The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, March 09, 1864, Image 8

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- " Gov. Curtin hasissued an earnest and eloquent
, Proelamation.against - yeunsylvania soldiers en
listing in tither states; He truthfully Wad poiut
edli antis:
' By enlisting in regiments of other States they
deprive their thinilies at home ' - of, that generow
and aid which our in* has provided for
Item as - a right, and not as -- tt charity; they will
not enjoy the right OfSuffrage which an approach
, ing amendment of ,the:Constitution will give to.
out abient volunteers; they cut themselves loose
from the ties which bind• them to their homes,
and which bind •Pennalvania to give";them con
stant care and andstatce in the field, an obliga
tion which bur - State has never neglected. If
wounded' or sick; they will no longer be fostered
,_ • by our agents, ,and received with applause and
•eonsidenition, us men who havedone honor to.
ennsyl ran icc ; they bring the history of their
regiments to ha - abrupt close; their names 'will •
no longer be - entered on et& rolls; all the. glori
- ons recolleetiOni.of. their -valor and sufferings
-•• will be sickened by the facrthat they have aban-•
doted their native State; deserted the great
Commonwealth under whose banner they have
earned - for, themselves an d - for her the highest
,neputation for courage and all the martial vir-
fues,•andlhat they have done this under induce-
Meats which are in fact unfounded, and at the
very time when their friends and neighbors at
borne were preparing Mr them bounties proba
bly larger than than offered by other States,
and certainly much larger, if the support afford
cd;fo their tionilieS be taken into account.
therefore appeal to our noble volunteers not
- taiabandon the Commonwealth. She has been
proud of the glory. which their course hitherto'
has shed' abundantly on her. As a mother she
*on right to the honors to be won in future by
_ 'her children. Stand by her, and she will stand
by you, and you will have the richest reward iu
the. grateful affections and sympathies of your.
famittea, your friends, your neighbors and your
ant if you 'leave her for the service of other
States, you-throw away all these, for their peo
plewill.regard you merely its mercenaries, and
when they have fulfilled theirbargains, will leave
.'ett• and your- families to shift for yourselves.
Recollect your homes and your families and your
' friends ,and the banners which the CoMmon
wealth first bestowed upon you, which you have. ,
_ varried so gloriously upon many. a bloody field,
and. which, 'defaced by shot and shell, but still
bearing the names of the battles in which you
, have been distinguished, she has provided for
receiving at the close of the war, - tmd preserving
as holy relics of your patriotism and devotion to
• the cause of our common country. These things
rth more to you and to your children
than money. Do not grieve and disappoint your
,-friends by abandoning themall.
r•I take this occasio to enjoin upon all Magi's
tfittea, District Attorneys and other officers, a,
• strict vigilance in enforcing the laws of this
Cothmonwealth against all persons who shall
within this State attempt to recruit volunteers
for other States.
A recent issue of . the Philadelphia Universe,
the Catholic orgsii of this diocess, had an earn
eSt and. candid editorial recognizing the inevit
able doom of - Slavery as hastened by the mad
nea of treason. - The article gave great offence
to many, members of the church, and a number
of its patronehay.e withdrawn their support
To this • assault on the Universe, it,answers in
the following dispassionate manner in its issue
of the ,211th ult., and we commend it to the con
sideration of candid men :
" In a recent edition of the - Universe the feel.
by which slavery is at present surrounded, were
examined ; and those facts were fairly shown
to illustrate that: the institution of slaveryir
virtually destroyed by the war; tha fits over
throw is ajust punishment on the South for the
crime of rebellion ; and that the future peace
ofthe empire demands its subversion. But we
now see that the Boston Post—Which is the
most respectable Democratic journal in the
country, the New York World,—which has
Wen a most forthidable enemy to the Adminis
tration, and the New York Herald, which has
upheld slavery with the most signal ability and 0 1 5-PARTNERSHIP.—The undersign
pertinaciousness for twenty years, now view ‘j ed has associated with himself, on the let Feb
things in precisely the same light. We Irish reap', 1864, JOHN B. STUART, in the Grocers
De'mocrata may not like this complexion of inunness i under the name and style of SHAFV .O
things, and we may abuse till we burst the 1- e ST t U en A d lt et f. to Thankful
es nlt ta ft for
, P n o ag es ° h
:r a et t i r e ,
Abolitionists as principal instigators of the, attention to business to merit for the new firm s I
Southern revolt; but facts, whether just or un-continuance of public favor.
just, arel
against us. The Abolitionists have
attually carried the day, and it is utterly outof I
our power to drive them back to night again. I
Abolitionism of the most perpetual and sweep
itutaind is seizing the entire nation. And we
may as well not attempt to resist the national
-current. The tide is "using; let us not permit
it to leave us in the solitary sand. As there is
christian philanthropy in emancipating the blacks,
let us hare that philanthropy; as it is justice to
the nation; and as the future peace of the country
demands the - ruin of slavery, let -us secure thi,
future peace of the country. Away with parti
sanship! Amoy with mere prejudice. Away
the nonsense of resisting the national current. I
Let us at all events accept with grace what we
cannot undo,"
vq. n o s of the Copperheads do not like to
Come iMt openly against, allowing Soldiers to
vOc., -But the GretnsburgDolocrat—the Dem- .
ocratic organ of Westmoreland county, where'
they feel pretty stiff—in its issue oryeb.stht
" The House of Representatives have passed;
by,a large Vote, several Amendments to the
state Constitution, and instructed the Judiciary
Committee to report a bill for a Special EleCtion
0 }
inAfignst fur the p opleto vote on these amend
ments. • Hargnett nd Riddle voted ,vtrith the
majority. The pc le of this counticollectively
are opposed to tinkering with the Constitution at
the present time, and as for Special Elections, we
don't Want them., Our Representatives should
a et itecgding_ly." •
• VO - EMOVAL.—Priim 433 Market Street
' Ai) tothelaige IRONBUILDING,SI3Market and
510 Commerce Streets, Philadelphia.
'ore Goads than any House in- the United States.
keeps the Largest Stock in the United States of
Buckets. Brooms, Tubs, Churns,
- Baskets, Brushes, Mats. Measures,
Clocks. Looking-litmus. Oil:Cloths and
Carpets„ Window Shades and Paper, -
Bird Cages, Japan Ware and Whips. '
_ Also—Cotton Batting. Wadding,
' "Twines; Wicking Ropes in Coils'
and Dozens, C r ofton Yarns, - -
Cotton and Linen Carpet-Chain.
Our prices will average Lower than uny other
,-I.louse in the city. Call and see for yourselves.
Pot further partienbus apply to S. S. SIIRYOCK,
Chambersbunt. sop 236:i
A./ Dealers - and Consumers Of the above Cirleb mule .1
Walk Blue, will please take notice that the Labels
are altered to rend "INDIGO BLUE, Put np nt
'North Second Street, Philadelphia." TheqUality
of this Blue will be the Same in every respect.
Itis svarrauted 20 eolor more water than twice,
the samerqutuititv of Indigo, and to go muchfurther,
thorn - any otherAtash Blue in the , market. It dis
solves perfeetly.clenr, and does not settle on the
clothes As YllOBCOi the other makes do One Box
dissolved in .a half pint of water will make ns good
a liquid blue as any, that is made, ,pt one-third the
cost. .
it is retailed at the same price:;:, the Tmita-= j
tiohs and inferior artieles ' housekeepQr.s., find it.
vety much to theirudvautage to ask for tnat put op
All Blue
.put up after this date with BARGCeeeS
name.oti 104 an imitation,
o new label does not require a stamp. For sale;
PterokoOPers generally, =
Boots ant *hoes:
E ,S HOE .'l'.ORE.—The sub
• scribei takes this method of informing the
citizens of Charalsersbnrg and vicinity that he has
just )etarned from Philadelphia with an ENTIRE
LY NEW STOCK of Boots and Shoes, of every
variety, style and pattern, and of the best manu
He has no old S'lloppeepera on hand. His whole
stock is new. Give him a call—you can easily suit
pouf self. Ile invites the .Ladial call,
as hP will take pleasure in shmung his goods- Mom
in the aTom formerlyoccupied/bs Frederick Smith,'
Egg.; as a Law Office. and more recently used for the
purpose by George Eystor, Esq., two doors North of
Fisher's Hotel, Main Street, Chambersburg. Pa., - =
His large and Well selected stock, he being a_prac
ticarShoemaker, consists Ladies' Gaiters, Boots;
Slippers and Buskins; Misses and Children's Boots
and Shoes; Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slippers, Hoots
and Brogans.-
Don't forget the place. No trouble to show goods
at "THE NEW STORE, two doors North of Fish
el.'s, Hotel, Main Street, Chambersbarg, Pa.
CALL AND SEE .-=The, -undersign
ed announces to his numerous friends and cus
tomers that he continues to manufacture to Order.
and keeps on hand, a full and complete assortment
of various qualities and styles of SHOES and GAI
TERS. for Ladies, Misses and Children. His assort
ment of BOOTS, SHOES, &e., for Men and Boys'
wear is complete, to which herespectfully invitesat
tention. WORK ofall kinds made to order, in attest
and durable manner, and at short notice. Call and
see before purchasing elsewhere, and he will satisfy
purchasers that he sell at Very small profits for
cash. Don't forget the place—nearly opposite Huta'
store, Chambersburg, Pit. •
jun 17,63. - GEORGE LEHNER.
-" ainting;' elating, &c.
Shop in the Old Armory Budding; (up Stairs,)
' next door to the "Old Jail," Pilfer 4.
- Foltz's Carriage Manufactory, op
posite Brown's Hotel; and
I I respectfully take this-method of thanking the
citizens of CliAmbersburg and vicinity for the very
liberal patronage received at their hands for the past
.year, my first yearin this place, andfiattering myself
thati have done, and am still prepared .to do -the
very best work in my line, [solicit a continuance of
past favor. B. T. FELLOWS.
P.S. I respectfully refer to any of my patrons—
James Eyster, Win. MeLellaniXoL A: K. McClure,
Rev. Mr. Niccolls, Presbyterian Church, Dr. Rich
ards, Dr.' Fisher of the German Reformed Messen
ger, J. Allison Eyster, Wm. C. Eyster, and any oth
ers for whom I have none work—for - character of
work done 'and expedition,
jun 17,634.
TAKE' NOTICE!!—We will give 12 cts per Solie
or'eubic foot fur LARGE ,WALNUT LOGS of good quali
ty_ delivered at our Mill . ' The lop must- measare 20
inches' or more in diameter, fourteen feet from the stump
in which case we Will take the whole tree up to 10 inches
diameter. We wilEalso mate SPECIAL CONTRACTS
fur extr.i good trees.. These terms are offered until the
lot of April next.
i dec 30-3 m
r, • TO $l5O PER MONTH.—The
LITTLE "GIANT Sewink Machine Com-.
pany want an Agent in each county, t&solieit orders
for their now $l5 Machine, with gauge sereve:driver
and extra needles. We will pay a liberal salary and
expenses, or give large commissions. For further
Particulars, terms, &e. 'enclose astanip, , and address.
fcbli-3m General Agent for thet United States.
WEAVER; good wages wal 'be given; at
' Central Woolen Factory, near Chambersbarg.
feblo-tf H. EMRICH it• BON.
WANTED.-100 bushels - SMALL
T T ONIONS, We will pay $3 per bushel, for
there, if, in good order.
'fob 17! MILLER 4k, EENSIIEY
enzliartnerotip Rotirts.
- 110ARTNERSHIP.—Notice is here
13y given thairthe undersignedhave entered in
' to partnership in the Hardware and Cutlery business
atfithe old stand of Myers & Brand, where we an
Prepared to furnish every thing in our line as cheat
as any other house in the county. Special induce
ments are offered for cash, as ourmotto will bequiet
sales and short profits. :JACOB S. BRAND.
0c11.63. - GEORGE FLACK.
00-PARTNERSHIP.—Haring rissocia-
NJ „Led with me, this day. February 9th 186.1 th
mercantile business L. B. KINDLINE. the businc•
hereafter will he conducted under the Sim of Vs
LIAM. WALLACE CO. Having had a libera.
patronage heretofore, }solicit the same for the nen
arm. [mar ' WILLIAM WALLACE.
; ! lieligto" O.
. 1
.11.^.the following subjects, will be delivered in the
Bethel, corner oil - Queen and Water streets, by th.
Rev. C.ll. Forney
Sabbath evening, Feb. 28th. The duty and mcinne)
- of hearing the Word.
" March 6th. The Church of God. i , tobacco aub *rgaro.
her Form and Faith.
" March 13th. Ordinanc e , Nature .-..-.-..-...----.-----..---,:-.. . .. .. . '". .'" ..!.
and Character of CENTS PER POI 7 NI) TAX ON
March 20th. Baptism, Action of : 4 0
TOBACCO.—The Government in -about to
o " March 27th. Ilaptism.Subjectsid...
put of 40 ets. per pound on Tobacco.
April 3rd. Feetwashing an or
dinance. • - You can save 50 per cent, by
0 "
9 April 10th. Lords Supper, Na- You can sac 50 per cent. by
. . ture, etc. Buying your Tobacco at J. D. JACOBS'. -
.0' The probability . is, that the doctrine to he Buying your Tobacco at J. D. JACOBS'. ,
• ' Bnying your Tobacco at J. D . . JACOBS . ..
preached under these diffeient themes is taught in ;
Prime Navy Tobacco at 7,1 to )10 ets.
the Word of God , and - he -who is acquainted with i -
the nature of probahilitie.§3nows that he is'eonse- (Prime Cavendish Tobacco at 80 ets. to $l.
quently under obligation to-investigate these, sub- , ' Prime Flounder Tobacco at 75 to 00 ets.
Jed)) candidly. Let not this favorable opportunity ,• Prinie Congress Tobacco at 6) to 80 ch. 4.
pass without availing . yourself of its privileges.
I .1 A
Momentous issues are involved in the settlement of I
these questions. Free Church—come and hear with- I , JACOBS sells Old Virginia Plain Cavendish.
JACOBS sell Old Virginia Twist.
out money or price. ' feb 24-7 t. I . '
JACOBS sells Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco.
JACOBS'Michigan Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco.
Cannot be Equaled,
Cannot be, Equaled. -
• - ' ' JACOBS' Segars are superior to all.
\ ; JACiiS , l'.;egars are superiortu all. R. W. W.. scHLO SSE R, Surgebn ~- 11. t ii ells his own manufacturing.
Dentist. has removed his Office from the Mal - Pipes, piphs, Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipes.
sion Rouse to residence of Mr. John Noel, North- ' ', Box Pipes,; Mahogany , Pipes,' Apple Pipes,
West corner of the Diamond, and immediately op- C herry Pipes,Andia Rubber Pipes, Clay Pipes, and
Posits the Franklin Hotel. Office on the. second other pipes. -tipe in and get your Pipes, Segart4 and
Tobacco at J.,.. . JACOBS', Main Street, 'Chambers
floor-entmnee through the passage, to the right as
you ascend the stairs. : innl7,e, ,
• 3. burg. , . jan27-Iy.
11011- E - 181 0 V -A L . -DR. J. K. REIC,
Dentist, has removed his office frotn tho corner
of the Public Square, where he practised so many
years„to the. corner of Main rind Queen Streets,
above Ileyser l Cressler's Drug Store, Chambers
burevPa., where he Will be pleased to receive the
calls of his friends. .jun 17,63.
3uoticro of the jeace.
DAVISON, Justice of the Peace. 'Office im
mediately opposite the Indian Queen Hotel. All
business entrusted to his care will receive prompt
attention. Inatrumenta of Writing, of all kinds.
drawn up in a satisfactory manner. iun17.63.
• Chambersbnrc. Pa. Office in Franklin Hal;
in the room formerly occupied by Stumbaugh &-
Stewart. Prompt attention elven to any thine. in
the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener. fe3,614.
Loot t tolen anti ~Strapetf.
V.STTIA.Y.—Came 'to premises
or the snliteriher. In antlferdtewroihip. at the
Franklin Mill Farm, nenintime In thy. be4innltim of Dfs
comber last.'TWO El EMS.. one a_Ronn, alentrthree
yenta ohL the other 4 Maley, Red and White SyettPdt
; thomt three years old. The naner In requested tb
firore property and take thew away. - -
- - • J. A. VOTER. -
;:si;(.l. ll P, i:P3,l44in . A . COPPitgus ~,#:4TEllr.. - -3-,-----,1.564..
TRI'ST CO., Wet,yur Sr at S.OVrI4-EAST Con.
Founru, Pheladelphia, for the year endin; Decent
ber-:Thst.,-1863. -
' 5 162,670.24
Interest " " 38,677- 20
Renm " - 2,018;17
Life Losses kn. paid, amounting to - ' 562,136 18
Commissions I ing_Agent s. nd "
pebses of 27,818 22
13ompt Certificates iurehased, and Divi
dends paid
Salaries and Medical Examinations
Real Estate, Taxes...tut— . . .... ...,„ ......
Return, premiums and:T* bought.,
-Printing, Advert'g, S„tattou'y, Stamps,
A. A
$lOO.OOO U. 5...5V Loan
1300 Shares Penna.. Rail toad Stock.
:10.000 Wyoming Canalßontli
slO,OOO State of Tennessee Bonds
$lO,OOO Phila. & Erie Rail Road Bonds.
442 Shares Corn Exchange Bank
.$lO,OOO Pittsburg. Fort WaynoUnd Chi
cago Rail Read Bonds
20 Shares Consolidation Bank
512,000 Alleghany County Bonds
$9,10.1 Reading Bad Road Bonds '
107 Shares Farmers Bank of Hemline..
$8.300 City of Pittiburg and other Bond . ,
142 Shares Williamsport Water Comp'y.
$3.010 City of Philadelphia L0an,........
1542 Shares American Life insurance
and Trust Company....: , ... .
Mortgages, Real Estate and tironndltentsMMS . 60
Loans on Collaterals amply secured.....„ 159,533 94
Premium notes secured by Policies.. -4
54,250 35
Cash in hauls of Agents secured. by Monis 12.770 - 62
Cash on hand.and in Banks 33,355
VALUE OF FUTURE PREI n 8818.440 54
Calculated to December 31st 1863—.. -- 44.,7110.219 65
Or amount necessary to reinsure all out
'shulding risks $158,482 63
- Philadelphia, FtlL, •1.1564.
The Trustees have this day declared" a Dividend
of FIFTY PER CENT, on allpremiums received
upon MUTUAL PouctEs during-the year ending
December 31:4,1863, and in force t that date, the
above amount to be credited t lid. Policies, and
hai-e also ordered the divideo 114 on Polities
issued during that Wear to I,c paid, as the annual
premiums on said Policies are received.
P rid ent—Alextitider Whilltlin,
Soe rola ry end Treoaarer—John S.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander Whilldin.
.T. Edgar Thomson. George i ugent, Hob. James Pol
lock, Albert C. Roberts,- P. B. Mingle. Samuel
'Work, William J. Howard, Hon. Joseph Allison ,
Samuel T. Bodine,'John Aikumn, Charles F. II ear:
litt. Isaac Hazlehurst. •
Wm. G. RFlin, Chambersbnrg. Pa.. is the author
ized Agent of the American Life Insurance and
Trust Company and is always prepared to furnish
pamphlets or any information wanted, and to take
Insuranutz.; OFFICE, in tho iffpository Building.
Da. J. C. RICHARDS, 21fedieot - F.,aliminer.
REFERENCES-11°M A. It. McClure, Rev. S. J-
Niceolls, J. FL Nixon, Chamhersburg, and Wm. M.
Marshal Cashier Hagerstown Bank. [march 2.
B. T. F
nIIR AGENT. - Mr. JOHN • GnOVE, of
Chamhersbuic, is the General Agent 'of the
Franklin County Mutual Insurance COnniany. junl7
Equbliohed in 1830 •
Is the oldest REPORTER published in this coun
try, and has never missed a number sitibe its com
mencement. now nearly
It is issued on the lst and sth of each month. and
it has by
. the well known and admitted ability with
which it conducted, long since earned its position
Of the
Standard Reporter of the Country. -
Oar whole time at.d undivided attention is given
to the Reporter, and the tnany yeamof experience
we have bad, and the great facilities we command,
enable as to give to the Public the correct and
reliable work of the kind published.
Our Corrections and Quotations for each number,.
are invariably made up to the ,hoar ot going into
the Printer's hands, by the well kutrin Banking
House of • -
36 Sean Third Street. -
We hold ourselves bound
To Redeem at 0117 4 QlUdatioll4,
it the time of flying to press.
The Reporter contains a more correct list of Coon
erfeits and Altered Notes than any other Reporter
low published. Each number contains a full and
:orrect, dweription of all the Fraudulent 'iotes put
:nto circulation since the preceding issue.
Particular attention is paid to
It is a full and complete list of all Stocks offered
it the Board of Brokers. It is always corrected up
to the - day ofgoing to press.
Are always full - and correct, the corrections being
nude up to the day of going to press with each issue.
the Copy, monthly, one year .. • $1 00
lee Copy, semi-monthly, one year'
Subscriptions may commence with any mouth.—
Versus always CASH IN ADVANCE.
All letters must be addressed to the Publisher,
,45 South Third Street,
PORTER.—Published semi-moat*, • -
icibi-Munthly Monthly'
s The only Bunk Note Reporter in the country with
tuatations in FOUR CITIES.
'Subscriptions may commence with any month.—
Cerium always cash in advance. All mu munications
, hould be addressed to S. F. COHEIs.:.
' war 2-3t] 23 South Third Street. Phila.
AND VICINITY: Tho undersigned having been com
pelled to leave Virginia on account of his Union
sentinients, has conic among you to establish a bus
iness, hoping from his long experience, and by close
attention, ho will meet with a generous support. —
His stook will consist of all the best brands of TO
BACCO AND SEGARS, which he will sell as cheap
ni can bo had any where in town: Don't forget the
place, sign of the ` little Virginia nigger," oppos
the Franklin Hotel, next door to Shryock's Book ite
Store, South-east corner of the Diamond.
jun 17,63. C. H. BUSH.
now (miler all their Tobacco, Segars. Pipes, Sm.
from .T. D. JACOBS. They know. Jacobs sells the
best and cheapest. jan27-IY.
UST RECEIVED—A fresh supply of
Michigan Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at
jan27-17. - J. D. JACOBS'.
-assortment of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco
and Sugars, just received-and for sale - at
BOYD'S Grocery Store.
-1./ ER & CO'S Book Bindery is on" the Third'
ING, on the Diamond, above Shryock's Book Store.
Entrance between the Book Store and the Inland
Telegraph. office. " Old Books, Periodicals, Music,
Newspapers, 41:e_., bound is any style. Blank Books
made Welder, Paper ruled to any pattern. ja6,61
$1.42,566 71
239;188 - 7 . 30
K E 11 - -I 'T :17
, L. FAiRBAN.-K.S; A. M.,
far the last four.years Principal and Chief Business
Manager of Bryant kStrattores Commercial College.
Conducted-on a new irystent 'of, Actual Business
Training; through the establishment of legitimate
Officers and Counting Douse, representing different
aepartments of trade and Commerce, anti a regular
Bank of Deposit and /SAM; giving the student tall
the advantages of actual practice, and qualifying
him in the shortest possible time and most effective F
manner for the various duties and employnicnts of
business life.
The course of instruction in the Theoretical Df-
Partment embraces BooksKeepino, Commercial Cate
culationst, Lectures on Buciness-Iffilirs, Penmanship,
Qmouercial Lars, Forma;, Correspondence, &c..ln
:?..5,75. 62
10.047 00
1,367 69
7.4;76 34
7.541 66
the student enters upon the Graduating Course,
- which includes a continuation in the ahoves.tudies.
with their practical application in all their details.
He will in turn till the position Accountant and
Proprietor in the various deparrnents of Wholesale
and Retail Trade, Foriearding,. Jobbing, and Coml.
mission Banking, „Ifanufaeturing,
Ste.runboating: sad aill finally (tor UR Cashie'r,
.Bonk-Keeper ilnd Teller in the Bank,' in each of
which positions his previous knowledge s will ho put
to the fullest, prnoticat: test..
This Institution offers to young men numerous ad
vantages not possessed by any other Commercial
.College in the State. It is complete in all its ap
pointments. It is the onlytnstitation. in the State
conducted on actual business principles. The course
of instruction is ti . rpassod, and tiay. be completed
in about one-half the time, usually spent In other
institutions. in consequence of ari entirely new ar
rangemedt, and the adoption of the new practical
Diplomas awarded upon the , completion of the
COtnatcrolal Coarse, which embraces all except the
higher sets., of iluokiliv, .Ifunufacturing. Railroad
ing, (N.. -hterulf,n. a circular. dre2-Iv.
FOR YOONG LADIES.—The Spring Session
wilt etantnence ma Tacsday, , Feb.ilth, 1864. but boar
ders can enter at any time, and will be charged ac
' cordingly. A large attendance, both in the primary
and academical departments, gives el, idence of an
interest in the school not surpassed in any former
period. Miss B.ll.Cartis, tLlsist ant iu the higher de
partment, hears testimonials of her eminent fitness
to instrucrin the higher branches, from a Seminary
in the West, where she taught tbr several years..
The primary Department is chiefly under the care.
of ilrs. C. B. Moxey. the effects of whose energy
and efficiently appear iu the flourishing condition of,
the department, ?Miss Z, C. De} orest is well known"
as an able and experienced teacher of music.
'SS to 05 per session of five
months. Boarding, $6O.
lies in need of teachers can hear of young ladiels
well qualified, chiefly graduates of the institutiorq
by addressing '
jan27-tf. Rev; HEiRY REEVES. Principtili
attornepo at iLatn.
0 Chambersbunr, Pa. Office in Mr& Bard's Buil
dings, directly - opposite the Court House.
Having had official connection with the Provost
Marshal's Office, he offers his services to dratted
men in the ldth Congresiional District, claitningmt
emption from 3lilitary service under the law. or for
phystearl causes; and hopes from hisexerience and
strict attention to Id:witless to satisfy tho'e intrust
ing him with their cases: Persons from abroad can.
receive advice and have their cases prepared by cor
Reference can be had to tho Board of Enrolment
of' the ldtit District. lion. A. K. McClure, lion.
James hill, Chamber:min.. and lion. Ed. McPher
son. Clerk House of Representatives. jaml.
Nimmtr.—The undersignbd have associated
themselves in the practice of the - Law in the several
Coartg,of Franklin County. Office on Sitrket St.,
in the room heretbfore ilccupied by 'l% B. Kennelly,
j nn17.43. - T. .T. WILL.
F. S:t 4 7um n.l tan. - JOHN STEWIRT.
'NEYA' 1T I.IIV. Clutruberkburg, Pa.. give their
undivided attention to the practice of their profes
. .
John Stewart. Agent for procuring Bounty money,
Pensions. and Arrearatml of Pay.
Waco in the room lutt4y occupied by Hon, Wilson
Reilly, no Market Street. opposite the Court House.
jun 17.474.
Y Ij. & W - 4 S. 'STENGEL ATT6ii
-11 SRN'S AA. ANV, ChnutheNburg, Pa. Collec
lections promptly attended to. W. 6. Stenger. Die-
trio Attorney. and Agent for procuring Pensions,
Bounty money. and Arrears of Pity. Offme in Frank
lin Building. 3d door from the corner.
Lau - . ()trice in Mrs. Bann tiWellina. di
rectly opposite the Court tiouseXhattibersburg. Pa.
Will practice in the sent rnl Courts of Franklin and
Fulton Counties. All legal business entrusted to
his care will receive prompt attention. jun17,4;3.
11- • 'yr • L Chsniberitntm‘,Pa. Office' in Mrs
Bard's Buildings, directly opposite theAurt House.
' , -
i.-T,%w. 3I
Chuznbersburg, Otfic9, Main St.
i above Queen, in the room formerly occupied by S.
I . Reisher. E q. Jun 17.63.
VA A TTOitiNY s AT LAW,: haVerelllOVell tO the TIMM
on \l:lin St.. 1 &Jur Sot!th Ut Eysur's Store. jun.. 17,63
LS. CLARK, ,:--irrousEY.- Ar LNly,
. has romoeed his otfieb a few doors East of his
natter location. on Market Strout, South side.
.junl74i3. •
lJ L A 14 - . Office on Market Street, in' Lawyer's
itew„.olipositb the.Vourt, jtin47,61.•
A. LAII7, Chambersburg, Pa.‘.oEftee on East Mar
ket St., nearly ommeite the Court House. jun 17,63.
ChntnWrsburg; Pa. - Mee in the Frank
lin H.Jpository Buildings. ' • jun 17.63.
Al • LAtv, Gruoncastio,- Pa. 5cp30,63.
'J WARE ROOMS.—The subscriber informs the
public that he continues the manufacture of the Ca
rious articles of FURNLITHE in his line, at his
Shop; on Main Street, three doors South of limber
e fo I hert Hardware Store. Ile has always on litind
r prepared to manufacture on the-shortest ne
t e. Spring , Seats, Cane Bottom, and Windsor Chairs,
Sofas, l'lntn and Fancy Tables, Bureaus, Dressing
and Common Wardrobes,Wash Stands, Book Cases,
and Bedsteads. VENITIAN BLINDS got up in
the best style.
Particular attention paid to HOUSE PAINTING
AND PAPER HANGING, and entire satisfaction
in every instance guaranteed.
REPAIRING of all kinds, in his line of business,
promptly attended to, at moderate prices.
UNDERTAKING.—Hayins purchased the Hearse
of Mr. Wtn. Flory, dec'd, ho is able to attend Fune
rals and manufacture Coffins, at the shortest notice,
of Cloth, Walnut or Cherry. A layer-out will be
in attendance.
Nut ZEY & CO.,
No. 731 Markel Street, Philadelphia.
' The subscribers keep constantly on hand a large stock
MAL PREPAGATIONS and every other article which
apertains to the business, embracing the most eaten
stve variety; also, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS of every.
All articles puithasedlrom us can be rolled on as
fug of the most superior qualify and at as low pricesas
they win bn had. We can offer such inducements as
will make it the interest of purchasers to lay In their
supplies from ns, and give us their ftiture patronage and
invite all who visit the city, to call at Mir establish. eat
All orders addrii.sed to us by 'mail of otherwise will
moot with prompt attention. •
fob 3-3 t • 737 111AREET StRtIT. PItiISDELPIIIA.
JOB PIIaTING in every style done at
the 'Office of the FRANSLLY REPOSITORY.
II is hereby gin to the heirs and lecal rePre.sett.
tatiena of John Sliehter, late 'of Scotland, Green
Urn... Franklin connty, , dee'd, that a. writ of i nq u es t
has been, isned bithe Orphan? Court and Placed
in my hands for exeentioni to value - and appraise
the Real Estate of said decedent. and that I zhave"
f l ied Welty:aim, the Zid of '_fforch,next, forthe exe; -
cation of the writ aformalil o - when and where_ you
nifty attend.if yon see proper. -
mar 21 - - - SAM% BRAN DT,- Sheriff
r -
tics is hereby given that Lett •of Admitii_stra.'
Lion on the Estate-.:of Anna. W. Vingert: late of
Washington township, deceased' are been granted
to the undersigned, ;residing in 1V ..hington twp.
All persons knowing themselv indebted to Paid
Estate will please make immedi. to payinent: and
those having claims will prose t them properly
anthenthatcd "o settlelient
march 2* . - AARON - CVIV Adm'r.
Nmici is hefeby given tg tors of ertministraz
thin to the glitate of Emannel Mille, late of Weihirig7
ton township. demoted. hair. Vasil -Med to thh under-
Todding in Washington township.
All persons knowing themselves indented to the sold
INtate will plenye make immediate payment t and those •
havingeleitne wilt present them properly authenticated
for settlement. JACOB K MILLER. Albers
teh 2-1 • • NICIIOLASSONEBRAKV.} _ •
Notice le:hereby given that 'Letters of A dtninistrit- -
tion d b. n, e. t.n. of the Estate of John Rndisill. late of
ChantbersburgoleC'd hove been RI-intoi to the under ,
.le.eicned.reSiding to 4 :nloW:tiptop township."'
All persons knowing thonitseives indebted to said Es
tate will plenAe notice ininfedinte pnynient . obit those
having clnuus wtllpresenE them properlynuthentiertod
,for Kettletnepti [fell 101 JOliN ()RESLER. -
Whereaq, Lettere of Administration on the Estate
ot James M. Gamble-late erntaiett townshipolecerise&
hare been grantee SO the_sulescilber, residing in Fitimett
AU persons indebtot t:..tbe - tirktSetiste. nre hereby re
crested to make immediate Itunsent. and sloWe Miring
c 1011:8 or deniande against - the refits. - of said &rodents
will make known the grime Without &Any. to - -
fels 17-6t* VILLIAM ItkiltßON.Mm'r.
Nut ice IS hereby given that Letters of Adniltils.rta.
tuna ale bonis non to. the Estate-of 3lattliew Wklee,late
of Green township. dee'd,,hare been g anted to the tin,
Jiersigniel. residing in relit townhip. -
- -All person.; knowing them elves indebted to said E.
tote will plea e make immediate payment; avid those
'twang claims will present them properly tentheotiented
for settlement to her Attorney, dons R. Onx.Esq.. Cleon
bersburg. Po. f felil7l MARGARET _CAMP, Adarx.
Linhereiw thlt Letters Trrtmoentary to thr
tate orDavid Zinonermnti. Inte. of S"tit haw ptnfi
der'd. lotto been granted to The nntlersignil, reriding in
All persona 'knowing tltemt.elses indebted to Raid
t,tewitlplen n make Immediate otlytrient mid Duels
11.ising claims will nresent tlipm propel ly nntheutleated•
fir settlement. JOIIN
teh 24. W.II. BLAIR.
'4 as.Letterti Testamentary on the Estate of Margaret
L. Campbell, late of Chamberslaarg, (lemma, have been
granted to the subscriber. residing in Chemborsburg.
' All persons Indebted to the said Estate. are hereby
requested to wake immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands tehainst the Estate of said 'decedent,
-will make knoe lithe sante without delay; to
feb le. 4t W. 11. 3IcDOW ELL, Execir.',
TERM of the Court of Common Pleas of Frank
lin County, the mule:signed WM appointed a Commit,-
teo ofJohn Bn-ithuider, of the Itoro' of Chambers's ttg,
All persona indebted to the said John Ilnrkholder are
requested to make immediate payn ent. and those haw
ing claims or dentanda ugninst the slum, will nake them
known without delarto
:eh 3 - CliftdATlAN STOUFFER. (Machinist.)
ip is hereby given that Letters Teetamentary to the
Estate of Cathartne-itu-enterry. late of Metal township,
deC'd. have been granted to the undersigned, residingin
said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to Bald 'Es
tate will please make immediate paynuut: and th,ae
having claims will present them properly authenticated
Gir mettiement. ROSENBERRY.:Ex'r.
Versonal Vropertn *aleo.
U B LTC S E.—The Subscriber,
intending to reiuove West, will offer at Public
bale. at his - residence itt Chatubersburg, corner of
Washington and Waterstreets, ou,Stturday, the hth
day of March, 1864, the following Personal Proper
ty to wit: One new FARM VI AGON, tremt
Apring Wagon ; 1 Rockaway Buggy,- 1 Sulky ; the
w o od-work - of 1 broad-trend Wagon; the woodwork
of 3Shovel Plowi, I fonr-horse Power with Tumb
ling Shaft and Band Wheel attached, Sic.- Also, 1
FAMILY HORSE, 2 Shotea; 1 set of Single Har
aess, 1 Riding Saddle,l Side Saddle, Riding Bridles,
pair of Check Lines. Halters and Halter Chains,
&e. Also, 2 GRAIN DRILLS, I pair flay Carriers,
one pair new Tongue and Stay Chains, te. Also. I
Lathe for drillink rite; 2 Tire Benders; 1 elegant
Screw Plate; 1 small do.,Sze. Also, 1 Wheelbar
row. Log Chain. 1 Ash Hopper, 1 Meat Block and
Bench, 1 Mrs s Stone. Sledge, Stone Hummer. Mat
tock; Dig-mg Iron, Rakes, Forks. Shovels, &e. Also,
u lot of Carpcuter's TooLs, consisting, in part, of 3
Work Benches, Planes, Augurs_, Chissels, Sotuires,
Saws. Hammers. Hand Saws. Falling Axes. I Foot-
Adze. 1 Cross. Cut Saw, 1 tirst-rate Hand-Boring
Machine and Bits. 1 Mortising-Machine. &c. Also
a lot of Lumber of - .various sizes, ti lot of sawed Fel
lows, p lot of split Wagon-Maker's Stuff, Sc. Also,
a general variety of House and Kitchen. Furniture,.
embrzurin g 4 Bedsteads,l Crib. 1 Bureau, 1 Secretary.
1 - Corner Cupboard; 4 sets of Chairs, llarge Rocking
Chair. 1 small do., 2 Tables I.Sink, I Cloak, 1 Cook
Stove and Apparatus. 2 ten-plate Stoves. 1 Parlor.
Stove, I Copper Kettle. 2 new Thermometer Churns,"
1 Barrel Churn, Queens; Tin ',and Crockery Mare,
Tubs. Barrels, Meat Vessels, and an almost endless
variety of articles. Also, Corn and Potatoes by the
Bushel, Rye Straw by the bundle, &c. Also, Bacon
and Lard by the pound. -
Sala to commence at 9 o'clock, on said day, when
the terms will be made known by
march 2-2 t , , DANIEL STROCK.
pUBLIC SAL E.—There will, be
ii sold, by Pnblio Sale. at the residence of the
eubseriber, on the Farm of Mr. Jacob Cook, about 8
miles South-East of Chambersburg, ox .Xndov,
the 14th dity . oj March, 1884. the following Personal
Property: viz: -FOUR HORSES. 15bead of Cattle,
IS of whisk arc Mitch Cows, the balance- Young Cat
tle • 7 head of Sheep, 6 young Slaites, 2 Brood Sows
with Pig, hte. Also, a large quantity of Farm Im
plements. consisting of 2 Broad-Tread Wagons, 1
Narrow-Tread Wagon, 1 one-horse Wagon, one
Spring Rake, &e. Also,l new GRAIN DRILL, 4
Barshear Plows, 4 Shove Plows. 21Iarrows, 1 Wind
mill; 2 sets Breeehbands, - 3 sets front Gears, Cow
Chains, Fifth Chains, Double Trees, Single Trees,
Also, Corn by. the Barrel, Potatoes by the
bushel, Applebutter by the Crock. and a great many
artielesnot necessary to enumerate. Also, Lard by
Ur pound and about one Thousand ponnds - Bseon.
• Sale to commence attliti'clook., on said dav, when
a credit of Nine Months till 'be given on all sums
over Five Dollars: - PHILIP SUMMERS.
march 2-21' - F A. Zxustm, Auctioneer.'
it dersigned intends moving to the West, offers a
Private Sale. his entire itnsk anthe Livery business in
3lercersburg, consisting of Iforsce.„Omnibusesiestrriages
Buggies. Sleighs; Harness., t k c. This Establishment is
doing thohest trade in county, and offers a rare
chance tuittly one wishing to engage in the bytiness.—
Per further particulars apply to or address
fob 3 9t* SOL. DIYELBISS, Morerrsl;ufg, Pa.
neat.testate *aim.
LAND.—The undersigned, Administrator and
Trustee of John Renfrew, deo'd.,expbse to
Public Sale, at the House of John Spidel, 1. mile'
above Greenwood, on' ,S'orarday the 19th day of
March,-1864, at 1 o'clock, P. M; - , the following des
cribed Lbts,situate - en the Chambersburg Turnpike
Road, one mile east of Greenwood, near the Rolling
Mill of .T. Stevens, - Esq.; THREE LOTS vim: No.
1, Containing 16 Acres and 115 Perches, No. 2. Con
tainingl6 Acres and 125 Perches. No. 3, Containing
17 Acres and 11l Perches, neat measure. These Lots
are well covered with a superior• waits!' of Good
Timber, Chestnut and Oak of size suitable for
Rails, Posts, Lumber, &c.
_ Terrds.—Ono half the purchase money: to be paid
on the Ist day of April,lB64, and the balance on the
Ist day of April, Isis, with interest from the Ist day
of April 1864.
Persons wanting to see the property, before the
day of Sale, will call on Hoary Spoonhour, living
opposite to tho• Lots. S. It. BURNS,
march 2-3t* o Adm'r, and Trustee of J. Renfrew.
191114RENTR OF. S,OLDIERB in the sir
vice or in Hospitals, min' furnigh theta with the
REPOSITORY three months for2s Ms.; six uxonths
for 50 ots.-tri oriel year far $l,OO.
Vaal estate dales.
j. ABLE MILL PROPERTY, —Iis "virtue a decrite
ot W 0 Chruit Chalet for Washington County, w i tting _ tot
a Court of Equity, the Undersigned Trustee will
_ on at
Public Bale,, in, front of the Con-tt House, in B uitoratiora
3fd„; au Tuesday Mt 1d clay qf lihre.A. 1164, begituu
al 41 o'clock, A. ill o ultthat valuable IIILL Pftop,gittit!
with about tlfty-nine and three quarter acne of utast .
Land; Timber maltlietwed. situate on Antietam Cr e o t ,,
about one mite below Funekstown. in said connty.know 3 11
WI the'- Pleasant „Vrole Hats." of which Benjamin' tows
la 'l lately died seized. Said Property - 6'lli htrindd
Urea. In nerve's, as folioe et - 4 - •- • - ,
No. I—Contnining 24 ACRES 01' ILAND,;eittnite:at'-
the_rorke of the said Creek:trot - the Pnhlk Road width
posses the Mill. with
cunning Ave pair of Yrenel Burrs. new and in perfect
=order, t trip* -geared SAW .5111.ti0 capable' "t'd saWilit‘
l tte .olXl o pa fe l e r t e o f f r i ;e u t l i ' c i r fi r ttr ' rtrin ; complete order; i 'lk it l l l 4 l ,7.e tv u l u t l h
'DWELLING littliEbylintant Itlacksmith,Shups,
Stabling_ and td her necessary outdionses and a large nod
never-.ailing :lining of , Water thetemt, The Witter
pow qr, of said-Mill le allsoffici t. The propertzt la sate
of tae finest and must tieldralde in the him,. bthi g ., L a,
large capacity. near the elarloTrenko owl Ohio him,.,
within three miles of the Railroad Depot at 'tomato% n; -
Parcel NO. 2-11,eing 33 WALL tit:LDP.!' amide Limes
menet:lnd. - lying On the Dett side of the cr il k-f iu d
Sault, of parcel No.l, and the s;titi raid, containing :0
'Acreti, - mort. ur less: -
'Ptuvel No: ri—M•ingls ACUES,OV LAND, vivre or
lute, lying on the 11n.stt - side of sled Criek, and south 'or
mid Road and parcel hit, 1; of said le Acrtw. about tees.
Acres are wet Timbered, tted the remaining 5 At res
implored with 'll-• Tt NA N'l'llol3 .Ca•per edepaud
an Orme rd of choice Frith Trees thereon.
The tunterrigned will eell at the mime time *M Aare,:
1 And sP.encu ES ut" I,A.SD. 'al:ark iota Dew:
Jandn died seized lying on the Turnpike /ending Trani,
Funkatown to Boonshor0; inljoinittp, the lands of Sumner
Emmert. and thera. -
_Out -third of -
the Purchase money lo be paid the thty tit' Sale. ot till4lte
ratlocation the. cot nod the ;intense in .two
melds in Ons.and twoyeruw,fronv,the day, of sale; the
purchaser or pnrCh users to give his or their notes. with
approved security to the deferred pnyllll93tr4 154
ing interest front the day of and upon Is/yenta of '
the entire polarise motley the Trmitte will extrmteti
gooti and sufficient Dea d to the purchaser or put 'chasers-. -
• The ereditorS of sold Bel:1.14111in itowlund, dec d, aro
hertbv untitled to - file their claims and vonchers.theteef
with Z. $. Claggett, Rat., Auditor ~1 this Court, within.
one month from the day of the above salt. - -
felt 24.ta - JOIIN' S. ROIVI,AN'D, Ttitstett...
[-Iteptsitory." Citembenthurg tilt wile and send bin
this office fur Herald."
undersigned. Assigeves of David Goody tar and AVIA,
will :ell et Public S ale. on ...Fst tinkly the 12th ticiy of
Marsh, -1864, oti t be premises. the tdhs - ing Real Eefitir,
situate on the Tntnpilie, about hitiflipylietwete.Clienti
bsrshurg and Gettysittig. in AdazirCf ottnty. a tract of
750 An- es 01 landoliviaert int.-LetiNitollowto. •
Na I—The MANSION TR ACTlcssiliduteg 150 Acts
about ite of which is imprived.4o.oktwell Until /TAD)...
good state of cultivation end 'the bantice tit , the tract
.is well set with Cliteittrat.-Pnit• and otheis4itehtr. The -
Olt Allen NEU lin I tura andSt'R lta6SV t ttlteV thent s6'
healthy and ply asant Summer lici , ortrkin'thfirpart
the State. is npttn this Into. The Mold-1 Na suttlatithil•
brick build hig, 62 feet by tin.with iajwoetbty - heck build.
ing.4s feat by CO 3 . latd off Win Itt - iunit4l44 Ibi...tir* of
boarders, Visitors, Sac. Connected-with it is-41'41nm
Room and Post Office. Also a Jarge , 'and ccntvenlittt
1101.75 N, with 2 , 111cd itittrmx artached;ektensivct- -
Stabling. Blacksmith Slop. lit MAO; Ten•Pfn:Allt-i t
Revolving Swing, and all 'Muer necessary
Also, a Tenant lions', - and a Yiatirr . g.; Orchard of Choir.
No. 2—Adjoining the above, ciAtotiot 92 Acres and f%
well coveretl with Ttiober.-'.., . :
No 10—Containd 'IA - Aired and*, , keil se with yeis4o'
Cbrdtnnt: mai Rork - _
_ .
Also—The ninliVideil oneAlelf - 01 98 Keret'. ittlioining
T. Stevan., and Stahl's. heirs, „Well eetteith'yown vtlinher.. -
I'entoris wishing to , view -the prontsee wilt ttn
either of the subscriber.. Onto to c:lniruence as .the
Gretterittrktlititel, nt 1t o'clock. A. 81., on Gobi. day,
wheil the contlitiotle will be , nowle known by
J°N i f - sidgn f
lib 174 t
PRIVATE SALE.---The undersighed intending
to remove to the West, oilers at Private Sale. a LOT
OF GROUND, in -Loudon, containing, about ONE;
ACRE, on which is erected a , twe-storied %MATH , .
cast Tenant House and Shdp, Brick Spring Reuse:
Wood House, Smoke Manse, Slable, and all necesz
nary out-buildings. There is a variety of Fritit Trees
on the premises. This property is well adapted for
almost any kind of mechanical business.
- - - - „
Also-48 ACRES OF BOTTOM. LAND, witbin,U.
of It mile of London, übout 'two-third:l of *lack is
heavy Timbered, the balance is well M in szra,4.
Also-4B ACRES OF SLATE LAND, sitantii
about X. of a mile from Bridgeport, mijoininglonds
of Robert C. Homer and Jncob Hatietuan. -
. .
Terms made reasonable. Tor further particukirs
address'[ ilin27-3m 4 ) DAVID TEETELLoudon.PA
SALE.—The undersigned will sell at Private •
Sale, his TANNERY. known ins the Corner Tannery._
With Steam and Water Power. SAW-MILLI:10P- -
ping -Mill, Stocks for breaking hides, &e. The Tuu
nary has 8 Leeches, 3zl - ate, 2 Limes andWaterl 001.
and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year:
There are two LOG WV ELLIN€I HOUSES, Earn,
Stable and other necessary out-buildings connected
with the Tannery; and about 00 Acres cleared, with
goini fruit. He will sell any quantity of land with
the Tannery, from 100 td 700 Acres. Over 91,1 Acres
are Thriibbr, and an ample supply of Chestnut Oak.
Burk to run the Tannery for fifty years. it is situ
about 7 miles South-cast of lUereersburg, on
Licking Creek: Terms made easy. For. further
Fparticulars address the undersigned, at Mercershurg.
ranklin co.; Pa. lattel2-tf 1 -C. METCALF.
at Private Sale, 1,:;x ACRES OF PATENTED
LAND..totuated in St. Thomas township,. Franklin
county. Pa., on the Pattie Road leading trout Goy- .
ces-Taveht to Loutlon,l, stiles from the latter Ware..
About-led/Acres of this tract are cleared, the balance,
covered :with thnvingChestnut and other TIMBER*
which would answer for Cord-wood or Rails. There
is also good appearance of IRON ORE on the pretn
ises. Coal hearths are leveled on most of the Tim- -
ber land. The improvements are a LOG .11011: , ,E.-
Log Barn and 4 Tenant Houses, and- a good Apple
Orchard, Petteh.-Cherry and Pear Trees.
SAW .MILL and. (MOPPING MILL, in good-run
ning order, with 18 Met of head and fall. This pro- -
perty would afford a good opportunity to make
Money; For terms apply to the subscoiber, residbge
on the promises. Jfeb3-tll FRED'S
ADJOURNED SALE.- - By virtuer
of an order of thu Orphans' Colin of fintikliti
onuty, thu nwiersittneth todintnistratril lath
annexed of Chtharinu of Chantherehntg
deed, Wilt expose to Public I.ale. on the itreinivea. orb
Thursday the lith day oj March, nrol, the following
Beal Et' date, riz :
A Lai' OF GROUND, Vaunting' or German street on'th
'North, Catharine etrtat9 att the S"ntit. and Imatoded,
an Alley on the' West,. bittag abort 64 fliet in width, Riot.
256 feet in depth. "Ibis wiiS make a tie:druid() budding
- Pe.rsons mutating to.roach.lai.., eon ol;tnin more minute.
luiCirstiation iipuu G. 0. ;Sellhauler, A tturtiel
at btu', Cluutiberaburg.
Dale at 1 O'clock. ht. 31.. or. said day. when 111.r . lermi.
a ill bo made known.. 11A11(4AREi MlinKLlll7.i.
fob 2,4-4 t
AdminixtOrlx.. -
The subscriber having determined to remove to the•
west otTcrs at Prietato Sale, that Well-known Dqtel..
the Fulton lionse,," Aitunte in the borough (if .11e-
Connellsburg, Fulton county. This House is the.
largest and most complete Tavern, lionise ip the ,
eonnty and has a run of custom unequaled in tho:
' Ile -also will. sell at Private Sale a tract of Thirty—
one Acres' of high, improved land adjoining the
borough of IlicConnelL4burg, all under now and sa- :
perior fence. and having thereon erected agoodtwo—
storyFrame Drumm and miler outbuildings. .Thero
is an excellent young Apple Orchard andrunning.
Water on tholhemises.
Jan 6-6 m , HENRY' watt -
NEAR FAYETTEVlLLE.—Thoundersiquett.
will sell at Private sale, the following_ descry:tett
Real Estate, to wit: 30 ACRES OF LAND, all itn
dor rid fence and with a good BRICK:
DWELLING s n eva-falling Well of 'Good
near the door, a good Barn and Threshing fittor,a
tine Orchard bearing the best Fruit. Also , --.A TAN
NERY-of W. Vats,6 large Leaches with Limeti•and.-
P Bark Mill. Roller. Pump and Frilling Stocks,
airs excelontorder, the whole operating by Water
Power. Also. a good Barkshedi,, all unsurpassed in
- Convenie:nce and labor-saving,-
a bove property will hoihown to any timorr,
ori application to J negb D. Cook, of, Fayetteville, or
John' 1L Cook. of Chambersburg. Terms will be
reasonitble. Dario 17-tf . l - PETER COOL' - •
Q''/MALL FARM `OR - tiAL& - Tlt , :sril7-,'
ky s c riber will sell at Private Sale, the SidALL.,
FARM on w_hich ho now resides, situate in Antrim '
township. Franklin county, about six miles-from- -
Greencastle; out the Cashtown road, adjoining lands
of Sryinuel Myers ; and - others, conmining about 40- -
ACRES, all cleared land. in good order and-under --
good fence, The - reis a - 1". ()LINO ORCHARD of thrif
tylfrees on the - place, and tt - Well of excellent Water.
The im_provements consist of a two-story:L
DWELLING HOUSE, a. Bank - Barn 42 feet long. •'
and ty ell finished, and all othcr,necessary out-build
ingS: Possession will he given - pa. the Ist of April. '.
1864. Terinis will he mule known on application to , -
the subscriber, residing on the premises. --t
oc.tzu - .SAILLEL. C. premises.