El - rang against,. - every measure looking to. 'the-preservation (if the government,just - Stich rotes as-they wouni kite froni choice if they were not restrained eonstituen ties more -faithful than themselveS ; and in his ow - u good time, when every par pose of the majority had ,hee,n accomplish 0, he surrendered the chair and charged theminority with their just responsibil -it/forthe legislation of the Senate. - The loyalinen of the State owe pinch to Hon. John P. Penny. With a firm hand, and with that intelligence and' dignity that became the position, he -rescued the first legislative tribunal of the Commonwealth from anarchy ; braved . the storm of mad partizanship; compelled the disorgani zers to respect the laws, and made a pre (ident for all time -that perpetuates the State government; and he has quietly brought order to the Senate, and restored it to its legitimate legislative duties. - Tim Constitutional Convention of Old Vir ginia, now in session at Alexandria, has passed the following amendments to the Constitution of the State,3vith but into negative vote: Ist- Slavery and involuntary servitude, except for crime, is hereby abolished and prohibited in the State forever. 2d. Courts of corn - potent jurisdiction may wren cop I thuord of African, descent on like conditions provided by lay, for apprenticing white children. 3d. The Crenciar Assembly shall make no new laws establishing , slavery or recognizing property in hu man ,beings. ' 'The action of the ConventiOn'was responded to bj firing one hundred guns and the ringing of hells throughout the city. • IIoN. S. P. CEIASE has written a letter to Senator Hall, of the 'Ohio LegiAature, with 4rawing -his name as a candidate for the Presi dency. The Union members of the Ohio Leg islature having indicated a preference for Mr. Lincoln, air. Chase says "it beiomes my duty therefore, and I count it more a privilege than ,a duty, to ask that no ftu-ther consideration 'be giVen to my, name." HON. GIIARLES GILPIN ha4een appointed U. S. District Attorney for the Eastern District of this State, in place of Hop. Geo. A. Coffey, deceased. Mr. Gilpin is an able and experi enced lawyer, an ardent and active Union man, and is eminently fitted for the place; Ho was Mayor of Philadelphia for several years before consolidation. HON. ElAnus WtirrE, ex-Senator from rnai ana, hail been released by the rebels and is now on his - way home. He ceasedjo be important to;the rebels wheneverlis absence ceased to be of service to the Democrata;of the Senate. WE are indebted to Hon. John' Sherman, lion. John L. Dawson, and Hon. G. W. Scofield - foil copies of their Speeches iecently#elivered is congress. For The Franklin Repoeitory. ABOILIT STAMP DUTIES Many persons in the community are under the Jrapression that a promissory note for a sum under $2O requires no stump, This was indeed the law , as it stood in the beginning ; but by the amended aet of Marelt3, 1863, ererypromisory note, whether for a. stun even or under $2O, requires a stamp, as any one may see by com paring the amended law with the old law. The tables generally in use are, eroneous in this re spect. There is another, point in relation to promis ory nOtes'worthy of attention. Almost all sale .notes and indeed' almost all notes made in the °Gantry are sealed. Should theibestainged as promissory notes or as personal bopdsl They are no: pro4sory'notes, but single bills or bonds, in their legal effect. The decision of this qi&tion one Way or the other will not effect notes payable at a period exceeding six months, hut will effect all payable six months or less after date.. A promisory note at six months, for instance, reqUirtis a six cent stamp, - • if under $2OO, but a bond of the same amount requires a ten cent stamp, and Would toi invalid with a six vent stamp affixed. These things have -suggeSted themselves to me and I have noted ahem down, but I intended to write more particUlarly about the stamp on deeds conveying real estate, and which party, vendor or vendee, should pay for the stamp, because the let of April approaches and this question will arise in many instances. My at tention was called to this question by a decision of Judge Sharswood. of Philadelphia, published in many, of the papers, to the effect that in Philadelphia the purchaser or vendee must pay for the stamp. This decision has attracted a good deal of aqention and most persons, are under the impression that.if such is the, law in Philadelphia,-it must be the law thretiglio,.ut the State. But irdoes..net follow. - Judge Sharswood decided that the purchaser: of real/Sate in Philadelphia must pay for the stamp to be affixed to the deed, because, by the universal custom of the city, the purchaser pays - the expenses of transfer and the stamp is but an incident of the transfer. The universal, uniform and established custom of the city makes the law. Now it' the Custom is the same through out the State, the. law must be the same. But in' his community at least, we say with milli.; deuce, there is no such universal and eitablish , - ed custom. • Theluirchaser has not invariably paid the expenses of making the title papers. %Vhere there is no provisionmade in the article, the custom, if there is.one at all, is perhaps fir thipartiesto divide the expenses between them. Where this is ,not 'done the grantor full .as frequently pays as the grantee. Under the • circumstances Judge Sherwood's decision is no antbority . for us. Supposing then that there is no express agree ment and that we have• no settled custona•as they have in Philadelphia, what is the law? It may. Seem strange, but it is true, that the la*. is not settled. The questiod has been alluded to but twice, that we know of, by the,gifpreme Court; and in neither case was it neceSsary!to • : -expressly decide it. - It-will not long rodfain an open question, however, • for where. a heavy stamp is required itowill be worth while,to haye it decided. In England formerly the convey • Arica was prepared by the vender or seller, but in after years it-Was held that the vendee must • prepare and tender it, but this decision was :••founded'en peculiarities of English conveyanc ingWhieh do not obtain with us. Chief ..ljustice. TilLb Ban in•Sweßzer vs:: Hinitmel 3 S. P. R. INif,,,;reaned strdagly toward the, positicin that the seller Inuit piepare an 4 Opy the cost of the • conieyanee. • •Ile said; howevet, great regard . is due to custom, when it is welLestablished-. `Whether or not it is the ,ttusttim aniOnglts that , tthe-purchaser shall pay the coat of drawing tha -'lleed(the articles being affent),l nottuTuni." -On the other hand . in :Tieripan - vir - ROltind, 3 Harris, 440, Judge Bell says, that by the custom of the Stale, it was incumbent-on the vendees— , - the purchasers--to-prepare 'and tender for exe cution the deeds, bat especially under the cir ! eumstanceg was it their duty to do' so. = This, i declaration of. the Judge, was therefere very much qualified, and we regard it so all events I - not as . e-decision of the Court but as a dictum of th e J u dge, because it was not necessary to decide the question, the point requiring adjudi cation being conclusively settled upon other grounds. Such are the Pennsylvania cases. They leave . the matter in doubt. Hilliard on Vendors, a late work, collects the decisions of the different. States and lays it down that the vendor is bound to prepare and tender the deed, and the authorities quoted by him show that the law has been so held in most of the States, but he,notices the decision in 3 Harris, 440. On the whole, then,it is not by any means settled that the purchaser must pay for drawing the deed, and since the affixing of the stamp - is but an incident of the preparation of the deed, it is not certain that he must 'affix it. Perhaps the law may be hold in accordance with Chief Jus tice Tilghman's views, which strike us as sen sible and forcible: It would be well for the parties to a sale of real estate to provide in the articles for the of the expenses:of trans for' and where there has been no agreement, at I least until the mutter shall be decided, to di vide the expenses. Where, however, there is a' covenant on the part of the seller, as in most - -cases, to executea good and sufficient convey ranee, or the like, he must prepare the deed and raffix the stamp.= D. W. HARRIED. SHAPLEY—LANDIS - .--On the 14th ult., by' the Rev. C. L. Ehinfeld, ..Mr. Rufus E. Shapley, to Miss Emma E. Landis, of Shippensbnrg. PFEIFER—BItOWN.--On the 6th inst., by the Rev.:M.-Wolf; Mr. George Pfeifer, to Mrs. Catharine Brown. EPPELMAN—NEFF.-- , On the 13th inst., at the residence of the Brides, Parents in Fayetteville, by Rev. S. 3Clienry, Emanuel;C. Eppelman of Co. G. 138th Re t. Pa. Vols., to Miss Geomi rmaNeff. RITTER—SNIDER.--On the 3d inst., by Rev. F. Dyson, Mr. James Ritter to Miss Martha...J. Snider, both of Charnbershurg. DIED. SNIDER.—On the morning of the 9th •inst., in this, place, of Diptheria, Jacob Newton, -son of J. N. and Fanny Snider; aged 5 years, 7 months and 4 days. E • VERETT.—On the 9th inst., in this place, Mrs. Jane E., wife of Wm. S. Everett, Esq , and daughter of Mr. John Cree, aged about 28 years. MILLER.—On the 28th ult., in Et. Thomas town ship, Mrs. Susanah Miller, aged 69 years, 1 month and ...13 days, BYERS.—On the Ctk inst., in Giiilford township, Ellsworth M'Clellan Byers, aged 1 year, 3 months and dayt , . CAMPBELL.—On the 9th inst., at Carrick, Ma tilda L,. daughter of 3. H. and Ann Campbell, aged 10 years, 8 months and 7 days. MACLAY.—On 11th ult., in Shippensburg, Mrs Catharine Maelay, in her 72nd year. ALEXANDER.—On the 6th inst., near Dry Run. James 11. Alexander, aged 38 years, 7 months and 10 days. WILSON.—On the 6th inst., Hannah M.. infant daughter of Mathew C. and Margaret Wilson, aged 1 year, 5 months and 2.5 days. CIILBERTSON.—On the BA inst.. at Spring Run: George B. McClellan. infant - son of James and Jane Culbertson. aged 7 month and 913 days. • COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP—This celebrated TOILET SoAc: in such universal demand. is made from the ctioicr.sr materials, is sum and EMOLLIENT in its nature, irE4ORANTLY !TENTED, and extremely 11EXT;FleIAL in 128 action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ja27-I.s. REPORT OF THE MARKETS Chambersb • CI:LAMBE Flour—White $7 00 Floitr—Red6 50 Wheat—White 1 50 Wheat—Red 1 40 Rye - - - 1'25 Corn 1 00 Oats ,75 Clover - Seed - 6 00' Timothy Seed 3 00 Villa Seed 250. Petatees—Mereer... 50 Potatoes—PinkEyes 45 [131" TEM:GRAPH.) Philadelphia 3larketm. PIiIf.AIYELPRIA, March 18,1864 Owing to the unfavorable tenor of the foreign news the brarid , tuff market - was decidedly dull and unsettled. the only sales being a few hundred bhlc, for home - consumption, within-the range of s'; ;5 23 for superfine, up to $B6 - 1.9 50 for high -grade extra family and fancy lots. Rye Flour is held at VIM 25 In Corn Meal nothing doing. Wheat is inactive• and coated at $1 6060. 63 for Red. and $1 70(5i , 1 9$ for White. Rye offered at $1 2ia4l SO. Corn inactive at $1 1791 19 in storeand afleat. Oats unchanged. 5.000 bus. Clover Seed sold at $7 so(q.7 [BY TELEGRAPIi.) Baltimore Markets. - BiLTIMORE, Mare 15 Flour dull and heavy. Howard street super sells at efi 62340(t3 75. Wheat-dull anti droooinF: liens ti;cky white - $1 WO. 90. Corn firm: White Al 15 (1 16: Yellow s'll7. Whisky firm at 115W25%. Provisions dull and unsettled. fixbi al3bertisemento. NORTH WARD UNION TICKET.- 1 1 The following is the Union Ticket for the North Ward to be voted on Friday next: ,hevlge of Eb.ction.—C. C. Foltz. invector—.Tere Cook. ANsorsor—D. M. Leisher. ARR't As4emorii--Emanuel Kuhn, Sam'l .thitqtabie—Ruftts K. M'Clellan. [march 16-1 t QOUTH WARD UNION TICKET.--- 1 7 following is the Union Ticket for the South Ward to be voted on Friday next: judi.e of Eleetion—Samuel Myers. • Ingpector—John Sitters. , 9x/lessor—D. M. Leisher. Aset A.mosgors—Erritinuel Kuhn, Sain'l March 16-lt. PEAR TREES.—Standard and Divarf Pear Trees of the leading and most valuable varieties. Among them can be furnished some " EXTRA SELECTED" Trees, the Dwarf 'having frnit buds and ready for immediate bearing. 'Price for good trees. 50 to 60 eta each—Extra tie leeted,7s eta to $1 each. Rates lower by dozen. J. 311811, Keystone Nursery, mar 16-tf7 Harrisburg, Pa. , ,- ._ LIST' OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT April Term.-1864. Common Pleas; commencing Monday, April 11th, 1864: John & Sol. Ely vs Franklin Funk. Michael Zellars • vs James Rule. • Jacob Overcash •,- vs Wm. A. liszelet. Matthias Phillipy vs John Ashtray. S& M Pennock &Co vs Wm. Reber. Solomon Allison vs Uriah P. Smith. Jas. S. Ross, Executrix vs J. S. Ruscabury Ex . r. Solomon Baker vs Philip Kyner's ,Adner March 16 , K. S. TATLO ' . Prothonotary._ THE OPORTO GRAPE.—This Grape isnot recommended particularly as a dessert fruit. but makes an excellent, dark colored. well bodied Wine. so closely resembling genuine. old-timed PORT WINE, that none but experienced judges can distinguish between the two. Although it is manufactured extensively in Western New York, the supply is unequal to the demand, at from 150 to S 4 per gallon. Vines for sale by -the subscriber, who has been ap pointed Agent for. it at the following prices: One to-three years old, 25c to 50 ets each. $2 50 to $5 per dozen, .$14,t0 $3O per.loo.-- I JACGE raAr 16-11 . 1 'Keystone NurserY, Harrisb'g, Pa. I(EYSTONE NURSERY.—The sub scriber is prepared to furnish most articles us nally to be found in Nurseries, of good quality and .•at reasonable rates. The Stock embraces all leiuling kinds of : • • • • - k s li-UIT'PREE Apples, -•- Cherries, ' Peachci, • Dwarf and Standatd Pears, Apricots, Plums, • • - Grapes,.Strawberes, Raspberries, Currants, , . - • Gooseberries,: Blackberries, - Also can be furnished a good assortment of - EVERGREEN—TREBS__,' *.• ' Evergreen:slid .other Shrubbery, Shade Treel, Great Facilitiea aro Posessed fer shipping artlcles to all parts of the country, as the:Nursery immedi ately adjoins the City of Harrisbu:•" mar 16-tf JACOB MISII, Harrisburg,i Pa. rg Markets: RSBURG, March 15,1864 Butter. 30 Eggs- 18 Lard 10 Tallow 9 Bacon—Marna.....:... 14 Bacon—Sides In Soup Beans 200 Washed Wool 60 'Unwashed Wool 40 Pared Peaches 3 , 00 Unpared Peaches... 154 Dried Applc 2 00 .:-,- tii„....t--- stama. „.. n .i_ .., -3 ,..,„ 0 ....p 0zu,.5 .;1 , i -, ca ...4 , = l6, 4864 • ,• , -_ . ' gete2 ,, bliertioentento: - pAitmE - fis article f CORD VELYET at WHITE'S Cl OF EVERY STYLE AcD variety, s >ld by the yard at WHITE'S NrlV7 Store JOSL— -The lost a Voucher on Capt. Denny for tai2 50, for Which a liberal reward Will be paid to the finder, - if returned to ticDOWELL'S Warehouse. All persons are warned from 'purchab - ing said r ett?,her as pay ment has blen,stopped. GEp. A. DEITZ; march 10-.9,t A DIVINTSTRATOR'S NOTICt.-No -112 Lice is hereby given that Letters of Admiral,- trntion on the Estate of .Tames H.:Alexander. late of Fannett township. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Fannett township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate .payment: and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement.l3. O.; Mee1.111.1./Y, mar 16 Administrator. Y R' S FRANKLIN* COUNTY NURSERIES.-FH.Fir-ANDOR;ASIENTAL TAP. Rs, GMAPR VINR% STRAWWIRY PLANTS,Err.----Thc largest stock to Select from in the.countv,J Every thing iu the FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that is at all desirable. can be supplied from the com monest standard Fruit Tree. to the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or,variety of Fruit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees are unusual ly fine, stout heavy trunks, furnished With fine branching heads ' from three to five feet-from the ground, as may be desired. Our aim is to grow the best of everything pruning, and eultivating upon scientific principles, consequently.jour productions are not - offered in competition with Trees grown upon the old let-alone system. Au invitation is ex tended to nll who r.ro interested ia fruit culture, to come and see fur themselves. A large stock of Grronhouse and Bedding Plants, Roses, &e., in pots, will be ready in April and May. Enclose three -cent stamp for descriptive - Cata logue of Fruit and Ornamental trees, &e, Address, B. L. RYDER West Franklin Nurseries, Near Loudon. Franklin Co., Pa,_ mar 16-tf PROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, andthe•Coristables of the different townships in the county of Frank din. Greeting: Know all ye, that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and meal of the lion. JAMES NILL, President of the several Courts of Common-Please, in the Sixteenth District, consisting of the eounties of Somerset, Bedford, Fulton end Franklin, and by virtue of his office. the Court of, Oyer and Terminor and General Jail De liveq for the trial of capital and other nffenders therein, and in the General Court of quarter Ses sions of-the Peace, and WILLIAm W. PASTON and kTKAg 0. CAH.Si)N,Esas., Judges of the Caine county of Franklin. You and each of pin are hereby re quired to be and appear in yonrproper persons with your Accords, Recognizences. Examinations, and othen Remembrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Chambersburg, ate. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General quarter Session of the Peace, therein to be holden or the County of Franklin aforesaid, on' the 2nd Mondap in April, being the 11th dap in the. month, at 10 - clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to do those things, which to yourseveral officea apper tain.l Given under my hand at Chainbershurg the 15th day of,Mardi, 1164. SAMUEL BRANDT. march 16 . Sheriff. ETTERS t Chitmbersburg, (Erwin Lewis ' 'Fritz George 1 1 !Fisher 'Fields Henry Cl IFrey Mrs J F Gordon P OF L -LA post Office a Ayrris A M StCo2l Anglo Dr Jno , 2 'Allen Miss Catil.! Allison John I Baker Samuel, Boyer S A Gerwick J H Gray Smuel Hoiiar Conrod Humer Snead , llodskin Fred. Hartman JohnD Hefferman Mi4A Horning MrSil Hill Wm W Llnnn John. r Haehstetter Haas Christian Horner Chas M: Ifendrieks Alf. Hall George 3 Jack, Jaeohq Albert K esselzing Kellog W D LerelißShermah' Lehman Daniel Mell Edward A Miner W H Martin John Miller David A Miller George for the above Le e been.advertiFe —.T. W Btaee kiss Loui. Bowman SusanC Bland Robert Butler Abraham Baker S W B(;W j ers% A Butter MrsE. BoWlingFrances Baldwin A B Brown David P Blair Philip D, Burns John H Cart Miss Eliza. Cline George Cunningham M. l Clark Miss Dir.. Clapsnddle L Cro ks Wm Carrier Jas CT Celt Miss Sarah?! Overran C A Dann Chas. B Divelbiss tleorge , Dashing Adam Eby A: Son I Elliott John I Persons (Idling say that they hay ADDLERY! SADDLERY!! FIARNESS;•MMANITACT'OIiY • . subserly r resii - ectfully informs iris friends and BE 1 0 , 1.4 , • public, that he continneej to eat ry on the above businees at hisfil l d Stand. on WEST MARKET STREET,' Opposite CIIAMBERSBUIIG, PA.,, Al'keeps Constantly on hand a general assort- ment of ing and Wagon Saddles, Riding .13ridles, Flat and Round, Black and 'Val.!' , i'noss and Draft Collars, Patent Leather Collars ( goodquality). , . Blind Bridles;. Broad Gears, ant'l ei-erythinx in the •Leather dine can ho fourith in Ids Atop, or made to order, at nioderate rate,../ REPAIRING." - (toile at ahlrt notice and on rea'aonalile tetras. 1 TRUNKS AND VALISES al tilts on hand and sold chciip Fos Ile employs ,none but the teat ocorkmea, NEW 'GOODS ! SPRING STYLES ! PV 0001)81 ENV44OODS: (100LSI tiV GQOLSI 'Pie'ee Goods Sold bY the Yard see Goods Sold by, the Yard ,Pieee Goods Sold by the, Yard Piece Goods Sold by the Yard CHEAPER art'any Stoke hi the county.. largeit and best assorted stook of CLOTHE, CAsumpaiEg AND JEANS CLOTHS. , CASSIMERES AND JEANS 'CLOVIS. CAS§lld'Elelt AND ' CLOTHS, CASSINIEREE AND 'JEANS for Men and Boire ever brought to this place. Call and Examine - Call and - Examine Call and:Examine - can and ExaMine ,READY , MADE CtOTtIING • , READY MADE CLOTHING HEADY MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE-ARTIIING AT 'AIHITE'S - NEW i3TORE r AT WHITE'S NEW STORE - AT WHITE'S NMV - STORE AT 'WHITE'S NEW STORE • sr 16-2 .Throe Doors SOuth of the Diamond ~ $„....r-', BEIVARD.,--Lost, on the sth inst., - ij somewhere, 'between Goolea Tatinery and 3tereersbtirg. a Leather Pucka 'Book, containing between thirty and tburty dollars.. The above re ward will be paid to anY Peron leaving it with that. subscriber. at llig. residence in.Little , Cove. mar 16-3t* , i GEO. C. MARTIN. pXECIIT6It'S NOTlCE.',Notite is j_l4 herclir given that lettera Testamentary to the Estate of John; W. Jordan, late of Chambersburgs de ed, has been' granted to the undersigned, resid ingiin the 13orclugia of Chambersburg. • All p irsons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate Will please make immediate payment : and those haring claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. inifr 16 ANNIE E. JORDAN. Executrix. XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is 12.4 hereby-given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Henry Horst, late of South a mpton twa.. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, re !wing m Green toirnahip. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make 'immediate - payment; and those having-claims will please present them Pro perly authenticated fur settlement. - LEVI HORST; J.L. EBER'zOLE xecntors. DUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned, i• will offer alt Public Sale, on' the premises, on Thursday the: Tith dors of Moech,lB64. the following Property. Tract of SLATE LAND, situate in Hamilton -411w.n&liii.), about one mile West of Chamber:burg. near thettnrnpike, containing about Ten Acres, all in first-rate order. with a good Log and Brick DWELLING HOUSE. good Barn, Or chard, three good Springs, and one Acre of Timber, and ails necessary out-banding::: If not sold on that day, it will be offered for Rent. :Also, will be sold at the same time and place, 1 - Carriage. 1 Wagon, 1 Sleigh, (lean.. and Harness, I Harrow, 3 PIOWEc Cutting Bof, Rakes, Shovels, Forks, Wheelbarrow, Grindstone, lot of old Iron, lot of Lumber, Rails and. Logs, lot of Carpenters' Tools— Saws, Chissels and Augurs. Also, a variety of llunseholddndKitehen:Furniture, and a great many articles not necessary to enumerate. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, when the terms will be made knosvn by' [mar 16-10 FRED.,WALK. Agent, ALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL.-- 1J DB. JOHNSTON. the founder of this Celebrat ed Institution, offers the most eertain; . speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Weds, Struc tures. Seminal WeakneSs,. Pain in the Loins, Con stitutional Debility, Impotence, Weakness of tho' Back mid Limbs, Affections of 'the Kidneys, Pa/ni - • tation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritabili ty, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin;. and all these serious and melancholy disorders ari sing from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. These secretand soli tary practices are more .fatal to. their tictints than the song of the F. yrens to the mariner IHYssus, blighting their tnost brillianthopes. oracticipations rendering marriage; 4te., impossible. - YOUNG MEN,- Young Men espociallY,who_havobeeome the vic tims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful anddestructive habit which annually .sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of zonng men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening - iSenates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy the living lyre ; may call With full confidence, 'ALARM - A.OEI - Married persons, or young men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organ ic debility, deformities( &e., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston. aining in• the ,March 15,1864. Morrh.on Hans Miller Michasl Meenulley W m Myers Chalks Nicholson Orr. Robert He who places himself under the oaronf Dr, John'- ton may religiously confide in his honor as a gentld marl, and confidently rely upon his skill de a physi cian. ORHANIO WEAKNESS! IMMEDIATELY CUBED AND FULL VIGOR RESTORED. This disease is the penalty moat freqUently paid by those who have-become the victims ofimpreper dulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit • excesses from not beingaware - of the dreadful consdL q exams that may ensue. Now, who that understandi the subject will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into inipro perhabit than by theprudent. Besides being depriv ed of the pleasure of healthy offspring, and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debilitsolYs pepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wag , ' tug of the frame, cough, symptorasitf consumption. • Office Xo. 7, South Frederick Streit; seven doors &tint Baltimore street, Eastside, up the steps. Be particular in observing the name and number, or ycu will mistake the place. -ts-h -A CURE -WARRANTED IN TWO •DA.YS. No Mercury or Nauseous Drucis..: • S IS o Member of the oy t it College of Surgeons,=Lonclon graduate from one-of the most emment,Colleges of the - United States. and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospipals of London, P.tris Philadelphia and eLsewhbre, has effected - some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the head and. ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, . and bashfulness, with frequent blus , dug, attended sometimes with derangement of laird were cured immediately. • .. A CERTAIN DISEASE t When the - misguided and, imprudent votary of pleasure find he has imbibed the seed of this pain ful diseases, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame. or dread of - discovery, deters him - from applying, to those who from education and re spectability can alone befriend- hini, - delaying tijl the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nobs on the shin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidi ty, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in and the victim of this awful di sease becothes a horrid object of com.misseration, till death puts a period; to his dreadful Sufferings, by sending him to "'that bourne from whence no traveller returns." - To such, therefore. Dr. Johns ton pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice in the first hospitals of Europe and America,he can tontident iy recommend a safe and, speedy cure to the unfor tunate victim of this horriddisea.se. Frets Miss Eliza Pultse II C 2 . Strasbaugh H. Small 13 ( Shultz Jacob' Smith Miss A B. Small Edward ;Salle G S elton Carolina ;Stouffer Daniel Smith Miss M E IStaileY APkrustas ;Smith Miss Eliza Strong Jelin G ;Shively Miss E. !Shively John 1 I Th - omas Mrs 0' !Tucker S,G ITomboSamueVß 'Tayler Herm% - Wertz Gefirw: Wise Ali-s Ada. Welsh-Wm. P ;Wolff Emma ;Warred Wm W 'Zacharias S M _;tters will please d. DEAL, P. , M MEI It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unshilltbkess of ignorant pretenders who by too d iiithatllll.ldful poison, Mercury, ruin thesonstiMn. and either rend the unfortunate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable, 'Lamm of xll kinfir Dr. J. addresses those who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences, - These arc seine of the sad and melancholy effects Produced by early habits of youth, viz :—Weakness of thellack and Limbs. Paine in the Head, Dimness. of Sight, Loss of liluseular Power. Palpitation of the 'Heart.' Ilyaliewia," Nervous Irritability, Dem alinement of the Digestive Functions; General De bility, Symptouis of Consumption, lee. liely:srim.y. the fearful effects on 'the mind are much to be dreaded: loss,of :demon; confusion of m e m, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Soli tude, Timidity:aro., aro some of the evil effect,. ThOusands of persons of all ages can now judge NV luttis•the cause of their declining health, Tossing their vigor.: becoming weak., pale,,have singular ap pearance about the eyes, cough. and symptoms of Consumption; Nragclu , thltere, - - DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. this great and, important remedy, Weakness, of the Organs itt speedily eured,eind full vigor res tored. Theutiands of the , most nervous and , debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately re lieved, 'All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Norvoud Irritability, T nee hling, 1l eakuess or Exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston, YOUNG MEN, who have injured themselves by a certain practice. indulged when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school. the „diet - Ls are nightly felt,' even when asleep, and if not cured render, marriage impossible, anddestreys both mind and body, should apply immediately. - What a pity that a young man, the hope of his Ountry, the darling of his parents, should be snatch ed from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, mid indulging in a certain secret habit.. Such per sons, before contemplating L • • _ MARRIAGE • should reflect thata..__und mind and body are the most necessary , requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, thepros peat h,eurly slarktm to the- view the Mind bobornes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melan choly reflection; that the happiness of another be corn es•blighted with our own. OFFICE No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET; BALTIMORE. , JAMES B. - GILLAN -:SPRING STYLES! :61 ) 11P 7 (4 STYLES! SPR hT ; STYLES! 'SPRLi(4 STYLES! '• • - TO STRANGERS. 2 ' The piing thousands cured at thit lastitetiOn, in the last fifteen Ants ; and the numerous important surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed' by the reporters of the papers, and many otbor.per= sons, notices of which have apteared, again; and again before the,public, is a sufficient tuarantee to 'the afflicted. N. , B. There are so many ignorant bad worthless !maths advertising theiiisol , Pes as Physicians, ruin-, wig the health of the already' lifilietediDr. Jo:ihns ton dooms it nceessary.to say to these unacquainted with his reputation, that his Eliploinas bang ia,his' :office. ' • - - Noises- Air letters must lee post paid,' and contain a- postage stamp for the reply, or nc answer will hellcat. [mar 16-Iy. ikein atoertioemento„ EffE TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Ileln Abbertionnents. ~ T :IST 0,11 itETA.ILtItS.-2-Notiva IS _Li hereby given to, all Wholesale and Retail Dealers engaged iia selling Goods. Merchandise. Commodities or Effects of whatever kind or nottire. eitherof the product and manufacture of the. United States or of any Foreign State: and to all Millers, Distillers, ke., residing withinthe County ofFrank lin and State of Pennsylvania, that they are class:,- lied and assessed by the undersigned Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes i in said county, for the year /864. I as follows : 1 CHAMBERSI3URG. ass. License. Ileyser & Oresslor, Drugs ...... ........... .1S .$lO CU I Shafer & Stuart, Grocery,....- ..., 14 7 00 I , ' I' Hockenberyr t Shoes. ......... ....... 14 7 00 Wm G Mitchell, Shoes.-- 14 7 10 George Lehner. Shoes . ..,' 14 7 to I.A Heineman, Jewelry... 14 7 00 H B Davison, Hats and Caps...-. . 14 7 GO Isaac Hutton, Shoes 14 7 00 John fl Ditman, Grocery .. 14 *,_ 00 , Joseph Deckeimaer. Confectiona 14 ri . 00 J A Jacobs, Tobacconist.. .. . . .... ... . 14 I 00 J W Ditman, Grocery 14 7 Ou 14 1 00 1 1 Conrad Wagner, Grocery • .... -. . ... .. . ... 14 2 John Neil, Grocery 90 I George Daman, Grocery 14 7 00 1 Lewis Wampler, Plater 14 7 00 S 2.3 Perry, Grocery _... 14 '7 00 John Sheets, Clothing 14 7 00 John S Ludwig. Stoves ...... -...., 14 7 00 1 11 H Huts •Store 13 10 00 . J I M Russ Jewelry- 14 7 00 h I Huber Toloert. Hardware.- 10 21) 00 Huber & Co„ Edge Tools 14 7 00 Lambert & Huber, Paper Mi 11........... 12 22 50 , W H Cunningham. Flour 14 7 JO., 1 C A Trone, Grocery 14 7100 •Moses Greenawalt, Grocery - 14 700 George W Rouse Grocery 14 7 po John Bert, Grocery 14 7 00 I Isaac Stine, Grocery. 14 • 700 Christian Smith, Grocery 14 r 700 William Wallace & Co.. Store S 3,1 60 J D Jacobs, Tobacconist- .: 13 10 00 I Wm Bender, Confectionary.-- ...... ... 14 700 L A Shoemaker. Confectionary 14 7 10 F GDitnann &13ro.„Jesvelry... 14 700 .),I'Cibitoek *Son, Hats 14 7 00 Jacob Hutton, Shoes.... .... ... ...,....... 14 700 James L Black, Store ~... 13 10 00 E Anghinbaugh, Jewelry.... ....... ..... 14 700 D 23 Fahnestock, Grocery 14 7 00 Jacob Spangler, Drugs. 14 7 110 Jacob B Miller, Stoves '' ' 13 10 120 George Smith, Shoes.. . . ...... .......'......: 14 - 7 00 Frank Elliott. Clothing 2.... ...... ... . .... 14 700; Huber* Lehmaster, GrocerY 13 101)0 L B Enter, Lamps and Hardware-. 14 7 00 Peter Feltman, Shoes - 14 700 S Lochbeint Clothing. 1.. ... .........,...r. 'l4' 1 700 J S Nixon, brags , 13 1010 J L Deehert, Hats 14 7 110 Esster &Brother,,Store* - 5 '6O 00 Brand & }lack,•Hardware...-. ........ 10 20 Po A .1 White,Clothiag ,- 13 10 00 John Jeffries, Confectionary 14 7 00 i Etter, Hamilton ' & Co., Stoves 14 7, pa Samuel S ShrYoak. BOoks r - 12 12 .10 Charles H Bub, Tobacconist. 14 7 01 W W Paxton, Hats artelShoes,..., ... ._ 1 4 700 J Hoke k Co., Stare ~:...... • 9 ' - - 25 to J A SCramer,Tobaceo • . ‘... ............ ... 14 700 .1 Franklin Snider, Stoves.. - 14 7 00 L Ebert & Son, Coal and Lumber.-- 13 10 00 Wunderlich* Nead, Warehouse 14 7".00 J S Grier, Warehouse 14 7'oo , Peitz & M'Dowcll. Warehouse. .. ... :.... 1 14 7 00 Win ReichterSrocerY 11 2 ,00 Oaks & Linn, Warehouse 14 700 1 Cyrus Sprecher,,GrecerY.- 14- 7 00' G Falkenstein, Shoes 14 7 1 00 Alex Martin, 8rewery........., 25 10 G. W Smith, Groeery 14 7 00 John Schofield. Gr00ery",......1....'„ . ... . . la. 14 2CO liC BoYd, Grocmy. ... .... -- .. ......,-,.. 14 , 111 , A .1 - Miller, Dimple ' 14. • 100 I Christian Burkhart, Confectionary... .14, 7 00 J & Geo Watson, Books 14 700 William Gelivieks, Grocery 14 70p Conrad Miller. Shoes.. ~. :.14• 7OD 1 Marks Felheimet, Clothing 14 700 , — . .J M Wolfkill, Flbre...t 'l4 1 Pii 2 , IeCLELLAN'afRE,PORT.-- Marion Elliott,GrocorY 14 700 v Nicholas am Gr°cerT• 73 7 11 ° 'Oho Copyright Edition. Priliiiihad Miller the Dirac- T J Iffright, Book -- . , 14 _ ?lie:e. on of General McClellan. The Artly Editiou George BrannerXrobacco two bail= '.l* . ` - 7 / i l ,,'' ' . that is Authentic and Corietat. All the other J T Hoskirwon , Clothing.... ~, 7 o'."' Ed, ditions published•will beoordokof the .. 4 John Goetraah, Groce.ry. • ' 14 Government Edition"; and will lime David B Little,.Confectionary. ..... .... 14 7 0 0 George Snider, Grocery 14 700 ^', , unite Errors. , i •r , } Georg w e Ludwig, Brewery' ' ... / 2510 / .-- )1) BY SpecialArrangercient with General McClain, Wm I` Matthews, Billiards—.-....... - Ales Fahnestoek, Grocery 14 7,00 . 1 SRBLECON & COMP ANYi -13 Wood, .Thombiry„....... ... .. .. ......4.... d ia, 10 00 pp ELl „m s, ANXRESI TOWNSHIP. L 1C0,335 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.. F B Snively,Store....... 1 i 13 10 In WOULD - Announce THAT THEY WILL 1 70131,108 Eli Fuss, ConiettionarY 14 703 • , G W Zeigler & Co., Store 10 20 C H Kunkel Jr Bto Shoes....- es * -14 7Ol MAJOR.-GEN. IIeCLELLAN'S IMPORT ~ o ....- IJ 11 Hostetter " Drugs 1. , 7;1.00 or uts co s' - wins ro s I.A W Welsh Hasdware - --,. ... ... ....' 10 00 . AR3IYOF T II E P OT,*3l*, AC, j Go A df Thi reno d e l tz °thla ,Sto l4. v . es -" .. "------ " --' 14 14 'Lira F. Peon rrs snattarnm 1 , 1- 1 John Goetz, Store 14 . 7 . 00 To which will ho added umostintorostmg W S Riley Store.. 14 `7:00 , INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER, - 13 .- '10430 i Prepared by GENERAL MeCI,ELLAN, on his Irwin & RhodeN Ifanksrare I l litnia. , s rat y le oau&C ; :n s if t r r tionary..,...„, lt . 7 1 00' ipocr i CAMPAIGN IN WESTERN VIRGINIA, Wm M. Carl, Drugs •14 7.00 And atoll accoimt of the conditiOn of the Army II Appenzeller, Confectionary. 14 7043 and/the Military Ps:epode of tho Countil•at the Adam Goetz, Grocery 14 ° -700 ' time Of ..his asstiming command of the Army of the Benjamin Eby, Grocery 14 7 00 I . Plitorage3'trliloll does not appear in the Report an Jacob Newcomer. Confectionary...-. 14 '=7 (1( t , eutto thiftlyierriment. . .1 Hostetter & Co:: Grocery 14 - 700 i • `lrtaVol.llvo. - Illustrated with Maps. Pnee,42.91 1 Peter Smith, Shies II Prather, Stare- 13 10,01 ',. . ' • - 14 ' 7 0 For those who cannot afford the OCTAVO EDI- I t George Eby, Confectionary .. ... . ... ..... 14- 7 * [ CION. a 'CHEAP •..EDITION - will soon be ready, , John Bnrk, Segr 'l4 7* / sotitiiininc all the Maps,and also ' Samuel Hostett r. Confectiomiry 14 20t ME INTRODHUORY CHAPTER ON THE Ili R Fetterhoff, 800k5..... r - 14 ,01 'CAMPAIGN IN WESTERN VIRGINIA."- , George ligenfritz, Factory„ 14 7ilX Ibis Editiva a ill he desliable for Clubs. Address. 1 Weitz & M'Dowell, Warehouse__ 14 7 06 SHELDON & William Werorx, Jewelry 14 83,5 CO., Broadway, New York. .3' W Barr, Stove 7106 I mar 16-Ita °s 14 700 , Publishers of Standard, Miscellaneous, Juvenile. Philip Goetz, Grocery 14 700 . and School Books, at Wholesale and Retail. Crowell & Davidson, Foundry _ 14 7' 00 Copies scot by mail,' postmlid, oa - receiptof the 1 A Irnbrto & C0.,1 Warehouse_ .- ~ • 14 • 00 • t o r i e , I A F Sehaf hirt,,,Warehonse 14 7 00 Joshua Yous,(TtocerY 14 7 00 John Hartle, Distiller . Zi 00• 1 Jones Henkel], Distillo • '4OO i F T Spieler, Distiller `5OO 1 John A Orr, Confectionary 14 7_oo & Bernhcart Beek, Store 13 Theo. King & Bro.. Store 14 7 1 00 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. II & DCo.,Bear &Co Manufactory 14 id 00 I• Peter Keekler, Store' ' 14 1 Joseph Price. Store ' 13 Wm A Grove, Silversmith _ 14 1' S Zindorf, Variety Store 14 , F Fourthman, Drugs 14 i• Geo Stover, Store 12 I 1) B Russel, Tinner 14 I .I - It Welsh & Son, Hats and Shoes..... 14 (1 & J Bender, Clothing , 14 i Geo. Frick. Foundm & Machinist- - -10 11 Stonebouse Hardware . 13 , Josiah &sore's hens, 1./t0re........-.... n J F Hurts, Drugs 14 I Amberson,Bencilict & Co., Store. • 10 1 J Beaver. Variety Store 1.1 I W H Bi othertmt, Hardware 13 T J Filbert, ClOthing .. ..... 14 W A Trule. Stoves .4.. 14 Joseph W Miller, Store 14 M M Stoner, Drugs 14 E W iVasha bough, Segar , 24 John Dow mai. Distiller - Hoover ,V . Shockey, Salt 14 Samuel Frantz; Salt , • Walker & Elden, Flour 14. Peter Rouser, Store ... - ...... . .... 11 [ QUINCY TOWNSHIP. Volker llngh, Furnace 12 'biker Hughes, Store 1 14 Holker Hughes, Forge.. * IL liolker Hughes, Rolling Mill * 14 Peter Mehlfelll Confectionary., 14 F. S Smbll, Store 14 George Knepper, Store' - 14 LI Shiery & Co.. Grocery. -.-...•... - 14 Henry Good, Istiller Joseph Rock, Grocery Dr 11 Rosonburg Druggist Looltabaugh X. S ecrist, Store.- Collitlower & 011er, Store John At Cook, Store Robert Johnston Distillery Henry Besore, Distillery Lewis Elliot, Store.. GREEN TOWNSHIP. Josiah Dice,Store 11 Jacob Harehelrode, Distillery Jacobllarchelrode, Wareh0u5e....:....,14 J P Wallace. Store 14 H Embich* Son., Factory 14 S Shively, Drugs —. 14 Michael Good, iaotory 14 J W HointzelMan, Grocery 14 Mary Ann Adair, Confectionary 14 Jacob B Cook, Store...-. 12 StE White, Factory' -,...... 14 Robert Black, Store 14 GUILFORD TOWNSHIP. J A Eyste ,r Paper Mill 8 Enter & Heyser,•Paper Mill- 10 CllllPlinigtil, Store 14 John M'l.Cmghti Store. 14 Stouffer. & Stnekler.Paper Mill 12 MONTGO3IBRY`TOWNSHIP: Thomas Bowles,Store" t 14' Christian Prantz,Salt•-•• , ..... 14' John Rummell. Salt. u B Winger a Co" .Store.. ......... ."....." - 14 J N - Brewer, Store - ' .13 John Shirts Hardware 13 il`Mßeynolds, Drum " 14 Matthew Smith:Shoes and Hats. ' -= 14 T C Grove. 14 s it M Shaffer. el9thing -- .14 'W.D . Mliinstry,,Store • • ' -4 " 13 GeorgeilltupledyStoNies - • 0 14 John Hook, Confectionary 14 D 3t B Shannon, Variety Store 13 1_ I fteW alibertisements. - 14' 7- OD Wort Eckman, Confectionary- ' 14 , 700 Leonard Leidy, Foundry-4:- .......... 'l4 . 7OD A L - 14 - 700 Conrad Fres.tiolkSegars 14 _7 00 • FIXERS TOWNSHIP. John Thompson. ........ 14 7 00 Beaver& Cos, Forga..... 4 . 7 co Ferdinand Senseny, Stovel4 . .4 700 Thorom .01'Elnira. Grocery " 14: 700 John Treher. Segura tnd Tobaceo.. - .... 14 '7 00 John-Holler, Salt and syrup. ;, 00 James D Scott. Store... 13 • 10 00 Cook & Boyd, Store .... ; S. TIrOH4 Dtion & Elder. Store ; ; 13 10 00 D A Fohl, Store..., 14 ' 700 Daniel Barnhart. Confectionary - 14 i •7 00 Simon Furls - . Co, ' 14. -:•7 00 "Wm Polsgrove,t•onmettonary • • . 7 0 0 H A Hicks. DistillOry - 25 00 . • . - .W,ARRBI , I TOWNSHIP. - John Zitritherloan, Store.. 14 7 00 Wm ltraeary;Store 14) 7 00 HAIkiIT.TO TOWNSHIP.; : Abiallum Einfer.Distiller• 1 25 00 Rena Lenherr. Store 14 . 700 SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. Jl3 & W Orr. Store , 13 ; 1000 Kerper, Grocery., 14 7 00 Jacob - 14 .. 7 00 Brough & Barehelrode, ; 25 00 Reuben Weidler, Store 14 700 . LETTERICENNY TOWNSHIP. , • James S Slyder, Store... - . ...... ~... .14 j , 700 :Wm GlVelellart, Store ' -14 - .700 Jamm P. Spear, Store • 14 , 700 Gee Westhafer, Store ' - 14 .. ... 700 . . , -_, • '' 'LURGAN TOWNSHIP.. , -11,11, Skinner & Soft, 5t0re....,.;.......... 14. " 700 Thomas romeroy,Sr.,Store.. 14 " - ' 7 00 11 W Bailsman,. Confectionary --. .. .- 14 - 700 1 -• ‘ .- t --,- P-ANIPTT TOWNSHIP.' ;', ,-- L'iOhn'Creiner, Stere..,..-......,... .......... 14 ' ,' 70G .W R Pomeroy,, , StOre... t " ' ' 14 - .700 i•S Bllockenberry, Store 14 -- ' :700 - Nimtms & - ,llierly, confectionary 14 700 Wm Johnston, Store. , - .. 14 , 7 00 -JardeiPergnson, 5t0re,..,.....-- 'l4 . 7 0 0 'A Mackey &Son, Store- 14- 700 :jades M Rankin, Grocery . ' ' 14 ` , 700 Isaac Clugaton,Store i .14. ', - 700 ;WA Ittnekey,"Store... ' - 14 ,7 00 John'W, Everett &13ro“ Store 14 „ : 700 - -.• : --' ' - - -ItIITAL TOWNSHIP. . J 8 Skinner, Store- 14 7 00' W S 11'Aiten, Store ; . 14 7 , 00 Jll Welker,_ - ShoM " • 14 ; • ; 7 , 00 7 , 4fOurdY--&-Monrry; Store 14 ;'7 00 Sanntel-Weiker, urge - 14 - 7, 0 9 , .r i ~,0e - git33lllol:Wfaitleri 4,0 e •ii "71315 -AST A T. held on Friday, the 8111 day - Anrg, 186• Lat. the COMlUssioxrns' OFF/ON, in the Borough ofCfiambersburg, when..and where all per ions interested who are not satisfied with the above elamitleation may attend if they 'see proper. No aPlleaht Pan be had afterthdiftb do_t.Of April. Given under my baud, thisloth day_of March, Mt • BOWMAN. Mercantile Appraiser. marl6-4t BERRY TREES.—A . fine nesertment kJ- of about Fait) , best varieties. trees of large size and vigorous - . - , ets 50 eis,ls ets audit $3, ts'. Ziperdoz„ $lB $2 . 5. $3.5 per 100. J. MSII, Wax 14-tfr KeYstone.Nursorsy,ilarrialfg. Pa: itifiLLINARY AND STRAW ODDS — , ..INJLillAyetrfariety. _of the latest imPortatione, and of ;the rtessiost and most fashionable styles. MR.:STRAW DEPARTMENT will I con.tprise erdtvya,riety" =Bonnets, Hats and. Triinminp to befound in that lite; of the latest-and ;most ap proteed ihapes-and stylo.- Solicitin g _an leans , call, kremain Youre;Respeetfnll7 - H. WARD, Nn N. 103, loki 4 107:North . SECOND Street. ;mar 164 Q • , - Philadelphia. 101 t EGISTER'S NOTICE.- - --All 'persons 1 at inferesterliviliplease take notice that the foi -1 lowing accountanti have settled their 'twebnnts in 116.-Register's pifthe of-Franklin' County,'-iMd-that the IMMO will be presented to the Orphans' Court far confirmation. on 'Wednesday, the. 13th day of April, 1864, at the Court Howie in Chardbersbusg : 53. Account of Joseph Snivoly, Jr. ; Executor, of. john Rowe, Sr., late of Greencastle, doe'd. 51. Sword Account of Jacob CridOr,iGuardian of William and Margaret Miller, minor Children of 'Joseph Miller; deceased. , - . 55. First and . final - Account of A. rt - Etter' Ad-- rainistrator of Wm. - B.'yner.rdeceas ed .: .- - 56. Second Account of C. M. Stoner mid David Id.' Stoner, Executors of Hoary', Stones, lato of Peters township, decd. "'• ' - - r;; 57; , FulitlAncouni Of Mono` it. Skinner, Guar dian of ' Henrietta'. Bottler, minor Child of•llenrY Dobler, late of Dorgan township deo'd. ' - . 58. Acenunt of Abraham Hessler; Trustee of Mrs. Martha House ' s' daughter of Christian Burkholder. late of Guilford township, dco'd. :. , • ' 39. First and final Acconnt of Mary Grove, 'Ad rainistratrix' Of Wm. Grove, deceased; : 60. Account' of Jlieob N. Flinder, Administrator, d. b. n. e.t, a. , of Henri Flinder, late of Chambers burg, deed." • , tr6l. First - Ana' MILLI AccountifJohn Crawford, Ad minisator, of" Nancy Craw ord..late of Guilford townshipdeeeased. q 62. FirstAcconnt of H. RHornisli and Simnel hi t Hornish,.Elecntors of Jo Hornish. late of An-' trim township; deceased. .• - ' i,' 63. Final Account of Wirt Boyer and Frederick Byers. acting Executors of Frederick Boyer, late of , Guilford twp. deceased. . -.- - , 1.. ~ '. ' 61. First andfalai . Account of Henry, liege and Christian Luber, Executors of Jacob, Rego, late of Guilford town., deceased; •• 65. First and final account of A. H. Etter,_Gaar- OM of Emma Enter, minor Child of 'Jacob liner, deceased. . , i 66. First Account of David Kelley and- Hears Brubaker, Executors of Henry. Brabaker,lato of Peters township, deceased. • - 67. First Account of J, G. MoClurn hind 'H. Mc- Clure, Administratorti of Andrew *Clore, late of . Fannett township. deceased. 1 ' 68. Account of Jacob'Pensinger. Administrator of Simon W. B,apleylate of Greendastle; decd. Mt Account of Joseph A; Kreps. acting .Execu tor of Wm. MoCurtei, Into of Mercersburg, deo'd. 70. First: Aecotsiat of Magdalena•Peiffci. Execu trix, P. Henry Feiner - and. B.'Kiined.Y. '',F.iteu torai-of PhilitiTeiffer, late of Chainbersbarg.dee'd. 71. First and final Account of Barrel McElhare, Administrator of Isabella Poe, late 'cif Letterkenny township, deceased. - - ~ • -..! 72. First and final Account of Abrabain&enediet, . Administrator of John Maori, late of Antrim twp., - 73. Firstand final Account of Sainuel Roadie% Administrator of Elisabeth Brubaker, late qf.tiont rgomeoloalnghipileeessed: - - 74. First:and finattuiCou.nt of. R. P. McPharland. , Administrator of John MePharlandi deceased. 75.. First and final account of R. P. MePharland, Administraternf Robert C. MePharland deed. mar 16 -.., MIRY STRICKLER, Register. '4l 00 °O 1q 00 700 00 5 7 00 7 00 2,-) 00 0 0 r 7 00- OO a• 1 1 1 mt 0 7 06 Oak 7 Or 7 Oe • - Or• 4.5 Orr 14 - 17; ~. 13 wog ~. 13 • lo Ud , - 14 : 7 L 7: C? 25 t,`. 13 , • 10t h . ,a 17 q 5 • 17 r [7.r 7 i 7 f. - -,7 t ,7 c • !Yr. 71 X01 123 7 r 7 r fl 7 C.' ‘, 10 ,Irf • 17 17 •7 • 7 0 110 - /GRAND RE-OPENING • On,Saturdas Evening, 'March.)sth,- 1864.0 f te'CO'S" CONTINENTAL -VARIETY. 111,OVE. The Mantwera take pleasure to ianounce_ to the - people Of Chartiberstiorg; that theiehave lewd the above named Hall-for 'a abort seastin. !vrith,n; STAR COMPANY OF ARTlSTS:Typeperformando bnuoin nowevaiiety of SegiVe. Dances; Burteemwe. Plantation - See*, rke. For_ Ptuttculars, see .pro- - grammes. , , ' •fAtittnistott 25 Cents. Deers open at - 7 o Clock .per- . ; btu:lance to commence at 8. „ • Atir Front Scats reserved for 3,411e5. mar94.t" WM. PENTZ:liusiness Agent. ll =MI N E