The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 27, 1864, Image 1

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tradliu rAvvoiforg.
The,good people of Franklin county, who
9dd steadily to their wealth by honest industry
snalrugality s know but little of the millions of
Money gambled upon the stock boards of the
leiding cities. With every revival of business
stock gambling becomes epidemic, until it in
'v olves an ahnost incalculable amount of capital
Ili& great whirlpool of ,speculation. It is
manifested at first only in limited circles; bat
it steadily seizes upon the more'-', , substantial
monied men in the cities and leading towns in
the country, until the great business operations
of the 'Cities become mere betting upoit the
prices of stocks. All go into it, and yet all
will adintt, when their sober senses are aPpeal
ed to, that it is hazardous, and in the end
overwhelming ruin must come; but each hnpes
•to get out in due time tb leave the fury of the
'storm fall upon their neighbors.
Any intelligent observer who scans the re,
ptirts of stock sales in the city journals, need
not be told that almost every class' of stocks are
daily gambled off at priced far, very far beyond
their actual value. The Stock of the Bank-of
.01tambershurg sells at about $7O, solely because
it is intrinsically worth it. EveriShare sold is
" , actually delivered and paid for,vand every share
bought is wanted by the purchaser because he
has inOiley to infest, and he believes that he
ottniint invest it' to bptteradvantage: It stead
ily pays ten per cent, dividends out of actual
.profits; and has a . surplus of over $50,000; It
•is not difficult therefore to calculate its value.
:13nt'on the steel boards ,:of the leading cities,
Reading - Railroal stock fittetuates-from $6O to
although it has never, at least within
twenty `i'ears, paid a cash dividend; has never
earned actual cash profits, and in ordinary bug
-. nessthnes, it cannot be expected to earn enough
to pay a dividend upon its immense capital.
'Philadelphia and Erie sells at $35 to $4O,
when it cannot possibly pay a dividend of any
kind within the next five Years. All manner
of Oil; Gold, Silver, Copper .and other mining
stocks are gotten up and bulled upon the mar
ket until they are pushed into the hands of in.
ruicent victims - , vhen they naturally enough ex
plode and the loss falls upon the verdant ones
who were Jeremy Diddled out of their money by
dazzling promises of rapid fortune.
. . The "bulls" aro those I, , itio.are iotereated'im
inthiting prices. ,They haire everything at stake
in adyaneing the value of the stocks they are
operating in. The "bears" are interested to
reducing priees,And go in to prostrate them
' when.a Ith;ince offers, and make their money by
"v" selling short." Some operators are con
, spicuous as .'bulk" anilothers as "bears;" but
most of stock gamblers operate for ; - Mall opfor
a. rise in the market, just as seems most pro
- mising. Whets the country is prosperous,
capital abundant seeking investment,the"bulls"
reap their harvest; but when the army is suc
cessful, Eurnpean , crops reported as promisitg,
or pay other 4 causes transpire calculated to ren,
dace prices, the ,"bulls" are ever ready to
throwthemselves into the breach and "corner"
the unfortunate until the very last attainable
dollar is wrung from them. '
All such Operations ere very properly called
gambling, because they are not bona ,fide busi
ness transactions. Sales of millions of 'stock
are reported daily, while in fact not one-twen t
tieth part of the transactions reported are ac-
tual sales. Hundreds 'of thousands of gold are
reported daily as sold and bought, while perhaps
not one of the sales are actual purchases einbra,
clog delivery of th 6 gold and payment therefor.
The dales are simply the lulard of the gambler
upon the price of gold the next hour, the next
:day or the next week ; and when the time is
up, the difference in price is paid or received,
and the transaction is closed. The same men
might with equal honesty, in a moral point of
'view, stake theirmoney . upon the turn of a card
at or the thimble-rigger's little joker, for
it is but -a hazard to win or lose, with this
difference .in.thror of gambling at cards—that it
.wrongs none but the victim, and those depen
dent upon him, while stock gamblibg, by its
wanton inflation of prices, has made the whole
Nation pay tribute to itaraaduess: When stocks
are rising and money abundant, the stock gam-
bling fraternity combine their skill to make the
rise as rapid and high as possible ; and by just
such gigantic gambling have juices of every,
thing, including even the neeessmies of life,
been advanced far beyond what they should bo
today. The actual demand for gold would not
make it worth over 30 per cent. premium rem
it bought and soltionly when absolutely Warted;
but as it is confessedly the standard of fill
values, and as its, rise in the market prodtMes
corresponding rise in prices generally, it is
borne Upward by all manner of speculative corn,
binatione, , and immese nominal sales are made
without One dollar of the precious mtital ehang
lug hands at - all. Thus—John Smith sells John
jades $lO,OOO of gold, and the sale is reported
as that amount of gold sold, say at $1.70, with
_the .Addition of " h 20 days"—whicli
means ." buyer twenty days ;" that . Mr. Jones
can call upon Mr. Smith—not for the gold, but
-for the difference in the price at any time with
ifftWenty (loyal or if it is not called for in the
- ,'ffine' specified, at tho„expiration of the twenty
days the pities are bound to settle, and if gold
is•sl.7l, Jones pockets his $lOO, or if it is
$1.69, be pays Smith- $lOO and.' the matter is
closed." The plain meaning of the transaction
is that Jones wagers Smitft . thitt withip twenty
days gold will be worth over $1.70, ;sidle Smith
„stakes his money on the ha?.ard that it' Will fill
below that figure. Perhaps: neither. has ore
dollar in gold, or it may be. 'that both together
are not worth $10,000; bid they-simply put up
the "_margin," which may be stout 10 per cent.,
and thus on a capital 'of sx,ooo they gamble to
' file extent of $lO,OOO. Of count' Jones wants
'gold up, so that the profit may be large as pos
'sible and he: "bulls" the market; predicts the
failure of the army the derangement of the
currency; the prostration of National, credit;
inagnifies the rebel forces ; declares foreign
. intervention just at hand, and rejoices at cop-
perhead riots and captures and massacres like
Fort Pillow. -On the other hand, Smith"bears"
at the boards, and is intensely loyal; promises
an easy victory for'Grant and the capture of
Richmond within thirty days ; and is ready to
pronounce any man a. traitor who does not con
sider legal tenders as good as geld. And se
goes stock gambling to the extent of millions
daily. -
—The, end is ruin,-inevitable and terrible in
its Completeness and scope, for the higher the
inflation the lower the revulsion when the
crash comes. All knoW it; ,but all hope,to be
out in time; but the gambler's infatuation is
usually stronger than- .his judgment, and those -
who acquire wealth -4 the fickle smile of for.:
tune, are, In the main, those who lose it by her
sudden and Meatless frown. Occasionally
there are mutterings of the distant storm, and
one weak man gives over; he knocks down a
dozen in his fall, and they in turn, between
short accounts and panic, send thrice their nuin
her to the wall: Thus, on Monday of last week,
speculation was on a rampage; gold was up to
78 per cent. premium, and operators confident:*
ly counted on sending it np-to-100-before-thirty
days. - But Secretary Chase wants money,—he
must have it, and the sale often-forties does not
supply_him. Ile goes to New York, induces
the Banks to take ten millions in two days, arid,
itis,said, that he sold some thirteen millions of
gold. liedid not g.unble in the price of coin;
but he.sold to deliver, for he wanted the money.
The resnitwas that he took from New York
nearly thirty millions of currency in a feW
days. Of comae such a draft even upon New
York, made the banks demand their call loans
Which were out in every imaginable species Of
gambling, and hundreds were caught "short"
in cash; were compelled , to dispose of their
gambling contracts to irealize, and with Mr.
Chase's gold thrown upon the market, and the
gathering up ofturrency .to pay for it and the
bonds sold, stocks toppled down, and panic
seized the whole brood of gamblers. On Tues
day of last week the contracts on stocks and
gold in the hands of gamblers depreciated so
that the loss, to the parties carrying , them, on
that -day, would have been over twenty-five
Millions. Several, leading stock gamblers failed,
eras the commercial phraSe goes, gave notice
-that they could not meet their engagements—
.that is pay.the winnings tO the parties playing
against them—and asked- extensions.. Weak
`and over-loaded operators went under; but
those who could possibly carry themselves ever
the panic did ssO at eyetisacrificeAoping, for
an early re-action. In gambler's pahres; like
that of last week, the Banks are compelled to
exhaust themselves to save the gamblers, for
their interests are so ir4rwoven with their
borrowers, that they must Five all that can be
saved. 'The "bears" of course go in herivy in
such a crisis, and Make all possible combina
tions to hammer down the prices' to the lowest '
• point. When the "bulls" are "cornered'? and
wrist "sell short," triey stand aside and decline
to buy, while the crippled "bulls" generally
can afford but little aid to the "lame ducks' of
the flock; and so the gamblers' panic is pressed
mercilessly by systems* and skillful efforts
until the bottom is reached.
Any day in the earl} , part of last week the
leading brokers' offices were crowded with ju.
bilant "bears" who were struggling with.all
of a heartlyss .gambler's ferocity to make the ,
little storm a deluge ; anderippled " bulls" were
racked with intensest. anxiety to save them
',selvesfrorriutter ruin. The offices of Jay Cooke
0. Co., E. W. Clark & Co. and Drexel &Co:,
in Philadelphia, would have passed for densely
crowded lunatic asylums, with an assortment
of the most frantic patients. Men would rush
in and Out in as if possessed by 'forty fiends, and
with distended eyes, blanched cheeks and hag
gard faces, wearing ever} - insignia of woe, they
would run from place to place to procure irelief
before "the fatal hour when accounts 'must be
made up. In New York it was worse, if : pos
sible, and one house went under with unadjust
ed liabilities of several millions, and was of
course followed by others. They were but
scotched however—not killed. It was but a
gambler's panienot a great revulsion brOught
about by legitimate channels of trade, for with
all the losses and failures and excitement, the
legitimate business never was more prosperous
and solvent. • And so it will be again. The les
, son if last week is already forgotten ; 'the
`wounded are in again to retrieve ; the dead are
; entombed, and millions are gambled daily as
Ibefore. In the mean time honest industry is
Iwell requited ; prosperity smilesi upon all legi
timate branches of trade, and the thousand
jsinews of labor are gathering rich, harvests wi th
lout feverish brains or fretted tempers; and the
people look with sublime indifference upon
gamblers and gamblers' panics.
;WE have received the 'Valley Sentinel, a Dem
ocratic journal just started in Shippensburg by
our old friend Wm. Kennedy, Esq. It is very
neatly gotten up, is intensely. Democratic,
and is conducted with spirit and ability. - By
the way the Shippensburg papers, in point of
energy and vigor eclipse the Carlislu papers.
The News is by odds the most spicy and earnest
Union paper in, the county.
Tim question of increasing the salaries of
Members was voted on in our Legislature, last
week. The Union men, with five or six excep
tions, voted against the increase, while the
"Democrats," with one or two exception, voted
for the increase. All honor to the - Union mem
bers for this defeat of the planfor i tukirr tpiek
out Ofiour . depiete4 State :treasury' to put into
the gaping 'pockets of office-holders.
We givc , herewith the, official quota of each
sub-district in this Congressional District,
ascertained on the 15th of April. —lt will be
seen that' they are based on the aggregate of
1100,000 men, embracing the call for 500,000
made a few months ago, an the late call for
.1%00,0000 made on the 14th of March, and the
quotas are thus increased "considerably- beyond
1 the table we published prior to the last call.
The credits given in the subjoined table are
not claimed as 'correct -by - the government.--
They do not embrace any veterans re-muster
ed, or those credited to the, district at large.
Veteran enlistments were -made' by the Com
missaries of Muster in distant fields, and there
fore have not been returned to the Department
promptly, us have been the - credits for musters
made by the Provost Marshals and detailed re
cruiting officers. - Thas-Geilford is charged
- with a deficiency-of 65, while 56 veterans were ,
regularly supplied by that towaship, the bounty
paid to them, and the credit will of course he
Made. Capt. Eyster, the Provost Marshal, is
authorized to hear the claims of sub-districts
for credits and to take the proper steps to do
justice to ail. Most of the district's are entitled
to such credits, and they ihriuld apply to Capt;
'Eyster through committees of their citizens. •
—The'druft i postponed for the present, and
may be ordered at any time.' Wesubjoin•tho
tuble : _
Toten.h . ps
Berwick township
Berwick Boro'
Franklin - - -
Gettysburg Boro'
Hamilton ban
Huntingdon -
I imore
.......... ......... .;
Mount Joy
Mount Pleasant •
Bedford Borough
Bedford township '
1 Broad Top -
Snake Sprin—
Bast, Provident.°
Juniata.. •
Len don clerry
!Middle, Woodbury
I Monroe
Sehellsburg Boro' '
!South Woodbury
St. Clair
West I'rovidenco.
Bloody Run Boro'
:;- .
Antrim ,- • , 433.
:Greencastle nom' IRS
Charab'g. N. M oro'
Chamb'g. S. Ward 202
Fannett j 257
Green 320'
Guilford ' ' 287
Hamilton .. ..... .... ' 145.
Letterkenny . T2O
Lnrgan 1:M,
Metal ' e 140'
Montgomery 358
Mercersburg Born' ....... ...... 116,
eeter: , 271
Qnincv ' 584
St. Thomas .. 181
Southatunton .. 118
Warren 78
Washington 281
Waynesboro' Borg' 1,53.
Ayr -
Brash creek. ...... .......
Licking Creek
..'",- 1 1, 4 .;•41 ''=,
.. ~.?;
vf... 1
'- r • 1 4 4. 4: 111,:3,
ITow-oohing.. 1 ''''
a -.
'''..l - I'4
7 i : V ....m
..1 '-.Z 1 Z'
--.; l— —l
- 9 53 151 01 43
70 ( Allegheny 1109 32 27
71 !Brother's Valley .
113 1691 50 42
71 1 4erlin Borough . 711 21 81
7; 14
72 Cavern:trier '.133 , 40 31; 9
73 Elk Lick 113 341 10; 24
73;',‘; Salisbury Borough 37 11 41 7
7,1 Greenville 5 , 3 5l 12
75 'Jefferson ' -1.00 80 71 a 3
70 Penner 218 85 241 41
77 ; Lorimer 55 113 - 21 14
78 ;Lower Turk eYfoot 191 27 91 . 18
79 ;Middle Creek 80 -24 4
83 IMilford ' 102 48 13. 35
89'2 1 :New CentrerDle B - 22 7 11
81 .INorthampton , • 601 20 17
1 1 ;Paint 99 30 13 17
83 IQuemahoning 1271 38' ; ',. 9
83 1 .4iStoystown Borough - - 301 11 81 3
84 "Shade 1661 60 131 37
83 Somerset Borough 110 33 17 ,16
93 Somerset township 317 95 . 24, 71
87 Southampton
77 231 4 19
87 1 / 4 , Wellersburg.Boro' 17 .5 5
88 [Stony Creek ...,..„„ 181 54 41 13
89 ISummit 142 42 2ti 10
90 Upper TnrkeYfoot, ....... -.-- 104 31 17 14
• 1
30391 907 337. 570
I Gov. Cu r ti it in Washing-tan—llls 3les
sage on the Reserves and Payment or
military Damages —The Claim Bill
- sasportant:Legislailon—,The Southern
Pennsylvania Railroad: ,
, -
Corresponileniie of The Franklin Fainisitoii:, •
. •
HARRISBURG, April 25,1864.
Goit.„Curtlia went to Washington on Tuesday
evening last
-to !urge the payment of the last ;
State millitia. „ While he was there, Mr.
Stevens called it upl but it was hot disposed of. l
It is believed, however that the appropriation
will be made;, Gov. Chrtin negociated a loan
from the Banks of the State an! his own repot,: '
sibility to pay , these troops,, who were called!
out under a•litter from the President pledging!
the general government to equip," subsist mido
pay them. -'The, State legislaturd will maltS
provision for paying the Banks if CongresS
Should fail; buetheelaim upon the general goy.'
ernment is so clear and just, , that it can hardly;
fail to recognize it.
Yesterday GOV. Gurtin left for Washington,'
on a special train; but what important business
called him back so suddenly is not known.' It
is probablshoWeVer that it has Some reference
to a call for the militia, to perform special ,ser4
vice,:or garrison duty while Grant makes-his
movement tMstrard Richmond. Gov. Curtin init
repented' i ty tendered volunteer, militia to .ths!
general government for special duty when tlit
Army of the, POtomac was about to move; and
if such forces, are wanted now, he will have
them in, the Nqa with commendable protnp,b.,
;less. ,
r -
- e0
The : Governor sent a message to the legislar,
ture!on the 15th inst., relative the Penna.
Reserve Corps:, Its - term of service will soon
expire, and it is probable that as now organized
it will not, as a body, le-enlist. He urged
upon the legisTature the propriety of re-orgari
izing the Corps as a neucleus.t for State defence,
and'hroridly ;wattles that aa l the State is bound
in lion6r and good faith toren - itinerate Otiose,
citizens by, the- enemy, the': true measure of
economy is tt) defend the State. In • the mes
sage he says,:-
"Such a corps would give effective security to the
fieeple of the. border countiesagainit future midi.
They have alreadyinffered greatlY by rebel deOre
dationi.and inttunueh as the State wiittlaubtiese, af
ter the conelueina of the war, if corwietent with the
maintenance of her etjedit, with he r tretWom ed 1 0-
eraiitu, make co . /up:natal:4n .for the toNge-8 t h us sue
mined, it may be tt question whether true econonly
would not he observed by, adopting the policy of
maintaining a force sufficient to prevent furthbr
Josses of the same character."
Several members from the border have ben
in consultation with the - Governor already to
prepare a bill to secure this gallant and battle
scarred corps for the defence:Of our State, and
it will pretty certainly pass.:
The claim bill has not yet passed; but it will
prObably yet be passed authorizing adjudication
of ,the claims. • The disturbed condition of the
finances, imathiuncertainty of future damages,
make the legislature unwilling at this, time to
vote indemnity for losses, lest the credit of the
State should be periled and future depredations
- swell beyond the power of the Commonwealth
to meet. It was , considered in the Senate on
Friday fait. Clyiner spoke kindly for the bor
der people ; but Wilson- ind Lowry opposed it
. earnestly - and St Clair made a coarse assault
upon the people of the southern counties. He
said that he met five miles of them running
away from the rebels with their' property, and
now they were howling for pay because some
of theirgoods were taken or destroyed. If you
will find the valiant Doctor's war path through
your valley, you will doubtless find it thick with
, nameless tombs of his - rebel dead_ Judging
`from his speech he' certainly, could not have de
molished less than a brigade himself.
The, apportionment and appropriation Bills
are about ready to pass,• and will not be mate
rially changed.•= The bill providing for the
payment of interest in currency is a law, and
both branches have passed ,a bill to colleetthe
money. due the State for UnPatented
,lands. The
revenue and' militia bills Will probably be im
proved yeN before the close of the session ; but
it is hardly• to be exiected that the herrie I
disposition of, so many important bile juat at
the Lieels of the session, can give us very well
Matured lawS.
The Connellaville and Southern Penns}llva
nia Railroad bill with the bill resumin the
charter of the Connellsville East and So* of
that point, have passed the House, and will Pass
the 'Senate. They promite you- a Southern
through line from Chamhersburg at an ,arly
day. It look riow as if the legislature
not adjourn this week.. • 'lloitagE.
89 51 584
• 1 h'sz••
:::- . ..4
I 4 -
r '-'l`
147 = 44; .181
77 231 01 14
2 11 5, 611 13, , 48
681 204 •f 1 16
84 25' 8' 17
77 ; 23 1711 6
66 i Z ) 0.1'4 11
86 261 1 . 4 15
82 244 3 21
'5O 15; 1 14
78 8, 13
1020 3041 . 1211 183
—ln Newberit, worth Carolina, recruiting
fer Coloreft regitn'ents,is going on briskly.
- =Military affairs are very active in the 'Nest.
Large numbers of recruit's are leaving fO,r the
front daily. 1 ,
—Maj. Gen. C. C. Wasliburne has been or
dered to the command of West Tennessee, and
1 1
has Ircit Washington for 'femphis.
' ---(::Rosecrans has designediklaj. GeU.
fred PleaSanton to duty as second in command
the department; with 'his headquarterso
••••••The people - of - 117;es'tern North Carolina -
recently hang, several CoritCderate officers and
soldiers for attempting to mforee the esonherip
tion act.
—Brigadier Gen.-Pringe, who comintirided a
• division in'the former COrPs of ,Geb. Fiend),
bhsliden sent to the militdry district of.Paircab,
Columbus,>and Cairo, • •
bythe steamer Fnitori, frOrti Port
I Royal, at _Fortress IrloOl.oe, state that large
number of colored• troope from Annapolis have
arriued atHilton
' -I-The - Rebels in front, cif our.forees around
-Chattanooga are, very, inlet. YrobahlY their
ranks have been "so 'depleted for the ieinforeg
ment of Leo that they can do nothing'moi.e than
quietly await the advance of Gen. Sherman.
I--Slitters and citizens have all left th e Army
of the Potomac, Mid will not he am ed tort
turn before next autumn. The e chanc • s :ire the
army will then be in another place. -
—Memphis desratches state that Ferret is
retreating into Mississipri. Chalineis and Mc-
Culloch were passing Tallahatchie, and dm
Grierson is rep"orted to be pressing Forriat's
columns: "
—The War Deptirtment has notified the Gov.
ernor of New York that the State troops wilt
be received by Gen. Dix, for guard and other
duties around the harbor and forts OfNew Yor -
luring the absence of the volunteer forces re
cently_ stationed there:
—A despatch frbm Cairo gives a statement
of another Rebel barbarity on the Mississippi.
A Mr. A. R. Allison, of Illinois, was captured
by a'band of guerillas on 'one of the abandoned
plantations, taken some distance and murdered,
after being compelled to dig his own grave.
—The report that Gen. Gillmore isto be re
lieved from the command. of the army betere
Charleston is true and is not true. He will re
tain command of a bulk of the troops now ser
ving under him, but in what field they will
operate is a problem for the enemy to solve.
—lt is understood that the Spring emnpaien
is now commeneed. We have indications
trat the Rebels are massing a large force in
Virginia; and that the diversions in Kentucky
and elswhere are only intended to cover the
3oncentratibn of Rebel forces against Grant.
-An officer who left Bull's. Gap. East Ten
nessee, on the 4th instant, reports that Long
street had withdrawn his forces,'sending his
infantry regiments to Richmond, and lealiig
three cavalry brigades. numbering 2,ooo•rnen,
and an equal force of infantry, to guard the salt
-works near Abingdon. Va.
—Deserters who have dome into the lines of
the Arniy of the Potomac report that Gen• Lon
gstreet's Corps has joinedd. Lee's army, and is at
Orange Court House. The whole Rebel army
is said to be not more than fifty thousand strong:
All tho sick of the Army of the Potoinae have
been sent to Washington.
—The Union forces dt Baineaville, Kentucky,
under Col. Gillespie, have defeated Hodge's Re
bel Brigade, capturing seventy prisoners: two
hundred••borses,, four hundred saddles, three
-hundred stand of small arms, and all tbeireamp
,Eighty-five Rebels wAre killed and
wounded. • One' hundred
reached Catletsburg.-- • • '
—Previous to Gen. Kilpatrick leaving his old
command, a-,communication was received by
him frcnu Gen. Robert E. Lee, by aftagoftrice,
through the army headquarters, inquiring of
Gen. K. whether the orders found upon Col t
Dahlgren, as published in the Richmond papers,
were authentic and antherized by him.• Tpe
reply was a bitter andindignantdenial. 'There
is little doubt that the reason why Col.'Dahl
gren'S belly . is not 'given up, is becanie of its
shameful mutilation and'uncbristianburial. ••
—ln regard to, the Red Griner expedition,
Fleet Captain Pennock telegrapb.a to the Secre
tary of the Navy that he has received privite
letters 'stating that Banks' army met with a
reverse on' the Bth, near.Mansfiehl~ and fell back
to Pleasant Rill. The next day the rebels at—
tacked our forces, and were handsomely whip
ped. The Chicago Rvening Journal publishes
extracts from private letters, saying that on the
day after the ,disaster to the Thirteenth Army
Corps the Nineteenth Corps engaged the enemy
and defeated them, capturing twenty canon
and two thousand prisoners.
• —There has been almost- extensive opening
of eyes among the stuff' and other officers of the
Army of the, Potomac since Gen. Grant assum
ed conglnd of that army. The first thing he
did was to intimate thatstaff officers mustspend
less time in Washingtoin ; the next was that the
balls in camp must he_giVen up; then came an
indication thattransportation would not be fur
ished for articles, of luxury for the camp-; then'
came the order that there roust be more scoot
ing and. greater vigilance , on picket ; and -so -onb
after another of the deleterious customs and
practices:of the army are to be done away and
life introduced. Go on, Gen. Grant.
—Further details of the affair on the. Red
river have reached Ili from Cairo. The battle
on the Sth was -Sought at Sabine Cross Roads.
The Rebels were commanded by Gens. Magru
der,-Holmes and , Taylor,. under the chief com
mand of Kirby Smith. The -fight on the second
day, was at Pleasant Hill, where Gen. Andrew
Jackson Smith lea the Union forces, Gen. Banks
being - in chief command. The loss of the enemy
on the first day was about fifteen hundred, On
the second day they lost heavily—two - to our
one. Among their killed were three Generals,
Marten, Parsons and Greene'. The fleet had
advanced up the river ,to within eighty miles of
,Shreeveport, when Wren. Tanks, finding his ra
tiorni running Short ordered .it back. On its
way down it was attacked by the enemy on
both sides of the river. A brisk fight ensued
which ended in the defeat of the Rebels; with a
lossof nearly six hundred killed null a large
number wounded. It was in action that
'Gen. Greene was .killed, his bead luring been
bloWn off by a shell. -'
A CORRESPONDENT _writing to the Cincinnati.
Christian'Advoeate, March 23,1964, says: •
Patent medicines are like tioctOrs: some good,
some good for nothing, but all: hating their_
friends to recommend them, and each receiving
a share of public favor. For instance, thecon
stitution Water advertlied in your paper I hap
pen' to. know is a reliable article for some ofthe
diseases for which it is recommended;'. Ihave
conversed with several intelligent druggistii;
some of whom are physicians, who speak in
high it for the care of diabetes ;, and
without the kno*ledge.or .ftekinaintanes of the, ,
proprietor I can say-tO such as have Oat troutt
lesoine and fatal:disease; try it. It haiielratik
able virtues Withont a d6iitit, '
Fostoritqa. W S. LUNT.
VOL 71.....WR0LE' NO. 3,6 4: ,
We have already given a brief account of t "he
inhuman brutality practised by the rebels - Upon
tie troops f -Fort Pillow afttir it bad bum"
Barrel ; but the detailliperease in liorr4l`
as they are developed. The_ negro treois
fought most gallantly until • overpowered; but
they were outnumbered immensely and were
overcome. A correspondent thus deseribis
the scene after the rebels got possession of the
Port: ', , _
After the rebels were in undisputed possession
of the fort and the survivors had surrendered,
they commenced the indiscriminate buteheri - iif
alt the Federal soldiers. - The colored soldiers
threw down their guns and raised their arms In
token of surrender bat not the least attention
was paid to it. They continued-to shoot down
'all they found. A number of them finding "
quarter was given, ran over the bleir to the.
river, and . tried to conceal themselies undir
the bank and in the bushes, were pimmedly
the rebel savages, and implored them to spare
their lives. Their appeals Were suede in vain,
and_they were all shot down in eold-blood, and
in full sight of the gunboat. I poised up the
bank of the river and counted fifty dead
strewed along.- One had crawled into a hollow
log and was killed it it; another had got ovet
the bank into - the river, and got to' board thit
ran out into the water. Ho lay oh it oh his
face, with hie feet in the water. He laid there
when exposed stark and stiff. Several had ,
tried to hide in crevices made by theTalling
bank, and could not be seen without - diffihulty,
but they were singled out . and killed. From
the best information I could the white gel
diera were, to a very considerable extent,
treated in the same way. One of the 13th
Tennessee on board D. W. Harrison--informs
me that after the surrender he 'was below the
bluff, and one of the rebels presented a piatolto
shoot him. He told him he had surrendered
and requested him not to fire. He spared Miry;
and directed him to go up the bluff to the fort.
Harrison asked 'him to go before him, or`he
would be shot by others, but he told him to-ko
along. He started, and had not preceded far
before he met a rebel who presented his pistol.
Harrison begged him not to fire but 'pahng no
attention to his request, he fired and shot him
through the shoulder, and another shot him in
the leg. He full, and'while he lay unable to
move, another came along and was about to Ere =
again, when Harrison told him he was badly
wounded twice, and implored not to fire. He
asked Harrison if he had any money.- He said
he had a little money,and a watch.' The rebel -
took from him his match and ninety dollars'
money, and left him. Harrison is probably
fatally wounded. Several such cases have been
related to me; and think, to a great extent,
the whites and negroes were indiscriminately
murdered. The/rebel Tennesseans have about
the same bitterness against Tennesseans the
Federal army, as against the negroes. I ens
told by a_febel officer that Geri. Torrest sliot
one of hiii.imen and cut another with his saber
for shootids doWn - prisoners. It may be slidint
he is resit:male for the conduct or his min,'
and Got. Chalmers stated publicly while oh the
Platte Valley, that though he did not encourage •
or countenance his man in shooting down negro
captives, yet that it was rightand.lristifilible.
likE AiimoAciitaf a CAIIIOPAION.
It is hard, doubtless, for editors, as well •as
other people, to refrainfrom a little anticipatory
campaigning in these days of military-prepara
tion and Virginia mud obstruction. We find,
accordingly, on Saturday,' the, New York Tim er
indulged its well-known proclivities, to the ex
tent of an editorial column, in tracing out the
possible, or probable, plan of operations 6r
(len. Grant' in the manner yellowing—hutlire
will only quote a paragraph : • '
• "It may be considered certain, it says; that
'Grant's plan of operation,'whatever it may le,
will be one, which; like his superb operatirins
at Vicksburg' and 'Chattanooga, Will complet*
startle the rebels—that it will be one which
nobody expected, and that willtake the country
as well as the enemy, by surprise. His eatn
paign may be'in 'Virginia, it may be in Georgia,
-it may be in neither of those States, even
though it be intended to bear upon one or both
of the great armies•of the rebels In Virginia,
he might adapt one or other of the plans that
have heretofore been tried, or, discarding them
all, he might adopt the palpable one, often die
cussed, of debouching an army at some Point
south oftheJames, and marching by Petersburg
towards Richmond. Not less than seventy
thousatd men, we suppose, could be thus threh.t.
ening Richmond 'from this direction. At the
same time, eighty thousand, underGon. Meade,
press Lee's lines on the Rapidan. - Lee should,
of course; fallback under cover of the Richmiti
Works. Here he world undoubtedly havd a
very advantageous central posithin forstriekihg
either invading stripy. His relation touttrfories
would be somewhat to that of Napoleon
during the invasion of France by' the• antis
before his banishment to Elba. Bel, Lee - hi:11ot
a Napoleon, and - its we • have learnt, lost more
than his right arm itiStoneWalljackson'sdealh.
His force would be inferior to either oftheinia
ding, armies, so that Grant need violate no' le
of strategy in this dduble invasion. The draly
backs on dur side would be the Spring rains
and the malaria, which would weaken our ruts,
and the raw character of many. of the regiments
moving from Fortress Monroe as abase.: But
the great • attack must be byMeado's veteran
army. The chances of battle are proverbially
uncertain, but we do not see how Lee'coilld
comfortably survive under tbd,grindiriss of this
upper andneither millstone. He might, it' is
true, evacuate Richmond, and make a new line
in the southern part of Virginia., Butthenßieh--
inond•would becoine our base, ' and the same
game might be tried with a rear movement;on
our part from Newbern and Weldon."
were 411,613 mulatto slaves in the soutli
of whom 69,979 were inVirginia,43,2Bl in Ken
tucky, ,and - 36,900in Georgia. These numbers
are considerabbeyond the legitimate
portion of thoie -States. There were also x 76,
739 free Mulattoes in the United:States - iiilB6o,,
of whom 106,770 belonged to the southinn469,
969 to the free States. Of the : free nitilattoes
Virginiaemitained 23,485, which number, in,
to her slavo- ,mulattoes makes a total of inis`ce.
genated population of 93,824. Her mulitto,
slaves alone exceeded the total number ofmulat,
toes in the free States.'
The whole'-muniber 'of 'mulattoes, slave and
free, in the' *Union, in 1860; was 588,r4 of
whom 69, 969 belonged to the free States,. and
518,383 to the slave States--a number' - Odder
than the 'combined white'population of A.rk'iin- - -
ns, Delaware and Florkfa—greater 'than'the
white population ofislaryland—almostkurieo as.
great as that of Smith' Carolina, and twice - as
great as the•eimbinqd• populations ofDelaVinre
and Florida, T-ke 'mulatto population of Vir,
ginia alone exceeds the number ofwhitesitfeele,
aware or Florida.
i .
. 1