The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 13, 1864, Image 5

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grajztlin *efoittivp.
word to say about 'one of our friends, and trust
he will.not take offence. Ms name is- 7 --,
-and he can be readily recognized by his having
a little dug thr erer
_ trotting after his heels. Our
friend is amiable and high minded, but his dog
is not. He would not intentionally' tread upon
• a worm, still less offend a 'friend, but his dog
has no scruples whatever on that score. He
`accosts every one he meets with a kindly smile
or a cheery laugh, but his dog is supereilous ;
and snappish. It is a supreme pleasure - to en- .
eonnter kin, but quite 'a risk to approach his
dog.' flc can be trusted with untold gold, and
any &Welts amount of clothing, while his dog
will coniteticendlo steal a piece out of one's,,
pants. ' To shake,hands with him is expediogly
risky, as his dog always considers it a personal
affront. To iostle him is as much as one's coat
tail is worth ;t and to play leap frog with him
;would cost it least an ounce •of flesh nearest
the centr'ei,`Ol the tihea. , Call upon him at . .,s
'- tome, ring; the door bell, and you hear thi lit
tle cur yelping in the entry as though yo ad
ii ii
trodden on his tail; you open the door, he pies
at you fariothily,, tail in air, with his mouth
opened to its utmost, as if to swalloW you boots
and all; into the parlor he bounds, and dances
the Trantelld, about you circiunferically; you
have been incautious enough to place your hat
;beside your chair, 'which, when you come to
look for you find torn into hits,'and as you are
not like Sir Isaac - Newton, you cannot say or
feel like saying, "Diamond, DiaMond," etc.,
etc,, It is possible your friend may comfort
you by taking the= pesty animal in his lap and
' fondling it for thrb balance-of the visit; and
then when you rise to leave, du cape. It is
pleitiant when yeti p'ass your frienir,!,a house,
with the lady of your heart before, and with
'whom _you'ever wish to appear dignified. We
cannot imagine dignity in a more trying' posi:i
Kim than with a little dog nibbling angrily at
his heels. Try IL You are talking with, your.,
adored of the lastiparty, or ball, or- sermon, or
lecture, or ever of the weather, and out rushes
,Prr like a hotrse-a-fire, ventre A terre,
frightens your idol, causes one of those chill to
passs through you that always commence at the
end of the big toe nail atutleaves one only at the
terminus of the longtist hair in the highest point
of the head. (Dr;Jones would say "on the
apex of the cranium"); and then (the dog, not
the chill) bounds back as though he had ren
dered his master tome 'signal service, and was
entitled henceforth and fOrever to a pensicin
frorrithe grateful family he has just saved from
destructioa. The temper _of this little dog, it
is true, has not been improved by the bad boys
of the,mighborhood ; neither is he entirely re
sponsible for his neglected training on the part
of his master ;, but then we who have our feel
ings and our trowsers lacerated by his insane
attacks are not apt to reason the matter as to
'his canine education, and when we kick - (at)-:
the offender, are mostlikely guilty of blessing (1) -
the proprietor of said quadruped. Atrimes too
an ambitious animal of this species will leap
higher ihan• the calf of the leg ; and then, 0 Mo
res! (a distinguished 'clothing man in Chatham
street) fancy one's feelings with a little dog
hanging to the seat of one's pantaloons, that cost
(war prices) twelve or fifteen dollariii—consider
the cost, estimate the shuck to one's delicacy as
well as nerves. Moreover, a lady, though la
dies are all, all sweet and amiable, and all that
you know—a lady, we say, don't like tohave 'a
little dog hagging to her skirts, clawing, and
biting and scraping, and scratching. :becasion
ally this little dog is diniably inclined, and then
favors roc- with attentions in the - shape of dirty
slobbers, pokes hi* nose and tail in your face,
draws sundry tiausie staffs adown your inexpres-
Aibles. To show you how thoroughly dead to
all decency the possession of such little dogs
'inaY make a man;-we-will.-Lhere---slotwe
' had determined to keep forever - locked in ,the
inmost recesses of our bosom. One day When
, this little imp (the dog) had been tieing .iitr
. best to ruiu our vest by pawing us affectionate
ly, our friend enquired of us, " Wn't you know
PET is expressing his . admiration for you and
expects au answer 7 Ile is like 'Brutus (Latin
for brute), he paws for a reply." . . .
Why is it that the navy is entitled to prize
money and not the' army 1 Is this fair 1 'Let
us think of this seriously and sensibly, and do
justice to a million of men.
Socially we . regret the departure of Wm.
Kennedy, Esq., front this • town. Should be
ever_ .
" Come out from among the foil party,.
Amd vote fur Old Tipp.pennoe,"
or Lincoln, or Ereniont, or Butler, orGrant,
will wish him .911 success as an editor, even
though be did ciill us "Untaught names"
some weeks back. We replied not, but 4)1
said to ourselves, "The Times 'aren't of joilit." (
in truth we would that Wilrwere an Editot of
one of the biggest and best Republickm pajcers
in the State.
A nice little lady wrote us as follows " I like')
your gossip, but why do you call it 'gossip
detest the word." -My dear young lady, your
Men of gossip is three old ladies
.sitting around
ittoalabrc, each one with 'a dish of that non
inebriating fluid in her left band, responsible
for far more damage than king whisky; and
tach one detailing and retailing and dove-tailing
all the bad she has 'heard and can invent
• against her friends and neighbors; or perhaps,
three loafers around A bar-room stove (or a
etovo fire) " picking to pieces the character of
every womhn, young - or old, worth slandering—
no, no, my dear, that is not oar idea of gossip,
not by any manner of means. At sundry odd
times, when we had nothing else to do, and to
f .
qatieve our minds after fouling heavy books,
such as the Eartycloptedia Americana, Patent
011 ice and Coalman School Reports and so forth,
We have indulged in Shakspeare and his con
temporaries, 'and from .such trifth3rs as these
(wicked play-writers that they were!) we: :have .
picked up the notion that to gossip is 4 chat,
' to talk mud, to amuse one's self and others(?)
• by talking nonsense in a serodble manner.—
Why, my dear, the old Saxon word frOm which
we have our word gossip, meant one who
_answered fort child in baptism—a responsible
~ p erson. You never have heard us say a word
that would make trouble bet Ween man and avife,
pvent and child, brother and-sister, friend and
.friend, or lover and mistress. - It is true we
Were accused of malice aforethought in our arti
cle on Restaurants,' but we bore it meekly, for
was not HE called "a babbler and a busybody."
well, well; we know we are getting wurm, and'
shall change the subject. Our motto is and shall
be "evil to him that evil thinks—let him wear
the shoe that be thinks will fit—e pluribus
unum, ont of many one may hit." '
REV. F. W. CONRAIL—This eminent Divine
assumed his new charge in this place on Sun
day last. His valedictory_ sermon in Lancas
ter, the field of, his former labors, was preached
on the 343 inst., from the text—" Finally breth
ren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort,
be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of
Love and Peace shall -be with you." The Lan
caster Daily E,zpress,-'speaking of his labors
there, says :
" His ministrations in Trinity have been marked
and decided. Being eminently a preaelaer for the
heart, instead of simply for the head, he hasarouSed
the careless to thoughtfulness, the sluggard to action,
the formalist to apirituality, l the humble disciple to
greater fidelity, and many: to consider • the one
thing laeedlitl.' has carefully avoided the eat_
mistake of contending for purity in doctrine without
insisting ut the same time also upon purity o: life.
This would be with words to'advance the trutu, but
with deeds to oppose it; it would he with one hand
to build up but with the other to tear doWn. For if
Satan rule the life how can Christ rule the heart;
or how can Christ's doctrine remain where he him
self and his life are expelled? Hence, Mr. Conrad
has consistently adhered to the Diviue injunction:
What God has joined together, let, not man put
'asunder.' •
We • deeply regret losing him from this place.
Few men have made a more decided impression
upon any communiity than Mr. C. has done upon
this for the short time• he has been here. 11 ith
intellectual abilities of no ordinary grade and an
independence of character that regarded neither
the smiles nor the frowns of men, and with convic
tions deep and strong which made him necessarily
a positive man. he could not hut command a con -=
trolling influence, among our people. His trumpet
never gave an uncertain sound, but unmistakably
indicated where ho stood. unlike many other
clergyman , who are, severe in denouncing sins ,corn
'flitted before the flood, and grow eloquent in deple
ting the oppressions of the Egyptiahe towards the
Israelites, but who have never a word to say abbot
the crimes of the day. and especially - of that • sum
of all' chattle slavery. as existed right
'at our doom, dr Conrad. employed the tio*Pel ok a
tieing force to living quextions. and living men,
ifonee he Woulchaut only create a breeze, but occa
sionally a storm around him.: Yet none of these
things moved him. Be failed not 'on that account
to declare the whole counsel of God whether men
would hear or whether they would forbear.
'Nobly and consistently has he boihe testimony
for Truth. Right and Humanity. And though hated
b..• mealy mouthed politicians, and denounced as a
. political preacher' by those whose parte prodi lee
tions were disturbed, because he warned them faith
fully against the atheistic and infidel directions
given to great moral questions which demagogues
hini , taken under their special protection. he'learss
to-day es-en with the respect of his opponents and
the warm love of his numerous and daily increas
ing friends. His place may be ;oippried, but will
not easily be jiticat. Our best wishes go with. him to
his new field of labor at Chambersburg."
MILITARY A FFAIR S—The 20th and 22d
Regiments i ) a.Cay., recently encamped here
are now at Martinsburg, Va. Col. Boyd's
Regiment, the 21st=of the 'same Brigade have
not as yet been ordered off.
Lieuts. 'Munich and Sample of the 11th Pa.
.Cay. arc now at their homes in this place on a
short leave of absence. They report our boys
in the Regiment in good health and ready to
move on the enemy at short notice.
The gallant 'lo7th Regt ,—the term gallant
has been richly earned by them—arrived in
Harilshurg on last SUnday aweelt. When this
Regiment left Harrisburg March 18th 1862 it
numbered 37 officers and 921 milisled men: It
was then uuder the command of Col. Zeigle
splendid officer anslabrave man. Col. Zeigle's
death at Warrenton. Va., was greatly regretted
by his command. Lieut. Col. McAllen sue
deeded him. Subsequently Col. Thos. A. M' Coy
was appointed and is now the commanding of
ficer. Did space permit we would he glad to.
give full details of the services of the corageous
body of nien.4 They have -been constantly in
the front and were in the engagements of
('edar Mountain, 'Rappahannock Station, See:
mid Hall Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, An
tietam, FrederickShurg, Chancellorsvilie. Get
tysburg, and Mine Run. The Regiment belong
ed toothe Ist Army Corps, 'and returns to the
State tti recruit its strength which now num
bers but 24 officers and 226 men. Capt Brand's
original company - 100 strong from this place
.which belonged to this Regiment, has returued
without an officer and less than 20 men fit fin
duty. All honor to the 107th. May the memory
'of its dead be always cherished, and its living
members receive, the highest rewards of a
grateful country.
Col. S. P. Spear of the 11th Pa... Car. and
commanding the Cavalry Brigade in General
Butler's Department, was on a short visit to
Philadelphia and Harrisburg last week. - Col.
Spear served twenty-three years in the Regular
Army and from a Lieutenant in the Volunteer
service was rapidly promoted' to ibis present
position. His long service and gallant deeds
fully entitle him to a Brigadier Generalship and
we trust the claims of so deserving an officer
will not be long disregarded:
COURT PROCEEDINGS.—The April term of•
our courts commenced on Mknday last, and
unusual interest has been manifested in the
proceedings. Three murder trials were to be'
di.4osed of. A Virginia Negro, who gives his
name as Mac Hamilton, is awaiting trial for the
tritipler of a stranger, near Mr. Gabby's a few
weeks sinee,—fitime unknown hitt supposed to
have been a member of the'llith N. Y.-Cavalry.
In consequence of the illness of someilipp or t an t
witnesses for the commonwealth, the case was
On Monday the ease of the Com. vs. 'Morgan
R. Bryan was culled. Bryan was an officer in
the three months' service, from -Allegheny, and
'Was here in 1561, under Gen. Patterion, and a
difficulty between several of his men and some
negroes in Wolffstown resulted in Bryan-killing
Frank Jones on Federal Bill: Seven jurors
were sworn from the regular panel, and five
tolismen were taken. The following is the
jury: •
Philip Karp er, Malachi J. 13rindle, - Thomaa-
Mcithenn.y. Jacob Deardorff, Peter - Brit - ale, J. N.
Brewer, Joshua Bender, Robert Clugaton,
Snyder. Jaeol? Krider, Childeaon _Robiza - n; John
Goshorn. --
Messrs. Stenger, District Atternei,and Geo,
- Eyater are conducting the case for the corn:
monwealth, and Messrs. McLells.,9, Kimmen
and Sharpe are for the prisoner. Bryan col ,
maw* attended court for trial. The ease is
on trial at the close of our report.
John Floty, indicted for the murder of Henry
IJuger,-both of Washington township, will also
be tried this week.
quested to state that there will be a Vocal Con.
cert . -given at the Grind Stone Hill Church, on
Saturday, next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and' also in
the evening. The public are invited to attend.
ttcpesitovp, Iptil - 13, 181'
Tug ExcuoGE OF cavics Patowats.—
We announced a fe* . weeks, ago that Mears.
Culbertson and Hamilton, of our citizen pris
oners, were brought to, Rielmogl, an it was
supposed for the 'pitrpo r o of exchange. A few
days ago Mr. M'Dowell Teceiyed an official note
from Geis. Butler's Chief: of staff, in which he
says; .
"The en'mmanding Genera 'instructs roe: 0) inform
you that the Confederate authorities ref•ite, t o ma k e
any exchange of citizen prisoners. until a general
exchange of all such is 'Made. This he exteaets to
accomplish soon, and will not forget or ueg:ect the
persona you name."
We have seen a statement that Gen. Butler
and Commissioner Ould agreed upon a general
exchange at their recent conference{ at Fortress
Monroe. subject to the approval of the 'Federal
and Rebel authorities. We doubt notthat these
gentleman would not agree- upon a plat:Lß - it
Would he rejected on either ,side, and we hope
soon to see all ouryrisoners, military and civil.
PAINI 7 I.7L ACCIDENT.—We learn from the
Mercersburg Journal that on Saturday, i la week,
a negro boy in the • employ of Mr. WI. D. Mc-
Kihstrey, took a musket from the, house for
the purpose of shooting a load out of it„whieli
had been in for some time. He proceeded to
the stable, and taking• that object as' a mark,
discharged the load. - The- ball, which was a
common musket one, passedthrough both sides
of the - stable a stall and partition, (in all about
four inrehes of timber,) then entering a window
lodged iu the shoulder of Miss Mary r. Cooper,
a daughter of a widow lady, living ; in the rear
of the stable, Midi NT a very severe:and dan
gerous wound. We understand she is cluing
pretty well under tire -circumstances, but still
suffers severely. She is about 17 years dy age,.
and is highly esteemed by all her acquaintances.
The ball, as'yet has not been found. ,
HEAMRouniNtY.—ES-Sheriff Skinner was
robbed of-the sum of $3,t45, and abOut $l,BOO
in Promissory notes om Monday last while
board of the night train from Philadelphia. He
laid just ente l red the ears when iu the. jostle
among the passengers be diumvered his less.
Deteetives and Police eflieers are on, the alert,
but up to this time no Men has been obtained
of the Parties (who committed the thiitt.
. Dzeutino—Rev T. G apple, of Greencastle,
announced to his congregation not long since,
that he had after a full consideration ;of the mat
ter declined the call to the Professorship in the
TheolOgical Seminary at Mereeisburg, which
was tendered him some time ago. ' , -
\ _
first quarterly report of thd First National
Bank of Waynesboro', shows that it has $46,-
630 09 of capital paid in, and a circulation of
$9,920.- Its loan and discounts amount to ,
$33,409 72.
EASTERN L's.—Mr. Jacob Sellers, late
Deputy Sheriff; has become landlord, of the
Eastern Inn, on East Market Street, lately oc
cupied by Sheriff Brown, and is Prepared to
play Mine Host to all who favor, him with a
DEAD.—We learn that Mr. John A Shank,
whose stablen illness we - noticed ; in onr last
issue, died at his Quita'.y township,
on Friday last a week' Mr. S.was at an advan
ced age, and a worthy and umeh.estecrued cit
varuonly - known u.. 4 the Itch. has untile its appear,
once in town and in various places thioughout the
county. It. ma; be a source of relief to persons
williOed to know that they can get a. ispre ,•urp for
this troublesome disease at Miller's Drug Store
Let all so afflicted send inimediutely . to thoir Drug
store and get a b9x , of Tercels. DA Oititineut,
Price cents. It is a speedy cure.
G . F,I.WICKs,of the cheap wholesale and retail
- Grocery, Provki m and Variety ,:itoro, h.t, just re
ceived a fre s h suppi. ) : o f-g o ods. Ile ( - Wes not confine
himself exclusively to
,the Grocery busineNs alone.
but deals in almost every de , eriptiowof goods. Yoa
C3ll buy almost any article you ivi4ll at his extensive establislitnemt.
WHEN you have been place ittul Ottuttot
find what you Want, g'4) to Gebwieks, he Ite - ops et cry
him; and intends to make his business pay, nut by
1 tree profits, but, by sellin4 the lariezt amt tint of
foodY. , -
IF YOU' wish fu -impart vigor and eleinuess
'o the voice.' relieve hoarseness Sze., go at once to
A. S. Miller*s Drug Stolle and get a box of Wen
vitrt! Bronchial TrocAt,r. the only'effeetual rem
edy ih the market. ' . mar 2
SoNIETITING 311 - cit ti,Exi)E.D.- 7 -A cow for the
disease so troublesome among Horses. called " Rot
ten Ho - of." This is a - sure mire. Get a bold° at
!lieyser .teiessler's Drug Store.
Drug Store. Lindsay's Blood. Searcher. Ayer'l- Sur
)3wain's Panacea /And Inzt Ilk tither-.
31.21 TRIED
FIELD—BITCH.—fin the 18th (if February, by
the Rev. Mr, K e4ter. Sergi. Henry V. Field. Ist Ma=
iyland Cavalry to Miss Lizzie Diteh.of Wayneshom,
CHENOW.KhI—NOLAND.—On the sth inst.,
the Rev. T. Barnhart, Mr. Wm, AL Chenoweth, of
carlisle to Miss Mao ie Noland. of Charnbersburg.
M'CIA7I,IGGETI On the 7th inSt., by the sonic,
Mr. Henry M'Coy to Miss Kbrabeth M. Liggett.both
of Ww-liington eounty. Md.
SHAFER-- KEMBLE.—On the 29th ult., by the
Rev. Thomas l retgh,.lJr. Booert M. Shater to Mi,s
Sarah IL, daughter of Mr. Aaron' A. Kemble, of
ROTROVF—WONDERLY.—On the sth instant,
near Mereersburg, by the Bev. A.. M. Whotetone,
Mr. 1). I'. Rotroti to Miss Mary E. Wondcily.
NUL AUGHLTN-1100V Elt.—On the 24th ult., by
the same, Mr. Leonard M*Laugh lin. of this•eouuty,
tts Miss Fannie Hoover. of M'Connellbhurg.
!;HUMAN—KELLER.—On the ith inst., by the
Rev. S. 14I'HenrY, Mr. liarthan G. Shuman to Miss -
Annie E. Keller, both of Letterkenny township.
BRADLEY—FOREMAN.—On the S(I inst., by the
Rev. F. Dyson, Mr. Wm. M. Bradley to .314 s Mary
J. Foreman, both•of Greencastle. •
MILLER.—On the 7th inst., in fiarrisbUrgi-Jaraef
Henry, son of J_amcas-M:ind. --- Affaiii J. Miller, aged
2-veats - aa 3 days.
Iliss - Safah — Jine Deaver, aged 14 years, 8 months
and 27days.
OTT.—On the sth inst. in Green township; Afice
May, infant daughter of ! Philip and Cordelia Ott,
aged 10 months and 14 days.
DEARDORFF.--On the 3d inst.,near Fayetteville,
Matilde Charlton, daughter of William and Marga
ret Deardorff.,agett 8 months and 18 days.
M'KEE.—On the Istinst.. near Waynesboro', Mr.
John ItP.Kee, fitted 64 years, 8 months and 17 days,
SEIBERT.—On Sabbath evening, the 3d inst.,
Minnie, only daughter of Wni. Clark and Lizzie
Seibert, aged 12 years and 20 days. She was a great
sufferer, and lingered for nine weeks, which she bore
with great fortitude for one so young, Minnie was
a scholar in the M. E. Church Sabbath School, and
was one of the subjects of, a gracious revival which
took place among the children about a year since,
and as her affliction increased, she gave her heart to
God, and frequently expressed her confidence in
Christ and adesire to depart and be with Man, which
is far better: In their affliction ;her parents are
greatly comforted:with the assurance that oho has
gone . to that better 'country, and that thetp loss is
her infinite and eternal gain;- -
- ' 1 emota
Flour—White - ,$7 00 1
Flour—Red .050 1
Wheat—'White-...;.; 1 50
Wheat—Red - 1 1 40
Rpl , ' - 1 25
Corn ' • 100 _1
75 1
t)ats '
Clover Semi ' 000
Timothy Seed •-' 00
'Flax Seed ,- ' 250 1
Potato ei —Afereer t :. 50
Potatoes—PinkEyes 45
Lard 12
' 9
..... 15
Bacon—Sides 11
-Sono Deans 2 00
Washed Wool GO
trnwnslird Wool 40
Pored Peaches. '5 00
Un . pared Peaches... 3 00
141(4 Apples 2 Q 0
PhiltadelphiaMarli,ets. -
PHILADVLPTII.k: April 12.1884.
There is an aetiCre Breadstuffe,_part
ly speculative. and its tendency- is upward. Flour
has advanced 12. 1 ,-,4i-4; ets." bbl. Sale^ a 40-5.1.00
hhis extra at $7.500.4: 500 h his extra at $7 20 and
500 blals fancy at . 11our is steady at
goodln Cord :Itoal nothing doing. The s a
dctuand for Wheat. and prices have advanced
...Tete 5 bushel. Sales of 5.000 binthels of red at $l7B
(a 1 82, anti 1.000 bushels white at $2 00.. Rye ranges
from SIM to gl 40. Corn is in good request at $1 27
for yellow at 8121 for white, Oats are stet4b 4 at $8
kitdcts.: - . .Whisky is unsettled: holders ask $125,
with $1 17 bid. ,
Baltimore Markets.
13),immon.F.. Aprill2 -
Fl,ur firm: Howard. 00(t7 12Y.t. sea/VC and; unchanged. I Provisns -91 diet—
. n(lvmming; sales at ..51 ri m
®1 18. Coffee dull:
Rio 43(.44 cts
Rctu, abbettigements.
VOR' SAlit—A _Blooded Bull Cali; finir
woks old. Out of MlCture's Alderuy stock,
and a fit= telsws C 67.
'112.13-1t , WUNDERLICH.
SAAITALL G. - liasresuni 3 O
if the PRACTICE: OF MEDICINE, in Charn
bersburg. Uffleeion Queen street;a, fpw doors East
of IVellace's Store. - ' apl3-tf
C "
SEMINARY.—The next Ralf Set lion will
commence on. Tjl , fda,r/ ...IPrlll9th. For terlveftin/ly
to ELpl3-30 FA% diES RI REEVES, Pliticipal.
QTRAWBERRIES.---Now ig the time to
F.Jplant Strawberrie ,, .. Wilstin's Albany and Tri ,
um ph &Claud, best quality, for sale at .SI,OO per hun
dried at Franklin >.lurierics, near Chambersharr.
ap1:1-4t JACOB HEYr , -ER,
VOTICE.---Dr. N. Schlosserints remor
, 'ed his Dental Office to the Tharnond, opposite
nhe Chi& bershora• Ilank, - ob the Second floor, where
lie can 11:11V/WN be found, between the hours of 9 A.
M....and.1 P. M.• • , april
SHIP.—The co-partnership heretofore exist;
tow under the tirtn of OYLER & SNYHER# wus
dissol3'ed by mutual consent on the Ist of April,lB64.
Fayetteville, April 13-71.. J. M. P. SNYI/ER.
roTICE.-- 2 1711ere will be ',au Election
held for Five Directors of thej Franklin Hall
Company, on. Saturdoy, th ltith io4„ at the Office of
Eystor & Bonebrake, between the hours of and 4
o'clock, P. M. By order of the President,
aPI3-1t . B. F. HEAD, Spey Peo: tem. •
T0;116 . E.-L-A meeting of the. , HAMIL
wiDbcheld at Gordon's. Hotel, Chambersborg. on
Erftitty. the ?..2d'of Apra nee, at 10 o'cloek in the
forenoon. Azfull attendaucc . is cainestly'reri , nesteki:
a pl:I-2t ' JOHN WALKER,' SeeY.
- 1 will utiettat the Office of the Chairtnan, h
chai n bersbarg, on Sarni Tiny, the Vcf of April, at
o'cloelt. A. 31. The dbject of the meeting IS to se
lect Delegates to, the State Convention to be held t o
Harrisburg on the 28th inst., and Conferees tio meet
other Conferees of the severe] counties of this Con
gressional District, who together are to elect Dele
gates to the Union National Convdntion. 1 full at
tendance:is. requested.
anti STEWART,Chairman.
1-1. tice is liereb:.?given that Lette - rs of AdMinistra
don un the Etta.te bf DiutieWilbert.late et Weall-'
ington township,ed. have been granted to thi
undersigued;residit in Guilford. and Sonthamptot
townships. -
All persons knowing et:Fisch-Cs indebted to saii -
E:itate n-ill please make immediate payment.: am t
those having claitnsbfill prel,ent'them pi-operty au
thenticated fur settlement.
ap1:1-60 SAMUEL GILBERT, lf
:iiirP.—Notice is hereby given that the
Partnership heretofore existing between, the under
signed; in the G rovery and -Provisioabusiness. tra
ding under the mime, style and km of D. S. FAR•
NESTOCK 'has beendissolved by-nautua
consent, the dissolution to date from the- 24th o
Match, 1864.
The Books, Notes:',ke.. are left in the hands o ibr collection.
apl3-3t. . 1 A. B. FAHNES rocK.
Office Pak! Oumlor-Manter.ehrtmliOniburg.Pa•
yypril 11, 1861.—V - ill be sold by.Publie ;Auction, Sc
Me Centre Square, in this plane; on Thtio‘dagolVri
144,1861. at 10 o'elovk. A. M..EIGH T 1 -0 $l.
441:NE WSMENT 110:11.SES. hese Aiiimals have
beetCeendenmed as being unfit for GoverUntent ser
vice, tint are Well adapted for Farm and Road pur
poses.. Good bargains eon be hold.
Horses to be sold singly; Salo -to continue
until all ore sold. Telles Cas.h. in Governm dist Funds.
By order hf J. F. Johnson, Captain and Chief Q.
Master Department of the Susquehanna.. • -
nittCaptnin and Asst: Quarter-Master,
10} rRILADELPFITA: , 1 -
At-cantata tea Capital $1:,239,79 71: after
Losz.e4 aniolialtiLlg to over $650,09.0.
I,O6',SES PA 11) pRoirPTLY
Dividend %janttary.Cl.tiT.: and
the scrip up to Januarylss9, inclusive, received in 4 . 1
pavineut , of Premin`ms.
LIFE POLICIES issued on he'mo4t, ',llpprovcd
plans of rls.tes of the hest conk
REI:I:IIENCE3—A..K. M'Clure ; Esq. Mr. E: Augh
itibanch, Win; M'Lellaw Esq.. Mr. 1. K. Sh Toe's,
Mr. (Tomo Washabaugh, Dr: (leo. F. Platt.,Mr. Pe
ter Gray. Mr..l. p. heeler, Dr. J. L. Suesserott and .
Mr". Thomas R. Bard. •
J. L. SE XSgli‘lni-7T, M. 1)., Metlical.Raaniner.
'if' I am new ready to deliver certitieutosfor the
40 per cent dividend declared last January.
pl.l-31. 4 ; SAMUEL S. SIIRYOCK,' Agent.
SALE.-The subscribers, Executors of the laNt :I
will of .Jacob Oyster, der" d, late of Chnmuersharg::
will 'on Tne - *( fli,, 1751, tiny off Map. A I,SOI,
other at PublidSit allot' that valuable MILL PRO-.
PERT], in Chtunbersborg, at the menthol the Fell-, 1
inF .
This Property con kts of a-three story it
MILL of :brier:, with tour pair of Stones. , .and m e -
chinery romPlete: oneßrick three story PLASTER
and CtIOPPING MILL, and one large Brick two
story WAREHOUSE, between the other Iwo milk.
.ehis property is ono of the most desirable Mill
seats in the State of Pennsylvania. Itis situated in
the centre of Om -borough of Chamborsburg. through 1
which the.Franklin' and Cnniberland Valley Rail- I
roads past: in the largest IVIICat growing county in
the State: Ink a fall of twenty4hree feet of the wa
ter of the Falling Spring ;-necilsno dam and ham at '
all seasons ()Cam year an abundant supply of water ;
to drive four pair of Burrs. •
The bale will take pla-cont 10 o'clock of said clay.'.;
One-third of the parchasontolleV may remain in the
property on interest, payable half yearly; of the
other portion, the terms will be made known on the
day of sale; by . - C. S. EYSTER, •
- aprill3-5t Ex'rs ofJatobOtster, deed.
,-isT F' L
Post Office n
Alexandria Wm (
Bash Miss aryl
Dyers Daniel
Burkholder 6 R
Dyers Ann E
Butler Mis Sarah
Cott Mrs Eva
Cohn H
Connaiier Wur
Dice Beni aminF
Divelbiss Miss.(3 I
Deck W 1
Etter Michael
Etter Wm
English Mary A
Earnerd Miss All
Freneer W H H
- Faughlnder Wm
Filer JohniA
Harley Sam'l 3
Hight Washing.
Hess Daniel W
Persona calling
say; that they Slav
t chiqTal-ertsburg
(Hall James
Huber Miss' E CI
Hogen Rachael 1
mints Henry C
Lows Elizabeth.
iLaidey Geo
MeSwarie John •
Moan Helen '
Metcalf( W
Mete Christian 2i
Mnrtin llenryM
"Mehaffey Mis - An
iMehaffey MnryJ
Mason Daniel M
Nearly Daniel
INovingee I A
Patterson Thos
Plank (leo W
Poffenharger .1/1
Ployer Fred'k K
Potter Richard
for the Lc
e been iiiirertik
ITANTED.—A young nip of about
Eighteen or Twenty years ()Page to, Cle s yit in
a Hiit Store. Good references are reonircd. For
Partieutors inquire at this came. . sttrit 15. lt.
- '
Piece Goads Soltlby the Yuri
• ( Piece Goods Soldby the Yard
'Place Goods Sold by the Yard - '
• . Ileac Goods-Sold by the Yard
' •
than any Store in the counts.. The ltirietd d hest
- assorted 'stock of •
, .
- CLOTHS, cAssimgitt.s. AND JEANS
for Men and Boys ever brought telthis phux.4,
Call and Examine
Call and Examine
Call and Examine •
• • Call and EXamine
'arl3".l ' Three Doors South of the Diamond
. P I
April 12,1.864,1
Rau Margaret :
Rock Albert •
Ronan Lucy
Remloy David
ISharer Joh - n A
Sheller Mra M
Shafer Niurthars
Stirffer; Mary.
!Schwan Erod.W
Sholman Philip
or Mrs E
Smith Jane
Stair Maria.
NA a fresh supply of -
Prime Cheese, Fresh Crackers,;-
Pepper Satise.Tom ato, CatsuP.
Pioklea! ' Mustard, '
Pepper,' -
Tollar (leorge
Vetter Wm
Umholts WRW2
Warrin Minnie
I Winters Elias
Wolf Leo E '
aces , Please
P. M.
ittto itlibttiforintnts:
*b . G G '8 1'
"',AN'C'YI GOODrs, &:c:,
Main Streit, go!S of the Diamond,
~-. ,
C - -
1.1 ' , - • -
ik_A retails Goth a low as toly Jobbing 'House in
de in the Grocery and Provision 1111 e: also
hundreds of other article not belonging to the 9 re
cery business, all of which he offers cheap.
the INst: idaed to go for Green and Mack Teas.
Rectal Storei you can see the largest assortment
of Spgars. Syrup and Molasses in tillYll.
i • 1
Retnile the, beat Kerosene Oil fir the leaat
money: elan Sperni, Whale, (,'oat and La - Initiating
. ,
. ~
' biceo and*Sea'arg, either Ivhale.aie 41' retail.
win. find. a large'itock and choice brands at, Gelwicks'
Cheap Store.
and Unaltta Spiceef Baking 'Atticies and
Baking Molasses, go to Gelwicka',
stock of 2,lfickerel, game,' Bacon and Salt in
the place. and sells at low figures.
CIELWICKS ; 1313)." g ',AND SOL LS
NA= every desOriptian of Goo 4, Proditeo'aiontai
keting: I , '
very largo- assortment: of Brushes ; BreCank
Buckets, Cords. -Twines, gateitt, Shoe Blaoking,fice
'Excelsior Coffee at :Wom' per pouidi the host
substitute for Pates itk he 'market, i nad impuid ltia
• Cone W 25 Conte tagtatifietb• !goo Cider
Vittertt.. , . ' • • • - • 103-1-
fit* abbthionirents.
CExheFlu O
ve i n t , §
' OM I e Yti OtteTrsitfeesta.MenNtriry°l2lCtoe-tliise'
Beate of Mrs. Jane Bradley; late of 'Montgomery .
toxvnxhLP, deed, have been granted to the under
signed, residing hi said township.
All persons knowing themselces indebted to safd .•
&stets:Aril! please maker immediate payment; and
those bairing claims will
: present them Pit:oo-17
authenticated for settlement r
-11.013-gt* S. A. BRADLEY:Der.
MELODEONS ivere introduced sorte - tic - oMTmrs
since, and were piceeecied too the HARMON IS
ebout lane Yoin's ago. The OABINET ORGAN was
brought to its . Present state of perfection only,in tbe
summer of 1562.
bac great culv tages over any other invention of the
kind. is capab of much .fiacr effects than can be
Produced by y other, and is more entity wed by
the p,rformer, and exec% eneetally in capacity for
No. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut
or Oak cas $ 85
No. 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case_.. 110
.1 , ,lo; 17. Five Octal, e, Single Reed. in-Walnut or
Oak Case 100
No. 18. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 130
No, 19. Fourtctese, Double Reed, in Walnut
,_or Oak Case ' - 110
No. 20. The Sam'e, in elegant Rosewoodtaae... 135
No. 21. Five Octave,- Doable Reed, in Walnut
or Oak Case • • 135
No. 22. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case... 165
No. 23, The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut " 165
No,lo. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ, in Walmit
or Oak Case 500
- • Cites fextra finish mode to order.
No. 12.°R 'E C ight Stop. Cabinet Organ, in Walnut
or ic - ase -
NO.II. The Same, inelegant Rosewood Case... 450
N 0.14: Srx Stop' Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or
Oak Case.— 260
AD Descriptive pamphlets furnished by the sub-.
Scr "
- ,, AwAgents-for Messrs. Mason & Ifamlin we are
— traable'd to sell at their Now York prices, and obailv
iie_kirig for freight.
-i e have told a, number of their instruments, and
can give numerous satisfactoreferences.
= ' S. S. SHR rg. YOCK, Agent, '
arl3-tf ' • Chambersbnrg, Pa.
F THE SUSQUEHANNA, Cussalsgssunn,
a., March 24.186-1.
Authority having been granted by the War De
partment, to the Commanding General of the l)e
-parment of the Snsquehanna, the let Battalion.
Three-,Years Pennsylvania: Volunteers,' (formerly
Six Months' Vols;.) consisting of Six Companies
mustered into the United States Service for Three
Years, or during the War, is authorized to recruit -
to Ten Companies of the masium strength. -
Thisßattalion is on Provost duty in this Depart
ment, mid it offers a good opportunity to those per
sons who have been in the service, and have been
honorably discharged, to re-enter, and to those of
good charaeter who' have not been in the service to
enter the same: Only those known to the Recruit
ing Officers, and persons authorised to recruit, as
being reliable and trustworthy 'will be received, as
the r nature of the duty this Battalion is called upon
to perform is such that it requires whom
the commanding officer can place confidence. - -
Persons taking. advantage of the-benefits arising
from enlistment in this Battalion will receive the
Bounties paid by theAlovernment es authorized in
existing Orders. -
The Officers must bi men who have-had some ex
perience in the Military Service, intelligent and of
good character: and only those bringing the requi
site number of men possessing the above qualiftea
tions will be recommended to the Governor of the
State for Commissions.
Recruits - and persons, baying squads of recruits
will report to Capt. G so:W. MERRICK,.Iit Battalion.
Three ears' Pa. Vols., and Reernitmg_Ofticer for
the same, at Harrisburg.- Pa.
Applications to enter this Battalion must bereade
at once_that tho companies mity be filled and or
ganized before the let of April next,--after whi4,
date the additional Government Bounties, as new
Paid. will he discontinued; and only the One Hund
red DoLlarallounty will he paid, as provided by the
Act approved J/ 2 P - 22 1 /861- •
By command o Major General Corm:
Assistant Adjutant General.'
By virtue Of a Decree of the Circuit Court for
'Washington count•, sitting as 11 Court of Equity,E.l.
1834, the. undersigned, Trustees, will sell -at Public
Sale, in front of the Court Rouse, in 'Hagerstown,
- ,
more or less, situated near the month of the Conoco
cheague Creek, about one-fourth of a mile from the
town of Willimiumott, and about the same distance
from the Cheiapeake and Ohio Canal, in said coun
ty, and being the seine property commonly called the
This property Will be sold entire, with all the Mills,
Buildings and Improvements thereon, irlueh'con
sist in part of, a huge
running two' pair of Burrs; said one Chopping Mill;
a large SAW MILL, capable of sawing a vast
amount of Lumber; substantial DWELLING -
ROUSES, Stabling, and other necessary out-build
.ings, and a large andnever-failing Spring of Water.
'filis property is one of the finest and most desira
ble in the State, the Mill being large and commodi
ous; with' a .vast Water Power, located one-fourth
of a mile from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal_, and
iu a fine wheat growing neighborhood. The and
l of the finest quality , in the State, and in a high
state of caltivution—FlFTY ACRES of which is
and the balance undulating and arable. The crops
now growimg on said land is reserved by the Decree
from sale.
TEItAiS OF SALE, as prescribed by the Decree,
arcs—One-third of the purchase money to be paid
on the day of sale, or on the ratification thereof, and
the Wanda in three equal instalments in, one, two
and three years from the day of sate, the purelibser
or purchasers to give his or their notes with appro
ved security for the deferred payments, And bearing
iuterestfrom the day of sale; and upon the payment
of the entire purchase money, and not before, the
Trustee.will execute a Deed to. the purchaser or
purchasers, GEORGE' FRENTII
- .
LittmoarroaY.Chamberaburg, copy 3tAnd send bill
to Oda office for colleetion.—Hageratown Herald.
• .
I'4 • FRANKLIN COUNTY.—The Tazrpayars of
k rank lin county will please take notice, that I will
meet them at the following plum; forth() purpose of
receiving the State, County and Military 'Taxes ftn
the year 1804, vra
QUINCY.—At Mt, Alto, at the House of Andrew ,
Shank, on'Monday, the 2d day of Mar, and at the
lionse . of H. M. Jones , in Quincy, on Tuesda*, the
3d daY of May! -•
• W UT ASHlNONt—Waynesboro', at the Howe of
F. Bowden, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 4th
'and sth days of May. -
ANTRIM—G M reeneastle, tit the /louse of Foreman
Gilds. on Friday-arid Saturday, the 6th and 7th
days of 3faY.
MONTOOMERY , --Welah Run, at, the House of
•Jacob Elliott, on Monday, the 9th day of May, and
at, the House of Thomas M'Afee, in Mereersburg. on
Tuesday, the 10th day of May.
WARREN—J. Zimmerman's Store, on Wednes
lbw, the 11th day of May and at P. Cook's TannerY
on Thursday, the 12th dat of May. ,
PETERS—Loudon. at the House of. James Mal
len, On Friday, the 13th day of May, and at James
D. -- Seott's Store, Bridgeport, on Saturday, the .14th
Hay of May_
FANNET.E.-r-Axiabemon's Valley, at the House of
Bs J. Culbertson, on Monday.thelbth; at the House
of J. It. Ritner, Concord, on Tioniday, the 17th• day
of May and at the, Store of Lieut. Win. Mackey, at
Dry Ran, an Wednesday, the 18th day of May
:METAL—Fannittaburg at the lions° of J..
Jones, on Thursday and Lido, the 19th and_ 20th
days of May.
,LllRGAN—Roxbury. at the House formerly dem
medby johnWyncoort, on Monday and Tuesday.
the 23d and 24th days, of May.. -
LEMM.KEN NY—Strasburg, nt'the House of J.
R. Waist, on Wednesday and Thursday, the2Mll and
28th days of May.
ST. THOMAS—At the Store of Dijon do Elder, in
St. Thomas, on Friday and Saturday , 27th and
23th days o May.
GREF,NFayetteville at the of .Tohe g;
Brown, on Monday, the iOth dal . Of May, and at the
House of M, Shoemaker, in Greenvillage, on Tues
day thaMst iv of May.
aoIJTHALON — hit.' Rock School House, on
Wednesday', theist daY.of June, and at th e R owe
e f skr, 8, Bard, in.Orrstown. on Thursday .- the
day o-June.' . *../
GUILFORD—Marion, at the House of Jereiniah
'Burk, on 'Friday, thii - 3d , day 'olJurrel and at the
House of Mrs. H. Snider, In, New routislin, Op Sa
turday the 4th day of June:•
B &lb - MON—At Um Mouse of Jahn Gordon. on
Monday and Tuesday, the 6th and 7th.da e c k of June,
CHAMBEeItSBURG—Atthe Treesnr sOlace, on .
Wednesday ant ThnradaY. the Bth,aild days of
June. ; , . „
..eir , Ncme.butPerina. and Otwartunciat funds re•
eeived for Taxes: Capin J. G. ELDER. Treas.
P. S.—LICENSES.—AII persons erlreeenamealiave
boleti published in the . Mercantile Atipraiser's'Llet,
alba are reauired. to pay a lieensiCeleePt *map ex
neraktHrw,illplease take up raid Isineriseiet the
- aliovehitentronedline:W - 12•11 1 K . :4 E.
On Tuesday, the. 3/ day of May next,
beginning a•. 10 o'clock, A. .11., all that