*ceb . o. FLow ER SEEDS BY MAIL.- . Plower Seeds from their compactness and light • weight, can he safely and speedily transported - by mail to any part of the enantrY, thereby giving those who live remote from the larger towns and cities, 'Where they can he procured , nearly MI equel chance with those living i x , t h e m, for' - procuring at moder -ate rate. all the choice and rare varieties: For the Accomplishment of this purpose, we offer the follow ing collections, comprising the most beautiful and showy Annuals, Biennials, and Perennials, which will beisent by mail free of postage; to any part of the United States. at the following prices: ASTER& 1 12 ex. fine var. Tyuff. neW Peony-ff'wd 24 selected. ... .; 6 splendid glob pcon e y-perfection - 6 finest 2 'lO beatttifel ' dwrf. chrysanthe'in.... lO splendid " (-Rant Emperor 116 splendid 'var. Reid's new Quilled 4 fittest var; Double Gocardcait 12 extra fine var. 'Pyramidal Bouquet 14 sunerior var. Quilled .......... - ' S beautiful Var. new Ranunculi's, flow'd 4 very fine var. new Hedgehog 40 In adation-to these I put Up n collection •of M UM which 1 consider to be the finest ever sent out, it contains 10 Packages of mixed colors of the fol lowing kinds.l viz: Truffaut's New Peony, Peony Perfection. Giant Emperor, Imbrioue Pompons, German Quilled, Itenuneulus, Hedge Hog, Reid's Improved, LaSuptirba, and the beautiful new Aster _ §plendens. one who delights to grow fine low should fail to send for one of these packages.— Price OD. - LSANIS, 12 finest prize Balsams $1 00 STOCKS, 12 snpurb new varieties, ten week large flowering 1 00 " S beautiful new varieties, Perpetual large flowering - 12soleet prize, var. HollyhOcks, Eng lish. from Downie, Laird and Laing s celebrated collection saved from prize lowers 1 50 I.llPiuest, varieties Marigold 6 Newest ' Marvel of Peru—. 5 Select '` Nemohpila 12 Distinct " Ornamental Grass. 12 " Gourds.- ...... ... '1 00 'i Beautiful ," , , Phlox Drummornlii 75 Finest - . " Petunias -50 41g1.1MAN - . FLOWER SEEDS, „12, Splendid var. Pinks.' Carnation ' ' 2 50 " 12 Splendid varieties Pink Picnic° 250 S Distinct ' ' Portulnces 45 " 8 Finest " Sweet Pea 40 " 6 Splendid var. Scabies& large flow'd.. 50 " 6 Extra tine " Snapdragon' 50 12 Selected " , Salpiglossis:. , 73 .12:Superb " Wallflower. double.... 75 8 Slip, new " COCkSOOMbs [ , 75 " • it Fihest " Catliopsis. i 33 " 0 Selected " Climbing Plants 50 20 ' ineleding newest— 2 00' Distinct " Delphinium ' 75 " 18 Finest " " Chinensls 75 -ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS. - Album, pure white; 2 feet Brilliant, crimson and White, 2 feeL Caryophilloides, magnificently strippd, 2 feet_ Defile. rosy_ carmine and white, 2 feet orange-scarlet and white, 2 feet Rondos Feux, brilliant scarlet, 2 feet. btriped -- - Mixed Downie,'Laied and Laing's finest Prize ANAGALLIS, daribaldi. a most beautiful vermillion car, new 25 Nattoleon 111, maroon, Y; foot .10' Indica, blue, fine trailer, from Nepaul, - 3/ 2 foot. 10 ALONSOA. , Warszewiezi,bright crimson,from Chilo l .4 feet 10 Grandiflora, large flowered. bright Scarlet, 2ft - 10 • BALSAM, Finest prize, from Douie, Laird and Laing, of Scotland- Best English prlze,atoublc 'eamel flower—. ..... . ..... " " Rose flowered. " " Miniature " " Persian pale yellow, sweet scented 2.3 flood mixed. - 05 ROSE FLOWERED, Splendid mixed 10 Spotted, six beautiful colors mixed. 4 10 CANNA INDICA, Red, from InditS 2 feet • , 15 Comptteta Flegautissima. large, redish yellow, free flowering. from ionth America, 2 feet... 10 Warseetviezd, brilliant red, foliage striped. from Central America, 3 feet 1 - 25 COCKSCOMB, I _Finest prize. dwarf habit, large combs, very shoWY.N ft 10 Macrecophala Gigantea, brilliant. Fred, very , - largelarnishme heads, from Asia, I 1 ft. 10 Dwarf, rose, very beautiful %ft 1 [ 10 Yellow, new and flue, % ft 10 Now Giant. very,larg.e brilliant red. 1 11. ........10 "pi ate Rosea, a new .Preneb. sort,l.Vz ft 10 7Alixed. ' 05 'White • ' I 10 CALCEOLARIA HYBRID A, Splendid m ixed, saved from a choice collection embracing all the rich and varied colors of this favorite greenhouse flower Grandillora, new large flowered. splendid Neiv Spotted, saved from a splendid collection of Prize floivers by an eminent German flora 'lst; embracing all the rich and blliant col ors and markings peculiar. to this beautiful and showy trine of plants; ft Shrubby, mixed varieties, collected from a splendid collection of finest serf colored and spotted sorts. Mese are half , hardy peren nials and adapted for bedding out in tho open ground duringsu mmer.blooming abun dantly throughout the ............ Huhu:cow., extra-choice CINERARIE, I Pine mixed Extra Select, from prize flowers only New Dwar•" 1 Shrubby Giant Downie, Laird t Lang, of Scotland, Price - iii The various undermentioned varieties produce fruitso the most' singular and grjtesque appear ance, and are very deStnible as rapid climbers CUCUMIS I Aradac' Flesuesn.R, Snake Cucumber, very handsome.. CHossularifoliuq. Gooseberry-fruited Melo Chin', red-fruited DELPHINIUM. Carliopetslum, deep blue, profuse bloomer, admirably adapted as edgings for' laiTe beds Elatum, Bee Larkspur - I Pormosunt, rich blue andwhit e. the Most hand- . . . some and ornamental of the - class making a grand display the first season, if own early 10 ' Grandiflorum, dark blue 05 ' Ilendcrsooi, blue and white, very fine 10 Tricolor, new and fine 1 05 Elston' Speetabillis - 1 10 Chinensus, best mixed L 05 .. . .Azoram, red spotted 25 " ' Caraletun, beautiful spotted ..5 Hybrid-norum. from the best named valetics 25 DIANTHUS CHINENSIS, ' India or Chinn Pink, twenty rare varl'etics mixed V i - '01) Alba, fl., pi., fine double white I 10 Alba Striate, double white, red striped fine ' 10 ileddowini, Heddewig's new, Jaen Pink, a , most valuable acquisition from J apan,plants ~ scarcely one foot high, very busby and coy' eied with a profusion of flowers,-Which mea sUre nearly three inches- in dial :ter, with - colors consisting of rose. crimson nd violet; some are delicately marbled, others self-col ored, suitable for thettonservatory,bovrer or. gardenlo ' DIANTHUS CHINEI4SIS, treddowigi Hybrids, fl., pl., NoVa, Tie* hvbiid ' double flowered, raised by hybredizing Dianthus Ileddowigi with the double Garden - Pink. It throws up strong flower stalks, ' abouti.l4, ftiln height, the flowers are both - double and 'fiemi-double, of the shine size as Op Ileddeni.i. the semi-doubts have the same rich shltdee and colors, the doubles , pure colors without shades i 25 DIANTHUS i Barbatus, Sweet William, mixed 05 " illelvill's auraoular flowered ....... -... 10 •- ~ _.,-.----'` double mixed 10 'G=lll6lOll9, various colors t 05 NEW .A.4.)9) CHOICE VARIETIES OF 'VEGE TABLE SEEDS. I include irtthislist only such as are illw and val uable and not readily obtained. 'llio most of them I have received from the celcbmted English firm of Carter & Co.; London. and they Cti be confidently recommended, includinn 'a few American novelties of great merit. CASTER'S SEET OSYTO „DEBT, : Medium size, good shape, short top, rich deep blood red color, fine flavor, decidedly the , best,bccd id cu lti va ti on . I grew-thiathe past Year and found it fully equal to the recent rirendation. Per pkg i '.5 - V HENDERSON'S PINE APPLE BEET, ' Compact, short top, toots -medium sized and of, a deep crimson, good flavor. ' Per pitg-:- 10 'LITTLE PI-XIE CABBAGE, , Vei'Y early, small. delichte flavor. - . ....... 15 • • Bv.iirrE JAPANESE' MELON.' ' Ws is theilinest. flavored thlit-skinned musk t, i , - melon.-yet introduced. The seed is frotn Japan. No lover' of this fine fruit should fail to try ibis variety ' :: : • J. WESLEY JONES, march 2-21 n Chatham 4 Corners, CoL Co.; N. Y. TIIII.R H. B NDOL'S • MANITFACTURE OF ROSEWOOD AND - GILT- MOULDINGS;. • " ' POKING GLASS AND PICTVRE FRAMES, ;. : 134 every description. IC W. COR, OP TOIRD ANITCALLOILL 579., POILA. Orders to fhotarnest extent _pro ptly cxectited. Orders filled,bir S. S. SHRYOCK, Chambersb 4 g, Pa. Sep 2 8 ; . :1 E XTRA INDUCEMENTS. Persons sending $1 may sele,et seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to $1 10 Persons gu i ding $2 may select seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to ' 325 Persons sendsng, may select- seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to 3 50 Persons sending $4 may select seeds at Cata- • logue prices amounting to - 475 Persons sending $5 may 'select seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to 6 00 Persons sending $lO may select seeds at Cata logue priees amounting to 13 00' These will he put up together and send to one ad dress. or in seperate pa/oges and mailed to the ad dress of each individual forming a club, as maybe desired: In all eases the postage ;will be prepaid. The same deduction will of course be made to any person ordering. I would again call attention to any selection of Asters, in collections, (for a deseriotion Fed page 16,) which I think is the finest ever offered. I sell the eelleetiOn at $l.OO. yet if selected seper ately from the Catalogue it amounts to $1.43. Also any German Stocks. Balsams,Pansies, Carnation, Picotee Pinks, Cineraria and Caleeolaria, B;c., alba which have been received from the most cele brated growers in England. Scotland and Germany, and ar e of first quality. If it should be inconven ient for you to make your own selection, by enclos ing the amount you are desirous of expending, and stating for what purpose the seeds are required, you may rest nsmred that f will make,.the selections in the most jrulicions and liberal manner. Persons wanting a larger qnantity cr - wanting to act us sigent will please address me. During the past two years, our collections of Flow er Seeds by mail, have- been sent to almost' every State in the Union, and s 6 far as we have learned, have given, universal satisfaction, and it is our earn est endeavor to make these collections not only second to none . but to make them' superior to those sort from any other establishment in the country. N. B. Po rtieular nttention should he paid to giv ing The AdtirAgr, 'form, County-rand Rate infpy.— Cate iorm es , wilt he sent to all applicants upotf a're-- e - eipt of a thred cent stamp. Address. , J. WESLEY ,lONES__, mar2=2m Chatham 4 Corners, Col. co. N Y MI .. 250 ~... 100 100 150 1 00 1 00 El TT . ANDREITH'S AGRICULTURAL flit !LI PLEMEN4' AND SEED WAREHOUSE 21 and t 3 South Sixth. Street, Philadelphia, i?a. DAVID LANDRET - 11 & SON, Proprietors of Blooms dale, which ,contains near four hundred ilerPF, in Web filth, devoted to the production of GARDEN SEEDS. are now prepared to surely Country Mer -ehantg, Druggists and all others who deal in Seeds., with large nr small v;urntities, ,by the pound or Trhel, and also in papers made ready for ' , Aniline.. ' The Eqtablistonenttopresented br David Land reth S . on, inis been founded nearly three fourths of a century. , The wide-Rprend`ponultarity. and the demand in , ereasine• from year to year. for ~., Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds, is evldence of the high value entertained foftliena by th e public.Landreth's larden Seeds are not only favorably received throughout the Union. but are shipped to many foreign ports. Indee3 it may be stated with national pride that they bottle into active competi tion with English Seed and British Soil. David Landreth & Son invite all who are not al ready purchasers of their Garden Seed.. to make a trial of them—assured that they will be found fully egnal to their high reputation. Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac contain ing catalogue of,Garden "Seeds with - instructions. furnished gratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural Implements. DAVID LANDRETH & SON. am 12-Iy3 Nos. 21 and 23 South 6th St.. Phila. 1 0 o 10 10 10 10 10 FRESH GARDEN 'S'EEDS for 1864. GARDENERS, MARKET 'GARDENERS AND OTTIERS. PURCHASING SREDS I J N SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES, by sending a list of what they .require. WILL RECEIVE THE SAME BY RETURN OF MAIL) ( with the lowest possible prices annexed for •.cash. • -cARRIACIF. PAIH TO BOSTON AND NEW YORK. Seeds pre-paid by mail. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries. ' Plymouth, Mass. 1•51 9.griculturat. COOK 7 S SUGAR E 4,AP 0 R A.T OR, manufactured by BLYUTER. BATES k Day. Mansfield. Ohio.—We are willing to guarantee that from two acre , : of good Cane, a sufficient number of gallons of Syrup can be produced to cover cost of Machinery, capable of making eighty gallons of; Syrup per day, which at fifty eents.ver gallon, will pay for cost of Mill and Evaporator in fourdays: or where - pan is wanted for a brick archewithout the Furnace. in less time. COOKS SYItUPS have been sold at an average of sixty cents a gallon, and none in market. An acre Of good Cane will produce froth 2 to :M s gallons of Syrup. SEED.- - We offer a Superior Arttele, se lected by ourselves. Sprout, the seed and roll in plaster. Plant in drills four feet apart, from No`th to South. Light soil and Southern exposure pr ferred. although not absolutely necessary. as it will grow on soils where-many crops would bo a failure.- Cultivate as for Corn. 50 1 00 10 10 25 25 Cook's Evaporator hits taken the first premium over all others at two United States Fairs and over thirty State Fairs. - Clark Sorkm Machine Company's CANE MILL and above SEED for sale by 11 - t ELI), A2ent. Office—RxPostronY Building, C imb'g, Pa. The Sorpo hand-Book sent fr• to any per son asking for it. 1:11 ar 2,3 AG R CILLTULAR IMPLEMENT M.A:NI;FACTURERS. WILLIAM L. 80Y,E12 Sixth Street and Germantown Avenue; PHILADELPHIA, Ps, Manufoctureri of the Premium Farm Grist Mill Jj