The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, May 11, 1864, Image 1

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' - BY .14'CLURE 4:,:n:OXER,
e fraialiu Stpotoitoric
esrpOrate Leglitattais-z-intpOrtant bills
. • rassett - -;-(.1 al in U tti jko s t—Eseiting
- Settles 411 - - - th e tienate—Clyiner on a
Rautptiger—lPClure and lowes have a
' Settleinent—linds in
a alata Ore a II a pit Pressure
Legbilallon in' She Rause:.
Cgo.w.chottidertee of The Franklin-ftepositor" . •
IrAititisiluitn, May 5, 1864.
The . leiiilaitire has adjourned, and the people
rvitl breathe more freely. It has !wain session
,Srier•foot months, and after devoting the first .
of that time to doing worse than nothing, itt
4 , 44 the la,St half to passing bills on the high
pressure system. No provious.legislatare has
_ever Passed so many bills. Corporation powers
were sought And obtained for every conceivable
.enterprise. 'Oil Companies; mining companies:
coal companies ; bon companies; gold com
panies; railroad companies, and others "too
numerous to mention" haveheeti passed ; and if
;31t put in .operation, hundreds of millions of
notnitialeapital at least will be invested in spec-
Allative . channels. But few of these charters
have been souglit for bona NS business opera
tions. Speculation, not the industrial interests
.ot the "State,- &mantled them ; and dcinbtless
hundreds of thousands of dollars will be invested
and lost in them by innoceht parties: .
Nearly all the important bills before the legis
lature ,Were passed. The new tax bill will raise
some $860,000 of additional revenue mainly
'from tonnage duties imposed upon all railroad
' and transportationcompanies. The eolieoilon
of unpatinted land fees is required } read the
militia' lowa have been sensibly revised. The
, bill relating to, military damages fell for want of
tinie: -. ! It had passed the House .and had 21
. votes to 12• in the Senate, but it was defeated
for want of a two-thirds vote on the suspension
of the rules....
Quite an exciting session was had on the mil
itary claim bill, and the after-piece, when the
Senate adjourned, was re letiewith thrilling in
-leidents.- When the bill as hefore the Senate,
Senater Lowry made a most fierceattaek_npon
' it, denouncing is us infamous. When he closed,
'tie declared in-an excited and izielent manner,
in •conversation with Senatbr Hopkins and
others - , +hat the bill was a corrupt measure ;
that money was being used to pass it, and, with
adjactives too emphatic for ears polite, insisted
that if a committee were given him lie would
prove what he said. As the bill did not appro.-
priate•ft dollar to any elaitnant, the allegation
, wee too ahsurb forbelief; but so grave a charge
affecting the - integrity of Senators, demanded
native, and Mr. Hbpkinkdeelared that he wbnld
'otter a resolution for a kointnittee, and he noti
, lied Senator Lowery aleo that be would be ex
pected to make goad his startling declarations.
Mr. M'Clure, who , had -been °peel) . Ated-earne
eatly-urginz the passage of the bill, at in a'
vacant seat in the_ Senate at the time, and as
any impittatiens against the integrity of the bill
directly reflected upon. him, a abort settlement ;
of' the indtter with Lowry was expected when
`the Senate adjourned. In the mean time, John
eon fillibudered to defeat the bill, and got into
a personal passage with Clymer, and the ex
` eitement Was worked up to faber beat. Clymer
declare that Johnson had deliberately falsified,
and whettealled to order h) repeated it with
peculiar emphasis as he sat down. Johnson
' kept the toot' and talked the session out on the
' pretext of giving his reasons for voting, and us
the clock struck five the orders were called and
"the StMate adjourned. As soon as the adjourn
meat was declared,Clymet walked nervously to
Johnson, and M'Clure, with deliberate look and
_step but inataests'oriousneasof purpose, walked
up to Lew'. "Clymer's passion burst and ex
pended itsCif at once in giving Mr. Johnson the
important i.hformation that he was a deliberate
falsifier. Johnsim % robably di ff ered with Cly
• ales on the sublee; but= didnot say so, and
Clymer walked,tiWay apparently regretful that
nobody was hurt Clymer was Without a foe
. man, and having accomplished the object of the
reconnoisance, he withdrewin order.
Not so, however', with M'Clure and Lowry.
M'Clure, who was known here for five yeas as
the imperturbable legislator—the man who n ever
- gave way to passion, was evidently a little un
balanced by Lowry's grave allegation; and he
" informed Lowry in a manner strongly bordering
on the peremptorary, that be would wait until
noon the next day, the hour for final adjourn
ment, for M r . Lowry either to establish or re-1
tract his charges, when he would, if Mr. Lowry
_ should fail, give the • Erie Senator a lesson on
the proprieties of life that would be eminently
wholesome. Lowry when this confronted, at
tempted to equivocate and qualify; but M'Clure
salted up Hopkins and . demanded to know
whether Lowry did not positively charge cot
- ruption in passing the rnititarrbill.. Nearly a
score of'Senators clustered around the parties,
and theyall joined Hopkins in declaring that
Lowry had made the charge distinctly, tied that
he must establish or retract it. Lowry was
completely cornered, and with well affected in
dignation he-attemptod to fall back upon his ex
treme rights as a Senator. and he informed
M'Clure that if be attempted to take him to
task for Words spoken in , the Senate he would
kill him,-:-vvberefore WClure, not having the
fear of death befoiv his eyes, informed Lowry
an earnestneas that - impressed Lowry Moat
profoundly; that - if. Lowry did not, before the
• final adjournment, either establish or r withdraw
the charge of corruption; he would horse-whip
him before he left the capitol grounds after the
close of the Session. ‘Loverf immediately re
• treated out of the Senate, declaring that he
would kill M'Clure.
As the closing scene of the drama would like
ly come off 'during or after the night session,
`there was sjuita a crowd in attendance. •Mc
Clore eat in • his old seat,. and-Lowry . came-in'
I '
lust as the Senate was called to order, evident
ly disturbed in 'mind. He bad gone one step
too far in %is malleinun folly, and had grappled
one mail AV) many ! - Hopkins at once offered
the resnlntion fora committee, and called upon
Sender Lowry ta vindicate Ho rose
manifestly embarrassed, and asked that the res
olution he Withdrawn, He said that he had
made declitutions,in the heat of passion; which
he should rest have,made; that he had no infor
mation to justify the charge and that he could
not prove *thing. Clymer saw that he was
determined 'not ,to say whether or not he be
lieved the ebargei, and he took the floor and de
manded to know whether Lowry had any infor
mation which led him to believe that improper
influences bad been used, or attempted to be
usektnpnas thetill. Lowry saw that could
not etit4tie s isiue-7that he must either take
the responsibility or squarely admit that he had
made the - gratest allegations without any foun
dation whatever iti truth, and he frankly admitted
that ho was wholly in the wrong and that he had
nothing is , l iustifi the belief of any • improper
actions on the part of any u-se. He thei tfore
as rd that ltr reSniution -be wit and it
was actniClure and his bill was vindicated
and Lowry had a lessen Which it is hoped may
lie of advantage to , him hereafter. '
The House wigs n regular bear garden the
last few days and nights of the session. Pills
were passed- xvith lightning speed, and the
'Speaker; Mr. Smith, knoWn as "Fatty Smith"
put them through After the fashion of, a brisk
auctioneer : Several members were evidently
slightlylliddled all the time, and the proceed
ings were anything but dignified. It was a Mir.
vest for " snalieii" in little bills, and many a
serpent slipped through without notice. Most
of the members,have •gone to-day, and Harris
burg is tlistressigaly quiet again. HonAcE.
From• Captain BleDoweirs Battery—Our
Franklin County Soldiers—The Peo,
pie of East Tennessee.
Correspondence of en Franklin Repository.
BLuit Spat Nus, Tenn., April
Considerable time having elapsed since our
,Battery returned to the seat of war, and a good
many of our boys being from your town and
vicinity, I thought a:- few lines from one of us
-might prove interesting to some of your readers.
After we left Chambershurg it was but a few
days until we landed at Chattanooga, Tennes
see. We remained there about three weeks.
and then took the cars for Cleaveland, Ten•
nessee, where we drew our Battery horses and
full equipment. We received Battery 11, 4th
U. S. Artillery. It is'a splehdid battery.. The 3,
are all light 111-pound. Napoleon guns, and I cam
assure you we have'the material in our Batter,-
to handle them right., We are now attached
to Major General Stanley's famous Division, of
the 4th Corps, .commanded - .by General 0:0.
- He tat:lfto veteran 4 'and-true soldier
The Battery boys'are all for "a fight, an
with such' commanders as the above named, we
look for nothing but success—such as at the
battle piChattanooga.;, We get to see less But
ternuts than at any time since I have been h
I the service. •
We are now encamped at Blue Springs, East
Teneessee, the " Switzerland of An erica."
which is noted for ,pretty girls and fat be ies.
It is very true it is a beautiful country, but I
cannot see scything remarkable about the peo
ple. As a general thing they are far behind the
times, particularly in education and many of
the - arts. They are a free and (Nigh g set of
people, and putme much in mind of the Ital
ians. They appear to life only for the present,
antl•thin'k little about the future.
Vie health of the 'Sboys has been've,ry good,
vvitkthe exceptioh of four or fire eases of Sinai:
Pox, from which lotithsome disease we lost on(
of-Anir number', viz: Charles Peters, of. Eri:
county, Pa.
The boys are all anxious to try the new guns
with such material as our Battery is now com
posed of. h ida commander as brave and true
as S. IA: McDowell. You may ev_er . expect to
bear good report from OLDAOLDIER.
Maj. Gen. Meade issued the following patri
otic address t ) ,, the Army of the -Potomac on
Monday of last week—the day before the army
May 4, 1864.-Bmmtts !—Again you are call
ed upon to advance on the enemies of your
country.. The time and the occasion are deem
ed opportune by your Commanding General to
address you a few words of confidence and cau
tion. You have been reorganized; strengthened
and fully equipped in every respect. You form
apart of the several armies of your country—
the whole under the direction of an able and
distinguished general. who enjoys the confidence
of the Government, the people, and the army.
Your movement being in en-operation with
othert, it is of the utmost importance that no
effort should be left unapiired to wake it RlC
Soldiers !—The eyed of the whole countryare
looking with anxious hope to the blow you are
about to strike in the most sacred cause that
ever, called .men to arms. Remember your
homes; your wives and children ; and bear in
mind that the sooner your enemies are over - come
the sooner - you will be returned to enjoy the
benefits and blessings or peace. Bear with pn-
Bence the hardships and sacrifices you will be
called upon to endure. Have confidence in
your officers and, in each other. Keep your
ranks on - the march and on the.battle-field,-Und
let each man earnestly implore God's blessing,
arid' endeavor by his thoughts and actions to
render himself worthy of the favor he seeks.
With clear conscience and strong arms, actua
ted by a high sense of duty, fighting to preserve
the Government and the Institutions handed
down to us by our forefathers, if true to our
selves, victory, under God's blessing, must and
will attend our efforts.__. Geo. G. - MEADE:,
Major-General Commanding.
—The Union men of Berke have elected
Levi B. Smith sod Edward Broblie Delegates
to the Union National Convpntion, with Wm.
.111.. Baird and Col. Wm. Trezler, as, alternates.
Attire for Lincoln.
,Mit'3llilieitittktel 7 6s
Scene of the Great Battles between Gen. Grant and the Rebel Poisce
Richmond and its Railroad. Connections The Flank Movement up
• the James River , and the Peninsula—Peteriburg and its EnvironS.
. .
. 4'
The great Struggle with Treason !
Len Leaves his Dead and Wounded on the. Yield!
General Grant Advances toy
ward Richmond!
lie Severs theßebel Lines South
The Rebel Generals Jenkins and. Jones Killed !
The first great struggle for Richmond
took place 'between Lieut. Gen. Grant
and the rebel Gen. Lee on -Thursday and •
_Friday last, and the battle of Friday was
the most desperate and deadly of the war.
General Grant moved on Tuesday night
across the Rapidan, toward Chancellors- i
vile, and Lee, operating with Orange
Court House,as hiabase, threw his forces
upon General Hancock's corps on Friday , 1
afternoon with terrible fury; but Ran
I .
held his ground firmly until
the loss being . great on both sides. Qn
Thursday night Gen. Burnside reached
• Grant by a forced march from Manassas,
and on Friday morning the .whole of
Grant's army was in line of batik. As
1 early - as six o'clock the conflict began ;
and. General Lee hurled his forces-now
against one wing, .then against another,
and at just against the- entire line ; but
desperate as teas the valor of his men,
the effort was fruitless save in the fearful
harvest of death. -Like rocks of adamant
the Union lines were held throughout the
of Richmond I
sanguinary struggle; and at last Lee was!
compelled to recede from Grant's invin
cible ailumtra,- and the day, clams -with
Grant in possession of 'the . field ; •,of 'the
most of the dead and wounded of the,eri
etny. and surssrANTIALLY -vrcrourons 7
He had received and withstood with un
broken lines the exhauiting shock of -the
foe. and was left master-of the field. , The
enemy's dead in ou ; hands are estimated
'at 3,000, and their 'wounded at 10,000.
Beyond the wounded, but few prisoners
were lost on either side:
Gen. Grant had severed his c,ointriuni
cationa with Washington when he moved,
and we arc Without official - dispatches
from: him but the Secretary Of War has
furnished the people with every impor
tant item of information as soon as it was
received by the Department. It will be
teen that Gen. Grant has adVanced to the
Richmond ' and, Fredericksburg Railroad,
and established his lines with Washington
by the,equia creek road. By reference
to the map we give, the substantial fruits
of his triumph are seen when it is noticed
that he has advanced over the batik-field
to gpottsylvania and 'the Fredericksburg
Railroad, and Lee has, surrendered the
ground and retired. Where he_ will' next
'stand, it is useless to speculate; but the
fact that Gen. Btiticr, haslandediitity
Point, on the South of the Jamektiver,
defeated Beauregard,' cut the Petersburg
RailrOad, and' now threatens •Richmond
from the South, whileSigelis threatening
Lee's rear by his movement from Win
chester, 'will probably Compel Lee to re,
tire toward Richmond , so us to be able to
'defend it at every point. -
We subjoin the digpatches of Secretary
;Stanton, and • such other reliable in
:formation as has come to hand up to the
.hour of going to press t
WASHINGTON, Mn 8. 1864
We have no official reports from the front,
but the Medical Director has notified the'Sur
geon-General that our wounded were being sent
to Washington, and will number from 6,000 to
The Chief Qaarterznasier of the Army of the
Potomac has made requisition for seven days
grain and for railroad construction trains, and
states that the enemy is reported to'be retiring.
This indicates Gen. Grant's advance, and af
fords an inference of Material ,successim our
part. '
The enemy's strenth has , -always been most
felt in , his first blows, and -these having failed
and our forces not only haviag maintailnatheic
ground, but preparing to advance, lead to the
hope of full and complete success.,
' It is designed to give accurate official state
ments of what is known to the Department in
this great crisis, and, to withhold nothing from
the public. • EDWIN hi; erkrroN,
Secretary of War,
SURRY - . 1 /C
WASH/N(4IM Mn' S - 5 P. M.
We are yet without any official dispatches
from the- -Army of - the : Paromae-,exceit those
referred to this morning from tha tledicaLDl
rector and Chief Quartermaster, and -nothink,
additional has been reeeivedby the Department
fro . ni any other source. It is-belicsed no fight
ing - took phice yesterday, • A Partof the wound
ed arrisedin ambulances this morning atßappa
bannock Station; and are on,the way in by Rail
A dispatch from Gen. Butler, just received,
and which" left him yesterday, states that
diversion bad been made by his forces on the
Railroad between Petersburg and Richmond,
,had succeeded in liestroyii3g e'portion of it,
)es to break the qonnection ; that thereted
heen-seme severe fighting, but that he had suc
ceeded. He heard from a Rebel deserter that
Hunter was- dangerously Wounded; -Pickett,
also; and Jones and ientina were killed.—
Nothing has been heard from Gen. Sherman.
• E. M. STANTON,. • .
Secretary - of War.
Despatches from Lieut. Gem Grant have just
been received by the War Department. Our
army was in full pursuit of the enemy tOward
Richmond.' We have 2,000 prisoners., Oar
forces occupied Frederickabarg at 8 'o'clock
last night. The hospital for "our wounded is
established there. Supplies, naives., physicians
and attendaUts haVe been ready fortwn days,
and have golie for Ward. The wounded are es
timated at 12,000. '
Hancock passed throUgh Spottsylvania Court
House at daylight yesterday. His headquarters
at noon yeiterday, were 20 miles sonth of the
battle-field. - We Occupy Fredericksburg. *The
22d New York. Cavalry held that plait) a - t 8
o'clock last night. The depot for our wounded
is established at Fredericksburg.
'(Signed) " E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of War.
WASBINOXON. Mtl,9oth--41 3 ,. M.
Dispatches have just reached,here: direct
from Gen. Gant. They are not fully decip
hered yet, but be is "on to Richmond.", ` e
have taken 2000 prisoners.
(Signed) ; E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of War.
DisPhiches :from, Gen. Illiesde—Lee.
treating- for Richmond by the Direct
Itoad--iklancock pushing the Pursuit.
ASEITISCITON, - May 9ih-4.15 P. M.
A bearer of dispatches from Gen. Meade's
Headduarters has just reached here. •He states
thatLeres array commenced falling back on the
night of Friday, and our army commenced the
pursuit on Saturday morning. The Rebela are,
in full retreat for Richmond by the direct road.'
At the latest dates received by the War De.
partment, Geri. Hancock, waa rapidli pushing
by the left, to Spottaylvania Court Mouse.—
Heavy aannoneding3rnm that directiOn was
heard at Aguia creek yesterday. '
The *Jewry Announced in the Senate
. • Lee Retreating—The U n i on Arm
Wissnatros, Mar Oa.
In the Senate thiff afternoon, Mr. Collanter
read a W6o=l - from the Secretary of 'o4,as
VOL 71....AV1E0Lg NO. 3406;
Dispatelaea have - -been receiviAtroal
Gen. Griot and Gen. Meade. ; ,Thep wore Kiau
t Rieinnond."-. l e ee wile in NI rettvait, w ith
gedgwieki_Eflineock, Warren and Burnside,
Ouse on his beelv. "
Pennsylvanians Killed and Rounded--
Col: • Woodward • K Utrod—Gen r . LOW
streot. Mortally, Wontuleil.
Eveni'ng Telegraph has 'lotto - wing dof
killed and wounded: Ccil.Verrol;
killed; Cast. Byrnee, 2ed ?alma., - ciptc*:
Capt. Brigge.4lth, Penna., Wanndedin-tbiOt;
Col. Gwynne, 18th Penni ? , 'Wounded- Tea Itg;
114. Darlington; - 14,1; Pena.: killed; Coble!
Wood Ward, (Bed WOodwatdykilltd..
General Longelzeit• tone stint bfaintliefia
the neck, and -
A.dditftbnal Casualties—Dispatch tress
Gen. Lee—Rens. Jenlthiskvad- Jade,
, • j , , • . • • .
- 2 •Visti l N9 - rtix• 4 l** l6
The Star extragaysthere:is::no foundatien'for
the report that the rebels are evaeunfingßich
npud,.aor that Petelrehurg has been'emalatell•
The following is a list of the casualties so far as
has been rereeived-t0 this time:'
°Brig. Gen. Alex. Rays, Peuna„-killed;
Gen. Jas.- S. Wadsworth, N. Y, kilicd;
Gen. Webb, N. wounded; "Col. Wilsonand
Mnj. lorioker,.43& N. Y. wOutule4; CoLfitono
and Lieut. Col. Tyler, 2dltt., wounded;. teL
Lewis and Lieut;Cfol. wounded;
Cot Stone, genie: •"Buektails,n'injureirby
fall; Col. Weit, 9th Bfe.,lsilled;: Cot. Beiiwell,
MN.' Y., wounded. , = =
An Official dispatch. of-Gen. Lee to theiebel
authorities at- Richtiond; transmitted by Gen.
Batter to the War Department, 'states that tit&
rebel loss in killed is' not large ; but that tinny
are wounded.' lie fnither states that herekrets
to say that Gen: LongatAlet is : dameertitu3ly
wounded, also Gens. Petri= •and . rfafferdiand
that Gen. Jenkins is killed.' Gen. JonesitPalso
reported killed, and his body in our posiseniion.
Cleu. l itutler *lnsetting Upon
One darn . zutareb - trona -tile Rebel
Capltal—Doubtrtal ,Eteport, about ; ,.the
Capture of Wort
' • 'Thur - Yoatt, Mai•fllth. -
The lieralti , aays: "We learn that Gen.-But.
icr cerninoneed his •Inarch- on -itiehmondtront
the south aide; early-yesterday "morning. `4one
dayi uninterrupted march will bring his troupe
to .the James River, opposite the city.: We
may ' therefore expect some -important hews
froth that Auarter to-day. The tunboat Shaw
nee, ' an old ferry boat; was 'blown uplh the
James River, by a shot in the boiler. The cam.
wander and a-number of the crew were lat.
The Wirtld boa a ietsikt:Altat Fort Dlstling
has been taken, - and the , ibitrnetions removed
in the James-River, allowing thetMoilirs to
go up to Richtnond. ' "
Gen. antler's Engagement with mean.
regard—Gen. Lee' Reported Wounded.
• BAurnaoax. Mg. 10.
The Norfolk Regime, of Moodily sap h Geo-
ItattiildikliiliaktettarateNtilt"; - '
-on Saturday neat 'Petersburg. and yesterday
(Sunday) as:sailed lite with lonsiderablOoreo
and drove him. Gen..l3utler it adds luta the
key of Riehinond itals hands... Retretprisoneut
report that Lee was wounded• on Friday and
Gen. Pickett killed,. 7.'
Geu. fliheeizitin in Motion:
' WAsmscros,'May 10-7 A. M.
Secretary . Stanton telegraphs the foirowing
to Maj. Gen: Dix: 7 - • • - s
A'. dispatch from Gen. Sherman received ai
midnight states that' we are fighting-for the
posSession of Rocky -Fake ) Ridge anda hat , *
knOwledge that Gon, hrrherson took thekgnake
Cr(ieliGap'end Was' within` seven miles of Re.
saes this morning. reinembilithat on
Saturday the rebels were forced'from''
'Rill by Gee. TiMrnas,a'gositioa ` at Buzzard's
Roost ahend of - liiiliVreet,-,inst North of
Dalten; [llesana l is milea'SCirtty of 'Dalton,
so that the rebel' den'''.lehoSten 'etimplety
t[auked: ED. Rzi.) • ' -
Destrtiction of the Itebe t titigin Albemarle
The Chronicle announCoi_lhe reception et
otHeisildispatches by the NFyDepartruent lest
night of thci destruction of the reboil* " At
bemarle,"- in-Albemarle Sound, bi the iron clad
gunboat Sapaene. ; • . .
The President's Address:to thelLozal
People-Tittailtsgiving And Prayer me
Waelliegton,.2day 9, : 1864.
Friends oft:mks and Liltiritl,
Enough is knoWn of ,the operations
within the:: hat five dais to claim oif: T lespecial
gratitude fa c l od, While what ieumins , undone
demands our most sincere prayers - nini z relianee
lihn, without whom All ininraleffort is
.& -
vain. , recommend that $1 patriots at their
homes, in.their places, of . pnblic ~worship and
Wherever they may he, unite in. commop thanks.
giving and prayer to ?ilicalghtipcd.
(Signed) Amtatram
commonly is the Itch, has appare
awe in town and in various places threnghout the.
county. -It may be a source or relief to'persons s -
afflicted to know that,tboY can get a eure cure for
!Hamm at MilklT'/! -brug Store
Lot all lo afflicted bond immediately to their Dr*
'Store' and-got a box of Terrors Iteli'l(linttnemt.
Price cents. It is a speedy cure. :
GilLWlcgi, of nits iheip wiceleszile,and retell
Grocery, Provision 'and Varielzi- Store, has lust rt—
ceived-isfrosh Empty of goods. , Itidots hot, confine
hiieself exclusively to the *veep' business alone,
b ut ** in anest,,eyery description of goods. Yea
can buy almost any article you Visit aliie extensive
establishment. - • !I.:,
WHEN yettilive beim every plade and ganneV
findwhatyou vratit, lake Ilehrieks. hisVeenevery
thing and intends to! tube ble bueinearpay,,nat by
large profit,. Int by selling the ,largeqkaraetust at.
Sting Ctrati—Hvery dspneAtaLer the Imo;_
eon of tho 'l3oro.Citro" ouring.t4o;a6ttia nac4 , -
and bud itorsiohes in Rorie& Got a i(ilittlo and to,
it, Sold prity,hy 'Heiner it C.114#1,!...,,:
I a
—_ c:l3"
Vlsna oTox„ yla