The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, March 30, 1864, Image 5

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    tOitliAii, •'
OtisstP.Wrrif elm FRIENDS—We inul a nice,
long gossipy chat yesterday with old Aunty Di
luvian, and really think some of. her remarks
worth jotting down. "What tipity it is," said
old lady, !'that our boys , and girls are al
-lowittiAo run the streets' at will. In my time,
;the excuse for the rising generation was "boys
-Will be boys," but now the trouble is, boys will
nou,be boys, nor will girls be - girls: • Little do
parents knoW what their Billys and.•Sallys are
Zoing, ivhito thcgsit quietly at home, perfectly
satisfied that Proiidence will looloafter their
children ; complacently thinking that they are
training - up their little folks' in the way they
should go. tell you "as the twig is bent the
tree's inclined." Yes, bent crooked, inclined
to evil ways ! In my, day we had no Sunday
Schools, and my parOnts made it their bounden
- 410tP,raz well as pleasure, to instruct us all in
the :Holy Scriptures \ every Sunday ; but now
.a.4iitr fathers-told mothers delegate this obli
-gation-toa teacher, without inquiring into his
qualifications, turning a blessing into a curse.
l'or; a poor child that cannot attend school du
ring the week, and for any child that has God
less parents; the Sunday School is an excellent
institution, but, not so to one transferred by
.„-christiatt guardians to an incompetent and care
less instructor.
,Mind You,. I've not one word
IO say against Sunday Schools ; and give them
= full credit for all the great good. they have done;
but I don't like to see parents giving up their
places to the Sunday School teachers, who sure
my ithOnld be considered only as supplementary.
No, home training is half the battle, and if each
one would attend to his own children first and
otherpeophls next, the world would grow bet
ter 'very fast."
'SiOnlman made his raid, Kilpatrick too,'llnd
others known to fame. Be it our task to note
One on a smaller scale, but equally unfortunate
to the raiders. Last week on Tuesday morn
' ing aldentenant•of the 20th - Cavalry, accompa
nied by' one Sergeant and Its many privates,
Ands a reconnoisance, in ferel3 (that is a ford-
AllereCornioisitnee) into the room ofone of the
boarders at Montgomery's Hotel, The raid
was in some respects perfectly successful, the
enemy's property being seized en masse and
promptly confiscated, even to .the commanding,
isiCcer's dressing case, hair grease, brushes and
towels, handkerchiefs, etc, etc. The
troops raked in good Orderand still better time,
without any straggling, but were_unfortunately
discovered by a guerilla belonging to the Hotel,
who gave the alarm. Our cavalry were pnr
sued, and not being well mounted (that is,
not Waving horses,) were , aeon overtaken and
captured—oue of 'them in a stable, termed in
_military parlance a cul-de-sac--by the assistance
of -some TI. S. Troops, who turned on their
brethren in arms ; particularly, we would
mention, a Captain of cavalry, 'who not satis
IA with their seizure, must needs lodge the
prisoners of war in jail, and take measures- to
hive them prosecuted; Such is fame, such is
glory,. and such is life ; unsuccessful in, jail ;
- 'successful ? an Alexander, a ,Ciesar, or it Xapo
leon. We are sorry to say that the property
was recovered, some in good order and some
not so, particularly the latter We would like
to give the name of the Lieutenant command
ing the raid, but as he may have a mother or a
;sister; we refrain.
Among the'many incidents of last summer's
invaiiim, we have never seen the following in
rant e A colored clergyman, named Lewis
Nelson by name,/ happened to bein Chambers
:burg,pn his regular circuit, at the time Jenkin's
cavalry first arrived. lie and fire others con
cealed themselves in a Wheat field east of town,
from Monday evening till Wednesday . morning,
'Without food, when they were taken prisoners
by a squad of Rebel cavalry. The officer in
command examined them as whether they
might be contrabands or not, and sent off the
fotirothers in charge, retainining Nelson; and
'obieiving some white men two or three fields
41', sent his men after them. Our colored
'reacher thought it would be good time now to
,his liberty; and forthwith drew from
his pocket a pistol and shot the officer, not in
flicting however e. dangerous wound. The two
clased, and after - a Protracted tussel the negro
succeeded-in possessing himself of his enemy's
carbine. By this time another of the Reba had
come op hot the assistance of his com
rade; but our black skinned hero raised his
gun and said he'd shotit unleas they'd promise
to:let him go- The ppomise , was given with a
-don't shoot Uncle," and away sped Lewis
Webion, with his - tropkv, glad and worthy of
theireedom he lead wori by his own right hand.
e Would'earnbstly advise ladies not to think
ter One moment of traveling alone on the rail
'road,at present. We know of a lady's being,
grossly and repeatedly insulted by some soldiers
oti the Cumberland Valley cars, within a few
days, because she was alone. We have no
'right to expect a Conductor to protect the taffies.
a train of half a dozen cars, carrying perhaps
three hundred passengers ; but we have a right
to.expeet - any ode who possesses a particle of
self respect to tinocir the teoth down the throat
of a4rsoaandrel, whether dressed in blue or
~b lack,- w ho presumes to utter in the presence of
a lady ithproper language, or still worse to ad
dressit to her. God help our country, if on our
public thoroughfares thew are More rowdies
-- thhi decent men, and a lady must not only be
'exposed to Malt but can find "no man to punish
.the rascal as he deserytii.
• 41,10. PALMER. arrived in this place on Mon
day last, having been appointed to a Captaincy
in the 2lst Penna. Cavalry, by Gov. Curtin, as
`complirnent to his. extraordinary exertions in
1 04, !raw during the past summer. Should the
Ideate:int ever becomes Major General, we
shall still persist in entling him Lieutenant, for
as Lieutenant Palmer he lived among us, made
friends of old and young, and when occasion
offered; fought for us with his whole heart and
soul. We venture to say that there is not a lit
-I.leAlOy or girl, a man or a woman in Chambers.
:burg, who does not know and love him. He has
:to identified himself . with us that we Olalm. him
Ili OF own. Who that saw him alone stopping
thepanigef Milroy's train as, - they rushed through
*niStol.o3 - like mad devils, will ever forget
bias? And who that saw him every now and
then as he appeared' intongnalithile Lee's army
occupied the town; 4i4 , not feel that something
ivas lbeing done for Our:safety, Let all our via
men cry, "God bless him!" and let the men'
shout, "Three cheers for Captain Palmer!"
We hardly know what to say about the
weather, for we have had rain, and snow, and
sunshine, ice and storm, overcoats; and shirt
sleeves, umbrellas and sun-shades. There must
surely be a mistaitesetnewhere. Same persons
suppose the late spring to be owing to the com
bination of the coal dealers. ,
Our town is; moderately speaking, dirty—
with a little exaggeration it might be called
filthy. How easy it would be for the Town
Council to pass an ordinance compelling every
occupant of a house to keep the gutter and half
of, the street opposite his premises:clean. No,
we will all Wait till mid-summer, and then when
the Pestilence comes we will wonder at the:
"mysterious dispensation of Providence," for
getful of " Hercules and the wagoner."
THE SPRING ELECTIONS. ..The following is
a complete list' of the local officers elected in
the several townships; wards and boroughs of
the county on the Pith inst.: ;
Chambersburg,North War ' ti.—Judge, C. C. Foltz;
Inspectors, Jere.took.' J. R. Orr: -Assessor,
Leisher ; Assistant ASsessors, E. Kuhn, S. Reisher;
Constable, R. K. McClellan.
Chumbersb tog, South Ward.—Judge, Wm. G nthrie: '
Insp_ectors, G. M. Stenger, John Suters ; Assessor.
D. M. Leisher; Assistant Assessors, Emanuel Kuhn,
Samuel lteisher ; Constable, Samuel Boyd.
Hunt ilton Township.—Judge, Jonas Palmer; In
spostorsi B. R. Picking, John Walker: Assessor, R.
A. Moore ,• Assistant Assessors, Henry Diehl, John
Byers: School Directors,Andrew Bard, Isaac Mil
ler:. Supervisors, Lawrence Berger, Adam Yost;
Auditor, .1. M, Andrews; Clerk, John Byers; Con
stable Andrew Bard.
St. thoseas Totnrahiri.--"Jfidge, John Maxheimer:
Inspectors, A. Hafer, Joseph Struck; School Direc
tors. John Croft, John Gillan; Supervisors, Andrew
Lahr, John Brake; Assessor, John Milan • Assist
ant Assessors, Joseph Reed, Joseph Rotz; Auditor,
John Detrich: Clerk. Alex. „Martin; Constable, Ja
cob Shear.
Peters.—Assessor, Williata A. McKinnie; Assist
ant Assessors, Geo., W. Cromer, John Greenawalt:
Justice, Jacob Straitiff; Constable, Jacob Haul:nun;
School Directors, John Hawk, Daniel Conrad; Su
pervisors, D. Vance, Gingrich ; Auditor, Jacob
Benedict; Clerk, P.M:adman., Loudon.—Judge,
J. D. McDowell; Inspectors. Michael Bushey C.
Metz. Merceraburp--Judge. P. Kunkleman; In
spectors, R. P. M.'l4 arland; Robert Little.
Antrim.—Judge John Wilhelm: Inspectors, E.
D. Rankin, C. D. tesher; Assessor, 11. Balsley; As
sistant Assessors, Benj. Snively, Samuel ;
,School Directors F. B. Snively, Adam lireitser,
John G. Hess,_. Supervisors, Samuel Lecher, A. Car
baugh, Isaac Kuhn; Auditor, A. Gordon, Sr.; Clerk;
Samuel Snively; Treasurer, H. Brindle; Constable,
Henry Ditch.
Greencastle.—Assessor, W. W. Fleming; Assistant
Assessors, A. B. Rankin. Daniel Kohler; School
Directors, A, Imbrie, D. W, Rowe; Justices, James
A. House, Jno. Kaufman ; Constable, D. Hawbaker.
Quincy.—Judge" J. H. Laker; Inspectors, S. C.
Row, J. Rock; Assessor, J. R. Smith; Assistant.
Assessors, John-Holler, George McCleary; Auditor,
John Thompson; Supervisors, John. Decker. Wm.
Rock, Jacob Heller; School Directors; J' Secrist,
Krome; Clerk, Andrew' Wog= Justice,
John Gonder; Constable, JacolvMonn.
Lurgan Totonship.—Judge - , oseph4 Mower:- In
spectors, Jacob Bechtel, Willi dm Lvtk ; Assessor,
Josiah ' , lckes; Assistant Assessors, .b. C, Byers, M.
Dehaven; Supervisors, Sarn'l Mowry, Chas. Eutzey;
School Directors, John L. GilberteD. shoomnker,
John W. Cover; Auditor, 'Jacob Snoke; Clerk s D.
A. Stouffer; Treasurer, William Bittner; Justice,
David Long; Constable, Henry Swanger,
Wepthinotou Totonshw.—Judge, D. Ileoflich ;
spectors. J. J. Miller. B. F. Funk; Assessor. George
Summers, Sr.; AssistanfAssessors, Henry Baer, N,
Bonebreak ; School Directors, Daniel Potter, A.
Frantz; Auditor, Jacob S. Good; Supervisors, Jo
siah Burger,,Hcnry Shank, John Stouffer; Consta
ble. Henry cott.
Waymcsboro.—Assessor, Goorge Morganthal ; As
sistant Assessors, Joseph H. Crebs, John W; Coin ;
Justice, D. 8.-Russel; School Directors ; Geo. liar
bough, Joseph W. Miller; Constable. Win. Horner.
Montgoldiry.—Assessor, Jacob Brown; Assistant
Assessors, W. Reed, Joseph Boyd; School Direc
tors, James M. Brown, Jacob Kline; Supervisors.
George Kissinger, Elias Mummert, Robert Snyder:,
Auditor, Satn't Shartle ; Clerk, W .W. Auld ; Justice,
Jacob Cook; Constable, John McLaughlin. Webth
Run.—Judge, Samuel Evey; Inspectors,-William
(lemmas!, James S. Craig. Mercersbriret—Judge,
Robert Parker; Inspectors, „James Witherspoon.
John H '
leiterkenny,—Jilge, Don't Zullinger ; Inspectors.
Thomoi .1. At'Neal, A. Widner; School Directors,
Isaac Gipe, E. Zulhnger : Assessor, William Fetter;
Assistant Assessors, H. H. Rife, Peter Creamer;
Auditor, David Guyer; Supervisors, Solomon Ga
bler, Sr., W. H. Anderson"; Clerk, A. H. Reigner:
Justice. W. W. Britton; Constable, Wm. - Forbes.
Gailford.—Judge, Isaac Hockersmith ; Inspectors,
John C. Tritle, Andrew Staler; Constable, Lewis
Etter Assessor. 11 iram Bowers; Assistant A....sessors,
Samuel Grossman, Jacob Reichard; School Direct
ors, John Bitther, Peter McFerren;,Su_pervisors,
David *Wolfkill, Elijah Deter, Jacob Valdse'',
Adam Vanderaw• Treasurer,. Samuel McKenzie;
Auditor. Daniel Palmer; Clerk, B. F. Snyder.
Southampton.—Assessor Maxwell Kennedy; As
sistant Assessors, S. B. Johnston. Simon Bitner;
Auditor. John Shope, Jr.: School Directors. Eman
uel Stayer, Benjamin Johnston ; Constable, Hugh
Smith. Clerk, James Blair. Mount Rock.—Judge.
R. C. Johnston,. Inspectors, Abraham Grove. Jere
miah Angle. Urratawir..--Jugge, Geo. W. Wingler ;
Inspectors, W. A. P. Linn, Risser Huber.,
Stinnett.—Assmsor, Win. A. Mackey; Assistant
Assessors, Joseph M. DoyLe Robert Price; School
Directors, Daniel Brant, William Stake; -Auditor,
John H. Flickinger ; Clerk, James F. Gamble; Su
ervisors, EzmShoema.ker Lawrence Hock enberry.
John W. Stitt: Constable, /lards Finley. Concord.
-4udite, Daniel Stewart; Inspectors, William Rob
ison, Steel Beers. &cipher Spring.—Judge, N. K.
Harvey ;Inspectors, 'Eli Stake, Daniel Stake. Mor
ristoicar-Judge, G. W. Crouse ; Inspectors, John
Harry, James B. Worthington.
Metat.—Judge, S. O. Brown; Inspectors, Julie
Witherow, R. M. Barclay: Assessor, Wm. Fleming;
Assistant Assessors. Sam'! Walker, =Andrew C, Ty
per School Directors, John :Witherow, James Mc-
Curdy, duo. E. Jones: Supervisors William
George KegerreisJames J. Rill : Auditors, Wm. R.
Noble, John H. Walker; Tt*isurer, .1, J. Biisore:
Clerk. JllEree Montgomery :A . .ionstable, John Neil.
_ Grern.—Assessor, Satnuel Garver; Assistant As
sessors, John Lehman, Jacob Plough; School Di
rectors, C. W. Lego, Sr.; John Lesher; Supervisors,
Wm. Berry, Henry Lutz: Auditors. John Youst,
John Thompson: Clerk. George Dice; Constable.
Joseph B. Shively. Grecnriliap.—Judge, Jacob
Glass; Inspectors, N. K. Mallon, A. P. Oyler-Alp
riteville.—Judge, Geo. Fetterhoof; Inspectors. D.
Ritchey, Robert Kirkpatrick.
THE VALLEY SPlftiT.—The Vdity Spirit itp !
peered last week in: a,new snit of beautiful type,
tukd wearing upon itlf_ clean face every evidence
of pecuniary prosperity. It is conducted with
most commendable energy, and deservedly ranks
as one of the leading Democratic papers of the
-State. - In all save ltd .- Political principles, we
record its success with satisfaction. The. same
paper announces thd, dissolution of the firm,
and the withdrawal of Wm. ;Kennedy, Esq.
'Messrs. Hampsher and Keyser l'etnain and will
henceforth conduct the Spirit Mr. Kennedy,
,it is understood, will soon commence the publi.
;cation of a new Democratic paper in Shippens.
'burg, and locate thorn permanently to pursue
his profession of the law. He is a keen and
vigorous writer, and when a little more elutst,
ened in style by-the rude lessons of experience,
he will attain a high rank'as a political .
tant. :In. the frequent controversies between
this journfil and the Spirit under hie directioti,
the person - al relations of the writers were ever
unchanged, and he will bear with him to his new
field of operations the lun dest personal wishes
- •
of the REPOSITORY. ".
THE Upton Cavalry Company was re-organ
ized:recently. H. C. Phenicie was elected
Captain; L. H. Hinkle let Lieut., and G. W.
Kennedy 2d Lieut. They are all officers of
ability, and are 'very highly esteemed by the
men under their command; and acquitted them
selves very creditably in the "six months"
MAJ. GEN.CoUCfI is now inPittabitg, having
gone, therefor the purpose of inspecting , e'enlp
Copigund. '
r 4-
- 0 - Aart v
.1111. t it.
NEW - WHOtESAIa 6TORE:"We tile ' prowl
to note the improvement in the store room of
Wm. Gelwieks, having: greatly enlarged and
refitted it for' the special attention to the whole
sale trade. This supplies a want long felt by
our country and retail dealers. Mr. Gelwieks
has been. actively - engaged in the gTOcery
business for the last twenty years, being 'fully
conversant with the rise and fall in goods, and
purchasing alone for cash is enabled to comt
pete with city merchanti. To his large and
extensive stock of Fish, •Salt, Cheese, Hams, =
Coffee, Sugar, 'Syrups, &c., we would call the
attention of retail dealers to' examine before
purchasing in the city or elsewhere.
' Wiirie's New BUILDING.—One of the hand
tamest and most spacious buildings for dwelling
and business purposes in our town, has just been
completed by. Hiram White, Esq. The plan,
was furnished by Vincent M'Coy, 'Esq.', who
also snperintended the work, and reflects great
credit upon his . skill and judgment as a me
chanic of the first class. • The plastering by the
Messrs. Johnston - is one the twit jobs of the kind
that has came to our notice. Mr. James' King
did the stire work and M'r. R. T. Fellows-the
painting., In the erection of, this splendid
building Mr. White has - exhibited a commenda
ble spirit -of enterprise.
ARRESTED.—We learn from the-Mercers
burg Journal that Mr. Samuel Price, of Smiths
burg, Md., was arrested in that place on the
22d inst. He, at the first invasion of Maryland,
joined the rebel ranks, and had been with them
from that time up to January last,. at which
time, he says -he deserted them. He also states
that he reported at Washington, took the oath,
obtained his papers, and was released, bid that
his papers had worn out. He prOCeeded from
there to his,bome ; but says his father would
not allow him to remain there because lie had
proven untrue to the "Bonnie, Blue."
SELF MunLivoliz.—A - young, man named
Upperman, who had recently joined the •21st
Penna. Cavalry, chopped off the two 'middle
fingers and horribly lacerated the' fore finger of
his right hand, while on a visit to a relative a
few miles from town, on Sunday lasi.. The
wounds were dressed by Dr. John Montgomery.
It is.gravely suspected that. the act was ,cem
mitted in order to obtain a dischaage from:the
A CORitESPONDENT in the Dry Run district
inforins us that we were-in error instating that
there were bid, two Union election bOards cho
sen in the county last year. He says that in
his district the candidates for Jiidge were a
tie, and as the Union Inspector had the highest
vote he appointed a Union Judge. This year-
Dry Run gave a decided Union majority. We ,
make the correction with pleasure.
evening a Grand Military Ball, under the an
spices of the officers of the 21st Penna. Cavalry,
will take place in Franklin Hall. The, affair is
being managed with proper taste and energy,
and promises to be a marked feature of the seh
son Gov. Curtin and Staff, Gen. Couch and
Staff, and 'a large number of military celebrities
from' a distance have been invited.' •
MAIL ROBBED.—On last Wednesday evening,
says the Greencastle Pilot, the carrier of the
Middleburg mail - was stopped• on his Way - firob
the railroadstation to that place, by- Some sol
diers, who drew revolvers upon the carrier (a
boy of sixteen) and made him deliver up the
mail, whichthey proceeded to examine and take
whatever it contained worth having. We have
not heard ofthe arrest of the party, '
FIRST OF 'Aritti..—Those of our subscribers
who intend to "move " on or about the let of
April, are 'reluested to give us timely notice
thereof, stating as well the place from as the
place to which they remove. This will enable
us to deliver their papers - attheir neWresiden
.ces, or forward them to the Post Offices near
est to theM, uithout mistake or delay
MAJ. TROXF.LL'S Battalion of the 22dPenna.
Car. left this place on last WednesilaY, en route
for Cumberland, at which place there is
another Battalion of the same regiment. The
regiment is commanded by COL Higgins, who
hits seen a great deal 'of hard service, and is
spoken of very highly.
THE BATTERY GONE.—Ba s ttery E; sth Uni
ted States Artillery, which has been in our
town for the last seven months, left on Monday
last, with orders', to report at lialtimere. it
suppposed that from - thene,e they, will proceed
to join the :Irm}l of .the Potomac. , j
J csucEs OF THE PrJecr..—Aß newly elected
Justices are required, by law, to notify the Pro
thonotary; in writing, of , the acceptance of the'
office. ' If they ;negleet to do so ; within thirty
days after the el#ction, no tOmmisionvvill issue.
THE Rev. Charles A. Hay, D. of Harris
burg, will preach in the Lutheran Church on
next Sunday morning and evening.
REV. DR ; Itiito.tuutt, of MCrcersborg, will
preach 'n the Gertilan Reformed Church on
next Sunday morning and evening.
commonly known as the Itch, has made • its appear •
ante in town and in variou% places thrMighout the'
county. It may 'be a source of relief to persons so
afflicted to know that they can get. a Orl cure for
this troublesome disease at Miller's Drug Store
tot all so afflicted send immediately to their Drug
Store and get a box of Terrel's Itch Ointment.
Price 2.5 cents. It is a speedy cure. - . ,
Foil ThimAT DtszAsEs an 4 affections of the
Chest, "./treura's Bioric:hial Trolio," or Cough 1;o
-genges, are of great value. In Coughs, Irritation of
the Throat caused by Cold, or Unusual, Exertion of
the vocal organs, in speaking in, public, or singing,
they produce the most beneficial results.
IF YOU wish to impirt vigor and eleaineee
to the voice,• relieve hoarseness &a, go at once to
A. 3. Miller's Drug Store and, get iotox of Bann
vart's Bronchial 'Troche., thq only effectual rem
edy in the market. mar 2
COUNTRY people look to your interests.--,
If you have anything to sell, call at Gelwiells' where
you will always get the highest price, and find the
hug es t stook of gonde in town, at very low figires
A FINE assortment of superior Watches; Fine
Jewelry, Solid Silver Ware. Sce., in , store and for
sale,byll. Harper. 5 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
glis is a reliable house. Read advertisement. '
varieties—at ileyaer & Cressler's Drug Store.
HEYSOe& CRESSLiIt wish-to ielosii outtheir '
presetiteVok of Kerosene Lanips. They have be:nu-
ciful Lamps which they will;seiLlow4 ,
GELWICKS, of the cheap wholesale and re
tail. Grocery and variety atom, -sena woods whole
sale and retail u.Selleap aiany house in Philadelphia:.
SPRTNG-MEDICINES at Heyser & Cresslees -
Driig Blom.. Lindiay's Blood Searcher, Aycr's Sar
saparilla, Swain's Panacea and many others. ,
AT the cheap wholesale and retail store of
W. Gelwieks' is the place to get . the best Kerosene
Oil tor the least mines., wholesale or retail. e
KERR—CAMPBELL.—On the 17th inst.. by-the
Rev. Wm. A. West, Mr. Robert Kerr to MiiS Mar
tha Elisabeth. daughter of Mr.Andror:Campbell,
all of DrY Run.
BENNETT—VIRDIER.—On the 24th inst.. in
Fayetteville, by the Rev. William .A.P.EIroY. Capt.
Arthur Bennet. Co. I, 21st Penna. Cavalry. to Miss
g l u e Virdior, or Alto Dale. this county.
lIOOVER—RIFE.—On the 22d inst.: at the real
done.. of the bride's !nether, by theßev. 8. M'llonry,
Mr. S.traucl Hoover to Miss Lizzie Rife, both of St.
Th. nas.
01' ER--TIMMONS.—On , the 24th inst.., at the
residence of Mr. Jacob Eberly, by the - - siune,_Mr.
Abraham S. Oyer, of Green township, to Miss Mug-
H. Timmons of Guilford township:
'IIAFER—KEMBLE.—On the 29th init., in the
rcsbyterian Church, by the , Rev. Thomas Creigh,-
D. D„ Mr. 'Robert M. Shafor to Miss Sarah IL
, daughter of Mr. Aaron A.- Kemble, dee'd, both of
Mercersbarg. ' -
KING—On the 24th inst., in Green
castle, by. the 'Rev. ThomaS M'Cauiey, Assisted by
the Rev. J. W. Wightman, Dr. W. Howard King,
surgeon of the 21st Penna. Cavalry, to Miss Maggie
M.. daughter of Mr..; M. M. M'Cauley.
RINEHART—ENSMINGER.—On the 24th inst.,
by the Rev. Thomas Barnhart, Mr. Lords M. Rine
hart to Mies Hannah Ensminger,hoth of Chambers--
GORDON — WINEMAN.-=On the .V.d inst., by
the Rev. S. Young, Mr. Franklin Gordon_ , of Chem
bersburg, to Miss fartha Wineman, of Metal twp.,
this county. - ,
606.1 f.--CRAWFORD.---Ch the' 21st 'inst., at the
residence of the - bride's father, by the Rev. S. J.
Niceolls, Mr.
_9 - pton Cook, to 'diss :Annie, eldest
daughter ofAlbseph Crawford, Esq.
-- DIED. - • •
ZIEGLER.—On the 17th inst. ; at "Eirergreen Hall
Seminary," of Pneumonia, Naiid Elizabeth, daugh
ter of Geo. NS . Zeigler, Esq., of Greencastle, aged 17
years and 21 days.
WERDEBACGIL—On the 24th inst., Charlotte
daughter of Truman C. and Elizabeth {Verde
bangh aged 3 years 8 months and 23 days.
BICkLEY.—On the 24th inst., Otilla, danghiBl of
George awl Bickley, aged six years.
SIIANABROOE.-4)0 the 27th inst.,-Charles Hen-.
ry, son of Charles and Mary Ann Shanabrook, aged
2 years. 3 months and 15 days.
BRIJNNER.—On the 28th inst., Mr.' Elias Bran
ner, tired 73 years and days. ,
BYERS.—On-theMth inst., in Montgomery twp..,
Rachel Byers, aged 33 years, 5 months and 7 days.
ETTER.—On the 12th inst.. near Bridgeport, Mr.
George Etter, Sr.; aged 64 years, 6 months and 23
days. . •
KIRKPATRICK.--On the 16th inst.. near Dry
Run, Tirzah Blythe. aged 3 years, 4 months and 27
days. and James M'Clella.n, aged 1 year, I month
and 18 days, children of the late Jas. Kirkpatrick.
CROUSE.-- , (ln the 17th inst., at Dry Run, Ann
Elizabeth. daughter of Benj. and Rebecca Crouse,
aged 14, years, Ba:tenths and 11 days. • •
RIDDLEC—On the 17th inst., in Greencastle.:Wil
liam D., son of Geo. Riddle, aged 2 years, 2 months
and 7 days. - .
COSEY.—On the 18th inst., in Antrim township.
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Jacob Cosey, aged .29
7 months and / day.
DAVISON.—On the 21st inst., in Greencastle,
Mrs. Sarah M., wife of Mr. William IL Davison, iii
the Mth rear of her age.
TRIBUTE OF RESPECT.—At a ,meetirm of the
Friendship Fire Company, held in their Hall, March
20th, 1861, the following preamble and resolutions
were adopted
WHEREAS, We have learned with deep regret of
,the death of JACOB Lurt, late a member of this
Company, who died from wound- received at the
Battle of Chiekrunauga; therefore
&Raked, That this Company has lost one of its
most active members; one who by his many virtues.
his generous nature, and his heroic conduct. basleft
a memory which will be a noble legacy to the Com
pany, and to all who Were honored' with his frier,id
ship: „
Re4olrrEl. That bigallant conduct in the battles
of Shiloh; Stone. River. Liberty Gap and Chitikri
inatiga, he proved hiiiisclf a hero, and by , big death
our Country has lost a brave soldier and a pure pa-
Remolnert, That we deeply sympathize with his
fatheremother. brother and saster, , amLin this the
hen,- of their affliction, would point them to Him ,
who doeth all things well. • • -
Regoteed, That as -a mark of respect, we attend
his funeral in a body j land that a copy of these reso
lutions be recorded in the minutes and published
in the town papers. -; -
'GROVE.—On the 24.1 inst., in Hamilton township, ,
Edward Monroe, yoWigest son of John and Marga
ret Grove. aged 2 years, 10 months and Vi days.
LEERY.—On the 25th inst,. in St. Thomas, Emma
B. Leedy. aged d years and 7 months. - •
HORST.--On'tbe -Tilt inst., in Culbertson's Row,
Mrs. Barbara Horst,u,ged 63 yearsi s t month and IN
CRit3fIIERSBURG, ..Mareh 29, 18841
Flour—White $7 00 I Butter. 30
Whe a t—W Flou—lted —.. :....!,6 50 Eggs, ' 18
at te . ........ 'I - 50 Lard - ' ! 'l2
Wheat— -- '1 4Q Tallow !°' '1 l'
Rye ...... ....', 1 .;i -r! - ' 125 aeori—Hams.. ...... .15
Corn.: ........ ~....... ...... !I 00 13aeoti--Sides...!. ..... - in,
Oats !-!! 75 Soun Beans " '2lOO
Clover Seed f, 00 Washed Wool " ' 00
Timothy Seed 1 1$) Unwashed W00r..... '!4O
Flex Seed ;9. 50" Pared Peaches........ 5 00
Potatoes—Meri,, , Unpared Peaches... 3 00
Potatoes—PinkEym,i 45 A thud Apples.... .. '. ... 2 00
[,111 , 2- TRW:RAMA
Phlh+ I#lphla linekOn.
• • _
PpILADELPIII.I. March :M.864.
There le less cloino in Flour, but holders aro arm.
sales of 1,000 Ibis: extra' family at $7 25, and some
fancy at ss.l4 ,- 850, Receipts light No change in
Ryc Flour or Corn Veal. There is fair eroand for
Wheat,aridl.soobroraed sold atsl. tiOqii. 1 '7O. White
ranges from $1 75 o -- $2 00. 'Small sales of Rye at
$1 27. Corn join (Upend and has adrine6d: - sales
03.000 hos. of yell?* at $1 22(&123. Oats command
SV.O6c. Clover See , $7 , 2507 50. Timothy
'Seed is held $2 via 00. Vlaxeeed at $3 30. ,Cof
leo Arm!. sales of LOX, bags of Rio and Laguyro, al
lc. 200 bbls of CuCia sugar at $1.1®1434.
Phliadeiphia Stock Market.
MareW;?9, 1544.
I - •
..iStocks dull--Penna. fives 9914'; Readinrll.lL 73;
Lang Island Penns. R. IC 74; Gbld l iiii:tex
efiange on .NewA:oo. par.
e 1.1) bbertigemento.
JUB iia eve g - style don* at
ehe Office of itct - FRANI:ant 1111PCSIVIRT.
article ofeop VEtV,ET •.IV/lIT "S
BLANK DEBDS just printed on twit POreig
meat Paper, and fat:sale at the REPOSITOEY Office.
VOTICF; Jurois
lA' drawn for theitecond week of Court, ate noti
fied not to attend. By_Order of Court.
mar 30-2 t SAMUEL BRANDT. Sheriff.
vice, iir in Hosnitels.can furnish them' with the
ItBPOSITORY three months for 23 ots.t six months
for 50 eta. or one yeti? for $U*.
VLECTIOWN,O T I C Es—An Election,
j2j will bo held at the Office of the Franklin Co.
/11 u toot Insurance Company, on Monday, the 2d day
of ilfigrnext, at 1 o'clock, M. for the election of
13 Directors to serve for the ensuing year.
mar3o-5t W. 11'LXLLAN. Sec'r.
KERLIN, DECYD--Auntrotes NOTIOE.—The audi.
tor appointed tit make distribution of the balance'
in the hands of 8,,C. Filson. Administrator of Dr.
Kerlln,.clee'd, among the erediters, will xneet the
for a final koarusg, the office of
McLellan Sr gimmell. in Chfunbersbargoa #fday.
15th,.at 10.o:clock d„ IVI. ± •
mar .304 t p s WATS9/.7 ROWE.. Auditor.
- D ' oFPiet,;:diamtrEßSKßG,
ludo JL P.&—the Mails at this ,olfiaei'are, closed as
liter ~ email,—For Washington.' D.: 0., New York:
'Philadelphia, Baltimore.; Pittaharg, Barri:4.lmq,,
Carlisle and all intermediate points; atl:SO
Second .M.N1. , -- , For all the above points, at M.
For Greffureastie, Waynesboro', Mc ors
- bdrg. Hagerstown, Md., and intermediate , yob, s at
, .
4 P. M.
• Dailxi.--For Loudon; St. Thomas, M 'Connell burg
and Bedford, at 6:30 A: M. 1 „ • -.. '
PayettevilleGriefeaburg, Caihtown
and Gettysburg, at 6:30 A. M.'
For tipper .StlllSbllrg, Panne:Winn% Concord.
Burnt Cabins; Shade Gap, and . MG Union; on Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday, at 6:30 A. M. - -
For Jackson Hall,' Quin'oy and Waynesboro', on;
Monday, Wednesday and - Friday, stti P.M.
For Greenvillage, New Guilford and , Mont Alto,
on Tuesday . Thursday and SaturdayyLat 4P, M. •
OPPICE ROUES—Fr= 7 A. M. to 7 '
ow- Office closed on Sunday ' '
marso _ JOGN.W. I)EAL, 'AL
r variety, sold by the Yard
WHITE'S New Store
Post Office a
Arnold braney E.
Bohannon Terry'
Bucher Isaac
Butler Miss M.
Bennett Arthur
Brown Jno.lf
Barr Capt.
Betz John B.
Burger Miss O f
Brown Miss A. B
Boosey Andrew
Salter S W.
Fields Caroline 3
Forman Louisa
Heiner Sathuol
Heiman Char.'
Hollingsworth F
Horn Samuel
Hamen Samuel
Kelsey James'
Lewis Mrs D 2
Lanes MissMar'
3:eidig do Math-1 I
evis .
Leidig Mrs Ellen
Mead John
MowyJohn -
Marton Mrs M C
Mulhollen J.
Marton Samuel
Marne Murtha
Morrison Hans,
Null Cornelius
Pentz Christian
Plants Mrs C.
Patens Chas '
for the above -Le
e been adverts
Bailey' W C ' •
Carter Miss M.
Crouse J. F. -
Carr Miss Elmo.
Clippinger S W 2
Drewett J. •
Davis Miss S
Etter Henry •
Feeman Miss S
Finley Samuel
Ftuaons calling
my that they ha •
PieceGt‘odx Boa by the Yard •
Piece atiotieSold:bY die Yard 1
Piece Goods Sold by the Yard
Piece Goads Sold brthOlrard ,
C 111 A" P'
than any Sio,re in the conlity. The largest and best
ia..!xcirte etolt of
for .iten and 1345 ever 'brought to this place.
Fail and Examine
• Call and Examine
631 and Examine • ;
mar 30] ThreirDoora South otthe Diamond
i p o n W./11.of /Wags,
- - Bloom of Soselr, ,
Extract of Night-BloOmingeereus,
New and SupertorTearl Powder,
terling'iAmbiositt,' • ' , -
New Extract Mitek,'
' Fruigipaul and Lettuce Soaps.-
Imperial Pomade
im- Balsamic Balm. for.P Pies. &c.
• .
I \T I 0 • N H A S
Perolinc Soap,_excellent, •
Brown Windsor Soap, excellent,
Elder Flower Soap, excellent,
• -
' Violet Soap, excellent,
.Atunk Soap, excellent.
' - -
German Bitt_rs, large size,
All of .liii . o:Ws - itcdiciiies.
• All of Ayer's Medicines,
AU of Help,bold's Medicines,
A full stock of all l'aterit Medicines, at NIXON'S.
DEN SEED'S, embracing all the new kinds,
irom three ldaduig eAablishntents,and all warrant.
ed as represented. Gardeners will remember that
NIXON hex expetienee in lib's 'line; and eau give
fnll dirictions.
IV .T XOT 4.AS.4p,DED p.EcEivr ,
purchases, a large lot of FANCY ARTICLE 1
to his stoek,. and is now prepared to sled in this liro
r • I X 0 N H A
.1.1 A nyr:stock,of spleiol4 Combs,
• , AtinestoolVor siitlendid'Bruahes.
„ ,
Hair Br whit( eowbg ; a Einpetior stoch 0. 4
Tooth Rrashes,,r4t NIXON'S.
' Chemicals. &c., at NIXON'S,
Brushes. at
, -
'r-7. •
_ A K N OF sToc
lA. requested. at I. . NIXON'S.
Pa ~ March .1864„,
Authority having' heed grant by the Wei De
portment, to the' Commtinditir Ueneinl of the De-
Raiment of th_e Susquehanna, 'Use Ist Battalion,
Three Years. i*risYlvanisi yelimteersi-(formerly
- Six Months'. 018.1). consisting ,oF Six Commies
mustered into the United States Serylee for Three'
Years, orduring , the War,, authorised torpi d: nit
to Ten Companies of the memos strinfth.
Thiel Battalion is on Preiestdaty, , this Depart
ment;-and it offers a good opportunity fathom:. Per
sons who have been in the .serviee.- and 'have been
honorably, discharged, to -re-enter„ and. to those Of
good character who have not in.beinBetviee'to
enter the same.. Only thoseknown thi Reernif
bag Officers, and persons , tiothorisisi tc recruit, as
being reliable and trustworthy will be received. as
the •nature of the day this Battalion , is called upon
to perform is suclithtit it requires soldiers in whom
the commandipuwfficer can place confidence. -
Persons tatting .advaniage 9 1' ilielenefits arising
from enlistment' ul this'ilattalion'aill receive She
Bounties - paid by the Government as authorized in
existing Orders. , . ,
The Officers must b t men who have bad some ex
perience in the Military Service,intelligentand elf
good cluiracter; andonly those brinaingthe'requi
site number of men possessing the above qualifica
tions will hi recommended to the Governor of:the
State for Commissions. • z
Recruits and-persona having giummor'reornlts
will report to Capt. Gao. W. MPRRICK, Istßrittalion.
-Three Years' Pm Vols., and Bet:rolling Otliciiffor
the same, at Harrisburg. Pa. ' "
'Applications to enter this Battalion intistheniado
at. once, that the ceramics May be filled and-or
gamed before the ISt of April neitt,i--after which,
date the additional Government Bounties, - atrium
paid ; will be•discoutinued, and only the One Hund
red Dollars Bolinty will be paid, as provided by the
Act approved - idly V.
By command of Mitfor GinciraMitivir: • •
"-ModBo-8t -- • Assistant Adjutatit
aining in the
March 29. 19G4.
Stouffer Abram:
Snyder JosepbH
Smith Miss Ella
Smith Benj. F
Sprigs Mrs. M.
Seihmedt J C -
Shouts Levi
Sowers Miss X.
Smith Miss C.
Stenffer - Mts E.
Streets Margaret
Sbank 'Sarni R
Spaulding Win 8
Trafer Angeline
'Trager John
Toms Geo W
Vpperm an J.
Walter John •
Whitmore J
White James
Zearfoss Isaac
TMP4RM'EI i NTS =-L7Eledlergr.aiiil l 3l*-
afacturen AsAcultivtliiniittlierlzaplaniffints
env reach large elri ofmalattble enstomors by L AR-
Frßytt . ,3lma 4 ln pg . XRANKLIN REPOS/WRXt
Al hereby givexi that the tmderbig' nedhave been
appointed assignees by'Jacob, Gossett - of Quint'
township, under a' deed - of voluntary assig; nnient,
for the benefit of creditors. All, pentois :indebted
to said Jacob, Gossert will mako immediate pay
ment to the ttadersigned, residing iri said iownslup,
and those having daunt will present their dub; att
thentidated for settlement. L.C. ICEPIiEIt,
Assignees. r
t4r itilr please
DEAL, P. M. ;
—EL eke is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration omtlie Estate of lamb M'Cune, late of
the "Borough of Niereeriberg, dee'd, have been grant
edto the Undersigned, residing in said Borough;
All persons knowing themselves indebted - to said
'Estate will plealte Make Immediate Payment .and
those having claims will Present the: properly au
thenticated fornettlebent. - -
mar3o . . WAS. B. WC NB.- Adm'r.
TATE—The' undersigned,, Admintstratdts - Of (..
s Ut tv....
1.1 . RataseY.:deted, will offer at Pnblio Sale, at e,
Pit) c House , of - Johnlt.'Weist, in Straebtaix .-.,
Friday, the 15th- Of 'April nett at I o'clock, P. ,
124 ACRES, niote.or lesl, of TIMBER-LAND. of -
uate in Horse Valley, Franklin,. coupt,WOici4itig
lands of John A. flora and others.'
By order of Court, ,WP. W. BRITTON,•
:W. P. RAl4#l . l,
Adin'ra of Johnl
i_TEADQUAR, TER§, .i!novostmit..--
eltamb - e sbno, Mat , ch29,lB64—'-DistrietProvostide
shads have been: authorized to ENLIST ALEN AT
the NAVY. and MARINE CORPS. Able:or ordt
nary seamen enlisted into (he Naval sorviee receive
an adVanco.of.throe months' pay as bounty. to- be
refunded:Mae-any prize which: they may
be entitled. Recruits - enlistiniputhe Marine Coij
do not veceiveriadvimee- pm. or bounty from the
trnited.Stuteg, but are entitled , to prize-motley.
Men enlisting far the Naval Service or the' MarMe
Corps' eeted:ll4d im_the quotas for draftithe semi:
tui'molsxfor 'the Army. ,
- Mee efilistimefor the First 13attislioneompaniLs
of the Invalid Corps (now `the Vetetert - Reserve
Canny) be 'credited to the oinetrita-bbfttrrifiheu
under the daft thb *mit borouglf'df ttnimthlir
from, which, they;enlist., GEO., HYSTERL_, '_ inarN)--,41, end Pro
v. Mar. ldth'Dis.-PS..
pLECTRQPATILY.:—“-910 whitt-liath
Ciodwrouglit I" firstline of teleilkelk
had been established in'this colmW, - the inventor.
Prof. Morse, complimented a 1141$ - rmstestingtter
to dietate.the first message. She nustanliy
'" Oh rwinit has God.wrdright r Beautiful itunr
timentt iii,thlightning speed the momatto Patel
olong_the wires, and, the noble invention or tele
graphic comerunioationlins dedicated to the 'glory
of the Oreitereator. - - • - - •
And soarwo hot, with equal priWr
"Ohl what - has GodwrOughti" pro
when we ..the
wonderfulMO.almost instantaneous cures :of
lepay,'Amaaon t i and tither 'diseases' heretofore con
sidered inemubla ; also Diplitherta,;Quinw Nen
!oasis. Fev and-Ague, Feldns, Seminal Weakneigt
of every name, Chronic and InflemmatosY She&
malign, alf Of which have been cured; by meant of
thiti` sane stibtle agent; Electricity '
_, as applied 'by
PROF: WAlli.B It Maybe truthfully haidtliat the
Profeisor haebeen more successful. nntlerSiod. thin'
anysther Man: the - Philosephie.isl and rational
u_Pidieatioa 'of Xlectristy, as a panacea, for . all the
musses ever Inicivrweither _in this country or :the
old world.
Alter listen's% do • Prof. Walk's course°Ries-
Wei delivered iii. the^.town of Chaanbersburt the
members of the class organized by- calling.J. Is. , P.,
Macrae to-the chair:sad:J. Miller Secretary; where
upon,thafolkaving preamble and testelutions were
unanimous/a adopted, and a copy orderedto be Pre the Wessan r.l - ; • • -
ataais, Prof. F. Vitali: his' delifered a comic
of lectures before us, aimenibers of his class, on the
stibject of-Electricity as a remedial agent
And whereas, The- importance of the. system of
IlleetropathY, considered in •the light in which it has
been so ably presented before us, deserves our high
est commendation; therefore
Resofeed, , That wehave liitened with the deepest
interest to the-Professor's course'of lectures. Ms
theory of disease and method of cure are ribiloSOSll
ioal'and highly interesting ; also rational-and omen- -
title; and wonclerfullY successful in the Many easr
treated and' neared in this town.::
- - ,',MEN, P.IkROUELE, Chairman.:
J. MILLER, liecretary. , =
• • M. J. ZLMMF.RMAN..
Chambersburg, March ?5,1864: 'lmar2o.
Charnbersberei March 28th.184.—Theapprebeneion
of. dmertets frOmmilitary service- having •beeit
ter in this' District, by forcible - OsititOn!Ola
well as by threats, that part of the Atiof ongregs.
approved:Fel:weary, 21; BM it published = for the
bone& of alljonceiiMd , • ) •
titsc r ,l2. And be it fother enacted, That aetyper
son'who shall forcibl.rnesist, or opcyanrenrel
merit; icor whio,.shtdlrUseite; memo ~ encourtigt,.. for
mho analiconspireeremfederato tf„ PuterMr
son or personstorcibly to resist or oppose, any inch
enrolment, or who dual aid . or: assist ? m take *my
PartirsanyforcibleresistencooroPPea, itionthareto ,or
wh o ehataithlt4l4, obstruct, hincler;arde prthreap
en any officer or.other pmort estp/oy or
in aiding to make spelt - enrolment, or 'employed in
this performance, or in aiding in. the performance of
any servjge Wens' *ay relating thereto, orin a r r g 4-
im p pr-atetingto arrest any spy_ or: *sneer from the
nnktary ent a lan at: the. Drneed Mate:44(A upon co
oictient thereefin a or/Court ceanpetent to trythe offence,
besfrunished by a fine Wet exteccting,fice,thoumnd dol
lar/A or by irapriseasientriotexceedinylee years; or
by, both of said punitibinents, in the discretion of,the
court. And in cases rheresnela asseultirot;tibstrnet
ing,tindering, or•lmPeditigaltall produce the death
of such officer or other person;the offender stall be
decreed guilty of Murder, - and upon conviction
thereof upon urdictmeut in the CucattCoarrpf,the
United' States for, the .district within whidt the of
fence was committed; shalt be punished with - death.
And nothing in this section contained - 6114MS con
strued to relievothe .party,offendinghemliabilitY.
under proper indictment or Process,' Air any, crime
against the laws of a State; committedbyttiM while
vtointing the provisions pf this section. ,
To proellMor entice tt soldier to desert, or to kar
Ocir, danced, ifitremsficiynieni to or carry a deserter
away, knoiringhitato be each, is iu violation of law
and subjects the offender to severe punishment. .
In-future, all Petionsin this - District usiiirtiolitnee
or - practicing intimidation uPou officers or 'others
eau: ti re d in making aireite, es :Well as anch'iSkrioW
ingly harbor or concealdeferten, will be nut analiin
'etrairchendsdailddwiltWith wordier/ to taw. , "
Drafted men who have failed hittterto to repOrt
and soldiers absent without - leave Om 'reginients
iri the field are deiertera. " ' ' • - ' ''•
A rewor d, of Thir,ty-,D o ll fi n i la paid to any g
for the apprehension and delivery.of a lieserterlat
the headonarters o,f - tireniCtrest , Proi*Xstrly;rl
4:11;0. MST 41
a 3 1 ;
mar 30-4t] ,
mir36-3t „
mar3o73tl Copt, and Pray. Mar: 16th Dia. Pa.