The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 20, 1864, Image 5

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,funtitlin Kiep'poitonl.
etacte in the path of a public gossip is the com
petition he meets with socially. , 'is true Slut
competition is the life of trade," yet tee much
rivalry has s. tendenFY to tire, not the contest
ants,lnt the bystanders. The ladles, God bless
them! - with the t hing suffering for which they
are proverbial - will bear a deal of gossip but
the men, being made (4 . sterner stuff, soon weary
of the monotony, unless the tittle-tattle be un
usually personal. For instance, articles com
mencing with, ".The filthy trash with which
our 'vulgar minded opponent has so plentifully
begpattered his readers," etc., etc.; or, " Our
miserable contemporary last week attempted
in hilwontexl foul-mouthed style of slang and
renown to overwhelm us, us! with an avalanche
of vile copper-woolyhendisms, but we warn the
groveling miscreant that," etc., etc. -
We were cheered one day last week by a
friendly ,visit from Mrs. Grundy's sister, who,
"ufter, entertaining us fora half hour with some
tad-bits , of a private nature, graciously handed
us the following for publication, suggesting its
diefulness to some of our mutual friends less
imaginative than herself, and recommending its
Wing committed to memory. She 'called it:
A is for Alice who lainsthave tho hest word,
B is, for Betsey who is always absurd;
C is for Chaflotte superciliously proud,
D is for Dolly so uncommonly loud;
E is for Eliza who was ahia,vs a slattern,
2 is for Fanny, by no uumais a pattern :
is for Georgie who be flattered,
Is for jaded. and battered;
' I is for Isabel, fat and so coWrse,
J is for Julia- 2 - - consider her Santee;
X is for Kitty who laces so tight,
L is for Lizzie not too good ti) bite ;
31 is for Mary who wears such large hoops,
N is for Nancy so tall that she f000ps; -
0 is for Olivia, With a hole in her stocking,
P is for Prissy whose eonduCt is shocking:
Q is for anyone that I don'gknow.
It is for Rachel whois wanting a beau;
s 6 for Sally as erots as a ail,
T is for Tillie as blind as a tut;
is for tindiae wh6 ue'er touches water,
is for Venus no bettor than she ought to;
‹Vr is for Willie so foiilish and
- Xis for Xantipre who always beats
Y is for You, the next visit
Z is for Zany, do you the complindnt take?
Court week reminds us of the time we wek
sued in F—, since when we have abjured
the law, in fact 'considered it a sort of humbug.
Some sixteen years ago, when we were mit
cantiling, we .old a—well, we'll call it a boot,
to a young man, who alter some 'ninths wished
to return it, His manner was not altogether
agreeable, and we wouldn't take the book back.
Soon after we receited a summons to appear
before aeertain 'Squire in F—. The day
arrived, bright and sunshiny and we started
with alight heart, a horse, a buggy. a'driver, a
lawyer and an armful of law books. ,Irpon our
arrival at F— we found to our surprise that
the suit was brought by the father of the youth.
We proved by the young man himself that the
sale W/113 all right, and that the book was worth
the money. After some hesitation the 'Squire
decided that as the purehaser'was not quite
twenty-one years of age, the sale was thereforo
null and, void, (underthe law that if yea sell to
minors without their parents consent and ap
proval, you cannot make the parents liable for
the debt) that we should pay the costs of suit,
And refund the price of the book in, question,
the buyer retaining the same. ,We couldn't see
the point, and feeling aggrieved, complained tQ
a friend who happened to li e hard by, and ,
were consoled with the following-: " Yon may'
'thank your stars that you lest the - suit; for if the
adman hisd lost it, he would have licked you'
and yourlawyer, and the 'Squire, , which Me
'Squire melt knees' We bowed oar bend in
submission, aild felt that " man proposes, but
the 'Squire dispoties." V Our expenses were
$19,87A. We valued oar experience at s'29,ki,
leaving a net prat
A religious enthusiast joyously informs as that
aftee the,war church membership will be largely
increased; becausetherei Will be su many lame
men (laymen). , •
We thank those who speak well of our "Ges
sip,r and feel kindly toward those who speak ill
of us. We are aware that too_ much pudding
choke a,dog, but we hope that an intern
;gent community will perceive -that the choking
is the fault of the dog, not of the pudding:
4. startling instance of the despotism of the
bloody tyrant, Lineoln, was manifested' last
week by the seizure of innocent citizens, who
were arrestvd and confined fer several days
under the Charge of two Constables, not even
being allowed to have communication with their
friends. Too add insult to injury, - they were
sxposed to the public gaze - in tt, jury box, and
were compelled to listen, to speeches by,the
hear.* Where is the American Eagle that once
presided over the palladium of our liberties 1
PIRLADELPMA.—It is surely unnecessary
in this day to mention anyone of the Many ad
vantages of Life Insurance, but it is by no meal s
out apiece to state. the advantages of insuring
the." Penn/Kutner.. It is a permanent itat ;
talon, subject to the laws or tkia State. Its p re
mitimsare as low as - is consistent with security.
It possesSes the - highest' reputation for stability
and honorable dealing, and its officers and trut-,
tees'are well and 'favorably . known. It offers
superior advantages for, a safe and judicious in-
Isestinent. It is the only purely .Mutual Life
Insurinee Company In . .the State. 'Every mem
ber of this Company has a vote in the election
of the trustees, who,' have the management of
the fintds. /It is well known-that the Penn Ma
lang hai paid heavy losses promptly in this town.
Mr. Samuel S. Sbriack;Of this place, is agent
for the Company, and can famish pamphlets,
and give ail desirable information on the subject.
Rquogai.—The Clothing store of Mr. John
Sheds, 'on Main Street aboverQneen, was en - •
tared on Saha* eight last, . and robbed of
itbot4,s2l3o worth of ' clothing. No clue has
been discovered to lend to the, detection of the
thief,•:_torne tools were left In the store which
had been' aken *OM Croft's smith-shop the
same evening. The same nightanattempt was
made to rob llnts'S Store. 'the cellar door was
forced with the intention of entering the store
through the trap-ddor; but the clerk whosleeps
in the store was awaUened by the barking pre
dog, and the robbery was frustrated. It Isms
doubtless the same party that robbed .31. r.
SAD ACCIDENT - -A heart rending accident
which resulted in the death of Martha E S,!l
- daughter of Ur. Samuel Sellers, a farmer
residing in Penn townshipi. Cumberland county,
occurred on last Thursday week. The little
girl, in company with several other children,
had been spending the day at a neighbor's
house, on their return in the afternoon, the
children stopped at a hay stitek to play. Mar
tha 'was jostled of the top of thii stack by one
of her companions: Her spine was injured by
the fall so se'verelv that shedied on the follow
' • .
ing Monday.
SODDEN Ds :ctn.—We are pained to announce
the sudden death of Mr. John golden, says the
Shippensbnrg News, late of Sotithampton . toWn.-
ship, Cumberland county.. After partaking of
a hearty dinner on Friday, the 9th inst, and
being at that time in the enjoyment of his usual
good health, Mr. Golden - fepaired to the woods
to complete some chopping he had commenced
in the morning. A short time afterwards his
lifelesi body was found by some of his neigh
bors. Mr. Golden was an old resident of South
ampton township, an honest man, and a good
CORRECTION —ln our, classification of
Judges chosen in the different districts of this
county ntthe late election, we classed Sulpher
Spring as Democratic. .1. correspondent writes
to correct us. N. K. Harvey, Esq., a decided
Union maw,_ was chosen Judge of election in
that district by two majority. We need hardly
assure our kind correspondent that we make
the correction with pleasure. Well done for
little Sulpher Spring!
WE invite attention to the advertisement of
Mr. Ryder in to-day's paper. He is an experi
enced limier in and cultivator of Fruits, &e.,
and implicit reliance may be placed in the gital
ity of his trees, vines, &c. Orders may be sent
him with entire confidence that they - will be
faithfully and-honestly filled. ;
PAYMEN'r or Tit.—Pay Master Brice
gives notice that the. Militia called out by the
Governor in 1862, will be paid promptly.. Maj.
M'Phail, at Harrisburg, will pay the men or
ganized in the counties of Adams, Franklin,
Fulton and the other counties South of—the
Alfred Denny, Assistant Quartermaster at.tbis
post, sold at PubliefSale on Friday last, eighty
ont Condemned Government' Horses. The
average price brought was $3l or scarcely one
third the original cost to the government.
SALARY INCREASED.—The Presbyterian con
gregation of this place held ii,-,meeting on Mon
day last, and raised the salary of Rev. S. J.
Niceons, their pastor, to $1,500 per annul-
TAXPAYERS will notice the advertisement of
Treasurer Elder in today's_ paper:- -He will
soon start out to receive the State and County
Taxes and licenses for' the present year.
ELECTION.—An election for one President.,
one Treasurer and six Managers of the 'Waynes
boro' State Line Turnpike Company
_will be
held in Waynesboro' on the 2d of May.
commonly known as tlic Itch, lifts made its appear
ance in town and in various places throughout the
county. It may Be a source of relief to persons so
afflicted to know that they can get a sari Cure for
this troublesome disease at Miller's Drug Store
Let all so afilitted send immediately to their Drug
Store and get a box of Terrel's Itch Ointment.
Price 25 cents. It is a speedy cure..
GELWICKS, of thocheap wholesale' and retail
Grocery, Pray - Won and Variety Store, has just re
ceived afresh supply of goods. Ho does not confine
himself exclusively to the Grocery business alone,
but deals in almost every description of goods. You
can buy almoscany article you wish at hitiextensive
Wfms you haVe been every place And c minor,
find what you want, go to Gelwieks, he kieps't very
thing and intends tojmake his business pay, not by
afieprofitr, but by selling the largest amount of
SPECIAL attention is invited to the Curd of
Jacob Harley,622 MOrket street, Philatii►.—in this
issue. His stock of Watches. Jewelry, etc.. is large.
and those who call at his store cannot fail to he
IF You Kish to impart vigor and clearness
to the voice..retiove hoarseness - &c., go at once to
A. J. Miller's Drug Storc and get a box of,Dann
vart's Trochee, the pniy effectual • remedy in the
market. mar 2,
evidence developed to the workinen and• others
engaged in removing the dead bodies on the bat
tle field, they are now fully convinced that not
less than seven thousand rebels lost their lives
,in this conflict, the bodies of WhOm are still
;there, In one space of three acres was found
three hundred and twenty-five Confederates
Slain; and elsewhere in a single trench, two
hundred and fifty more. A considerable por
tion of the battle ground is likely to be plowed
up - this spring and summer, by farmers owning
it, preparatory to planting corn and other
grain. As a matter of course, the Confederate
&Aires must be obliterated, and the trenches
which now indicate their places.- - There is a
strong desire with tlie people in respect to hu
manity, to have these bodies, though of the
respectably and dedently put away;in
iome enclosure where they may not be disturb
ed-. - (fur common humanity should impel us to
snch a step.—Gettysbarg Star.
TO-DAY the Democratic representatives in
Congress, almost , in V-body, dead 'recorded in
'favor of sustaining the author of openly trea
sonable sentiments. There is almost an equal
unanimity, of the Democratic press. Take, for
example, the,
,following from the Crisis, Meda
ry's paper, published at ,Columbus, Ohio, and
widely circulated andhelieved throughout the
• " There can be no doubt about the fact that
any attempt to transfer the Democratic party on
to a war platform will be misted - with more de- ,
termination than some men, who would sell
the country for an office, suppose. They want
neither Lincoln. nor any of his major generals,
The strength, and the only strength, of •th'e
Democratic party, from the first to the last, has
been opposition to this war, unholy, barbarous
and ruinous.
k an ki n , Utpositorp, sprit 20, 1864.
Horrible Butchery of Our Tioops.
CAIRO, ILL., April 14.--On Tuesday' morn
ing Porrest, with some 6,000 men, attacked
Fort'Pillow. Soon after the attack Forrest
sent a flag of truce demanding the surrender of
the, fort and garrison, in the meanwhile dispo
sing his force so as to gain an advantage.
Maj. Booth, of the 3d Tennessee United States
Heavy Artillery, formerly the Ist AlabainaCav
airy (colored), refused to receive the flag of
truce and fighting was resumed.
Afterwards a second flag clone in, which was
also refused. Both flags gave the rebels the
advantage of gaining new positions.
The battle was kept up till 3 o'clock P. M.,
when• Maj. Booth was Stilled and Maj.-Bradford
took command. The rebels had come in swarms
-over our troops, compelling them to surrender
Immediately upon the surrender, there en
sued a scene which utterly baffles description.
Up to that time comparatively few of our men
were killed, but, insatiate as fiends and blood
'thirsty as devils incarnate, the Confederates
commenced an indiscriminate butchery of the
whites and blacks including those of both colors
who had been previously wounded.'
The dead and wounded negroes "were piled
in heaps and burned, and several citizens Who
joined our forces for protection, were killed or
• t
wounded. -
The black soldiers. becoming -demoralized,
rushed to the rear, their white, officers having
thrown down their arms. l3oth white and
Mail were bayonetted, shot or sabred, and even
ad bodies were horribly mutilated. Children
of seven or eight years of age, and several negro
women were killed in colblood. Soldiers un
able to speak, from their wounds, were shot dead
and their bodies 'rolled down the hanks into the
I `, Out Of a garrison of 600 men only 200 re
Among our dead ioffieerii are Capt. Bradt*Ord,
Licuts. Barr, Aekerstrom, 'Wilson, Revel and
Mnj. Booth,.all of the 13th Tennessee Cavalry ;
Capt. Posten, Lieut. Lyon, of the 13th Tennes
see, and Capt. Young, of the 24th Missouri,
Acting Provost Marshal, were taken prisoners.
Maj. Bradford was also taken, but is said to have
escaped. It is feared, however, that t he haS
been _killed.
The steamer Platte Valley came up about 3,
o'clock. Shwas -hailed by the rebels under a
flag of truce and her men sent ashore to bury
the dead and take aboard such of the wounded
as the rebels had allowed to live. Irifty-seven ,
were taken aboard ; including seven or eight'
colored men., Eight of them died on the way,
up. The steamer arrived here this evening and
was immediately sent to the Mound City hospi
tal to discharge her suffering passengers.—
Among the wounded of the colored troops are
Capt. Porter, Lieut. Libberts and A(.klutatit Lem
Six guns were captured by the rebels and
carried off, including two 111-pound parrotte
and two 12-pound howitzers. A large amount
of stores were destroyed -and earned away.
The intention of the rebels seemed to he to
evacuate the place and move on towards Mem
GEYER.—On the 31st nit., iu Moreersburg, Mrs.
Mary (lever, in the 78th year of her age.
M.cCUN E.—On the let inst., in Mereersburg, Jas.
W, eon of George and = McCune. aged 1 year,
mouths and 26 days.
SHOOK.-On the 10th inst: Mereersburg. Geo.
W. Shook, son of Harry and Margaret Shorts, aged
1 year, 8 months and 7 days.
,SPIIINGER.,—On the lath inst., in Mereeralmrg,
Mrs. B. Springer, in her 70th year.
KERSEINER.—On the 28th ult. in Benson countv
111., Mrs. Catharine Kershner, widow of Joseph
Kershner, dee'd, late of Franklin county, Pa., aged
73 years and 6 months,
SHDIGLE.—On the 14th inst., near Greencitetle,
Rebecca, • daughter of Mr. Jacob Shingle, aged 11
months and 8 dirys.
IaSSECKER.—On the 14th inst.; near Green
castle, Mint Brumbaugh, daughter of Mr. Jno.Kts
seeker, aged 6 years, I mouth and 18 days.
MORTON'S :GOLD PENS are now sold at the -
s tnie prices as before thecommencoment of Glower.
Thisis entirely owing to the manufacturer's
provements in machinery, his present large Retail
business and Cash-in-Adrancc system ; for, until he
commenced advertising, Mv business - was done on
credit, and strict/It with the trade.
The Morton Gold Pens are the only miss sold at
old prices; as .the makers of all other Gold Pens
charge the Premium on Gold, Goveretnent Taa,,te.
but Mortpn has inn° ease chanfed his prices, whole
sale or retail. -
Of the great unithers sent by mail to all parts of
the world during the past few years, not one in a
thousand has failed to reach its destination in safe
ty, showing that the Morton Gold Pen can be ob
tained by any one, in-every part of the world, at the
same price, postage only excepted.
Reader, you can have an enduring, alway 7 ready,
and reliable Gold Pen, "exactly adapted to' your
hand and style of writing, which will do yoUr wri
ting'vastly cheaper than Steel Pens; and at the pre
sent almost universal High-Pressure Price of ev
ery thing, you can have a Morton Gold Pen cheaper
in proportion to the labor spent - upon it and mate
rial used: than any other Gold - Pen in the world. If
you want one, call on A: MouroN. .No. 2S Maiden
"Lane, NeW;Tork. or inclose a stamp for circular.
,deo2,-6m. ' -
TERS is One of the greatest strengthening prepara
tions extant. It is especially adapted to those who
are aSlieted with the Fever arid. Ague. or any other
disease arising from a disordered condition of the
digestive organs. For the Fever and Ague there is
perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it, as it
enters, purifies and replenishes the blood, which is
so important to bring about a healthy action in dis
ensesOf this nature. The Bitters are now among the
most popular.rarid_at the same time, valuable spe
cifies in the medical world. In recommending it to
the public, we are fully conscious of doing them a
great service, knowing. as we do. their many excel
lent qualities, and sure and speedy action in all ea
ses where the disease is caused by irregularity of the
digestiye organs. Atrial will sutfiEe for the most
skeptical. See advertisement. Foi‘rsale by Drug,
gists and dealers gcnetally, everywhere, (mar3o-1m
R. R. R.—A CURE FOR COLDS.—If seized
with severe Cold. Hoarseness. Sore . Throat, bid
Cough.lleadache, pain in the back or shoulders.tat
on going to bed, two teaspoonful of }tad way's Ready,
Relief, in half a tun.b'erful of lidt water sweetened,
with sugar
. or molasses. In the morning You wily'
rise cured of youT cold. Let those who have caught
cold, either slight or severe, try this prescription ; it
Will break up your cold, if yon neglect your cold it
may grow seriously, and end in consumption. If
suffering from Rheumatism, Lumbago, ( lout,
'Wounds, lie, it id
way'sßelief will affordimmediate ease. Priee.2s
cents per bottle.- Sold by Druggists. 2 Every Agent"
has recently been furnished with fresh Ready Relief.
Isystin.--Published for the benefit, and as a warn
ing and -
who suffer from Nervous Bohn*, Prbmatire Decay
of Manhood, &c., supplying at the same tim e
by ono who has cured himself after being But to a
great expense and Wary, through medical humbug
and au.Uskl•
By on al o king a post-paid addressed envelope, sin;-'
glikeopies may be had of the author..
' may20,63-Iy. Bedford, Kings C0.,11. Y.
Seite:CußE:—Every daymeleai of the MO
cow of the 1 Sale Cure" in curing the •Rotten ilea"
and bad Scratches in Horses. , Get a bottle and try
it. fold only by Keyser k Creseler, •
From North Carolina.
'NEwBERN, N.C., Aptil 14. '
According to the Raleigh 'Progress, the peo
ple of Western North ;Carolina recently hung
several Confederate officers and soldiers for
attempting to enforce the conscription.
The Raleigh Confederate says:: '! The electron
in North. Carolina!, depends upon the success
of our (rebel) annres. If they are successful,
'Holden wilt be, defeated; if they meet -with a
repulse, his , election for governor by a large
majority is certain:"
There aro frequent arrivals :of steamers at
:Wilmington with valuable Cargoes for the Con
federate authorities. i
The railrOads. of North , Carolina are busy -
transpniting rebel troops and'supplies.
Recruiting for."colored troops is going or
briskly in Newbern.
The House met . at 3 P. M., and spent tht
whole of the afternoon and evening Sesßions it
the consideration lOf the bill• 'proposing to in
crease the revenues, of the Statd• by additional
taxation on,railroads, banks, brokers, etc.
The bill, its pasSed finally, provides for a taN
of two per cent, On 'the gross receipts of rail
road'emnpanies; when exceeding,sixty thousain
dollars, and a tax! of one per cent. when lest
than sixty thotis'aini. Adjourned. -
SWALLOW MI): or three hogs, cads of " Bu
elm," "Tonle Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervon..
antidote," and after you it:re safcsfied witl
the result, then try one box. of Otn DOUrnit EITHAO
ENGLISH Syi:ciFlC giLLs—and be restored to hoalt]
and vigor in less than thirty days„ Thoyarc pure];
vegetable, Pleasant to take, prompt and sahitary ii
their effects on the broken-down and shattered eon. .
stitution. Old and young can take them with ad
vantage.: rinportea and'sold i t the United State ,
only by ! , ' JAS. S;BUTLB11,
Station D. Bible Does:-. New York, General Agent .
P. 5.—A box sent to any address on receipt o:
pace, which is Ond Dollar—post free. tria.r2.3 ,
DO Yot WISII 3 TO BE CURED t—Dr.Bltchan';
E,,aish,s'pectoic Pale cure, in less than thirty (bye
the worst cased of NEuvousNEss, Impotency: Pre
mature Decay, Seminal Weakness,lnsanity andid:
urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affeetio4, no matte
from what ,cause produced. Price, One Dollar pe:
box. Scot. post-paid, by mail, on,receipt of an or
der. Address , - JAMES S.'BUTLER,
mar2:3-ImJ Station if, Bible ,lloitse, New York:
, .
THROAT DISEASES.—"We would' eall atten
tion 'to 'BrOwn'a Bronchial T roeh We have time
them e Beacious in allaying irritation in the Throat
a m Bronchia, and would commend them to tilt
ittentiod of Publie Speakers, and others trouble,
'kith affections of the Throat, They are also az
excellent remedy for, floarseneei resulting from
cold."—(Ve,orcpariden Boom'
,525. i , $75.
will pay from $25 to $75 per month.'and all expen
ses, to active Agents, or give ac,ommission: "Partic
ulars sent fret. %Address ErniEztvisro Msetwit
Cons AICY.E. ZIAMES, General Agent, Milan. :111it.
Flour—White... $7 00
Flour—Red 6 50
Wheat—White' 1 50
Wheat—Red 1.40
Rye -, 115
Corn 100
Oats 75
Clover Seed 600
Timothy 3 00
Flax Seed' 50 _
Potatees,-Meredr... 50
Potatoes—PinkEyes 45
Philadelphia ets.
Tim.Aor.t.Put A, April 19,1861
Flour dull,and has 'declined ?Sets. Per bbl. Sales
of ZIOO bblg - taxtra fatnilyat $7 75:8 25, and fancy
at $8 50(6)0. In ',Rye Flour and Corn Meal no change.
Wheat is alsollower. Sales of red at $1 80 and
white at S'2 per bushel. Rye is taken on-arrival at
SI 40. Corn has declined 2ets. 'and 8000 barbels of
yellow sold at $1 31e4)1 31. and white at $1 90 2.
Oats are steady at 8. 00e. 400 bushels Clo - ver•Seeil
sold at $7 20( . 07:00 and Flax Seed at $3. 354 - o
, Whisky unsettled; small sales - of bbls. at :;.;.1. 22.
irti:ele of OORD VFLVET -
DEEDS.—An,ll4ksortmeo of
jusCprinteifon fine Parch
inent Palper. Ona for tc..tlo ttt the ~13.NPOAITOR't (Arlo°
ARM. .BtLLS.4-A large' lot of Lebarion
11 Bells. No. 1 t1t3.00. N 0.2 $6.00, No. MOO. The
best. Bells made. All Bells warranted one year.
ap2o-4t ! - -BRAND
SALli. , —.l will senor exchange the I ti:1.)1.A.1 , 1
QI.TEEN HOTEL for property in Chatnbet;born or
vicinity. lnp2o-tf J JOHN, W. 'TAYLOR.
,f A NGT I C tinder
/I_ signed. : Auditor. appointed' by the Orphans'
-Court of Franklin county. Pa., to make (dist ri buti on
of tho balsuioe in thu hands of A.,11. Etter, Adlu
istrat or of the Estate of W. B; Kyner, late of are •
township. dee'd, to and among thoyarties entitled
1. thereto, will. attend at his offiee, in West Market
Streeton Clionibenthorg. on Saturday, the 14th of
May nest, at one o'elock P. M., tor' the
_purposes of:
his appointment. tapr xi—it] T. M.TARLISLE.
DUBLIO SALE,-07i - gataiday the 14th
day of Afoy.-161.—The Subscriber. tr , Admin
`istrator on the Estate of Francis Robisotylate of
ltiontiomerk township, deceused,.will offer at Pub—
lie:Sale, oh the premises. TRACT OF LAND, sit
uated aboutmine ,miles North of- Hagerstown, two
miles from the Welsh Run Store, and three miles
I South of Upton, adjoining lands of Robert Lindsay
on thelEast. 'Jacob Barncord on the North. Michael
Grossman on the West, and A. R. Wingeld on the
South: containing ZIO ACRES OF SLATE LAND.
About 40 Acres of this Tract is in timber. The un
provernents consist of a. One-and-a-half story LOG
IRMISE, and and all other necestiary out-buildings.
Therei is also'on this Tract a Well 9f never-failing
- water: and rin Orchard of choice Fruit T ree4.
Sale to commence at 10 O'clock; on said day, when
the terms will be made known by'
B orn ; LEWIS P. SKEGOg. Muer.
t Chnanbersbum
Embick Wash. J
lEtter MisSarnE2
Frey Miss Clarall
- Fraker Philip
Frank M is Ella.
Fickes David D
Fix Miss Elis.
Grove Abraham
Green or Griest
Hudson Mis Mat.
Harman George'
Hurner Samuel,Hummel George Hercroads John
Hollar George _ 2
Hoffman Mier%
Hilton Caroline
Horning S
Hoffman Chas A
Hurley Mrs Sar.
her Mrs Mary
her George
Kinstry Harry
Kluk Andreas
Keefer J
J-4 Post Mice
.der jam;
Mhwell MisAntil
Arnold MisN an
hy B 2 I
Bittner Min ME
Bittner Lewis
Black Robert-
Brown Franklin
Blank George W
Bra Rafe
- Breetbill
Bartney Miss M
Buns Mis Emma
Brand J D -
Baughman Miss
Eliza - (
,B us h meMilas
Bender Joihna
Bender Jobit -
Benner Danielp
Burkholder RI.
Chaeese John
Cook Mistfli R 3
Cook Miss Ann
- Cafo .Mariah
Career MrsEtteV
Dick Peter(
Daly William
Ebright fOn'W
say that they ha
Klntop_Georgo '
Long Muss Mary
Lutz Samuel
Milker Jere. 2
Zderitzer Jos.°
forth-a above" Le
e bees advertia
3, W.
rff Markets.
EPSNI7/26, April-19,-1364
Butter ' • 30
Eggs 15
Lard ' - 12
Baeon-ritams ...... 15
Bacon--Sidles 11
Soup Benna .. ..'
2 OD
Wnalled Wool 60
Unwasbeil Wool 40
Pared Peaches- 5 00
Unpared Peaches— 300
Dried Apples,_2 00
. ,
- DUBUC SSE.—Pttrsnant to an order
!; .!..t. of the Orphan)? Courtof Franklin county. P A.,
the subscriber will sell, by Public Outcry, on the
I . premises, one mile antra-half East of Strasburg, on
I the State Rod:Lon Saturday, the 7th day of May hest,
j the following Real Estase, to wit: A TRACT OF
LAND, adjoining lands of James Kell. Peter Plough
abd Araham Rohrer, containing 21 ACRES and 136
PERCHES, neat measure. The improvements are
jug • a Log Barn,,kc. There is also on the premises
a Well of never-failing Water, a large Apple Orch
' ard, and other Fruit Trees in abundance.
I • Also—At the same time and place he will offer a
;`Traet of good-TIMBER LAND. situated in Horse
Valley, adjoining lands of James Kell and others.
containing 64 ACRES 75 PERCHES. This Land
is heavily timbered and is convenient to a good road.
Persons wishing to examine either of the above
Tracts previous to the day of sale, will please call on
the subscriber, residing in Strasburg.
tgt- Sale to commence at 1 'o'clock, P. M., when
the terms will be math:lt:own by
Adm'r with the Will annexed of Elis. Be:Amon,
deed. and Att'y ibr the Heirs. ' • fhp'33-3t
ainiug in tho
April 19.1864.
Moravey John
Illorgan- Harry S
Moore Al isSaralt
McKee Janies
Norton Wm: J .
oylclMrs Sarah
Philips MisSnsß
Reifinger Daniel
Robert James A
Richardson Wm
Riley Mrs :Wm.
Roes I) 13 Fag 2.
&honey MaryA
Solunburger -
Cant John '
Smith Kate
Shatzer fins. R
Smith Benson
Suttrell Arch..
Shear& Rem" _
Smith Kenn: S
Sanford •Julia A
Shelly George '
Vanolaveß F
Whitney Giles
Winston Cath.
Wo6droff L
•tters "plenid-
Attu labbetliseittents.
formation of ANDREW or HENRY -ZINK,
Refugees from Virginia—addressed to W. W. POR
TER,.Chambersburg, Pa., will be thankfully re.
ceived: :• - , „ap2o-1t
BRAXD.k.,FLACX. Agentsat Chhhabersburg.
An article every familyottould have. Get the but:
th e universal. Wringer. Come get one on t
'Warranted to do the work.- - ap2O t
ELECTION Electio I for
Officers and Managers of the Franklin Rni mid
Company will be held at. the Company ' s Offs ,in
Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the 4th dav of
_May cal,
between the hours of 10
_,A, M. And '4. P. 1%
ap3l-2tE. 34.. BIDDLE. Se
1 i
tico is hereby given' that Lotto; of Adt
tration on the Estate of 18W Beiniaderfer.
Antrim township, deo'd, have . been .ointed
undersigned, residing in Greencastle. - -
All persons knowing themselvqs indebted to said
Estate will pleake make immediate payinent; and
hose having claims will present them properly
lienticated for settlement.' - - •
ap2o . • JORN ROWE,
having closed his third Winter Course of Lee
:area to. a large class of Medical men and others,
vhose complimentary reSol utions sb ow the en tirdsa
ideation thoy entertain itv the tierfection a/hi. new
.nagent, in the treatment of - A cure and Chronic Di#-
!tzses,by the use-of Galvanism -and other modifica
ions of Electricity,. will commence another Course
Lecturee, at the Institute; IMO Walnut StreUt Phil
tdelphia, on Tuesday Evening. May - 17 ch, 1861,
Persons wishing to attiint the Course are request
ulto make application - apftMt
PLANTS.=-The'subseriber has had such ahoavy
'emend for Evergreens that_ hewill make alarm)
)rder from the Eastern Nurseries in Mn' next. the
')est priod for removing them. He is personally
meuamted with theinanagers of Etutertt Nurseries,
ma will be preparedto.stippjy EV:EI:WEEMS of
be very best quality at the lowest rates.
air Orders for TREES and PLANTS should be
=ent before the ist of May, so that they may he tans=
)lanted at the proper time. Ho has an excellent
7.qortrrient of the very best varieties. Orders may
be left with J.N. Snider-J., S. Nixon, R: P. Haze".
let or D. S. Pahl:tester& & Sou, - intlambersburg.
Lottdeti. Franklin co., Pa.
0 P. A R E
wmv:nummrmrri , rf4
is acknowledged tube the
Neatest. Simigest, Citeapeat . (aid most effle . ient' Bake
now in use.
. ,
Any boy of ten years can work it with ease; will
jot get nut of order, and Rives universal satisfaction.
Narranted in every particular, and can be had from
J 4 to 403 lower than' any other Spring Tooth Wheel
lake.. For further particulars apply-to the mann
:acturer. D. D. ESHB.L MAN, -
ap2o-3m) Shirleysbnrg, Huntingdon co.. Pa.
•' A:6
-11AWSION-HOUSE,'Chanzberabutv, Pa.
34ELCALFE has just received, and opened in the
'Mansion House" Building., opposite the Bank, a
new and beautiful stock of
.comprising all the different styles:
flack and Colored Silks, Cloaking Cloths, Balmoral
and Hoop Skirts, fall line White Goods; Gauze,
Crape and:Love Veils, Hosiery, Gloves. Col
lars, Cuffs, Ilankerohiefs, and everything
• belonging to o. Fancy Dry Goods
- and Notion Store. Also.l
with a, good assortment of DOMESTICS, all Of
which will he sold Lots for Cush.
Sir The patroiage of the public is most respect
fully solicited, . .THOMAS.METCALFE.
Cliambersburg: Pa., April 20. 18.54.-tf.
1 GIFT DISTRIBUTION of Gold•Watchea, Dia
mond Binge and Elegant Auxin, Worth $300,000.
WOOD, -110 YT & CO.,
dEwitsus, 750 Broadway, New York.
CERTIFICATES, naming each article and its
value are placed in SEALED ENVELOPES, and
well mixed.. One of these envelopes will be deliv
ered at our office, or sent by mail to any address,
without regard to choice, on receipt of 25 cents.
We will send by mail, to any addres.s, the article
that the purchaser may draw, for ONE DOLLAR,
or willexchongefor tiny other (Wide on our /Ist, of
the same value aside article drawn.
_ _
Yon MAY - get a WATdH or DIAMOND RING.
You MUST get the VALUE of your money:
Entire satisfaction, guaranteed in all cases, and
the price will be immediately refunded to any par
ty dissatisfied with the article we send.
Five certificates for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for
$5. AGENTS WANTED. Send a stamp for Cir
cular. Address • WOOD, HOYT 6a CO,
ap2o-4t3, Box 5298, Post-Office, New-York..
PA.—The Mails at this .office are closed as
tbllows: ~
Fires Washington, D. C.. New Yoik.
Philadelphia, Baltimerg,, %Pittsburg, Barrisburg,
Carlisle and all intermediate points, at 7:30 A. M.
Second .3/cal.—For all the above points, at 12 M.
-- - .
Daily.—For Greenca:stle. Waynesboro', 'Mercers
burg, Hagerstown. Md., and intermediate points, at
4 P. M.
Doity.-- . =For Loudon, St. Thomas, M'Connellsburg
and Bedford, at 6:30 A. M.
Daily.—For Fayettev Gmfonburg, Cashtown
and Ciettyiburg,lit 630 A: M.
For Upper Strasburg, Fannettsburg, .Concord,
Burnt Cabins, Shade Gap and Mt. Union on Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday, at 6:30 A. M.
For Jackson. Hall, Quincy and Waynesboro', on
Monday, Wednesday_and Friday;.4t 1 - •
For Greenvillage, New, Guilford and- Mont Alto,
on Tuesday. Thursday and Satarday,_at 4 F. - •
OFFICit Houns—Froni A, Mato 7P. M.
tdv Office closed on Sund • •
ap2o JOHN W. DEAL. P.M.
11 OF THE SUSQUEHANNA, CitpcsEastruna.
Pa., April 13. 1864.- •
The followiligextract from the orders of the War
Department is publ'ish'ed -- . ' - -
LWia Dr.rinTitari;.cicift Gen,'et
- • _ April sth. 1864.
GimanAt. Damns, No. 152.
The Department of the Monongahela will be itr 2
flexed to the DepartMent of the Susquehanna, and
discontinued as a separate Depart cent.
By order of the Secretary of War. •
N. D. TOWNSRND:Aas't -- Aort Geri.
Official:: •
(Signed).E. D. TOWNBRXD, An't AM, Gen.
In accordance with the above Order. the-nnder
signed assumes command of that portion.of this De
nartrecnt which has been annexed.:
All orders and inatructions from Tfead glanders
Department •of the Monongahela will remain fa
force unless otherwisedirected.. The current orners
of these Head Quarters Will govern, where there vi
conflict of authoriti. .--
Officers whom this'-'Order Wrests; namely. Stag
ogi c ers p iogamanding Officers of hadtesdindsietach
ments, of tiooes, including those oft Departmen
tal Corns will , . report %ear stattenAultduttesmitti-,
out delay to.these Head .41uarteis
The Mowing are the tneffataers of this Depart
ment„'together with tear Atattens t -
Maj. Jgoi S. b A b Air chguallstrah'g,
SKI. B. Buses. A. . a; Gen., ,
Capt. JAS. CiAomisos,.CltV tadestex, •"
g. MaNgstor,A,D, ComatlnS.:: -",
Capt.ll. B...Forsa.nassa. A. A. A. fle •
Lt.Cotels, 0,,,fe. Cowm.Med.l33spep..,
Surg...freNtAuragrx , mem, _
ChW Com: 'of Sulesistence,MareVmm
tient. C. W.. TAYLOR. Ordnance Weer.
44M-10 D, Mat, flea. 1.1.5.V01s
11),e13) wobrttiSeMfilto.
ATOTWE , =-The members of The-Farm
-114 ers mad - Mechanics Industrial Association of
Fraaklin Counts' will =eta thoSeeretares Office.
in Chambershunr, on Atesday; May 10tbi at 1 o!olock
P. 31., to Eleetthfleers add Zdatuigeril of said ASSO
eiatioa for the `ensuing year. and also to consider
the propriety of holding a Fair. " • • - '
ttp'2o W. & EVERETT, Seo'S.•
ejA t t- 0 ; 11 It, E
(rFuccegeor., to Staticela-Har
No. iell o. 2 2 MARKET ST., ADELp ETA.,
Dealer in Fine Gold • and - Silver WATCHES: Fine
Gold JEWELRY LSolid SILVER-WARE; and the
agsr gags of SILVER PLAT4D.-WARE. Con
stoat* on hand a -largo assortment 'of the above
goads at Sow prices. • -
Watches and Fine Clocks Itgratarm,hi-ahillfol
workmen; - alsotJewelq repalthig,,,Earxivin g a i d
all kinds of Hai r- work to order, at short notice.
Don't forget the ot.D STAND, N0..622 Market
St., Philad'a'.. , • - (aP20,3m),•; 8. & F.
le of
NETT Goops =SPItIX4 ,grytts.!
Mee Goods Sold bq'tbo Yard
yleee Goodi Bold by. tho'Yart
Fero floods Sold lkir-the -Yard
P,,iteertiooda Baia by the Yard
thatt'apy,Shire htjhetointi. The Largest it'll beet
_. - 1 ~:090.- 0 165c,k0r
tiwizttp.:l4lll:o - NAN's
- ci3Ogs; CASMASES AND 4RiAli3
1 1T/ aril toys over Owe.
Cail iiWExamine
COD' ial s Eitunin'o
Three Doors South of the Diamond '
CommirlitE FOR AliAlhB, LABOR.
Comumrsr ow "LABOR, INCOUS•AND ligvanuns,”
Office No.llB S. Seventh St, Philadelphia.
• JOHN W. CLAGHCIRN. Treasurer.
This Committee has a special work, to wit: to oh-
tain a day's.' labor, :income, , ' and aday's ' rev'
'mine," from every citizen of the three- States of
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, for the
benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers.
'The Committee is now fully. ow-nixed at the •
above address, and calls for the ec-ol.sixdion of all •
classes athe community.
We want to show what the industrial classes can
do for their soldiers! , • :
What the people can do in their separate tunles !-
What Pennsylvania can do!
What New Jersey can do I - ,
What Delaware can do! , . „
What each county can do!
What each city and town can do! , , •,
What each profession can do 1
What each trade can do! '
What each occupation can do!
What each minittfiietory - can do I .
Whit each bank, insurance Company andiallread
eau do! • ' a . ,
What each mine can do! . . 1
What each workshop can do 1
What each family can do ! - •
What each man can do! - • '
What each women can do! .-
What each boy and girl can do!
We want to show tq the world what AmerieLs -I
freeman are ready to 4o for their soldiers! . - I
This is a great work and the time short! ' 1
The way to do 40 is to ORGANIZE, I
Organise in your workshoptz--in your families.' ~
• Let the men organize.
Let the women - organize. ,
Let the trades organize., . ~
Organize everywhere, - .
Letthe workmen give with their employers, the •
employers with their workmen. ~.
It is easily done, - If the workmen will authorize
their employers to deduct one day from their week's '
or month's earnings, and the employers will add to
rotit a day of their pits, the whole tram will be Sc-,ac•-",
knowled_g.ed together to the credit of the establish-1
meat. We say to all, go to work at once with as in -,
this great work.
_Hurry forwttr•t4our contributions.
Every acknowledgment will stimulate others to fel-- ,
low your example. ,
Circulars with full instructions will be sent upon
application, ,by- mail or•.`otherwise, to the under
signed. To work. to work!
firs. E. W. MA ,
TER, , •
Chairwoman of Ladies' Committee:
M. J.. Mrrcaasoa, Secretary. ap2o
- or FEW YORK CITY.' •
Informs the Ladies and Genilemen of Chambers ; i t
bu that ho has taken Rooms at the FRANKLIN
SE, where he can be consulted from BA. ht. to .
9 P. M., for a FEW DAYS ONLY, for all
Also, all Affections of the Throat, Lunis,,and Air '
Passages, such as Asthma, Clergymart'sf3oreThroat.
Consumption,Bronchitaa, Chronic Dyspepsia, Bore- ;
fills, Private Diseases, and all diseases and affee--•:
tions arishig.frum - •
Piles, and all derangements of the 'Stomach, Liver
and Bowels all Chronic Female Diseases, Old Sore
or Ulcers,: Fistula. Swellings Or Tumors of eveii de
scription, and a true statement of their cond i tion,
with Advice, Medicine, .
D R: - C R A'ZiT E '
System of Inhalation of Electro-ehemical and Bled- I
ioated Vapors, in the treatthenf, and cure of Con
sumption,- and all diseases of the Throat, Lungs and.
Air-Passages, is now well- established' as -the most
rational and only Reliable Method of :electing a..
cure. Electro-chemistry applied. to Thera - -
I /entice by t.he newly - discovered and only
and Scientific modeof applying Electricity in the ,
treatment and cure of Chrome and Functional Dis
cases, Extraction of Metals, and all foreign substan-'
cos from the System. - A - - - -
Diseases of the Sexnal,Seteinal„Urium
cons Systeths reeeiveprompt andshillful treatment.'
SPERMATORRMEA cured on a new principle.'
Charges siinplysufficient to cover incidental expenses
On THURSDAY EVENING," Aprii Zet.1,844, at;
oiclock, ift FRANKLIN HALL,
• ChambersPprg. .
On the-True Philosophy of hian,lho Laws of Realthi
and his Treatment of Diseases. -Ladies and Gentio..:,
men are resPeettully invited to attend. • There wilt
be several examinations and practical, illustrations
at the close of the Lecture, in which the Character; e
Constitution, Diseases, &e., will he described.
Was the first to introduce the Brompton Treatment
for diseases of the Throat and Lungs into the United.
DR. CRANE has testimonials from the most emi»
nent medical men in Europe and America: also can
referto many thousand parlous for proof of his suc4
cessfal treatment ofConsumption andotherdiseases: ,
Dr. C. is prspared to furnish a true Chart of the _
CILARACTZR and TALENTS, tiVe - advice in-the
choice of Profession _or itiriness, and for the Mani
ageMent of children. , - ap2l
tend promptly to' all calla , in his 'line. Office
on Mein Street,- .next dder•to the Eagle Rotel, and,
*early opposite the rendence of the Hon. Gecrtge -
Chambers. " "
W'B. titOWIT;',Eit4TisICAL
• siciaa.-OfFiee in Ppishlin`Building. West
IdarketStreet.Ch&abersbarf. P. • -• • - •
The sioye treats all CIXOI2IO PjAieatiiii by, uteB63 ,-
- GALVANISit and ,the different- modilmtionL
'ELECTRIPITY. ns,discovered earl tangbi by_Profe •
• - - 1404403-tf.
Dm; J. BletTA :Ds" , =attend
Promptly to all calls in his lino. 06iee on
'Main Street, stext duet to Strangler's DrttSbete.•
OFFICB liouaB.—From '7 to '9 , 24...x4:1210i21 and 6 r
MOM: =,
_LI the FRACTIcE OF MEDICINE in etial-qi
bersbunr. Office on Queen street,. a feet doors East
of Wallacc'a Store. aplB-ti