ettita4jertDa Unfing. .0 co Rointgo to ROOFUNGare durable than Tini J: ROOFING: at half that est of Tin. ROOFING ferStneo or FlatitOof. - - }LEA..DY ROOI 1 ! .`!1.,% . VOR: ,ELOUAER ' _s__Fotreiltrfle - FOR FACTORIES. FOR - t-A - R.Ts. FOIL ALL BUILDINGS! , • • " Ttlits Roofing is made of the Imaxicst woven fab d ever coed for the purpoSel---141anufacturcdsolelY t-by•oursel y es and scoured by,Vatent. - • oP in rolls apd lthiPPell to all parts of the - 'aonntry, and usaally tor sale by hardware merch ants and builders. Lean he applied by any,commen workman. I , li - a also manufacture, LIQUiD GOTTA PRRCIIA CE - m.gwr. • • •• vou. ICEPSTRING . - L I.IANY TIN R00F5.,. ; . .daBAPFIIt THAN OIL PAINT. lIBAVIEIt BODY THAN OIL PAINT. • .14.0101 111113,ABLD THAN OIL PAINT. It forms liljerntanently adhesive, elastic coating 4 , er. the whole surface of the tin. filling avail' the smaller, RUST HOLES, • And oftenlo.lving the expense of a new roo£ BE OUR COMPOUND GUTTA PERCIIA. CEMEN? is mmecially adapted to repairing , • AiiY SIIINGLE ROaF&; z. . ' SKYLIGHTS. • Sc„ &t.. &c.. :e. isathidlc. ten:minas compound, applied with *trowel or similar instrument. and - tioes not dry up and crack, [l9 do all otller articles used for this par= Otte; • CIRCULARS AND SAMPT,F.S, Of the Ready "Roofing sent by trail when desired, Liberal arrangements made with Agents,. • • • READY ROOF•ING -73 Maiden Lane, New York. sag 213-17 faaital. • 11PPLATAINIORE LOCK HOSPITAL.— DR. JOHNSTON, the founderof this Celebrat +ld Institution, offers the most certain. speedy, and only 'effectual remedy in the world for Gleots, Strue- Sores. Seininal Weakness, Pain in the' Loins, Con stitutional Debility Imp W otence, eakness of the' Hack and Limbs, Affections of - the:Kidneys, Palpi tation of the Heart, Dyspepsia. Nervous Irritabili ty. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin; and all those serious and. - melaneholyrdisorders ari sing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. These secret and soli -SelrY practices are more fatal to' their victims than the song of the Syrens to _the mariner Ulyssus, • 'blighting their most brillianthopes, or acticipations zenderingms.rriage, &c., impossible. YOUNG' MEN, ' Young Men especially, who have become the vic tims of nolitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps . to an untimely grave _thousands of young men of• the most exalted talent arid brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have ittilinced listening Senatesavith the thunders of , 'eloquence or waked to testacy the living lyre; may 'sail with full confidence. • ARRIAGE . Married persons, or young men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organ in debility, deformities, &e., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston. Ho who places himself tinder the care of Dr. Joh es • ton may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle 'men, and confidently rely noon his skill as a physi . elan. ORGANIC WEAKNESS! CURED AND PULL VIGOR RESTORED. This disease is the penalty most frequently paid by those who have become the victiths of improper in dulgences. Young persons are too apt-to commit , e xcessee from not being aware of the dreadful conse ' queriees that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation is I.OA sooner by those falling into impro per habit than by theprudent. Besides being depriv • ed of the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind antibody arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical . and mental powers weakened, nervous iebility, dys pepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a west ing of the frame, cough, symptoms of consumption. Office 110.7, South Frederick Street, seven doors from Baltimore street, Eastside, up the steps. Be particular in observbsg the name and number, or •scrivill mistake tbe,pl ace. Sir- A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. No Mercury or Nauseous Drug,: DR. JOHNSTON,- Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, -and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hespipals of London, Paris • Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. f.eitiny troubled, with ringing in the head and ears when asleep,great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and • baghfulnem.. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE! When the misguided 'and imprudent votary of ,Measure find be has imbibed the geed of this pain -till diseases, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, 'deters him -from applying to those who from education and re spectability can alone befriend him, delaying till . the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore • throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nobs on the shin, bones and. arms. blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful raPidi - ty, till at last the ,palate of the mouth or the bones _ of the nose fall in and the victim of this awful di , cease becomes a horrid object of commisseration. • till death puts a period to his dreadful - sufferings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To snob, therefore, Dr. Johns - • ton pledges himself to prcee.rve the mast inviolable secrecy; and from his-extensive practice in the first Hospitals of Europe and America, ho can confident ,ly recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfor tunate victim of this horrid disease. •. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims - 'to this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of Agoorant pretenders who by use of that dreadful poison, 'Mercury, ruin the constitution, and either . send the unfortunateto an untimclygmve, or make the residue of life miserable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Pr. J. addresses those who have injured them - selges by private and improper indulgences. . These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vizi—Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness -,or Sight. Loss of Muscular Power Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Der angement of the Digesti I ve Functions, General De bility, Symptoms of Consumption, &e. • MENTALLY. the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded;, loss of Memory,-confusion of Idnasr .Depression - of - Spirits.' Evil Forebodings. -Aversion to Society,. Self-Distrust, Love of Soli tude, Timidity, Ac., are some of the evil effects. Tousands of persons of all aces can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, tossing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, have singular ap pearance about the eyes,, cough. and symptoms- of Consumptien. • :DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs is speedily cared, and full vigor res ; tored. Thousands Or the most nervous and debilitated, who had feat all hope,. have boon immediately re - tiered. Alt impedimenta to Marriage. Physical or .. Mental Disqualification, Nervous IrritabilitY. Trembling, Weakness'& Exhaustion of the most '-fearffil kind, Speedily's:lured by. Dr. Johnston. - • • • YOUNG MEN.' who have injured themselves by a certain practice, ti.; indulged in 'when alonig,-a habit frequently learned from evitcompankins; or school, the effects are nightly felt. even When asleep. and. if. not cured render marriage impossible, and destroys bath mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity _theta young man. the hope of his ocrientrY, thedarling Of his patents, should be match ed from ail prospects and enyoymients of llfe, by the eoneuquence of deviating from thepath of nature, and indulging. in a certain secret n9tejt, Stich per .'tone, beforertionteimg '• • ' MARRIAGE - should-reflect that Remand mind and body are the must ; necessary , requisites to promote connubial happmess. Indeetk 'without throe, the Journey through • life bectoineS a weary pilgrimage, the Pros ' - • past hourly shirkers to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the °holy reflection, that the happiness of another be ' °asses blighted With ciur own. elleltWE • A L , 43011 T R, FREDERICK STREET. • - • • •TO STRANGERS. • „ The Many thettands' mired at this Inst itution- in `thelast mesa yeast: end thetrunerems important fended Dperatioas performed by Dr. j., witnessed y m e reporters of the Papers, and mach ethpr:per- Non; minces of *blob have a.ppeared again and therm before the POW. is to inmetent gorzateo to afflicted. , . N. It; ,There are ao allaY ignorintand worthless gniteks'advertiiiita themselves as Physicians. rub:l bw the. - letaltie of th e• abelair afflicted, Dr. Johns ton deems it irehaallag te erg g i those.u.quainue 103 4 t244satior; by , =dun., haps in Lie -"' " Sa ' ' • c-,Teig tottOrs oioat bepost r a w. "and' coptilin •Eibototti Amp for the. -reply or no 'oat. • • • ' (mariO-b. emetics, &c, TL I c NA ELIVIOkS WHOLESALES AND retails floods as low many 4obbing Itoap in Philadelphia. CIELWICKS SEEPS EVERY, ARTI m ele. in the Grocery and Provision lino ; also hundreds of other article not belonging to the Gra eery hankies..., all of which he offers cheap. -A.T GELWICIKS' CHEAP STOIZE r IS 1 - 1. the best piace to:go for preen and Black Taw. AT GELWICKS' WHOLESALE AND Retail Store you ran see the largest assortment of sugars, Syrups anclillolames in town. - . rt_E LW S WHOLESALES AND ..A Retails the best" Ifero.ene Oil for the least money: also Sperm. Whale, Coal and Lubricating PERSONS WISHilsiG. TO BUY TO liaceo and Segura, either wholeFalo or retail. will find a largecdoe4 and chola° krands at Gelwiclui' Cheap Store.' tIOR GOOD. PURE, FRESH GROUND and Unground Spice°. Baking Articles and Baking Molasses, go to Qeiwick?. aELWICKS HAS. THE LARGEST N.A . stock of Mackerel, Hanut. 'Bacon and Salin to place. atal,sells at low tigareL ELWICKS BU Y S AND SELLS ‘. I Every denriptian of Goodt, Produce and Mar keting. - _ CIELWICKS HAS JUST RECEIVED 1 , ....4 afresh supply of Prime Cheese, Fresh Cracker - Peprer Sauce, Tomato Catsup, Pickles, - lilmtard, Pepper, " Allspice, &c. /A_'A T GELWICKS CAN SEE A very large assortment of YOU. Vrootna, Buckets, Cords, TwinenZaMlies, Shoe Blnelting,,ke aELWICKS SELLS THE R ICANAMEa Exeefsior Coffee at 20 cents per pound, the best substitute for'Cotree in the market, and . ground Rio Coffee . O.t. 25 cents per pound; also strictly pure Cider Vinegar. - apl3-tf epal; il.iimbef t &c. GEO. A. DEITZ. I TENCH WI/OD - ELL DEITZ & M'D OWE L L C 333211310 HIGHEST PRICE -IN CASH, FOR FLOUR. WHBA T. IC Y E, dLOVRIL BEHD. TIMOTHY SEED, MCI AL.W FINDS OP PRODUCE •44 S.IXD3 OP SALT. COAL, 4 LUB:4II4R, - PLASTER'AND SAND, , 'OR BILB, CH.'EAP FOR CASH, 155°DOWELL'S WAREHQUS' AND •COAL YARD, IffUP. TUB I 6.II'POT. J4o,un, ,H2OMINI, Corn Meal, Potatoes, - • Bacon., • Ciderd Vinegar, Beans, Pepper Sauce, ;,i . . - ~: , Rlce,• , . . .Lard.Piokles, . at BGYD'S Grocery Store. NORTH CARLISLE STREET, - . , ....' CHAMBERSBURG, PENN'A AND ON GREENCASTLE', PENN'A itual7,63. • Ew , FIRM.—COAL ! dOAL! UM BER ! 4IIMBERI—.4.EO. 1.}3-SRT de SOX' N having purchased the Coal and LumberYard'of Geo. A. Peitm, will continue to carry on the tame busi-, n e w, and wilralways taw° on hand a large sanely of Lumber and Coal. - They ,willbe prepared le fill, all orders at the Shortest notiee. They reapeellally so licit the patronage of the late firm. tind 'the- public; ,generally, and nil. who may desire Coal and Limbei to give them a call, feeling assured that' no means. will bewared' to accommodate thine' on the most reasonable tepps. , jam17.63-tf„, • • 'viiri: Q. HOPKINS. _, JOHN H , ELVENNT. TOIIN , C. 11 4 0 , PK1N5.,& CO., tj -IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWABE, No. 612 Afarket Street, Philadelphia, P . m; further partlo4azit apply to S. S. SIIRYOCIC, Ohlabusbarg. Pa. se23-Iy. • " AND ROCEREES NVIO L LEs-", R" WOULD IMPfiCtFULtIi CALL TEL' ATTENTIOk or THE citizens of Chaiabershuriand cieintW • TO THE TARRIED AND EiTI4NSIVi AS SORTMMENT - O$F 4' • - - Fresh Fruit. . . Queensware,, Ceactrivare,• • ' and a mineral Sleek of = • - .Miscellanecius Articles, Which theyrire .noir offering,• and constantly riiceiv ing from New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, at their Store Room.mililainstreet, opposite/10er .I.T..elbert's Hardware Store. It Is their intention to keep such an assortment as the demands of this coramunity require. They have the best facilities for the purchase of goods, on the 1 most advantageous terns, andhaving their own cars' on the Road, and one of the firm beingultaostAon-, slimly in the city; affoedWtheialivery" advarit4he purchasing goods in, the shortest time, and at less'l expense than usual, which enables the to sell , ' VERY LOW. FOR CASHI - COFFEES AND 1; BAS of all.gra.des, from the highest to the lowest price; by the• barrel, souk or pound. ' • ' ' , SYRUPS AND-MOLASSES,- • by the Hogshead, Barren or retail, for family use. SUGAR CURED RAMS - 7 "" • " COARSE AND , IINE SALT• ,• : FISH ANA . SUGARS. at "city wholesale prices:* - • would call especial attentiou-to country deid erS and others, -. wislaiiik to purchase at wholesale Irricts. as.We are _prepared to sell exerythigg in the Grocery line as cheap as can be purchased in the Eastern cities. SHAFER. & STUART, Main St. The highest price paid in cash for country . pro dneci or taken in exchange fargoods. It' T S, OratigeS and Lemons Bunch Raisins, Seedless Raisins. ' • Layer Raisins, , Prunes. Currants, , Citron, 'Turkey Figs; • -' Malaga Fibs, Fruit, • • ' • Split •Pen.S,, Catsup, Tomato do Moshroom do Pineapple Cheese," Sap Sago • English ' " Swiss " Limburger " Baker's Chocolate, Worcestershire Sauce, Pepper. Cloves. Cinnamon,AlspiceFround expressly for family use, Beans, .Pickles, Chow Chow Pickles, Cauliflower . do • Mixed • do 'Mace, Ginger, - .Nutmegs, -Macaroni. , Non pariel Capees„ Len tels, French Mustard 'ColeinanTd Mustard, Durham do Salad Oil, (or gale at , • SH mar 6.1- 'PiCtS &C. Onions, , •• •• - • Preserved (Hager, (Arising, ' - • - • Pineapple P,res'ys, • Paper-shelled" • Almonds, Hard Shelled do Filberts. • • Pecan-Nuts:. ' • Cocoa " hfialish Walnuts, Walnuts : o.Shellbarks. ' . Water Crackers, Sugar • " Matches, Stove Polish, - Smoke Pipes, Market Baskets, Buckets, Brooms, - • tEsssenee Coffee.. Candles, - • • - • 'Lead Pencils, , iCastile S.oap, • Toilet ' Resin " • - • Indigo, Starch, • Wrapping. Twine, _ Stone Ware, Preserving Tumblers.' Scrubbing Brushes,. Sweeping Shoe " Shoe Blacking, Silver Sand, Bath Brick, _ • • AYER, ,E,:• STUART'S, lain Street, near queen._ THE GREAT AMERICAN. TEA COM PANY; 51 VESEY ST/fEET, NEW YORK, since its organization, has created a new. era in the histo ry of Selling TEAS in this chnntry. ALL our Teas are selected by a Professional Tea taster, expressly and exclusively for us. and we ne ver charge over Two Cents per pound above cost for original packages. We have bat One „Price to every one for each quality, and that price is always marked on each O sample ckage oar stole in plain figures. ' We issue a Monthly Price List of our Teas, which will be sent free to all who order it. We advise ev ery Tea: Seller to see it. It comprises a full assort ment selected for every locality in the States Prov inces, South America, and the West Indies. In this list each kind is divided into. Fou- Misses or quali ties, namely: Cargo, High Cargo, Fine and Finest, that every one may understand from the descrip tion and prices annexed that the Company are de termined to undersell the whole tea trade. NE We guarantee to sell all our Teasin original pack ages at not over Two Cents a pound above ccait,lae lieving this to be attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying enormous profits. - Our business is largely done on orders, which we always execute as well and proMPtly as though the buyer came hintself, giving true weights and tarts, and always guaranteeing every thing; ourresponst bility enabling us to do all We promise. Every dea ler can order his Teas direct from the Cornpany, and parties doing business within Five Hundred miles of New -York, can return Teas bought if they are not cheaper than they can - buy elseivhere, and the pUrchaser is dissatisfied with his bargain. within 'fourteen days, and have the - money refunded to them. Those who are over Five Hondretimiletf can have thirty days,and the same ,privileges extended to them., • Beqideti,these advantages the Company will pay All Ripenses, both ways. if the Teas are returned. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. febl7,3rn.' ' " 51 Vest+, St., New York. COR OAT S. - V-k3IILY'-GROCERY STORE. - - rd.-.C. .0 - Y • hexing purchased the Grocery Store of ThoinaS Met calf, on Main Street, oppoSitO Grove's Hotel, takes this -method of informing the old. patrons -of the house, and the public generally, that he is, opening, a varied assortment of - tt FRESH GROCERIES, which he is ptepaied to offer at the loriest cash pri ces. His stock consists of SUOARS, COFFEES AND TEAS, of allgrogles;frOm the highest to' the lowest. SUGAR-CURED HAMS Nos. 1. 2 and 3 MACKEREL,' ' - BROWN AND WHITE SUGAR SYRUPS AND MOLASSES. "FRUIT, SPICES; '&c., 1 such as Oranges and Lemons, Bunch Raisiyis, Seed less Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Citrons, Figs: Wal nut and Tomato Catsup. Chocolate, Mace, Ginger, Nutmegs. Macaroni,. Mustard. and every article usually found in a Grocery Store. B E I . 1) M A 'lst , • W . HOLESALE GROCER AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, CEMENT, No. 702 MARKET and 2N. ST, Invites the attention of merchants to'his large and well assorted stock of Sugars. Sy)mps. Teas and Cof fees, all of which will be sold at the lowatt market 'rates. .Countiy - buyers and sellers will find it to their advantage to give him a call. Price currents containing all ithe varieties of the market to be had of S. S..,SIIItYOCK. Chambers burg. " BROOMS, BRUSHES, -11—/ Buckets, : , • • Soap. Tlfread, ' , Needles,Pins, Hooks and _Eyes, and every article. usuullyfound in a Variety 'Store et BOYD'S, , • • - Main Street, oPPosite Grore'sHotel. MLL ANT 0 S ARTICLES. 3..T,1 Water Crackers,' Matches Stove Polish, Es ionce of Coffee. Indigo, Starch, 'hoe Blacking, Sil ver Sand, &c., for sale at BOYB'S Cheap Grocery. KEROSENE LANTERNS', .. - Kerosene Lamps, • Kerosene Oil, nt • • fell. BOYD'S Grocery. AMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT -snit CORN MEAL by the barrel or in small imantities for sale at- SHAFER .5: STUART'S. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS RE CEIVED every week at SHAFER & STUART'S. .1.300. K BINDER Y.-S. R. FISH ER & CO'S Book Bindery is -on -the Third Story of the "MESSENGER" OFFICE BUILD,- INC!, on the Diamond, above ShrFock's Book Store. Entrance between 'the Book Store and the Inland Telegraph office. Old Books, Periodicals, Newspapers, bonndjn any style . Blank Booko Made to order. Paper ruled to any ps,ttern. jtB,Bi. icbc .franklin ttepositorp, filap 11, 1864. Gro.ret:tegr - SHAFER & STUART Groceriei, :Sce. COACH AND SADDLERY The subscriber raspeetfulliinfarnishia friends and ihe . pnlifie, that he continues to cani' on thO' above his'oli stand, on Alain Street, opposite the cloisoait Retormed_Cbuith. • - • ; • CITAMBiIttpURG, - : •: *Vitra , enlarged his busiew. Sepi&ers mug o:+aah tankers will find in his Stoll Room a genera/ assort ment nfiroodasoited to their severe/ requirednoets. - •• such as • . • Fair and country Hopkins, '" 'Patent LeatiVer, •' • . Saddle Trees and (ii; Gig Ti•eesil'nit Plated, Tinned.andJapanned Goat Ear. Straining Web and Worsted Rain ;,Web, tower than 24tervi Hamm Isitstad 4StirriuPs. . „ !. CP4CII Handles: • new,Etyles; Curt*, Frp4xtes:',l4pr...l3ailds_i;-Brpile Fronts;,Rp7eatps,..§wivels and Orna- epts; Iron tilcited-and;* Wood Gig flam e s; "''' SILVER' k'N'A D j itusiNe t t pattnnns; 2.11 Wooden Mar= tingal Rings,• Stump Joints, and a varie ' '§- 'of 6tlier''goodi‘stlit94= • - " tde (a`r flint rade..! •• • • =t - • "Atli RINDS OP ; PLATDIG, be.; .dcme neatness and,4espatth4 LEWIS WiMPLBR"... chamberslitrgiTa. n04,63-tf. 11 -' - A D: A R 'E • SMITH' & RICHARDSON. • - ; - 611 'Market Street, Phila4elphia: - J. inn,. SZillt: CHAS. RICHARDIION; The:undersigned would respectfully call the at tention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS-to 'their large and well seledted stock of f• ' . • . , Raving made' special arrangentent's for 'the Felt Trade. wedatter ourselves we can offer indncemen ts to purchasers that will fully_remtnierate the trouble of examining our stock. We ask but a trial.te con vince the Country Trade that we aro prepaed to sell low andaccommodate: • • • Our stock of Table and PopkeeCuttery is unusually liirge, selected with care: and including a variety of styles that cannot but suit all tastes.. INe have constantly; on hind a large assortinent, of Building Hardware, - Tools,Cutlerr. . • - Files, Tool Boxes, and Chests Saddlers and hisetnakers' Tools, • Screws, and Nails -every thing in short pertaining to a firstcYlsqlard ware Store. Particular attention paid to Conntry orders. It is our aim to secure, the,con fi dence of our customers. and to this end, we are particular in filling orders to give the best, and as cheap as tlimigh the customers were buying in person. Give' us a trial.' REPEEENCES.—J. K. Seryoch, Esq., A. R. - McCluc, L. B. Eyster, Chambersburg. SMITH & RICifARDSIDN: till Market St., Philadelphia, au5,63-t£ STEW HARDWARE STORE: .1. 1 4 L. B EYSTER would respectfully inform his friends and the:pnblle . generally, that in conneotinn with his KEROSENE OIL AND - LAMP STORE, he has commenced the HARDWARE knsiness.. nt his new Store Room, one door North of Sol. Hu ber's Groceryk His stock consists of the, following articles, via Building Hardware, , House Famishing Goods, . Tablaand Pocket Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, - Nails by the small or keg, _ Farming Utensils, such Shovels,.Spads, Forks, • Potato Lifters, Scythes, - ,ete., etc. ' s f',, Also, Glass, Paints. Benzole, Linseed, Kerosene and Lubricating Oils, Lapps of all daseriptions. • - 4 Chandeliers for Gas and Kerosene, Fruit Jars; best cnialits. etc. Agent for the sale of EVANS r lc WATSON'S Fire Proof Safe. . 511129,63 tf. • . IT A R D W A R E.—The public are in ix cited to call and examine our extensive stook of Hardware,,..Cutlery, /tc. We keep on hand a large stock of goods in •our line, composed partly of'the following goods; which we offer very cheap. ' Iron • Files, ' Looking Glawes. Nails, Rasps, Farm Bells, Steel, Hosts, . Springs, Axles, Hocks, ' Glits?., • Boot Trees, -Hinges, Chains,' - - Shoemaker:s Kit Planes, Whips, • Saddler's Tools, Anvils, Bolts, , " -Trimmings. Vices, , Saws, - CotfinTrimmingt , Bellows,. - Brushes, , Grindstones, . i Paints, names, , Cedar Ware, Oils,-. • . Shovels., ,- - Blasting Powder Turpentine, 'Rakes. . - Shut, Lejad.- Hoes - - Spades, - ' Pocket iini'ee. Call and examine ourStoek, Special inducements offered for cash. f 021,63.1 BRAND 1e... FLACK. UARDWARE AM) CUTLERY W. W: gr . SON,. • - Importers. and Dealer)! in 1111.11IRICAN, ENGLISH AND GERMAN HARDWARE, , 509-Cermmerce Street. Philadelphia. Between 6th and 6th and Market and Arch Sta. a a5,63-tf. Sortuarbing I ,V UNDERLICH & -NEAD. FORWARDING .AND CORIIIRSION MERCHANTS, North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Vat ley Railroad Depot, Chambersburg. Pa. , • Cars run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore. AGENTS.—Peacock, Zell & Hinchmem,'No. SOS Market St.. Philadelphia. Lykena Valley, Broken Egg and Nut COAL. (di rect from the mules). ilkesbarre and Pine atone FOUNDRY COAL. LUMBER SHIN fax,,s, SALT. PLASTER and Hance& CEMENT kept constant-. ly on hand. - FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds purchased at the highest cash prices. Sept-9.63. • . WtTNDERLICH NERD. PIMA W'''ARRAN'GEMENT.— _LI FREIGHT THROUGH TO Ngw.lronk wirnoirr TRANSHIPMENT. The undersigncdwould respectfallY infortri the , public, that they tiro prepared to ship all kinds of Produce, Merchandise.'ir.o.._from Cham bers-burg and Greencastle to NOW .York without transhipment, and deliver it at Now _York as quick as it can be delivered in Philadelphia. • • The attention of Millers and Sliippenr is respect fully invited to this new arrangement. For further information inquire - , - DEITZ k MCDOVirgIAL, Agents, feb 24-tf Chambersburg and Greencae. THOS. L. Otttnapii:. ;TACO'S ZtLlAtit. fIILLESPIE, ZELLER & CO. N... 4 PRODUCE & PROVISION MERCHANTS. AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. North-West corner 1)f . Sixth and Idarket. Sts.: Phil. adelphia. n018.63-tt. - BARLOW'S BLUE, Dealers and Consumers of the aboveCelebraitte' Wash Blue, will please take notice that . he Labels are altered to read "INDIGO BLI113; -Pet up at ALFRED? WLLTHERGER'S Drug Store, No. 231 North Second Street, Philadelphia." The quality of this Blue - will We thesame in every respect. It is warranted - to color more water than twice the same quantity of Indigo.and to go much farther than 'any other Wash Blue in the market. It-dia. solves perfectlYclear, and does 'not settle on the clothes as most of the, other makes -do One Box diss'olved in a half Pint tif Water will make as good a liquid bine ,as any that made, at eue - third,thes Asitjaretailed at the same, pride tuttberrlniits dons and inferiorarticles; housekeepers will find it• very much-to their advantage to ask for that pat up at VW ILTBE2GER'I3. - • All Blue_ put up . aftei this- date with' Balitawq name on it is aq imitation. 'Thanes, label deed not reqnire s damp'. Poilal' by St.° l o,'g,ePMgelers ll3 .'• 1.07,8m,' HARDWARE Tinned and - JaPußed_ attomego at Rau. JER. - '..0 0 - O_K.: ATTORKPX - A,T . , , LAW; Chambers - burg. P. - Office in Mrs. Bard's Bitil4 dings, thready croposite;t'aet Court House; •- _ Having had official - Connection with the Provost Man , thitrer•l3ffice, he- offer - a his services tolirafted 'men in the 16thCongrional District:blaming-ex emption from Military service underlie law, or for physical causes; ancLhopeo from - his esnerience and strict attention 16 business to satisfy. those intrust ing him with - their cases. Persons tram abroad can receive advice an d bavetheir oasesztteprared by cor - - ) respondence.. ,- • , • - 1 ' - i Refercite6etin_bebaid to the Ward V° Merl of the 16th District Son: tii: li./M. , Hon: James NillMtambersharg,-and liott. ,M Pher son. Clerk Rouse of; Representatives. - - jatt27. HASTINGS d E iR, Attoniey kit Law andG'inektitelainvAkient. -08'ice-.Market et East of thn CottXtr'llanse."chalabarabargi Pa. His long experience in_ Washington has .given _hini 'un usual facilitieg forecotaingthdroughlY 'acquainted 'the, different DePortments. -W —. Having resigned his position in 'thear Depart- Mont. he-is! oirpreparbi. to attend -to -1111-bustes entrusted to his care. Army and Navy Pensionre Haunt* and•Arrearief Puy obtained for Soldiers, - their Widows or Heirs. _ apei-tf li!Z!!Plrie 'P'llt.rd tliemselv, in tho practice of undersi tne e llawT the ° so c y th er e id Courts of Franklin County. • Office on Market St..' in tkie•roont heretofore occupied by T. E. Kennedy B . - • • T. B. KENNEDY.: - junl7:63. T. J. NIEL. • . • • . F. S. STti)TifATTGIT. .lons Srzar qTUMBAUGIi & STEWART, Arron ligYS AT LAW, Chambersburg, Pa., give their undivided - attention: td the iirattictiof their profes- John Stewart, Agent tor procuring BonniY money, Pensions, and Pay..• Office in the room lately occupied. by Hon. Wilson itoilly: on Alaiket !Rivet, opposite the Court House. 5un17,63.,. ,•-. , • , : . .W. 8. STE,NaF f g, Arron kA _• REVS ATItAW, Chambershiarg, 74. 'Cone°. leetions promptly attended td. , S. Stenger, pis- Wet Attorney,, and Agent for _procuring Pensions. 'BonntyMdney, and ArreCroorPay: Office in Frank-' .13nildierad door-from the corn en inn 17.63. 11731. EVERETT,,, ATTORNEY; At' T - Lew. Office in, Mrs. Bai:d's dwelling, di -reel& oppogiti the Court Elottie; Chambersburit. Pa. Will thesev,eral Courts of Franklin and. Fulton Counties. 'All' legal business' entrusted to his cue will receive prompt attention., - r M'DOWELL ' , SITARRE ATTORNEY •J AT LAW, Chamberslyiarg.,l i a. 01E66 ' i Mrs Bard's Buildings, directly opposite tlieCourttiouse. jun 17,63. ri 0. SEILHAMEA, Alnrcqua'f, Ar ‘3l. LA*, Chathbersb'uii, Pa. (Ace, Milin St. abOve Queen, in' the room formerly occupied by S. Reisher, EO'q. jun 1743.:, LS. CLARK, ATTORNEY At . ' LAM, . has removed his office a few doors-Bastef his former location. on Market Street. South side. CALVIN M. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY AT, NJ L.W. Office on Market Street s in .Lawyer's Row, opposite the Court House. jurr47.63.- THOS:_ L. PLETCHER; Ationxty - AT LAW, Cliambeisburgi Pa. Otßeeon BestMar ketst.; nearly opposite the Court House. jan17.63. A 'M'CLURE, A'TTCAIINEY .AxA LAw, Chambersbnrg, Pa. Office , in thePrank lin ilepository '• - 3un17.63. WATSON ROWE, ATTORNEY AT J.J • "LAw,, Greencastle, Pa. eep3d,63. pension St - Bounit 2geticteo; TOH X M. P' 0M E OY, 0' ARMY AND NAVY. AGENCY No. 204_ SOUTH FOURTH STREET, • PHILADELPHIA.. The Undersigned having resigned his pbsition as Paymaster in the U.S. Apny, has epened at No. 204 South Fourth Steeet„ an AGENCY-FOIL-PROCU RING PENSIONS, and for the collection.of eery', Soldiers' and all other CLAIMS; against the (kweimment. My long experience a's Paymaster has given inft unasuarfacilities for becoming thoroughlY acquain-: ted with this business in all its .details., On the re ceipt, by mail, of a statement of the case of claim ants, I will forward the necessary Papers , for their signature. Personal attention will bo given to the eases at Washingted. - ' No charge unless successful, when sfi will be charged for collecting smallsums undersSO4and $lO on all sums over that amount and under $2OO. Lar ger claims taken on special 'arrangement. -Pees in Pension-cases as fixed by law; , „ INFoRMATIoN FOR AND INST'DUCTIONSf Tr CLAIMANTS All Soldiers of the present war who have served two years, and Soldiers discharked, for wounds re-: ceived in battle, without reference to time of ser.: vice, are entitled besides their regular pay, to sloo' bounty. .. In case Soldiers or Seamen are dischai•ged for dis ability or wounds received while in the service, they are entitled to a Pension according to the disability. In case of the death.- of the Soldier. before dis charge, through disease contracted or.wounda re 7 .ceived while in service, his widow is entitled to re ceive the $lOO bounty,pesides . arrearages of pay, and pension during her lifetime or widowhood. If the Soldier 'die. after- discharge, from ,disease contracted or wounds received while in service...his Tidow is entitled tea Pension of $915 per annum. If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Soldier or Seaman will receive-the Pension, if de- - ' pendent on him wholly or in part for support. • If deceased Soldier or Seat:roan leaves ,no widow, hie; children are entitled to the same benefits as-the , widow, except when the children may be over the age of 16-years.: . - • • , If-no widow nor minor children the bounty and pay will descend to the laeinras followsi ' . First to the-Father s second to the Mother third to the Brothers and Sisters; and then tothe-Nextof Kin. i Discharged Soldiers whose clothing account was unsettled at the time of discharge;•ean recovet'any balance due them, if the Company's books are not destroyed. • To draw this balance, write to "your Captain for a descriptive list, showing the Clothing • account, and forward it to me. with' your prelim - 1; nary statement, giving also the data of your dis charge; Soldiers who served with the nine months' volun teers can recover $27 bounty and premium, without regard to time of service, if they have not already received it.,- Soldiera - who were prisoners iii the Sottth, diers who were absent on sick furlough, are,enti,- tled to commutation of rations. ' - In communicating vrith.this officastate the nature of you: claim fully, and give the Company and Re giment to which you or the Soldier for- whom vott claim belonged, as well as your present Post piace address. REFERENCES His Eicellency ,:titt:PREW (1, Convin, Governor of PennsylVania.• ~„:• • lion. SLSM Harrisburg. CAMERON, arrisburg. YR. Hon. JOSEPH CASEY, Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, Washington. Hon. E. H. Buoost, Chief Clerk Pay Department, Washington. lion.• EDWARD MCPHERSON, M. C., Washington. Hon. JAS. P. ETERRET. Pres't Judge, District Curti' Pittsburg. - - Hon. A. K. illeCLung, Chambersburg, Pa. - Hon:Trios. A ..Scorr, Vice Pres't Pa. R. R. , Hon. W B. THOMAS, Collector of Port, Philaila. Hon. C. A. Wkt.sons, Post Master, Philada. - • Onnxist, &.Co.,' Bankers,Philadelphia.' JAS. DUNLAP. P resident Union Bank, Philadelphia. BULLITT & Attornics, RIRORL, WRIST & Eaviw, Merchants, " • - LUDWIG, KNERDLER & CO.; Merchants, PRITOHEYP. BAUGH &Co , DAVID FAUST Sc CO., Merenants, • • Then,ra - unv S. JANNRY A JR. & Co., Merchls z • - thus ? E. Monoax do. Merchants, , • „ , Atwoory,•Wvarn* Co., merchants, • • " • •40HN M. POMEROY, - - N 0.4 South loottrth St BOI3NTY 'AND . CLAIM • AGENPY.—Pensions procurid • for` soldiers of the present war who are disabled•hA t reason of wounds received, or 'digests ctoritractizd. while in the service of the United States,. and•Plm-t' glom $lOO Bonfity,lind Arrearti'of - Pay obtained for Widows or heirs of those-,who have died or been' killed while in service. JOHN' R. ORR,: , !, nutr9-Ixl. • Claim Agent,chanthersindtPre. • • JORRPII rant:" try: st. mono , 'E' Y & M O Nj '• • • -• CHAXIMESIITMG Pd. ; ; • -; The undersigned. respectfully examinees to the eitizem3 of Chambersburg and surrounding tonntryi that they still continue the maoufacture seCON•f FINS, and ate prepared to attendltdnerablitaent and Country. . Coffing bi fefah;Snalkelbeh. iti;l. l 6e4n 4 ' 4 '4 _orado Oder at the shorteetnotine, no.d;tagt.feak onatte terms._ - • - They &t alto maßtired .tO fugolsh th! METALLIC corruis. • Thep Titilliattend.lta the. s tagin l y sad of I.looeic iyhiclewilltla _deco in a satisfactory manner.,=m'ember WatAßOteg old Stant' - ..3ner.,44 . t00 • _ TREY 4404.. JHcbieaL . . P S' =I A'. 4,.:;•-AND- • P DiS.EAOSION3IILTIai - 710* - : I)ISORDEMS 0-1' THE LIVER '4,zrtf DIG - .Z.E'I'INE - -ORGA ,- _ SX,q I IrP !)/- gOOnAlitrS - VEIMAic . I3ITTEIIB, q4p.4,t . „siAperan - q - .Tomp-,,, Taeseßittersinv_i4 ne..111 .14r_e R l /SL - Ai.o„'t r . ! J - • . ;. i.lave-rgototestimony • 11.00Et;IIIIYS pulakit Have more reancetatqo pcopt!, to vonch..foqkintil - : Tu n any other gtiele in the We. deb AnY- (oEo4lgradietth.4 st-lert4°/.:040. . 1•14144 ) 4.X .$ . 1,00 0 . ono who will pTl4F,c,l4nettitlnafppillzl464l by u,?, tnappollsenteme. ' - Will rare every mo o r .. Chronic or Nervous Debility. Diseases of boys, and Diseases m ac h . ord a " Disordeied St Observe the folio — wing Smptoms, - re gr Ati n o g. fi.i i i a Disorders of the Digestive Organs; '4' , Constipation. Inward -Pam - rallnesa ex gjoS O 4 t o the Read.." Acidity Of the Stomachalansi*, - • Heartburn; -Distrust for Food:tredf-••-•:- -[ ness or Weight in the Stom , • ' -tions.,Sinking • . 5 c .f .. , _ . . or Fluttering at this . '•• g • .Pit of this Stomach . " mini/ of this hergEsliurtifxl and cult BreattlitiVFluttarbest the Heart. Choking:or Suffocating SEtneatlons,whon in a Wait posture. D'imn'ess Of 'Walesa:Dote - or - Webs I?oforotheSight.TeerandDullPaist -Itt'-therHoall; iDellaidnrY , of ,; -Derspiration.Yellow ', ' • nese et-the • ' , Skin andX.m. Pain in the Side. 'Back; Oheit. - ' - '' tirabsilm.,,Badden Flashes of litittUr Burning in the ries - h.:Constant - Liatigiti iiiks, o r : Evil, - .4od:vreat ; Depresition • IttllfEllDD.R.. that.this- Itit,terals 15,cyzAr 1191.1,C.,contnins no Rum or Whishey, and" 't Make Drunttarda[butid;•o4. 3 BßST-TO-NIC•In this World. -• • -•-• 'READ 'wilt"' SAYS SO •-) Proro the Devi. tbsillaleolf,(Paator of• ihelnalstlat OhurehzPomberton. N. l l formerly of Illet,iprtii BaPtist Choral; • s' I hate Ithriarrilleoffilid'sGeriniontifttere faforably for'a ntunber i etreFS-, khavelluseatem in my- wn family , and have been so - pleased ith their effects tits:A was induced tek rpcomm cad:there to many others. and knori thit they have elCitsted in 3 strikmgly tbencalcial manner. litokoltreat pleasure in 01_0 publiely rtreelairaing this fact, and ,calling the attenlidn orthost satiated with thl dis eases for . they , are -reeetunendetl. kg- $ helm Bitters. knowing from szperienee that mY meow mendation mill be sustained: , thiemooteheer fully as Hoofland's Bitters isintendedtO benefit the athlete& and it — not a runt 4ritik.!' tr Yours truly. ' LEVI .0. BECK From Bev. J. Neviton 11'riktirri,IY. D.; Edifor -.Jr this Znayelobedia of Religions Knowledge and Chris' - tian Chronicle, PhiladelPlatu - • - Although not dispdsed to'favoror reciirrinfead Pa tent Medicines in_general, through distrust cAtheir ingredients and effects , I Yet know ono sellicient reasons why etnatilinty not testify-to the bellefile be believes himself to bare received fromany simple preparation, in the Mine; that lie May Mit gob trib . ute to, tim benefit ofothers, I 'do this the more readily' in regard to Iteitaanda - .Gelman Bitten , . prellaread f liy Dr. C.,lll...Teukaon, el this dity. because rwas prejndlaed egainsethein monk years. , under - the:impresaiiiii that the.t were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. ,I am indebted to my friend,"Robert Shherriaket; Bet'," for the reniolial of this prejudice by tixoper tests, and for en t e r . entage merit! to try them. *ben sniffling' frem and long contintickl The use of three °Mesa these Bitters, atthe_ beginning_of the_ present year, was followed by evident relief.'and restoration to a degree of bodily and,giental vigor vshich I hid no 4 felt for six months beroiliatit hadalmbig eisPaired ofreimining, l II therefore thank God and my, riend ,for directing me to the nsecif them. - • 1 • . NEWTON ,BROOWN. lliom the Bev. See: H. Reite r- aid. Pala& of - 14410th 4,Ptifft Chureb.- -* . Dr. Jacksem kave been frequently reipiested' to cObrii3etaikaaarnelvith clitimenilations ordifferent kinds ier.Poeitiicioes, but.regardeng the Pritoticeaa oat of my appropriate sphere; Ttrave in all cases declined; bnt.ntitb a, clear proof in serious ,instanees, auclpartionlarly in myfamilY. of the nee fulness bf Hoeffand'efiersonn Bitters; Mepart foronce from my usual course . to .expressApy fall conviction thatloi`Osaseal debifitfiroftlis initibrn and , opecinity for Lister tkriFyi.42 . 44, to a4,0 - taii wible preparation. Di ROMe mama it mayliiit: but esually` i I dosibtAttet,it;witl be very .tru e ileial Crr these who suffer from the above 4atise. . .- Your; cery respectfu ll y. J. -If: •HEINWARD. - • : Eighth beloM goAttgLlStreet.EllitgelPhia. • :' • „ tli'c From Re*: Worth! Randolph,. Pastor lotilaptigre , , Charoll..Gertnantown. Penne,. , Dr. C. M. Jackiiiir—Dear Sir: Renional caw:A erie° enables'asettk sarthat I regard A/weer:nos Hitters prepared by you as a mos t excellent medicine. In Cities of severe dold'and general debility:! - have 1;m0:3.g - really beneft.tted ,by. the gsp of the - Bitters. 'aiid . donbt not theyirilfarodice Inatilakliiifeeta op other*. B ats - • , • • W` AItIi.HNHANDOLPH, Gernianioien, Pa. -• ••1 From Tiirner. Pastor jof Redding M. R. Althikoh; Philadelphia:: • Dr,-dacksep,:rDear•Bir; Eiairing used your Gec inanDitters my Tamil frequently! arnrepared toga.? thane imsbaervof.:Ereal , Abelienre that in most cases of general debility of e systole it is the-Safest - teMedYnlll ;ham:is:ly knorleKe,___Yqnrs yes_peetfpy, '" J. H: TllHNBR,7:46li.l9tniftreet. ,~ e r_ - • „ **rem tbe Rev. 3:31. lay Ons. former' Petah* of the Colinnbus(Ni.l.,:ltat Millorstosru.(P,dune.) Bap tist Churches. • ' • Nair Rocrottur.-N. Y. Dr. C. Ikt.laeupeon:—Dear Sir: I feel it a pleasure thus, of , znya en ta bear tikifirairot to the excellence of thn Cern:tan -Bittors. Some years shun be'ng much afflietettivittalarepais,' f did thee; with very,Ttlepeflei4 ,results. I .:hava ellen re commended - theta tei - persens enfeeblid'hylhat tor diseake..anChare heard from. them the 'most flattering testimonials as to their great...value. In eakeanf general debility, I ballets Moth a touio that oaratot brumrpassed.,. - , 4.14 , 4T0N6. „,„ Froyither Rev. Themos Vinter.,Pestor -C; r- Baptist Church.; , Dr. Jnoksiiis ;;=-Driar girt rfeetit yonr es ce u e ue preparationjEloodaud'a.taterman:Ditters, to add nu testimony Willi deserved reputation it hog out a i n aj :I tat ofo2ydrra.attimea.beflkdroubled with greatdisorder Lamy head and nervous system, was idvidoi• by 41:- 'Mend to tfts , bidfM of your Uerman Bittgte ct did sew and have jegperieneed great and triedpeeted relief" my health' has been very ‘Tnatecially , heoefitted. t reonfideptist recom mend thcattiole wheral meet Wittfoases kitailar is my Mtn. and heti Wei coenred. by- irtonyjof their good effeote... iteePentfullyoure. • ; .TAVlNTER,BoabOrtnarh. Ps. • From the neva: . liertaan, of the Ittiman Ete z—liesforteso.9bigeh U# l , b.f. ~1 " 1 'Berk° 79 1 Pa ' , Dr. C. . Jaoksonieeted Sir have heft tratibitiftwth - lhtgeeplia Aearl.73trotitraltars, sad have slaver usettaezmedisme pat did„ ;pa as maei 'good as Haotlailareßitters: am Verpmuoh Jay atoired ialealtbottler. hasps' takka AysibpAles. Nodes with retied: .L TI.LnESOIAN. I . ..ioll • .P' , ll I Oles Large SifilthOldisirgilMtbU t atp) $5 55 Cbt# Pat - BottlAullrdozeti 4di 'Alma; or..oolllMBll3lTife o atttit'4V*o3 l / 3 0N." ' . , to ootteST, *AP, PEA !I fs W4, l) oP* eshauld your noartotOcutgistoot hare the article. 3o not Pot birto*yofthe io Ur:kid* prevent", bona hOtotioy be ottbrodin jto Alice, blot oend to as sod 1/Iwll r 104.1totie blyptoked i tw oogres o.loiVtte N 4Pi MCLAESsl_BtsOtacroß, e • . 4000, lANI AN 441 r 4 1,504 11 , 1 0 0 • . . _ _ • - 1 0 *.gurroaii,„ vticsALß Dram t„, iss. e t Zit a** in event pop , Kre"63-To EI 0 ME ED 1' i ME