El tradli4. ku SITMKARt: Oki WAS —Admirall'ortdr,;Vith tilinigolleet of gun bout, and transports, left:Vicksburg on Sato: dnq but. thrive In Vicksburg- There have been many fires recently; ; eeceral Govern mennitires have been burned, aid the railroad depot anitadjoinitig bulldinks se on'fire. -A deppatch from • Cave City, Ky., March cad, says that Colonel Weatherford, of General Hobnotra eon : maid, e'tiptured: relielliajor IsfeHenry and five_ men, killingtlii;"rebel Cap tain !Muth. • expedition, iviently • CieneratEntlq,into pttheim e, returned to POrtiess Monroe , ful in capturing and bringing amount of property: - ;-:-;olfiCial`advices from Arkaosai state that there is a steady return the,t, of citizens to' their, allegiance, many prominent rebel officials: being among tlie number. , Ge .:Albert Pike httaiit hi averred, Made overt cre)t an am-', nestY: • _ . —The statement that 'Gen. igel had a nar row escape • from 'Capture by aj li gang of rebel guerillai at -Martinsburg a few' ye'since turns out tp : be4 'satiard..,, There is No apprehensiont Alt Mqtiesburg or; df any rebel do • • • - ~• —LieutenantColopel John P. Sanderson, Philadelphia, is:now out of the service, as when ho was promoted toaCc;loneley,MajOr,pawson was appointed ththe LieutenantiOnloneley, and thh Senate 'confirmed him, rejticting Colonel Shnderiion as Colonel of the regunent.. --:•Proiii the Department of Western Virginia a despatch states that it whele ( toinpany of our eiti , titry (3dVlrginia) were 4pittied Ott field, in the Kanawha, by a body of rebels, and' thatthe steamer Vietress, with ltlaj r , l3ucker on board, tarrying important despatches from Gen. • alp]; narrowly escaped 'capture. „ have advices from w Orleans to 18th inst. Alexandria, La., was surrendered to our forces without opposition: The army in Western Louisiana was moving,,, and General Ilanksiiras about leaving New Orleansto direct its operations. • The ,prisonere ciaptured at Fort De K s ussey had arrived at New Orleans. - President has issued ar6inportant proc lamation defining the - terinsilßon which the' Amnesty Proclamation can veiled of. The clear:definition given by the President will pre vent such abuses of the AinneSty . acras have occurred in one or two eases; las for instance, recently in the United,States District Court for - Maryland, where a party actually under indict ' vient for aiding and assisting the enemy, was tillotved totake the oath andescape punishment. advices of the'l9th state that the, rebel regiments sent by Gen. Pi4ett to - Virginia', T in conieqfience of.Kilpatrick's reld, are return ing; Gov. Vance, in a recent siredch, said that Gen: Lee depends upon North 94rolina for the support of his army in yirginia. The Wil mington Journal says that during the past year only, one, lint : of twenty .bloeklide-rintinein has beti captured. NK.L W. Hoiden announces hirbselfasr'n ethiservatir " e andidete . for Gov . - - , ~ ••, • • • • ;11 -An official order froth the Mar Department direetlythat the number of Army corps 'composl itttt the - Amity of the , Potomac :Will be reduced tollgee—the Second, Fifth ..and Sixth. The • troops of the First and Third 'Cori' are. to be - temporarily re-organized and distributed among the Secead,, and 'Sixth - borps: .4 number of,general officers are detached from the army and ordered to report to the • Adjutant General. den. commands Abe liecond Corps, Gen. Warren the Fifth; and Gera. Sedgiiiiet the Sixth: • The committee 'appointe ' by i the Ohio louse of Representatives to in:est igate the es cape of John Morgan and party, , from the peni tentiary, have just reported.- They find that the prisoners had no aid; and thatno ( iie was required, zinc° the escape coil& hot bay Occurred' if the air-chamber under' the 'cell hsd not existed. They place all the blame on the militwauthe rities for not making a regular, extipinatiopol the cells, - and 'recommend hdreafter that all prisoners confined in the rrenitentiary be under the control of the-Warden. . ; - • '--The fled River Expedition has been heaid fromin - tite'eapture of Fort De Massey; on the Rtitiver, a shortilistanee- below Alexandria, Gen: A. J. - Sinith lauded hie fOrceS from tianSporte.a feir miles.belo! Fort De Raney. Thkrebel Geri, Dick Taylor promptly marched. against bps-With his whole force, and attacked him 'h; , Gen.' "mitb,:-.inStead• of at-; tempting to keep up communication with the river,, proceeded, by forced, marches, toward the fort." When 'Taylorsaw the trick. he start ed for the same destination; and fora time the, raee seemed. douhtfid, but' finally ibeTinkees 'am in 4 . be' at three hours alitad,, capturing the fort and eleven gans,feur of t i eniXarrotts, one eleven several thirty-two- pounders; alini,about three hundred prisoners. .Our gen , - boats 're already at Alexandrin." fusel des-. tiriaticia of the expedition is th ught to be Shreve part, - ' ' ; —A despatch from Cairn, u 1 der date of March - 26th; NUT that reports Wdre;irculated tlat the Rebels,, under Forrest, .bad ttaCke.Oaducal4l f e Rimtuckyi and bultied part of . e to wn : Steam 6osats• pasaiiithatiace .rep ' d that Forrest, with Ovelhensand men, ' , on roi, afternoon bad eacked'and fired the city The wharf boat find about three thousand of be citizens, upon learning of the approach of ' 6 *Pets, moved llerpBB ,thi' river., ' The Rebanmade foUr ai „ saults upon the fort beloW tlui tilivti;*i'vhich Col. - Hicks-beg with .eight 'hundred men, and the i i , Rebels were ;repulsed in ,ea 1 10:attanie. - ':Three of ourgtmbpats,opened upo the Rebels vvbile , , in the occupation of ..th'e cit , and drove them offiii!tk r al*, o 4 Afo l ,9r. # 94 ,013E) inindred and lfifty to -three , hundred Rebels -killed; 414 amongtliitieneral Theiiipann - cl'il wi' . o , , , ~. ~ 7 ~, 0 , 0 l, reptirted'if Welve billed • ai,a lorti wound ed. Wheuitipsitea' thboat 'PMkfce' I eased on'the Morn ing ef the Wth. MEl:tails lad 'gene and the • Peskylc,woo.retcniicg to the city.; . . . . i r7i.:l,,ati. i . .4,4 P ' I battle-fields Antietam - and South' SatlV Monne ded 4.4 , lo'be tin,days agO.TYYa -a ; committeesippointed'hy oilf State Senste, %Tin : a. view of seleetinra imitable site for a Nation. ul Cenietery at the former phiceiiindalso for a Monument, at the latter, - to the brave Gen. 'Reno, who fell' there. A piece of ground on the battle-ground, of Antietam, at the east end of Sharpsburg belonging to the widow of the late Dr. Kennedy, was selected for the Ceme tery; and a spot, in the rear of Keedy's Moun tain House was selected for the erection of the monument.--7/fterst . otan Herald. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sun dryk, writs of veruiitioni onto/fax, issued out of the Courts of Common Pleas of Franklin - county., Pa., and to me directed, j there trill be exposed WI Public Sale, at the Court'lloase, in'the Borough of!! Chamberathirg, on friday, the Bth of 'Apri4 I.Bo# at 7 1 o'clock, P.M.:the following described Held ks-: taro. • All TRACT OF LAFD, situate in Wathing-'. ton township, containing:l2 ACRES, Were - or less.• adjoining lands of A. Deardorff on the North, Isaac- Shockey on the East,;(loSparAler on this West find roation the South, with • a 1 1 ,story Frame House and shop thereon erected.' • 6 Zed and taken in ex ecUtion as the property of Wm. Hall. Also—All that TRACT OF LAND, situate in Let terkenny township, adjoining lands of Win. Mc- Clellan on the South and West, Foltys on the, East and Wm. Forbes on the ; North, conteiningni - Acres of Land, moth or less, with a 1 1 4 gtory Log House, and Log Stable ,thereon erected. Seized and taken to execution as the property of James and Elizabeth Patterson, and will be sold by me. InartY.?., SAMUEL BRANDT. Sheriff. 6miatebed iitity, Va.; t was auceeaa.'' away a large VA.LtrARLE STEAM TANNERY 'FOR. v SALE.—The undersigned will sell. at Private', Sale, his TANNERY. known as the Corner Tannery. with Steam and Water Power, SAW-MILL, Chop ping -Mill, Stocks for breakinghtdes, &a. The Tan nery has 8 Leeches, 3237at5, 2 Limes and Water Pool. and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year. There are two LOG DWELLING ROUSES, Barn. Stable and otheopeeessrury out-buildings connected with the Tannery t and about 60 Acres cleared, with good fruit. Bo W - 111 sell any quantity of land with the Tannery, from 100 t 0 ,700 Acres. Over 600 Acres are Timber, and an ample supply of Chestnut Oak Bark to run the Tannery for fifty years. It is situ ated about 7 miles South-oust of Mercersburg, on Licking Creek. Terms made easy. For further particulars addressthe undersigned, at Mercers burg. Franklin co., Pa. [nUgl2-tf -C. METCALF. IMPORTANT TO IRON MANUFAC TURERS AND STOCK RAISERS.—I will sell at Private -Sale,; 1,800 ACRES OF PATENTED LAND, situated in St. Thomas township, Franklin county. Pa., °lathe Public Road leading from Guy er's Tavern to - Loudon, 6 miles from the latter place. About 100 Acres of this tract aro cleared, the balance covered with thriving Chestnut and other TIMBER: which would answer for, Cord-wood or Rails. There is also good appearance of IRON ORE on the prem ises. Coal Hearths are leveled on most of the Tim ber land. The improvements are a LOG HOUSE,. Log Barn and 4 Tenant Houses, and a good Apple Orchard Peach. Cherry and Pear Trees. Also 7 -A SAW MILL and .CHOPPING MILL, in good run ning order, with 18 feet ' of head and fall. This pro perty would afford a good opportunity to make money. For terms apply to the subscoiber. residing on the premises. [feb3-tf] FRED'K (ALBERT. VALUABLE REAL,ESTATE AT V PRIVATE SALE.—Theundersignedintending to remove to the West, offeraat Private Sale, a LOT OF GROUND, in 'Loudon, containing about ONE ACRE, on which is erected a two-storied WRATH ERBOARDED DWELLING HOUSE, a Rough cast Tenant House and Shop, Brick Spring House.• Wood House, Smoke - Honsci Stable, and all neces sary out-buildings. There is a variety of FruitTree on the premises. This property is well adapted for almost any kind of mechanical business. Also-48 ACRES OF r BOTTOM LAND. within 1 of a mile of Loudon, about . two-thirds of which is heavy Timbered. the balance is well set in grass. • Also-48 ACRES 'OF SLATE LAND, situate about 1 / 4 ' of a mile from Bridgeport, adjoininglands of Robert C. Horner and - Jacob Hanemin. _ . . Terms made reasonable. For farther partleularr address [jtm27-3m9 DAVID TEETER; Loudon,Ps A, SSIGNEE'S SALE.—There will be 11 sold by the undersigned Assignee of Jacob Gossert, on the premises, in Quincy township, on Tuesday, the sth of liprit.lB64.:the following descri bed Real Estate ( via: About 80 ACRES OF LAND. adjoining Sol„Harbangh. Alex. Hamilton and Alex. Knepper, lying about 2 miles from the town of Quincy. About 60 Acres of this land aro clear, in a good state of cultivation, and under good fence.-- The balance is Wood Land. _ . TEeits OF Sets—s2;ooo to hepaition 12th of April. 1864, when the deedwill be deliveredand possession given; balance in two equal annual payments,witb interest from Ist April, 1864. Sale to commence, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on said day. - • LEVI . ' WILLIAM 13 3 8 ERT. mar 23 Assignees of Jacob °assert.. • pRIVATE SALE OF TANNERY NEAR FAYETTEVILLE.—The undersigned will sell at Private Sale, the followin described Real Estate, to wit: 30 ACRES OF LAND, all un dergood fence and_ tillible, with a good BRICK DWELLING, unever=failing Well of Good Water near the_doorl., a good Barn and Threshing floor, a 6ne Orchard bearing thebest Fruit. Also—A TAN NERY of 32 Vats 6 large Leaches with Limes and Pools, Bark Mill,'Roller, Pump and Fulling Stocks, all in excellent order the whole operating by Water Power. Also, tigood - Barkshed, all unsurpasscd in 3oncenientie and labor-saving. The above property will be shown to any person on application to Jacob B. Cook, of Fayetteville, or John B. Cook, of Chambersburg. Terms will be reasonable. [ ihnel.7-tf _ PETER COOK. MALL FARM FOR SALE.—The sub- : VOTICE.=-The Co-partnership hereto scriber will- sell at Private Sale, the SMALL; FARM on which he now resides, situate in Antrim ..i. V fore existing in the DRUOIUSINESS. in the township, Franklin county, about six mites from , n ton eor MILLER dr HENSHEY, Was this day. (Feb- Greencastle, on - tho Ctishtown road. adjoining lands runt 29,1864 ,) been mutually dissolved. All per of, sons knowing themselves indebted to thi , tiiaid firm Samuel Myers and others, containing about 40 ACRES, all cleared land, in good order and under • wilt please melee prompt Payment, and all having ; claims against the same will present them to A, - J, good fence, There is a YOUNG ORCHARD. of.thrif- , . ty trees on tho phice, and a Well of excellent Water. Miller for settlement A. J. MILLER. ' i The improvements consist of a two-story L 0 0 mar 9-Gt B. B: HENSITEY. DWELLING HOUSE; a Bank Barn 42 feet long,' 00-PARTNERSHIP.--Havin assochi.- and well finished, and all other necessary out-build- g ings, Possession will be given on the let of April, • 1, - 1 tad with me, this day,_February_Oth UAL in the 1864. Terms will be made known on application to mercantile business L. B. KINDLINE, the business the subscriber, residing on the - remises. hereafter will be conducted under the firm' of 'WIL oet2l-tf SAMUEL C. KRIDER. . LIA M 'WALLACE lc CO., Having had a liberal Patronage heretnforo,rsolicit the saran for the new 'VALUABLE...TOWN PROPERTY FOR firm. - Linar 2-tej WILLIAM WALLACE, V SALE.—The HOUSE and LOT on West Mar-.; ket street, Chambersburg, now occupied by Hon. F. M. Kimmel], is offered at private sale. - For price and terms apply to JOHN M. M'DOWELL ~ mai 23-tf i 4 I VERY FOR SALE.—The un dersigned intends' moving to the West, offers a' Private Sale, his entire stock in the Livery business to ['• Mercershurg. consisting of Horses. Omnibuses, Carriage , Buggies; Sleighs, Harness, Sc. This Eatablisbment I. doing the best trade lit the county, and offers. a rar4 chance to any one wishing to engage in the For further particulars ,apply to of address fob 3•9ta a SOL. DlTETZlSS,ltercersburg, Pa DREMIUM CHESTER WHITE PIGS. ProgcMy_of Hogs tbaehivo taken State and UM ED STATES PREMIUMS. • Sent by Express to all parts of the United States. Canada, Cuba and South Ameneum pairs not akin, Address. ' N. P. 130 Mt' & mar 2-34 Coatesville, Chester Co., Penna. Lost, ,Stotervanli ,f,trareb.• REWARD . ,—Lost, on the sth inst., to somewhere between Cook's Tannery arta iiteicersbnrg, a Leather Pocket Book, containim between thirty-and. foraty dollars. The above re ward will be paid to any person leaving it with the subscriber, at his residence in Little Cove, mwrl6-3t* Goa. c.mAwrix. T OST.—The underslgned Voucher on Capt. Denny for $42 50, for, whieh-a liberal reward will be pail to tho finder, if returned to DEITZ & McDOWELL'S Warehouse. All, persons Ate warded Trera purchasing said :voucher as_p_ay- Went r hag 16-S been stopped. GEO. A. DEITZ. mach t • . GRAIN! G AINS! GRAINfri WASHAGH'S BREWERY, CHmsnoga,..PA. The undenigne es this' methoduf informing his (Amide, and the public _generally, that he has leased for a term alarms the well knew% 'Brewery establishment heretofore conducted .by Mr. Upton Wnshabangh. i lie will be glad to 'furnish ' to his friends and the old patrons of the House with the 'finest ALE, upoiti the kihoitest notice, and at the low . est Prices. • The highest CAA Pric'e Rill ho paid for 5,000 bushels of BARLEY, delivered at Chambersburg. • A 20.64-Iy. ALEXANDER MARTIN. - TOBPRIN't,I.N,CF, in every : style. Aftlie officoor the FRANIC:LIN REPOSITORY.: tint ezotate *aim Veroonal Vroptr* `Saleo. he iraniAiii / ' Tn i tionarcb • 14F64 , ‘.0q.Fr . ,,, , !Tz:10:!k;' , .. P D1.413.Y SA.D 1)L 7,111 7 ".1 1 1 . AnD HARNESS .z , kANUFACTOIII - ! The subscriber respectfully inform his friends, and the pablio, that ho continues to carry on the aboro basiness at his Old Stdnd, on WEST/iIARkrE,T . Opposite Miller's llotel; CII A MII-E',.le. ! B - P A .. and keps constantly on hand a general assort- meat of • • , Riding and Wagon Saddles, Biding Bridles, 'Bbit and Round. " ' ' slack and hair , • • Salt l ess of all kinds. Harness and Draft Collars, a Patent Leather Collars (gots' qnslitY ), Blind Bridles, • a Broad Gars, Wagon Whips, ' Halters, and everything in qua Loather lino crake found in his shop, or made to order ' at mofteiiite rater • • • REPAIRING dons at aiiii4t notice, and oix rea onublo terms TRUI4IIB AND always on band and sold.cheap ion axes ism_ Ho employs none but tI beet workmen marl6-1Y ADDLERY ! ! SADDLERY ! ! !—Sad ki dlos,'Bridles,-Hameln, CollarS,Trunks, Valises, Sc., sign of the HOME COLLAR. JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragementl received from them heretofore, and be would invite' them and the community- generallY,,who may need any thing in his line. to give hint a cull at his old stand, on.the East side of-Main Street. Chambers burg, five doors South of Huber At Tolbert's Hard ware Store, where he keeps constantly on hand ev ery variety of SADDLERY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he is prepared to_sell the same on terms that defy competition. Every article offered for sale is warranted to be made of the best material rind by competent workmen. which will be fully demonstrated on an examination thereof. . TRUNKS AND VALISES.—Iie would also call the attention of persons wanting —a good neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or.ValiAe to his assort ment: junel7,63. WHIPS ! WHIPS ! ! WHIPS ! !- WU. SMUT() & Solv, coiner of Alain and Washington Streets, Chambershurg, Pa., manufac turers of all kinds of IVIIIPS, stich as Wauon, Car rime and Riding Whips, of various - sizes and of su perior quality, which they offer tb the public, either by: Wholesale or Retail, at very moderate' prices.— L ORES of all lengths kept constantly on hand and for sale by the den very cheap, They also manu facture superior HOR 3E COLLARS, to which they inviV attention. Orders from a distance solicited and, promptly at tended to. jun 17,63. BROAD -GEARS,, '.COLLARS, HALTERS, and any thing in the Leather line belonging to the Saddler's business, always on hand and made to order, and-on reasonable terms. at GORDON'S, opposite the Indian Queen hotel, Main Street. , . . . • . . G• 0 B D 0 X HAS A SUPERIOR lot of SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, STIRRUPS. SPURS, See., which ho will sell cheap for crud' or good trade. OYRUS H. GORDON, successor to St Gordon ; gives notice to his customers and others, that he is still at the Old Stand, opposite the Indian Queen Hotel. Main St„, Ohamtronsburg, Pa. R E P AIR IN O• DONE AT SHORT iv notice, on reasonable terms, by C. H. GOR DON. He invites his friends to call and see him. eozpartitersttp . flotireo. DARTN ERSIIIP:—Notiee is 'here by given that the undersigned have entered in to partnership in the Hardware and Cutlery business at the old stand of Myers & Brand.' where we are Prepared to furnish every thing in our line as cheap as any other house in the county. Special induce ments are offered for each, as our motto vrillbeiluick sales and short profits. JACOB S. BRAND. 1344.63. GEORGE FLACK. ' CO-PARTNERSHIP.—The 'undersign ed has ameinted with himself, on the let Feb ruary, 1864, JOHN U. STUART. in the Grocery business the name and style of SHAFER STUART. Thankful for the -patronage heretofore extended to the establishment, he hopes by a strict attention to bnsiness to merit for the now srm a continuance of public favor. mar 2 ,JACOB SHAFER. flOttreP. HEADQUARTERS, PROVOST MAR , 16Th Diwrnicv PENNSYLVANIA; Chain; berchurp, March -4,1864.—The DRAFTED MEN of 'this District, who have never yet reported. by reasonef belonging to SIX MONTH REGIMENTS.' and who have lately been mastered out of the scr , vice, will report forthwith to these Headquarters or ' be deemed degerters. ' To longer delay reporting will bo to lose the right if paying commutation money or, famishing- a edi t: 'Mute, aßer which only personal-service will satis fy the,requirementi of the law, 0 80. EYSTER. _mar:n-St] Capt. and Prn. hlar. 16th Die. Pa. : jl ECRUITS WANTED.—Recruits U.; wanted for Green Towntthip, for which-a Lib .- wal LOCAL BOUNTY, in eafth, will bo paid as t;`.oon as they are mustered into the . serviee. ' Apply at the White Swan Hotel. JOHN YOST WILLIAM M'CLURE. SAM% GARVER, AUGUSTUS ETTER. niar23 - • - ; Committee. pO, VOLUNTEERS.—Any citizens 'of Guilford township, Franklin county, whether •eternns or new mantis, and whether in service or lot, will receive a liberal LOCAL BOUNTY by being credited to their own township, on giving take with certificate of muster to the undersigned ti Chambersburg mart-1-3t° A.K.M'CLuRE, Treasurer. BIL IBUL '• A SERIES OF S E.R MON S' TIFON -L-i_ the following subjects, will be delivered in the Bethel - corner .of QueenUrfd -- Water - iitreeti, by the Rev.*e.,ll 4 liorn , . , /Sabbath evening' ' ey3.Feb. 28th:TheAuty dna ittenner of hearin the - Word. t . " March 6th. ' The Church of GOd.' • . herPorm'and Faith. " , Muth 13th. Ordinancri, l NatF6.= „ • •. • and Character of. ” March 20th.- Baptism, Action Cr.' " March 27th. Beetism,Subjeothof. " April 3rd. Feetwaehir -an or- dinance. • " . April 10th. Lords Supper, Na" k ture, etc. ire The probability, is; that. the; doctrine to he Preached under these different themes is taught in the Word of God ‘ and ho who is acquainted with the nature of Probabilities, knows that he is Conse quently under obligation to investigate these sub 'cots candidly. Let not this' favorable opportunit y -nass without availing joiarself elf its . privileges.-- Momentous issues are Involved in the settlement of these questions. Free - Cherchteottleand hear with'' out money or price, -- • felYgOt- . - --N LIST ,OF, RETAIL ERSotice is "hereby given to all Wholesale and. Rcfail Dealers engeged in selling, Goods. AlerchandiXe. Commodities, or Effects of-whatever kind or nature. either of the product and manufacture of the United States or,of - any Foreign State:: and to all Millers. Distillers, &c., residing within the County of Frank tin and State of Pennsylvania,-that they are classi fied and assessed by the undersigned Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes in said county, for the year 1864, asSolloats -• • ' CHAMBEHSBURG. Olds's, License. Heyser k Ceessler,Drugs IS $lO 00 Shafer & Siefert, Grocery4' c ' 14 700 F T Hockenberyr, Shoes . 14 7 00 Wm G Mitchell. •bhoes.. - 14 7 00 George Lehner Shoes.... - 14 7 00 A Heineman, Jewelry 14 , • 700 H B Davison,•llats and Cal ft • -14 -7 00 Isaac Hatton, Shoes 14 7 . 00 John H Difmari, Grocery ..... •14 • • 00 Joseph Deekelmayer, Uonfoctionary 14 • - 700 J A Jacobs; Tobacconist -- • 14 700 J W Ditman, Grocery 14 7 00 'Conrail Wagner, Grocery 14 • 00 John Neil, - Grocery 14 7 00 George Ditman, Grocery......- 14 7 CO Lewis Wamialer. Plater - 7 00 S M Perry, Grocer); 14 00 John Sheets, Clothing - , 14 700 JohnS Ludwig, Stoves ' • ' ' 14 - 700 11,11 Hutx, Store.» • - 13 10 00 M Huss,' Jewelry • 4 . 1 ' 14 - 700 Iluber,& Toloert. Hardware 10 20 00 Huber A Co., Edge Tools ' 14 700 Lambert & Huber, Paper Mill ' ' 12 12 50 Wli Cunningham. Flour -—• 14 - ocrl C A Trone, Grocery - 14 7 00 Moses Greentivralt, Grocery; 14' • 100 GeOrge W ItouseGrecery ' 14 - 7 00 , John Bert, Grocery ~ ;.. 14 700 Isaac Stine; Grocery ' 14 700 Christian Smith, Grocery - 14 ; 700 William Wallace & Co., Store 8' 30 -60. J D Jacobs,-Tobacconist ' ' 13 'lO 00 Wm Bender, Confectionary' L'l4. ' 700 L A Shoemaker. Confectionary • 14' 7 00 F G Ditman & Bro., Jewelry.. 14 - - 700 M'Cliotoek &Soff, Hats • , 14' 7 00 Jacob Hutton, Shoes ~ ' 14 700 James L BlaCk, Store -' 13 -1000 I E Aughinbangh, Jewelry ' v 14 700 D S Fahnestock,,Groeery 7 14; •7 00 Jacob Spangler, Drugs - - - 14 700 Jacob B Miller, Stoves. ' 13 10 00 I George Smith, Shoes - ; 14 7 00 I Frank Elliott, Clothing ' 14 - 7 00 Huber & Lohmaster. Grocery - 13 10 00 i L B Eyliter, Lamps and Hardware..... 14 7 00 Peter Feltman, Shoes ; 14 • 700 J Lochlieim, Clothing .... :....H. , 14 700 J S Nixon, Drugs 13 10 00 J L Dechert, Hats _ 14 7 00 Eyster & Brother, Store t... 5 GO 00 Brand & Flack, Hardy, are ' 10 20 00 A J White. Clothing 13 10 00 John Jeffries ConfectionarY.. - „ . 14 7 00 Etter, Hamilton & Co., Stoves.. 14 700 Samuel S Shryock. Books.. ..; ' ' 12 'l•2 50 Charles H Bush, Tobacconist , 14 700 W W Paxton; Hats and Shoes •-•- 14 , 700 J Hoke & Co., Store 9 ,25 00 JA S Cramer, Tobacco - t • 14 ' 700 .1 'Franklin Snider,Stoves..,. 14 7 00 I Ebert &Son, Coal and Lurriber.-... 13 'lO 00 Wunderlich A- bead, Warehouse 14 • 7 00 J S Grier, Warehouse - 1.........14 ' - 7 004 Dolts & Ill'Dowell. Warehouse v 14 , 7 00 Wm Reichter; Grocery 14 7 00 Oaks & Linn, Warohouse...l - 14 • 7 00 Cyrus Sprecher, Grocery.. ' 14 7 00 G Falkenstein, Shoes ' ', 14 .-. 700 Alex Martin, Brewery . i - , 25 00 G W Smith, Grocery - - 14 700 John Schofield. Grocery ' , ' - 14 - 700 E C Boyd, Grocery 14 7 00 . , A J Miller. Dings -14 - - 700 'Christian Burkhart, Confectionary... 14 7 00 3 & Geo,Watson. Books ' • 14 . '7.00 William Gelwicks, Grocery - 14 700 Conrad Miller, Shoes ' 14 7 00 Marks•Felheinier, Clothing ' - ' 14 7 00 J Al Wolf kill, Store 14 . 7 00 Marion Elliott, Gr0cery.........: ........... 14 700 Nicholas Ilas. Gr0cery.......:. 14 • 7 00 T J Wright, Books 14 7 00 George Brunner; Tobacco arid Segars 14 7.00 3 T Iloskinson, Clothing. 14 7 00 John Gootmah, Grocery ' 14 700 David B Little. Confectionary 14:7 00 George Bnider,'Grocery. . ' 14 - 700 George Ludwig, Brewery 2i 00 Wm T. Matthews, Billiards 50 0,/ Alex 'b - "lihnestock, Grocery.. v 14 . 700 T B Weed. Foundry.. ' 1- 13 10 00 I ANTRIM TOWNSHIP. Fl 3 Snively, Store - ' - 13 _ 10 00 Eli Fuss. Conieetionary ' - 14 700 G W Zeigler & Co., Store... 10' 20 00 C H Kunkel & Bro., Shoes.. i 14 7 00 J H HoStetter Drugs. s ' ' 14 , 700 A W -Welsh. hardware ',- 13 10 00 J A Hans. Clothing 14 . 7OO Godfro; Goe4 . . Stoves... .... ... -............ 14 OO I St a N Kist of _itetixiters.' .• ,rey b,. Joho Goetz, Store , 14 7 00 1V S Riley, Store , . 14- 7.00 Irwin '&-Itladdes, Hardware 13 10 00 Thomas Morton, Confectionary' 14 7.00 IPP Prather & Co., Store ... 13 , . 10 00 Wm H Carl; Drugs 14 , 700 H Appenzeller, ConfectiOnary ' 'l4 . 700 Adam Goetz, Grocery ' - 14 . 700 Benjamin Eby. Grocery '- - -- 14 700 Jacob Newcomer, Confectionary 14 - 7.00 J Hostetter k Co.. Grocery 14 7 00 S H Prather, Store - ~ -13 10 00 Peter Smith, Shoes - 14 . 700 George Eby. ConfectionarY 14- - -' 7 00 John Burk, Segars.. ' - 14 7;OJ Samuel Hostetter, Confectionary 14 —I 00 11 It Fetterhoff. 800k5.....! ' 14 7 00 George Ilgenfritz, Factory - 14 700 Deitz 4: M'Dowell, Warehouse.—...... - 14 7 00 William WCrory, Jewelry 14 '.. 7'oo J W Barr, Stoves ' 14 ' 700 Philip Goetz, Grocery - i 14 . 700 Crowell J Davidson, Foundry- ' 14 , 700 A Imbric & Co., Warehouse ' 14 . 700 A F &hat hirt, Warehouse! ' •14 1 700 Joshua Yous, Grocery , ' ' 14 700 John Hartle, Distiller 1 , 25 00 Jones lienkell. Distill° .. ' 25 00 F T Spieler, Distiller ' ' 25 00 John A Orr, Confectionary ' : 14 - 7 00 Barnheart 47 Beck, Store - 113 10 00 'Theo. King & Bro.. Store ' 14 700 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, - ' H& D Beii•i6i.:llitinuiaci,3rY.'''4..7.. 7 ff - 700 Peter Heckler, StOre "14 • ' 700 Joseph'Price, Store 13 10t00 Wm A Grove Silversmith ' - 'l4 1%00 P S Zindorf, Variety Store....; ....... ..... 14 700 F Fourthinan. Drug5.....:.---; 14 7 00 (leo Stover, Store • ; ••' 12 12 50 D B Russel, Tinner. . - 14 7 00 J R Welsh & Son, Hats and Shoes-- 14 1 7 00 G & J Bender. Clothing ' , 14 7 00 Geo. Frick, Foundry 3: Machinist-- r 10 50 00 H Stonehonse. Hardware • , tl3 'lO 00 Josiah Besore's heirs, Store • ' 'll. .15 00 J F Hurts, Drugs., i ,...- ' - -' 14 , •7 00 Arnherson,Benectct* Co., Store ' ' 10 20 00 'J Beaver: Variety Store ' ' 14 700 Wll Brotherton Hardware. • ',. 13 ' "10 00 T J Filbert, - Clothing-. - ' 14 1• 700 W A Tritle, Stoves ' 14 '. 7 (XI JoSeph W Miller. Store - 14 7 CO Al M Stoner, Drugs - , 14- , • 700 F, W Washabnp(rh. Segars - 14 " '7 00 John' Down in. Distiller ' 25 00 Hoover & Shockey, Salt - 14 : 700 Samuel Frantz, Salt-- 14 - 7 00 Walker d: Elden, Flour • ' ' Peter Rouser, Store 14 700 QUINCY TOWNSHIP. Holker Hughes, Furnace -12 ' 12 50 Holker Hughes,Store ..... ....;......... ..... 4, 14 - , 700 Holker Hughes, Forge ' 14 ' 700 .Holker Hughes, Rollirig 'Mill ' 'l4 700 Peter Mchlfclt, Confectionary • 14 -,7 00 E S Smbll, • Store... - - 4 14 .. 700 George Knepper. Store ' • ,- 14 ''7 00 H Shiery & Co.'. Grocery 14 7 00 Henry Good, Distiller - .'25 00 ,Joseplaltock, Grocery' • t 14' 700 Dr 11, Itosenburg, Druggist - ' 14 7'oo Lookabaugh & Secrist, Store '; 13 "10 00' Collitlower & 011er, Store .4..13 10 00 John M Cook, S(oie ' ' .14 700 .Robert JohnstoniDistillery J , • 25 00 Henry Besore, Distil'erY, • • 4... • OO Lewis Elliot, Store " • ' ' ' 13 lO 00 1 ' GREEN TOWNSHIP. • • 'Josiah Dice, Store ' ' 14' - 700 Jacob Hawaheirode, Distillers ' - ,25 00 Jaeobliarchelroffe, Warehouse 1,4 ' I CO JP Wallace, Store- 14 ' . 7' oa H Embich & Son., Factory-- ....... . -'+: - 1 4 7 110 - 8 Shively, Drup • 4 14- . 7 , 00, Michael Good, - Factory ' '' 14 ' 7 00 J W Heintzelman, Grocery ' 1 - 14 - •7 00 'filar, Ann Adair, Confectionary.. - -14 7 00, Jacob 11 Cook, Store... ' ,12 -12 50 S E White, Factory 4, 14 , 4 ' , 7 . 40. ,Robert lEaclt,'Store ; - iA. . 7 ,00 GUILFORD TOWNSHIP. - • • , - .T A Eyster Paper Mill ' ' 8 t 30 00 Eyster & Keyser „ Paper Mill. • 1. 10 20 00 C H M'Enight. Store - • 'l4 '7 00 John' Mlinrght Store.' ' ' 14 . • 700 .Btouffer &Striciller PeperMill ' 'l2 12 50 MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP. Thoflias'Dowles - ,Btore -...„, 14 - 1 1 7 017 Christian Frantz, Salt. • , 14 700 John Enflame'', Salt - 'l4 , , - 7...00 ' ~. B . B.Winger & Co„ Store 14 .4 ' 00 I N_Brewer, 5t0re......... } -• •, t ,' 11 t t i g g John Shirts, Hardwore, • R 31 - Reynolds, Drugs -' ' t -i 14 ' 700 Matthew Smith, Shoes - and Hog 14 t 7,00, T C Grove. Store • • - -' 'l4l ' • - 7"-00' It M Shaffer; C10thing,...4.......i.4......'4i 14 1' 1 ' 7 ' , 1. Ni D 1512Kinstry. Store , 13, • - -.10 George 0 RupleY, 5t0ve5. , ....... ........ -4 14 7 John Hock; Confectionary , -- - ....44„.4; 14 iy 27 1 00 . DM B etiatuoth li P ariety'Stoir• ' 13 10'00 • , I - 11A14, 4.3 aqo. E C 16)- :,,..t -. ..- .......,, ....‘ •14 . ~1 00 Wra'Ecitreah, Confectionary' ' ' 14 '-; / LeonardLeidy, Foundry`_ A L Coyle, Hardware' - 14 700 Conrad, Preshols, Segars 14 - ..• - '1 OCt • PETERSIO John Thompson. Store, • 14 , 7 00 , Beaver & Cox; Forge:. - 14 - ',7 00 Ferdinand Senseny„ Stoves 14 7.00 Thaw M'ature, Grocery - 14 ' -: 700 John Treher, Sugars and 7 14 7 00 John Hkoller, Salt-and Syrt 14 7.00 Sautes' D Scott, Storey.,, 13 , 1000, Cook at Boyd, Store - - 11 . 15-00 .• ST. THOMAS TOWDISIIIR, - - - 11xon 8c Elder, Store.....- ........ —.:-... 13 •-10 SO 1) A Rohl, Store . ' , 14 • 7 00 Daniel Barnhart, Confectionary-..:.... 14 • - 100 Susan Purly, Confeetionary.....-.. .... 14 ' 700 Wm PolsFrove., - Confeetionary, .... -.. 14 - ;-7 00 Ii ,S; A Hicks, Distillet 7 , . -.- _t. Z- pp - ' • ` 'WARREN TOWNSHIP: Jahn Zimmerman, Store ' / 4 • ' - 100 Wm IM'GearY, Store • * • - 'l4 ' - '7 00 . • HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. Abraham IfaferuDistiller...,., • 25 00. Henry, Lenherr, Store_ 14 , -7 00 SOUTIIAMPEON'TOWNSHI:P. .. _ J...tj &W am Stbro . ', ' • ' 13 :- , - i ° °° J W Kuper ; Grocery • , 14 - LI _OO -Jacob Ktmiii: Store ' . 14 ' 700 Broughlz Harehelrode, DistilicrY."-- - .... 25 7 0000, 1 RenbervWeidler, Store - ' • 4 ' - LETTERNIgN ' TOWNSHIP • • Jain& S'Slyder, §toro— , . 14 7 to Win . G ill'elellan. Store, ' 14 - 7 - 00 James P Spoar, Store - - • "14 . 700 Go Westhafor, Store., 14 . 7 99 - ' • ',LNR#34:TOWNBII.IP. . ' -- -...- .... -- M R Skinner it. Son. Store.. ' * 14 • . . 7 i.n. Themon - Pomerciy,Sr p fitoro 14 7 00 11 W Saltsman, Confectionary- 14 ' , '7OO - - FANNETT I rowNsui.P.. Johrteranier-, Store.. ...... ..... - ' ••• 14. I'' 7 06 W it Pomeroy. Store...i- 14 ' 7 00 S B Iloekenberry, Store • ' - 14 700 Nimons /4 Bierly. Confectionary.. 14 7 00 Win Johnston, Store • - 14 ' . 700 James Ferguson, Store:. ..... .....- ..... ..... • 14 . 7.00 W A Mackey & Son. Store 14 7 00 James M Rankin, Grocery-- ... 14 7 00 Isaac Clugsttm, Store -' • • 14 . 7 00 W A Mackey:Store -•- • 14 •• ' 1 00' John W Everett & Bro., Store ' - -14 70 0 METAL TOWNSII.IP. • JS Skinner, 5t0re....1 • - 14 „ 700 W S M'Allen, Store ' 14 ' - 7'oo Jll Walker, 5h0e5.......... -- •- • 14- 700 M'Curdy .k.. - - Montzenery, Store 14 700 Samuel Walker, F0rg0....., -- 14 700 Samuel Walker, ,Purnace - ' ' 14 700 AN APPEAL wilt be held on Friday, the Bth day of Aprif, 1864. at the;ConanasiomEas'OTHlCS, in tho - Borough of Chambersbafg, when andwhero all per sons interested who are_not satisfied with the above elassiBcation may 'attend if" they see proper. No appeals can be had afterthe Bth day of April. Given undel• my hand, this TOth day. of Marsh 1864. ' • JOHN BOWMAN, ; Mercantile Appraiser. marlG-4t Xesal ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice is hereby-given that Letters oliAdministra tion de bonia non ciovteetamaito annexo orillio Es tate of Francis Robison, late of Montgomery town shiP, doted, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in'Antrim township. ' . ' All personmknowing themselves indebted to said- Estate will please make immediate payment: and those having deka, will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. mar 23 LEWIS P. SREGGS, Adm'r. ADMiNISTItATOIiS' NOTICE. No lice is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Leonard Sellers, late of Guil ford township, decd, have; been granted to the un dersigned, residing in said township. All persons knewmg themselves indebted to said Estate -will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. A: B. WINGERT:t AAln • mar 23 • ; JOHN DOWNEY.I ; s'ars A DMINISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE.-N - ticoialierebyy even that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate bf Nancy Finefroek. tate-of ; the Borough of Chautliersburg,dee'd, have been granted to the undersiqued;residing in said Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted- to said Estate will please poke ininsediate payment: and those having claims Will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. mar 23 - HENRY PINEPROCK, Adler. EXECUTORS; ir E is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Peter 'Wester. late of Antrim township. dad, have been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in said township. AB persons 'knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please Make immediate payment: and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settsement. BENJAMIN SNIVELY. Ez'r. EXECUTOR'S 'NOTICE:—Notiee is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Henry Horst, late of Southampton tn'p., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, re siding in Green township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will Please make immediate payment; and those having claims will please present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. LEVI HORST. t mar 16 L. EBERSOLE, .1 Exeenthrs* Manto. . . WALNUT LO S .—FARMERS y y TAKE Norms! I—Wo will give 12 eta per aolia or cubicloot for LARGE WALNUT LOGS of good quaff "ly,, delivered at our Hilt. The lugs must measure 20 inches or more in diameter, fourteen feet from the stump in which case we will take the whole tree up to 10 inches diameter. We will also make SPECIAL CONTRACTS ler extra goodirees.' These terms are offered until the tat of April next. dec 30.3 m SHEPLER, CLARK & CO. s - 7 TO $l5O PER MONTH.—The eJ LITTLII GIANT Sewing Machine Com pany want an Agent in each county. tosolicit orders for their new $l5 Machine s with ;range screw-driver and extra needles.' We will pay a liberal salary and expenses, or give large commissions. For ,further - particulars, terms.'d:c. enclose astam_p..and address 'T. S. PAGE.-Toledo, 0., febl7-3m General Agent for thelYnited States. A N T TID —Correspondence by a iYouttv Man from Mississippi who for his firm ness to the Stars and Stripes , has been driven away from his once beloved home, and.now , a subject of Abe , i, wishes to correspond with some nice Lady between the ale-of 18'and21. Object-7 Love, with a view to matrimony. All letters strictly confidential. Address with PhotoKraph enclosed - A. B. EnZ3-3t 5 ) Co Ir, V'C,'Port WANTED. -'-A good JOURNEYMAN WEAVER good_ wages will_ bo given at Central Woolen Fnetom near Chambersburg. feblo-tf H. EMBICH le SON. WANTED.---109 bushels vS MALL T T ONIONS, ,I will pay $3 per bnehel for them, if in good order. t [fob A. d. MILLER.. UTANTED-4-FITRS OF ALL 'KINDS I will pay the-bigbest price in crush. for the Red and Grey Fox', Mink, Muskrat. Raccoon. Opos um and Rabbit Skins. J. L. DECRERT. 1864 ", 0 T R . 114k i T •11 1 0 A CH &c .EXTEA 311. N A. T'O R . ,”15 years . establlshedin 'N. Yeeitp" -"Only infallible remedieslcnciwn. ' • , • "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." • Rata come out of their holes to, die." 'Allit4;l3old by all Druggists everyirhere. • 44-.1 IT Beware !Li; of all wortblel3s imitations. ".Costar's"lrepot, 1410. 482 Rroadway. ' A5l-..501d,b7 all iir,holesale and-Retail Druggists: in - Chambersburg,Pe. tmex9:.Bm • ' " * tr OR RENT.-The iinders,i,gmed ' will Rent the new Prattle BO!ding erected ea ?dart. "het street, from' Rio Ist of April next: The Kemal, fdtir on each story, are well adapted either for Store Roome or Shops. and will be rented singly or other itise,tt• moat convepleat; Ijan2oJ J. colgt, RR EintlresSTtia-ERS will liaoo;tl6iteturr-oti9Alo lowing accountants - hive fettled' thew 'accounts" riy the Register's rate, sl i firnklin:Countv. and that the sanurwill pros Co the Orphans' Court for , eonfirmation; , op; W dinWidro4. , the 13th-day of 'Ariril,l6s4, at thoCbuit House in 'Chamberabnag : 53. Account of Joseph Saixely, Jr.; Executor-, Of John Rowe, Sr.. late of Groeneastle, deed. ws4m.iSamecontinadAmeconmunnt et isleinoe. b r Crider. Guardian of minor Children of Joseph littiller, decease& • "• ' ' 65. First and final :Aeconntof 11.• EttentAtl ministrutor of Wm. 4. K er , l i eir e as s - d ; 56. Second Account ofV. ra hi. Stoner and Davit:llV Stoner. -Executors of l:1mm Stoner;late.oftfntera township, de0'414,-, 57, FnuUAccount of Morr,ow R. SkinrierAlditr' dian of:jblear,iAta,.-[Henri- minor - Childtd' Henry' Bohlery late of urgan township dee'd... ' 58. Amount. of Abrnhare IkeolerAntaten othire.. Martha agog:,, daughter of Christian Burkholder, late of.G.ord township, deted. L 39. First and final Acco,unt-Rf 11124 7 ; "Oro' yel'AA ministratrix of Win:Groye r dtcpaied. • • ; Aocennt ,of . Jacob 'N. Flinder. Administrator, b.d. n: c : a.. of Monty, Fliridor. late of Chs i o e rs. burg, deo'd. • , 61. First an'dfinaileeount of John Crawford, ,A 4 t.. ministrator of Nang, ,Crawford, Into of Onilford township deceased.' - ' 62.. First Acebtiat of 11. R. filoraish and Satiate! Exeektors of _John Burnish, late, of An. trim toWnShip,- doceasoll.: _ ire.-4Firclicioxueenut Executors -of • Guilford twp.. deceased. - • 64. Pint and final" ' , Accorritt alienry_ liege awl Christian Lesher. Executors of Jacob floge..lato of Guilford towp., deceased, '•' 65. First and - final account of A. H. Etter t _GUitr= I , ion ofmran Rymer, miner-Child of 'Jacob mynor k deceased. , •ESI - - - 6G. Piot -*Coot:hit'. of David .Kell of - anti 'Henry Brubaker. ,Bsecutois of Henry, Brubaker4lite of 'Peters township. - deceased; 67. First Account - of J. G. McClure and H. Mc- Clure, Administrators of - Andrew McClure, tato - of Fannett township J deceased. . „ _ L6B. Account of acob_ Pensinger. Administrator of Simon W. Rupleyjate-ef Greencastle, dec'd. 69. Account of Jrisepli A. , Kreps. acting, Execu tor of Wm. McCune, late of orcershurg. M eo% 70. First. Account of. Magdalena peirer,..EsPCO trix, P..Lllenry Peiffer and T. B. Kennedy,' Exam:: tors of Philip Pelf:for, late Of ,Chambersnarg deecti 71. First and Snal Aeconnt of-Sazal Metlhare.' Administrator of Isabella Poe, late of Letterkenny township, deceased. 72. First and final Account of Abraham Benedict. Administrator of John Mann, late of Antrim *tsp..' deceased.. . - o : • I . 73. First and, final Accoant bf Sbmitel.Benediet. 2 Administrator of Elizabeth Brubaker, late . of Mont- gotaery township: deceased. 74. Find and final account of •11. P. BloPharland. - Administrator of John McPbarland. deceased: 75. First and final account-of R. P..ll.lePbarland.'; Administrator of Robert ilicPbarland deed. mar 16 a'ENRY STRICKLER, Register/4 TOTI,CE.—The following-named ;per sons have filed PETITIONS FOR LICENSE in the Clerk's Office, to be presented to the Court at the' nest. term, commencing on Monday, Ike llth• day of April next. to wit: - • Daniel Trostle. Tavent,'Chambersburg, N.W; Margaret Montgomery. do - do - •do - William C McNulty, do .do •do John Fisher, • • do „ • do - do A. J.Brand, . ,do do do Jacob S-Brown, do do, , • "' do • 'Jacob Sellers, do do - John Gordon. ' - do Hamilton township., - Mrs Susan Elliott,. • do - do do-, • John Hassler, • do . 'St Thomag. J R - Tan'kersley ". • .do .• -; Charles do :St Thomas township. - John Mullen, - do do . do. John Treher, •do Loudon: •- • - James Mullen. • do -t- do - -•- Thortfas McAfee, - do ' • Mercersbotr. ' • ; J .1i Murphy. . - do •do Jacob Elliott, - do Welsh Run. •• • Foreman k pills, -do Greencastle. : - Brant ar,Detrich. - do- :do John' Adameo r do do L Bilurts„ • do Waynesboro. Francis. Bow den, : do . do JCR Eckman,..-= do - do • Folk. do Washington to*neP--- David Miller, - • do . Monterey Boring": 11 M .Tonee,,' :-. do .Quinc y. Merin; Middintr, do• -do. •.'; • .: Andrew Shank, do .' Funkstown. , John Kuhn, do do - John Spidle, • -do Green . Margaret, Holland. do: do John S Brown, , -"do - Fayetteville,- '• - William- Rupert, ' do do - B F Snyder, • do Now Franklin. Elizabeth Filson, do • Marion. Martin Shoemaker, do Greenvillage. •-• • John Kyner, • ; .", Orrstowa. , = . • Abraham Keefer,' do • Isatterkennitosimaii...; David Guyer, do s• . - do ' • JacOb Nusbaum. ' do do . John R Weis% ' do' ' Btrasburg. Jeremiah Zullinger, ,do do Geo. 31'Goven. do Metal township.- , - Jesse M Joon, do Fannettsburg. , • - Benjamin'Cronse,' do Dry Run. - , • John Gosborn. ' ,do Doylesbur. • - B F Culbortson. - do . Ambereon's Valley. Miller k Croft, Wholesale Liquor Store, Chamb'g. S F Greenawalt do do do do mar233t W. a. MITCHELL, Clerk. PBOCLAMATION.—To the Coroner, the Justices otthe Petice. and the Constables of the different townships in the ecaintY of Frank greeting: Know all ye, that in pursuance ono - prevgpt to me directed, under the hand nod:seal Of the Bon. JAMES FILL, President of the Several Courts of Common Please, intbeSixteenth District. consisting of the counties of Bonaeracp; Bedford.' Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of b Aloe, the' Court of Oyer and Terminor and General Jail 'De-. livery for the trial of capital and other offenders' therein and .in the General' Conti of quarter ' Ser Sins of the Peace„.and Wit.t.tem W. l'A;trog and Jesse O. OARSOZP., Judges of the SLULOC,COADtr, of Fr a nklin. You and'ettch of you are hereby, re (mired to hound appear in your proper personevtith' your - Records; Reeohnizenees, Examinations, :and, other Remembrances before the judges aforesaid,: at Chambersbnig, nt a Cot of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail- Delivery, and. General Quarter Session of - the Pence. therein' toile holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid; on the 2nd Monday. in April, bean the 11th' don in the month, at-lit o'- clock in the forenoon of thatday. then end Aerate dodhose things, which to your several offices upper-, tarn. • 43A.von ufider.my -hand.a: Cban: ers . day, of Alarch, 1864. • - SAMUEL BRAIiDT, larch 16 , LIST OF , CAUSES FOR TRIAL _IT, April Tertsi, 1864. CoMmon Picas. couneriiti , Monday. April llth, 18641 John Jr Sol. Ely ' o rs Fratißlin.runk; MichaolZellara ' vs James, Rule. Jacob Overcast"' , vs Wm. A. liazetet. Matthias Phillipy . ' 'John , .Ashway, r S a'• Pennock Co ra Win. - Reber. - . - Solomon Allison va .11riab P; &alai; Jas. 8. Rom, Executrix vs_ J. S. lloscnbury Bet'. Solomon Raker. Philip Rynor'S.Adm'P. March 16 K. S. TAYLOR, ,Prothonotary. VOTICE,—In the "matter Of the iietiti* IA of fletiil,S t iliiller„ Administrater, - the tfri-, tate'of Ephraim Stabler. late of Guilford town,ship, deceased, which was presentedto the OrphansTeurt on the 22d day of TelinzarY.ll364;praying said Court for a review of his aecountef said estate, and to have the confirmation taken' off of said account, and also the Auditor's report on the same. The Courtarder and decree that notice be-given to all parties inter- , °Stel, to be and 'appear at the April Terra of said Court and show valise, if .any they Invo,' , whrr the prayer of the petitioner should not be answered. • marl -3t G.. AUTCLIELL,i Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR" tiee k hereby given that • teitiers of Adminis-, tration on the Estate , of JaMes Alexander v isto of Fanned township , deneaded' have been granted to the undersigned,:residing in'rannott township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make innitediate. pal*ent; 84. those having claims will present them proporly thentioated foreettlement, :B. 0-DUCA/VOX, mar 16' • - AdminiStratoi: DMINISTRATOWS NOTTetr--440L -- - . ties is hetet* , glieniliat Letters Of. Aditninistria ti nen the' Estate - Anne, W., Wingert, late of Washington township, deceased ' have been granted to the undersigned, residing in •Washington twP. , • All persona anciwing themselTesitidehted-to: said Estate will please- pate , iminediatelayillent; -ant those -having elauslS will , prtisent theu(-,ProPptl% authenticated for settlement ranch 2 1 k ;;- AAROIS-CAVIRGEMAiIbi'V. U-XE C ITT 0 WiI::jIOTICE,-;-' Notice . 1 ./. - is hereby given that bottom ;Taktesnantary in tbe B a h*, of David Zfuuntirtiar4 late of.Elcuitiumuitoirtivo4 deC'd, have been granted to the undawdipsed, residing in Ortstow n. All persons knowing themsalved indebted to said ti Tate *JD please inAke Immediate payment; 'ask lbw having elairns.will meant them. properly - saitkrenticated 1 tbr settlement.. , JORDi Wilk . _ Rlti ,- - -, ' " '" ", DAVID ZJIIIIDELICAN, Ditecutori Sok 2t.. , W r a, BLAIR; • , -- '-• •-""" '•' I"XECUTOR'S PNOTICE.:—Notce i• -hereby given that letters Testamentary lathe' Estate of, John W. Jordan. - late of Chambersb.- deed has been granted to the .tuldersiguel lag. is the Borough of - Chamhersburg. All persons knowing themselves iudebtate sdid Estate will please make immediate payment: and these hating eldims.will present them PreeerlY!tal" theuticated for settlete_ent. ‘" • mar ANNIN-E:JORDAL.EreotittiL-r