8 grzuldin vit4 • And sitrely it behoves - the Governmept rre44ls/IVTAI 1 . ' to make order thatititlandered horses' be '43 • -. destroyed, amlitot sold to carry iminsid ions,-,ingurable and. :contagious disease. over the Land. There are now some forty-easesofglanderedgovernmenthorses A GRICULTURAL. GiAielYEItS I li 1101RSIES-.' • It Is high thim that' t 6 co' mmuniti . at Huramelstown,.Danphiii county, and a should be apprised of the fact that the : number besides have already been shot. most alarming and fatal disease to which ,' We warn the people against dealing in the horse is subject . ..is being disseminated •. such stock, and against purchasing any from tha army ,over, the whole country. horses out of .a lot where the disease has The condition and treatment of the horse developed itself. It is not safe to par in the - armygre Such as tend strongly to ; chase any. such annimals, for there may generate-the malady plioders., • Es-' be no symptoms of the-disease at the time pbsure; fxhanstiati, iustifficient foOd, an d of purchase and yet it may be developed i, in a few days, weeks or: months after irregular care are favorable conditions to origina te this fatal disease ;- and it - is' a • wards. fact, astounding and. most culpable, ( i = —We notice in the Gettysburg papers know not where the blamelies) that thou- that Cot, Eakin has, at 'the request of muds of army horses condemned for glau- : some of the citizens of Adams county who . ders, are sold at public auction, and sent • have been robbed of horses by thaenemy, thearrY the disease as on the- w i ngs , a . : drdereil a lot of condemned government the wind over the whole country. Far- horses to be sold there' in April. We mers,aiid others, unacquainted with the' ' would not, under existing circumstances; nature and spuptohs of the disease, pur- . with the glanders 'prevalent among them, chase these lirses, hoping that•the) . --may deem it safe to purchase any government in a short tone be - restored, ' and thus - horses to .be stabled with others ; and we breed conta.gron among their whole stock. 1: caution the farmers of Frankliii and adj obi- We will state some principal facts in ref- ing eountieS to be well advised before erenee to the disease, deriied from a care- ; they _make such hivestuippts. Before buys ful-study, of the best workimpoii the. sub- ing condemned goVerlment horses ,be ject. ' '. One gr, eat peril connected with the dis ease arises froint, its insidious nature. In 'this respect it t 'resembles consumption in the human su o bject: A horse may have incipient glanders, or glandersin,the first stage, for moutbs and the- owner hardly suspect that there is anything the matter with him. - ..And even when it' has passed do to thesecond stage there is nothings to': althanone unacquainted with the disease. The horse may be in good condition, eat well, 'and ruiSynipton of ailment be visi hie except a slight discharge from OPC nostril, which the owner.. flatters hvnsclf , will soon pass away. And yet the con- StAU:Aim of the horse is being slowly but surely undermined, and more formidable and fatal symptoins are preparing in due tithe to deVelefiethemselves. A fatal dis ease ; whieh is thus insidious is most of all tribe dreaded, and falland.accurateloao , .redgeon the subject is particularly impor tant at this time. may be stated fur ther,nOtt abiolute fact, that glanders s incai4thic—at least no remedy has yet been found. This is admitted in all stan dard works on the subject. The virus 1 has thus far proved too powerful for hrt man. sl 11. We warn our readers agai 'lst I all Vain jrotenders. A glanderedlorse t , clearly known to be such, is beyond hope, aud ought to , be instantly destroyed.--= '; MUreoVer, the disease is highly contagious. The matter diScharged fronj. the nostril, if •rtibbed, on any part of the- horse's body 1 where there is the.least -abrasion or sore ness of the skin, will generate. the disease in its worst form. Or if a sound horse 'own, and like thecrowded ' ... pebbles in smells a glanderedierse, or.breathes . the., . , , the river lied, - become rounded i3ff, very amo,nreath, he may, owing to the ,ten ! much alike. 'They go.' in herds and follow derileSS of, tltenierabr.ane of the nostril. a leader. 'But not se in the country, where Contract the - disease : '- Hence there is no ! safety, nen live apart. ,Eachruan dwells alone, but.,very• great risk, in stabling of !, ' working a , glandered horse, along witi. I the lord of his own little realm. On his farm he lays his, ,own plans, follows out others. 'And, More serious still, man is : unmolested his own':waYs, and so habit liable to contract the disease: 'Them have comes in to confirm him in customs and been. too many cases clearly established to leave the matter in doubt. _ln man it . usages, 'which he rectived because he is etpiallVat•al. A loathsome diSease and knew of none better: The disposition of • mind thus cultivated, Mile in one sense a horrible death are the' inevitable frihts ,it secure. s the :virtue and• gives a manly of tli'S dreadful contagion. -' It ;may not he ,aridis to' state that a 'case Occurred 'independence'to the people of the coon some years ago ,in Chambersbnrg. . try; in another aspeet stands opposed to - Tlie'SyMptoms of the disease are con- : their improvement. ~ We' generally - find " such persons opposed to all "new fangled siderablyvarie,d. Perhapsto two horses, notions" as they call the efforts made. to within any one's observation, are affected better their condition. They look with e#etly,alike." ' In some malady it is acute, suspicion upon all new inventions, and in others chronic. -, It may run its course ' -leave witif singular, love, to the good old a' fortnight. of a month, or it may 'linger way of 'the past. .Net long ago we heard for Month - ger eve,n years. It is against ' the latter we need to be particularly:on ; ' v white white haired farmer lamenting the de bar guard 7 --tlie former abonresolveth*- . grain with a sickle and Selves. If a, horse has a thin, watery, or i parture of those "glorious days" when they aped -4g 'rrhresh , p,il it with aflail. "The bread was light or straw? colored discharge frora one 1 "they got more done nostril or both; if this continues almost t 4we i , er '' '' he " id ' ' . day, and 'the men seemed happier without apparent ,change for weeks or l in .•- than with these new machines." His old month's; if therais a-.hard lump like a 1 frail wife by his side, said, "yes, that is chestnut or walnut • close to the under : tru . John." She-told-us afterwards that side of the iaw on the side, affected; if he ' Jo n was a "reaper" when he married has occasional cough and some er. We don't call such as these preju of breathing,-you have great , 8. _,.,,,,,, ...._, I diced. The past was solbeantiful to them apprehend gianders. Still, exist ß w i ' n 7 o.t " b u e ; _ because it was, all , radiant with the light all these syniPtorns may' of love; and now. as ,the wastes of age, diseases, snehas cata rh,gleetorstrangles.l like a field, from which the grain was in this case separate the horsacarefally reaped and garnered, lay around them, from te others, use remedies, .and await was it strange that their thoughts should olevelopenieth: As the diseatie progresses, wander to the harvests and joys of other the discharge . will become thicker 'And lays, when life was new and love was show slight streaks ofidood, and may' be young? ,; Could we ,break such a dream somewhat pliralenthough genefiilly ' ~i.s, this with a lectureon agricultural chem thamasal dis Charge is without smell Air ea- / t . stry,. or on the advantages of tile drain the later. stages of the disease. mg r Shade of the blue-eyed girl with aminatice.of the nostril will disc Over that • whom, we gathered sheaves, forbid us! at is, nleered;! And here,' ',it IS said, We But there are others with whom-we do have an - infallible symptoin : . :TUrn 'the f take issue. If there is afarmer in ybur horse's head* toward a strong light, say 1 aeighborhoffil wild sneers at the science after the middle of the afternoon of a 1.: agriculture, hates agricultural papers clear day ;—raise his head so as to allow 1 , of lu d. despises machinery, becausehe thinks ,the liglit,xif the',aun to shine full in ~ manual labor cheaper; if there is one who mose,--stand beside him. have-his head : ;maintains that itiii economy to buy worn hanel4disottieka steady,' a r ; i d s f e a : r th , e , l y a 0. 1 .1 ) ;, i of . t t l . te , :m 3,.(i nostril)i '' i out, old-fashioned farm implements at a rather thaia good new ones, With dfseriviir'.ixleers with_ a 'dank rini:;s). edge!, ' B49 ' - 'And Whitain'the centre, the ease is de•ctid. 3 moden, improvements, at the nianufac,'- turers ; if, in short, thereiS one who turns - o;:tliehOrse is glandered,'and shotild he ap hisitese at the ideas of others awl holds lit ini s m a ed ip ia lit te n l a y re ah fi at , .t .' .), l .;e t ‘ b e ri Ve u r g y l n li tzs i v f l a ni t (. .ni to his old, imperfe,et - ways of farming, because they are his Own, he is the man onee.to the Stern cOnvietiOn that lie, must 1 tee mean. • )We dOn't say that he is a pig ,be sacrificell,=if he is not, he , will spread ! ;.)itive• do iiiiy'thati the gate is 'Open for • Alisiater and l ruin all around him. - r; .- something better' and he will` not do in. . quite sure that they are free from the in- feetion, are that they have not been cor rAled with infected stock. Negligence in this respect may,,in.ksliort time, spread this fearful contagion . so as to peril the health of all the stock in the:community POP 'MAIL PREJUDICES. " Nature is 'fruitful in . suggestions," wrote a great philosopher. Wo agreed with him as we saw a very natural sight the other day, in our morning walk. A hoy 'was trying to drive n pig through a gate ; but the movements of the quadru- I ped were all "reversed," as an engineer would say. At last as the pig triumphed I , and ran off with-a grunt of, satisfaction, e ventured to ask the bey why it would mit go in. "Don't know," said he, "guess he's prejudiced." On a little farther, We met a worthy neighbor of ours, plowing. The plow, a light one, was stirring only ; the surface soil. ",Why den't you get a good heavy plow and subsoil that field," we asked. "Well, I don't believe much in that Way of Plowing." "Did you ever try it?" "No. I have always been prej udiced against it." We thought of the pig and the'open gate. If the resemblance in these two cases was a matter of rare occurrence, it would only be ludicrous. But unfortunately it. is far otherwise. lie who has dealt with people and things as they are in the country, must know that men there, are "dreadfully set in their ways." There is a plain reason for this. In towns and cities men rub against each - other, have their angularities -smoothed Ali' •-litero4l , 4 4.F:00t.p.91,::,#140).:111,_ 04. We mast not be -understood as commend- . ing in generatthat - whieh is new,- above that which IS old. Every patent Machine is not an improvement nor is every new system of treating the soil beneficial. Bat we do mean to "my that a blind; stubborn prejudice in the min 4 of many has long stood in the way of their improvement in the art of flunraig. Men of other trades and'profesSions are- anxious to learn latest and best things in' their arts; but, there is a class of . fat-Jeers who seem to think that they Wiwi already attained' perfection in their way. These, too, are generally the ones whose fields are least ,productive and most radially kept. If there are any such who read ilia RErost- TOIIY, we ;Would say to them that the first thing to be done in the way of improving - your - rarnis is to begin with yourselves.. Dig up those deep-rooted prejudices/ Which fill your minds. This is no easy task, but it is the beginning, of wisdran to suspect that there are- some truths you do, not know; and the' beginning of improve ment to think there are some better things than the ones you now possess. 'Alarmss, &r. B ,A,D DLERY! r,SADDL-E RY!! AND HARNESS .11L-Vtaa""..4.TORY ! • The subseriber.respeetfuly infoints his friend'S and the publie, that he earttinueiio - etitry on the above business at his Old Stand, on WEST MARKET STREET, Opposite Miller's Note}, • CrIA MB E R tr 1:(1 ,and keeps constantly- on hand f ,a general assprt- . merit of !;• ! • ,;1 Riding and Wagon Saddles, Riding Bridles, Flat and Itotinte,' Block and Fair Farness and Draft Collars, ' . Patent Leather Collars (good quality), Blind Bridtes, 1: BrOad 'Gears, ;' Wagon Whi! , , , and everythiniein the Leather 141 e can he foul his shop, or made to order, at nuiderate rate,' REP A,1R1..1i0 dotic. at Short notice and on reasonable terms TRUNKS AND VALISES always on hand - And sold cheap von c.t.sli IL_,q. Ile employs nose hut the bestwork,meu marl 6 -4) JAMES D. GILL. Q,_ ADDLERY!! SADDLERY ! dles:Bridlo.Harian&s, Collars,Trunks; Valises; Ste.. sign of the HORSE COIAAR. - , JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully rettuns his thanks to his patrons fqr the liberal encouragement received from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing in his line, fo give him a call at his old eland, on the East side of Main Street. Cymbers- I burg, fivo doors South of Hither Totbert s hard= ware Store, where he keep, eondnntly on hand ev- I ep: variety of SADDLERY AND HARNESS of , awn manufacture, awl he is prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competition. Every article offered for sale is warranted to be made of the hest material and by competent workmen, Which will he fully demonstrated on an examination thereof. warsKs AND VALISES.—He woald,also call the attention of person 4 wantintt. a qoort, neat nod cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his wsort ment. junel7,o. WHIPS ! WHIPS ! ! WHIPS !!- V 7. W. SITILLITO S So; corner of Main and Washington Streets, (lhambershurg, Pa., manufac turers of all kinds of WWII'S, such as Wagon, Car riage and - Riding Whips, of varioue sizes' nod Of su perior quality, which they offer to the public. eithel by Wholesale or Retail. at very modorate prices.— LASURS of all lengthA kept constantly on hand and for sale by the dozen. very cheap. They also mantt facture superior HORSE COLLARS, to which they invite attention. . _ . . Orders from a. distance solicited and' promptly at tended to.. janl.7,R3. . . B .— R 1:) A 1) - G E-k'.. RS , 04 - I,ARS, HALTERS, and my thine in: ‘onther tine belonging' to the ziaddler's business. - ays on hand and made to order, and on reason re terms, at GORDON'S, opposite the Indian Queen Hotel, Mnai Street. DUNI HAS A SUPERMIt C~- kit of SADDLES, HARNESS. - BRIDLES, STIRRUPS, SPURS. which he oil] eon neap for cosh or cood track: fIYRUS H. G,ORDON, - Ait6cesspr tti kJ Gordon. gives !notice to hig pastomers awl nth ors. that he is still at the Ohl Stand. opiroAte the Indian queen Hotel. Main zit.. ChanthendinVe. Pa. - EPAIR DOSE AT SHORT Iv notice, on rensonable terms, by C. H. DON. - lie invites his friends to call and see him. •' ,-, , ....., i, . txCtatt:lll. ' SERIES ()F {' SEIt M 0 \ tf S ITPO VI N the followingsubjeets, will taideligered in the Bethel, corner of and Water streets, by'the It ev.:C. H. .Forney: Sabbath evening, Feb. 28th.. The linty and Manner 4 hearing the Word. ~ " March tith. The llhureh of God, her Form atul_Faith. " Maieh 13th. Ordinance, Nature - and ammeter of, - ' " Marelt 20th, 'Baptism, Action of. " . Ilatieh '27 th., tapti.,m,Subjeett , ef. " April 3rd. Fcetwaahing an 01- - - dinance. 6,i . 4C April 10th., I,m•tirr SuppeL• iNn turel, etc. •16 -- • Tho probability is. that the dootrinc to be preached under these , different theincstang4ht in the Word of (1011, and he who i•.= acipinted !with the nature of probabilities, knoivs that le is conse quently under obligation'to investigate :these, sub )(lets candidly. Let MAthis favorable opportunity ems without, availing yourself of, its privileges,— Momentous issues are involved in the settlement of these questions. Froo:Chureheomeand hear with out, , money or price. feb 24-7 t, . ilersonal liroperto - „Sctics. - • , TP7'ERY FOR SALE.—The Tin ju dersigne4' inten6. moving to tho West, offers a Private Salo, hls entire stoek in the Livery business in 3lercersburg. consisting of Horses, Omnibuses, Carriages Buggies, Sleighs, Harness, dici This Establishment is doing tha:besntr4de Blythe county, And offers ..a rare chatter to trnyvole,hitijiyi, to engage in the bilainess.--- For fertile ,PA 41 Alamy to or address fob :;-1 .i4V - 7( It .: it µ 4..yS/AIISS, Mercershurg, Pa i -13RE1‘ 4 . ''''''. • ESTER IVIIITt PIGS. Project 4.- , V. .J. l that7hat•_.e. Eig: taken _S , tato•nncl UIN t., • ' RTES PRIL Alb. Sent by, Exbpilq,..A all parks of thelinited States, Can ala„Cnba,an ,stinfltAtnerica, in paars not akin. Addross,,, j - • N. P. BOYEk &CO., • - soar 24141 . .. --_Coatesville, Chester Co., lenna. _ __ D I,OODED undoraived _Et has for sale THREE 13LOODEIY CALVES—two are full blooded Alderney and o'fita cross of Alderney and Short Horn. They ndsv about.ttvo‘reeksold.! Cuiar.9-3t): A. K. MeetHßEt TOI3 PIitITING, ie. every style, (loi4 e) at the Officepf the, ERANKT,LN REPOS/TORY. - 1 -.LsT Or RET :A E 1t..6 .—Notice is_ 1...4 hereby \given to all NVholesale and lictail Vearers engeged in se/lin* Goods. Merchandis - e, Commodities orlffects of whatever kind or nature. either of the predtiet and manufacture bf the United Statee or of Any - Forp,ign State': and t 6 all Miller:; ex . d eg t h l ig within the,Connty of Vranli. , E n an d state et' Pennsylvania, that they are clabsi fled and assessed by the lin.lerAigned Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes in said,County, for the year 11911, as follows - . . , ellAmmr.sßunG.:, - k , Class. Licemie. Heyser Jr Cressler, lltugs -.- 13 ;;;].O 00. Shafer Jr Stuart, GreeerY. ..... -.. ;: ....... 14- 7 00 , F T Hockenberyr, Shoos ' s. 14 •., 00 Win G Mitchell, Shoes ' 14 ' 700 George Lenner, Shoea.. -' ;,,14 .700 1 A Heineman, Jewelry - , - 14 700 II B Davison; Hats and Cup's * l.l, 7 00 Isaac Hutton, Shoes ,.: ' 1.1 — • 700 John 11 Dittuan,Mrod . ery , - , 14 '--, 7.00 • Joseph Deckelthayer,Confeotioriary 14 , .- 700 J A Jacobs, Tolniecomst - - 11 '7 OW J W pitman, Gr0e,ery.,.....,,, . :... ........... : • 11• .=.- 700 Conrad Wagner, Orocery - - 7 - 00 John Neil, Groeefy. ',. 14 7 00' George Ditman, Grocery- '.- - l4 .7 00 Lewis Wm:alder, Plater , - , 14 700 S M. Perry, Groeery„!., .. ....... :..l. . 14 'I 00 John Shectsofilothirm - • :14 - '7 110 John'S Ludwig, Stoves ' 14 7 00 HLi klutz. Store , - 1-• 13 •10 00 111 linss, Jewelry ' -; ' ' - 14 700 lluber &'l'oloert. Illirilware.. 10 •!)-00 Huber Jr C 0 .4 Edge Tools '- ~1 4 700 Lambert Jr 'Huber. Paperllllll., ...... ....: 12 12 50 W.ll Cunningham. Flour 14 .. - 7 00' C A 'franc, Grocery ' - 14 :TAO ,Hose? Greenawalt, Grocery 14 _7 00 George 111 House Grocery 11 7 00 John Brrt, Grocery i 'l4 - 7 (t Isaac Stine, Grocery-4. • 14, 7 00 Christina Smith, G,roberY ' 14 7 00 William Wallace Jr Co.. Store 8 - , 30.60 - J DAttiobs, Tobactainist... ..... i - 13 10 00 Win 06nder, Confectionary ... : ..... -.... 14 7 (A) .L A Shoemaker. Confectionary 14 '7 , 00 F G Daman &Tro..lJergelry ' ' 11, - 700 ,•11„'Clintoek & Son, Hats ' - 14 7 IA Jatob Hutton. Shoes 1 14 7 00 James L Black, Store ,' i..-.. 13 10 00 E Aughinbaugh, Jewelry 14 - 7 00' D. S Fahuestock, Grocer)* ' 14 700 Jacob Spangler, I)rup4.- ' 14 7 00. J 111101) B Miller. Stover ' 1. 1.5 =lO 00 George Smith; Shoes ' 14 - 7 MI:, Frank Elliott. Clothing 7 00• Kuber Jr Lehtnastei, Grocery l3' 10 00' Hl3 Eyster, Lawns and Hardware-- 14 7- 00 Peter Feltionn, Shoes - .. . 14 7 00 .1 Lochlicini, Clothing 14 ' 7 00: J 14 Nixon, .Dings ..',.... ..... 4..1 1:3 10 00' J L Dechert, 11at5....„' .......... 1 11 - - 7 00 Eyster, ,k• Brother, 'torn ' 5 CO 00 Brand Sr. Flack. hardware lO 2.0 o'4 A J White„Clothing - ' 13 10 00 , .... .. .... . John Jeffries, Confectionary. - 14' ' 7 00. Etter. Hamilton & Co., St.ol- , 14 7 00 Samuel Siihryoek . , 800k5....;01i5...... ' 12 I.t. 50 Charla , H Bosh, Tobacconist - 1 14 700 W W Paxton, Hats and Shoes - 14. • 700 .1 Hoke & Co.. Store ' 0 ' 25 (k) J'A S Cramer, T , )litteco '; , • 14 7 00' .3 Franklin Snider, Stoves' - -- 14 - , 700 L' Ebert A: SO, Coal and Lumber.....,.. 13 10 00 Winlerlich-h, Nmicl, Warehouse -.... 14 7 00 J'S Grier, Warehouse .s 14 , 700 Deity, & M'llowell,War6hottse ..... ..... 14 , 1 • 014 Win Beiehter, Groceryl4 - ' 7CO , Oaks & Linn, Warehouse - '. - 14 .. 700 Cyrus Snrecher, Grocery ' - 'l4 - 7 (X.> 0 'Falkenstein:Shoesl4 7 00, Alex Martin, Brewery - 25 00 G W Smith, Grocery 14 ' „,-- ,-, ' John Schofield, GriicerY ' . 14 ,00 E C Boyd, Grcicerr 14 7 00 A J Miller. Drags . ..., ' ' • 'l4 . 700 Christian Burkhart, Confectionary'... 14 700 J k Geo"Wittson,l;looks 14 7 OtS ' William llelwicks, Grocery 14' 7 00 Conrad Miller, ShOes 14 . - 700 , Marks Velheitner.,Clothing 7 ' 14 700 J M Wolfkill. S ore ~ ' 14 .7 00 Marion Elliott,) ry ' ..4 , ' 14 7 00 . Nicholas Ilas Groco 14, 7 00 'T J . Wright, 11 , 00ki , ' - * 1-4' 700 ' George Brun or, Tobacco and Segars 14 - .7 00 J 'r iloskinson, Clothing-, , 14 • 7 00 • John Goetman, Grocery - 14 700 i David B Little. Confectionary 14' 7 00 , , 'George Snider, Groceryl4 . 7 G.+ ' Georgo Ludwig, Brewery' e a., oo Wm T Matthews; Billiards ' 50 0 ) ,ll.:*ne& , of 611 lIM2 MEI Alox Fahntstock, Gruceri•••• T B Ntis,ed,l'inlndrY • i ;. ' • A - ',VtREVI TOWNSIIIP. F Bfiii:coly, Store 13 19 00 Eli 1 nsA, HonieutienarY- 14 '7 00 G W 'Zeigler A: Co., Store " ' 10 ' 20 00 C - I_l Kunkel 3:11r0.; Shoes ' 14 - 700 J H Hostetter Drugs ' ' ' ~ 14 7 00 A W Welsh; Hardware , • 13 10 00 J A Hens, Clothing - ' • 14 700 Godfrey Goetz, Stoves 14 '. '7 00 John tketz, Storti ' 14 :7 00 W 1.3 - Riley, Store ' • I } , 7 00 Irwin & Ithoties, liarthraN - -13 10 00 Tlunuas Murton, Confectionary - li 7 00 Ii l .Prather & Co.. Stem, 13 IQ al wm 111 Carl. Drniza ...._ ' n - ;7 011 IL Appenreller. ConfectionarY . 14 , ;7 00 Adam Goetz, Uroccry ' 14 ; 7 00 .. _ Benjamin Eby, Grocery • ' 14 =' 7 00- Jaeoh Newcomer. Confectionary 14 ' 7 00 3 Hostetter 4:Bo—Grocery T 4 700 Sll Prather, Store 13 ' 10 00 2,-tor Smith, Shuns • - 14: , 1 7 00- 11,:orge Eby. Contectinnary 14 -7 00 John Bark, Segar* - 14 i 7 0) , .. _ tiatnuel llostefter.tuniudiub,ary 14 7 00 11 P. Fqtterbia, hooks 1.1. ' i 00 tlPorgc: .... i 00 I)eitz Warehogse— .. ........ 14 ' 700 Wllliam M'Crory, .. .. :.. 14 SOO .1 W Barr, Stores ' 14 - 7 00 ,„ ... „- a , - r rimy uetr.. grOWCY 14 ' 7 00 Crowell Sc: Davitisoti, FOUIVIT'Y - 14 700 A linhrie & Co., IVarefiouse 14 • ',, 7 00. A F Sahli' hirt, NVitrehottee. • -14 700 Joshua lotts:Groelir.F:— ' li ~: 7'oo John llartle, 'Distiller.— ' :'',ni 00 Jon es ,Ilenhell, Distilie •,,,,,,.... ..... _,,,..., ' t ' ls 00 , F T Spkeler, Distiller - ' 2,1 00 John .4, Orr. Von feetionery ........ i........ 14 ~ 700 Barnheart Sr P,ca•k„ Stare ,' , 13 10 00' Theo. King & Bro.: Store . 14 ',7 00 W ASIII GTON TOY'S SIII - I'. , 1.1 & 1) Bear A: tio„. Manufactory 14 7 On Peter Ketilder, Store ' 14 7.00 Jrlsooll Price, Store ' ' 13 10 00 Wm A Grove, Silversmith,l, 14 7 00 P S Zindarf. 'Variety 5t0re......1 ....... ... 'l4 ` ,'7OO ' F Foorthman. Drugs - ' I 14 -,7 00 , 1 tleo Stover, Store r 12 12 10 D llt Russel. Titiner 14 7 00' Jll Welsh & Son, Bats and Shoes..... 14 7 00 G & 3 Bender, Clothing. L 14 L 7 00 Geo. Frick, k'oondry & Maeltinis.t...... 10 20 00 11 Stonehonse, Illtrdware ' - 13 ' 10 00 To-iii ft &sore's heir, Store '', 11 15.00 J _F Kurtz. I)rugs 14 ', 7 00 Ainherson, Benedict & Co.; Store' . • 10 20 00 3 Beaver. Variety Store— ' ' ''l4 ,• ' 7 00' W 11 Brotherton: Hardware L 13 , 10 00 3 bert. tbinir W A Tritle. St oyes - ' 14 700 . . ........ ... Joseph W Miller. Store '. ' 'l4 , r.OO ;NI IA Stoner. Drugs r ' ' 14 ' 7 00. E W IVushaliaturli. Sugars ' 14 . , 700 ' John Downin, l)istiller ' 25 00 Houser & Shoekey. Salt ' 14 7 00 Samuel Frantz, Salt , 14 7 00 Walken& Elden, Flour , Peter Ilouser, - Storo ' - 14 ' 700 ' . • N QUIC; Holker lltights, FunamY TOWNSHIP. • , ee l2 •,12 50 Holker Hughes, Store r ' 14 • 7 00 Volker Illighe.."s,-Forge - 14 i '• !: 7 ,7 00 llolker Hughes, ltoll lug Hill 14 l . OO Peter Mehlrelt, Confeetionary 14 , 0,1 E S •61n1,11. Store_. -14 , 7 00 , Georgee Rnepper, 5t0re......,..; l4 . 700 11 Shiery & Ca:Groeery.- , - 14 i 7 00, Henry flood. DlStilier 1 - 1 et? , .1 ose I, ti 'Reek, tiroeerY - ' 14 1... 7 - It) Dr 11. ItOsenlning, Druggist ' ' 14 , - 7 00 Lookahaugh & Seerist,.Store n lO 00 Colliflower & 011er,Stere...,.. ......... ... 13 . 10 00 John M. Cook, Store " '., 14 7 00 Robert Johnston, Distillery 1 23.00 Henry Besord, Distillery.. a 00 . -Lewis Elliot, Store 13 - . 117 00 • • 0,13.11 EN TOWNSHIP. Josiah Dice, Store '' 14 - .7 00 Jacob Harchelrode, Distillery.. ...... .... . 25 00 Jac:of:diuretic)'rode, Warchonse ...... .- 14 7 00 J p Wallace, Store_ .... ._......: .......... -.. 14 : :i 00: 11 Eal rahich & Son., Fba** 14" • • 700 S Shively 'Drii;e•s "- • t - ' - 14 - 700 Michael Good, Factory 14 ' 700 J W Hein,tzelman, Grocery, 14 , 7'oo Mary Ann /Wait., Confectionary......._ -- 14 ' 7100' Jacob B Cook. Store 12 12 50 ' E White, Factory ' 14. ' 7'oo Robert Black, Storei ' .. •-1 . 4' ' ' 700 - • GIITTRORD TOWNSHIP. : '-, • J A Eyster, PaPer -Mill ' 8 • 30.00 Eyst or &II eyocr, Paper Mill 10 , 20 00 C 11 M'Rnight,Store ' - ' 14 7'oo John M'Knight; 'Store.. ' , 14 ,'- . 7 00 - Stouffer & Strickler, Paper Mill 12 `,'" 12 50 INIONTGOMERYI TOWNSHIP. ; '' • Thomas, Bowle,s,IStore•••••—• 14, . - t oo Christian Frantz. 5a1t...,..,.., ...... ....,.. ..... 14 7, 00 John Ruinmell. Salt. ...4.......- ........ . 14 i . 7 00 ,E B Winger 4:Co.,tStore - 1,1 • • ' 00 J N Brewer, Store ' - ' IZ,; VI 00 John Shirts, ilardware..... ...t.., 13 • -• IQ 00 R M Reynolds, Dings- ~,.-'-,..,., 14. i':, 7 - 00 Alatthew Smith, Shoos and Huts 14 . 7 00 TC Grove. 5t0re...,.........:. , ...,...., lA, , • ~ 700 B, M Shaffer; Clothlng-,. . '.......-........., , 1.4 ; 7 po ' w umlcintst, sti3eo ' • , r - 13 1 t lain George G linpley, Stoves ' - - I , f - :7_oo John Rock, Confectionary ' 11 :', '7 00 - I) , M tiSti*op, Vartety Store .. , ..i t ., la . _.it)oo Xist oflß.etaUlers. , ..... 14 1 00 13 1000 1 idist - of ilttaitero. E C Baxter, Stoves_.. l'v'M Eckman, Confectionary Leonard Leidy, Foundry.: ...... -..;.. A L Coyle, Hardware:..., Conrad Freshols, Segura . PETERS TOWNSHIP. John Thompson, Store i . 14 Beaver & Cox,Ferge -t , ' 'l4 'l4 Ferdinand Senseny, StoVes: Thomas M'G'uirc, Grocery ..1-_ - 14 Sohn Treher, Stgar4 and .T bleep. ... 'l4 Sohn Holler, Salt and S p ....... . .... 14 James D Scott; Store ~ .... „., ~ 13 Cook & Boyd,-Store ' .11 •I' - ' ST. TH.OII.IAS TOWM HIP. Dixon '& Elder, Store - - • l'?, 1) A Fohl, Store - • - ' 14 Daniel Barnhaft,'Confectionary....,... 14 Susan:Furly. COnfectionary... .... , .2,,.; 14 Wm Polsgrove. Confeetiona.rY ' 14 AI:li 11 & cks. Distillery. ..... -......, . WARREN Towl4 - 0,111.. John Zimmerman,- Store_ , - 14 .WiriNGeary. Store - - 14 - ' - HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. - Abraham _Hafer, ms- Distiller:- e Lenherr. Store - 14 \ SOtiTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. , JB & W Orr, Store, - " 13 J W Iturper. Grocery .... :............. ........ 14 -- Jacob li-tridis. Store..,..`, • - 14 trough kliarchelre, Distillery Reuben IVeidler,Store • - 14 . LETTERICENNY TOWNSHIP. 'Sanies S Slider, Store.. ' :14 Win ti M'Clellan„Store - - 'l4 James P Spear. Store ' 14 Geo, Weatherer, Store 14 URGAN - TOWNSHIP. - M R Skinner & Son. 5f0re........... .... : . 14 . Thomas Powieroy,Sr.. - StUre ' 14 1-1• W Saltsraan, Confcctionhrs 14 . FANNETT TOWNSHIP. John Cramer, Store '. W R Pomeroy. Stork:...,. ' • 14 ' , 700 S 1.3 liockenberry. Stott' ' 14 .- roo Nitnons & Bierty; Confectionary_ ' - 1.4 , . '7 - 00 Wm , johnston, Stork - N 14' . 700 James Ferguson. Store, - 14 ' 7,00 W A Mackey & Son Store 14 .7 OD Snores M Rankin. dr0cery.............,.... 1.4 .- :.. - 7,00 Isaac Clogs ton Store 14 \ 7.00 W A Mackey, Store ' • 14 . , 700 John W Everett &Tiro.; St or e 14 '7 00 \ METAL TOVirNSIIIP. ..T S Skinner, Store 14 74 W S APALIcn, Store --- 14 7 04., JII Walker. Shoes - , - ' 14 700 M'Curdy .i .. . MoutstomerY, Store.. ..... .. 14 7 IX) Samuel Walker, Forge... . 14 ' 700 Samuel Walker,. F‘urnace' 14 7 00 AN APPEAL will be held o n rri f i rwt th e sqh d a y of April, 1804. at the - Comusstormits* °Yawn, in the Borough of Chambersborg, when arid :where an per= sons interested who are not satisfied with the above elaseification - may attend if they see proper. No ' appeals can 'be had alter the Sth day of APrit. Given under my hand, this 10th day of March, 1864. JOHN BOWMAN, - ' •• ma rl6-41, - -. , Mercantile Appraiser. tone at 'Lab). TER. cop - K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I Chambersbum, Pa. Office in Mrs. Pard's Euil dings. directly - opposite the Court. Rouse: Having had official connection With. the Provost Marshal's Otfice. , he offers his services to drafted men in the 16th Congressional District, claimingex cmption from Military service :eider the law, or for physical canoes; and hopes horn his experience and strict attention to business to satisfy those intrust ing him with their cases. Persons from abroad can receive advice and have their cases prepared by cor respondence. Reference can be had to the Board of Enrolment -of the 16th District, Hon. A. K. McClure, lion. JatnesNill,_Chauabersbarg, and Hon. Ed. McPher son. Clerk House of Representatives. -Rin . r:gNNEDY PART NER ' SHIP.—The undersigned have associated themselves in the , practice of the Law In the several Courts' uf.Franklin County. Office on Market St., in the room heretofore occupied by T. D. Kennedy. T. h. KENNEDY. jun 17,4.1. T. - • . . P. S. Srotaloon. :Tom: SwArA T. QTUMBATIG-11 Ze. STgr,Arioß- Li KEYS AT L.s.tr, Chambenibn , Pa., give their undivided attention to the pritoti of Their profes sioti.. . • . ' 1 -- ' - John Stewart. Agent for procuring Bounty money, Pensions, and Arrearages of PAY.- i Office in the room lately occupied by Hon. Wilson Reilly, ow Market. Street, opposite the Court House. itivl7,63. • __ ,- . G- ''.A.t. & W. S. STENGER,- Arrolt , • kEYS AT LAW, Chamberebarg,. Pa. Collec [ lertione promptly attend* to. W. S. Sl:mixer: Pit - 4rict Attorney. and Agent for procuring Pcntione, lion nt y money. and Arrcare of PnY. Office in Frank lin Building, 3d.dotir from the corner: - jun17,63. _ _ lATM. S. EVERETT, : ' ,l .....TT9RXEI A T 11 1.... w. Office in M. Bard's dwelling, di , Wctly opposite the Court If eusti, Chambershura. Pa. ill practice - in theseveral Courts of Franklin and Fulton Counties. All .legnl business, entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. junl7,G3. T 3PDOWELL SHARPE, ,ArrottNEy t. AT LANS% Charnbersburr. Pa. Office in Mrs kilmtly opposite the Court House. inn17.63.' (1. O. SEILH.A."NIif.Ii....A ,-...TTOILNET, AT 1• taw, ehamliersburir, Pa.. Office, Main St. above Queen, iu the room formerly ocent4ed by S. fteisher, Esq. , Am 17.133. E 0 EYSTER & E. J. BONEI3ItiKE, x:A A TTORN F.N's have removed to the room 00 Main St.. 1 door South of Eyser's Store: jiml7.6; I j -S., CLiutts.., ATTWINEY AT :LA - w, • has removed his offiee..O few doors East of his iurmar location, '3farketiStreot., Soutlt side. .) 111117,6'3. 0 I- 7 CV ALIX M. - DIJN N A CAN, ATTOR'EY T LAw.• (Mee ow Market ;Street,: in LaWyer's Row, opposite the ,Court House. , ju1)4743. 1 MHOS; L.' PLETCHEtt, ATTOWSEY:AT LAW, Chniiihershutg,Pli.! Offiee on East Mar k St.. nearty'opnosite the Court House. ittnl7,43. A LEX.' /Ff. M'CIXRlif, -TTORNEY AT li L Chanthersburrr, Pit.l Olitee in the Frank ! lin Retn3ltor.. - Buildings. 1), ( WATS9N TiONVE:, ATTORNE,Y AT 4 • Lew Gicene'astle, Pa. 5eD30,123. .Vaintin% Timing, &c. 4RNARIXT.4ELLOWS, ROISA AND SUIN PAINTER, 'GRAINER, GLAZIER, AND • PAPER HANGER. Shop in the Old Armory BUilding, (ue Stairs,) next door to . the "Olilfail,";-Petier-St - Faitei Carriage Manufactory, op- posite Brown's Hotel, and CORNER OF SECONI) AND MARKET STREETS, , CTIAMBERSIIPAG. PA. I ' I respectfully take this method of thanking the citizens of Chambersbnrg and vicinity for the very liberal patronage received at their hands for the past year, thy first year in this place, and flattering myself that I hale done, and am still prepared to do the very best work in myl:tlivit a continuance of past favor. 4: B. T. VELLOWS. P.S. I respectfully- refer to any of niv patrons— jiaines Eyster, Win. McLellan, Cot. A. It, McClure. Rev. Mr. - Niceells, Presbyterian Church, Dr. Rich ards, Dr. Fisher of the t4erman Reformed Messen ger, J. Allison Easter, Wm. C. Easter; auctions. oth ers for whom I have clone work—for character of work done and expedition. jun17,8,3-tf, „ . B. T • • • , • 864 0 'T S _ RAT. Ito4e7t, c. - ' E,'TER s It .li A T OR S's "18yeara establisliedin N. Y. City." • " Only infallible rernTlieilmnown." '' Free from Poisons.' N„qt dangerous to th",l - 111man Familr." , nalanonte out of.,tb4i; holes to the.' • Cn Sold "b3t-all Druggists tryoiywhere. ::. I liaetuzir2ll of all-ntirthlees imitations. 4 CO" "Cdtar t• Depot, N0.'482, Ttroadway. g7v - Sold Y all Wholesale: and Retail Druggists in Chutubersburg, t: . .Imax g-81u MEll . 130 00 M 00 i 00 00 700 7 CO 7 00 00 i (g) 10 00 00 lb 00 if A; IL Etter, Ad ministrator of Win. B. Kyner, deceased, _ - - 56. Second Account of C. M. Stonerznad David M. Stonet. Executors of Ilenry Stoner, late of-retest township, dee'd. FinaLAccount of 'Morrow 11, Skinner., iluar dirin--of Henrietta Balder; minor 'Child of „Henri Bohler. late of Lurgan township deed, - • , as. Acemint of Abraham lioqsler. Trustee oflrt. 'Martha 'looser, (laughter of Christian Burkhoi er, lute of Guilford township. due'd. - • . - 39. First end final Account of Mary ,Grove, Ad ministratrix of Win. Groce, deceased- , - 60. Account u of Jacob N.'Plitider, Adminisratoi; d. b. n. e. t. a:. of Henn. Minder. Ir.re of Chambers- Imre. dee'd• 61. First and final Account of John Critirford Ad ministrator •of Nancy Crawford; tato of Gailfoid township deceased. 62. Fast Account o' L R. Ilornieir and Samuel Iletnish, Executors of John llornish, late of Au trim township, , . 63. Final Account of Win, Boyer and Frederick _Byers, acting Executors of Frederick Boyer, late of Gailfirrd twn., deceased. - - - • 61. .111.4 and final Aocount of Henri . Rego and Christian fiestter. .Execnters of Jacob liege, late of Guilford town:. deceased. 65; First and final aveonnt•of A. 11. Etter. Gear dian oeceasedf - Emma Kyner, minor Child of-Jacob Ent,. d. 66. First Aeconnt of Dacid Midler and Ilenrr Erubab'er. F 4 ccuturs . cf ElenTY',Ftrubriker, late of Peters township, deceased.-- - 67. First' Account ofd, G. McClure and 11. Mc- Clure, Administrates of Andrew .Mo("tbrO;late of Fannett township deceased. 63. Account of Jacob Pensinger,,Adininistritor of Simon W. Iluplet t late of Gre.etwestle. deed. 69. Account of Joseph A.Kreps, outing Egon-- tor of Win. McCune. late of Mercersbuyg, deed. 'lO. First Account of Mal - 41, Mena Peifler, Execu trix, P. HenryPeiffer and T. L. Kennedy, Execu tors, of Philip Peiffer, late of Chatabers.burg. deed. 71. First and - final Account of Sam'l MeElhare, Administrator of Isabella Poe, late of,Lotterkenny township, deceased. . 72. First stud'finui Amount of Abratihm Bencoliet, Administrator of John Mann:late of 'Antrim twp., )ceased. First and, final Account of Samuel Benedict, Administrator'of Elizabeth Brubaker; late of Itlont giimery township deceased. 74. Fist r and final account of It. P. BfePharlrind, Adniinletrator of JohnMerharland. deuemsed.- 75. First and finatae6ount of R. P. Menzirland. Adiniondr•atof of Robert C. 14 ePh rl rind dee& mar 16 , rir,NRY STRICKLER,Itegistei. 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 0D 2.5 00 7 00 7 00 2500 7130 10 00 7 DO 7 00 Vi 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 41 7 00 7 00 PROt'LAVATION.--LTo the Coroner, the justiceS of the Peace. and the- Constables of the different townships in the county of Frank lin. Greeting: Know all ye, that in ,pursuance of ft precept to me directed. under the hand and sealmf the lion. JAMES. HILL, President :of the several Courts of C,ommon Please. in the Sixteenth Aistriet, consistingof the counties of Somerset, Bedford, Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of his office; the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Genera] Jail De livery for the trial• of capital and other offenders therein, and in the General Court of Quarter Ses sions of the Peace. and Siittxxx W.Emort_ and ,Lonts-0. CARSON, Esqs.., Judges of the samo`eounty of Franklin. You and each of you are hereby re quired to be and appear in your propetperints-}with your Records. Recognitenees Examinations,-.and other Remembrances before time Judges aforesaid, at Chambershurg. at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Session of the Peace, therein to he holden fur the County of Franklin aforesaid, on /he 271 Monday in April, being the 11th day in the month, if 10 o'- clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to do those things, Which to yourseverni,otlices apper tain.. Given under me hand at Chainhersbarz. the 15th March, 1.8t4. SAMUEL BRANDT. march 26 - . Sheriff. LIST'OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT . April Term. 1863. Common Picas, commencing Monday, Aprilllth, hitit : John & bol,Ely vs Franklin Funk.. MichaelZellars. ' vs Jorses Rule., 'Jacob Overcast: vs Wm. A: Iloselot. Matthias Phillips - vs John Aeliway,. ,4: M Pennock &Co vs Wm. Reber. - Solomon Allison - vs liriah p. Sniitfr. Jas. S4Tioio, Executrix Ts J. $. Rosonbnry Rfr. Solomon Riker ys Philip Kyter's Adm'r March 16 K. S. TAYLOR. Proihonotery. IVOTICE OF 11..i'QUI5ITION.—gotice IN is hereby Riven to the heirs andlettal represen tations of ...total Sliebter, late of Srotiand, Omen twp..Tranklin county, deed, that a writ of inquest has been Wiled by the Orphans C7•Tart and placed in my bands for execution, to value and appraise the Real Estate of said decedent, and that I hare filed lretlat,lrcltty the :ncl of 3forrh. ”r, e, for thV exe cution of the writ aforesaid. [Then mid where You may attend if yon see proper. mar 2) - RAWL PItANDT. Sheriff. - A VDITOR'S NOTICE.--The under xx. signed, Auditor appointed by .tbe Orphans' Court of Franklin eouutv, to distribute the balance in the hands of Robert F. 114.'Clure. Esq.. Adtuibis trator do bonis non of William Rodgets, late of Southampton townshlp. dec'd, to and among. the persons legally entitled to. the same, will meetthe heirs of said dodoes:d and narticlt interested. at his Office, in:the Borough of Chamberiburg. on punt= day. the 7th of April or.ri, at 11 Weloeli. A. N. inar9-4 - T. B. KEISI.INEDY, Auditor.. A•DMINISTUATOR'S tic° is hereby given that Letters of .Adminis tration on the Estate of James 11. Alexander. late of Fannett township, detensed, hare been- granted to the.undersiened. residing in Emmett township. All'Dersons knowing the indebted to said Estate will plenee make immediate payment: and those baring claims will present them proper ,lv au thenticated for settlement. S. O. 3IeCE RM. mar 16 Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S tice is hereby girc;n that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Anna W. Wingert. late of Washington township, deceased. hare been grinted to the undersigned, residing in WaAington All perspris knowing themselves indebted to siva. Estate plerise witko immediate payment On 4 those haring claims will present Them properly. authenticated for settlement march AARON C. WINGERT,. Adner. DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE. Notice hereby Risen that Letters nf Ndrfi lien d b. n. c. S.A. ot the Estnte of John Endisill.isto Chunbersburg, deed bare been granted to the tinder. ne‘ shut ed. residing in gontbamptnn toirnship. All personsttleningthemselves indebted to said Es tate will please ; rnska immedinte pat rent . and there basing claims Will present them propel Iv nit thentics till fur settlement. [fel.lol .1011 N 1111.P.SLI1t.AdnOr. A. DIITN I.ST R A TOR'S NOT IC F.-- 'Whereas. Letters of .A,lntinlstritiniQm fittl: Estite 6T .tsmes nm AM Me; fate !A - Yantis:l. tostii , litip, deceit.. H. have been granted to the anbseriber, reihting Ili IFanuei t townikSp. All persons indebted t:- the phi Estate. ore hereby re qneated to mike immediate paytoti4;and those turvinz c ailll3 or demands aoi oat the Yostste; of entil,skettlent e will nuke known the 1131110 With.M. duty. tii , - frb .17 , 14-* , WILLIAM tlitititta, .4i7aer. A DAIINISTRATOR'SNOTiCE, Notice is hereby given that Utters of litiminisrra mu de bonis non to the I:+tate ef Matthew ?illfee, tat• of Green township. deed. have beau g. anted to the un del-signed, residing in paid ton mthip. 411 persolts knowing themselves:indebted to- said-rov-. tate will pions° make 'immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement to.. her Attorney, Jolt.; Onm Esq., Chant hembittg,Pts, [fetal') 3IARG-AftET CAMP. tinsfra. FX E,OU -.T ORS' :,,VOTI CT.—Notice. is hereby given tbatiWters Testamentary t4-the. Kstate or Bawd Zimmerman, late of Southampton , tvrp., deed, hay.° beeilvaiit(4 lathe undersil,r,ned, residing tr. orrstown, • • - Alt persons. knowing . tlitm.olves,,,indehtMl. to said we+ tate will pleabe make, tramediato payment; and theme hi w i ng c mi n i s i,cm prompt them properly nut/tont/milted. far sat Clement. JOHN WX2,11)1,3t, 'DAVID WS 11112.11.1141, Brinnti- W. 11.114111 , ' - fob 24 :RXEMITOWS . fa• horebyAtiven mat, letters fiestarrim:dars lone Estate of Jahn W. Jordan, late of Chambersharg. ,dee'cl. has been granted to the undersigned.- ing in the Borough of GliatabetsbuFg. All - persons knowing -themselves indebted to said Estate will please - trial° immediate payment• and those having churns will present theta-properly au thentientedfor settlement,. • " • -marl6 . ANNIE E. JOIiDAN, VXECUTOWS NOTlCE.—Notice.. is. har given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Reny Horst. late of Southampton deceased, have been granted to the undem!gued; re siding in-Greer township, . persous knowing themselves iidebted to said Estate 3vill please make immediate pennant and those having otaims.will please -present thesis . Pro perly authenticated for settlement. LEVI HORST, Exemitqrg • Mar 16 , T EBERSOLE,. . , , . legal jactitto. F..—All persons e notice that Ora fat - Id their, tteconnts in In County, and that the' Orphans' Court L.ay• the Lith day of Chareberaters.g • ly. Jr., Executor, of ;akitle, deed. Crider, Guardian of minor Children of-