The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 13, 1864, Image 4

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trarthlin Nipooiting.
Wednesday, Apell 13, 1864.
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Several leading journals hive persisted
in defining a Spring campaign. for• Gen.
Lee, involving the early invasion of Penn-
sylvania, and a simultaneous movement
by Johnston into KentuCky and Ohio.
We' (145 not share the apprehension that
the rebels will-take the offensive with the
' view of tmnsfering the war to Northern
soil. Doubtlelas Gen'. Lee would be glad
to do so,' and could such a movenieut
reasonably promise success,
, lt would he
attempted; but the sad experience the
rebels have had during two invasions of
the North, will not incline a soldier like
l e ee to repeat so perilous an enterprise,
unless it can be done under circumstances
nmeh more fityorable than have ever yet
• Gen. Lee's first ,offensive movement
was made just after he had driven Gem
' - M'Clell4 , haek upon the James River;
raised the siege of Richmond, and.subse
quentry defeated Gen. Pope, driving the
Union army into the entrenchments of
Washington. The Army of the Potomac
had been fearfully decimated by-battles
and disease on the Peninsula was sadly
dispirited by defeat both under M'Clellan
and Pope, and was demoralized-alike by
disinter and incompetent and unfaithful
commanders. Thu •Thus wasted and disor
ganized, Gen. Lee, with an army flushed
with victory, boldly ,crossed the Potomac
and aimed to revolutionize Maryland.
But gently! as he wooed "My Maryland"
to the embrace of the Despotism of
Treason; he was confounded at the ob
atinancy with which the people of that
State, even in those dark days cf the
maintained their fidelity to their
Nationality. Defeated at South Moun
tain and terribly shattered at Antietam
in a bloOdy drawn battle, he was glad to
retrace his steps and, lodge his legions of
crime safely again Upon the soil of Vir
ginia. That invasion was barren of all
save the' . thOusands of dead - and
wounded he left behind him, to find sep
ulchres orlministers' of mercy among their
The disastrous fields of Fredericksburg
and Chancelkirsville, next crimsoned the
pages of our - history, and the Spriiig of
1863 saw Treason strengthened by , tri 7
nmphs in almost every section of the
Union. The Iron-clads had•been repuls
ed at Charleston; Grant had reeled back
in bloody failure from his assaults upon
Vicksburg ; Banks had Vainly attempted
o storm Port Hudson with terrible loss;
several of our best Iron-clads had been
captured by the rebels on the Mississippi;
and at all points the hearts of traitors were
cheered in their unholy work. In addi
. tion to this painful record which chilled
the hopes. of the loyal army and loyal,
men, fully one-third of the troops in the
Army of the Potoma . c were discharged
soon after the defeat at Cluincellorsville
—their terrhs of service having expired
The Union army was weaker at that time.
• by many thousands than it had been at
any period since its organization in 1861;
and the triumph of the Democracy in the
leading States of, the North electing
Peace Executives i Newvi York, New Jer-
Aey, and like legislatures and Congress
' • lonia delegations in Pennsylvania,Thiliana
and Illinoie---pointed the rebel chief with,:
• tempting distinctness, the way to Peace
arid Dismeniberment through rebel vic
tories and Copperhead revos upm - z - a - r‘
:Northern soil. Tlins-i vitecl by the suC
eessiVe defe and serious depletion of
", and by the power attained by
lathising friends in the loyal State's,
Lee again turned toward the North Star,
defiant in his consciousness of • strength.
His legions .were mightier than ever be-
fore, and the teeming wealth of our gar
, sera - and stores made his march a merry
• one to the rich harvest of death, At Get-
Isburg he met the shattered remains of
:the Army of the Potomac—weary and
5 foot-sore from forced marches, andscarce-
iy. knowing who commanded them ;- but
they realized that by their heroism and
by their baptism in their own blood, alone
could a State said Nation be delivered
foam [the radaless det3poiler, and they dos
' a he: histeiy of the setend invasion by
Burg the invader and his defiant hosts
back upon the Potomac, with, half his
warriors billed, wounded or desertetf.
Glad again was the rebel chief to find his
broken columns upon:the soil of Virginia;
and his dead were left for burial and his
wounded for mercy, in the hands of the
people whose land he sought to desolate.
Since then the Army of the Potomac
and the Army of Northern Virginia have
not met in battle.. Each has sent its gifts
•to the South-west, and each has shared
in iriumplis on the historic soil of East
Tennessee. Longstreet brought victory
to Bragg; Hooker wrested it. from him in
his terrible 'charge above the clouds on
Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge;
and the ca t mpaitTn closed with the signal
discomfiture of treason. Now the - victor
of, the Mississippi and of Chattanooga 1
confronts the victor of Fredericksburg
and of Chancellorsville—the two most
successful, honored and trusted chieftains,
and the best armies of the Continent, are
face to face. As yet the rebel leader is
at Orange Court House and covers his
capital, with a command in all not ex
ceeding 120,000, not one-half of whom
could be made effective upon a field in an
offensive campaign, . He is outnumbered
by Gen. Grant fully 100,000 men ; and
Were he to leave his defensive position
for an aggresOve movement, his army
and capital would both be madly periled:
He could not reach the soil of Pennsyl
vania unless by consent of General Grant,
without first defeating an army equal to
his own in bravery and , surpaSsing it
largely in positive strength. Even give
him Longstreet with his command, which
would end the possibibility of offensive
rebel movements in Tennessee, and he
would be unequal to the task of transfer
ring the war to the Northern States. Ilior
would the defeat of the Union army iu a
pitched battle in Virginia make invasion,
a wise campaign, for our shortened lines
would again' oppose him with increased
numbers and desperation.
Looking at the positions and' relative
strength of the opposing armies, we can
- not regard the invasion of -the North as
any part of Gen. Lee's plan for the Spring
campaign. If in this we err, it must be
because Gen: Lee and the rebel cause are
much weaker and nettrer the verge r of des
pair than we- have supposed. Nothing
but the deiperation of death itself could
,hurl the army o f traitors Northward
again, when the Union ranks are filled
with brave defenders of our country's
cause, and their hearts abounding With
.hype of early and decisive triumph. For
this Gen. Lee is not prepared. He will not
hazard all in hopeless mockery of experi
ence and reason; but lie will rather await
! the •shock that is gathering over him, and
yi e ld the prize of desolated- Virginia,
already crowded with hecatombs of dead,
only when his sword becomes' powerless
to defend it: -If discomfited--as we
trust he shall be—it will be upon the fields
of Virginia, were his capital, his honor
and his kindred inspire him to heroism,
and where, with his defeat, will expire
the last hope of murderous usurpation.'
The apportionment of the State- into
legislative districts, with the manifest
'View of making the Union strength of the
St4te most available in maintaining leg
islative ascendancy, recalls to us the sin
gular political mutations exhibited in the
last ten years. Taking the vote for Gov
ernor in 1863, with the meagre majority
Of 15,000,in a poll of Over half a 'million,
the apportionment likely to be enacted
would give the .Demoerats about one-third
of the Senators; but the histOry , of appor
tionments and the "glorious uricettainty
of elections," defy the most judicious cal
culations as to political results.
The revolution of 1854 severed the North
from the Democracy, and it has since been
most faithful in its adhesion to Freedom;
but beyond that immediate section of the
State, the people have cut all manner of
fantastic tricks politically, i Philadelphia
is now, relied -upon_ to furnish 'three Union
Senators and not less than twelve mem
bers,—yet no later than 1858 the delega:
den from that city was unanimously Deni-„
ocratic in both branches. Chester apit
Delaware are to furnish one Union Sena
tor' f course, and make Montgomery con
tribute another,—yet in 1857 Chester and
Delaware elected a Democratic Senator
and four Representatives, while Mont
gomery chose aßepublican in 1858. Bucks
is now conceded to the Democrats in-the
Senatorial calculations ; but' it - has had
trati=Democr — fia c Senators fully half the
time during the last fifteen yearsrandhas
chosen Assemblymen with equal impar
tiality; in 1858-9 and 60, electing Repub
lican members. Lancaster has had Dem
ocratic Representatives . at least twice du
ring the last ten years, and has been twice
earnestly contested for Congress.. York
elected a Whig Senator in 1846 ; defeated
Democratic Representatives in 1854 and
twice or thrice during the last legislative
apportionment—varyingfrom3,ooo Dem
ocratic to several hundred the other way.
Dauphin had Democratic Representatives
in 1858 and 1861, and would have made a
Democratic Senator in 1.857 but for Le
banon giving 'BOO for Rutherford—elect
ing him by twelve. Cumberland gavel ,200
against Bonham ten yeats ago,. and elb.ct•
extAineriata members, and has defeated
AEI* Srcitiktift Utpo:sitotN Iptit 13, 18H.,
Democratic members three tildes in the
last seven years. Every county South of
the Susquehanna had Democratic mem
bers in 1858, excepting one only in Frank
lin; and the same year Somerset, Hunting
don and Blair each contribUted one to the
two-thirds-Democratic vote in the House.
Cambria elected Republican members,
three times 'out of the last seven; Arm
strong, Westmoreland and Fayettd have
tWiee or thrice done likewisein'the same
period, - and Westmoreland and Fayette
elected Republican Senators in 1854 and
in 1860. - Greene has had anti-Democratic
Senators twice in ten years-41enniken
in 1854 and Lawrence 1860-L.-and Wash
ington has gone 500 either wayin the same
time. Allegheny had two Democratic
Senators in 1856, and in. 1855-7 sent solid
Democratic delegationato the House.—
Eric had Democratic Members twice with
in ten years, and Clearfield, Elk, &c.,
have hada Republican Senator and mem
bers three years since 1855; Lycoming
has rotated from 500
. Republican to 1200
Democratic within ;several years; and
Centre has given 800 both ways since the
last apportionment. Northumherlandhas
voted 1,000 for both tickets Since 1854;
and with Columbia, Montour and Snyder
elected a Republican. Senator -in 18601
Schuylkill has given 1,000 Republican and
2,500 Democratic within fotir•years, and
has defeated Democratic. legislative can
didates about one-third of the time during
fifteen years past. Berkshas been deba
table several times within our recollection,
—had anti-Democratic members in 1855
and defeated Democratic candidates for
Congress in 1858 and 1859.' Lehigh and,
Northainpton, had a Whig Senator from
1847 to '5O ; Lehigh and Carbon have
twi t ed, had Republican members slince 1858,
and Lehigh has chosen anti-Democratic
Congressmen several times since the pre
sent issuea have agitated the people. Lu
zerne was Republican nearly half the time
during the last legislative apportionment,
and with the intensely Democratic coun
ties of - Columbia and Montour, elected
Metier 'once and Fuller and Scranton each
twice to Congress since 1846.
Brit a little more thin one year ago,
the Franklin, Adams, Fultdn, Bedford
and Someiset district elected a Demo
cratic Congressman—defeating a strong
and efficient Representative who - had
twice carried the district with Juniata in
place of Somerset. The Dauphin, Juniata,
Union, Snyder and Northamberland dis
trict also elected a Democrat, in the face
of 1,000 majority that ought to be. Hon.
J: H. Campbell, who had three times
been chosen in Schuylkill and Northum
berland, was defeated with, his district
improved over 1500 by the exchange of
Lebanon for Northumberland; and GroW
was defeated 2,000115 Idzerne.with over
1200 majority in Susquehanna, although
Luzerrie had gone Republican three years
out of the previous four. Indiana was
also overborne for Congress in 1862 by
counties-which have voted with her more
than half the time since,lBsB, sand so with
Lawrence, in the face of nearly 2,000 given
by each to their favorite candidates. And
the general results in the State have been
equally conflicting. In 1853 the petite
crats carried it by nearly 40,000, and in
1854 Gov. Pollock had 40,000 Over Bigler,
while Mott, Democrat had over 190,000
Over Darsie. In_ 1857 Packer defeated
Wilmot by 38,000; 'in 1858.-9 the Repub
licans carried'the State by decisive ma
jorities which culminated in 32,000 for
Curtin and 60,000 for LincolniitlB6o. 'ln
1861-2 the State'was carried by the Dem
ocrats on the popular - vote,' and in 1863,
the heaviest. ote ever polled, with over
50,000 disfranchised in the, army. gave
Curtin 15,000—thus barely; saving the
Country's 'cause at a periodihen disaster
would have been a fearful if not a fatal
disaster to our Nationality. ".1: : r
—Such are the mutations of political
history in this State; -and if there is any
man shrewd enough to Make an af)pot
tionment, based upon the experience of
the past, that will
_promise Union supre
macy in the legislature 'for_ seven years
to come; his laurels will be of the rarest
The Senate has fixed the 28th inst. for
the final adjournment of the legislature,
and our ads-ices indicate, that the House
will concur. If so but two weeks - remain
for the passage of all the iinportant pub
lic bills, not one of which has reached
even to second reading in either branch.
The apportionment bill, the appropria
tion bill, the militia bill,andthe tax bill,
have been reported br ,
then\ respective
committees—nothing more ; and to as
sume that all these, with theflqod of local
legislation that ever will be ,acconunoda
tedifean be judiciously disposed of in two
weeks' time; is to, concede a degree' of
wisdom, industry and skill to the present
legislature hitherto unkhasin in similar
bodies, and to which it has yet to earn its
We appreciate theanxiety of members
to get home, and especially the Union
members, who have been in no degree
responsible for the worse than waste of
two months of the session,; but the re
sponsibility' of legislation is upon the
Union party; and the personal conve
nience of members must not weigh againfit
the great interests of the State, OrewlY
fearfully'periled in credit by the unscru
pulous treachery - 1)f the ttemOcracy. The,
appropriation and apportionmeni bills will .
be passed of course; but the revision of
our revenue and militialawS is demanded .
Most imperatively. Our militia is entire
ly without organization; and in , case of
invasion an army has to be created for
local defence, at enormous cost and with
perilous delay, and when organized it lacks
in every element of efficiency save in ; the
single quality of destructiveness upon
friends. If we had a' well ! organized mi
litia, uniformed, armed; equipped , and of
ficered by, skillful men, we could call out
fifty thou Sand men at.agetime, and they
would have some
. degree of-, organization
at once; and if not. eminently efficient
against the foe, they would at least,not
leave as monuments of their triumphs
line of march marked by wanton destruc
tion. ;
Equally imperious is the necessity. for
a revision. of our revenue laws. The
treasury is literally bankiapt, with im
mense resources and unparalleled pros
perity in every 'Channel - of industry and
trade. The revolutionary, experiment of
the Democratic, Senators cost the State
over half a. million Mars by defeating
legislation authorizing the payment .of
the interest in currency; .and, it has so
depleted the treasury thatunequal
it is
to the ordinary demarids of the govern
ment with the vast, drafts made upon it
to provide for our soldiers. We cannot
refuse to b&just to our braye volunteers.
We cannot refuse to minister to them
when racked by fevers or writhing un
der ghastly „wounds in i hosPitals.; • We.
cannot refuse to our herdic martyrs in the
Cause Of our Nationality, the poor boon
of the right of sepulchre' with their kind
red. irm's, and hundredi of other ex
pendittires are essential' to the honor of
our State and the comfort of our soldiers;
and they involve in the, aggregate a vast
outlay. Unless our tax laws are revised
so as to increase our revenue materially
the treasury must be fearfully embarrass
ed before the close of the fiscal year; and
the constitutional liniltotion of State in
debtedness renders, us' utterly, unable to
meet the expenditure's by loan. .'
The collection of the large amount of
money' dnetlte State for unpatente.d lands
is dictat4alike by common honesty and
necessity: 'The people cart pay now if
ever, and it is - a mistaken liberality that
would' give longer indulgence. It is un
just to our exhausted j treasury to allow
the holders ()fluids te, owe' some five mil
lions, while others have paid the just
claims of the Commonwealth. This source
of revenue alone would make the treasury
abundantly able to zneetn.ll demands that
could be lawfully made upon it; and it
would lie gross wrong' to the people,
and to the credit of the State, if with such
large resources due and available, the leg
islature far' to demand prompt payment
of these claims.
—The 'Delmer* scant the treasury
bankrupt—the Union men must do their
duty ;and save our finanees and the fame
of our Commonwealth. How they 'can,
do it, is clear to every one.,
Tni IJ., 'Si 'Senate, on Friday last,
adopted by alvote of 38 to 6, the-follow
ing proposed unendpienta to the Condi
tutioa of the ppited.States:-
• Be k't resoled, By the_ ;Senate 'and House of
Representatives of the United States of America
in CongresS assembled,two thirds of both Houses
concurring, lit the following article be pro
posed to the C nstitutiot of the United States,
which, when . , atitied three-fburths of said
Legislatures, shall be vhlid to all intents and
purposes asa part ofthe Said Cadstitntion name
AItT. Xiii.—Section I. Neither Slavery nor
involuntary' servitude, c.*pt .as a punishment
for crime. whereof the party shall have been
duly Convicted, shall exist within the United
States, or any place )inbject to theirjurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to en=
force this article by appropriate legislation.
The vote was as follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Anthony, Brim', Chandler,
Clark, Coilamner•; Conners,-Cowan, Dixon;Doo-
Fessenden, F'cot,, , Foster. Grimes Hale,
Harding, Harlan, Harris, Henderson, Howard,
Howe, Johnson; Lane (Ind.), Lane (Kansas),
Moigan, Morrill, Nesmith,. Pomeroy, Ramsey,
Sherman, Sprague, Sumner, Ten Eyek, Trum
bull; Van Winkle; Wade, Wilkinson, Willey,
and Wilson-38. '
NAYS—Messrs. Davis; Hendricks; McDougall
Povi,ell, Riddle, 'Saulsbury-6. - -
We ti:ust that the House>will take early
action on the same resolution, and pass it
by the requsite two-thirds . vote, so that it
may be acted upon by the States
promptly as ,possible. If 'passed within
the next ten I . layS, the Pennsylvania leg
islature would formally accept it before the
adjournment of the tiession, and our great ,
State, ever foremost - in every measure
looking to the' preservation of our
tionality, would be the first to, declare in
favor of the fundainental prohibition of
Slavery within the limits,`of the Union.
THE wave of Union triumphs at the
Fulls in 1864, like; 'that of 1863, is un
broken;! and from ' the "land of steady
habits " 'and Rhode Island on the Atlantic;
from the golden slopes of the Pacific; from
My Maryland" just disenthraled from
the withering blight, of Slavery; from
the home of the tTaitor Vallandigham;
d from the great comniercial emporium
if Slave Missouri, the struggling Nation
fears but one voice, and tha,ta declaration
the invincible purpose of the People to
naintain the- Union of, the States, and
crush out Treason of every shade in-dis
honor.. Faithful People to the noblest of
. &wen/mental
Tnn Union State ComMittee met at.
Thirrisburg on Wednesday last, and'was
very fully attended by.,members or their
substitutes. After a free exchange of
sentiment, a State Convention was called
to meet at Harrisburg on Tharsday, the
28th of this month. There was entire
unanimity in the preference for AuntA3i
LiscoLx ,as the Union can 'date for
President, and it cann t be doubted
that the preference refiec d t e earnest
conviction of the Union m n of Pennsyl
vania.• The State Conv ;idol!: will be
c e
entirely harmonious in its instructions
for our present patriotic and faithful Na
tional Executive; and contests,if any,
must bo on mere matters of. detail.—
Judging from the expressions in the Com
mittee, Pennsylvania will prefer Hon.
,AYDREW JOIIN§TON, of Tennessee, for
Vice President, if-.any preference should
' be declared.
- The bine is short for the selection of
delegates in some counties; but prompt-,
ness of action by local committees will,
insure a full representation.' The district ,
delegates to the National Convention are
to be selected by local conferences; and
while electing delegates to the State Con
vention, Congressionbiconferences sh ould
also be- chosen by the several counties.
Two National delegates are to be elected
in eacliidistriet. ,
BOTII branches'Cir the legislature have
reported legislative apportionments,
ering materially " as to some parts of the
State, hnt harmonizing as to the districts
in this section. Franklin and Adams
constitute our new Senatorial district, and
Maple has one member while Franklin
and Perry are atkeiated to elect two
members. : Somerset, Bedford and Fulton
electltwo members •jointly and one Sena
tor. York has three members and Cum
berland one, and the two counties form,a
Senatorial district. Either bill Might be.
called a clear double shuffle on the Dem
ocritcy; but we do mkt - fee any such gerry
mapdering , as. crowding Franklin down
by little county like, Fulton, in imita
tion of the Democratic apportionment of
1857. Little Perry has struggled nobly
since her, ,revulsion against the ; Democ
racy in .1854, and is one of the few faith
fill among the . faithless in the Southern
tier of counties. •
LIEUT. GEC. GILA:NT has, by general
order, notified allsutlers,eitiiens and other
non-combatants to move to.the rear on or
before the 16th, because Of the near ap
proach of "the tine when this army may
be expected. to resume active operations."
The order Means that he may move Any
time after the 16th; that he don't care
who knows it, and that he will have Ilene
but fighting men with him when he does
FULTON' COUNTY has elected
M. Edgar'
King„Esq., Representative delegate to the
Union. State Convitntion, and ratified in
advance the choice of Franklin for Sena
tnial delegate.
Hos.'Joim B4Nx.s; . of Reading. died sud
detilY la:4Week. the was
,at one time a very
prominent Whig Ali tielan in this State—having
represented one of the Western 'districts in
Congress, some thirty years ago. In 1841 he
was the Whig candidate for Governor against
Porter, but was t dented, and in 1847 he was
elected State Treasurer. JTe was , a native.of
Juniata county, and was popularly known as
"HoneatJohn Banks " He has practiced law ,
in Reading for over-tenty years. I -
DIE steamship Persia, with European glateS
to the 27th ult., arrived at New York last Wed
nesday evening Queen Vietoria,; it is report
ed, will shortly hold tWotate recieptions:- A
eoolnesriisaid to have arisen -between Russia
and France,• the former haying acquired—the
conviction that France 'is plotting mischief in
Turkey.' The allies withdrew ; front before
derica on the 22d. sPrUssia and Austria have
accepted the conference.
- Tin: friends of Gen. Fremont hcld a meeting
in hittsburg last week to present list name for
The Presidency. EXT r llayor Barker presided,
and Goy. Johnston was the chief speaker., How
many delegates will Allegheny send to,the Bal
timore Convention for 'Fremont ? If any one
county in the State is more for Lincoln than
another, it is Allegheny,
e -- • . •
The loyal •men of Pennsylvania, comprising the
National Union party, will meet in State Conven
tion, in the Ilan of the House of Representatives, at
HA RRISBURG. at noon. nit 7 71911 ' 4 daP,APril :Nth, 1864-
Each district will be entitled to the same represen
tation it now has in the State Legislature, and the
delegates will be chosen at such times : and in such
manner as shall be direeted by the respective coun
ty committees..
The State Coniention is called for the purpose of
placing in nomination an Electoral Ticket, selecting
delegates at large to the N 11643110. Convention of the
Union Party, to be held-at Baltimore, on the ith of
Juno next, and taking such action. as. it - may deem
proper in. reference to the approaching Presidential
canvass, . •
The selection of the district delegates froth Penn
sylvania to trio National Convention is left, where it
pirperly belongs, to the people 'assembled in their
county conventions : but the different county cate
mittees are earnestly requested 4o adopt such meas
ures as will procure a- full attendance at their re
spective conventions, and thereby secure, in the
ehoico of delegates, a full and fair expression of the
will of the people.,
The Committee cannot forbear to Congratulate all
lovers of liberty and the Union upon the recent tri
umphs of the good cause in New Ibunpabire,and
Connecticut, and to eS.PrCss the hone, shared by all
loyalmon, that they are only the forerunners of
more splendid victories soon to be won in the same
cause alike by the brdrat and the ballot. "f
In behalf of the Union State Central Committee.
WAYNE M'yE49II, Chairman.'
Gm. W. lisuggsmr,}.- I
W. W. llaya,.
THE Bedford faquirerappmred lust week in
a now _dress AO displaying great vigor and
'ability under the new editor—B. F.
Eeq. We congratulate the -Union men of
Bedford ou the improvement and efficiency of
their organ.
' MORToN's GOLD PENS are now sold at the
Imo prices as before the commencement of thewar.
Thi s is entirely owing to the manufacturer's
provements in machinery, his present` large Retail i
business and Cash-in-Advance systctu for e until he •
, ommence d advertising, his businm3ivas done oh
Credit, and strictly with the trade.
The Morton Gold Pens are the only ones sold att--
o ld prices, as the- makers of all other Gold Pens
charge the Premium on Gold, Government Tax, Sze
but Morton has in no case Changefl his prices, whole ,
sale or retail.
Of the great numbers sent by mail to all pasts of i
the world during the Nut few years, not one in a
thousand has failed to reach its destination in safe-
ts. showing that the Morton Gold Pen can be ob
by any one, in every part of the vrorld, at the
same price, postage only excepted.
Reader, you can have an enduring, always ready.;
and reliable Gold Pen, exactly adapted to your
hand and style of writing, which will do your wri-
tins vastly cheaper than Steel Pens; and at the pre
sent almost universal high-Pressure Price of ev-i
cry thing, you can have &Morton Gold Pen cheaper_
in proportion to the labor spent upon it and mate
rial Used, thin any other Gold Pen in the world. if
you want one, call on A. MORTON, No. 25 Mnidvii
Lane, New York, or incloso a stamp for circular.
This Institution is permanently located in the Bor
ough of Chrinibersburg, Franklin County, Pa. Tito
great demand for competent and responsible accoun
tants throughout the land, makes it necessary to -
increase the facilities for acquiring a practical Bus
iness Education. With this view, the undersigned
has opened the above Institution, thereby giving
the Young Men and others of the country an op
portunity of preparing themselves for honorable mid
profitable positions in life. Each department is un
der the charge of an experienced and conspetche
instructor. The Course of Instruction is thorough
and practical. Students are taught tooriginate
conduct all the Books and Forms pertaining to ac
tual business, thus bringing theory into preintiCe,
and thereby enabling them to realize and practice,
the Regular Routine of the Counting Room. T/..0 . '
Course of Instruction includes Double-Entry Book
keeping, in all its most approved forms, Commercial
Calculations, Mercantile Law, Practical and Orna -
_mental Penmanship, Lte. Students can enter at any
time, as there are no vacations to interrupt the rig
ular exercises.. Time required to complete the
course is from Bto 10 weeks. Clergymen's sons elan
enter the School at half the regular rates. Remem
ber $3.3 pays all expenses for a full course, boarding
included. Night Session from 7to 9 o'clock. Sind
for a Circular. • A. M. TRIMMER,:
jal3-3m. President.
TF:ll$ is one of the greatest strengthening prepara
tions extant. It is especially adapted to those who
arc afflicted with the Fever and Ague, or any other
disease atising from a disordered condition of ?the
digestive organs. For the Fever and Ague there in
perhaps tio medicine in the world equal to it, as it
enters, purifies and replenishes the blood, which in
so imPortaiit to bring about a healthy action in 'dis
eases of this nature. The Bitters are now among the
most popular. and at the same time, valuable spe
cifics in the medical world. In recommendingit.
the Public, we are fully conscious of doing them Ta
great service, knowing, as we do, their many excel
lent qualities, and sore and speedy action in all ca
ses where the disease is caused by irregularity of the
digestive organs. A trial will suffice for the most
skeptical. See advertis6ment. For sale by Prug
gids and dealers generally, everywhein. [mar3n-Itu
.A Ninv LEASE OF LlFE.—Dr.Radway's Pills
have granted me a now of life. 'For fifteen
years I have suffered with Dyspepsia.. Costivenets,
Indigestion. 11 4 ye taken a cart-load of pills of
different make but the relief afforded by their Ober
ation was at the, cost of severe suffering from
If I stopped taking these Pills one week, the o d
diffioultyWould trouble me. lat last struck a vein
of gold in Radway's Pills—the first acted so differ
ently from all other pills, that I hoped for a cure—
six boxes made a new man of me; I am completely
cured. No straining, no piles, no weakness folio w Al
their use, I gained strength with their use. ti have
not taken any physic for over -a year, and am as
ragged, strong and hearty as a bear.
3.4.31ras S. FosnicK,- z
Clinton Tow`n „Clinton county. N. 1%
Sw kI,LOW two or three hogsheads of ." MI;
(+u." "Tonic Bitters," "Saritatiarilla," "RiTvonl.
antidote," &e., &c.. , and after you are satisfied,wfth
the restilt, then try ono hos. of OLn Demon Bu eu A N . kt
ENGLISIi SPECIFIC PILLS-811d be restored to health
and vignr,•in less than thirty days. 'rheyarelmnlY
vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary ip
their elects on the broken-down and:shattored. eon- -
stitutiort. Old and young can take them with ad
vantage. Imported and sold'-in the UnitediStateZ
only by; ' JAS. S. BUTLER.
Station D. Bible Ronal, Now York, General Agent.
, P. S.—A box sent to any address on receipt of
price, iyhich is One .Dollor—post free. mar:Z-!m
. ..4,l;iiPublished for the benefit, anti as iivart..-
_ - -
who suFer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay
of Mauheeit, ..tce., supplying at the seine time .
by one' who has ouredlibuself utter being put to a
great expense and injury through medical humbug
awl attaelcery.
By unclosing a post-paid , addraased enrolope,'Eln
glo ceriies may he lied of the author.
may2).63-Iy. , Bedford, Kings Co., Y
Dq You WISH TO ISE C,URED 't—Dr.Buthii. a's
Enigivh Speg•iiici Pills cure, iti less than thirty days.
the worst cases of nOtrousYgss. impoteney,- Pre
mature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity and all
Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections. no mutter
froin!what cause produced. Price, One , Dollar Per.
box., Sent, post-paid, by mail. on receipt:of an or
der., Address JAMES S. BUTLER,
- rnar23-lm] Station D, Bible Haase, New:Tork
- Baot4 - s's BRONCHIAL TROCIIES.—"Your
Troeives are too well and favorably known-to nee '
com4ndation. PIIAB. A. Pnel.ri. •
President Musi.-flehate."
"MS - communication with the worldiumbeen very
machi enlarged by tho Lozenge which I new carry
always in my pocket;,that trouble in my Thi'eat
(for which the Troches are a specific) having mink,
me often a mere whisperer. N. P. Wit.tni4"
USE No OTHER!—Bachan's Spa* Pi s , aro
the only Reliable Remedy for all Diseases ofi the
Seminal, Urinary and Nerrout Systems. Try lone
box and be cured. ONE DOLLAII A BOX. Oni; box
will perfect a cure, or money .refunded. Seat by
mail on receipt of price. JAMES S. BIITLE:R.
Station D. Bible noose, NestYork,,talmeral Agent.
, ,
COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP.—Thia . cele b rate d
Tottsv . tioet., in such universal demand; is made
from the ettotensT materials, is MILD and ITMDLLIENT
jEk its nature. YRAciteArm.y SCENTED, and extretadY
assisioril, in its action upon theskiii. For gala bY
all Druggists _ and Fancy Goods Dealers.
4 75.
WU pity from $25 to $75 per month. and open
t9 active Agenis, or give a commission. Partio
sencfree. Address ERIS. SZIWINW-Mietall
311•AN . V. R. JAMES. G sacral Ateat: Obie,