, with gauge screw-driver, and extra needles. We will pay a liberal salary and` expenses, or give large .commissions. ' For further partmulan, terms, ,&e., eneloee astamp, and address T. S.' PAGE, Toledo, 0.. febl'Ota , General Agent for the United States. AVAlntii—A good TANNER: good v-v- - wagea and steady employment will be given; ApplY , toPM undersigned, Mereereburg. sp2r-tf - C. METCALF.' vpiTANTED.-10Q L'L ONIONS, ,, I wilt pak $3 per bushel for Moth; If in good 'order.' [fob 171 A. J. MILLER. ANTED-PAS. OF. ALL BINDS , YVI wiU PRY the hikhee price in ,car . for the , Red and Grey Lox. Mink; Munkrat. Raccoon,Opes- In:him:id Rabbit Skins. , - J. 141)RellERT. PRING-AND SUMMER MILLINERY, —minx ART /WWI= rotOd intern , her 64 ' 4 ' 6 and the. nblio generally. That BIM hosing reeeired from the Eastern Cities' anew and ear( filly _selected assortment of MILLINERY GO 0 ps..IADIEs' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &e. - • "" '"' SONNETS and EATS made and trimmed- in the lateotand most faihionable style. at eh - rt rStier:' Kr! Rama opposite Montgomertitliotek Eir43l. tiooto al it *tationsrp. S. SIIRYOCK, BOOKSELLER AA> . STATIONER; now occuPies his New st or e Room, and fEe fitealed traWact business witle greater facilitlei ththrevet. BOOKS.—Schliol Books, Miscellaneous Bo oks.Tot Books. Lawßooks, Medmal Baolm: Sunday echo) Books-Military Books- BIBLES.—A large astorlment ofPoeltet antiVisla. By , • •- , • BLANK BOOKS of all SiZCS, , qualitiesamistyles of binding. • - STATIONERY, --A great varlet. of MI kim . .dissof allicinds of writing and Printing Palaers, of Fresiih. English and Ainerican manufacture. Also,,Eartel opes of all sizes , and!mantles, Ink. Pens, Pencils. India - kitnbiler,Tb,pcs, Seale, Qu il ls, Copylletika Blotting Board, Is.nives, Writing ; Spud kc. 11-OLD PENS.—The very best Gold-Penkftstihe norket,fally warrSnlell, made , by Leroy W. Fair ,, cl i N. Y. BLIND PATER.—A fall variety of patterns id qualities. t WALL PAPER.--li early 1,000 different la'atierns.. together with snitab Borderings, Plain, yeltet, and Velvet Oilt. PICTURE FRAMES.---Oval and ‘ , ..nare. - Ictiiintas for Photogtaphs.7 Frames made td order. •- 7 FRENCH GLASS. for Picture Frames, of tar sr CHEAP NAVELS, much lower than PuMishers' prices. KNIGRAVINGS.—EngIish„ French. Gerrraterancl Amerioan Engrarintat. BASKETS.—Faney,Traveling,Book,Pietne,Yruit, Knife - and Clothes Baskets. • • ZEPIPYR WORSTEDS.—SingIe and Double,Ze phyr Tayaistry and Spli 7.mphyr,ShetlandWolit&O. NIIWSPAF'ER4.—The Philadelphia wilt-mew York Dailies received daily. Clubs or indileidtulls ' Sapplied. ERKLY PAPERS.—Barpers' Weekly.. Frank Leslie, N: Y. Mereutr, X. Y. Weekly, N. 'Y. tea ger. &a received weekly. - PERI , ODICALS.—,Harpers' Monthly, Atlantic Monthly. •Continental, ilode. Peterson, -Bidlou. Knickerbocker,• All the Year Round, tloradit,,tlc, received as soon es publish ed. CHEAP. LITEA'PURE.—AII tho Ditrninblica tions, Weekly Nouvellettes Song Books ,ko re ceived daily. 7 ORDERS.—We take orders for all hindsaf-gdods. p,XpRESS.—Wo receive goods by Express every day from t.teEast. BLANK, DEBIW Writing and Printing, .Card, Rulers, Paper Weights, Fancy Boxes. Combs and Brushes, Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in our tine constantly nn hand. USIC.=-Sheet Music, for Piano, Guitar. Violin. and Flute.' PIANOS.—We purchase Pianos on commission. so u 3 to save our eastomers frbin Fifty to Oho Hun dred and Fift,t Dollars. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.--We can supply may•kindof Musical Instruments at pricesfarlower than usual. PHOTOGRAPH ALI:MS.—We can sell Photo craph Albums at lower prices than they can Ire nrG cured for in the cities. CAItTES DE VlSlTE.—Portraits of Military Men of the"U. S. Army and Navy. (listings:slAm Men and Women, Comic Pictures, Am NEW TOY BOORS in great variety. New publications of tho American S. S. . Union. American Tract Society, Presbyterian Board o f Publication, sic. .. • We have no hesitation in saying to onionsfonacrs that from our long experience. our Manner of doing business, an k h rtur great facilities , we ; do not fear competition, and hare no doubt of being able to give entire satisfaction. t Como and see our new store, our new and enlarged stock, Mad form yourown opinions. Cliembersbnrg. Dec. 9,1863. ims; '6, .63113 e in the -Toilet ILLER'S . 4 1 .er-4S , . M - E. S B. SAY I T.ll 45c- :C O. t• e" • BOOKSEJ,LERS AND-PUBLISRERS, Manuthefurera Of Blank and Memorandum Books. Rhotograph Albums. Manifold Writers; Marble Por per, ,Sre.. No. 21 South Seventh Street, aboytteheati• nut', , Blank work of every deseription,;for CountyoM ees, Hotels, Counting Houses, and Public Offices done to order. • Orders left with S. S.; Z.HRTOCKi Chambersburg,.Pa., will be promptly attended to. 5e30,6,3-Iy. rNitlt'S BALSAMIC' COita SY RIJP.7IIPOr Omishs. Colds, CroviOrtiooping • Cou'gh,..tiethan a, Bronchitis,Spitting Blood:1'pin and Weaknetteof ; the Bread, lifficulty of Breathing, tte. 'Phis is no nevi remedy. It has been used foih num - her of yearslti Maryland r and parts of TaafitYlva nia, and has wherever known acquired'-anUnprece dentedieputidlon for curing the variout diseases for which it is recommended. , It iSused by alt classes of society, and the uni versal opinion is that it is good. i _ Thie' Slim) is a purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take. • and never does injury, but owing to its purifying qualities, must do. good under any eireums, ttinaet.— Its effects aro truly wonderful, soothing. calming. and allaying the most violent conOliiii , Purifying strengthening and invigorating the nbolouvstem: calming and soothingthe nerves; aidingtink faeil 'itatiug and healing tbo DISEASED LUNGS, thusstriking'at the' root of diseases, and'iltiving it from the system. CitOtTP. This:disease is announced by difficults.of breath ing, shrill whistling or wheezing. hacking:cough. and threatened suffocation, ike. It mostly occurs imyoung children. No child need die.o.f„Proup if this' Syrup is prorerrY used, and iise:d - in time.— Mothers having croupy children should *etch the first show of thodisease, and alwn)a.kocp this re medy on hand. For cough after measles this Byrupis moot excel lent. Experience has proven that- it is equaled by no other preparation. , , ;- The price is such as to place it within thertaeb o all, the poor as well as the rich, and eroxy person sboxild hatii it:. . Every orte should have 'it in the house. Itja a true ,and .faithful friend to all who valuehealth and ise.ure'thcmselves against• that niost testi •hlo.disease, Constunption. It will. be '.und the - most acful as well as the:eheapest (ion 1 edieine in .the world. It has been . - used for ,thelnat four years, with a slice* without a parallel, Price 0 Cts:"Per bottle, or three botlle . ii forsl.lo. • - • S. A. FOUL '?., NV esliainster, Md. ''t''er sale A. J. IfILtER, entIJ:S2".'IIIXON. Chatabersburg, Pa., and Storekeepers, eve Ywhere: 'OELEBRATED . !!I4 - 0 R S E A-ND CATTLE POW DEB.S.7-thete Powders have_proved,,after a trial of several years, to he su perior to any preparation of thd kind used. The chief superiority of these ;Powders ..ariim from the fact that they are composed of medicinees that have_ Laxative. Tonic and Phrifying pritherties. The' Laxative ejects cruditie*frem the,stoninch and intestines; the Tonic gives strength to the system 'of the horse; and the purifying medicines con tained in them cleanse the blood and lay, the foun dation fora. healthy and vigorous circulation. The use- cir:theni ipereves th:o - wind. Fstrougthens the appetite, and gives the horse a fine, smooth, glossy skin—thee improving the appearance, -vigor anti .spirit of -the noble ea - mai. These Powders are not intended,. as some Pow 'ders are, to bloat the animal, so es thglee him the .appeatsnee of being fat when not really so—but to, remove trie disease and promote his general health' - ThestiPowders will strengthen thereinmech and intestine; cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state." They tilti a proven tireof Lung Fever, and a certain .rentedy for all diseasesinenient to the Horse, es Oland em, Yellow -Water; Disteniper, Founder, Heaves -Slavering. .Coughs.,Fevers. Lmet of Appetite, end vital Ener gy, tke. 'These Powders, if used twoof tee times s week. through the Winter and spring, your Horne will never get the Lung Fever. Celia or Hotta. A Tor dowl of these powders will remote; the worst Cough. op any, Horse. Were ownersof Horses to feed a few of these Powders every - yeahthey might 'save the lives of many valuable Iran-ties; . - MILCH COWB.--1119 properties this Powder pos sesscs in incirettaing the quantity °fit/ilk in Cows, gives -it .Im:importance and value : which should place it in the bands of every_ person keeping a Cow: In fattening Cattle it gives theta tin appetite. loosens their bide, and ,makes them thrive mueb faster. • EfitilEl.r-tin all diseases of Siyinee.asiCPtighs, M eer, in the Lungs and Liver , &a., b.y, putting from half a Paper to a paper of these 'Powders in a bar- Eiwilk the above diseases can. be.eured or en tirely prevented. - By using those Pdattara the Hog Cholera can beprevented. Preps:trilby B. A-. YOUTZ & BRO., Westm inster Md.- For Sale wholesale and ' retail hi k;--J. MILLER 'and B. NIXON; Chambereburg,“Pa., T and store keepers everywhere. Price g 5 eta. a paper, or five papers for $l. = • - d9,63-Iy. VOUTZS MIXTURE ia iiiats3 and rea r. able Remo fcir the °ire of Rhin:6l6Bm. Pain. ; fa' Nor AffeotiOns i Sprains,-Burner Swelling/. and allri diseases regtunng an external application oniala. ' - • - fln,Horges it wilt never fait to cure Poll-evil. Pis tols, old Itannulg Sore* or SweinWir : troperly ay- Odd: - For oraingAiniget,seratotirveracked hoof, chafes, antidlo or collar gall, cot Wounds, it is an infallibla reingay - . Try it and lie ;et:or/inc.:4 of its • RIIEI3IA'TIII' . -- Persets afflicted with • this disetitS," Matter of haw-long Standing, can bo promptly apf effectually cored,by using this miftnre; • • Thera it totidas_ in the world-novae, and so good t 4 takO away had vonts and curs Ificstßites as this PreParitien:: Try it:mid' eager *ourselves- Prise -25antifacta per Bottle, !oci 13. A. FOUTZ B Vestal ester ,_ AN)r Seel* A. J. -1111.11 IR artli4i..B. NIXON Ch asoherahurit.Za.. sad Btoretesperaaverywhere.. ftlebiral.