The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 20, 1864, Image 1

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ffiiiiddiu ItiquiAbovt.
Again has the . Army of the Potomac
become the central point of. the world's
attention. A new and peculiar interest
has been given it from its - passing under
the personal command' of the most suc
cessful soldier of the age, upon Wliem a
grateful republic has just thrust unwont
ed honors, nod who seems to have wisely,
selected :this army as that which will best
test his elaiins to be considered a great, as
be has hitherto been known to be a vie
loriims, general. Should victory, whose
. benignant smile brightened the banners
of Grant, in his marvellous sweep of tri
umph down the Valley of the Mississippi,
as, with a, glory greater than De Soto's,
he' pened its glad waters to-freedom for
ever, deserthim now; history will not be so
false to her-proudest records as to charge
such a reverseof fortune upon the Army
of *Potomac. The Lieutenant General,.
-clothed with the amplest authority, the
favorite of the Adthinistration, and sup
ported .by the conlidenee and affection of
the people, can form and strengthen his
forces at his will. At once - upon his ask.
Suming supreme command, the organiza
tion of this army was re-constructed;
high officers; who_ have not realized ex
• peetations, , were quietly exiled, others,
Whom trial has approved, were placed at
.thetteailof corps;
_and re-inforcements
are \drawing in from all permissable
sources. •The territory to . be traversed,
iti , its 'mini march, 'is thoroughlymap
ped,- a moat every acre from the defences
of Wu hiugton to the very fortifications
of Richmond bein occupied by the body
Of a martyred patriot, : who yet holds it in
trust for his country. ! The. position of the
enemy is well known—his tactics fmder
stood ' his capacity fully appreciated.
Abov all, a concentrated and simultane
ma ()wawa "against hiS workS," can
now, ,Under the co-ordinating will, of the
commander-in-chief, be secured. All that
ageneral can ask to effect his ends is in the
p ).sseseion of the hero who stakes his
fame upon what is called the "ill-starred"
Army of the Potomac.
In what sense is this term "ill-starred"
applicable ? As applied literally to the'
skotdder-straps of some of it,s,command-,
erg, -past and present, it has indeed "felt
`the influence of Malignant star," but in
regard to its achievements, it is question- ,
able whether-it can be considered as ill
starred, 'in , 'a • figurative sense. The ac
credited prime object of its formation,
the capture of the rebel capital, it has
failed to effect ; butt it has come witch
nearer this great triumph than we should
lave reason, to expect,, could we have ap
preciated the immense obstacles in the.
way, as afforded by the topography of
the country (its frequent river courses, its,
dense forests, its mountain ranges and its
defensible hills;) , by the vast 'disadvan:
tdge of operating in an enemy's country,
in which its movements were easily ob
served, where, too, the suicidal leniency
of • the government protected spies .all
about it ; with long, ever weakening lines
of communications to keep, up ; with the
necessity of defending our own, while
menacing . the rebel metropolis, and pro
tecting the otherwise defenceless North
which lay invitingly open to the inroads
of a Bedouin-like foe, who could have in
vaded it by so many routes that the Ar
my of the Potomac had to divert its brave
soldiers to guard, In its two-fold 'charac
ter of an aggressive and a defensive force,
it was in discord. its ventures must be
cautious, and it could -not risk the bold
stroke of flute that had the chances in its
favor, while the mischance of a severe
defeat would have left the seat of govern
,ment and the loyal States a sure prey to
The Army of the Potomac is striking
at the very heart of the rebel power.-- :
When its mission is accomplished, it Will
be but holiday soldiering to carry the
Stars and Stripes around the Atlantic and
Gulf coasts and back to the historic shores
of the Potomac. To thwart its progress,
the rebels have htbored with the genius
and energy of fiends. On the river banks,
and bill sides, and mountain Shipes in
front of it they hive the' 'choicest troops
and ablest generals, and when the notes
of it advancing bug - card and her
_aided by the hundreds of traitors that
hang about it, and when /its banners.are
seen coming • in ' the Spirit of the master
of the vineyard to claim their heritage,
tens of thousands of the, rebels against
their government and humanity are hur
ried up frotr(all quarters of the Confede
racy And crowded behind their fornaida
ble defences. Against these tremendous
oddilitid fearfed barriers, the Army of
the Potomac, has dashed with wondrous
valor, and, though often foiled, has been
surely wearbag out the enemy, and strew
ing 14. hills and valleys, ofyirOia with
the vcsry-thiiwe of the Southern chivalry..
1 The Army of the Potomac has failed
to take Richmond,because our loyal'peo
-1 ple had inadequate conceptions about the
'feasibility of the work.. The lesson of the
fittal mistake at the first Bull; Hun engage
ment, when a handful of ha Lily collected
and raw troops, :natder an ill-fated leader
was supposed sufficient to defeat a con
sOracy carefully Ana delibeiately planned
and disclosed when completed, has never
been properly regarded; and, again, and
again, and again,i,our, national pride - has
forced our tirmyb attempts beyokal.its
ability. The . _ Yof the Potomac should
have marched , 1 , 1 . thrice its strength
or been supporte by a heavy auxiliary
. But has it ackved nothing? Alter
our deadly idleneSs in the fall and winter
of '6l and '62 enabled the rebels to pre
pare against ns, rind when the army crept
slowly up through the swamps and rains
of the Peninsula, and was lying in weak
lines along the pegtilential Chiekahominy,
the confident rebels summoned all their
strength,-and bore fiercely upon it with a .
sudden dash. loreSh, healthy, high-hi4,'
sure of swallowitig it up in their vast
masses, they bore'_impetuonsly upon our
feeble and fatigtied ranks. Seven daYs
incessant fighting 'followed—the rebel
hordes were held back by our men, fam
ishing and worne by loss of sleep, and en
ervated by a sickly climate as they were,
until at Malvern Hill the proud traitors
ceased, for a. timer-
. to be ail organized
army. ,
• Incompetence and treason under the
blessed Stars and Stripes, co-operating
with treason under the ilonfederatestand
ard, sacrificed the army again at Bull
Run. But straight from this disastroUs
battle field it followed tinder its, trusted
leader, as rapidly as it could re,anite its
fragments, the rebel conquerors, and found
them poised upon the mountains Of Mary 7
land for a fatal swoop upon Baltimore
and the Capital. Half• fed, half clothed,
with their blood poisoned by the malaria
of the Peninsula, the men' Of the Ariny of
the Potomac charged up, the - kountain
sides, and drove the invaders iiioken and
bleeding. across the Potomac, .a.Ooss the
Rappahannock, and—now, inde`ed,,
starred "—were broken by mail-misman
agement against the heights of Freder-
icksburg. in mid-winter. During the in
clemency of this flea Son, they toiled. and
marched and proffered battle, until the
snows, and rains, 'and mud locked them
in friendly fetters. In the spring follow=
ing, its rash but gallant commander, has
the army lost and repulsed with slaughter
in the labyrinths of a" wilderness" in which
the great Roman,conqueror might have
desponded and been bewildered'. Pursu
ing their success, the legions of Lee,
heavily re-inforced by the selected troops,
put& rapidly above the Potomac, and the
loyal North lies p4pitating at their mercy. ,
They fix themselves quietly- among us,
and at a theirleisure,digest plans of captur
ing our cities, and .settling upon terms of
peace But their hour- - of triumph is
brief. In the midst of their security and
power, the motmtains around about them
are alive with armed men, and their old
antagonist, which they believed bleeding
and weeping, and- keeping a sorrowftil
Watch by the banks of the Rappahannock,
breaks resistlessly upon them, and as they
fall back broken, routed, from the hills of
loyal Pennsylvania dark with rebel gore,
they exclaim in horror—"the 'Army of
the Potomac!" Halfshorn of their strength,
deSpoiled of-their prestige, abandoned by
hope of success, they hasten' before the
patriotarmy back to their strongholds,
away beyond the Potomac, beyond the
Rappahannock, beyond the Rapidan; and
there tremblingly await the final stroke,
with which the -Army of the Potomac will
end Lee's army and the Rebellion.
Since the days at Gettysburg, the Army
of the Potomac has had frequen t skirinish
ing with Lee's forces, and has always tii
umphed---in anything like an equal con
test it always will triumph and always
wbild have triumphed.
Has the World furnished a nobler illus
tration .of endurance, forbearance, pa - -
-Hence, valor, than this army of heroes'
It is an easy task, comparatively, to press.
through difficulties, when success cheers
us on and a defeated foe is before us; but
how much more sublime the courage that
outlives frequent disaster; that , sust
troops repeatedly cut to pieces when vic
tory seemed in their very grasp; that
nerves them to rise from a diwistrous field
to pursue a victorious enemy; that ani
mates them in wearily retracing paths
crowded ivith graves of comrades who seem,
to have died ie vain. It has become too
much the habit todecry the Army of the
Potomac as a failure—to make invidious
comparisons between it and the 'gallant
Army of the West. Such is not the
mate of the South. Tliefappreciate its
surpassing loyalty as well as its surpass
ing :bravery. ' They.have flattered them
selves upon
_its defection, when favorite
leaders have been taken from it ; and have
Irepeatedly' regat;led it as destroyed after:
reverses, to be amazed at its ;resurrection -
to victories. Bathed in blood, shattered,
decimated, famished, as it liar been, they
know it is incapable of rout or paide;
they feel the prophetic foreliOding that it
is destined finally to March unbroken Over. ,
the rains of their accursed tyranny. They
, knoWithat the'clioieest blood of loyalty is;
in its ranks; ,that it is inflamed by a holy.
„zeal for its , country, and.that it is instinct,
with that high sPhit which "though baf- '
fled 'oft is sure, to win."-
,We believe, and we are assured the re
helshelieve also, that its comingcampaign
will seal the triumph of the goternment ;
• and 'while' we regard the leadership of
errant ,as 'greatly securing this end, his
failure, if it can be possible he shall fail,
may not be blamed upon the long 'suffer
in,r, heroic Army of the Potomac.
We give herewith the official report of
Gen. Gihnore relative to the Florida
battles which the -Democratic preSs has
so persistently and maliciously charged
to Mr. Lincoln as. a political campaign.
Will the Spirit publish. Gen. Gilmore's
report, and correct its slanders trpoulhe
President'? It has done much to mislead
its•readers in relation to the movement of
Gen. Gilmore, and it wouldbo but simple
justice to allow its readers to,sce the truth.
The following is the official report:
ittiADOISiiii:PARM. OF Fours ifILTON HEAD.
1 South Carolina, March 6.1864.
M"j. H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief, Wwthing
ton. L.C.
GENERAL:—/ have the honor to submit here
with copies of certain letters and telegraphic
dispatches which , comprise the instructions
given to Brig. Gen. T. Seymour, relative to the
operations in Florida prior to the fight at Olous
tee on the 10th ult., and a brief narrative of
events connected with the recent occupations of
Florida. west-of St. John's River, will not be
out of place. Under date of the g2d December,
1863, I was authorized by :youti to undertake
such operations in my department as ndght deem
best, suggesting conference with Admiral Dahl
gren, etc., etc. On January 16, 1864, I wrote
you that unless it would interfere with the
views of the War Department I should'occupy
the west bank of the St. John's River, in
Florida, very soon, and establish small depots
preparatory to an advance west at an
early day. On January 15th I wrote - to the
Secretary of War that I had in contemplation
-the occupation of Florida on the_west bank of
St. Johns River at a very early day. Under
date of January 2•2 d, you informed me that as
regards to any proposed operations in Florida
the Secretary replied that the matter had been
left entirely to myjudgmenlanddiscretion, with
means at my command, and as , the object of the
proposed expedition had not been explained it
waS impossible for you to judge of the advank
ages and practibility. On January 31st, I wrete
-informing you that the objects to be attained by
the operations were: First, to procure an outlet
for cotton, lumber, timber, etc ; Second, to cut
off one of the enemy's commissary supplies, etc.,
etc.; Third, to obtain recruits finr my colored
regiments; Fourth, to inaugurate measures for
the speedy restoration of Florida -to her alle
giance. in accordance with the instructions
which I had received from the President, by'
the hands of Maj. John Hay, Assistant Adjutant
On February sth I directed Gen. Seymour,
whose command was already embarked, to goo :
to Jacksonvile, Flu., effect a landing there, and
push forward a mounted force to Baldwin, sev
enty miles from Jacksonville—the junction of
the two railroads from Fernandina. A portion
of the command reached Baldwin on the 9th,
at which point I joined it on the evening-pf the
same day. 'At that time the tummy had no force
in Florida, except the scattered fragments of
Gen. Finnegen's 'eenooand. We had taken all
his artillery ,o 1 the 14411. A portion of our for
ces was sent toward Sanderson, and I returned
to Jacksonville. Telegraphic communication
was established between Jacksonville and Bald
win on the 11th. On that day I telegraphed to
Gen. Seymour not to risk a repulse in advanc
ing on Lake City, but to hold Sanderson, unless
there were reasons for falling back which I did
not know; and also in case his advance met
with serious opposition to concentrate at San
derson and South Fork of St. • Mary's, and if
necessary to bring back Col. Henry, command-,
ing the mounted force, tolhe latter place, •On
the 17th Gen. Seymour informed me, from San
derson, that he should hill buck to-the South
Fork of the St. Mary's as soon as Col. Henry,
whom he, had orderdd back from the front, had
returned. ,Ou the ;same day. I telegraphed to
Gen. Seymour that -I wanted his command at
and beyond Baldwin, and concentrated at Bald
-win without ,delay, for reasons which I gave
him. Gen. Seymour joined me at Jacksonville
on the 14th, the main body_of his force being at
Baldwin, as directed. He 'had, however:, sent
Col. Henry towards the left to capture some
railroad trains at Gainesville, on the Fernandi
na and Cedar Keys Railroad. After arranging
with Gen. Seyniour for the construction_of cer
tain defernies at Jacksonville, Baldwin and the
south fork of St: Mary's, I started for Hilton
Head on the 15th, leaving behind me Captain
Rose, of the Engineers, to give necessary in
structions for the defences referred to. I con
sidered it well understood at that time between
General Seymour and myself that no advance
would be made without further instructions
from me, nor until the defences were well ad
vanced. On the 18th I was greatly surprised ,
at receiving a letter from Gen. Seymour, dated
the 17th, stating that he intended to advance
without supplies, in order to destroy the rail
road near Swantee river, 100 miles from Jack
sonville. lat once despatched Gen. Turner,
my Chief of Staff, to stop the movement. He
was the bearer of a letter to General Seymour,
Upon arriving at Jacksonville, after eonsidera-.
ble delay, due to the inclemency of the weather,
-he learned that General Seymour was engaged
-With the enemy in front, near Olnstee, forty
eight miles from Jacksonville by railroad.—
When I left Jacksonville on the 15th;I was en
tirely satisfied with' the success. of our opera
tions up to that time. I briefly communicated
to you my plans • with regard to Florida in my
letter.of February 13th, from which I extract
as follows: Gen. Seymour's advance has been
within a feW miles of Lake City, but as his in
structions were not to risk a repulse, or to make
an - attack when there wasra:prospect of incurr
ing much loss, be has - taken up, a position at
Bald Win, the junction of the railroad fioni Jack-
1 1
sonville with the' one from Fernandina. He
holds alto the crossing of thei St. Marra south
fork, about twelve miles weseof Baldwin. He
intended to construct small works capable of
.resistingn 'coup do main: a JaoksetWille, Bald
win, Pitette, and perhaps one or two unimport
ant points - So that from 200 to 300 men would
be sufficient each of these points. - Twenty
five-hundred men in' addition to two regiments
that have been permanently stationed in the
State, one at St. Augustine and one at Fernan
dina, ought to he 'ample in Florida. The artil
lery captured here will be sufficient for such'
defensive works as may be deemed . necessary.:
I desird; te see the lumber and turpentine
trade on the St. John's rivet' revived by loyal!
men, and for that purp fl ose ' and to give assur
ance that our occupation of these rivers is in
tended to be permanent, I have written to the
Secretary of the Treasury, recommending that
the port of Jacksonville be declared open.
'Very respectfully your ob't servant,
Q. A. GILMORE, Maj. Gen. COM.
The calm before the storm—Ylovetnents
of Gen. Grant—Arany Changes--,Speeeh
of GeorgO Thompson—Yl'Clellan's De
Taney—Capt.; DrGowan.
-Correipande+ oy,the Franklin RepoAtory.
WM?ill. INTON CITY, Aprifl6, 1864
The lait week has been one of exceeding qui
etness in military 4:ireies. Both armies have
come to a stand-still. each enjoying!rest prepar
atory to the 'grand and fearful struggle which
must inevitably take place as soon as.the roads
and weather will permit. Even Moseby and his
marauders have gone, no one knows where.
General Grant, however,' is not idle . Every
thing indicates tint at the earliest moment pos
sible, he in r eendS to "move,:_on the enemy's
works." Premier stops in this city more than
a few 'hoursat a time. During the past week
he has Visited Butler and Bu'rnside, and no doubt
from what we can learn, has been lust as active
there, as with the Army of the Pdtornac. On
his arrival - here from Fortress Monroe, he
mediately left for the front, accompanied by
Maj. Gen. I P. Sheridan, formerly a division
commander in the Army of ,the Cumberland,
but now assigned to duty es commander of the
cavalry of the Arley of the Potomac.
The staff of Gen. Grant consisti-of the follow
ing named officers ' -
Brig. (Gen. JAW A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff; Lieut.
, Col. C. 73. Com:dank. Senior Aid-de-Camp: Lieut,
, Col. 0. E. Babcock, Aid-de-Camp; Lieut. Col. W.
•R. Rowley and Col. Adam Iladeau, Military
Secretaries: Capt 4 E. S. Parker: A'c't Adj't Gen.;
'Capt. G. K. Left, Asst Adj't Gon.: Lieut. C01. , W,
11. Dunn, Jr., Aid-do-Camp: Lieut. Col. T. S. Bow
era. A:s't Adj't Gen.- Lieut. Col. W. •L. Duff,,Ass't
Inspector General: Lieut. Col. F.S. Dent. AM-de-.
.Camp; Lieut. Col. Horace Porter,. Aid-de-Camp;
Capt. 11. ISr Janes, Staff Quartermaster,.
A total reorganization of every brunch of the
Potomac army has taken place. The Provost
Marshal General's Department ; bas been'ren
dared muchmore efficient, and new rules have
been established for the mrganization and equip
ment of the pioneers of the army. New orders -
have also boi o u Promulgated from the' Inspector :
General's oface., _ ' '
The follawin&ordnrjraB been issued from.the
War Departinezit: .1.
. ,
WASHINGTON April 4, 1864. )
By direction of the President of the United States,
the following changes and assignments are made in
Army Corps commands:
Maj. Gen. P. li,i Sheridan is assigned to the com
mand 'of the CO•alry gorps of the Army of the
Potomac. , . .
the 11th and 12th-;Army Corps are consolidated,
and will be called 200 Army Corps.:, Maj, Glen. J.
Hooker is'assigned to command.
Maj. Gen. Gordon 'Granger is relieved from the
command of the 4thiArmK,Corps. and Maj, Gen. 0.
0. Howard4s assigned in is stead.- '
Maj. Gen. Schofield is assigned to the command of
the 2&1 Army COT 4 I/34
Maj. Gen.. Slocum will report to Maj. Gen,Sher
man commanding the Division of the Mississippi,
and Maj. Gen. Stoneman will report to Maj. Gen.
Schofield, commanding the Department of Ohio', for
Maj. Gen. Granger will report by letter to the
Adjutant General of Army.
Capt. Horace Porter, Lnited Statiis Department,
is announced as an Aide-dc-Camp to Lieut. Gen.
Grant, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel: -
By order of the'Seeretary of War:l -
I D. D. TOW NS Fin,
Assistant Adjutant General.
Also by a recent order, Brig. Gens. 'Stone (so
long held a prisoner after 4,he battle of Ball's
Bluff) Andrew Porter and iNagice, have been
reduced to their original rank in the regular
arm's-, and ordered to join their r4inaenta.
_Thompson, of England, delirbred a
lecture in the Hall of - the Hodge of Repre
sentatives on Wednesdily Reek_ than immense
audience, among whom were the President,
Vice President, Secretaries, Senators and
Members. At the commencement he eo.u..
pletely used up the copperhead Mr. Morits,
member of Congress; emphatically denying and
.cliale.tiging Mr. Mortis to produce proof that he
had ever said "that the diisolution of the Union
must be constantly kept in 'view." On the con
trary- he had always been„ its most steadfaat
friend. His 9pressions of Thank God the
hour of -compromise is Past. The South, so
much of it as still in rebellion-r-can plead no
constitutional guarantees, - no Pledges, no coin
prieti. She stands with- one foot *on the Consti
tution of the United :StateS, j and one upon th
neck of the . negro, brandishing the" bloody weap
ons of treason for the desttuction of the national
life," was moat , enthusiastically applatided.
A large delegation of :contractors of engines
and hulls for the Navy are here, trying to get a.
bill through Congress to. remunerate them for
losses which. they have titer with owingio the
rise in the price of all kinds of Material, labor,
&c., since the contracts were taken. The
losses on their: part, thoy:say, amount to over"
two' millions of: dollars. It is hardly probable
that Corigress'Wilf allow any such claims.
" A new deportment of - the Pacific; is to be
compesed of , Oregon, California and the
territories West of the RoOkY Mountains. Gen.
Iravin M'Dowell has been assigned to the cow—,
mend, and will go thence in a few days. He is
authorized to raise ten new volunteer regiments.
" All the despatches which Gen, M'Clellan, for
some cause, saw fit to leaVe out of his report,
have been
,collected and are nearly ready for
the press: They will make :a volume about as
large as his repett,:alk many of them, An fact
till of them, are of the atinostiroportance as
throwing more light into the historTof tfie Po
..; -:^~ i
The last week htis Veen an important one in
legislation. The apportionment hill has passed
the Senate—the first section cinder the previ
ous quistiont It unites Adams and Franklin
for Senator; and associates }lrani;lin with Perry
to elect two members. The House bill, which
has not yet been tiCted on, makes the same dis
tricts in your section, so they may be regarded
as settled.
The Senate also 'passed the bill providing for
the payment of the interest in currency. It
was finally disposed of on' - Wedneiday night/
after , a protracted session; lasting until mid
night, and enlivened at times with spicy debates.
The Democrats voted solid against the measure
with the exception of Kinzey, of Bucks, who
voted with the Union men. The bill is now a
law, and the August interest will be paid with
out robbing the peeple of another half million.'
The lionse passed. the general appropriation
bill on Friday. Itidiffers little freiii the usnal
approPriations. Tie committee had originally ,
agreed to report a general increase of salaries,'
including State offieers, legislators and their of-;
ficers, and jiidges;l but the Union men subse
quently held a canclis z and resolved to go against
any increase of salaries. A few, however, were
carried in the House. The DemoCiats vote for_
all manner of apprOriations, although they well
know that the treasury has not the means wherc-
With to pay. Theyaeem to want it bankrupted,
ilia labor and vote, steadily to embarrass it.—
-They would appropriate millions to-day for any
plausible purpose, and at the same time refuge
to levy a dollar of tax, or in any other,way pro-
vide revenue to meet their extravagance.
-- The House will pass the apportionment this
week, and the Senate will pretty certainly dis
pose of the appropriation bill. Both will very
likely go to Committee of Conference, and
then be adopted. -
There seems to be no reasonable prospect of
a revision of the revenue or militia laws this
session. The,ansiety to 'get home is groWing
stronger every day, and the body of the Dena
oasts seem 'to want the State as helpless 'as
possible, both in military and firmacial view.
The military, plain] bill will pretty certainly
page, nuthOrizing the adjudieation 'of the claim!,
and pledging the faitikpf the State, to pay theta
a't the close of the war.
The Connellaville and Southern Pennsylvania
Railroad`bill will pretty certainly pass. -It will
secure a railroad at an early day from Connells
ville to Cliumbersbnrg:' HonAci..
tomac'arrny; than inythingwhieh is embr ced
in the very important reportof Gen, M'Clellan.
A number of large fortificationd:are to be
built on the hills'near Culpepper, so'as toliave
a safe and permanent depot -of supplies for the
army when it -moves forward, - .By this ar
rangementthe fifteen thousand- men which are
now required to guard the railroad can be re
lieved and made available in any forward
I learn from a friend juSt returned from An-;
napolis, that over five hundred of our men lately
released *ern` Richmond prisons, are inmates,
of the hospitals there. 'Alan!" have already diel,
and many more 'will, despite the great care
which the physicianEi and nurses are giving them.
Starvation' and exposure have so effectually
done the work to these men who Weneout to
the warstoutand hearty, that all the skill and
science of man cannot save them from the grave.'
Chief Justice Taney; of the Supreme Court,
resumed his - seat on' the bench to-day, after a
long illness. He looks as thougb.he might still
live tg swear-in another President, or rather a
second time, Abraham Lincoln, for really here
l and elsewhere, it does seem as if nll opposition
for nomination at the Baltimore Convention
had given way to hirn,
The numerous , friends of Captain Theodore
McGowan will be gladlo learn that he has been
Made Chief of. Staff.tO Brig. Gen., Martindale,
Military Governor Of Jaw District of Columbia,
vice Major Sherburh, who has become Colonel
of "Scott 4 s 900," uOd,gone to Florida. Capt.
McGoWan is one of ;the most faithful officers in
the service, and his . advancement is as deserired
as it is honorable. s. C.
The Apportionment—State Interest—The
Appropriation Rill—No Revision of
the Revenue and Militia Laws
Üble—lltiltary, Claims—Southern
Correspondenee'of The Franklin Repository. -
HA2RISI3i'RG, April 18, 1864
Meeting of the Commissioners of the
)Notional Cemetery—Nine States Rep.
resented—N ati o nal Monument 'tb. he
Erected. ' -
cOrresponcienee of the Franklin Repository.
GETTYSBURG, April 9, 3.,884
The Commissioners of the Soldiers' National
Cemetery net here ou Wednesday last, and
continued in session over Thursday. Messrs.
B. W. Norris,- of Maine ; Ira Porley, of New,
Hampshire ; t Henry Edwards, of Maisachusetta;
John R. Bartlett, of Rhode Island CD t ifeids,
Wills, of Pennsylvania ; • John- . R. Latimer, of
Delaware; Chester I:I-Hubbard, of Week
; Gordon Lafland, of Ohio ; Thos. White
Ferry, of Miohigan, were . , present, and a per
manent organization was - eireeted by the elec .
tion of David Wills, Esq., President, and' John,
R. Bartlett, Esq., Secretary. The corninis.
sioners dividedfliemselves into three elegies, by
lot, in,aeC'erdance with the actef incorpormup
the.lst elan to expire in 1865; ilte 2d in 1866
smith() 3d in 11867. Tho drawing resulted as
First Clan.—Newliampshire, Illinois. Ab o d e - i s .'
land, Indiana, Now York, and - West Virginia.
Second Clews.—Ohio, Delaware. Minriesota,Marr."
land, Maine. and Mamaalimetts. c -
Third Chas.—Now Jersey, Michigan, Coimeotioilt
Vermont. Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
committee t6prepare by-laws-'
ed, .and Messrs, j Wills, Bartlett, ,NOTTis
Ferry were selected to invite proposals., with
,designs and estimates,-fora NationalMrsitiMent: -
A resolution of thanks,to Mr. Wills Was adopt
- VOL - .71:!..1...WH0LE..N0.1'3;653,1•-•
e i fit his effiCieney in in:tinting the great eti
terprise.-.He *as authorized to make ill
necessary coby'rtcts to improve, beautify anti
keep up the grounds. The -suit of 4254.witit
appropriated to be paidte the person who shill
present an acceptable design for the Monmiehi.
Mr. Wills wns instructed by resolution till
procure a printed list of all the officers and pri
vates who fell, in the battle of Gettysburg, aA
far , of as it can be obtained, and send copies th`e
same to the several commissioners so that-ebui
pleb, lists of the- killed may be made up froth
the rolls - of the States.
On motion:of Mr.. Ferry a portion of 'the I,,s_
ground. in:the Cemetery was appropriated to
monumentsof individual officers, in casein Wherb
friends desire to erect them. --
It is confidently' expected that the comb*
summer will'Ne the National Cemetery beauti
fied as far as' art can add to it; and the Monti
mentin course of erection. YOtlitG 011/ARD.
Gov. Curtin has Luria the following appeal
to the People of , Pennsylvania to join in 'the
Great Fair, to be held in Philadelphiaiin June
next, for the benefit of the Sanitary Cont.
HA ttnissusa, April 11, 1861,
,To the People of Petiondoonia:
I hove been, requested by the Committee of
correspondence to address you on the subjeg
of the Fair, to be held in Philadelphia,
in June
next, for the benefit of the _Sanitary Commi4 ;
It gives me much pleasure to comply with
this request, and to avail myself of the oppor
tunity,, alio; of calling your attention to the
Fair to be held in the same week and for thh
same purpose at Pittsburg.
I cannot, however, speak of the relief-of tho
sick and wounded volunteers of the State with l
out saying a grateful word in their behalf to
you. Charged by a joint resolution of the Leg
islature with the duty of caving for them, it has
been 4uy privilege to provide for their comfort
and look after their welfare. To this end the
State Surgeon General has at all times, subject
to the regulations of the United States, visited
with corps of surgeons and nurses the battle
fields,. and besides the ~General Agency main ,
tained at Washington, special agents have con
stantly been sent to the camps, to the armies
iu the field, and to the hospitals, and at all
times when the occasion required or admitted
of such aid, the. provisions made by the United
States have, been supplemented by *lndent )
supplies of bandages, clothingoielicate food, in,
fact everything that could promote . the comfort'
of our soldiers when suffering from wounds or'
The compensation of the general agency and
the general staff, and the expense of medicines
and supplies of like ,character, were of course
paid by the State.
The special agents, men of standing and cliar
acter, performed alltheir duties with diligence,.
fidelity and in no instance received any com
pensation for their services. ' I have never had'
to seek for such agents. My only regaet isthat:
I have been unable to accept the offered servi-i
-ces of too many men of. the same • kind, who
being - disqualified for military services, and
hafing freely , eotittibuted--oL_their means to'
very patriotic purpose, were- is -- 11titit,conten'
ted unless they couid cestow their time, labor
hid personal attendanee on cur disabled and,
suffering defenders' -The - bandages, the cloth-,
ing, the• kid, the supplies. f all sorts were fur
nished in kind by, you indivienally. On every
occasion when it has beenmade known througki
the State that' a battle had
t een fought or was,
expected, or that from'any oher cause our sick '
and wounded volunteers were likely to suffer,: 3
the earliest trains from all quarters have brought'
the needed; supplies in profusion. Everyhospi
tal within :the - State has been beset by
duals of both sex's, but chiefly women; eager
to nurse, to watch, to aid the inm ates. Through
out the cities, towns, villages, hamlets, farm- -;
houses of the Commonwealth, are • found the:'
Heaven-directed benefactors whoSe names are
unrecorded ; for whose individual efforts no
reward has been sought; but he who has wit-' 3
tiessed the results, as I. have, must have a heart
of stone if it be not melted by theirtrue, unpre
tending, gentle, persistent, inexhaustible aloe
rity in this best and holiest of ~good works.
The object of the proposed Fair is to pre
- vide means for similar good works, and it ie. , .
one that commends itself to every friend of hia
country—to all who admire the heroic devotion
of the brave men who are bearilig arms in its '
•defence. It is- understood that the managers -
of these Fairs solicit donations in goods, sale—, ;
able article of every description of manufacturt! ,
American glass, produce, fruits ' flowers, pain- „
tiags, engravings, statuary and the income of '
all the people of the States for one day. Bev- •
Oral similar Fairs have been recently held, the •
proceeds. of .s‘hich are stated in the news
papers to exceed one million ofdollars. :Another
is now being 'held in New York, and others in
Baltimore and St. Louis are to be held in • this
and the next month, the proceeds of all which , .
will no doubt he large. The spirit ofemulation
has been stimulated, and Pennsylvania has been
appealed to in the hope that she willrival her
-neighbors, - .
I cheerfully bear my personal testimony to -;
the prompt and beneficial efforts of the Sani- , -
tary Commission immediately rifler several.,,'
battles, and especially after the battles of Get. -1 ;
tysburg, and to the abundance oflisupplies then
furnished by it.
Beyond this I have no knowledge"of its actual
operations, nor of its internal, structure. or =,
administrative arrangements. The oppression
of,public duties has been too great to allowMe ;
to acquire or seek such knowledge. It is well ;.
known, howe that gentlemen of the highest
character pa pate in its management, and
that its obj cts are patriotic, meritorious and
charitable. :5
,The proceeds of the Fairs are to pastriniothe
bands of the Sanitary Commission, as declared
by the_ committee, for the -relief of sick and
wounded soldiers, in anticipation ofthe openings .
campaign of our noble armies, and the object
commands itself to every friend of his country,
l A. G. Ctrimw,
Governor ofTennsylvanlii, 4
A " STAEIGHT " rq w ER.—The
field Nao3 announced the arrival inthat toWn - ot !*.
Maj. J. C. Vanada, of Ilke,Bd Ohio, than Libby ' 1 "
Prison. He was captfrid with Col. Streight,' -
arublid cot see the outside 'of the prisontill he , '
was liberated. ite relates that. CoL, Streighkt,..3
was frequently ,ionsulted hR thprebeligillsorr-",
ties, who finallygot froze him a straight reply,'„
They asked him if theNoth:Ogrespeetedtei:.!
'iubjugate.,: -"We r .haiti bio4' fle i ting y ou tiouf:t g
a littleless.thair, three years, and. have subja...,l
ated three•fourtps, of yelp,. territory, andlak
one-half-ail:Ur fightlig poplatfoti Afcmtehes
Or in their, grave Ar... and think that in.. three..
years' more *O - ' can '.ll.rdaliylnitip."" Thafended':
tin) interviewe,
/ I• i