luzkli #,4 EICO 139,551 P WITH. - Oelt FitIENDS.Last week we brought a serious charge against our sol diers, and now it, becothes our painful duty, - at the suggestion of an officer . of character and Consideratieu,' to chroilicle a still *worse offence —namely the frequent thieving committed dai ly and nightly- by_ our soldiers'. We wish ' bad a word by which we could distinguish a -soldier front 41, scoundrel in soldier's clothes. 'History and association make, soldiering honor able, and in theory we look open a soldier as a gehtleroan, and in this country; at an officer of justice—a guardian of the public peace and of private property. Just as in the church we find wolVes in sheep's clothing, so nit the army.there aro rogue's in (Mr country's uniform'. Should not every honest - soldier feel it duty and in terest to expose, these miscreants who bring ditierace upon their honorable body? have had at least one case Of audabions highway rob bolry, that too of a poor negro; and some thefts as'pott?as of a pair of shoe brushes. The man, citizen or soldier, who would steal, is a cow ard, and our army Would lose nothing in effi ciency by tlnvinninary ejectment of such from its ranks, and would gain much in morale. We honorthe soldier, and regret ;the necessity of mentioning what willEnecessarilf bring a blush to many an honest fellow's cheek. We have said all we intend to say about the rowdying through the streets, and shall be careful not to - be out of nights more than ye elm possibly •help; and in' the mornings we Vilf be -particu lar where we step, for upon thd sidewalks every here and there is—is—well, what the Scrip ture says "the dog returns to;'l4‘:43less UN, We are 'on the old track Well, We'll say but aim m'ord more 'on this subject, and that is—we wish the liquor shops were all shut up, closed, barr ed, nonestinveniused—so mote it be; and then we couldn't gossip about the despoliation of =ne gro cabins at midnight, and—so forth.. What a glorious boast the Richmond paper has' over the death of Col. I)ahlgren; "buried —no one knows, or is to know' where." "Ungen'rous foe, look Northward and behold A grave the envy of the brave and 4. Our gallant Dahlgren well has played his part, And nobly fills his tomb-a Notion's heart." • A soldier, slightly ;inebriated, the other day sventiato a news depot to buy'a paper, tinasee ing the Age lying upon the counter inquired the cost; taking two (all that there ;were) at,tle -price, he walked coolly back io the i stove, and chucked them in, saying , "I'll buy all you have every night, us lung as my money lasts." Cool! Did you ever travel on the Camden and Am boy Railroad ? We have, scores of time , and cannot but think the acconunodations very dis proportionate to the fare charged. What a tax upon the citizens of the great East and the still greater West and South-west, and Philadelphia and New York, for the privilege of Passing over ooTelsixty miles of the sovereign State of Jer sey ! And to think too of there,,being but one track. A few weeks since on our way from Amboy to Camd(4l we delayed between Biirdentewn and Burlington about two hours brume nzoidmrtr-t-o- - -trithw , *-11rd , raittc-rifrarr. We:ran up and down during all that time; our locomotive whistling incessantly, for no other oonceivtible; purpose than to keep ite courage up; and finally we ran back to Trenton, then t'grossed and ran down to Kensington,full two lioursowhind time, momentarily ?eipeeting an other train to run into us from behind, After the war be settled, we ropiest that our•arrny, 'before itis disbanded, shall be'employed in lay ing another track for the Caniden and Amboy It. R, Co. Till then we will nsk our precious lives, while they make enormous fortunes at the .expense of their sacred Jersey honor. - Wo are surely growing in reputation, if not itfgrace, for we have received no less thin three . communications for publication this week, only one of which we venture to prik. A SONG. Stay, maiden. stay That look so cold, so dead. So sere. . Say. maiden, rty ' • -Why art so sad, co wan, so drear? Ali maiden say, Would I had words—to love so dear— . . . ••• • , .. To drive away r , - That air so cold, so dead, so sore ; To change alway - j ' '- • That air so sad, so wan, so drear, - From grave to gay! Come, let me kiss away that tear— Tell menot nay— The darkest horir prorci dawn is near; The Lord made day . I . To follow night. Felieve me dear, • The sun's bright ray Will soon ma purpose show full clear. .We paid an evening visit last week to the, Hagerstown Female Seminary, and enjoyed some , exquisite music upon the . piano. We think Mrs. Halm the best lady- performer *we ever heard, in public or . private, would pay'well for our- best players here to takeles sons.from her. Oar word for, it, nc,.bne can , hear Mrs. Hahn her -a piamo withbut being impressed with her superioritY: 'Would that we had such a Profess6r . of music in our town ! The Episcopal church appears at lust to b . U - - a 'substantial fact. A building lot has been purchased, the subscription_ book is rap. idly filling up„ services are held every Sunday in the Masonic Ilall;both morning and evening, and the attendance is very entouraging to the , . enterprise'. ..% Mother (3 ruudy is sometimes .fight, for the old ,lady informed us that "it was a tin and a shams that-the officers on Gen. Couch's staff, and oth ers necessarily here on government duty, all for our advantage, should hav i e so much trou ble, particularly those who have their families with them, to get boarding. Some of our pri vate families might make some sacrifices for the accommodation of those wholi ave made much greater sacrifices for them. I will end in the removal of headquarters from Chanibershurg." 'ir'e asked an Irish - soldiorr the other day whether they had stoves in cathp. The fellow with a hideous grin replied, "ivery soul of us bas . a "tin plate.? A SHARP DODGE. -Mr. Gel. W. Rase was convicted in s our conrt some eighteen months ago of burglary, committed in the warehouse of Oaks & Austin in Greencaitle, and sentenced tb the penitentiary. On Friday last Sheriff Brandt received an anonymous' letter mailed nt Washington, purporting to have been written by a disabled soldier, whose wounds were about to'prove fatal, stating that Base was innocent, and that he vhiuld .. ..sive information respecting the gu ilty parties ,o'„assured that he would have . . no trouble about it. now a dying maw could be troubled by.,• - . courtil of justice, naturally exei.. tea suspicion, and Judge Kimmel and Captain Eyster, to whom the letter was addressed in aide, examined into the affaii,'• and After coal- ! paring the hand-writing of the letter with sew- oral of Ruse's letters in their possession, they 'i found that the anonymens letter had'undoubt- edly been written by Rase hinaself.•• He had managed to get it conveyed to Washington in some way and have it mailed there. We sub ,. join the letter : • • * ' To MR. GEO. EYETEE. ANI) JCbGE KIMMELL,: .Geritlemen Sirs :---I. have" shard in the Battle of Chatmellorsville, and ever since I have been disa bled, and the wounds received at said fight are now at last pronounced fatal, incurable; and .being pos sessed of a secret, the same my - conscience tells me 'I ought to reveal ere I gO hence. and am no more. Now the secret is simply,this t You will all recollect. in August, 1861, the:e were a number of burglaries .and arson committed—one at Carlslie. ou Mr. Hen .derson ; Mr. Wm. B. Gabby, nenr Chambcrsburg. and Mr. James G. Austin, at Greencastle. The above offences have all laidto the charge of a per son by the name of Mr. George W. Rase, and I now come to confess to you gentlemen, that the said Mr. George W. Base, who is now confinedin prison, for the supposed commission of- the above acts.. is, I solemnly pronounce, by no means guilty of them. Yes, I tell you honestly. that he is altogether an in nocent man of the affair; and the property. found on 14r. Rase was merely intrusted to his bare for a time; and to e best of my knowledge, he never knew but wh. it was honestly obtained. The tak -41 ing fire of Mr. Austin's place was altogether acci dental; and now gentlemen, if you give me assur ance, by publishing in the Washington Saar that you will give me no trouble, I will then furnish you a more defined detail of the occurrence of that fire, and the mantis who ivere concerned in the same. , One of them was in the employment of Mr. Austin at the time. I am Respectfully, J.-- .I—. I'. S.—Mr. aheriff, whosoever you may be, you wil please present this letter ro‘Mr: George Eyster, and Judge Rimmell, so that they know what I said here. • . . ,In the Geri' Hospital at Washington, I). C, 1564, To the prbsent sheriff of Franklin county, Chum bersburg, Pa. ''' FlEffia THE LATE CAPT. WASHINGTON.—The 13th U. S. Infantry, in which the late Capt. WushZ ington of this county, was commissioned, has been awarded a rare honor in the history of the war. At the close of Gcn. Grant's Opers i .tions in then Valley of the Mississippi, a board of offi cers was ordered to receive and examhie all claims and award all honors won duri►ig the campaign ; and Alias unanimously awarded to the Ist Battalion of the 13th Infantty—th bat talion commanded ,by Capt. Washington—the Allowing inscriptions on its standard: TOWN ErrEptok.—New, houses are in great demand. More than a dozen families from abroad are vainly in search of dwellings. We are glad to learn, - therefore, that the ground ha s been broken for an addition of new houses along Second street, - and • that_ Catharine street is likely to be ' extended through Dr. Schneek's - beautiful lots,; by whieh more than half a score of as beautiful building lots will be thrown into market as the borough can boast of. . The owner has,, we understand; laid out,a plot and has fixed a reasonable price' on each building lot, with easy terms of payment. Now is the time to select' a site. Those who come first have the first choice. , Cot,. STinsrmuGll. l —The Baltimore ..4mcriran and. several other journals have announced the death of Col. F. S. Stumhaugh, late' Colonel of the 77th Penna. Vols. We_ read the notice to Col, Stumbaugh and he .positively , denies the ghostly impeachment. He was confounded 'with Col. Stambaugh, an old politician of Lan caster, whir died recently. Chickasaw Bayou; - Arkansas Post; Champion Hills First at Vicksburg; Jackson. In making this award, the IMard says; in its report, it"finds the 13th IL S. infantry elititled to the first honor at Vicksburg, -havifig in a body planted and ,maintained its colorii on the parapet with a loss 'of 43 3-10 per cent., in cluding its gallant coinmanber,Washingeon,who died at the parapet.- Its conduct and loss the board, after a careful examination, believes unequaled in the army ,and respectfully ; ask the general commanding' The Department to allow' it the inscription awarded." I : The officers of the Ist - battalion have determ ined to crest. a handsome monument On the spot ivhere Capt. Washingtoifell, and Gen. Sherman has named he hill Mount Washington in honor of the braVe soldier who there sacrificed his life in behalf of his country. KILLED IN' ACTlON.—Sergeant James T. M'Dowell, son of Mr. Wm.M'Dowell, formerly of this county, was killed while skirmishing with the rebels near Dalton; Ga., on the2sthult. He was a native of this county,. and Moved to Taiewell county, 111., with his father in 1857, and there entered the service about 18 months ago, in the 115th Illinois Regiment. He ‘vas about 30 years of age. He was buried in church-yard about four miles North ofiDalton. Capt. O. Willet, formerly of Fulton county, was killed near Fort Gibson on thenth ult., while gallantly leading his men against.the rebels under Quantrille. - He moved to Kdrisus in 1856 and entered the 9th Kansas Cavalry in 1663, and has since served with great credit as an officer. OUR CITIZEN' R 'WON' E R s.—LeAters have been received from our citizen prisoners as late as the 4th Inst. They - are all in geed heal th ' Messrs. Culbertson and Hamilton , have been returned to Hiehmond,,—for what purpose is not known. One of our prisoners in a lide letter says: "I was very glad to learn that enlistments were going on so fast in the North. I hope that the peo ple are fully aroused to a sense of duty rind detertn- Mixt to crush out this. wicked rebellion at once. It makes as feel as if something was going to be done, and for the first time we lose sight of our own con dition and feel like somebody again." DR. S. G. LANE.—Dr. Lane has been ap pointed Surgeon to the Board of Eneolment, and has resigned his position as Surgeon of the sth Reserves. Ho will be here in the course of a week or ten "days. He has justly attained the reputation'of being one of the most faithful and skilful Surgeons in the army, and there is eminent fitness in his appointment to the'new position. He will be widely welcomed to his old home.—Lient: Col. Stetxell of the 11th Pa. Car., was home on short furlough last neck looking in excellent • health. He, returned to his regiment on Saturday. thi:'.-triiiikiiii'_ll . o.6l - killiliiiili '.2&_i1804 - • THE (SPRING ELEcTios.—We have not full returns from the several 'districts. In; the North Ward, Hamilton, Antrini;Greenvillage, London, Peters and _Montgomery, the Union men elected the JndgeF of Election. The De mocrats carried the South Ward (by 4 votes,) St. Thomas, Quincy, Lurgan, Washington, Welsh Dun and Letterkermy. The rest of the districts we have not heard from. The present week is most solemnly observed by several religious demonstrations and especi ally by those of the Roman Catholic and Epis copal faith. Friday next, called Goo(1 Friday is held in commemoration of the cruCifixion - of Christ and Sunday called Eastor Sunday as the period of triumphal - resurection. With-Eastor also ends the Lenten•season. GRADUITED.—Amon the graduates of Bell .vue Hospital Medical college, N. Y. a few weeks since, were Daniel W. Bonebreak 'and John 4 A. Royer, of Waynesboro'. Both, we learn, passed , an examination highly creditable. • A. F. Sxml:Esq., formerly Superintendent of the;_C:l 7 : Railroad, end now Superintendent of the Hudson River Railroad, arrived in town last week and is spending - a 'few days with his old friends. CAPT. JouNsoN has been assignml as Chief Quartermaster of the Department of the Susque hanna in the place of Capt. Shipley, ordered to report to Gen. flanks nt New Orleans: PA3s7ORA3IA OF THE REBELLIO.*—Dorie Panorama of the Rebellion is an,excellent his thrical painting, and should be libetitly patro nized by our citizens.. PARDON OF" I'ISREL.—The cF11.910 Herald ,strongly condemns the pardon of .Fishel by the 'President. AN UNWELCOME STRANGER.—Mr. commonly known us the Itch, has made its appear ance in town and in various places throughout the county. It may be a source of relief to persons so afflieted to know that they can get a .rw•e cure for this troublesome - disease, at Mllle;'s Drug Store Let all so of send immediately to their Drug Store and get a box of Terrel's -Itch Ointment. Pried 2.5 cents. It is a speedy cure. "A SLIGHT COLD," COUGH: 4 .—Ftv: areb.ware_ of the importance of cheeking a Cough or " SLIGHT COLD" in its first stage; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon at tacks the lungs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" give sure and almost immediate relief. Milihiry Officers und Soldtdrorshauld,hcre them, as theyican be ear ricd inlhe pocket, anti ta/m0 as occasion requires. IP roe wish to impart vigor an 4 clearness to the voice, relieve hoarseness &e., go at once to A. S. Miller'S Drug Store and get a box of pann- Bronchitt7 Trochee, the only effectual rem edy in the market. .1 mar 2 COUNTRY people look to pour interests.— If- you have anything to sell, call at tielivieks' where yOu will always get the highest price, find find the large.t stock of golds in town, at very Ilow figures A FINE assortment of superior WAtches, Fine Jewelry, Stiticl Silver Ware, &e., in store and for saleby IL Harper, sa) Arch Street, PhiladelphM. This is a reliable house. Read advertisement. EARLY GARDEN SEEDS.—Heyiiei'& Cressler have received a large lot of Garden Seeds, among them many early' varieties, all of which are ,cold old 'prices. • AT the cheap wholesale and retail shire of W. Ge'wicks' is the place to get the best Kerosene Oil for the least money, wholesale or retail. , H RYSER & CRESSLER wish toriuse outtheir present :stock of'Kerosene l'ampq. They have beau :ifnl Lamps which they will sell law. GELmclis, of the cheap wholesale and re tail Grocery and variety store, sells goods whole sale and retail as cheap asan y holm in Philadelphia. MARRIED. CRAIG—CROSSAN.—On the 15th in in.Mer eer-ah trg... by the Rev. Thomas Creiab, Mr. John A. ofßuevrns, Ohio, to Miss Emma., daughter of Mr. Thomas Cross:tn. dee'd, of the former place. - ,,WHARTON—WOY.—On the 17th inet.. nt Mont giimery's Hotel, by the Rex'. S. J. Nieeolls, Mr. Henry G. 'Wharton. to Miss Barbara E. \Vey, both of Wells if/W[loll Fulton coun ty. FELEER—TAYLOR.--On the 221 met., nt the residence of the bride's Parents. by, the Rev. 5; M'Henry. Mr. Dnrid Felker, of Mt. Morris, 111., to Lila. daughter of Ex-Sheriff Taylor. of this place, A RMSTRONG—KEPLINGE 11.—On the 31st by the Rev. Thomas Barnhart. Mr.AVtn. Armstrong., of Chambersbnrg, to Miss Elipbeth 41:Keplinger, of Hngerstown. PARMER—BICKLEY.--On the 17th h t.,by the Rev. J. Diekson, hii. Thoinae. P. Patwer to Miss Sarah E. Riekles., GEA ARV—CLORIN.---On the Tith nit.. by the Rev. Dr. B. S. Sehneek. Mr. Wm. Si Gearhart, of Antrim town.hip. to Mi's Mary Ann Clorin, of Quincy township. WESTON--4,AWRENCE.—On the :20th inst., by the same. Mr. Wm. Weston to Misaßebeeca Law- renee. both of this county. REENE--HART.—On the 20th inst.. in Fayette ville, by the Rev. William WElroy, lair. Feme heron, of Scranton, Pa., to Miss Emma C. Hart, of Chninbersburg. DIED. CAVFMAN.—On the 19th inet.. in th IF Place. Mp. Anna B. Caufmanorile of A. D. Call fuitin. E.g., aged yonrs CBRIGII.--nn the 14th ingt„ in Stan Francisco. Mr. Thomas Criegh, son of Hon. John D. Criegh, aged 31 years. GILLAN.--On the 21st inst..-in thisinlnee. Walter It.. son of James 13.-ml Martha L. Gillen, aged 4 years and 5 months. LUTZ.—In the P.S. Hospital. at Nashv;ille, Tenn.; of wound+ received nt the Battle of Chickamauga; Mr. Jacob Lutz. of Corn. A. 77th Beg,. Penna. Vols. [Resolutions of Friendshin Fire Cominexticeek.l :BOYD.---On the 17th Inst..nt Upton. Thomas James, son of Capt. Robert 3oyd, aged 7 months and 15 days. , SHIRK.—On the 16th inst . , nrrstown, Sarah ebeeen, infant dairghter of ,Tncob G. and It.v.:hel M. Shirk. aged 1 month and 17 days. BRADLEY.—On the Ilth inst„ Mercersburg. Mrs. Jane Bradley, wife of Mr. Jno. Bradley dee'd, aged 61 years. - TAYLOR. On the sTa ult., near Bridgeport, Al bert Gregg,. son of .Toseph arid Mary Taylor, aged 6 months and 17 days. • • Dearest Albert. thou - has left us, t "Left us in this world of woe, The grim destroyer death's bereft us, Snatched awayour fond, dear boy. . • All our hopes itilbee are perished. Brightest gem our household wore, At thy sweet smile our sorrows vanished. Grief found no room• when thou wert here. Like some fragile bud ofmornina, Plucked e'er seen in perfect bloom, Thou, our dearest treasure; Albert, - Haat been hurried to the tomb. Yet again we hope to meet thee, , When the mprn of life is fled, Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tears are shed. EVERETT.--On'the 9th inst„ in Chrunbersburg. Jane E., wife of W. S. Everett, Esq., aged about 22 Years. Amongthe many affecting providences that have lately occurred in our community, this one is sadly pro-eminent; A young wife a- mether,.is suddenly removed from the eirele; and thus in one dark moment all those joys of life which ar e ex pressed in one sweet word, home, vanish like the visions of a dream. No afflictions are so severe as those whioh tear asunder the tender ties of the do mestic relations: but especially is this the ease in the household when the ono is removed whose pres ence alone makes it a - Home to the husband, and when the cries of tender infancy may no longer be hushed by a Mather 's Voice. Amid the dark &ast laYsterious aspects of this af fliction, it is pleasant to remember, the personal character of her who was thus taken, from earth to • - heaven. ate child of pious parents, she Was cam-. fully nurtured and instructed in the truths of the' tlospeL The immediate fruit of this wasinanifested in a marked conscientiousness of chiracter with re gard to duty. To tits was joined a ouick,,prattical judgment and a cheerful disposition. Strong in her convictions. she .was also . characterized - by the strength of her :attachments, and for this reason was best appnTialcd by her most intimatefriends. 'But this was not all. After-years bore more gracious fruit from the.-Ted planted in childhood. Well does her pastor remember the ripeness - of her feelings and the clearness alter views with regard to gospel truth, when she professed publicly her love for the Savior. The hope she then, had she, maintained w ith regular steadfastness through her brief ehris tine life. It teas this same hope that sustained her in the hoar of death. (lahnly; as if a',ning on a brief and Pleasant journey, She made all herpreparations, counseled her friends/ and distributed her parting tokens of love. In this hour which all dread, she met the sorest trial Of a mother's heart L—that of leaving her babes, not to the care hf angels as many others are called upon to , do, but to the imperfect care of friends, and exposed to the thousand dan gers of a life on earth. Yet such was the constancy of her faith, that she was enabled tatesign all into the hands of her Heavenly Father with out a num titer. In Perfect and peaceful submission to His will she fell asleep in ..1 - ems."' -Time "God lifts us gently to His world of glory. Even by the love we feel for things of clay, Lest in our wayward hearts we should forget Mini, And forfeit so the mamion of oar rest, Ito lends our dear ones forth and bids us seek them In a far distant home among the blest." N. REPORT OF THE'MARKETS. Chrembersburg .ffarkets. , 1 ... _ CITA MIIERS BURG, March 22; 1864 - . ' ' Plaur—Wlfite..- ...... $7 00 Butter... - :0 Flour—Red 650 Eggq - 18 Wheitte-White 150 lard ... :.. .-.. ....... ........_ 10 Wheat , -Red .-' 1 40 Tallow. '• • - . :,,,.9 Rye 12.5 . Bacon—Hams -..-- i 5 Corn - - 100 Bacon.-Sides - 11. Oats ,- . 75 Soup Reins - • 200 Clover Seed' . 6 00 Washed Wool ... . .. ... 60 Timothy Seed 300 Unwashed Wool—. 40 Flax Seed 2 50 — Pared Peaches --. .... . -5100 - - _ Pntatoes--Itereer... 50 tirkpared -Peacher:. - . 3 - 00 Putatoes"—P,inkEyes 45 Dried Apples 2 04' [BY TELEGRAPH.] Phlladelphist DlatHets PHILADELPHIA, March 22, 136‘.7t Flottr-dull 1501) bbls. extra; family sold at $6 -874 6:1.7 5q and some fancy at $B. -Small sales Rye Flour at Ski. Corn Meal quiet. Wheat held :with more firmness: sales of COW bus, prime red at $1 60. and small lots of white at $1 7.501 05. Small sales of Rye at $1 25. Corn advanced one cent, and 6.000- bus. yellow Sold at $1 160 1 .:1 20. Oats bell, freely at 8.18e84 ets. Cotton dull at 74M1_ ,, . Clover Seed ranges from $5 75(5-, 1, and Flax Seed at $1 30. . alibertitintitto. 11LANK assortment of 1) BLANK DEEDS just printed on fine Parch ment Paiwr. and for sale at the REPOSITORY Mite. IVANTEIY—By an Officer and:Wife— !' plenzant F ISIIED ROOMS, with Boarj, near centre of town. Wore may be left, with Mr. .1. K. Shryock. at Book Store. my:4Zr IMPLEMENTS =Dealers and Mau ufactnrera of Agfidultural and other Indflements can reach a large class of valuable eretomers h Aa v,karrisrsG in the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. XCELSIOR A.511, - a handsome; orna-. E mental Shade Tree, of sure and rapid growth. Trees from 8 - to 12 feet high. 40k60 cents each; $3 50gii per doz.; 5241140 per 100., JACOB .mrsH, - marZ3) Keystone Nursery. Harrisburg. HORSE CHESTNUT' IREES.-o,:di , narr sizes for planting, 50 cents each ; Smatter Rize—from 5 to 7 feet-25 cents each.; $2 50-per doe; $lB per 100. JACOB MI'H. mar2.3l Reystcne Nurseats',,llarrfsburg. VITROPEANLINDEI—Tite Red-hiig 32.4 and variety, not anbjat tb injury. by the licrer For sale at keystone Nursery, IlarrisbuT. Tree ,, 10 to 12 feet high ; 73 cents each !!..+7 per dos. ratte23l ,1)1.C.I013 MfSIT. - VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR V SALE.—The HOUSE and LOT on We=t Mar ket street. Obamhersbum now occupied by non. F. M. Kimmel], i%offnred at private :sale, -For price and terms Apply to JOHN M. MTOWELL. mat23-tf VoitAAY MAPLE - TREES. from 8 to 12 feet bigh and vigorous. A handsomei Tree,' nmeb resembling the Sugar Maple, brit of more certain and rapid growth. Price 40'44) cents each M 046 nor dozen : s2o ' (ei 40 per 100. JACOB mar 2,11 Keystone Nursery, Barriaburg. TIIEES! PRANK fI COI7TY NURSERIES.—,-Ordora for Trees. Plant. Vine'. kc- will be fowl red for the n hove eFtlibliihnumt et the Grocery of ID. S. FAH,, NESTOCK•A: SON. Mein street. onoosito EYSTRICS Store. /lir Send in yourorders to'D. S. F/01111 , 410: I Son. - - • ina r23-2t DECRUI I' S WANTED.—Reernits wanted for Totrnthip. for which a Lib eral LOCAL BOUNTY, in cash. - will be paid ,as soon as they are innqterett into the service. A only at the White Swan Hotel. .TOITN YOS'r. . WILLIAM M'CLURE n .SAM'L GARY ER. AUGUSTUS ETTER. rnar2:3 Committee. To VOLIT , T FT, Rs. —Any eitizcins of Guilford township. Franklin county, whether veterans or new reerntis, and whether in ,sprvi , -e or not, will receive a liberal LOCAL BOUNTY by being credited to - their own township, on giving none° wit 4 certificate of muster to the undersigned in Chambersburg ' mar2-1-3t* , .z A. Ii.II'CLMII3, Treasurer. TAT ANTED —Correspandence by a Y Yount Man from Missis.sippi, who for , his Arm-. ness to the Stars and Stripes, has been driien an* from his,..onne beloved home, and now a tothjee , t n: Alice. AVISIICS to elriTspond with some. nice Lads between the age of IS and2l.' 'Object— LOVP. with view to matrimony. All letters strietlyeonfidential Address with Photozraph enclosed. - A. 8., m23-3t. 1 1 Co F, llth 0 _VT, Fort lialleek,lllaboT. A I)II.I7AJISTRATOR'S- NOTICE.-Na tie6 is licreby'given that Letters of rn lion (1 hmiiaton wen tealguncnfn , 1712MT0 on the Es• thee of Francis Robison. late of Montgomery town shin. deed, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Antrim township. All persons Itothring titsmsolves indebted to said EA ate will Jdervere make nnmediate payment: and those having olon e will•present them properly au thenticated fur settlement _ mar 23 ' ' LEWIS P. SREGGS, Adm'r. IIDMINISTIZATORS' NOTlCE.—No :fice is hereby given that Leiters of Adreiniqra tion on the Estate of Leonard gellers, late of Gull= fnrcl township : 'lcel.!, have been granted to the un dz.ridign ed. reveling in said township. -- All persons knowing themcelves indebtedlo said Estate will plesQo make immediate payment and thew -having elaims.will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. A. T. WINOF,TIT, 1 JOHN DOW NEY. x" .1(13.1.8 • nutr 9 3 H ES;RY ',HARPER, No. 520 Art&l PIIMADELPIII4; PA. - . ' Mannfac_turer and Dealer in , - WATCHES, - • - 17VE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE and -ROGER'S SUPERIOR PLATED WARE. Acir All kinds of Silver Ware Mode on the premi mi. Watch Repairing carefully done: [ninr23-3m ETTERS re t Chambersbarg , rGordonThomnA 'Green ,G • Green IV S - Geesaman Grtir George , F • Gettys SylvestrG Gordon-David R acme Martha Hock ersmithSos Hemphill John Hackett Thos R Harkness J LIST' OF Pest . offite Arras Adam Anderson'br J L Behm David , Brinker Cyrus Barns John Baker Martha Butler Margaret Chufman Mrs ' George Corman_y Ellie J Cooper David M 2 CrcagerHenritta Coder Samuel C Curtis Samuel F, CarterMissMary Craid M's Elheth Crummel ti E Dick Peter Ely Lient S S EberSole Wm H Eichelberger A Fathin der Miss Lucinda Fisher Harry L FoineY Sam' 13 Fisher Mrs Reba Fltsol Miss Mary FryMlssßebeeca FoustMrs E ¢ Pecan James 2 Persons calling say that they hay . . . Jones Dig Reben Jacobs Allen B Kennedy SargtJ Kline James Loty Efe . oige , LockwoodAndve Lane Abram Louehbanm Jos Loving MissMry Myers Abraham Moor Mrs Jane Myers Jacob Martin. Mrs Sub Miller Lends McKee Malov Mrs Kate Morehead Thos Monn Samuel' for the above Le O been tulvertised J. W. . itein*bertortnents. W.XtCUTOR'S NOTlCE;:—Notice is hereby. even that Letters Testamentaryto the :I!:state, of _Peter- Wester, late of Antrim, townshiP. decd, have been - Kvanted to thaundersignetl, resitt ing in sea tontriship. All-persons knowing. themselves indebted to said state trill please Make immediate payment ; and, those having claims Will present them properly au thentieated forsettventent. , mares- N - SUIt'ANCE'COMPANY OF NO .T.H A:A ir MERICA. Inorporated 1794. - Char Per- petual. - CAPITAL $500,006. Olfteo Z. 32 tnr tlnut treet, Phildtt. -The prompt payment of Clai ,s for Losses during• the period - of - nearly aeinnty years that the Company. has been - in existence, e irides them to the eonfalenceof the - public.' Person: rrish ing to insure will please call on 'or tirldrws t e nn dersigned. - .W, G. REED, - Agent; Rneosrrour 4 l3uilding,s, Chambersburg, Tu. R M PERENC-4.1). Grier, J.`AllisonEyster. Esq., 'Major J. C. 'Austin. .- .inar23. • I ,tO)TICE: - ---:-Iri - thiimiitter of the - Petiiicm. Llt 'of Henry S. Miller,'Administrator - or the Es rate of EphraurkStabler, late of Quilford tckTuship; deceased, whiehiVas presented to the 'tOrphatis'Court ,ort the 22d day of Februari,lStti,'P rayingsaitt Court 'fora retie* M' ttis ttedoinitof said estate; and to'have the confirmation taken-off of said account, and also the Anditer`kreporton the same.; The Court order and decree that notice'bo given to all rties intar estea, .belind•aPPear at the April Term of tithl Conrt-And-show- cause, if 'any-they , havoovhy the prayer of the petitioner should not bo answered. • •inar2-3t, • 8, MITCHELL, Clerk, ' , ' ,.. -t_TEADQUARITERS.;;.PftOVO,ST, :MAR= SIIAI4-161 , 11 Diautior l'Elowenwra. - -lickebtchr;" Morth ,, n, AFTED zraf isf*...this - DiStriet,'yho - have' never.,_yet reportetlAY reason of b clogging to 'SU. gowni :end who have lately beetiviastered. out Of , tho aer vice, wlll feptisMlthwitliklelie4l.4.l44` be deented.cleserters.f: - - -- „ . iislit Tpoalno.seaogutetoirdtie4oWeatrettp o ttktiis.l4 , & -W P S.XE s tituto,ewha ap f n A y,e "aa aodpWa fyl Op loßar, i lat Y f ra3is;' .!..U4tiitiViike-1--,Erkarnion,44,4lltnii#Arry Rook; a t 2 4Alock fot .Iforrypovio':PANORAIIIAWXIIBISOORnEX -11:EBELLIGN,Ihe only Piaronunikilliiiigllie, last greatluttaO for the •Union„ Ntagliolntionial th? ftrstAtrett)cln,gioot=ofotko7o3Vellloit,and -114% beewukst:o4 prOgrese lown'l6 - tho - nresent flog: itnong,the ANTIETAX -;MURS,REEBIIOItO'; • • •.:IREDERICKBBI3,IIO,_VIWBUBIi.: *l - * 44 3t* ..r,l ; awl CILICKAII, fALTGA. ZEZ-Sitiglo Admission, 25 eats; Front feats., 50' (rents. -_ , • , m ar23 . .ASSIGNEE'S -SALE.:--There will be. sold. tr#P - the'undersigi?od , Agaignee t - bf Jacob losse rt. - the, pretnises.m qu ne townaldp„ qt. Tuesday. the 6th ofAprit,lB64.;the folio-Wing ileserv• bed Real EstateAvizz- About 80 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining Sol. Harbangb:Ales:Harailton anrfAlel. K l3 ePPqr. 'sing -about 2 , miles from the town Of • Quincy. ' About 60 Acres of.this land,"ux clear, in Ir. stood-state of , oultivaticin, and under good fence.— The balance is Noed-Land. 'fulfils or SA E—s2.oooto be on 12th of /Vigil, 1f36-1,, when the deed will be delivered and possession given; balance in two equal annual payments,with interest from Ist April; 186 f: Sale to commence, at 10 o'clock. A;hf.. on said day, ' LEVI C. 'KEPNER. GOSSERT. ma - - ,Aac4mees of Jacob Corsert.: A - MAN OF THOUSANT).—A Con: stlmptive Cured:—Dß. IL :TAMES, a Retired Physician of great eminence diffenvered, 'while in the Indies, a certain cure for Consumption; Asthma, Bronchitas, • Coughs, Col& and General Debility. The rethedy'sras eiscovered by him when his only child, a daughter, }vas gifen up to die. His child was cured, and is now alive" and well, TiesironS of benefiting his fellow mortals, he will send to those who wish , itthe recipe, - rant:lining full directions for making . . and successfully using, this remedy, free, on receipt of their names, with two stamp? to pay expenses. There is not a single case , of Consump tion that it does not at once take hold of and dissipate. Night sweats. peevishness. irritation of the nerves, failure of memory; difficult expector, Mien, sharp pains in 'the lungs, sore throat, chilly sensations, nausea at stomach. inaction of the bowels, wasting away. of the muscles. The writer will please state the name of the paper their seen this advertisementin. Address CRADDOCK a co., max23-Iy9 215 North 2d St., Philadtdphin. Pa. SALE.—Brvirtue of snu dry writs of-rem/Wont! e:zponaß, issued out of the Courts of - Common Pleas of Franklin counts', Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Charobersbum on Friday, thi Btl2. of Aprif;l364. at I o'clock, P. M., the following described Rtal Es tate, viz: - All-that TRACT OF L km). situate in Washing ton townsbip', , containing - 12 ACRFS, more or less, adjoining lands Of A. Deardorff - on the North, Isaac Shockey on the East, (1. Spangler on the West and road on the South, with a- 1 , story Frame House and shop thereon erected. @zed and taken in ex ecution as the property' of Wm. Hall. - Also—All that TRACT OF LAND, situate in Let terkenny township, adjoining lands of Wm. Mc- Clellan on the South and West, Feltys oh the East and Wm. Forbes on the North, containing7i4 heret of Land, more or less, with a 134 story log House and Log Stable thereon erected. Seized' and taken to execution as the property of,Janies and Elizabeth Patterson, and trill be sold by Inc.' mar 23 SAMUEL 13RANDT, Sheriff. 829 CHARTE LIN R PERPETUAL. FRANK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANI ASSETS. 9n January 1.1881 $2,457,849 4XI IAPITAL XCCRURD SURPLIM.-- fEVESTED PREMIUMS.. UNSETTLED CLAIMS, I INCOME FOR 1864 LOSS P.1.1D SINCE 18 0, 1 • ,000,0R1 $:,• PERPETUAL AND . TEMPORAItY POLICIES . ON LIBERAL TERMS. • • • - - DIRECTORS: :_lharles N. Bancker, -Isaac Lea, robias Wagner, . Edviard C. Dale, ' ;tunnel Geo. Pales, mob It. Smith, Alfred Piller, • George W. Richards. Pres. W. Lewis, M. D. ' CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. EDWALD C. DALE. Vice President. JAS. \V. M'Amisrmt,'See'y pro. tern. • DAVID OAKS is the authorized Agent of , the Company in Ohambersburg. who will furnish all in formation-necessary to applicants. mara-tf MOTICE.—The following named pt r= sorts have ftle4, PETITIONS FOR LICENSE in the Clerk's Office, to be presented . to the Court at the next term, commencing -on Monday, the 11th do l l of April to wit: Daniel Trestle,', Tavern, Chanibersbtug, N.W. Margaret Montgomery, do do , do William, C McNulty, - do do do John Fisher, . - do • do • do A J Brand, do do do Jacob 9 Brown, do-- do s-dtt Jacob Sellers, - • do ' • do . do: John Gordon,: r ' : . , do .. Hamiltori township. Mrs T Elliott, - . . do • do do John Hastier, . ' do - '• St Thomas. ..' J It Tankersley . do - - do . :Charles Gillan, - do -St Thomas township.- John Mullen,. dp do - • do • - . John Trehcr, - • , db . Loudon. James Mullen; ' , do - do ' ' .• Thomas - McAfee, do • - Slercersburg. '' -`. J II Murphy, do ' do - • Jacob Elliott,. . do Welsh Run. '- . Lewis H Hinkle , do Upton. Foreman & Gilds, do Greencastle. ' Brant & Detrich, . 'do do . John Adamt, do do . L B Kurtz, . - , - do Waynesboro. Francis Bowden, do do - J C R Eckman, • do do D II Funk, • .' do ..Washington toWneP. David Miller, do ' Monterey Springs: H M Jones, - do Quincy. -. Andrew Shank, do Funkstown. ' ' John Kuhn, ' do ' do John, Spidle, -- do • Green township, Margt&t. Holland, do - do John S srown, ' : do Fayetteville. WilliaWitnpert, - - do do B F SOSer - - ' do New Franklin. Elizakvath Vilson. • do Marion. - Martin Shoemaker, do " Greenville-go. • John •Kyner,. do • Orrstown. . , Abraham Keefer. do Letterkenny towns'p. David Gayer, ! do do : . do Jacob Nusbaum, , do - do do John R. IVeist. do • Strasburg. - Jeremiah Zullinger, do do- Aaron Gockley. • : do - Metal township. Jets) M Jones. do Fannettsburg. Benjamin Crouso,do Dry Run. John Goshorn„ : ' -- do - Doylesburg. -- B F Culbertson. do -- • Amberson's Valley. Miller lz- Croft, Wholesale Liquor Store; Churnb'gl S F Greenawalt; - - do - - - 'do • do - do . mar'l-3t W. G. MITCHELL, Clerk. 'airdig in- the March 2:2, 1:36-4, NOIVMdr) John I, Plircanordohnif Pittman Beal ' Powers Richard Pulty Herman Rex Luther - - - 'Russell John B Sites 'Mrs Kate Sol ab erger Peter j Sheriff David J Strong John G - 1 Sorbngh Fredk Stouffer A S Snyder Joseph II Stitt John Smith Chns R I Stover Levi °ratan Mrs S Taylor William Taylor Adam I Tato Dr - Way Barman Walker Willutm Watson ' Whiting Giles WolfF s MisMaggio Willias3ittrshl ZarMan John hers will please 'DEAL, P.M. PHILADELPHIA - ME Zhiitioetints. A DMINISTILATOR'S lice is hereby giTen that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of ..Naney Finefrock, late- - of the Boroegh of ehrimberiburg. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, riding in said Borough.' • All persons knowing thetnaelvt indebted to, said Estate• will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly an thenticatef, for settlement.- 1 4 - • - mar 23 HENRY FiIiEEROCK, Adis QORGII.O , 'SYRUP .FOIL THE' WES k...7 -TERN PART OF PRANNUN COUNTY.— Extensive preparations will be inane at the WEST , FR-ANKLIN NURSERIES, near [Laudon: for the manufacture of,Syrups the coming season. As, in ! „,11 businem operations, so in. making Syrup. we havm found - observation and practical experience d our best•iastructor. .13-aving_liden engaged in tlil ! business for several years.:(tholast to some extent) Walfave learned , Many' important things immedi ,ately,:connected with the i manufactiire of• Syrup. Among otherthirom,:me - havo found - .complete .ar- • `rangements absolutely necessarY to ptoduce Syrup in'quantity arid of. the bostanality. To effeet. this we shalt 'employ 'a strong motive power, m i d im proved machinery for crushing And preparing the Cane effectually. A complete range of Juice, wank and Evaporators, for clarifying and boiling, all of which we intend to place under rod.- toenabletts to' Operate Without hinderance in all kinds of weather. ,Liberiel - planting is expected in this community, _ which Fe will supply seed. gratuitously; expect ing, in tarn, the cane to manufacture. - , • Baniples of, Syrup can be seen_ and obtained, and any Information, by calling at tho :Nursery of the • ,cr B.—APply•for §od loon. and_plinit early._ _ • '. ) ; tltltt"4-X- - - - RYDER. OWNS ,OttGAICE POR A T 0-R, :11"111110fitailitjd'Illelt.likiER, BATES Sr, DKr, ItinstteldiVhioL--Wearelrilling to . guarantee that frOrgittl. ZreVod , Canc, .a sufficient number of Millons-ok-Sertip-ealf be 'produced to cover cost of 'AllnehirtdrfjOspable of-making , eighty, gallons a dliy,vitich at fifty oceritsjoer gallon; will pay,fereest. of Mill and Evaporator tn fourdaisl - or whep , arilsw/inted for a brick arch, without otho - "orarrt In less time. 1 o • 3 3 SYRUPS have.been - soldat viii average f i nflextv cents n gallon, and Alone in inarket. - Ao good cane will produce•from 2to 390 gallons of Sstap. SORG() SEED.—We offer a Siperinedlir se -tectie.bgiourselves, Sprout the Seed. 'an roll in fplaster: "Plant in drills four feetaPart:fre Xerth •- - ttraats: 4 Liglit 'soil and Southern" expoStu* pre , carted ; although not absolutely'neeessary, as it will on.soits.Where many crops - would be a failure. - 141. - o • _ ~..,_Cook'S'Evaperrotarliaictalcero the list premium ov.erAillethersat.TOrpollnited StaresTa3r-s and over Stoteoßaire. _ • Claikoltirgo l4iaclsine CoinpailyiC"ANE MILL tunlahnVe-BRD for salety - • , W. G REED, Agent. Offiee-ftgroosiiiray Building, Chamb'g, Pa. Thii,Sorco gond-Book sent free to any Per „son asking.for marM pUBLIt!" - S A L E .—The undersigned, Administrators of Leonard Sellers, deed, will' sell at Public Sale, on Wednesday, the 30th. day of Aforeha9.64, on 'the Farm or Hon. Geo. Chambers, rade West of Fayetteville, the followbutprbpertY« viz : 7 head of , HORSESJ-2 of which are Mares with. "foal;-1- three-year old Colt. 1 one-Tear old I3rumP tou. Cold, 15 head of CATTLE, 6 of which are Mitch CNvri, 3 Steers, 2 Heifers. 1 three pear old Durham. gun and 3-small 'Heifers-- 7 -hetad of SHEEP. 2?, - 11.0G9,1 Farrit'Wagons tuna Bed. 1 one•horao Wa-' gon, I Carriage and Harness , 1 BUCKEYE REAP -ER, Grain - Drill Wire - Rake THItESIIING MA CHINE and. Hbrse -Power, 'Fodder Cutter, 'Wind Mill, 2 pair limy Ladders and Hay Fork, 2 three and 3 two-horse Plowea Harrows, 4 Double and 3 Single , Shovel Pltuis, 1 'Own - Coverer, l Roller, 1 Cutting Box, Dung Reards and Hook, Corn-Sheller, Revol. ving Rake, Wheelbarrow, Barn Wagon, 2 sets Hind 'nod 2 sets Front - Gears, Plow - Gears, Collars, Bridles. Halters, Wagon and Riding Saddles, Single, Doubt , . and Triple Trees,. Spreaders, 3 14folvigg Scythes, 3 Grain Cradles, a- lot of Bags-, 1 Log Chain. Cow' Chains, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, 1 Axe, Maul and Wed-a ges,.2 Mattocks, 3 Shovels, 2 Sinking Irons, a lot of; Blacksmith TOOIR, a lot of Carpenter Tools, Work Bench, Potatoes by, thobosbel, Bacon by the Panild S , c. Also—a variety of 110USEll OLD a ITCH EN FURNITURE, eons:sting of 4 Tables, 1 Bureau, Bedsteads, Chair,,-.-let of Carpet. 33 Clocks, I Cook ing Stove, 2 ten-plate Stoves, 1 Iron and 1 Copptr Kettle, 2 Meat Vessele, Tubs, 1 Sink, 2 Cupboarelf. 1 Patent and 2 Barrel Churns, Sausage Cutter, Saud sage Staffer, Lard Press, 1 Side Saddle, Vinegar by, the barrel, Crocks, and a variety of articles not cesearY to mention. 1 Sale to emmenee at 9 e'elock on said day,when `• due attendance and a reasonable creditwill-be given. ADAM B. WlNGERT.l.acint'it nuir2Z-Itf - JOHN____DOLWNEY, AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND, TRUST CO, Corner 4th and 'Walnut Streets Philadelphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpe tual. Authorized Capital. $500,000. - Paid-Up Cap ital, $250,000. Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. • . The Trustees haVe this day_ declared -a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon MtrruAt POLICIES during the year ending December 31st, 1863, and is force at that date, the above•amount to be credited to said Policles.•and have also ordered the dividend of 1660 on Policies lssned during that ear to be paid, as the annual premiums on:said Policies are received. • Prcsident—AlexanderWrkilidiri, Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. A etuara—John C. Sims. r- BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander - Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent, Hon. James Poi , lock Albert C. 'Roberts, P. B. Mingle. Samuel Work,William -J. Howard, Hon. Joseph Allisort, iansul T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charles F. Heat- lift, Isaac Hasletmrst. Wm. G. , REED, Chambersburg, Pa., is • the authoi ized Agent of the American Life :insurance and 'frost Company, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information warded, and to take Insurances. OFFICE, in the Repository Building. Dns. J. C. RICIEARDS and W. H. BOYLE ' Medical Eraminer. REFERENCES—Hon. A.K. McClure, Rev. S.J. Niccolls, J. S. 'Nixon, Chambersburg, and Wm. M. Marshal Cashier Hagerstown Bank. ;Persons desiring iniormation or wishing to insure will please call on, or- by - addressing the under signed they will be waited on -in any part of tho County or State. - W. G. REE 111)- Agent. VE9,-Offtee in the .REsoarrons Minding, Cham hamburg, Pa, • mar 23.; $400,000 471,000 f.086,ai8 A LIST Or GRAND and TEAVERSt JURORS for tt Court of ()Yet and: Terminer, Court of Quarter Semions of the Peace, Man Court of Coramou'Ples.% to bold at Chamborsburg. com meacing on /foram', the day of April, 1564: • GRAND JURORS. - William BoydJdontg - ornery ; Jas Aughinbaugh, J Chambersburg_. ; ohn Bert, do; Charles Campbell, Metal; John. E Crawford, Guilford; John niftier. Green; Isaac Siker„Quiney; Samuel Frantz, 'Wash ington; Thognas.Pegan, Fannett ; David Grossman. Chainbersburg „•. John Gilbreath, Guilford; Daniel Hollinger, Washington. Jos Hade; ; Antrim Henry 'talky, Hamilton; L.O Kopner, (barley': John Mir. per;Letterkenny ; Sigu'l.Kaufman,Guilford ; Mich ael Latshaw. Antrim; Leonard Lid), itiercershurg; John Miller, Chaoshersburg; Putten illadden,Fon nett.; John Oler, Washin_gtoa ; Geo Rodes. Mont gomery; Joseph Ripple, Wasbliagan. . • • . - TRAVERSE .TUTIORS—IstrIWga. • - John Benedict. Guilford; Samuel Braikinridge (4 - Southampton; John Bighorn, Green:i Wm l Brown, Greencastle; Peter Brindle'Green_;- N Brewer, Mercersharg; Daniel Byemi..LetterkennY; John C Brake, &Thomas; M 3-Brendle, do ;Jaeoly Bcinebralte, - Washington; Robert Carson, Peters; Win I Cook, Chambersburg: J B Cook, Green; Christian Coalman, Antrim; A L Coyle, Illeneersh'g: