tzuttarip - cd)a upolina• , . p 0 ... 0 F. 'N G Rokifficer - Rends , to nail down. Ref-IFING in,e.e durable than Tin. gooFiNG hall the coat of Tin. ROOFING for Steep or FlatAoof. "READY FOR 1101.:SES - - FUJL cuußcims, FOR - FACTORIES, • - • FOR BARNS. FOR ALL BUILDINGS Ann s .it oo r t ipg is made of theleivio4 woven fab rre. erns Med for the.-purpose. , -.•••Mallufacturod solely oursdvo a nd secured_ b . y Patent. p at ap.imolls and shipped to all arts of the e o t intry. ruin ,usually for sale by hardware march= wit , an d builders. It can bo applied by any common workman, al.o manufacture, LiQUID GOTTA PERCHA CEMENT, you RrPAIRING LEAKY Tk. t . 'i ROOFS. CHEAPER THAN OIL imikrx.r. HEAVIER BODY THAN OIL PAINT. 111.0 RE DURABLE THAN OIL PAINT. k It fOfms - peimanently adhesive. ohnific coating over the, whole,.surface of the tin, filling up all' the smaller RUST HOLES, . . . - And often saving the e.tnense of a new roof. OUR COMPOUND - GUTTA PERCHA. CEMENT is especially adapted to repairing LEAKY SHINGLE ROOFS, • SKYLIGHTS, & , e.. &e.. This hia thick, tinaeions compound, applied with 'a trowel or similar. instrument, and does not dry up and crack, as do all other articles used for this pur pose. . . CIRCULARS AND SAMPLES,' . * Of the Iteady'llboting sent by mail when desired. _Liberal arrangements made with Agents. READY ROOFING CO.: auk 26- - ly '73 Maiden Lane. New York. 'McNeal. - RALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL.- _L-VDR. JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrat ed Institution, offers the most certain. specdy,•and only effectual remedy in the world for Sweets. Strut -Ire% Seminal . Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Con stitutional Dchility. Impotence. Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kidneys, Paloi- Wien of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritabili ty. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin ; 'hod all those serious and melancholy' disorders ari sing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. These seeret and soli -tart practices are more fatal to their' victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes, or acticipations rendering marriage. &e., impossible. , • YOUNG - MEN, Young - Men especially, who have become the vic tims of Solitary Vice, that'' dreadful and destructive - habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brillianttintellect, who might otherwise have - -entranced listening senates with the thunders of iclotmencle, or waked to ecstasy the living lyre ; may well with fiat confidence. MARRIAGE! Married persons, or young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organ ic debility, deformities, &e., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston. He avhdplaces himself under the care of Dr. Johns ton may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely upon his'skill'as a physi clan. , - ORGANIC WE AKNESS 1 •• TMMED/ATELY MIRED AND FULL VIGOR RESTORED. This disease lathe penalty most frequently paid by those who have become the victims of improper in dulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful cense wines that may mike.' Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that -the Power of Procreation is lest sooner by those falling into impro .Per habit than by the prudent. Besides being depriv oiler the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dys pepsit4 palpitation of the heart. indigestion, a west mg of the frame. cough, symptoms of consumption. ! Office No. 7, South Frederick: Street, seven doors fromßaltimore street, East side, up the steps. Be particular in observing the name and number, or yen will mistake the Place. /LIT' A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. No Mercury or Natoteous Drugs. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater mart of whose life has been spent in the hospipals of London, Paris Philadelphia and elsewhere• bas effected some at' the most astonishing- cures that Were ever kmoWo. Many troubled with ringing in the head and tat.," when asleep, great nervousness, being alarined:ae sudden sound., and bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE! When the misguided and imprudent 'votary of Pleasure find be has imbibed the seed of this pain ful diseases, it too often happens that an' ill-timed seaseorthatne, or dread of discovery, deters him Iron( applying to those who from education and re speetability can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional' symptoms of this horrid disease make their- appearanee, such as -ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nobs on the shin, lames and arms, blotches on the head. race and extremities. progressing with frightful rapidi ty, till-at lest the palate of the mouth or theNbonts of the nose fiill in and the victim of this awful di sense becomes a horrfil object of commisseration, till death. puts a period to his dreadful sufferings,. by sending hint to "that bourne" from Whence no - traveller returns." To, such, therefore. Di' Johns ton pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and front his extensive practice in the first Hospitals of Europe and America, , he man confident ly recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfor tunate victim of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders Who by use of that dreadful poison ~ M ercury, ruin the constitution, and either send the unfortunate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life. miserable. „ . TAKE-PARTICUDAR .NOTICE Dr. J. addre•ses those, who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences. • These are AMC of the sad and melancholy effects prOduced by early habits of youth, viz Weakness of the Back and Limbs. Pains in the Head. Dimness of Skid, Los. of Museniar Power Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Der ' riflemen t of the Digestive Functiops, General De bility, Symptoms of Consumption, fie. atENTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are moth to be dreaded; loss of Memory. confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aiersion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Soli tude, Timidity. be., are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages can nom judge wittt is the cause of their declining health, tossing their vigor. becoming Weak, pale, have singular ap pearance about the eyes,-cough, and symptoms of Consumptien. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. fly this great and important remedy. Weakness of the Organs is speedily cured, and full vigor res tored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately re lieved, All impediments to Marriage, Physical or . Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability. Trembling; Weakness or Exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. • -YOUNG MEN, who have injured themselvei by a certain practice. - indulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, oven when asleep and if not cured render marriage impossible, anti destroysbothinind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of 'hit Country, the darling of his parents, should besnatch i ed from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, ' and indulging-ins certain secret habit. Such per eons, before contemplating. . MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed. Without these. -thejourney through life becomesa weary Pilgrimage , the P ros " peot hourly darkens to the view ;. , tho mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melan choly 'reflection, that the happiness of another be . 'comoshlighted with onr own. OFFICE .Ncr. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. TO STRANGERS. e- The many thousand s cured at this Institution in the last fifteen years; and the numerous important surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed • by the reporters of the papers, and many other par sons,. notices of which have a ppeared again and before the public, is a etactent guattutte° to • the athieted. - N i B. There an) no many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians. ruin ing the health of the already afflicted, Dr. Johns .. ton deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his; Diplomas bang in his TAKE NOTICE—AII letterslnnst be post paid, and contain a_ postage state Or the reply. or no ansit,r will be ea jmar 16-Iy. enetrties, Szt. N 0 T I . C w CKS \VIIOLE SALE S AND , retails Goods aglow as any Jubbit/g Philadelphia. • BEET'S EVERY. ARTI cle in the Grocery and Prrirtsion line also litindredti2if other article not belonging. to the Oro -eery busines6., all of which he offemehean. AT GELWICKS' CHEAP STORE- IS the best place to go for Green and Blatl3. - Teas. • OELWICKS' WHOLESALE ANT) 11_ atztail Store yon (-an aCe the tamest ns3ortthent of Sugars, Syrups and Molasses in town. ELWICk S WHOLESALES AND IT Retails the best Kerolent , 'Oil for Cue Itmist money; also Sperm, Whale, Coal and Lubricating Oils. - PERSONS "ffiSHIIG- TO BUY TO bacco Mid Segan. either wholesale or retail. will find a large tktckth' and ehoise brands at llolwielos' Cheap Store. -1 - 1. 1 on GOOD. PURE, FRESH GROUND and . 1 7 w:round" Spitec, Baking Articles and Baking Molasle.t, go to Gelwirks'. fI_ELWICKS HAS THE LARGEST NA slot* of Mackerel. Tiam4. Thicon and Salt in the place, and' sells at low figures. rIELWICKS Y $ AND S E 1, 4 ,S every description . roduck and:Mar keting. , CIELWICX.S HAS JUST RECEIVED 1" a fresh supply of • Prime Cheese, Fresh Crackers, Pepnor Sauce, Tomato Catsup, Pickles, ' Mustartt`, • Pepper, : Allspice, Ste. AT GELWICKS YOU CAN SEE A very large akqortmeat of Brushes. Brooms, Buckets, Cords, Twines,Matches, Shoe Blacking, &e, CIELIATICKS SELLS THE AMERICAN Excelsior Coffee at 2O cents per ponad. the best substitute fur Co - flee is the market, and ground Rio entree at 25 cents per pound: also strictly pure Cider Vinegar. • apl3-tf gloat, Lumber, &C. GEO. A. DEITZ. TENCH 11I'DOW ELI, D EIT Z & Af'D O,WE L WILL PAY Ynk HIGHEST PRICE IN CAktlf. F L 0 II R, WHEAT, RTE. CLOYEIt SKID. TIMOTHY SEED, ALL KINDS OF'VRODUCE =1 SALT, C 0 A L, LIIMBEIt, PLASTER AND SAND, FOR S A LB, CHEAP FOR C A S H, / • - DEITZ M'D OWE LI'S WAREHOUSE AND COAL YARD, E1E3113 RAIL-ROAD DEPOT. CHAMBERSBURG, PENN'A AND ON NORTH CARLISLE STREET, GREENCASTLE, PENN'A jun 17,63 N - EW FIRM.-COAL ! -COALLUIVI- EB B I LUMBER!—LEO. EBERT A: SON having purchased th e Qoal and Lumber Yard of Goo. A. Delta, will continue to carry on the same busi ness, and will always have on hand a large supply of Lumber and Coal. They will be prepared to fill all orders at the shortest notice. They respectfully so licit the patronage of the late firm and the public generally, and all who may desire Coal and Lumber to give them a call, feeling assured that no means will be soared to accommodate those on the most reasonable terms. un17,63-tf. Ffflwllwgi?l' dd IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, N0:612 Market &Peet, Philadelphia. _ _ For further particulars apply to B. S. 8111IYOCK Chamberebure. Pa. ' ee.%rly; G ROCERIES WHOL,FAATY: - 1A ND RETAIL. -: , NVOULD IVESPECTFEf.IX CALL VIE ATTRNTION OA TUE citizens Of Chambersbuig and viMnitY TO TIME VARRIED AND •EXTENIiittE gORTMENT OF - • • Gmeeries, Fresh Fmk • _ queensware. -• Cedarware.- and a general Stock of Mikeellaneirms Articles, which they are now offering, and constantly Keceiv ingfroin New York, Philadelphia, and. Baltimore, at their Stare Itoom. on Main street;oppdsitelluber & Tolbert's Ilardn are Store. - It is their intention to keep such an assortment as the demands of this emamimity require. -They have the best facilities for the purchase' of goottS, on the most adrantegeous terms, and haring their own ears on the Road, and one of the limn being almost con stantly. in the city, affordathem every: advantage in purehnsinc goods in the shortest time; and at less expense than nsaal. which enables them to sell VERY LOW FOR CASH! SUCIABS, TEAS of 111.1 grades, from the highest to - the lowest price, by .the barrel, :melt or pound. SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, - by the Hogshead,Barrell or retail for family, use. SCGAR CURED HAMS, UOSIISE AND FINE SALT, FISH AND CHEESE, at city wholesale prices, We would. call especial attention to country deal ers and others, wislunc to purchase at wholesale prices, as we are-prepared to sell -everything in the Gro,:ery line as cheap us can be purchased in the Eastern cities. - SITAFER St, STUART, Main St. The highest price paid - in cash for country pro duce, or taken In exchange forgoods, 3 4 - 1 R. 1.1 1T S, SPICES _IL Orange and.Lemons'Onions, Bunch Raisins, Preserved Ginger, Seedless Raisins, • (firkins, Layer Raisins. Pineapple Pres'vs. Prunes. ' ' - Paper-Shelled Almonds, Currants, ' , Hard Shelled do - Citron, , Filberts. Turkey Figs, Pecan - Nuts. Malaga Figs, --: Cocoa - . " Fruit.' English Walnuts, ' Split Peas, ; IWalnuts, Walnut Catsup, ' Shellbarks, Tomato do Water-Craekers, Moshroom do Sugar " Pineapple • CheeQe Matches, - :-. i - Sap Sago Stove Polish, " English Smoke Pipes, swiss " Market Baskets, Limburger " Buckets, ' Baker's Chocolate, Brooms. Worcestershire Sauce,l .Essence Coffee. Pepper, Cloves. . Candles, Clime mon.Alspieeground , Lead Pencils. . expressly for fatuity use, i Castile Soap. - Beans, Pickles. Toilet Chow Chow Pickles, Rosin " Cauliflower - do Indigo, Mixed do Starch, • . Mace, Ginger, Wrapping Twine, Nutmegs, 'Stone Ware, Macaroni. - Preserving Tumblers, Vermicelli. ' Scrubbing Brushes, Nonpariel Capeds, Sweeping Lucite's, ' • Shoe .. French Mustard 'Roe Illaeking, 9 Coleman's Mustard, Silver Sand, Dmhain do Bath Brick,- Salad Oil. - . i TriPoli. for sale at :: SHAFER ,t- STUART'S. mar a.] Main Street,. near Queen. • _ .... THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA COlll - - PANY. 51 VDUS Srnaer, , Nice' Yong., since its organization. has created a new era in the histo ry of Selling Tans in this country. - ALL our Teas are selected by a Professional Tea taster, expressly and exclusively for us, and we ne ver charge over Two Cents per pound above cost-for original packages. We have but One Price to every one for , each quality, and that price is always marked on each sample package at our store in plain figures. We issue a Monthly Price List of our Teas, which will-be sent free to all who order it. We advise ev ery Tea Seller to see it. It comprises a full assort ment selected for every locality in the States. Prov ince:4', South America, and the West Indies. In this list each kind is divided into Four Cla9ses or quali ties. namely: - Cargo, High Cargo. Fine and Finest, that every - one may understand from the descrip tion and prices annexed that the Company are de termined to undersell the whole ten trade. We guarantee to sell all oimTens in original pack ages at not over Two Cents a'pound above cost, be lieving this to be attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying enormous profits. • Ourbusiness is largely done on orders, which we always execute as well and promptly as though the buyer conic himself, giving true weights-and tares, and-always guaranteeing e very thing; our responsi bility enabling us to do all we promise. Every dea ler can order his Teas direct from the Company, and Parties doing business within Five Hundred miles of New York, can return Teas bought of ns if they nre not cheaper than they can buy elsewhere, and the purchaser is dissatisfied with his bargain, within fourteen days, and have the money refunded to them. Those who are over Five Hundred miles can have thirty days and the KWIC privileges extended to them. -_— Besides these advantages the Company will pay All Expenses, both ways, if the Tem are returned. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, Inientrigew AND Jnseaas, fehl7,3m. 51 1 esey St., New York. !Mil CO R N • ( , O 1 T S, flikl‘lLLY GROCERY STORE. E.C.BOYD having purchas - ctheUrocery Store of Thomas Met calf, on hlain Street. opposite Grove's Hotel. takes thi4 method of inbfrming the old patrons of the house , . and the public generally, that be is opening a varied assortment of El which he is prepared to offer at the lowest cash pri ces. His stock consists of " SUGARS, COFFEES AND TEAS, of all grades. from the highest to the lowest prices. SUGAR-CURED HAMS. Nos. 1.2 and 3 MACKEREL. . BROWN AND WHITE SUGAR. SYRUPS AND MOLASSES. FRUIT, SPICES, &e., such as Oranges and Lemons, Bunch Rni.ins . Seed less Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Citrons. Figs: Wal nut and Tomato Catsup. Chocolate, Mace, Ginger, Nutmegs, Macaroni, Mustard, and every article usually a Grocery Store. ' I3EIDELM AN, D..l—f• WHOLESALE 'GROCER AND PRODUCE COMMISSION 3IERCHANT, No. 703 MAlM:Oland 2 N. 7th ST., PHILA., Invites the ate Cation of merchants to his large and well assorted stock of Sugarg, Syrups , Teas and Cof fees, all of which will be sold nt the lowest market rates. Country buyers cud sellers. will find it to their advantage to give him a - call. Price entreats eontaining all the varieties of the market tole had of 8. S. SIIRYOCK. Chambers burg. se23. C E 3L,E X T , BR 0.0 MS, It U SIT ES , Butlets, Soap, Thread, • 7.,(oedles, Pins, Hooks and Eyes. and every article usually found in a Variety Store at HOY frS, - Main Street, opposite Grove's Hotel. FLOUR, 1 - 10111.1. NY, Corn Meal, Potatoes, • Paoon. Cider Vinegar, Beans, Pepper Sallee, . , Rice, Lard, Pickles, at 130YD'S Grocery Store. MIS LAN E OTIS 'ARTICLES. Water Crackers, - Matches, Stove Polish, Es- A enee of Coffee. Indigo, Starch. Shoe Blacking, Sil t ver Sand, &e., for sale at 3321 - D'S cheap Grocei7. K EROSENE LANTERNS, Kerbseno Lamps, ' - , Keroseto Oil, ict. fell. _ , . BOYD'S Grocery. 'LIEMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT and CORN MEAL by the barrel or in email quantities for sale nt SHAFER. & STUART." VRESH FISH AND OYSTERS RE ji2 CREWED every week at "SHAVER-S 4 STUART'S. r!I'MMMI Tito 00 K_ BIND E RY.—S—lt. FISH ..e.J ER & CO'S Book Bindery is on the Third Story of the "MESSENGER" OFFICE BUILD ING, on the Diamond, above Shryock's Book Store - . Entrance between the Book Store and the Inland Telegraph office. Old Books, Periodicals. Mudd/ Newspapers. Am. bound in any style. Blank Boolts made to order. - Paper ruled t,Yany pattern. ja6,6 elje franktin nevostiorg, Ain, 4 1864. (ThreettirO, &c. SHAFEIt - ±,5: _COFFEES AND FRESH GROCERIES, Varthiart, (tutiar, 0A CK,AN Di SAVDL.EF N-1 HARD*ARE. The subscriber respectfully informshis friendl the pall°, that he email - nibs to carry on the above businew, at his old stand, on Main Street, oppOsite the• German Reformed Church, • , CIWIBERShriIiG, • .11aving enlarged his liusinOss, Saddler; and do l a ch makers will find in his Stoic Room a goheratasiort menf of: goods suited to their several requirempits, such as Fair and Countryilogsliins, Pi tent ''Saddle Tree 4 and Gic:thing. Gig Trees, Fall. _Plat ed, Tinned 4104 Sap an n ed: • tiou t , • . . Bair. Straining Web and Worsted Bath :, ' Web, lower than Ccitten:. . ~ ;James, -. . Bitsand . ' . - , Stirrups,' '• . , Plated, , . 1 Tinned and. Japanned Coach Ilants, new styles: - Curtain Frames; Hub Bands; B idle - Fronts; Roseates, , Swivels and Omar' • nanients; Iron Plated and - • • Wood Gig lames; ' BUCKLES—BRASS, •SILVER A'/ND' , • J A PA,1 , 1 all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and ;Wooden Mgr tingpd Rings, Stunip qoints,'ancl a varie; 7 ty of other goodg. ble far the tin-de ALL KINDS OF PLATMG, done', with . neatness and desnitteh; - 1 - l e t7lS .IVA:IIPLF t R,,' . no-1634r Chakubersinuw, Pa. .1 : 1S SMITH , D V - 611 Market Street, Philaelelphic J. PRII.D..SMITH. CHAS. RICHARDSON. The undersigned would respectfully call the at tention of COUNTRY MERCIIANTS to j their large and well selected stock of - HARDWARE. Having made - special arrangements for the Fall Trade, ivn flatter ourselves we can offer inducements to purchaSers that will fully remunerate the trouble of examining our afock. We ask - but u trial, to con vince the Country 'Trade that we are prepared to sell low and accommodate.'. Our stock of Table and Packet Cuttlry is unusually large, selected with care, and including a variety of styles tbateannot bet suit all tastes, lire have constantly on hand a large assortment of Tools,Cutlery, Files, Tool Boxes, - and Chests, - , Sitddlers and' Shoennikersl Screws. andl,i ails every thing in short pertaining to a first class Hard ware Store. Particular attention paid th Countryorder's. It is our aim to secure. the conk - knee q our customers. and to this end, we are Particular in filling orders to give the best. and as cheap as though the customers were buying in person.. Give - us a trial. T.EttEtt Emil . ..R.—J. K. Shryoek, Esq 4 A. K. McClue, L. B. Eyster, Chaisibersbur^. SMITH RICH.ARDSON.• • /;'.. ap5,63-tf. Gil Market St.. Philadelphia, NE' HARDWART, STORE. L. B EYSTER would respectfully inform - his friends and the public generally, that in connection with his ' • KEROSENE OIL' AND LAMP STORE, he has commenced the HARDWARE business, et his new Store Room; one door North of Sol. Hu ber's Grocery. HiS stock consists of the following articles, viz: Building Hardware. ' - • i . House Furnishing GoOds, . Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools. Nails by tim small or keg,- " 9 Fartmtkg, Utensils, sucli-as ' ' i* • Sbetkels . -- tnalle.s, - - ‘ • • . , . Forks, • - irk •-. ' 4 '7 - Potato Lifters, Scythes', , 4 (Aka, etc. Also, Glass, Paints;qlenzole. 1 Linseed, Kerosene and Lubricating Oile, • Lampsffif ill descriptions, - ; , Chandeliers for Gas and Kerosene. _ .... . . . - . Fruit .Tart. best qunlitv. elm Agent for the sae of , EVANS A: WAD,sON'S Fite Proof Safes. jr1129.63 tf. _ . TT A R D W AR E.—The-public are in - ii. vited to call and examine our extensive stock of Ilardware, Cutlery,,tm. We keep on hand a large stock of goods in our lines composed partly of the following goo&s, which-we offer very cheap. , , • Iron, Files: 'Looking Glasses, Nails, I ' Rasps,, Farm Bells, Steel. - Hosts, - SP ringv, Axles, Hocks, Glass, Boot. Trees, hinges. Chains, , • Shoemaker's Kit 'lanes, Whips, .! - Saddler's Tools, Anvils, . Bolts, , • , " . Trimmings., vi cps , , 1 s aw s '' - Coffin Trimmings Bellows, Brush's, . Grindstones, Paints, - Eames, ~ Cedar Ware. Oils, l' Shovels. ' Blasting Powder Turpentine, Rakes, Shot, Lead, Hoes, Spades., - - Pocket Knives, Call knd examine our Stock, Special indueeents t offered for cash. com.m.i BE AND & FLACK. HARDW ARE AND CUTLERY W. W. RicitalT S: SON; Importers, and Dealers in ; - 4.• AMERICAN, ENGLISH ANV, GERMAN':' HARDWARE, 509 Coinmcrre Street, Philadeli hitt. Between sth andOth and ..'ilarket and Arch Sts. Sot Iv a tug Mottor. WUNDERLICH "& NE AD, FORWARDING AND•COASICISSION MERCHANTS, North Second Street. oppolite - the Cumberland Val ley Railroad' Depot. Chamber...burg. Pa. Cars run,regularly to and from Philadelphhi. and Baltimore. • AGENTS.—Penenclr. ZeThk. Hinchman, No. SOS Market St., Philadelphia. LYkens Valley, Broken Etrg and Nut COAL. (di rect from the mines). Wilkosbarre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL, LUMBER, SHINGLES, SALT. PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT, kelft constant ly on hand. FLOUR,. GRAIN and PRODUCE, of all kinds purchased at the highest cash - prhles. Sepdl,63._ VUNDERLICH E ARRAN G ENT.— FREIriRT THROUGH TO Nmv Youk wurnotrr , Tit A 'NS El I P.VEti T. The undelsignedlvoald respectfully inform the public,.that they are prepared` to tliip all kinds of Produce, Merchandise, &c., from Mans homburg and Greencastle to New York without transhipment. and deliver it at New York as a quick as it can be delivered in Philatleinhht. _ The attention of MillerS and invited Shippers is respect fully to this new arrangement. For further information inquire of 1 DEITZ dr,McDOWELL, Agents, • feb THOS. L. GILLESPIE. k• JACtill ZELLER. 11 ILLESPIE, ZELLER & CO.' PRODUCE & PROVISION MERCHANTS, =AND WHOLESALE GROOERS, North-West corner of - Siathand Market Ste.. Phil adelphia. 11018,63-V. ' SARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. Dealers and Consumers of the above ectebratfie VFash. Iliac, will please take notice that the Label,. are altered to read "INDIGO BLUE, Put up at ALFRED WILTBERGBR'S Drug Store, No: °33 North Second Street, Philadelphia." The quality of this Blue kill be the same in every respect. It is warranted to color more water than twice the same quantity of Indigo, and to go much further than any other Wash Blue in the market. It dig -solves perfectly- dear, and doe not settle on the clothes as most of the other makes do: One Ilox dissolved in a half pint of water will make as good a liquid blue as 8.11 f: that is made, at one-third the" cost. As it is retailed at the same - price as the Imita tions and inferior articles, housekeepers will find it vertmuch to their advantage to ask•for that put up at•lv rtaagmrsa's. - All Blue put up after this date with BanLow's =neon it hi an imitation.- - The new label does pot requires stamp. For sale ' Storekeepers keuerally. , • £O7-6m. attirrnevo at 'RAID. R. COOK, ATTORNEY ,AT LAW, Chamberilittnt.Pa. Office in Mrs. Bard'sßull dinmdirectly opposite the Court Douse; • • Having had offiCial connection with the Provost Marshal's Officehe ,offers his services to drafted men-in the 16th Congressional District, claiming-ex etoption from Military service under the law. or for physical causes; and hopes from his experieuce and stnct attention to business to satisfy those Intrust log him with their cases.- Persons from abroad can receive advice and have their cases prepared by cor respondence. - ' - Referenceema be had to the Hoard of Enrolmen of the 16th District,' Hon. A. K. McClure, Ho.. dames3gill. Chamberubura. and. Hon. Ed. MePit -son. Clerk House of Representatives. ian27. HASTINGS - GREER, 4ttorney at Lai ondGcneintartim Agent. Office—Market at . East of the Court House, Chambersbnrg, Pa. H long experience in IVashington has siren him n - usual facilities for becoming thoroughly neonaintell with thehusiness in the different Department=* Haring resigned his position, in the 'War Depart ment, he is now prepared to attend to all businc. , ,s - his care. Army and - Navy Pensions, Bounty and Arrears of Pay obtained for soldiers, their Widows'or Heirs. ' 'opG-tf VENNEDY (Se NILL.—LAw PART INERSITTP.—The undersigned have 'associated themselves in the practice of the LIMY in the several Ctinits of Franklin County. Office on Market St., in the room heretofore occupied by T. B. Kenn - edY. T. B. KENNEDY.. T. J. NILL. inn 17,63 Fi•S. Bn:3II3AM - ill JOHN' STRWART. QTIIMEAUGH & STEWART, ATTolt xicirs•AT Li W, Chambersbur. Pa. give their undivided attention to the practioq of their proles skin. • _ . . . John, Steprart. Agent for proeriring Bounty money, Pensions, arid Arrearages of Pay. Office ,in.the room lately occupied by Hon. Wilson Reilly, on Market - Street, opposite the gourt House. - inn 17,643. • a " &W. S.. STENGER, krron LII,.NEYS AT 'LAW. Clutmbersbnri•, , Pn, Cone° lections promptly attended to. W. S. Stertger, Dis trict Attorney, and Agent for procuring Pensions Bounty money, 'and Arrears of Pay. Of f ice in Frank lin.Bnilding, ad door from the corner. jun 17,63. YTM. S. EVERETT, ArtointEr -- A,O L. Office in Mrs. -Bartl's 'dwelling** rectly opposite tbeCourtllouse, Chambersburg, Will practice in the several Courts of Franklin • Fulton Counties. All legal 'business entrust to his care will receive prompt attention. iunl7•63. • T 14I'DOWELL 'SHARPS, ArrouNEA - - 11 '• AT LAir, Chatnbersburg, Pa. Of in Mrs Bard's Buildinks,,direotly opposite the Court House. • - tst 0. SETLHAMER, ATTO4NEY A k)r• .C4minbersburg, Pa. Office, Main. EL above Queou, in the room formerly occupied by S. Reishor, Esq. - - Jrtal7,63. L-S. CLARK, - ATTottNgl7. LA.W, . has removed. his office a few doors Basted his former location, on Market Street, South side. junl7l)3. • • . CALVIN M. DUNC AN - ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Market Street, 1p Lawyer's Row. opposite the Court House. J-jun 47,63.- rpnOS. L. FLETCHER,ArrortNEr AT 1 Law, Chambersburg, Pa. Office on Eaat Mar k'et St., nearly opposite the Court House. jun 17,63. A LEX. K. APCLURE, ATTORNEY AT AA.: Cliarabersburg, Pa. Office in the Frank lin Repository Buildings. jun 17.63. ATToRNiY AT Lf • Lest. Grienc'utle, Pa. , • sdp3O63. lint ;ion & I3ountg agructes JOHN 14.iPOMERO'Y eJ • ARMY AND NAVY AGENCY No. 204 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having resigned his position as 'Paymaster in the O. S. Army, has opened at N 0.034 South Fourth Steect, an AGEI , i'VY FOR 'PROCU RING PENSIONS, and for the collection of Offi cers', Soldiers' and all other CLAIMS against the- Government. My long experience as Paymaster has given me unusual facilities for becoming thoroughly acquain ted with this business in all its details.. On the re ceipt, by mail. of a statement of the case of claim ants, Ti will forward the necessary papers for their signature. Personal attention will be given to the cases at Washington. No charge unless successful, when $5 will be charged for collecting Er 49.11 sums under $BO. andslo on all sums over that amount and under $2OO. Lar ger claims taken on= special arrangement Fees in Pension cases as fixed by law. INFORMATION FOR AND INSTRUCTIONS TO CL_4.EVIAN'TS All Soldiers of the present war who have served two years. and Soldiers discharged for wounds re ceived tu battle, without reference to time of ser vice, are entitled besides their regular pay, to $lOO bounty. . ; In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharger for dis abiiitu or wounds received while in the service, they are entitled to a Pension according to the disability. ' In case of the death of the Soldier' before dis charge, througb'disease contracted or wounds re ceived while in service, his widow is entitled to re ceive the sloo' bounty, besides arrearages of pay, and pension during her lifetime or widowhood. If the Soldier the after discharge, from disease contracted or wounds received while in service, his widow is entitled to a Pension, of $96 per annum. If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Soldier or Seaman will receive the Pension, if de pendent on him wholly or in part for support. ._ If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no widOw, his children arc entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except when the - children may be over the age of 16 years. . If no widoW nor minor children the bounty and pay will descend to the heirs as follows: . - - First to the Father, second to the Mother., third • to the Brothers and Sisters, and then to the Next of Kin.,it Peharged-Soldieri whose clothing account was 1 unsettled at the time of discharge, can recover any balance due then'. if the Company's books are not destroyed. To draw this balance, write to your Captain for a descriptive list, showing the Clothing account, and forward it to me, with your prelimi niiry statement, giving also the date of your dia l. charge. ~ Soldiers who Served with the nine months' volun teers can recover $27 bounty and premium, without regard to time of service, if they have not already received it. Soldiers who were prisoners in the South. aridSol i Biers who were -absent on sick, furlough, are enti tled to commutation of rations. In c•ommunicating with this offuiestato the nature of your claim fully, and give the Company and Ite -1 ginient to which you or the Soldier for whom you I claim belonged, as well as your present Post Office I address. . TCEF E R-E E His Excellchey A NUR - kW G. CURTIN, Governor a Pennsylvania. , lion. Sums eXmunolc, Harrisburg. Pa. llon..TosErn.CAsuy, Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, Washington. lion. E. H. BROOKE, Chief Clerk Pay Department, Washington. lion. EDWARD MePRERRON, M. C., Washington, • Him. JAR. P. STERRET. Pres't Judge. District Court, Pittsburg. Mon. A. K. MeCtxRE, Chambersburg, Pa. • Hon. 'inns. A. SOOTT, Vice Pres't Pa. 8.. H. iion.-V; B. Tttom.ts, Collector of Port, Philada, Hon. C. A. WA Latins, Post Master, Philada. Moan S. Co. ! Bankers, Philadelphia.; • JAs, President Union Banje, Philadelphia. BUILITT & FAIRTRORNE, RIRGEL., WRIST & ERvis, Merchants. • LUDWIG, KNEEDLER & Co., Merchants. " PRITCKETT, BALIOD & DAVID FAUST & CO.,MOVCDRAItS, • DERJASSIN S. 'JANNEY, JR. & CO., Moroh'ts " {;RAs. E. Mono.A.N & Co.' Merchants,' - " ATWOOD, WRITE & Co., Merchants. " - JOHN M. POMEROY, • No. 204 South Fourth Bt._ iun17,63 . -t£ PENSION, . BOTJNTY AND WAR CLAIM 'AGENCY.—Pensions procured r fer soldiers of the Presera war Who are disabled by reason erwounds received. or disease contracted. While in.the service of the United States: and Pen sions, $lOO Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those • who - have died or been killed while in service. JOHN R. ORR, • mars-Iy] Claim Agent, Chambersburg, Pa. Josp.ra FREY. • I 3Y-11. IL MONO 141 R E. Y M N-G • _L' • UNDILRTAKEVS, - • CITAMBF,ILSAURG PA. The undersigned; respectfully anno u n ce s t o the citizens of Chambersburgaud surrounding count* .- that they- nontinhe the- manufacture of CO FINS. and; are prepared, to attend Funerals inToWn and Conzitry: - • Coffi n s of Afahogonv; Cloth, Walnut, Cherry, ift!.. made to order at. the shortest notice, and most ref's onnblii terms. • - 2 • They are also prepared to furnish to - order, the 'METALLIC COFFINS: They will attend. to the- laying out g f Corpses. whielvwill be done in a satisfactory manner. Re member Mtn. Flory's old stand. mar 9-3 mo FREY & Rcbicai. DY s - ANA , DIStASES FROM DISORDERS Dr _THE LIVER .A$D DIGESTIVE ORGAN'S, . are cured by HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS: THE GREAT STRENGHING TONIC: Theseßitteriliave performed mere Cures! Have and do Site better satisfaction) Have more testimony I HOOFLANDS GERMAN BITTER& Have more respeetablo.people to vouch for thenit Than any other artude in the market. We defy any one tocontradict tbia assertion, and WILL p4-ir To any one who will produce a certificate published by us, that is not givwsine, onre every case of Chronic or 'Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kid neys, and Diseases arismn from a Disordered Stomaeß. Observe the following Symptoms, resulting from Disorders ef the Digestive Organs: Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach Nausea. • Heartburn, Disgust for Food, - Full- - ness or Weight in the Stom ach, Sour Eructs -- dons, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swim mina' of the head, Hurried and Di f orth _Breathing, Flattering - at 'the Heart; Choking or Suffocating Staisatlons when in a.l,7ing posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Welii before tlie Sight, Fever and Dull Pain - • in' the Head - , Deficiency of Persphstion,Yellow. ness of the ' Skin and Eyes. Pain in' tlie Side - . - Back - . Chest, Limbs, Ste., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant-Imagin ings of _Evil", and great Depression of spirit,' REMEMBIR. that this Bitters is NOT ALCO HOLIC, contains no Rum or Whiskey. and can't tnake.Drunkards, but is the BEST TONIC in the World. • air - READ WHO SAYS SO 'U. , From the Rev. Levi G. Bock, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J.. formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia: -* Q * I have known Iloofland's German Bittete favorably for a number of ycars. I have used them i n my own family. and have been so pleased with their effects that Iwas induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thug publicly proclaiming this fact, and. calling the attention of thoseatilicted with the dis mks for which. they -are recommended, to these Bitters. knowing from exPerienee that my recom mendation will he sustained. Ido this more cheer fully as Moofland's Bitters isintended to benefit the afflicted, and-is "not a rum drink" Yours truly. , - LEVI G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Srown, D.P., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Reli K gious nowledge and Chris tian Chronicle, Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pa tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits .120 believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that ho may thus contrib ute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hootland's German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city. because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend; Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encourager meat to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility; The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the - beginning of the presentyetir, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months. before, and had almost despaired of regaining: I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use'of them. - • fr J. NEWTON—BROWN, Philada. From the Bev. Jos. H. Kennard. Pastor of-the 10th 1 Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson :—Dear 'Sir: I kave been frequently requested to connect my namewith commendations of different kinds of medicine;. but regarding the Practice as out of my appropiiate sphere, I have In. all cases declined; but vritlya clear proof in variow instances, and particularly in myfamily, of theuge fulness of Dr. Ilooflandtl ; Germnn Bitters. I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full -conviction that, for general debility ilitentittentantl especially for Liver Complaint. it is, a safe and val uable preparation. In some Cases it may fail; but usually. I doubt not. it will be very beneficial 14, those who safferfrom the aboie Jaws!. • • tours - N:ery -relipeciitxliy - ,: iI:k.ENNARD. Eighth below. Coates Street, Philadelphia Fr'ora Rev., Warren Randolph,. Pastor of Baptist Church, Gerinantowri.Penna. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir: Personal. experi ence enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you ass most excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold-and general debility I have been greatirbenefitted by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they ,willeroduce,offeets -on others. ' Yours truly " WARB.EN RANVOLPH, Germantown, Pa. Yrorrßuie. 3.11, Turner. TAtor. of Redding Dd. B Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson:--Dear Having used your Bor man Bitters in my family frequently I am prepared to say that it has been of great service. I- believe that in motteases of general debility of the system it is the safest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Yours respectfully: . J. H. TURNER, 726 N. 19th Street. From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, former Pastor of the -Columbus (N. J.) and Millerstown (Penna.) 'kip- Cat Churches. Ni'w RocnELLE, N 4. Dr. C. M. Jackson :--D ear Sir: I feel it a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the German Bitters. Some years shice being much afflicted with Dyspepsia, used them with very beneficial results. I have - often - -re commended them to persons enfeebled by that tor menting disease, and have heard from them the most flattering testimonials as to their great valnc. In cases of general debility, I believe itto he a tram that esaneftbesurpaSsed: ' J. M. LYONS: From tho Rev. Thomai Winter, Pastor of Roxbar ongh Baptist Church. • Dr. 4Taokson ;—Dear Sir: I feel it dw. lo your px cellent preparation, Ifoofiand's German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it Lim obtained. , I have for years, at times, been troubled with kreat disorder in my head' and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of Your German Bitters. I did so, and have experienced great and. Unexpected, relief' my health has been very materially banefitted . I confidently recom mend the article where I meet with oases similar, to my own, and have been assured by many of their good effects. Itespeciftillyjeufs. - • = ' T. WlNTGA i ßosborough, ?a. From the Rev. J. S. Herman, of the -German Re formed Church, Kutztown, Borks county, Fa. , . Dr. C. M. Jackson t—Respeoted Sir I'hairethen troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as-Hoofland's Bitters ; : I am very much .im proved inhealth after having taken Bve bottles. • Wars witiirespeoti J. S.- HERMAN. ' ' - P-11, I C E•B4 .: . ~ Large Size (holding nearlydonble quantity) :- . $l. per Bottle-halfdozen $5 CID Small Size-45 Cents- per Bottle—half dozen, 4 OIL BEWARE , ON COiATTERFEris. See that the signature of !' C. L JACKSON.," is on tho WRAPpEit of each bottle. Should y our neareit dinoist not bare the article., 10 not be put Off by any oftrmintoxicating prepare tions that maybe offered Mitt place. and - are vallforward,adetirelYPacked.b7 Stit'W PRINCIPAI. 'OFFICE I AND MANUFACTORY, No.Gaidtunn.STENET, - .14044 18 ' & Fir,A4uB, (Sneeetnorstio. inokentilk Co.); • . - PaorRIETODs. FOB SALE by Druggists and pesters in mu, fr7ln,in.lie United Strafe:' • !Nee 9.t4101u El 111
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