8 granitlin (N. itozitscq. SIIMAIIARY OF WAR rims. —Six privates and a Captain of the Second Pennsylvania Reserves were captured by guer rillas neaiManassas Junction on Tuesday night a week. ' —Gov. Bradford's proclamation, assembling the recently' chosen delegates to the Maryland State Constitutional Convention, ispublished in Baltimore. The Convention will assemble on the 27th inst. —lnformation has been received from the Army of the Potoinac that scouts say that Ling. street has arrived at Itichmond with the larger rirt - of his troops, and that many imreonsibelieve this statement. —Gen Steele's Arkansas expedition on the 7th had reached a point five miles south of Ekan Ferry, on the' Little Missouri river, and was being haressed by the rebel forces under Shelby and Mnrmaduke. —A. caisson of Crosswell's Illinois Battery ex ploded at Huntsville, Ala., on the 11th, killing six soldiers and injuring several others. The 'bodies of two or three of the unfortunate men were bloWn to atoms. —The Department , of Monongahela, com manded by Major Gen. Brooke, has been mer ged into the Department of the Snequehanna, commanded by Major Gen. Couch and' Gen. Btooke ia_ordered to report to Major Gen. Cut ler. Rebel railroads are represented by refugees as in a terrible condition, trains not bAng able to make more than ten. miles per hour. Large numbers of troops are on their wait(' Richmond from different portions of the So Ith. —The ;State of Indiana has an excess over all calls 4-otie thousand nine hundred and eight men, without counting veteran's. The latter foot up eleven thousand one hundred and twenty • two, Making the total excess thirteen thousand and thirty. -Gen. Rinks made an expedition into Vir ginia, from Point Lookout, during the earlier portion of the week. He returned on Thursday with' $20,000 Worth of tobacco, taken in transits froiu Richmond to Baltimore, and a gang of blockade runners. —Advieesfrom Gen. Banks' armyin Western Louisiana represent everything quiet ut Alex andria, although the streets of the city are bar ricaded iu case of raids being made by the en emy. 'Five hundred people in that region have availed theniselies of the. President's Procla mation of Amnesty. . ' —The movements . in the Southwest indicate the approach of active proceedings there. All the recruits in Missouri are ordered to the field, and veterans who are on; furlough arc to pro ceed at once to fhe frost. The regiments of -the Army of the Cumberland are to go to.Nash vine, and those of the Army of Tennessee to Cairo. —The Rebel - steamer Clifton, formerly a Unlon . guoboilt, while trying to run the block ade Off. Sabine Pass, on the 21st ultimo, ran aground and was fired by the Rebels. She had on board seven hundred and ninety bales ofcot ton. Both steamer and 'cargo were totally consumed. The Rebels are evidently determin .edto wage a torpedo war. —The Jacksonville, • Fla., Peninsula, states .that about four o'clock, Friday, April Ist, the steamer Maple Leaf, on her return trip from Pilatka, twelve miles above Jacksonville, near Black Point, a short distance above Reed's plantation. was blown up by a Rebel torpedo, and iintnediately sunk--in about fifteen feet wa ter,-nothing being visible but her upper deck and smoke stack. • , —The Rebels made an attempt, at an early honk last Saturday week, to blow up the United States steam frigate Minnesota, fifty guns, sta tioned at the mouth of the James River. A 'small steam tug, with a torpedo attached, ap proached the vessel about two o'clock in the moinifig,:,ind,paying no attention to thesehtry's hail, ran into her, exploding the torpedo and doing considerable damage to the ship. In the darkness and confusion the Rebel steamer made its escape. PERSONAL. t. —A Washington 'dispatch says that Gen \ Seymour has been ordered to thattity, and that he will probably be disiniased the service. —The Wheeling Intelligeneer of Monday says that Gen. Kelly has returned from the East, his leave of absence having expired. He will report for duty to Gen. Sigel. —Mrs. Lucretia Clay, widow of Henry Clay, died, on Wednesday night of last week, at the residence of her son, John M. Clay, near Louis. ville,at the age of 83 years. —John C. Rives the publisher of the Con gresiional Globe,' digd at his residence near Washington, on the 9th inst., after;a protrac ted illness, in'the sixty-seventh year of her age. —Mrs. Caroline M Kirland, a distinguished author, died in New - York suddenly of apo plexy, on Tuesday night *fleet week. She had beeO active in attending_ the great Fair for the - benefit of the Sanitary Cdromission, held in that 'City' on - the preiions evening.. . . —George W.:Pearce, Esq., Stationery Clerk in the United States Senate, and editor of the West Chester (Pa.), Republican, died in'the city of Washington on Thursday ( last, of scarlet fever. He was ill, but a short time; and hiki death was very nnexpected.to his friends. . 31011A14 OF THE RECENT EEECIIONF. The following is taken ' from the last number of the "Round Table," a journal independent . in ita criticisms, and anything but friendly to the Administration. It is published in tie'eity ,of Nuw, yorli. . Its opinions on all questions, art, .;,,,,axpressed withperfeet freiidoui,"and ite'eolurr.os show, marked ability in the manageinent through, out ' 'Widows, therefore, are entitled to weight; as coming from..an intelligent observer, occu pying sn elevated stand-point; . " upon theresult of the Con. necticut electiori, the leadingDetnocratie organ in this'city, T he World, is 'forced- to admit that wore an e . 6-.stien to be held next 'Creek, every Staterin ' the Nortict, sue, perhaps, New Jersey: would'east Ito electoral vote for the Republi. can candidate for the Presidency. This lie significant admission, and is creditable to the candor of the jounial making it. Nor can there be the slightest doubt of its truth.- The loyal North, in spite of the manifest sliortcomings of the Administration, is ready; and'even anxious, I to indorse Mr. Lincoln, and .continue him and his associates in power for another four years. For this verygeneral feeling there are several obvious reasons. In the first place, it cannot be denied but that the military and civil con duct of the Administration has, on the whole, been remarkable successful. It is perhaps, true that more politic rulers might have prevented the war,- and a wiser military head would have ended it ere this, but no system of government has yet been devised by which the most worthy and wisest alone can be called to the conduct of- affairs when a great emergency demands them. We believe impartial history will have a -good word to say for even the impulsive Stan ton and the unimpressible Welles. Other Pres idents, people argue, might do better, but - Mr. Lincoln is safe if not brilliant, and he certainly can he trusted not to do 'violence to our form of gi v2rnir eat, which, after till istheigreat der: ger to- - a republic in war times. The most potent influence; however, at work is the fear that the Democratic party, if restor ed to power, would do that it could to'save slavery, whereas- the majority of the Northern' people hate determined that that institution shall die the death. There is not rain enough in the sweet heavens to wash out the guilt of slavery so us to make it again tolerable,to the people of the North. All feel that it has been a disturbing element in our politics, and that now is the time to make an end of it. • Other things being equal, we believe that the country would prefer a Democratic to a Republican administration. The former ,party has, been noted for the boldness of its foreign policy and for conspicuous energy,and ability ofits leaders, and there is nothing that would prevent its re turh to power but its unfortunate relation to sla' very lf . the coming militarycampaign is only rea sonably successful,. however, there can be no doubt of the result - of, the next Presidential election. The Republican candidate (Mr. Lin coln, himself, in all ,probability) will be suc cessful. The only hope for the Democrats is in a crushing defeat of the National forces and anbther failure to capture the Rebel capital. If the National hopes are again to be cruelly disappointed, there is no telling what erratic ~course public opinion may take. It how ever, the peculiarity of theposition of the Dew ocrats that their chances of success in the polit ical canvass are dependent upon the defeat of the Union forces in the field. This, if not their fault, is certainly their misfortune. It of itself arrays against them the instinctive loyalty of the country, and puts them in a false position. We look foiward, therefore, to another four years of Republican rule, because we hope and believe that the coining campaign against the rebellion will be successful, and, we fervently pray, final. - Musical. MASON & HAM•LIN'S . CABINET ORGANS MELODEONS were introduced some twenty years since, and were succeeded by the HARMONIUMS about nine years ago. The CABINET ORGAN was brought to its present state of perfection only in the summer of 1862. THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great advantages over any other invention of the kind, is capable of much finer -effects than can be produced by any other, and is • more easily used bit the performer, and excels especially in capacity for expression. PRICE LIST. No. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak case $ 85 No. 16. The Same, in elegant Bisewood Case.... 110 No, 17. Five Octave, Single Reed,-in Walnut or Oak Case.. 106 No, 18, The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 130 No, 19. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case - 110 No: 20: The Same, In elegant Rosewood Case..: 135 No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case - - - 135 No. 22. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 161 No. M. The Same, in SOlid Carved Walnut 165 No, 10. Pedal Bass _Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case 500 Cases of. ezfrafinish made to order. • No. 12. Eight Stop :Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case 380 No. 11. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 450 No. 14. Six Stop Cabinet Orga:n. in Walnut or Oak Case.. • 260 Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the sub scriber. As Agents for Messrs. Mason k Hamlin we are enabled to sell at their New York prices, and charss nothing for freight. We have sold a number of their instruments, and can give numerous satisfactory references. S. S. SHRYOCK, Agent, arl3-tf Chambersbnrg, Pa. MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, WITH ONE OR TWO SETS OF REEDS, CONTAINING THE AUTOMATIC SWELI, KNEE STOP AND COMDINATION VALVE. ini-Eticry instrument warrantee for Five Yea rn. PRICES FROM $7O TO $450. The. Cabinet Organ is the only instrument which combines the requisites for Church and Parlor Mu sic; - for the school room and the social festival gath- - ering. For while it' possesses sufficient power for the accompaniment of a large chorus, it is, from its capability of all shades of expression, and its won derful eretvendo and diminuendo, most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral ef fects. and rapid music, as trills, arpeggios, &c. From its sustained tones, it has a decided advantage over the Piano Forte, for the rendering of many of the choicest morceaux of the masters, such as sympho nies, quartettes, etc. B. A. McCLURE, Chambersburg. Pa., General Agent for Pennsylvania. N.B.—Tho undersigned will sell, and deliver in good condition, Cabinet Organs ,tuaywherc in this State, at factory prices. All iitquirics by letter promptly answered. [junl7.63-tf.] A. A. Mc. pRINCE O'S WELL KNOWN MELODEONS -AND HARMONIUMS ! Introducing the effect of Pedal Bass on every In struinent. - E. GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for cash at a liberal deduction, or on Monthly Instalments. Air-Over 30,000 sold in Philadelphia. JAMES BELLAK, Sole Agent. 279 & 281 South Fifth Street, above Spruce. sel6-Iy. MASON & lAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. QM MELODEONS. Description pamphlets furnished gratis at the Book Store of: - - • - 43. S. SHRYOCK, AGENT for Mason & Hamlin's Musical Instru ments. Prices the same as in Nor YOrk and Boston, leas freight. • . [mar 2-tfj PIANOS. -R. A.,11 - !CL II RE, Sole.Agtiit for the celebrated DECKER BROTHERS (NEW - YORK) PIANO. Pianos delivered, and put up in good condition, in any part of the State, at • FACTORY RETAIL PRICES: - - All Instruments warranted-for dve years., Pianos from other Factories will' be furnished if desired. R. A. j4cOLURE, jun 17.63 ' ' Chambersburg, Pa. MASON. eic:cHA:MLIN'S . CABINET ORGANS AND —MELODEONS. Store of Palu P hlebf F nißbed r s tis . s a i lliaa c k AGENT for Mason & Hamlin's Mtmical Matra nfents. _ . . • Prices the same as in New York and Boston. len freight. • [mar 9-tf] KL Pe . M.M BROTHER, Iraporters. Manufacturers and • WHOLESA IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GERMAN. FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRINGS. No. 703 MARKET STIHIET. PHILADELPHIA. ' Orders carefully attended to by S. S. SHRYOCR, Chambersburg. VOCAL MUSIC.---R. A. McCLURE teach•elasses and ptivato pupils the art of Singing. Musical Notation, Harmony, and Musical Composition. _ n025-,tf. I'L IT ART IiATS, CAPS AND A,UL. CORDS, at ~,pEcRED,TS. "fT N 1 O\' HOVEL —This Hotel is slin k.> aced on the corner of Main and Queen Streets, Climb ersburg, Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the tra veling public that th`.ll Hotel bas been remedied. It has been to THREE STORIES in height. A fine three story Back Building has been ridded to it: dying an immense amount of room , for the accom modation of the public generally. The Bernal arc large and comfortable. nuraberingin all, _thirtv-five. They are all well furnished with good New Furni ture. Persons stopping at this Hotel can have either double or single rooms. with or without fire in them. The Tat& is always supplied with the BEST in the MARE ET. and will sent over 100 persons THE BAR is 'filled with the Choireg Limn. The Stable is two stories, of the most modern style, and the best in the Borouott of Chambersburg. one 17, 63 JOHN - FISHER. Proprietor. rrtre E t . 6 ,S h AW 6 N bi llOT anarrs, P EL, ./cprth Main ed this well-known Hotel, (long known as t l l iTle t r i ! s s, and recently as Grove's,) the Proprietor pledges him= self that no pains- shall be spared to minister to the ' - wants of his guests. HIS TABLE will'at all times be spread with the luxuries and substantials of the season. HIS CHAMBERS -are large, well ventilated:And fitted up in modern style. - - HIS BAR will be well supplied with a large and' choice selection of the very best Liquors, HIS. STABLE will always be provided with good. wholesome Provender fol- Stock, and 'attended by careful Ostlers. - - There are also TWO LOTS and a pair of HAT and STOCK SCALES connected with the Hotel, forth° ac commodation of Drovers and Butchers. ap13,6•1] ' DANIEL TROSTLE. FRANKLIN HOTEL.—West side. of the Public Square, Chumbersburg, Pa.—The subscriber would respectfully inform the Traveling; Community that he has leased and taken possessionf of this Commodious Hotel. He hopes to make it; one of the most desirable places for strangers and' others to stop that can he found in any country tonne. The character heretofore sustained by the House as a comfortable Home for the Sojourner, shall not suffer in my hands if a constant effort to please and accommodate will sustain it. No pains will be spared to render entire satisfac tion to all his guests: and pledging himself to en deavor to please all, he solicits a liberal sh ire of the public patronage. rip6.64] Wl4. G: M'NULTI. Il a CO-VERLY &ITUTCHISO . N have become the Proprietors of the UNITED STATES HOTHL, near the Railroad Depot at AR RISBURG, Pa. - This popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furnished through out its parlors and chambers, and is now randy for the re •eption of guests. The traveling public will find the United States Hotel the most convenient, in all particulars, of any Hotel in the State Capital. on account of its access tothe railroad, being immediately between thAtwo great depots in this city. • MARRISBOROJUIIeIi,'63-tf. TN' DIAN QUEEN HOTEL, Nab, Street. Ohambersburg, Pa, JOHN W. TAYLOR. Pro prietor. Pine accommodations and low charges. gy- Stock Yarrbr and Seob.4 aie connected with the,premises for the convenience of 'Drovers. Also. Fatonsive Stabling and Yards for Hones and Cal - tinges. 1 D one 17,1L3. vEyv SHOE STORE.—The sub ...L takeS this method. of informing the citizens of Charnbersburg and vicinity that he has just roturned from Philadelphia with an ENTIRE- I'LY NEW STOCK of Boots and Shoes, of every variety, style and pattern, and of the best 'mano factures. He has no old Shopkeeper? OD hand. His whole stock is new. Give him a call—you can easily suit yourself. He invites the Ladies esnecially; to call, as he will take pleasure in showinglis goods. Store in the room formerly occupied by Frederick Smith, E.q., as a Law ()flee. and more recently used Torthe purpose by George Eyster, Esq., two doors North of Fisher's Hotel, Main Street. Chambersburg, Pa. His large and,well selected stork, he being a prac tical Shoemaker, consists of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots, Slippers and Buskins; Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes: Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slippers, Boots and ,Brogans. Don't forget theplace. No trouble to show goods at , THE NEW STORE, two doors North of Fish er's Hotel, Main Street, Chambers:lmm Pa. - - Jun17,(13. PETER ' FELDMAN. N EW B O A O S H 0 E The subscriber hasinst opened in the rooms formerly occupied by Mr.C. Burkhart as a Confectionery,-and adjoining toe Drug Store of Mr. A. J. Miller. an en tirely new stock of all kinds of BOOTS. SHOES, HATS. TRUNKS. VALISES. UMBRELLAS..te:. all of which has been bought for cash, and will be sold for cash. as cheap, if not a little cheaper than any other house in the county. All in want of any thing in his line will find it to their advantnea to give him a call. [apr 6-tfj H. B. WrNTON. • ante. r, TO $l3O PER MONTH.-The- LITTLE '7 pany want an Agent in each corny, to solicit orders for their now $l5 Machine, with ;ain't , screw-driver and extra needles. We will pay a liberal salary and expenses, or give large commissions. For farther particulars, terms. So., enclose a stamp, and addreSs T. S. PAGE. Toledo. 0.. - fehl7-3m General Agent for the United Stites. I iTA3, O TO END.— 51 1, 91 0 1 WS]] ebi S MALL b h if in good order. 71'e b i r7 Y ] " A r . J: MILLER. DOUBLE BELLOWS, I VANTED-FURS OF ALL KINI)S I will inly the highest price fn cash, for the R tql and Grey Fax. Mink, .illuskrat, Raccbon. Opos um and Rabbit Skins. - 'J. L. DECHERT: ‘DR. -"r. W. SCHLO S SE Sur g eon Dentist, baKremored his OfEceirotn the Man sion House to residence of Mr. John Noel, North ,West corner of the Diamond, end immediately op posite the Franklin Hotel. 'Office on the second floor—entrance through the passage, to the right as you •vseend the stain. DEMOYAL. -DR. J. K. REID. Dentist, has reniogeo his office from the earner of the Public Square, where ho praltised so ninny Years. to the corner' of Main and Queen Streets, above Heyeer & Crmslees , Drug Store, Chambers. , burg, Pa., where ho will be pleased to receive the calls of his friends. jun 1.7,6.3 ITOTICE.—Dr. N. Schlosser has reinov ed his Dental Office to- the Diamond, opposite the Charnbersbure Dank, on the Second floor, where he can always be found, between the hours of 9 A. M., and 4 P. M. april 13-tf TITSTICE OF ' Iit',PEACE.—H. B. ey DAVISON, Justice of the Peace. Offico im mediately opposite the Indian Queen Hotel. All business entrusted to his cnro will receive prompt attention. /Indrumenti 4/ Writing, of all ki n d s , drawri'np in a satisfactory manner. jun 17,63.. P }UNMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, • Chambersbarg, Pa. Office in Franklin in the room formerly occupied by Stambaugh & Stewart. Prompt attention given to any thine in the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener. fe3,134 if REMOVAL.—From 433 Market' Street to the large IRON BUILD IN G, 513 Market and 510 Commerce Streets, Philadelphia. More Goode than onoHouse en the United Slates. A. H. FRANCISCUS, , 513 MARKET AND 510 COMMERCE, ST&. 'keeps the Largest Stook in the. United States of Buokets. Brooms. Tubs, Churns, . Baskets, Brushes, Mats, Measures, Clocks. Looking4Thuines, Oil Cloths and Carpets Window Window Shades and Paper. Bird Cur, Japan Ware and Whips. Also—Cotton flatting. Wadding, - • Twines, Wicking. Ropes in Coils and Dams, Cotton Yarns, Cotton and Linen Carpet-Chain.' Our prices will average Lower than any, other' Rouse in Abe city. Call andsee for yourselves.,• Poi• further particulars apply to S. S. SHRYOCK, Chambersburg. • sop 23 63 VOR RENT.--The undersigned . tvirl Rent tho now Nunn Building erected on Mar- , ket street, from the Ist of April noxt. .Theltooms, four on each story, nro well adapted either for Store ft °mum Shops, and will be rented singly or other wise, as most, convenient. (ituM) J. B. COOK. JOST.—On Mei/flay, the 28th ult., Jutbe tween Chamberabnm and Greencastle, a--pair of GOLD SPECTACLES, contained in leather' eaSe; If returned to this: Office the finder will be ;properly rewarded. Chatnb'g, April 6-3 t. - _ ,i)t,f,rq u it,t4i,iteppsitcri,l!,;,ilvzi . ~i),.-so,t, liloteto. MMMM= 13onto anti ,Sliptg. HAT STORE. IN CHAMBERSBURG 73entiottr. 2uotires of Or Vtare. laid :gtit4-0, „4ktlts. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE MILL PROPER_ - • • Ey" virtue of a 'Deurci 'of the Circuit court for ashington county, sitting as.a Court of Equity, 'N. O. 18.34, the utulet , igned. Trunew, will sell at Public Dale. in front of the Court House, inHagerataw n , . . On - Tuesday, the 3 / day of May next, beginning at 10 o'clock, A. M., all that VALUABLE IILL PROPERTY - WITH 4110 HT 317 ACRES AND 3-2 PERCHES Or LAND, more or leSs, situated near thensouth of the Cono co .. cheugue Creek, about one-fouith of a mile from the town of Williamsport, rind about the same distance from thelliseeapeake and Ohio-Canal, in said noun ty, and being the saint) property cumin only called the "VAN LEAK CONOCOCHEAGUE :This proporty :will be sold entire, with all the Mills, IBUildings and linprovoments thereon, whigh con sist in part of a large - - POUR-STORY STONE MILL, running two Pair (if Burrs, and one Chopping Mill: a large SAW MILL, eapable of sawing a vast amount of Lumber; three substantial DWELLING IiOUSES, Stabling, and other necessary out-build ings,,and a large and nover-failingSpring of Water. This property, is one of the - finest and most-desira ble in the State, the Mill being large and commodi ous, with a vast - Water Power,- located one-fourth of a mile from the Chesapeake and I)hio Canal, and in a tinewheat growing neighborhood, The Land is of the finest quality in the State and in a high state of eultiVation—FlFTY 11C1.LS of which is PRIME , BOTTOM LAND, and the baltinee rinditlating and arable. The crops now growing cm said laud is,reseived by the Decree from sale. . -TEttMS 01? SALE,.as Areset . Wed by the Decree, ore::—One-third of the purchase money tc be 'mid on the day of sale, or on the ratificatiodthereof, and the balance in three equal instalments in one, tvo and threb years from the day of sale, the u purchaser or purchasers to give his or their notes "with appro- Ved security for the deferred payments, and bearing interest from the day of sale: and upon the payment of the entire purchase money, and, not 'before, the Trustee will execute a Deed' to the purchaser or purchasers. .OEO.IIGE FRENCH . , . •apl3-3t " _ 'Trustee. . . ,LRErosirons. Chambersbbrg, copy 3t and send bill to titts'oiliee for eolleEition.—Hogergtoioo Herald. PUBLIC SAL E.—T here 11, - ill be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, in Warren township, .Franklin county, Pa.., 'nn Saturdyy, the ;oh day of April, 1864, the following very desirable Tracts or Parcels of Land, late the Estate of Jacob Zimmerman. dee'd, viz : ;THE MANSION' FARM of said deceased, con taining 196 ACRES and 46 PERCHES. neat meas ure, adjoining lands of P. W. Cook, Jacob Zimmer man, Isaiah Brewer and Peter Zimmerli - m. • The improvements vonsist of a two-storied BRICK HOUSEJarge Brick Bank Barn and other out-build ings. The Land is well-watered—"'Down Cove .Creek" -passing through the same; About 160 Acres are cleared, enclosed mostly tvith goodost-and-rail fence, and under good cultivation. There is also a good Apple Orchard•on the premises. This Tract is known in the Sheriff 's Inquisition as Purpart No. 1. Also—A TRACT OE .LAND, containing 210-Acres 'and 116 Perches, neat measure, adjoi fling:Jacob Zintt merman, Peter Cook, Henry Brewerand Peter Zia:- merman. Aboutdso Acres cleared,well fenced and under cultivation. The imbroVements are a. two storied DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn, SA W MILL, Tenant House and other buildings. There is also on this Tract a-thriving young Apple Orchard. This Farm' is also well watered-Mountain Run passinethrough it. Known as Purport No. 2. • Also—THE MILL TRACT, containing 10 Acres and- 61 perches, neat mensitre, adjoining lands of A. Ward, John Zirntherman and others. On this Tract is erected a four-storied GRIST MILL, capa ble, of turning ont'3o• barrels of Montper day ; three-storied BRICK, DWELLING HOUSE, with nn excellent Spring of Water-in the Cellar; 2 Log Dwelling HOLISM SAW MILL, 2 Stables and , other out-buildings. Known as Purpart No.A. ' ' TERMS—One-third in hand; the balance in two equal annual payments, with interest from the con firmation of thcsale. Payments to-be secured in the Land. Possession given as soon as the sale is con firmed. Sale to commence an() o'clock, A, M. JOHN- S. ZIMMERMAN. I,4 da , rs op6-4t JACOB S. ZIM_MER.MAN. ATALLUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR 11 SALE.--.The subscribers, Executors ofthe last will of Jacob Oyster, d eed late.of Chatnbenbufg, will 6 / 1 Tuesday,:flie 17th cicry of May. A. 7).1864, offer at Public Sale, all of that-valuable MILL PRO PERTY, in Chatabersbnrg, at the mouth of the Fall ing Spring, This property consists of a that. story GRIST MILL of Onielt, with lbw pair of Stones, and mi.- ehinery complete: one Brick three story PLASTER and CHOPPING MILL. and One large Brick two story WAREHOUSE, between the other:two mills. 'This property is one of the most desirable Mill seats in the State of Pennsylvania. It-is situated in the centre of The borough of Chambersbarg, through which the Franklin and Cnniberland Valley, Rail roads.pass; in the largest Wheat growing eounty in the State : has a fall of twenty-three feet of the wa ter of the Fulling Spring; - needs no dein and has at all seasons of' the year an abundant supply of water to drive four pair of Burrs, The Sale will take place at 10 o'clock of said day. One-third of the purchase money may rehimin in the property on interest, payable half yearly; of the therportion; the terms will be made knru bn-the day of sale, C. S. El CIEYSTER. • april 13.-5 t Ex*rs of Jacob OYster, deed.. ATALUO -4T LE STEAM NEIZA - FOR V SALE.he undersigned will' sell at Private Sale. his TANNERY. known as the Corner Tannery. With Steam and Water Power, SAW-314 , L, Chop- SteCks for breakinghides, &e. - --The Tan nery has 8 Leeches, 32Vats; 2 Limes nod Water Pool, and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year. There are two, LOG DWELLING HOUSES, Barn, Stable and other necessary out-buildings connected with the Tannery, and about 60 Acres cleared, with srood fruit. HO will sell any quantity'of land with' the Tannery, from 100 to 700 Acres. 'Over GOO Acres are Timber,mnd an ample supply of Chestnut Oak;, Bark to run the Tannery fdr" My - Years., It is situ ated about 7 miles South-cast of Aleree'rsburg. on Licking Creek. Terms made easy. For further Iparticulars address theundersigned. Mercersburg ranklin co., Pa. [augl2-tfl C. METCALF, TMPORTANT TO IRON MANUFAC:- .1_ TIMERS AND STOCK RAISERS,---I will sell ac, Private Sale, 1.300 ACRES'. OF PATENTED LAND, situated in St. Thomas township, Franklin County, Pa., on the Public Itmid leading from Guy er's Tavern to Loudon, 6 miles from the hitter place. About 161/Acre§ of this tract4ire cleared, the balance revered with thriving Chestnut and other TIMBER, which would answer for Cord-weeder Rails. There is also good appearance of IRON ORE on the prem ises. C6al hearths are leveled on' Most of the Tim ber land. The improvements are a LOG HOUSE, Lox Barn and 4 Tenant Houses, and M good - Apple Orchard, Peach, Cherry and , Pear Trees. Also—A _SAW MILL and CHOPPING MILL, in good•run rung order," with 18 - feet of head and fall, • This pro- Torts. would afford a good opportunity to make money: For terms apply tothe subweiher, residing on the premises, ffeb3-tfj ' FRED'K GILI3ERT. 'VALUABLE RE AL RST AT E AT I PRIVATE SALE.—Thenndorsigned intending to remove !to the West, offers at Private Sale, a'LOT OF GROUND, in . London, containing about ONE ACRE, on ivhich is erected a two-storied WEATH ERBOARDED DWELLING HOUSE. a Rough east Tenant House and Shop, Brick Spring House. W sod House, Smoke Honse, Stable, and all neces sary -Thera is a variety of FruitTreos on the pmmises. This property is well adapted for , almost any kind of fnechanical business. Also--43 ACRES OF BOTTOM ~LAND, within '4 of a'itiii6 of London, about two-thirds of which As ;heavy Timbered, the hultinee is well set ini A iss. • Also-43 ACRES OF SL A T'E LAND, situate about 1 4 of a Milo from -Bridgeport, adiplaing lands of Robert C. Horner and Jacob Hancinan: , , Terms made reasonnble: For further particulars address [jan2?-31e] DAVID TEETER, Loudon, ' iIiALL FA . RM FOlt, SALE.—The sub scriber Will 'sell at Private Sale, the SMALL , FARM'on which he now resides, situate in Antrim township, Franklin county, about six miles from' Greencastle, on the Cashtown road, adjoining lands of Samuel Myers' and others, containing; about 40 'ACRES, all cleared land, ingood order , and-ander !good fence, There is a YOUNG , ORCHARD of thrif ,ty treks on the place, and a Well of excellent Water. ,The mkprovements consist of a two-story L 0 G 'DWELLING HOUSE, a Bank - Barn 42 feet long, 'and well finished, and all other necessary oat-build ings, 'Possession will be given on the Ist of April, 4864. Terms will be made known on application to 'the subscriber, residing on the_promiges. ' , oct2d-tt • SAMUEL C. KRIDER. • :ATATATABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR f ,SALE.—The IiQUSE and larked ,West Mar ;lcet street, Chambefebnrit, now occupiedliv•Hon. F. ,M. Kinnnell, is offered atprivate sale.'- Per price and terms apply to 'MAIN M. M'DOWELL. • met23-tf ITIHE UNION COUNTY COMMITTEE 1 will meet at the Office' of the Chairman, in. ~Chamberoburg; on“,gaturdav, the 23d of !April, at 1() . o'clock,A. M. The object of thb meeting is to se lect Delegates to the State Convontron to be hold at Harrisburg on tho 28th inst.. and, Conferees to meet other Conferees of the teverel cohnties of this Con gressional District, who together are to elect Dele gates to the Union Nationa Convention. A full at tendance is tequested: • hpl3, JOHld STEWART. Chairinan. jof3 PRINTING, in every style, done el atth©QffiCo of the FRANKLIN REPC)SITORT. ilve.ol - 'illOtic - ei.. - ,. TOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS - (Yr . i ,1N .FRANKLIN COL NTY.- - -The TaxuaYsrs of . •Eraiiklin 'county will please take notice, that Lwiii• meet them at the following p es for the purpoin of .receiving the State, County Li d 'Military Taxes for the-yeur 1864, • • - -„- QC C Y.—At Mt. Alto, at the Route, of, Andrew Shank, on - MondaY; 'the' 2d • ey of aY. and Litthe House of li. 31, Jones. in cy, I TheedaY. the Ysi daY of 3IaY. • ASHINGTON.—WaYn Dore', t the House- of F. Bowden, on Wednesday and Th day. -the 4th and sth days of May. ••• ' ANTRlM—Greencastle, at thoßonsoof niieman Gilds*on Friday and Saturday, the 6th and 7th , days of May: - • - • • .31ONVIOMERY—Welsh ;Runa at the Ilonse- . •of Jacob Elliott.'ini_Monday, the 9th day of May, and at the House of Thorims ArAfee, 14h:ordin , : on, TuesdaY.'tho 10th day of May. WARREN—J. 2.liamerman's Store, •On 146dt:ie.,- day, the llth day of MAY. and LAP. Cook'fiTaimery, on Thursday, the 12th day of May. . • PETERS—Loudon,at the Rouse of James Mel len, on Friday, thel:ith day of May, and atJ,Wrtes. D. Scutt's Store, Bridgeport, on Saturday ; the 14th day of May." " FANNETT—Amberson's 'Valley, at the Ewan of B, J. Culbertson, on Monday, the-16th'; at the Hoareet J. It. Rimer, Concord, on Tuesclf, the 17th day of May, and at the Store of Licut.•• ru. Mackey, at Dry' Bain, an 'Wednesday. thelBth'daY of May.. META L—Fannettsburg, at- the - House of J. W. Jones, on Thursday unit Friday, the 19th and 20th days of Muy. ' • LURGAN-:ltoibury:at the House formerly occu pied bj John Wyncoop, on Monday and Tuesday, the 23t4 and 24th dais of May. LETTERKENNY,:-Strariburg, at the House of J. R.-W eist; on Wednesday and Thursday, the Ztliaad !X,th days of May. -• '• •- •.• '• •• ST. 'THOMAS—At the Store ofDixon•dt Elder, in St. Thomas,' on'Ftiday and Saturday, the, 27th end 28th'days of May, GREEN—Fay etteville, at the -House "of - Joith •S. Brown, on Monday, the 30th day - of May, - axasit the Rouse of 31. Shoemaker, in Grecnvillage, on Tues day; the 51st day of• May.: • SOTITRAMPTON—Mt. Beek School Utilise, on Wednesday, the Ist day of June, and, at the Hawn of W. 'S. Bard, in Orr:down, on Thursday, the 2d day of June. _ • . , _ • • • GUILFORDL-Marien;iat the Howie of Jeremiah Burk, On Friday, the 3d- , day of Juno, and at the House of. Mrs. IL-Snider, In New Franklin, on Sw• turday: the 4th day of June. HAMILTON—At the House of John Gordon, on Monday and TuesdaY.;the 6th and 7th days of June CHA MBERSRURG-tAt the Treasurer's Office. on Wednesday and Thursday, the Bth and 9th days of Jude. r-z- None but Penna. 'and Government funds re calved. for Taxes. (apt.il J. G. ELDER. Treas. • P.S;—LlCENSES.—Allpersons whose names have been published in the Mercantile Appraiser's List., who are required to pay -a license (except-those es.u. operated) will please take up said Licenses at the above mentioned places. • J. G. E. ASSIG.WI S' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been . lippointed assignees by Jacob, tiossert of Quincy townships:under n - deed of voluntary assignment. foi the benefit of creditors. All persons indebted to Said Jacob Gessert,*will make immediate, pay ment to the undersigned, residing in said towashiP, and those having claims will present them duly an thentioAted for settlement. L. (1.-KEPREL WM. CIOSSERT. mar 30-3t] • Assignees. , VDMINISTRA'fOR'S NOTICE.-No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Daniel Gilbert. late" ofWash ington township, dee'd. have been 'granted to' the undersigned.residing in Guilford and Southampton townships. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment: and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. JACOB lAGHTFOOT anl:lt.' '} Adm'r. -6 SAMUEL GILBERT, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE :-No tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion de &milt non cue feetamento annexo on the Es tate of Francis Robison, late of Montgomery town ship. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Antrim township: - All persons knowing themselves indebted to Arad Estate will please make immediate payment . : and those hying claims will present them properly au- thenticaled for settlement. - mar T- 3, LEWIS P. SITEGGS, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of James H. Alexander, late of Fannott township, deceased, have been granted to the undcrsixn ed., residing in Fannettiownship. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment: and those.having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. S. 0. McCURHY, roar 16 . Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS' vice is hereby given thatLetteriof Administm tion on the Estate of Leonard Sellers, late of Guil ford township, deu . d, have been granted to the un dersigned, residing in said township. • All persons knowing themselves mdebted•to said Route. will please make immediate pdymeat and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. A. Ti. WINGERT,I AdTh .,, JOHN DOWN - EY, ). • marra A DMINISTRATOR'S Mme.B.—No. ties is hereby given that Letfersof Administra tion on the Estate of Nancy Finefrock-, late of the Borough of Chambersburg, dec'd, have been granted CO the undersiencd,residing in said Borough , . - All persens , kno*ing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated fonsettlement.. _ ,m a r 23 - HENRY FINEFROCK,Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No= tine is hereby given 'thiit Letters of Adminis-' tration on - the Estate of Jacob B. M'Cune. late of the Borough of - Mereersburg : havi. been grant ed to the undersigned, residing an-said Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment: and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement: - • mar3o Adm'r. tXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice' is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Mrs. Jane Bradley. late of Montgomery toWnshiP, dec'd. have been granted to the under signed:residing in said township. • . All - personeknowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please - make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them Properly autbentieat ed-for settlement apl3-fit• S. A. BRADIIY.Eer. VXECUTORS". kOTICE. - -Ncitice is 1:4 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of John A. Shank. late-of Quincy township. doe'd hero been granted to the nnderslgned. resid ing in Quincy and Antrim townships. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly an ,thentieated for settlement, lIEZEKIATI SHANK. BENJAMIN SNIVELY. }Ex'rs XECUTOR'S NO TICE .—Mitice is E hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate. of Peter Walter, late of Antrim township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned; resid 'ing in said township ; , • - - ,All penions-knowing themselves indebted 'to said Estate will please make immediate ,payment; and these havingclaimsmill'present them properly au thenticated for s'etisoment.- • marV, BENJAMIN BNIVELY. Eer: E' CUTOR'S:. NOTICE.Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Henry Horst. late of Southampton twp.. Ndeeeased, have been granted to the undersigned; re siding in Green township . All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will pleasp,make. iwmediato iitiyinent And those baying claims will please present them pro perly authenticated forsettloment. LEVI HORST mar 16 T. L. EBER s o tz , Executois. FXE CU T,OW S NOTlCE.—Notide is hereby given that letters Testamentary to the Estate of John W. - Jordan, late of Chamhersburg, doted, has been granted to the -undersigned, resid ing in the Borough of Chambersburg. AM persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will, please make, inimediate Payment : land those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. mar 16 APiNIE E. JORDAN Executrix. Veroottai Propertg *alto. PnExuum CIIESTER WHITE PIGS. Progeny of Hogs tharbave taken State and UNITED STATES PREMIUMS. Sent by Express to all parts of the United States, Canada, Cuba and South America. in_pLairs not akin. Address. - N. P. BOYER k CO., mar 2-3m] Coatesville, Chester Co., Penna.. PARENTS OF SOLDIERS in the ser •JL ;dice, or in Hospitals. can furnish them with the RgPOSITORY throe months for2s ate.; - six months for 50 eta or,orte year for.sl.oo. - • , Rabblitg r .Parness; S E:itt 1, - _ HARNESS MiNUFACTORY Tl442l;sc:riber respeedullyinfpims his friends and the public, Mut& bontinuc to curry ortthe • abortbugnieitt.atbietllt at d, on WEST MAII-K•BE STivE.ET, OPpesite ,hotel. Cil - letultit E B-U 0, • :P,4 an kd4.'o Cmazttt)y - onlAniul tvgincral =ant fir sidingandltngon F,tltddles, " • . : - Riding Bridles„ : . 'pat an, elEviind,,:•! - - 131 nek and ' 801116 of :all Harness ancl. Draft Collars, ' r 'Palent - Leatlidr Collars (good qiatility)" , ":Blind Bridles, Brow Geary, !anti everything. in thetl.oo.ther line can be found iD . , Ns shop, or made to:Ordoi, at ni . orl'eratf , rates. RERAIRING• dobe at short notice and on reasonable terms; TRUNKS AND VALISES alwaya, on btind nnd'siO'ehoiip He etnploys none but the Zee 'rkl»' 4 marl 6-1) Q ADDLERY 'SADIAARY 1 . 1 ,4:4. 10 dim Bridles, „Harness, Collirs.Tnlnks, vol* Lite., sign of the HORSE COLLAR. : , • JEREMIAH OYSTER-respeetfully returns ':l4' thanks to his patrons for' the liberal euegnefiganetti received from them-heretofore, and he would invitte - them and the!community generally, who may need any thing in his line, to give huh a call at his Old stand, on the Bast side-of Main:Street, Chairobers-" beg, Ave doors South 'of Huber Totheit's,Hard wase'Store, where he keeps constantly on hand' er ery variety of SADDLERY AND HARNESS_ his own manufacture, and he is prepared to-sell-the samo..pn terms that defy competition. Evertattitsle offered for sate is Warranted to be made of the.beetv material - and by competent workmen. which ilbbo fully demonstrated on an examination thereof. ' TRUNKS AND VALISES.-119 would Mae calf , the attention:of persons wanting a good, neatlsnal cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assort. ment: - • 'T • WHIPSL! WHIPS ! ! SHILLITO 41' Sox, corner of Alain -and Washington Streets, Chzunbersburg, Pd. ; matmfae turers of all kinds of WHIPS, such as II ;igen, Car riage and Riding Whips, of various sizes . :tud.of am.? by quality,"Which they - offer to the public, either by Wholesale or Retail, at veiy moderate inices.-- LASHES of all Wks kept constantly ()Oland and for sale by the dozen. veryth enp. They alsb Mang - facture superior HORSE COLLARS, to which they invite attention. - - - , . Orders from a distance solicited and. proyagrY tended to. ROAD-GEARS,,7'. I) HALTERS, and any thjug, in the ,Leitlitilline belonglife the Saddler's husitioas, always tni'hand and made to Order.- and - on; r easonable tonna. - at GORDON'S opposite the Indilin Queen Hotel„ Main Street. - G0•IR D:0 N HAS A - suptmon lot of ' SADDLES; HARNESS. BRIDLES, STIRRUPS', SPIIRSid:c., which he will scll cheap for cash "or good trede. - • • - . _ OYRUS H. GORDON, successor to & Gordon: gives notice, to his eustoiners and others, that he is still at the Old Stand, typposite the Indian Queen Hotel. Main-St., Cluttuberslntra. Pa. REPAIRING notice. on renetnititile tering, h 3 G. 11 . 00R- - DON. He invites ,bia friends to call and sea him. Qrozvarttictsttp p.oticto. - 1 - 11SSOLUPIOIST OF CO-PARTNER BRIP."-Notice is hereby given' that the co partnership heretofore existing between,the under - signed, in the Grocery and Provision business. tra ding under the name, style and tirru.of.D. FAL - NESTOCK d BRO., bas beeßciivolv ea by - mutual consent, the dis Solution to ditto from , the 24th of March 1364. The hooka, Notes, &c., are left in the ,hands of. I). S. Fahneek ck for eollettion. nPI3-3t A-11.1'..N:ERZI1 I P .---Notice is here by given that fhb undersigned have entered in to partnershipin thollarilware and Cutlery busities at the old stand of Myers Brand, where we 'we" prepared to furnish every thing in our line t cheap as any other house in the county. Special induct:- I:dents aro offered for cash, as our motto will be nick sales and short profits. ' JACOB S. BRAND. - 0e14.63, GEORGE MACK. in k iss.o.huTio'N ,OP' PARTNERSHIP The Partnership of WATSON &.SON was dill- , solved by mutual consent on the Ist of Jnnuery, A. JAS. W.AaSON.- JAS. WATSON. JR. - -Chambersburg, April 1,1864. The bnsiness will be continued, at the same Oneu by (aod-lit) • J. & GEO. WATSON.. L., (10-PARTYNERSHIP.----The undersign ed has associated with himself, on the let Feb inary, 1136-1...,J01iN B. STUART. in the Grocery - - business. under the name and style ef SHAFER - & ' STUART..-Thankful for the patronage heretofore . extended to the establishment, ho hopes by a atria attention to business to merit for the new fain a continuance of public favor. trier 2 JACOB SBA FBA. 00-PARTNERSHIP. -'--Haring associa:. ted with me,,this da3r; February - 9th 1864. in the Mercantile business L. 8. - KINDLINE. the business hereafter will be conducted under the firm of•,WIL LIAM WALLACE & CO. ' Haring bad a liberal jistrormge heretofore. I solicit the same for the ue arm. [mar .1-tf] WILLIAM WALLACE. POPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned. have this day formed a copartnership, and rill carry on- the. MILLING and FARMING under thetitle of Montgomery S. Brough, at o Mill formerly owned by 1 Brough. on the Conocoahengue. Creek.. tiro miles South of Chem- - ihersburg. JOHN MONTGOMERY. ; 4 - apr6-303 - JOHN A. BROUtill. - SSOLUTAN OF CO-PARTNEI- 4gWelt e t V iTATrinnWgL. I:.40011'th byputual consent -oIIILIP 1yt151.8134. any ottevillp, April 13,7 t. , I, P. SNYDER. CC • . • , . • • • 18642 " OLO _ R , 11,AT ROACH, kc. • EX- T E It.ll I N•A/T 0R S' "15 years established in N.a, City." .1 "Onlyinfollible reniedits wn."• . " Free from Poisons.' • " Not dangerous toibe Human Family." ,-- " Rats come out of.tbeir holes to die. ' AM- Sold by all Dna/gists everinhere. -0 - 1 I I Beware It I- of all worthless imitations. "Costar's" Depot-No. 482• Rroadway. N. Y.- - Mr. Sold by all Wholesale andßetail Prof : mists In Chainberabors.Pa. l - -fmar 9-8 m •• MOTIdELL-A meahigof the Hisacrik: TON TOWNSIIIPtBOUNTY COMMITTEE i will be held at Gordon'Ellotel. Cltarnperabonr, on the22d of Apra*al, at. 10 o olOokin the forenoon: Alnli artendancelitearneatla revealed," apl3-2t = JOA I Al.sss. beer. 02E2 VlazotilYbijik: lialters,, GILLAN. 13. S. FAHNESTOCK A. B. FAHINESTO(.K