li -*ears „ =II rt;E Et) , t 4Lsrfrom they etimrigg'tn4s and light e : tbe Beery and speedily transported by m to auy partofthe Country, therehygiring those I w We 4 - 11 47 71 1 1 4 11 11.7P7 44011ti t TiVipg for.precaria44,,kgiorler .l4o6lW ha : that liohia and- fireihilieties: the accomplishment of this purpose, we offer the follow ing collections, comprising the most, beautiful and Biennials, ani:l"Perenniels;whidh . ',wilt sehtbby'mnil free of 'postage; to any Part of 1 the United States, at ilrefollowing prices : .....; ~ .23.5TBRSi:, 4r. , • .11 -, 12 ex, fine [ liar.. Tpiir. new Peony wd,‘ ...11 25, iMitelelited ' ..'- •- -- ' - -. , - 7.7 " 7 ''' -'2 50' .6 splendid ..'-'', '-' -pedny-percaertion:r..: ... . . ~- 1 .00 '' 6 finest . " " glohe • _ 75 Ilitheatitifal n: i dwrf.!theystintliehn , '"= l -lioo , 10 splendid . " : .Gitixit Emperor '' • 150 18 , Aribinlid.trii.Rcid's new Quilled' .: ..,- •,4flueSlaal'Oouble-Cocarditaii • • ' 12 extraa - fine var. Pyramidal Bouquet. ~ 42 saperior•Vtir.•Quilled -' ' ' ' ' $ beautiful -Nat, new-Ranunealmei,florN---• 75 '4'very'fihe Vitt.. new Iteditehog 40 In additimirta the:gni:Vat up is collection ',or-As ters which I consider. to lie theJuiest ever sent, out, It contains 10 Packages of mixed colors of the fol lowing •• tals.. tria: Tsoffaunt- New ' Pcnny-4 Peony Perfecti ,q Aida ?rattler/it; •Itilli`rinue',.?- Pom_pone, I§ a Gertnad - illet"Renuneules, - Hedge Hog. Reid 's Improve - , La Supurba, and the beautiful new Aster SPiendens: Nn one whildelightgytti grow fine flow erg.* 8. 11 9n1d f u.i lto lend for one of these packages.- Prreis' ..-3,100. ' - ' . - WMA.M.S. J 2 finest priin Ealsamu.:_•.. . : St 00 AN STOCKS, 12 slipure new varieties, . ; ,''''.-$ i - 1' Atli' Week large 'flowering' • - " ' I'oo ...: i " ,8 beautiful: new varieties,. Pornetual , ' . "large flowering 73 ~ • ,o,,:rl2neltict. prize, viir.R.Hollyfreeks,' Eng- " - fish; from Downie, Laird and Laing's - " ' . celebrated collection saved' from prize '. c .„11.01t - enir._:-.-. .._... .. -" .... : . '.; ...... ::: .r.'• .. -,..• l. 50 :10 Fi nes t, varieties Zarigold...„. ......... .. .... ...„ , 75 6 Newest ;:- Marvel of 'Peril_ '' ' 40 5 Select:- ... „:Nemohpila..-.., .. ...'. ............. :25 12 Distlif' - ' Ornamental Gra55.., ..., 1- 00 12 .: / i. ' , "'''''' '•'" ' ;" •.-Gotirds._ "1 00 8 Beautiful " Phlox Drumiuroudii. ...:. • 75 Finest C. Petunias ' „. ,50 GERMAN nowER, SEEDS, - .12.. Splendi d ' var. Pinks, Carnation • 250 7 12• Splendid varieties Pink-Pleot 250 ,1 .' .„.,.ti Distinct, ..• . ! • Portulaces 45 - -'8 'Finest ' ' ' ' Sweet Peas 40 . f. - - I ;.fitiplandid V.U. Scabio s a large,florr'd.. -:' 50 i •-""6 bxtra fine Snapdragon ,50 .... 1 r' ~ /ItSellseted"."" ' SalbiglOssis - 75 "•, 1 2- Superb. -." Wallflower, double.... 75 • l''' - '" ' &Sup: new " Cciekspoinlis - tf‘,. i:::_",,Fillitt " ".CaiiiOrligi.g. : ii; 6 Selected " Climbing plants_• 20 " " " incledingqiervest. • " Distinct "---Delphinium ' 18 Finest, ,-,;' , :r , ,-.. %duelists -"-,..., • ANTIRRILINUAI MAJCS. '.r. /Sntini:pure ertite 2 feet 14rilliantricrimeon anti White, afeet. : ''' L,.,....,: CurpoAhilloides, magnificently striped, 2 feet_ Firlla,-rosY carblitie and white, 2 feet. ' ' irefly, orange-scarlet and ithitec2 feet. ' Roildcs Feux, brilliant scarlet, 2 feet Striped ' ",i.:::.-..•:::::.'......"....--:;.--"- . Sk . , k int/fie; - 'Land`nnd 'Lain g's finest Fr:' ize ....... -... • ' ' ' ''l 1 ' ' • "ANAGALIIS, ' aribaldi,a mist beaugfill Vermillion tar, new spoken 111, mama; % f00t... 4lliea• blue, fine trailer. from N ennui, %foot ' • -- • ' - ALONSOA. Warssaiiierzi.brightcrimson,fromChili,lit a feet Granditilora, largo flowered, bright scarlet, 2 ft BALSAM/ ! 4 .lii_iiit prize, from Donie, Laird and Laing, air Seotland- • Robt Lstitlish'in . ize, double ' :r ~., ' i Camellia-dower' Rose flowered " . " " Miniature .„ - *''''' , -f" 'Persian pale yellow', sweet scented good naixerL..... ~....” - 1 " ' Rosg Y f I t OIVE;RED„ Splendid mixed. Sirotted i oix,beautiful colors mixed.......-....-...., '.. ' • CANNA. INDICA, '. , - Red,,friiiii-Indin, 2feet '" ' -" - Compacta Flegantissitna; large; relish yellow, freo,floa'etiug. from South Araierica, 2 feet... Warseeyticzii, brilliant red, foliage, striped. '' free& Central America, 3 feet -, ' `,"-,' t • ' COCKSCOMB; Finestioize. dwarf habit; large ,combs, very show.y. Y t ft Mricrocephala Gigantea; brilliant 'red. ,very ' large handsome heads, from Asia, 1 ft. Dwarf„%ense, very beautiful % ft- - . - Tellow, new and fine. V. ft...,. . New Glaht.'very large brilliant red, Ift ' ' • Spleati Rosen, -a new trench sort, 1,',4 ft Mixed '-- ' - ' - White • . CALCEOLARIA HYBRIDA, ?plan did mixed, saved from a choice coil eetion - el:o6Mb* all the rich and varied colors of • 'thus litVoritegreenhonse f10rrer....../.., " Grandiflora, new large flowered; splendid ' Now Spotted, saved from a splendid collection of Prize flowers by an eminent German fior. - ist . ;'eltihmeing all the rich and brilliant col ' oil tvadmarkings peculiar to this beautiful - arid showy . tripe of ',plants; 1%.11. ...:-,... ..... Shrubliyexed varieties, collected * from a 4 splendid collection Of finest self colored and epotted torts, These are half hardy peren ',-mnlcand adapted for bedding out in the opengroundduringsuminetblooming abun dantly. throughout the season treibrecous,' extra choice . CINERAR7E, Tine mixed Extra Select, from rrrize flowers only New Dwarf .BbrubbyGiant _ Jeanie, laird Lang, of 'Scotland, Price • • 75 The.,yarims undermentioned varieties` produce' fruitsurgie most .singular and grotesque appear }rice; and aro very desirable as rapid climbers cucuraB Flexitime:lt Snake. Cucumber, 'very handsome: Olossukarifolius, -Gooseberry-fruited .Male,pd,to,red-fruited DELPHINIUM. Clerdintefalum. deep' bine. ,profuse bloomer, admirably adapted as edgings for large beds Klatum, Bee Larkspur Formosnoi . „ rich blue and whit e, the mosth and '4otrie matornamentril of the class making, a granddisplay the first season, if sown' early Gmndiflernin, dark blue Ilendersonl, blue and white:very fine • Tricalex t new And fine - Illiatuin Sticetabillis ainensta, best mixed ' ' -Astrum, red Spotted ' •-•• .;Ce.rulenm, beautiful spotted: 1... Ilibrid-litfvum. - from the best named varieties DIANTHUS i7IIINENSIs, India or China Pink, twenty' rare varieties mixed.....- - • Alba, fine double-white Alba Striate, double white. red-striped fine Heddeatigillleddeiviys, new Japan Pink, a most valuable =volition from Japan,plants , seareeirene foot high, very bushy and coy:- - - ered wltha profusion of fluivers, which mei', "Sure nearly three inches in diameter, with , leoleracdonsisting of rose, crimson and -violet; some are•delicately marbled. others self-col ored, Mutable for the conseivatory, bower or `gardeti.. - " - DIANTHUS CHIN ENSIS.' lleddeivigi Hybrids, ff., - pl.. Nova, new hybrid I..double -lowered. famed ! by hybredising ' Diailthirs - Meadowigt with the double9arden Pink. It throws up strong flower stalks, • about 1 1 A ft, in height, the flowers are both -datiblb Mid Somimloubte, of the same size as • • the HOdawigi.. - the semi-double.'have the Xic•lii- , shades and colors, the doubles . pure colon without shades 25 . 'DIANTHUS Berlatzta,'Siveet William, miied 05 • :3 d!delvill's auracula'r flowered 10 4.( flonble mixed....,,... ................. . ...... 10 llaidideruittus,,various colors • 05' .1%.:BIT AND CHOICE 'VARIETIES OF VEGE '• • •-• , TABLE SEEDS. • 4 include in this list only such as are new and val uta-ail nut readily obtained.• The most of them I ye received from the celebrated English - km of • r At Co., London, and they can be"confid en tl3' recomuiettilett; ineludinn a few-American :novelties of great merit. • • CARTER'S SEET OSYTH -BEET. , bradiumaize. good shape. short top. rich deep "blood led tolor.'; fine flavor, decidedly , the :best beedin cultivation. I-grem this the past Jettr•and found it fully equal to the recom theadation. Per pkg - " 25 • - - HENDERSON'S PINE APPLE DEPT,. Compact, short top, roots aiiidinm sized and of adeep erimeon,,good flavor. Per-pkg....„ 10 •-•-" •` - LITTLE-PINIE. C,ABBAGE, "" Venyeairly. Small, delicate flavor.. ' ' . • ,WHITE JAPA.NESE MRLON. , • Thiel/ the finest flavored thin - skinned musk =melon yet - introduced. The .seed is 'from - ...Taman: ( No:lover of this tine 4.41-tdtrY. this variety • Z = ^ ' WESLEY JONES. _--,,t.?otathatei'4,Cortiers, Col. Co., N. T . . st"R" - R N D 1 0 - 7 g 44z iiiinzIIPACTURE OF ROSEWOOD AND DLO I.IL D IN G ~ ,,LodEDIG. GLASS AND PICTURE PRAAES., , • of every, description, COB. F AND ,& OALLOHILi; el r aiiitajl'atiest (Site prehiptly executed. ' Orderf filled-brZ:#:.I3IIRY,OCK, - :9lvimb , ert - Vg, pa. Mil ME E X T.ll A-..i NADI" CE-lii , V,r3Si TS:— -LU personisiu t iii - itsj *in, y jele'Ci see s. at 'C',atii " -' l4-J • logne pricetamminting t0..,' •• " —• ,• ' "S - 1 10 Persons sendiv slpey , select.:...ppeds at fatal , seeds at Cate,- , • .- lino° prices irtltil in t il inVt e cr ie-e: ' ' '' ' r'• •"'•• 2 k „Persons sondsng "logne prices am ounting to- Persona ,1:30 Persona sending s.l.4,Eiy select S'eeds at" Iliitti;•• •' - '' lope prices ton muitkrigo 1 i... ,„.i.. .4175 'lrenons sending tk'i'maY Felectsceds.",at - Cata " done 'tracts aisionnting to:. •"' •....' '' :, ... ,',-1:;:t., '6 60 Personsspn4ing,Slo Ina,' se4ct Seeds at . cater i • ; t logme•Pheek atibunting tO • • - • m - to These will•be lint op together and -sand to OTIX) ad dress, or in seperate ttSckagces and mailed_te Th e A 6_ be d d r es ess irc el . eit l e n h a l i n l d w iii e d s nfo i tl e ' p r o min itag g u li, llv e i l l e i - h b . ,5 6. 4tir . meoauy 4. , og n call attenti on to my la again , W The.same,deduction ..vill,l•Pf-coliVie ite• Made : to -40 person ordering, I. se l ection of• sterS; in colleetions,"(for a descrikint •Seer pat :16.) whi'dh I think - is the firma ever o•&red. I sell the.collection at $1.90, • yet, , ic se l„ t e k i,, eeper _ ately from the Catzaole-' t• arnolillts Ito :1;1,45. Also Picotee Pinks. Clnertirin. rind. li.lceoirtriti,',tc. •44..". MY German Stocks," Balsates,. _Punsiee,,Oarattlion, all eif which have bCen received from the most:chic brated growers iti En gland,, , Scotland and Germany. . and arciof first- conlitY. , , If it-fillet:44 . lm; inconvea ; itfitfor you tct' m:3 •ke your elan eelectioM by enCros ing the amount you iredesibaus•of el.itientlibg, and liberal inanner. . stating for. that pinpase th a seeds isie required, you may rest assured that I will make the selections in the most judicious 00: 1 , ' • PeMons wordings:larger tornitity ot, , Wanting t 6 , ad as agent will pleageaddresB me. , • . - . . ~ , .• Duroz.thc past two years, our Collections ofFloir• er mail, haVe -been . sent to almost every "State in tbii union:and - so far as we liavb learned, have given universal satisfaction, rind it is our earn est endeavor to make theseLeoll ections Mot only second to none. but to make them-superior to those sent froth any other. establishment in the country. N. 131" , Partieular attobtiotii , hould be paid to err ing 7744 Addroo, Toren: . aura!, -end Mate in fult.— CatalpaikeE will he sent, tri alt applicants- .upon a re ceipt of. D. three Pent stanap„.. Address. t • ~ • .• * • ''• ' J". WESLEY JONES. mat2-2M " 'hatliam. 4 Corrito-s,•Col. co:. N.Y'. ' 1 00 I''oo ETt( l .B iii,t\irST AND SEED WAREHOLTSA, 21 and 23 gook Sixth. Street:'Philadelidair, Pa." DAVID LANDRETH S: SON, proprietors of Blooms -date, which contains 'near four 'hundred acres' in high tilth, devoted to the production of,(I2IIIDEN SPITS. are now prepared to' supply Conntu Mer chants. Draggles and all others who deal in Seeds, with large. or small quantities, by the pound or bushel; and also in papers made ready for tetailine. The Estahli4hment represented by Darid,l,and reth d: Son, Ims been founded nearly three -fourths of-a century. • ' - " - 35 2 00 - 75 Ttio - ride,sproad potlltarity, and ticasinerntn Year to year for- • I. tandrelk s Warriinteil Garden Seeds; is etldence of the high Valtie enteltUineti for them hy the, p tib lie. • . • • •Landreth's Garden Seeds are not only favorably received throughout the liniqe.,but,iire ttshipped to many foreign ports. Indeed it may-be stated :with national ,ride that they come-into active 'competi tion with English Seed mid. British Soil, • - David Landreth k Son invite all who are not al ready purchasers of their Garden Seeds, to make e trial 01 theni—sssnred that they will be found fidly, eq_nal to their high reputation. , Landreth's Rural Register and' Almanac contain ing catalogue of Ganlen'Seeds with instructions. furnished gratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural Implements. DAVID LANDRET,H & SON, aug 12-Iy] Nos. 71 and 25 South 6th t., Phila. , FRE-SH, GARDEN SE'E_DS for' BrA • GAADYSriItS,;''SfAiitET GARDENERS AND criigns. P ITR • QA ( A S • I XO, IS II:, • .f• - B.IIALL OR•LAROE QUA_NTri'IES, - by sending alist.afxha.t.they regalre:" WILL RECEIVE THE SAME• BY RE,TCRN dF with the lowest -possible prices a i nne4d. for, cash. CrOItd.R.GE PAID BOSTON AND NEW YORE 'Seeds 'pre-paid by mail.: M. IyATSV, Old Colony Nurseries, Plymouth. Mass agrtrulturat. r ocitc , ,-81.14.AR EVAP 0 R o it, 'mairefaetured- by Mbruvtut, Mansfield, Ohio.- , - - I.Ve are willing to guarantee that from two acres of gooll Cane, a suflietent nutnber of gallons of , Syrup cap be produced to cover cost pf AfaChinery. capable of making eighty gallons , of Syrup per day, which attfty rents per gallon, will pay for, cost of Mill and , Evaporator m fourdays ; or whore Pan is wanted for a brick arch, without the Furnace, in less time. • COOK'S SYRUPS have been soltlat an average of sixty cents - a gallon, and none in. market. An acre of good Cane will prodneo from 2 to .?Alt) gallons of Syrup.' • SORGO SEED.—We offer a Superior lected by ourselves - . Sprout the seed and roll in' plaster. - Plant in drills-four feet apart. from North to &tali. Light soil and Southern exposure pre= (erred, although not absolutely necessary. un it will, grow on Foils where many crops would be a failure. Cultivate as for Corn. - 50 50 100 10 10 25 • • • • - - Cook's Evaporator has taken the first premium over all others at two United States Fairs and over • thirty State Fairs. Clark Sorgo Machhae 'Compatay's CANE MILL and above SEED for sale by W. G REED. Agent. ' Office—REvostionv Building, Chamb'g, Fa. 437-• The Sorge Lland.:Book sent free to any- pev son asking for it. AG R I C ULTU - L - Alt -- IMPLEINIENT . :• - MANUFACTURERS. ' WILLIAM; L. BOYER A- BRO., 'Sixth Street and' Germantoivn Avenue, ' a • • ' PKILAORLPHIA, PA., , Manufacturers of the ' -Riemiinit Farm Grist Mill - '.. • ' i ..,,, lloasE.Poivxn4 Axn,TnaltsitEas,„ . Circular SatrMaenineos, Corn ° - _.. Shellers. Grain FatiB, - _ _ Cultiv,a . t.nrs, . " Iliiiiiiim •Flovii, - A; ;. - - : • and every , vnriety,of apprOved - . - Agriealtuint Impleinentli. " - .1-a.k. Semi. /or Cirentar and adriesa 1 " • WM. L. BO,YER 17 BRO.. .mayl.s-ly • Philiviehlhin. Pa: Cks 1(1 10 m 0 N, I D P"A CIFIC , GC4IO ..1 /. '7Cil" guano. 'eontainihg from setienly to eights . ; percent of PHOSPHATE Oc•LIME' which has been added, by a ch emical process, ,large per tentage of actual Ammonia, so fixed that it ean not' evaporate,,snaking it equal, if. not superior to' any otheflertilizer. ." Pamphlets with copies of Analyses , by Dr, Jack-. son. Mass.., State Assayer, and Dr. Liebig. of Balti more. and testimonials from scientific Agriculturists, showing its - value. Cain be obtained from • J. 0 BAKER, & CO.. SELLING AGENTS, march 2-Iy. , 84 15 all Street, Now • • AMAN Or ,A THOUSAND.-4 -A Con, Rumptire Circd.—Dß. H. JAMES, a Retired Physician of great eminence discovered, while in the „Indies, h certain,cnre fin:Consumption. Asthma, Bronehitas, CoUghs. ColdS and General Debility. The remedy was eiseevered- by him when , his only' child, a darighter, was.givbri up to die. His child was cured, and is trots , alive and will; Desirous of , benefiting his fellow, mortals, bo,will ,send to those who wish it the recipe, containing full directions t i er makintx. arid successfully using, this remedy, free, on receipt of their names, with two Stamps to pay expenses. There: is not - a sinrao ease of Consump tion that it does not at once take hold of and dissipate.. Night sweats,. •peeviehneSs, irritation of tile 'tierves, failure ofmemory, difficult expector ation, sharp painsin;:the lungs, sore throat. chilly' sensations; nausea at the stomach , ;inaction of the bowels." wasting awn? of the muscles. if wtiterwill please state the name of the paper they seen thisadverNsernent in. Address ' • ; XRADDOCK:& • marp•ly*l 2W North'2dAt.,T hi lad elph MI PA- Bdumiu ml t. ,l l l4ffr A et?i,..!oP G-111:11VE F'' • WALL.PAREN I B a .AND vvrINDOW GUMAiN PAV&RS Cor. Fourth and Marirat - Sitc.Phibdelphia. - Sock - of 4,1N47.,..8..3Y55i4301341311t iY 01 1101 4DKI: - , rel7-3m, PAIiNTS OF SOLDIERS Intlie ger. ,; k 6. iirinifoiiiitatc, can fhtnilh •thein - with the REPO3ITORY I threc nionthcloritets:; su,munthe for 50 eta. or one year for $l.OO. sbefb%,;.! . * -:~,tp _Apryleui„Tpral f , iPLEMENT " 1- W - i4Wilo4 i;=4;i4:At(; fits oilers poi ) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND , ;.. • -• ilAtHlNEßY. , ol".!.itilit-',ETS*' - I. -T T tu - ri; Hoes,Spades. Shovels, ;:„ Ritkes t etc.: , - • ' .•,, and, Orgss-ilooYs,; - - I" , •;f94 1 4 3 A• aP4§ c al l )ct§oPq s, ` , • - ,,ollo ; Agrienitnsti.l - 3 wAry in general. --• • - We offer, elm a largo aaritx9ent.ofout o t erk : *an . nfocture of - 1.• _, , 0 rayTutteni '71;6 CHnd, •' • tOff6e.imiii4iiiii Milt's; • ':" ' •" -1, • • SurltiMilW ithi'Oro&rs jr -r" • - Of yiiii('Acts:plitPitil; • :-.:•••1 I , ” h-• illtotaiSeisper& F;; tE , • • -ITheet-BE* 1 111,..rEe 4 • • F ET LL 'Ft E , • of taklncic •siich. as :5 Cou'a orphosaate Vf!Liinc,: , ; ' T; r• .1 • . 'l;cgPxo4nd'4onei • I. •,POPRTfon-quanognifßpudrettei IN OURTEETYI)trAIITMENT t• ;,"•• will be fOund a, complete selection of theboat kind HU: ~ ! i •‘:,: . r! Of Vegetable, Flower • I • "aiicidrasseeci.4 , • ) d Grain. raised ' expreally for us by the . most roliable - AMERICAN'AND ECtREIGN-GROWERS. Thor nni•eraitting- tverptiilt reitentiod ' Of Seed.;meii ,to • ers may rely on. tficir fretsNmss 41id pnrity in alt re: speets. , , ' . • - We sell in small or large guantitiei to tat; purchall sets, and Send in smuiP lets .by mail • tn• 'all - parts of the Vnited States. _ - • We will forward Prici-Lits and Dw.criptiyaOiron-, lays to all desiring them., i: . ALLEN 189, 191 and 193 Muter ,Street, New York the improved • ' • • - • CLIPPER MOWING, MACHINE, with Steel Ftildinirinieitialligand'fwo " 2 • • • . , ; : . • R now veadpflir eale. t • ' • • In nonvernietinv'tlitd 'llihtnmeof diart `this it- perior eVeaio`iheliliStyle of Alleg lfowerao long' an *§ ° "It hm liteacally to frame, and neatly all its parti3, trith the aicept left ;Of 'lhive-Wheels • 'end:Gears; - die made of Steel or WroughtazuLlilaleableiron. thus the StrOakest: and lightest ' maAret.: - j mar2-4m A GRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO'S CREAY FER'PJLIZERS. e . PABITLETTE. This Fertilizer is 'composed' Of night soil and the' fertilising elements of wino ; combined, ohninicto.l3 l and mechanically- with other valuable fertilizing agents and' absorbents. , ' It is reduced to a. pulverulentcondition, ready for immediate use;•and without loss of its highly nitro genonsfertilizing properties. Its universal applicability to all crops and snits, and its durability and active qualities, aro 'Well' known-so beall that agrieulturisti can desire ;—, Price, $25 per ' Ton. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed!of animal mat ter, such as meat, bone, fish, le4ther, hair and w 091,, together With',,chemicala and Morgante. fertilizers, Which decoMpose the mass, and rctaintb - e. nitrogen. :ous elements. It is thoroughly Impregnated with urine, - and the thinner portions of night soil. -It is a reryl valuable fertilizer for ecld crops g etu orally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purr poses. Its excellent qualities,,strongth and cheapness, have made,it very popular with all who have cheapness it. Price, .',25 per Ton. TREE AND FRUIT FERTILIZER.- ' ' It is a highly phosphatic fertiliser, and is particu larly adapted for the cultiyation of trees„ fruits,. lawns and flowers. It will prothoto a very vtgorouS' and healthy growth of f wood and fruit, and, largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit: For hot-house and household-plants and florers, it will be found an indispensable article, to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the poach and grape, and is excellent for grass add lawns. The formula or method of combining its constitu ent fertilising ingredients have received the highest ttP.Proyal of, eminent chemists and scientifieugruml-', twists. Price. 5.50 per Ton. -, , PIIQSP,HATK,F Agrictatura vh.emicnt('timptiny ruanuftietclie a-Phosphare of Lithe in accOrdaneb With a new anti -valuable formula, by which avery superior article isproduced, so as to be affomledat a less price than oilier manufacturers charge. Practical tests have. proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the • hest Phosphate of Lime-in-the-market. Price, $45 per Ton. . ; -, - TERMS CASlL—Cartage and Freig_ht 4 to be paid, bfthe Parchaser. AGRICULTURAL CiI_,EMICAL CO'S WORKS,... AT CANAL. WHARF, ON THE DELAWARE.. • Office, 412,) , ( 4 . Arch Street, PhiladelPhia, PR.. I R. B. :FITTS, General Agent. "The' Cordpriny's Pamphlet Circular;' embracing full direetiOns for fusing the-above Fertilizera. sent' by rnaillree, when, rco nested. . (mareh 2-3 m.), - QORGHO , SYRUP FOR THE WES k_.7 TERN PART OE , FRA_NKL,EN; COUNTY:— Extensive preparations will be made tit'the . NV EST FR A NICI4N NURSERIES; near Ltiudon, for the • manufacture of Syrups the coming sen.son. As, in all' bindings operations, NO is Making Syrup, - we have- found observation and practical expenenco our best instructor. waving been engaged in this, buSines4 fcirscteral years, (the last to some extant) l we, have learned 'Melly important things-,immedi ately connected with the manufacture of Syrup, Among other things, we have found comPicto ar rangements absolutely—necessary to produce Syrup in.quantity and of. the best quality. To effect this' we s'hall employ a strong motive poWer, and im nroVed machinery for -crushing und , preparingthe Cane effectually., A, completertpge of. Juice, Tank and Evaporators , for clarifying find bailing,' all' of which' i ve intend to place under roof, Inenable is to operate without hinderauce in all kinds of weather: Liberal splanting is 'expected in thiSleoinumnity, for,which.we will supply seed, gratuitously, ,expect ing, In turn:the cane to manufacture,' Itamplasof Bs. hip can be seen. and obtaned, and any other inforrnation, by, calling - at the Nursery of the, undessigned. N. 13,-1-Apply,lor seed.sbort and_plant ,i; mar23-4t, - 13.1wR., • • "VIETZ'S LOW - MANUFACTORY: , ConNER r WASHINGTON AND SEGONG ,STHgSTS., CHAMBEIASIfItIiW, PA. • • Gilman's Improved Brerornm PloWs,And afi other Plowitnow in gen ertal TISO with' POLISI-ff..,D MOULD. Id BOARD,S_, both wpouglL,t Irert §hare and, Sel f-sharP:- eding: "Mirtowei Ito le arrows; Cultivatevs;' Plow Castings; Jakid, - Witgon Boxes constantly • :on hand, or Made at qhort notice. -. , - Farmers should Bear is Mind' that' PloWit P t iirehits ) ed of me can , he, gepaited , at, Ipes,:teoubliaT or if*livilscl than those that ,are made a great distance from home:7 Galli see and he corivfneect. . . Ho has islaopurobas.q4 the right. t_nraanufactura and 8011 'Sim:mane Patent Iron Rouble Shore Plowit,!' which ho knepeconstautly on hafid. • Blacksinithing- inall :various, bnuNtkos-, •9. 1 . 11 ° oatried on at the above niurierlAnde. feb 24r3gt • -• ( 7.0184.41.1iA.P4 AWL o , lfineithii3o-.. tett exers t qllaigs: aftlF Vines. A,,N TIE DECOR -, alitiß"bk"tirk - VAI(Log: etiNsEieVA-: ' , F orwalkEkoWEß:33OßDEß.'.l.lMl r alsitig;ofer 000,400 plants. Including the rarest andifinestx,arin itimiriii onitrvatiOn of tht, folio Wing "d - Artohinuni or Saari Aragon, striped. and motlled "Ntaiiaties;sl'per dozen'. '' • ' • ." A s t, eo3 , ilecatAlouble..yarieties. pe.r thpzen..! 'AirrteulaSire - et Nfilliain;'new, s2' ' • " Tdalcoolt*!?e4tltirta . 8 1) 0 40 Tirietieg. $3 t';.' , 5 5 -9er dozen.• = varieties, ,10040r,442 . 9 4 kiltin *Dahlias, bormet.varietits. 32 sor.ts„ per,doion.- -Dijohjinlintfeimbsidi, htirdn'blue laerbaceonsiddit ~$l5O per deign , ,' • TTlflltd hild:ctimso'n; $2 per adz. .f,clisitiVW v. 94l.MilkfVot.lbW f 94. tt - Anglei I„..gapeedozon. 44iurn4 trillimerj flowering; tall i ti a d . e.3. ,..o ozen. . „. argenitintloo findtheiv'soilit, $6 Tier &Act. Holiotrope.l2 Yarteties, $2 per dozen.,, 1. 1161106Ak 24=fin'; ; s4 ' ' ' li on ,, m s l odo;.6 varieties. %T./Per dozern ; , liantatiat, gerfs.-s.3'per dimen I,,goo l rygibena,,2s to,e4CV6'2 per dozen.: ; TranSies, - 144 sorts. $1 per dozen. . . • , „Pansies; finest Eliglisirsottsi•2s varieties: s3;"aiddi. ,Petnniaa, 25 "varioties ? donble and single, $4 50 par Len ' ' '• - . Patunissel,oo sorts, frogs seed. $1 5a,p9;40 . pn. ' ~,,, Phirize,'tiarn:v.'s6 varies es, $2 Per dozen: Chrysanthemums, 104 sorts, $2 per. dortn.• ; •r: Pinks, FlOrists, 24 sorts $2 per dozen. Pird(s.:-MnathlY enruatiatis.4osorts. $2". Tieridozdn: • Roses,,loo sorts, fine plants, from $3 to $9. p 4,3;• doz, ,94 - drias; hind and searlet, SI 50 per 'doZ: ' - ' '"- Tropeeolum. 6,linrieties...sglended, verbings,;so finest sorts, named, sl' on per dozen. finest sorts, without nanieflisls4lp.,,doz. "` 30 new Sorts ? s4'to $7 50 per doz. ' All our pltu?ts are 'grown in , extra, szrutll(pof.4_far the Special Purpose of distant transportation. Hay- Mg)* thii Manner grown out , piants for tienrlT'Li'): teenyears. and have sent r thora, to, all, parts.of the Col" intry*ith - iinvaryitit satisfactio'te onneustorisl era. Large experience inpacking has enahlod usto ensure the safe arrival of plants to any - distance, ntere.the•firne apes pot exeeed , l9,days, in. as kkod condition es if bought at home. We make no chargo foißaslosta. '.130xq21, or Paeklng• - ,z,Ott-Billi of 'ss Mid upwards. •- , • • 'Ordeiefrdni unknoln bp.accolnPar4d by a, r,emittruscp. 041)(11184:0 refilitiaak'else no attention - can bd paid" to 'the or der., Perbaps.the Most ; antisfactorY Mode :of•• PS , 3^, nient to in paying the express agent on receipt of ;he goo& Desemptive Critalbgtmon plication. • ,PETER ,HEIsiDERSON ? " feb24 3m ' ' . ' -Jersey OW N.J. STOCK FirLE • - iigt.tlNG" OFF AT L7:S3 7 ,TH,i, :11 , r ' • , ; , .r• G E N.. 'N E aSiErr43 ", BAY" WOOli; NURSERY :algid ROSE 41Altli•iN; • '• EAST „LIBERTY; ALLEGRO"! -,Ovei 'Frier?' ACRES under ciittiVlition of the choicest se.tieties af,everything ;km fouhd in:is , • -..E1-11:.5.T; - •-.; ‘• _ • - Flar.TriMilsoll, , NP/P7411 TREES, Shrubs ard.alanbS all in fru e,c o 9ditird , 1 .4 14 carefillir labeled: TUC RUBE is the Speciality in the 'floral denartment; ; mtviY of its rarett. , varieti4S beingrisn-. Ported direct from 14 ranee. - OirinistiiGien.Nbiglayfe, a,bsenc.e. 'in the tray; 'id are balling out the concern. and tige invite orders large or small 9.0701 fkom the trade as' from pritate customers. We still retain the forruerforegran.'Mi.. Kenny, who-hr b'.ien employed iir',thb,'eStablish ment for the en,years. So . ao. 7 curacy; and - careful - paekage in filling' orders.. . 1 ., •. - ; , SEELY . ..t; baLLQN;•: - -- s'nareh 2-nal Ea:st Liberty, Allegben*.Co:. Pa. R , ,•• E RES FRANKLIN COIJNTY: NtritSRIES:-PRiTt.i.urriOni,6rks-YALTitid qip t ,gn IrtitEs, Sritivninany -PLA:STS, -EFT-Ott"Tbik largest stock to Ablect from in the county Every thing in thetrod P,L - ANT line ,that is et all desirable, can be supplied, from the OCII monost standstill - -Fruit Trac t to the rardst And thbst' choice native or foreign species or variety of,,Frait or Blower. OUT Sthttdard Apple Trees 'the un ly, fine, stout, heavy, trunks, 'furnished with, brandring - headS, from three to fine feet from "the ground, as may be desited. mOar tiimlaio:grOir the best of everything pruning, and cultivating upon scientific pnnelples, consequentlsi: our -PrOdnetions are not offered-in competition _with Trees groFn, upon the oldjet-lone syStenr. ' An ins itntion tended to all who are-interested infrii4gulture, , tei come and - see for theaTselves: • A large ot t oak,of Eireenhorot ft and , Bedding.Pltints: Roses, &c.„ in pots, will bo ready in April and May. Br . telosea . thren,eent stamp Pier .dosonative • Cate= lognd of Fruit and Ornamental trees, &c. Addrets, B: L. RIDER Welt F'ranklin Nurserics. - tharl6-if ' • .!`tear Loudon. Franklin Co.. Pa. Tz - EYSI: i 6SE . N URSEltt.—the _Li. scriber is prepared Ito furnish most articles its-' wally to be found in NurscrieS, of ,goosl quality and, at i-easotiable'rateg. ' I ' - " • • • ' ' The Stock embraces all the leading kfiAs.ef, ~ • FRUIT!TtRE'ES: Apples, - Cherries,. Peaches:. • Dwarf and Standard Pears, !. 'Aptibota,'Phime, -4- „ • Grapes, , I ' • Strawberries,' .' Raspberries , •Crirranis, • ' Hoosoberriks,' Blackberries, &e. "Also;can:bh furnished_ a.grood,aSsortment of EVERGREEN TREES LEl:uire:en:and other Shrubbery, Shaao !Frees: ke: Gnat Facilities arc posessed for shipping . articles to , all parts b€ the country. as the Nursery ately, adjoins the City of Harrisburg. . . . -Mar 18-tf - JACOB MISH,' Harrishurg,'Pa. 11111 E OPORTO GRAPE.-This 'Gr'ip'e i t 'l. ;133 ma * 'untended particularly as a dessert fruit, but es an excellent, dark colored s _ rich. will bodi 'de. so' clOsely resembling ..trenulne old-timed 31VINE, that none bnt experienced judges can " ifguish between the two. , AltbOunh it is, .manufantnred extensively in • Western, New York, the supply is unequal to the demand, at from $1 50 to $4 per gallon. . : :, ..P .; • '.ti , ' , . . . Vines for sale by the subseriber. who has been ap• : , pointed - Agent for - it-at the following prices:' = • One to three years old, 25c to 50.cts each •S 2 50 to S.' 5 pbr , diyien, $l5 to R5O per 100: MCOB '.141811. mar . 16-t-f) • , Key-gone., iinrsery t _tlatriab'g, PtL. EAIt,T I REES —,Stantlard and -Dwarf J.. tear Trees of the leading and most valuable variiddea. Athena' them can .be farnished •soinen " EXTRA_SELECTP) " Treesithe Dwarf having &tilt buds and ready for immediate beanne good. tre e.a. 30 , to 60 tt9 lebted 75 cts to $l. each. Rates Inver by dozen. .• , J. MISH, Keystone Nursery; mar 16-tf] ; _Flauisburg, Pa. , CHERRY TIZEI,:;S.-4, fine asiAortipueikt 'or ebeiit Forty beit varieties, 'trees Oflarge size and vigorous t , ; • _Price, 3,0 ets 5) ets.• ets each; ;7 poi doe., $18; $254 4 , 33 per 100. ; • ; • ; mar 16,41 Keystone Nursersy,BL4rrisb'g,,lla, , ..12.4 ge d variety, not subject to injury by the borer. For tale atKeystone Nursery, Harriebnr. Pa. Trees 10 to 12 feet high; 75 cents each:..per doz. mar. ' ' • " JACOB - . • . SC Ls'ib'h 'ASH, a liand's'cinie, mental Shade Tree, of Aut . ° an& rapid growtli. Trees from 8 to, 12 feet high., 40600 cents. each:. $3 50@6 per doz.; 4 . ' , 200.40 per MO. .JACOB MISII,' mar 233 IkeSstone , ,Nrsery, 4.4rri.sburq, REINTOVAL.LVtIni 433 ; 3144ik §'treet 7 , , ILL; to thelarge 'IRON BUILDING, 513 Market and 510' Commerce ,Streets, More Goode thawony Honee-in-the' trnited' States; Firt A.NCLSC US ) ; : r• ,513 MARKET AND•SIO COMMERCE ST$., keeps the Largest Stock' United-States ' Bnekets, Brooms, Tubs,. Charm." • Baskets; Britahes, Measures, " ' _Clocks. Looking-GI:0304 1 0i' leloths•and. - • Carpets; Window Shadel and Pa er, , •Bird Cages.-Japan Ware mud Also—Cotton Batting. Wadding, Twines---IVieking,r-Ropea,in Coils and Dozens, Cotton Yarns, - • --, ' Cotton 41,nd:Linen Cadet-Chain. • Ciniv,pilees will ' average Loner than May otlier nottAo In the city. Call and see,fdt yowl:J*lw. , • For further particulars apply to S. S. SIIRTOCE. Chdinbersburg. ' - • • - PRzy.H - libi."1101040 E , , E Y . & It . 111„ 11 . N ER'T A K ll' CHAItBSRSBITRG ' • r : • . The undersigned, respectfully announces the 'aide:et:lW oT-Chambersburgatd:surioundliig-cbrititit + that they, still, continue , the manufacture of.,voie , VINS: rind' iir'e - Prepared to'attend Futirrals in own • and CountrY. • + ' •• -; • • • • Coffins a litahopiniy, Cloth; Triliniit; (terry, (1:.; made:to cirderut_th,e chastest notice, ;and most Tette cumble triune., , • Theytmfalio Ip_repared thrUish io - Mideri' the IfETAT4LIP CO 'FINS.", • 'They -*ill 'attend 'to !th'e whichmill-br done in n satisfactory, nlsppri.lie spediber Win. Flory's old stAd."'' '' • ' • ar9-3mo - • • - , r.'Erego,l)taittEflitlY I: :5; ;1e17.1,'! '3'; • , r. • '• .r r : , • , .13W ORTANT T.Q FARM.ER.§ AND'. ' 5. R, 11 4 -- RFAC iI S-4 ,11 g-• . DANIS CHANCSS AND INDUCEXENTN 01 1 7NR *-; • Ort:`_* - , 106,000 - Ettrala46l6l6 eti,' to 101: eor sale 0431 . 9.sonable,term4,corisideripq , I; .„. 14114itit z•of tteek tint trait'ofThred As thee . us4n.of illar!ting)acgce apito tic along 't - 13egilltkirigt 4 ',0 iher at; teti;til it at,eives , . , tlie' al)oie`offOri ' fair ty eor"the PR[pose._` ItTOVre!4P , Te.PAILY tlkkeA 144 RIIV; I .Ie4 Cu fulls raid iitteidedyifot've2iv yeatA dtll volt ietebiislitki will B~ fonn~ to ki've; liftt9d than kleyeedt"its934,ing r hl,9224 , ill at tendedorehardel• !TlivesTetiffthil,fallvenlatld- free Yeeelittrirthti thantiiitig of tie field , they wilt be tduna to ao` wofl, and injure the the 01115F . ..14,4 'they : e heck: thefreChiqst; pf. rimb aiidin u raekaWiffillfthia itinitilbT the f6iejstqlo' tiiaiy Vl:cared away. '4tio", some , ,• • <-1 EXTRA .I.2ARGE TEVER(3II,f7ENS-Ali.D.::, • ' '• ' f o r is4iiiriesreorditig prices idotrititbi . sioirriqed. 1. • jiddititk. . DAV,ID:MILLEA, Cup/1)410dt Nptvertee,i mar 2-ettl lii TI :E . " tr ... 't T -,•,i • •;. • H:FI C .I;:liticrli - is ineeh more easy Sid. - Sticeeaful in. the 6:0:NIHON DRY SOIL OF PRIVATE HARDENS, • • - G AW )E 4. 4 41 1 , • thsn'tn the istutr eluinss way in tiOs • . The season,Aitsoymetiod 1 !, Of cultstreirw* over Tr f FOUR-:I DR D BUSHELS 'PHIst4OIIO: . Explicit directions" for c'ttlti*aiiiiti,''Witit'inC;e - of r ,r I tr Th '. ;.•`• r .PPANTStrI , ' x. 4,4 ..#l4 zissrOL 4ND ApirprAmsirit TREES, PLANTS AND SHRUBS; will be send all. • -• 014,;C0i0n31 . Ituyieriegj ' • • •• 1, E E 8 , - A- NA) .14; T , B-- • or ' ALL KINDS, , • - 71 ' •• ; • FRITI-VANDiefiNAMENAL, , all sizes, atlovitatUS/ ioreliaSere shodd+ •• ' - • .• . send for.-'nevi - • •P'li I C EL L 1' 0 Ill' 1864, BEFORE i"trlictsSiwt&tsiv ‘ Carriage puititO I3oeton, Newport and . 14 Orr tork. 8.431. WATSON, 014 dalony" Nurseries, r • o - 4 ) )Finout4, blow. • .'• LANJ) T S AND snail; • IN GREAT 37 1 A • PRICE LIST' NOW READY. • ',B. M. WATSON Pl7mpnth, Muse: • IP I / I „ rir° A GEI TS AN.:O „AEA ',A 48 „- ,'•; • • T REFS • To 'C L 4s. .• • , Nyhol.ea 4 le ,catO m ie. 1,6 6 4 • la low, EM4DY. Ca.triage of .Packages.poid: to , • 01ElikVeY0•41.1r. • • • •Olti'boi6j- l kura s Cries, 1411 i. A N - K N ,, TVS E R y Charnhersh ' urg ye: ,Lwould-offor Gra? public a well Aclpett•d - . wortment df Ph* Trees. Apple, Poach. P,eurand - Plutu, of all:leading varieties. 7— Also, Ornashental Trees, such 'Mapicr, Linden, Ash, Hone qhestnut. Evergreens, - Norw r aY.Stiruce. American Balsam Fin, Arbor„ rip N 7! riety.-- Hardy 'Shrubi; such aieSinreas in large Vdriety, Weigel ids and Deutzias,,mapy of ! thesenro well cal- Culated fot cemetery lots" Honeysuckles, yorvythiaB Also, Grapes,' Catawba; Iszibollai Concord, •Diami; Delaware, liebecea;Ac. CUrrantS, this reading kinds: llespherries, berries._. • •' - • ( • - Flowers-Roses, - Verbentizi, - "ltclidtroithi; Geittni umsi,Pasehaias, Petunias;- ' • • •• • • '•.. All of which will be sold'at reasonable prices for cash. TIM usual Kitchell Garden IPlttnts, :by tlife dozen. hundreds or thousands. • Send for it eirmilar, as' all mil it•ants ;I:rein:mph - ea free. ifeli 24-4m] CvP J/E§EP'. agent,- , MORWAY T MAPLE •R_RES:'frdzo 8 to ki 12 feet high and vigorous. landsomo; Tree, Bauch resembling 'the 'Sugar 'Mai/a; but of more certain .a-t*rapid growth..-,„: •• • ~• Prim!) 40.q.60 cents each ;',`,53' 51146 - $2O 60 , p ez am . , „ • aAthalt MPH,' marl] Keystone unery, Anmsburg• •r• • - rinRusi.TRE'ESI,RYDER'SFRANN.- 1.. gUIi , SEiIiES.7:-Orders for Tre Os, Plan Vines, - troemh ed fov , the above establishment ntthe Groetry, of NESTOCKSON: Main streeti•ordeite'RystvEril Ston), &end in y,9l„,A,r,_o,r4e,rst.p §johilest4ek &Scin. " .r2S-2t 'TT-011SE ,ClitSTso,t r pik, F ALUna iv* ekes' foi planting, tiO 7 size- , frilm.s to 7;feet,— idyen 7,52,84 ner d on; 'slB Or 100. - COB MI, marzzi tyaramitarE6-, F, Met '; „ Ma MEI lIIIMEMII ME EEO ~1 roliete, Pa jo r z., al f “. 1 -t ONST-ITIUTTON WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. - C_M R. Tl'kuTiON WATER TITUTION WATER. ?;r'- PONSTITUTION ; 7ii Ell C:(3sll4ititiii6l4 CONSTITUTION WATEg. -diii4sTrrurtfoii CONSTITUTION'WATER, 1 4• 4 L .CONSTITIITION WATER. - CONSTITUTTON WATER: ' CONSTITUTION WATER: - ' `:X#E '• CirtiAt /BE 2:1:1.441 ry. S , TI 1' I:0 ONLY Kl4oWii'unmmik" "A- =I !: , Iron tofthitEti.SANDDISEAASOP:TgIp4DO I y AND BLADDER. ih• C.O-N , E3 - T IT•U , T. LO X - W. A T S-11 Has bort rronoinced• by the. Medical Paetalttstlist the ,publie. to be the most wonderful ronaes for the ermanent cure, of all-diseases.of the STOMACH KIDNEYS, and BDADDER,that, hasever beinimf fered..l ,' ! , • ' :,.. :ii •.:. •,, ~, '2::r , , It isalet a MINERAL WATER. -It ialf,ttemingi perience that CONSTITUTION WATER:l:taw:imam. ated, and we now say, let no than diibt. - Wliets a single bottle has been. knowsktomure.diseases which the best medical talent in this country has failed to A remedy possessing the virtues ef Contilqliii Water Ciihnot declassed `mad& " otitsekik ♦ f lows. as it, ,ift now used. by- the mostsaienti titioners in' this bay' It is onlksecOnitlepsitplaYst ciansthat.eria.s do IMPulaxigehuglies‘ sebalmtiii. 4e better skilled make use of every metelas to ' icpom plish a curet and .1 ..sacCesisfettlte , ph,9sitileh :Hal creases as his knowl Bo_or,difiercet remedies en ables him to *ailed pure, while others fail in the at tempt. ;Sciegieg is sibtisfet , lvithlifc'ttldlf: I "id 'Give Constitution Watera_fair trial—weinean yon who are under some SPEClALlSTSearotlempar to ytisx. Mad we CaYtionlarly allude. to lit'dieir. *her ale'constantly reporting,to _LOCAL TRKATP, and all sores Of Ideal application's for disease hit Is much, Mi re, of enemas as there would:lm, lobarappp ications to .the threat for diseases of. brain. . • ~ • • .: .-,_ -.: • • , :Ls' We have always been careful to use language to otCri citeular that ceuld not shook the garret deliegte organisation, but, we ,receive, so, many comnattemhr: tiOns tient permits' Tor' Which `ConstittititiO Water Is adapted. and of wlaosoNliseesetine mantled hiusWess Made: that'we have come to the conclusion that if theremedy is espableofprtidtiCingiathorestb Matt* what the disease may bo, it should hopiade !mom This liiddititte is "plitAIP for the - cable; iiid•lltettl should be nn exceptions.• -_li,- -i) :tit Wii would so Constitution 'Water is hotliEe a gilded .pill; made to suit,the -eyes anti,•_ftft , a •ihight medicine in every sense of the_ term, placed n in the bands of the people' for thearrelief and if Itaketritai cording to timdirections it will in , every : case tpro dycea radical cure. 'Wee would say that' the thieet tions in regard to diet, ete.,relatemilYtP the 043eMq wader Whioli they 'occur. ' - T., DIABETES '' ~' • • ,• 41 , Is :MI 8e as eneth e 'Stomach an d, liver, acting throughthC Mailers, arid is, vrithautdoubb: the inehrelfefto atedisease, except consiamption_th t aP eireets,the ktt mankonstitiation. We lave 'AO Spabe fordiseuisii* ceases, but will state that the effect of the dieeseta I'S the Conversion of the staxehy Principle (or *vein table,porthlns of the foodYinth ?slar. which IttittlYtt latel the kidneys to an excessive secretion of water. Maasy, persons suffer from this disease : wets astit.:46. nombt of it; thatis, they pass large quantities dar n ing the day.and age Obliged' to•get . up intim' one's fifteen or twenty times during the night rNolltt.k9 is taken Of it tantil tffelr, attention is' Called Yo'hat large diseharge of water, and ofters•when it is so•Al adVantifid as to be 'beyond the'control of orchnity reteetiMs. sAnother symPtota , •is•Abe Mat think; which when the disease is •fully established. is_ hi toterable—thd = patient drihks dotittabW *RAW , being satisfied;, also, dryness ofthe . mouth, erge#l ing of Optics, a Street breath, isi , thetnere adota3 eed cases, and finally less of appetitts.„emacitsPlh and: the patient duallysinks froniexhaustion. CI3NST/TVTION Vi'ArR.R Isovithent'doubt.ithattita known remedy for 'DIABETES: and we have_ as, much confideneeduit it•is‘ a specific aissiilliti.VetM opiumwill produce sleep, and truthfully MT thatA bas cared every clad in which alma beetilinied.'v STONE IN THE BLADDER.QALCULIPKOKAIti VEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC., Diseases arisingfrom a faultY seeretietrilliii LB a' wk . case being ,too little, and ;accompanied, 47 sovAlp pain. and the others too krofuse stvietioh--twhich will be speedily eared_ bv the , i : ~ - „ Ix ' ' CONSTITUTION. WATER , CONSTITUTION WATER : ,•` :•'',- ' CONSTITUTION WATER ,; ! • CONSTITUTION 'WATER' - • " '' 10, , ;CONSTITUTION ,Wiwi - lit ;4j...1 ' CONSTITUTION 'WATER CONSTITUTION 'WATER • . ' CONSTITUTION WATER ' CONSTITUTION WATE/V ., - ; :L.- 01 CONSTITUTION WATER • , f, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY wit , r " THE ONLY KNOWN REMBIn 181434 - ' THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY NO R' THE ONLY. KNOWN BENET/ eg, J.:*...) THE'ONLY KNOWN REMIT .. THRONLY)KNOWN REMEDY IIIM:i 1q THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR ~ iTiIE ONLVKNOWN REMEDY - PDX t:ti THE ONLY N'SOWN.REMBDY,ffiR.,; c .:ri , - THE ONLYKNOWN REMEDY' FOR : ' D.I'A.-.13.E TES.; - .• IRRITATION - OF THE NECK OF, THE . READ,-;,„ DER, INFLAMATION OF THE' KIDNETS; . _ CATARRH OF THE :BLADDER. BTRANGITARY 'AND *BURNING,' OR'PAIN‘ -; • le ut, URINATING. For these disdades it trialy:n kivertign reirt i t r and top nook cannot ,be salkinitt Frame; ?A s dose has been known to relieve the nret t ,urgeht tulniptogis.‘ : Lu Are you troubled :with that distrwßittir MiniPttlyt? ta sll - or the-hick and- thrOugh '69 4 116W - it - - Spooninl a day 9f, the Constitution heve you like magic. • -• •- • „PHYSIOIANS Has long since gi,von up the Use 01, cI UUCIIg, outtg, arid juniper in the treafrnerit Uf those di exit only use them for the want of a, better.-relye CONSTITUTION WATER • have proved iteell to the: Melo !lien dew volved upon it. - • , -• • • • DIURETICS •. :• - • Irritate and drench the kidneys. and -17..0 use soon lead to chronic 'degeneration atg - datigt i i% disease.. We•preisent the'Constittitlon Water tb he' u r ire with the ,con.viction that ithru!na, ink-theemmi class'of•diseaties for Which 1t him heats . - form& se eminently sompasful- for .caring,i;aud-awa trust that we shall be rewarded - for cur effortla' plasa i ng strialunble a remedy in a form' beet: requirementauf patient and physician, ~• ••• READIr DEAD I READ ttt ' "•• DANVILLE. Ps., , 4nne •2, -1262.•-•:DR. W. f iuLi GEECIDear Sir :—ln,FebrearY, 1861, r was a=6,- , ted with suret diabetes, t and Ibt sed more than two gallons of water in twantY.-19Uft bouts. r Was , to get'urras often' as , ttil Or' "twelve , times during the .night,, and, in fkifecculatitusk lost abbot - live nohnda wortht. Darin/ the-month • of.Tnly e l&GE:lproouked two, Attles of •Vbriati,4l.l Water, and in two days after using it Fexpertene relief' and after ;taking two bottles I•sias :anti cured, soon after regaining my usual -rilthry4th, BosTns oirigreri; Y:, Dec 27, 166i.=-' GRE(I4 A CO:TrGents:-4:freelY taxers* Ilberlattog make use of the follotring certificate Of the value of Censtitution , Water which Lean recordiairitrin aid .s highest manner:--MS Wife was attaoke4 mlth Ram in the shouldem whole length of the-ftok 'and.tril herlimbs, witir PalPAtiltoo of the fietnt4ilt . b4"i, tatiiin of the Bladderz • I canals physician - mil:int tended her about thoe. moallts„ 4 . ol t embgk e itAt ei , worse than - he fund her. Ithen employed oae...a ,the best physiciitts I could find;:who , :attintdbd..:biefii for about nine months, anclwhileihe was,rineleOiq. Care ske'did not stiffer quite atrtmieb• play: lie ga7erher uP s`h i Th a tts sai s d uc . b . ' h alr e mbiraliitn " br bi bint? ' p F l o o n r; "t s sa th id a t he ediejne givinfor,onekoperatel some other of, her difficulties." About this. time rho, commenced the Me of ConstitiatiOn ,Water;laild ttitJ our utt,er astenishment, almost the first doseseemed4„ to hav e the •tictired Offent, andsheireptliri'initlcirq:" jag rapidly under its Aelttricent, and taw sript l yiri i i ) finds Manly her domestio straits She has act taken any 4f,the• Constitution:Waterforabetrt feted weeks, and we are happy, • say that, it bee arA., duced a perelarient cnre. E' • ' • -44 WAL • ' • , 31. VAN BIINSCiIqII-tre, - r.ilnlnalwt4et., igre3.-74)3„ , GREOG—Vear Sir :—Having seen yours dvettlie mbitt rif' ',Constitution! Writer,ri ;reeettnnotided(447; Is !emotion of the Kidneys .and Irritatian 0411,1,i Bladder, haliria- sifferedf er • the`patt • thiiie• and triedthe skilLef. a ritutpker of. thysictiptrit yirf4; Nt onlY 'tereparitr , relief,' I was' mduded to try yotr me di c i n e. .11,roeur6d One .bettle,afYeer ; aperitif) ) Hartford, Messrs: Lee; 'Sisson "Ft Co., and when/ . had used half of , lc-La surpiiSe Lfetriata/gteal, c h ange i n rerhealtn. I nave used two hottlesokit,- and - urn *beret never expected to bola my life, welt ' and in_h•ood I.reanot es press my gratit‘dt v for lb I fed that it Wall 'and more ttinriyorf recta • mende.dA tab. 41 / I Y-Alle bieSkrig of;d-eirerat4l - ; tend, tn to your labors of love. Yours truly - •• LEONARD S.JIIGOBLO 704 SALE: K. ALL .DECGOIST.S. Proprietor" rs. • DIIGA/C.t.ALLEN.• Gencrrit kaal?, 1 " " " No. 46 Cliff Stre. ' t, New York; ". 401INSON.BALBOWAY 4 &:COW117 'ele.s;sow .6m] ". 23 N.dth Street."Phitadelp - Sality-A.J:llllfiallt. fl ambeau ti MEI