The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 27, 1864, Image 5

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    t franidin lePviditigg.
THE FLORY iltut..—ln the' brief account
of the ?`Tory trial for murder given in our last
erroneous impressions might obtain rela
tive to th e ease . Oar reporter did not hear the
And jelly error is thus explained. 'the
wage was - he a rd fully ; the testimony on bah
side taming been given to the jury, and the
counsel on both sides refused to speak. to or
der that there may be a monplete'understanding
of the ease, we
give terewith the points_sub
tamed to t h e , eoor t, and the charge of the court
in full;
The Court are respectfully-requdsted to instruct
the jury.
1. That the prosecution was bound to produce the
best evidence of the corpus cicticti that the case ad
mitted of; that such evidenee•Would have been a
post mortem O xus:Siltation of the- body of Unger. by
'experts or surgeons: that this evidence was within
the power of tho prosecution, and having failed to
produce it. there canto no conviction in this case.
2. That as the proseention had the exclusive con
; trot of t h e b o dy, it was not in theipower of the pris
oner to Make tc. host Mottem. examination, and that
in absence ofsuch evidence, when it was in the power
of the prosecution to produce it, raises a doubt which
must acquit the prisoner. • ,
3. That if the shot was fired by the prisoner under
the teem:la w apprehension of loss of life or great
bodily harms and that the danger appeared so immi
nent as to present no alternative of escaping its
consettne aces:but by resistance; then the defendant,
the prisoner at the bar, was excusable, even if it
should appear afterwards that there was no actual
danger , -
A That if the pistol was discharged by accident,
the defendant must bo acquitted. .
When the evidence of the Commonwealth and the
evidence on part of the prisoner was closed, the
counsel for the prisoner submitted several points to
the Court to be answered in writing, and praying
that the answers might be filed of record.' Mr. Sharpe
said he thought it would be more satisfactory to the
community, if the merits of the case were discussed.
In this view of the matter the Court concurred, but
Messrs. Brewer, Kimmel!, Kennedy and Stewart,
counsel for the prisoner, positively refused to argne
the case to the J ury. The Court then requested Mr.
Sharpe to proceed and Make his
,argument on part
of Commonwealth, but he declined to do so. for the
ecasou that the prisoner's counsel had refused to
speak on theease. The eourse of the counsel on both
sides, threw 'the whole responsibility on the Court
and Jury. - The first pointof the prisoner is answered
- by instructingyou that the prosecution was bound
to produce the best evidence of the corpus delipti or
of the body of the crime that the nature of the case
admitted of, and that such evidence would have been
a poet morteni examinatien of the body of Linger by
surgeons. :This evidence was, under the testimony
of the case, within the power of the prosecution.
The evidence of Dr. Richards and Dr. Sensenr,tivo]
eminent physicians, that from the external marks of
'a gun-shot wound, without an examination Dolt mo r
tent, there would be reasonable ground for doubt as
to the cause of the death of Mr. Unger, and the law
is that whenever in the minds of the jury, from the
. evidence, there is reasonableground for doubts, the
r doubts operate in favor of the accused. It is requi
red of the Commonwealth to make out their case to
• the satisfaction of the jury beyond reasonable
grounds of doubt, and if you, from the evidence,
come to the conclusion that the case is not so made
out, you should acquit the prisoner.
2d Point. That as the prosecution had the exclu
sive control of the_bnily, it was not in the power of
the prisoner to make a past mews', examination
- through experts, and that in the absence of such ev
idence, when it was in the power of the proieention
to produce it, it raises a doubt which must acquif
the prisoner. This is the law, and is in our opinion
answered in our instructions out tint point of the
prisoner. In reference to the omission to have a
post marts's examination made, we are of the opin
ton that there was great fault somewhere; we can
not tell who is to blame. Mr. Sharpe says he was
sick at the time, which is.trne, and Mr. Stenger, the
District Attorney, says he did not until recently
Schou , that such an examination had not been-made.
It 18 not at this time our duty to inquire who is to
blame for this negligence.
The 3d and 4th points contain the law, if the evi
&nee sustains the views expressed in said points.
Wcwill not go into a discussion of the testimony, as
ithas notbeen done by the counsel on either side,
but submit the consideration of the case to you on
what has teen said.
The case. was then submitted to then jury and
they rendered a verdict of' ". not guilty."
.-kindly. furnished by -Capt. J. M. Brown with
the following letter from Rev. T. V. Moore. It
wilt be seen' that he confidently expected the
'release of Messrs. Hamilton and Culbertson on
parole; and the' fact that they were brdught
from Salisbury to Richmond a few weeks ago
Looks as if their early release on parole is prob
..** Dr. Moore has been unremitting in his
j .lion to our citizen prisoners, and they all
r grateful testimony to his kindness. We
*bjoin hisietter: •
SPARTA, Ga.. March 1864.
DEAR SIR: Your letter of the 27t.b. and the check
for 4;100, were delayed by my aIIACLICC on a trip for
ruy health. which was seriously threatened. Both
have reached me here. On my return I win nego
tiate the draft, unless prevented by a recent law for
bidding all traffic in U. S. currency. I hope to do so
without Violating this law. Unt even if I cannot, I
will still supply these gentlemen. to my last dollar,
so that their friends may feel easy as far as my ef
forts can make them. I tried to get Dr. H. and Mr.
C. paroled before I left, and hope it may have been
4one by this time, and that they are now with you.
If so, give them my kind regards. Be assured that
any thing I can do for any of my former friends
there, will be done with pleasure.
I am your* truly,. T. V Moons.
Mr. James if. Prount, Chaliekereburg,
TOGr.THER:AGAIN.—The notice pnblished by
- Mrs. Grayson, a refug&i. from Virginia, a few
-weeks since, desiring information as to the
whereabouts of her husband, who was compell
ed to abandon his home in 1862, has, says the
'I Waynesboro Record, been the means of bring
ing_ the couple together. The notice was copied
into the Baltimore American, and', coming to
the notice of a friend of Mr. G., near Sharps
bqrg, Md., he was at once apprised of it, and the
si..lxt morning set out for this place. When"
within about 2.# miles of town he was observed
by lira. G. from the house at which • she was
stopping, and • consequently their first meeting
after so long a separation was upon the public
road. That it was a joyful one the reader earl
well iMagine. They are represented as a worthy
and intelligent 'couple, and have been. kindly
and-hospitable treated by the family with which
she had been staying. • . ,
DELEGATES ELECTED:—The Union Cifimmit_
tee of Franklin county, met at the (Ice of John_
Stewart, Esq., the Chairman, on Saturday lust.,
Cul. F..S. Stumbaugh was selected as Senato
rial, and Hon. John. Rowe as Representative
Delegate to the Union 4 State COnvention.—
*mars. Benjamin Chamberi, John E. 'Crawford
and H. 8. Stoner were selected as Congression
al Conferees to elect 'district delegates to -the
Union National Convention. No iUst:uctions
were adopted by the Committee, but the Dele
gates chosen. - arefavorable to the re-nominatir
rif President Lincoln.
NEW FASHIONS.—The spring bonnets are
out, and look for all the world like church
steeples, with cabbage gardens in- the upper
story. There's no use in mincing matters. The
- .cords of stuff worn on the heads of " lovely
women" is a nuisance. A man will get no
sight for his money-at a public gathering this
inifnmer. We have a groat respect and love
coe l the ladies, but when they come before us
,M4tltenbered with leather-head coverings, filled
With furbelows and other, nonsense, we muse
ea • , in the common parlance, we "can'tsee it"
Wiley, Payniaitter, has given publio notice that
Major Stryker will be in Chuml)ersbgrg on the
3d of May next—Tuesday of next week—to pay
the`militia companies of Captains Montgomery,
Wingert. Fletcher, Criswell, yster, Houser,
and Taylor ; at M'Connellsburg on May sth,
to pay the company of Captain Sellers, and
at Shippenslihrg on the 7th, to pay the companies
of Captains Middlecoff and Bryson. He will
al&o be at Oakville on the 10th-and Carlisle on
the 12th fox; the same purpose. , • ,
' CoßanctioN.—The Fulton Republican cor
rects oar statement in last week's paper, that
Fulton has ratified in advance • the Senatorial
delegate to he chosen by Franklin. FUlton
simply waivid all claims to it. As Franklin is
clearly entitled to it, however,. it • amounts to
about the same tbing, for Adains will doubtless
.do as Fulton did—she having had the Senatorial
delegate two years ago.
who recently piiiehlised the -Monti l Alto Iron
Works contemplate constructing a railroad from
that point to Scotland, on the Cumberland Val
ley. A bill incorporating the company for the
purpose has already passed the. House, and no
doubt will be concurred in by the Senate, so
that the work will likely be commenced in a
very short time.
AcctnENT.—Dr. Brotherton, Sr., ofWay 7
nesboro', says the Record, met with an accident
on Tuesday evening a week; from the effects of
which he has since been lying in a critical situa
tion. The Dr. has been infirm for many years,
and was in the act of turning round on his pave
ment when he fell, his head striking the stones
and causing a severe contusion.
SUDDEN DEATIL—Wo learn from the Record
that Daniel L. HooveriEsq.,"of Waynesboro',
died suddenly in Baltiniore on the 'l3th inst:,
aged 46 years. Hplas connected with the
Army of the Potomac, nd was in Baltiinore to
make purchases. He i'as a son-in-law of Dr.
Brotherton and an estilnable citizen.
property at the corner of Queen and Second
streets, known for many years as " Brand's,"
was sold last week by Capt. A. J. Brand for
the sum of $5,800. Ex-Sheriff Brown will be
come the new landlord in the course of ten
CARLISLE BARRACKS.—We would call at.
tention the to advertisement of Capt. Johnson . ,
Chief Qu?xterlfaster, in to-day's paper, for the
receiving of proposals for lumber and building
material for the re-construction of Carlisle
Barracks: - •
L_utGE,TitouT•—One of the largest and most
beautiful specimens of this fish ever taken in
this section, was caught by Capt. John Doebler,
in Mann's Dam, last week. It measured iti
inches in length, and weighed over 2i pounds.
DR. CRANE, w4o.lectured in Franklin Hall
iq obedience to ttuiriequest Urf several promi
nent citizens, will remain at the Franklin House
for several dayki,,witore lie miti-be consUlted by
A PORTION of the men of the Signal Corps,
encamped near toVi:m left on Monday for the
Department of Western Virginia. Among the
number were several recruited in this section.
CHAMBEESBCRO. April 2N1.1864.
J. S. NrzoN, Druggist—Sir: Having used your
Horse and Cattle Powder for the past two years, I take
pleashre in stating that it has fully sustained itself.
I find that I can with its use put up Cattle for mar
ket in a shorter time and with less cost in grain than
I did before 1-commenced using it. I consider it of
the greatest value for nit kinds of stuck, putting
them in the best condition without pampering. 1
hereby recommend it to all stock raisers.
Tilts Powder has gained a reputation second
to none in the country. it is now beingsold in large
quantities. Farmers can see the value of it and
importance of having it constantly by them. Mr.
Ebersole is one of our most enterprising farmers,
and knows the value of it.
give strength to the voice of &Nona% and are Indis
pensable to PcBLIC SPEAKEP.S.
I recoil:mend their use to Public Speakers."
Rt:v; - . E. H. CHAPIN.
" They have suited my ease exactly, relieving my.
throat and clearing the voice so ; that:l:could sing
with ease." T. DUCHARIIE,
Choristet Fiench Parish (lurch, Montreal
Soul by all Dealers in Medicines at 2 cents tier
commonly known as the Itch, has made-its appear .
ance in town and- in carious places throughout the
county. It may be a source of relief to persons so
afflicted to know thatlhey earrget a titre, cure for
this troublesome disease at Miller's Drug Store
Lot all so afflicted send immediately to their Drug
Store and get a box! of Terrel's Itch Ointment.
Price 25 cents. It is a speedy cure.
WE would invite attention to SPANGLER'S
advertisements. lie has on hand a large stock of
Fresh Drugs and Medicines. and is constantly add
ing to it. His stock of Soaps, Pomades and Per
fumery is extensive and .varied, and everything
else in his tine is of the best coiality and at Prices
reasonable for the times. Fresh Garden Seeds for
GELWICKS, of the cheap wholesale and retail
Grocery, Provision and Variety Store, has just re
ceived a fresh-supply of goods. Hedoes not confine
himself exclusively to the Grocery business alone,
but deals in almost every description of goods. You
can bay almost any article you wish at his extensive
COLGATE'S HONES , SOAP.--thie celebrated
TOILET SOAP • in Sack -universal demand, is made
from the cuolcasT4naterials, is man and EMOLLIENT
its nature, yangtiorrtx scENTEn, and extremely
BENEFICIAL in its action upon theskin. For sale by
all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Ja27-Ir.
WHEN you hitfe been eve,ls , place and cannot
find what you want, go to Gelwieks, he keeps every
thing and intends to make his business pay, not by
large profits, but by selling the largest amount of
g )ods.
SPEC/AL attention is invited to the Card of
Jacob Harley, 622 Market street, Philada.—in this
issue. His stock of Watches, Jewel r y, etc., is large.
and those who call at his store cannot fail to be
IF YOU wish to impart vigor and clearness
to the voice, relieve hoarseness &e., go at once to
A. J. Miller's Drng Store and get a box of Bann
vart's Trochee, the only effectual remedy in the
market, mar 2"
"Sorts; "CURE.—Every day We hear of the sue
cees of the "Sere Care" in curing the Rotten Hoof
and bad Scratches in Horses. Get a . bottle and try
it. Sold only,by Heyser-dc Crawler.
(iribt A 501iit',Ittpo5itot3,: - :ApOt 27, -1864.
',MST 11EWS!
Capture of Plymouth.
The Richmond Sentinel of April 22;-says the
following dispatch has been received by Gen.
Bragg :
• PLYstotfru, N. C., April 50,—T0 Gen. Brax
ton Bragrg:—l have stormed and carried this
place, capturing one brigadier, one thotisand
six:hundred-men, stores and twenty-five
of artillery. R. F:IfoKE, Brig. Gen.
The Aisociated Press' letter from Fortress
Monroe says that Capt. Weatherbee, of, the 23d
Missaehusetts regiment, just arrived from Ro
anoke Island, reports that Gen. Wessel-surr'Em
dered to the enemy at Plymouth, on Wednes
day, after nearly four days' hard fighting. Our
loss was ISO killed, and 2,500 captured. The
rebels 1,500 killed. -
There are rreports on the streets here this
morning; purporting to have' been brought by a
sutler4th at the colored troops at Plymouth, were.
murdered after the surrender, but we have' not
the means of Verifying it.
DICKHAUT—CAII'ION.—On the 19th inst.. in
London, by the Rev. R. P. Themes, Mr. Samuel H.
Diekbant to Alin Anna T. Carson. both of Peters tp.
WOLFF—IIARTMAN.—On the 21st., in 9roart
eastle, by Rev. B. C. Wolff, D. D.. assi4ed by Rey.
T. G. Apple, Rey. C. B. Wolff to Miss Susan Z.
BROWN—GRATIL.-- , On the 20th inst.. by Rev.
T. Barnhart, Mr. Matthias R. Brown, of Indiana
county Pa., to Miss Mary Graul, ofllereersburg.
~_ DIED.
EYSTER.--On the 14th inst., in this plgee, Chri&-
tinn. son of Christian and Elizabeth Eystl r, aged 6
years, :T mon thn and 1 day.
- . ,
BREGIIBML.--Ou the 7th inst., near Newburg.
Mrs. Breehbill, wife of Martin Brechbill, aged 22
years. tinmntlis and 2 days.
STRITE.—On the 18th inst., near Waynesboro'.
Magdalen a St rite. aged 83 years. 1 month and 14 days.
BOWMAN.—On the 21st inst., in Antrim town
shin, Catharine, eldest damrhter of Jacob and Mary
E. Bowman. aged 3 years, Sinontlis and 21 days.
DANISON.-011 the 21th inst. iu Antrim town
ship. Rebecca daughter of Andrew and Sarah
Davison, aired 23 years and 3 months. •
MORTON'S ' GOLD PENS are now• sold at the
same prices as before theemumencemunt of thewar.
This is entirely owing Co the manufactiirer's im
provement in machinery, his present large Retail
business and Crib.-in-Advance system; for, until he
commenced advertising, his business was done on
Credit, and strictly with the trade.
The Morton Gold Pens are the only ones sold at
old prices, as the makers of all other Gold Pens
charge the Premium onlaold,GovertimeutTax, &c.
but Morton has in no case changed his prices, whole
sale or retail.
Of the great numbers sent by mail to all parts of
the world during the past few years, not one in a
thousand has failed to reach its destination in safe
ty, showing that the Morton Gold Pen - can be ob
tained by any one, in every part of the world, at the
same price, postage only excepted,
`Reader, you can have an enduring, always ready,
and reliable Gold Pen, exactly adapted to your
hand and style of writing, which will do your wri
ting vastly cheaper than Steel Pens ; and at the pre
sent almost universal High-Pressure Price of ev
ery thing, you can have a Morton Cold Pen cheaper
in proportion td the labbr spent upon it and mate
rial used, than any other Gold Pen in the world. If
you want one, call on A. MortroN, -No. 25 Maiden
Lane, Now york, or inclose t stamp for circular.
SMALL PDX CURED.—Startling as this an
nouncement may be, it is nevertheless true. 'Let
not skeptics doubt, or refuse_the proffered remedy,
'but rather hail this blessed medicine as a -truth,
until prpved otheruisc. This wonderful cure for
Small Pox has been tried in over one,ho,dred eases
and suceced;?ii in every ewe. The cure isT4t. 11.‘ D-
Y'S Rem:lmm P.ILLS : their indication of cure
is to demo the poison from the skin, blood and other
viscera, and purge it from the system through the
bowels. By this means the patient is proteeted
against pitting and eruptions of.the skin. There
are no other Purgative, pills or medicines that are
safe to administer in ( - Wes of Small Pox and other
eruptive fevers: the irritation and increased intla;
=Rod that a dose_ of the drastic pills would pro
duce in these cases, and the weakness. that would
follow,• would prove fatal. Radway's Pills will
thoroughly purge, and at the same time heal and
soothe all internal eruptioni.
Tax DEATa TRAy..—The horrible tt ail ofmise • s
that are saddled upon the Small Pot patient, if h. •
recovers under the usual treatment, are to be foum
in every form and variety of disease. Thousands of
patients who have been treated for the cure of Small
Pow, were previously healthy, yet after their ap
parent cure, found their *stems involved in a series
of difficulties. This is evidenUe of an imperfect cure
of the original disease.. Radway's Pills not only
cure the patient of Small Pox, but will secure him
against all further sickness. Price 2.5 cts. Per box.
TERS is one of the greatest strengthening prepare
finks extant. It is especially adapted to those who
tA?afflicted with the Fever and Ague, orally other
disettse'arising from a/disordered condition - of the
digestive uremia. 'For the Fever and Agile there is
perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it, as it
enters, purifies and replenishes the blood, which is
sorMilurtant to bring, about a healthy aetion'in dis.
easets of this mare. The Bittersi;re now among the
most popular, and at the same\ime, valuable spe
cifics in the medical world. In recommending it to
the public, we are fully conscious of doing them a
great service, knowing, as we dm their many excel
lent qualities, and sure and speedy.action in all ea
ses witere the is caused by irregularity of the'
digestive organs. • A trial will suffice for the most
skeptical. See ' , advertisement. For sale by Drug.i
gists and dealers* generally, everywifere. froar3o-1M
INV LlD.—Publighed for the benefit, and ao a warm:
ins and'
who sufferfrom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay
of Manhood, aLe., supplying at the same time
by ono who ha cured himself after being put to a
great expense and injury through medical humbug
and quackery.
By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, sin
gle copies may be had of the author. ,
mai20,63-Iy. Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y
SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Professor Bolles having
ton large class of Medical mon and others, whose
complimentary resolutions show the entire satis-
Ihetion they entertain in the Perfeeti'on of his new
iyotem, in the treatment of Actue and Chronie
e - ases, by the use of Galvanism and other modifica
tions of Electricity, will commence another Course
Leeturee, at the Institute, 1220 Walnut Street, Phil
adelphia, on Tueeday Evening, ilfity 17th, 186.1.
Persons wishing to attend the Course are request
ed to make application early. ap2o-3t
$25. $75.
w ill pa y from $25 to $75 per month, and all expen
ses, to active Agents, or give .commission. Partic
ulars sent free. Address ERIE SEWING MACHINE
COMPANY, R. JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio.
artioie of CORD V!.'LVET at WzrITIVB
BLANK DEEDS.—An assortment of
BLANK 'BE fI NDS just printed on fine rarer
me w p a per, gakd for sale at the }4PosFroar Office,
• Ctsamkerabrtr4 Market*. '
'CRAM'S kBS BURG, April 23, 1564." 1
rimier-White.- $7 00 . Butter.-- ........... .... 30'1
Plourßed 650 Rags-. 15
Wheat—White. ...... 1 50 , Lard - /2
Wheat—Red'. 1 40 .Tallow - it'.
Rye 125 • Bacon—l - lams ' 15 '
Corn:. '. 100 Bacon—Sides, . 11
Oats ' 75 Soup Beans 2 00'.
Clover Seod 4 6 00- Washed Wool. • 60
Timothy Sear: ..... ... 3 00. Unwashed Wool-- . 40,1
Flax' Seed 250 Pared Peseties. 500 ,'
Potatoes—Mercer.., 50 Unpared Peaches— 3 001
Potatoes—PinkEyes 45 Dried Ap ple s...,- . `~
.e. ,
- , ,
-..,. lnv TRLY.GRAPII:i ,
ph iiatiejphia Mmrketss. ' 1
. P ATtAmmigti A. April 2'i. 1854.
The firmness in the markhts still continue. The
Moor market is firm hut inhatire. ThesaJes for ex- •
port reach only I4(a15.000 tals—extratamilV at $B4 :'
R. 25 and extra at $7'75. The retailerg are buYing •
rather freely at.t7e,7 25. for - superfine, sB@ - 13 75 for ..
family and $1 1 (c..?...0 75 for fancy brands.. Rye tflour is
scarce and commands $7 V bbl. Ndtbing doing in-
Meal. There is but little wheat offerine. and i
it is - Wanted et $1 80 0 1 85 for -red. and $1 05€42 for i
white. Rye is scarce. and $1- 45t - 41 50 is otfered.-, 1
There is an active demand for Corn at $1 32. at i
which tate a small lot was sold in store. Oats are i
steady at 88:ets:- Clover Seed is held at s7@7 25. .
Timotby.s2 ,50@2 75, and Flaxse.A. $.3 37 V hhs.het: i
Whisky is unsettle', with a few sales at $1 30@1 33 1
Air bblo. and dradge,Sl 30. , ' '
- Baltimore Illarketa.
BALTIMORE, April 211,
Flour has , an advancing kenda.nev and mice)! are
:Acts hiither; • Wheat firm ; 5,000 bushels southern 1
red sold at .2 10gN2 15. , Corn active and advane- .
inc. White $1 32051. :13: yellow $1 330351 35. I
Whisky firm at $1 25@$12i.
FANCY CARDS, of all - styles and'
colors Printed at the ItgeosiTotty Office.
‘A variety, sold by the yard at
WRITE'S New Store
BUSINESS CARDS; of every size and
variety, printed promptly' and in best style bt
the B.F.PosITOitY office.'
T ANT ED*.A. good., TAN NE ' R, Good
wages and steady employment will be given.
Apply to the undersigned, near Mereersburg.
ap27-tf C.' METCALF.
party will held a Delegate meeting in the Court
House. on Saturday evening next. at. 7 1 ,4 o'clook,for
the purpose of nominating a Burgess and Town
Council for the enaging,eleetion: a.27-li*
- , •
ICE eltF,Al',.—And the Philosophy of
its Manufacture. A small treatise, with valua
ble re , dpes on 'this sobjeet. will be sent FREE, by
to persona who will stend to
ap27-4t 289 Pearl SL, N.Y;
denen of thesabieriher',.residing about miles
east of Bridgeport ; Franklin county, on Tuesday of
last week,A BAY COLT, with white nose and foie
white feet, about three years. old. The subscriber
is requested to prove charges and
take it away. [ap27-3t9 JACOB TROST
tic:e is hereby given that Letters of Ade:anis,
tration 141 the Estate of' Sohn Wilea, late of Wash
ington township. deed. have heen granted to , the
undersigned, residing in Waynesboro'.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estao will please make immediate payment: and
those having claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.-
aI 3 V ' JOSEPH DOUGLAS.' Adirer.
V fox: sale Seed of a very choice Tobacco. Its
value May be judged by the fact that it has been pro
nounced by a competent practical Tobacconist mac-
WraPpera to the fatuous Connect:cut geed
„ Applicants per mail supplied at per wince.
LA; DRETff'4ft SON,
• Seed and Implement Wareltow:e. '
ap7.7 . 7 20, 21 and 23 South Gth St., Philadalphia.
hereby given thntLetters Testamentary to the
Fstate of Magdalena Streit late of Washington
tawnship. have been granted to the under,
signed. residing in Guilford township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate , paythent and
those having claims will present,thern properly fur
tb entiented for settlement.
ap27-6t* CHRISTIAN LESHER. Ex'r.
tice is hereby given that „Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of „Mary Lesher late of Gail
ford township. deed, have been" granted to the un
derigned, residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment; and
Oleic having claims will please present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
ap2i-6t l . CHRISTIAN LESSER. Adm'r:
/-1.. tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration of the Estate of Anna B. Caufman, late of;
the Borough 'of Chambersburg. dee'd, bare been
granted to the undersigned, residing in said Dor- ;
All persons knowing thefuseires indebted to said
Estate will please make immediate payment: an&
- those having elaitns wilt present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
A, D. CAUFMAN. Adm'r:
PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an ordei
of,lke Orphan's Court pf Franklin county, I
will offer at Public Sale on the premises, on Fridew
the tith tiny of May next; the following doseribed.
"Real Estate, viz: A TRAIT OF LAND. situate in
Antrim township. -in said vanity. adjoining lauds c..`
David Martin. Samuel Kennedy, Samuel Powell
find Jacob Brumbaugh. Containing FOURTEEN
ACRES and fifty-three Perches net. :Sale to corn •
mence at 2 o'clock on said day. When termswill b. ,
made known by the undersigned, adm'r of Beery
Bend ztouffer, dee'd. -
T QNES ,H ‘o' U S E,
1 0 Corre, 3forkPt Stre , t Miirket ..S'Quaro.
- -
The subseriber would most respectfully ettll the
attention of the citizens of Chambetsburg and thj
snrrountline country to the accommodations of ti n ,
JONES HOUSE:hastiring them they will find every
thing that can contribute to' their comfort and con
venience. . ,
The House lit located far enough from the Depotio
avoid the noise and confusion
,incident to railroad
stations, and, at the same . time only a few minutet
walk from the same.,-
An ()minus will be found' at the Depot on.
the arrival of each train.
ap3.7-3m - C. H. MANN. ProorictAir.:'
following causes have been put down for ,
special Court of Common Pleas„ to be held on itio
day. the '2.3,1 of iliiy. 1854.
Polly PiPer vs James Dynrmaini.
Adam .Aughin bough vs Geo Branthafer's Ex,
John Beaver's Adm'rs h. Wm M'Grath et at.
Elia J Trindle et id A s Mary A Clark.
John B Madden et al vs R. H Thomas et at
Geo J Balsley .vg Tana. Harbauch a wi'
.Tohn Small et al vs John Ruthrauff.
.f & B Ely• vs 'l 4 ' Funk.
Emanuel Kuhn vs NC Crook's Ez'rs.
Michael Zellers • vs James Rule,
Jacob Overeash , vs Wm A notelet.-
Sol Heiser vs Wm M'Grath. '
MatthhurPhillinY vs John AshwaY. -
Wm Cline , vs Joldah'Etter. ,
John Tritlo -- vs Joseph Rule.
11 Ilelby -- . vs T L Fletcher et al,
John Peterman vs Lewis Etter.
Solomon Baker vs -Philip Kyner's Adm's
• Andrew J. Lochbaum vs Iluber & Lambert.
Rebecca Morrison ~ vs Jll Miller n Adm'r.
nal TAYLOR, Proth'y'
PA.—The Mails' at 'this office are closed
First Mail.—For Washington, D. C., New Yor'
Philadelphia. Baltimore, .Pittsburg, Harrisbur ,
Carlisle and all intermediate points, at 7:30 A. M.
Second Maid.—For all the above points, at , /2 M.
Jail .—For Greencastle, Waynesboro', Mercer
burg Hagerstown, Md.. and intermediate points, '
4 P. M.
Daily.—For London, St. Thomas, M'Contiollsbu •
and Bedford, at 6:30 A. M.
Daly.—For Fayetteville, Grmfenburg, Cashtow
and Gettysburg. at 6:30.A. M. -
For Upper Strasburg, Fannottsbnrg, Concor ,
Burnt Cabins. Shade Gap and Mt. Union, on Tue
day; Thursday and Saturday, at 6:30 A. M.
For Jackson Hall, Quincy and Waynesboro', C•
Monday, Wednesday and Pedal , . at 1 P. M.
For Greenvillage, Now Guilford and Mont-Alt t,
on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at-4 P. M.
OFFICE Honda—Fr. - nu 7 A. M. to 7`P. M.
.11*• Mee closed on Sund
a , P2O • JOHN W. DEAL. P. M.
jiteiv abbertionteuto.
CARD.—The undersigned hereby re
- turns his sincere thanks to the citizens of
Oliambersbitrx. - especially to Col. D. 0: Gehr, John
Mull, D._s. Wunderlich and Nicholas Snyder, and
their respectivefamilies, for the kind interest they
lehave manifested in him since he came among , theta,
I.a refugee and a stranger. He will cherish it gra e
fully and endeavor to prove that, their gonad co
was not =worthily bestowed.
ap27-It* .EDWARD N. JACO •.
LECTION NOTlCE.—Notieelis he •e , .
J. 24 by giyen t that there will be an Election, at he
Court House, in the Borough of Chanibersburg, on
the First Monday in May next. (May 2d,) far he
.parpose of electing Borough Officers, as follows:
Iperson to be Burgess ;
6 persons to be Members of the Town Connell,
The two per Sons-having the highest numberof votes
to be Members of the Town Council for three years;
the,two persons haying the next highest number of
votes ; to be Members of the Town Connell fortwo
years, and the two persons having the next highest'
number of rotes, to be Members of the Town Council
for one year
2 persons for School Directors;
1 person for Auditor ;
' 1 person for High Constable.
AW. The Polls will be open between the hours of
12 o'clock, M.. and 6 P. M
ap27-1t n, DAVID DAVIS. High constable.
WEDDING' CARDS printed in 'very
beat style at the RRPOSITORY office.
p o .m A E 8 ,
VISITING CARDS printed in best
If • style and at shortest notice, at the REPOSITORY
ED in the Post Office at. Chambers') iir4 State
of Pennsylvania, April 2i, 156.3.
Air To obtain any-of these Letters, the applidant
must call for "adiertised Letters, " give the data . of
-this list, and pay one cent for adirertising. '
- If-not called for within one month they will be
sent to the Dead Letter Office.
Letters to strangers or transient visitors in atown
or city whose special address may be unknown should
be marked in the lower left hand corner with the
word " Tr'aweient."
-Place the Postage Stamp on the upperright-hand
corner, and leave space between the Stamp and di
rection for post-marking, without interfering with
the writing.
rfkii"- A request for the return of a letter to the
writer, if unclaimed within - thirty days or less, writ
ten or printed. with the writer's name, Post Office
and State across the left-hand end of tho envelope
on the face side will be complied with at the usual'
Pro-paid rate of postage, payable when the Letter
is delivered to the writer.
Ankerbrant Mrs Distert Mis Mary Reed Miss Mir.
Susan - Forney Sam. M Reese M W
BurkholderSam. GrahamMissLib. Reed Miss Lila
Henchman Char. Gelwicks Miss Schaible J G
BerkhkrtMartin Margarett ' Steel Miss Miley
Buchanan AntiM Golden R A&Bro Smith Eliza
Boker Wilson D Goshern Jane Sells Simnel
Bender Michael Griffin James Smith Joseph A
Baker Frederick Hoffer Miss Stevick Samuel
BrownAinandaß Matilda . IShatron Miss NP
Butts bliss Sarah Hamilton Lieut • 'Shearer Henry
„Berkey Miss M A Hunt L
Buntly Miss Em. Howard Mis Min.• Swert - Elias -
Bryan Robert,A Huslar John Snyder MissAM2
Clark Charles Lohr John Strong J G
Coffie Samantha Lewis James Stevenson Geo.
Coleman Wm.- Lepp Adam Stener Mrs
Cook John M Leah Paul 'Wesley
Coar Elmira A Long Miss Mary Smith John C 2
CI agson S S MoFerrenMiss Smith Robert
Choovcr Albert Susan - Staley Frederick
Cunningham Mackey Lewis E Shatter George
William. ' McLaughlin C. H Sweney Capt
Coble John 2 McCoyMrsMarg. Sleighter G
Garpenter - Benj. Miller Mis ME 2 Snyder Courtney
Crouse C C McCoy Frank, Scott Wash. .
Crass-sing Miss McSwain John Snyder Josetihlt
Maggie ' MaekeyMisSnsA Shattuck Geo.
Crider Miss Mary Meyers Mrs Em. tSample Mis Eliza
Cook MisSadiell - Morton Dora M Straly Mrs Sus.
Cruntlin James - Murray Char: L Stake Miss Ellen
Deffenbaugh Nolan IllissM F Winters Miss M
Miss Bell Otis William (Wentz Geo., R
Dick Peter' Overcash Jacob r White AnnaM
Deatrich Louis Pfouts John T (White Mis Lottie
Decked Jacob William
J. W. DEAL. P. M.
CharthrFtenva, Pa., April 1864.—Sealed Propo
sals will be received at this (dace until 12 o'clock,
M., Tuesday, the 10th day of May next, for the Ibl
lowing Lumber and materials for rebuilding the U.
S. Barracks, at Carlisle, Pa.
• The Lumber to be delivered at said Barracks by
the first day of June next—material of each kind to
be of the best quality , , and subject to inspection by
Superintendent of the work.
146 Ifemlbek juice, 23 feet long, 3X12 inches
146 " 32 " "; 3XII
257 - " 24 " " 3XB "
70 " 16 " " 3XIO "
~' 3XIO
147 • "• " 32 " " 3XIO "
70" • " Al 6 " 3X9'" •
70 " " 16 " " 3XB
576 Rafters, 18 feet long, 3X6 inches at one end, 3X
4 at the other end."
70 Rafters, 23 feet long, 3X6 " " " " 3X
4 at,the other end.
18 Rafters. 21 feet long, 3X6 " " " " 3X
4 at the - other end.
96 White pine posts, 20 feet long , 6X6
-730 " • scantling 16 ' 3X4,
60 " " scantling 16 " " 4X4 "
4,200 feet of Planed and Matched 1 inch - flooring, of
seasoned pine.
11.000 feet of first common, dry Pine boards.
6,500 feet of dry, first common " - IXinch.
4,ooofeet of dry scaffolding boards, I inch;
7.000 feet of common Pine boards, dry, 1 inch.
21,500 ft. of 1 inch Iferreloak sheetinglmarcht, for roof.
%Raz window '
frames,. 12 lights.. 10X14
Set " • 12 10X12
119 Plain_plank -" with iron casing and trimmings,
10X14 glass.
222 Doors sad frames. Sizes from 6 feet Bto 7 feet
6 inches in height, by 2 feet 10 inches to 3 feet
4 inches in width.
2100 feat Crown moulding.
• The window and door frames to be delivered as
fast as wanted after Ist of June. -
150,000 Brieks,.to be delivered as fast as wanted for
use, after Ist of June. •
500,000 Bushels Lime; to be delivered as fast as
' ' wanted for use after Ist of June.
1,050,000 Bushels good, sharp sand, to be delivered
as wanted.
2.08.1 f e et Tin roofing, painted on both sides, to be
put on as anon as the roofs are ready,
14,760 square yards of plastering, two coats of bronta
mortar and last one of white, to be put on as
fast as buildings, are ready.
6700 pounds of nails, sizes wanted from 6d to 30d.
Proposals will be received separately for the gdif
ferent classes of 'materials. T e Government re
serve the right to reject any or all bids, Persons
whose bids are accepted will be required to enter
into bonds, with approved sureties for the faithful
performance of the contract, •-•
Proposals most be endorsed "Proposals for
lag materials for Carlisle Barracks" and addressed
Captain J. G. Johnson, Chief Quarter Master, De
partment of the Susquehanna, Chambersburg, Ps;
(Signed)„, J. G. - JOHNSON, -
apt: -2 tAAPtt and Chief Quarter Master.
_ _
PBLie SALE.—By virtue of an order
of Sale, issue& out of„the Court of Common
pl e as of Fianklin county, there•will be , exposed to
Public Sale, on the premises. a *certain LOT OP
GROUND, situate in the town of Manheitu. Quints'
township. distinguished in the general plarrof
town as Lot No. al. on .fl•ider, Afar lStli,atlo'cloc.k. -
~60-. Terms, Cash. Title, agreeable do
_the - above
order of sale, will given
_by the underampaed. •
ap27-ts Directors of the Poor.'
. -
DR. scutAssim. • 1., DR. T DipDICORD.,
ENTISTRY.—Oftice in Mr. Josh
NOEL'S BUILDING, Second Floor, immediately
opposite the Franklin House. Having bad an ex
perience of a number of years. and for the last fbur
years in Chambersbum they feel warranted in say
mg that they will be able to please any one who
may give them a call. •
From one to a full Bet, on flue Gold, Sauer, irews..
p/Urtic or Vulcanite Amber Bate, at priets more
reasonable for neatand substantial work than-any
other Dentist outside of the cities. 'Teeth and Roots
skilfully extracted - or Plugged to last for Bre. Tar
ter and other foreign substances removed, thus bean
ti fying and preserving the teeth. Gold- and Silver
Plates neatly repaired or taken in exchange for the
Vulcanite Amber Base, which is Much checper._
more durable and lighter than motalio or other plate.
and is worn with perfect ease- and comfort, being
kep tin its plac e by atmospheric pressure, _Tho plate
will not corrode or oxidize, as will a metalio plate.
specimen plates to be seen at the offic ,e where con
sultation can be had at any time.- Satisfaqtion guar-;
anteed or no charge. Best of referencestoven.
Piece Goods Sold by the Ytull'
Piece Goods Sold by the Yard
Piece Goods Sold by the Yard
Piece. Goods Sold by the Yard
than any Store in the county. The largeit end beet
assorted titmkaf
for Men and Boys ever broughi,to this Pam
Call and Examine
Call and Examine
Call and Examine
Call' and Examine
- -
ap2o) ' Tyre= Doors South of the. Diamond
11011IJBLIC ALE.—There will be exposed
to Public Sale, on the
_premises / in4arrtin
township, Fre, klin county, Pa.. .on Saw , the
30th day of April, 1864, the following very d cable
Tracts or Parcels of Laud,-late the Estate of,Jacob
'Zimmerman_, decd via: _ ,
THE MANSIO.N' FARM of said deceased, con
taining 196 ACRES and 46 PERCHES, neat meas
ure, adjoining lands of T. W. Cook, Jacob Zimmer
man, Isaiah Brewer and • Peter Zimmerman. The
improvements consist of a two-storied BRICK
HOUSE, large Brick Bank Barn and other out
buildings. The Land is well watered, " Down Ceve
Creek" passing through the same. A bout 160 Acres
arc cleared enclosed mostly with good post-and-tail
fence, and under good cultivation., "Theca is alio a
-good Apttle Orchard on the premisEi. This Tract le
known in the Sheriff's Inquisition Purpart No.:.
Also—A TRACT OF LAND, con ining7loAcres
and 116 Perches, neat measure, adjoining Jacob
Zimmerman, Peter Cook, Henry Brewer and Peter
Zimmerman. About 150 Acres cleared, well fenced
and under cultivation. The improvements area.
two storied' DWELLING HORSE. Log Barn. SAW
MILL, Tenant House and other buildings. There
is also on this Tract a thriving young Apple Orchard.
This - Farm is also well watered—Mountain Run
passing through it. Known es Purpart No. 2
Also—THE MILL TRACT, containing 10 Acres
and 61 Perches, neat measure, adjoining lands of
A. Ward, John Zimmerman and others. On this
Tract is erected a foitr-stored GRIST MILL capa
ble of turning out 30 barrels of Flour per day: a
three-storied BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with
an excellent Spring of Water in the Cellar: 2 Log
Dwelling Known as
~MILL,-2 Stables and other
out-buildings. as Purpart N 0.4. -
TERMS—One-third in hand; the balance in two
equal annual payments. with interest from the con
firmation of the sale. Payment to be secured in th e
Laud. Possession given as soon as the sale is con
firmed. Sale to commence at 10 o'olock, A. M.
ap6-4t JACOB S. ZIMMBRMAit, Adul'lls.
*abblerg, 'Matas,:4, &v.
The subscriber respectfully infirrma his friends and
the' public, that he continues to carry orithe
above business at his Old Stand, on
Opposite Millet's Hotel,
and he-cps constantly on hand a, general assort
ment of _
Riding and Wagon Saddles,
Riding Bridles. •
- • Flat and Round,
=Black and Fair .'
• Harness of altitude.
Raman and Draft Collars, •
Patent Leather collars (geed quality;,;
Blind Bridles, ,
Broad Gears, '
' Wagon Whips.
. _
and everything in the Leather line can be found in
his shop, or made to order, at moderate rates.
done at short notice and on reasonable toxins.
deme on hand and sold cheap Fos CASH..
. .
gm. He employs none but the beet workmen.
marl6-ly • ' JAMES B. fIILLAIi.
kJ dies, Bridles,llarness, Collars, Trunks,Valises '
si_of the HORSE COLLAR. ,
JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully, returns his
thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement
received from them heretofore, and ho wouldinvite
them and the community generally, who - may need "
ant thing i n hi s n ee , to give him a call at his old
stand, on the East side of Main Street, Chambers- .
burg. five doors South of Huber 44 Tolbert's-Hard- -
were Store, where he keeps constantly on hand ev
ery variety of SADDLERY AND HARNESS of
his own manufacture, and he is prepared to sell the
same on terms that defy competition. Everyarticle
offered for sale is warranted to be made or the best
material and by competent workmen, which will be
fully demonstrated onau.a.samination thereof.
= TRIUNES AND V A I•ISF.SF—He would also call
the attenlion of persons wantangi a good neat-and
cheap andsubstAntaalTrunk or Valise to his-asisort
ment. jturiel7,63.
CYRITS - H. GORDON, successor to,
3: Gordo.; gives notice to his customers and
'others, that he is stilt at the Old Stand. opposite the
Indian Queen Hotel, Main St., Chambersburg, Pa,.
notice, on reasonable terms, by C. H. GOR
DON: . H e i nvites pis friends to call and des ban.