The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, April 13, 1864, Image 1

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tr3nklin gqxwitoilj.
MARYLAND IS FirEo The majority in &vol.
of a . Convention to revise .the Constitution ii;"
abouk 15,1:Ki0, and the. Deletntes elected stand
, 16i fist• trieonditiond Ere anCipation te - 3;;" . nninst
dia. l , l ofolitri e:
riiw44 l S- 13. YerF;
aid not et _totolnpr'cititise to pinke_
bed of roes with,aggtt44 it
tel file parcn of War, of NatienntbiStiorai
Death, and iffmnntled thnt it must be blotted
. _
out as a crime, 12Fithout delay or Compensation.
The "Union rnetilook the highest grounds dic
tated, hyyrineiple—thry declared that as Sla-
very had given 'birth vto treason, and treason
hatimade a Nation mourn the desolation and
b:ll,ovetnents of War, it must ba nbolished with
-out*-I*tupausation from either the State or Nu
' tional.„geiTerumeids, and without Apprentice
,. shipleiterfutfnate the dregs of Slavery to the
•-textgeneration:. ; They manfully unfurled their
banner with the tuOtt*O'thereon emblazoned—
." Slavery Inuit die With that they have
sinallrtriumphed,andltilaryhitutis Freel
ter three-quarters of * . a centiry at - devotion to
Slavery, she returns , * . to the teachings of, her
Pinekneys, and has disenthraled hersfilf from
the blight of hutnan(bendage..
• '_The -bill calling a Convention, .prescribes
stringent oath of loyalty fo be taken by.metn
bers of this Convention before they are quail-
Tamil and it is probable that some of the mem
bers elected will refuse to take their seats, as
they are known to have. strong rebel proclivi
ties.. But if all should
_qualify, these is a clear
majority of 26 in twor of Freedom. The fol
' owing table exhibits the delegates electedby
each county for and against pnahcipation
`rdr. Against.
a- ---
Anne Arundel
Baltimore City •
.1313tiome County . ..
Caroline .4
Dorchester ..
'Frederick ...
Howard... .
Mt mtgomery
Prince George's....
Queen Anne's—
St. Mary's...
::)::: :
-- 61 35
The Western counties did' nobly. Our neigh.
bor Washington give 2,647 in favOr of the Abo
lition oPSlavery, and Frederick and Allegheny
each gave over 1,000.
All Honor to Free Maryland! j
—The-official majority for Gov Buckingham,
'Juice], in Connecticut, is 5,488. Last year his
majority, was 2,63s—Union gain, g,tw. The
legislature has 18 Union Sehater4to 3 Demo
crutsotind 158 'Union RepresentatiTes to 79 on
the wrong side. As the Union inen have two
thirds in both branches, the constitution of the
State will - be amended so as to allow their
soldiers to vote In the field?, which will increase
the Union majority fully 10,000 fj; President in
—ln Rhode Island, the - Peace Copperheads
did notshoW their fangs' this Spring. The
Detimeratie.Stath Committe met and tresented
- Browne, an_un'ex . Ceptionable War' Democrat
for Ooviirnor, and Barstpn, irregular Union,
ran also against Gor. Smith: , But‘Smith has
1506 majority over Browne and obout 100 over
- both. The legislature has -not 'a Copperhead
in it—all being either Republiftus or- War
, Democrats. -
- -
-The Spring elections in Ohio: have gone all
'one way—against-the Vallandinghamers. Cin
. cinnati, one of the strongholds of the D6moc
, racy, gave nearly-5,000 against them; and the
home of Vallaudigham gave a litrge majority
for the Union party.
—St. Louis has just elected a Radical Eman
cipationist Miiyor by 2,500 majority:
The Senate—Senator Johnston--Socta4ll
in the Senate—The Military Chant
Bill—The Right of Suffrage to soldiers
—Special Election on the IFirmt Tues
day of Angiust—lletnoval of the capi.
- Correspoadcnee of The Franklin Repository.
11.trusrspunc, Aral ii, 1864.1
Th'e Senate is now abead of the House in IQ
islation, notwithstanding -the latter had two
months start of the former. It isks more wiel
dy body however; and is fortunate in having
skilful and sensible leaders, while the House
eitherlas the worst leaders or the worst fol
lowere I have ever seen in a deliberate body.'
Which it is, your readers can guess. Senator
Johnston, of Lycoming, has developed well as'
is tactician this winter, and kept the Senate.
to theamendments of the Constitution, and tlie
bill 'providing for a special election', with unfit-
. • „.
. lug industry. And* is a dangerous foe in de
-1 bate, especially when' Copperheadistn crops out
with its subtle,_aliMy venom. He curried a.
NA T short horse, ,its, ? very short way on Fri;
Iday lakt, when Lib berton insisted upon pre-
Renting a Medarto.-Gen. Meade for his victory
at Gettyiburg. LiMberton looked as if he bad
swallowed a torch-light procession when John- -
ston exposed the hypocrisy of the movement.
Sociability prodomivates in and about the
Senate, and men mingle merrily when out of
th e h ea t o f debit o:*the trials of skill in parli-
Amentary =Weilet Penny and Clymer hob
nob every- nowatil n its sociably as brothers,
and Lamborton mid - LoWry have pleasant jukes
to redeem the apparent bitterness that - occa
sionally shades "their speeches. Starke end
Ketcham, twice ,ilimpetitors for Senatorial ho
nors, and each iiilarn successful over the othe.!,
are often now s 4 ti sharing the same (lei& and
counseling togethe . tt, McClure sat in his old
seat in the Senate - 43i Friday last, and beside'
him sat Cameron, 1.4413 chatting pleasantly over
a - paper or Scotch 'snuff. For the first time
they "go for the same candidate--rboth being for
Lincoln ; and . they probably iritated the nasal
organs together thui - Publiely to prove that Del-.
- flier silepled'Whe* other snuffed.
• ; : - Tite . 4ltilitart:elstpl. hill wkl be pawed in a
4iWatifikti tbiln. • 'llta_now clear that the treas
.-illy, is seriously embarrassedly the failure of
the -legislature to pay the itatetit in currency—
thrtalobbing the tax-payers a over haf a mil. 7
lioii. The omistitt.tion limits-Abe indebtedness
to $750,000, and that sum is exhausted by tlii,
Ordinary' expenses of -the government, so that
additiOnal debt cannot he created'exeept
tru - ops for -defence. This fact, together with
the apprehension of additional., damages by the
enemy, will prevent payment at this time; but
the bill will pledge the faith of the State to pay
the claims as.soon as possible, and they will, I
doubt not, be ultimately satisfied.
.The amendments to the constitution confer
ingthe- right of suffrage upon our brave soldiers,
has already pas.Ld both branches of the legisla
ture; and the act providing for submitting the
amendments to the people in time to enable
the array vote to be polled for Congressmen and
President, has also been adopted. ;The Senate
fixed the . 4th of Julyfor the special electron, to
take the vote on the amendments:- but the House
heti fixed the first Tuesday of "Angusi, and the
Senate will certainly concur. - It may there
fore be regarded as settled that - 4 the first
Tuesday of August the special eliction will be
hold, and the amendinents will prevail by an
overwhelming majority. New Yeric has just
adopted a similar amendment by the astounding
popular Majority of 210,000, and Pennsylvania
will follow by wrote nearly if not quite as de
cisive. Some of the 'intense copperheads will
openly °lipase the 'amendments, and thousands
trmro-*Outt do so-ifflo'ty,daze; but the Delive
r:ley cannot make a stand on the question, and
it may be considered settled that from 30,000 to
-75,000 soldiers will join the loyal men in voting
in October and NoVeniber next: The bill pro
vides also for nn adjourned ,session of the legis
lature on the 23d day of August to receive the
returns of the eleitiou on, the amendments; and
declare the result officially in a joint conven
tion of the two houses. - The amendments will
-therefore becOme part of the constitution oat
that day and operative immediately thereafter.
It -a.
4 -
3 -
7 • ••---
4 -,-
3 -
The Democrats could not brave the question
openly. ,•They . all; with the single exception of
Marshall of ,Adams, voted against the second
amendment, and thus sought to defeat the whole
by a cowardly. dodge; but the Union men were
on their guard; and had . strength enough to
carry both by a strict party vote. Had the
Union men not been able to 'sore the measure, the
amendments would inevitably hare been 'defeated
by the Democrats, and the soldiers would' hare
been disfranchised at the next Presidential election.
' Mr. Searight, of Fayette, copperhead of course,
moved to postpone the special election to the
2d Tuesday of .October; but he. rallied only
Fever; votes for his preposition - , viz; Messrs.
Alexander, Benton, Buyer, Ellis, Lobar, Rex
and Searight—all of the Most coppery hue. The
bill then Passed 89 to 4—the nays being Messrs
Benton, Boyer, Labor and Searight.
The removal of the Capitol to Philadelphia is
seriously entertained by the legislature, and its
pas Sage during the present session is not im
probable. The first section, of the resolutions
were adopted in the Senate op Friday lait by a
vote of 19 to 9, when the'subjeet was postponed
until Thursday next. It is confidently asserted
that a majority of the Hesse favor the measure.
The Telegraph bitterly opposes the bill,,and
calls upon the "substantial citizens" of Harris
burg to "move veryjMon in the matter" ()Obey
will "find themselves deprived of the Capitol
and their property depreciated one-half." What
the "substantial citizens"' are expected to do to
defeat the measure, is not explained; but it is
absurd' ti;, allege that the removal of the Capitol
from Harrisburg would depreciate property one
half in this city. Harrisburg would to-day be
one-third larger, more wealthy, more prosperous
and more respected if ithad - never been selected
as the capital; and so far fiom the- removal
being a measure 'to be deplored, it would be a
positive benefit to the city and every body in it,
excepting only those wholive by extortionTrom
the public. I feel Well assured that 'a large
portion of thesubstantial citizens here , who at
tend to their own legitimate husiness,Would
abed no tears over the removal of the capitol to
Thy Senate has resolved to adjourn on the
28thinst., and the•l3ouse seems disposed to con
cur. 'lf the legislature should adjourn at that
time, much important and necessary legislation
must be left undone. No public bill of moment
has yet been enacted. The provision for the in
tenet is yet to be passed finally ; the appropriz
ation bill; the apportionment bill, the militia
bill, and the tax bill, have .not yet been passed
in either house; and no bill has ever been re
ported to collect our outstanding millions due
for unpatented lands . The legislature will foil
to perform its whole duty if it does not dispose
of all the measures referred. to. lioßsint.
. •
The Copperheads Show theiroPangx---
Their 'treason Avowed—Long, Harris
and Fernando !Wood Declare-for Dis
union—Motionslo Expel and Censure
—Vote. 01 the. Pennsylvania copper
heads; : .' • • !
Correspondence of the Fi#tliklin Repository: -
WAsIIIS(IToS CITY, April 11;,.1864.
On , Friday, laid there was an exciting scene
in the house. Hon. Alexander Long, a Penii4
cratic member from Ohio, rend a . carefully pre.
_pared speech, in Whieli he declared squarely
for Disunion, and frankly stated that the Dem
ocratic party was in favor of the independence
of the Sofith. I quote his eiact language:
"If the Democratic party, were in power tO-dazi, 1
hare no idea, and honesty compels we to declare it,
t h at th ey meld restore the - Union neer thirk- four
States. My mind has undergone an, entiraPliange
anon that subleet. I believe that there are but
two alternatives. and lb ese are. either an acknowl ,
edgcment of the independence of (he ;tenth as an in
dependent nation, or-thei r complete subialgatifin and
extermination a 4 a peorzlef and of these alternar
lives 1 prefer the former."
Gen. Garfield, one of the battle scarred he
roes of the Army of the Cumberland, also a
member from Ohio, responded to Mr. Long in'
a most scathing rebuke ; but thanked him for
the manly - avowal of his treason. \ The' Demo
cratic tnerebers generally were very resfre un
der Mr. t iort's speech—pot so much because
they diffeied with his views, nor because their
sympathies were-not as fully with the-rebels as
Mr; Long's ; but they deprecated the policy of
:avaip,ing their purposes before they attained the
'r necessary to carry -them into effect.
'On Saturday Speaker Colfax left the chair,
and offered a resolution for the expulsion'of
Long from the House for declaring himself "in
favor of recognizing the independence and na
tionality of the so-called cenfederaer; now in
arms against the Union, and thereby givingaid,
countenance and encouragement to persons en
gaged in armed hostility to the Unitedstates."
Mr. Colfax supported his resolution by an able
speech, to which Mr. Cox, of Ohio. a shrewd
political shuffler, replied disavowing Mr. Long's
declarations in favor of Treason, but protesting
against his expulsion. A bitter and most ex
citing debate f011owed; in which Gen. Garfield,
Colfax and Cox only participated at first ; but
fluidly the debate became epidemic and Penn
sylvania took a hand in - it. Judge Kelly loemed
up grandly on the occasion, and his clear, • elo-•
quent sentences rang wit upon the HMls° and
galleries sweeping treason and its. alders and
abettorsbefore them. He truly said, as the sequel
proved, that Long had " uttered More fully, than
others dared to do the Key-note of the Demo
cratic side." This brought Dawson to the
floor, and it was painful to see one of his. ability
and martlypresenceattompt a weak apelogyfor
PennOlvtinia Democracy. Miller, of Harris.
burg, f011owed; but he reduced the debate to
low personalities, and Was silenced by one of
Kelly's broad-sides in a single sentence.
Thus far Long and those who manfully justi ,
fiedhis open avowal of treason had been silent;
but Harris, Democrat of Maryland, here broke
in, declaring that be was "for recognizing the
Southern Conferacy and for acquiescing in the,
doctrine of SecciSion." He said that the South
had not yet been brought to subjection. and, he
I added, "Cod Almighty grant that it l'zerer. may
be !" He was called to . order at this 'point by
many voices, and a scene Of indescribable con
fusion followed. Fernando Wood nest got the
floor and declared that if Long was expelled
for. uttering such sentiments, he should be ex
pelled too, for said he, "you mayincludisne for
a concurrence in them!" By consent, :fir. Col
fax postponed his resolution to expel . Long
until to-day, and Mr. Washbarne iminediately
offered a - resolution to expel Mr. Harris. After
a brief discussion the vote was taken, and re
sulted in 81 for expulsion and 58 against--not
two-thirds voting for, it, the resolution was lost,
and 8131-open, unblushing traitor was allowed to
remain in his seat by Democratic votes. The
Democracy of most of the other States broke
on the resolution; but Old Pennsylvania showed
her Democracy to be the '•' Original Jacob"—
declaring it no want of loyalty to appeal to Hea
ven inbehalf of treason.' The following is the
vote of the PennsylVtinia delegation:
YEA.s-Lfessr3. Mcifv, 13ratnall. hale, Kelly - A.
11yer, L. Myers, Seoteld, Tbayer, Tracy, and Wil
oennison John
tall and &rouse
Moret ead,
lerea a. resat
" on unworthy
tereby severely
Alibustering a
in pissed 92 to
I, Hale, Kelly,
Jofield, Thayer.
A"Vs—Messro. Ancona, Dennison, Miller, Ran
dall and Strousn-5.. _
NOT VwriNo—Messrs. COFFTWTH, Dawson. John
son. Lazear. Morehead. O'Neil. Stevens and Stiles
Messrs. Dawson, Johnson and Lazear were in
the House, and had voted in favor of the traitor
keeping his seat ' but a few minutes before; but,
they d6dged the resolution of censure. Five of
the delegation, however, _ went their whole
length for treason, and the rest would have done
so if they had not been too cowardly. Coffroth
dodged as usual—in fact dodging seems to be
his trade. McAllister voted against the expul
sion of Harris; but voted to declare him "an
unworthy member of the House!" He will
have a good time explaining to his loyal consti
tuents of Huntingdon and Blair.
To-day the resolution in Long's case comes
up; but it is probable that it will mkt receive
the rquisite two-thirds and it must of course fail.
The Democrats have resolved to sustain their
traitorous friends to any and every extent, and
yet with unblushing effronting they declare
themselves before the people in favor of prose
cuting the war and preserving the Union !
Could hypocracy and treason be more patent ?
For The Franklin Repository.
Who ever saw, the native born American
that couldn'i 'read? We have'heard of such ib
the ConfederaCy; and any one, who was ever
asked by an emigrant woman, in Ole city streets,
to read a letter, or:deeipher foi , her the print.
lag on a bank -note, knows how to feel for their
pitiabfe condition: However, ignorance of the
art, is sometimes andessing, fordounters, here
is a ease, in point:
A young lady' once keeping school, had, whit
Yankees call, a tussli, with one of the pupils,
whose father Was a rough, drunken brute. The
brute cane to•theeehool, to confront the lady
there was no one with her-hut an assistant;
younger and timid. The little ! lady had cour
age, she looked the brute in the eye, and said.
"Here is'a• statement of the facts, I had pre-.
pnred for yoU,Willyou read it'?" "Yes; I will"
roared the brute, and he looked at it confusedly.;
there was a Struggle ; the truth, was; he didn't
know,a letter! He was too,..proud to own his
ignorance, find too mad to give over bnllyingher;
but he'didn't know, what• tack to go on. He
ran • over the words mechanically, mumbled
4hecpishly, "the puttiett thing Yon can do is to
turn 'imout". and swaggered from the room:
Evidently, his ignorance, was her advantage.
- 13Ut what shall we read? This is a question 'of
as vitalimportance as what trade shall the boy
learn? Every one knows what thought and
family consultation this excites, the whole
- future is, at'stake even in the Owest ranks it
is:not decided rishtv • meanwhile, the boy and
girl go op , reading eVerything • with fearful
When the 'row feeds on clover, how delicious
is the milk; 'hut' when she chews garlic' how
rank;, so, th i e bitter, or the sweet, we crop
from booki, imparts each its own,flavor to our
TO start from the foundation; what may. the
little Ones refl? 'Let them have any amount of
childreo's magazines and Sabbath School pa
pers, filVd with scraps of animal life, of history,
and.'of botany, and abounding in stories'of good
boys and E,drls, which, however prosy to you, are
ever, if simply written, as real. and charming to.
themes theeft told tale of pure and tender love,
is to your older faney. - •
Then, there are the. Arabian Nights. ' What
ingepuity ! *bee . imagery ! what wings they.
have lent tefancy! Aud yet if childhood slips
by without them, they are lost forever. They
can only .be read in those days, when faith is so
vast, and When, as yek'such words as impossi
ble, and absiird are not in all theAhoughts, :If
rend then, they may be returned to iu after days
as we go beak to•the deserted homestead, to re-}
wive in Winery, delights Which - could never
again be realized. Don't disenchant the child
ren when rendthese matiels. Well do we
rememberniten We pored over them: There
was a chest in the garret. • " Qh," said the big._
gest, "that is one of the treasure mbests, , with
a secret bottorn" ' The till iiithe corner was u
proof, the rubbish and relics confirmed it, and,
at work we went. "Why children," said the
good mother, coming in, "what does fhb; mean?"
"Oh, mama; we are finding the secret bottom."
Site only smiled. We never found it, and we
ueverleft off hunting till we knew better of our
selves, and then there was no disappointment.
"Mama," said we, another time, "are there genii
now ?" "No my dear." "How could there
ever have been r ":You nillunderstand when
you are older,q; Wise mother, who Tett it to
that Matured sense, which explains without
dimming the brightness of childhood's fancies..
We smile •at tife memory, but, like the clover
blossom, it IMS:honcy, at the root.
Did;you - ever think what a delicate thing it
is to buy a book for a child 1, In the first place
it must appeakto the eye, as well as the mind;
and remember 'that, though the little one't(taste
may be as true„ , yoursrit ;is less chaste and
discipliued.i ht Alesires the, bright scarlet and
purple, with threads of gold running in and out
in fairy devicEs. If you want to excite the
child's- thotight about the simple, useful things
of life, get th 4 Rollo books but if you want
year child, ohtor young, to read itself right in
to Paradise, bey_ Hans Christian Andersen. In
the styles the} : are issued, his books are like
clusters of 'grapes in the sunshine, enticing to
the eye, and §o luscious to pe, taste', that the
skin slips iloyirn with the ijnice' before one
Matiy - peopte make a great mistake in suppo
sing that the pible is too dry fbr children ; there
is a pure, revtirent phase in a child's mind which
assimilates to its sacred pages. Douft set it as
a task, or encourage too much; ;the three chap
ters eYery dn'i, and five every :Sunday, which
takdthe chilif , through in a. year; but iiiekit
outjUdiciously, as you select the ripe fruit from
theorehard; its stories, which lave all the-se
ductions of the marvelous withthe fairer int
ces of the tnie ; its choice texts, its prayers,
its beattituqs, which, along with their pro
founder wisdMn, have, a simple moral that the,
youngest Ina,yi r divine. 'Many a wise and good
man has recorfied the delight he experienced
when, like Lfiinartine, ho kieleat his mother's
knee, and fon - Owed her fingepang those inim
itable words. `,/
taliea point of reading albud tothe children,
especially, ;poOry, that the Music of rhyme and
metremay early'be engrafted in their hearts.
No doggereljott pure classical poems, pearls
which the, greater poets,-God bless them, have'
hung in their. clusters for; the . children. re
member a', teacher once reading John Gilpin to
her boys ; one little fellow's cheeks grew red;
his breattl!qUick, and soddenly at the words '
" Alias; went Gilpin rind away '
Went Oflpin's hat and wig," •
up he, springs, eyes on " oh bliss Moriarty,"
cried he "1 'Seed him." That is what yoßtaut,
something to; stirnp all, the enthrlimit, and
make,thechild see what he reads.
Don't be Oyer anxious, that the childs read
ing shall pe Plain common sense, legends and
fairy tales quicken and develope 1 the imagina
tion in 'youth, and, in • after years, may not
prove valueless. The great phil l osoph r, in a
wise book; elicited. from the mytholog 'of the
ancients themaxims and principles of th it civil.
law; and so' often the matured' min draws
thoughts of prudence and virtuefrom t efables
which . once fed only its fancy. Wha An alr.
plication wisdom make of the "Fox and the
Grapes." ' Yet the "Fox and the 0 pee" is
one of the enchautmenta of a book, fami "ar and
beloved of childhood.
In reading, as in life, the deadliest poison is
iii the commonest things. Stramonium 'grows
at your very door, , along with the butter cups
and-clover, and so the daily papers often con
tain what appeals to the grossest thoughts of
the heart. I have seen the children of a good
man, who woutd'nt tor the world have let them
touch a French novel, who was even opposed
to Shakspeare, swallowing the indecent de
tails of atrial with the utmost avidity; details,
which; perhitps the interest of the community
or the majesty of the law required to be in print,
but which no child- should, look at. Watch
what the children read. A bad thought in the
infant heart may lie idle as - seed in th&winter
ground, to gerMinate and spread in the heat of
a later and more passionate life. Better that
the heart rernain_forever in innocent ignorance,
thah seekpollution from knowledge.
Whei the child's reading has been right, you
hive the foundation stone. Let us look hereafter
to the Superstructure. ,
—The Rebels are reported in force in East
Tenneetee, and twelve thousand, men, under
Buckner, are mounted. The bulk of the Rebel
force is at Granville.
—Accounts from Gen. Siegel's Department
show that the Gen. is actively at work reorgam.' ,
izing and arranging affairs. Gen. Ord is to have
command at Harper's Ferry.
—The Rebel Gen.. Foriest, after doing , a
large amount of injury in West Kentucky, is
now endeavoring to get out of the State by diyi
ding his forces into small detachments.
:—Despatches from Fort Smith, Arkansas,
'State that Gen. Steele has driven the Rebels
froth Arkadelphia, and was advancing on Price's
main army, in the - direction of Camden and
—Brig. Gen. Montgomery has been dropped
from tfie service altogether. Brig. thins. Chas.
P. Stone and Naglee have returned to their,'re
spectiVe ranks in the regular army, the former
as Colonel and the latter as Captain. .
--A-despatch from Cincinnati -reports very
active military preparations in the West. The
Movebnent of troops to the front is on an unex
tinipled All`th6 veteran regiments that
have been home recruiting:art...being' burrieil
; -
` Hughes, Adjt. I'Mcno*cll and other
Officers' of the 25th-. Tennessee rebel regiinenf,-
recently surrendered to COL B. Stokes, of
the '.sth Tennessee Union Cavalry, commanding
at Sparta, Tenn., under the Amnesty Proclama
tion of President Lincoln. . .
—Governnr 3furphy, of Arkansas, has istised
an address to the people of those ebni►ties in
which no election was held, in consequence of
their occupancy by the rebels, appealing to
theneto return to their allegiance to the gov
ernment, and to elect members of the Legisla
ture at once.
—An order has been issued in the Army of
the Potomac which indicates early action. All
private property is ordered to the rear. All
citizens,_w•ith a few exceptions, are forbidden
to 'rernsin,with the army after the 16th inst..
No more furloughs and leaves of absence are to
be granted except in extreme cases.
gunboat reconnoisance was made last
Week from Fortiess Monroe to theChickahom
iny, within fifteen'toiles of Richmond, by which
reliable information was gained. Lieut. D. W.
Chambers, a graduate of the REPOSITORY of
fice, commanded Tart of the force that landed,
and explored the country. They had some
sharp skirmishing with the enemy.
—Alexandria, La., adviceito the 27th ultimo
report all quiet, except occasional skirmishing
with the Rebels, whme force is reported at 20,
000. :It was supposed to be their intention to
fall back from Aleiandria about fifty miles, and
there await our forces. Our gun-boats bound
for Shreveport had succeeded in getting over
the sheltie. The land forces, under Gen. Smith,
left Alexandria on the 27th, also destined for
—An official despatch announces that the ei- .
pedition sent out - from Pine Bluff, Arkarisss, to
Dfotint Etna has been. complete], successful.
At Longview, a rebel pontoon bridge ,was de
stroyed, and a train of thirty-five loaded wagons,
burnt, end over three hundred prisoners eap
tore& At Mount Elba a rebel brigade was
routed with a loss. of ea hundred billed and
a large quantity of small arms, two
etands of colors, many, wagons,and over threg
hundred horses and mules captured. - _
---174 en. Steele's army has
, driven the„enegil
from Arkadelphia, Arkansas,. and is new, adcan•"
cing on Price.- Several- hundred of the enemy.
are coMmitting raids upon Gen. 'Steelika corn
munications. Clarksville, about sixty-five Miles
above Fort Smith, Was ittackedMtrtti ; e fith
stint by the Rebels, who were finally reAso..
Another band of : these guerillas attacked Rola,
fifty miles son& of Port Saab, aid
destroyed a large _amount ,of ttOyeinni4o6l;.
ton stored there. , ` 4-
—The Mowing iirportant changes al a!"310
inentainivefust been ma(b);*,kkr-0:4;:P.
0044,1 is asaiiiiec 00=0,0 efliter
CaTalty CoTi tbp- : A k viaT. at the 1?otoli4e,
The 11th and - 12corkek azo•tcae lxvialkinted.
and called-oe, l e t Amy MajpOje*'
Joseph oo bk assigned t ibiisCientaadd.
141 . 41r-Gen. G: Granger is relieved froin'- the
command of the 4th Army Corps, arid Major-
Gen. 0. 0. Howard is assigned to it in bis stead.,
Major-Gen. • Schofield is assigned -to the com
mand of the 3d Army Corps. - Major-Gen. Slo
cum is ordered : to report to Major-Gen. Sher
man, commanding the Division of Missis
sippi, and Major-Gen. Stoneman to Majer-,Gen.
Schofield, commanding the Department of the
Ohio, for_ assignment. Major-Gen Granger is
ordered to report to the Adjutant-General of
the Army. -
fleb3 abbrttisertento.
Ofileeof the Coin. on Labor, InconteB and Revenueti,l
No. - 118 S. ith St.. Philadelphia, April 4.1864.
The Conimittee on "LABOR, INCOMES' and ,RErr-
:rugs," invite co-operation 'tli them in the partie-
tiler work for which they II ve been appointed. -.4s
no portion of the people morepatnotie than the
working men and women c the country , it is, hilt
a c
:lust and proper that they shild alike have an op
portunity to contribute tot objects of the Fair.
The most equable plan for ac omplishing this. and,
at the same time the easiest one, is to ask. for the
contribution of a shed.): PAN'S tAnou from eli elat4-
as in - the couttunnity. Many will contribute a day
of their labor willingly, who would not subscribe
their money. To reach every department of indus
try and art will be a work of great labor, but. iflit- -
tained, will beproductive of inimense results, ;
The success of the plan will depend upon the hearty
co-operation of every element of influence within
our limits ; and' we invite all the guardians of the
interests, and all others, to take hold with us in
furtheripg this great-work of patriotism and human-
its-. -
: The Committee is charged with the following at*,
to wit:
Freer.—To obtain the contribution of "on e-day's
labor," or-earnings, from every artisan and laborer, .
foreman, operative and employee; president. cash
ler; teller and clerk of every incorporated` and unin
corporated company. railroad and eipress comnanY
employing firm, bank, manufactory, iron -works, oil
works, mill, mine and public, office; from every
vate banker and broker,. importer, auctioneer and
merchant; clerk, agent - and salesman; designer,
finisher rind artist; publisher, printer and mechanic , :
from every government officer, contractor and ern- ,
oloyee, grocer, butcher, baker and dealer; farmer.
horticulturist and producer; from every mentßa
maker, milliner and female operative: everyindivi
-dual engaged in turning the soil, tending the loom, -
or in any way earning a livelihood, or building a
fortune within the States of Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and Delaware.
Sscuxo.—To obtain the contribution of one -day's
" Revenue," from all the great employing estab
lishments, firms, corporations, companies, railroads
and \forks..
, THIRD.—To obtain the contribution of one day's
income Irom every retired person, and person of
fortune—unale and female—living upon their tneaus,
andfrom all clergymen, lawyers, physicians, den- ;
tists, editors, authors and professions. '
Much of this worktm"aat be performed by the per-
sonal infiuence and difolUof ladies and gentlemen I ,
associated, or to be assodated with the
in carrying out this plan.
The Committee feel the responsibility ofthe work ,
they have undertaken, which, to be successful, will
require a. very perfect ramification of their plan,:
and they therefore call upon all earnest people, to:
assembly themselves together in every town, town-;
ship, and county, and form organizations of /Mien
and. gentlemen -to co-operate w ith them in this great
work and labor of love. In -the intuaufacturing
counties, the coal and oil regions, -and in the Agri-.
cultural districts,—especially, let there be ergani-;
zations in the largo town, so that the youngpeople,
may have an opportunity thus to render assistance
to their relatives and, friends fighting the battles of
their country in the armies of the nation. •
The work of this Committee may be prosecuted
where no other effort can, be made for the Fairots
in the mines of tbe,eqal, rettiona- A daY4Faniriga
°Mel EcIieeMEITOLe.dIWSPTOdRet4444IAIa
be obtained , where no portabfo article eon et r
cured for transportation. Indeed there is no part
+or section of these States where the day's labormay
not be obtained, if organizations can, be formed to
reach them. • •
• The Committee cannot close without urging upon
taking prompt and energetic action to secure the
benefit of THE DAT or LABOR from all within their
The Committee deem it unnecessary to do more.
than thus to present the subject to the people of the
three States named. - In the coming-campaigns of
our armies, the labors of the ' SANIT/ATY COMMIS,
gl " will be greatly augmented. By the first of
June 700,000 men—one of the largest armies of mod,:-
eni times—will be operating in the field. ,So large
a force. scattered over regions to which the men are
unacclimated, must • necessarily carry along with it
alarge amount of sickness, suffering and death. to
say nothing of the gathered horrors of the battle
These sufferings, it is our bounden duty, as men
and Christians, to relieve. A great and enlightened
people, enjoying the blessings of a government *f
their own making, csziNOT REFUSE Lifsthtallee to men
suffering to maintain its authority and we - will not
believe that the GREAT CENTRAL PAIR."
drawing its products from the three States of Penn
sylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, so affluent in
"all mineral, agricultural and industrial wealth.
shall fall behind any similar effort which• has Yet
been mode for the relief of the Nation's children.;
As it is desirable not to multiply circuital; •no
further authority than this circular will be neecesgry
for any employing arm or company, or any reepeet
table committee of ladies and • gentlemen, to proceed
at once, in the work of tbis committee; audit is hop
ed that under it, organizations will spring np in all
the towns and busy regions of the States of Pennsyl
vania. New Jersey and Delawate.
Subscriptions will be thankfully acknowledged in
the newspapers of Philadelphia; and itis very desi
rable that they commence soon, as mill fresh ac
knowledgement will stimulate,effort in other local
All subscriptions -Should be 'addressed to "JOIN
W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer, office of the " Com
mittee on Lenox, It:coats AND REVESUE " No 118
South Seventh Street. Philadelphia.
;ca All needful helps in Circulars and- Posters
will bo forwarded- to parties applying for them.
Direct to the Chairman of the Committee as above.
'' - ' 9 "JOUN W. CLAGHORN, Treosurer.
REV. E. W. NUTTER. CorrUpondig
• ,
His Excellency, A. G. Curtin, Governor of Penner'
His Excellency. Joel Parker. Gevernor of N.-J. -
His Excellency; Wm. Cannon, Governor of Del.
lion. Alexanner Henry, Mayor of - Philadelphia.
Hon. Joseph R. Ingersoll, Pennsylvania. -
Hon. Judge Carpenter. New Jersey.
Hon. Judge Harrington;'Delaware. •
Maj. Gen. George G. Meade. Arrny of the Potoniae.
Right Rev. Bishop Potter
Most Rev. Bishop Wood.
- Rey. Bishop Simpson.
Rev. Dr. Brainard.
Rev. W. P. Breed. -
Rev. E. W. Butter. ,
Rev. Isaac, Leaser.
Samuel M. Felton.
John Edgar Thompson,
Cow. R. F. Stockton.
Frederick YraleY.
John Bingham.
Rev. W. Snddards, D. D.
Professor Henry Coppee.
C. PendJetorantt, M. D.
Dr. Walter Williamson.
How. Oswald Thoinpson.
Hon. J. li. 102dIpsg.
N. B. Brow). . •
Daniel DonglietY.,
and 90 others,
Sgt-ANNiihas , MEWING OF
A, ABB4OCIATEOH wiltbe held in WaTansacnto'.
ap Wedeluday, May Mk . /XLnt I *block, P. M.
401;1:W106 - e feet that' many or the Teatime have
etapted„ while Athol" bare left.the county, the timid,
:programme ef Ex:reins will not hepublisbed.
'branches will be taken up for discussion in the or, -
• derin which they are named in the School tai and;.
every Moocher is earnestly reottested'ta inky Such,
preparatiims as will be condueme jo Aeigtereitt
,tholgectillgond the advancomenit of etknOtio l 4 4o- -
owlet, Several good se eak wilideßiereddeee...
B. E.
exticuotcolt,lxit,O'rtzat' wtritre,
Mrs: Roy. B. W. Hatter,
Mrs. George M. Dallas.
Mrs. John Sergeant.
Mrs. John M. 804
is. General
Mrs. Eager orepsoa.
Mrs. Jos. Harrison Jr.'
Mrs. RobertW.lesizelag.
Mrs. L. Mazit7nd. •
Mrs. George: :Weaver.
Mrs:Reoxge Harris:
;dm 3 t h A. Drexel.
Jon Yon k ey.i
. Enoch Tmley.
Miss A. Sager. ;
Miss Susan O'Neill.
Miss Hype Scott. ,
Miss Louisa E. Mew l %
end 35 others. (apl3