6 i,- Rim of &abet. N N'S 4 11., V A IN.; IA RAit,ROAD ! 1 WINTER TIME TAELE. FIVE TRAINS daily to and from Philadelphia, on and after Nov. "Irath, L 1363. Tho Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company Will depart from and arrive at Har rishurg and Philadelphia as follows: • ' -EASTWARD: THROUGH IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2.45 Aar., and arrives at Philadelphia at PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg dailS , (except llfenday)' at 0.00 A.ll. and arrives at West Philadel phia at 10.10 A.tf. 'Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. WAY • ACCOMMODATION. (via . Mount Joy.) loaves Harrisburg at 7.20 A.M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 P.M. VAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg. daily except Sunday) at 1.00 and arrives at West. hiladelphia at 5.20 HARRISBURG. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. via Columbia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.30 and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P.M. WESTWARD: - BALTEkOItH - EXPRESS IHAIN leaves Har risburg dalls , "(exee/it Montlas)at 2.20 .1.. u. Altoona 8.00 A.u., take bra fast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P.M. - , PHILADELPHIA. EXPRESS 'TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at3..10 A.m.; Altoona 8.40 a'.11., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P.M. • - MAIL TRAIN 'leaves Harrisburg. at 1.40 p.n.! Altoona at 7.55 P.M., take supper; and arrives at Pittsburg at ETO FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 4.15 P.m.: Al toona at 9.10 P.n.,' take supper, and arrives at Pitts .burg at L4O Aar. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P.M , and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P.M. gourr JOY ACCOMMODATION leave Lan caster at 11.38 A.M., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1,40 P.n. " SAMUEL D. YOUNG, jun17.63-tf. Supt. Middle Div. Penna. It. It. . , ATORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. .WINTER TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND 'PROM BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON CITY. Conncictions made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. -- TWO TRAINS 1/AILY: to and from the North — and West Branch Susquehanna, and all -of Northern New Ydrit';' On and after Monday, November 16th, 1863, the,: Passenger Trains Of the Northern Central Railway .will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Bal-, timbre as follows SOUTHYVARD„- , MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury dailyk_ea- eept Sunday... A.M leaves Harrisburg 1:00-r.st arrives at Briltimore s:4fi P.M EXPRESS TRAIN leaves F.-InburY daily (except 5unday)....11:42 rat leaved Harrisb'g (ex - cept Monday).. - 2:50 A.. 31 arrives at Baltimore (exeunt Monday)..... 7:00 eat TIARRISB'G ACeOMMODATION leaves , Harisbarg.„ ......... 7:00 A.M NOIRT MAIL !TRAIN leaves' . Baltimore daily , I (except Sunday) ..9.20 A.M. , /eaves lllirrisburg 1:45 P.M, arrives at Sunbury -4:30 P.M. =PRESS TRAIN leavee, Baltimore dal '! ' /Y. 3 9:30 P.M. _ arrives at Harrisb'g... 2:00 A.M. " leaves Harrudeg lY (except Monday 3:25 A.M. " 'tik arrtecs at Sunbury... 6:25 A.M. HARRISB'G ACCOMMODATION keares Baltimore daily (ex.- cept:, Sunday) 3:00 P.M. .6 arrires. at Harrisburg:. 7:50 P.M. For farther infOrinatioXl apply at -the Office, in Pennsylvinia Railroad Depot. .iunli 3 OS-tf. J. N. cDoBARRY, Gen. Supt. N Ew AIR- LINO lI,QUTE.-THREE TRAINS DAILY 'TO IIiEW YORK AND PAILADELPHIA. On and after Monday,: November, 18, 1883, the PaSsenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depo at Harrisburg, for New York and T'hiladelphia, as follows: EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leaVes Harrisburg at 6:30 A.M., *if arrival of the Penuildvania Railroad Express Train from the West. arriving in New York at 1:4.5 A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsbarg_without change. ,MALL TRAIN leaves! Harrisburg at 8:00 A.M., lir - riving in Now, York at 5:30 r.m., and Philadelphia at 1:50 P.M.. :PAST LINE leaves Ifurrisburg at 2:00 P.M.. ar riving in New York at 10:* p.m., and Philadelphia 'Mt TM P.M. W E S.TAIt A R D. , • •• FAST LINE, leases NnW York at 6:00 A.m., and Philadelphia at:8:15 A.M.-, ArhVilig atitarrinburg at I:15 P.M. NMI/ 'TRAIN leaves; New York at 12:00 noon. and Philadelphia at 3:31) arriving at liarrishurg at 8:20 P.M. 'EXPRESS TRAIN leitves New York at 7:00 P.M. arriving:At Harrisburg at 2:00 A. 1.. and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train. Connections are inadefa,t Harrisburg with Trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cum berland Valley Railroada, arid at Reading for Phil adelphia, Pottsiille, Wilkeabarre, Allentown, EMS-. ton, Sm. Baggage checked through. Fare between New York and, Harrisburg, $5.15; between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, $3:35, in No. 1 ears, and $3 in No. 2. • For tioketa of other information apply to J. CLYDE, Gen. Agent, Harrisburg. iuni7,63-tf. c CII , LAND VAribEY AND =FRANKLIN RAILROADS.--DHANGE OP HOURS.- , --On And after' Monday, • +Writ 4th, 1S(14, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sun days exeepVed): FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: 7:00 • 2..45 7:37 3:3.5 8:17 4:29 Leve , .Greencastle • I ' Arrive at... Chavab - Orsburs: Leive at... Leave Shippipaburg....- • ............ =ma . " . Mechanicsburg ........ 11):42 3:12 Arrive at Harrisburg - 6:55 . 11:15 3:40 FOR CIiAMBURSBURG AND HAGRRSTOWN , - „ A. M. P. M. P.X. Leave' ' &05 '1:32 ' 4:20 Mealismcsburg • &47 2:15 4:54 • Carlisle 9:27 2;55 5:29 Newville 10:02 3:29 - • Shipperisburg ...... 10:M 4:00 Arrive at,Charnbersburg 11;00 4:31) L4ve Chninberaburg • 11:10 4:40 Greencastle • 11:55 .5:30 Arrive at Harrisburg ; 12:35 6:10 Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia.: New York and Pittsburg. and with trains for all points West. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:20 P. M., runs only as faras Carlisle. , 0. N. LULL, Supt. - R. R. Office, - Chamb'C. April 4.1861. 1863.1864. VIIHILADELPHIA AND; ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Labe Erie, . It has been leased by the Pennsylvania, Railroad company, and under thair auspices is being rapidly °pellet] throughout in; entirelength. - It is now in-use for Paisengerand Preightimsin oss fromllarrisburg to Driftwood. .(2d Fork) 177 miles, on the Eastorn Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, 73 miles, on the Western Diiision. • TIME OF P4SSENGB . i_TRAIN . S AT HARRIS- • ' • ' BURG. Mail Train !Oases North 1:15 s.m. Express Train leaves North 3:00 4.11. Gera rub through without ehango both ways on these trains, between Philndelphia and Look Haven and betweenDaltireere and Lock-Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train both waYs.- ' •:- Forrin formati on 'respecting Passeater basin ess an plj'atthe S. E. Corner and •Mark.ht Streets, Philadelphia. • .ai, far Fneight busitinwof the Cora pany's Agents: t B: Rlffilarotr, bornet 13th andllarket Sts., Phit ads. , - 3. W. rtirINOLIDS, Erie. J. M. Dnibt.,, Agent N. ,C. R. WA3altimore, Md. HOU TON, • • • Gen. Freight AgetkPhiladelphia. DEWS- L. ROUPT. _ Gen. Tiebet Agent. Philadelphia. • " • '.TOS. D. POTTS e , • Gen. mitattei; winituniport. P P P 'Di NG. z • 813031. - At 13R•8 respectfully announces that ho is roaredto do 'every dmcription of PHOTO.' • OftAPHIO COLORING and-ItE4COITORINg with =TNDFAPINI{: ' • • -', •• ;. .. • • • riodrgraphs containing defects portraiture,', -- . - bnitehe's;and-htiuriesfrota dampness. or, ;oxp entre. en 0.1)o easily remedied.. perso/ig ha, ving DancireotyPesi,'Srm.bf•Deeens( d Pet endtkcan haVo thom'corijed, and , GofelLikenee / e4 R',,tiii•edi datable ibr trauma: , • :„ i = . A.Pliyatf-13. B.l , l3bryock'd Bookstore, ..C.l;umbers -1111-0. .1" . - •' • - fe17.61-tf. SEING STYLE 0 PEADING RAIL ROAD.-WINTER iL TER ARRANGEMENT 4 GREAT TRUNK T..r.NE from the North and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. : Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton. &c. " 1 Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Rending, Pottsville, and allintermediatesta tions at:8:00 A.sr. and Now York Express leaves Harrisburg at 3:00 A.M., arriving at New Fork at 10:15 the same morning. z Farce from Harrisburg: To New-York $5.15: to Philadelphia. $3.35 and $2.80. Baggage checked through. . Returning, leave New York at 6 A.m.. 12 AL. and 7 I P.M., (Pittsburg' Express arriving at .Harrisburg at 2 A.m.) Leave Philadelphia at S-15 A.M. and 3:30 P.3t. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains through to and from Pittsburg without change. • Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Ta magni at 8:50 A.st: and 2:15 p.m., for Philadelphia. 1 New York and alLWay Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9:15 A.M. and 2:30 P.M.. for Philadelphia. Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodat ion Pan e neer Train leaves Read- j ing at'6:3o A.m., and returns from Philadelphia at I 4:31) P.M. • tarliAll the above Traints run daily, Sundays ex anted. A Sunday Train leave's Pottsville at 7:30 A.m. / and 'hiladelphia at 3:15 Pat. Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excnrsion lick ,, ts at reduced ratesfrom all points. 80 11)8.• Baggage allowed ma. paitoenoer. G. A. NICCOLLS, - • General Sup't. d 016,63 f. Ii P . 05t) B T R: R- WINES AND LIQUORS LAUMAN, SAIiLAI),t. = N 0.12 SOUTH NINTH ST., BETWEEN CHASTNIIT AND WALNUT STEAM'S,, PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPIITA GEO. M. LAUMAN, A. M. SALLADE, , J. D. 12TTING. : & _ . ,RIVESE, GARDRATCO.'S . , SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE OF la3B, EACH BOTTLE SEALED - WITH GREEN WA'Y WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. SUPERIOR OLD - MADEIRA WINE' . FINE SHERRY. -CLARET AND HOCK WINES, r AND AN ASSORTMENT OP I . BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. 3. 0 - OSBORNE'S it CO.'S OPORTO. • VERY FINE AND DELICATE .OLD PORT WINE, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH YELLOW lif . AN WITH THE INITIALS OFTHE PIRM. OLD RYE WHISKEY OLD WHEAT WHISKEY. • ITARItANTED. OBERHOLT . Z WHISKEY; - • , FOUST WHISKEY, WEB S'§ WHISKEY, - TAFFEii'S WHISKEY, • ' 3 AND READING WINES. LAUMAN, SALLADE fi CO., - No. L%B SOUTH _NINTH ST., FHILADELPIIIA nolB-ly Mtn ant( ,fanq Otopo. N E - W, G 0 0 D' S The subscribers are now offering a large lot of Linen Duek, EXAM super quality Black and Colored Drees Silk 4 Cloth'i and Cassimeres, 12,5 z; 9:00 9:32 2:00 A. M. 5:55 10:10 2:42 100 doz super? French Shirt Fronts, 100 t almoral Skirts, Water Proof Cloths, Bruggells, Extra sup and sup Ingrain Carpets, 1, 1 1 / I , VA, 2,2%, Floor Oilcloths", mar 2) SKIRTS SKIRTS ! ! SKIRTS 1 ! • Al. A. JONES .CELEBRATED "NE PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT. SOLD ONLY AT N 0.17 NORTH Bth St., PHILADELPIIIA. Skirts of all lengths; and any size waist made to order and satisfaction guaranteed. . ' Ladies; Misses and ehildspn's Skirts of every siu. and shape constantly on td. - Evert, 'dirt warranted :IA Six Months. ' READ HOW W.e4.)0 BUSINESS. - - - •. We do not make any chepp skirl; in the cOmmoo acceptation of the term, but we make - .THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS MADE, because we make, TEE BEST - AND DEFY COMPETITION_ We warrant every' skirt we sell to be exactly as represented. We make all we sell, andknowinchow they aro made we guarantee them with full confi dense. If we cell a bad skirl we will exchange it for 7. a new one, and if On get out of order or break with in Rix month*, we will repair them free of Charge. We mean to give our customers full satisfaction, but we cannot do so and compete with the low Priced auction goods. We depend entirely upon thb su periority of the goods we offer, and the fairness of our method of loing , business. - • . I .slrtlers left at Shryock's Book Store. • I - DIRECTIONS FOR MEASURMENT. Take the exact size of the waist, without any al lowance. The exact length required and the size arOund the bottom spring. Also, if the skirt is to he large. small, or methum size at the top,and whether a trail or plain round skirt. M. A. JONES. N 0.17 North Bth St., Philadelphia. " atig 10-tf . flyer the Wax figure. . ......._ • Jill 00 K B IND Fit Y.-S. B. FISH-Of Valuable Tonic, _LP ER & CO'S Book Bindery is on the Third Of this Valuable Tonic. 1 g f r t this Valuable Tonic. Story of the "MESSENGER" OFFICE BUILD- ' or this :Valuable Tome. ING, on the Diamond, above ShOrOok's Book Store 1 , Entrance between the Book Site and the Inland Telegraph office. Old. Books; Periodicals, Music. 1 Newspapers, &c:: hound in- any style:; Blabk Books ' - made teenier. - PROOT rilifal to ROY oaf fetal. , 3a11.44 ' Only 75 Cts'. and On e'Dollat• per Bottle. ,Only 75 Cts. and Ono Dollar per Bottle. Only 75 CUL and Oho Dollar per Bottle. Only 75 CO. and One Dollar per Bottle. _ HAND-BILLS, fr.dqn the larged to thel • Mannibatttred solely by S.' A. KUNKEL SBRO. 'smallest. in Plain or Fano , Colors...printed at General Depot. 118 Market St.; Harrisburg, Pa• . 3. the office of the FRANKLIN RPOSITORY. 'S. NIXON,Agent, Charabersburg, Pa. 0028-dm: litus of Eratiet. Eiquoro. IMPORTED By LAIMIAN, SALLADE do CO • , IMPORTED BY . ' LAUMAN. SALLADE & CO., _ N 0.128 SOUTH NINTH ST.. PHILADELPHIA Damask Hackaback, Russia Diaper and Crash; Irish Linen, &e., 100 dos Lile Threat and Silk Gloves, and. 1 1 ,4 Bombazines, V 4 and VA Black and Colored DelainF; Black Alpaccds, Cocheco, Merimao and Spragues Print.% 30 pieces Russia Duck. 200 doz Linen Cambric Handkorehief4; Cocoa and Canton Matting, 500 yards patch Carpet , WM. WALLACE - Sc Clf tiii li'iniii6 -- tfitjaMtki - '01::13 . `:, Oti c;tobeo artt einwire STOVE EMP-OitIUM. JIA STREET—I Morn Smith of the Diamond Wonla respectfully Invite the attention of tbe.pub- lie to his large and well se:cacti stook of STOVES, Ile Ii& now the largest anti best assortment, of , PARLOR. \--...../, I ever offered in Franklin coiinty., .nnstanNyon hand of all and the beat ma- El - COAL 13 Er CK-E,T The largest assortment,the heaviet iron and the MI IM I tie of the best material and in a warkmanlike I manner. As he is a PRACTICSI. WORK- i I - MAN, and has had many years ox 'i . porience in the busines,s ho 1 1111 ROOFING, SPOUTING, node and put up at tho shortest notice Piirticu - ' ;Mt and look through our stank and get , th e wices Sinall Profits, Quick Sales azyl , Good Value." Four Doors South of the Diamoh4 Nor.ll, HOUSEKEEPERS, READ LAGHEWS SUNRISE AIR-TIGHT— A new Flat T o p COOKING STOVE. The plates :lie very bears', and the whole Stove is finished in a superi ; •,r manner. I warrant this Stove to be Superior to .i.nv Flat Top Stove now in the market, cud I res , letitfiilly invite Inv friends and the public to call And examine it. There are several sizes. I have also a great. variety of other COOKING STOVES, of every style: , PARLOR STOVES. new and hen sit iful Patterns, together with 'a heavy ;toe]; of STOVES for clinrelie., fiforoß.. Offices, llotchl,S:c. JOHN S, LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail Deider in STOVES, TIN AND COPPER WARE, N. 8.—1 have been appointed Sole Agent for Gal ' hiker's celebrated Sunrise Air-tight Cool: Stove in I ehainbersharg. jun 17.63. ,k_T ETTER, HAMILTON, & CO.'S Great Stove and Tin Ware Stem cornerof the, - iamond, can be seen the largest. hest and-cheap- , est Fthitlc of Goods in Chamber:berg. They have ; (WRING STOVES, f0r.W.)..1 and Coal, of latest natterris and all sizes, at fairtes. janl7.6l„_, CIPOUTING . DONE AT SHORT No= TICE, of first rate material nod cheap. ; All work warranted, and ehenner than can he ' bought elsewhere in fl. Comity. Cull and see for yourselves at ETTER. HAMILTON F CO.'S. nearly opposite the doz EfosierY F...ITTER, HAMILTON & CO: are pre pared to put up the be,t I.I(4I,ITXING RODS nt cheap rates. - ------- A LWAYS ON HAND, a la rge assor t : - ix inent of the vt•rs• beat Tina4anned and Cop- Wpm, &c. Sold low at ETTER, HAMILTON & CO.'S; Lb WORK WARRANTED, and .4 e heaner than can be borscht el , nyhere in the County. Come and i , er—then tow. 7.0- ETTER, 11-011J,TnN rIALL FOR PARLOR AND DININP A... 1 ROOM COOK STOVES They . ere pretty, It good and cheap. ETTER. iMILTON A few doors from Shryeek'r. Rook Stpre; UNKE.L'S CELEBRAT liitteloWine of Iron Bitter Wino of Iron 'Diner Wino of Iron Mier Wine of Iron ME For Dyspepsia anl haligei4 For Dyspepsia and Indirrestion, , Vor Dyspepsia and Indiaestiop, Tor Dyspepsia and Indigemtion, For Weak Stomachs and General Dahlias' For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable arid Sure to (ill Good, Reliable and Sure to dd Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, It Costs but little and Purifies the Blood It Costs but littlo and Purifies the Bid It Costs but little' and Purifies the Blood It Costs but little and Purilles the Blood JACOB B. MILLER C,EIAMITERSBURG. PA:. COPPER, TIN and stitET-TitoN HALL. GAg ' COOKING STOVES' 'WLASH-B-OILERS teri al best made in the comity ME MEM T Ili lAr A R E' feels confident that hop can 'give general satisfaction. lar attention paid to ill kinds of t MENDING AND JOBBING 4 as our motto is i 1 JACOB B. lii.IBLER, RlO:drat. And Cannot do Earin. And cannot do INT. And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Harm. We only ask a Trial. 'Ako only ask 'a Trial. We only ask a; Trial. Wo only ask a Trial. - - Drugs, fialebiiiitro, NSt.ERys;,JR •' CHAS. H. CRES4ER. HEYS ER 1. 1 / 4 ; :C 4 E.SS L'E4iv GRApi.T.AtES NiAlorActi DE-11,ERS IY DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, &c., ChAMBERSIIOI.O, PA. , AND PREPARATIONS OF , FULL STRENGTH. will give stitisaction to Phytiicien and Patient, and insureeontinupd sneces.s Co our Drug Eitablishment, we give this brunch our.consttutt care and scrutiny. . , • I '' CHEMICALS: DYE-S TUFFS,. AND PATENT MDIEINES. We warrant our stock to be puic and the,boat iu the market. We are receiving a la 4; lot of ritEsH. GARDEN' SLEDS, - embracing , the but kintiP of new and old'varicties of early and late vegetable's: i I , OWE ..S: STEVENS' FAMILY DIrE : ,,,VOLORS., a -retiobic and easy coloring.' We_wk Lift a trial for them. All the colors constantly on hand. • • • I, Farmer 4 and HorseDealersshoold tilwairs 'have on baud a paehage of 1 " ,_. 1 Cr"..,. - LEL'S HORSE AND CATTLE iI6WDLIt. It is the best foil, Distemper. '.- 4. 1 • . ' 's • BITTER, WIN}; OF IRON; ' an 'excellent Tonic for debilitated and dyspeptic persons. '• • MRS: HARVEY'S CROUP SYRUP; '4 an expectorant fur Coughi and. Colds - in the Throat and Chest, that can be reliedon to give .speedy PO ( - Tyr BOOKS AND ' WAIIETS. We have just received a large let, df every size, quality and price. Fine SoftiA ;and-Perfumery, , Hair and Cloth Brushes; • • ~ , " Tooth Brushes. . , , . • Redding combs, • •„... Gum ;tad Horn Combs,' . coneea trateil Pomsh. ' ' Trusses and Braces, . , 'Saponifier. , - fro^ liledicities can he Bad at night or on Sunday by calling at the Store or at W. ileyser's residence, a few doors South of the Stare. jan'27. A J.- M L L DRUGGIST:. STORE ON THE DIAMOND, CHAMEERSBURG. T 0 I L.E T ARTICLES. STERLING'S AMBROSIA, , 1 IiAIR DYES, POMADES, . .• - EXTRACTS OF ALL ' KIND • ' COCOAINE, i ' • ' TOOTH) BRUSIIES_, g _, . H , HAIR . BRUSHES, COMBS, - and - a fait assorttnent of every thing in the Toilet Line can be had at . ' t , MILLER'S. jT E R 0' S. E E 0 IL, ,tl.l KEROSENE LAMPS," CHIMNEYS AND WJCKS. ALCOHOL AND FLUID; :and a full 4sortmentof such articles as'arc usually 'found in a Drug, Store can be had at. MILLER'S; • TERMS CASH. 1 • de2. ORSE AND • CATTLE POWDER. Miller's Horse and Cattle' Powder is the best rin the market. Preparedl and sold by • A.. 1. MILLER. -- flAllnkS SEEDS:--F.,u—ly York Cab ' 1.. T d aoo Seed. and a-fUII supply of all king..; of Garden wall Flower Seeds: just rec . eiy . e a-li A JM r ' . • T_)AT ENT MEDICINES.—AIways on 1. hand complete Stoirk 91' all the Timelier Parr eat meclicineg or the tr.,. 'at 'IIIILLER'S: T.4 I AIIIiN DYR CQLORS.—A , new 'ar - title; and just what is needed in &very family, - . f a YOU A COLD ?—Trr r aßottle - of MILLER'S 'OCRIGH. SYRUP. I.t cc-Minim you: Get it at A. J. MILLERS. T_TAVE YOU THE ITCH!—Get a, box of TERnium ITCH. OINTMENT. Tt is ,n, sati-and speedy A. J - . , , . NTEW I ARTICLES AT N IXO I‘;,'S . A virgin Wax of Antiles,' , ' ' ' „ 'Bloom of Itustis„ 1 lixtraet of i'.'s igbf-BloomingCer'aits, • i New and iuperior Pearl Powder. sterling's Ambrosia, ; New li:xtrueOltisk„ - • - ' . Filitigipani awl teitueri Soaps, 1 .. . Imperial Pomade, - 'Balsamic Ballo, 'for Piroplts,- &b. N. . - 0. IC., 33 , A S Peroline Soap, excellent; Brown %V indior Sone, excellent, Elder Flower o . e.p, excellept, Violet Soa,P,lexeollent,•: 1 /litps, , Soap,. excellent, fIONSTITUTION WATER, Genuan Ilittcrs, large size. ' All (t anyne's Medicines, All of Ayer's Medicines; • Ail of 1101W:told's Medicines , A fall stock of all Patent Medicines, at NION'S . . , . ALXRGE COLLECTION OF GAR DEN* SEEDS, enihraeing all iho'new kinds, Horn three leading establishments, and all warrant ed as represented. Gardeners will latnetither that NIXON ,has experience in , thhi line, and_ can give fall directions. • i , . • rent T To o tt ii i ie c The , Great ToPie ThO Great Tun ic MIXON HAS ADDED, BY RECENT'' es, n lar-o 'lot or FANCY ARTICLES to Ms t vit, and is now prepared to excel in this line. ): - - XN: A S N A 'new stook of splendid . Combs, A not! stook of splendid Brushes, A . g IT P E R FOR' ASSORTMENT OF flair Brushes and, Combat, snperior Mock IA Tooth Brushos,at NIXON'S. A PULL STOCK OP PURE tkitUGS. li _ Chemicals, at . NIXONIS. inl!!'a ctE. A! ° ?l=V EXAM:MA.7IION OI STOCK Is /1. requOsted;st i• ' —11IXON'& Believing that only Pu RE DRUGS IMMO ;1 i Vablicationo. IMLAY - &.BICKN , ELL'S BANK. NOTE REPORTER, ' - .EPtubtiBhed, in JO, N .- Is the oldest REPORTER . puldished in this coun try, and has noverinissed a - number since its coni mencement, nowbeany • - ' - - - .._34 YEARS. It is issued on the Tst and sth of tath month, and it has by the well known and admitted ability with which it is conducted, long since earned its position of the . . .- Standard fieporter of the Country Our whole time and undivided attentio is given to the Reporter, and the'mauyyears of e perience we have had, and the great facilities We c, nunand, enable us to give to the Public the most co rect and reliable work of the kindpublished.' QUOTATIONS. • Our Corrections and Quotations for - eae - number. are invariably made up to the hour of oing into the Printer's hands, by the well know Banking House of - WORK, 21OCOUCR C CO" '36 We hold ourselves bountkSouth - Third Fitted. , To "lectern? at our Notation*, at the time of going to press.. • COUNTERFEIT ,MONEY. The Reporter contains a morvorrect list of CoUn terfeits and Altered Notes thaaz any other Reporter now published. Each number - contains a full and correct description of all the Eitradulent Notes put into circulation since the precetllng issue. / Particular attention is paid to • / THE STOCK LIST. It is a full and complete list of all Stocks offered at the Board of Brokers. It is always corrected lap to the day of going' to press. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT, ' • Are always full and correct, the corrections being made up'to the day of goingto press with each issue. TER:4S OP SUBSCRIPTION. - One Copy, Monthly. one year s , - :4. 00 Oi,e Copy. semi-monthly, one year 2 00 Subs'eriptions may commence with oily 'month.— Terms always CAS' IN ADVANCE.: . , . . , All letters must be ndriressed to the Publisher, -, CHARLES C. RHODES. 43 South Third - Street. WO-3m. . Philadelphia jIHE SORGO JOURNAL AND FARM 1.. MACHINIST—Devoted t,; Northern Cane and Sugar Beet culture. Improved Farm Machinery and' Progressive Husbandry. Pulili,hed. monthly. _One copy I year. Subscriptions received by W. (4, REED. ; t Agent for Clark Sorge Blachine Co. ap6] itebirat. CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORA- TIiTE FOR THE HAI4, RESTORES; GREY AND FADED HAIR AND "' BEARIO 0 ITS "NATURAL COLOR, - ' . . .. .. .._ .... AND IS , A SIOST LITXDRIOUS DITESSING FOR --, THE • HAIR .AND ;HEAD. 'CtAILIC'S RESTORATIVE. . Resttires the Colcir. I CLARK RESTORATIVE, E t radicates Dandruff. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, I. .Dromoios its Growth. CLAKK'S IiKSTORATIVE, I Precen its falling off. CLARK'S E} I STORATIVE, Is an uncoi l led Dressing. - - CLARK'S liESTORATIT I 1 • Is good for Children • CLARK'S ESTORATIVE, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE I CLARK'S R E STORATIVE, ' i Is perrectly batmles.s. 4''ontains no Oil: CLARK'S. RESTORATIVE, • :1 CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is not a Dye CI:AItIVS. RkSTOItATIVE, Beakitifies the Hair ' 1 . CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, 1 i . . is splend.t`d for Whiskers CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, I Keeps the Fair iu its Piaee • CLAWS 11.1:6-"TORATIVE, - f . • • Cures Nervous ileadgehe CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Pro} tints Eruptions CLARKIi RES-.:1 • 011ATIVE. , • 1 n'tops Itching tuul Burning I ' CLARK Ti -RESTORATIVE, • Reepa the head CLARK'S RESTOII,ATIVE, Is delightfully perfumed CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Contains no Sediment CLARK'S,RESTORATIVE„ Contains no Gum CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Polities your Hair CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, I - - , Prepares:you for Parties CLARK'S,RESTORATIVE, - • ' Prepares you fir Balls CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, ; All Ladies need it CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, fi Lady Wind° without it CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, - • Costs but $I • L CLARK'S 'RESTORATIVE: Is Sold by Druggists and. Dealers everywiterd Price, per bottle--6 bottles fpr $5. G. G. CLARK & CO.„ ' • ' • PROPRIETORS. D. S. Barnes A Co., New York, Inar.2-Iyeow3 • ' General Agents VaintiTig, 481aling, &c. 13 A . R 4 1 .: 620 L O - W S , PAINTER, GRAINER, GLAZIER, - AND PARER HANGER. • Shop in the Old .Arinory Building, (up Stairs,) next door to the "Old Jail," Peiffer Foltz's Carriage MannfadarY, op posite Brown's Hotel, and CORNER OFSECOND AND MARKET STREETS, , • ' CITAIITIERSBURG, PA. - I respectfully takethis method, of thanking the citizens o 'Chambersburg and vicinity' for the very ar) liberal. p nage received attheir hands for the past l . year, my rstyear in this place, and flattering myself that I have done, and am still prepared to do the very best Work in my line, I solicit a continuance of past favor. B. T. FELLOWS. . P.S. I respectfully refer to any of my patrons— 'James Eyster. Wm. MaLellan, Col. A. - K. McClure, Rev... Mr. Niccells. Presbyterian Church, Dr. Rich era, Dr. Fisher of the German Reforined:Messen-. ,ger, J. Allison Evste'r, Wm. C. Eyster, and any oth ers for whom I lave done work—for character of work done and expedition. - / 112 4 7 :t. 6 3- f. ' " - -•-. . B. T. F. GRAIN! GRAIN!! 'GRAIN-?!! WASH ABAUGH'S BREWERY, - j CEIAMBERSAURG, PA, The undersigned takes this' method of informing hisfriandh. and -the Public generally, that ho has leased Tor a term of years the well known Brewery establishment heretofore condeeted by hfr.. tTpton Washabangh. Be will be glad to furnish -to his friends and the old patrons of thecHouser with the finest ALE, upon the shortest notice, and at the low estpriees. , The higheSt Cash Price will be Paid" for 5,900 bushels of BARLEY, delivered at ChvAlhendiure. • ija20,64117. - .ATATYANBER S S. SHRYOCK, BOOKSELLER AND .7,,,5.„TA4d-rirprE'Repa.rnedo76°et(;liat-qieagethL;NineelSwtoitrt 3 greater facilities than over. -- BOOKS.=-Sehool Books. Miseellancous Boks,Toy Books, Law Books, Medical Books, Sunday" &hof BOolts. Military Books. IMBLES.—A largo assortment of Pock et and pain- BLANK BOOKS of all sizes, qualities and styles of bind' nu. STAfIONERY.—A great , vartety of all kinds of all kinds of writing and Printing PanetT. of French. English and American manufacture. Also. Envel opes of all sires and qualities, ink. Pens, Pencils. India Rubber, Tapes. :teals, Quills, Copy Books Notting Board. Knives, Erasers, Writing sand Ste., its. GOLD PENS.-:-The sery best gold Pens in, thus market, fully warranted, made by Leroy W. Fair child,-N. Y. BLIND PAI I ER.—A full variety of putteins and qualities. WALL PAPER.—Nearly - 1,1)0(1 different pattern.„l . -together with suitab Bordering ! , Plain, Velvet, and Velvet gilt. - - - PICTURE FRAMES.—OraI and ScuaroF,rames for Photographs. Frames made to order. FRENCH GLASS. for l'icturo Frames, of any size. / CHEAP NOVELS, Much lower. than Pubrualtere prices. ENGRAVINGS.--English, , _French, German and American Engravings. - BASKETS .—Faney,Traveling,ltook,Pienie,Erait, Knife and Clothes Baskets. ZEPHYR - WORSTEDS.--Single and Doable Ze,.: phyr. Tapestry and'Spli Zephyr, Shetln.nd Woolage. W NESPAPERS.—The Philadelphia and New York Dailies maker! daily. Chtbs or individuals supplied. WEEKLY PAPERS.—Hartors' Weekly. Prank Leslie, N.Y. Mercury, N. Y. Weekly, N. Y. Led gitr, &c., received weekly. - - PERIODICALS.—Harpers' Monthly. Atlantic Monthly, Continental, Godey, Peterson, Balton. Knickerbocker. All the Year Round, Cornhill, &e.. received as soon nspublished. - ; - - CHEAP LITERATURE.—AII the DirnoPublica now, Weekly Nouvellettes, Song Rooks, S:o., re ceived ORDER:S.—We take orders for nil kinds of goods. EXPRESS.—We receive goods_by EYevre.' ever, day from the East. BLANK DEEDS, Writing and Printing Cards. P.ulers, Paper Weights, Fancy Boxes, Combs and Brushes, Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in our line constantly on hand Music, for Piano, Guitar, Violin, and Flute. PIANOS:—We pr.rehase Pianos on conimivsion, no as to,save our customers from Fifty to One-Aun dred and Filly Dollars. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT:3.—We can supPIT any kind of Musical Instruments at prices tar loner than usual. PHOTOGAAPII ALBUM.S.—"We ran sell -Photo graph Albums at lower prices than they °dab° pro cured for the cities. CAILTES DE VlSlTE.—Portraits of :Military Men of the U. S. Army and Navv, distiffgnishe Men and (icnic Pictures, ie. ; NEW TOY BOOMS in grant variety. - ow publibations of k the American S. S. trnirin, American Tract Society, Presbyterian Board pf Publication, • We have no hesitation in saying to our customers that from oti,rAlorig experience , our manner of doing busines., and our great facilities, we do not fear competition, ;and have no doubt of being able- to give entire satisfaction. Come and 'see. our new Store, our new and enlarged stock, and form your own opinions. . • ChamberAirg. Dec. 9.18.63., TAME:S B. SMITH & CO., BOOKSF,LURS AND PCBLISIIERS. .llanufacturer,s of monk and Menroranduin-Bdults, Photograph Albums. Manifold Writers. I , larble l'a- - per, b.... ti o: 27 &nth Seventh Street, abos o Chest nut; Phila. Blank work' of every description, for-County 0111- ces,:Botels;! counting Rouses. and Public Offices doae to order! Orders left, with S. S. SIIRYOCK. Chamberslittr*, Pa., will be promptly attended to. 5e30,63-Iy. E - YIBINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH SY kJ RUP.—Por -Cough*, (•ads,. &nitre 'Whobpin4 Cough,istlsa, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Puincend Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Brealhfnl, d w. This is n o new remedy. It' has been used fora num ber of years iniliaryland and parts of PenuSylVa hia, and has wherever known acquired an -unprece dented reputation for curing the Tn rio us diseases-for which it is recommended. . 1t is used by ail- classes orloviety. =and the uni versal opinion is that it is good. This Syrup as a purely Vegetahle Compound. IA is pleasant to take, and never does injury, but owing to its, purifying n'unlities, must do good under any circumstances.— Its effects are truly wonderful, soothing, calming,'and allaying the most violent ecitglis: purifying) strengthening and invigorating, the whole system: calming and soothing the nerves: aiding and 'facil itating expectoration, and healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of diseases, and driving it from the system," I 3 * g i ood for Ladies Is good for old People This disease is announced by difficulty of breath ing, shrill whistling or wheezing, hacking cough, and thicatened suffocation, ,te. It Inostly neeurd in yoUng - children. No child uced the Of Croup if this Syron-is prorerly_ used, and n'ed in tirno.-- Mothers hiving croupy children should watch the firstshcw of the disease, and always keep thisise niedy on hand. - For e•augu atlor measles this Syrup is most excel lent. Experience has proven that it is equaled by' no other preparation. The price is such as to place it within there:la of all, the poor as well as the rich, and every person should haveit. Every ono should-have it in the house. It is a true and faithful friend to-all who tnlne health Ord wish teseeure themselves against that. , most terri ble disease. Consumption. It will be found the most useful ns well as the cheapest fat ilymedieino in the world. It has been. used for the :lust four years with a success without'n parallel. Price 40 eh!..per bottle, or three bottles far $1:10. r. A. FITUTZ. & BRO., Westminster. Md . For sale by A. J. HILLER, ar.d•J. 6.141X01%,. Chambenburg. Pa., and Storekeepers everywhere. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HO RS E AND CATTLE POWDERS.—These Ppwders have proved, after a trial of several years. to he stt, , perior to any proparation_of the kind used. -The chief superiority of these Powders arise nom the fact that they are composed of medicines that hate Laxative. Tonic-and Purifying properties. The Laxative ejects crudities from the stomach 'and intestines; the Tonic gives strength to tile FyyttAci of the Horse; and the purifying medicines -con tained in them cleanse the blood end lay the foun dation for a healthy and vigorous en culation. ,The use of them improves the wind, strengthens the appetite,-and gives the horse a fine, smooth, glosry skin—thus improving the appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. These Powders are not intended, as some Pow ders are, to bloat the animal. so as to give hint the appearance of being fat when-not really so—but, to remove the disease and promote his general health. These Powders will strengthen the stomach anal intestines. cleanse them from offensilw matter, and bring them to a healthy state. They are a nreten live of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases incident to the 'Horse, as Glanders, Yellow Water, Distemper, Founder. Heaves, P Slavering, Coughs,,Fevers, Loss of Appetite, and Vital Ener gy, Sm. These Powders, Hosed two or three times a week, through the winter and spring, your Horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colic or Botts: A ford doses of these powders will remove the Worst Cough on any_ horse. Were owners of Horses to feed a few of these Powders every year they might save the liras of luso , valuable horses. MILCH COWS.—The properties this Powder pos sesses in increasing the quantity-Of Milk in Cows, gives it , an. importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. In fattening Cattle it gives them anappente, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive-mneh faster. HOCIS.—Iti all diseases of Swine, as.Cpughs, Ul cers in the, Lungs and Liver. & e., by putting, from half a paper to a paper of these Powdeti in a.bar rel of swill, the abOve diseases can bacured nr en tirely prevented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can he prevented. Prepared by • • S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., Westmin_ster.:Md. For sale wholesale and retail by A. J. MILLER and J. S. NIXON, Chambershing, Pa., and. store keepers everywhere. Price 25 ets, a paper, or five papers for $l. • • • ,d9,63-Iy. FOUT'S MIXTUREa safe andlieli _ abte,Remedy for the tare of ithenmatisni; Pain fill Nervous Affeetiiins.: Spntins., Bum s ,. siy e ni ngli , oandni all diseases requiring an external application Man. . • On Rorses,it wiltnever fail to 'cure Poll-ea. Fis tula:old-Running Sores or Sweeny, if Properly ap plied. For sprains, braises, scratches - , cracked hoof. chafes, saddle or collar gall, cut or wounds, it is an infallible reme dy.,- Try it and be convinced-ef its efficacy. - • • ,RHEUMATISM. • Persons afflicted with this .disease, no ,matfer vl of how long_sts,nding. can be promptly and: effectual cured by.using this mixture. - There is - nbthingin the,worid so sure and id good to take away,bnd Corns and cure Frost Bites as this p_reParation. Try-it and satisfy yourselves/price M . and 50 cbuper battle. Prepared by, per k BRO Westminstei. Md. • - rot‘tale Vle ILLEtuid J.• S. 'NIXON. Clitueb_alstirg*,ffisi. and StoriskeeMPY.ef7ll4lere• 13 oolto mar „StAtionerk. jJebia{. CROUP Prepared tiy