61 • Fc Io; i .',.F... 140 1Vh . R: S EV,DSi BY MAIL.-- ,- - i iFlgiver Sifklifrora their cOmpeetifess lind•light '‘-,,lrO l B ,l3l iLmin be-safely and speedils , -trail-Ins; rted" by R 5 s 1 to any part of the country. thereby giving those . - slthelive•romote from the larger towns and cities, 'Whezetthey cart be pruenroLuetirry in:pi/lie) chance w ic k thkiso Hying. i n t h e oz, fo r preen rittg at a Mold- Writteiall the choice and :.rare.Varleties.: ~ . .For - the .Bfiteittplisheaent of this purpose:,we ofrer the Tollf 4- fog collections, comprising the most ( beautiful ititid AhowY Annuals. Biennials. and Perennials, 'which •itill hire nt by- mail free of postage. ,to any, part of the Ilizited States, at the following prices,: . - t • ASTERS. - _ 12. et, fine var. 4 /; 1 ,' ,1, 4 . net' 11PunysiPird . ,..... .... ...$1 2,5 24 selected_ •.. • • - ',.. i , 250 6 Splendid . " - Peoits-perfextion 100 • , tfiriest ' 7, ' adobe • , - ." 75 .10neatitiftel , dwrf. ehrysanthe'nf. ...... -1 00 1/I:3l l dendid ' 4 Giant Emperor ' • 150 3Op londid var. Reid 4 a new quilled 4 ' 75 3-' , "4 guest ' , Mr. Doable Cocardean 50 12 extra fine var. Pyramidal F,touquet- ' ' -1 00 12 superior var.. Quille - '- - ' • -i•' 1 00 8 beautifcd var. new - Ranuneulns, flow'd 75 4'vory fine var. new .11edgehog 40 .I'n addition to thesb I' nit up a collection of As ,teri-*biehl consider to be the ~ finest ever sent out, sit,evitains,lo packages of mixed ,colors of the fol linfing, kinds. viz; TraffaurslNew Peony,. Peony clibotion, Gia Iru nt Emperor, brique rompone, erman Quilled, RenunculuS.l Iredge Hog, Reid's , mProved, Latinparbit, and the beautiful new Aster ~I'tendens. NO one who delights- to grow fine flow- Mc a o hin . fall to send fur one of these packages.- tALSAMS, 12 finest prize Bats Mg 41 00 .lift.B.4llAN- orocKs; 12 supurb new Varieties, -•• ..ten week large floweritie • ' - -1100 ' 8 - beautiful new varieties, _ perpetual --' •' large flowering.---:.:1„,) . „„., ' 7 i " 12select prize, var.' Hollyhocks, Eng . lisb. from Downie, Laird and lA-lag's - ,• " cetchrated collection saved from prize flowers 150 I.lySinest.-varieties Marigold:- • ..... 75 6 Newest. " Marvel of Peru.. , 40- 5 Select • " Nernohpile,2ls 'l2 Distinct " Ornamental Grass_.:.... , -... 100 12 " - '" ; Gourds-- -,."... 1.00 s Beautiful " Phlox - Drummendii„ ...... _. 75 inest " • Petunias ! rio ti..P.R3IAN FLOWER. SEEMS, 12 Splendid var. Pinks, - Carnation' 2 50 " 12 Splendid varieties- Pink •Picutee 250 8 Distinct . " ATortulnees 45 ' • & Finest - ' • " bisect Peas 40 ,"=,tl Splendid var. Scabiesa large How'd_, 50 • ,• 8 Extra tine. ' Snapdragon ' 50 'l2 Selected " Salpiglossis 75 - " 12Superb " Wallflower, „double 75 • '' 8 Sup. new " Cockseordhs 75 " 9 Finest "Ca Iliopsis, 35 ' " ' 6 Selected " Climhing plants..., 50 '2O ' '•' inelcding newest-. 200 " Distinct " Delphinium 75 ". 18 Finest " - Chinensls 75 . . A NTIRRIIINCIII IfAJLTS. Album, pure white; 2 feet • 'Want, crimson and White,; 2 feet pir yophilloides, znamdficentlY striped, 2 feet.. etas. rosy carmine and white. 2 feet. ''' • ' etly, orange-scarlet and white, 2fcet -,... itolidc•s ' Four., brilliant scarlet, 2 feet- Striped • 'Mixed • ' r Downie, Laird and Laing's thick. Prize.. ....... ... , ANAGALLiS, -- I Garibaldi, a most beautiful vermillion var, new .Napoleon 111, maroon, 1% foot,: indite, blue, fine trailer, from'Nepanl, %foot. ALONSOA, arszewiczi,bright crilll:3ol3,fin m Chilia% feet nditlora, lar,ge - flowered, bright scarlet, 2 ft BALSAM.' 11Weet prize, frem Donie, Laird and Laing. of Scotland - teat Env Nish prize, double ? -' i. .. - Camellia flower. " Rose flowered.- •• Miniature Persian pale yellow, sweet scented Good mixed ? OtiE FLOWERED. Splendid mixed itoottod, six beautiful colors niired--, ' . . ' CANNA INDICA. Rad:lrma India, 2 To:et *ClimPactit Flegaintissitna.larde, rcdish yellow, • Tree floweriug. from Smith America, 2 feet... • Warsceiviezii, brilliant red,' foliage striped, _ from : Central Atnerii:a. 3 fek - , .COCKSCOM.B. , -Finest prize, dwarf habit. large' combs, very showy, ',1•1 ft Idaeroccpbala tligantea. • brilliant red, very large handsome heads, from Asia, 1 ft... - Dwarf. rose, very beautiful % ft Yollow. new and fine %" ft Ziew Giant, very large, brilliant: red 1 ft. iicitta Emma. a new French Sort, 1 1 ,4 ft. Mixed White. • - CALGEOLARIA . 11133R11 A: - +dpleedid mixed, bared from a choice collection et:Obi-acing all the rich and varied colors of this favordegreenhouse flower grandidora, now large flowered,. splendid hew Spotted, saved from a splendid collection ' of - Prize flowers by an eminent German tier est; embracing all the rich and brilliant.col en and markings peculiar to this beautiful sod showy tripe of plants: ft Riretib. mixed varieties, collected from •a , Splendid collection of finest self colored and avettedzorts. These arc half hardy peren nials and adapted .for hedding out in the open ground during sum trier,blooming abun dantly throughout, the season lierboceons,'cxtra choice cayptAmn..- --- 7-- ----- Pine mixed 25 Extra Select, from prize flowers only' , 50 fi'ir Dwarf 50 , bikambbyfliant.-.* • ' • 100 Downie. :Laird Lang. of Scotland. Price 75 "rhe - varitins undermentioned varieties produce fruits of the - most fth}gnlar and nrotdsnue nrkPear samand "are very ddstrable as rapid elunt*ers CI:CUMIS - Fleindsue, Snake Cucumber, very handsome Ojossu/arifolins, Gooseberry-fruited ......... ei° Chite,red-fruited . . DELPHINIUM. Callippetalum. deep blue. profuse bloomer, a 1 nimbly tulapted as edgings for large beds Ellett:um. Bee Larkspur rcirtosum, rich blue andwb We, the most hand- Same slid ornamental of the - class making j grand display- the first season, it' sown early aranditiornm, dark blue.. fieedommi, blue and white, very fine Trieolos,•new and tine 3 Rat= Spectahill is, atittelkstos, best mixed . ' "Azurtun, red spotted • •• egruleurn, beautiful 5p0tted........ ... llrbtid-novnm. from the best named varieties - DIANTHUS cIIINEr. , .ZSIS, - Tedia'or China Pink, twenty- rare varieties mixed- - Alba, 11., pl., fine double white Atha t3triata, double white. red striped fine..... Reddetrigi. H. - eddcwig's new • Japan Pink: a mostora4Mble acquisition from Japa.n,plants abareely une fora' high. - very bv.hy and eay.i tred with a profusion of Hower, which men ware nearly . three inchesiri diameter, with eolmeownsting. of rose. crimson and violet: some are delicately marbled, others self-col ' Cored.-suitable fur the conservatory, bower -or garden- DIANTHUS CH IN ENSIS, Il~xtdewiei,Hybrida fl., ph, Nora. new hybrid towered: raised by hybredizing Dianthus Heddewigi with the do able Garden It Throws up strong flower statics, dbout 114 ft. in height the flowers are both ouble and semi-double, of the same size as the Heddewigh the semi-double have the same rich shades and colors, the doubles parts colots without shades DIANTHUS_ Darintug, Sweet William, mixed' 03 Molvill's auraeular Ilmsiered - 10 . 4. ' double- mixed - ' 10 Gardrerialms, Tarioo colors 115 Y. , 'MW AND • CHt2 . lcF,', V.411 . 47 . 1ES OF 171,GE- TABLE SEEDS include in this list only Bnch as are new nuci val *able and not readily obtained. The most of them khsvenroeiyed from the.cclebrated English firm of `Amer ik Co:,_Lpndon t and they can be. confidently recommended, nicludnan a few American novelties • of great merit. - "'CARTER'S SEET OSYTII BEET, I oat= size, good shape, short top, rich deep blood red color, tine tavbr, decidedly the beat heed in cultivation. I gr,er this the-past year and fumed it fully equal to" the recurn- - mondation. , Per pk , * HENDERSON'S PINE- APPLE BEET, tocapaat. short top, roots medium -sized and - - or atleep'erihison, goiNl flavor. Per - pkg.... 10 • LITTLE PIXIE CABBAGE, Vilpy eerlyy,imatl. delier.te savor. 15 WHITE JAPANESE MELON. 4hia is Hie'finest flavored thin-skinned musk melon- yet' introduded.• The seed is from Japan. No lover of this 'fine fruit should 441.0. try Lhisa Tsriety.... ..Z • r - WESLEY JONES, - illa - robt4in"" Chatham 4 Corners, Col. C0.,,N. Y. A ItTHUR H. BANDOLS, • • MANUFACTURER OF ROSRWOODAND GILT MOULDINGS, • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES, . - - ' of every description, ILICT:Ootr Mr; 07 THIRD AND CALLOHILLST.,PIIILADELVRIA. orders to:the largest extent promptly executed. craOlited by 13. S. StiIIYGCS, etuun'tleraburg, _ . yrr , .X T WA; I.lsl - P.U. C E E - N T - S‘ personsseriding $1 Mai - select seeds at.' Cata logue prices amounting to,. - - $1 10 _Personssending $2 may select seeds, at Cato.- lonic prices amounting to 2 ,Z Pe'rsons sending $3 - tnily select seeds at, Cala- !ogee prices amounting to - '350 Persons sending $4l may select seeds at Cata togue prices amounting to • 475 Persons sending Skala's' select seeds at Cota -' logne prices amounting to - '6 00 _Persons sending $lO muy select seeds Cata logue prices amounting to ' 13 00 'These will be-rinkttP together and-send to one ad dress, or in seperatepackageit and mailed to the ad dress of ouch' individual forming a club, as May be desired.--In all oases the postage.-Will he prepaid. The same deduction will of course be made to ,any person ordering; I would again call attention to my :selection of Asters.: in collections. (for a description see page 16,) whichil think is the finest ever offered. I sellthe collection at; SIA yet if selected • ueper ately from the Catalogue it amounts to $1.45. Also my German:Stocks, 'Balsams, Pansies, Carnation, Picotee Pinks, Cinoraria and Calcoolaria, eirc., alter which have been received from the most cele brated growers in England, Rotland and.GermanS, and ere of first quality: , If If should be- inconven -lent for'y ake your nVfraelection, by enclos i . mount you are desithus of , expending, and taring Or what purpose the seeds aro required, you may rest, assured that I will make the selections in -the most judicious and liberal manner. • Persons wanting larger quantity or wanting to aetas agent will please address tne. During the past two years, our collections ofFlow - - , er Seeds by mail, have been sent to_ almost every State in the Union, arid so far as we have learned, , have given universal satisfaction. and it is our earn est endeavor W.:make these collections not only second to none, but to make them superior to those sent froth any other establishmentin the country. N. Ili Particular attention should be paid- to giv ing The :Address, Teton, County - and State in full.— c a t a l ogi i es will be sent to all applicants upon a re ceipt of a three :cent stamp, Address ' •3.WE J SLEY ONFS mart-2m Chatham 4 Corners, Col. co.. Y . T . ANDRETIPS"I4:Gr'RIC ULTITRAL INI .L.AI ELEMENT AND SEED WAREHOUSE, - 21 and 'Si South Ni-rth. Street, Philadelphia, Pa, DAVID LAI:DIU:TIT Pro tors of Blooms date, which contains near four iundred acres, in high filth, devoted to the production of GARDEN SEEDS. tire now prepared to supply Country Mer chants, Druggists and all others who deal in Seeds, with- large or small quantities, by the pound or bushel, and also i papers made ready for whiffing.. The Establislit nt represented by David Land reth .t: Son, hash en founded nearly three-fourths of a century. Ther wide-spree pepUltarity, and the demand in creasing from ye to year, for Lands 's Warranted .Gaiden Seeds) is evidence f the:high-value entertained for them by the public. . -1 Landreth's Girden Seeds are not only filvorablY received throughout the Uniou, but are shipped to many foreign ports., Indeed it may be "stated 'with natinnatpride that they come into active. eompeti tion-with English Seed and British Soil. David 'Landreth Son 'invite all who are not al ready purchasers of their Garden Seeds, to make a trial of them—assured that they will be found -fully equal to their high reputation. Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac contain ing catalogue of Garden Seeds with instructions. furnished gratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural Implements. DAVID LANDRETH &SON. ang 12-Iy] ' Nos. 21 and : a - South 6th St., Phila. . 10 -10 10 ai z Parness, fir. c,IADDLERY!! SADDLERY! !!—Satl- Ki dies, Bridles. Harness, Collars, Trim ks, Valises, sigri of the HORSE COLLAR. JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal eneduragement received-from them heretofore; and he would invite them and the community generally, who, may need any thing in his line, to give him a call 'at his old stand, on the East side of Main Street,, Chambers:- hurg t five doors South of Huber & Tolbert's Hard ware Store, where he keeps constantly on band ev ery Varteti , of SADDLERY AND HARNESS of his own-manufacture, and - he isprepared to sell the same on terms that defy competition. -Eirery article offered for sale is warranted to be made of the best material and by competent workmen, which will be fully:detuonitrated on an examination thereof. . TRUNKS AND TALISES.—He would also call the attention of persons wanting, a good, neat and; cheap and substantial Trunk orValise to his assort ment: ' inn e17,p3„ „, ADDLE AND HARNESg-MAN trFAQTORY.--Zhetindetsigned iesPeet fully-announce to his friends and the public gener allv, that he , has taken " - the SADDLE AN 1) HAR NESS SHOP forinerly,reeinpied by Matthevi Gil man, dee'd, on West Markot Street, near the Conoco cheague Creek, in the , Borough of Chambershurg, where he manufactures Saddles, Bridles and Har ness, and,has constant's ;hand an excellent as sortment of Collars, WhipS, Ile employs none but: the'hest df Workmen; and constructs all - work from th eh est material. TRUNKS and VALISES constantly on hand; all of which will ho sold as cheap as the cheapest. , A continuance of the former patronage of the - shop is most respect fully solicited. Utin17,43.1 JAS. B. -GILLAN. L!! corn Wli r o i rg: I.- I- W ll N l V P ; s LiLlrrnand Washington . Streets, Chambersburg, Pa., manufac turers of ail kinds of WHIPS, such as Wagon, Car riage and Riding Whips, of various sizes and of su perior quality, which they offer to the public, either by Wholesale or Retail. at very moderate prices.— LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on hand and for sale by the dozen, very cheap. They also manu facture superior-HORSE• COLLARS., to which they invite attention. Order* from a distance solicited and promptly at tended to. 10 10 25 last ROAD- GEARS, COLLARS, -LP- HALTERS, and airs- thing in the Leather line belonging to the Saddler's business, always on hand and made to order, and on reasonable terms_at GORDON'S, opposite the Indian Queen Hotel, Main street. Ct .0 R D 0 N HAS A SUPERIOR ►-lot of SADDLES, HARNESS. BRIDLES, STIRRUPS, SPURS, which he wilt sell cheap for mill or rood trade. T RES H. GORDON, sliGeeS4A' to ‘-/ Gordon. gives notice to his customers and others. that he is still at the Old Stand, opposite the _lndian Qaeen Hotel, Mein.St., Chant hereburg, Pa. E .PAIRING DONE AT SHORT IA; notice, on reasonable terms. by C. H. GOR DON. He invites his friends to call and seo him. - ,forWarbing pouseo. Tli C H NEAD, v FORWARDING AND COMMISSION AIRRCHANTS. North Secorisilitreetiopp_usite the Cumberland Val ley Railroad Depot. Chatribemburg - Pa. - • - - Cars ran regularly to and from I l hitadelphia and Baltimore. AGENTS.—Peacock, Zell - 4 liinehrn an, No. SOS Market St.. Philadelphia. — Aykens Valley . , Broken Egg anti Nut COAL, (di rect from the mines). Wilkesbarie tind Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL. LLIII3ER."SHINGLES, SALT. PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT kept constant ly on hand. FLOUR, tHiAIN anti PRODUCE of all kinds purchaged at the highest cash prices. Eapt9,63. WUNDERLICH & REAP. MEW AREANtIEIicIENT. .1.1 FREIGHT THROUGif 70 NZli" YORK WITIIOLT TRANSHIPMENT. The undersignedwould respectful's' inform the public, that they are prepared to ship all kinds of Produce, Merchmidisel &c., from Cham bersburg and Greencastle to -New York without transhipment, andlieliver it at New York as quick as it can be delivered in Philadelphia. The attention of Millers and Shippers is respect fully invited to this new arrangement. For farther information inquire 1- , f LIEITZ & McDOWELL, Agents. feb 24-tf Chamberslanrg and Greencastle. Tnog.L. GILLESPIE. LTA COR ZELLER. ILLESPIE I ,ZELLER & CO., Cl -PRODUCE 8: PROVISION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE (11?OCERS, North-West earner of - Sixth and Market Sts., n 018,63.41. DIIOT,OGRATII PAINTING:: GEO. R. AYEItS ,respectfully announces that he is prepared to 'do every' description of PROTO GRAPHIC COLORING and RE=TOUCHING with INDIA INK. Photographs contptning defects in p6rtraiture. blotches, and injuries froin dampness or exposure, can be easily remedied. - Persons having Daguerreotypes, Se., of Deceased Friends, can have them cgßied. and GoodZikene fees Restored, suitable for framing. Apply at S. S. Shryock's Bookstore; Chambers burg. - LE -0 T 0N . —An Election of FIVE MANAGERS and a TREASURER of the Chambersburg Turnpike Road Company _will be held at the - Public House of Michael Grove, in the Borough of Chambersbnrg. on Monday, t4el4th day of March, at 2 o'clock, P. M; marchZ-2t • • cIIAMBERS.Pres't. • ,11,*1.... • '7 MEM agtiPtit4ta TH-E- T T.I4E — dRA,YBF:. - RRY --: _ • ..is,mxich more maw atul-sucessfutiis the - .- CPMMONDRT.SOIL PF PRIVATE GARDENS. ':XARKET GARDENS, OR IN • ' FIELD CULTURE, - - than in tho•tunial clumsy *ay in :bogs and meadows: The }field this Season, in my,method C . - of +attn .- ie. - vas over _ FOUR HAINDRED . BUSHELS PER OGRE. Ezplicit (I.irotionii for . cultivation„, with. gripo.4of *CRANBERRY- - PLANTS AND ALL OTHER'USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ThEES,PLANTS AND SHRUBS,. . . witl be send, by mail. Plants prepaid by, ,r mail. B. M. WATSON: ' • Old Colony Nurseries, Plymouth, Mass, TRE•.ES AND PLANTS OF ALL KINDS. DICIIEGOVS . , AND 'EVERGREEN, 1 - PRUIT AMENtAL, in all sizek,' - atloW rates. Purchasers should send for - now ' PRICE LIST' FOR 1864, BF.POIIE PIIRCIIASII!ZG-ELSWHERE Carriage paid to. Boston, Newport and NOw•Ycirk B. M. WATSON, • . . . . i . Old Colony Nurseries, . , Plymouth, Mass. _ - . . . • p A,N D SEE D-S Prepaid by 'mall. 1 IN EA T 4" . A - . PRICE LOST NOW READY; - B. M. WATSON. s Plymoutlf,-.ltass. jj F RESH. GARDEN SEEDS for H 64.. • . GARDENERS, MARKET GARDENERS 1 AND . OTHERS.: .P . L" CFIA 8 ' 15 ; 0 8P:IS DS IV - SMALL OR LARGE, QUANTITIES, by Bening a list of what they require, WILL RPCEIVR THE SAME BY RhtußN . ' • ' OI MAIL, with the lowest possible prices annexed for cash.. • CaItRIAGX PAID TO BOSTON AND NEW YORK. ' Seeds pre-paid by mail. 8..31. WATSON. Old Colony Nurseries.- Plymouth. Mass. T r TO AGENTS AND DEALERS IA , ' T DES A Ni)_ ' • j AND TO e-C B .4- • , j'holcsaie Catalogue foi• -1864 IS NO' RI WY. Carriage of Packages paid to ; ' BOSTON:, NEWPORTAIsiDiNEW, YOWL I • • r - B. M. WATSON,: - i Old ColortyNrirseries, march 1 2-3 m • a Plymouth, Mitiw. GRIQULTUIIAL CHEMICAL CO'S - CHEAP FERTILIZERS. PABULETTE. This'Fertilizer is composed of night nail :and the fertilizing elements of urine, combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and absorbents. It irreduced to a pulverulent condition; ?emir for immediate use, and Without loss of its highly nitro genous fertilizing properties. Its universal applicability,to all crops and soils,. and its durability- and active mantles, are well known to he all that agricultunstS can desire.— Price, $25 per Ton. Ch EMICAL COMPOST, This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal mat ter, such as meat, bone, fish, loather, hhir and wool, together with chemicals and Inorganid fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain the nitrogen ous elements. It is thoroughly impregnated with urine, and the thinner portions of night soil. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops gen erally, o ink especially for potatoes , and garden pur 'Joni. • • It. excellent qualities, strength and cheapness, have Made Wvery popular with all who have used it. Price, $25 per 'Ton. TREE AND FRUIT FERTILIZER. It is a highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is liarthiu 'lndy adapted tor •the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flOwers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot-house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure'disoused conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. - The formula or method of combining its 'constitu ent fertilizing ingredients have received the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific agricul turists. Price, z,;50 per Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Aarieutturol Chemical Company manufacture Phosiihato of . Lime in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which's very superior article is produced, so as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge.,Practical tests have proved that ita value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Limo in the market. Price, $45 per Tou. TERMS CASH.—Cartago and Freight to be paid by the Purchaser. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL ;CO'S WORKS. AT CANAL WI-LANF, °NIUE DELAWARS. Office, 41.3% Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Agent. The Company's Pamphlet Circular, embracing full directions for using the above , Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested. [march 2-3 m.) ATETWS L 0 W MAXUFACTORY. Counn. OP WASOINOTON, AND, SECOND STREETS, .61A3fBERSBURG, /M.' Gilman's Implored Promiim Ploris, and all other Plows now in g. eneral use with POLISHED MOULD BOARDS, both wrought Iron Share and Solf-sharP cuing, yarrows, Hoe Harrows, Cultivators, Plow Castings; and Wagon Boxes constantly, , ati hand, or inadeatsliort notice. Farmers shouldlcar in mind that Plows purchas ed of Me can be repaired at less trouble or.exponse than those that are made a great distance from home, Call; see and be convinced.' ° Ho has also pnrehnsed the right tamanufacture and sell • Slermmons' Patent Iron Double Shove Plows," which he keeps Constantly on hand: , Blacksmithing in all' its' various -- brtuachei, also carried on at the aboviketnned_placo: feb 21-3 m ABRAHAM . METZ. ' agrittlitiltaL / rat tr A R AL ' IMP LFAVEIC S /42+.7D - MACii4;.' EiteT ' Wo RionoN*• rirepared to fill lirderi for ©GRICUVEUItAL.IMPLEM TB AN,I) MACHINERY'-OF ERY OF ArIT., 1134011 a SMALL TOOLS forithe i Atila . ant Ga'r- stichia Spades; Shovels; Hoes. Forks, Rakes. etc Lind • • Scythes; and Scy&c-Stones, ` - and AgriCulinialllardvrare in general We offer, also. Mao , - . -ufactnro of ' • - Churns, „"; Coffee atolfiraia Mills, - ' - • • Sugar hlills for'Geoeers! use, 'Store Trucks of various patterns: iloadSerabere, , - .;Wheel-Barrows - ,._erd. E" - ,T - I L s " ; • I of ail kinds. snob a' boa's SoußhostiPate of Liu!a, • trure Ground Bo'ne, ' • • - Perniiou GUano aragouclrette. IN OVR:SEED IPEPAETiIENT will te"fdttitdti dompleti3 aelection thibest kinds . • Of Vegetable; Fl9wer and' Grass - • and Seed Grain; raised ei - pressls for us by the most reliable „, AISRICALNiAND'FORtiGN , GROIyERS: The unremitting personal attentiort!of-the best Seedemon is given to their 4u4ity, t and our enstinn ere may rely on illeirfreshaegexl;purity in all re- EMEI We sell in small or large quantities to salt mamba sus, and send lasmall lots br mail to all parts,of thelrx4tod States. We will-foitatart.Priee-Lists.iird•D‘seriptiv'e Lars to all dsiOiligt.hem. • • R. H ALLEN k C 0.,. 189, 101 ' Ittnd 193 Waterl Street, /stew York The improreiti. . . , • _ 4141,1PP.E1t 11.11iViriNG1I.AbEEINE, with Steel NildihiPingei-Bar nud twoi f • Drive-Wheels.. - a now ready fof sale. • In convenience - and- lightness of draft, this 4 1. sn- Peeler even to tjte old Style of l All9n Mower solong and s° deservedly popular', It tins literally no frame, and neatly 'll its parts, , with the aseeptien of Drive-Wheels and Gearsolie Made of gteel (ri Wrought undiSfaleablc iron. It is' thus tflo 'strongest and lightest- neachine in the - ! , rnarkot. , • • -inatlf4rr t - • •4•••••• G RIGULT. ULAit • I,NPLF.MENT 3tANUFACTUTGERS. WILLIAM L. BOYI.M'it. BM).„ Sixth Street and, Germantown Ai•enne, PEritAntr.Prru. Pi., _ Manufacturers:or the .gr;i11111171VATIIC Grist Mill[ RORSE:TOVERS Atiti iTElßEsratpq, Chvlar Saw Machines, Corn; , Sheller, Grain Fans; ' Cultivators, ; ' ; Harrows, Plows, and every variety' of airprovW Agricultural Implements. 11,11. Send fort Cireulczr and adders 'WM. L. BO,YER k ORG..- • mayls-1Y : I Philadelphia; Pa; , -317 Nil, A. E D PACIFIC OL" - .A.NO. , , Areal, guano. containing-from; sevelltY to eighty peccent of P S P BATE OF LIME. to , which haS been added, by a chemical process, a large per centagO of actual Amuninin, so fixed : that it can not evaporate, making it equal, if not suPbrior to any other fertilizer. - Pamphlet. , ' tvith copies of, Annlisors by Dr. Jack son, Mas... State Assayer, and Pr. Siebig, of Balti more. and testimonials from scientific Agriculturists, shuwing its value. Can be obtained from = J. 0 BAKER, A: CO., SmArsu AGENTS, 'march 2-Iy. S 7 Wall Sereet, .New Yorlti ------- DREITHIN CHESTER WHITE PIGS. Progeny of Hog§ thatinwe taken State and • VICIOD . SrATES PAEMITTAIS. • - •- - - Sent by Express to, all ourts of the 'United States. Ca nada r pub a and South Americo. in .tirs not akin, Address, - N. PI BOY.BII SCO mar 2-4 m) 'Coatesville, Chester Co., Penna. Aebitai. 'i iir U , Nki lA'S CiELtBIiAT.ED x. ~ Bitter Wine ofdron. - . Bitter Wine Of,lrolL, • f Bitter Wine of , lree, : Bitter }Vine ofJrou. ':, , The ,cireat Tonic - q--- , " - - The Great ',Tonic --, ; , The Great Tonic . . ;--;;:: ', 1 " . The Great Tonto FO T Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For DysPepsin/4d Indigestion, For Dyspepsia mid Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, • For Weak Stomachs aim General Debility • ' For Weak Stomachs and Gene - ral-Debility For Weak.Stornachs 'and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility Reliable and Sure to do Gond, . Reliable and Sure to de; Good, ltoliable and Sure to do Good, - .- • Reliable and Sure to do G o od, • —; And Cannot do Haim ,And,Cannot do Harm And Cannot do Harm Arid Cannot do Harm It Costs but little and Purifies the Blood It Costs but little and Purifies the Blood It Costs but little And Purifies the Blood It Costs but little and'Puritlet the Blood We only ask a Tr • We only ask a Trial. We only ask a Trial. We only ask a Trial, Of this Valuaiile Tonic. Of this Valiiable Tonic. Of this Valuable Tonic. Of this Valuable Toni& Only 75 Ots. find One Dollar per Bottle. Only -75 Cts.ntol Otte:Dollar per Bottle. ' Only 75 flts.'antfOneDollar Bottle. Only - 75 Ceti. nna Otto' Dollar Per Bottle. Manufnet area aoiely'br S.-A. lIIJI r sTKEi - General Depot, 118 Market. St., Harrisburg. Paz J. S. NIXON, Agent, Cipnlier t ibttrg, Pa. oe234ai. 1 86.4 PHILADEL,PHIA. PA- Bau Ric Pfvfmcapqs.—nowp4., WALL PAPFI II B a AB7 I MPINDOW CC(RiALL PAPERS; • Cor. Fourth and Market'SnLiPhiladelphia. N. B. A fine stock of LINEN bIIADES conatao; ly on hand. , - - -fert-Sul; /rim; `ants ant 'MUM. ITIREF4 : II - TEE tgif - 711tES ti! ThiPORTAiiT TO vißmt,Rs .3.ICD RARE CHANCES INDUCEMENTS ,• , i large APDIe Tomes. sa96 s for saloon rptugulitblo terms, eons */0 tho custom of planting 'juke - apple" trees 'along the fences of Farms is beginning to attract the at- tentiori it deierves, the above offers fair pfkPorttini- ts' for the Inupose. Large trees carefully taken up, planted carefully anctattended to fora few years until well establisla will be retina, to jai've a more libtirel return thii sit- mated than' tho irecs standing in crowded and ill at- tended urehards. Thus set in the full sun and free air; receiving the regular tillage and mantiriaglg the field. they will be found to do well, and inlnire the crop bat;eli fitly by ethaustien„ while oit-the other hand, they will cheek the free blast of wiOcfs and t in a raeitsnre fill the"want of the forest so en tirely clOred spray. Also, some EXTRA ItARGiE EVERGREENS AND for immediate effect. Alfinriniries regarding prices ke., promptly answered. 4Address Camberlaild Nurseries, mart-fit} - - - Carliale.,Pa. ONA VINES. -7: -GRAPE VINES for: GARDE' and VINEYARD of unequaled qtallity and at price; lower than thi, cost of production at the present prices of labor. -„ ' , Par all of the conslderatiins upon which Success in grape culture depends, see - Descriptive Cataleinle, and also for prices and quality of vines..lt is a large pamph- Jet of twenty-eight very large pages--double - columns, on ilnapaper, three pages of which are devote 4 to price• list - and business matters, and the remainder to the facts and coridititms pertaining to grapomilture - which are of • interest to all who desire toknow what good grapes are, and how to obtain them. has been prepared with exl• treme care, and Is intended to answer fully and fairly every question that may be asked concerning the best course toobtain the advantages andprod; from grapes for the fimily and for market: , - - • TABLE OF- CONTENTS : • To correspondents and buyers, giving a full account of the lona establishinent, which is not only much the oldest but tnany times larger thati any other of the kind in the World. .Proposal to sell to 'clubs at wholesale prices. Elasisificatlen of our hardy vines;deacribitig and exhibiting their relative .frisportance, with full and pre cise account of the on:Billie and' properties ot eich.— Watery of the new seedlings lona similar:mita. Lettere. from Peter B. Head, giving impressions. characteristics, andwith minute analysis of thetptulltietref the Toots and:Delaware, which arej ugly pronounced by him "rag Bev att.SPS9I9 corriVATION." to keep grapes in Wiutervith engravings showing how it may be easily and efflcientfy done. The quality - of vines .as ;effected by the Age -of the plente add different males of Propagation. and the econe. my of the different - Rinds to purchasers, with many en gravings. . 'rho value of plants according to tberitetlod of protto gftrion, showing, also. how .and what plants to use' for clothing the trellisthe first year. 'and obtaining an km= mediate production of fruit._ Selection of varieties to' plant for table and for family use with the considera tions which determirie the proper chOice. ' Tables of selections f.tr differentlatitndes for arty num. her-of plartts,from six vines for a - very small yard, to hundreds for a fruit garden for family supply. , Table Of selections by Mr.Meatl. with the considers.' tions which influence his choice of a selection of one hundred. ' • Selections for vineyards for wino And for table for •Istitude of New York by Peter B. Mind. Is C. W. Grant influenced by interest in the selection of Medal Yalutt.; bleand intoreoting extracts from letters; Quality of grapes and education of taste by B. G. Pardee. The "Conditions of Success in Grape Culture," ri lecture by 'Peter B. ' • • The value et plants as affected by age:lmportance of transplanting and rot-pruning, if "vines are more than one year old, illustrated by engravings. How to' aveld chucks of growth to bearing vines by transplanting.— Ara vines from single eYes,- if well' prepageted; better than from cuttings / Are vines mule tender by prow: gatiou tinder glass! Chapter on - wines and wine-making. llnnY different plants of training shown by ' maby en, gravings. Quantity produced by different plans. Profit of gripe culture. Advertisements of wood fur preptuta tion. Strawberry plants. Golden-Arbor Vitte, ancinotiz Les of stock of lona-and lamella vines—ot the latter only single plants can be now furnished. Descriptive catalogue sent for ten cents. Illustrated Catalogue sent for fifteen cents. These together constitute the most complete Tercel, of the vine In- language. and contain more than one hundred pf the bee engravlnpv of the vine iverpubliebed. C. W. GRANT, Jetts, near Putettna..: feb 24-3 w . Wes,tchebter County,'N. 1.. • T)LAXTS FOR THE DECO - RA- - A. TION OF • TRE PARLOR CONSERVA TORY OR PLOWER BORDER, Embracing over 500,0 R), plants, including the rarest and finest varie ties in cultivation of the following sorts : Artonhinum or Snap Dragon, striped" and mottled varieties, $1 per dozen. Asters; finest double - varieties. $1 pe . r. dozen. Aaricula Sweet William, new, ' Calccolaii, beautiful spotted varieties, $3 to $5 per dozen. Dahlias, large show • varieties, 100 sorts, $2 per doz. Dahlias, - bettuet varicties,'32 sorts - $3 per dozen. - Delphunim termosim, hardy,-blue herbaceous plant $l5O per dozen.' Gazinin, Splendens, brange and crimson, $2 per doz. Faschsins, 50 varieties, double and single, $l5O to $3 per dozen,• , • - Geraniums, squinter flowering. all shades, - $3 per dozen. • Pelargonium, 50 finest new sorts $.3 to $6 per dozen., H eliotropc,l2,yarteties, $2 per. dozen. Hollyhocks. 24 finest sorts, $4 50 per tlezen. Honeysuckles, 6 varieties, $3 per dozen. Lantana% 16 sorts, $3 per dozen Lemon Verbena - , 20 to each, $2 per doien. Pansies, 100 sorts, $1 per-dozen. - Pansies, finest English sorts. 25 varieties, $3 per doz. Petunias, 25 varieties. double and single.s4 50 Per dozen. • Patunins, •100 sorts, from aced, $1 50 per dozen. 1 , Phlox, hardy, 50 varieties, $2 per dozen. Chrysanthemums, 100 sorts, $2 per dozen: - Pinks, Florists, 24 sorts $2 per.dozen.' Pinks, Monthly Carnations, 40 sorts, $3 per dozen. Roses, 100 sorts;:fine -plants, from $3 to $9 peg iloz.; Saltine, bine and scarlet, $1.50 per doz. _ Tropceolum, 6 varieties; splended. $3 per- dozeii. • Verbenas, 50 finest sorts, named, $1 50 per dozen., • " 50 anent sorts, without names $l5O P. dor. " , 30 new sorts, $4 to $7 tftper doz. ; MI our plants are grown in extra small pots. for the special puipose of distant transportation. ing in this manner grown our plants for nearly six teen years, and'havo sent them to'all 'parts of' The' country with unvarying, satisfaction to en's ; custom. ere,, Large experience in packing hancnebled *is to _ensure the safe arrival- of plants- to - tin.v. where the time does not exceedlo days, in as good •condititin as ifbmight at home. We make , no'eharge 'for Baskets. - -Boxes or Packing, on Bills of $5 and upwards. - ' • _ Orders from unknown correspondents,mustinvari!, bltilie accompanied by u remittance or responsible reference else no attention can be paid to-tha or, der. Perhaps the most satisfactory mode ofpay= ,went to strangers is inse,Yins the ,eXpresa agent-on receipt of the goods. Descriptive Catalogue.on ap plication,- • PETER IiENDERSGR;'. . feb 24_ 7 3m . • Jersey City N .T ME GRAIN-I 1 - GRAINAH WASHABAUGH'S- BREWERY. • CLIAMBERSBORG. PA. - The undersigned takes this metho" of informing 'his friends, and. the „public genitally, that he bee leased for a term of years the' well known Brewery establishment -heretofore *eondueted_by-Dir. Upton Washabaugh. He will be glad to furnish - Uttar friends-and the-old patrons of the HMSO with 'the • finest 4il+-E; upon the shorted V °the, gad at the low est prices, , • ylightetestOdsh Prit4 be - Psid -for bsitici 1)11 11 3 miLEY, delivered at Chambersharg. • m 713,6- . 't.'ALEXANDInt , GROWER§ qt4ity of trees anti' fruit offered SHADE TREES j: DATED-MILL' rats, , inatito anti ' f, N _ suit's4y , wiotioi EVERY, VARIETY. • , _ • Sztiast 1 07,..11 r sss wait - CtiSlY GI ITEGLEra,-- DAY WOOD' ICFRSERY ands ROSE 'Gni/1M EASll,llfEltlir. over FIFTY tACIIIES under. cultivation,- of the choicest varietieS of everything to be found le - PIRSiX" - CLASS' ap itßuyt .4N6 tiAlt-kilBNT*l4 TREE& Shrubs and ntants al lin fine condition and careful"? labeled. The A ci p is the speciality in th - e department; .v.of - ratFtit vanoties bettllny , Portal dime froln Trt.130.8; • - • Owing to. Gen. Negley's absence In the army` ge are selling ant ; the _enneern. and ,wo. invite Orders lime or small. thetradens from i t ritate easterners. - Wo till retain - theforaica. forenuuk — Afe. Kenna: who has -I , •!eri 'cinpleyed in the - establish- - mint for the la.s..;.en years, so as to secure g cried act cum - , and earefal-pankag. o 9 1 'iess• bEELY Sc aibiLLON, march 2-3 - • West LibertY, - Allegheny Pa. • LR AN li-LIN" Charabersbnig Pa I would offer t° the pall. a well selected' assortment- of fruit -Trees, Apple. Peach, Pear and Plum, -ef all: leading - vnriattes.— Also; Ornanlentall‘rees;,suelt , as Maples, Linden, Ash, Horse. Chestnut, Evergreens, l'iopray, Spree*, American Balsara 1441: Vitus 'tzt vartety..-- Hardy Shrubs...inch as eas in- arge Narteti. Weigeliasand-Dentrimte 3 , of dell's tbeSearei al ordated for oetnetery lots , Roneyspeklekferrias. Also, Grapes;Catalebti, Concord. -Delaware;Z - ebecea. Ad. ' - r•' • Currants, the leading kinds t Raspberries, Straw berries. • • 1 , - - • - - Flowers--Itoses,iAcrbenas Helietrops (lerani 'urns, -.ruschsias; Petunias: " - , All of which will sold at reasonable "price:of* !eash,,, The usual g itchen Garden Plants, by the , doken, hundreds or thousands.. - Send for aa circular, as all applicants are supplied free. • ifeb - 24-Isl -- - - JACO.P.'HEYSER,' Agent. ' )440.1 - s4vt,:figiftt - Sic, -, ,_ ! O - A. D S AI•D lIIARDWARE. The subsetibosrespectfnlly in forms, bit ill DOS and thepub;ie, that h continues to carry on tbe basiness,nthis old stand, on Main §treet. oppoeilx? the Germen Reformed Church; • CH4MBERSBIIR(, Pd. Itailtgetilarkedhis imisiness, &ad/era Ocrirelt mdlcire will fiord. in his Stci!l3 Room ss general itasoit: taeneof ioods iliAelittfthbir several requiieme l; suelfas • r o • " • Fair and =try Hogskins, i'atent Leather, • : . Saddle ... Frees and Girthiag, Gig Trees, Full Flatudainned ,an4Japanned: Goat - Bair, Straining Web,and Worsted Itain . - Veb i - lower ,than, Cotton; - - • Hamel, s Bits and j • Stirrnne, . - 'plated; Tinned and "' • •-• ' ' 4ananned - •1. • ' Coach Ilandlt4i. new styleo-Cur!ainTrarnes; HuliThindsi /*rents; It e seates, Swivels and' Oran,- • •••'i namentac Iron: Plated and • •,' Wood Sig Humes; ; • • BUCKLES BRASS, SELV,E4 AND JA - PANNEit. all Styles and PittOrns; apd Wooden 41 0" anal RinEe t s,,Stump Joints, andsvane ty of other. goods • Tile £or the trade. • ALL BINDS OF ?LATIN(: Le.; 'done neatness and despatch. LEWIS WAMT'LEE.:i7 , , - n0463 7 tf.. ' Chartd?ersbutg, • • TrA • ; - W -A .% 2 E' SMITH: 44 .111CHARDSON i .; - - 6 11 Market Street, Philadelphia: 4. l o w , _ - e icAAR. iflop.A*o#4. Tho undersigned woald respeiii . yhalltht i• tenron 'COM. v'm e tsTs.lo, A tr large sell. selected stock ~ • , a P a 15r,- Il R-D - W Alt E... - • Havinge triedit tirrangementi for tl4Fcelt Traik, sve flatter ourselves we can offer inducemeuts to purchasers ftilly remunerate the troubkig of eatimintng our stock,. We ask but a trial, tots:o,4' eine, the Country' Trdde that; ite tire prepared 'tio sell leer and accommodate,- _ ; - t f Our stock of - Table and Nckettidiery is nitt large. selected with. caret..and inch:ding avarietirti(% styles that cannot hut snit all tastes,- e have dinatantly Cin.hand a large' iiiortMeat 'at ) Building Hardware, .4 _ , . Tools; Cutlery, ' Files,3ool Boxes, , - • and Chests - . . IF:afters and !, .4' "T. : fillocotakers"To,ol .11 . ' :* • ": every thing in shiart pertaining to a first class Bard- - ware -Particular a.ttettion. paid to.CountmOrdeis., our aim to sec& the confidence of our custom*. and to this end,4w e are partieular,ln Idl ng ordentta.k give the best; and 'as cheep as thouglithe eustomens- ' were buying,m pirsou. Give us a trial.' RarEllE cas.--4. K. Shryock, ESfll A. K. llCCiire, 1.. B. Deter, Cliambersburg. • __,- • - • LSMITH dr. RICHARDSON; an5,61-tf. ' .611 Market St.:Philadelph4; . HARDWARE,'STO4;E:.. I- It'VISTER'' •' • ' ' would respectfully intb.rm his friendo,and kabiltt. generally, that connection , ssithlits. - IiEROSEN OIL 'AND 1-AbLYSTO4I3, be has commenced the HARDWARE busmetakiet his Aerr Store Seem, one door Worth - of - her's Grocery. His stock consists of the artieles,"liz •• _ • -- - • • • House Furnishing Geed, Table end Pocket Cutlery, • Mechanics' Toole, • Nails by the inuall'orleg % '- , Farming • a pda, •-• „ Forks, - " - • _ Potato tiltiit,? • , „Se7thelts • - - ' • etc.; ma = ' Also, Gina, Pnlnt Benzole, • Limited, lltisiserm'and Lithricating Oils, " ,Lannis of all descriptions; "„ • plan ,: I F e in liers it * . Gas i.best and o 'L l erostitlie. .Agent fait& Otle WATSON.' Proof Safes, 4 , • - • TT Ait D WAR E.-=Tfiß'p`tiblfe :1.1 vited, to call and examino our: extensiveltook; of Hardware; Cutlery; &c: We keep on hand a large stoolg of lmods int our line; composed partli Of tisib - ' 7 following vials, `which we offer very °heath Iron, • pFiles, "•' •i i , Looking M , aws ; , Nails, ' i Rasps, ' I. Farm Hole,; mo , .ateel;:.-- - r ' papaw, • • , Spr + ings, Aalek - n' -t-Wt 4 . .90 ,ft e A, - ,Chain`a, , : Tack oomak e Oath A " n 4 ri ut Ca: Bwohlts11)4L: • Rd " dieeas)bla " Vices, : Saws!: Trimmi ngs,. Bellows; 'lgA - • costarimatii4oo: - .1 'Shovels, ealirWara).l' • MS es Pan/tg, litanies, '? 'rilidsthAess Turp thus entine, ?Rake's; - ' l3444ting P° 4 4o?' . .gginsiia'e - xamin B ePa d otrrSlio'Ok; - ec iB : l4ce alin lj d tt ead oemen t t . t Alava ; offered for cabh.q • WAND & Flagg_ jAliDW>A3tE.CtrrixtßY -.Li w. KNATT,,k, - Impertors.. and •Dealers in - AND GERMAN , • „ . hiLlt 504 OPmfreice orec.4 :Philad4rlo,- peinreenttti Artitt*' * . :: 3 1). f i iis;6s-tt " oon= PRENTIN - Cin , ergy : style do w 444 IldOffiee leitrkuirltaroerroaii; liii fl