0 rffEEPMII Another little wave Upon the sea of •lifet,, Another soul to savei. Amid its toil and - Aite...' l " Two more littlirfeet - To walk the'dusty - rOad-t1 To choose wherg two paths Meet, The us,Frby ,tir thebioa4, Two more little han4 -- .7 .',Co Work fof'good or ill; Two_more eyes;; Another little A,nother heart to love, • Iteceiting - loye swain; And go the baby came A thing of joy and pain • [From narper's Weekly HONE FROM. TUE "There'll be a bitin' black fros , Jo' -night, I tell ye !" said' Moses ), 'threw his'aimful of oak logs, frit Arer gray Moss, upon the stone hea bed his hands cheerfully before th ..blaze, that encircled the rude it ' drifts of ruby 'sparks. lie,viaca tall, wiry-looking d ni 7 an with mild hazel eyes, and a skin well-t igh'ils brown tta the basket. f butternuts the stood in the corned--a man whom you might easily fancy to have_grown up among those rock-bound, wind tWept wildernessess, as one of the giant pines on the steep cliffs above had grown—stalwart, _sturdy, and tine to the very heart's core. The 7 room was very plain„ with no curtains at the narrow paned windows, nor 'carpet, save the old zigzag veins in the hickory bord.a that form ' Oil the floor. Yet there was an !air of comfort in the splint-bottomed 'chairs", with red moreen 'cushions, and the round table, Mealy spread fur the evening meal. Over the fire a black tea-kettle kept up a_ dreamy sorigd and Moses - Atterly's only child sat, with fOlded hands, in the chimney corner,' watching the vaporouS., wreath curling from the spout-ATi pretty, soft eyed girl, with a late rose iu her braids of glos gy ela stunt brown hair—and her ; straight,_ . ent features, now in shadow, and all irradiated by the capricious torches - of flame that plaY 41 at bide-and-seek in and out among the crevi es of the bubbling, singing logs.:I -" Have you been to the post-Office to-ni it, father?" 'said she, suddenly looping up' as ' D ies gave the smouldering back /4 a sort of re - - monstruting kick... I . - "No; but I met Jim Grayling down by the hemlock hollow, atid he said he wals goin' str gilt `there; sol,told him to- ask if ' , there was my :. thing for our folks. He'll .be hero direc 'y, I calculate,, fur it mast be all of two hours 's fm." "I am song," said Bessie, alnlOst petul ally. "Pother, I detest the sight of th‘d, man 1' "My.daughter !" remonstrated;Moses, "that i i ain't accordin' to either sense of gospel.' ' " Well, I can't.help it, fatheti, 4 ; curie. Bes --sie, dealing her sofs, dimpled !hand in,,.0 the `rough paint that Ivy on Moses Atterly'sl knee. "He always seems to me like--" - 1 - She. stopped suddenly—so suldenly that the . lite rose fell out (),*her hair and lay omth4 stone ---hearth; for, as she turned' her head', s e saw James G. ayling standing beside them) nu biding . - a coarse-white and red worsted IComiln tr from 1 .. about his neck. He stooped w thout a word. 'find picked up the rose for lies. • '• Why Jim!" said farmer Afterlv, "where ' - en.earth did you drop from 7 I didn't hear you come in." _:.'_ "Did'nt you ? lam sure II knockt loud . enough," said Grayling„with- a deep • carlet flush, slowly fading .avv# trom his_ c eek.— ' - "Pretty well to=night, Bessie 7' "I'm well enough," pouted essie, A ithout lOoking at him, and tossing he recover . rose in among the glowing cinde . Some ow it ' had lost its charms, after having laid in James - Grayling's hand a second. - "Set down, Jim, set down," said the mer, heartily. "Any mail for us to-Fight?" t , • " Nothing." .4 ,- What a strange smile passed,Over liis ince,-as be saw the sudden_ downward driMp of (Bessie Atte.dy's eyelids—the quiver arou4d her Month! "Nothin'! That's queer. "k i ou see our Res , sie's feeliu' kind o' worried cause sho.don't hear 'nothin' from Henry Ives." 1 • - I got a long letter to-night frotnjny cousin,. who min the same_ company,- Yottiknow. Ile iluys . l _,,, :,•,- • James - Grayling. paused, a HMO: maliciously, to note the .eager sparkle in l3essie's eyes, as she leaned forward with reddening cheeks and intent looks. " What does he say V' she glisped. • " Well, I'm afraid you'll feel badly about it ; but he says Harry Ives was captured, with half , a dozen others, by, a skirmishing party, about a week before he wrote." "Captured r' "Yes; and that isn't all. 1 He says they didn't half believe Harry IveS cared whether he teas-carried - awn South or :not; for he had taken a great notion to some prettygirldown in Virginia—a planter's darter—and - "I don't believe it, James' Grayling,,". said Bessie, springing to her feet, with flashing eyes and - passion-crimsoned forehCad; I don't be li=ve a word ofit. - You are repeating sumevile eaN ehood." _ ..14"I knew you'd feel bad," saidGrayling, with ovoking mildness, " but I thought you ought -know how things stood. I can show you Sam's letter, if that will be any more satistae • .7.- , I never bad much faith in Harry Ives—a eareleasolashing fellow, who —H" "Hush? I will not listen to 4nother word," ejaculated Bessie,. angrily, and with a certain strange dignity in her girl-face and slender form. ' "Mr. Attu`' vl: Lerly," said Grayling, with still ag gravating moderation" and calOness, "how long is it since, your.daughter received a letter from Harry Ives7" - ' • i ' . "Well, it's a pretty consid4able spell," said the old. fiirmer; but letters dotake time to reach Ile, you know.", I ' " Yes, pafficularlewhen they're never sent," sneered Grayling. ~I "Father; don't listen to hi in," sobbed Bessie, passionately. "If the whole world were to tell me Harry Ives was untrue, .1 would not believe t t liem', And Bessie fainted quietly away, with her ' Chestnut braids of hair' drooping over her lath . 'ex.'s Atiee. • , . , 1 Poor child! Could she have seen the weary months of waiting ' for the !letter which never came from the far off Southern hills, the hope ,:deferred which maketh the heart sick, that were in store for her, she might have been sorry • ' Via ihe . had not died, then and there, holding fast ;to that firm faith in Ha ry Ives' fidelity. i •James - Grayling, a crafty, patient man, bided -his time. ," It came surely atfla.st, when the ten - der green of . the bill-sides shriveled and grew • brown under the starry, silent frost of the bitter December nights, and the keen, wind rushed .. with thunderous swell through the lonely pine : .forestifin those wild solituds. "Daughter,itiathe dearest wish of my heart"- said farmer' Atterly, solemnly, as he sat with ' - Beiiiiie pi the old silent moth. "I'm gettin' on , -'in tbe years; and if I could but ace you married „.,to son o good and true mark before I am taken -7-away, I should rest,easier in my grave. James .: Grayling has been almost! a son to me these months of ;trial and trouble. He is - coming for .:, his final answer to night. Let it be yes!" • Beasie an idere I. That year of sick, wistful. •'grierland changed her .into a pale, fragile girl, Kith large, frightened eyes, ever roving from cide to. side,' as , if vainly seeking •something which never came. • : -, "-Wait, father;" she murmured, ei,gcrly, as if pleading. for sweet, life, itself; "fait, a little . longer-7—only a little longer!' • =II "I have waited, Bessie. It is a year and over since Harry Ives hassent you either word or message. • He may b€ 4. dead—better dead than a. scoundrel!—but ",nines Grayling` has .beenas true as steel to me All this time. He deierves you ' Bessie ; and When once married, you'll learn to love him': Shall wo say this day month for your Wedding, daughter - 1' " • That night Besiie laid her cold hand in James Grayling's eager palm. and said "yes," dream ily, to whatever he proposed. What had life left for her? As well James Grayling's wife as anything else, since God willed that she should live anesuffer on, and ,the dreary path of years lay spread out before her, listless feet! The old smoke stained walls were wreathed with feathery garlands of cedar and pine, with the scarlet berries of the mountain ash glowing here and there ; the great fire roared up the chimney with festive sound ; and all the neigh hors were gathered around farmer Atterly's hearthstone; for pretty Bessie was to be married that night. "She don't look as a bride ought to, some how," whispered Mrs. Deacon Jennings, to her companion, Mahala Bird. "She seems to me jest like one o! them white snow wreaths down in the hollow yonder." " May be it's that white dress," said Mahala " but she does look like n corpse. - Land o' Goshen ! what be I sayin'l It ain't gook luck to talk about corpses on a. wcddin' night." For the pretty bridesmaids had just led Bessie iu pure sheeny silk, with snowy gera- • niums in her hair, and not avestige of color itt, her cheeks. • AU. •t on the hills I erly, as he '•ged with rth, and tub ' e red roaring .n fire-dOg in " There ! don't she look sweet ?" said Susy . Jennings. " Is it tine to go into the parlor yet!" " Massy, no, child," said Mrs. Jennings, "not for an hour. Why, Jim Grayling hasn't come yet." So Bessie sat down in the midst of the assem bled anaidens and matrons, and played with the white flowers in her bouquet, thinking, who knows what? Perhaps at lonely grave under the cruel Southern starsperhaps the fliir face of the woman Who had wiled her lover's heart away. Somebody - spoke to her; she looked up, and all of a sudden her frightened eyes traced a figure beyond the open door opposite to which she sat --a figure - hurriedly pressing through the crowd. " Where is she? .I will see Bessie, wedding or no wedding ! Who has a better right than I?" The nest moment the pale, white robed bride lay like a fair, still statute, in Henry Ives' arms.• " Stand off, ',say !" he cried fiercelY, " , Let no one come between me and the woman I love. I have earned her to be my wife—earned her by the long 'Months of pain and sufferiUg— earned her by the wounds received on the battle field of the country she loved !' Do yen say!;be is to be married to James Grayling 1 44.Whathas James Grayling done with the letters I sent to his care—with all the messages I entrusted to him 1 She had better be in her -grave than married to James Grayling. Mr. Atterly, you are a just and good man judge between - me and the treacherous fox I fancied was my friend." " Harry, Ilitrry !" fhltered the old man, " I never - dreamed o' this. Tell me about it, my boy, for my old head swims." • And Henry Ives, still holding Bessie to his heart, revealed the story of his own truth and James Grayling's duplicity. When he had finished the impassioned recital; Moses Atterly clasped 'the brown, strong hand, between his own horny palms, and said solemnly : " My boy. I ask'yOur pardon for every doubt that ever crossed my mind, And I thank the merciful Providence that has spared Bessie from being Jint Grayling's wife. We are cal enlatin' to have a weddin' 'here t4-night, and it isn't too late yet, if Hurry has no objection to beiu' married in his soldier clothes !" " Father i" interrupted Bessie, rosy as asshole bouquet of - carnations blended into one; but Harry took her hands into his, whispering, ! I shall not -feel secure until 1 can call you wife," and remonstrance died away upon her lips ' "Are you all ready, hider - Wilkins ?" said Moses, "'cause I believe the. young couple is." Ah ! she looked like a bride now, with the hazel light burning in soft fires under her long curled lashes, and the carmine dyes coming and Going upon her cheek,- like a proud aid blush, ing bride. The ceremony was scarcely oier, before the silver chimes of sleigh bells sounded at the door, and Grayling's voice was heard exclaiming: " I'mlfraid Ijun a-little late: but the horse sprainedikis leg, and I had to change him at ',Squire Warrenten's. However—" ' " Yes, Jim Grayling. you are a little lite," said Moses Atterly, taking a prodigious pinch of snuff, "for my darter's married already." " Married !" ejaculated Grayling, us if uncer tain whether his intended father-in-law was not' a fit candidate for a lunatic asylum. ' " Yes—to Harry Ives !" As James Grayling's bewildered eye caught sight, in the brilliantly lighted rooms beyond. of the young soldier, bending his tall head to listen to some whispered'word., from Bessie, he turned a dull, dead yellow, and a chill dew broke out around his mouth. "IVhat &ICS this mean ?" he asked. "It means, Jim Grayling, that you are a scoundrel !" said the old man, with sudden fire flashing in his eyes. " There's the open door —leave this house before Harry Ives sets eyes on you, for he's a spirited lad, and mischief might cotne:of it' And hark ye—never let me see your villainous face again!" Silently, and like a wounded snake, James Grayling crept out into the chill darkness of the tempestuous-night, a detected. disappointed man. ; And so effectually did he take Moses At terly's advice, that the little village iii the hol low knew his name and presence lv more. And Bessie! Ives, the happiest little wife in the world, sings softly over heeweik, Counting the days until " when' this crued , war is over," she shall welcome her soldier-leishand, back to the grand pld pine forests of Maine once more. A. COLORED firm in Newark, N. J., having suffered some pecuniary e.mbarrassments, re cently closed business, and the senior member gave to 'the public the following " notin ": "De dissolution of co - parsnips heretofore resist ing twist me and Muses Jones in de barber pro feshun, am heretofore resolved. Pussons whot ose tnust pay de scriber. • Dein whot de firm owes must ea Ron Jones, aide ream insolv,ed." A LADY who bad rend of the extensive man ufacture odometers, to tell - how far a carriagi had run, said she wished some Connecticut ge: nine would invent an lnatratnent to tell how far husbands had been in the evening wheri they just step down fo the Post Office. A SCHOOL boy KIT asked by his teacher how he should'flog hbn,.replied: "If you please' sir, I should like to have it upon the Italian sPtein of peninanshiv—the heavy strokes up ward and the dawn ones light!" A*11) argument with ladies. In spinning varnk among silks and satins, a man is sure to be worsted and twisted. And when •a man is worsted and twisted, he may consider himself irband To MAKE hens lay perpetually, hit them on the •head with a big club. ' Other modes have been "recommended, but this is the .only one found to be effectual. Miss`LovpLy says that males are of no ac count from the time that ladies stop kissing them as infants till they kfss them again as lovers-. • A Goon man regrets more heonly an injus.blee he has inflicted on others than,any that can be fiat upon him. qtr. - STanklin IllepiOtato; ,Itpt4- . 13; 1804. 13tganb Saurg 1E,0011.5. APRIL, 186i‘ E,YSTER Sa, 11 2. ah ill Are in Receipt of their SPRING STOCK OP GOODS Our assortment is now complete. and we can offer to our friends-as handsome as itaibi Lia ent of DILESS GOODS as can bo found this side of Philadelphia. We have at 16,101, 211, 25 and 2S ets„ Printed De Laines, All-Pool Do Laines, _ Silk 'Mid Wool Clial Prineed Challieg, Shepherd.Plaith , , SILKS BlaekSilks,•Fa,ney Silks. in great variotY. Plain Meek Grenadines, dodble anti twisted. FaOroidered Grenzdince,donble k twisted BALMORAL-6 -Balmortils and Skeletons. all prices CORSETS: Ail sizes anq best quality. TRIMMINGS Bik Silk Trimming Lace. Black Silk Barb Lace Bugle Trimming,. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Fmbroidered. Hem Stich, Mourning. and Embroidaretl in colors KID 'G 0 V F. S . Alexander's celebrated kid Gloves, Silk, Lislei Tbroad, Cotton, &C M'OURNINQ GOODS We have now !v scperati3 aprirlrnen . t for-Mourning Gnod. and our stoels' is com'pleto ip every particular. is and All-Wool De Lailier, CQbuigs. Casbuierer, , Silk and Chal Ta!mise Cloth, CRAPE GOODS ',mfg. Crape Veil;, from $2.5 ' 6 to 7.0.0 Crape Falb; Tucked, Crape Falls Twilled CA ETETS ! CARPETS !! - RPETS ! N Carpet:, from 45 cents up, , Hemp Carpets MI-Wool Carpebi. 'l!liree-Pty Carpets, . B;118SC1S Carpets MATTING • .1 , • I White and Checked Matting, 1. ”.1, and I.M. • ' 'Cocoa Matting QUEENS,WA.RE Qqeensware in sets or by the piece, We are pre- pared to fill orderi for any onantitY of COMMON AND WHITE ORANITE WARE. Our stock is complete in every line, and if, our ' Mende want good bargains, all we hare' to saY, i 8 that this is the place to seeurcs them Aq- Gull coon,. before ,the rugh begieut:l4. Main • Stret, ChisisbiraliOn. Pa. iT AL „ , K IiDSLNESSCODLEGE 'N. E. Coati e. OF TENTII /ND C,RESTKET STREETS. - SPRILADELPIIIA: ...Imam .Tris MAICAGEUENT OF - z,`FAIRI3II4sTkS,: A: M., for the la.stfour years Principal and Chief Business Manager of Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College. A MODEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Conducted= On. a nets system of Actual 'Bnsiness Training, through the establishment of . :legitimate Officers and Counting House, representing different departinents of Trade andCominerce r and a, regular Bank of and Issue, giving the student all the advantages of actual Practice, and qualifying him in the shortest possible time and moat effective mannerqbithe various duties and employments of busines4 life. Wide and Narrow Check It Bugle Buttons. romb.zinez, Crape 0,511ar,,, Crape Setts EYSTER, Pc BRO.; Murattonat , - , The blitlo of Instruction in the Thearetieul De partment. embraces BRok-,Keeping, Commercial Ca l culetirr4e, Lectures onftuainese Affairs, Penmanship, Comme r;c4Laws, -Forms; Coreespondence, &v. In THE BUSINESS DEPARTMENT the student enters upon the Graduating Course, which includes a continuation in the above studies, with their; practical application' in all their details. lle wililin turn fill the pOsition of. Accountant and Propihnonitt the _various departments of Wholesale and Retail Trade, Forierding, Jobbitg, and Com minion; Boainesß, Manufactv4ring, Mining, Steambaating. ec., and ioill finallg'act as Cashier, Book-Keeper and- Telteri in the Bank, in each of which positions his prevrous knowledge will be pht to the fullest practical test. This Institution offers 0 young men numerous ad vantagbs, not possessed iby,any other Commercial College in . the State. It is complete in all its aP7. Pointuients: It is the only Institution in tho State conducted op actual business principles. - The course of insttluatien is unsurnassed, and may bo completed it} about one-half the time: usually spent in other institutions, in consequence of an entirely new ar rangement, and the adoption of the neW practical system. , DiplOmas awarded upon the completion -of the Comm+citzt Course, whiehembraces nlI except the higher, sets of - BankinMatinfacturino; Raitrogd •ing.-&e% Send fora circular. ' dec2-1Y.3 Cii.A.KBERS R'(3,-- ACADEMY. REFITTED AND REORGANIZED, ill ceirimence a new quarter on Thursday, April2l. - Large additionshave been mode to its already ex tensive apparatus, a full and efficient corps of tea chers has been employed, and no pains or expense spared to render it one,of the first institutions of learnihg In the enuntry. Particular attention paid to Teachers and - young men preparing for College. • It is desirable that Students enter at the, coin mencetherit of the . quarter, but, they may enter at any these, and they will he charged only from date of entrance. Terms per quarter from $3 to $B.. • A de duction of 34, froth the bills of Clergymen.. Send for , Circular. . • •FACUINT. KINNET, , A, B„ Principal, GrOlr,' German and Natural Sciences. A. OVF:III , IELD,A. Latin and :Higher Ma.thema tics. • A. M. TElSOlictz,.Camtrrerrial Dephrtraent. • Mlss H. H. rtIIKIN*, Preeptrets, Cow. Eng., Painting and French. 3 Mils SARAH A. - .FLORT,Primary Dept:, Pencilling, Crayoning, &e. • ; • Music. [Charnikg; Jan. 27, 'Gt. 011AilIBERSBURG. SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES.—Tbe Spring Session -will commence on Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 1861, but boar-. dors Canenter at any time. and will be charged ac cordingly. A large attendance, both in the primary and academical departments, gives evidence of an interest in the school not surpassed in any former period. Miss S. IL Curtis, assistant in the higher de— Rartment. bears testimonials of her eminent fitness to instruct in the higher branches, frotn'a Seminary in th ti West, where she taught for seVeral years.— `The primary Department is chiefly under the care of Mrs. C. B. Moxey. the effects. of whose energy and efficiency appear in the flourishing condition of the department. Miss Z. C. DeForest is well known as mi able and experienced teacher of music. • TUITION,—From I..ig to: $l5 per - session of,five months. Boarding. TEACHERS FURNISHED.—SchooIs and foul lies in need of teachers can hear of young ladies I well qualified, chiefly:graduates of the Institution, by . addressing• f , Jati27-tf. Rev. HENRY' REEVES. Principal. iinouranre. A :VIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND ...CA,; TRUST CO., Corner 4th and Walnut Streets Philadelphia. Incorporated IMO. Charter Perpe tual', .A,uthoriied Capital: ::' , 500,000. Paid-UP Cap ital,:s2W;ooo. Philadelphia. Feb. 4. 1861. The trustees have this day declared a Dividend of PIETY PER - CENT. on all &militias received upon MUTUAL PomorEs during, the year' ending Ikeember 31st, 1863, and in force at that date, the aboVe amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the' dividend of 1860 on Policies issued during . that year to be . paid, as the annual Premiums ou,said Policies are received. , OFEIOE'RS. Prcsident—Alezander'Whilldin. • Secretary and TreePturer—.Toliti S. 'Wilson. .A,c tucreli---John C. Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTEES—Alexander J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent. Hon. ..lames Pol lock.. Albert C. Roberts, P. 13. Mingle. Samuel Work. William J. Howard, lion. Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charles F. Beax litt Isaac Wm. G. KEEP, Chamhersburg,,Pa., is the author ized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust , Company, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or tiny information wanted, and to take Insurances. OFFICE, in the Reno.itort , Building Das. J. C. RICH ARDS and W, H. BOYLE, Medica/ E-Xp_w finer. • REFERENCES—Hon. A: K. McClure, Rev. S. J. Niceolis, J. S. Nixonj Cliamber'sburg, and Wm. M. Marshal Cashier Hagerstown Bank. Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will please cell on. or by •addreasing, the under signed they will'be Waited en in any part of the County or State.,r W. (% REED, Agent. ' re..offi R ce in the grosrrony Building, Cham heesburg. Pa, t , ins r 23. t 8 2 9 cifflliV"Y'" l TA -- ‘FiRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA - : A 87E T On, Tanitary 1,1864 CAPITAL A CCP.UED SURPLUS. :..... INyESTED lINSOTLED' CLANS, ] a 416. Loss PAID SINCE P 429 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS : , " Charles N. Baneker,, Isaac Lea, ToibinS Wagner, Edward- C. Dale, - Samuel Grant, 2 , Gen. - Vales, ' I.l*ob R. Smith, 7- Alfred Fitter, iliqorge W. Richards, Frus. W. Lewis. M. D. ' CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. ED WALD C. DALE. Vice President. JAs. W. lil'Atta.srEa - , See'y pro. tem. ' DAVID OAKS is the - authorized Agent of the Company in Chambersburg. who will furnish oil in formation nenessary to applicants. mar23-tf INSURANCE COMPANY.OF NORTH AhiERIOA. -Ineort/ora tell 1794. Charter Per petual. CAPITAL, $500,000.. Offiee 232 Walnut street, Philda. Thenromptpayment of Claims, for Lasses during the period of nearly "seventy Years that the Coulkany 'has been in existence, entitles' the& to the confidence of, the public. Persong wish lug'. to insure. will pie t as° tall on or addms the un dersigned. - W. G. REED, Agent, Rtroarronv Buildings. Cbambersburg, Pa.' REFEITENCRS—J. D a ; Grier; J. Allison F,yster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin. , ritarZl nuR- AGENT.:—Mi. JOHN GROVE, or -chambersburg, !is the General Agent' of the Franklin.Cpunty Mutual Insurance Company. Itinn NEW MARBLE YARD.--The under-- signed respectfully announces to the citizens'- of Franklin County that he has opened a now, Mar- 1 bl'e Yard in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton; direaly p osite J.S. Nixon's Drug Store, Main Street, Chambersburg, where he will keep on hand or make to order all articles in his line of bus inesscsuch as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and READ STONES:, MANTELS,TABLE end STAND LOPS,, s&c:;,rnanufantured Nom the very best Foreign and. 'Domestic Marble. He respectfully solicits acall from those who may ba in want of any article iu the above line: He is confident in , his ability to satisfy all who may bo pleased to patronize him, either as regards his pri ces, or the quality. beauty, and "chastenesS of his work. ' Lita 8,63.1 ;JOHN A.HROVE. , =I . • THE:, PRA -KLIN CLOTHING Or ' ", • • • . NEW-,E-ST 'STYLES, LARGEST STOCK-'itIiEAPEST PRICES. The undersigned can Imatix:l. the public, and defi iu es contradiction. that his recent purchases the Eastern Cities enables Lim to pffcr one of the largest and most attractive stacks of CLOTHING . , For the Spring and .stunznel- Seam found in any similar estebliShment Every variety of • . .COATS. , . PANTS • AND made in the -very best styles' and at f GENTLITMEN'S - FIJRNISIII: such as Shirts. Drawers, Collars. Cr Handkerchiefs. &c, Special attell j this department. - CUSTOMER'S !ORDERS. I invite an examination of my stock of Fine Cloths, Kenseymeres, Vestings, &c., which .1 manufacture u p on special or derv. SPECIAL NOTICE. - I beg to say that my Goods are manufactured un der my own supervision, and by the very best work men. My present stock is the most extensive I have yet had in stone, mind I - respectfully ask "my friends andtlie public to give me a- call before phrchasing elsewhere. - Remember the old spend. J. T. HOSE INSON. • , • Franklin Hotel Building, Corner of the Diamond and West Market St.. 07. • '• Chambersburg. Pa. ELLIOTT, C'L'OTHIER, Sonth -IWest corner bf tho Diamond, neat door to the Bank, ; Chambersburg, has just returned from the City with a large Anek snperior and' seasonable Goods, such as CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATIN% ETTS. ;JEANS. CORDS. &e..for Coats; and VEL VETS:. SATINS, 11ARSEIIES and other Test logs. Also.. very/zee selection uf BEADY-,MADE CLOTHING, which he is prepared to sell at the very loWest In arket prices. . CUSTOMER WORRI—As he employs first-rate cutter, heir preparopo'hankelup - all kinds of Gar ments, for Men cud Buys, to order, in the best styles. Satisfaction will he guarantied. A large assortment of - Gx7T,I,EMEWS FURNISHING GOGUS, such as Shirts, Drawers, Collars. Handker chief:4, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, TlMbrcllas, kc. always nn hand.. Give him a call and save money. jan17,63. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S NISIIING STOREand SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, No. 814 ChestentSt.: 4 doors below the Con tinntal, Philadelphia. Partieular attention given to ordered Shirts. A perfect fit guaranteed. Per sons at a distance can order, by the following Shirt measures:' Size around the 'Neck. " , Chest under the Arms. • ' "I Waist: , . , •• ; " Lentz% of Aims tbent).from centre of back to mid ' the of band. Length of Bosom at Side. " • Shirt., , RC. WALBORN & CO.'S, .; WHOLESA:LF, RETITT4 READY-MADE LINEN & DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY. .Nos. 5 and • North Sixth' ,Strerf, Silk. ,illerino and Cotton Under Shirtsand Drawers: Cravats, Scarfs. Gloves, Handkerchiefs: fie. Shirts, Wrappers and Dress Stocks Made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. - Orders may be left with S. S. SIIRYOCK, Chum bersbarg. •. • - se23. WESTON B R THER, ' MERCHANT TAILORS,. No-900 Arch Sired ) Philadelphia, Pa. Having received a liberal share of patronage from Chambersburg and vicinity„ we - are encouraged to ask fOr more. , The excellence of 'our goods and our work, and the care we Like to give entire satisfac tion. are a sufficient guarantee that we value our reputation. [n011.63-Iy.l, WESTON k BROTHER. p UGHIN B.AUGFI'S 11J. CLOCK, WATCH AND JEWELRY ESTAB LI SilikiENT, MAIN'ST. NEXT THE POST OFFICE, - CIIAMBERSISTIRG, PA. The undersigned would respectfully call attention to his„present stock, consisti ngWATCHES, of Gold and Silver, of American and European man ufacture, of all qualities and styles, and at the lowest Prices. CLOCKS In great variety. Parlor Mantel, Offtee,&c. J E W, E OR Y. The newest and-most desirable styles of Onyx, Coral and Pearl: Gold Chains, Bracelets, Finger - Rings. Gold Thimbles, Sleeve But tons,Necklaces,Armlets,,Ma- sonic and Odd Fellows' Breast Pins ke. .14DURNING AND JET JEWELRY. Asplendid stock and newest styles. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, - Mugs, Spoons, Forks,B:o , " ,te • G i PE s From the best and most celebrated. manufactories., FANCY GOODS. A very large and attractive stock. - CUTLERY AND POCKET KNIVES. Rodger 's superior Pen Knives, of different. quali ties and prices. GOLD, 'SILVER, AND • STEEL SPECTACLES. The long - experienee of the undersigned in the -se lection and adaptation of Glasses ena - bled him to suit any sight- '., At no.time have the people of this county had a more attractive and extensive stock to select from than is now presented at the establishment of the undersigned. - Every article is new and of the latest style, and will be sold at the very lowest price. An examination is solicited before purchasing else where. • REPAIRING 'done at the notice by com petent workmen. - • E. ..A.TifiIIINEATTGII, 5e.23. , 2d diior South of Post 011ie°, Chamb'g. HENRY HARPER; No. 520 Auca. ST.,' - •PHILATELpIITA, PA. Manufacturer and'Dealer in • WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, ( SOLID SILVER WARE' and ROGER'S SUPERIOR PLATED WARE. , .AW,AII kinds of Silver Ware wade on the premi l . ses . wat c h Repairing carefully done. (nlarl:3-3in TIM JOHN MONTGOMERY. will at 11 fend iromptly io all calls in his line. Office on Main Street, next door• to`the Eagle Hotel, and nearly (wealth' the re,jdence of the lion. George Chambers. _. jun 17,63. T xr BROWN, ELECTRICAL Plifr: srcrAx.—Otlic6 in Franklin Building, West Ma-rket Street, Chambersburg,,Pa» . - The above treats all Chronic Diseases by means of. GALVANISM and' the different inodificatiunci of ELECTRICITY, as i diScoyered and taught by Prof. Bolles. : n04,63-tf. $2,457,549 96 $400,000 '.977,000 1,089,288 INCOME ?OR 1864 $300,000. • $5,000,4)00 D.R. J. C. RICHARDS will attend promptly to ell 'calls in his line. Office on Ilain Street. next tleorlo Spangler's Drug Store. OFFIcE, hones.—From 7 to t) A. ?I.; 12 to 2 and 6 P. x•' } • • j 111117,63. lISTICE OF` .rliE PEACE.-H ; B. -DAVISON, SustiCe of the Peace. Office im 'mediately opposite 'the Indbin Queen Hotel. All business entrusted to his care ml receive prompt attention. ~/mitroments of Writing, of a ll - drawn up in a satisfactory.manner., ju017,63. PII.AMM4N, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ..Chamberibum Office ip Franklin Mali, in tho room 'formerly occupied by Stumbaugh & Stewart. Prtimpt attention given' to any thing in the lino of a Magistrate and Scrivener. , fe.3.61 tf riIIEAP CHAIR AND CABINET k) WARE ROOMS.-The subscriber informs the public that he eontinues the manufacture of the va rious articles of FURNITURE in his line, at his Shop. on Main Street, three doors South of Huber & Tolbert's Hardware Store. He has always on hand or is Prepared to manufacture on the shortest no tice, Spring Seats, Can eßottom, and Windsor Chairs. Sofas, Plain and Fancy Tables, Bilreaus, Dressing and Common Wardrobes:Wash Stands, Book Cast, and Bedsteads.; VENITIAN BLINDS got up in the best style. Particular attention paid to HOUSE-PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, and entire satisfaction in every instance guaranteed. ' ' ItEPAIRINGW allkinds,in his line of basilicas, promptly' attended to, at moderateprices. UNDERTAKING.—Haring - purch used the Hearse ' Mr. Wm. Flory, dec'd, he is able to attend Fune rals and manufacture Coffins, at the shortest notice,' of Clothi Walnut br CherrY. -- A Layer-oat ;will be in attendance. . noit;63-IY. •JOSIAR 'E. SCHOFIELD. (EloWng., Ziariatrbeo ant( 3rlveirp. Ell=2l Vijl)strians. .suti.r6 of tbr Pratt ELMBOLD'S' - ;CEI - i NUINE' PRV/A -ARATioNB.--C 0 MP° UN DD PLIJIDI EX TRACT BUCIIU. a Pdsitiee and Specific Reiuedv for Diseases of the Bladder,- Ridneys, %aro and Dropsical S`welliags. -- • • This Medicine incrawspa the power of Iligcstion, and excites the .Absorbents into healthy action, by which title. Watery or Calcareous deposition s and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as volt' as Pain and Inflammation. n ctt 1804, to bo in this section. 11EIABOLD'S, E XTRACT :BUCIIII, For Weakneis es arising front EiCessos. Iltibits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse, attended with the following symptems : - ..: i Indisposition to Exertion, : - Loss of Poster, L oss o f memory, , . Diflieulty of - Breathing. Weak Nerves, - ' , - - Treinblipg„ Horror of Disease, ' Wakefulnen. Dimness of Vision, - Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the 31 - menhir Systent, Hot Hands • . Flashing of the Bak - , Dryness of:the Sky!, ~.. .- truptions on the Face. 'VESTS, he lowestpriccs. G GOODS, :at Neckties, ion is called to Pallid Conn tennfice.. 'ese symptoms, ifallon - cd to-no on, which this igedicino invariablyyensoves, soon toilOws „ knpatency, , Fatally and Epileptits',Fits; in fine of whtehthe Potieut,rnny,eSpir6. ho-esji s'lty - tbattheY"ore pot frequently falowixl by those Direful DisenseV - . AIIkCO24 many are aware of the Variut of their sufferinw, but none will ctinfask - • • THE RECORDS-'OP TEE INSANE ASt'LL . II.:9. and Melanchoiy Deaths by .o:Nami - Pion, beais t ra- Pie witness to the Truth of the assertion. - - The On.stittitiostoluie affeited with Oivoirte-Wittb- WAR, rectuires the aid of Medicine to- &rem rgth4u and Invigorate the system. ' Which HELAIBOLD'S-EXTRACT BRCIITT tihriabfir doca. A Trialwilt eon-rine° themost skep tical. - - - • • FEMALESFERALF.S,--FEMAiES— ' Lein owl/ AffeetiOrm recialFir to Feincricerril3 TRACT BUCII t is unequaledbY any other:remedy. as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity,' Painful ness, or Suppression of Customary. E; - adnatlons. Ulcerated or Scirrhous State of the Uterus,lieneor hea or Whites: Sterility, and for all comnlaints in cident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissi . iation. or in the -- DECLINE OR GRANGE OF LIFE. - 'Yoke noinoießaleam, MercnrY or unpleasant mr dieinea for unpleasant and fpsonerous wixca , tec - HEL3IBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU -117 ND 114- - ' PROVED ROSE WASH CURES.SECRET DISEASES, In all their stage. 4, At little expense, - Little or no clump In diet, . No ineonvenienee, 11na nn 1:4 . -po,vurc. : It causes a frcqnent desire and gives strength to urinate. thereby Removing Obstructions, l'revent ingionti Coring Strictures of the ,Urethra; -allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this Class diseases.'and expelling 0/4Potßonous. Diseased. tta4 wornout intager. 1 Thousands upon Th °wan ds "who have' been - tbs Victims of Quacks, and who have paid hear y fret to be cured in a short time. have found they were de ceived, and that the POISON has, by the use or powerful uotringcna, been dried up in thosystem. to breakout - in an aggravated Rum, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Helmbold's Extract Thichu for all 'aff. petions and diseases of the URINA RY ORGANS:wheth er inexisting: MALE or FEMALE, froni whatever eanse originating, anti no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Disen.es of these Organs require the aid Of a DI, URETIC. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 131.1C111." is THE GREAT DIURETIC. and is certain to hays. the desired effect in all diseases for which it'is roe ommended-. - Evidence of the most reliable and responsible cha racter will accompany the medicine. PRICE 31.00 PER BOTTLE, OR SIX FOR SZSItt Delivered to any address, securely packed frnu observation. .7)cAarilm Symptoms in all Conntatnicalinno.' CV.R.VS GI ARA N TEED ! ADVICE Address letters for information to H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemist, 104 South Tenth St.. bel. Chestnyt, Phila. BELMBOLD'S - Medical Depot, 11ELMBOLD'S Dnigand Chemical Vi'areben.T. 594 BROADWAY. N Y. BEWARE. OF COUNTERFEITS AND UN PRINCIPLED DEALERS who endeavor ,to pose of their own and, other articles on tho reputa tion attained by • Helmbath Genuine Preparations. Extract Buctin. Sarsaparilla - .. " Improved Rose Wash mt. BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. . ASK FOR .FIELMBOLYS, TAKE NO UMW:. Cut out the advertisement and send f;yi• it. AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXpOSI.THE t n0)1,63-Is. H. ° 8 T 0 11 - .A.:C . 13 I . TTER , 4. pure iina powerful Tonic, Corrective and Altviie at ive, of wonderful efficacy in diseases of tize Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache; Gen - eral Debility, Nervousness, Deprekision:4 Spiriti,Constipation,Colie. Intermit-, • tent Fever, Cramps, Spasms, - -•• and. all Complaints of either Bes art-- • sing from Bodily Weakness, whether inhe rent in the system, or produced by special moms. Nothing that is not whol esome,rgen ttad rotor - 'afire in its nature enters into the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. •This pop ular preparation contains nu mineral of any/rind. no deadly botanical pletnent.DV ftery_excifant, hat is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purist and utildrst of A • diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forearni' ed'ugai :Ist disease; end, so. far as the humansystem eau - be Protected bkhninea means; against maladies onendered by ten unwhole some atraospliere, impure water. and othert,xtemel causes, lIUSTETTER'S BITTERS •may be. relied on as u safeguard. -' In districts infected with FEVER AND .Atli.tll it has been found infallible as a preventive; and it resistible as a remedy; and. thousands who. res,tt to it under apprehension of an attach; escape 'tbet scourge: add thousand's who neglect to - avail them selves of its protective finalities - in advanee, 11,30 Oared by a very brief course of this marvellOns ter— diejue. fever and Ague patients after being plied fer mopths,with quinine in, vain, untiltairly,sature- 7 ted with that dangerous alkaloid. are' not nafre uuently restored to health within n'few days by Our use of lIOSTETTER'S BITTERS. - The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable Tonic. andhenos it _works wonders in . cases :, of Dyspepsia and in less' nonfirrued forms of PiDIGESTION. Acting as u gentle rind painless' aperient„%as - welt as Upon the liver, Raise invariably relieves the CONSTIPA - TION superinduced by irregulax action of the di gestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to NERVOUS AT TACKS, LOWNESS, OESPIRITS, tincl PITS OF LANGUOR, find ProMpt arid permitnerit relief from the Bitters.