P 1 graultli l u 7 aptfitgirg. THE EOENTT-, The follciwing is the Pointy 'Law recently passed by'the be sin that it covers every Iforin of proceeding adopted by the people to raise bounties,- and legalizes every method they may have agreed upon for refunding such H übscrip ti ona by taxation. It is entitled "An Act Relating to the Payment of Bounties to Volunteers : " SECTION 1.: Be it enacted by the 'Senate and Mouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in - General Assembly net, and ' it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all bondii, warrants, or certificates of in debtedness, issued by the Commissioners, or Commissioners and Controller, of any* county, orlthe corporate authorities of any city, ward -or, borough; or the School Directors, or Road Commissioners, or Supervisors, of any township of this Commonwealth, for the payment of boun ties to persons volunteering to enter the military„ or naval service of the United States, under any j 7 - requisition heretofore made by the President of the Mated States, be and the same are here - by legalized, made valid and binding upon such counties, Cities, wards, boroughs, and townships, as if fall and legarauthority had existed for the • issuing and making of the same when they were issued and made ; and that in all cases where any spegial committee, commissioners, or an individual or individuals, of any county, at', township, borough or ward, shall have subset i bed and paid, or become personally liable for • the payment of money, for the purpose ot' pay : . ing bounties to' volunteers, under the late calls' of thc President of the United States, who have been mustereOnto the United States military service, and credited to such county, city, town ship, ward, or borough, witlithe understanding, or agreement, that a law would be enacted to levy and colledt a tax upon such county, city, • township, borough, or ward, for the payment of, stich advancement and liabilities, all subscrip tions, so paid, or money borrowed as aforesaid, I shall be good and valid against such county, city, township, borough, or ward, as if the same had been subscribed or borrowed by the corpor ate authorities of the same, underthe provisions of' this act ; and it shall be the duty of the Com missioners, Supervisors, Councils, or School DI -rectors, as the case may be, to proceed to levy and collect a - taxsupon such county, city, town ship, borough; or ward, sufficient to pay the principal of all'such claims,with interest thereon until the dayUT payment, together with the cost Of collection thereof. SECTION 2. That all payment of bounties to volunteers, entering the service, of the United States as aforesaid,by the Commissioners, or the Commissioners and Controller, of any county, or the corporate authorities of any city, ward, or borough, or by the School Directors, or - Road .Commissioners, or Supervisors, of any 'lowa ship of this Commonwealth, and all loans made .'.kyanid -- usitkoritier,, for the purpose of making such payments, be and the same are hereby le galized and. made valid: SECTION 3. That the authorities aforesaid are hereby authorized and required, to execute and complete, nil agreements, and contracts, here tofore made by the aforesaid authorities of such. comities, cities, wards, boroughs, or townships, for the payment of bounties, as aforesaid, or for retanding advancements made for that pur pose by any committee, special commissioners, individual,or individlials, on condition that they shall be refunded, according to the true intent and meaning of such agreements and contracts; and for that purpose the said authorities are hereby authorized to borrow money, and issue bonds, warrants, or certificates, in the name of such county, corporations, or townships, with or without interest coupons attached; payable at such time and place as may be agreed upon, and to levy such taxes as may be necessary to meet the payment of the principal and interest __of said bonds, warrants and certtficates, as the same shall become' due ; which taxes and levies shall be assessed, and collected, as other county, city, ward, borough, or township taxes are as sessed, levied; and collected : Provided, That in all election or eurolment districts, not having any constituted authorities, as contemplated by this act, competent to levy and collect said tax, the board of election officers of such district shall be authorized to levy, and proceed to have said tax collected in such districts. SEcnox 4. That all assessments heretofore made of taxes for the purpose of paying boun ties, as aforesaid, be 'and the same are hereby ' legalized and made valid: Provided, That the property of non-commissioned officers and pri vates, in actual service in•the United States ar my and navy, from this,Commodwealth, orwho died, or were, permanently disabled, in such ser vice, or having been in such service for the space of one year and six months, were honor ably discharged therefrom, and the property of widows, minor children, and widowed mothers of non-commissioned officers and privates,-who died in such service, shall be exempted from any taxation under the provisions of this act: Pro vided, That the provisions of the first, second, third and fourth sections of this act shall be so understood as to have reference. only such agreements and contractsas have been . entered into by the authorities aforesaid, subsequent to ' the 17th day Of October, 1863. ' SECTION 5. That ail the provisions of the four teenth section of an act to create a loan, and provide for arming the State, passed the 15th day of May, 1861, which authorizes the Associ ate Judges, and County Commissioners, of the -several counties of this Commonwealth, to con stitute a board* of relief for the families Of such volunteers as have- been, or shall be, enrolled and mustered *into service from their several counties, are hereby extended, and applied, to the families -of men who have been, or may `hereafter be, drafted or conscripted, and plas tered into the service of the United States, and credited to the quota of said counties respective - ly; and all-arrangements made by' the several counties of this Commonwealth, for the support of the families of volunteers, militia, drafted or conscripted men, mustered into the service, and credited, as aforesaid, are hereby legalized and. confirmed ; and full and legal authority is here by given said County, Commissioners to -borrow money for the payment of such expenses, and for the extension of such relief to the families of:h11 private. soldiers and non-commissioned ofdcers, who have been mustered in, or may hereafter be mustered into, the service'of the United States, and credited as aforesaid, in pur suance of any requisition made, or to be mule, by the President of the United State, or - by any , law of the United States now made, or hereafter to be made, or by the Governor of Pennsylva nia, or any laW of said Commonwealth now made, or hereafter to be made. . - SECTION 6. That the Commissioners of any . and every county in this Commonwealth are hereby authorized to borrow_ such sum, or sums of money as may be saffident to pay to each and every non-commissioned officer and private soldier who volunteered_ from such county, and entered the military or' aval service' of the United States, on, or, after the 17th day of October, A. D. 18ii3; and to each and every non-commissioned officer and private soldier who may hereafter volunteeer and enter the service of the United States from such county, and be credited to the quota thereof, iu pursu ' aneuef any, requisition of the President of the United-States, - or any law of thet United States now made, or hereafter to be made, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars proitided how ever, That in That part of any county where School. Directors, or Road Commissioners, - or Supervisors, of any township, or townships,, or . whore the corporate authorities ofany eity,ward, or bortitigh, or any eorninitteeopeeiat minnis sioners, individual, or individuals, haysf paid, or have now commenced to raise a fund for the pur pose of paying, such bounties, it shall be lawful for such School liireetots, or RoadCommission its, or Supervisors, of Such - township, or town- Slaps, or the corporite authorities of such city, Ward, or borough, to borrow such sum, or sums Of money as may he'required to pay to eaehvol ..unteer Iron] such district, a 'sum not exceeding three hbridred dollars; and it shall be lawful for such authorities of said townships, cities, wards, or boroughs, , to issue bonds of said town ships, cities, wards, or boroughs, for such sum, or sums, of money, and in such amounts as may be necessary to pay the authorized bounty to each volunteer required to fill the quota or quo tas of such township, city, ward, or \ borough : And provided further, That such townships, cities, wards, and boroughs, as have filled their quota, or quotas, under any call or requisition I heretofore made by the President of the United I States, as aforesaid, without aid from the coun ty, city, or borough, shall be exempt from any' _tax levied, or to be levied, by the said county, city, or borouglr, for the payment of bounties, or for the payment of any bonds issued by said County Commissioners, city, or borough autho rities, for the payment of bounties to volunteers to fill the quota aforesaid: An 1 prorided fur ther, That no county, city,. ward, township, bi)- rough, or other district, which shall have agreed, or catered, to pay, as bounty to each volunteer credited to such county, city ward, township, borough, or other district, a larger sum than three hundred dollars, shall be subject- to the limitation as to amount prescribed in this act ; but any payment made, or to be made, or obligation given, or to' be given, or liability. incurred, or to be incurred, in pursuance of such offer or agreement, is hereby ratified and declared to be lawful and valid: And provided further, - That in case the Commissioners of any county, or the Commissioners and Controller of any county in this Commonwealth, shall neglect or refuse, to take the necessary steps tp raise, or complete the raising of bounties iu town ships, wards, and, boroughs, not haying raial, or commenced to raise, bounties ,at the time of the passage of this eel, then. and in hat case, said township, wind, -or,_ borough, by their au thorities aforesaid, shall liarepower to proceed and raise bounties as fully and effectually as if done by the county authorities. SECTION 7. That the said County Commis `Sioncrs, or School Directors, Road Commission ere, or Supervisors, of any township,or corpo-. rata authorities of any city, ward, or borough'; are hereby authorized, (for the purpose of ' car rying out the provisions of this act,) to borrow money, and issue bonds, or .certificates of in debtedness, no bond, or certificate, to be less" than the sum of 'twenty-live dollars, except when the bounty is less ~than twenty-five dol lars, in the name of such county, township, city, ward, or borough, with, or without, interest con, pons attached, payable at such times, and in such manner, as may- be agreed upon ; and to levy, and assess, on all property, professions, trades and occupations, subject to taxation, for State and county-purposes, and collect such tuxes as may be necessary to meet the princi pal, and interest. of said bonds and certificates, as they shall become due, and payable; which taxes shall be collected as county, city, ward,_ and borough; taxes are now levied'and collect ed, including a per capita tax, of not more than one dollar, on all taxable mule inhabitants: Provided, That only one per capita tux shulbbe levied in any one year : Provided, That in all cases where any person, or persons, liable to draft, have, for the purpose of raising the, sum requisite to pay a bounty to the volunteers re quired 11011 the quota of any county, city, ward, lorough, or township, stipulated, in writing,J to pay a sum greater than the amount of tax which would be due upon the assessed valuation of their real, or personal property,, it shall and may be lawful for,ithe corporate authorities of such county, city, ward, borough, and township, to collect the amount so subscribed: Provided, That no bonds, or ,certiticates, issued under any of the provisions of this act, shall be for a lam= ger period than ten - yOrs: Provided further, That in all cases where a borough and township have separate boards of School - Directors, and are embraced in one district, for the purposes of the milittry dr..ift, the Directors of said dis tricts are hereby authorized to act jointly in carrying into effect the provisions of this act. SECTION 8. That in all eases where the County Commissioners of ally county, the School Directors. Road Conimissi en ers, or Supervisors, of any township, or ate corporate authorities of any city,- ward or borough, have levied a per capita tax upon persons subject to draft, or , military duty, the action of said corporate au thorities be and 'the same is hereby legalized and made valid. J SECTION 9. That in any case where a part of the bounty authorized by this aer, has been paid by at township, city, - or borougl , and said ward, township; city, or borough au thorities as aforesaid, shall neglect, or refuse, to pay ,such part as remains unpaid by the terms of their agreement to pay bothities to volun teers, then the difference between the sum so paid, and the full amount ofthe bounty promis ed, (not exceeding, in the whale, the sum-of three hundred dollars to each volunteer,) shall be paid said volunteers by the county authori ties, in which' said ward, townships, cities, or boroughs, are loCated ; and the County Com missioners, in which said ward, townships, cities, or boroughs, are located, shall assess; levy, and collect a tax on such defaulting ward, townships, cities, or boroughs, - us other ward, township, city, or borough, taxes are levied and collected, in such amounts as may be - required to pay the balance due the volunteefs, as afore said, -from such defaulting township, city, or borough. z t SECTION' 10. That the money acr4rrowed by the County Commissioners, shall bh paid over to thd Treasurer, of the proper county, who shall pay to each non-eommissioned officer, or private soldier, who volunteered from, and has been dredited to the quota of, such county, and has been mustered into the servfee of the Uni ted Slides, or has been honorably, discharged theref i rm, the stun of money ..to which,such perso shall he entitled, under the provisions of this aet, on the warrant or order of the Cum missionere, draWn on him for that purpose; and said Treasurer shall not receive inure than one-half of one per centum on any money so paid over to him.- SECTION 11. That the money so borrowed - by the School Directors, or Road Commission ers, or Supervisors of, any township, or the cor perste authorities of any city, ward, or borough, shall be paid over to the Treasurer of said city, warkborough,or,township, or when such officer does not exist, to a person duly appointed by said authorities ofsaid township, city, ward, or borough, who, upon giving sufficient bonds, for the faithful performance of his duties, shall proceed to pay to such persons, in the manner directed by the tenth section of this act, and. shall be 'allowed the same per ceutage as is allowed to the County Treasurer, by the tenth section of this act: Provided, That the com pensation allowed to any collector of taxes, under this act, shall not exceed two per centum. SECTION 12. That in ease any veteran sol diers, who have re-enlisted, attai:ye not been credited to any special locality, shall hereafter be credited, on the present draft, to the locality from which they originally volunteered, such veterrini shall be paid by the local authorities, whose dutyit is to pay bounties, such bounty as, under the provisions of this act, shall be paid to volunteers from said locality. SECTION 13. That if any soldier, or non conimissioned officer, or private, who would have been entitled to receive :the said bounty, shall have died before receiving the money, tho proper. athorities shall pay The same to such person, or persons, as by the laws of the United States would be entitled to receive the bounty of , decessed Soldiers SEcitoN 14: That all accounts or theseceipta . .and eipetalitures •of the bounty fund s aaistug Zip Sraultlin tlepositt3tv, Stpyil 1864. from any taxes that hate been assessed, or that may be assesses for the purpose as aforesaid, shall be audited, in like manner as other county, township, city,,borough, or school district, ac 7 counts are audited. SEarms 15. All bonds,warrants, certificates of indebtedness, or loans issued, or to be issued, under the provisions - of this ttet, or of any special act heretofore passed, or hereafter to be passed, authorizing particular cities, counties, wards, boroughs, or townships, to borrow mon eys and pay bounties to volunteers, shall be ex-, empt from all taxation. *anterr t -Thantrso *tr. SADDLERY! SADDLERY,!! EEO HARNE t, S, S MA.NUF'ACTORY! The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that hocontinues to carry onthe ...above business at his Old Stand; on WEST MAEKET ETREET, OppOsitclMiller's Hotel, •CHAMBERSBITtiG, and keepszeonstantly on hand a general assort- ment of Riding and Wagon Saddles Riding Bridlei, • Flat aid !Walk ,Black and Fair • Harness of all kinds. • Harness and Draft Collars, Patent Leathr - Collars (good qualitY). ° Blind Brils, • Broad Hears, Wagon Wl!ips. Halters, • and ei:crything`iu the Leather-line can be found in his shop, or made to order, at moderate.rates. REPAIRING - done nt short notice and on reasonable terms. TRUNKS AND VALISES 'always on hand and 'sold cheap I'OR CASII. V....Re employs none but the best workmen marl6-ly QADDLERY !! SADDLERY ! !!—Sad k.7 dies, Bridles, Harness, Collars, Trunks, Valises, H ke., sign of the ORSE COLLAR. JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement received from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community anerally, who may need any thing in his line. to give him a call at his old stand, on the East side of Main Street. Chambers burg„five doors South of Huber Tolbert's Hard ware Store, where he keeps constantlY on hand ev ery variety of SADDLERY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to sell the same, on terms that defy competition. Every article offered for sale is warranted to be made of the best material and by competent workmen,.whieh will be fully demonstrated on an examination thereof. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—He would also call the attention of persons wanting.. a good, neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assort ment. jun e17:63. Wikl v PS , ! in WHI t PS S, !:! co WHI ! of Main .. ! !— nd Washington Streets, Chambcrsburg, Pa., manufac turers of all kinds Of WHIPS, such as Wagon, Car riage and Riding Whips, of various sizes and of su perior qua lity, which they offer to the public. either by Wholesale or Retail. at very moderate prices.--- LASHES of all lengths'kept constantly on hand and for sale by the dozen. very cheat). They also mfmn facture superior HORSE COLLARS, to which they invite attention. _ . Orders from a distance solicited and Promptly' at tended •.o. - jun BROAD-GEARB, COLLARS, /LP HALTERS, and any thing in the Leatherlinei belonging to the Saddler's business., always on hand and made, to order, and on reasonable terms. at GORDON'S, opposite the Indian Queen Hotel, Main Street. CORDON' HAS A SUPERIOR lot of SADDLES. HARNESS, BRIDLES, STIRRUPS, SPURS, d e., which he will sell cheap for each or good trade. nYRITS H. GORDON, successor - to & Gordon. gives notice to hi.: customers and ahem that he is still at the (lid Stand, opposite the Indian Queen Hotel. Main Sr.; Chambersburr, Pa. pE PA 'RING DONE AT SHORT notice, on reasonable terms. by C. If. GOR DON. He invites his'frieuds to call and see him. potclo. TTNION HOTEL.,—This- 1 - 1 - otel is situ ' ailed on the corner of-Main and Queen Streets, Chambersburg. Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the tra veling public that th:s Hotel has been remedied. It hi s. been raised to THREE STORIES in height. A fine three story Back Building has been added to it,, giving an immense amount of room for the accorn- ' modation of the public generally. The Roonis are large and comfortable, numberingin nil thirty-five. They are-all well furnished with good . ; , , Tcyi Furni ture. Persons stopping at thii; Hotel can have either double or single rooms, with or without fire in them. The Table is alwav4 supplied with the BEST in the :MARKET, and will sett over 100 persons THE BAR is filled with the Choico4 Liquors. The Stable is two stories, of the most modern style, , and the.best in the Borough of Chamberaburg. junel7, ti 3 JOHN , FISHER, Proprietor. WELLS COVERLY. DAVID H. HUTCHISON. fIOVERLY &lIITTCHISOY V have become the Prdpribtors of the UNITED STATES HOTEL, nearrthe Railroad Depot at lIAII. EISBURG, Pa. This popular and commodious! Hotel has been newly refi tt ed and furnished through out its parlors and chambers, and is now ready for, the reception of guests. The trAN cling public will find the United States Hotel the meet convenient, in all particulars, of any Hotel in the Stato. Capital, on account of its' acecsA to the railroad, Tieing immediately between the two great depots in this city. - altlsß - 610.Juno 17.;63-tf. NDIAN QUEEN- HOtEL, Main Street, Chamhersburg, Pa. JOHN W. TAYLOR,: Pro prietor. Fine accommodations and low charges. Btock Yard* and Scales ate connected with the prenties for the•corivenience of Drovers. - Also. Extensive Stabling and' Yards for Horses and Car riages. [June ,raants. TO $l5O PER MONTII.—The LITTLE GIANT Sewing Machine Com pany want an Agent in each county. to solicit orderS for their new $l5 Maehinn, with gauge screw-driver and extra needles. IV e will pay &liberal salary and expenses, or give large commissions. For further particulars, terms, &c., enclose a stamp, and address T. S. PAGE, Toledo, 0., febl7-3m General Agent for the United States. 1T ANTED LLCorrespondeuce by a Young Man from Missiippi, who for his fa - al.! ness to the Stars and Stripes, has been driven away from his once beloVed home and now a subject of _46o's, wishes to correspond with some nice; Lady between the age of 18 mid 21. Object—Love, with a view to matrimony. All letters strictly I.,onfidential. Address with Photograph encloSed. A'. B. m23-3t +] Co F, 11th 0 V C. Fort Jobilleck,ldahA'. IVANTED.-100 bushels SITA L L T ONIONS, I will pay W'per bushel for'thern, if in good order. [fob 17] A. J. MILLER. IXTANTED-FURS OF ALL KIISDS Pas the highest price in cora, for the Red and will Fox. Mink, Muskrat. Raccoon. Opos urn arid R4bhit skins. • • J. L. DECHERT. , - L - 11_,TdvoN NOTIC E.—An Election u 4 will be held at the Office Of the Franklin Co. Mutual Insurance Company; on Monefav, the 2d day of - piny next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the election of 13 Directors to serve for the ensuing' year. rnar3o-5t WM. M'LELIAN, Sco7Y. JOB PRINTING;in every style, "done at the Office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY ••Kr E C BUSINESSCOLLEGE N. E. cORNEIT OF TENTH AND_CIIESTNIIT STREETS.' PIIILADELPIIIA; 'UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF • L. FAIRBANKS, A. M. for the last four years Principal and Chicißusine'ss Manager Of Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College. A MODEL .BUSINESS COLLEGE, CO,ducted on a new system of Actual Business Training, through the establishment .of legitimate Officers and Counting Ilthise, representing different' departments of Trade and Commerce, and a regular Bank of Deposit'and Issue, giving the student all ,the advantages of actual practice, and qualifying him in the shortest posAilale time and most effective manner for the various duties and employments of business life. The course of instruction in the Theoretical De - Partfuent embrades Book-Ketping, Commercial Cal culations, Lectures on BusineseAffairs, Penmanship, Cone. ercial Laws, Forms, !arrespondenee, &c. In the student enters upon the Orialoafing Course, Which includes a'continuation in the above studies, With their practical applieation'in all their details: De Will in turn fill the position 6f Accountant and Proprietor in the, various departments of Wholesale rind .Retail Trade, Forwa Johldng, and anti- ' !plosion Business; Banking, Manufacturing, Mining,' Steamboating. the., and will finally act cue Cashicr,i, Book- Keeper and ,Teller in the Bank. in each of , , whieWpositions his previous knowledge will be put to the fullest practical test. ° • This Institution offers to-young men - numcrous ad c' vantages not possessed by any, other Commercial: Collage in thoStitte, It is complete in all its ap-4 pointmcnts. It is the only Institution in the Stat conducted on actual business principles. The coo rses of instruction is unsurpassed, and may be completed hi about one-haltthe time usually spent in other institutions, in consequence of an entirely new ar rangement, and:the adOption of the new practical system. Diplomas awarded upon the completion of the Cow/lucid Course; which embraces all except the higher sets of Banking, Manufacturing, Railroad ing, the. Send for n circular. dee2-IY. CH . AMBER SA3 U G 'ACADEMY. REFITTED AND REORGANIZED, Will commence u. new quarter on Thursday, April2l. Large additions have been made to its already ex tensive apparatus, a full and efficient corps of tea chers has been employed, and no pains or expellee spared V2l render it one, of the first institutions of learning in the country. • Particular attention paid to Teachers and young men preparing, for 'College. It is desirable that Students enter at the com mencement of the quarter, ,but they may enter at any time; and they Fill be charged only from date•of entrance. Terms per quarter from i,S3 to SB.. A de duction of-34: from the bills of Clergymen, Send for Circular. 'TAMES B. GILLAN FACUW, J. R. KINNET A. 8., Principal, Greek, German and Natural Sciences. A. OVERFIEL,A. 8., Latin and nigher Mathema tics. • A'. M. TainimEa. Commercial Departmont, Miss H. H. Poakiss, Preeeptress, Cori, Eng., Painting and French. - Miss SARAH A. FLnRY, Primary Dept., Pencilling, Crayoning, &e. - 'Artiste. [CliamVg, 'Jan. (I . HAMBERSBi3RG SEMI Ist' AR Y V. FOR YOUNG LADIES.The Spring Session will commence on Tue.olay, Feb. 9th, 1864, but boar ders can enter at any time, and will lbe charged ac cordingly. A large attendance, both in the primary and academical departments, gives evidence-of ail interest in the school not sut'passed- in any formes period. Miss H. Curtis, assistant in the higher de partment, bears testimonials of her eminent fitness to instruct in the higher branches, from a Seminary in the West, where she taught, for several years.— The primary Department is chiefly under the care of Mrs. C. B.- iloxey. the effect.; of energy and efficiency' tippear in the flourishing condition of the department. Miss Z. C. DeForest is well known as an able and experienced teacher of music. TUITION,—From : 1 .48 to :315 per session of five Months. Boarding TEACHERS THANISHED. , --Schools and fami lies' in need of teachers can hear of young ladies well qualified, - chiefly graduates of the Institution, by addressing I: I jan27-tf. Rev. HENRY B.F.EVT,S, A MEXICAN LIFE INSURANCE. AND _LI TRUST CO., Corner 4th and Walnut, Streets Philadelphia. Incorporated 155t1.. Charter Perpe tual. Authoriied Capltal.&>o" 0,000. Paid-Up Cap ital, $2.50,000. 1 'Philadelphia. Feb. 4. ISG4. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received , 1 upon 111UTUAL POLaCfr.s during the year ending ! December :i15t,,1863J and in force at that date, the above'amount to be credited to said Policies. and have also ordered the dividend: of 1860 on Policies issued during that vent , to be ,Aid. as the annual premiums on said lfblieies ere 'received. OFFICERS. Pmtident—Alexatuler Whilldin, Secretary and Trea4ure)—John S. Wilson. - Actuary—John C. Sims. BOARD OF - TRUSTEES —Alexander •Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson. George .Dingent, Hon. James Pol lock. Albert C. Roberts. P. B. Mingle. ,Samuel. Work, WilliaM 'J. Howard„ lion. Joseph Allison, SaMuel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charles .I.lleaz litt, Isaac Hazlehurst. Wm. G. REED. Chambershurg, Pa., is the author ized Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Co:npany, and is always' prepared to furnish pamphlets or anv information wanted, and to take Insurances. OFFICE, in the Ropmatory Building Des. J. C. Rtettaans and W. H. Bovi,t,..lferlierti Ern MuratipnaL THE BUSINESS DEPARTMENT nsurauce. REFEICENCFS—IIon. A. K. McClure, Rev. S. J. Nieceßs, J. S.' Nixon. Chambers - burg. rind Wm, M. Marshal Cashier Hagerstown Bank. persons desiring information or wishing to insure -will please call on, or by addressing the under signed they will be waited on in any part of the County ur State. W. REED. Agent. . Office iii the RrresrranY Building, Cham liershurg: Pa, . mar 23. T 9 CH RTPR PERPET Z'S 9 ,-- A •UAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY : ASSETS; On January 10294' • $2,457,849 95 ti P9..000 CAPITAL Accatrxn LivESTED PREMIUMS.. • UNSETTLED" CLAt3I9.• I, INCOUE.,PRE 1864 • $8,416. Loss 'PAID SINCE 18.21 t $5,000,000 • - PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. • - +DIRECTORS : • Charles N. Bineker, Isaac Lea. Tbhias Wagner,. Eaward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, , Fates, Jacob R. Smith; AlUcoi Filler, George W. Richards, Fras. W: Lewis. M. D. CHARLES N. 13 A.NCKER President. EDWALD C. DAVE., Viee'Presidost. JAS. W. M'ALLIATEE, Setf3t pro. tern. , DAVID OAKS is the authorized Agent of the Company in Chambersburg, who will furnish all in formation necessary to applieant , ;. mar23-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH liidorporn tad. 1791. Chaster Per petual: CAPITAL $500,000. Othoe 232 Walnut street, Philda. The prompt. paymen tof Claims for Losses during the period of nearly seventy years that the Company, has been, in existence, entitles their to the dtinfidence of thelaublie. Persons wish ing to insure will please. call on br address the un dersigned.. W. G. REED, Agent;. • liggosirony Buildings, Chambersburg, Pa. I 'REFERENC D. Grier, J. Allison Eyster. Esq., -Major J. C. Austin. nuir2 OUR AGENT.—Mr.-Jons GRovn, of Charnbersburg, is the 'General Agent of tho yranllin"County Mutual Insurance Company. lun7i I\TM MARBLE YARD7—The tinder ' signed respectfully announces to the citizens of Franklin County that he has opened a new Mar ble Yard in the: room formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton, directly opposite J.S. Nixon's Drug store, Main Street; Chambers.burg,:where - he will keen on Wander make to order all articles in his line of bus iness, mett as MONUMENTS.. TOMBS and HEAD STONES: MANTELS, TABLE, and STAND TOPS, manufaCtured from the very best - Foreign and Domestic Marble. He respectfully solicits a call from those who May be in want of any article in the above line. He is confident in• his ability to satisfy - all whomaY - be pleased to patronize him, either as regards his nil. es, or the [malty.. beauty, and chastenem d his cork.' , 11%118,63.J ' JOHN A. GROVE. THE , FRANKLIN - CLOTHING- EM PORIUM. ,-_ ' • . . ' NEWEST ST 'LES, L i LARGEST STOCK—CH EST PRICES. The undersigneitean assure t e public, and defies successful contradiction. that h ' recent purchases in the Eastern`eities enables hi to offer one of the largest and most attractive stoc of _ CLOTHIN . For the Serino and Simmer 'eaßo7l of 1864, to be found in any similar establish eat in this section. E ve ry variety of -_ - ' COATS, PAN'S • - NI) VESTS, . , made in the very best styles and at the lowest-prices. GENTLEMEN'S VUR,NISIIING GOODS, such as Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats.' Neckties, Handkerchiefs, &o, Special attention is called to this department. ..._ CUSTOMER'S ORDERS. I invite an examination of my stock of Fine Cloths, Kerseymeres, Vestings, &c., which I manufacture upon special of tiers. SPECIAL NOTICE. Ibe to say that - Any Goods are mannfseturrd 'an der my own supervision, and by the very best work men. My present stoek is the most extensive Ihave yet had in store. and I respectfully ask my friends and the public to give the a call beforo purchasing elsewhere. Remember the old smnd„. I. T. ROSKINSON. Franklin Hotel Building. Corner of the Diamond and West Market St.. 07. Chambcrsburg. Pa, ELLIOTT,' CLOTHIER, South • West corner of the Diamond, next door to the Bank. Charnbeishurg, has just returned from the City with a large stock of superior and seasonable Goods. such ns CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. SATIN ETU: JEANS, CORDS. &e., for Coats; andVEL VETS. SATINS. MARSEILLES and other Vegt ings. - Al.o. a very fine selection of READY-MADE CLOTHING. which,he is prepared to sell at the very lowest market prices. CUSTOMER WORK.—As he eMpleys a first-rate cutter, he is prepared to make up all hinds of Gar ments, for Men and Boys, to order, in the hest styles. Sell-faction will be 'guaranteed. A large assortment of Gssvrmsgtes•Formsrmsul Goons, such as Shirts, Drawers, Collars. Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, 'Umbrellas, atc. always on •liand. Give him a eall'aud save money. junl7-.63. T W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FUR .) . NISEI - ECG STORE and SHIRT MANUFAC TORY; No. 814 Chestnut St., 4 doors below the Con tinental, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to orddred Shirts. A perfect fit guaranteml. Per sons Aft distance can order by the following Shirt measures: - Size around the Neck. " " Chest under the Arms. "Waist. - • Wrist. Length of Arms (bent) from centre of back to mid dle of hand. • Length of Bosom at Side. Shirt. noll-ly RC. W'ALBOR'N'& CO.'s, • WHOLES RETAIL READY-MADE'LINEN & DRESS STOOK ' - MANUFACTORY. • Nos. 5 and 7 North Sixth Street, Phitadelphitz. Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and,Drawers; Cravats, Scarfs., Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ice. Shirts,. Wrappers and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Orders may be left with S. S. SIIRYOCK, Cham bersbnrg. se:l3. WE ST ON dz: BROTHER, • MERCHANT TAILORS, No: 900 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Having received a liberal share of patronage from Charnbersburg and Vicinity, we are encouraged to ask for more. The excellence of our goods and our work, and the care we take to give entire satisfac tion. are a sufficient guarantee that we value our reputation. (n011.63-Iy.l WESTON & BROTHER. EU' atrbso anb ,sclueltp. AUGHT.NBAUGH'S CLOCK, WATCH AND JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, MAIN ST., NEXT THE POST OFFICE, URAMBERSBURG, P. The undersigned would respectfully call attention to his present stock, cOnsisting of WATCII_ES. Gold and Silver,' of American and European man , ufacture, of all qualities and styles, and at the lowest prices. C L 0 C KS In great varied.. Parlor Mandel, Office, JLWEIS:R Y. ..The newest and most desirable styles orOnyx, Coral and Pearl; Gold Chains, Bracelets. Finger Rings, Gold Thimbles. Sleeve Bat tous,NOlciaccs.Armlet.,Ma- sonic and Odd Fellows' Breast Pins, &e. MOURNING AND JET JEWELRY. A splendid stock and newest styles. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Mugs, Spoons Forks, GOLD P-ENS! , . Fro , m I le hest and most celebrated manufactories 'FANCY GOODS. A very lm Re and attractive stock. CUTLERY AND POCKET KNIVES. - - Rodger 's superior Pen Knives. of different quali ties and _prices. GOLD, SILVER', AND STEEL SPECTACLES. The long, experience of tin. underFigned in the BC- !action -and adaptation of Glasses ena bles him to suit any sight. At no time have the people.of this county had a more attractive and extensive-stock to select from than is now presented at the .establishment of the undersigned. Every article is new and of the latest style, and will be sold at the very lowest price. An examination is solicited before purchasing else where. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice Si com petent uorkmen. E. AI7OIIINBAFGH. - se?2. 2d door South of Post Office Chamh'g,. HENRY HARPER, No. 52b And ST., PHILADELPELTA, PA. -Manufacturer and Dealer in WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER vc - Ant and ROGER'S SUPERIOR PLATED WARE. Zit- All kinds of Silver Ware made on the premi ses.. Watch Repairing carefully done. [rnar23-3m igoicians. FIR. JOHN. MONTGOMERY will at- J.) tend nr.Mtptly to all ealls in his line. Office on Main Street, next door to the Eagle Hotel, and nearly opposite the residence of the Hon. George Chambers. j unr,tl:3. 971,000 .1,036,:2b T R 0 .-0 y e aNi,n FranklinE l . RI Building, Piiviuy; T B SI . CIA B N Market Strce4 Chambersburg„Pa. The above treats all Chronic diseases by means of LVANISM and the different modifications of ELECTRICITY, as discovered - and taught by Prof. Bollas. n04,63-tf. nit, J. C. RIOIA_RPS will attend promptly to all calls in hie line. Office on Main Street, next door to Spender's Drug Store. OFFICE House,—From i-to, VA. M,; to 2 and 6 jitnl7,6l 3tioticro 131 tbr Vrate. JUSTIGE OF THE PEACE.-H._ B. . DAVISON. Justice of tho Peace. Office im mediately opposite the Indian Queen Hotel. All business entrusted to his care" will receive prompt attention. Instruments of Writing, of all kinds, drawn up in a satisfactory manner. - jun 17,63. • -p HARMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, • Chambersbnrg. Pa.. Office in Franklin Hall, in the room formerly occupied' by Studtbaugh do ,Stewart. Prompt attention given to, any thing in the Hue of a Magistrate and Scrbrenfm. feS,GT tf CiHEAP CHAIR AND CABINET \_) WARE ROOMS.—The subscriber informs the public that he continues the manufacture of the va rious articles of FURNITURE in his line, at his Shop, on Main Street, three doors South of Huber 5: Tolbert's Hardware Store. Mims always on band ,or is prepared to manufacture Oti the shortest no lice, Spring Seats, Cane Bottoraiand Windsor Chairs, Sofas, Plain and Fancy Tables, Bureaus, Dressing and Common Wardrobes, Wait - Stands:Book Cages, and Bedsteads, - V.MITIAN BLINDS got up - -in the best style. Particular attention paid to HOUSE PAINTING AND RAPER ILANGING„ and entire satisfaction. in every instance guaranteed, REPAIRING of all kinds, in his line of business, promptly attended to, at moderate prices. UNDERTAKING.—Having purchased the Hearse 4 8 Mr. Win. Flory, deo'd, he is able to attend Fune rals and. manufacture Collins, at the shortest notice, of Cloth. Walnut or Cherry. A Ls.yer-out be in attendance. no-1.63-IY. JOSIAH E. SCHOFIELD. - HELMBOLD'S' - GENUINE PREPA ARATIONS.4-4 0 I' 0:1.T b FLUID EX TRACT BUCK!, a Positive and Specific Remed.r for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Driipsical . This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy nation, by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation, • .11ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses arising from Exeees. Habita of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse, attended with the following syiuptena m : - . Indisposition to Exertion, toss of Niter. hoes of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease, Wakefulness_ Dimnessof Vision, Pain in the Back. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, • Flushing of the Body. Dryness of the Skin,. - Eruptions on the Face. ~. Pallid Countenance. ..... this These symptoms. if allowed to go on, Which medicine invariably removes, soon . folltrws! impotency, Fatuity and E p ileptic Fits, ' in one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they aro not frequuntly followed bY those "Direful Diseases," "INSANITY AND CONSITAIPTIO,N." - Many areaware of the cause of their sufferins. but none will eonkc+. THE . RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUM and Melanchol y Drathr by Cougumrtion, 'bear am ple witness to the Truth of the assertion. The Constitution once effected with Or Wee k nees, required the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate the system. Which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT EVCHU in variably doer. 4. Trial will conyinco tho most skeP tical. - FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES Its mann AtTectione peetdiar to l'etattlee T 11.13 EX TRACT )3UClit i is unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chiorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful- , ' OM, or Suppression of Customary Eraenations, Ulcerated or Seirrhons State of the Uterus, Leueor hes. or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints in cident to theses, whethernrisingfrem Indiscretion. HabitsDE CLINE i OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Take no more Balsam, Mereurti or noPirrotont me :dieinee for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. lIELMROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IM PROVED nosß WASH -CURES SECRET DISEASES, n all their stages,At little expense, Little or no change in diet. No inconvenience. And no .E.rnosu re. It causes a-frequent desire and gives strength ts> urinate, thereby - Removing Obstructions, Prevent- - Mg and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of dis.etises, and expelling alt Poisonous, .Dieeased and wornaut matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have .bean tiro Victims of Quacks, and who have paid hewtrgfees to be cured in a short time, b~und they were de ceived. and that the P.4. - YN has, by the use or power/0 aatrimaent4r%een dried up in the mtetn. to break out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MAiLRIAGE. - Use Relmbold'F. Extract "Rocha The all. affections and- dioceses of the URINARY ORGANS, wheth er existing in MALE or FEMALE, fsem whatever cause originating, and no matter of 110 W LONG STANDING: Diseases of These Orgsns moire the aid of a DI URETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is TIIE GREAT DIURETIC. 'and is certain to bark the - desired effect in ail diseases for which it is roe- , onnended. Elidenee of the most reliable and rmponsible ace ranter will accompany the medicine. PRICE $l.OO PER. BOTTLE, OR SIX FOR .$5.(4. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe Symptoms in oil (nmmunicatiora. CURES GUARANTEED ADVICE GRATIS: Address letters for information to IL B. lIELMBOLD. Chemist, 104 South Tenth St.. bd. Chestnut, Phla.: lIELMBOLD'S Medichl Depot, lIELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROA DWAY. N Y. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UN PRINCIPLED DEALERS who endeavor to dis pose of their own and other articles on the repute. tion attained by lielmbold's Genuine Prenurations.. Extract Buchn. Sarsaparilla. " Improved P.oso Wash. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS- EV .15 OXIVIIERE. • ASK FOR ?TEL.IIBO4...TAXE NO 05'11E,I!. Cat out Om advertisement and .end for ik. i AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE[ n011,f43-Iy• , i . II 9 5 T ,E e_ . TE n IS 'CELEBRATED T 0 MAC 11' B R'S. A pure and powerful Tonic, Corrective and Altera— dive, of wonderfuleffifiecy iddiseas_esof tho STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS; Cirres DyspeOia, Liver Complaint, Headache, Gen eral Debility, Nervonsinis, Dipiessiok Spirits,Constipation,Celic, InterartV tent Fever, Cramps, Spasms, and all Complaints of either Sex ad - • sing from Bodily Weakness, whether inhe- rent in, the system, or produced by sneeini canny. Nothing that isnot wholesome, genial and rostor ative in its nature enters into the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. - This pop ular preparation contains no mineral of any kind.. no deadly botanical element, no, fiery excitant, but: is a combination of the extracts of rare baisami• herbs and plants with the purest and nilldost of all diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forearmed' against disease, and, es far as the human system can be protected by human mehns, against maladies en,endered by an unwhole some atmosph , :rc, impure water, and other tsternA causes, ROSTETTER'S BITTERS May be relied on as a safeguard. In districts infected with FEVER A:s.ID AGUE it has been found infallible as a preventive, pnd ir resistible.as remedy: and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an attack, escape' ttiti scourge; and thousands who n eglect to avail them selves of its proteitive qualities in advance,' are 'cured by a very brief course of this marvellous ms-: dieinc. Fever and Ague patients after being plied •fer months with quinine it'll' air,' until fairly satura ted with that dangerous alkaloid. bra nor uufre- . quently restored to health within a few days by the use of HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. - • The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated I' , and ° I appetite re.stored thisar,recable Tonic, and heron it works wonders in. eases of Dyspepsia and ire less confirmed forms of INDIGESTION. Acting Os a gentle and painless .aperient; as well eel, upoa the liver, it also invariably relieves the CONSTIPA TEON superinduced by irregular actin cif the al gestivo and secretive organs. . •1, ' PCII.OIIB of feeble habit, liable to NERVOUS AT TACKS. LOWNESS OF SPIRITS. and FITS OF LANGUOR, find prompt and permanent rolioffrom the Bitters. The testimony-on-this point in •Inoii conclusive and from both sexes.. •. - The agony of BILIOUS COLIC is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and .tty, Oceasianally resort'ng to it, the return of the com plaint may be Prevented. . As a General Tonic 110STET'IER'S•BITTE11$ produce effects which must be experienced or wit nessed before they can be fully appreciated. Inca-. ses of CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, FKEH7 ATURE DECAY and DEI3rLITY and DECREP ITUDE arising from OLD' AGE,: it exercises the electrio influence. " - lathe convalescent stages of all diseases it nom-, ales a. a delightful invigbrant. , When the ,powers. of nature, are relaxed it operates to re-infarce:and . re-establish them. Last, but not least, it is THE ONLY SAFE St . - 3IULANT. being manufactured from sound and-- innocuous materials, and entirely free from theacid • elements present more or lees in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. - No family medicine has been so universally. and. it may be truly added, deservedly Torulaiwith tfits intelligent portion of the communit,y, asHOST4- TER'S BITTERS., „ „ r • - Prepared by HOSTETTER 3: SMITH: Pittsburg. Pa. • Sold by alt Druggists, Grocers and ,Storekeepefsf . Roll-4, every wh ore.